Saturday, April 1, 2017

Youtube daily report Apr 2 2017

I was scared of all the exponents

I was scared of all the areas and the curves

Oh, how my friends derive better than me

You're the only hope I have in passing calculus

Oh, and then comes U- substitution

Lady, pick the greatest exponent

Set it equal to u now

Then derive to the best you can

Dx must be found all alone now

Dividing the variable to the du

You're gonna be just fine

Now that the integrals are replaced

Add one to the exponent of U

This is one heck of a trick but

Multiply the reciprocal of exponent

Oh, and then comes U-substitution

Lady, pick the greatest exponent

Set it equal to u now

Then derive to the best you can

Dx must be found all alone now

Dividing the variable to the du

You're gonna be just fine

I just wanna, I just wanna know

If you're gonna, if you're gonna add c

I just gotta, I just gotta know

I can't have it, I can't have it any other way

I swear we'll find the integral

Closest thing to an area that you've ever seen, oh

Lady, pick the greatest exponent

Set it equal to u now

Then derive to the best you can

Dx must be found all alone now

Dividing the variable to the du

You're gonna be just fine

Lady, pick the greatest exponent

Set it equal to u now

Then derive to the best you can

Dx must be found all alone now

Dividing the variable to the du

You're gonna be just fine

Oh lady, now you won't fail calculus

Take away the lesson now and

Apply it to the very next test

I love you when you're ace-ing that test and

I got a lump in my throat because

You're gonna be just fine

I got a lump in my throat because

You're gonna be just fine

For more infomation >> Calc Riptide - Duration: 3:31.


[유럽여행] {Ep.14} 소금광산 비엘리츠카(2) (Wieliczka Salt Mines(2)) [Europe Tour] [Eng Sub] - Duration: 11:55.

2nd episode of Wieliczka

It could be boring because of many videos

Mine tour is not thrilling and strenuous activity, so just enjoy it lightly

I don't know what it is exactly but it seemed weaving something

The place miners had meals and rested

Miners prayed here for safe, fruitful work

Let's go inside for a moment

You can find my hands or supplementary battery often in the videos. They're supporting roles

Sat in a circle

You can see the darkness world that you've never seen if you turn off the lantern

Short but amazing

Resume the tour

Avoid the blockers

Climb up a ladder

The guide handed out the maps, and made us to find the place he designated

He only gave a few I guess it's a treasure and made us to go together in a team

Could he find the way and survive safely?

You guys don't care about it but it will be continued!

For more infomation >> [유럽여행] {Ep.14} 소금광산 비엘리츠카(2) (Wieliczka Salt Mines(2)) [Europe Tour] [Eng Sub] - Duration: 11:55.


猫にまつわる不思議な話・怖い話  三毛猫が家にやってくるようになった - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> 猫にまつわる不思議な話・怖い話  三毛猫が家にやってくるようになった - Duration: 1:28.


Peugeot 107 1.0 68PK 5D Access Pack Accent | AIRCO | RADIO - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 107 1.0 68PK 5D Access Pack Accent | AIRCO | RADIO - Duration: 1:03.


I Need a Savior Because I'm Dying - Duration: 28:31.

[ANNOUNCER] The following

program is brought to you

by the friends and

partners of Time of Grace.



Hello, I'm Pastor Jeremy

Mattek from Time of Grace.

I will never forget the

day that we found out my

mother-in-law was

diagnosed with cancer.

I was driving along the

freeway and I saw that my

cell phone was ringing.

It was my wife calling at

a time of day when she

doesn't normally call.

I picked up the phone and

she gave me the news.

Those are hard moments for

us; hard moments when we

think about our mortality.

The fact that all of us,

in some way, we're dying.

Today, Pastor Jeske has a

very encouraging message

for us to help us face

those moments; a reminder

that we need a Savior

because we are dying.



have heard these

statements dozens and

dozens of times in my


I don't like going to

hospitals; all those sick

people creep me out.

It gives me the willies to

go in there; I won't.

Even if my mother's in the

hospital, I'll call her.

I'm not going; I don't

like being in a hospital.

I hate funeral homes.

I don't like being around

dead bodies.

I'm not going to do it.

I don't like cemeteries;

I'm not going in a


I know a ton of people who

will not buy life

insurance because they

can't make their brains

grasp the fact that I'm

going to be dead someday

and I want to cushion the

blow of my death on my


They just drag their feet,

drag their feet, and drag

their feet and never do it

because the thought of

their own death is so

repulsive they just push

it off.

At least half of all

Americans refuse to make

out a will because the

thought of thinking about

their own death is so

repulsive to them, so

frightening to them, so

creepy, so stressful they

just won't do it.

Well, today I want to dig

into Scripture with you -

not for buzzkill; this is

a happy day - it's the

Lord's Day and I've got

great news.

But first we have to

confront some hard news

and that is that the

reaper is coming after all

of us and one day he will

catch up to us and we will

go down.

And if you can't handle

that thought it's because

you've not been reading

your Bible for the

Scripture is full of help

to prepare for that day.

It must not catch you


Today is the second of the

Sundays of Bible studies

where I am encouraging you

in this Lenten season,

when the purple colors

come out, some things we

must think about are our

aching desperate need for

a Savior for things we

cannot do for ourselves.

And because this is

stressful and because it's

humbling, people don't

like to do it but you


Last week, we dug into

Scripture and were

confronted with our aching

need for the forgiveness

of our sins.

We like to pretend we're

fine; that sin is somebody

else's problem but no -

look in the mirror to find

the chief of sinners.

There he is, there she is,

looking right back at you.

Today, I want to talk to

you about mortality.

We need a Savior simply

because we're dying.

And I'd like to dig into

Psalm 90 with you, it's

the Psalm of Moses, and

invite you to do one of

two things: Either get a

Bible and look up Psalm 90

or just lean back and I'm

going to read it for you,

along with a little music

to help you grasp its

impact, and I would like

to - usually I kind of go

through things

verse-by-verse with you

but today, I would like

you just to hear the whole

poem and I would like you

to hear what may be the

very first psalm of our

150 ever to be written

because it's the Psalm of

Moses, the first author

God chose for his word.

Listen now to the words of

Psalm 90: "Lord, you have

been our dwelling place

throughout all


Before the mountains were

born or you brought forth

the earth and the world,

from everlasting to

everlasting you are God.

You turn men back to dust,

saying, "Return to dust, O

sons of men."

