Saturday, August 5, 2017

Youtube daily report w Aug 5 2017


For more infomation >> best game king birds to make money - Duration: 4:50.


Brett Rutecky's Super Jacker Full Demo Review for Internet Marketing - Duration: 6:49.

Hey everybody Steve Whitby here of affiliate reviews plus today I'm going

to be going over a cloud-based app that like a lot of apps steer traffic it's

created by one of the leading internet marketers out there he runs the IM

watchdog Facebook group Brett Rutecky is his name which some of you

probably heard of them but anyways with that hold on to your apps I'll be right

back and we're going to go over this thing

alright so here we are at the welcome screen

screen I'm super jacker basically for this review what I'm going to do

basically is just show you what it does I've already done my test slides and

test Jack and I don't feel like it's necessary for me to go through the

motions of a basically showing you what Brett would show you in the

tutorials they're very simple very clear and concise and easily presented to

where you can have this thing mastered you know after the first time you watch it but

you might want to watch it a couple times and as always he has a great

support system here so up here you have your personal account information that

type of stuff but anyways what it does is what you do is you create your slide

which I've done create a one slide to review test slide okay you come here

create new go in there and create it again what's tutorials once you've done

that okay then you over your your Jack's and I created a review test Jack and again

come in here and create new and again in the tutorials very simple very easy to

follow once you're done and you can visit the jack that you've created now

this is where it gets really cool all right

so you come over here after you've done everything in you're happy with their

everything even if you're not happy with it you have to go back and edit it

you know it's go back and forth until you're happy with it but anyways what

you do is you go over here to visit the jack okay and I've just randomly chose

a-ah internet you know traffic source paid traffic

source and boom there it is you know super Jack comes down five seconds and

I used as my go-to website so let's see if it works alright there it

is here's Google there all right close that come over here

drop down the menu to the links hit a link and again I use Google that's my go-to

website boom there it is alright working fine alright so and what

the really cool part is is that you know when you go back here and just check ok

you can copy this okay there it is again boom love it love it

and then you come over here say like you're on Facebook and you have your

page just like that and then you come over here and you paste that link in

there say what you will about it and you know publish it okay where did it go where

did it go where did it go where did it go where did it go there we go there we go alright so

here's that here's the link okay and again what they're going to see is

they're going to see this the URL to our great article about reaching traffic

looks like an interesting article let's press on it boom there's the article

alright three two one boom there's the jack right there

okay close that like come over here hit the menu any one of these boom takes us

to where you wanted to go there you go very very cool and very very effective

in my opinion can you be used in several applications but again as far as like

Brett coming up with another super duper app that's really cool

I like it my approval big-time anyways if you find this helpful

and if you find that this app will be useful in your internet marketing

business by all means check out the link below and have fun super jackin it's

pretty fun just to play with at least that's what I'm doing right now anyways have

fun hope it was helpful see you on the super jacker side

bye bye alright so what y'all think about it that was my review of Brett Rutecky's a

super jacker app cloud-based app that allows you to borrow a website put the

jack on it and send traffic wherever you want to go I think it's cool one thing I

did not touch on in the review the over-the-shoulder review there was a in the

tutorials Brett does go over the cURL versus of the iframe options there and

one of them is how how it's geared more towards affiliates so if you do affiliate

work highly suggest you look at this tutorials and see how that works very

useful very cool anyways I hope you enjoyed the review a lot more coming and

we'll see how that goes but if you find that this is going to be something you

can use in your internet marketing agency by all means click the link below

go get it because reason I say that too is I don't think Brett has released

this to the public yet so that being said if you want to be a one of the

first kids on the block before it goes public or what have you you can grab

here grab it now I mean it's uh and I don't I only have a limited number so

it's kind of a first come first serve supplies last

while limited or however you want to say it but anyways if you have any questions

put it in the comments love to hear some feedback my name is Steve Whitby from

affiliate reviews plus more come and hope see you on the app side of things

and and hope it all goes well all right thanks a lot have a good day

For more infomation >> Brett Rutecky's Super Jacker Full Demo Review for Internet Marketing - Duration: 6:49.


Trans 101: Ep 5 - Pronouns [CC] - Duration: 10:47.

[intro music]

Hey guys! Welcome to another episode of the Trans 101 Series. Today I am talking to you about

pronouns and what are pronouns and the importance of pronouns and how to respect pronouns and yeah.

So to be as basic as possible a pronoun is something that people would like to be referred to. And I will say

that in society we have these boxes that are made for us already. Male and female. He and she.

And that has, that's how it's going to be and that's how it always going to be

[deep breath]

Okay, that's fine. Yes. We can go with this. So these are what pronouns are. They are associated with a specific gender.

Now when a trans person comes out they will most likely tell you that they would like to use

different pronouns than you're used to. So if a person was assigned female at birth and transitions to male

So they are now going from female or sorry

She pronouns to he pronouns and that is very

important to respect that trans person's pronouns and the reason why is because

without respecting their pronouns a lot of trans people feel like you're invalidating their identity and

some people even feel like they're not trans enough, or they don't look and appear like the gender

they are trying to present as enough, because you are not respecting their pronouns.

And then other people don't respect pronouns because they're just rude as

beep but

It is very important to understand why pronouns are so important

And I can see how some people in society don't think it's a big deal, and they can just get over it and that

um, some people who are angry at trans people will even resort to using old pronouns in order to

talk down to them or to remind them of who they were

just because they're angry at them. And this is something that I'm going to say, Stop! Don't do that. No matter

how angry you are at a trans person, never ever use their old name or their old pronouns. Because you are...

That's like another level. Like maybe you're trying to put the trans person down.

Maybe that's what you're trying to do. Some trans people do this where they, they you know they're mad at another trans person

they just get angry. Never resort to saying someone's old name or saying the pronouns that they used use

because this is something that it's another level of...

like it's another level of like, you are now like seen as a not, nah I'm not gonna

I'm going to use a despicable person because that's like a really intense word, but I will say that

you are, you are the lowest low that you can get right now because you are

a person who does not respect other people. You're allowed to hate anyone you want but the second that you don't respect someone's pronouns because

you're angry at them...

Come on. Come on.

So respecting other people's pronouns is

absolutely crucial and I think that one of the biggest things that people have is that they're scared of messing up on pronouns.

So you have a co-worker who has come out as trans and now uses he pronouns.

Some people will avoid trans people because they're scared that they're going to mess up pronouns or

they'll talk to them and they'll accidentally slip, "she." And then they'll make a huge deal about it. They'll be like "Oh my god!

I'm so sorry! I've been trying so hard! So sorry! I didn't mean to do that!"

Please stop, please almost everyone that I known that

I've talked to you my entire life who is trans who has been misgendered in the past

absolutely hates it when people make a big scene. Because then other people hear about it

and then it just makes everyone in the room feel uncomfortable. It makes you feel uncomfortable. And it makes them feel uncomfortable.

The best thing to do if you've is misgender somebody is literally to be like "oh my god

I'm so sorry. He. Like I'm so sorry. You just, "Oh I'm so sorry." Mmm, so sorry. Like a small "I'm so sorry"

I, I have some friends okay, who use they pronouns.

I sometimes slip up because it is not a pronoun that I have been raised with that

is easy for me to just click like that.

I'll admit that. It's hard for a lot of people to understand what they

pronouns are. And what I mean by they pronouns is usually associated with people who are non-binary or gender non-conforming.

So instead of using he or instead of using she pronouns

They like the gender-neutral

pronoun of they and I know that a lot of people are gonna be like that's not grammatically correct. It is though.

And I will put a link in the description explaining all of this to you

so that you can understand that it is okay to talk about one person and use they pronouns.

So back to my story. I have friends who use they pronoun, and I sometimes mess up, okay?

And it does happen, even me as somebody who is super open knows all of these things all this

information in my brain all the time, I will literally go "She-


Or like I won't even say I'm sorry. I will just like completely right away, right away, right away

right away

correct myself because it was an accident and

when I started to transition and people would messed up on my pronouns if they didn't correct themselves

I would be like- [makes pained noise] I would feel so uncomfortable

I didn't want to correct them

But when they would correct themselves right away it made me feel so much better because it made me feel

valid. it made me feel valid in their eyes, and I know that other people

it doesn't matter what other people think but for a lot of trans people

we look for

validation in the people around us in how we identify and if you see me

as how I see me. And I know that that's a bit problematic.

But in the beginning of people's transitions that can be a thing. So you're looking for someone's validation

So somebody who says she, and they're like. "Oh, sorry, he" "Oh sorry, he" "Oh sorry. He."

That was the only-

That's it. That's all that you need to do if you mess up on pronouns.

Some people won't agree with me.

And I don't speak for the entire trans community obviously

I'm just trying to give you a basic one on one of what I know what I've

experienced and what I've seen in the trans community. A lot of people don't like when people who are not trans or

anyone who misgenders anyone makes a huge deal about it.

So please just don't do that.

The main aspect and the main point of this video

okay, is when somebody who is trans or gender non-conforming or non-binary comes out and said please respect my pronouns

I now use they pronouns or i now you he pronouns, or I now use she pronouns.

Please respect this person

Even if you don't agree with them and you think that trans people are disgusting, which why would you? Please come on man. We're people?

Respecting other people and

respecting who they are is so

so, so crucial in this society, okay? There is so much hate all the time. There's people who are

filled with so much rage, and you see this all over Facebook and all over the news and

it just takes one person to be able to just respect a trans person in

order for them to feel better about themselves and also i mean

it's just like a nice thing to be respectful to other people and to like see them as human beings and I know that you might

not, some people might not agree, and some people really might not think that trans people are real, but


It's hard at first, okay?

And I want, I want people to understand that.

