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Hello guys! Help me to translate to English!
Hello guys! Help me to translate to English!
For more infomation >> THE JOY OF CREATION: STORY MODE | Patch #3! LIVING ROOM! SEE THE PASSAGE! - Duration: 13:10.
YOU CAN NEVER ESCAPE!!! - BLACK OPS 3 CUSTOM "TRAPPED ZOMBIES" MAP! (BO3 Zombie Mod Tools) - Duration: 31:43.
69 companies attend the meeting of Hebei E-trade chamber of commerce - Duration: 0:12.
totally 69 companies attend the activity :
-"Hundred regiment war".
hold by Hebei E-trade chamber of commerce
NOVO BATTLEFIELD PARA 2018!!! - Duration: 1:37.
Maduro en jornada Constituyente: ''Aquí estamos, un país en paz ejerciendo su derecho al voto'' - Duration: 2:02.
Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon | Wii | Só Gameplay | Parte 10 - Duration: 29:15.
Traficantes abandonan en México a 147 migrantes centroamericanos que se dirigían a EEUU - Duration: 2:06.
Facebook Live With OBS Studio - Duration: 16:12.
Hey there is Ashley Perkins. Welcome back to the best place to build income,
influence, and impact for your business or brand online. If you're new here make
sure you subscribe because I share new social media and brand strategy
tutorials every week. So it's no secret that Facebook live is the easiest way to
get found by your target audience, increase trust with them, and convert them
to clients or customers. But with all of the big brands and influencers out there
stealing the spotlight with their live streams, how are we supposed to stand out
and capture our audience's attention? By creating custom, branded overlays and
slide shares for your Facebook live using a streaming service like OBS
Studio. Now there is a bit of a tech curve with this software, but don't worry
I'm going to walk you through exactly how to create your branded content and
overlays then set them up within OBS for your Facebook live stream.
Alrighty, let's first get started by creating your custom overlay that's
going to appear on your Facebook livestream so you can stand out from the
crowd. One of my favorite tools to use for this is Canva. Canva comes free
and on a paid business plan. I have actually upgraded to the business plan
and loved it but you can still do everything that you'll see here using
the free plan so let's get started. You'll want to make sure that you're
using custom dimensions so you fit the Facebook newsfeed properly. And the
custom dimensions for a Facebook livestream are twelve hundred by six
hundred and seventy-five pixels and then all you've got to do is click design
and Canva is going to give you a blank template in the size that you've
specified so you can start creating your custom overlay for OBS studio and make
it entirely your own.
Alrighty, and I am totally happy with the way that this looks. You can get as
creative as you want and add as much text and as many other elements as you'd
like, but for me this works perfectly and I know I won't take away from my live
video it'll be the perfect accent. So I'm going to go ahead and title that and
download it, and when I download it I'm just going to make sure that I download
the PNG version with the transparent background ,and that way it won't block
me when I'm using it as an overlay on OBS Studio. Another great way to stand
out in a crowd of Facebook live streams is to create a custom live stream that
is both educational and entertaining, and a great way to diversify your live
stream from all of the other live streams currently happening on Facebook
is to create a slideshow or custom slides to also include intermittently
from your face-to-face broadcasts with your audience. It just adds an extra
layer of expertise, entertainment and education for your audience, and it also
gives you a break from being on camera for the entire time. So to create a slide
like the one you're looking at right here you'll want to again
input the custom dimensions into Canva which are 1200 by 675, and then you'll
have a blank template as you saw earlier and then you can just go ahead and add
any elements you want like photos and text and any other tips and tricks that
you may be talking about during your live stream. So again you're breaking up
the content of your live stream, also giving your audience something tangible
that they could perhaps take notes off of, and again like I said as an added
bonus it gives you a break from being on camera. Now for these you won't have to
worry so much about downloading the transparent background because
we're using them as slide decks and that essentially means that they're going to
cover the entire screen so you will not be visible. So again you want to just
download the PNG version as is and save it to wherever you'd like. So now that
you have your custom overlays and slides ready to go it's time to get started
setting up your Facebook live stream in OBS studio. If you haven't already go to
obsproject.com or just Google 'Open Broadcaster Software' and you can
download it for Windows, Mac, or Linux completely free and then you're all set
to get started streaming live to Facebook using this free tool. So once
you have OBS downloaded you just want to open it up because we're going to get it
set up for your Facebook live stream. So think of OBS Studio a little bit like
Photoshop. I mean this in the sense that there is one profile open which you can
see over here which is a scene, and then you upload multiple sources to that one
scene which are kind of like layers. They can be moved on top of one another,
deleted, and shown at different times based on your controls and commands. So
because we're going to be live-streaming to Facebook we of course want to add a
video input source.
You want to go ahead and select your device, obviously you want to make sure
you're using the most high-end device you have. Whether that is your computer's
webcam, or another webcam that you've purchased. Hello. And you just want to
make sure you're always double-checking your presets because Facebook preset is
1280 by 720 you don't want anything above or below that because it's going
to affect the quality of your video. Another thing I always encourage
everyone to do is select use buffering and that basically means that if
somebody has a poor connection or if you yourself have a poor connection at the
time of your livestream anybody tuning in will not miss a beat. So if you tend
to freeze and then resume the video five seconds later they'll be able to catch
everything that they missed in those five seconds as opposed to just chunks
of your live stream being missing. So do make sure you select to use buffering
before you get started with your video capture. So once your video captures all
set you may notice some black space down at the bottom and you can just go ahead
and expand the corners of your video capture image however you like it.
