Can you tell us what you remember about the battle ?
We'd been fighting for a while.
On the seventh day, we ran out of ammo.
We had to scavenge all we could from the weapons that had been left behind.
The pistols,
shotgun rounds,
a handful of grenades...
Do you remember where you were ?
When Master Chief armed his grenade,
I was in the back of an overturned Warthog, firing an M41.
How did you manage to keep it together ?
We knew Master Chief was still in the fight.
He gave us hope.
For more infomation >> Halo 3 – Believe : Museum (Live Action VOST) - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
Os três perigos imaginários das Grandes Navegações - Idade Moderna ep. 05 - Duration: 5:17.
Tails i Przyjaciele Mini - Nowy Współlokator (Napisy PL) - Duration: 1:11.
Um filme Indiano romântico com legendas em português - Duration: 2:14:53.
Good evening.
You forgot It is my birthday today.
Oh ho!
Now no more poses. Wear your glasses.
At least you could have remembered this day.
Anyway need not get upset. I will be back in few minutes.
Just gone for shopping Wait!
The coffee is in the flask The sugar is just beside
You are putting on weight it is better if you control
No I cant. I cannot dear.
Now that you are not at home I will be lenient enough.
Do you know plump people are good.
Skinny people like you are never to be trusted.
In this house it is difficult to make out who is husband..
...and who is wife. I don't have the slightest..
...of freedom in this house.
What am I a victim?
What is that you are murmuring?
Nothing.She listens to whatever I say
I am sorry
I am sorry.
I don't understand what to say.
I don't understand what to say.
I had forgotten about this
I had forgotten about this
I will go and get you a first class present
I will go and get you a first class present
Oh how is that he has added an extra word
Now what more
I have gone for a bath and it will take 600 seconds
What? 600 seconds?
Happy Birthday!
A very happy birthday to my only wife.
Oh the electricity is gone
First you wear this dress
I will wear it by my self you
.l will help you with it
No first you go and get lit the candle
The whole city is bright only by you two eyes.
A very beautiful poem Beautiful thought
This is written by your friend isn't it?
What is his name?
Abhi Abhishek Bharadwaj
Who else could ever write such beautiful poem
What a style.
He can earn very well in such a city
But he refuses to come here
Why don't you go and get him here
I told him but you know what he says?
I'm like a Sculptor.
Why do you call me there? Just to hammer the..
...the dumb stones?
He is absolutely right
An love for two years and
after marriage 9 years
How these eleven years have passed away
They just flew away like this
Like this.
And you know why?
Why? Because we love each other
"Tunturu there the song of waters"
Here's the cool love song
"Tunturu there the song of waters"
Here's the cool love song
"Whether day or night, How will I stay without you"
"My heart is full of you It loves you full of it"
My eyes long to see you
"Tunturu there the song of waters"
Here's the cool love song
"the sun in the sky is on the top of the house"
"and you my sun is on my forehead"
the bird song is on the leaves and my love song is on..
"..My heart "breeze breeze cool breeze.." everywhere in the town But the breeze called you..
Is in my breath Our love story will be a legend"
"Your companionship is spring to me"
and that will keep me eternal
"Tunturu there the song of waters"
Here's the cool love song
oh your lovely smile. Everyday the moon beg for it
your admirer admires your admiring and forgets the..
...the cupid and longs You are my mother and father
You are everything to me why do I need anyone else
Enough of those loads your love load is sufficient
I am ready to forget the whole world for your love
"You are my sweet tune And I am your companion"
"Tunturu there the song of waters"
Here's the cool love song
"Whether day or night, How will I stay without you"
"My heart is full of you It loves you full of it"
My eyes long to see you
It loves you full of it
My eyes long to see you
Someone good looking is standing here
Hey Vimala why are you standing here?
My car broke
What your car broke? Your car latest model Esteem Broke??
Look here this is the oldest..
...model and how well it is working
Any ways you too are going to the office so let me drop you
You may go I will come by auto
Hey why?
Because I don't like to go on this scooter
Then which scooter do you like to come on
Why don't you go quietly
You see it is getting sunny now you may become dark..
...and then we both may not match each other so come..
...on sit on the scooter fast Hey listen to me you will..
...have to come I insist
I will not come
Hey if you won't I will forcibly make you sit on the scooter
Hey see there some one is teasing a girl from our area
Auto! Vimala
Come in
Good morning
Is this Mr. Hemant's residence
Yes come on in
Come please be seated
This is my chair That is yours
Come on give it to me Oh 100kgs
Sit down .I was cooking so dressed..
"..Up like this, this is his shirt Will you have coffee or tea"
Oh I forgot you don't drink coffee or tea
Milk? With two spoons of sugar
I will get it for you within 32 seconds
One two three four Four and a half
Five six Oh six seconds are already over
when I went to listen to song of the cool breeze
I heard your tunes and were equally distributed?
When I came to see the dance of the running waters?
I saw you dancing and the rhythm increased?
So how is the song? One of my husband's friend..
...has written it.Isn't it a very good voice?
It is mine had there been a background music
This song would have been very good
Don't you know music? I know it very well.
Hemant who ? Oh my husband my only..husband
Boy is MD there?
Hey are you teasing me? What is it?
Someone has come to our house to mould the..
...rock I hope you haven't heart it
No he hasn't heard.
What? To mold the hard rock?
Yes your friend, the great poet Mr. Abhishek Baradwaj
Hey when did he come?
He has come just now. I have given him a small..
...shock treatment in my usual way and have given him..
...142 ml milk along with it. He is drinking it!
Hey I haven't added sugar to it .I have added a little sugar
He is not like you he is shivering
He will not be able to bear this fun of yours take good care..
...of him
I will take care of everything just tell me what time..
...will you come?
Sorry I will be late today Don't let him get bored
Be good! -- Done!
l am Mrs. Hemant Since last seven years..
...we have spoken about you a many times.
I did not find the need for introduction the moment..
...I saw you I recognized you the..
...moment you came in Whatever I did was just my style
Don't misunderstand me
Hey! come on get up!
The boss has ordered me to entertain you with out..
...letting you get bored Come on come on follow me
OK so I have finished with.. job.what are you looking at?
Come on read it
My work shop
My factory See there?
Come on read it
Our Several Hall
It means place to fill our stomach.
Whatever gets ready in my work shop is marketed here
Not only here but everywhere there are such boards
You know why?
"..means your friend, not knowing where to go.."
...goes round and round and comes back
One day he went round and round and landed up.. neighbor's house.
I am not lying that's the fact
That is why these boards are for no confusions
My room.
Don't misunderstand me but I just felt like asking so asking
You have decorated all the other rooms very well..
...but this room looks empty and blank. Why so?
I knew you would definitely ask this question
Shall I tell you the truth.
Ancd acdcda
What is it? What did you say?
Why don't you speak simple language?
Speak in Kannada Don't you want an answer.. you question? Then ask me in simple words
OK so now I will tell you. You shouldn't laugh
Promise? Promise!
After Hemant goes to the office I become all alone.
I finish all my work shop jobs by 10.30. after that there is..
"..No job left to do, so I read.."
for a little while and then I sleep..
"..For sometime, in the mean time he comes in my thoughts"
That very moment I come here and sit on this chair.
I look at the wall. There my Hemant comes.
We both talk to each other.
Hari can I get one coffee? Yes sir.
Hey plumpy didn't I tell you reduce drinking coffee..
...ask him to get one lime juice. OK?
Aren't you my good honey
"Hari hari hari hari, no not coffee, get me a lime juice"
Very good.
"More coffee, more you spoil your health."
My wife is right.
"See, you haven't kept your words. You said you won't.."
"..laugh, and now you are laughing."
No I did not laugh to tease you but just some kind of pleasure
You have tremendous imaginations.
No not imaginations nor mud It is just empty mind's..
"..Humors. What, am I too boring? You must be tired.." the journey. You get fresh and take
"rest, Hemant..will be here anytime."
Are you use to taking bath?
"If yes go and have bath, I will make something to eat."
Hey sculpture where are you?
Hey Veerapan, can I get coffee?
What a pleasant surprise. How are you man
it is so long that we both have met.
It is so long that we both have met.
About ten years?
How is your mother?
How is your mother? She is fine
Come on lets sit and talk.
He will never change
Who else is there with your mother?
Somanna was there
Oh that boreanna? Your mother must be aged
Sixteen years Three years less than me.
"However old she is, she herself looks after everything"
So now what's cooking?
Come on lets go to our room Or else so wont allow.. to speak.
OK what are your future plans?
My future plans are
Hey all those things later. So long you both had a chat
Now I will speak and you both listen.
"Hey listen, Abhishek since so many year every day have been speaking about yourself.
"Now that you have come after a long time, you shouldn't.." about going back. Stay here alone on your own..
...for some time. We will decide when to send you back means me.?
Promise? Thank you.
Oh just see he has agreed. Now that you have seen..
"..All the rooms, which room did you like the most."
The one with the magic wall.
With a magic wall? Which room is that?
That is my room.
Magic wall. Nice name. Shall we change the board?
Tomorrow itself we will change the name.
Why tomorrow change it today.
Hey please be quiet.
You can stay in that room
But isn't that your room?
That is why I am saying.
Is it OK?
So now come on sing one song.
Hey I have already praised your singing
So now keep my words.
Which song should I sing? Any one song.
You have read all my songs
Amongst them which one.. your favorite?
Which one which one which one
OK Bhale Bhale Chanda da..
Bhale.. I don't remember it so well.
No problem. I remember it. I will remind you.
"All the sculptures have an old story."
"But this sculpture of mine has a life ahead."
"you are a rare beautiful girl from the moon"
you are the lightening of which the lightening..
"..Herself is shy"
"you are a rare beautiful girl from the moon"
"you are the lightening of which the lightening.. "
...herself is shy
"The moon too praises you, And the vocabulary is.."
...insufficient The whole town is lit by..
...brightness of your eyes. Wherever you put your feet..
"..Flowers scatter."
"you are a rare beautiful girl from the moon"
you are the lightening of which the lightening..
"..Herself is shy"
Good morning everybody! This is Abhishek Bharadwaj..
...a very good poet and a singer too.
Hello. - Hello sir.
This is all my staff. You see this is not like a government..
"..Office, there is no discriminations between.."
"..MD, Managers, Assistant. Managers etc, here all are.."
...equal. They all work like a members of a family.
Only one person has an designation here and i.e..
...for an layout engineer.
Hi! Hey your outfit is nice.
Where did you buy it from?