For a thousand years in

your sight are like a day

that has just gone by, or

like a watch in the night.

You sweep people away in

the sleep of death - they

are like the new grass of

the morning: Though in the

morning it springs up new,

by evening it is dry and


We are consumed by your

anger and terrified by

your indignation.

You have set our

iniquities before you, our

secret sins in the light

of your presence.

All our days pass away

under your wrath; we

finish our years with a


The length of our days is

seventy years, or eighty,

if we have the strength;

yet their span is but

trouble and sorrow, for

they quickly pass, and we

fly away.

Who knows the power of

your anger!

For your wrath is as great

as the fear that is due


Teach us to number our

days aright, that we may

gain a heart of wisdom.

Relent, O Lord!

How long will it be?

Have compassion on your


Satisfy us in the morning

with your unfailing love,

that we may sing for joy

and be glad all our days.

Make us glad for as many

days as you have afflicted

us, as many years as we

have seen trouble.

May your deeds be shown to

your servants, your

splendor to their


May the favor of the Lord

our God rest upon us;

establish the work of our

hands for us - yes,

establish the work of our


Moses' life could

basically be divided into

three trimesters; each of

roughly forty years of


Born a Hebrew slave-child,

slave-baby, in Egypt, at

risk of being beheaded by

the royal order of the

Pharaoh, his mother - in

order to save her precious

little boy's life - gave

him up for a watery

adoption hoping that the

miracle of babies would

touch the heart of an

Egyptian woman.

Knowing that the hearts of

males are often cold,

Moses' mother, Jochebed,

put her baby in a little

tiny wicker little boat, a

little boatlet, and shoved

him out in the Nile hoping

he would be discovered.

And exactly, that is what


The daughter of the

Pharaoh himself fished

little Moses out of the

water and decided to adopt

him and brought him up as

an Egyptian though knowing

that he was a little

Jewish baby.

And she risked her life to

defy the Pharaoh's edict

and she saved him.

Moses was educated, became


Unlike most of the slaves,

his fellow Israelite

slaves who were consigned

to a life of drudgery

making bricks, Moses

became literate - could

read and write - which was

wonderful and helpful for

he was chosen by God to be

the first author of the

new technology called a

written Bible.

Up until that point, all

the communication from God

to people and from people

to each other was all

oral, was verbal.

Moses became the writer

and that became possible

because he was an educated


Moses was impatient as a

younger man, decided to

start the revolution


And with his own hands, he

killed an Egyptian who was

tormenting one of the

Hebrew slaves.

God knew that he was going

to bring about a great

exodus but that was not

the moment and this was

not how it would be done.

And Moses had to run for

his life and God arranged

for him to escape but he

became a shepherd where he

went to the school of

patience - God's college

of patient knowledge - and

he became a shepherd and

God taught him to wait and

to trust and to let God's

time be his time.

And in fact, God waited so

long that Moses lost his

fire for liberation so

that in the final

trimester when God did

appear to him in that

burning bush, Moses didn't

want to go.

And Exodus' first chapters

- one, two and three - are

lists of excuses, some

sort of credible, some

feeble, as Moses tried to

get out of the very job he

was willing to kill once

to do.

But he did agree and he

represented the God of

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

before the Pharaoh and led

the mighty exodus.

Moses beheld the ten


Moses saw the glory of the

Lord, the pillar of cloud

and fire, that moved out

in advance to lead the

Israelite people; at

night, a pillar of fire

protecting them from the

attacks of the Egyptians.

Moses, I think, wrote this

Psalm, the one you just

heard, as an older man.

This doesn't sound like a

young man talking, does


Young men are impatient.

They're eager.

They're optimistic.

They think they can lick

the world.

When you start to have

some snow on the roof and

maybe less and less of it,

you slow down a little

bit, you think more.

You also observe patterns

and the reason most of all

why I think that this was

written by Moses in his

later years is he said,

"Our lives quickly pass."

When you're young, life

goes slow.

You just got the itch,

you're impatient, you

can't wait and like time

just seems to crawl when

you're young.

You get bored so easily

because you don't have

control of your life;

you're at the behest of

other people.

When you get older, you

have your independence but

half your energy has been

taken away from you by

that time and it just

seems to fly away.

I was talking to my

mother-in-law once on the

phone and talking about

her day and I said, "Tell

me about your day."

She said, "Well, I got up

and got dressed and made

the bed, cleaned up, made

myself a nice breakfast,

ate a nice breakfast,

cleaned up all the dishes,

and then I vacuumed the

rug and then it was time

for lunch [Audience: Laughter]

and I made

myself a nice lunch and

really enjoyed it and then

cleaned it up.

And by the time I put the

dishes away, I took a

little snooze, I read a

little bit, and then all

of a sudden it was time

for supper."

[Audience: Laughter] And

that was her day.

And then a little TV and

it was time for jammies.

That was her day and she

was tired by the end of

the day.

That's what life becomes

for us.

That's what lies ahead for


A wise person told me once

- if I've shared this with

you, I'll remind you of

it; some of you haven't

heard it - I have never

heard a better way of

describing the speed at

which our lives just flow

away better than this.

A guy told me once: "Life

is like a roll of toilet


[Audience: Laughter] The

closer you get to the end

the faster it goes."

And that's really true!

Ask any person who's older

than seventy, they can't

even tell where the years

fly away anymore.

They look around and

suddenly it's autumn and

then they lose track of

time a little bit and

suddenly it's spring.

Time just flies and Moses

said our years quickly

pass and we fly away.

This Psalm sounds pretty

melancholy, doesn't it?

I think I know why: Moses

had witnessed death on

many scales.

He had witnessed personal

death; he had killed a man

with his own hands.

He watched a human being

die right in front of him.

How does that not change

you forever?

He had witnessed God

drowning the chariot

troops of the Pharaoh.

He watched the waters

close over them.

He may have heard their

gurgling screams as they

were drowning and he

watched what had been this

like cavalry unit all be

killed all at once.

Do you think that wasn't a

sobering sight?

There were at least 1.2

million adults who went

out of Egypt with Moses

and yet, because of their

content and disregard for

the promises of God, God

said all of the grown-ups,

everybody twenty and

older, is going to die in

the desert and in the

forty years of their

wandering in the

wilderness, all but a

couple of those 1.2

million people died.

Do the math - 1.2 million

people over forty years

averages 85 or so funerals

a day.