But I also want to talk about really quickly the last point is if you are trans and

you are telling somebody please respect my pronouns, I'm going to say this and I, it's problematic [mumbles "I'll admit it"]

Don't expect the person to change your pronouns right away

and I am saying this because some people need time to process a

different pronoun, because they've known you as a specific pronoun for a very long time.

And I've seen so many posts online where people like I just came out last week, and they're still not using my pronouns.

Especially when you're talking about your family. This is the family that's known you for 13 years, for 16 years, for

19 years, for 30 years. It can't happen overnight for some people it literally clicks like that

and they switch the pronoun the day tell them that you're trans and that you want to use these pronouns. And that is

amazing and bless those families, but

for other people it can be hard

And I am saying this as somebody who is trans, who has had to deal with my dad who is still

misgendering me after nine years of being out as a trans person, alright?

This is very hard for me

and I've been trying to accept it and it only in the last two years.

two years that he has finally come around to it.

And I was angry for a very long time and I held a lot of hate but

I, I, I realized that

I didn't really talk to my dad about being trans

and I never really

explained to him exactly why my pronouns were so important. If I had sat him down six years ago and told him

"I need you to try." I think that he would have seen how sincere I am and how much

importance I place on these pronouns.

And how much it would mean to me, and I think that you would have switched them like that.

But I can also understand that because I never had that conversation and

because a lot of people don't have that conversation and some parents are just so close to it that it can take some time.

When my friend who is very close to me told me that they now use of they pronouns, it took me,

it took me weeks for me in my head to

associate them with that pronoun because I had known them for six years as a different pronoun.

Even as a trans person it can be hard, and I'm admitting that.

We don't usually admit that but I'm admitting it to you. So it's okay to take your time

with the pronouns in order to be able to process them and a lot of people do this thing where- my friend who is

non-binary their name is Zuzia

So I would go "Zuzia. They. Zuzia. They. They. They. They. Zuzia. So anytime

I would associate their name and what they look like I would see the word they.

And that made it so much easier for me

So if you know somebody whose trans and they just came out to you and their name is now, I don't know Peter.

Peter. He. Peter. He. Peter. He. And you just imagine this person's face in your head every time you do that

so that you'll eventually be able to use the right pronouns for them

This tip obviously doesn't work for everyone, but this is just something that I have found that helps me a lot anyways

This is all that I have to say about respecting pronouns.

There's a lot more that I can go into this. But once again, this is a 101 video

that's gone way too long, but thank you so much for joining me. I will see you for the next episode have a great day

[outro music]

For more infomation >> Trans 101: Ep 5 - Pronouns [CC] - Duration: 10:47.


The Tiny Getaway From Handcrafted Movement | Tiny House Design Ideas - Duration: 10:49.


For more infomation >> The Tiny Getaway From Handcrafted Movement | Tiny House Design Ideas - Duration: 10:49.


【人の本質を見抜く方法】字幕付き - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> 【人の本質を見抜く方法】字幕付き - Duration: 2:53.


Uomini e Donne: Maria De Filippi snobbata. Il clamoroso NO - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: Maria De Filippi snobbata. Il clamoroso NO - Duration: 3:09.


Oroscopo oggi Paolo Fox: previsioni 5 agosto e week-end - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Oroscopo oggi Paolo Fox: previsioni 5 agosto e week-end - Duration: 2:58.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 300 BLUETEC HYBRID EDITION AMG Navigatie, Stoelverwarming, Alarm, Spiegelpakk - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 300 BLUETEC HYBRID EDITION AMG Navigatie, Stoelverwarming, Alarm, Spiegelpakk - Duration: 0:59.


Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi 68PK airdream 5D FEEL - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi 68PK airdream 5D FEEL - Duration: 1:00.


Seat Ibiza 1.2 TDI 75pk E-Ecomotive Copa - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Seat Ibiza 1.2 TDI 75pk E-Ecomotive Copa - Duration: 0:59.


Ultime notizie: Una serie tv sulla vita di Albano Carrisi | K.N.B.T - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Ultime notizie: Una serie tv sulla vita di Albano Carrisi | K.N.B.T - Duration: 1:44.


Şamanizmden Gelen Adetlerimiz - Duration: 10:33.

Merhaba Araştıran İnsanlar!

Gündelik hayatımızda toplumca benimsemiş olduğumuz aslında geçmişi binlerce sene

evvel yaşamış olan şaman atalarımıza dayanan adetlerimizi ele alacağımız bir

video ile beraberiz.

Günlük yaşantımızda nedenini bilmediğimiz birçok davranış sergileriz.

Gidenin arkasından su dökerek uğurlama, üç kez tahtaya vurmak gibi.

Çoğumuz bu davranışları batıl inanç olarak adlandırırız.

Ama bunlar, aslında binlerce yıldır yaşadığımız topraklarda sürdürülmüş Şaman gelenekleridir.

Türkler'in Şamanizm'den İslamiyet'e geçişi yüzyıllar öncesine dayansa da,

günümüzde Şamanizm'den kalan birçok adet ve gelenekleri bulunuyor.

Özellikle Asya da varlıklarını devam ettiren Türk toplumları kadim Türk öğretilerine

halen sıkı sıkıya bağlı bulunup bunları İslamla sentezlemeyi başarmışlardır.

Şamanlarda kişiye alp veya bilge olduğunu göstermek için o kişinin eli öpülürdü.

El öpmek hem saygının hemde biyat etmenin bir göstergesiydi.

Örneğin yeni bir serdar obanın başına geçtiğinde obanın ileri gelenleri serdara

biyat ettiklerini göstermek için özel bir törenle elini öperlerdi.

Zaman içerisin de Türkler devlet kurmaya başladıkça bu geleneğin kaybolmayarak

kurulan devletlerdede vücut bulduğu gözlemlenmektedir.

Buna bir örnekte Osmanlı Devletinde padişah tahta ilk çıktığında gerçekleştirilen

cülus törenleridir.

Günümüzde de büyüklere saygı göstermek için el öpülür.

İstenmeyen bir olay duyulduğunda tahtaya el ile tokmak gibi üç kere vurulması da,

kötülükten korunmak, kötü ruhların duymasını önlemek amacına yönelik eski bir Şaman


Bazısı Amerikalılara da geçmiş adetlerdir.

Geçerken Kuzey Buz Denizi'ndeki Bering Boğazını kullanmış olsa gerektir.

Zira Amerikalılar da "knock on the wood" deyip 3 defa tahtaya vururlar.

Loğusa kadınların başına bağlanan kırmızı kurdele Şaman döneminden günümüze kadar

gelmiş bir adettir.

Bu kurdelenin anneyi ve yeni doğan çocuğu, Albız denen şeytana karşı koruduğuna


Alevilikte mezarın başına bağlanan kırmızı kurdelenin de ölüye kötü ruhların musallat

olmasını engellediğine inanılır.

Gelinlere kırmızı kurdele bağlamak sanıldıgının aksine bekareti degil kötü ruh olan albastıyı

kovması içindir.

Anadolu'da yeni ayın görünmesi sırasında yere diz çökerek niyaz edilmekte, gökyüzüne,

aya ve toprağa bakarak dilekte bulunulmaktadır.

Yeni ayın yeni umutlara ve yeni başlangıçlara vesile olacağı düşünülür.

Bu olgu da Türklerin eski Gök tanrı inancından kaynaklanmaktadır.

Kurşun Dökme de Şaman geleneklerinden kalan bir âdettir.

Şamanlar bu ritüele "Kut Dökme" anlamına gelen "Kut Kuyma" adını vermişlerdi.

İnsana musallat olan kötü ruhların olumsuz etkisini ortadan kaldırmaya yönelik olarak

çok eski dönemlerde uygulanan sihir kökenli bir ritüeldi.

Anadolu'da halk arasında "nazar" olgusu çok yaygın bir inançtır.

Bazı insanların olağandışı özellikleri olduğu ve bunların bakışlarının karşılarındaki

kimselere rahatsızlık verdiğine, kötülük yaptığına inanılır.

Bunun önüne geçmek için "nazar boncuğu", "deve boncuğu", "göz boncuğu" v.s.


Nazar olgusu da eski Türk inançlarındandır.

Şaman ayin sırasında yardımcı ruhlarını kullanmaktadır.

Ölülerin, ailenin vefat etmiş büyüklerinin, eski Şamanların ruhlarının, ormanın,

suyun ve yerin yardımcı ruhlarının da Şaman'a yardım ettiği kabul edilir.

Ölen büyüklerin ruhlarının çoğalması sonucu bu ruhların en kıdemlisinin ruhların

başına geçeceğine ve bunun da diğerlerinin yardımı ile Şaman'a yol göstereceğine


Kuş biçiminde düşünülen bu ruhlar Şaman'a gökyüzüne yapacağı yolculukta yardımcı


Toplumda ulu kabul edilen kişilerin ölümünden sonra ruhlarından medet ummak mezarları

kutsamış ve bu yerler medet umulan yerler hâline gelmişlerdir.

Günümüzde mezar, türbe, yatır ve benzeri yerlerin ziyareti ve bunlardan medet umulması

da bu inanç sisteminin devamı olarak ortaya çıkmıştır Eski Türklerde mezarları

gizleme geleneği yoktur, aksine özellikle büyüklerin özel mezarları yapılıp, üzerlerine

bir yapı (bark) yapılmış, barkın iç duvarları ölünün yaşarken katıldığı

savaş sahnelerini gösteren resimlerle süslenmiştir.

Ayrıca mezarın veya mezar yapısının üstüne Balballar dikilmiş, sıradan kişilerin mezarlarına

da, belirli olması için tümsek biçimi verilmiştir.

