Good friends. As you can see in the title I bring MIUI9. He is currently a closed beta
only for testers and affects two devices in particular. MI6 and Note 4 or 4X, the
note 4 only versions processor Qualcomm (Snapdragon). As you can see has
a theme type flat desk and also brings us the default already know all
MIUI 8, but I have brought this for you to see a little something different. It has everything
Like the bar down the phone, messaging, browser and camera. You can edit the desktop.
We have to add backgrounds, widgets and a button for options. These options
what are we going to find options to lock the screen, so that icons
do not move or they can not be deleted by mistake and we would not edit them to change
de sitio o meterlos en una carpeta. Y en más tenemos las típicas opciones del launcher
que podemos habilitar el bloqueo del escritorio entero, o mostrar la memoria en aplicaciones
recientes. Como veís en la parte de abajo nos viene la cantidad de memoria que consumimos
y el total. También tenemos más novedades con respecto a la versión anterior de MIUI.
Le damos a opciones y le damos a efectos de transición. Han añadidos más efectos, que
son los que cuando cambiamos de escritorio se nos ejecuta una animación. Hay algunos
muy chulos, algunos tipo caja, tipo libro y también uno como el cubo. Si habéis usado
Linux hay uno parecido. También podemos modificar la posición de varios iconos al mismo tiempo,
seleccionándolos todos podríamos pasar de una vez de un escritorio a otro. Eso nos ahorra
mucho tiempo si tenemos un montón de iconos que queremos meter en una carpeta u otro escritorio.
Después en ajustes, en la parte de abajo ha desaparecido la información de teléfono.
Ahora lo tenemos arriba como mi dispositivo. Este mi dispositivo trae unas opciones muy
visuales que muestra las características de hardware de nuestro dispositivo. La CPU,
la batería, la cámara, las pulgadas de la pantalla, la resolución y la versión de
android que como véis en MIUI 9 ya es Android 7 Nougat. También trae otra novedad que se
llama multiventana. Vamos a aplicaciones recientes y pulsando el icono de arriba podemos tener
dos aplicaciones abiertas al mismo tiempo. Entonces por ejemplo, puedes estar viendo
un video y escribiendo mensajes con Whatsapp en la parte de arriba. Esta multitarea o multiventana
es una gran novedad que seguramente se implante en todos los dispositivos a partir de ahora.
Sólo voy a dar algunas novedades. Tenemos también un gestor inteligente de tarjetas
como sucede en google pixel si lo habeís visto que nos muestra mucha información y
a partir de aquí tenemos acceso directo a mucha información. Hay más novedades con
respecto a la funcionalidad del escritorio y es que si nosotros arrastramos de abajo
a arriba tenemos un buscador que nos busca entre las apps y archivos de nuestro dispositivo
android. Si yo busco video me muestra la app video o incluso si no la encuentra mostraría
enlaces a internet o el play store. Como véis tampoco trae las Google Apps pre instaladas
entonces las tendríamos que descargar desde opengapps. En el caso de note 4 sería un
ARM64, 7.1 y la versión que queramos. Yo suelo usar la pico que trae las funcionalidades
mínimas. Esto lo tendríamos que flashear en un recovery personalizado como TWRP. Y
ya tendríamos el play store. Creo que las más importantes las he explicado. Vamos a
ver como se instala MIUI 9. Tenemos dos tipos de roms. Una la versión zip se usa desde
el updater o desde un recovery TWRP. Esta sería una instalación "sucia" ya que conservaríamos
algunas configuraciones del MIUI anterior lo que no es muy recomendable. Y luego tenemos
otra rom versión tar.gz que descomprimiríamos y usaríamos el Xiaomi Flash que es la instalación
"limpia" de MIUI. Vamos a hacerlo de esta forma. Recordad que tenemos que tener el bootloader
desbloqueado para este tipo de instalación, os dejaré un video abajo en la descripción
para que sepáis como se hace. Aquí en Miflash simplemente seleccionamos donde está la rom
descomprimida. Ahora vamos a poner en modo fastboot nuestro teléfono. Yo ya lo tengo
aquí puesto. Simplemente cuando está apagado le damos a volumen abajo y power al mismo
tiempo para iniciar. Entonces nos saldrá esta pantalla. Tenemos que tener el cable
de datos conectado al móvil y al pc. Ahora volvemos a Miflash a refrescar y como véis
me detecta el móvil conectado. Aquí abajo seleccionamos la opción que queramos. Limpiar
todo, salvando los datos de usuario o limpiar y bloquear. Pues le damos a flash. Y ahora
tendremos que esperar un rato ya que es una rom bastante grande. Pues ya ha terminado
el flasheo y el teléfono hará el primer inicio. Esto tardará entre diez y quince
minutos. Hasta aquí el video de hoy, ya sabéis suscribiros al canal, darle me gusta al video
y seguirme en las redes sociales. Hasta el próximo video.
For more infomation >> MIUI 9 Android Nougat: Installa and review - Duration: 8:15.-------------------------------------------
Lili y Leo - Duration: 3:54.
El PSG y el Barça ya negocian por Neymar - Duration: 6:05.
Diferencia entre A, DANS, CHEZ y EN | Palabras que te confunden en francés #2 - Duration: 11:38.
Paloma Rocasolano, madre de la Reina Letizia tiene novio | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 2:41.
Bath to attract the love - Duration: 7:02.