Whether you want more or less of one thing or another in the camera or in
view at one point. So I like the way that looks right there so I'm going to leave
that as is. So normally now what you would do is input your audio device. I'm
using my high-end mic to record this video tutorial for you so I won't be
able to use it for my Facebook live stream also. So I'm just going to allow
this Facebook live stream to use my webcam audio which you can see right
here, but if you wanted to change your audio input device it's as simple
as just selecting audio input capture and finding your device as we did with
the video capture device. Since I won't be adding another audio capture device
I'm going to start and upload my images like my overlay and the slide that I'm
going to be sharing during my live stream.
I want to select image and just find that file. I saved mine to my desktop,
there it is. And again you'll see that it uploads in
a different location than I would ideally like it to be on my facebook
live so I'm just going to grab it and drag it down to the bottom here. And that
looks great to me so I'm going to leave that as is and now I want to upload my
slide which I'll be sharing to educate my audience. So again I want to select
image, there we go. And again you will have to do some tweaking of this to make
sure it fits the screen properly. There, that looks great. So as I was saying
these are like layers and can be moved around to your liking, but when you're on
your Facebook livestream all you simply have to do is click this little eye and
whatever image in your slide share you're showing will disappear. So you could
essentially upload a sequence of those slide images one after the other in the
way that I just showed you and all you have to do is have OBS open during your
live stream which you already will have to have and you can just walk through
each image and click that eye as you go along to show an image and then take it
off screen and then show the next one and take that one off screen and so on
and so forth. So I've hidden that image for now and this image you're seeing
right here is what's going to appear when I go live on Facebook so let's get
started with that right now. Open Facebook, your business page, your profile
or a group in Google Chrome, and you want to go to your publishing tools and into
your video library. You're going to see a button either up here in the top right
or yours might be over in the left here and you want to select create a live
video. What you want to grab from this is the stream key so make sure you
select it entirely and copy it. Head back into OBS Studio and select settings.
So under stream you just want to make sure that the service is in fact
Facebook live and you paste your stream key in there. An important thing to note
about this is that the stream key that Facebook gives you is only good for
about an hour so if you plan to go live in the future don't do this until before
you plan to go live. Otherwise you may have to start the
process over grab a new stream key and input it into OBS studio so make sure
you're doing all of these steps immediately prior to going live on
Facebook to make your life a lot easier. So once you've pasted your stream key
you just want to make sure that you're checking the output. Facebook likes a
bitrate of 2500 so that looks great there. Double check the video all of our
resolutions and our output resolutions look great here just make sure that
you're seeing these numbers too and then you can go ahead and save your settings.
So now that we're ready to start streaming you want to select start
streaming and go back into Facebook and OBS is now going to be pre loading your
stream into your Facebook live now. What I suggest here is that you plug a pair
of headphones in to avoid any audio feedback as you may have heard I did
have a little bit of feedback there so you just want to make sure that you have
your headphones. You don't have to necessarily put it in your ear because I
can hear right here that these are in fact working and picking up my audio. So
again you just want to take a second title your live stream make sure it's
super compelling and completely indicative of what you're going to be
talking about. For the sake of this tutorial I'm just going to call it
testing Facebook live on OBS Studio and I can just copy that and put it as
my video title down here as well. You'll also want to input your tags that
are relevant to the topic of your video, but since this is an example I'm just
going to show you how to go live. So once you have all of your information
inputted all you have to worry about is clicking go live. Ok so as you can see we
are live here on Facebook and we can see people coming in and out. The only thing
that I do want to note is that you won't be able to see comments come in in real
time so what I recommend doing is just opening another page where you can see
your business page profile or group and just to make sure that you're there
monitoring the comments and engagement that you get on your live stream and you
can also do this from your mobile device if you have it accessible while you're
going live. So now let's get into how we can uplevel it using our overlays now
that you can see that I'm live here on Facebook and everything's going well
everyone can see and hear me just open your OBS Studio back up and
remember when you want a slide to appear all you have to do is uncheck that eye and
if you come back over here to Facebook, it is a bit of a time delay but
eventually it's going to pop up on the screen and you'll see it right there.
I've got my tips up there for using OBS Studio and Facebook live, the tips that I
explained to you earlier, and that is Facebook live using OBS in a nutshell. So
when you're done wrapping up what you're talking about all you have to do is
click end live video and you're done, and finally just make sure you head into OBS
and select stop streaming. There you have it, and now you have a way to step up
your game and stand out on Facebook live using OBS studio. And if live streaming
is a video marketing strategy that you want to get started with
click the link below this video to learn more about my e-course Learn to Live Stream.
Inside you'll find my top to bottom strategies for leveraging Facebook live
to get found by your target audience, build trust with them, and increase
conversions. And as always if you like this video please hit the like button
below and share it with your friends. I'll see you in the next video.
LE LAC DES MORTS VIVANTS (1981) - LEGENDADO 720p - Duration: 1:26:50.