John! Coming sir!
Sir we had ordered for a new camera. That is here sir.
Good! Beautiful piece.
Abhi if you click once in this camera..
Hey please I am not interested in this camera please leave.. alone.
But this.. I am not interested. OK?
This lens.. Hey why don't you leave me.
Sir I too have a wish sir. What?
I want one photograph in the pose of driving a scooter. Sir
Pose? That scooter?
You better go and work now.
Hey what does my scooter lack?
"?it has two wheels, one handle, Hey what are you looking.." me come on work. OK only it has no paint and..
...just head lights are missing. But I don't drive at night.
There is no horn that's all but so what?
My scooter itself makes so much noise.
But I haven't made a single accident as yet.
Do you know it sir?
You must..
This is only one such camera which is motorized.
Do you know what is motorized?
No I don't know? I only know two motors.
The one which is in the car and the other water pump motor.
You dumb!
Motorized means..
Ranganna park the car somewhere here.
Why are you parking here?
Don't talk too much. Just come with me.
What is all this? And what is he doing?
I am sorry. This is a new motorized.. We can have a best picture of you falling from..
"..This chair, that is what he said. It was his idea."
Look he is holding the camera. Who me? no not me.
Hey I don't know anything about this.
He just gave it to me and asked me to press this.
Like this.
I know this must be his mischief.
But whatever you did was wrong.
Had anything happened to me?
Nothing will happen to you. You are my favorite wife.
Hi Veena!
Hey welcome doctor. Good you are here.
Or else these two would have put my dead body on..
...your post postmortem table now.
Why what happened?
Nothing. This is a new camera. And if we click in this..
"..It gives step by step, step by step photographs. That's all."
Oh! This is Mr. Abhishek. He is a poet and a singer..
...our friend.
And this is doctor Vimala.
"The layout engineer, whom I introduced you in the office,.."
...this is his wife.
How did you come at this time?
How is my friend Abhi? What do you feel?
Hey first class photograph.
Hey you haven't replied to my question.
What did you say?
I asked you that what do you think about Abhi?
What have I to think about him?
I have understood..him very well.
"Abhishek, Abhishek.."
...Bharadwaj. A great poet.
"Witless, lisp less.."
"..moronic, impervious, In animate bag of skin and bones"
Did not understand? A son of dumb I said.
"You see, hours to gather, I spoke to him but there was.." reaction from his side.
He did not utter a single..
...complete sentence. Only sounds came. Like this.
That's all. All these poets are alike I feel.
Is he a poet? Silent dumb. Only you can praise..
...your friend that's all.
Hey you have misunderstood him.
Is it possible for everyone to be a chatterbox like you?
It is very difficult.
But he wasn't like this ever before.
He was very close to one female.
But that did not continue. He loved her very much.
Since then he is like this. Like a silent dumb.
He doesn't have many friends to share his pains.
But he is a very good person and you will definitely like him
But he hardly speaks anything.
If he continues to be in your company he will..
...greatly change.
OK but who was that? And now where is she?
I don't know. But he doesn't like to speak about it.
I very well know what this small brain is thinking about.
You want to go ask him about the girl just now. Isn't it?
But dare you ask him about it.
No no not at all. I won't ask him that way.
Why do I need it? But!
I don't want any ifs and buts.
"But, tell me why does he always wear a sweater?"
How would I know? Just to keep himself warm.
Oh! Just to feel warm? Means!
Hey naughty! Isn't it?
Hey you are reading paper yet? Come on make it fast..
...we are getting late.
Where? To the office? What will he do there?
After a very long time I have found someone to speak to.
To the office he says. You may go but Abhi you..
...please stay over.
Why do you trouble him to get rid of your boredom?
<i>Are you not coming'? OK so you are trapped now.</i>
You better suffer. All the best.
"Hey Hemant, just a minute. Please post this for me."
A letter for your mother? I will do it.
Bye Postman! See you!
Hey! Is that all?
See you! See you! Bye
"Take this. A knife, cutting plate and carrots."
Don't you know how too? No!
Then better learn it. OK! I said ok!
Do you write a letter to your mother everyday?
"Not everyday but once a week, Or else she starts crying."
What do you write in the letter?
Beautiful! Your are a sculpture.
If you artistically cut like this.. will take at least a week for you to cut all these and..
...for me to cook and feed you. Give it here.
"I asked you, what do you write in the letter?"
"In the letter! In the letter, I write everything."
Have you written about me too? Yes!
Just one word. What?
Veena! Is that all?
That one word has many meanings.
Veena means goddess Saraswati.
Veena means music. Veena means literature.
Veena means everything. Fantastic.
I could ever know that my name has so much intensity.
That's great. Ok but what is that girl's name
Who? That girl!
Shruti! Shruti? How is she?
She is like you. Yes just like this.
She spoke just like this.
Come! Come come come come come come sit.
Shruti! Tell me about her.
She! She was a whimsical type of a girl.
Give me a kiss. What?
Give me a kiss. What are you looking there.
Here! Oh god!
Now I feel that I love someone.
But why didn't you do this before?
For so long I was watching this stone this tree.
OK this tree.
Hey shut up Don't you tease me simply.
You don't know to kiss yet. Thanks!
"Whatever she said, I took it as a joke."
But she was suffering from blood cancer.
Now my Shruti is just a dream
I did hurt you by being too inquisitive about Shruti. Sorry.
Whatever happened was your past. Please try to forget it.
"This house will give you a change, newness to your life"
lam sure it will give you a new life. Please trust me.
Is all set? Yes sir.
The file? Ok get ready for the crane shot.
Hey go and get the crane.
Stella! Yes sir
Go and get Mrs. Janaki. OK OK OK come on girls.
Boys take your bikes. Come on come on come on.
Caroline come here That looks better.
Come on take your bike.
Hey why do you hold it like that? Those are banners
"Hold them like banners, cross. Hey why do you come.." between.
Sir the boss is calling you.
Hey you are the assistant director isn't it?
"While coming to the cabin you carry all pen, pencils.."
...papers but you forget your brains there.
Hey why do you look at me like that? Don't you know me?
I am the layout engineer.
What is the matter now sir?
"All of them are wearing a cap, But why not you?"
The boss is calling you. Please go fast.
Excuse me sir did you call me?
I had given you clear instructions.
In the confusions you created four of them lost the head..
...lights and two of them were injured.
One two three four five I had calculated properly
Shut up.
"Sir I had given them clear instructions, but they.."
"..confused themselves with left right, left right and so.."
No no no. The date today is 29th
"In a month if you break two head lights, three mirrors.."
"..half a dozen plates, cups and saucers beyond numbers"
Our profit gets covered up in recovering all the damages..
...created by you Please be careful. OK sir.
Sir but do you know one thing lam not hurt as yet.
You don't but you hurt others. Now go and get things..
...ready for the next short.
Ok sir! But who else it could have been.
Oh he is one. It has to be someone known.
Just hold this These are the photographs..
...which were clicked that day with that motorized camera..
"..I am looking totally dull in this, all of them out focused."
All were clicked by you. Hello! Where are you?
Once again thinking of Brutish? Come on forget the past..
...and live happily.
Shruti was right.
You search some girl like her and get married.
You are an artist. You need a partner. Search..
"..For someone who is like you, who could encourage.." make you alive.
But you cannot if you sit.. this. You have to change. Keep smiling. Ok?
Come on now smile Smile!!
"Hemant, your friend has 32 teeth. Two more than you?"
"This beautiful morning, In this cool veranda"
"in between both of us,"
"This beautiful morning, In this cool veranda"
"on the heart beat's tune. Your silence is the music"
"your breath is emotion, Your sweet smile is like flower.." the lyrics.
"This beautiful morning, In this cool veranda"
"in between both of us,"
Beautiful! You have sung incredibly
I did not know that you had so much talent.
Hey do you mean it?
Yes I mean it. You sung incredibly
I haven't heard by my ears but by my heart.
That coolness of your song
Hey poet poet you have started again.
Please let me go.
What have they written about the Kodai canal weather?
Kodai canal condition is OK But Abhi's condition is not OK
Why? What happened?
He is leaving for his native today.
Mother is all alone so I need to go.
Abhi whatever you are doing is not right.
You promised me that I will decide things for you.
Have you forgotten?
Forgive me but I need to go
I have made such a good plan. We three of us will be going.. Kodai canal for some four five days
"I have really persuaded him for this plan, do you know that?"
Now he has agreed for it and in such a situation you say..
...that you are going? Listen! Why don't you tell..
...him something
It is up to you both. Please leave me alone.
What is this? Don't you have any responsibility?
Please please listen to me. Next month I am coming..
"..Back again, then we can carry out this plan"
He says that he has some important work. Let him go.
What ok? Why ok? He is not going. He is coming with us
"Look Abhi, among us whom do you like the most?"
"Me, isn't it? I know it. Then in that case will you hurt me?"
I will really feel bad if you don't come. Please promise me..
...that you will come. Promise?
Please! Please?
Great! We will have a great time.
Listen you said you have a friend in..
...Kodai canal?
Ask him to arrange for a cottage
I will make things ready for our trip.
I am very happy that you have agreed to come.
She is very sensitive. She is attached to you.
She hasn't said it formally. She means it.
And she has said it from her heart.
"Madam I am so sorry, I will not be able to come with you.." Kodai canal. My daughter is getting delivered.
I received her letter from Bombay so I need to go..
...there as she is a motherless child. Please don't..
...misunderstand me.
"Yes you can definitely go, our tour is not so important."
But that driver is a problem now.
Madam shall I arrange for another driver?
No its alright. I will take care of it.--yes
"Hey wait, let me get down first. Oh what a bag."
Oh it is so cold here. Hey come on all of you..
...get down. Kodai canal is here.
Hey who the hell is the engineer?
Look at the way he has constructed the hotel
Sir I will go there and arrange for the rooms for all.
Hey come on all of you get down and get your luggages
my friend was to send his cottage man.
He hasn't reached as yet.
Did he know the exact time?
Excuse me who is Mr. Hemant here.
That's me.
You are Mrs. Veena. Hemant's wife.
And you are Mr. Abhishek. The singer.
Can he sing well. Does he sing well?
Hey is your wife deaf?
Yes yes he sings well.
I am peter. The cottage manager. Come on.
What are you looking at me like this? Come on.
Come on!
Hey everybody come on follow me.
Hey look don't touch the flowers here.
Keep it there! where?
Agreed that you are deaf But are you blind too?
Cant you see? I said keep it there.
