Hey, hi, hello, It's me, Astraltoon. I have a voice. I don't like it, but I'm using it anyway... (bad idea kiddo)
So I don't know if anyone actually noticed when I haven't posted a video in over two months.
That's because my computer hecking died
It's started crashing every once in a while,
Actually, the first time it crashed caused me to lose five hours of work on a comic page...
So make sure you save so that doesn't happen to you, because I'm an idiot and don't save as often as I should.
So it started crashing more frequently until one day it started crashing over and over again,
and I couldn't even get on it and do anything before it would crash.
So I ended up having a dead computer for two months until my mom bought herself
a new computer and gave me her old one to use until I can buy my own (I have 0 money)
So that's what I'm using right now, and I'm getting back in the feel for digital art,
I had gotten used to drawing with just a pencil and I think it actually helped me improve how I draw.
Digital art is kind of hard, it's like slide-y and weird
The icon you're watching me draw right now, I had drawn a whole other one before
but I didn't really like it, and I thought it looked weird,
so I kiiiiiinda justdrewawholenewone
And I like this one better, but I've drawn things since that I like more
I might just end up making a new one or changing it to something else in a week or two
I'll be doing more speedpaints of stuff like Steven Universe and other cartoons and things I like
and a looot of Gloomverse probably (i lov gloomverse can u tell)
but I've also got some original characters from some comics I've been working on that I'll be drawing (occasionally, bc I abandon my ocs a lot lmao)
and I'm also planning on doing some illustrations without specific characters in them,
so watch out for that if I actually have motivation to do it
made more social media accounts and stuff, sooooo
I've got a Twitter and an Instagram
I don't know how to use those things but like,,, I got em
So if you want to follow me there you can
and if you really like my stuff and are able to, I have a Patreon and a Ko-Fi now (give me money pls i have 0)
(I said this really weird im sorry) And I'd really appreciate it if you supported me, but if you don't want to or can't that's okay too
I also have a Redbubble, but it's empty,, I need to actually draw things for it first
and I need to set up commission, so if anyone's interested in that they actually can
Well, I think I've talked enough for one video (u talked for like less than 3 minutes u shit)
I don't know if I'll do voice over again (probably not this was horrible), but if I do then talk to you next time
If I don't you'll just have to watch me draw with music in the background
iiiiiiiii mean if you want,,,,,,,,
If you don't even wanna watch me draw, I mean whyareyouhere but okay.
Hey, look I have an outro picture thingy now!!!
For more infomation >> Icon Speedpaint + Bad Voice Over - Duration: 2:58.-------------------------------------------
Playing in the Park Playground for Kids slides Anastasia Play Toy Car Crashes swings - Duration: 6:12.
Let's slide together
i screamed !
You can not catch me !
Come on Anastasia!
Come on !
I slided !
Where is the boy !
Boy !
His name is Tudor !
Call Tudor !
I messed up my sleeve !
Tudor! Go to your post !
He plays on the swing !
Where is the boy !
My father arrived!
Mammy ! father arrived !
Boy ! leave us !
Opel Zafira 1.6-16V Maxx - Duration: 0:57.
Portal 2 | Custum Maps (mit Hadamard) - Duration: 1:38:54.
Grizzy James - Wham Bam (...
Why I'm A College Funding Advisor - Duration: 5:51.
Hi, there. My name is Charlie Donaldson
And I am America's financial aid expert founder of college bound coaching and people ask me all the time
How I got started in this business, how did I come about and become a financial...
college funding advisor
And so I want to tell you the story about Brian and how Brian influenced me to become a college funding advisor.
I was born and raised in Delaware. Lived in Delaware my whole life.
I went to, out of high school, I went straight to the University of Delaware and
started working on my Bachelor's degree.
What ended up happening was I transferred after a couple of years because I really didn't know what I wanted to do.
I took a couple years off and ended up going to Wilmington University and graduated with my BS in Finance from Wilmington University
Shortly after graduating
I worked for, I went to work for JP Morgan and I worked at JP
Morgan in the Private Bank, helping extremely high net worth
individuals. Very quickly it was apparent that my bachelor's degree just wasn't enough.
So, I did go back to Wilmington University and got my MBA with a concentration in Finance.
I've been doing this for 12 years now, and I was working at JP. Morgan and something very interesting happened one day.
I had a client call in it was Brian.
Brian had over a couple of million dollars in his accounts, and he had started a new business.
So he had no, he had started a new business
So he had no income and he wanted to send his girls to college.
He was worried about being able to pay for it. To have enough money to pay for it.
You know most of us if we had a couple million dollars. We would say you know
What are you worried about you got a couple of million dollars?
See, here's the thing?
Brian didn't have a job
He had to start a new business while approaching his late 50s, and that was scary, okay?
If you're if you're making a couple of hundred thousand dollars a year and then all of a sudden now, you don't have any income
How long is $2,000,000 gonna last you?
Probably not forever.
and then what right and
So then there's retirement to worry about. Is two million dollars
For his working years and again also for his retirement years, is that enough? No it's not. So you can see how
He's why he's stressing out
you can see why he's stressing out. The worst part was he had five kids to pay I had to put through College and
The oldest were twins so two kids in college at the same time to double down. So he had no income, no job,
starting a new career,
close to retirement already,
but not enough money saved up in his retirement accounts and not enough money to send all five of his kids to college knowing that
You know two million dollars wasn't gonna last very long right. Six or seven years and that money is all Gone.
So now can you relate a little bit? And so he was stressing out? He called me
To see what we had
And we had several conversations about
What we could do for college, and so I started researching and the more I researched
the more I understood. And, the more I understood and
the more I researched the more I realized and figured out that you know these things aren't computing.
I have an MBA. I teach college on how this stuff works, on how financial stuff works.