Video Hi today I'll tell you as a bath is to attract love, makes
recently published a video explaining how to take a bath to attract money and
Many comments have asked me to do also one to attract love, well,
Today it is the turn to love bath, this bath you can attract love
do both in the shower or bath, as you see come to you, the ingredients
you'll need to make this bath are; some olive oil and some salt
fine, plus you'll need basil, it can be fresh or may be well dried basil
It is a good conductor for communication between two people, fosters dialogue and
a cordial communication and also avoids discussions, ie, basil will prevent
you have conflicts with your partner and if you do not have a partner that will promote good
communication with other people so that there will come a relationship, the
Cinnamon should not miss love and sticks, cinnamon sticks should be, you'll
provide sweetness, attraction, cinnamon is an aphrodisiac or sexual attraction is also
will enhance the and orange, orange and orange can be dry or may be the
peel of an orange, these three ingredients the need to use the orange also
fosters love attracts love, the method for doing this is; in a container with a liter
about water you put to boil and when the water breaks you have to boil
add a handful of basil, a handful of basil if basil is dried, if the
Fresh basil is a posy of basil, cinnamon two branches, two because it will symbolize
the person you want to attract or will symbolize you and your partner, so let's stick
in cinnamon symbol two orange what would be the bark of an orange, all
So when breaks to boil the water you add, and turn off the fire, caps and let all
That repose, if you've seen the video where I explain how the bathroom is done to attract
the money if not here's information on the card can see how it's done, you
then what you see when you finish watching this you look like is to attract money and
I explain in that video before a bath to attract us we have to do
a previous bath to eliminate negative energy and while they are resting all
herbs in water in a bowl prepare some olive oil with a handful
salt and leave it there section, as they have since reposed all herbs inside
you Cuélas water and throw in a jar or in a container and you go to the bathroom,
the shower, the tub with your bowl with salt and oil and your infusion jar
you've made these three herbs, one thing remains of herbs that have been in the
Strainer not go throwing away, the need to return to nature, is
say, if you have a plant in your house you can put on the ground floor
If you have a garden you can bury in the garden, and also tell; in your house
because this is where you want it to flourish then that love, we go with what we have prepared
the bathroom, if you're going to do in a shower the method is as follows; with
the preparation you have oil with salt have to rub, you get inside
the shower, you have to rub the whole body from the soles of the feet up because
that preparation we have done to eliminate negative energy that we can have eye
; do not I'm talking about witchcraft if not negative as good energy; disappointments,
annoyances you have with your partner disappointment because you can not find love, then that
It is a negative energy that is going inside and then running costs much it out, then
that salt with oil will help that negative energy is gone, as I say;
It must be from the soles of the feet up and if your skin also allows
you can wear it on your face, once you have already rubbed arms, back,
breast, whole, entire body with this mixture you rinse and visualize this energy as
negative is going down the drain, you explained this step with salt and oil owe
to whether the bathroom then you'll do it in the shower as if in the bathtub,
Once you've had your water and have visualized that all this negative energy goes down the
you have to take a shower drain in the usual way that you do with your soap
use with that soap, showering and once you've taken a shower that you have prepared infusion
with these three herbs you the need to pour over but above from head
and you have to feel like you're going to fall in front, behind, on the sides and longer
this and then you dry preferably with white towels, what will you do in the bathtub
; Well, filled the tub of hot water, not warm hot water, hot water
and pour the content that you have prepared infusion into the water and in the water
you get if you have to endure a little heat water get into the water, you
stay as approximately twenty minutes for all the pores of your skin go
impregnating either the infusion of these three herbs and when water and feel
cold, and feel warm and you get out, about fifteen twenty
minutes is recommended to take this type of bath, when can you take these
bathrooms ?, as well the day of love is Friday represents the planet Venus, then;
Friday, every Friday, whether the full moon, either the new moon, either
the crescent moon, and the moon waning, but as long as it is Friday you can
Always do you want, good for if you want me to say as other types are made
bathing in the comments below and you tell me if you liked this video give me a like
and see you next week, a kiss.
Video tutorial en proceso - Cómo hacer un lanza telarañas/How to build a web shooter - Duration: 0:47.
Guys just now I'm going to start editing the next video
That's going to be super long the truth, I'll have to do it in about 4 or 5 parts
It's going to be about the tutorial on how to make the shooter
And well, this video I'm doing fast because the memory of the cell was transferred to the pc
Maybe it will take me about 2 or 3 days to upload the first part because the video is quite long
And I also plan to make the video in Spanish and English
So that more people can see it, and well, I've done my best
I hope you like the video, and if you want me to hurry to upload the video soon
I would be very encouraged if you give a like, share with your friends to know if they like
The more you like the video, the faster I'll upload it
That's it, thank you, bye
The Dolan Twins Read Period Stories (Subtitulado al español) - Duration: 3:15.
El último entreno del Barça en Miami, sin incidentes - Duration: 1:28.
Suzuki Swift - Duration: 0:51.
Y'akoto - Walk The Line (Tradução PT)[Caminhar na LInha] - Duration: 3:12.
"No vamos a perdonar ni una peseta" - Duration: 2:33.
Las amistades de Ángel Nieto, muy preocupadas por su estado de salud - Duration: 4:53.
Chicago | AJ+ Docs
Klan pod tytana eventowego 60! Zapraszamy, garść informacji. [Berufs] - Duration: 7:18.
BREAKING: Clinton, Obama, and Lynch In Career-Ending Legal Trouble… | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:44.
A few dozen brave Republicans on Capitol Hill
are now turning the tables on the corrupt Obama administration.
On Friday, Rep. Gaetz and others officially called for a special prosecutor to investigate
the great and many crimes of the previous administration and Hillary Clinton.
Rep. Gaetz: "The American public has a right to know the facts – all of them – surrounding
the election and its aftermath," they wrote.
"We urge you to appoint a second special counsel to ensure these troubling, unanswered
questions are not relegated to the dustbin of history."
'I don't think that the crimes of the prior administration, of Hillary Clinton,
the collusion with James Comey and Loretta Lynch should be forgotten just because Hillary
Clinton lost the election'
Here is their 14 point request.
Allegations that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch instructed then-FBI Director James Comey
to downplay the nature of the Clinton email probe.
The FBI and DOJ's decisions in the course of the email probe, including controversial
immunity deals with Clinton aide Cheryl Mills and others.
The State Department's involvement in deciding which Clinton emails to make public.
Disclosures in WikiLeaks-released emails regarding the Clinton Foundation and, according to the
letter, "its potentially unlawful international dealings."
Connections between Clinton officials and "foreign entities" including Russia and
Revelations in hacked Democratic National Committee emails about "inappropriate"
coordination between the DNC and Clinton campaign against Bernie Sanders' Democratic primary
The "unmasking" of Americans in intelligence documents and potentially related leaks of
classified information.
Comey's admitted leak of details of his conversations with President Trump.
The FBI's "reliance" on controversial firm Fusion GPS, which was involved in the
questionable anti-Trump "dossier."
"Our call for a special counsel is not made lightly," the lawmakers wrote.
"We have no interest in engendering more bad feelings and less confidence in the process
or governmental institutions by the American people.
Rather, our call is made on their behalf.
It is meant to determine whether the criminal prosecution of any individual is warranted
based on the solemn obligation to follow the facts wherever they lead and applying the
law to those facts."
Rep. Gaetz tears into Clinton, Rice, Obama and the whole cabal — calling for an investigation
into these matters.
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below!
"To pull on this shirt was an honour" – Andrew Robertson reflects on debut Liverpool outing - Duration: 3:22.
"To pull on this shirt was an honour" – Andrew Robertson reflects on debut Liverpool outing
After making his first appearance for Liverpool in Saturday's 3-0 friendly win over Hertha Berlin, Andrew Robertson described it as "an honour.
