Your settings usually result in giant people leaving for cancer
Borrowin every Day
I might not be able to handle this you can't the fear and shame are making you have crazy thoughts - I am a booth
We are knowing nothing about caring for babies
I did who knew they needed more than fun also me and
Who knew that?
Actual silicon carbide crystals you're not like most booths when it comes to babysitting you're a natural these three examples
Add up to true
My guesses has been correct and helpful whereas your guesses were wrong and dangerous
Sleepy faces before can't you eyes needing a nap?
Listens up you go ladies
Because it is papa. Oh has a song just for you
We must be quiet. Do not wake them
We did not learn we are naturals
Okay, wrong gets back from the benefit soon
For more infomation >> HOME ADVENTURES WITH TIP & OH SITTING ON BABIES BEST FRENEMIES #3 - Duration: 3:46.-------------------------------------------
Sigai Official Trailer (Tamil) | Kathir | Ron Ethan Yohann | Jagadeesan Subu - Duration: 1:35.
阪本明日香【自信の付け方(2)】字幕付き - Duration: 2:10.
Topnews 28.07.2017: Log-in-Allianz, Porsche in Formel E, iPhone statt Digitalfunk, µduino-Board - Duration: 1:52.
Lyndon LaRouche: patriottismo è difesa della Legge Naturale e delle facoltà della ragione - Duration: 8:33.
| Spell Box - V系 Wiki Video | #23 - Duration: 8:31.
4 years ago
And it comes a day
a day like others
when HeroStOpMoTion
uploaded his first video
but maybe you will ask...
How much was cool his first video
How much was cool his first video
Okay let's skip the begin
Hi everyone guys
I'm your friendlyneighbor HeroStOpMoTion
After a lot of time, months and years
I'm finally back on the channel
Becouse I've finally reached
1000 Subscribers
and I'm here with Adriix
Hi everyone!
I am the sexy hero cousin
and there is my friend Spider-man too
this will be the first 1000 subs special
Later I will do others two specials
In this first special we are going to read the comments
that wrote people on my beautiful first video
video that I uploaded in 2013
So much time ago...
my first video was a stop motion animation
I don't know if any of you remember that
when I haven't subs I uploaded an animation called
Spider-Man VS Spider-Man
Where two Spider-Men fights one versus each eather
in an epic battle
so comments were very positive
to encourage the new youtuber
to make always new videos
and nothing now let's begin.
so after that stranger things happened
in this moment
maybe I will cut something, maybe not
becouse is funny
now we are going to read these comments
I will censor the name of these people
just in chase, if they say bad things to me
to avoid that my subs could insult them
even if you can find them in an easy way
becouse they are in the first video
so you can search the first video and go
and I'm not pushing you to insult them
but if you want
so let's begin
maelchia897 says
"Bravo! Did you use the Green Screen?"
I don't know why I don't find my answer
Maybe I didn't answer
little fact about this video
I didn't use green screen, I cut pictures
with spider-men figures
for every background
I cut every single picture
it was so hard
and for this the result was shit
becouse the animation wasn't fluid
"I stop the video"
and then he says
"indeed it comes good, you had to do more pictures, but backgrounds were perfect, bravo"
even if maybe...
what do you want??
I wanted the bad comments
so Gino1945 says
"u suck"
it's an english comment
what does it means?
I don't know
you are ignorant
"you suck" in english means "fai schifo"
thank you!
we thank Gino1945
that video is a shit
PeppinoLavatrice says
I'm not for-
I'm NOT. Wait
I'm not?
My name is a puzzle
it's very complicated
nobody says my correct name
Herostop "moscio"
Herostop MOTION
"I'm not of U.S.A."
very interesting
Dylan Dog says
always the same guy
in other words...
the same guy. Okay
says: Mexico por eso hablo este idioma amigo
I can speak english but not mexican
we can use google translate!
after 2 minutes
"supposed and obscured italian translation of google translate"
we don't understand nothing
this guy called...
campione esperto
I'm scared
and a guy with a very illegible name says
Why I have these comments!
YuppiYea! 1225
where is him? Here
Ah. It seems like a WTF with a very strange laugh
becouse we write our laugh "Ahahahahah"
Ah Ah Ah Ah
Others instead write their
Peluchedelleavventure says
"this sucks"
this sucks!
thank you!
a juventus guy says
Oh my god
this comment is really offensive
fucking gay...
and a guy answer him
"ur gay"
another guy with a Neymar picture
a guy wrote
and I don't understand becouse when I've just uploaded that video
became so popular
I remember that I receveid a lot of negative comments
it was funny
it's funny
another ghost who make lego films says...
a guy with a long and complicated name says
what does it means?
I don't know
anyway "dafuq"
on google translate...
is dafuq.
but this language is Filipino
becouse it suggests me that language
I thought that there was something different
but the transaltion is always the same
then a guy with a strange picture
called lobo
is another ghost who says
a rose wrote us
"a rose wrote us" ahahah
"what h****d"
what happened?
to spider-men voices
"what happened to spider-men voices?"
and a guy answer her
a guy with a black goku picture wrote us
in print.
and then...
"Again in Italian xD"
...and spiderwarrior
our hero
"how about let him do his thing"
Mh! it's a really good ice cream
he says
well guys the video is over
I remember you that after this there will be-
and c'mon
I will do other 2 special videos
they will be out soon
You can visit my facebook page, my instagram page
and you can visit his channel
becouse I appear in his videos too
to make stupid videos with him
and you can watch us make stupid things
and make me become rich
the link of his channel is in description and in the cards
the video is really over now
see you next time
"Italian Strange No Sense song"
ÁRVORE - Manoel de Barros - Duration: 2:08.
Hi boys and hi girls, here I came back to a new video. I'm Martina and today I will do the video tag: WHAT'S ON MY PHONE?
As a mobile I have the iphone 4s with 64 Gb. I know I'm old but as long as it works and doesn't break, I keep it!
Like background I have this that's very simply that I found on Internet. I personally like it very much 'cause I love watching sky!