Yet no one does the account incorrectly. No one does the finance correctly. No one does the
formulations correctly to put someone in Brian's
situation in a position so that he can get more financial aid and get some help to pay for college. So I
made it my life's work.
I started getting involved and now I am an expert in college funding and financial aid planning in college planning.
And you know I don't care whether you have a hundred thousand dollars or a hundred million dollars
Right, you have to be wise with your money, or it's gonna be gone.
We wanted to last a long time for you.
Most families don't have two million dollars to use to pay for college. However, if you did
it's still probably not enough to pay for your college and your retirement years and all of those things together.
So what I help is, I help middle and upper-middle income families in two areas
Those are number one, how do I pay for college? How do I pay for college in the most
cost-efficient way, tax efficient, tax advantage way, so the most efficient taxed advantaged and
easiest out of your pocketbook way so that you don't have to eat hot dogs in top Ramen
while your kids are in college eating hot thaksin top Ramen.
Number two
Is how do I pay less for college?
Is there a way based on the formulas that I can show the school's our finances?
So you can show the school's your finances,
such that your calculations are going to allow you to
reduce the cost of paying for your kids to go to college by $5,000, $10,000, $25,000 a year or more.
And, that's per year!
So those are the two most important questions that come up all the time and every family I work with shares those two questions.
How I pay for college? how I would pay less for college?
So if you are asking one of those two questions, or both of them then you are in the right place.
And you're going to want to learn more about how this process works
What here's what you need to do. Join one of our events. Use some of our free resources and take advantage of one of our
programs. You will be glad you did. So visit our website collegefundingsuccess.com
Look at what we have to offer and you won't be disappointed.
Again, Charlie Donaldson. America's financial aid expert. Have a great day.
How To Retain Natural Hair Length Growth - Duration: 5:00.
Hi, everyone welcome to this DiscoveringNatural. So today
We're going to talk about how do you retain length in your natural hair? What has helped me?
What has helped my children and I'm sharing that with you today? So keep watching
So if you are someone that you just come to this channel
And this is the first video of ours that you have watched, we want to say WELCOMEto
to DiscoveringNatural and if you have not yet subscribed feel free to subscribe because we bring you valuable information
That works for you and works for your kids in addition
I do a live chat just for you that can help you they can come online and ask any question and that is
Usually done every Sunday at 3 p.m.. Central time
So you want to know how do you retain the length of hair that you've grown on your head, what do you do?
I'm going to share with you 3 things that you can do to retain those length of hair that you've grown in addition
I will give you an extra tip
so you have to watch this to the very end when I tell you one of the most important things that will help you
retain your length
first thing is
Moisture you really really really need to moisturize your hair
Because number one if you don't moisturize your hair
What's going to happen your hair is going to break so having your hair moisturize will keep it soft having your hair moisturized
Will keep it from not breaking easily
so you really need to moisturize and
Moisturizing involved like regular moisturizing on a daily basis if that's how your hair likes it or it could be
During the week in addition incorporating deep conditioning as your moisturizing
Regimen will be very very helpful the second tip is to do
Protein treatment a lot of people don't do protein treatment
Maybe because they feel that you don't need protein you're here because hey hey hey here is protein
No, you need protein in your hair at least
Every four to six weeks incorporate some type of protein in your hair. It doesn't have to be the hard protein like Aphogee two-step. You could do Aphogee two minutes
You can do a light protein treatment like shea moisture
Jamaican black Castor or treatment mask which is something we use and that
Will help you to strengthen your hair. So the third was you can retain length in your hair is
To reduce the amount of time that you manipulate your hair
Does this mean that you should put your hair in a protective style for six months and forget all about it
No, why would you want to do that?
It's like you know washing your body for six months. Can you do without washing your body for six months?
If you can, just let me know because me I can't do it at all at all
stinky body
No, that is not what it means. Not manipulating your hair
So often might be at the beginning of the week put your hair in a style,
moisturize it as necessary and then at the end of the week take out that style, wash your hair remoisturize it and
Put back the style, so it's as simple as that
Always touching your hair every single day or even multiple times a day
Can lead to breakage it can lead to tangle and that will be not good for length retention?
Got it. So the last tip and the final secret tip that I want to tell you drumroll please
Can you guess what it is? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know
the products that you use
the product that you use
Really does play in with how you retain your length or not.
for example if you're someone with a porosity of high porosity
and use products that are not geared towards high porosity hair,
Then it can lead to breakage which would cause no length retention
If you use a product that doesn't work for your hair that causes your hair to be dry for example if you are using
sulfate Shampoos and you're not deep conditioning afterwards then it can lead to breakage, so be very mindful of that
So can you share with me
What some other things that help you in retaining the length if you liked this video don't forget to give us a thumbs up
Remember we're on Instagram until you can view our videos on instagram. You can view a lot of pictures on Instagram
Don't forget to click that subscribe button over there and don't forget to watch this video right here
And this one right here
So thank you so much for watching I need to ever have any questions for me remember you can always find me on Instagram
Or Facebook. Talk to you guys later. Bye
I Can't Decide ~ Teste Animation :v - Duration: 0:24.
Hoverbording on the Dreamcast! TrickStyle Gameplay - Duration: 10:09.
All right, welcome to a game called TrickStyle! This came out on the Dreamcast in
1999. It's made by Criterion games. It's actually currently on Steam and Good oOld
Games - there's a remaster. It's just a widescreen patch, and I don't think they
remade it, and the reason I'm playing this is because it is the precursor to a
game called Air Blade. A lot of people have recommended that one -- oh, good start!
A lot of people have recommended that one to me, so I wanted to play it, but I
thought I should do this one first to get a little bit of context. So although
the game calls you a surfer, you are clearly on a hoverboard. I think I would
call this more of skateboarding than surfing, and so I need to at least try it.
