Saturday, April 1, 2017

Youtube daily report w Apr 2 2017

Which Word? alone / lonely / lone

Alone, and on your own/by yourself (which are less formal and are the normal phrases used in spoken English),

describe a person or thing that is separate from others.

They do not mean that the person is unhappy:

I like being alone in the house.

I'm going to London by myself next week.

I want to finish this on my own (= without anyone's help).

Lone/​solitary/​single mean that there is only one person or thing there;

lone and solitary may sometimes suggest that the speaker thinks the person involved is lonely:

a lone jogger in the park

long, solitary walks

Lonely (North American English also lonesome) means that you are alone and sad:

a lonely child

Sam was very lonely when he first moved to New York.

It can also describe places or activities that make you feel lonely:

a lonely house

For more infomation >> alone / lonely / lone (Which Word?) - Duration: 1:16.


Дыхание и спорт, Как дышать правильно - Duration: 3:50.



Topic of this issue us in the comments below

Video suggested Rome, for that he had a special thank you.

I think no one is not the secret of how important our

the body of oxygen.

If we want to explain who what for us

it is great value, we say

it is important for us as air.

Proper breathing is like in training and in daily

Life is one of the guarantor of wellbeing

and an active lifestyle.

According to statistics, about 40% of the athletes, fond of iron

sport after 40 years of suffering of those or other problems,

associated with cardiovascular system.

To some extent, this It connected with the violation technique

breathing during ongoing training.

repeatedly held studies have shown

as the correct technique breathing increases the speedily

power characteristics athlete.

Besides quality tissues drenching with oxygen

slows the aging process and speeds up the metabolism.

For each sport There is his "right


However, you need to understand, that not all are suitable for universal

winning recipes, always you need to listen to the

own feelings.

If we talk about race, then Elison Makkonnel, who

Experts recommend for breathing breathe through your mouth, for every

breath doing two steps, so the step 2 will have

and on the exhale.

However, Roy Sugarman not I agree with the view

and he believes that the need to breathe always through the nose because

thus we use over the heated and peeled

air, which reduces the risk colds.

If we are talking about training in the gym, it is very

You can be heard often from trainers who took to himself

any novice: "Breathe, do not forget to breathe."

Someone may decide that "Remember to breathe" is not possible,

but unprepared person really

often intuitively He holds his breath while working

heavy weights, which negatively It affects the body

- because at the same time significantly pressure increases, decreases

tissue oxygenation.

With rare exceptions, the right It considered such an option

breathing in which breath It falls on the negative

phase of movement, and on exhalation positive.

If you give an example bench press, then inhale

should be by lowering the rod, and exhale on effort - the

there is at the moment when you squeeze it.

Too many security forces are gaining lungful of air,

hold their breath and not breathing perform powerful movement.

Such a method of execution really capable

to some extent, increase the output power, however,

This negatively affects an athlete's health.

Increases blood and vnutrebryushnoe pressure.

Deteriorating brain power oxygen, over time,

deteriorating eyesight and can come complete blindness.

I'm sure many of you We saw cutting, where people,

operating or squat thrust lost consciousness - largely

This is due to the violation breathing techniques have been

pressure rises sharply, and then just as quickly


We recommend that you follow your breath until

long as you do not finish this skill to automatism.

Since this topic is extremely extensive, write in the comments,

if we do something not told within the scene.

If you like the video, then support us huskies

and share this video with friends.

This will greatly help the development of our channel.

On our site are gathered all editions and text

articles to them.

Not to miss the next Video - subscribe

to our feed and Public VKontakte, all references in the description to


And yes, one more thing.

If you still do not done, then click on the bell

near the subscribe button.

Put a tick "report me all the news of this

Channel "and click save.

So you will not miss our new release.

For more infomation >> Дыхание и спорт, Как дышать правильно - Duration: 3:50.


RET metro RSG3, HTM RegioCitadis & Avenio vanaf HSE Den Haag CS - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> RET metro RSG3, HTM RegioCitadis & Avenio vanaf HSE Den Haag CS - Duration: 4:25.


Dita e Mesihut të Premtuar a s - Duration: 6:47.

For more infomation >> Dita e Mesihut të Premtuar a s - Duration: 6:47.


Casual Convos: Visitando Mainha Com as Amigas - Duration: 9:11.

We're at my mom's house and shes talking about this app that she really likes called "offer up" let's see what she says

No some guy I seen he had one of those, you know those little push cars?

the red and yellow ones that all the kids have? he has one, it's a blue truck, so the blue truck

uhm I wanted to get it off the guy, he was selling it for 40 which is actually really cheap

So I wanted to get it... are you taking a video? -yeah..

