Muchas de las veces chicas tienen miedo de su propia voz y yo definitivamente he tenido
experiencias en donde tenía miedo de lo que tenía que decir. Es un viaje personal que
debes de tener porque nadie te va dar un micrófono y hacerte hablar.
Tú tienes que tener la habilidad de decirlo tu misma. Yo estaba hablando con mi
club de Girl Up sobre lo que estaba apasionada de y estaba muy emocionada en ese momento
y despues que terminé de hablar, yo tomé un paso atras y era como espera un minuto,
soy una líder ahora y ni siquiera lo noté.
No solo sientes como que si tu voz es valido pero te sientes como que sí es importante. Mi mamá
y papá tienen este concepto que lo que queremos hacer, lo podemos hacer. Entonces yo
quería asegurarme que lo que me iba dedicar a, debería
ser efectivo. Ser parte de Girl Up he aprendido que hay más de lo
que vemos en la preparatoria de Forest Hills. Las chicas que ayudamos en paises de
desarrollo están agradecidas por lo que hacemos y eso nos motiva
para hacer mejor. Yo nací aquí, fuí a la escuela hasta kindergarten, y luego
viví en Austin por seis años y regrese cuando estaba en el séptimo grado.
Yo quiero estudiar farmacología porque la idea básica de medicina es ayudar a otros y
es lo más importante que aprendemos de Girl Up.
Escuché sobre Girl Up de mi maestra de inglés durante el decimo año de la preparatoria.
Investigué más sobre Girl Up y me intereso mucho. He sido parte
de Girl Up por dos años ahora. Mi papá es un profesor de historia así que la educación siempre ha
sido increíblemente importante para mi. Los temas como la educación no es algo
tan simple. Hay que tener mucha gente pensando sobre
las diferentes soluciones creativas para asegurarnos que chicas reciban
una educación. School Cycle es una campaña en donde Girl Up
da bicicletas a chicas para que puedan ir a la escuela. Cuando preguntas a
chicas en ese comunidad que necesitan, es más efectivo.
Mi momento favorito durante las reunions de Girl Up es durante lo primeros minutos cuando todos
entran y ver el cuarto lleno. La primera reunión de Girl Up introducimos
a todos al club y esperamos que solo 10 a 15 gente venga a la reunion y al fin
hay un cuarto lleno de como 80 miembros. Nuestro club de Girl Up ha sido el club más grande de nuestra escuela
y planeamos hacer eventos más grande este año. Girl Up es muy importante para la
comunidad mundial porque es una manera de asegurar que chicas en todo el
mundo están recibiendo las mismas oportunidades que nosotras. Una de las razones más
importantes sobre porque deberías ser parte de Girl Up es porque
vas a ser parte de esta dinámica en donde te vas a sentir
empoderada y vas a sentir que sí tienes una voz. Yo creo que al ver
el poder que chicas pueden tener en la campaña de Girl Up en general lo encontré
inspirante y empoderante para decir "Mírame, yo he tenido el privilegio de ir a la escuela,
he tenido el privilegio de esta comunidad," no estas hablando sola porque tu
tienes todas estas personas que te han ayudado en este camino. Yo creo que chicas
en mi comunidad y en todo el mundo deberían ser parte de Girl Up porque si
podemos trabajar juntas, podemos ascender juntas. Todos queremos cambiar el mundo y
ojala lo podemos hacerlo juntas. Aprende más sobre como ser parte de Girl Up
For more infomation >> Un Dia en la Vida de Lideres de Girl Up - Duration: 3:05.-------------------------------------------
14. No se rinda ..! 💍 - Duration: 4:18.
Lookbook juillet 2017 + ANNONCE | Ariana mvl - Duration: 6:22.