So I've been playing this a little bit. I beat a couple of levels. There are -- that's
the only trick you can do. You can Ollie, and then you can Ollie again in the air
and 360. No grabs. There's no, like you know, boost if you do tricks or anything like
that. Which is weird, because some of these characters are classed as like
"stunt" racers. So this guy is a racer, there's a bully and then there's "stunt
people". I forget, it calls them "stunters" or something. They don't have any more
tricks than anybody else. I don't really get the reason why you'd be anyone other
than a racer. I'm not exactly good at this game. So that's the other thing you
can do - you can hit the luge button - that was the wrong time to do that -
hey, I survived! But that will give you a little bit of speed boost, but you can't turn
anymore, and then you can hit Y and that'll
make you turn a little bit faster, and that's about it. So this game actually
came out with some pretty good reviews at the time, surprisingly. It's not
terrible. I mean, it works, but it's really nothing then write home about.
But I have heard that Air Blade is really good, so I'll -- come on, come on come
on -- oh wow! I have to check that time! Let me see
Come on... oh okay. Beat them by a fifth of a second. Felt a
little closer than that. Alright thanks bro. I don't know who this
guy is. UK race number five, let's try it out.
So yeah, I've completed four races in this game and it's always completely
random. The difficulty - it's kind of like Mario Kart in a way, where you're never
really out of it, even if you crash a bunch of times, even if you're way behind.
Sometimes you'll just turn the corner and everyone will be right there. I don't
think the game cheats, or kind of makes it easier for you, or anything like
that. It just seems like, even at top speed, you're not really going that fast.
So it's not a big deal to catch up to everybody, but -- oh come on! What am I supposed
to do about that? But yeah, so it just kind of seems a little bit more random,
like even if you were really good at this game ,you'd only be a little bit
better than someone who sucks at it. The only really thing -- oh come on -- the only thing you
really need to know, like I'm demonstrating right here, is you need to
know how the levels are laid out. A lot of walls, a lot of stuff you can just
crash into, and it can get pretty frustrating. Also these levels all look
the same. So I think level two, I was going through sewers and stuff exactly
like that, so it's kind of hard to keep everything straight if everything looks
the same. Alright so I do know what's going to
happen this time. This happened to me last time. Actually do an air. Last time I came
down on the same side, and then the boosters were pushing me the wrong way
and I just got stuck. Alright. doing pretty good I think. Oh gotta Ollie. See I
couldn't see that little edge there, and being in luge mode, you can't ollie, so I
don't really have any choice. That's going to knock me over as well, but --
first place! Killing it! But yeah, even though when I'm doing well at this
game, I'm never really enjoying it. I would not recommend this one to anybody.
If you're a big Dreamcast collector or something, maybe, but I wouldn't bother
playing this. I don't know if the Steam version -- and it
looks, I mean, I didn't do a ton of research on that version, but it looks
like they just you know, did the HD patch. I don't think they really tweaked
the gameplay or anything, but the fact that it made it there, the fact that
there was enough of a of a draw, enough demand for that really tells me
something. A lot of people must have liked this one, but I feel like that's
more likely because the Dreamcast didn't have a ton of games, and so any kind of
racing game that's different from anything else would get a little bit of
attention. I don't know. But let me -- Okay so did I get the boss fight? I guess
I'll try that and then I'll be done because this is really
not good. "Boss race". I don't know what that means, I'm terrified, but I'm going
to tackle that. I just I reviewed Evolution Skateboarding, and it's the
only skateboarding game with boss fights. But maybe this one deserves a little
recognition too, All right, so you do have that hub world, which is kind of annoying.
I'd rather just pick off a menu, but Stuntsbowl big trick combos, show them
some real stunts. Okay, so I like the idea of that but, the only move that I know you
do is a 360, and it has to be, you have to land straight. There's no fakie in this
game. So I guess I just try to ollie -- oh oh okay, so there's no fakie, but I didn't
bail anyway. So there's no actual moves, like grabs or anything, but I guess you
just have to hit square more than the other guy. Oh, "square". You know what I mean.
Target's 15,000, I'm only at 3,000. That's bad. Oh! Well that still counted.
This was not what I was expecting when it said boss battles, but that's alright.
It's better! So I I went into my, like, super fast turn mode right then. It didn't do me
any good. Okay, alright, alright, 7000. How am I doing? Very unlikely I'm gonna make
it... Oh, every time you do a spin you get a little bit of boost to give a little
more time, so I'm never really sure if I'm gonna make it or not. Oh wait, I can
do 360s on flat. Oh man, what am I thinking. Oh I'm gonna try that one
more time, because I forgot about the flat ground 360s.
I just want to see what happens. "Terrible"? I wasn't that far off, jerk. Alright,
restart. I'll try this one more time. I really wish they had to put some more
tricks in here, because there's literally just the one, but you know, if you took
out the luge, you took out that turning -- I don't know what that's called.
If you took that out for this mode only, you know, like that would just be nothing but
good. I don't know why they didn't do that.
All right, I'm gonna get this for sure. Look at that air! This is crazy. It's funny -- I'm really
enjoying this, but only relative to the rest of the game. I'm gonna bail this.
Oh, but only compared to how bad the rest of the game is. This isn't actually good.
I mean, don't get the wrong impression, here. Did I hit that guy?
Alright, so in the future, I'm going to try to pick out some better games to
play. This one is just because I had to, because I want to review something else,
but I do want to play some smaller games that aren't really worthy of a full review.
Are you--? Come on, come on, come on, oh I
don't really know what I could have done any differently on that one. That was awful.
You know what? I'm done. I don't care. I'm done with this game. I will not be
playing it ever again. So you can look this up if it looked interesting to you.