Arap dünyasında mezar taşı yoktur.

Ölünün toprakla bütünleşmesi ve zaman içinde kaybolması istenir.

Kutsanması günahtır.

Mezarlara taş dikilmesi ve bu taşın sanat eseri hâline getirilecek kadar süslenmesi

Tanrıça Umay'ın simgesi kuştur ve bolluk bereket sembolüdür.

Şamanlar yılın bazı kendilerine göre özel olduğunu düşündüğü günlerde

tanrıdan bir istek veya dilekte bulunmak için kimselerin göremeyeceği dağlık ovalık

ıssız alanlara istedikleri şeyin resmini toprağa çizerler veya taşlardan yaparlar

üzerine de muhakkak bir kuş sembolü iliştirirlerdi.

Günümüzde halk arasında hıdrellez zamanı insanların diledikleri eşyayı toprağa

çizme veya taşlardan yapması da bu adeta dayanmaktadır.

Şaman'ın üzerine giydiği giysiye yılan, akrep, çıyan, kunduz gibi yabanî ve zararlı

hayvan şekilleri çizilerek onların kaçırılacağına inanılırdı.

Bugün Anadolu'da Türkmen köylerinde ve yaylalarda yaşayan yörüklerce dokunan halı,

kilim gibi örgülerde de sıkça zararlı hayvan motifleri görülmektedir.

Asırlar önce yaşamış Şaman atalarımızın giysilerinin izleri Anadolu da kilim motiflerinde


Şamanlar ayinlerinde davul ve kopuz kullanmışlardır.

Müziksiz bir ayin düşünülemez.

Oysa İslam dininde Kur'an dışındaki dinî eserlerin müzikle okunması günahtır.

Şaman geleneğinin devamı olarak Anadolu'da Hz.

Muhammed'in, ve Hz.

Ali'nin hayatları müzikle okunmaktadır.

Mevlit ve İlâhiler sadece Anadolu'da uygulanan müzikli anlatımlardır.

Şamanizm inancında dilek dileme şekli.

Küçük kumaş parçaları genel olarak ağaçlara çok önem verildiğinden ve yaşamın sembolü

kabul edildiğinden ve yaşam üzerinde muazzam etkileri olduğu düşünüldüğünden, bunların

dallarına bağlanır ve dileğin gerçekleşmesi beklenir.

Günümüz Türkiye'sinde bu eski gelenek halen devam etmektedir.

Temelinde ise doğadaki her varlığın bir ruhu olduğu inancı yatmaktadır.

Şamanizm'de köpekler ruhun yaklaştığını uzaktan acı ulumayla haber verebilmektedir.

Sıradan bir kişi bu ruhu görürse bu onun pek yakında öleceğine işaret sayılır.

Anadolu'da günümüzde köpek uluması uğursuz sayılmaktadır.

Köpeklerin bazı olayları önceden algıladıklarına ve bunu uluyarak anlattıklarına inanılır.

Şaman kültüründeki suyun kutsallığı olgusunun doğurduğu adettir.

Su berekettir, kutsaldır.

"Su gibi çabuk dön, ak geri gel, ak çabuk, kazasız belasız git" demek için su dökülür

gidenin arkasından.

Ayrıca su içerken elle başı desteklemekte bir Şaman geleneği kalıntısıdır.

Su içerken insanın aklı başından kaçmasın diye kafa elle tutulurmuş.

Mezarların ayak ucunda bulunan küçük suluklar; ruhların susadıkları zaman kalkıp oradan

su içmeleri inancına dayanır.

Ayrıca kuşların, böceklerin o suluklardan su içmesinin, ölmüş kişinin ruhuna fayda

edeceğine inanılır.

Şaman kültüründe, ayinlerde kullanılan yardımcı ruhlar, kuş biçiminde tasvir


Kuş biçiminde düşünülen bu ruhlar Şamanlara, gökyüzüne yapacakları yolculukta yardımcı


Şöyle ki şamanizme göre Gök tengrinin tahtı ve uçmag göklerde arşın üzerindedir.

Şamanların öldükten sonra ki tek arzuları bu tahta varıp uçmaga yani cennete girebilmektir.

Bu yüzden de ruhlarının kuş şekline girip uçmasını arzu ederler.

Ayrıca Şamanizm de ruhun nefeste taşındığına inanılır, o yüzden hapşuruğun hızıyla

kişinin ruhu ağızdan çıkıvermesin diye hapşurana çok yaşa denilir.

Eski Türk inanışına göre ruh fizikî bedeni 40 gün sonra terk etmektedir.

Türk destanlarında kırk sayısı çok yer alır ve kırk yiğitler, kırk kızlar epeyce


Manas destanında olduğu gibi, Dede Korkut hikâyelerinde kırk yiğitler görülmektedir.

Kırgız türeyiş efsanesinde de, Sağan Han'ın bir kızı ve otuz dokuz hizmetçisi

ile kırk kız bir gölün kenarına giderek sudan gebe kalmışlardı.

Oğuz'un verdiği şölende, diktirdiği sırıkların boyu kırk kulaç uzunluğunda


Hikâyelerde ve masallarda kırk gün ve kırk gece düğünler, kırk haremiler, kırk satır

ve kırk katır çok geçer.

Bazı ejderhalar vardır ki onlar yenilmez ve ölmezler, ancak bunların tılsımları

bozulursa ölürler.

Bu gibi ejderhaların kırk günlük bir uyku zamanı vardır.

İşte bu zamanda ejderhanın yanına gidilir, üzerinden kırk tane kıl koparılır, ateşe

atılarak yakılırsa ejderha da ölür.

40 sayısı da totemcilik döneminden kalma bir inanıştır.

Semavi dinler dâhil tüm dinlerde 40 sembolizmasının görülmesi dinlerin evrim süreci konusunda

fikir vermektedir.

İslâmiyet'te ölümün ardından 40 gün geçtikten sonra Kur'an ve Mevlit okutma

âdetlerinin, Musa'nın Tanrı'nın buyruklarını Tur dağında 40 gün 40 gecede almasının,

Eski Mısır'da firavunun ölümünden kırk gün sonra cennete gidebilmek için bir boğa

ile mücadele etmek zorunda kalmasının, Hıristiyanların paskalyaya 40 gün oruç

tutarak hazırlanmasının, Ayasofya kilisesinin zemin katında 40 sütununun ve kubbesinde

de 40 penceresi olmasının kökeninde Şaman veya totem gelenekleri bulunmaktadır.

Bebek doğduktan 40 gün sonra bebeği "kırklama" eylemini de dahil edebiliriz.

Tüm soru görüş ve önerileriniz için bana instagram hesabımdan ulaşabilirsiniz.

Araştırmalarımızın gelişerek devam edebilmesi için videoyu facebook twitter gibi platformlarda

paylaşmayı yeni videolarda haberdar olup araştıran insanlar topluluğuna katılabilmek

için Kült TV ye abone olmayı unutmayın.

Bir başka videoda daha görüşünceye kadar hoşçakalın araştıran insanlar.

İslam coğrafyasında sadece Anadolu'da görülmektedir.

For more infomation >> Şamanizmden Gelen Adetlerimiz - Duration: 10:33.


Compressas para os olhos com água gelada! - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> Compressas para os olhos com água gelada! - Duration: 6:36.


Strip that down - Liam Payne ft Quavo (Continuum cover) - Duration: 3:52.

You know, I've been taking some time And I've been keeping to myself

I had my eyes up on the prize Ain't watching anybody else

But your love, it hit me hard, girl Yeah, you're bad for my health

I love the cards, that I've been dealt Do you feel the same as well?

You know, I used to be in 1D (now I'm out, free)

People want me for one thing (that's not me) I'm not changing, the way, that I (used to

be) I just wanna have fun and (get rowdy)

One Coke and Bacardi (sippin' lightly) When I walk inside the party (girls on me)

F1 type Ferrari (6 gear speed) Girl, I love it when your body (grinds on

me) Oh yeah

You know, I love it, when the music's loud But c'mon, strip that down for me, baby

Now there's a lot of people in the crowd But only you can dance with me

So put your hands on my body And swing that round for me, baby (swing)

You know, I love it when the music's loud But c'mon, strip that down for me (yeah, yeah,

yeah, yeah) Oh, strip that down, girl

Love when you hit the ground, girl (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

Oh, strip that down, girl Love, when you hit the ground

You know, that since the day I met you Yeah, you swept me off my feet

You know, that I don't need no money When your love is beside me

Yeah, you opened up my heart And then you threw away the key

Girl, now it's just you and me And you don't care 'bout where I've been

You know, I used to be in 1D (now I'm out, free)

People want me for one thing (that's not me) I'm not changing, the way that I (used to

be) I just wanna have fun and (get rowdy, ooh)

One Coke and Bacardi (sippin' lightly) When I walk inside the party (girls on me)

F1 type Ferrari (6 gear speed) Girl, I love it when your body (grinds on

me, baby) Ooh

You know, I love it, when the music's loud But c'mon, strip that down for me, baby

Now there's a lot of people in the crowd But only you can dance with me

So put your hands on my body And swing that round for me, baby (yeah)

You know, I love it when the music's loud But c'mon, strip that down for me (yeah, yeah,

yeah, yeah) Baby, uh, strip that down, girl

Love when you hit the ground, girl (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) (strip that down)

Oh, strip that down, girl Love, when you hit the ground (yeah, yeah,

yeah, yeah) Oh, strip that down, girl

Love when you hit the ground, girl (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) (yeah)

Oh, strip that down, girl Love, when you hit the ground (yeah, yeah,

yeah, yeah) (Quavo)

She gon' strip it down for a thug, yeah (strip it down)

Word around town, she got the buzz, yeah (word) Five shots in, she in love now (shots)

I promise, when we pull up, shut the club down (hey)

I took her from her man, don't nobody know (know)

If you brought the CL, better drive slow (slow) She know how to make me feel with my eyes

closed (skrrt skrrt) Anything goes down with the Huncho (Huncho)

You know, I love it, when the music's loud But c'mon, strip that down for me, baby

Now there's a lot of people in the crowd But only you can dance with me

So put your hands on my body And swing that round for me, baby

You know, I love it when the music's loud But c'mon, strip that down for me (yeah, yeah,

yeah, yeah) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, c'mon, strip that

For more infomation >> Strip that down - Liam Payne ft Quavo (Continuum cover) - Duration: 3:52.