Top 4 Best $100 Smartphones. - Duration: 3:24.
you are watching hourglass TV
welcome to another hourglass video here are the best smartphones you can buy
under $100 number four Samsung Galaxy j-3 prime the phone comes
with a five inch 720p display it is powered by a design Oh 75 70 processors
and it comes with 1.5 GB of RAM and 16gb of RAM as far as the cameras are
concerned the smart phone packs a five megapixel primary camera on the rear and
a two megapixel front shooter the Samsung Galaxy j-3 prime lens Android
7.0 and is powered by a 2600 milli ampere battery
number three Samsung Galaxy s4 the phone comes with a five inch full HD display it has 2gb of
RAM and 16gb of internal storage as far as the cameras are concerns the Samsung
Galaxy s4 packs of 13 megapixel primary camera on the rear and a 2 megapixel
shooter s4 is powered by a 2600 milliampere removable battery
number two LG harmony the LG harmony is powered by qualcomm snapdragon 425
ships's 1.5 gb of ram and 16gb of internal storage
it runs on android 7.5 it features a 5.3 inches
720p display number
it is powered by a snapdragon 425 chipset Android 7.1 mounted a 5 inch 720p
display 16 GB at runs and 2gb RAM 8 MP rear camera with LED flash 5 MP front
camera with selfie flash and a 2200 milliampere removable battery
like and subscribe for more videos
Things NEVER to say to a NERD! (200 clicks special xD) - Duration: 3:53.
Cake Without Baking - 15 minutes #Gotovimsia - Duration: 6:04.
Top 10 Tv Child Actresses Who Turns And Grown Up So Beautiful - Duration: 4:23.
Top 10 Tv Child Actresses Who Turns And Grown Up So Beautiful
Kā nomainīt OPEL CORSA B priekšējā stabilizatora bukse PAMĀCĪBA | AUTODOC - Duration: 5:11.
Use a socket №13
Bary i kluby we Wschodnim LONDYNIE #87 ( SHOREDITCH ) - Duration: 17:12.
Ultime notizie: Rita Pavone, bufera su FB: postata fa infuriare i fan | K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:40.
I got a new gun. YES! - Duration: 6:43.
Overturned semi closes westbound I-70 at Eisenhower Tunnel - Duration: 0:37.
Toyota iQ 1.0 VVT-i Aspiration Zeer luxe uitv.! - Duration: 0:54.
Citroën Berlingo 1.6i Multis.Pet.Par. - Duration: 1:02.
Top Meditation Tips | The Anxiety Solution - Duration: 1:19.
Arsenal announce name change: Ladies reference dropped from women's team name - Duration: 2:55.
Arsenal announce name change: Ladies reference dropped from women's team name
The team, who for formal purposes will be renamed Arsenal Women Football Club, will simply go by the name Arsenal - marrying up to the mens side.
A statement on the clubs official website confirmed the change was being made to add a clear signal of togetherness among all of the teams to promote equality.
The upcoming Womens Super League season marks the anniversary of 30 years of womens football here at Arsenal, the announcement read.
We are always looking to improve as a club and to move the modern game forward, so as a result you will see in future that the Ladies references will be dropped on Arsenal channels, interviews and messaging.
This is a clear signal of togetherness and unity and is more in keeping with modern day thinking on equality. For formal purposes we will be renamed as Arsenal Women Football Club.
The name Arsenal Women will be used sparingly, primarily to avoid any confusion with the mens team.
This is an important and progressive step as we embark on the next chapter of our history in womens football. Club captain Alex Scott praised the move and said it would take nothing away from the past achievements of the womens team.
Going forward, we will drop the term Ladies from the Arsenal name, which I feel is a positive and bold statement of intent, support and unity, she told
Sometimes change can be hard to accept, especially when you associate the Arsenal Ladies name with such history.
We have always been at the forefront of womens football in this country and it is a name that is recognised around the world now. It is also a name that has a great legacy.
However a legacy is not something that you leave behind, your legacy is also what you teach and pass on to the next generation..
WL TO BUBBLES (TRADE) #8 | Growtopia - Duration: 10:26.
(Growtopia - WL to Bubbles #8)
Wymiana tuleja stabilizatora przedniego OPEL CORSA B TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 5:11.
Use a socket №13
Self Made Beats | Q&A #3 | Jak się wybić | Czy sampling to zło? - Duration: 19:04.