I know that it didn't, but I guess it is out there anyway. If you have any other
kind of game suggestions for me, something that's not big enough for a
full review, maybe something that only has a little bit of skateboarding in it,
let me know. I have links to my Instagram and my Twitter below. Send me a direct
message on there, or better yet, send me like a clip of the game so I can see
what it's like ,and I will try to do some more of these in the future. But that's
all for this time. Thank you for watching. Here's some more
videos I've done, things that are probably a lot more enjoyable than this
horrible Power Rangers racing game. And I will see you next time. Thank you for
be exactly like we were before we realized. - Duration: 2:00.
My First Video - Duration: 2:09.
Welcome to my very first YouTube video.
In this short video I will be explaining what this channel is about and what I have planned for future content.
(Basically all that is taking place in the background right now is time-lapsed gameplay of one of my current map creations.)
One thing I would like to apologize for in advance is the fact that this video is a text only video.
I do plan on making future content with voice audio, but for now this will have to do.
Speaking about future content and this channel...
I am planning on uploading game-play from games such as...
Battlefield 4...
World of Tanks...
and any other games that my friends and I find interesting.
So if you are interested in these future plans then...
I'd appreciate it if you would like and subscribe.
But if you do choose to subscribe then don't slap that button, Spank it!
Yes, yes, I know. That was cringy, but hey no worries.
I think that's pretty much all I have to say.
Oh yes almost forgot...
So for my minecraft uploads I plan on doing...
Survival Lets Plays, Time lapsed builds, and Step-by-step builds.
Most of the gameplay I plan on uploading will be done with friends.
So that's it for now,...
but I hope you enjoyed my first, somewhat decent, Youtube video...
and I'll see you later.
pearl and amathyst SPEED PAINT (read descrition) - Duration: 6:05.
When are you getting married? - Duration: 5:18.
now if we share the same skin complexion then there comes a time in our lives
where we're forced to take the next step even if we don't want to you could be in
a life crisis under stress you just fail exams your car just broke down
you're fighting a lawsuit you could even beat in the hospital
your parents will still bring up the concept of marriage sooner rather than
later doesn't matter how old you are it starts at the age of five as jokes it
graduates through middle school high school elementary school college
university everywhere it just keeps going every year every month it has to
be marriage mentioned at least once a month in this video I will present to
you exactly how my parents try to convince me to get married I okay it
doesn't matter what you're doing any time of the day your mother or father
don't care what situation they're in they could be mid-conversation it could
be early in the morning or do it dad what's happening then dad I was sleeping
figure today tonight go and take regular oh let me be man what's happening it was
happening I was having too nice a dream I don't want to talk about marriage
right now okay stop with this please it could be late at night three o'clock
in the morning I was making tea in the morning one time
here the real macabre no loss yes baby i love you guys stop talking about
marriage man let me but the problem in you having to get on one hand getting up
so I can go to school that's the least of it even got to a point where both my
parents got involved you know and it's odd because in a brown family is usually
the mom that brings it up I mean it just happens to be that father brings it up
more now one parent brings up the idea and they
know that the child is going to be resilient so they call the other parent
I'm picking on somebody and Makela do that just absolutely almost anyone had a
salad bar Adana poop you don't hello mark
all right mechanically Keith any problem and here we are
you followed me here yeah come on man where I can get even
but nothing good enough Yahoo shut up they don't know okay yeah I'll give a
shit you keep asking you keep asking you stop asking me you know what I'm gay
yep I'm gay
no I was joking with I don't understand why they bring it up in front of guests
like there's like 30 people in the room all you need is one person to ask you
and then everyone just antennas just poon in and you have to come up with an
answer you have to be nice about it by the way you can't just say I don't want
to get married you have to act like you care
first of all of what they're saying I don't know I mean what what's marriage
really it's just that I mean why we are following society all of a sudden right
like who says that you have to get married and wrong answer you better come
up with some kind of a satisfying answer for them because they will keep going
keep going and keep going and don't think that the conversation is done
right there these guests will remember this let me tell you it's always a
blessing when you have a cousin or a sibling older than you because as soon
as they bring up the idea of marriage to you you can always be like hey but Vicki
needs to get married johnny is 29 and he doesn't even have a girlfriend hey you
know what maybe it is time for Vicki to get married he is kind of stable you
know he graduated got a university degree didn't do much with it wasted six
years of his life I think now's the perfect time for him to get married but
still when are you getting married thanks for watching guys I hope you guys
enjoyed this video overall hit that like comment if you want if you guys can
relate and also don't forget to subscribe because I do bring more
material or you guys always every week you guys know the schedule peace
Speak English Confidently By Ignoring RUDE People | Tips For Advanced English Learners - Duration: 4:39.