EASY SIMPLE GLOWY SUMMER MAKE UP | CarmenBasile - Duration: 10:45.

For more infomation >> EASY SIMPLE GLOWY SUMMER MAKE UP | CarmenBasile - Duration: 10:45.


First Contact (Ft. Dan Howell) w/ Emma White (FanDub ITA) - FRB - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> First Contact (Ft. Dan Howell) w/ Emma White (FanDub ITA) - FRB - Duration: 3:59.


Mercedes-Benz 500-serie 500 SLC Leer/Airco/Elektrische ramen V8 245PK - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz 500-serie 500 SLC Leer/Airco/Elektrische ramen V8 245PK - Duration: 0:58.


JARDINONS ♡ - Duration: 13:36.

For more infomation >> JARDINONS ♡ - Duration: 13:36.


Wo Gheza Jis Se Mard Aurt Dono Apni Jinsi Qowat Bhra Kr Sadisuda Zindgi Ka Bhrpur Maza Ly Skty Hn || - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Wo Gheza Jis Se Mard Aurt Dono Apni Jinsi Qowat Bhra Kr Sadisuda Zindgi Ka Bhrpur Maza Ly Skty Hn || - Duration: 1:48.


Manuela Villa prima di Tale e Quale Show ospite stasera da Bonolis - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Manuela Villa prima di Tale e Quale Show ospite stasera da Bonolis - Duration: 3:05.


Vlog°22 - A dinner in La cloche à fromage فلوق ٢٢ - عشاء في مطعم جرس الاجبان - Duration: 3:48.

Hello beautiful people, how are you doing? It's Dina with you from Dinat Yourself Channel

I came back with a new video, Which is a vlog

This vlog was filmed two months ago, almost in the end of may

I went out to a dinner with my colleagues in work (Stage)

To a restaurant called "la cloche à fromage"

It's one of the most famous restaurants here in strasbourg

In which we are served with cheese, we ate two kind of cheese: Raclette and fondu

I've liked to take you with me to have a look into the French culture because France is known for its cheese

So now, I will stop talking, let's go, let's start the vlog :)

For more infomation >> Vlog°22 - A dinner in La cloche à fromage فلوق ٢٢ - عشاء في مطعم جرس الاجبان - Duration: 3:48.


THE SECRET OF GALICIA | Language Challenge: Galician - Spanish (Spanish with subtitles) - Duration: 10:20.

hello how're you?

welcome to a new video

today we're here

in this Hawaii beach

it's chroma really

well i did the intro in galician

because we're gonna do

a galician-related video

with some tests we've found


so Jacobo, can you read

the first one?

are you 100% Galician

or are you faking it?

it depends

you know

we prove scientifically that galician

human bodies

are 75% licor café

that's true

and pimientos de Padrón

some of them are spicy, some aren't

are you 100% galego?


maybe not

a bit

a little bit

perhaps 90% or so

let's start with the basics

who's galician's worst enemy?

a portuguese looking for a spot in samil


licor cafe's hangover


or 'o que oh'?

100% the portuguese


rain is not an enemy

we have it here almost everyday

it's a love relationship

she's our friend

it's a part of our lives

but portuguese people..

it's the portuguese looking for a spot at the beach

how do you recover after a

big feast?

crema de orujo

licor de hierbas

licor cafe

or siesta? (nap)

finish eating, siesta

i don't take naps

but it's licor de herbas actually

but we're gonna click siesta

do you think galicia has deep celtic roots...

o que ho?

wtf are you saying?

what's your fav television de galicia memory?

xabarin club

it's not here

you don't know xabarin club

of course i do!

(galician phrases)

i'd click on luar

let's go

it's very typical

gayoso's been there for my whole life

like jordi hurtado

what's your perfect summer plan?

get drunk on the beach

for 2 months

follow orchestra Panorama party after party

i wanna travel to Punta cana

i've never done any of these

and i dont wanna go there


i feel like it's orquesta panorama

it's very typical here

what team do you support?

celta, depor

actually i support real madrid but my dad

bought me a celta t shirt

it depends

i'd click depende but

we support celta

it doesnt depend this time

what's the only right way to drink wine?

cunca, copa, bota


i want estrella galicia

what's the main ingredient in a

balanced breakfast?

galician blond cow's milk

a piece of tortilla

filloa w whip cream

cola cao drug

it's 1 or 4

it's droja en el cola cao

or leche de vaca rubia gallega

i'd say filloa


it's the most galician thing

what's more galician than a

galician cow?

i'd click droja or


but it's up to you


cola cao is..

when do you go to the beach?

when it's 15º and

a slight possibility of sunshine

malo será

the only 3 sunny days

in august

all year

there's a furancho 20 m away

like we said before

it rains 90% of the year

when it's a bit sunny

to the beach

the only 3 sunny days in august

there are 3

or 2.5

sometimes not even 2

it's your turn mate

i'm gonna go for n1

when do you dress up?

in carnival


it's carnival clearly

what do you think about

Galician nationalism

it depends

it depends on the...


it depends, that's the only answer

and...who are your parents?

Maruxa, from Meira, carmela's niece


you got 77% galician

we're very galician

i'm a bit upset

i'm 100% galego

let's see...

you live in madrid

but i carry galicia

you're replacing galician accent with madrid accent

you're starting to say ejque

we have here another test

which will tell us

if we're true galicians

if you get 10/10 you're a true


what does this mean?

i've nver heard this

i think i have

be satisfied after you said what you were thinking

be like a gentleman

be full after a meal

look like a fool

it's the food one

or the first one

i'm very familiar w this

i use this saying every single day

it's clearly

are you teasing me?


i've heard this

maybe once when i was 6

i think

this is full after a meal

i was gonna say 1

rock paper scissors

let's go

let's go

yeah it was full after a meal

let's go


you're full after a meal

it's what happens in galicia

that's true

we eat well here

that way you leave money in this region

which is always good

i know this one

you don't know this one


you have to imagine the situation

you see someone and say


you're a langran



eats a lot


rough...i don't think so

i think this is glotón

what do you think about

going from this hawaii beach

to samil beach (vigo)

and we'll get these better

we can ask a portuguese

he'll know it

let's go

no, where are we?

galician teleportation sometimes...

you do it

okay, samil

look at the portuguese

i don't know


let's go

let's risk

it was not lazy

woooo it was lazy

we know this one

kiss, tap tap

toast, hit someone up

it is



correct, don't be a fool and give me a kiss

we hear this often

be hot



or harsh

it's not strong?

un toxo is tojo, gorse

a plant with thorns

from the campsite

maybe, it's wild

i think it is wild

go for it

it was harsh

we're not galician anymore


we're not getting 10/10

we missed

well, let's go somewhere else then



times square

we need to conquer the world

galicians around the world

let's go


hala, i didnt like that

the feeling

too many people

i'm from galicia

i'm used to few people

a lot of rain


the ocean

that's why i brought you here

where are we?

where are we?


with a big d

being cheated on

very naive


i think it's not 1

nor 2

it's 3 or 4

and you're asking me


whichever you prefer


number 3

it was not 3

this is in shin chan's theme song

are you serious?

i haven't watched that

me neither


in the song it says this

number 4 no

nor 3

it's 2 i think

it seems like it

flirt with

it was flirt!

i think it's the dancing one

waste shoe


click it

that way you miss it and not me

i almost misclick

you never know his reaction

talks a lot but without meaning

you should not invite him

he won't invite you back

becomes harsh when he drinks

it's number 2


you talk a lot

you talk a lot...

high five


he talks a lot but he doesnt say anything

i don't believe you

this was in a video i filmed with


you can check it out in the description

but it means the other thing to

it's like...vaiche boa

a true galician will use this when

you think something will turn out well

but he doesn't

that's what i meant

i don't believe you

a modiño, despacito, slowly

do things rough

do things but reluctantly

do things whatever the cost

do things slowly and carefully

it's 4

and we're galician

things should be done pasito a pasito


you're quite galician

but you're not a

galician woman

which is the only aspiration

you should have

but we're galician, right?


how not?



i messed up

how was it?


you're a barallocas

you say goodbye

i'm leaving

i gotta go have licor café

thanks for watching this video

please mate, join me

in samil beach again

i went to the ocean

we hope you liked our video

if you did, click like

and leave us a comment

and share it with your friends

if you liked the video

and you want more, related to galician

say it in the comments

that always helps

and that's it

follow jacobo on instagram

link in description

see you soon

For more infomation >> THE SECRET OF GALICIA | Language Challenge: Galician - Spanish (Spanish with subtitles) - Duration: 10:20.


Gan Air, The Valk, Weilong GTS2 comparison: Whats Best For You? | speedcubeshop - Duration: 3:31.

these three cubes are all some of the best the gan air was used by Feliks Zemdegs to

set the world record single of 4.73 and my Max Park to set the world record average of

6.39, the Weilong GTS2 is used as the main of Lucas Etter and the valk 3 was used by

Mats Valk to get the former world record of 4.74! so which is the best for you?

hey, guys, it's cubingonmymind and if this is your first time on my channel make to sure

hit that subscribe button if you want more videos like this.