You're not gonna put that on youtube are you? Don't be giving away my secrets boy!

Turn that s**t off! So anyways uhm it turns out that uh I'm not kidding turn it off! >:O

why?? -'cause!

Lemme see papi come here

Okay, but im recording this is gonna be for my channel

What's going on you're channel? -This!

oh god and then you gotta show them your ghetto ass mom, right? -Yup!

My ghetto ass mom!


When did you download offer me? Er offer up?

Oh years ago.

My mom is the queen of offer up! (oh yeah they used to advertise it!)

On instagram? -yeah

Oh! yeah just go to your app store and look for offer up!

And it works like a, is it like a craigslist?

It's like craiglist or something like that or um like ebay

Yeah but you know what but you gotta you gotta bargain though

Oh my mom would love that

Oh girl you can get some of the nicest, seriously, the nicest stuff

My mom, my mom is the queen of offer up. The queen!

It's okay I like to save money. money I dont have. And then I go and spend it on my grandson!


Which we have no idea where he's at!

Yeah, he's riding his bike right now

Oh... so he's around!

well allegedly

"Allegedly" haha

Grayson's here!


Ahhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaa! :D

Heh heh crazy boy!

Wanna hold him?

Yes I do! (where'd you go baby!)

Go with..go with...go with Marie!

He's like no! -Aww he doesn't wanna go with you?

Aww he's scared -Aw he's scared

Say hi -hiii!

Put him down mijo so she can see him walk. He walks so funny!

Come say hi (Dale la vuelta!)

(Dale la vuelta!) hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :D

:O WOOOW he actually said it! :O

I haven't heard him say that before!

Come here!

Come here!

Babe you're gonna fall on that rug! -Yeah he's gonna fall...

One two one two!


Hi! Hi!

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :D :o Uh oh!

He's okay

He's still trying to get the hang of it

Oh my god

Be careful be careful!

Te vas a caer te vas a caer cuidado ven me da la manito -You're gonna fall babies

Haha he walks like hes drunk, huh?

You're a drunk baby!

Little drunk baby little drunk baby


I never had time to eat I never had time to eat

So soon as I got to work

literally as soon as I got to work like I would buy like a pop tart and a pepsi kay?

that was like my high. like, okay you need to get motivated right? (yeah)

And you serve it in like those huge cups that you have too!

Or at least I know Eziquiel for sure like I've seen...

Eziquiel does. yeah but he feel it up with ice though, see?

Well still that's big though even to...

Oh no, wait a minute, and he'll drink about two of those!

That's crazy... -It's like a big gulp...?

It's like a big ol' like it's a big ol' giant cup and then like he'll put ice in it but then

they'll fill it up to the top

But the ice takes up a lot of... (let me see if I can find the...)

I dont see a big ol'...

It's on the the door

:O!!!!!!!!!!! oh my god


Oh my god!

Oh woooooooow

This is bigger...almost......this is as big as my face!!

You got a big head though son, let's admit it!

Well that's worst, that means this is bigger

(??the average head??)

and it's not pepsi, kay?

Those are american portion sizes!

In brazil, how are the portion sizes?

I mean I think they can get big, but i don't remember looking at anything like that

what's in that one?

Beer! I mean.... no...shhh! you're not putting it on youtube are you?

yeah -it's ponche kay!

(What's ponche?)

It's strawberry...It's milk, okay, it's ice, milk, banana uhm strawberries....

and a little bit of like vanilla flavoring


yeah and if it's not sugary enough 'cause sometimes the fruits not, a little bit of sugar

But it's diabetic sugar, kay??


Leaving my mom's house

Ugh! Look at this! Ugh! My gosh... why'd they park right there?

so close behind me

look at this gente!

I'm gonna have to squeeze out of this spot!

Thank you guy or girl who parked there!

Really appreciate it!

I'mma need your help. Yeah. I'mma need some guidance

Okay, we're watching Juan trying to get out of this tight, tight freaking space

(Should I go backwards a little bit???) -Yes!

Oh my. Look at that! Do you see how close that is!

Keep going. STOP!

No he could have gone some more! -Yeah, but he does big leaps. It's scary!

Keep going! Keep going! Keep going!


This is your last one.

Let us get in!

Woot we did it! Hiiiiiiiiiiii

For more infomation >> Casual Convos: Visitando Mainha Com as Amigas - Duration: 9:11.


Бодибилдинг Мотивация - Джей КАТЛЕР питаться и тренироваться, как чемпион. Iron House #108 - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> Бодибилдинг Мотивация - Джей КАТЛЕР питаться и тренироваться, как чемпион. Iron House #108 - Duration: 5:22.