Scatman John - Song Of Scatland (1995) Videoclip, Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 3:44.
Imagine a land of love
where people have time to care
Where everybody's equal and we all tell the truth
The society of Scatland is composed of very loving caring people
who have never even heard of political corruption
class distinction, war and all the other stuff that goes on
in the world of earth people
Everyone is equal in Scatland
Everyone is equal, everyone is equal
got to believe in love
that's all there ever will be
that's all there's ever been
for you and me
All people of Scatland are very childlike they have had happy complete childhoods
they were allowed to develop their imaginations to the fullest
There is only love and happiness in Scatland. Hatred and resentment?
Well that's unheard of, it's unheard of
got to believe in love
that's all there ever will be
that's all there's ever been
for you and me
got to believe in love
that's all there ever will be
that's all there's ever been
for you and me
The people of Scatland speak in Scatish
Scatish is a language not quite like a leprechaun
It sounds like a language of the people of earth
who speak in a tongue of their own
You're all from Scatland
Hatred and resentment?
Well that's unheard of, it's unheard of
got to believe in love
that's all there ever will be
that's all there's ever been
This is a brand new day
know what I say
Love is understanding
Believe me...
got to believe in love
that's all there ever will be
that's all there's ever been
for you and me
I wanna thank you all for joining me
TrvpGvng🍻 - Young Horus🎤 (Cypher) - Duration: 1:51.
Hello how are you guys doing today my name is black tarzan, and today we are going to
be talking about how charizard eats ash!
Charziard is one of ash's strongest pokemon in the anime.
Charizard is a huge dragon with tons of muscles.
Now the question that I personally have is what does charizard eat?
A huge dragon like charziard is obliviously going to be a carnivore that eats lots of
But the big question is, where does charizard get his protein from?
Does he eat other pokemon or does he eat humans?
My theory is that Charizard eats both pokemon and humans, and I have evidence to prove it!
In the pokedex it states that charizard is a carnivore and that he hunts other pokemon
as prey, to eat and survive.
The creator of pokemon said during an interview that he also "made charziard have big sharp
teeth and claws so that he could tear and rip apart his prey more easily."
There Is also an episode in the anime that shows charizard eating a cooked magikarp whole,
and enjoying it.
Now since we have already established that charizard is trying likes to eat a lot of
Your are probably wondering if charizard would be interested in eating humans, and the answer
to that question is yes!
Before ash trained charizard, charizard would roam free in the forest and would eat multiple
humans every day if he even felt like it.
Then Ash found charizard one day and decided he would train him not to eat any humans.
However, Charizard has attempted to eat Ash multiple times throughout the anime.
In the pokemon anime, you can clearly see, that charizard always tries to use flamethrower
on ash to try to cook him before eating, but as for some reason he never eats Ash.
Definitely be sure to subscribe to my youtube channel called black tarzan.
I would greatly appreciate if you took the time to show your support for my channel,
by hitting that red subscribe button below this video.
It would honestly mean the world to me!
My name is black tarzan.
thank you so much for watching.
I really appreciate it!
Sound of 'A' with and without Magic 'E' - Duration: 5:41.
Kids Education with Khanak
Kids Education with Khanak
Kids Education with Khanak
Kids Education with Khanak
Kids Education with Khanak
Kids Education with Khanak
Kids Education with Khanak
Kids Education with Khanak
Kids Education with Khanak
Kids Education with Khanak
Kids Education with Khanak
Kids Education with Khanak
Kids Education with Khanak
Kids Education with Khanak
Kids Education with Khanak
Kids Education with Khanak
Kids Education with Khanak
Kids Education with Khanak
Bayer Leverkusen vs Lazio 3-1 2017_07_30 - Duration: 2:46.
EMAGREÇA CORRENDO - NOVO MÉTODO 2017 - Duration: 0:21.
Top 5 Movie Cats - Funny Cat Video Show - That Cat Show! - Duration: 3:25.
There have been a lot of famous dogs in the movies who get more than their share of love.
But at THAT CAT SHOW. We'd like to
celebrate our fellow furry film friends of the feline persuasion!
Nailed it!
I practiced.
Eh! I'm Scratch.
And I'm Murph
On today's show we're gonna count down our picks for the Top 5 coolest kitties in the movies!
At #5 we have "Ruuh".
the wicked cool black tiger from the classic movie about humans and leather underwear called "Beastmaster"!
Known as a serious method actor he got so into his character that
he had them dye his tiger stripes Black for the part.
So basically he's like the Daniel Day Lewis of tigers.
"I'm finished!"
Sorry Danny, but we're just getting started!
At #4, we have the maniacal mouse catcher known as "Catzilla"
from the movie "Mousehunt"!
Scratch and I couldn't wait to see this movie
But when "Catzilla" showed up, he scared the catnip out of us.
And who could blame us!
It's "catitude" like that that gets this mouse muncher on our cool cat countdown!
Coming in at #3 is the coolest feline to ever cross the cosmos.
"Jake" from Disney's "The Cat From Outer Space".
"You're serious?"
"I'm serious."
Known in his day as the George Clooney of cats
his cool and smooth demeanor, kept him at the top of every leading lady's wish list
And with that sweet collar, who could blame them?
Our next kitty's been rocking the cool meter since first appearing in 1963!