Death was in the Israelite

camp every day and Moses

could see it.

He could see the reaper

cutting people down.

And so, his melancholy

poem about the certainty

of death is something we

need to pay attention to

because this is not

somebody else's problem.

This is our problem and

Moses has got six

takeaways for you from

this powerful Psalm.

And it's not creepy; it's

just reality.

This isn't buzzkill; it's

good life planning.

This isn't depressing for

what it will do is drive

you to find your

confidence, your hope, and

your gladness of heart -

not in yourself, for

you're mortal and fading

away like a cut flower

like mown grass that is

green when it's cut but a

day later will be brown

and dead.

Here's where your joy

comes from: Putting your

eyes on Christ.

Here are the six things

Moses wants you to know.

First, God is awesome and


The all-powerful Creator,

eternal in both directions

- in geometry, when you

see a line, they put the

little arrow on either

side of the line, right?

Do you know - do you

remember sophomore high

school geometry?

The line goes endlessly in

both directions.

That is the existence of

your God who is eternal,

knows neither a beginning,

middle or an end.

Past, present, and future

are all the same to him.

He is constant existence

everywhere all at the same


He has been our dwelling


He is our safe place, our


He's where we can hide.

He's our rock.

He's our anchor.

He is our organizing point

for all of our thinking.

"Before the mountains were

born or you brought forth

the earth and the world,

from everlasting to

everlasting, you are God."

So with Moses, we worship

someone way older than we

are - in fact, he's older

than the oldest rock on

earth - and he will exist

into all eternity.

Just enjoy making yourself

small before someone so


Enjoy the comfort of

knowing someone as small

and weak as you can find a

refuge of someone who

likes you, knows your name

and likes you, so that you

may find rest in him.

Number two: Confess your


The difficulties of the

people on earth and the

miseries of the people of

Israel were because of

their own sin.

"We're consumed by your

anger Lord," Moses says,

"because you've set our

iniquities before you, our

secret sins in the light

of your presence" for

before you Lord, nothing

is secret.

This is healthy.

It's not creepy, it's not


It isn't hangdog, it's not


Just admit your aching


The great one holds you

accountable for how you

behave and expects you to

be as holy as he is.

Don't blame somebody else.

Don't make excuses.

Don't make light of it.

Don't laugh it off.

Don't say, "Well," - don't

get out your pointing

finger and say, "Not my


Now there's the sinners.

Admit it for yourself so

you can become healthy.

As long as you hold your

sins inside and don't

acknowledge them before

God, they're like a

poison; they're toxic.

It's like an acid eating

away inside your heart.

Dump it out so that you

can become healthy for you

will find forgiveness

complete in Jesus for them


Third: Realize that human

death is not the result of

the fact that medical

science just has not quite

yet found the cure.

For every disease that

medical science can find a

cure for, God will find a

way to bring death in some

other way.

And death will chase us

until the end.

"You sweep people away in

the sleep of death," like

God's just brooming them

off; every day he brooms a

few more people off the


This is a bitter truth of

our existence but it's an

absolutely vital one for

you to see and


Death is the result of the

curse of God upon humanity

because of our sins.

"The soul that sins shall

die," Scripture says, and

we see that coming true

day after day, one by one.

Rate of inflation for

death never changes, does


One per person.

And it happens to us all.

This isn't morbid talk;

this is just reality.

And you can't really have

a happy life until you

come to grips with this

sad fact that human death

is the result of human


Point number four: Learn

the lesson of this.

Verse 12 Moses says,

"Teach us to number our

days aright so we may gain

a heart of wisdom."

What should we conclude by

looking at when the angel

of death moves through?

Learn from this and

realize our time on this

planet is quickly slipping


Yesterday, in this very

building, a young woman in

her twenties was laid to

rest; way sooner than

anybody wanted or dreamed

it would ever happen.

You don't know the number

that's going to be

chiseled - the second

number - on your


So prepare now since you

don't know.

Now is the time to take

care of this business to

come before your Lord.

Where do you go for the

dilemma of our sin?

Where do you go to escape

the angel of death?

"Relent, O Lord" Moses

says, verse 14: "Satisfy

us in the morning with

your unfailing love."

That's a Hebrew word whose

Greek equivalent, charis,

is grace.

We go to God's grace that

he has a rescue plan that

he gives because of his

inside goodness; not

because of your or my


Verse 16 towards the end:

"May your deeds be shown

to your servants and your

splendor to their


Moses, you might envy

Moses, because he got to

see the glory of the Lord.

He got to see the ten

plagues smacking Egypt


He got to see the huge

pillar of cloud.

He got to see the golden

box of the ark of the

covenant and the bright

cloud going inside of the


But something Moses never

saw was the fulfillment

that he was waiting for;

the fulfillment of the

arrival of the Savior.

You and I have a

phenomenal advantage over

even Moses; one of the

greatest of God's Old

Testament leaders because

you have had shared with

you the good news of the

arrival of the Savior as

God said.

You have the certainty of

the forgiveness of your


You have the certainty of

the resurrection of


You have the certainty now

of knowing that you will

rise, as well.

And that means that the

death stalker has no

terrors for us; that this

doesn't have to be creepy

talk for Christians

because we need a Savior

but we have a Savior.

And his immortality, his

resurrection, guarantees

both your forgiveness and

your resurrection, as


When Moses says, "Make us

glad once again for as

many days as you have

afflicted us," that is

where your gladness of

heart comes from.

It comes not when your

eyes are focused on

yourself, your

achievements, your


Look at Jesus and gladness

will come to your heart.

"May the favor of the Lord

our God rest upon us."

That is where our

salvation comes from.

God's favor through Christ

resting upon us.

And number six - this kind

of surprises you; you

might think that would

have been a great place

for the Psalm to end - but

Moses finishes with

saying: "Establish the

work of our hands for us -

yes, establish the work of

our hands."

You might think that that

would be a great place to

end by Moses says, "Lord,

establish the work of our


In other words, what we're

doing right now for God

still matters!

And as individuals and as

a congregation and as

Christians, we have the

unbelievable privilege of

sharing this hope, how to

escape, how to find some

gladness in a world full

of struggle and

bitterness, how to find an

exit, how to live beyond

that death angel who goes

around cutting people


How grass and flowers that

are cut and dying once

again get their color back

and bloom once again.

Establish, Lord, our work

that we do in your name to

make great your name to

tell people about the

Savior that we have.