So, now I must to put the pin 'cause iphone 4s can't unlock it with the Digital Imprint . So, now all the people who will watch the video know my pin, but then, I'll change It!
So in the first screen I've got the Apple apps. Calendar, Photo, Camera, Clock, Notes that I often utilize when I've got creative attacks, Maps that I always use when I travel 'cause I always lose me, Facetime,
Vocal Memo where I keep all my vocal performance and then no one, but I say NO ONE will have to feel it,
then App Store, Mail and Settings. In the dock I've got Telephone, Message and Safari.
In the second screen I've got a folder called Youtube where there's Youtube that is my wordl 'cause I can listen to music, watch video, load video and then I love it!
And then I've got Studio that is an app for control your private Youtube information!
Then, Instagram where my name is Martina Lacetera and if you want you can follow me. In the infobox you'll find the link of Instagram and all the others social as in every video!
Facebook where my name is always Martina Lacetera
Twitter where my name is always Martina Lacetera, this is my account!
Periscope that I use for the direct on Twitter!
Snapchat where my name is Martina Lacetera and I love Snapchat filters! that I never use 'cause I can't do musical.y!
Whatsapp, Messanger
21buttons where my name is Martina Lacetera and in this app I'm new, but soon I think that I'll load something!
Vine Camera that I never understood how to use but I keep it the same!
In the third screen I only have folders that are grouped for genders!
The first folder's called Music where there's Spotyfy, Shazam that I think that is a genial invention 'cause often when I'm out hear an unknown song and shazam tells me! Imusic that I used 2 or 3 years ago and the Itunes store!
The second folder's called SING where there's Eartreaner for train the ear, Singsharp for warm the voice, Vocalpitch for the vocal precision, the metronome and the piano!
In the third folder, instead, I keep all of the app that serve for edit video and photo...
Layout to make collage, Squaready to make white borders to photos, Imovie for the videos and Retrica that I used a lot a few years ago!
In fourth folder, there are the apps to watch television programs, tv series, movies as Netflix, RaiPlay, SkyFaiDaTe and Mediaset!
Then in the fifht folder which I created specially there's the Disney Channel app that I use to keep up-to-date on all disney channel TV series!
In the sixth folder there are all the games for exemple: Piano Tiles that I love, Jokesphone for phone jokes, Pou that I used a few years ago, MarioRun that I don't like, CandyCrushSaga, FlappyWings, Truth or Dare and Inside Out!
In the seventh folder, invece, I've got Pedometer that I use when I want to make those long walks, then I've got LegTrainer that I honestly only used once, then this app that I don't know what is and then there's BigDayLite for the countdown!
And we finally got to the last folder called BOH 'cause there are all of the apple app that I never used tipo Bag, Video, News, GameCenter and BLA BLA BLA!
Well, hope that the you liked the video, if it is so put thumbs up and if you aren't registered, SUBSCRIBE to the channel clicking this simply button below red!
And we still see the next video! BYE!
E. coli found in broken pipe breach testing in Santa Cruz County - Duration: 1:59.
Melhores momentos do 1º capítulo da Revolução da Visão - Duration: 3:33.
Going to the North of Iceland 北アイスランド行きます!「日本語字幕付き」 - Duration: 14:40.
no, you don't have to take it off!
wow, you put a lot!
maybe it was a bit too much... where's the remoulade?
and the sausage back on
I think I put the wrong one on
are you gonna say hi to me too?
are you gonna get a treat?
Did you get something to eat?
cuddle, cuddle
This is just unbelievable
He's too preoccupied with what's going on in the kitchen
It's too exciting
Yeah, there's something to eat there
Dora's making something
no, no, no you're not leaving
take hime and let them see what he does when you sit with him in the chair
look at that fatty
so adorable!
oh, he's so good!
he melts everyone with that
he loves you so much
food, food, food!
Fair - Ascension ETD - Español - Duration: 8:42.
iPhone 8 FINAL DESIGN!Specification Preview | 短新聞【小翔 XIANG】 - Duration: 4:43.
V-Ray 3.4 | Desafio 60 Materiais em 60 Dias | 03 de 60 | Areia - Duration: 5:21.
Hello Masterfans
Welcome back to Mastertuts
I am Henrique Barros
Architect of Mastertuts courses
And in this lesson we will continue our challenge
60 Material after 60 days
And today we will learn how to configure the sand material
Using the V-Ray 3.4
If you also want to participate in this challenge
Put your comment on our fixed posting on the Facebook fanpage
So let's go
So you can start
Here I will open my scene
This scene I downloaded directly from the 3D Warehouse
You can also find there
Just search for sand castle
At that point I already have the configured scene with lighting
Look that
But I do not have material
Applied in this scene yet
So let's set the sand material step by step
Let's go to the Asset Editor
We will select this material
And it's very important that you do the following
Click the right button on the slot texture
And select the copy option
Right click on the option reflection
And let's save this texture in that slot
Then you will click on the texture option and will enable there on the screen
Clicking on the show option in viewport
That way you will not lose the texture mapping of the object here
Let's go back to our display
And now in the Diffuse channel
We will also enter the slot
Let's modify the mapping Bitmap
For Procedural Falloff mapping
Remember that the falloff he is a mapping
What sets Gradient form
thats is, it will create a transition effect
Among a lighter texture and more texture Dark
Exactly what we want to do here
You will select a mapping now
And instead you put texture directly using Bitmap
You will choose the Color Correction option
You will paste the texture exactly this parameter here, look
So let's stick to our texture
Look there to cool
And what do we do the following
Using the Color Correction options
You can make changes in its texture
Instead of using Photoshop
Then we'll darken a little more this texture
Altering its brightness
I will reduce this value a bit
Look there
And you will notice that the texture it will become darker
Let's go back once
And now we will copy this option also for the slot below
Only this time we will not let the dark texture
We will do the opposite
We will select this texture and modify the brightness
Leaving it clearer
Look that
This hue can vary greatly from texture to texture
But the idea is exactly that
Let's go back here once in our screen
Let's go back again
And look
We already have our material there set
And it already has a brightness
To that we can reduce some of that glow
We will modify the Reflection Glossiness
Let's put a low value here of zero comma 46
We have also the property to the reflection
Sand will also be a reflection
But this reflection will not be as sharp
Let recopy our texture
By right-clicking and copy option
And now let's go to the bump mapping
And we added this texture here
We enable Bump
And then in texture
We will also add the Color Correction setting
Let's add texture in the correct slot
For what we get and more in black and white
Let's just change its saturation
You will reduce this value to less 1
Look there, cool!