RET metro RSG3, HTM RegioCitadis & Avenio vanaf HSE Den Haag CS - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> RET metro RSG3, HTM RegioCitadis & Avenio vanaf HSE Den Haag CS - Duration: 4:25.


Ziemia Obiecana [#14] Pazerność [PL\ENG] - Duration: 5:16.


Praised be the Lord Jesus Christ!

Those who collect manna in excess for themselves - in spite of what Moses said-

are discovering that this heavenly food converts into rottenness.

Why could the Israelites gather manna only for one day?

The answer might be very simple.

It was a lesson of trust in Providence.

God cares about us every day,

so our life should be filled with confidence to God.

Jesus says in the Gospel: "Sufficient for a day is its own evil"

and "so, do not worry."

I was very touched when I learned that Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta

forbade her sisters, Missionaries of Charity to lay anything in stock.

The sisters should live with confidence to God, she said.

I came to America after high school.

At the beginning I was working 12 hours daily,

3 hours commuting;

sometimes I had to work 15 hours daily.

I was occupied with work and money,

that sometimes I was working 7 days a week for three months.

During this time, I was not able frequently to attend Sunday mass.

My work, not God was on the first place.

I recall this time as a time of very hard work and nothing else.

I was thinking about a sense of our live.

Everything was centered around money.

My marriage was on the edge.

I did not have time to rest, to recover.

My wife would like to go out and do something together. I was not able being overtired.

At the time the first child was born, I was still "obsessed" with work.

God's presence and Holy Mass were in my life but it was rather my duty or just in case.

I said confession twice a year or in case of Baptism or First Holy Communion.

This practice helped me only to feel more secured.

I did not have any close relationship with God because I was too busy.

My addiction to work was so strong that I was ready to work without leaving work place.

In exile, for the prosperity of the family, a man is ready to sacrifice himself.

He reasons for the benefit of his family, his own secure retirement, for the better live opportunities of his children.

Unfortunately, the cost of this sacrifice seems to be very high,

e.g .: breakdown of families, loss of faith, illness, work seven days a week,

lack of rest, becoming a guest in own house.

When our live as immigrant is not successful

and we are just trying to stay above the water, often we are hiding this failure from our family in Poland.

Many people do not have enough courage to return to Poland.

Instead of this, they start cheating their family that everything here is in the best shape. They start to lie about their true live in exile…

Our striving for the prosperity of our families seems to be a test of trust in God.

Here I would like to cite St. Ignatius of Loyola who described in his Spiritual Exercises

what really means living in faith.

He taught: "Act (work) as if everything depended on you; trust (pray) as if everything depended on God."

A man who has a deep faith in God, knows that not everything depends on him.

With this approach, he becomes a person free of stress.

A Psalm 127 teaches us strongly that it is vein for us to act without God.

God bless you!

For more infomation >> Ziemia Obiecana [#14] Pazerność [PL\ENG] - Duration: 5:16.


alone / lonely / lone (Which Word?) - Duration: 1:16.

Which Word? alone / lonely / lone

Alone, and on your own/by yourself (which are less formal and are the normal phrases used in spoken English),

describe a person or thing that is separate from others.

They do not mean that the person is unhappy:

I like being alone in the house.

I'm going to London by myself next week.

I want to finish this on my own (= without anyone's help).

Lone/​solitary/​single mean that there is only one person or thing there;

lone and solitary may sometimes suggest that the speaker thinks the person involved is lonely:

a lone jogger in the park

long, solitary walks

Lonely (North American English also lonesome) means that you are alone and sad:

a lonely child

Sam was very lonely when he first moved to New York.

It can also describe places or activities that make you feel lonely:

a lonely house

For more infomation >> alone / lonely / lone (Which Word?) - Duration: 1:16.


Дыхание и спорт, Как дышать правильно - Duration: 3:50.



Topic of this issue us in the comments below

Video suggested Rome, for that he had a special thank you.

I think no one is not the secret of how important our

the body of oxygen.

If we want to explain who what for us

it is great value, we say

it is important for us as air.

Proper breathing is like in training and in daily

Life is one of the guarantor of wellbeing

and an active lifestyle.

According to statistics, about 40% of the athletes, fond of iron

sport after 40 years of suffering of those or other problems,

associated with cardiovascular system.

To some extent, this It connected with the violation technique

breathing during ongoing training.

repeatedly held studies have shown

as the correct technique breathing increases the speedily

power characteristics athlete.

Besides quality tissues drenching with oxygen

slows the aging process and speeds up the metabolism.

For each sport There is his "right


However, you need to understand, that not all are suitable for universal

winning recipes, always you need to listen to the

own feelings.