Defining success individually - Duration: 7:58.
first time using doomfist overwatch - Duration: 13:44.
hey guys my song here and today we'll be using doom face for the first time yeah
let's see all this uh whoa that that looks pretty cool that looks pretty cool
see uh I haven't played this game in like forever so uh this is a good way to
get back into playing the game using the new character now I'm probably not gonna
do - elf dentist I mean maybe buying you know anything
about him so that's that's gonna be good let's just check out all this stuff
whoa actually yeah so much test how this oh we found the game how amazing now
right now it is Friday but it's gonna be a blown Saturday because well I like
everything a lot and somebody always used gym fists well Jim Fisk I had to
look so stupid on the Sun anyway says I'll be I'll be right back I'm just
gonna do another game and I tried to get the team face we were back that took
like 50 minutes or should I say an hour that dilo it
took me an hour to like get doom fest so yeah we were back and I'm playing as in
what how do we use the face can we charge it up I mean we can shoot pew pew
so cool and I can punch how do we oh oh I see
I love the abilities that well let's let's use the character um this is very
silent and you're probably wondering why I have to sound all the way down cuz
I've gotten copyright three times before from having sound on and games so I'm
not never having sounded in games of again
cuz um games don't like me they like they won't make it copyrights oh yeah I
can't oh I killed someone no I told you I'm I have to play this game so yeah
guys I'm even also um I don't even know I suck out of watch I haven't played
this in so long so far I think the characters decent probably just I know I
can't do that I'm probably like barely gonna use and now some like playing with
friends or doing the stream or something that that's probably it
oh wow that that was actually very good
can you just keep on charging up oh wow McCree like the only reason why i've
dying here's mcclee like McCree just destroys doing fits like look at that
just anyways Mike Lee is like my favorite character anyways this is
probably the most boringest video on YouTube
suppose if she hadn't disliked the way but please like anyways my videos have
been doing very good also right now I just upload the 1v1 like three hours ago
so yeah I just do my control I honestly really didn't care for doofus I heard
yous coming out I'm like oh boy just another shitty ask you know I don't care
about this game as much as I used to
I'm he's be decent I'm surprised I'm very glad that he's just like not just
only his fists like you only kill him with that and like no range attack you
know this is a very bad game i this is time to use the ability guys let's go
i I want what oh oh that's cool
dammit thing is only has four bullets like dude that's like--that's shit like
like I've at least made it so it's like infinite bullets but not they just have
to put four which is some bullshit I know it'd be sort of all people want
beat to opium I'm really bored this game by the way guys you guys can tell
because I played like 10 games to finally get this character and not only
like the character and I haven't ly player watch them so getting bored
overwatch yeah and I'm I died again I am about to like actually like actually
like never Flay's game again like the last video I did on like a watch was
like a month ago hey it was a little while ago
oh yeah
Lesley hold it oh wait well if we jump down here though with Wow does that do
you like more damage or some fudge there is not doofus and I miss this is right
yet for winning now no one I'm not gonna get spoilers to that 1v1 well please I
think you guys always seen the video if you guys haven't click on the
annotations it's right up there on top bite you can click on that in it and
also it's my second channel and my friend show em that we'll be doing a lot
of videos with but not in this game I'm probably not gonna be doing any videos
and came in like a super long time for this maybe I'm I mean it's more but
probably not probably y'all gonna kill me
you know you me of watching myself just all what they do is you know you can't
hold it forever I thought you could I thought you could that that's why I
wasn't in there right so the all is like amazing that that's one thing y'all is
like Opie can you want to get one person with the OL or can get moldable that I
mean I'm guessing
I need to go I need a girl and you go so I can get my own just shoot in there
once there we go oh wow that's like the most stupidest def I've ever had you
know what I was I was just I was not gonna say of watch but I've had way more
stupider deaths than any other him but I'm really forgetting the control since
character like I'm forgetting what one is the fists and the veins the veins
attack oh wow that's what I'm done I'm done I hate doing this this character
sucks this is also I hate this game by the way guys if you're wondering I like
the only character I can even use his vote hog that's about it and I can't I'm
I'm too good with him I'm actually I just said okay I'm probably just
confusing you know
I need to go and okay oh my I keep on just damn it
this character is hard to you I saw that Sonia I should say Klee well I don't
care that was like I'm dead what I actually got that kill I sort of
accidentally did that I was trying to get closer
dang I wonder how powerful just the melee is
I don't think it's to felt powerful I think it's just a normal
really I mean if it's more I'll P than that would be just be crazy I mean there
would sort of make sense but not really
damn you just short oh it doesn't get out of here no you come on
come on oh we actually um oh well anyways hope you guys enjoyed forget to
enjoy make sure like subscribe share this video
I know it's a very boring video and um but yeah it was my first time using it
and by the way this video took me like an hour just gonna take me like two
hours to make just one hour to like get all this oh my god oh I thought I was
about to be a six man I was like what anyways hope you guys enjoyed make sure
like subscribe click the annotation to see other videos and I'll see you guys
in the next one peace
【MUKBANG】 Kinoshita's Choice! 7-Eleven Lunch Boxes + 1Kg Of Miso Soup! 4.9Kg, 6198kcal [Click CC] - Duration: 6:52.
Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphexx)
so today! tadaa I've got a 7-11 haul featuring all sorts of yummy looking bento boxes
9 bento boxes featuring rice and 1 with noodles
alrighty lets..... ITADAKIMASU
first we've got this energy filling fried meat and veg bento
I kinda accidentally went and bought 2 of these lol
a bit unfortunate
its pork... the meat looks so yummy
its a spicy flavoring making me ravenous for more rice
I kinda want to just drop all the remaining bits of the meat and veg on top of the rice here
the sauce in this is really yummy its so full of veg and so very yummy
second one
thank god it was really yummy
next up is grilled chicken bento
this chicken simmered in tomato sauce looks so yummy
the tomato sauce is so yummy its got a western flavored feel to it
its so yummy and goes so perfectly with rice
the chunks of chicken are so big and juicy .... so delish
when you put it together with rice it almost looks like a curry
a tomato curry
~not really a curry though~
next is a margerita - style melty cheese gratin ~such a wonderful name to it ~
its got 2 big bits of cheese
waaa..... hard to imagine I picked this up at a convenience store
so delish I'm really digging this basil sauce
basil sauce and cheese pair nicely and this cheese is so soft and mild and delish
this gratin just could be the tastiest gratin I've had from 7-11
next up is spring chicken kara-age bento
one of the more well established of bento box flavors
its got 4 pieces of kara-age fried chicken in this
its flavored nicely
felt this would be better with some miso soup so I brought some out
I also went ahead and warmed up these bento boxes as well
really warms you right up
ahh rice is way better with some shiru soup
next up is this rice bowl topped with chinese pepper steak
I'll pour this over rice
its so awesome that something of this high caliber can be purchased at a convenience store at any time of day
well..... you can buy it any time of the day depending on if they stock enough of it
convenience stores are so wonderful aren't they
its filled with such things like bamboo and onion its so yummy
next up is black angus hamburg steak bento
the burger looks so yummy
so tender
don't it look so tasty?
you can see the juices running out of it
the meat is so tender and really yummy I also love the hamburg sauce on it as well
next is onion and salt Kalbi bento
nothing beats pork over rice
oh its got some grains in it as well
so yummy
next up is egg dyed ?gapao? flavored life...
say wut now?
gapao style rice with eggs
its something you'd totally find in a cafe
it does taste like a gapao (thai dish?) and the egg yolk really adds a nice mellow flavor to it
its a little on the spicy side
last up is seaweed with sesame seed that you eat with cold spicy noodles
its even got meat on it
add the sauce... loosen up the noodles with this liquid and....
loosen up the noodles.... and.....
top with veg
sprinkle the seaweed on top
K, looks so yummy
delish! the meat is yummy but I'm really liking how the sesame and tiny bits of crunchy fried tempura bits feel in my mouth
the soba noodles are so yummy as well the noodle sauce has that real japanesey' flavor to it
all done gochisosamadeshita
7-11's bento's were so yummy the one I liked the best was the grilled chicken in tomato sauce
the bits of chicken were so juicy and had plenty of yummy tomato sauce as well
oh yeah that gratin was really yummy as well I really liked the clumps of cheese all over in it
that cold soba that I had at the end had a real significant flavor to it that I liked so much
and it had plenty of sesame seeds and crunchy bits that gave it such a nice mouthfeel
I just gotta say that all of these bento boxes from 7-11 were real delish
it was all so yummy won't you all please give them a try? and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this
video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI
#Mauricio Pochettino hits back at Antonio Conte - Duration: 3:19.
Mauricio Pochettino hits back at Antonio Conte
Mauricio Pochettino struck back at Antonio Conte after the Chelsea manager questioned Tottenham's ambition.
Both Jose Mourinho and Conte have both spoken openly about Spurs over the last week but Pochettino's frustration is fixed on the latter, who even placed a price tag on striker Harry Kane.