Our #2 pick is the iconic and always fluffy
"Blofeld's Cat" from the James Bond movies!
Even though this pretty Persian was never given a proper name
she managed to chill with the best of them in eight Bond flicks!
So here's to the Queen of the movies cats
Who taught us all the meaning of the word...Diva!
You go girl!
And finally, we have the Mack Daddy of all movie kitties!
Our #1 pick for the coolest movie cat ever is...
"Oh my God, that's the cutest cat I've ever seen in my life!"
From the first trailer to awesome movie poster
Murph and me were hooked!
He could make ya laugh...
melt your heart...
And still give the biggest action stars a run for their money
Kid's got mad skills Yo!
And that's why Keanu is our #1 pick for coolest movie cat ever!
"Here kitty, kitty!""
So until next time, remember here at That Cat Show
It's not that we don't like dogs
It's just that we like cat's better!
Thanks for watching the show everybody!
If you like this video, give it a thumbs up.
And we'd love it if you'd hit that little subscribe button too
It makes sure you don't miss a moment of the kitty craziness!
And it lets us know you care.
Hello guys! Help me to translate to English!
Hello guys! Help me to translate to English!
Hello guys! Help me to translate to English!
YOU CAN NEVER ESCAPE!!! - BLACK OPS 3 CUSTOM "TRAPPED ZOMBIES" MAP! (BO3 Zombie Mod Tools) - Duration: 31:43.
GTA 5 Money Glitch - Free M...
Check it. Don't chance it. - Duration: 0:31.
Check it. Don't chance it. - Duration: 0:31.
Check it. Don't chance it. - Duration: 0:31.
I wish I'd checked the hotel reviews
I wish I'd checked the instructions
I wish I'd checked the lid
It's always better to check it, before you chance it
At Capital One we have QuickCheck. It checks whether or not you'll be accepted
for a credit card before you apply.
Without affecting your credit score.
QuickCheck. Check it. Don't chance it.
Best Meltdowns | Episodes | Season 5 - Duration: 1:02.
Did you shag my wife?
"Shag"? That's a real word?
The Chateau Marmont. Alan Thicke's birthday party.
We went back to my place, and I blew you in my hot tub.
This is not okay! [grunts]
Watch it! [urinating]
Oh, sorry. Jesus!
For the rest of your life, you're just gonna be
the fat guy who used to be Joey!
And you'll just be a fat guy!
Who the fuck drives like that?!
-Aah! -Ohh!
-[grunts] -Not the face!
-- Captions by VITAC -- www.vitac.com
The real you? | daily sprout 304 - Duration: 0:52.
Permanent Skin Whitening with Boil Potato | Get Milky Whiten Skin (100% Result) by Gege - Duration: 2:13.
Key Point 4 Carbohydrates - Duration: 6:51.
In this lecture key point number
four we provide an introduction to carbohydrates
it's basically an overview of the nomenclature that's used
when we talk about carbohydrates and also the chemical structure
we talk about the chemical structure because it has everything to do with how
carbohydrates are handled and processed in the body
simple carbohydrates
keep in mind throughout the lecture where you see CHO
that is an abbreviation for carbohydrate in that is used because when
we see the chemical structure you realize that carbohdrates are made up of
carbon, hydrogen and oxygen which is what the CHO stands for
simple carbohydrates
also called concentrated sugars would be those that are
monosaccharides or disaccharides
now again using medical terminology you can break these words apart to help
remember or detect what that word means remembering that mono the first portion
of that word stands for one
and saccharide stands for sugar. So this is a single sugar unit and there are
three of those that we'll talk about soon.
disaccharides again 'di' stands for two
and these are double sugar units, so two sugar units that are bound together
both of those categories fall into the umbrella term a simple carbohydrates or
concentrated sugars
then we move to a category called complex carbohydrate sometimes also
starches these are polysaccharides meaning many
sugar units, these are branched chains
of glucose all bound together
now I promise that we'd talk about the chemists' view of sugar
or carbohydrate
carbohydrate is made up of three basic atoms carbon which has four binding
sites hydrogen which has one binding site
and oxygen which has two binding sites glucose
the chemical formula is six carbons 12 hydrogen and six oxygens
keep in mind, again, that all carbohydrates
have carbo, hydrogen and oxygen
as part of their structure. The monosaccharides
are glucose, fructose and galactose. Glucose is the body's primary source of
So when we talk about glucose in the blood were talking about sometimes people use
the term
BGs for blood glucose
we talk about blood sugar. Fructose
is the primary sugar that give sweetness
to fruits. Galactose we don't usually find
them alone as a monosaccharide nature
it is usually bound together with glucose to form a milk sugar
called lactose. So galactose
is a monosaccharide that is part of the disaccharide lactose
Here's what they'd look like if we were to take the chemical structure
and you can see that they're all formed slightly differently but they have the
chemical formula. The disaccharides are maltose,
sucrose and lactose.
Maltose is what we would usually find in some of the starchy foods. It's a glucose
plus a glucose bound together. Sucrose
more commonly thought of as table sugar, this is also found in honey.
Sucrose is glucose + fructose bound together.
Lactose is what we think of as
the milk sugar and it's glucose plus galactose bound together.