Hey what is this so much luggage you are carrying.
Do have the plans of shifting here forever?
What is this? how much he speaks?
Hey talk according to your age.
These days you have to speak according to a person.
Or else they will shave you off. Come on sit.
Hey where is the driver?
Why if I will drive will the car not move?
Do you have a license? I will get it
When? After five years.
Will you keep talking like this? All these are too much.
Hey what did you say?
I just spoke to myself that's all.
Look all of you. Keep this chit with you. And follow one..
...another so that you don't get misplaced.
Sir which rooms have lake view?
All the rooms on this side have lake view.
Ok then give us one corner room on that side.
Ok the corner room. Let me check it out.
From a corner room we can have the view of the lake..
...from both the sides
Sorry sir those room have been already allotted to.. your people.
Good god! Hey Narendra!
Hey forget it. Please come
What difference does it make? Is it?
Ok then which other room is vacant?
<i>Sir room number twenty three. OK twenty three.</i>
Hey sweety that's your age. OK on which floor does it come
It is underground sir Hey what is this.
Sir that was the only room available.
You see we have come to Kodai canal to see the lake
If we stay underground how will we see the lake
Listen come on hold this
Why don't you understand.
Come lets go
But how will we be able to see the lake?
Please come. But I am not comfortable.
This is a hotel do you know this?
Yes I understand whatever you say .
So have we to go upstairs?
Hey under ground.
Hey take off your hand Why do you push me down
Come on be quick Your boss must be waiting.
"Hey those looks, And those lightening lifes"
"those sweet talks of those eyes"
those puzzles solved Those songs of eyes.
"Those revolving wishes, I am in the eyes of those.."
...giant wheels in which I will get merged singing all the time
lets see the heaven and experience the pleasures here
"hey those looks, And those lightening lives"
"those sweet talks of those eyes"
those puzzles solved
the soul
And teaching That is a flowery soul..
".."The one which gives your body those tickling experience"
And teaches and makes you write the lyrics
That's the flowery soul
The one who inspires you to write and enters your soul
And penetrates your hearty wishes.
In those blooming buds And in those longing hearts.
"I will enter, singing all the time."
lets see the heaven and experience the pleasures here
The dream
it seems The sky full of thoughts
In the company of beautiful flowers
There is a wonderful dream.
Search it any where Scatter the honey everywhere
"Along with the ambitions is The milky dream"
Within a moment it holds the corner of your veil
Within the beautiful young girls Are the springs which can..
"..Beat the songs in those lovely dreams"
"lets get merged into it and sing with it"
lets see the heaven and experience the pleasures here
"hey those looks, And those lightening lives"
those talks of your heart
The lyrics written by the poet.
Those songs of the dreams Those formulas which can..
...fill your chest. I want to be in the .. of this giant wheel I will merge in it and keep..
...singing. The heaven is here and lets see it.
Lets get merged and sing.
The heaven is here and lets see it.
Good morning! I will just go and have a stroll
When you get up make the coffee ready.
Get up Get up Get up Come on come on come on
This Kodak canal is chilled This Kodak canal is chilled
This Kodak canal is chilled
This Kodai canal is chilled
Hey what is this? Sir what are you doing?
Hello Mr. Peter how are you? Fine
How did you wake so early?
If everyone demands for bed tea who will go and get milk?
So I am going now By the way whose photos..
...are you clicking?
"This fog, dew drops, those beautiful flowers"
Everything is beautiful.
Ok in that case click the photos of those insects..
"..Caterpillars and bugs, they too are beautiful."
"Beautiful, beautiful.
Oh yes I forgot to tell you.. thing. There is a mountain here.
All the tourists definitely visit there.
If you stand there see around You will be just abashed.
Why is it so?
The sunset view is wonderful from there.
I hope you know what is sunset.
"First click the sunset, Instead you keep clicking.."
"..the photos of those insects, bugs, caterpillars."
Now that you have told me I will definitely do it.
Ok tell me how far is it?
Just ahead of next turning. Only twelve kilometers.
"You are a big man. Ok, What is all this?"
I can only see a big coat. Where are other things?
It is better to look this way If you look over size..
...they will not spare you.
Forget these clothes now Tomorrow morning go..
"..And get a very good sweater, only your size.."
...sweater you will definitely look good.
This is for a sweater and this is for a good sweater.
So Mr. Photographer? Did you find anything to click?
Where is Abhi?
He is sleeping
Ok tell me. What to tell?
You have come confusions in your mind.
There is no confusion in my mind.
It is chilled outside.
Your body must shiver due to cold and not your mind.
Don't get involved in your notions and morning dreams
Sweetie get ready quickly we are getting late.
Everyone is waiting there.
Tell me how long we have been married?
It is past 7 years. Correct!
Seven years! It makes how many seconds?
You always said I am good at such calculations so let me..
"..Tell you. it is 22 milliones, 7 milliones and.."
...52 thousand seconds. I have been living every..
...second of my life with you. Same way as I can hear..
...your heart beat. I immediately come to know..
...even if you are not with me for a moment.
"In the kitchen, you were not with me for almost
...200 seconds. Where did your mind go?
There isn't any serious problem.
We need not upset ourselves. Don't make this little mind..
...over work by imposing such big calculations on it.
By chance if I speak something romantic.. sounds weird. Hey your heart beat is fast.
It seems that it is struggling to tell me something.
What does it want to say?
Hey your heart! What does it say?
It says that quietly go to the kitchen and make the..
...breakfast ready. It is telling me something more.
It is telling me that it loves me a lot lot lot.
Oh god! If someone falls down this cliff?
You will get one more body for postmortem. That's all.
So what is it Mrs. Janaki?
My wife was asking some thing and I replied some..
Hey No! What the hell are you doing?
A single mistake and she will lose here life.
What made you get so scared?
Do you think I will lose her so easily?
Hey singer! I have searched you everywhere.
Why? Why? Hold my hand.
Have you ever loved anyone? Why are you staring at me.. this? .
I haven't asked you whether you have killed..
...someone but have you loved someone ever?
I have loved a girl. I must meet her in the evening
But there is one problem What is it?
Your friend Mr. soda wants to go to sunset point to click..
...some photographs. And I have agreed to take him there
But I will not be able to go with him.
I hope you understand my love problem
Will you please do me one favor?
Will you please take him there?
<i>Take these keys. OK'. Thank you.</i>
You too look out for some girl and love her.
Good evening! You are sleeping like a small girl.
A sweet little smile within your lips. Dreaming?
I will not wake you. You are looking very beautiful.. Why is it there today.
You see I am going to click some photographs of ..
...sunset. Don't wake up till I come. Sleep peacefully.. sweet heart.
This place is very beautiful. I liked it very much.
What is wrong with your mood?
When are you going back? You haven't answered my..
I was to go the same day but you forced me to stay.
Now you ask me to go back? I don't understand anything.
There is a situation in Mahabarata which...
...everyone knows.
One day Duryodhan's wife Bhanumati and his friend..
"..Karna, both are playing ludo In the fear of losing Bhanumati"
...leaves the game and is about to go.
But Karna holds here hand and forces her to play.
While doing like this the pearl garland around here waist..
...breaks and all the pearls scatter everywhere.
On that very moment Duryodhana comes there.
Husband may misunderstand so the wife is scared.
<i>And if friend may misunderstand so Karna is scared.</i>
"At that very moment Duryodhana, without getting.."
...mentally disturbed asks whether to pick the pearls or.. put them in the thread He trusts both of them till..
...this happens.
My wife Veena is Bhanumati.
And I can be her husband Duryoudhana.
Will you be able to become Karna?
I know very well that it is impossible for you.
When I can understand your imaginations so very well.. wouldn't I understand the fact.
"You had decided to go back to your native, but you did not."
The reason is the new but bad intentions which are born..
...inside your heart.
You are not the same Abhi..
...I knew. Now I understand the meaning of that song..
...which you sang that day.
You sang it for Veena do you deny?
Your intentions to touch Veena..
"..On the cottage door, taking care of those gloves"
"That scream, thinking that I will push Veena down the cliff"
I understood it very well. I cannot get angry on you.
I am feeling bad about it. Enough now!
This should not continue Abhi. You must go back
You must go far away from us. Do you know why am l..
...asking you to go back?
Veena understands my..
...every single movement.
Yesterday she immediately..
...and correctly asked me.. - what was the matter with me?
I did not tell her anything. Somehow I managed.
How will I tell her that my friend has this kind of wish.
But if she asks me once again I will not be able to hide it.
"I may tell it. If she knows this,"
How will you show your face to her?
I will arrange for your journey back
"You're going to become a father"
Hello daddy. At last god bestowed his..
...grace on me.
Yes Hemant a little one is coming to our..
Do you know how happy I am?
"Come, come close to me hold me tight. I want to see into.."
"your eyes.
I will see my little baby in it.
Come on come fast.
That! vehicle Jeep!
An accident occurred.
I am sorry.
He is..
Buy a very good sweater. A perfect size sweater
You will look good.
I and Hemant had gone to the cliff to click some..
...photographs of sunset.
He was standing at the edge of the cliff.
I was warning him about the danger.
He said that he wanted a very good picture of the sunset.. he took the jeep to the edge he tried to stop it but.. did not stop.
I did not understand what to do.
Being very scared I ran away from there.
I came to the police station and informed about this.
That is what happened.
"Here is a song of love"
Whether it is day or night.. will I stay without you.
My life river is your life.
You smile my heart full
And never get erased from my life.
Now how is she doctor?
Everything will be alright. Due to the mental shock.. will at least take 3 months to recover.
But I couldn't save her child. Perhaps it must have..
...cause damage when she fell down.
Take good care of her.
Don't leave here alone. There has to someone..
...always with her.
Rest everything is up to you.
Now I will take your leave. Come on
Abhishek there is no one here with madam.
She lost her husband and now her child.
She has totally collapsed. It will be better if you stay.. till she recovers. Please!
Yes if you stay with her it will be of great help to her.
She needs someone who will understand her.
I will be visiting her once a day.
Forget about the office work. I will handle it.
Please agree to it. Please! OK!
"Oh my heart, this life is for you."
This breath is for you.
"If my love is a lie then the whole world is a lie"
Oh my heart oh my heart.
You are my love river. Who ultimately unites.
In these tangle of time I became a puppet.
You gave a new meaning to the page of my life.
Why do I need this life if I forget you.
"Oh my heart! I cannot forget your love, whatever I do"
Oh my heart wish oh my heart.
"Oh my heart, this life is for you."