This comparison will have 7* categories: Basic info, Speed/controllability, Feel/stability,

Corner cutting/Fluidity, Pops/corner twisting, design flaws and Final thoughts.

first up Basic info, the gan air cost the most, anywhere from 24-$45 on SCS I would

get the advance one it comes with better shades and its only 1 more dollar than the standard,

the GTS2 is the cheapest of this list at $19 and has good shades and the valk is in the

middle at $20 and it has odd shades I don't mind them but you may want to get a set of

stickers because these chip easy.

so the air gets 4/5 because of its prise the GTS2 gets 5/5 for the best prize and the valk

gets a 4.5/5.

next category Speed/controllability, the gan air is a good medium of speed and controllability

the weilong GTS2 is fastest but still very controllable the valk is the least controllable

out of these three but still very good so in this category, the air gets a 5/5 so does

the GTS2 and the valk gets 4.5/5.

3rd category Feel/stability, the gan air has the best feel and is quite, the weilong is

smooth, snappy and very stable and the valk is the stablest on this list and is scratchy

like the MeiYing, in Feel/stability the gan air gets 5/5 for the feel GTS2 4.5/5 it's

just not as stable as the others and the valk with 4.5/5 because its feel is not the best.

Corner cutting/Fluidity the air is the best period.

the GTS2 is also very good and the valk is very Fluid but is lacking some corner cutting

so the air gets 5/5, GTS2 4.5/5 its lust not as good as the air and the valk 4/5 what it

lacks in corner cutting get gains in stability.

Pops/corner twisting, they are all 5/5 why is this a category.

design flaws the air is the coolest design and the weilong is well built but the valk

has fragile plastic that breaks easily, i talk about this more in the video card on

screen now but finsh watching this video first.

so the gan air and weilong GTS2 get 5/5 where the valk gets 3/5.

so the final score for the gan air is 29 the Weilong GTS2 gets 28.5 and the valk gets 25.5

out of a maximum 30 so my final thoughts are if you have the money

go for the air it's really good but if you need something just as good the GTS2 is a

good opsion and the valk is really good but couldn't hold its own against the gan air

and weilong GTS2, and if you have the valk don't think these cubes are so much better

this was really close, this video is for people who want a new cube and which one to get but

you can't go wrong with any cube theses days.

if you want to buy any of the cubes in this video they are linked in the description.

thanks so much for watching make sure to hit that subscribe and thanks to my friends Liam

and Peyton for helping with this video check out some other videos and thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Gan Air, The Valk, Weilong GTS2 comparison: Whats Best For You? | speedcubeshop - Duration: 3:31.


BILL GATES Nunca FALOU isso Sobre o MEDO - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> BILL GATES Nunca FALOU isso Sobre o MEDO - Duration: 5:26.


Pilates für Anfänger / Pilates für Fortgeschrittene 😃 So wirst Du Erfolgreich (Produktvorstellung) - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Pilates für Anfänger / Pilates für Fortgeschrittene 😃 So wirst Du Erfolgreich (Produktvorstellung) - Duration: 3:25.


Volvo V40 1.6 D2 115PK R-Design - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 1.6 D2 115PK R-Design - Duration: 0:58.


Volvo V60 2.0 T5 240 Pk | Style | 18" R-design | Navigatie | Xenon | Cruise control - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 2.0 T5 240 Pk | Style | 18" R-design | Navigatie | Xenon | Cruise control - Duration: 0:59.


best game king birds to make money - Duration: 4:50.


For more infomation >> best game king birds to make money - Duration: 4:50.


Brett Rutecky's Super Jacker Full Demo Review for Internet Marketing - Duration: 6:49.

Hey everybody Steve Whitby here of affiliate reviews plus today I'm going

to be going over a cloud-based app that like a lot of apps steer traffic it's

created by one of the leading internet marketers out there he runs the IM

watchdog Facebook group Brett Rutecky is his name which some of you

probably heard of them but anyways with that hold on to your apps I'll be right

back and we're going to go over this thing

alright so here we are at the welcome screen

screen I'm super jacker basically for this review what I'm going to do

basically is just show you what it does I've already done my test slides and

test Jack and I don't feel like it's necessary for me to go through the

motions of a basically showing you what Brett would show you in the

tutorials they're very simple very clear and concise and easily presented to

where you can have this thing mastered you know after the first time you watch it but

you might want to watch it a couple times and as always he has a great

support system here so up here you have your personal account information that

type of stuff but anyways what it does is what you do is you create your slide

which I've done create a one slide to review test slide okay you come here

create new go in there and create it again what's tutorials once you've done

that okay then you over your your Jack's and I created a review test Jack and again

come in here and create new and again in the tutorials very simple very easy to

follow once you're done and you can visit the jack that you've created now

this is where it gets really cool all right

so you come over here after you've done everything in you're happy with their

everything even if you're not happy with it you have to go back and edit it

you know it's go back and forth until you're happy with it but anyways what

you do is you go over here to visit the jack okay and I've just randomly chose

a-ah internet you know traffic source paid traffic

source and boom there it is you know super Jack comes down five seconds and

I used as my go-to website so let's see if it works alright there it

is here's Google there all right close that come over here

drop down the menu to the links hit a link and again I use Google that's my go-to

website boom there it is alright working fine alright so and what

the really cool part is is that you know when you go back here and just check ok

you can copy this okay there it is again boom love it love it

and then you come over here say like you're on Facebook and you have your

page just like that and then you come over here and you paste that link in

there say what you will about it and you know publish it okay where did it go where

did it go where did it go where did it go where did it go there we go there we go alright so

here's that here's the link okay and again what they're going to see is

they're going to see this the URL to our great article about reaching traffic

looks like an interesting article let's press on it boom there's the article

alright three two one boom there's the jack right there

okay close that like come over here hit the menu any one of these boom takes us

to where you wanted to go there you go very very cool and very very effective

in my opinion can you be used in several applications but again as far as like

Brett coming up with another super duper app that's really cool

I like it my approval big-time anyways if you find this helpful

and if you find that this app will be useful in your internet marketing

business by all means check out the link below and have fun super jackin it's

pretty fun just to play with at least that's what I'm doing right now anyways have

fun hope it was helpful see you on the super jacker side

bye bye alright so what y'all think about it that was my review of Brett Rutecky's a

super jacker app cloud-based app that allows you to borrow a website put the

jack on it and send traffic wherever you want to go I think it's cool one thing I

did not touch on in the review the over-the-shoulder review there was a in the

tutorials Brett does go over the cURL versus of the iframe options there and

one of them is how how it's geared more towards affiliates so if you do affiliate

work highly suggest you look at this tutorials and see how that works very

useful very cool anyways I hope you enjoyed the review a lot more coming and

we'll see how that goes but if you find that this is going to be something you

can use in your internet marketing agency by all means click the link below

go get it because reason I say that too is I don't think Brett has released

this to the public yet so that being said if you want to be a one of the

first kids on the block before it goes public or what have you you can grab

here grab it now I mean it's uh and I don't I only have a limited number so

it's kind of a first come first serve supplies last

while limited or however you want to say it but anyways if you have any questions

put it in the comments love to hear some feedback my name is Steve Whitby from

affiliate reviews plus more come and hope see you on the app side of things

and and hope it all goes well all right thanks a lot have a good day

For more infomation >> Brett Rutecky's Super Jacker Full Demo Review for Internet Marketing - Duration: 6:49.


Trans 101: Ep 5 - Pronouns [CC] - Duration: 10:47.

[intro music]

Hey guys! Welcome to another episode of the Trans 101 Series. Today I am talking to you about

pronouns and what are pronouns and the importance of pronouns and how to respect pronouns and yeah.

So to be as basic as possible a pronoun is something that people would like to be referred to. And I will say

that in society we have these boxes that are made for us already. Male and female. He and she.

And that has, that's how it's going to be and that's how it always going to be

[deep breath]

Okay, that's fine. Yes. We can go with this. So these are what pronouns are. They are associated with a specific gender.

Now when a trans person comes out they will most likely tell you that they would like to use

different pronouns than you're used to. So if a person was assigned female at birth and transitions to male

So they are now going from female or sorry

She pronouns to he pronouns and that is very

important to respect that trans person's pronouns and the reason why is because

without respecting their pronouns a lot of trans people feel like you're invalidating their identity and

some people even feel like they're not trans enough, or they don't look and appear like the gender

they are trying to present as enough, because you are not respecting their pronouns.

And then other people don't respect pronouns because they're just rude as

beep but

It is very important to understand why pronouns are so important

And I can see how some people in society don't think it's a big deal, and they can just get over it and that

um, some people who are angry at trans people will even resort to using old pronouns in order to

talk down to them or to remind them of who they were

just because they're angry at them. And this is something that I'm going to say, Stop! Don't do that. No matter

how angry you are at a trans person, never ever use their old name or their old pronouns. Because you are...

That's like another level. Like maybe you're trying to put the trans person down.

Maybe that's what you're trying to do. Some trans people do this where they, they you know they're mad at another trans person

they just get angry. Never resort to saying someone's old name or saying the pronouns that they used use

because this is something that it's another level of...

like it's another level of like, you are now like seen as a not, nah I'm not gonna

I'm going to use a despicable person because that's like a really intense word, but I will say that

you are, you are the lowest low that you can get right now because you are

a person who does not respect other people. You're allowed to hate anyone you want but the second that you don't respect someone's pronouns because

you're angry at them...

Come on. Come on.

So respecting other people's pronouns is

absolutely crucial and I think that one of the biggest things that people have is that they're scared of messing up on pronouns.