A couple of chemical reactions to be familiar with and this
and is important to understand when we
extrapolate and try to make sense of some of the benefits that people go through when they
do a low-carbohydrate diet and see immediate weight loss.
Condensation reactions are when two monosaccharides
are bound together to form a disaccharide.
What happens is there's a water that's being removed
and a bond forms at that oxygen
So there's one water removed and then a disaccharide is formed.
So there is water loss
Hydrolysis on the other hand, almost the opposite
of what a condensation reaction would be, is when a dissacharide splits
into two monosaccharides. There needs to be water available for that reaction to take place.
Now let's talk about the category of sugars called
complex carbohydrates or polysaccharides, these would include
something like starch, starch is found only in plants.
It's a complex again of glucose units
that are all bound together in kind of a branch structure
and there's a nice picture in your book that will show this.Things that fit in that category
would be foods like corn, rice, pasta. Then there would be glycogen
which is basically the same structure as starch but a little more
branched and compacted. It's glucose units all bound
together in a compacted branch structure. Glycogen
is only found in animals
And then the question might come to mind for you though
why don't we think of meat though as a great carbohydrate source?
Well, when meat is slaughtered that carbohydrate
quickly dissipates in the process right after death of the animal.
So keep in mind, that even though
glycogen is found only in animals
when we eat we
we are not getting good carbohydrate source. Meat
we primarily think of as a protein or fat source. The last complex carbohydrate source we'll discuss is fiber.
There's lots of categories for fiber. Some of the categories
are called cellulose, hemicellulose, pectins, gums or lignins.
It's found in plants and
it's indigestible to humans. So although it's a complex of sugars, branched
sugar units bound together. Those bonds between the sugars, we don't have an
enzyme in our
body to break those bonds down. That makes them indigestible to us
therefore fiber goes through our digestive tract unabsorbed.
Key Point 2 Absorption and Utilization - Duration: 6:40.
Key Point #2 is about the absorption and utilization of nutrients In key point #1 we reviewed digestion
and the digestive system as a whole.
Now we'll take it a step further and talk about how we absorb those nutrients.
Again in the small intestine the carbohydrate, protein and fats are broken down to their
basic building blocks before being absorbed.
So for example, carbohydrate is broken from long chains of glucose, into either single
units or double units called mono or dissacharrides before they are absorbed.
Vitamins, minerals and water are mostly absorbed as is.
As it is taken into our body so it is also absorbed we don't do any digesting or breaking
Fiber remains also intact in the GI tract.
It is not absorbed at all.
And that by definition is how we identify fiber in a food.
The definition of absorption is that nutrients are taken in to the intestinal cells after
being broken down by digestion.
In the small intestine we have something called villi.
These are fingerlike projections that line the intestinal tract.
And each of those villi recognize and regulate nutrient absorption.
Each villi has a supply of blood vessels and also a lymph vessel and there is a nice picture
in your book that displays this.
Those are available so that when we absorb nutrients they can take the appropriate path.
Microvilli sit on top of the fingerlike projections.
Microvilli are tiny hairlike projections that again they increase the surface area.
So we have 21 feet of small intestine that we then add these villi, thousands and hundreds
of them, throughout the GI tract and then on top of that microvilli . So we have a huge
amount of surface area to be able to absorb nutrients through.
Those hairlike projections, the microvilli, are constantly moving to increase again the
amount of contact they might get with a particular nutrient and increase the likely hood of absorbing
the maximum amount of nutrients.
We have two categories of nutrients and based on what category the nutrient falls in, that
affects how it is absorbed into our system.
First we'll talk about water soluble nutrients those absorbed into the blood stream or the
vascular system.
The nutrients that fall in this category are things like carbohydrate, protein, vitamin
C and the B vitamins, the minerals and then some of the small particles of fats.
Most of the fats in our diet don't fit in this category.
But there are few small fat particles that would be absorbed directly into the vascular
The next category would be the fat soluble nutrients these are absorbed into the lymphatic
Nutrients that fall in the category are the larger fats (the majority of fats in our diet),
cholesterol, the phospholipids and the fat soluble vitamins, which are vitamins A, D,
E and K. A quick way to remember the fat soluble vitamins is to remember ADEK.
So as we talk about absorption, it is important to think about again, the fluid systems within
the body and how that fluid travels therefore how it transports nutrients to different sites
amongst the body.
In the vascular system, again the water soluble nutrients travel there.
And, they're absorbed from the GI tract into what we call the portal vein and they
travel first to the liver, from there they travel to the heart and then travel out to
all the cells to provide nutrients as needed.
Now the lymphatic system, where we absorb those fat soluble nutrients, the lymphatic
system travels and sends those fat soluble nutrients from the GI tract into what we call
a lacteal, or a lymph vessel, into the thoracic duct which then also ducts off at the liver,
from the liver it then is sent to the heart, and then travels again throughout the body
to provide nutrients.
Now as we take in nutrients we need to keep in mind that sometimes we take in more than
we might need at any individual setting.
So when we have a meal, typically we're consuming more calories than we're going
to burn in that particular setting.
So our body has a nice sophisticated system for storing that energy for later use.
Our body is really designed to eat at intervals of about 4 to 6 hours but keep in mind the
cells still need those nutrients around the clock.