This breath is for you.
Why did you get up. Had you called me I would..
...have come.
"Don't climb down the stairs, you will.."
...exert yourself.
Do you need anything?
I,I'm getting scared.
Why? What is there to get scared?
I feel that something is wrong with my baby.
Everything is very silent.
You see don't think about all that.
I am scared that I may not hear my baby calling me mom
Abhi,Is my baby alright in the stomach?
You see I need to go and get your medicines.
Doctor has asked you to take medicines.
You haven't recovered as yet. I need to go now or else the.. may close.
Abhi you just talking about my health why aren't you..
...talking about my baby?
Is something wrong with my baby?
Your hands are shivering.
Are you scared of telling me something?
Yes if I look into your eyes I clearly understand.
My baby is no more in my stomach.
Isn't it?
Had you been to Veena's house? - Yes.
How is she now? Poor thing how long will..
...she be all alone? If Abhi goes back?
OK did Abhi say anything about going back?
He hasn't said that and it doesn't look like as if he..
...intend to say it.
Since so many days I have been analyzing his..
...behavior with Veena. It is quiet weird.
Is it only friendship or something else?
Why do you doubt?
I don't understand the way Veena behaves.
"Her speech, her looks, her thoughts are all different."
How will you understand? You always deal with dead..
Listen to what I am saying. Abhishek loves Veena
What are you saying?
"Yes sweetie, what is my job? To assemble whatever is here"
"When I analyze whatever you are saying, I come to a.."
...conclusion that Abhisekh loves Veena.
No doubt about it.
Isn't it wrong?
How can it be wrong? Agreed that she loved..
...hemant immensely but think about Veena's future.
Is it possible to live your whole life only with the help of..
...old memories? She has a very big life ahead.
I am Abhishek's mother.
Oh come in.
Isn't Abhi at home?
He has gone to the office. He should be here by now.
Please be seated.
You see I did not know about this.
I haven't received any letter from Abhi since three four..
Yesterday all of a sudden I received his letter..
...I felt very bad so came to see you.
Though your husband was not born to me but he is.. my son.
What is it dear?
I haven't hurt anyone in any way.
Then why did this happen to me?
Veena see this. These are some letters Abhi wrote
It looks like he is in love with some girl.
Are they letters? They are just poems.
I haven't understood a single word.
Just read them and see if you understand them?
I feel as if I got back my Shruti.
The resemblance of her..
"..Smile, mischief. The song which was Shruti's favorite.." her favorite too.
She is Shruti and this is the..
...instrument which accompanies Shruti.
She is the nectar to my dry and boring life.
Dear could you make out who must be the girl?
No I haven't. But gradually I will take to..
...Abhi about this and get the information.
But please do not tell him that you
have showed me these letters..
...he may misunderstand.
Just see that phone call must be for you.
That's the reason I always tell you that keep off the phone.
Is it Vimala? This is Veena Speaking.
Sorry I have disturbed your sleep.
No not to worry. Tell me what is the matter?
I want to speak to urgently Something important.
Will you come and see me without fail.
Abhi why are you sitting in the dark?
Mother I am scared. Why? What happened?
I Hemant..
I very well know that you and Hemant were very good friend
Hemant was a very good person.
So god called him there. We must try to forget..
...this as early as possible my son.
Yes but still I am scared.
Don't worry nothing will happen.
Your mother is beside you. Nothing will happen.
You could have stayed for a week at least.
"Yes I would have stayed, but all of a sudden I had to come.."
"..leaving all the work there., Secondly there is no to.."
...look at the work over there.
Whatever mother says is right. Let her go.
Veena come there and stay with us for some days
You have a change and will fell better too.
If you continue staying in the place where he has lived..
...then it is difficult to forget.
No mother I will not be able to keep myself away from..
...his memories. These memories have healed.. wounds.
Perhaps after some time I will definitely.. able to come.
Come Vimala.
This is.. Vimala. This is Abhishek's mother.
What is it Veena? why did you call me?
Just wait for some time. We will talk after some time.
But I have to go to the court.
To the court?
Yes in some murder case I have to go and clarify some..
...things so they have called me.
He has been brutally hammered on the head.
Do you know who is the witness for it?
A camera which was by chance lying there.
Has automatically clicked some photographs while..
...the murder was taking place.
The murderer was caught. I have written in the..
...postmortem report that the person has died out of brain..
...Now they have been investigating..
...through those photographs. They may prove me wrong.
This a big headache.
Hey are you standing here quietly?
Come on make it fast lf I get late I will miss my bus.
Veena shall I take your leave now?
Keep writing to me. Come on I am going doctor.
Ok mother!
Good mother and a good son.
Abhishek is loving me.
Did he say this to you?
He hasn't said it himself.
I was about to tell you this. Abhishek is a good person.
How long will you stay all alone.
Abhishek has understood you very well.
You are my friend so you are telling me this with a good..
I know it. You and for the whole world..
...I am all alone I don't have a husband
But for me my Hemant is always with me. Always.
He is all around this house. I can hear his every heart beat
"While working in the kitchen, helping me."
While having lunch he made me laugh
While playing a piano his mischief with the fingers.
While combing my hair his blowing out the air.
I remember each and everything.
When I walk he too walks with me.
I see him and feel him everywhere.
Me and my husband are very happy in this house.
I am sorry.
Why do you say sorry? You said it out of love.
Doesn't matter.
Like me Abhishek too must have told you out of love.
Don't compare yourself with Abhishek.
It is not the love which was born now
It was since then when my husband was alive.
He always looked at me that way.
But we did not know about this.
What are you saying?
I read the letters he wrote to his mother.
Then I came to know this, he is a good person.
I am not angry on him.
But I don't want him to stay.. and have some hopes about me.
Since I have known this I am not able to speak to him..
...properly. Please send him back.
That's true. You don't worry. I will talk to him.
Do you know who is the witness for it?
The camera which was lying there
The camera was on when this happened and has recorded..
...everything that happened there.
You see I want three copies of this.
Okay sir.
Sir I want your signature on this.
Oh Ranganna! When did you come?
I am today itself. What is all this happened?
He was such a good person. Will we be able to see such..
...a boss again?
What can be done. It is all destined.
Did you meet madam?
No sir. She always had a laughing face.
Now how will I be able to see that face.
I wont be able to face here sir.
Don't worry from tomorrow you join the office again..
...everything will go alright.
But sir why do they print wrong things in the paper.
Show me what have they written?
"Sir just see this, the news about his death."
They have written that he drove the jeep and out of..
So what is wrong in it?
Sir look at this. He could never drive in the.. ground then how will he drive on the mountain.
How can they write like this sir.
You see speak slowly. Madam is recovering now.. don't tell her about this or else she it may give her..
...a great shock.
You see give this paper to me..
...I will look into this matter. Don't tell this to anyone.
From tomorrow you resume your duty.
Yes sir what do you want?
Do you have a camera?
Yes which camera?
Motorized camera?
Just a minute I will show you.
This is Yashica this is Minolta.
How much is this for?
This is for twenty four thousand sir.
How to open this?
Good morning madam
Come be seated. Thank you
ls everything alright in the office.
I have come to ask you one thing
What is it?
We have claimed sir's insurance. But there is a..
...some problem. What problem?
The statement says that the jeep fell into the valley while..
"..Our boss was driving it, so they are asking for his.."
...driving his license.
Which statement?
The one which is given to the police
Who gave it?
That day you were in a great shock.
"Police inquiry, hospital and the new place, it was all a.."
...a big mess. In that situation we could not speak to you.
Mr. Abhishek had handled everything.
His driving license? Does he have one?
Driving license! Yes he has.
I will search for it and as soon as I get it I will send it.. the office.
OK madam Shall I leave?
Sir sir the tree the tree sir.
Wait wait wait wait Oh god I am saved.
This is impossible for me. I cannot do it.
Ranganna that's your job
Sir driving is very easy.
It may be tough before you learn.
"And after you learn it, it is technique."
I don't want any learning You are the driver and you.. the driving.
Sir as said please try a bit.
It is not so easy as I thought.
Clutch. Accelerator. Steering. Gear. Oh god!
Hello driver!
Shall I tell you the truth? The truth? I don't know driving.
Who gave it? Abhishek.
Have you come?
The food is ready and l..
...have been waiting for you since so long.
Where had you been? Come on lets have food.
This is all your favorite. Since so many days i..
...couldn't pay attention to you. So today I thought that..
At least I can do this for the favors that you have done..
I had gone to clean your room
I saw this camera beneath your bed.
These things are to be kept properly so I just kept.. in a safe place. Do you want it?
While removing it I saw that it had exposed negatives.
I have developed them and have printed.
Have food.
These were the last photos..
...clicked by Hemant. Each photo tells a story.
Look at this.
See how well the spiderweb has been made by..
...the spider to trap its pray. Isn't it good?
See all the other photos too.
Very beautiful
Really.. Really beautiful.
Camera was his best friend. It always accompanied him.
Exactly like you. You are not eating anything.
Have it. Thanks.
Good night.
Oh you are here? I searched all over there.
I want you to do a small favor. After a very long time I feel..
...fresh and happy. I want to give a small party to..
"..The office staff, Vimala's family to share my.."
...happiness. What do you say?
If you will be happy with it then definitely it could be given
"I won't be able to arrange for it all alone, you too will have.." help me. Of course!
There is a small surprise to you in the party.
Good evening - Good evening madam. - Good evening madam.
Hello! - Hello!
Good evening.
Hello. - Good evening madam
Thanks to everybody. You all have a question.. your mind and that is to know the reason of this party.
And the answer is marriage. My marriage.
I am going to get married.
What exactly does this silence means?
Should I take it as your affirmation or should I think..
...that I am going against the society rules and you are..
...surprised to hear it. First time when my friend..
...suggested me about this I was very angry.
But now I feel that whatever she said has some meaning..
I have changed my mind. After this party gets over.. all will go home.
"Your parents,.."
", sister, husband wife son daughter any one of.."
...of them must be waiting for you.
For me?
For me this lonely house.
I have only those memories I have become lonely.
I just kept wishing.
If anyone of you would have..
...faced this situation how would you handle it?
Can we know who is the groom?
A person whom I am getting married is a good person..
...he has shared all my sorrows
Mr. Abhishek Bharadwaj
Congrats. - Thanks.
"Breeze, the cool breeze is all around"
"the breeze called you is in my breath"
My love is an eternal history.
Your separation is the last..
"..Gift, I am just waiting for you."