Hey guys what's up Stefanie the English coach here from englishfulltime.com
and in this video we are going to talk about how to handle people that make fun
of your English okay so first of all as if language learning wasn't hard enough
now here come people sometimes to laugh at you and laugh at your English and
this happens all the time it's happened to me with Spanish it and I've actually
seen this happen to my husband with his English his friends tease him all the
time and you know what I don't know if it's just a guy thing or I honestly
don't know what because my friends never teased me as much as his friends tease
him but maybe my friends never saw me speak Spanish I don't know but actually
no they did but still regardless of what's going on the problem is with
people that make fun of you or tease you for your English it's like you cannot
win with them if you have a bad accent they tease you because your English is
bad they're like oh my gosh look your English is horrible is how you speak
English no way close your mouth and then if your English is good they make fun of
you and they go look at this guy over here trying to sound like a native
English speaker oh he thinks he's so cool he thinks his English is so good
and so it's like really stupid because again if your English is bad they make
fun of you if your English is really good they make fun of you and who knows
for what reasons people enjoy teasing in this way but really you just can't let
it affect you you're not learning English to be able to impress your
friends or whatever it is and people might make fun of you maybe they already
do actually I'd love to know in the comments if you've experienced any of
this but yeah sometimes people are going to make fun of you they'll tease you if
your English is good or if your English is bad but at the end of the day you
just have to say screw it like to everyone who is going to make fun of
your English or say something negative or give you an unsolicited opinion about
your English or whatever just tell them to F off like you don't actually have to
tell them that but that needs to be your mentality you cannot sit here and care
about what other people think about your English because you are learning English
for you you're learning English for your future you're trying to
improve your English and yeah you should want to sound like a native speaker
because you know it's just going to help you speak more confidently and if you're
constantly listening to all these people around you that are making fun of your
English skills or whatever that is going to destroy your confidence so whether
you know you just have to tune it out automatically or actually tell them look
like I didn't ask for your opinion and I really don't care what you think so
don't talk to me about this anymore or whatever it is I mean I don't know with
my husband and his friends he doesn't really care he takes it lightly he's
just like whatever that's the way they are it doesn't bother him
but for other people you know I know that those kinds of comments could
really really bother them and hurt them and just make them lose their confidence
and you guys I'm here for you and I'm here to tell you you can't let
it you can't care about those kinds of comments you can't even pay attention to
them don't feed them don't let them you know create any kind of emotional
response in you just get away from it do whatever you have to do to get away from
that kind of negativity especially if it really bothers you okay so I hope this
tip was helpful you guys I'm sorry this is just a part of the language learning
process people aren't always going to be supportive and your family and friends
even though we try to rely on them the most normally they're not always going
to be supportive so we just have to understand this and then have a solution
ready to go and the solution is just simply not to care and not to pay
attention to that so anyhow let me know in the comments if this has ever
happened to you and what you do to handle it I don't think you should
resort to just being mean and nasty and retaliating and fighting back because
you don't have time for that you're busy with other things more important things
okay no time to that but anyhow let me know in the comments what you guys think
and I'll see you in another video talk soon bye hey guys thanks so much
for watching this video if you liked it go ahead and give it a thumbs up make
sure too subscribe to if you're new here so you get more videos from me and also
go ahead and check out the description because I often include extra tips there
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go ahead and check that out so for more
English stuff from me you can also go ahead and follow me on Facebook and
check me out at my website englishfulltime.com all the links are in the
description thanks again and I'll see you guys in another video bye
Agatha Christie "Well-Fed Pig" (with english translation) / Агата Кристи "Сытая свинья" - Duration: 4:25.
All t's were crossed all i's are dotted, nothing out of place.
Tomorrow is close, just in few words
It's time for rhetorical questions
But in the dusk something like shadow
crawl out from everywhere
Tormenting my soul with a cold adjudication
Yes, I am - well-fed pig
Yes, I am - well-fed pig Yes, I am - well-fed pig
Yes, I am - well-fed pig Yes, I am - well-fed pig Yes, I am - well-fed pig
Just well-fed pig!
I'm lying in the swamp
But do not touch me
because this swamp is my
Yes, I am - well-fed pig,
Yes, I am - well-fed pig Yes, I am - well-fed pig
Just well-fed pig!
I'm lying in the swamp
But do not touch me!
Thick lazy gray cat
crawls lewd to my knees
She's quite like you.
And sorrow - subjective whim
After all, if you do not buy,
you will be bought for sure.
I know, I'm calm
Everyone is like me!
Yes, I am - well-fed pig
Yes, I am - well-fed pig Yes, I am - well-fed pig
Yes, I am - well-fed pig Yes, I am - well-fed pig Yes, I am - well-fed pig
Just well-fed pig!
I'm lying in the swamp
But do not touch me
because this swamp is my
Yes, I am - well-fed pig
Yes, I am - well-fed pig Yes, I am - well-fed pig
Just well-fed pig!
I'm lying in the swamp
But do not touch me!
FLEETWOOD MAC - Go Your Own Way (Acoustic Piano Cover by Carol Kay) - Duration: 3:00.
Loving you,
Isn't the right thing to do
How can I
Ever change things that I feel?
If I could,
Maybe I'd give you my world
How can I
When you won't take it from me?
You can go your own way
Go your own way
You can call it another lonely day
You can go your own way
Go your own way
Tell me why
Everything turned around
Packin' up
Shackin' up's all you wanna do
If I could
Baby I'd give you my world
Open up
Everything's waiting for you
You can go your own way
Go your own way
You can call it another lonely day
You can go your own way
Go your own way
You can call it another lonely day
(You can go your own way)
(Go your own way)
(You can call it another lonely day)
You can go your own way
Go your own way
You can call it another lonely day
You can go your own way
Go your own way
Arsenal transfer news: Petr Cech gets a lift to training on the back of truck as Arsenal get down - Duration: 4:03.
Petr Cech gets a lift to training on the back of truck as Arsenal get down to hard work ahead of the Emirates Cup games against Benfica and Sevilla
PETR CECH enjoyed a lift to training on the back of truck as Arsenal get down to hard work ahead of the Emirates Cup. The Gunners will take on Portuguese giants Benfica and Spanish stars Sevilla in North London this weekend.
Petr Cech enjoyed a lift to Arsenal training on Friday ahead of the Emirates Cup.
Arsenal coach Jens Lehmann took the players through their paces on Friday. Arsene Wengers men will take on Benfica in their opening game on Saturday, with the finishing touches being put in place at London Colney on Friday.
The fourth team in the tournament will be German outfit RB Leipzig, who put in a superb performance in the Bundesliga last season.
Stars including Hector Bellerin and new-boy Alexandre Lacazette were put through their paces on Friday, with a series of possession-based drills the main focus. However, one man not training in Hertfordshire on Friday was Alexis Sanchez.