Conte went on to suggest Spurs could only challenge for the title 'if they keep their best players'. Mauricio Pochettino has hit back at Antonio Conte after he questioned his sides ambition.
The Chelsea boss said Spurs could only challenge for titles 'if they keep their best players'.
'It made me laugh because I don't know why other people are so focused on my players and our club,' Pochettino, who is yet to sign any new faces this summer, said.
'I respect every single opinion. I am so respectful of other players, other clubs, other managers, the owners of different clubs.
'I'm not a manager who likes to speak about other clubs or managers or what happens in their corner. I'm trying to provide the best tools to compete and try to win because that's our mentality.'.
Conte also fired a barb towards Tottenham at the end of last season when he raised doubt over their standing within the Premier League's elite.
Conte also went as far as to put a £100m price tag on Spurs star striker Harry Kane.
Another trophyless year would 'not be a tragedy' for Spurs, said the Italian.
And his latest put down, claiming another trophyless season would 'not be a tragedy' for Spurs, has left Pochettino flabbergasted ahead of Saturdays final pre-season game against Manchester City in Nashville.
'It's true for different clubs when they spend a lot of money the expectation and pressure is massive but it's the same for us because it's our own pressure and our own ambition,' Pochettino added.
'I respect every single philosophy and for me the most important thing is to show more respect. I like to show respect to people that behave another way only I expect the same from people that compete with us.
'I think it's important to keep calm, respect every opinion. You don't need to start to talk about another club because it's most important to be focused on your club.'.
The barb left Pochettino flabbergasted and he demanded opposition to show more respect.
Manchester United fans get excited by Neymar's chat with Paul Pogba and Jose Mourinho in tunne - Duration: 3:03.
Manchester United fans get excited by Neymar's chat with Paul Pogba and Jose Mourinho in tunnel at United's clash with Barcelona
NEYMARs future is the talk of town in Barcelona and Paris at the moment. But there were some on social media thinking Man United could enter the race to sign the Brazilian.
Barcelona star Neymar talks to Paul Pogba with Jose Mourinho also watching on.
Man United fans were getting excited at seeing Neymar and Paul Pogba talking. Twitter users were getting rather excited at what they were watching just before Man United took on Barcelona in Maryland.
Neymar and Paul Pogba had a lengthy chat in the tunnel as the teams were waiting to come out – and Jose Mourinho even got involved too.
Man United fans were hoping Pogba and Mourinho were convincing Neymar to move to Old Trafford. Some Twitter users even referred to the French midfielder as agent Pogba.
Others commented on the look in Neymars eyes as Pogba was talking, saying he looked like he was meeting his idol.
PSG lead the race to sign the Brazilian as he looks to step out of Lionel Messis shadow at the Nou Camp.
Neymar tucks home Barcelonas first-half goal against Man United.
Neymar celebrates after scoring against Man United in the first half in Maryland.
Reports in France suggest an agreement is close, but United fans are desperate for their team to make a late move. How did Pogba perform in fantasy football last season? Third-highest rated player (7.
72) in the Premier League last season, behind only Eden Hazard and Alexis Sanchez Consistent points scorer throughout the Premier League season Scored 236 points Dream Team last season, the third-highest for a midfielder Want him in your fantasy football team this season? Sign up now.
Barcelona stars Gerard Pique and Javier Mascherano talk about their desire for Neymar to stay.
Web of Lies - Duration: 22:22.
Captain Rolly / The Coolest Dogs in Town - Duration: 24:06.
(CC ENG) [46CM] EP. 2 Jung Sewoon, Doing His First Pictorial Shooting! - Duration: 11:13.
translated and subbed by metamongmashite do not take out translations without permission
(t/n: be ready to die y'all)
revealing Jung Sewoon with trumpet!
he also received makeup awesomely!
(first pictorial shooting)
intensely shooting the first pictorial inrush!
photographer: should we try facing the side once? (direction)
photographer: try bending your neck up~ (like this)
photographer: turn this way~ (face direction is originally like this)
pacific ocean shoulder... i want to lean there (t/n: means his shoulders are wide)
(handsomeness boom=3)
this is hard~ (since it's his first time)
photographer: here comes the posture! (his body is kinda loose)
thank you!