So you have a co-worker who has come out as trans and now uses he pronouns.

Some people will avoid trans people because they're scared that they're going to mess up pronouns or

they'll talk to them and they'll accidentally slip, "she." And then they'll make a huge deal about it. They'll be like "Oh my god!

I'm so sorry! I've been trying so hard! So sorry! I didn't mean to do that!"

Please stop, please almost everyone that I known that

I've talked to you my entire life who is trans who has been misgendered in the past

absolutely hates it when people make a big scene. Because then other people hear about it

and then it just makes everyone in the room feel uncomfortable. It makes you feel uncomfortable. And it makes them feel uncomfortable.

The best thing to do if you've is misgender somebody is literally to be like "oh my god

I'm so sorry. He. Like I'm so sorry. You just, "Oh I'm so sorry." Mmm, so sorry. Like a small "I'm so sorry"

I, I have some friends okay, who use they pronouns.

I sometimes slip up because it is not a pronoun that I have been raised with that

is easy for me to just click like that.

I'll admit that. It's hard for a lot of people to understand what they

pronouns are. And what I mean by they pronouns is usually associated with people who are non-binary or gender non-conforming.

So instead of using he or instead of using she pronouns

They like the gender-neutral

pronoun of they and I know that a lot of people are gonna be like that's not grammatically correct. It is though.

And I will put a link in the description explaining all of this to you

so that you can understand that it is okay to talk about one person and use they pronouns.

So back to my story. I have friends who use they pronoun, and I sometimes mess up, okay?

And it does happen, even me as somebody who is super open knows all of these things all this

information in my brain all the time, I will literally go "She-


Or like I won't even say I'm sorry. I will just like completely right away, right away, right away

right away

correct myself because it was an accident and

when I started to transition and people would messed up on my pronouns if they didn't correct themselves

I would be like- [makes pained noise] I would feel so uncomfortable

I didn't want to correct them

But when they would correct themselves right away it made me feel so much better because it made me feel

valid. it made me feel valid in their eyes, and I know that other people

it doesn't matter what other people think but for a lot of trans people

we look for

validation in the people around us in how we identify and if you see me

as how I see me. And I know that that's a bit problematic.

But in the beginning of people's transitions that can be a thing. So you're looking for someone's validation

So somebody who says she, and they're like. "Oh, sorry, he" "Oh sorry, he" "Oh sorry. He."

That was the only-

That's it. That's all that you need to do if you mess up on pronouns.

Some people won't agree with me.

And I don't speak for the entire trans community obviously

I'm just trying to give you a basic one on one of what I know what I've

experienced and what I've seen in the trans community. A lot of people don't like when people who are not trans or

anyone who misgenders anyone makes a huge deal about it.

So please just don't do that.

The main aspect and the main point of this video

okay, is when somebody who is trans or gender non-conforming or non-binary comes out and said please respect my pronouns

I now use they pronouns or i now you he pronouns, or I now use she pronouns.

Please respect this person

Even if you don't agree with them and you think that trans people are disgusting, which why would you? Please come on man. We're people?

Respecting other people and

respecting who they are is so

so, so crucial in this society, okay? There is so much hate all the time. There's people who are

filled with so much rage, and you see this all over Facebook and all over the news and

it just takes one person to be able to just respect a trans person in

order for them to feel better about themselves and also i mean

it's just like a nice thing to be respectful to other people and to like see them as human beings and I know that you might

not, some people might not agree, and some people really might not think that trans people are real, but


It's hard at first, okay?

And I want, I want people to understand that.

But I also want to talk about really quickly the last point is if you are trans and

you are telling somebody please respect my pronouns, I'm going to say this and I, it's problematic [mumbles "I'll admit it"]

Don't expect the person to change your pronouns right away

and I am saying this because some people need time to process a

different pronoun, because they've known you as a specific pronoun for a very long time.

And I've seen so many posts online where people like I just came out last week, and they're still not using my pronouns.

Especially when you're talking about your family. This is the family that's known you for 13 years, for 16 years, for

19 years, for 30 years. It can't happen overnight for some people it literally clicks like that

and they switch the pronoun the day tell them that you're trans and that you want to use these pronouns. And that is

amazing and bless those families, but

for other people it can be hard

And I am saying this as somebody who is trans, who has had to deal with my dad who is still

misgendering me after nine years of being out as a trans person, alright?

This is very hard for me

and I've been trying to accept it and it only in the last two years.

two years that he has finally come around to it.

And I was angry for a very long time and I held a lot of hate but

I, I, I realized that

I didn't really talk to my dad about being trans

and I never really

explained to him exactly why my pronouns were so important. If I had sat him down six years ago and told him

"I need you to try." I think that he would have seen how sincere I am and how much

importance I place on these pronouns.

And how much it would mean to me, and I think that you would have switched them like that.

But I can also understand that because I never had that conversation and

because a lot of people don't have that conversation and some parents are just so close to it that it can take some time.

When my friend who is very close to me told me that they now use of they pronouns, it took me,

it took me weeks for me in my head to

associate them with that pronoun because I had known them for six years as a different pronoun.

Even as a trans person it can be hard, and I'm admitting that.

We don't usually admit that but I'm admitting it to you. So it's okay to take your time

with the pronouns in order to be able to process them and a lot of people do this thing where- my friend who is

non-binary their name is Zuzia

So I would go "Zuzia. They. Zuzia. They. They. They. They. Zuzia. So anytime

I would associate their name and what they look like I would see the word they.

And that made it so much easier for me

So if you know somebody whose trans and they just came out to you and their name is now, I don't know Peter.

Peter. He. Peter. He. Peter. He. And you just imagine this person's face in your head every time you do that

so that you'll eventually be able to use the right pronouns for them

This tip obviously doesn't work for everyone, but this is just something that I have found that helps me a lot anyways

This is all that I have to say about respecting pronouns.

There's a lot more that I can go into this. But once again, this is a 101 video

that's gone way too long, but thank you so much for joining me. I will see you for the next episode have a great day

[outro music]

For more infomation >> Trans 101: Ep 5 - Pronouns [CC] - Duration: 10:47.


The Tiny Getaway From Handcrafted Movement | Tiny House Design Ideas - Duration: 10:49.


For more infomation >> The Tiny Getaway From Handcrafted Movement | Tiny House Design Ideas - Duration: 10:49.


【人の本質を見抜く方法】字幕付き - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> 【人の本質を見抜く方法】字幕付き - Duration: 2:53.


Boku no Hero Academia season 2 AMV - Can't Get Enough - Duration: 3:49.

Boku no Hero Academia season 2 18 Boku no Hero Academia season 2 Episode 18 Full HD Boku no Hero Academia season 2 Episode 18 English Sub Boku no Hero Academia season 2 Episode 19 Preview Boku no Hero Academia season 2 Capitulo 18 Completo HD Boku no Hero Academia season 2 Capitulo 18 Sub Espanol Boku no Hero Academia season 2 Capitulo 19 Avance My Hero Academia Season 2 - Midoriya Meets Gran Torino, Stain Reappears / Episode 18 Boku no Hero Academia season 2 amv amv Boku no Hero Academia season 2 Boku no Hero Academia amv

For more infomation >> Boku no Hero Academia season 2 AMV - Can't Get Enough - Duration: 3:49.


Peugeot 207 CC 1.6-16V T SPORT 150 pk - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 CC 1.6-16V T SPORT 150 pk - Duration: 0:54.


Opel Mokka 1.4 T 4x4 AUT. LEER/NAVI/19"LM - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka 1.4 T 4x4 AUT. LEER/NAVI/19"LM - Duration: 0:42.


Piper explains her opinion about what she believed - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Piper explains her opinion about what she believed - Duration: 1:39.


Strip that down - Liam Payne ft Quavo (Continuum cover) - Duration: 3:52.

You know, I've been taking some time And I've been keeping to myself

I had my eyes up on the prize Ain't watching anybody else

But your love, it hit me hard, girl Yeah, you're bad for my health

I love the cards, that I've been dealt Do you feel the same as well?

You know, I used to be in 1D (now I'm out, free)

People want me for one thing (that's not me) I'm not changing, the way, that I (used to

be) I just wanna have fun and (get rowdy)

One Coke and Bacardi (sippin' lightly) When I walk inside the party (girls on me)

F1 type Ferrari (6 gear speed) Girl, I love it when your body (grinds on

me) Oh yeah

You know, I love it, when the music's loud But c'mon, strip that down for me, baby

Now there's a lot of people in the crowd But only you can dance with me

So put your hands on my body And swing that round for me, baby (swing)

You know, I love it when the music's loud But c'mon, strip that down for me (yeah, yeah,

yeah, yeah) Oh, strip that down, girl

Love when you hit the ground, girl (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

Oh, strip that down, girl Love, when you hit the ground

You know, that since the day I met you Yeah, you swept me off my feet

You know, that I don't need no money When your love is beside me

Yeah, you opened up my heart And then you threw away the key

Girl, now it's just you and me And you don't care 'bout where I've been

You know, I used to be in 1D (now I'm out, free)

People want me for one thing (that's not me) I'm not changing, the way that I (used to

be) I just wanna have fun and (get rowdy, ooh)

One Coke and Bacardi (sippin' lightly) When I walk inside the party (girls on me)

F1 type Ferrari (6 gear speed) Girl, I love it when your body (grinds on

me, baby) Ooh

You know, I love it, when the music's loud But c'mon, strip that down for me, baby

Now there's a lot of people in the crowd But only you can dance with me

So put your hands on my body And swing that round for me, baby (yeah)

You know, I love it when the music's loud But c'mon, strip that down for me (yeah, yeah,

yeah, yeah) Baby, uh, strip that down, girl

Love when you hit the ground, girl (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) (strip that down)

Oh, strip that down, girl Love, when you hit the ground (yeah, yeah,

yeah, yeah) Oh, strip that down, girl

Love when you hit the ground, girl (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) (yeah)

Oh, strip that down, girl Love, when you hit the ground (yeah, yeah,

yeah, yeah) (Quavo)

She gon' strip it down for a thug, yeah (strip it down)

Word around town, she got the buzz, yeah (word) Five shots in, she in love now (shots)

I promise, when we pull up, shut the club down (hey)

I took her from her man, don't nobody know (know)

If you brought the CL, better drive slow (slow) She know how to make me feel with my eyes

closed (skrrt skrrt) Anything goes down with the Huncho (Huncho)

You know, I love it, when the music's loud But c'mon, strip that down for me, baby

Now there's a lot of people in the crowd But only you can dance with me

So put your hands on my body And swing that round for me, baby

You know, I love it when the music's loud But c'mon, strip that down for me (yeah, yeah,

yeah, yeah) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, c'mon, strip that

For more infomation >> Strip that down - Liam Payne ft Quavo (Continuum cover) - Duration: 3:52.