The Chilean star is reportedly missing the session ill – as he continues to force a move away from the Emirates to Paris Saint-Germain.
Sanchez uploaded an image earlier on Friday showing him home sick from training as speculation regarding his future intensifies. Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger talks about Alexis Sanchezs return and Arsenals pre-season.
Arsenal will take on Benfica and Sevilla in the Emirates Cup this weekend.
Arsenal will play both games this week at the Emirates Stadium.
Cohen Bramall will be keen to catch the eye once more, in the Emirates Cup.
Arsenal stars are putting the finishing touches in place ahead of the Emirates Cup.
Arsenal will then take on Chelsea in the Community Shield clash next week.
Jens Lehmann has been putting Arsenals stars through their paces on Friday. On the Emirates Cups conclusion, Arsenals next game will see them take on Chelsea in the Community Shield.
The encounter on August 6 will be a rematch of the pre-season friendly in Asia - won 3-0 by the Blues. The Gunners first Premier League game of the season will come in the form of Leicester at home on August 11.
Arsenals first Premier League game comes on August 11 against Leicester.
Arsenal stars will be hoping to win the Emirates Cup and go into the new season full of confidence.
Olivier Giroud is still at Arsenal despite rumours about his future circling.
Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain is another player who could be on the way out of Arsenal.
How to Run an Airbnb Business from Anywhere in the World! - Duration: 9:26.
hello youtube this is richard founder of short-term rental secrets.com and
Airbnb super host on today's episode we're going to answer a subscribers
question which is how do you manage listings remotely ie in places that you
don't live day to day so in my personal experience there's three different
business models that all work one's not better than the other they just have
different pros and cons and price points and the question is how much involvement
do you want and so we'll get into that in a second but let's go ahead and label
what they are so the first one that you could work with is what's called a full
scale property service team this is likely a corporation it might be called
Acme property managers and they're in and around the community where your home
is and they likely manage 20 30 50 60
different properties and you're just one of their portfolio of properties that
they've managed from A to Z the second one is a much smaller scale much more
entrepreneurial it might be an individual or a couple like Billy and
Monica they may not even be incorporated but they make all of their income from
managing the vacation properties or the remote properties in your area and
instead of having 40 50 or 60 under their belts they really can't handle
more than say five or six and so that's a second alternative and then the third
alternative is to not have property managers at all but go out and assemble
your own cherry-pick team of people that do things like cleaning and when there's
a plumbing issue a plumber and so you basically oversee it you are the
property manager and you just have hands and feet on the ground so the obvious
question is what are the pros and cons for each one well let's start with
number one the property manager likely the most turnkey solution the most
scalable the most automated requires the least amount of time and energy from you
but it comes at a price likely they're going to charge the most
maybe as much as twenty or more percent of your rental income to handle it and I
also think that the quality of service can be variable since you don't have a
consistent team always working on your property they have different employees
coming and going and so on sometimes I have found that there's a variability in
the quality of attention that my property received the second business
model the Nouriel individual or the couple is a
solution that I tend to look for but the pro is that you really get personal
experience they get to know your home they get to know the area their
dependence on you for income so like to actually care about the relationship and
therefore they really try and make it work you know for both you and them and
the guests so that's a really good solution it comes at a lower price point
typically than a full-service one because they don't have the same
overhead but it is still relatively expensive now the con is they can be
hard to find and you are dependent on an individual or a couple and things happen
to an individual or a couple like they get sick or they take vacation or they
move out of town or god forbid somebody passes away and now your business is in
jeopardy the third option where you assemble your
own go-to team of people the pro is the cost is the lowest and the quality can
often be the highest because you're actually involved the attention to
detail and the quality control is the highest the con is it's hard to find
these people there may be turnover so you may be looking for them you know
repeatedly or time and time again and thirdly if you're new to the area
entirely like for instance I bought a home down south I'd never really been
there I don't know who the good plumbers are I don't know who the good HVAC
people are I had to develop that network over time and that can take some time
and effort and if you're not prepared to invest that that's a negative so let's
turn to how do you actually find these people and how do you differentiate you
know between and amongst them so the first one is relatively easy on the
property management side just Google look at Yelp reviews the one thing that
I would recommend and I think people just don't do enough of is before you
hire them ask for a list of references and then actually I call them and ask
some questions how long have you used on how many times
have they done turnover did they ever miss a same-day turnover have you
noticed any deterioration in your reviews you know like the cleanliness
gone down how attentive are they just ask like questions that would help you
make a decision between hiring Acme property management and beta
property management so the second group of the individual or the couple the
entrepreneurs that handle they're a little bit more challenging to
find and really you have to do a little bit of legwork and that includes going
into the local real estate offices and asking them if they know anybody
oftentimes they do rights like my sister does this on the
side or you know I know this homeowner and they seem to have a caretaker that
might be what they call them a caretaker that takes care of their property
they're really happy with and again you're going to need several different
names and numbers and you're gonna have to question them but speak to everybody
when you go down to this property ask your contractor ask your electrician ask
the waitress ask whomever you want to assemble as many opportunities and names
and then speak to them and see which one is the right fit because that fit is
really important they're all going to do good work but who do you get along with
working well when it's midnight on a Friday and there's an ice storm and you
need help the cleaning team is an interesting one because there's a couple
of different things you can do you can literally do a google search and then
just look at reviews on Yelp and so on and here you might find entrepreneurial
people that are advertising or have their own website and you want to try
and strike a business relationship right beyond transactional you don't want to
be just somebody's called them and hired them once you want to explain to them I
bought this property I have a 30-year mortgage I'm going to own this thing