Tunturu here is one song of water. Listen please give me some strength.
Here is our love song
Do you know what I feel when I see you sitting like this?
You look exactly the same when you had come to our.. for the first time. Same quiet face.
Without consulting you I announced our marriage.
Because I know that you love me.
I came to know is after reading the letters you wrote to..
...your mother. I gave it a good thought. The thought said no.
But the heart said yes. I listened to my heart and..
...I felt that was fair. I accepted the happiness of this heart.
You too are happy isn't it?
Yes very much Very much.
I am unable to express it.
So then sing a song.
Which song?
A lullaby. Lullaby song.
Not the lullaby which you sing for a baby but a lullaby..
...which a husband sings for a wife.
You did not understand?
Good evening. You are sleeping like a..
...small baby. A little smile in your lips.
Dreaming? I will not wake you up. Hey you look very..
...beautiful today. How has the moon come down?
I am going to click some photos of sunset.
You don't wake up till I come back. Sleep peacefully.
I will come and wake you up my baby.
I must tell you one important thing. Shall I?
I really love you very much. I love you.
I love you very much.
It is difficult to sing this lullaby.
Never mind sing it some..
...other time. There is ample of time.
Lets talk about the marriage. But before marriage I want.. to do one thing for me. Tell me.
Please come.
You both had same likings. He too liked nature.
He loved sunset. Do you know what have l.. tell you?
I feel that we must go.. that place where Hemant had his last breath while..
...clicking the sunset photo. Let us now click and add.. to this room. That is what I wish. This is my small..
...contribution to rest his soul in peace.
Will you please take me there before marriage?
Yes definitely. When to we go?
Tomorrow? OK!
Thanks! We will start early morning.
Why did you stop there? Come.
Please hold this.
What is this? Photos?
No! these are some important documents.
I will tell you later about them.
The sunset is very beautiful today.
My husband's death is not a natural death. It is a murder.
"Hey did you see there, how a sparrow flew away exactly.."
...from the front of the sun. I wish I could have clicked.
I know that you have killed him.
Hey look at the sun behind the clouds. Beautiful!
I know the reason you killed him.
I also know the way you did it. Just remove it and see.
Look at them.
Didn't I tell you that this camera is my husband's..
...true friend. It has never left him alone.
It that witness enough? I can give it to the police..
...and you will be proved guilty. You will be punished too
Imprisonment for fourteen years.
But that is not sufficient..
...for the sins you have done.
That is too small a punishment.
God had given me the most wonderful husband.
I and Hemant were strangers to each other and were born.. two different corners of the earth.
"We grew, he has no one. I too had no one.."
God brought us close. He and me become us.
"And after that our life was just happiness, happiness and.."
...only happiness. We did not know anything other than that
Why did you come in between us.
How cruel you are. His life was just an arm away.
It was struggling. The support of your one hand was..
...sufficient. Hemant had pushed himself to it but.. killed him. You haven't killed only Hemant but..
...his baby and me too. All three of us.
You must get a bigger punishment for this crime.
Hold this.
Your hands are shivering
Were they shivering like this when they killed Hemant?
Didn't they shiver when you burnt his body?
How could you think that you can own me after you kill him
Did you dreamt of leading a happy married life with me?
You were so happy when I announced our marriage.
I said it so that you must experience that happiness.
That was the last happy moment of your life.
After this what will remain for you is just hell.
You killed my husband so that you can possess me.
Isn't it?
If you don't get me?
Will you stay alive?
You will stay alive. You will suffer every moment..
...of your life. You will die longing for me.
And that will be the right punishment for your sin.
You did not get me.
You will not get me.
You will not get me.
Tunturu here is song of water And there is a love song.
Tunturu here is song of water And there is a love song.
Whether it is day or night How will I stay without you?
My river of life is your life. You eternally stay in my heart.
Why do I forget you.
"Tunturu here is song of water And there is a love song."
討3千萬贍養費…蔡郁璇查封祖厝 高國華轟:貪得無厭! - Duration: 2:05.
DISSNEELAND 4 - Phúc Du vs FlowAT - Trò Đùa Của Kris 2 - Duration: 16:29.
러시아여성 자갈치에 도전하다!!! Рынок Чагальчи - ВЫЗОВ!!! А ты бы съел? - Duration: 14:20.
- Greetings Every one!
Today with Me is...
HeonJi and today we will go to Yeondo bridge.
Let's go together!!~~
But why do we go today to Yeondo bridge?
Well, you know that Yeondo bridge is very popular here in Busan.
and why is that?
Well it is one in all korea drawbridge. Well it is opens bridge)
oow, it is strong wind today~
Well to be honest, in Yeondo often is windy, but today it is stronger then Usually~
But it is very refreshing, thoughts
You know that long time ago Yeondo was an Island!
yes, it was an a island and if you wanted to go to Yeondo, you was have to take a ferryboat~
Yes, you was have to take a boat to cam here~
and one day ppl in Yeondo start to increase
there so to take a ferry boat be come a difficults
-ow~ - at 1944 year there was decision to build a bridge
- View is amaizing~ - I have to take a photo!!!
Ow, in 2p.m. bridge will open so we don't have much time~
- we must to get hurry~ - run!
My hai today going crazy!!!
No it is become an a seaweed!!!
The becom an a seaweed!!!!
did you hear that?!!!
opened and now it is closing!
it was open and now it close!
- it Really BIG - it is Really BIG!!!!
I did learn a New word!
-It is Really BIG? -It is Really BIG!
-It is Really BIG? -It is Really BIG!
Now Im like a Busan Girl!!!
Over there is an a Building look like gull
we will go there soon!
That is Jagalichi~!?
- In a way to Jagalichi - Yes
It is comn place and long time ago was called Cheombachi
There was a lot of ppl who was take a part at war!
well any way now it is so beautifull here~
It is looks like Gwannalli!
All this time in Busan where have you already been?
- You did went to Gawnalli and Heaudea? - Yes
I did walk from Heudnea to Gwanalli
- You walk!??
Yes, it is most interesting, thought!
Are we going to somewhere here?
We will go to pick up an a seafood
Seafood... here?
We will choucce seafood in a 1st floor and then we will go to the 2nd.
-Here! - Yes
So after we went here, we will go there?
On the 2nd floor we can eat
They look soo nice and heathy
Do you know Mongge?
Cheonbok is very big
usually it is like that one
are they same?
- maybe... - amaizing!!!!!!!
or maybe not
ow flounder
Wow so big!
Oooow, OMG!!
You don't scare?
Nice to meet you
ooo no~
Did you tried an a Octopus befor?
it is just like *&%#$@
If I drink I can!
Then today will be Octopus Challenge!!!!
Crazy so big!!
ow nice
and color so good
Ow my favorite thing)))))
how you call them in Russian?
What that?
it is seaurchin
That market is so BIG!
- Yes, it is not 1, not 2, 3 lines - 3 lines!
Well I did come from Moscow
and in Moscow you will not able to so SOMANY, Alive seefood!!!
ow, you haven't see alive seafood
yes. well maybe there is that in Vladivostok
what is that?!!!
is it Scary movie?
Are we shooting an a scry movie!???
Give me a drink!!!!
Ow wow, it is so fresh here!!!
yes, not cold, but Freesh~
Well we really did oder , but Octopus is here!
Look it that!!
I need a shoot! OK?
You can drink soju with like so!
spin it like so!
bit in to a botom like so
there si some buble here you need to take it off like so!
Ooooo, CRAZY~~~~
To make me eat alive octopus
i need to dri drin drink!
wow wow even I get scared now
No Im kind of ready
let's go!
and how do I must to eat that!?
they all so BIG
it is specialy for you GUYS!!!!
let's go
so so how is it!?
the taste?
If compared with a fried one it is much softer!!!
yap it is!!!
but it is moving inside of my moth!!!!!
that one lets try in this
the most taste one, seems to me, is a Ssamjan and Soysouse
Thank you for the food
my stomach going to blow up
yesm me too
pan pan pan
what is that?
dry see food
they are from russia
friends you did dry good!
ow, I love that smell
I did know that you have it so much here!
Can we try it?
hello, your korean is so good!
right now will be perfect an a beer
It is so alike we do in Our country!
it is!!!!
one more?
ow it is preaty
from here you can see Yeondo
- do you know it? - yes
ow an a Busan Tower. I did went there!
it is so amazing!
If you send by this an a post, it will come after 6 month
6 month after. SLOOW
is if for FRee? it is FREE!!! FREE
I can see the boat nomer!
you have so good eyes!
Woow you can see even that!
Ooo selfy pod
If look on that like so. There is Sea side, there is an a Mounting
look like best part of Busan is here in one place!
Ow, you can see an a Yeondo bridge from here!
woow it is!
do we cam from here or from here?
- we came from there - aa, right
it is amazing thing here guys
it is Terra Gesthus which is inside of Jagalichi market!
i even did know that there is an a Gesthouse here!
it is bigger then I thought
that part is fave for a lot of Europ ppl!
wen you go to the toilet you can see outside (but not you)
Hey Guys
Do you like here?
right here in this gesthouse?
yes, I realy like it!
and how about the view, and maybe price?
I think for that View it is worth it!
yes, you right~
thats the point
that view is just Awecsome!!!!!!
and he is sooo right!
and sunrise is just amazing!
it is here? it is not overthere?
Guys thank you so much for watching till here!
if you like that video please subscribe to my channel
Don't forget give a Thumbs UP
And if you leave a lot of comments, I will learn korean better!
there so give me a good cooments (soorry for mistakes!!!
See yo next time!
If you will come to Busan, you havre to went to Jagalichi! You will like it!
Em A Força do Querer, Bibi se enfurece quando vê Jeiza chegar com Aurora em sua casa - Duration: 9:11.
WAIT...WE GOT TROLLED?! - BLACK OPS 3 CUSTOM "MARS ZOMBIES" MAP! (BO3 Zombie Mod Tools) - Duration: 2:09:33.
Don't Lose Hope - Road to Exam - Duration: 4:03.
Princess Charlotte Performs Her First Royal Curtsy — and the Internet Can't Handle It! - Duration: 2:17.
Step aside, Prince George.
Your little sister just took the title of cutest royal.
Princess Charlotte stole the spotlight from her famous family when she performed her first
public curtsy.
Wearing a light blue dress and holding onto mom Duchess Kate Middleton's hand, the two-year-old
looked adorable as she performed the tiny bow in Poland before boarding a plane.
As expected, the Internet could not handle all the cuteness (and neither can we).