Kimi Guesses the Sexual Orientation of Strangers - Duration: 5:38.

- Usually girls who like girls have short nails

so it doesn't like, you know, cut up there--


So it's easier.

(dramatic orchestral music)

My name's Kimi and I'm a student.

I'm studying linguistics, it's the study of languages.

Yes, sometimes.

When I was younger, a lot of people thought

I was lesbian because of how I acted.

Which, they weren't wrong.

But, I also like men, so (laughs)...

Okay, hope I don't offend anyone.

She looks like she's had a lot of experience

in life, maybe dabbled in different people,

types of people...

No, no! (laughter)

Not like that!

I mean have sex, it's great but--



Straight girls are stereotyped to have

really forward voices, like this.

But if you're gay then it's more, I guess, masculine.

So your voice sets back.

What do you like to do?

- I like to cook, I like to hang out with people.

- I think she's lesbian?

Her voice kind of sounded lesbian,

if that even is a thing that I can say.


- Hi.

- Oh, pretty!

Just really attractive.

I feel like I'm getting kind of queer vibes?

What do you like to do?

- I like to...

Shopping, going to the movies.

- Okay, do your best dance move.

("Poker Face" by Lady Gaga)

I'm gonna just say gay.

Maybe she's more pansexual, now that I think about it.

Am I allowed to change it after?

- [Man] Yeah!

- Okay I'm gonna say pansexual.

Oh okay, got the Jordan.

Well dressed.

What are your hobbies?

- I play the guitar.

I love swimming, playing football.

- Okay, I think he's straight.


The way he's talking is more reserved.

Straight guys generally tend to be

more reserved in the presence of women?

I see he has a Michael Kors jacket and really nice shoes.

I'm kind of leaning towards gay.

But, I'm also kind of leaning towards asexual.

It's really hard to tell when Asian guys are queer, for me.

I'm gonna say, gay.

(laughs) I'm kind of iffy on this one.

Minimal makeup.

Nonchalant, laid back.

Yeah, I kinda get queer vibes.

More unique, someone whose gone through something.

I think she's bisexual.

Yeah, the queer vibes are extending out.


Cool hair, just kinda looks edgy.

- I just cut them.

- The nails kinda give me a straight feeling.

He kind of reminds me of my ex boyfriend too,

at the same time.

So I'm getting all these different vibes.

I'm gonna just go with asexual.

Someone who doesn't have sexual attraction to anyone?

- [Both] Hi!

- What are your favorite past times?

- I played soccer a lot growing up.

- Do you have a favorite movie?

- Little Miss Sunshine, maybe?

- That's a good movie.

I'm gonna say straight.

Her tone of voice seemed straight.

She's straight.

Oh man, this is hard.

Do a dance move, what do you do at the club?

- I be like... (singing)

- Okay, I think I have my...


I just felt like the way he danced was straight-ish?

I feel like she might be queer femme?

The nose piercings...

Also she has her hands in her pockets and her hair is short.

And I hate to stereotype people with short hair,

but I feel like that's kind of more queer?

Yeah, I'm gonna say queer femme.

If I got you wrong, raise your hand.

Oh, really?

Oh my god!

I thought I got all of them wrong!


- I'm queer or bi.

- Okay.

- Straight.

- [Kimi] Straight.

- Straight.

- [Kimi] Straight.

- I'm straight as well.

- What did I say?

- Asexual.


- I think it was the ex boyfriend thing, etched in there.

- I'm like, "No!"

Okay, I'm surprised that I got the other ones right.

- Before you even said anything, I thought bisexual.

- Yeah, I thought she was bisexual.

- Really?

Wait, why?

It makes me happy that that's the impression I give off,

that makes me happy.


- Thanks so much for watching you guys.

I hope you enjoyed this quality, cringe-worthy content.

And that you're subscribed to our channel.

Leave the comments!

We love you, goodbye!

For more infomation >> Kimi Guesses the Sexual Orientation of Strangers - Duration: 5:38.


Perfect - Ed Sheeran (COVER w/ LYRICS ON CAPTIONS) - Duration: 4:41.

I found a love for me Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead

Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me

'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love Not knowing what it was

I will not give you up this time But darling, just kiss me slow,

Your heart is all I own And in your eyes you're holding mine

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, Listening to our favourite song

When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath

But you heard it, Darling, you look perfect tonight

Well, I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know

She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home

I found a lover to carry more than just my secrets

To carry love, to carry children of our own

We *are still kids but we're so in love Fighting against all odds

I know we'll be alright this time Darling, just hold my hand

Be my girl, I'll be your man I see my future in your eyes

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass Listening to our favourite song

When I saw you in that dress Looking so beautiful

I don't deserve this Darling, you look perfect tonight

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass Listening to our favourite song

I have faith in what I see Now I know I have met an angel in person

And she looks perfect, I don't deserve it

You look perfect tonight

Hey guys!

What's up?

It's me, Clark!

I hope you guys enjoyed this cover and if you did please give it a big thumbs and don't

forget to subscribe to my channel for more!

Also make sure to follow me on all of my other social media, instagram and twitter!

Thank you guys for watching and I'll see you when I see you!

For more infomation >> Perfect - Ed Sheeran (COVER w/ LYRICS ON CAPTIONS) - Duration: 4:41.


Make the Moment Glow - Duration: 1:19.

Make the Moment Glow

Make the Moment Glow

Make the Moment Glow

For more infomation >> Make the Moment Glow - Duration: 1:19.


Trans 101: Ep 5 - Pronouns [CC] - Duration: 10:47.

[intro music]

Hey guys! Welcome to another episode of the Trans 101 Series. Today I am talking to you about

pronouns and what are pronouns and the importance of pronouns and how to respect pronouns and yeah.

So to be as basic as possible a pronoun is something that people would like to be referred to. And I will say

that in society we have these boxes that are made for us already. Male and female. He and she.

And that has, that's how it's going to be and that's how it always going to be

[deep breath]

Okay, that's fine. Yes. We can go with this. So these are what pronouns are. They are associated with a specific gender.

Now when a trans person comes out they will most likely tell you that they would like to use

different pronouns than you're used to. So if a person was assigned female at birth and transitions to male

So they are now going from female or sorry

She pronouns to he pronouns and that is very

important to respect that trans person's pronouns and the reason why is because

without respecting their pronouns a lot of trans people feel like you're invalidating their identity and

some people even feel like they're not trans enough, or they don't look and appear like the gender

they are trying to present as enough, because you are not respecting their pronouns.

And then other people don't respect pronouns because they're just rude as

beep but

It is very important to understand why pronouns are so important

And I can see how some people in society don't think it's a big deal, and they can just get over it and that

um, some people who are angry at trans people will even resort to using old pronouns in order to

talk down to them or to remind them of who they were

just because they're angry at them. And this is something that I'm going to say, Stop! Don't do that. No matter

how angry you are at a trans person, never ever use their old name or their old pronouns. Because you are...

That's like another level. Like maybe you're trying to put the trans person down.

Maybe that's what you're trying to do. Some trans people do this where they, they you know they're mad at another trans person

they just get angry. Never resort to saying someone's old name or saying the pronouns that they used use

because this is something that it's another level of...

like it's another level of like, you are now like seen as a not, nah I'm not gonna

I'm going to use a despicable person because that's like a really intense word, but I will say that

you are, you are the lowest low that you can get right now because you are

a person who does not respect other people. You're allowed to hate anyone you want but the second that you don't respect someone's pronouns because

you're angry at them...

Come on. Come on.

So respecting other people's pronouns is

absolutely crucial and I think that one of the biggest things that people have is that they're scared of messing up on pronouns.

So you have a co-worker who has come out as trans and now uses he pronouns.

Some people will avoid trans people because they're scared that they're going to mess up pronouns or

they'll talk to them and they'll accidentally slip, "she." And then they'll make a huge deal about it. They'll be like "Oh my god!

I'm so sorry! I've been trying so hard! So sorry! I didn't mean to do that!"

Please stop, please almost everyone that I known that

I've talked to you my entire life who is trans who has been misgendered in the past

absolutely hates it when people make a big scene. Because then other people hear about it

and then it just makes everyone in the room feel uncomfortable. It makes you feel uncomfortable. And it makes them feel uncomfortable.

The best thing to do if you've is misgender somebody is literally to be like "oh my god

I'm so sorry. He. Like I'm so sorry. You just, "Oh I'm so sorry." Mmm, so sorry. Like a small "I'm so sorry"

I, I have some friends okay, who use they pronouns.

I sometimes slip up because it is not a pronoun that I have been raised with that

is easy for me to just click like that.