And in that way, his favor

rests upon us but it will

also rest upon everyone

who hears that precious

gospel message.

We need a Savior because

we're dying but because of

our Savior, we are alive!

That's good news for God's


Let everybody say "Amen!"



Pastor Jeske just had an

incredible message on the

reality of death and those

can be very difficult

moments for us.

I remember one day a

number of years ago, my

wife and our two small

daughters were driving

through Chicago and my

sister-in-law was in the

car with her, traveling

with her.

I was back at home many

miles away and my phone


I picked it up and it was

my sister-in-law and the

first words out of her

mouth were "everybody's

okay," which wasn't a good


They had been hit by a

semi in Chicago traffic.

They had been driving

through stop and go

traffic and my wife

stopped in time when the

vehicle in front of her

stopped, but the semi that

was behind her wasn't able

to slam on the breaks in

time and so the semi

smashed into the back of

our minivan, crumbled the

whole thing.

My two little girls were

in the back seat of the

minivan; amazingly, they

weren't hurt.

Those moments can be very

difficult as we think

about the mortality of

those we love and even


But Pastor Jeske told us,

as he reminded us, the

best place to look during

those moments isn't really

at death; the best place

to look is at our God -

our awesome and our

eternal God - who wants to

be so close to us as we

walk through the valley of

the shadow of death that

he comes down to this

earth and goes through it

himself, gets crunched by

death, only to rise above

it on Easter morning.

What a glorious message to

give us hope and

confidence and freedom as

we walk through this life.

I'll be back in a minute

to pray with you.

[PROMOTION] Time of Grace

is blessed with very

inquisitive viewers and

readers who aren't shy

about sending in their


I already answered a book

full of their

questions-Straight Talk:

Answers from God's Word.

And I've just written a

book of answers to about

150 new head-scratchers

called More Straight Talk.

Now, we won't have all the

answers to every question

till we get to heaven,

where we shall know fully,

even as we are fully

known, as 1 Corinthians

13:12 says.

But in the meantime, it's

great fun to dig into the

Word together, as we'll

get to do in my new book,

More Straight Talk.

More Straight Talk is our

thank-you for your

donation this month to

help share the timeless

truths of God's Word with

more people.

And don't forget you can

also become a Grace

Partner by making your

gift a recurring, monthly


Ask about how you can be a

Grace Partner when you

give and request your book


Call 800.661.3311, text

"time" to 313131, or visit



would like to take a

moment to say thank you to

those who support this

ministry with their

generous offerings and

their prayers.

You are the ones who allow

us to take the sweet

gospel of Jesus to hurting

hearts just like mine and

just like yours.

Let's bow our heads and

pray together.

Dear Lord Jesus, We are so

grateful for your

sacrificial love that led

you to the cross, to go

through the valley of the

shadow of death yourself,

to stand by our side and

be the sacrifice for our


We're so grateful for your

victory over death on

Easter morning that allows

us to live with hope and

joy and confidence, even

as we walk through those


Keep that message on our

hearts today and every day

and help us to bring that

message to those who might

be facing the reality of

death today, tomorrow, our

loved ones, our neighbors,

those in our community.

This whole world needs

hope and hope is exactly

what you give us in your

death, your resurrection.

In your name we pray,


For Time of Grace, I'm

Pastor Jeremy Mattek.

It all starts now.



preceding program was

brought to you by the

friends and partners of

Time of Grace.

For more infomation >> I Need a Savior Because I'm Dying - Duration: 28:31.


Mazda 6 1.8I EXCLUSIVE - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Mazda 6 1.8I EXCLUSIVE - Duration: 0:58.


How to get & craft Glazed Terracotta block in Survival Minecraft PE 1.1 - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> How to get & craft Glazed Terracotta block in Survival Minecraft PE 1.1 - Duration: 1:57.



For more infomation >> MARCH FAVORITES 2017 (CLOTHING, AND OTHERS) - Duration: 5:28.


Why are Israelis so argumentative? - Duration: 6:51.

Why is the typical Israeli


or contrary to everything?

Why did you decide that is the typical Israeli?

Because you...

Ari Azur

that's exactly what I am talking about

Because that's how Israelis are

that's their personality

they oppose anything you say to them

"what are you talking about?! It's the opposite..."

I oppose what I don't agree with

I don't oppose automatically

If I agree, I don't oppose what they say

So you don't agree with it

That Israelis...

I don't agree with that description

Why is the typical Israeli

Boaz Ramat Gan

is really critical

or opposes anything he's told

When you say to an Israeli "A", he says "No, it is B"

It doesn't matter what you say

Why are you like that?

Because we are sure we know better

we are taught that "I know the best I know more than anyone else"

We are taught to speak and not listen

That is the reason in my opinion

Who teaches you to do that?

Who taught you to do that?

I am Canadian

They taught me to listen

So for us.... It's not that someone told me this

it's living within a culture and society

it's a culture of talking and not so much about listening

Ariel Rehovot

I am like that myself

I feel that there is some kind of

checking the limits seeing what you can get

what's the reaction

what you feel about something and how you can connect to somebody

feeling sure about someone or not

It's also, when you discuss issues

it's a very personal thing with Israelis

it's close to their hearts

So they want to see

if you are on the same level as them

if you understand them properly

and they try to fish out what they want to hear from you

and they'll try to do it

in a very extreme way

but it's not anything too bad


You have to take into account that not everyone is like that

Some are, some aren't

There are a lot

But anyways, I am not that way

How do I know? Maybe you saying no is really...

If you ask me, why is ...

is he walking around with hair like that? - So why?

I don't care It doesn't interest me

It's his life

Why do Israelis love to argue about everything?

What is up with us Jews?

Ofer Jerusalem

God who created the world

created everything with a few sides

this side and that side

In the Gmara, there are many sides

Many questions

You can look at anything from many different view points

So to bring out the full truth from God

Israelis want to get to the full truth

the Godly truth

So we argue

Let's say you believe in X

you say X, I say no, no, it is Y

Yes, so it will be more real

Always check to get to the deeper point

Why do you think Israelis

part of their mentality

they are very critical about everything

say the opposite to anything?

Almog Ramat Gan

Because people always persecuted us

so we are always suspicious

and are more aggressive

but I think it is something in the Israeli mentality

that for everything

it is difficult for us to accept criticism

you always think you are better

you always have something to say

and you don't accept (what someone says)

it in a constructive way

or in a way that will open your eyes

Why do you think Israelis

are so critical and argumentative

Daniel Jerusalem

You tell them something and the say "What are you talking about?"