Fans were even loving the way Charlotte walked on her tip toes, seemingly copying her mom
who was wearing heels.
Along with performing her first public curtsy, she also gave an impressive diplomatic handshake,
which we know will be the first of many for the tiny royal, who looks just like her grandmother
Queen Elizabeth II.
Recently, Prince William opened up about fatherhood and the sadness he felt that his late mother
Princess Diana would never meet her grandkids.
"I would like to have had her advice, � he told British GQ.
�I would love her to have met Catherine and to have seen the children grow up.
It makes me sad that she won�t, that they will never know her."
The Duke of Cambridge also revealed that, approaching the 20th anniversary of her death,
he and his brother Prince Harry were in a much better place and able to talk more openly
about her, which was hard for them in the past.
�It has taken me almost twenty years to get to that stage.
I still find it difficult now because at the time it was so raw."
He continued, "And also it is not like most people�s grief because everyone else knows
about it, everyone knows the story, everyone knows her.
It is a different situation for most people who lose someone they love, it can be hidden
away or they can choose if they want to share their story.�
We're sure Diana was impressed by Charlotte's curtsy, too.
tell us your thoughts in comments below.
thanks for watching.
please like,subscribe and share my videos.
Hey, this isn't why we gave you guys watermelon! [2 Days & 1 Night - Season 3 / 2017.07.30] - Duration: 11:52.
(Gulping down)
- It's delicious. / - This is not
- very strong. / - It's like soda.
I like it.
It tastes like that soda drink.
Minsang, I'll pour you one.
(Let's drink together.)
Thank you.
This is good.
(We don't pause when drinking.)
(They drink it all at once.)
This is what a real trip feels like.
(They keep drinking makgeolli,)
(but they already finished their naengmyeon.)
Give us more naengmyeon.
(Defconn is on the move.)
(There's no one at the table.)
(Putting his hand down)
I'm sorry.
(Giving in)
(He apologizes right away.)
You were keeping an eye on it.
(How dare you try to steal my food?)
Don't steal his food.
Minsang. Aren't you full?
You're sweating a lot.
You weigh 130kg, right?
(While Minsang is distracted,)
(Jongmin switches his naengmyeon with theirs.)
I need bigger clothes now.
Do you have it at home?
- Should I visit you? / - No.
I'll bring it to you later.
I'm really hungry.
- What? Wait a second. / - Why is it so short?
I ate our naengmyeon.
They switched it.
- It's not enough. / - Can we have rice?
It's delicious.
(I won't forgive you.)
- Why? / - What are you doing?
You know why.
(You'll be punished if you mess with the goblin.)
(You will be punished severely.)
(But there are even more vicious people here.)
- What are you doing? / - Gosh.
- He got their bag. / - It's ours.
- It's ours. / - Shouldn't you leave?
No. It's still ours.
Don't take it out.
- Stop it. / - Are you going to stay?
(Looking around)
- It's ours. / - Doenjang, dried laver.
The only edible food is dried laver.
That's not true. They're all ingredients.
Let me see.
What's wrong with you people?
He must have eyes on his back.
I like dried laver.
Seyoon, come have some makgeolli.
You're working hard.
(He pours a lot of it.)
You should have a glass.
It feels like we're having a party.
- I know, right? / - Yes.
Have some makgeolli.
(There you go.)
- That's a lot of smoke. / - Give us another piece.
Seyoon, have some more makgeolli.
- Why are you forcing him? / - Thank you.
All right.
(It's suspicious, but I'll drink it.)
It feels good.
- Have another glass. / - Didn't I just have one?
- I just had a glass, didn't I? / - Have another.
You should drink makgeolli on a good day like this.
(He drinks another glass,)
(and another one.)
It's great.
- Hold on. / - Here.
- Where did our meat go? / - Try this.
- Where is our meat? / - There.
- I mean ours. / - It's there.
(There are only three pieces.)
Why are there only three pieces?
It's supposed to be six.
(Where did it all go?)
What are you talking about?
(As Seyoon drinks makgeolli,)
(Jongmin starts working.)
- Didn't I just drink one? / - No, you didn't.
- Have some. / - One more drink.
(You drink makgeolli, I'll eat the meat.)
That's right.
- Excuse me. / - Have some.
Let's eat.
(Belly meat is ready.)
(They cut it to bite-sized pieces.)
- Is it cooked? / - I'll yield.
- Go ahead and eat. / - It's not cooked yet.
It's ready to eat.
It's delicious.
- It's delicious. / - It is.
(The juice from the meat spreads in the mouth.)
(Junho eats a wrap.)
This doesn't fit.
(He's very excited.)
- It's really delicious. / - It's good-quality meat.
The juice is savory.
The meat is very firm.
It tastes like the rind.
- The skin is good. / - I like the texture.
(He eats it directly from the grill.)
It's delicious like ogyeopsal.
- It tastes smoky. / - There's a place.
(This is naengmyeon with meat.)
(Take two pieces and dip it in ssamjang.)
(This is double-patty meat.)
Eat it in a wrap.
(Everyone enjoys the meat party.)
This is delicious.
It's a waste to throw it away.
Put it on your head.
It'll look good on Minsang.
The members should wear it. Don't make us wear it.
You're the main members today.
- No, we're not. / - Come here.
Come here, Seyoon.
You should give it a try since you're the guest.
- That's right. / - Try putting it on.
- Show it to us. / - Put on the watermelon.
- Where shall we go? / - You have to laugh.
- Of course we'll laugh. / - Laugh.
He can imitate an ox. He'll mimic everything.
- Are you my fan? / - Goodness.
- You've done it a lot. / - That's true.
My hair was done by a stylist today.
I'll mimic Joohyun first.
(Heavy movements and emphasis of the brows)
(His acting is natural and familiar.)
- Hello, sir. / - Hello.
- Hello, sir. / - Hello.
What brings you here?
Are you on vacation?
It's nice to meet you.
- Hello. / - You're sweating a lot.
- You must be hot. / - He's sweating.
- Is it the watermelon? / - It's the summer.
Good job, Joonyoung.
Hey, Taehyun.
You're very good, you punk.
Excuse me, sir.
This hat feels cool.
I'll mimic Cho Sanggun's character
from "The War of Flower".
- Okay. / - Okay.
(Smiling eyes and pursed lips)
Come in, Sanggun.
(He mimics him perfectly.)
- He's exactly the same. / - He's a natural.
Who's the best among you?
That's impressive.
Is it you?
(Seyoon recognizes his friend.)
Are you a member of Koyote?
- Yes. / - "Koyote"?
Hello, Siyoon.
You can bake quite well.
Junho, you punk!
Good job, Joonyoung.
(He says hello to every member.)
Taehyun, you punk.
- He's just like him. / - It's a combination.
- He's more like Joohyun. / - It's too mixed.
What's the ox?
(He mimics an ox.)
It's hard to mimic an ox at a place like this.
Can you call me out?
Come out, Ox. Come here.
(They burst out laughing.)
What is he doing?
(He puts fodder in his mouth.)
He looks so cute.
(He mimics an ox perfectly.)
(The sound of the ox echoes.)
(He's on his way to the field.)
(He sounds exactly like an ox.)
(The sound of nature works with any background.)
(He deserves an applause.)
He's impressive.
- That was refreshing. / - It's a three-person act.
It's a three-person act.
He can do it, too.
- Minsang can do it. / - He can do it.
It's better to wear the watermelon hat.
If you put it on, you'll become talented.
- It makes you look cute. / - It looks good.
(He feels a lot of pressure.)
I can mimic the barking of a dog.
- Barking? / - How do dogs bark?
This is the sound of a large dog.
It sounds like the letter F.
- F? / - Yes.
Large dogs bark like this.
- He's actually spitting. / - Right.
When large dogs bark, they spit.
- He spits like a dog. / - The lady is laughing.
She burst out laughing.
- What about a small dog? / - Small dogs say...
- L. / - Like Chihuahua?
- L. / - L.
- I learned this recently. / - What is it?
- Are you sweating? / - I'm okay.
- Ox. / - Where's the ox?
(He turns into an ox.)
Bark at him.
Shoo him away.
(They turn into animals during their meal.)
(Defconn is satisfied.)
- The two of you can eat. / - Let's eat.
- Junho. / - Why are you eating it?
(He steals some meat.)
- What are you doing? / - Junho had some meat.
- How could he? / - What are you doing?
Why did you eat it?
- You can't do that. / - What are you doing?
Junho can't eat anything
- from now on. / - Hit him.
That's wrong.
- Junho. / - He must be punished.
Junho is out.
He must be punished.
- He deserves it. / - Listen.
I took a piece because I really wanted some.
Didn't we agree on something?
(During their trip in Yeongdeok)
(Rules against eating without permission)
(Junho was strongly against the rule.)
(I won't get playful at all from now on.)
He took a bite in front of so many cameras.
- Junho. / - My goodness.
Fine, I won't eat anything from now on.
(He becomes rebellious.)
- He doesn't care at all. / - Stop it.
- He deserves punishment. / - Really?
He can't appear on the next show if
- he eats another piece. / - What shall I do?
- Someone did it before. / - He deserves punishment.
Someone did it before, and he got beaten up.
Hodong beat him up.
- Really? / - He beat him hard.
It's because no one is strict here.
- That's right. / - I can be annoying.
- He should be punished. / - I'm annoying or upset.
Put on the watermelon and show us a personal charm.
That sounds good.
Wear the watermelon and redeem yourself.
The younger comedians already did a lot.
You should do something as a senior comedian.
- We have nothing to show. / - Show us something.
That's right.
That hurts.
(He puts on the watermelon.)
What should I do?
- He looks funny. / - Come here.
Don't ask me. This is improvisation.
- Let's create something. / - Come here.
You should come here.
He pays the others and asks them for ideas.
It's up to you.
- Tell him everything. / - Show us your original work.
It'd be hilarious if he's struck by lightning.
- Show us your own work. / - I'll wait for lightning.
(He'll be fried by lightning.)
Show us your work.
- Without anything? / - It's okay.
- Mimic Sanggun. / - Use your hand.
Do it in front of him.
- Has he done it a lot? / - He's done it a lot.
- He always does it. / - I'll take a look.
Mimic Sanggun.
- Try it. / - I can do well.
Do it in front of him.
"I just need to be paid." I can't in front of him.
(They enjoy his embarrassment.)
- Give it a try. / - Hurry.
Think of it as an audition when you were young.
- Show us your old act. / - That's right.
That sounds good.