I'll admit that. It's hard for a lot of people to understand what they

pronouns are. And what I mean by they pronouns is usually associated with people who are non-binary or gender non-conforming.

So instead of using he or instead of using she pronouns

They like the gender-neutral

pronoun of they and I know that a lot of people are gonna be like that's not grammatically correct. It is though.

And I will put a link in the description explaining all of this to you

so that you can understand that it is okay to talk about one person and use they pronouns.

So back to my story. I have friends who use they pronoun, and I sometimes mess up, okay?

And it does happen, even me as somebody who is super open knows all of these things all this

information in my brain all the time, I will literally go "She-


Or like I won't even say I'm sorry. I will just like completely right away, right away, right away

right away

correct myself because it was an accident and

when I started to transition and people would messed up on my pronouns if they didn't correct themselves

I would be like- [makes pained noise] I would feel so uncomfortable

I didn't want to correct them

But when they would correct themselves right away it made me feel so much better because it made me feel

valid. it made me feel valid in their eyes, and I know that other people

it doesn't matter what other people think but for a lot of trans people

we look for

validation in the people around us in how we identify and if you see me

as how I see me. And I know that that's a bit problematic.

But in the beginning of people's transitions that can be a thing. So you're looking for someone's validation

So somebody who says she, and they're like. "Oh, sorry, he" "Oh sorry, he" "Oh sorry. He."

That was the only-

That's it. That's all that you need to do if you mess up on pronouns.

Some people won't agree with me.

And I don't speak for the entire trans community obviously

I'm just trying to give you a basic one on one of what I know what I've

experienced and what I've seen in the trans community. A lot of people don't like when people who are not trans or

anyone who misgenders anyone makes a huge deal about it.

So please just don't do that.

The main aspect and the main point of this video

okay, is when somebody who is trans or gender non-conforming or non-binary comes out and said please respect my pronouns

I now use they pronouns or i now you he pronouns, or I now use she pronouns.

Please respect this person

Even if you don't agree with them and you think that trans people are disgusting, which why would you? Please come on man. We're people?

Respecting other people and

respecting who they are is so

so, so crucial in this society, okay? There is so much hate all the time. There's people who are

filled with so much rage, and you see this all over Facebook and all over the news and

it just takes one person to be able to just respect a trans person in

order for them to feel better about themselves and also i mean

it's just like a nice thing to be respectful to other people and to like see them as human beings and I know that you might

not, some people might not agree, and some people really might not think that trans people are real, but


It's hard at first, okay?

And I want, I want people to understand that.

But I also want to talk about really quickly the last point is if you are trans and

you are telling somebody please respect my pronouns, I'm going to say this and I, it's problematic [mumbles "I'll admit it"]

Don't expect the person to change your pronouns right away

and I am saying this because some people need time to process a

different pronoun, because they've known you as a specific pronoun for a very long time.

And I've seen so many posts online where people like I just came out last week, and they're still not using my pronouns.

Especially when you're talking about your family. This is the family that's known you for 13 years, for 16 years, for

19 years, for 30 years. It can't happen overnight for some people it literally clicks like that

and they switch the pronoun the day tell them that you're trans and that you want to use these pronouns. And that is

amazing and bless those families, but

for other people it can be hard

And I am saying this as somebody who is trans, who has had to deal with my dad who is still

misgendering me after nine years of being out as a trans person, alright?

This is very hard for me

and I've been trying to accept it and it only in the last two years.

two years that he has finally come around to it.

And I was angry for a very long time and I held a lot of hate but

I, I, I realized that

I didn't really talk to my dad about being trans

and I never really

explained to him exactly why my pronouns were so important. If I had sat him down six years ago and told him

"I need you to try." I think that he would have seen how sincere I am and how much

importance I place on these pronouns.

And how much it would mean to me, and I think that you would have switched them like that.

But I can also understand that because I never had that conversation and

because a lot of people don't have that conversation and some parents are just so close to it that it can take some time.

When my friend who is very close to me told me that they now use of they pronouns, it took me,

it took me weeks for me in my head to

associate them with that pronoun because I had known them for six years as a different pronoun.

Even as a trans person it can be hard, and I'm admitting that.

We don't usually admit that but I'm admitting it to you. So it's okay to take your time

with the pronouns in order to be able to process them and a lot of people do this thing where- my friend who is

non-binary their name is Zuzia

So I would go "Zuzia. They. Zuzia. They. They. They. They. Zuzia. So anytime

I would associate their name and what they look like I would see the word they.

And that made it so much easier for me

So if you know somebody whose trans and they just came out to you and their name is now, I don't know Peter.

Peter. He. Peter. He. Peter. He. And you just imagine this person's face in your head every time you do that

so that you'll eventually be able to use the right pronouns for them

This tip obviously doesn't work for everyone, but this is just something that I have found that helps me a lot anyways

This is all that I have to say about respecting pronouns.

There's a lot more that I can go into this. But once again, this is a 101 video

that's gone way too long, but thank you so much for joining me. I will see you for the next episode have a great day

[outro music]

For more infomation >> Trans 101: Ep 5 - Pronouns [CC] - Duration: 10:47.


Indian Kid Makes A "Jake Paul" DISS TRACK! (cringe) - Duration: 3:01.

subs are on screen bitch ass. comment "gay people" for a pin

For more infomation >> Indian Kid Makes A "Jake Paul" DISS TRACK! (cringe) - Duration: 3:01.


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PJ Masks In Real Life #01 Catboy & Gekko vs Romeo Luna Girl to save Owlette transform Nemo Fish

For more infomation >> PJ Masks In Real Life #01 Catboy & Gekko vs Romeo Luna Girl to save Owlette transform Nemo Fish - Duration: 4:08.


Hairstyles for school next part | Peinados para la escuela - Duration: 14:15.

Please like, share and subscribe to my channel for more hairstyles

For more infomation >> Hairstyles for school next part | Peinados para la escuela - Duration: 14:15.


Best Shuffle Dance Music 2017 ► Melbourne Bounce - Shuffle Dance Music Video HD - Duration: 1:01:09.


For more infomation >> Best Shuffle Dance Music 2017 ► Melbourne Bounce - Shuffle Dance Music Video HD - Duration: 1:01:09.


Arsenal transfer news: Arsenal an example of why clubs need their star players on long contracts - Duration: 3:00.

Michael Owen: Arsenal an example of why clubs need their star players on long contracts

Arsenal are at risk of losing three of their star players for free next summer after contract talks stalled at the Emirates. Alexis Sanchez, Mesut Ozil and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain could all leave the club for nothing having rejected new deals.

Manager Arsene Wenger isn't fazed about the possibility of letting £125million worth of players leave the club. But Owen believes clubs must try to tie players down to longer contracts, although he admits it isn't as simple as that.

  "Definitely they should be but it's not as simple as that," the former Liverpool striker told Express Sport.

"You've always got to make a decision when there's two of three years left on someones contract because if you're making a decision and if you're not sure about someone or whatever and you go and give them a new five year contract and then they're not doing great and you pay them telephone numbers for five years, it's a big call." Wenger has insisted Sanchez will remain at the club and will respect the decision Arsenal have taken not to sell him this summer.

But Owen reckons Arsenal are wishing they had the Chile superstar on a longer deal.   "In Sanchez's case, he's just been a delight to watch and a brilliant player since he's been here, he added.

"You would say that from the outside that Arsenal certainly would wish they'd got him on a longer contract even if it's not for their own gain on the pitch but so he's got a bigger value to them as a club.

"I'm sure Arsene Wenger as much as he says that, he'd be keen in the future to avoid it with his star players because we all know he could go for nothing at the end of the season now." Michael Owen is helping McDonald's celebrate 15 years of its Community Football Programme and its longstanding commitment to inclusivity.

For more information on McDonald's sponsorship of the UEFA Women's EURO 2017™ visit

For more infomation >> Arsenal transfer news: Arsenal an example of why clubs need their star players on long contracts - Duration: 3:00.


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GrowTopia | Dirt To Dl #2 Getting 4 Wls!!! - Duration: 6:07.

Come Back With Me JavierYZ

Come Back With Me JavierYZ/Me LGNaxGT

And This Time I Will Do Dirt To Dl #2/Yeah

And This Time Again There Is Zombie Apocalypse

So, Let's Start

Ok Guys

So, We Will Buy Window Seeds

With Price 50/1

So, Let's Buy

(LGNaxGT Sell The Seeds???)

Apparently He Sell :v

So, We Will Double Window Seeds To 200 Seeds

So, We Will Double Window Seeds To 200 Seeds/Yeah

So, Let's Start

Lagg LOL

Ok Guys We Wait :v

Ok Guys, So We've Harvest Earlier

So, Let's Break

Time To Break

So, We Do Like This Again


Untill Get 200 Seeds

So, I Will Skip It

So, I Will Skip It/Yeah

So, We've Get 200 Seeds

And Now We Sell 200/4

So, Let's Sell It


We Get 4Wls



Ok Bro

Maybe This Is The First Time For This Episode

So, Don't Forget Like, Comment, Share

And, Subscribe


For more infomation >> GrowTopia | Dirt To Dl #2 Getting 4 Wls!!! - Duration: 6:07.


Simone Mahler Paris - Love your Skin Workshop // VLOG - Duration: 4:27.

Thank you Janice!!!

Instant Smoothing Skin Corrector

Moisturizing and Radiance Mask

Must Try


Regenarating and Reinvigorating Fluid

Brightening Anti Shadow and Anti Wrinkle Care

Firming Tightening Serum

Global Moisturization Cream

Firming and Pulping Cream

Gentle Cleansing Oil

*some awkward social skills*

Thank you for watching!

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