The 23-year-old joined the Reds from Hull City earlier in July, and linked up with his new team-mates ahead of their pre-season tour of Germany.
Part of Jurgen Klopp's 22-man squad for the trip to Berlin, Robertson was forced to wait until the second half before he got onto the pitch, with Alberto Moreno starting at left-back.
But Robertson replaced the Spaniard after the break, and produced an impressive 45-minute display at the Olympiastadion. And speaking to LiverpoolFC. com after the victory, the Scotland international reflected on a "brilliant" debut.
"It was my first game since the start of May so it was good to get rid of the cobwebs," he explained. "To pull on this shirt and play with the boys was an honour. Hopefully there's many more to come.
"The boys did well in the first half and we had to wait patiently on the bench. But in the second half, I thought we controlled the game as well.
"The lads all dug deep and we got what we needed out of the game.
Robertson certainly didn't look out of place at left-back, and provided some promising crosses from the flank, including one that could have seen Mohamed Salah score a tap-in.
That he was so comfortable on his first outing for the Reds, after only a handful of training sessions under Klopp, is encouraging.
And Liverpool's new No. 26 believes he is settling in well, and hailed his new supporters as "different class" on Saturday night. "The boys have been together longer than a few of us who came back late. We're gelling in," he added.
"Training has been intense, it has been good. It's good to get a game, everyone enjoys playing games. It was good to come away with a win and a clean sheet.
"The Hertha fans were brilliant and the Liverpool fans in the corner were different class throughout the game. "It was a good atmosphere to play in, a great stadium and they're the games you want to play in.
With Liverpool turning out in Europe this season, and hopefully in the Champions League, this should just be a taste of what's to come for Robertson.
Setting his sights on the role of first-choice left-back, he will be looking to build on this bright start and relegate James Milner to a watching brief on the bench.
Lenormand Tageskarte ziehen zum Highlight des Tages - Duration: 14:28.
Grizzy James - Wham Bam (...
Volvo 850 2.5I-20V LUXURY-LINE VERKOCHT - Duration: 1:00.
Hi everyone, it's Sandy and today I'm filming a Q&A video. Before I get into the
questions, I just want to say a big thank you to all of you because I recently
reached 5000 subscribers, which is crazy and I still can't believe that it
happened. Joining BookTube has definitely been one
of the best decisions that I've made and I'm so thankful to have the opportunity
to interact with all of you. It means the world to me every time I see someone
leaving a comment on my videos. I'm at a loss for words but thank you so much. I
also have a really big announcement to share with you. This is something that's
going to be happening in my life at the very end of August and I'm excited to
share with you all that I am going to be leaving America and studying abroad in
Vietnam. I haven't done a lot of traveling in my life. I've never left the
North American region and I'm excited but also nervous to be traveling to
Vietnam. I've never been to Vietnam before but my
parents were actually born and raised there, so it will be really cool to
finally meet a lot of the relatives that I have in Vietnam that I've never met
before and also just to be in my parents' hometown. I will be gone for exactly four
months. I will still continue to upload videos on my channel but all the videos
are going to be pre-filmed. I do not plan on filming any BookTube videos while I'm
in Vietnam, just because I don't want to have to worry about like lighting,
figuring out a filming location, and all that stuff.
Also I'm very sorry if the lighting in this video keeps changing. It's currently
4:30 p.m. and it's always a bad time to film around this time because of the sun.
I hope you guys don't mind. Throughout this entire summer, I've been working
really hard to pre film a bunch of videos so that I don't disappear for
four months without any videos at all. I plan on uploading one video a week which
is my current upload schedule. I wanted to ask you guys if you have any video
suggestions. I have a list of videos to film and I'm starting to run out of
ideas so I would really appreciate it if you guys would leave some video
suggestions in the comments below. That is enough of my big announcement, now I'm
going to finally get into the Q&A. I wanted to thank everyone that left me
questions to answer for this Q&A. I was scared that I wouldn't have enough
questions to film a video but quite a handful of you did leave me questions, so
thank you so much. I really appreciate it and I'm very sorry if I don't get to
your questions. There are a handful for me to answer and I don't want this video
to be super long but if there is a question that you want me to answer and
I didn't answer it in this video, then just leave your questions in the comments
and I will definitely reply to you. So let's get started with the first
question, I'm going to be reading off the questions from my phone, so if I'm
looking down, that's what I'm looking down at. The Unmarked Crow asked, what are
you majoring in at school and what are your plans for after graduation? I am
currently majoring in psychology and criminal justice/criminology. I love
both of my majors but I have no idea what I want to do after graduation. I'm
going to be a junior this upcoming semester and I definitely need to start
figuring that stuff out but at the moment I have no idea but as long as I'm
happy with my major, I think that's a very great start. The next question is
from iLivieforbooks and she asked, what is an author whose book you will buy no
matter what forever? For me it would definitely be Angie Thomas, Becky
Albertalli, Adam Silvera, and probably Cassandra Clare because she
mostly writes Shadowhunter books and I will forever read all the Shadowhunter
books in existence. She also asked another question and she asked what is
one main goal for the future regarding anything, reading, booktube, life, etc.? I
don't know if this is cheesy or not but for life, I just want to be happy.
Although I don't know what I want to do in the future, I want to be happy with
what I'm doing. The next question is from Jay and she asked if you could be any
animal in the world, what would you be and why? This is probably very basic but
I would love to be a dog. I feel like if a dog has a very loving family, then they
will live the best life. They basically get to do whatever they want. They don't
have to worry about being fed or taken care of because that's all handled by
the family, so I would definitely love to be a dog. The Sloth Reader asks what are
your most anticipated releases for the second half of the year? I currently have
two books that I'm really excited for and the first one is They Both Die at The End by
Adam Silvera and the second one is Forest of a Thousand Lanterns by Julie C
Dao. I talked about both of these books in my mid-year book freak out tag and in
my June book haul, so if you're interested in learning more about these
books, then definitely check out one of those videos because these books sound
fantastic. The Lawn Gnome asks, who are some of your influences that made you
decide to make a channel? There isn't anyone specific that influenced me but the
first BookTuber that I discovered was Christine from polandbananasbooks. From
her, I started discovering a lot more other people that are in the BookTube
community and basically, the entire community is what inspired me
start my own channel. And like I mentioned earlier on in this video,
starting a BookTube channel is definitely one of the best decisions
that I've made and if any of you out there are thinking of starting a channel,
don't wait and just do it. The second question that he asked is, when the day
comes that you decide to stop making videos, what legacy would you want to
leave behind. This is definitely a thought-provoking question and honestly,
I don't think of myself as someone being able to leave a legacy. However, I do hope
that I'm able to recommend some books that someone out there is able to fall
in love with and it's a book that kind of changes their life in a way, whether
it's something very big or something very small. I just hope that I'm able to
have that impact. One of my all-time favorite comments/message to receive
is when someone tells me that they read a book that I recommended and they loved
it. Reading those comments and messages
makes me so incredibly happy. Kellie from ohhthatskellie asked a few questions.