Sewoon is confused because of his hand's direction ㅋㅋㅋ
(shy shy) is... is it okay... if i open my shirt a little bit? (carefully) (t/n: dAMN SON)
lifting up the shirt instead of the button ㅋㅋ
i feel strange about myself ㅋㅋ
oh! eye contact (heartthrob ㅠ) (t/n: I'M DYING Y'ALL)
helloo~ i'm king ponyo!
(shy shy) (t/n: JUNG PONYO WYD)
(shy shy) NOO!!
steel-wall guy who's facing a crisis ㅋㅋㅋ
should i let it out like this... ㅠㅠ
there's no tag ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(squirm squirm)
guitar appears
Sewoon, did you get hit? (my heart is also throbbing.. ㅠ)
young Sewoon whose hand wanders a lot ㅋㅋ
is the guitar's string length okay? (worried)
the guitar's line is too short he cannot make a pose...
it's too short, isn't it?ㅠㅠ
(worries worries)
what should i do...?
sad Sewoon... sob sob...
staff: looks like it's not yours~ (comforting)
it's... it's mine... (carefully)
staff: ah?! it's yours? (flattering)
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ reversal
are you daydreaming, Sewoon~? (word mix: daydreaming + Sewoon)
(bouncing bouncing!)
excited Sewoon playing the guitar~!! (another word mix)
staff: you're cute just now! (good pose)
photographer: lower down your hand~ (attitude posture)
photographer: let's just go with this attitude posture~
photographer: ah~ will that be too uncomfortable?
photographer: no! i think that's fine (nice pose!)
oh~ he's sexy, though?
photographer: do you want to sit down?
staff: (this time) be more
can i also (really) play the guitar?
good chemistry with the guitar!
the photographer who has done the shooting with enthusiast :) you're the best!
holding the guitar bang bang bang~!
thank you!
oooohh~!! (lots of expectation ♥)
staff: please take care of this (well)~ the guitar! (Sewoon's most precious)
how will Sewoon look like with different style? (t/n: prepare for another attack y'all)
Jjan!! Perfect! (t/n: INDEED!!!! /le cri/ T^T)
let's not fall into daydream~ ㅋㅋㅋ
nyam nyam nyam~
put my hands (inside my stomach)?
like this?!
photographer: cute~ (so cute)
photographer: cute! (excitement)
photographer: ahahahahah (bursting out loud ㅋㅋ)
photographer: move your hand (from your pants) and let's try once again~!
i miss you a lot (already funny from the start ㅋㅋ)
good night and have a nice dream~♥ :) (t/n: HHSHFOUWOSEHOI I'M DED)
(bouncing off in real life ㅋㅋㅋ)
ha... this is really the hardest thing i've ever done (ㅠㅠ)
eversince i was born (breath out~♥)
dori dori~ jam jam!
photographer: should we give him some bar biscuits?
staff: yes~!!
(t/n: he looks so cute while eating omg)
do you want some? (to VJ hyung)
delicious~ hehe (eat and eat again)
staff: why? (curious)
why do i feel embarassed of something (like this)? why~ (shy since it's the first)
vj starship: why~? is it interesting? (the side of him in the pictorial)
very interesting~
you are full of something new everyday haha
yes, of course now!
each day, everyday!
i have a new experience (thankfully)
snack bag! ♥
ah~ thank you very much! (my love snack ♥)
always my dream (?) soulmate
in CeCi Korea they're preparing for
ASMR (famous these days)
i'm preparing for the interview~
the questions are very
how should i say it?
touching, like
the questions think a lot about me
i can feel that they have a lot of concern about me
i feel touched! (thank you CeCi Korea ♥)
have you started doing ASMR already?
because you've been talking sweetly... (heartthrob ♥)
ah! perhaps it kinda looks like so! (although it hasn't started yet)
i don't even know... (stop)
'ASMR' (ear healing program) (t/n: the caption is true af)
Fighting!! Aja!
i'm doing a lot of new experience~ (thankful)
i like it very much ♥
so do you think it will be fun if you do your 'first series'?
i like it! ♥
first... i've never tried bungee jumping before! (excited ㅋㅋ)
together with VJ hyung (i am rejecting ㅋㅋㅋ because i'm a scaredy cat ;;)
i was always a JibDolie when i was in Busan (JibDolie: a guy who stays at home all the time)
i didn't do anything~
i think i make everything my 'first time'~
we'll start now!
hello i'm 21 years-old Jung Sewoon
(wink master)
subbed and translated by metamongmashite
Farming Simulator 17 JOHN DEERE 7430/7530 And STOLL R1405S - Duration: 8:32.
HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You a John Deere Tractor And A Stoll Windrower.
JOHN DEERE 7430/7530 Front Loader 2 Engine Setup 6 Wheel Setup 3 Design Setup 50 Km/h Top Speed
STOLL R1405S 6.3m Working Width 19Km/h Working Speed
I don't know why I could not find the m key When I record this video I feel so noob :p No Hire Worker Function
If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb
【MUKBANG】 Kinoshita's Choice! 7-Eleven Lunch Boxes + 1Kg Of Miso Soup! 4.9Kg, 6198kcal [Click CC] - Duration: 6:52.
Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphexx)
so today! tadaa I've got a 7-11 haul featuring all sorts of yummy looking bento boxes
9 bento boxes featuring rice and 1 with noodles
alrighty lets..... ITADAKIMASU
first we've got this energy filling fried meat and veg bento
I kinda accidentally went and bought 2 of these lol
a bit unfortunate
its pork... the meat looks so yummy
its a spicy flavoring making me ravenous for more rice
I kinda want to just drop all the remaining bits of the meat and veg on top of the rice here
the sauce in this is really yummy its so full of veg and so very yummy
second one
thank god it was really yummy
next up is grilled chicken bento
this chicken simmered in tomato sauce looks so yummy
the tomato sauce is so yummy its got a western flavored feel to it
its so yummy and goes so perfectly with rice
the chunks of chicken are so big and juicy .... so delish
when you put it together with rice it almost looks like a curry
a tomato curry
~not really a curry though~
next is a margerita - style melty cheese gratin ~such a wonderful name to it ~
its got 2 big bits of cheese
waaa..... hard to imagine I picked this up at a convenience store
so delish I'm really digging this basil sauce
basil sauce and cheese pair nicely and this cheese is so soft and mild and delish
this gratin just could be the tastiest gratin I've had from 7-11
next up is spring chicken kara-age bento
one of the more well established of bento box flavors
its got 4 pieces of kara-age fried chicken in this
its flavored nicely
felt this would be better with some miso soup so I brought some out
I also went ahead and warmed up these bento boxes as well
really warms you right up
ahh rice is way better with some shiru soup
next up is this rice bowl topped with chinese pepper steak
I'll pour this over rice
its so awesome that something of this high caliber can be purchased at a convenience store at any time of day
well..... you can buy it any time of the day depending on if they stock enough of it
convenience stores are so wonderful aren't they
its filled with such things like bamboo and onion its so yummy
next up is black angus hamburg steak bento
the burger looks so yummy
so tender
don't it look so tasty?
you can see the juices running out of it
the meat is so tender and really yummy I also love the hamburg sauce on it as well
next is onion and salt Kalbi bento
nothing beats pork over rice
oh its got some grains in it as well
so yummy
next up is egg dyed ?gapao? flavored life...
say wut now?
gapao style rice with eggs
its something you'd totally find in a cafe
it does taste like a gapao (thai dish?) and the egg yolk really adds a nice mellow flavor to it
its a little on the spicy side
last up is seaweed with sesame seed that you eat with cold spicy noodles
its even got meat on it
add the sauce... loosen up the noodles with this liquid and....
loosen up the noodles.... and.....
top with veg
sprinkle the seaweed on top
K, looks so yummy
delish! the meat is yummy but I'm really liking how the sesame and tiny bits of crunchy fried tempura bits feel in my mouth
the soba noodles are so yummy as well the noodle sauce has that real japanesey' flavor to it
all done gochisosamadeshita
7-11's bento's were so yummy the one I liked the best was the grilled chicken in tomato sauce
the bits of chicken were so juicy and had plenty of yummy tomato sauce as well
oh yeah that gratin was really yummy as well I really liked the clumps of cheese all over in it
that cold soba that I had at the end had a real significant flavor to it that I liked so much
and it had plenty of sesame seeds and crunchy bits that gave it such a nice mouthfeel
I just gotta say that all of these bento boxes from 7-11 were real delish
it was all so yummy won't you all please give them a try? and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this
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