You also already have texture that way
So let's come back here the settings
Look there
I already have the Bump also here the object
We will reduce the amount of Bump
We put the value comma 1
You can test other values in your scene
This mapping will depend on the type of file you are creating
Let's click render to see the result
After the render finish
This one is the result of our material
Notice how the falloff setting in Diffuse
Leaves the material with lighter and darker areas
What causes us to have the most interesting volume of the object
Also note that this setting Falloff
It will vary with the form
So you see the floor with a different shade
Will enable history to compare
With our previous file
We got really see the shapes
So why it is not recommended
You use only one texture in the Diffuse channel
To be able to represent this kind of material
So that's it
I hope you enjoyed this lesson
Subscribe to the channel
For you can always get our videos firsthand
Also turn on notifications so you do not lose any video of this challenge
Thank you watching again
A big hug
and thanks !!
[포토]효민 "이상형? 수수하고 대화 잘 통하는 사람" - Korean Stars - Duration: 4:29.
Marry, Kiss or Kill #KPopVersion - Duration: 5:14.
SeHun* Sorry
E-girls、今夜の「Mステ」でセクシーな美脚ダンスを披露! - Duration: 2:00.
Foro E foro de Empleo y Emprendedurismo de la UPV - Duration: 2:18.
Dream Big, Princess
Subaru Legacy Touring Wagon 2.0R Exclusive Ed. - Duration: 0:56.
McCain votes 'no' on Obamacare repeal - Duration: 1:09.
About Dimash... - Duration: 19:58.
[Pokemongo] 開AR抓到高IV急凍鳥才是真正的寶可夢大師! - Duration: 5:53.
Renault Mégane Coupe 1.6-16V SPORT DISTR.RIEM VERV. ST.BEKR. ELEKTR. R/SP. - Duration: 0:59.
Your settings usually result in giant people leaving for cancer
Borrowin every Day
I might not be able to handle this you can't the fear and shame are making you have crazy thoughts - I am a booth
We are knowing nothing about caring for babies
I did who knew they needed more than fun also me and
Who knew that?
Actual silicon carbide crystals you're not like most booths when it comes to babysitting you're a natural these three examples
Add up to true
My guesses has been correct and helpful whereas your guesses were wrong and dangerous
Sleepy faces before can't you eyes needing a nap?
Listens up you go ladies
Because it is papa. Oh has a song just for you
We must be quiet. Do not wake them
We did not learn we are naturals
Okay, wrong gets back from the benefit soon
Sigai Official Trailer (Tamil) | Kathir | Ron Ethan Yohann | Jagadeesan Subu - Duration: 1:35.
阪本明日香【自信の付け方(2)】字幕付き - Duration: 2:10.
GTA 5 Money Glitch - Free M...
Ustawianie docisku LEISTER Twinny T - Duration: 2:10.
Volkswagen Transporter 1.9 TDI 300 T800 T-Edition DUBB CABINE , AIRCO , NAVI , CR CONTR , LUXE DUBB - Duration: 0:54.
Recommendations to achieve financial freedom through trading #askmarcello - Duration: 8:32.
How Much Propane Is Actually In Those Exchange Rack Cylinders? - Duration: 6:16.
Welcome to this week's episode
of debunk the junk.
And to do that we came outside
to our cylinder rack
to show you what is actually
in these cylinders.
Now we did an episode
a few weeks back
where we showed you what
propane looked like
Inside of a cylinder
But there's no way of telling
what's in these cylinders
is there? They're steel.
So how do you know
how much gas is in the cylinder?
Well it's by weight.
They're supposed to be filled
by weight and not by volume.
That's why there's an
overfill protection device
built-in that has a float inside
that stops the flow
if it's overfilled.
However we're going to show
you how much fuel is in
each of these tanks.
To get started,
let's first note that on this
cage notice it says minimum
15 lb capacity.
Well these are 20 lb cylinders
they should hold 20 pounds
of propane
which is 4.7 gallons.
So we're going to find out
how much gas is in these.
Is it 15 lb of gas?
16? 17? 18? 19? 20?
I've been in the industry
for 33 years
and used to fill these
all the time for customers.
And you always fill
by weight, not by volume.
And I was going to get
a few of these and take
to the house because
I have everything at my house
running on propane, just about
...Some things we're
about to convert,
But I wanted to get the
one that was filled the most
not cuz I'm cheap
but because I don't want
to keep running back
and forth to this cabinet
getting another cylinder.
So, let's start with this one
Note TW
That's Tare weight 16.60
The manufacturer and this one's
Worthington Cylinders,
at the factory they decided
or determined, I'm sorry
that this one was 16.6 lbs
empty. If you'll come over
to this far one
which is an older unit,
of course, you know that the
newer ones are going
to be lighter, but this
has a tare weight which appears
to be 18-something.
We'll assume it's 18.
I can't read the last number.
I should have you know
that this one here
this was manufactured in
March of this year.
March 2017.
This one was manufactured
January 2013
and it's not a big deal because
after 12 years they get
recertified to make sure
they're safe.
Most of these in this cabinet
are 16.6 some are,
this one down here is 17.0
but what we do is
we subtract that from
the total weight once
we put it on the scale.
So that is what we're going
to do now.
If you weigh this,
let's make it easy,
this one says the tare weight
is 16.6,
with 20 pounds of propane in it
this should weigh
36.6 lb, full.
That's why you don't fill
them by volume because
in the summer they'll fill
quicker in the winter
they will fill slower,
by volume.
And so you can over fill them
in the winter and then
they get hot,
and then a blow off
and we can talk about
some other time.