Always the opposite

Firstly, Israelis are so contrary

and so self-absorbed

because they think they are better


that's how we are for years

for years

On television, the Torah

gives and puts

the Israeli and Jewish mentality to everything

and as you would expect

it gets to the situation where

your ego is really high

and you don't even notice it

Why do Israelis as part of their nature

Raphael Herzliya

are so argumentative about everything?

You tell them something and they say "No, what are you talking about?"

I will start with the fact that

you gave a generalization that is not true at all

Seeing it as contrary is not correct

because what came first, the chicken or the egg?

It's both true and not true

You don't think it is true or you don't?

Why? Am I on trial?

Maybe there is some truth

maybe some is not true

Do you know the story about the Rabbi?

The Rabbi goes to Yossef

and Yossef says

"Listen, I have a problem with Yankele"

"he doesn't pay me for his bills"

"he is always trying to cheat me out of money"

The Rabbi says

"He is not treating you right"

Then Yankele comes and says to the Rabbi

"I have a problem with Yossef

"he is stealing money from me"

The Rabbi says "Yossef is not treating you right"

(got the names confused)

The Rabbi goes home and his wife says to him

"You can't have it both ways. Either Yossef is right or Yankele is right"

The Rabbi says "You are also right"

That is Judaism

For more infomation >> Why are Israelis so argumentative? - Duration: 6:51.


UNDERTALE - Saturday - Duration: 0:31.

Homer, what day is it?

Is Saturday


(r.i.p table)











(eating feetus)


captions by matty p

For more infomation >> UNDERTALE - Saturday - Duration: 0:31.


The Dragon's Mythology Banner| Speed Art Complete | Shiruken Animation - Duration: 48:04.


For more infomation >> The Dragon's Mythology Banner| Speed Art Complete | Shiruken Animation - Duration: 48:04.


Try not to Laugh * ORIGINAL * - Duration: 8:34.




Hot body Jade.


For more infomation >> Try not to Laugh * ORIGINAL * - Duration: 8:34.


[유럽여행] {Ep.14} 소금광산 비엘리츠카(2) (Wieliczka Salt Mines(2)) [Europe Tour] [Eng Sub] - Duration: 11:55.

2nd episode of Wieliczka

It could be boring because of many videos

Mine tour is not thrilling and strenuous activity, so just enjoy it lightly

I don't know what it is exactly but it seemed weaving something

The place miners had meals and rested

Miners prayed here for safe, fruitful work

Let's go inside for a moment

You can find my hands or supplementary battery often in the videos. They're supporting roles

Sat in a circle

You can see the darkness world that you've never seen if you turn off the lantern

Short but amazing

Resume the tour

Avoid the blockers

Climb up a ladder

The guide handed out the maps, and made us to find the place he designated

He only gave a few I guess it's a treasure and made us to go together in a team

Could he find the way and survive safely?

You guys don't care about it but it will be continued!

For more infomation >> [유럽여행] {Ep.14} 소금광산 비엘리츠카(2) (Wieliczka Salt Mines(2)) [Europe Tour] [Eng Sub] - Duration: 11:55.


Faut il un GROS MEDIATOR pour jouer du jazz manouche ? - Apprendre le Jazz Manouche - Duration: 8:44.

Hi, Clément here

So today in this video, I will talk about picks

because I'm often asked questions about picks which type of pick to choose

Do we need small or big picks

tortoiseshell, wood, bone, horn picks, etc.

There is a lot of choice

So I will try to talk about the different types of picks I used learning guitar

I will talk about their advantages and disadvantages

and I prepared a few examples that I will show you as well

and then I will give you my opinion on the pick's size

if you absolutely need a big pick to play gypsy jazz

On the table I have a few picks

For example I have this one

this one is a stone pick agate to be precise

It's a big pick and rather thick

3 or 4mm

it's a Dugain

It allows you to have a big sound

but there is a slightly metallic aspect

I don't know if the microphone picks it up

when playing a high string

it can make small noises like those

That's for the stone picks

there is bone picks as well

It's also a Dugain... As you can see

Here you have it for the bone pick

this pick is made out of buffalo horn

It's also a big pick from Dugain

I'm not going to try them all on the guitar

there is also picks like this one in ebony

This one is made out of tortoise shell

It's someone that watches my video on Youtube that gave it to me

If he watches thanks againS

so it's in tortoise shell

This one is the classic pick, a black Dunlop

This one, a Dugain again, I believe it's acetate

I don't recall exactly

this one is also a small pick

a small Dunlop pick

So there is a lot of type of picks

and some guitarist say that to play gypsy jazz you need big picks

Dugain picks, horn, bone, tortoise shell picks that kind of things

conversely some say that you need to use small thin picks like this

So, it depends a bit on people

when I started playing gypsy jazz guitar more than ten years ago now

At first I would use Dugain picks, that why I have several here on the table

and I tried many materials, I tried wood, horn, bone, stone, etc

back then I liked it a lot

I played a lot with the agate one

it allowed me to have a big sound

but the downside of these is that it wears down a lot more the strings

the pick won't wear down

this one I have it since forever, I never lost it

In general we lose them before wearing them down since it's stone

On the other hand with stone picks, it'll wear down a lot more your strings

I had my string thread that would go because of the stone of the pick

a bit after that I started playing on small picks

this type of picks, this one is a black Dunlop of 2mm

right here

I started playing with that type of picks, just to see how it's like

and I thought that it was a bit more flexible and more satisfying to play with

and since then I play exclusively with those picks

so black Dunlop 2mm

so, I'm not advertising for Dunlop, I'm not sponsored by them

but there are many guitarist playing with those picks

So either the 2mm black ones or the green ones

these ones are a bit more flexible they are 1.5mm

and I think that compared to Dugain picks or any big picks in shell or horn

I find it more flexible and pleasing

playing the guitar, that being said it's also a matter of taste

and we can perfectly have a big sound playing the guitar using a small plastic pick

if you the live of Bireli Lagrène in Vienne

I believe it was in 2002, it's a really well known DVD

and you can find videos on Youtube I think, you'll see Bireli playing with small plastic picks

and since people saw Bireli playing with a small pick

everyone switch to small picks

and then we realized it works very well and we can have a big sound with a nice tone

using small picks

but then there will always be gypsy jazz purists that will tell you

in order to play gypsy you need a big pick in tortoise shell or in bone that is 3 or 4 mm

to have a big sound, it's a point of view that I don't share

that being said it's up to you to try it out, you can buy a big pick to see if you like it

or try small picks like those

Personally I only play with small plastic picks it's suits me well and I don't want to change it

to summarize all that, I don't think there is one type of pick for gypsy jazz

It depends of your feeling on the guitar

it's something personal, try out different things

try small, big and average picks

and try to keep the pick that fits you best

the one with which you are more at ease

I don't think it's true if someone tells you that you need a particular pick to play gypsy jazz

because we can perfectly play with small ones

So here you go, a small video on picks

that way next time you ask me a question on picks, because I receive a lot of them

I'm often asked which pick, strings I use, etc.