Our three locations where we can store energy nutrients are the liver, muscles and adipose
So in the liver we store extra energy as glycogen.
It is a storage form of carbohydrate so it is very, very similar in structure to carbohydrate.
It is glucose units all bound together but in a very branched like structure which keeps
it compact and allows us to store a maximum amount of energy in that form.
We typically can store about 3-6 hours worth of energy in this form, depending on whether
we are an athlete or what our history is as far as eating patterns.
Muscles are another location for storing energy and it can be stored again in the muscles
as glycogen.
But they are of a different nature.
The glycogen that we store in our muscles is used only for muscles.
They are kind of selfish in that way.
Whereas the liver, that will provide energy for the whole body as needed.
Lastly, adipose tissue or fat tissue is the fat storage location that we have in our body.
Which again excess energy, once liver glycogen stores are filled, and muscle glycogen stores
are filled then we would start storing energy into the adipose tissue or fat cells.
We have an infinite capacity to store fat.
The great thing about being able to store fat is that it will help us in times of famine,
when we don't have food available.
Of course, we still need to be taking in water, but a person can last for days, weeks or months
living on the energy from their fat stores.
2010 Teresa Castro
JUST IN: Top Democrat Pays His Wife $400,000 With Campaign Funds… This Is Corruption | Top Stories - Duration: 3:03.
Corruption runs deep in the Democrat party.
On Saturday, it as discovered that Democratic Rep. Luis Gutierrez, a fierce immigration
critic of President Donald Trump, has been secretly giving his wife hundreds of thousands
of dollars in campaign funds over the last few years, bringing the total amount collected
up to a whopping $400,000.
And he's given her tens of thousands this year so far.
Free Beacon reports:
Gutierrez, who was first elected to Congress in 1992, recently grabbed headlines for saying
that Democrats would "eliminate" Trump as president if they take back the House of
It appears the one thing Gutierrez won't eliminate anytime soon is the lucrative campaign
payments to his wife.
Rep. Gutierrez's wife, Soraida Gutierrez, was a registered lobbyist in the state of
Illinois from 2003 to 2009 before joining Gutierrez for Congress in 2010.
Since this time, Soraida has been generously compensated for acting as the campaign's
office manager, treasurer, and fundraiser.
Soraida has also been the top recipient of cash from the committee on numerous occasions
since she began receiving payments from her husband's campaign.
From Jan. 1 to June 30, Gutierrez's campaign has made $30,000 worth of payments to Soraida,
Federal Election Commission filings show.
During this time, Gutierrez's committee reported $72,000 in expenditures.
Soraida is paid in part for providing fundraising services for the campaign.
The committee has raised only $10,505.02 since January—$1,400 of which has been refunded—giving
the committee $9,105.02 in net contributions this cycle.
The committee has $118,669 on hand.
Prior to this election cycle, Soraida took in a total of $385,000 in payments from her
husband's campaign, meaning that she has now been paid $415,000 from Gutierrez for
In 2010, Soraida was given $44,000 from her husband's campaign and was the top recipient
of cash from the committee that cycle.
In 2012, Soraida was paid $93,000 from the committee, again making her the top recipient
of campaign cash.
In 2014, Mrs. Gutierrez was again the top recipient as she hauled in $110,000.
During the 2016 cycle, her payments increased to $125,856.
What do you think about this?
Please Share this news if you agree that he must be charged for misuse of campaign funds
and Scroll down to comment below!
Saying Goodbye - Littlebigplanet PSP online features - Duration: 4:32.
What happens to our ideas, once our minds have summoned them into existence?
And furthermore, what happens to those ideas once they are solidified, lovingly crafted,
uploaded to be shared, and eventually deleted from existence?
I guess those ideas become nothing more than memories.
Memories of a time and place in the gaming landscape.
Now, one year later, that's what I would like to talk about today.
Memories of what once was.
The end of life for online features of Littlebigplanet PSP.
It isn't well reported how many levels were uploaded in this game, certainly many many
And as you might expect, a high percentage of those were, well let's just say "lacking
But there were creative makers out there that put forth excellent work, and I'm highlighting
just a few of my favorites right now.
Littlebigplanet for the PSP was released in November 2009, just over a year after it's
bigger brother debuted on the PS3.
This is not a port of the original game, but a new adventure with nearly 40 all new levels
to explore.
SCE Cambridge Studio made a few concessions in order to bring this game to much less powerful
hardware, loss of multiplayer being chief among them.
But what was not lost however was a robust creation mode and the ability to share your
creations with the world.
Just like the PS3 version, people created tropes and memes; auto levels and adaptations
of other games.
But that ability is now gone, and if you attempt to sign on, you only receive an error message.
Online features in our modern games have given us so much more than we had before, but by
the same token, we now have so much more to lose.
Unfortunately, after nearly 7 years, Sony decided that it was time to take this game's
servers down . As a collector, loss of gaming content is difficult to accept.
As this happens over and over to the games I love, I try to rescue or document what I
can, and share the memories of what once existed.
When going online in the final days we were greeted with a message.
"Hi creators.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful creations.
Unfortunately the servers must now take a permanent rest.
On 7/31/16 they'll go offline which means you'll no longer be able to share your creations.