One of them is do you have any exciting summer plans or any exciting future
plans in general? Well, my exciting future plan has been announced earlier on in
this video but I don't really have any exciting summer plans. I'm basically
working all summer and trying to pre-film a bunch of videos so that I don't go weeks
without uploading. And if any of you are curious about what my job is, I basically
just work in an office that's associated with my University. I'm
considered a student worker so I just do whatever my supervisor tells me to do
but one of my main projects with this job that I have is scanning, so I scan
and upload a bunch of old files to a database and that is basically what I do
in a nutshell. Another question that Kellie asks is, if
you could live in one fictional world for a day, where would you live? I'm not
going to mention any contemporary worlds so I'm going to stick to fantasy and
sci-fi. I think it would be really cool to live in the Percy Jackson world
because I've always been really fascinated with Greek mythology so I
feel like to be in that world and be surrounded with the characters in the
Percy Jackson world would be really fun. The next question is from Anna Reyanne
and this person asks, what is your favorite movie? I'm not really a movie
person so I haven't seen a lot of really popular movies and some of the very
classic movies but I do really love the Pitch Perfect movies. They're hilarious
and I love all the singing and I can't wait for the third movie. The next
question is from Gabriel Millay and this person asked, would you ever consider doing a
live show? Honestly, I wouldn't know what to talk about and I don't think I'm that
entertaining enough for people to watch. I would definitely do a live show with
friends but on my own, probably not. Telia Battle asked, what is your favorite
book for the summer? And my go to summer reading recommendations is Morgan Matson.
Any of her books are perfect for the summer but my personal favorite is Since
You've Been Gone. The next couple of questions is from BC Books and she asked,
what is your favorite genre of books? I have three favorite genres and they
aren't in any particular order but I love contemporary, fantasy, and mystery
/thriller. The last question that she asked is, are we ever going to meet
someday since we live so close to each other? And yes, I definitely hope that we
are able to meet someday. The next question is from Madelyn
Haynes, have you ever heard of the Lockwood & Co series, it's amazing and
really deserve some recognition. I actually have not heard of the series
but I will definitely check it out. The next question is from elenathegreat,
what is your favorite class that you have ever taken whether it's in college
or high school? One of my favorite classes that I've taken in college is called
women in the criminal justice system. This is a class that was really
challenging in my opinion. This was a class that was discussion based so
pretty much every single time that we had to meet for class, we would arrange
our desks in a circle and discuss the readings. I usually really hate
discussions because I get really anxious about having to speak up in front of the
class and while this class definitely made me uncomfortable at times and made me
have to step out of my comfort zone, I learned so much from my peers and I also
learned a lot from my professor. And I'm really glad that I took that class. The
next question is from Corey Ogle, do you speak any foreign languages? I do speak a
little bit of Cantonese. Unfortunately, I am not fluent. My parents are actually
fluent in Cantonese and Vietnamese but for some reason, I grew up learning
Cantonese. I do understand basic Vietnamese but I can't really speak it
and when I'm studying abroad in Vietnam, I will actually be taking a Vietnamese
class, so I definitely hope on improving my Vietnamese. The next couple of
questions is from A Bibliophile's Dreams, what is the best and worst thing about
BookTube ? The best thing is definitely the community. Being able to interact
with a bunch of people who love books as much as I do. And honestly there really
isn't like a worse thing about BookTube for me. BookTubing has been a very positive
experience for me so I don't really have any bad things to talk about.
Are you facing any challenges that you did not expect to come your way while
doing BookTube? Aside from the time commitment that it takes to set up and
film, edit, and close caption videos. I would definitely have to say the
motivation to film videos. I always do want to film videos but I struggle with
having the motivation to actually do it, so that is definitely a challenge that I
did not expect to come across. And the last question that they asked is, how do
you manage your time with school, reading and BookTube-ing? This has definitely
been something I struggled with. Last semester, I had a class schedule that
didn't really give me a good time to film during the week and during the week,
I'm just really exhausted with school and I just don't have the energy to set
up my camera and start filming, so I was unable to film during the week, so a lot
of my filming was done on the weekend. I actually commute to school and I take
public transportation so it would take me about an hour to an hour and a half
to get home. During those time is when I would do a lot of my reading. School is
always my priority so when I have a weekend where I just have to do
schoolwork and I can't spare any time to do BookTube , I would just focus on school
and as much as I do love BookTube, BookTube will definitely have to take a
back seat, because school is always my priority. However I do know that there
are BookTubers out there who are full-time students and do very well in
school, have part-time jobs, and are able to film and upload multiple videos a
week. I don't know how they do that but that is very admirable because I know
for sure, I will have a breakdown if I attempt to try to upload more than one
video a week while I'm in school. I feel like when it comes to managing BookTube,
reading and school, it definitely has to do with how you manage your time and
what you want to prioritize over another. There are definitely a few videos out
there on how people manage this so if you want to hear better advice than the
ones that I can provide, definitely search that on YouTube and you will
definitely come across some very helpful videos. So I'm going to end from a
question from Mel from BooksWithWings and she asked, what are your favorite
things about yourself? This is something that I don't really think about but I
really love that question and I really wanted to end with something positive
and I think that's a very positive question so thank you Mel for that
question. My favorite thing about myself would definitely have to be my eyes.
Those are all the questions that I'm answering in today's video. If I didn't
answer your questions, I apologize, just leave them in the comments below and I
will definitely respond to you. Thank you for watching this video. I hope you enjoyed
it and I will see you next time. Bye!
Floor Is Lava CHALLENGE FAILS - Minecraft Animation Collab - Duration: 10:41.