This is my act during my second audition.
The second audition?
It's a story of an old man and his grandson.
Hello, I'm Kim Junho, candidate No. 237.
- I'll start. / - Go ahead.
Grandpa, tell me a fun story.
A long time ago,
a lady was carrying rice cakes over her head.
Grandpa, what are rice cakes?
Let me finish the story. She carried rice cakes.
She had rainbow rice cakes.
Grandpa, what are rainbow rice cakes?
I told you to let me finish my story.
Let me finish my story.
(They feign laughter.)
We'll stop here.
- Gosh. / - We always say that
comedians should be auditioned regularly.
Comedian license should be renewed every five years.
It's outdated.
(They criticize him out of love.)
- Outdated? / - You can be a singer.
- A singer? / - He should.
Hello, I'm Kim Junho, an outdated comedian.
Okay, I understand.
This is what I get for eating a piece of meat.
Try eating another piece of meat.
100 Ways to Flip Someone Off - Duration: 2:07.
(upbeat music)
- Read between the lines.
(mimicking whip cracking)
(groaning) (laughing)
(upbeat music)
- Yeah.
(upbeat music)
(goofily vocalizing)
(mimicking guns firing)
- It's more like Chewbacca.
(mimicking animal neighing)
(humming a song)
(upbeat music)
- [Both] Fuck you.
- Fuck. - I'm sorry what was that?
(clapping) - Fuck you.
- Ah fuck you too.
- I can't hear you what?
(upbeat music)
- Behind the back.
- Like this.
(upbeat music)
- Peekaboo.
(singing a song)
(upbeat music)
(mimicking a bird cawing)
(upbeat music)
- Reel it in.
- Oh that's a big one.
- Fuck you.
- Hey guys this is Blain from Cut.
Thank you so much for watching.
As always don't forget to subscribe
and if you're interested in purchasing
any of our merchandise go ahead and check out the store
in the description box below.
Solving the Login Failed Error - Fortnite - Duration: 1:59.
Moana Bad Baby Crying Learn Colors With My Little Pony Character And Moana Destroy Smiling So Fun - Duration: 2:50.
Moana Bad Baby Crying Learn Colors With My Little Pony Character And Moana Destroy Smiling So Fun
The Alphabet Song Lyric Karaoke
Y and Z
Now I know my ABCs
Next time won't you sing with me
Y and Z
Now I know my ABCs
Next time won't you sing with me
Y and Z
Now I know my ABCs
Next time won't you sing with me
Y and Z
Now I know my ABCs
Next time won't you sing with me
Justin & GG's Next Mailbag! - Duration: 4:18.
- Watch this.
Stop, GG.
- Mm, no! (smooches)
- Aw, really?
- He's Justin.
- She's GG.
♫ And we have the questions
- Thank you.
- Google.
- YouTube. - Facebook.
- Asking questions book.
- Aw, I was just about to guess that.
- [Interviewer] If you guys could be
any cartoon character, who would you be?
- I have no idea. (laughs)
- I kinda have an idea.
- Chewbacca or R2-D2 from the cartoon
version of Star Wars.
- And I would be a dog from (mumbles).
- [Interviewer] What is your dream vacation?
- Hm, can I pick two?
Disney World and Hawaii.
- Rio and Florida.
- Brazil.
- Japanese?
- Hawaii-ish.
- What's Portuguese?
- Oh.
- [Interviewer] If you could be a color, what would it be?
- Blue and green.
- Seahawks.
- Seahawks and those are my favorite colors.
- I would pick, hm, pink and purple.
- Hm, I'd be pink.
- I'd be blue.
- Me!
- Mm-hm.
(both yelping)
- [Interviewer] Who is your hero?
- Stephen Curry.
- Mommy, I like my mommy better!
- Hi, hi.
- That he's funny.
(both playing)
- Watch this.
Stop, GG.
- Mm, no! (smooches)
- Aw really?
- [Interviewer] If you could be a fruit, what would you be?
- Cherries, two cherries, me and Justin! (laughs)
- Cranberry.
- Because!
- 'Cause. - It's his favorite.
- [Interviewer] Say you get stuck on an island,
and you can only bring one thing, what's it gonna be?
- Timber.
- Puggy.
- Timber is my stuffed dog.
- And Pug is my stuffed dog.
- Yes. - Yeah.
- Summer plans.
- Going to New York in nine days?
Nine days!
- We're usually playing outside in the backyard
and playing with our neighbors and then--
- And sitting on the couch all day watching TV!
- Are you crazy?
- Candy! - Uh-uh.
- She's a teacher.
- Mexican?
This says Mexican candy for Justin and GG to try.
Please give this bag to GG and Justin.
- Well, they did.
- I think you're making us try it because it's gonna be bad.
Ah yes, yes, let the chocolate be free!
Free into my mouth, that is.
- Free onto your chair, that is.
You're making it go everywhere.
- Mm. - That's delicious.
(mumbles) something to eat.
- Jelly, marshmallow, and chocolate.
(GG laughs)
- It is not fake!
- [Both] Bye!
(mellow electric guitar music)
Are you afraid of being judged? _ Vostfr - Duration: 2:08.
Philips Avance Smokeless Grill with MealEasy Voucher - Duration: 21:25.
T-ARA(티아라) Hide & Seek 숨바꼭질 - Duration: 3:47.
The Luxurious Tiny House From Tiny Heirloom | Tiny House Design Ideas - Duration: 3:28.
learn wild animals names and sounds for kids - Bibon Kids US - Duration: 1:34.
learn animals
Fan-fiction Saturdays - (Dora & Diego) - Duration: 7:41.
hey everybody Factory six and today we're going to do another sexy
fanfiction so get ready for it you know actually these are my fucking cousins
like they're Finding Nemo so yeah I thought that shit well you know what
fuck it no I'm just gonna do the whole thing with the glasses on it make me
cool and shit
door linger and cousin Diego's bedroom hey Diego I really want to show you
something but you have to close your eyes first Diego turned from his window
and made a crashing we'll look at door she looked like she was up to something
trust me she said softly you're going to like it
Diego closed his eyes and waited 30 seconds eagerly okay she said softly
open your eyes Diego's jaw dropped Dora had a new blade
wrong Dora what are you doing he asked door
smile Diego I'm just giving you a present don't you want to open it up
it's decorated with a lace and everything he said we hid who's getting
really fucking hot with this jacket on like I don't I don't know white decided
to wear a fucking jacket it's fucking hot in this room shit Diego looked away
from his beautiful 18 year old cousin glanced out the window and saw the
sunset and a rainbow of orange pink and purple
Denny look back at door and saw a gust of wind from the window and brush her
hair over her face Diggle step closer to his newly nude cousin and brushed her
hair away from the face she smiled her eyes the spark
then finally Diego giving it to doors forbidden desires Diego leaned in and
kissed it was a hazard kissed but Diego loosen up and kissed her right and his
members rolled up in front of her Dora pulled away other than its mark Can I
grab it Diego was shocked he said I heard
nervously geez door I've never done anything like that before
then Dora made a cute curious look at Diego she started laughing Diego are you
a virgin he looked slightly embarrassed yes then
then Dora put one hand on his member over his tan pants she crusted gently making his
heartbeat loud she put a hat on him with his chin and
made him look at her there's nothing to be ashamed of and don't be afraid
she then kiss he on the cheek and the whispered in his ear it won't hurt she
smiled then I went in for kiss once more again
it sucked his tongue into her mouth she massaged his tongue with hers
all Diego could think was God when do I breathe suddenly a big breath came out of
Diego's mouth and Dora laughed have you been holding your breath this
whole time Diego Papes pretty much
a goal of this fuck wrote this track sheet is fucking crazy like mixed-up
fucking words and shit she last against Austin Peay a goal of this her last was
arrogant yet fully Pollock is that what support / / / / fucking next mine I
don't know what they're shining their white like in some some stupid shit like
liking a panicle disc it like panel well what is this panic of a disco song who
fuck cares do you have a condom yes sweetly against
her chest actually I have like 50 in my rescue pack the blue moons brothers such
a whole box of magnums in there as a prank those filthy sons of bitches Oh
Maggie really packing I'm real big Heat thank you
yeah but Dora are you sure you actually want to go through with this
do you really want to have sex with your cousin
yeah don't you she asked
well what if you get pregnant he asked
Diego she said gigging
pregnancy is the last thing I'm worried about
oh shit
Dora trying to get some of that fucking dick oh my gosh she don't give two shits, like...
that's all I need to hear
he said and he slips pants
his what following his slip on the condom and door slides her hands of his
chaste virgin Diego shiver what the fuck man he was in heaven he could just hear
he could just here the heavenly chorus sing
Dora laid herself down on Diego's bed
Diego mouth watered as he watched Dora breast bounced up and down
what are you waiting for she asked without hesitation Diego was on top of Dora delicious body
body suddenly unsure again fuck me damn it what are you waiting for
she yelled at him Dora gasps ... gasps Dora gasps and moaned with pleasure
Diego was overcome with he forgot he was with Dora
he forgot who he was
he even forgot his name
only thing he could feel was his junk inside of something other than his hand
all of that stopped when Benny the bully came crashing through the doors
his face lite up red with anger
you whore you won't fuck me but you'll fuck your fuck your cousin
fuck you Dora
Benny no... no wait
she cried and hard to get....
she cried and try to get out from under.....
I can't speak fucking English today
she cried and tried to get out from underneath Diego
But Benny was already gone
holy shit
I don't even know what to say that is like ......
that wasn't really hardcore sex we were looking for but like
I don't know but
the only question is like
where the fuck is Benny
Einen Monat nach der Geburt Caroline Beil zeigt ihre Topfigur - Duration: 2:09.
Melanie Müller "Schwangerschaft ist scheiße, man darf kein Bier" - Duration: 2:03.
shoutout Sunday part 3 - Duration: 2:01.
Brazil Tour part 1 - The journey to the first (unofficial) concert - Rapalje show 20 - Duration: 10:50.
We were on tour in Brazil
and we flew with an airplane eight times in seven days
to do three shows in a row
And in this video you will see
the first part
where we prepare our equipment,
we travel to Schiphol in Amsterdam
and the whole travel and all the adventures to the first
unofficial concert..