Before it happens you might want to grab your favourite ones, rest assured you'll be able
to continue exploring and building content
offline to your heart's content.
Thank you very much.
The LBP PSP team."
I spent those last days downloading more levels until the game said I had reached my limit.
I understand that nothing lasts forever.
At some point in the future it is inevitable that even the console littlebigplanet games
will lose their millions upon millions of creations.
I shudder to think.
And then, as promised
I felt a great disturbance in the imagisphere, as if millions of creations suddenly cried
out in terror and were suddenly silenced.
Thank you for joining me on this trip down memory lane.
If you want to share any of your memories, feel free to add them to the comments.
If you enjoyed this work, then you know what buttons to press.
Antthony "Knock Out" Bomber Jog Set - Duration: 7:16.
【東方風神録】 Kataomoi no Bigaku「幽閉サテライト」【Vietsub/Engsub】 - Duration: 3:08.
片想いの美学 (Aesthetics of Unrequited Love) English translated by Releska
Adrift on the river, I let you pass by.
That was my chance, was it?
You could also say I'm protecting you.
You know, there's flavour
Even in unrequited love.
My chest tightens.
I can still taste it…
I love you! I love you!
I… I want to be with you, but…
You, who I cannot reach, are worth something.
Do you understand? Is it no good?
I like looking at you from the side.
Adrift on the river, our eyes met.
You weren't indifferent.
Well, it's not like I'm expecting anything.
Because I pretend to be obstinate,
These are the aesthetics of unrequited love.
I know it's you through your voice.
Somebody is speaking…
I love you! I love you!
I think I want to be loved by you.
I really want to hold hands with you.
But I rebel. It's annoying.
I can't be superior to you.
I love you! I love you!
I… I want to be with you, but…
You, who I cannot reach, are worth something.
Do you understand? Is it no good?
I like looking at you from the side.
Antthony "The Golden Sun" VNeck Top - Duration: 5:33.
Jorge Enrique, a Little Pavarotti Who Sings "Nessun Dorma" | Best Little Big Shots - Duration: 3:09.
Hawayein acoustic whistle mashup/cover - Jab Harry Met Sejal| Shah Rukh Khan| Arijit Singh| Prasang - Duration: 2:28.
Main jo… tera naa huaa
Kisi ka nahin…
Kisi ka nahin...
Begaani hai yeh baaghi
Hawayein, hawayein
Le jaaye mujhe kahan
Hawayein, hawayein
Le jaayein jaane kahaan
Hawayein, hawayein…
Le jaayein tujhe kahaan
Hawayein, hawayein…
Vo ho ooooooooo...hoo
Vo ho ooooooooo...hoo
CNN 10 - July 31, 2017 | Why Presidents Day officially doesn't exist - Duration: 10:01.
Welcome back to CNN STUDENT NEWS. Ten minutes of commercial-free headlines for the classroom.
I`m Carl Azuz. Thank you for watching.
First up today, unrest in Venezuela. South American country is officially a federal republic.
That means, the central government`s power is limited and voters may choose their representatives.
But in recent years, the power of Venezuela`s government has increased. It`s moved towards
socialism, taking over control of TV stations, food companies, oil companies. The country`s
president Nicolas Maduro has followed in the footsteps of former president Hugo Chavez.
A controversial leader who envisioned a socialist Venezuela.
The U.S. State Department recently said it was concerned about protests going on in the
country. Afterward, Venezuelan President Maduro kicked out three U.S. diplomats, and the protests
The streets of Caracas have resembled a war zone. Thousands of anti-government protesters
met with water cannons and armed security forces. Buildings scarred with bullet holes.
These protests began last week when students organized against rising crime, food shortages
and high inflation.
At more than 56 percent, Venezuela has one of the highest inflation rates in the world.
We are here because we hope we can have enough goods, supplies and a safe environment to
live in. We also expect quality education.
President Nicolas Maduro met the opposition with a rally of his own and is not backing
I will continue in power, because the people (inaudible) power. On this constitution I
swear, I swear and I will swear, nothing will take me off the road of building the Bolivarian
revolution that Hugo Chavez left us.
Maduro has the media on a tight leash. The Maduro government threatened legal action
for what it called "media manipulation against Venezuela. And attacks on V-TV, the government
run television station.
While Maduro can still count on a loyal following of Chavistas, supporters of former president
Hugo Chavez, Venezuela`s youth refused to back down.
Jim Clancy, CNN.
There are often obstacles in the Olympics, and not just in the events themselves. Yesterday,
when it was time for men`s biathlon and snowboard cross in Sochi, Russia, there was this: fog,
lots of fog. Thick fog. It caused the events to be postponed. It was the second day in
a row this had happened to the biathlon. American snowboarder Nate Holland said, this is pretty
common. Mother Nature doesn`t always cooperate. It doesn`t seem to matter much to the Americans
or the Russians. Late yesterday afternoon, the two countries were living the overall
Olympic medal count, with 18 medals each. Netherlands was close behind with 17 overall
medals, and Norway and Canada had 15 medals each.
Germany had 13 medals total, but eight of them were gold. Germany was leading in gold
medals alone.