outright I'm going to be here for 30 years and what I really want is somebody
on the ground who is responsive to me and doing the cleaning to my level I'd
like to try you out I want to see how clean it is and so like that's one
option is where you're looking for somebody and you're partnering with them
and then of course the other alternative is to do and I recommend you do them
both a ton of networking and find out who's good in the neighborhood heck find
other hosts in your neighborhood and ring their Bell and knock on their door
and say who does your cleaning and are you happy with them so this requires a
little bit more legwork but if you find a good team you're going to be really
happy so just to give you a very broad sense of what you might expect to pay
for these different levels of services and again there's different geographies
and different vacation versus urban but let me just try and paint a broad stroke
that full-service property management team is likely going to be somewhere 20%
or north of your entire rent role now that might be an obstacle and make it so
it's not even possible if you're trying to pay your mortgages and expenses and
so on you have to take a look at your net number and make sure that
after you pay them their fee their cut that you have enough money left over and
you may not so like don't consider that that second group which is more
entrepreneurial they do similar services that's going to come at a discount
because they don't have all the same overhead and office staff and people
answering the phone and so instead of paying 20% you should look to pay 15% or
ideally 10% maybe even less it really depends but it should be at a discount
to that first group where it's a property management and then the third
one which is really just a cleaning team if you will there I recommend that you
strike a flat rate so for every turnover you pay a certain amount and it should
be based on how many hours you think they need to spend there and what the
local wage is but just to give you an example it might be 15 to 20 dollars per
hour and for a modest-sized home it might be a four hour or six hour
turnaround and so maybe it's a hundred one hundred and fifty two hundred
dollars and if you watch my should I charge a cleaning fee video you'll see
that I suggest charging even a premium of that so you make a little bit of
money on the cleaning fee so currently I use a mix of the second option and the
third option I don't use any full-scale property managers I really solid people
in place both at that second option and the third and it works really well for
me but one tip that I would share with everybody is no matter where you go
whether it's the first second or third you want to be really involved you want
to be really knowledgeable you want to be really clear and train these people
to work with you for your standards right just because they're professional
cleaners or professional property managers doesn't mean that they know the
way that you want your home cleaned or the way that you expect it to be set for
guests and so be really thorough and be really detailed and have them come clean
when you're on location as you start to build the trust in your team you can
spend less and less time and rely on them more and more knowing that they're
fully trained and capable and executing at your standards the subscriber thanks
so much for asking the question I'm sure it's a question that's on many people's
mind and I just sort of take it for granted so I really appreciate you
reaching out if anybody has any comments or questions go ahead and leave them in
the comment section like the video please I'd really appreciate that and
like I said we have a lot more content coming
including how to automate all of this and to stay in contact go ahead and
subscribe now please go ahead and subscribe we really appreciate it they
have content coming out Monday Wednesdays and Fridays on the primary
voice of more money in your pocket until then happy
THIS is HOW to GET GIRLS in HIGH SCHOOL | High School Advice & Tips - Duration: 6:06.
I've been getting a lot of questions about how to get girls in high school, so I thought
I'd do a video on this topic specifically.
HOWEVER, I avoided making a video on this topic initially because:
Pretty much ALL of my advice can be used in high school, college, after college when you're
older, or WHENEVER.
So don't use the fact that I never made a specific video on "how to get girls when
you're 16 and a half years old" to stop you from ACTUALLY going out and trying and
using the advice for yourself since the principles are usually the same regardless of age.
Join as many clubs , sports teams, organizations, and classes as possible.
This seems like an obvious one but most guys I knew back when I was in high school didn't
take advantage of all the shit going on, and joining a lot of activities will give you
the edge over other guys who don't join anything.
Specifically, you should join things like theatre, cooking classes, and so on.
where you know there's a high chance that it's mostly girls, because this way you'll
be able to meet a lot of them and talk to them regularly.
You won't need to rush it or worry about seducing them within 5 minutes of meeting,
because you know you'll be seeing them all the time anyway and you can build up a good
When I was in highschool I joined a shit ton of clubs with one or two of my friends just
to meet different groups of people, specifically different groups of girls [laugh] but signing
up for all these clubs with one or two of my friends made it fun because even if I didn't
know anyone else, we'd still have a good time since I would get to hangout with my
close friends.
Also, joining a bunch of shit expands your network of friends, which is good, because
then you're more likely to get invited to parties where it's even easier to meet and
hookup with more girls.
PRO TIP: If you want to get invited to more parties, play a team sport.
There are ALWAYS gonna be at least a few guys on that team who know about all the parties,
and that's a great way to meet girls as well.
Be REALLY confident.
Most guys in high school go about getting girls in the same way.
They either: Get the girl's number from someone else,
which makes you look desperate as fuck!
And then they text the girl some bullshit like "hey, it's me jake from class, john
gave me your number haha l.o.l.!" and it just becomes a cringe fest.
They DM the girl on instagram some dumb shit like "hey wanna hangout sometime, winky
face" with the cheesy smiley face, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
They awkwardly stare at the girl in class and only ever say 3 words to her ……. Yeah,
don't even lie.
You know guys who do these things, don't you?
You may have even done em yourself!
So as you can see, most guys in highschool aren't confident AT ALL so if you're confident
that puts you WAY ahead of literally 95% of other guys.
Especially in high school where guys usually just act like everyone else and are too scared
to be themselves, being confident shows you're not intimidated by hot girls like all the
other guys are, which in turn makes you more attractive.
Here are some specific ways to show your confidence to girls in high school:
Don't be scared to talk to them and make conversation with them during class, usually
making a comment about the teacher, the loud noise in the hallway, the fire drill, anything
is enough to start a conversation with a girl.
From there you can start talking to her on a routine basis.
Tease them and show you don't put them on a pedestal.
Be playful, have fun.
Have unique hobbies that you're good at so that it shows you're not afraid to be
Don't just be some generic asshole.