Now let's start scaling these
and see how much is in each one of these.
This is a bathroom scale,
which is quite annoying because
it is meant for 3-4 people.
But we're going to show
it's taring itself, so it is 0.
Now we are going to put
the cylinder on it
get it reading
and then it reads
32 pounds.
We had a 32 lb reading.
We know our tare weight
the empty cylinder weighs 16.6.
I did the math on the side
of this cage while we
were at break there,
and if you take 32 minus 16.6
this cylinder has exactly 15.4
pounds of propane in it.
and at 4.2 pounds per gallon
that comes out to
3.66 instead of 4.7
so we're just over a gallon
short of what we think
we're buying when we buy
a 20lb cylinder of propane.
So that's one cylinder
but you're saying that might
be the only cylinder.
We'll grab another one
try it again.
Alright, you'll see here 17 lb
is tare weight 17.0
This cylinder was manufactured
in 2004.
So it is a thirteen-year-old
Now I will mention
these are the kind of cylinders
you want to look for
to put on your generator
or any engine running
on alternative fuel
because you know that this thing
has been purged like,
how many times since 2004?
So we don't we don't want a
pretty one like this
See this one?
This maybe brand new,
which we realize the date on
that one
was… what was the date
on that one?
It was like, 2017.
Yeah, march of 2017
it was manufactured
and here we are in July.
So we know this one has
probably got air in it
and we wouldn't want to put
this on a generator,
we'd probably have issues.
Remember tare weight
on it was 17.0.
We're going to Tare it out.
Put it down
So we see in this one
31.8 minus 17 gives us
14.8 lb of propane.
Which… we're short 5.2 lb
of propane
so we're over gallon short
again on this one.
So what's the point
these are called 20 lb cylinders
because they hold 20 pounds
of propane no matter what the
weight of the cylinder is.
You can find some old ones
built in the fifties
they could be 22 lb,
but with 20 lb of propane
it should weigh 42 pounds
on the scale when full of
propane So this kind of bothered
me when I found out for myself
because I'm running to the rack
more than I thought I needed to,
I'm running out quicker
on my grill
and now we know why.
So thank you for coming outside
with me, Doctor Hew
to debunk the junk!
Kyunki Maa Kabhi Thakti Nahi - Duration: 1:46.
Kyunki Maa Kabhi Thakti Nahi
Kyunki Maa Kabhi Thakti Nahi
Kyunki Maa Kabhi Thakti Nahi
Accounting for Beginners #52 / Payroll / Employer taxes / Employer FICA match / Accounting 101 - Duration: 11:13.
yo yo yo what's happening everybody this is CPA Strength I am the strongest CPA in
the state of Florida license CPA and I'll pre hear about that power and what
do you do I teach the world accounting through basic building blocks by
building blocks by building blocks go up here and you will see the best players
in the world I'm not kidding this is like the gene right rubber the genie
it'll make all your wishes come true caveat we got pastor spire today in the
middle of the day but we don't care because we're having too much fun and
we're having we're loving this too much to wear this is what I do I make videos
and if someone has a problem with that and they can just go on with their life
anyways what are we going to do that we're going to number 52 I believe we're
at 52 already I can't believe it it's awesome so much fun we're going to do
we're going to continue on with payroll and we're going to talk about weekly
paycheck last time 51 we did payroll weekly paychecks so we're just changed a
couple things when 51 to have the Hat we wore we're wearing an employee hat this
is about trucking employee hat you work 40 hours for 10 bucks an hour you made
$4 goes pay took you took home 325 there was 75 in taxes I got taken out of your
check and I said like what happened at $75 and you asked your boss and he said
he's paying taxes with it is he really what's going on so this is the next this
is the next video number 52 to say what your boss is supposed to do oh and also
52 is the employer hat we're doing payroll but we're doing an employer have
one you got one employee like I said you work 40 hours a week if you work for $10
an hour $10 an hour times 40 hours game the $400 right
this is front this is Friday you're paying them with a $325 paycheck okay
so this is what about the other 75 this is Friday after
going go he goes employee goes to the to the boss the employer which is you know
the employee goes to you you might have you might have you might be the only
employee of a job so this this might be both UCF we're both hats but just just
saying alright so but we're doing the employer now the employee goes to the
employer he gets this $325 and he says what about the $75 the your boss says
I'll pay that in taxes and then your boss also your boss also has to do this
every this is every pay this is just every week paycheck now this is kind of
this is what 51 with what the employee did 52 is
what your employer did the boss man is supposedly and you'll see why having
someone on payroll is difficult and a lot of times I believe in the future
it's going to be huge and um say the gigs are just like paying a 1099 to
somebody you have a video between w-2 and 1099 but I feel but this is so hard
for an employer to do that it just be easier to give someone a 1099 and
tonight I mean there's no taxes taking out so you're telling somebody you're
telling somebody who's taking home three hundred and twenty five dollars a week
say hey I want to do I'm going to do this thing to where I'm going to give
you $400 a week and then you pay taxes later but he's not even here and I just
hear and I get 325 now weeks and you're going to give me four hundred wait that
sounds great and so you're thinking why isn't everybody you know why isn't rigid
armor because you're going to see that the employer actually ends up paying
four hundred and four hundred and forty dollars a week for his $10 an hour guy
which turns into $11 an hour guy after taxes I jumped ahead Bluto still as the
employer for every week he's got he's got his he's already hot he already gave
us 325 not paid to his employee suddenly seventy five dollars out of the four
hundred dollars gross right that's in taxes that's $75 he has to pick us to
remit this to the IRS all right this seventy five yes rented that and then he
also has to remit this $40.00 to the IRS and he has to remit 115 to the IRS for
the week three hundred he and he already he already game 325 to his employee
checked out deposit cash whatever and they have to remit one hundred and
fifteen dollars to the to the IRS in taxes comprised of
$75 making the employee whole and that $75 being comprised of 6.2% Social
Security 1.45% Medicare and a not a mandatory amount of federal income tax
$44 so that's the $75 now the we're going to 625 good so we try to do this
fast but there's so much information so where does the employer do the employer
has to match Social Security has to match the 6.2 percent
so he has to put up of his own money of his own bucks because he's here - you
told the employer I'll pay 10 bucks an hour for 40 hours a week for I'll pay $4
a week so he's doing that he is doing that he he's giving 325 in net pay and
and the $75 to the government so he is giving him $400 right he is even the
$400 but then on top of that he's giving them 40 he's given the the government 40
more dollars so what is this $40 comprise of that extra kinda that you