Dealing with Emotions: me as a child - Duration: 3:45.
hi I'm rosie and today I'm going to talk about my story
I think it's going to be a series of me delving into my emotions
and I hope while I talk about my story
and how I develop some habits dealing with my emotions
I will learn a lot more about myself
I think how I grow up as a person and how I develop to who I am today
form a lot of habits of dealing with my emotions
and I think talking about that on camera may help me to understand who I am
so some of you may relate to what I experienced
or if you don't I want to tell you that it's okay
to look back your history and your childhood
I know it is hard to think of your past and
delve into all this terrible stuff you been through
but if you want to grow as a person
you have to face what truly affected you
and made great impact to you as a person
without further ado let's start from the very beginning
I was a really energetic kid
I was interested and curious about everything
wanting the best for me
parents brought me to nursery and elementary schools with high reputation
my mother was a full-time housewife
she basically spent every second of childhood with me
she studied along with me, brought me to interest classes
she's a very loving person but also with high expectations on me
knowing that I got potentials
she pushed me to achieve perfect results
and not having a hundred marks in tests,
misbehaviours, pushing things over, for example
would lead to harsh verbal and physical punishment
despite my fair grades at school
my teachers often labelled me as the annoying loud troublemaker
loads of teachers at primary schools asked me to check if i got ADHD
because I moved around too much
looking back being constantly denied by people around me
while I was just putting full attention in class
I felt miserable
teachers always ignored my questions
(regarding deeper understanding of the topics)
not choosing me to answer questions in class and
scolding me for disturbing the class because my interests are out of the curriculum
which led to my childish actions of seeking attention in classes
I remember I always ended up being hated the most by
teachers in the classes that I loved the most
teachers hated I was seeking for more knowledge of the subject
or attention in class
but at that time I was clueless
I did get hard feelings but I loved school
quiet at home, loud at school
straight As but C at conduct
pretty much me as a kid
Potato Man! | Potato Thriller | Part 5 - Duration: 16:13.
Hello everyone. My name is Crow_Se7en
Welcome back to Potato Thriller
I have a serious issue with OBS studio
When I stopped recording but it was stuck
It won't stop recording. I don't understand why
I tried to fix it and the problem appeared twice
Sorry about that
Oh, I'm sorry
Oh, I'm sorry
I said oh, I'm sorry
Excuse you
Excuse you again
Oh ok bye. Excuse you again
Now, it's just us. Me and Potato Man
A robot? Potato man is a robot? Wat?
You didn't answer his question
You're hungry. Yeah, same
What happened?
What's up with the nose?
Duh, I know who you are
Is that the cage?
Where am I?
Oh shit
Fried human
The frying room
Oh really? It's easy. You can escape
Climb and jump off
Oh no!!!
Climb and jump off!
It's easy!
What are you waiting for?
You gave up already
I guess it's over
But wait, there's more!
What happened?
What the hell is going on?
What's up with him?
Are you on drugs?
Oh wait
He is an actual robot
But how?
Ok, that's enough
Fried robot...
Eat the metals... wires...
No way
Why did source nose create the robot...
The potato robot!
Why didn't source nose create the human robot
like father's robot son
Most humans look like potatoes
I am a potato
Why cat ears...?
Cat ears... I meant the human with the cat ears are overrated
Yeah... Internet...
A glitch in the system
Why not?
Why can't you use the data devil to get rid of the virus?
Please no..
Please don't do that
It's like Terminator 2
Let's go back to home... alone...
The end?
It's over
It's a sad story
This game is too dank meme
A potato is everything
Everyone is here
Thank you for playing
Yeah, you're welcome
Your game is awesome
Thank you for watching
Please click Subscribe, Like, Share
or whatever that will help me a lot
See you in the next video
하하, 아들 드림이 티셔츠 리폼하는 만점 아빠 '별 질투 폭발' | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 1:59.
(BATIM Mixture of SFM) Gospel Of Dismay by DAGames (Incomplete) - Duration: 4:09.
Guide to Monsta X [EP. 1] - Duration: 5:06.
Monsta X, you can tell which members are healthy
from the sound of their urine, right?
There's a good reason why our name is Monsta
*Their speed of urination is like that of a Monster?*
sebastian + audrey ■ try to love you - Duration: 0:31.
How to feed 9 billion people - Duration: 1:03.
The population is around 7,5 billion
1 billion are starving
Population still growing
How can we feed 9 billion?
The solution is Aquaponics
Aquaponics is a system where there is a fish tank, the waste water goes to grow beds
it passes through a biological filter, then the plants receive nutrients from the water, and
at the same time the roots of the plants clean the water that goes back to the fish tank
Aquaponic system can be build at any size, with varieties of greens, veggies, fruits,
fish and also shrimp.
It saves 90% of water, there is no chemical, so the food is 100% natural.
We need to have more schools teaching our kids how to grow food.
In addition, we can have beehives, without bees, we are in extintion too because they
are responsible for 33% of our food.
They polinate plants and also give us honey.
Roblox High School Secrets - Duration: 13:59.
bye guys thanks for watching I love you all so much
KEEP GOING. (Motivational Video) (Subtítulos en Español!) - Duration: 2:24.
Team Fortress 2 Unknown game-play - Duration: 8:47.
Arsenal transfer news: Monaco adamant Arsenal target Lemar will not be sold after third bid of £45m - Duration: 3:54.
Monaco adamant Arsenal target Thomas Lemar will not be sold after third bid of £45million
MONACO are staying firm and refusing to sell Thomas Lemar to Arsenal, according to reports. Arsene Wenger is a huge fan of the French midfielder and is desperate to add him to his squad before the start of the season.
Monaco are adamant they will not sell Thomas Lemar to Arsenal.
Arsenal have made a third bid of £45million for Thomas Lemar. But the Telegraph are claiming that the Ligue 1 champions are refusing to let him go despite the Gunners making a third bid of £45million.
Monaco want to keep Lemar after seeing a number of key players from their title-winning season leave for huge fees. They believes it could help persuade Kylian Mbappe to sign a new deal amid interest from Champions League winners Real Madrid.
Los Blancos are said to be willing to pay a world-record £180m for the hottest prospect in world football. As SunSport also revealed, 21-year-old Lemar has already agreed terms, in principle, to move to north London.
Monaco owner Vadim Vasilyev has previously been steadfast in his refusal to sell the youngster, but is having a change of heart.
Thomas Lemar was part of Monacos Ligue 1-winning side last season. Monaco star who is Arsenal boss Arsene Wengers top target this summer. but is Thomas Lemar worth the money?.
With key men Bernardo Silva, Tiemoue Bakayoko and Benjamin Mendy already sold – and Mbappe linked with a blockbuster move away – Monaco are facing a full rebuild.
Arsenal will make an improved offer in the coming days to test the resolve of the French club. Guadeloupe-born France international Lemar scored 12 goals and added 14 assists in all competitions as Monaco shocked Paris Saint-Germain to win Ligue 1.
Thomas Lemar has already agreed personal terms with Arsenal ahead of a move.