Because we're not allowed to bring a lot of kilos
in the airplane
We have to strip down our technique
and normally we bring a big rack on stage where we have our
Receivers and amplifiers and everything
and we have to bring this all down
and we took out all this equipment
And put it all in a small case like this
So it fits in this
What they call a flightcase
During a live video on Facebook one week before
I asked you what you would like to see
I hope that I can show you everything you'd like to see:
The travel, the food the adventurers the fun and
everything that was needed
to be able to do this concerts
So what would you like to see?
from this camera and from that camera
from Brazil?
so at 4:00 in the morning
We drove up to Schiphol, Amsterdam airport
of course he brought our protection
He was with us the whole trip
After a quick coffee
Good morning!
We picked up Dieb
and William. And Dieb really travels light:
Only brought one bag and a fiddle
Donald Duckies?
And then we got our flightcase
Which in my opinion is not a flightcase at all, because
most airports couldn't handle
these big cases with wheels
They didn't want to have the wheels. They were too big
And they were too heavy
So we had to pay extra and we had to swap around many things that were inside
Ended up with a very big case
with a small but very heavy case inside
and in the other case was our Tea-chest-bas,
harmonica and some drums
And to be sure that they handle all our luggage
we decided that it was a good idea to play a bagpipe tune at the airport
Next in line please!
Because we also gave away a few CDs
and we were still smiling and happy
they accepted the big cases and we were on our way
to Dallas in the USA
Temperature is 93 degrees or thirty..
on the celsius scale it's 36 degrees or 97 Fahrenheit. Light winds out of the south
we do appreciate you flying with us. I will be turning the seatbelt sign back on in just a
few more minutes as we get down to lower altitudes - thanks again
Wow, It's so hot here!, ha ha ha
Five cheesburgers
Oh Yes!
And then we travel on from Dallas in USA
to Sāo Paulo in Brazil
Where we met the organizers from Odin's Krieger Festival
And this is the backstage pass we had on the last day
So I put it here beside the other passes
And in Sāo Paulo, we met the organizers Rodrigo and Leandro
Hi, Hello, Maceál, hi
Ha ha ha, Jeroen!
In the first night in Brazil
we met some fans who had won a contest on Facebook
And we also met a lovely Samya who helps out
on our trip through Brazil with all the airplanes and all the flying and all the traveilng
then we decided to do a small acoustic concert
With a couple of songs
So be easy a free and I see you next week!
【はる】如月アテンション / Kisaragi Attention 踊ってみた - Duration: 4:22.
Wow - where am I going to go?
I dunno if regular clothes will work out.
Ahh, everything's Getting given up this afternoon.
Wow - if I wear those tall heels,
It'll be a little hard to walk.
So I'll just throw on this hood, And try not to be found out.
In the shopping district, through back alleys,
Ah, my heart is Kind of starting to pound.
Suddenly, the wind blows, lifts my hood, And I'm the center of attention.
"I guess I'm not having a regular weekend after all..."
It's so harsh, I want to give up.
Sure, you give me a full house, But it really makes me blue.
So I get anxious - I really stand out.
It's so harsh, I want to run away -
That's what I start to hope for.
"Don't look at me anymore!!"
But I stuff the words Away in my pocket.
Wow - for such a long time,
I've sort of caught people's attention,
And I started Getting used to even that.
Wow - I've heard it before,
But I can't exactly seem to remember.
"Argh, geez! My constitution sucks!"
But of course, I didn't ever say it.
As the streets switch into panic,
It just makes me want to give up on being an idol.
"To think it would be like this..." But I thought so foolishly and simply then,
And I planned out my dreams In the glare of the stage lights.
It's so harsh, but I can't say it -
I'm drowned in cheering, but...
"Am I really that good...?"
I'm just a bore - I don't get it!
It's so harsh, I want to vanish -
But I can't speak up
"No. You're making me cry!"
But I bury away the words in my pocket...
You can't do this anymore.
You hear the cheering, don't you?
The things you dreamed of Are already right in front of you.
If it's "harsh," then change it -
You know you're not alone!
Now say it - And no need to sound too stylish.
Ahh, I think I can do it!
I feel like my heart's going to burst, It's overflowing so much.
So can I steal yours away?!
This "dream" is packed to the brim With all that I want to say.
So don't take your eyes off it! And so tomorrow, Let's keep skipping ahead!!
[Best Asian Food] Street food Indonesia 2017 Fried Rice for 1000 People - Duration: 16:46.
Diamonds & Duds (Hits & Misses) July 2017 Favorites - Duration: 10:57.
Hi guys welcome back.
Today I am going to film my July Diamonds and Duds.
Otherwise known as my hits and misses for the month of July.
And I can't believe July is over.
I mean I just can't believe how fast this year is going.
And I say that every year but it's true.
Time just flies and then it's going to be fall and it's going to be winter and I don't
want to think about it.
So anyway let's get on with it.
I only have a few items this month.
So this video should be really short and I bought quite a few things in July but most
of them I've either already touched on in another video or I've already reviewed and
I just don't want to rehash so what I have today the first item is actually a throwback.
And it is a foundation that I use to use years ago and you know how it is with foundations
you try new ones and then you just kinda get away from one and that's what happened with
me with this one.
But what I am talking about is the Revlon Colorstay Foundation.
And this stuff is amazing.
And I had forgotten how amazing this is.
See it's got me so excited I can't even think of what to say.
I was in the drugstore the other day browsing the aisles as I do.
And I saw this.
And I thought you know I use to like that, let me get a bottle of that and try it again.
So I did and I have worn this every day since.
Every day since.
Except for a couple days when I was doing a foundation review which I haven't posted
yet but other than that I've worn this everyday.
It is amazing.
I do wish I'd gotten a little darker shade.
This is 240 medium beige which I thought for sure I was medium beige but it is a little
light when I put it on and I just bronze it up a little bit and it blends in ok and it
works but I wish I had gone up a little bit higher.
But this lasts.
This lasts me all day with my oily skin this lasts all day.
By lunchtime my forehead hasn't completely melted off.
It just looks so good.
And I have gotten so many compliments since I have gone back to using this and I'm talking...
my dog just jumped into my lap.
Hi Bella you want to give mama kisses.
Umm I've gotten compliments, people want to know what I'm doing why does my skin look
Do you want this foundation?
Thank you for kisses.
Ok so anyway I'm just loving it and I'm talking I'm loving it more than my high end foundations.
I'm loving it.
So will I keep it forever and ever and ever and never try anything else again?
I'm a foundation... what would the word be?
I love foundation and I am always going to keep trying new foundations but for now way
hooked on this again.
If you haven't tried it in a long time.
If you're like me and you kinda forgot about it, got away from it go back.
Try it again.
Remember what you use to love about it because it is great.
Alright my next item.
This is there we go.
This is the Benefit Boing Airbrush Concealer.
And I have mine in the shade #2.
And this stuff is great.
This is what it looks like.
And on the inside it's just a nice little cream.
And I love it.
I mean it's a concealer what else can I say.
But it is so good.
I have under eye issues I am sure you can see.
I mean I've got wrinkles, bags, I've got some skin tags.
I just have all kinds of stuff going on under my eyes.
And I love this.
It doesn't accentuate and fall in the wrinkles and just sit there and cake.
It's great.
I'm loving it right now so I've been using this everyday too.
Highly recommend it.
And the third item and this is the last item that I have to tell you about for the month
of July and I don't have the box.
I feel so stupid.
How did I not save the box?
I save every box I ever get for anything.
If it's a box, I save it.
I didn't save the box for this.
But anyway.
My dog keeps jumping in my lap.
No no no no.
Alright say hi to the camera.
Ok now go down let mama be up here.
Alright so anyway this item is I actually saw a video about this product on MsKristinn321's
channel and I will link a clip to her video below so you can go check it out but this
product is called Baby Foot.
And I had never heard of it before.
So I don't know maybe you've heard of it but I hadn't.
What it is is you get just a little box and I paid $25 for it on Amazon and I'll put that
link below too of course.
But inside of it comes the 2 just little plastic booties for your feet.
And they are prefilled inside with a gel.
You wash your feet.
You put these little booties on.
And they give you some tape to tape them closed and you sit there and let the gel work it's
magic for an hour.
And so I did.
I put them on, sat down and watched TV for an hour.
Go take the booties off.
Wash your feet.
You know wash all the old gel residue off.
And then for a few days nothing.
Well for me it took about 5 days.
But they say 3-5 days.
All the sudden on the 5th day your feet turn into a snake.
And I know it sounds so gross.
But you will literally shed your old feet and get brand new baby feet.
Hence the title.
And I know it sounds so gross.
And it grosses my husband out so bad.
He was like if your feet start peeling don't come near me.
Don't come near me.
Don't come near me.
I mean like it freaked him out.
But they do.
They start peeling and you won't want to wear flip flops or sandals out in public for a
couple days while your feet peel.
But it literally just all your old nasty, callused skin comes off and underneath you
are left with brand new feet, soft like a baby.
I mean it's awesome.
I'm a Carolina girl.
I wear flip flops 365 days a year.
I love my flip flops.
So my feet have taken some abuse through the weather.
They needed this.
This stuff was awesome.
And I will be using it again definitely.
Just wanted to throw that out there.
It was an absolute favorite for me this month.
And that is all I have for favorites.
And to be honest I really don't have any like huge duds, huge dislikes.
I did want to mention one item just because I don't know, maybe save somebody a couple
But I picked up this e.l.f.
Blending Sponge.
Makeup sponge.
And I don't remember what I paid for it.
$5 or $6.
And I don't like it at all.
I'm going to take it out and show you here.
I mean it's got a great shape.
Great size.
And it feels you know soft like it would be really good.
But it isn't soft enough I guess.
It just isn't good enough.
I much prefer my Real Techniques or my EcoTools, the green one.
Both of those are like $5 each too and I think both of them are way better than this one.
Softer and I just like them better.
And this little point right here.
I mean it's too fat to really get up under your eye or do anything with anyway.
So not a big miss for the month of July but not anything I would buy again and I honestly
wouldn't recommend you do.
I would point you towards the Real Techniques or the Eco Tools if you wanted a cheap blending
Makeup sponge.
And anyway guys that's it.
That's all I have for this month.
Leave me some comments below let me know what items you were loving this month, what items
you were hating.
Have you ever used Baby Foot?
And as always if you guys have any products you want me to review or try out just let
me know.
I did just get my hands on the new Anastasia Beverly Hills Subculture Palette and I'm so
excited about that.
So I'm thinking about posting a video with some swatches and stuff.
If that's something you guys want to see let me know below for sure.
And that's all I have so I hope you guys have a great day.
Please hit, click...
I just spit.
Please click that like button down below and if you haven't already I really hope you'll
I'll see you guys next time.
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