have to give to the government well you have to match Social Security
if the match Medicare hmm and that's that's the thing you have to match the
employee Social Security Medicare when you have employee you also have to pay a
federal unemployment tax it's pretty low I would say with a 400 paycheck would be
somewhere around 340 and state unemployment tax in Florida for newer
business in my friend six dollars this is you know the federal unemployment tax
and the state unemployment tax are limits it doesn't really end up being
that much but it could be it could amount to a lot of you have higher
payroll it's all called dependent but you always
have to match Social Security and Medicare there are limits and everything
but I just really want you to see that the other the other 51 payroll was from
the inflow from the employee side where you would take $325 home and then you
probably don't even notice that they're taking you know forty four forty offer
federal income tax they're taking five point eight there's five eighty four
Americans are taking 2484 Social Security you know you do probably are
especially only getting three twenty five minutes should be four hundred you
thought you probably don't notice or you might even notice Social Security
Medicare federal income tax maybe you probably don't know that this
is always six point two and this is one point four five and for this video I
wanted to make it apparent that the employer always matches so I want to
make compare that there's you know the always watches security record there's
forty more dollars voting expert so he has to take so the employer every every
week per se takes takes the seventy-five dollars
it takes us forty dollars so it takes one hundred and fifteen dollars and
gives it to the IRS so the employer in one week has given since we're talking
about them we're wearing really an employer had for this one think about
the employer and one week has given three twenty five to his employee and
he's given one hundred and fifteen dollars to the IRS in taxes which means
he's really he's given four hundred and forty dollars away for 40 hours of work
all right not to mention that to mention it takes time to figure this out and if
you don't want to take the time to figure that out it costs money to have
someone else to do it not only does it cost extra money to have an employee it
costs more money to keep track of all this
keeping track so you can see why just cutting someone a check and having them
1099 is easier to some some degrees so anyways I wanted to I wanted to
illustrate that that's basically eleven dollars coming eleven dollars for the
employer because you have four hundred and forty dollars and four yards eleven
dollars per hour that the employer pays now the employer I wanted to show you
the employee gets three hundred and twenty-five dollars for forty hours plus
basically eight dot twenty cents an hour so where does the 200 dollars and eighty
cents an hour go it goes to our government and taxes that's work that's
worth three three out of every ten testing right we're going to say I'm
saying about three dollars out of every ten dollars it's like thirty percent of
your money employee employer thanks for playing
hope that was nice if you ask questions about payroll leave them down below
please like share comment subscribe do what you do do what it does let's get
this out to more people this is some real-life stuff until next time please
Finding Your New Accessible Way Of Doing Things #DisabledYouTuber - Duration: 6:00.
oh my god. putting on this cat hat again is like putting on a an old friend...?
what? yay! good start to the video! hello lovely peoples I'm Michele, this is my
wheelchair Betty and you're watching Rebelwheels NYC and yes if you follow the show then you know
it has been over a month since I posted a video and in short, I my spine had a big
old setback and if you would like to know more about that I actually wrote
about that in the show's blog. yes the show has a blog. I know I never mentioned
the show's blog. um, it's a tumblr blog. it's ... here I'll put the
url right there but basically it's been very very weird.
Just sitting up was a problem. I still can't type that much although I'm getting better and so because making
these videos does take about a week... yeah it just really wasn't option for me to
do it and so I just I couldn't do it. And that's been something that's been
happening a lot lately. it's like, it's like a lot of things since the setback that I really
really really really love doing and like are my go-to for self-care and I are my
go-to for creative expression and even in some ways are like my go-to for
resisting. So, I mean, so for an example, I have been able to make the
show in over a month. so, I'll show you my camera. if you follow
the show you know I love taking photographs and a lot of times I'll go
to events, I'll go to protests, I'll take ding ding ding ding ding ding
ding. I don't know why I felt the need to physically demonstrate what the camera
does, but there we are. Uh, yeah this holding up is put this it
hurts my wrist and my arm and my spine. I haven't been able to take photos and that kind of
broke my heart. But one thing that I realize is that when you have a setback
and your disability kind of... I don't know if "increases" is the term, but things...
things change and you just can't do things that you love
doing. it's not that I can't do these things, I just can't do these things in
the same way I did before. like for example I won't be
able to make a video every week. that's just that's not gonna happen for
me. that's the reality of it but hey maybe I can make a video once or
twice a month, you know? So, let's do that instead of just being like "if I can't do it
like I used to, I'm not going to do it at all" I'm gonna try that. We'll figure this out.
I don't know what my norms are. I don't know what I can and cannot do.
I'm kinda figuring out the hard way. uh, I have am using my... my... my cell phone to take
photos. not the same thing. not the same thing in the sense that there's no
continuous shot and you can't really zoom that much but ... but .. when... when I...
did go to Disability Pride Parade in New York City, um I did use it to take some photos
*upbeat rock music*
and actually it was interesting because while I did not take a lot of photos
because you know you take photos... first just lifting up this is cell phone and
just the fact that I can do this is progress. I was not being able to do this
when my setback first started, so that's something. but also I noticed it because
I was not in like documenting mode, I was more socially present. I suppose
that ... that's something... but I miss taking photos!! and this is not the same. it is
not the same thing. so one thing I'm gonna do is that once I get my new
wheelchair within this life time which in theory is gonna happen, so they say.
you know they make like um I don't know like frames or braces or something that'll
hold up the camera for you and you just kinda click it? but also you know I think part
of the problem is that because this camera is about a pound... I think so yeah.
just having it, just having this bag on my shoulder, my neck that hurts my spine
but maybe I can like keep it in my lap and then like attach it somehow to my
seatbelt and so it'll never fall out and then only lift up the camera when I
want to take a photo. um so that's something. this is so heavy...