I will refer you back to this video, that way you know everything about how I use my pick

After, the pick has three sides, the tip and the two round ones

there are multiple ways to use them, some will use the tip

others will use one round side, one or another

to have less grip on the string with a corner a bit more round

that also is up to you to try it, it'll depend on the musician

again the best solution is to try it out, and make up your own opinion

That's it for today, if you liked it think about giving a thumb-up on Youtube

If you are on the website you can go to Youtube to give the thumb-up it's always appreciated

I will make a summary PDF to download on the website

if you are on Youtube, click on the description, there will be a link leading you to the website

and if you are the website the PDF is downloaded at the end of page

See you soon for an upcoming video

Hey! Did you like the video?

So think about liking it, it's always appreciated

You can also subscribe to my Youtube channel by clicking on the big red button just below, there

And if you want to receive 3 free lessons on gypsy jazz guitar

with videos, PDF and many really amazing things

In the right corner, it's free

See you soon for an upcoming video


For more infomation >> Faut il un GROS MEDIATOR pour jouer du jazz manouche ? - Apprendre le Jazz Manouche - Duration: 8:44.


Ewangeliarz OP - 2 kwietnia 2017 - (J 11, 1-45) - Duration: 1:45.

Jesus, where shall we go today?

Where do you want to guide me?

It's an awesome question that I often ask myself in the morning while praying

Please, show me where we will go together today, because it's my fun, it's my happiness in life to go where you tell me, "Jędrzej, let's go there."

Today, we read that Jesus says to the Apostles, "Let's go to Judee, come on, let's go there"

It's charming how straightforward and simple these words are.

Jesus wants to talk to me exactly this way. This way he wants to talk to you.

"Come on, let's walk up to this guy over there, sitting sad on the bench in the subway"

"Come on, let's call up that old friend of yours, the one that can't cope with life"

"Come on, let's go visit that person who really needs to meet you, needs your advice, needs your money"—whatever

The Lord wants to talk to us this way, and He does.

We just need to open up our ears a little to His invitation.

For more infomation >> Ewangeliarz OP - 2 kwietnia 2017 - (J 11, 1-45) - Duration: 1:45.


Дыхание и спорт, Как дышать правильно - Duration: 3:50.



Topic of this issue us in the comments below

Video suggested Rome, for that he had a special thank you.

I think no one is not the secret of how important our

the body of oxygen.

If we want to explain who what for us

it is great value, we say

it is important for us as air.

Proper breathing is like in training and in daily

Life is one of the guarantor of wellbeing

and an active lifestyle.

According to statistics, about 40% of the athletes, fond of iron

sport after 40 years of suffering of those or other problems,

associated with cardiovascular system.

To some extent, this It connected with the violation technique

breathing during ongoing training.

repeatedly held studies have shown

as the correct technique breathing increases the speedily

power characteristics athlete.

Besides quality tissues drenching with oxygen

slows the aging process and speeds up the metabolism.

For each sport There is his "right


However, you need to understand, that not all are suitable for universal

winning recipes, always you need to listen to the

own feelings.

If we talk about race, then Elison Makkonnel, who

Experts recommend for breathing breathe through your mouth, for every

breath doing two steps, so the step 2 will have

and on the exhale.

However, Roy Sugarman not I agree with the view

and he believes that the need to breathe always through the nose because

thus we use over the heated and peeled

air, which reduces the risk colds.

If we are talking about training in the gym, it is very

You can be heard often from trainers who took to himself

any novice: "Breathe, do not forget to breathe."

Someone may decide that "Remember to breathe" is not possible,

but unprepared person really

often intuitively He holds his breath while working

heavy weights, which negatively It affects the body

- because at the same time significantly pressure increases, decreases

tissue oxygenation.

With rare exceptions, the right It considered such an option

breathing in which breath It falls on the negative

phase of movement, and on exhalation positive.

If you give an example bench press, then inhale

should be by lowering the rod, and exhale on effort - the

there is at the moment when you squeeze it.

Too many security forces are gaining lungful of air,

hold their breath and not breathing perform powerful movement.

Such a method of execution really capable

to some extent, increase the output power, however,

This negatively affects an athlete's health.

Increases blood and vnutrebryushnoe pressure.

Deteriorating brain power oxygen, over time,

deteriorating eyesight and can come complete blindness.

I'm sure many of you We saw cutting, where people,

operating or squat thrust lost consciousness - largely

This is due to the violation breathing techniques have been

pressure rises sharply, and then just as quickly


We recommend that you follow your breath until

long as you do not finish this skill to automatism.

Since this topic is extremely extensive, write in the comments,

if we do something not told within the scene.

If you like the video, then support us huskies

and share this video with friends.

This will greatly help the development of our channel.

On our site are gathered all editions and text

articles to them.

Not to miss the next Video - subscribe

to our feed and Public VKontakte, all references in the description to


And yes, one more thing.

If you still do not done, then click on the bell

near the subscribe button.

Put a tick "report me all the news of this

Channel "and click save.

So you will not miss our new release.

For more infomation >> Дыхание и спорт, Как дышать правильно - Duration: 3:50.


びっくり!中国のお箸マナー Surprising Chinese Table Etiquette! - Duration: 4:59.

Hi ,this is Mimi.

Today I'd like to share with you the topic about the way to eat the hot pot .

Surprising Chinese table etiquette!

Last time I ate the hotpot with 10 Chinese friends at the circle table.

I think most Japanese like to distinguish their own chopsticks and the serving chopsticks.

This is Japanese table manner.