Make strong eye contact.
A lot of guys in high school, and younger people in general, don't make eye contact
often because they're not confident and are easily intimidated by social situations.
Making eye contact with a girl is an excellent way of showing your confidence and building
sexual tension.
Personally, I enjoy making eye contact with people, because it's a really easy way to
enhance that connection.
Also, click the button in the top right of the screen to check out my video called "30
TIPS TO INSTANTLY BOOST YOUR CONFIDENCE" for a list of a ton of SPECIFIC things you can
actually start doing within SECONDS!
Just do it.
Most of the time in high school, guys will think a girl is hot and think about them 24/7
until they've convinced themselves that they're in love with a girl they've never
even talked to!
Fuck all that shit, if you're interested in a girl just start talking to her, get her
number or her snapchat and talk to her enough until you're comfortable to ask her to hangout
and boom that's it.
As long as you're not creepy about it and keep things casual a girl will make it known
pretty fast if she's interested or not and then you can either go in for the kill or
move on.
When I was in high school literally every guy I knew would overthink every situation
with a girl they wanted to talk to and it resulted in nothing ever happening.
Meanwhile, I would talk to multiple girls from my high school AND girls from other schools
and was able to have at least 1-2 girls I could hook up with whenever I wanted because
I would just act unlike most other guys.
Here's the process I followed: Start talking to the girl in class and building
a vibe where you guys flirt and tease each other and keep conversation fun and casual.
If you suck at this, then do this with at least 4 ugly girls you aren't interested
in for practice.
Find an organic way to get the girl's snapchat or phone number through conversation and continue
the same teasing/flirty vibe.
I would recommend using snapchat first since it'll limit some of you noobs from texting
the girl every day.
DO NOT be awkward about this!!!
"hey, so uhh, I was wondering if I could like, get your snapchat?"
After you've been having fun with the girl just take your phone out and say "hey, what's
your snap?"
like it doesn't even cross your mind that she might say no.
It's just like when you meet another GUY, and you kind of hit it off and you're hanging
out and having a good time, you're just gonna be like "yo what's your snapchat"
and he's gonna give it to you.
There's 0 possibility of awkwardness.
That's how you should be around GIRLS as well.
Create a recurring joke or reason for you guys to hangout.
For example if one day she comes to class with a drink from starbucks, go ahead and
make a sarcastic comment about how she didn't bring you anything and then turn that into
a recurring joke you can tease her about and eventually down the line you guys should finally
ACTUALLY go out and get coffee or whatever it is you teased her about.
Just don't overdo this one if she doesn't seem into it, because it's really easy to
go from fun to annoying.
That's basically it.
If you want me to do a part two or want some of my funny high school dating stories in
one of my next videos then let me know down below by leaving a like and a comment.
Based Zeus OUT.
Roden 1/72 LaGG 3 - 35 series (#038) build review in pictures - Duration: 4:23.
Manchester United transfer news: Jose Mourinho switches targets from Ivan Perisic to £45m Emil - Duration: 3:22.
Manchester United transfer news: Jose Mourinho switches targets from Ivan Perisic to £45m Emil Forsberg
MANCHESTER UNITED have reportedly offered £45million for RB Leipzig star Emil Forsberg. Jose Mourinho has been chasing a deal for Ivan Perisic but Inter Milan are playing hardball over the fee. Emil Forsberg has played a big part in RB Leipzigs rise.
The winger is dangerous on either flank or down the middle with his pace. And United have switched their attention to Swedish winger Forsberg instead, according to the Metro.
Leipzig are notoriously stubborn when selling their talents and would likely demand an increased offer for the 25-year-old playmaker. Liverpool have been frustrated in their attempts to prize Naby Keita from the Bundesliga outfit.
But Mourinho may have an ulterior motive – using his interest in Forsberg to pressure Inter into negotiating. Perisic, 28, is desperate to move to Old Trafford but was included in the Serie A sides squad to tour Asia.
Mourinho made the Croatian winger one of his top priorities but has seen repeated approaches rebuffed.
Ivan Perisic was included in Inters tour squad as they play hardball over fee.
RB Leipzig are tough negotiators and will demand plenty for Forsberg.
Inter insist they will sell their star for the right price once they have signed a replacement.
But United are growing tired of prolonged talks as they prepare for their first competitive fixture – the Super Cup clash with Real Madrid on August 8. Jose Mourinho wants two more signings to complete his squad.
Perisic is seen as the ideal man to provide crosses for Romelu Lukaku.
Emil Forsberg is one of RB Leipzigs brightest talents. Paul Pogba says he wants Manchester United to be as good as they were back in the day.
Mourinho has revealed he is in the market for a winger and a midfielder to complete his squad. And he is preparing to make another attempt to land Nemanja Matic from Chelsea.
The Serbian midfielder could cost upwards of £40m but Mourinho sees him as a perfect fit.
New Nintendo 2DS XL Black & Turquoise + 3 Games | UNBOXING | Game Vlog #5 - Duration: 8:37.
Hello game folks!
This is a quick game vlog number five.
In this vlog we will unbox a New Nintendo 2DS XL.
Why did we buy a New Nintendo 2DS XL?
Since I recently bought a New Nintendo 3DS XL Monster Hunter edition I wanted something
for my wife to be able to play Pokemons and other cool Nintendo games.
We did not want to buy another 3DS because the 3D display is not something we need on
a portable game console.
So the New Nintendo 2DS XL was a clear choice due to its same performance specifications
as 3DS and it also comes with an AC adapter!
Enough of talking and enjoy this quick unboxing of New Nintendo 2DS XL.
Anyway thanks for watching and don't forget to give this video a like, write a comment
down below and eventually subscribe to this channel.
See you again next time!
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