I mean not that this counter was ever... everyone smile *makes camera noise* ...
not that this camera was ever like oh I can whee! throw it up in the air. but I can't
believe, oh my god, ow it really hurt like really hurts my arm... fuck!!!!!
Uh, I hope to be get back to making videos... Oh also ding ding ding! I have, what? I
don't know why ding ding ding happened but it did and there it is. um so one thing I
have found I can do, is I can make art and so I've been making, well certain kind, I can't
make freehand art 'cus that hurts my wrist and that hurts my spine
I opened up my a new store, online store with disability pride merchandise!
it's awesome! and all the profits go to ADAPT which is a really badass disability rights
group. So i'll put the link to that as well
because that is like, and that's another thing:
Find the thing you can do, and then do the shit out it. Ew. Do it. Do it!! Doooo it!!! Do it, do it, do it, do it.
you know, and so. that's what I've been doing. how are you doing? let me know
in the comments how you're doing, what you've been up to and....
and that's it. thanks for watching. bye.
Holy Spirit Bank | DAILY ENCOURAGEMENT - Duration: 0:55.
So I'm here on Brickell Ave. in Miami, and I run into this sign that says,
"Espiritu Santo Bank," or "Holy Spirit Bank."
I wonder what that money looks like!
But check this out: it's not only the bank,
it's the whole plaza.
It says "Espiritu Santo Plaza," and I don't know if they're spiritual or not,
but check out this sign right here.
It says, "Espiritu Santo Plaza."
So I want to challenge you: If they can put it out there,
you put it out there!
You got God in you and you're a spiritual person,
Spirit-led, Spirit-empowered,
don't be one of them undercover persons where no one knows you walk with God,
put it out there!
If the bank can put it out there, if the plaza can put it out there,
you put it out there!
Korea's industrial output in June, biz sentiment for July offers few positives - Duration: 2:34.
The South Korean economy has been picking up an encouraging -- albeit small -- head
of steam recently.
The latest figures we have aren't TOO discouraging,.. but they do show industrial output is steadily
going down... and business sentiment isn't all that healthy... either.
Kim Ji-yeon opens up the mixed bag of digits for us.
Output across all of Korea's industries edged down in June from the previous month... the
third month in a row it has lost ground.
Statistics Korea said Friday that production in the mining and manufacturing industries
was down zero-point-two percent on-month,... due to an inventory adjustment in semiconductors...
and slowed output in petroleum refinery.
"In the case of semiconductors, even though there has been an increase in shipments...
it may not necessarily mean an increase in output,... as the month of shipping is different
from the month that the orders for shipments are received."
Output in the services sector was better.
It increased half-a-percent on-month in June... while consumption spiked by more than one-percent...
as retail sales, especially of cosmetics and clothing, jumped.
And business sentiment among local industries is mixed.
A Bank of Korea survey of more than three-thousand-300 companies showed that overall sentiment in
July remained flat from a month earlier... at 78.
A reading below 100 means there are more pessimists rather than optimists.
The auto industry's confidence plunged by ten points from the previous month to 65...
due to prolonged labor strikes and sluggish auto exports.
"Korea's auto exports to emerging markets, which make up more than half of its total
auto exports, have waned, largely due to low international oil prices.
Also playing a part are sluggish exports to China, which is retaliating against Korea's
THAAD deployment,... and to the U.S., where consumers favor models Korean automakers don't
focus on."
However, it isn't all doom and gloom.
Sentiment has improved sharply in the chemicals sector,... adding more than seven points on-month
to 93... as falling oil prices started to stabilize.
The electronics sector feels positive, too.
Its sentiment rose by three points on-month to 99... on the back of booming semiconductor
"The statistics agency expects industrial output to increase during the latter half
of this year, pointing to improved consumer sentiment and IT exports over the past several
Kim Ji-yeon, Arirang News, Sejong."
Golden Disco Greatest Hits 70s 80s and 90s - Best Disco Songs Of All Time - Greatest Disco Music - Duration: 2:54:51.
The Sitcom - Random Animations - Duration: 0:29.
Hey Joey, How was your day?
(Insert Laughtrack)
What the heck was that?
(Insert Laughtrack)
That's it Joey, we're going to have to find these guys and kill them.
Who Will Win Game Of Thrones? - Duration: 2:54.
Welcome to HITFIX on Uproxx.
As you know Game of Thrones is upon us. Season 7 is here, Winter is here.
And we thought it would be fun to engage in a lively debate.
With two Game of Thrones experts and friends.
Maude Garrett, Dan Casey. Thank you for coming here today.
Who will ultimately sit in the Iron Throne and rule the Seven Kingdoms.
Dan I'm going to start with you. Go.
Now I've got a bit of a controversial theory here.
I don't think that anyone is going to end up sitting on the Iron Throne
when all the smoke and dust settles.
I think that all the major players are going to perish in the war to come.
This is a war between light and darkness for the fate of the planet itself.
Anyone that can or would be seizing that kind of power is going to die in
this epic battle between light and darkness.
I think it's going to result in the toppling of monarchical systems
and lead to some sort of representative democracy.
Well that's just not going to happen because you need a winner. You need the hero at the end
and that's going to be Daenerys Targaryen.
She's the rightful heir of the throne. She is the Mad Kings daughter that was whisked away
But now she is back stronger than ever with her 3 dragons. She is going to save the North
after taking out Westeros.
She's going to blast it full of fire. Everyone's going to die except her because she can't be burned
and then she is going to sit on that Iron Throne like a boss.
Wow you did that in under 30 seconds.
If you thought this story is going to have a happy ending you haven't been paying attention
isn't that a line from G-G-G-Game of Thrones?
I think it is. And I think there is not going to be a happy ending.
I think this is going to end in blood, tears, and a little bit of dragon glass scattered about.
I think it's going to end with no one sitting on the Iron Throne.
Their lust for power is going to consume everyone and leave bodies in their wake.