Alexis Sanchez is still yet to sign a new contract with Arsenal amid interest from Manchester City. Leonardo Jardim's side also reached the semi-final of the Champions League.
Lemar's arrival would likely see Arsene Wenger break through the £100m spending barrier for the first time. Wenger has already signed Alexandre Lacazette for a club-record £52.
And he is now turning his attention to getting Alexis Sanchez to commit his future to Arsenal despite interest from PSG and Manchester City. Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger talks about Alexis Sanchezs return and Arsenals pre-season.
President Trump Latest News Today , sessions-confident-in-recusal-despite-hurtful-trump - Duration: 2:23.
Should you - Buy the Cheapest Bunker - Duration: 1:36.
Should you buy the cheapest bunker.
In my opinion, I believe that you should because there isn't a difference between the cheapest
bunker and the most expensive bunker.
But, before we continue in this video, click the card on the top right corner of your screen
right now to watch a video that I made explaining if buying a bunker, in general, is worth it.
Okay, I am going assume that everyone who is still watching this video wants to own
a bunker.
So the interior is the same unless you upgrade it and the overall shape of the inside is
the same.
The only thing that you get for buying any other bunker than the cheapest one is location.
For example, you can have easy access to the city if you buy the one on the west coast
near the pier or you can buy the one near the military base to get easy access to jets
when you do a supply run because you don't get cops during those.
So the cheapest bunker is located in paleto bay, which has become more populated
because of gunrunning, is a much quieter location than say the one near the highway at the aircraft
graveyard because not many people go up to paleto bay without a reason.
It may be the furthest away from the city where you would most likely sell your product,
but from my experience, if you have the right amount of people, you can easily do all your
deliveries with time to spare.
So in conclusion, if you are in the market for a bunker the cheapest opinion is the one
you should keep in mind.
So, with that out of the way, Hope you guys enjoyed this video like it if you like it,
dislike if you dislike, and subscribe if you want.
My name been Sky and I hope to catch you in the next video.
DANCE COVER! - Voodoo - Nick Jonas - Ash Raff - Duration: 2:04.
THIS SONG BELONGS TO Safehouse Records / Island Records
헨리, 귀여움 장착한 귀국패션! | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 0:41.
Scentsy Fall/Winter 2017 Catalog Walk with EdieAnne - Duration: 21:55.
morning everyone my name is EdieAnne and thank you for coming back to the BNS
channel we are going to be doing in the fall winter 2017 catalog walks super
excited to really see why because we have a new product for you and I'm so
excited to share it with you so let's begin because there's a lot to cover
we're sending with love this season and we are showing the beautiful new layout
of this catalog left to right fragrance lovers we always have a little
blurb from our owner president and CEO Heidi and Orville now they're just
talking about our new categories or talk about our new product and we're going to
see those as we go through the catalog so the loveless family friends and
fabulous products who love them all here are some of our favorite products and
people all right so we're going to start here here's our table of contents we
hope that this new table of contents is going to help you to find things in the
catalogue a little quicker a little easier built with love this is our new
charitable cause warmer it is a house that is benefiting Habitat for Humanity
to be habitat owners homeowners the family must help build another family's
home it's called the circle of love can talk about more of that
and we are here to help give families a place to call home and in order to do
that we're going to donate nine dollars from a sale of each built with love warm
our to the habitat for humidity and we're super excited about it it's a cute
little house hopefully you can see that well it's it is white the roof comes off
and there's a dish on the inside super cute anyways to play with fragrance is
the three different systems now we set our wax and warmer which will never go
away diffusers and oil and now the new sense ego and pods
that's what I'm going to be talking to you about in a few moments Scentsy go
here we go ready set go this is a portable cordless instant fragrance
anywhere small but mighty and it's travel ready with color and light this
fragrance in motion is amazing I have one I'm thrilled with it it has a
polycarbonate outer coating or an outer shell on the inside there is a fan it is
rechargeable through a USB cable and it has seven color settings or actually
eight color settings seven different colors and then you can have it rotate
through or you can actually choose the color that you want it to stay on the
pods come in twin packs you're going to see that on the next page but it's a
pretty simple system you twist off the top you drop in the pods and off you go
love love love this new device the sensi pods are they come in twin packs they're
interchangeable you can actually put two pods in the go so that you can mix up
the sense of it if you want to the twin pack do come with the same fragrance on
the inside and we have quite a few to choose from right out of the gate so I'm
super excited about this I hope you guys all try one you're going to love it
I bring mine everywhere with me alright next we have some new releases these are
new sense that we're going to be adding to our repertoire yes often imitated and
never equaled every season our waxes and warmers are curated to capture the
latest trends and more importantly your imagination our first new warmer is on
the left hand side they're called little garden isn't that freaking adorable oh
my gosh it comes with three Poe succulents and a bag of black stone the
new release of her on the right hand side
apple and cinnamon sticks Halle Berry cinnamon hug in a mug homestead holiday
glacial ice orange clothes pomander love and happiness painted
leaves spiced fruit sire quiet Grove pretty implemented injure bread Dona
sweet cream spiced vanilla ode and toasted coconut amaretto don't those
sound amazing while winter our holiday scents a lesser
coming back let you peruse those a little bit if you'd like you can pause
the video here so you can read some of the descriptions classic same thing
these are old and true these keep coming back year after year and I'm so glad
because we just athle love these scents boo and Blue Grotto is part of the
classics now de darling and dashing kind of a new scent it used to be called
crisp and clean oh I forget what it was called now it was our spot scents and
now it's called darling and dashing so these are all of our older known spa
scent light and crispy and airy love how they categorize those now you'll notice
that we had some bricks that were out last year are now in permanent status on
our catalogue bergamot and Sola driftwood pineapple coconut vanilla sea
salt and avocado Persian lime and sandalwood the peach and white amber
those are all ones that had come out to us in a brick when we had our special
last year they did so well that they brought them out into the category into
the category of darling and Dash's corner cafe those are all of the yummy
yummy yummy ones alright now we're going to get into our warmers
we have new diffusers and new warmers so this page is just showing you the
different types of warmers that we have in different styles we have our warmers
we our wraps we have our element warmers
and we have our mini warmers and then you have different finishes the crackle
glaze glow hand painted and hand painted reflective glaze and just reflective
plays natural wonder while remember Daisy Lantern on the far left now we
have in the shadows is this not adorable for the lantern kind of collection we
have a new mini warmer called morning sunrise aspen grove is still around as
well as the new ski stars every one is so beautiful top right corner all right
on the hip side southern hospitality is back so is love swept in midnight Cooper
copper we have now champagne ash that looks like an old type of lantern or
lamp from the 1970s the little garden there we are you can also get it shown