Some call it the winter blues. If you`re - just not feeling yourself when the days are short,
the weather is cold, the sunlight is weak. It`s not just about one hibernate in winter
time. For those who feel depressed this time of year or have symptoms of it. There`s a
medically recognized reason - and thankfully, there are some easy ways to deal with it.
Even if you love the cold and winter sports, you`ve got to admit, this had felt like a
long winter. AT least 12 million Americans suffer from something known as seasonal affective
disorder, or SAD. Numbers probably even higher than that. Longer nights, shorter days. All
that leads to a chemical imbalance in the brain. What happens, is your serotonin levels
are down, and melatonin, which makes you sleepy, that`s up, to make sense. Symptoms can be
mild or severe. You can get fatigue, lack of energy, oversleeping, difficulty concentrating.
And also, cravings for food that cause waking. That probably sounds familiar as well. Diet
and exercise can always help. Also, get outside as much as you can. You can also get a specialty
designed light box. You just sit there and stare at it for a while each day, or at least
put it on your desk. The point is, you can get a boost of more natural light. Worst case,
some doctors may recommend antidepressants or psychotherapy to help you get through this.
Another tidbit, find things that bring you joy. Open up the blinds in your house, play
some of your favorite music and be with your family. Laughter and togetherness are always
great therapy for the winter blues.
Time for "The Shoutout." In addition to Presidents Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln, whose face
is carved on Mount Rushmore? You know what to do. Is it: Benjamin Franklin, Franklin
Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt or John Adams? You`ve got three seconds, go!
The missing man here is Theodore Roosevelt, the 26 president of the United States. That`s
your answer and that`s your shoutout.
Yesterday, it was president`s day in the United States. But what`s interesting is, it really
wasn`t. Officially, the holiday is known as Washington`s Birthday. George Washington was
born on February, 22 1732. Congress eventually moved the celebration to a Monday, so government
workers could get a three day weekend. What Congress didn`t do was officially change the
name to president`s day in honor of Washington and Lincoln who were both born in February.
Many Americans still call it President`s Day and Lincoln, after all, did get a memorial.
He presided over some of the most transformative events of the last century.
I`m happy to join with you today .
Martin Luther King Jr.`s I have a dream speech. Vietnam War protests. So it`s hard to believe
that this 19 feet high 175 ton Abraham Lincoln, one of the most recognizable memorials in
all the world, almost never existed. And for a familiar reason: congressional gridlock
over government spending.
When you hear people talk about Washington as a swamp, it`s not just a metaphor. Over
a century ago, right where I`m standing, was actually a swamp. It was a place for vagrants
and as legend has it, even a place to dump dead bodies. Now, to build this would cost
$3 million. It doesn`t sound like a lot in today`s terms, but back then, it was the most
expensive in history.
Joe Cannon who was the speaker of the House, he called it a swamp, and he didn`t understand
how we could have a presidential memorial out here.
It took almost a decade, five failed votes in Congress to approve this site.
The designer who was Henry Bacon, he came up with this idea of putting this thing on
elevated kind of hill, on pylons, 60 feet in the air. And that`s where the temple - the
memorial actually begins.
Finally, in February 1914, 100 years ago this month, construction began and took eight years
to complete.
It`s an epic memorial, and the idea that it`s not only a president - it actually speaks
to this huge American experience that was so important in our history.
But the Lincoln Memorial isn`t just iconic, because it commemorates history, it`s because
it`s a place where history is made, the place for political protest.
That all started in 1939 with a concert by opera singer Marian Anderson.
She had been scheduled to sing at the Daughters of American Revolution, but when it was learned
that the audience would be segregated, she refused to do so. It was a concert, but it
was a protest, and people knew it. Afterwards in the `40s, in the `50s, you just have a
steady stream whether it`s an explicit protest, a conference of the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored People, the Prayer Pilgrimage organized by Martin Luther King.
The latest in this chapter was actually at the Obama - the first Obama inaugural. The
day before they had a huge event here, which was very celebratory, but actually draws on
this very same tradition.
So, was a memorial itself, is it tribute to Lincoln from his famous speeches to his hands?
One clench for strength, the other open to show compassion. Its legacy for the last century
is the perch Lincoln provides to Americans to protest and celebrate.
This has become a place that the American people really feel attached to.
Last Friday`s "Roll Call" went to the dogs, today`s goes to the cats, because we re feline
like it. The Cougars at Springfield High School are watching. Glad to see you all in Springfield,
Pennsylvania. What about the wild cats? They`ve got us on in Guntersville, Alabama. Home of
Guntersville High School and out West in Nevada, it`s all about the Garrett Junior High School
Bobcats. They are watching right meow in Boulder City.
Believe it or not, we`ve seen a surfing cat. We`ve shown surfing dogs. I remember a song
about a surfing cow. But you only see something like this hen pigs surf. It`s a surfing pig.
The owner says it fell into the pool one day - that`s how they found out it could swim.
After that, well, why not? Take it surfing. It hangs out, it hangs to, it wipes out, up
pops the snout. It gets back on the board and rides the waves to shore. Looks like it`s
in hog heaven. It has onlookers squealing with surprise, although some say for surfing
bodies, it`s a pork choice. After every ride, he`s just bacon to go again. And we`d show
you more, but we`re just snout at time. I`m Carl Azuz hanging it up for CNN STUDENT NEWS.
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