As long as there is mankind standing there must be the leader. That is how they've worked.
I have been paying attention to Game of Thrones. And the amount of times that
Daenerys has blasted fire and emerged from the ashes like a phoenix rising.
Means that she'll do it again for this one.
Except they'll be an Iron Throne. Maybe it will be melted down a little bit.
But with all this dragon glass you've just envisioned let's put that back together and
make a dragon glass throne that she'll be sitting on.
Look at The Sopranos it's going to be The Night King at a diner. Then someones going to walk in, it's going to cut to black.
Well, that's all the time we have.
That's all the debate we have.
Let us know what you think in the comments below.
Where can people find you to let you know directly?
Yes @maudegarrett on social medias and if you want to subscribe to my videos
you can jump on to
You can find me @dancasey at or at
I don't know wherever truth needs to be told.
Wow that's a big, that's a big thing.
Wow that's a big, that's a big thing. I am @mirithejedi on all the social media
I am @mirithejedi on all the social media
you're watching Hitfix on Uproxx keep coming back for more Game of Thrones amazingness!
Beautiful Hairstyle 2017 | Hermosos peinados - Duration: 13:30.
Please like, share and subscribe to my channel for more hairstyles
Sales Strategies that Work - Duration: 13:42.
Hello and welcome to the S word live I am so excited to be here today. Today I'm
talking about not one not two but three sales strategies that work. There's a lot
of things to talk about when it comes to finding paying clients for your online
consulting services but whether you're working online or in real life these
three sales strategies will work for you say hello as you join I'm gonna get to
questions and answers at the end I am so excited to be here with you today
because I am gonna share with you some key components that I usually only share
with my paying clients. But first one bonus tip!
Now this Pro bonus tip is a good one this one is some that I've said many
times to the thousands of sales newbies that I've trained over the past 20 years
in fact if we haven't met yet my name is Renee Hribar and I'm a sales
consultant and speaker and author of the upcoming book sell like a mother so what
I always say this is my pro bonus tip before we dive in don't make decisions
for people don't make decisions for people so many people will look at
someone they'll click on their profile or they'll see someone or they'll
they'll see a situation and they'll have a preconceived notion I used to always
tell my salespeople don't prejudge just like I tell my child it doesn't matter
what someone looks like it has no bearing and what kind of person they are
you absolutely cannot know what someone is like or what the situation will
have for you unless you ask questions so you've got to engage and ask questions
be genuine and remove yourself from the outcome by all means the pro bonus tip
is don't make decisions for people so excellent so don't make decision for
people I just want to say that these three sales strategies are going to blow
your mind number one what's dive in selling is like a
and these three sales strategies will help you fit together the pieces number
one start authentic conversations well what does
that mean how do you even create them well if you're whether you're going face
to face or whether you're online how do you even get someone's attention how do
you connect how do you touch the right person in the right way so that it
starts a genuine authentic natural conversation well it starts with posting
something especially if you're online that encourages the right type of people
to engage with that post whether it's a big bold fact or a poll or a question or
a what this is and why it's important to you live stream the goal is to put
something out there that the people that need you will go wait what and they'll
stop and engage and then those people that engage you want to love them up
people are out in the world and with social media it makes sales so easy I
wish I had had this 20 years ago people put out things that you can find as
common ground hey you just had a baby great I would
love to talk about that my best friend has had a baby
hey you just bought a house oh my goodness that's so great my other good
friend has bought another new house so whatever it may be even if it's not
about business find a common ground to start the conversation and when you
start to the conversation it doesn't have to be in a public place whether
you're in person networking your consulting services or whether you're
online promoting your consulting services instead of you know
broadcasting it like this look at it as the post is public and then the
conversation starts and you kind of pull somebody aside you you take them to this
side right privately because I don't think anybody likes to answer questions
publicly unless they're super confident of their answers and most people aren't you
know most people are not that confident in their answers so allow the space for
them privately to answer those questions to start that genuine conversation and
then invite them to something free invite them to a five-minute free sales
micro lesson right so that's step number one that's starting authentic and
real conversations through relationships step number two is asking genuine
questions now again you know I'm talking about
problem-solving sales is a puzzle so asking questions where you genuinely
listen and wait for the answer you're not asking the question so that you can
jump in and show your stuff no please don't no one is out there doubting you
there if you genuinely start a conversation with someone and you
genuinely ask questions without trying to have an angle and needle your way in
open-ended questions in person whether you're on the phone or in person allow
space for real connection so start authentic relationships start genuine
conversations and here's the kicker that I cannot tell you this is the big leak
in so many people sales processes and they ask me all the time why aren't I
getting any new customers I've connected with people here's the secret follow-up
follow-up though without expectation again open yourself up to all the
possibilities when I follow up with someone it's someone that I've connected
with somehow someway whether we had a coffee chat or they engaged on a post or
we met somewhere somehow when I follow up with them again I look for common
ground to start a genuine conversation doesn't have to be about business to
start a conversation it's just a conversation this might be a person who
ends up being a collaborator on a new project with me it may be someone who
sends me referrals it might end up being someone who asks to work with me or I
might hire them for something or send referrals their way or worst case it's
just another person who knows what I do in the world
halleluyah Thanks so no fancy CRM required you don't have to buy this huge
software I literally just put alerts on my phone
and sometimes I'll put an you know and note in Google sheets the bottom line is
if you've connected with someone about something you should not just let
that relationship go bye-bye you never know where it could lead and the people
that you actually connect with although the Internet is big and the world is
massive the people that you actually see really
genuinely connect with each year is few I mean less than a hundred maybe 200 at
the max so how hard can it be to put those people on a cycle of reconnection
even if it's just a hi hello again social media and my friends I don't care
what you do for a living use it Instagram Facebook snapchat
LinkedIn hello please use it they're out there they're posting there somewhere so
when you do these three steps and if you have your coming in now you want to hit
the replay so that you can get the bonus tip at the beginning you want to connect
with people genuinely and you want to make it happen and you want to be ready
for that next natural step what's next well let's talk again or let's meet up
for lunch or let's have coffee right so I'm gonna open up the floor to questions
now let's see what we've got here we've got some great questions coming in oh