Otherhand,inChina people directly use their own chostics when serving or pincking the food.

so then I use my chopsticks and pick up the raw fish and meat into the boiling water.

At that time, one of my friend gave me a advice,

it really surprised me!

I wondered if they don't mind these kind of way to use the chopsticks ,

I was really puzzled over her advice.

Last time I've also uploaded the video concerning the chopsticks ,

so please check the previous video too.

I think both are so interesting and

you can understand the different way to use the chopsticks between China and Japan.

Speaking of chopsticks ,

last time I ate the hotpot with 10 Chinese friends.

There was a very big hot pot on middle of the circle table,

we enjoyed so much.

I pick the raw fish and putting it into the hotpot with my own chopstics.

everyone use their own chopstics when they put something into the pot.

one of my Chinese friend advised me to wash my chopsticks in the boiling water,

I'm really surprised that,

because I thought washing my chopstick into the hotpot is so dirty for everyone,

I wondered it was so bad manner.Is these way really OK in China?

I think it depends on the people,

I mean some people don't mind ,but others mind.

Anyway I think the Chinese table manner are more casual than Japan.

But now we have a meal with the foreign friends , right?

so there are more and more Chinese young people take care their table manner.

I guess your friend thought using chopsticks which pick the raw fish wasn't clean,

so then she advised you to put your chopstick into the boiled water .

Her advice is for your health.

I see!

Are you OK?

It's OK,I just feel my throat so itchy.

Do you feel itchy?

slowly slowly!

There is no choice,I can't stop by myself.

Did you have a problem of your throat before?

You have to talk slowly.

no problem!

I think Chinese way is more casual,comparing the Japanese one.

You know Chinese have a rice bowl with the left hand and

eat the rice with right hand when we eat the rice or soup.

But Japanese don't pick up the bowl ,right?

I think Japanese put the bowl on the table and eat it.

No. Japanese also pick the bowl with left hand like this way.

This way is bad manner.

I think Japanese people eat something like this.

I mean Japanese don't shovel the food into the mouse.

they pick up your rice in morsels and bring it up to your mouth.

Chinese sometime may shovel the food like this.

Japanese say this ways is

Dog Way!

Like the dog, I see!

But I think the Chinese eating habit and manner have been improving now,

so then there're more and more people eat something without dog way.

anyway,today I realized that the way using the chopsticks of Japanese and China are really different.

Yes so interesting!

I think it is too complicated for the people who are european or any other countries to understand it.

Yes,maybe they think the way to using the Chinese and Japanese are alomst same,

but actually it are really different.

Ms.Xi thank you for your teaching!

I' ve learned so much,

I'm really interested with leaning Chinese!

That's all for today,

thank you for your watching,

see you!

For more infomation >> びっくり!中国のお箸マナー Surprising Chinese Table Etiquette! - Duration: 4:59.


✬SuperNova³ 之微短片#01- 究竟愚人節有幾多愚人 【CC中字 】 - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> ✬SuperNova³ 之微短片#01- 究竟愚人節有幾多愚人 【CC中字 】 - Duration: 1:21.






I am the one, don't weigh a ton Don't need a gun to get respect upon the street

Under the sun, the bastard son Will pop the Glock to feed himself and family

By by by any means, your enemies my enemies We wet them up like a canteen

The yellow tape surrounds the fate Don't have a face so now you late, open the gates

Great, eliminate like ElimiDate

Hey, young boy had to penetrate

great, young boy done caught a case

Bang, now his mama living with the pain

Wait, doctor says he's gonna stay

give him get the senzu bean so he regenerate

Now a nigga harder than the head of the state Denzel Curry is the new candidate

Ultimate, alternate, you are the opposite Stop this shit, chop your esophagus

Bitches be bopping it, bow down and popping it Dropping it in her esophagus

She get so nasty, in public she classy Perhaps she is able to swallow it

Girl, I can make you a star

Then I put her ass on Apollo, biiiiiiiiiiii*ch

Bitch, I am ultimate, behold my awesomeness Narcissist, part time an arsonist

Ripping through cartilage, I am the hardest, bitch Wrap it up, put in sarcophagus

Dearly departed, it's done when it started So now that I'm living so harmonious

Feeling like Spartacus, Curry the ultimate I am the best, there's no politics, bitch, I'm ultimate

BIT*CH I'M I am the one, don't weigh a ton Don't need a gun to get respect upon the street

Under the sun, the bastard son Will pop the Glock to feed himself and family

By, By,By any means, your enemies my enemies We wet them up like a canteen

Till yellow tape surrounds the fate Don't have a face so now you late, open the gates

Ultimate, infinite, flow is opium

Open the internet, photosynthesis

Put up parentheses

temporary Very scary if I feel like Dirty Harry

Just might bust a bitch

Never knew my life, but yet the question is

Is he fake, is he real, what the message is

Chop a bitch nigga up, I'mma sever it When I sever shit

I kill 'em, no Kony, these niggas ain't homies Claim you the homie, I turn into Broly

Dropping melodic, enter the cosmic Flow like a prophet, lyrical toxic

Flow like a foreigner, I'm the torturer Out of South Florida

call the coroner Killed in the corridor

I'm the overlord Rhymes like a sorcerer, I'm an animorph

Bitch, I'm a beast

Nigga, you tell me who fucking with me

K to the I to the N to the G

Claim you the hottest, but I disagree

Better love something than get a degree

This for Lord Infamous so R.I.P.

Arrivederci, bitches looking thirsty, riding through the dirty Like it's mandatory, ending of the story

For more infomation >> BLACKBEARDRAPS - ULTIMATE(COVER) - Duration: 2:37.


Learn English-Weekly Tip 24 for Speakers of Indian Languages - 'Mumbai' or 'Mumbai Only' (subtitled) - Duration: 2:05.

Hello once again everyone, and welcome

back to 'One English Tip in One Minute for

Speakers of the Many Indian Languages'

where each week I talk about, in some

detail, one common English mistake made by people

from India...and this is video number 24.

I say it all the time and're

probably sick of hearing it...but I don't

care. I mean it: Nice going for

working to improve your English. It's a very

cool and smart thing to do. If you've

heard that many times before, then you

know how this works.

I show you a slide, and on the slide

there are two sentences: One is correct,

the other is incorrect. Your job is

to decide which one is correct. Read

the sentences, pause the video -- as you

will almost certainly have to -- think

about your answer and I will discuss the

answer in the slide that follows this slide.