with Zen garden but you can also get decorative scenes right now I'm sorry it
comes with little garden but you can also get one that's called Zen garden
those are decorative scenes that we can add to both make a scene as well as this
particular little garden patterns of expression our new indigo tile is a
gourd adorable that is a mini warmer you have colors of the rainbow still
remember that one's the one was made that's made with recycled Indian beads
we also have hip and beloved and star flower beloved is brand new so it's star
flower those are those new insert glass inserts warmers that we started seeing
last year modern mood I love mid-century Miss
entries on the left-hand side it kind of looks like a I don't know why I keep
thinking a Japanese building or those Japanese decorations but that's kind of
what it reminds me of and I think it's stunning it has an Edison bulb
then you have like the black crush actually up at the two others with
little picture on the bottom and on the top black crashes gorgeous how beautiful
is that with the crushed glass we also have contempo white hard to see there in
the bathroom but it has kind of a contemporary look there is a bulb on the
inside and then Carrera which is also a brand new warmer kind of looks like
travertine good morning enjoy a double shot of vintage cream and
a healthy splash of wit I am thrilled with the new morning grind and the love
laughter coffee those two new warmers on the far left are adorable that grinder
on the top comes off to expose a dish where you would put in your wax
they're both element warmers so there's no ball than any of these on this page
actually the toaster is super cute that fruit crate is super cute and it is
two-sided so you can turn it around if you wanted to next is a chart your
course can I just say I'm loving it I love to travel as you guys know this is
something I do a lot with sensing we just got back from Africa
I love these the little scooter and the camper are back we have bon voyage
that was a warmer from last year as well and then the new passport right next to
the Eiffel Tower I wonder why we're going to be going on a Mediterranean
cruise this year the incentive period just started and super excited we're
going to be stopping in Spain and France and Italy love it it's on a cruise so
that one is awesome I will be adding that one to my repertoire you have bon
voyage and I love it alright next we're going
to go to the country primary picture house thinking cute is that that is
adorable that has a light inside you God really love it love these
sayings I love how they add these incorporate these into our warmers
country lightest back probably one of my all-time favorites chasing fireflies has
been one of the all-time favorites and no place like home
those are all great great great warmers beautiful just fer fun we want a pet I
love my pets I know that so the level of the heart cast and the heart draws is
back we have a new one friendly forest rep with a career of warmer underneath a
Carrera can be put with any of our wraps and the forest drop is really cute hoot
and red fox those are coming back the DIY make a scene warmer so fun
absolutely fun for the kids for any deck or you can redo it for anything up your
game check these out guys so we have dice we have an eight bulb
and we have a block night and those are all element warmers and they're super
cute and they're amazing and they would go into any man cave any child's room
love them love them love them all right the campus collection is back
you'll have to pause the video here so that you can see your list of campuses
as well as the major league baseball collection to see if your team is listed
here your hair fragrance here are our diffusers stunning can I
say this new empower shade on the left as well as avid and reach all three of
those are brand new shades for our diffusers stunning stunning done ding
our diffusers all have a limited lifetime warranty and you can pair them
up with our premium all-natural sensi oils
earthy stunning gosh here's all the oils we've got a couple
new ones we've got marine cypress lavender as well as patchouli
roads so if you're a / - Lee lover you're going to love that one and then a
lot of our awesome good sellers are coming back as well the essential oils
we have eucalyptus lavender lemon peppermint and tree tea tree we also
have essential blends that are calm clear - live and rest live is new great
fresh get fresh with burst of mint and
wintergreen on the go we still have all of our on-the-go products our said
services excuse me set maximum sprays travel tins and car bars these are
really really popular they have always done very well I personally love the
rules for in a set pack those are the best for me lots of people love the car
bars scent circles have been an all-time favorite and pair that up with the
travel tunes
alright this is new you ready something for everybody this is our new sense the
body line since the skin and room are going away and it's being combined into
the body category we have body wash bodies to play hand soap lotion body
cream and hand cream if you guys are lovers of layers you're going to love
body excuse me it is awesome new packaging very similar to our old layers
but with new vibrant colors that match our new catalogs don't forget we also
have the fragrance roller I forgot that down the bottom now they come in some
pretty amazing since some of them you'll recognize from last year by a number
which we are known of no longer using the number we're just using the scent so
for instance mandarin grapefruit amber peach and white amber pineapple coconut
vanilla pineapple coconut vanilla was the big big big big big seller from last
sensi body also comes in multiple different sense lucky in love luna sea
salt and avocado is a bunch of them so you'll see those listed on the right
hand side if you'd like to pause the video so you can see ah
buddies love the buddy so guess who's back for good you can now order Lenny
all year long he has become our new sensing mascot if you know the sensory
story you know that it comes from a sheep farm and I'm just thrilled I mean
she's not sheep she's a lamb but love it collect all of them you'll need to ask
me which ones are still available at the current time
so the buddies that are at the bottom are no not available yet I'm hoping
those will come available they're awfully cute
but the buddy clips on the right hand side those are all available and they're
super awesome they're preloaded with some amazing scent each one has its own
and they last quite a long time they come in a little plastic container so if
you're not using it I suggest you put it back in the container but clip those on
a purse on a backpack in your car you'll up we love having the break clips
alright moving right along we now have the sensi sidekicks which we've added
two new ones we have a look of a lion and Mika the monkey
super cute these guys are for babies right they don't have to be for babies
but they're made for babies marking the mouse and kami the cat are also
available you're going to notice that there are new some new scrubby buddies
we've got her see the penguin ribbit the Frog Stevie the shark and Wellington the
duck they all are and bubbles the octopus they're all water animals they
kind of just they kind of belong in the bath right we also have that smoothie
smoothies and the ones that are available are jammy time doodles of
orange and grapefruit great people great woo tongue-tied there
here's our diffusers for the kids the kids fragrances pirouette is a warmer
that is a mini warmer we have blue whale and cool those are all kids warmers they
don't have to be kids warmers but that's how they're being marketed we also have
some children sent in wax so apple crush bubblegum blast jammie time move orange
and gleeful gleeful grape there we're again as well as some natural oils that
are geared towards the children which is baby bliss hop scratch butterscotch and
Twinkle Twinkle and then deep blue sea and upon once upon a time our coming
back they have those magnetic scenes that you can switch around on the
outside of them fresh and clean are clean and laundry items are back we just
have new categories names guys that's all it is new fragrances
would just breathe and jammy time I am so excited about Jamie time being our
laundry laundry cents powder clean kitchen soap and sensing fresh those are