thanks for joining Deb and Annie and Shannon hello thank you so much great
tips thank you so much hi Brit question is to ask someone to start a
conversation or how to ask for a follow up call yes so exactly so how do you ask
for a follow up call you've talked in the phone how do you go in for a follow
up call find some common ground great question thank you Britt go in for a
quick go go in to look at social media and ask hey how's it going I thought of
you when I saw you post about your trip to the Eiffel Tower
I loved France did you take the kids that's it so notice something they've
done in a positive way it could be a trip they've taken an event in their
life blog posts they've written a new award they've received say hey I just
thought I just saw that pop-up on my newsfeed that's so cool congratulations
and then ask a simple easy to answer question to start the conversation
if you've already connected the next natural step could be I'd love to I'd
love to set up another coffee chat or we should meet for coffee if it's in person
or online regardless whether they live near or far meet up
again find common ground and then ask great question Brett let's see what
other questions we have can you share an idea on how to follow up like a scenario
what when potential lead is chatting with you on messenger great question
okay so when someone is chatting with you on messenger I get this question a
lot for my clients where you know what's the what's the turning point where the
flag should go off in your head saying it's time to move this to a phone call
it's a great question and as an easy marker if the messages are getting long
like like when the alert comes up that they've messaged you if it doesn't fit
in the little pop-up box that's the first indicator the second indicators if
you're going back and forth back and forth back and forth like five six seven
any times just like my thumbs are tired I talk better than I type let's set up a
quick chat I don't even - name it just lets up a quick chat or let's let's
let's get together for a quick coffee cool I hope that answers that question
great question because we do get into messenger but sometimes we get lost in
messenger or we you know we start trying to show our stuff and answer too many
questions and start coaching in messenger when you start coaching in
messenger you're really just putting like a bandaid on a jugular wound and
you're not helping you or them what they need is a phone call and that phone call
needs to be inquisitive and discoverable about where they're at what support they
need and why they need it now if they do if they don't need it now then let's set
up a follow-up call for when they think they might and am I able to help them or
should I refer them to one of my people and then Oh Leslie says how do you ask
for a phone call after talking briefly yes okay so if they if you've talked on
the phone and you identified them as a potential client and you think that'd be
awesome but they were like I can't make a
decision right now then you say absolutely I always agree
I'm never I'm not Oh God and there's so many sales coaches out there in the
world not just online this is planetary I've seen it and heard it for decades or
they're like you got to go hard really that's not no no please don't no that's
not I'm not Grant Cardew and I don't even know if he always says that but I
know for sure that if you're being coached by me it's always agree with
them it is a big decision some of you have thousands and thousands
of dollars in big long-term transformational packages true
transformation takes time so if they're considering a six month commitment to
you that's time and money and a lot of emotional transformation it's a big deal
so maybe they need to sleep on it and so to answer Leslie's question directly you
know what I appreciate that it is a big deal I'm gonna send you this email right
now it has a summary of what we talked about and I've been kind of taking notes
along the way and let's set up a quick you know 15 minute follow-up call for
tomorrow is the same time work for you same way so if I was on zoom will do
zoom again same time if we were on the phone which is do another phone call the
same time if we were in Skype you get the point so appreciate respect agree
ask questions is there anything else I can answer and bring up the questions
it's unlike the frequently asked questions but the should ask questions
you know where your clients in the past have gotten bogged down and concerned
before they made that commitment you can ask them those questions is it the time
commitment is it the results that you're expected is there other other other
things going on in your life let's talk about it like let's let it lay on the
table we're peer to peer I have my expertise
in this area you have your expertise in that area I can help you in this in this
area and I'd love to do that but it's going take some time commitment and an
investment so respect that and then setup us another time for them to sleep
on it Brit says what are some questions I could ask to start the conversation
that's a fantastic question you know and I and I said before and I'll say it
again in many other chats find common ground and ask an easy to answer
question something that just starts the conversation you know like I have notice
you have some beautiful affirmation cards those are amazing how did you come
up with them that would be a question that I would ask you Britt because you
do have some amazing affirmation cards or hey that quiz that you created that's
totally awesome I love taking it how did you come up with it it just starts a
conversation I don't know where it's going go it may go to the point where
one of us hires the other or maybe just that we're referral partners and you
know what I do and me I know what you do and then we can tell other people where
they should find the best in that area excellent hello hello whether you're
live around the replay come in and say hello
whether you're hearing this from YouTube or Facebook or just for my email list
come in and say hello thank you for the questions today guys if you want to know
exactly what to post get my zero to sales in ten minutes I'll put it in the
message have a great day happy Wednesday
Learn English Words - VERBIAGE - Meaning, Vocabulary Lesson with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:27.
Verbiage speech or writing that uses too many words or excessively technical expressions
In an attempt to confuse the jury, the attorney used a lot of legal verbiage.
Politicians often use verbiage to mislead voters.
As a writing teacher, I hate having to sort through all the verbiage my students use to
pad their papers.
While I normally like this magazine's articles, this month they contain an excess of verbiage
which makes them boring.
When writing an essay, you should focus more on providing facts and less on stuffing the
paper with verbiage.
Verbiage speech or writing that uses too many words or excessively technical expressions
Verbiage speech or writing that uses too many words or excessively technical expressions
Verbiage speech or writing that uses too many words or excessively technical expressions
Canadian Pacific on CSX Train in Florida - Duration: 2:37.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is Canadian National
Over here in Griffin Road
in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
There he is!
No Canadian sorry
Canadian Pacific, I said Canadian National.
CSX train Q453
Heading South
It's a quiet zone?
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Thank you for viewing, over and out.
DIY Makeup | The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation July 2017 | Part 2 - Duration: 10:26.
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Hope you have a great time
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New Nail Art 2017 💄 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation July 2017 | Part 8 - Duration: 10:27.
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New Nail Art 2017 💄 || The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation July 2017 || Part 3 - Duration: 10:25.
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Hope you have a great time
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