If you got it wrong - or you took a wild

guess and just happened to get it right,

but just got lucky --

it simply means you need to start

studying this a little bit. To start

you off on that process, I've given you

three sentences you can study from.

Memorize these sentences, drill them into

your head, review them constantly and put

into practice what you've learned through

speaking or writing or both...and, as

always, it's a good idea to go outside

this video and try to learn on your own

as well.

For more infomation >> Learn English-Weekly Tip 24 for Speakers of Indian Languages - 'Mumbai' or 'Mumbai Only' (subtitled) - Duration: 2:05.


process (Language Bank) - Duration: 1:49.

Language Bank process

Describing a process

This diagram illustrates the process of paper-making.

/This diagram shows how paper is made.

First/First of all, logs are delivered to a paper mill,

where the bark is removed and the wood is cut into small chips.

Next/Second, the wood chips are pulped, either using chemicals or in a pulping machine.

Pulping breaks down the internal structure of the wood and enables/allows the natural oils to be removed.

Once/After the wood has been pulped, the pulp is bleached in order to remove impurities.

/…is bleached so that impurities can be removed.

The next stage is to feed the pulp into the paper machine,

where it is mixed with water and then poured onto a wire conveyor belt.

As the pulp travels along the conveyor belt, the water drains away.

This causes the solid material to sink to the bottom, forming a layer of paper.

At this point the new paper is still wet, so it is passed between large heated rollers,

which press out the remaining water and simultaneously dry the paper

/…dry the paper at the same time.

The final stage is to wind the paper onto large rolls.

/Finally, the paper is wound onto large rolls.

note at firstly, lastly

language bank at conclusion, first

For more infomation >> process (Language Bank) - Duration: 1:49.


alone / lonely / lone (Which Word?) - Duration: 1:16.

Which Word? alone / lonely / lone

Alone, and on your own/by yourself (which are less formal and are the normal phrases used in spoken English),

describe a person or thing that is separate from others.

They do not mean that the person is unhappy:

I like being alone in the house.

I'm going to London by myself next week.

I want to finish this on my own (= without anyone's help).

Lone/​solitary/​single mean that there is only one person or thing there;

lone and solitary may sometimes suggest that the speaker thinks the person involved is lonely:

a lone jogger in the park

long, solitary walks

Lonely (North American English also lonesome) means that you are alone and sad:

a lonely child

Sam was very lonely when he first moved to New York.

It can also describe places or activities that make you feel lonely:

a lonely house

For more infomation >> alone / lonely / lone (Which Word?) - Duration: 1:16.


Crime Patrol क्राइम पेट्रोल सतर्क Ep 782 Betay Ki Pasand 23th Mar 2017 - Duration: 38:45.

Crime Patrol क्राइम पेट्रोल सतर्क Ep 782 Betay Ki Pasand 23th Mar 2017 Crime Patrol क्राइम पेट्रोल सतर्क Ep 782 Betay Ki Pasand 23th Mar 2017 Crime Patrol क्राइम पेट्रोल सतर्क Ep 782 Betay Ki Pasand 23th Mar 2017 In today's episode of Crime Patrol, watch the investigation of a murder case from Punjab. The police find Surendra's dead body in a deserted place. They soon learn that Surendra is a property dealer from Ludhiana. While investigating Surendra's murder case, the police find out that Surendra had an extramarital affair. Will the police be able to solve the case? Stay tuned in to find the answer. Crime Patrol coming back in its 4th season attempts to bring stories of crime happening all around the country. Crimes that tell us, we need to be careful, we need to be watchful. Crimes that tell us lives could have been saved.Every crime we hear of, either warns us to be careful or scares us, it could happen to us. Every crime ignites a feeling, 'It should not have happened'.Would knowing the 'Why' behind a crime, help in stopping a crime from happening?'I don't like the way he looks at me', 'I don't like the way he/she is behaving', 'I think he/she is out of his/her mind', 'I think he/she has gone crazy'. That gaze, that quirky smile, that persistent stare which unnerves. It is difficult to understand the intentions but the hints are there.In a house a husband and wife argue, fight. A vessel comes flying, a glass breaks. Husband is angry and the wife is upset. That hatred, that ego. The distance that keeps growing. It is difficult to comprehend the damage, but the cracks are there.Feelings… expressions. Dont Forget to Subscribe Our Channel....... Enjoye

For more infomation >> Crime Patrol क्राइम पेट्रोल सतर्क Ep 782 Betay Ki Pasand 23th Mar 2017 - Duration: 38:45.


Mr. Sackentwine reviews Iron Fist - Duration: 11:21.

effeminate (of a man or boy) having traits, tastes, habits, etc., traditionally considered feminine, as softness or delicacy.

For more infomation >> Mr. Sackentwine reviews Iron Fist - Duration: 11:21.



For more infomation >> МОЙ ГОВОРЯЩИЙ ТОМ БЕГ ЗА ЗОЛОТОМ #62 СОРЕВНОВАНИЯ ГОВОРЯЩИХ КОШЕЧЕК АНДЖЕЛ игры мультики для малышей - Duration: 5:59.


Zero Days - Duration: 1:53:47.

For more infomation >> Zero Days - Duration: 1:53:47.


猫にまつわる不思議な話・怖い話  三毛猫が家にやってくるようになった - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> 猫にまつわる不思議な話・怖い話  三毛猫が家にやってくるようになった - Duration: 1:28.


Justin Bieber em São Paulo - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Justin Bieber em São Paulo - Duration: 2:12.


Ewangeliarz OP - 2 kwietnia 2017 - (J 11, 1-45) - Duration: 1:45.

Jesus, where shall we go today?

Where do you want to guide me?

It's an awesome question that I often ask myself in the morning while praying

Please, show me where we will go together today, because it's my fun, it's my happiness in life to go where you tell me, "Jędrzej, let's go there."

Today, we read that Jesus says to the Apostles, "Let's go to Judee, come on, let's go there"

It's charming how straightforward and simple these words are.

Jesus wants to talk to me exactly this way. This way he wants to talk to you.

"Come on, let's walk up to this guy over there, sitting sad on the bench in the subway"

"Come on, let's call up that old friend of yours, the one that can't cope with life"

"Come on, let's go visit that person who really needs to meet you, needs your advice, needs your money"—whatever

The Lord wants to talk to us this way, and He does.

We just need to open up our ears a little to His invitation.

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