all still available as well as our laundry liquid our scent soft dryer
discs and washer with never run out by joining my VIP we have our VIP program
delivers on our schedule and you can select whether you want it once a month
once every other month or once every third month all right this is how we get
you guys some free Scentsy you want to ask to host a party if you have a wish
list that's bigger than your pocketbooks and best to put a party on have fun with
it let me know what type you want I have all kinds of options for you and I would
love to do a party with you the thing to do would be to join here are some little
clips from different directors and and things from all over our world telling
you about Scentsy I just I love something it's a great great company and
I wish everybody could join me in it so you could be a consultant to $99 gives
you your starter kit worst comes to worst you
just use the kick for yourself and get all those amazing products the
compensation plan is pretty awesome just ask me and I can let you know
bundle or save we change different 2-8 to bundle and save which kind of makes
sense we got rid of the 3-pack nobody was buying it anyway this win pack has
two bars with the same fragrance and then if you want to pub you can look at
the different bundles that we have for you and the pricing and the VIP program
has never run out of your favorite fragrance you can choose from cents the
oils or century laundry pick your fragrance pick your frequency let me
know if you're interested I can point you to the right direction on my website
here's our list of fragrances that you can go through the accessories you've
got decorative scenes for magazine as well as the little garden those are our
wraps that you can put around any of those warmers like itched or Kabara our
lightbulbs cord concealing warmer stands and get a couple new ones in there
warmer stands and then our mini warmer tabletop bases where you can turn any
mini warmer into a tabletop former the Sun storage box has always been
something that's pretty popular people put all of their bars in their
replacement bulbs or anything like that it helps you to store all your stuff in
one place that's it guys I hope you enjoyed this year's catalog walk we are
so excited to bring these new products to you we're than I as a partnership
within this beauty and says business are super excited to be your consultants and
so honored to already be some of your consultants we love and cherish all of
you so thank you for joining me today and take a walk over to the beauty and
sense net website and check out all of the new things have a great day
Bath to attract the love - Duration: 7:02.
Video Hi today I'll tell you as a bath is to attract love, makes
recently published a video explaining how to take a bath to attract money and
Many comments have asked me to do also one to attract love, well,
Today it is the turn to love bath, this bath you can attract love
do both in the shower or bath, as you see come to you, the ingredients
you'll need to make this bath are; some olive oil and some salt
fine, plus you'll need basil, it can be fresh or may be well dried basil
It is a good conductor for communication between two people, fosters dialogue and
a cordial communication and also avoids discussions, ie, basil will prevent
you have conflicts with your partner and if you do not have a partner that will promote good
communication with other people so that there will come a relationship, the
Cinnamon should not miss love and sticks, cinnamon sticks should be, you'll
provide sweetness, attraction, cinnamon is an aphrodisiac or sexual attraction is also
will enhance the and orange, orange and orange can be dry or may be the
peel of an orange, these three ingredients the need to use the orange also
fosters love attracts love, the method for doing this is; in a container with a liter
about water you put to boil and when the water breaks you have to boil
add a handful of basil, a handful of basil if basil is dried, if the
Fresh basil is a posy of basil, cinnamon two branches, two because it will symbolize
the person you want to attract or will symbolize you and your partner, so let's stick
in cinnamon symbol two orange what would be the bark of an orange, all
So when breaks to boil the water you add, and turn off the fire, caps and let all
That repose, if you've seen the video where I explain how the bathroom is done to attract
the money if not here's information on the card can see how it's done, you
then what you see when you finish watching this you look like is to attract money and
I explain in that video before a bath to attract us we have to do
a previous bath to eliminate negative energy and while they are resting all
herbs in water in a bowl prepare some olive oil with a handful
salt and leave it there section, as they have since reposed all herbs inside
you Cuélas water and throw in a jar or in a container and you go to the bathroom,
the shower, the tub with your bowl with salt and oil and your infusion jar
you've made these three herbs, one thing remains of herbs that have been in the
Strainer not go throwing away, the need to return to nature, is
say, if you have a plant in your house you can put on the ground floor
If you have a garden you can bury in the garden, and also tell; in your house
because this is where you want it to flourish then that love, we go with what we have prepared
the bathroom, if you're going to do in a shower the method is as follows; with
the preparation you have oil with salt have to rub, you get inside
the shower, you have to rub the whole body from the soles of the feet up because
that preparation we have done to eliminate negative energy that we can have eye
; do not I'm talking about witchcraft if not negative as good energy; disappointments,
annoyances you have with your partner disappointment because you can not find love, then that
It is a negative energy that is going inside and then running costs much it out, then
that salt with oil will help that negative energy is gone, as I say;
It must be from the soles of the feet up and if your skin also allows
you can wear it on your face, once you have already rubbed arms, back,
breast, whole, entire body with this mixture you rinse and visualize this energy as
negative is going down the drain, you explained this step with salt and oil owe
to whether the bathroom then you'll do it in the shower as if in the bathtub,
Once you've had your water and have visualized that all this negative energy goes down the
you have to take a shower drain in the usual way that you do with your soap
use with that soap, showering and once you've taken a shower that you have prepared infusion
with these three herbs you the need to pour over but above from head
and you have to feel like you're going to fall in front, behind, on the sides and longer
this and then you dry preferably with white towels, what will you do in the bathtub
; Well, filled the tub of hot water, not warm hot water, hot water
and pour the content that you have prepared infusion into the water and in the water
you get if you have to endure a little heat water get into the water, you
stay as approximately twenty minutes for all the pores of your skin go
impregnating either the infusion of these three herbs and when water and feel
cold, and feel warm and you get out, about fifteen twenty
minutes is recommended to take this type of bath, when can you take these
bathrooms ?, as well the day of love is Friday represents the planet Venus, then;
Friday, every Friday, whether the full moon, either the new moon, either
the crescent moon, and the moon waning, but as long as it is Friday you can
Always do you want, good for if you want me to say as other types are made
bathing in the comments below and you tell me if you liked this video give me a like
and see you next week, a kiss.
Os Defensores (1ª Temporada) - Vídeo especial com Stan Lee - Duration: 1:01.
Are the biggest stories ever told
Heroes show us that we do not have to be perfect to do it right
It's not about not being afraid, but about facing injustice
It's not about being powerful...
But to discover his vocation...
When least expect
They show us that it does not have problems being vulnerable
No matter the size of your strength
Because even being heroes...
They are still human
Caption: Lucas of Abreu
It seems that I arrived on time
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