If we talk about race, then Elison Makkonnel, who

Experts recommend for breathing breathe through your mouth, for every

breath doing two steps, so the step 2 will have

and on the exhale.

However, Roy Sugarman not I agree with the view

and he believes that the need to breathe always through the nose because

thus we use over the heated and peeled

air, which reduces the risk colds.

If we are talking about training in the gym, it is very

You can be heard often from trainers who took to himself

any novice: "Breathe, do not forget to breathe."

Someone may decide that "Remember to breathe" is not possible,

but unprepared person really

often intuitively He holds his breath while working

heavy weights, which negatively It affects the body

- because at the same time significantly pressure increases, decreases

tissue oxygenation.

With rare exceptions, the right It considered such an option

breathing in which breath It falls on the negative

phase of movement, and on exhalation positive.

If you give an example bench press, then inhale

should be by lowering the rod, and exhale on effort - the

there is at the moment when you squeeze it.

Too many security forces are gaining lungful of air,

hold their breath and not breathing perform powerful movement.

Such a method of execution really capable

to some extent, increase the output power, however,

This negatively affects an athlete's health.

Increases blood and vnutrebryushnoe pressure.

Deteriorating brain power oxygen, over time,

deteriorating eyesight and can come complete blindness.

I'm sure many of you We saw cutting, where people,

operating or squat thrust lost consciousness - largely

This is due to the violation breathing techniques have been

pressure rises sharply, and then just as quickly


We recommend that you follow your breath until

long as you do not finish this skill to automatism.

Since this topic is extremely extensive, write in the comments,

if we do something not told within the scene.

If you like the video, then support us huskies

and share this video with friends.

This will greatly help the development of our channel.

On our site are gathered all editions and text

articles to them.

Not to miss the next Video - subscribe

to our feed and Public VKontakte, all references in the description to


And yes, one more thing.

If you still do not done, then click on the bell

near the subscribe button.

Put a tick "report me all the news of this

Channel "and click save.

So you will not miss our new release.

For more infomation >> Дыхание и спорт, Как дышать правильно - Duration: 3:50.


RET metro RSG3, HTM RegioCitadis & Avenio vanaf HSE Den Haag CS - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> RET metro RSG3, HTM RegioCitadis & Avenio vanaf HSE Den Haag CS - Duration: 4:25.


Volkswagen New Beetle 1.8-5V T "Sport Edition" - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen New Beetle 1.8-5V T "Sport Edition" - Duration: 1:00.


Opel ADAM Jam Favourite 1.0T 90pk € 3000 Korting! - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Opel ADAM Jam Favourite 1.0T 90pk € 3000 Korting! - Duration: 0:56.


Opel Corsa 3drs. Color Edition 1.0T 90pk | € 3300 Korting! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 3drs. Color Edition 1.0T 90pk | € 3300 Korting! - Duration: 1:01.


no-cut confessional: personality - Duration: 2:59.

Apparently the "it" thing right now is the no-cut confessional and that's what this is.

Earlier this year I was gonna try vlogging again just to see if it was something I liked.

I wanted to make a Self Image 2017, except I kept getting hung up on the question of

who I am - what makes me "me", what are my likes and dislikes - so I never got around

to filming it and haven't even tried to film anything else until right now.

Anyway, my friend Brea was pondering about her interests and how they've changed over

the years and was asking me if I've noticed my own interests changing over the years.

Except I didn't really know how to respond because for the bulk of the time it feels

like my head's empty.

And I don't mean that in a clueless, vapid way but rather that there's just nothing going

on upstairs.

And I know, for a lot of people, they feel trapped and anxious inside of their heads

and want to get out.

I also know a lot of people feel anxious in the world and go into their head as like a

solace (I think that's the word I wanna use right here?).

But those scenarios don't really seem to suit what I feel and I don't know if that's something

that should concern me.

Anyway, I've been thinking about how often I've just observed and/or latched onto people

and things, just to try them on... and if I've ever really been interested in anything

or if I just enjoy the process of observing and/or latching onto people and things, just

to try them on.

I know that a lot of people around me...

I can describe them, they can describe themselves in some sort of confident, concise way and

be pretty accurate.

But I don't really feel like I can do that for myself or that other people can do that

about me.

I know that being around different people can bring out different aspects of your personality...

[stammers] I kind of feel personality-less I guess is what I'm trying to say.

And I don't know if that's something that should concern me either.

Some things I can say with some amount of confidence.

Y'know, I'm pretty sure I can identify as a human, sister, daughter, granddaughter,

niece, friend, student.

But I don't feel like I fully grasp what all of those roles mean and if I'm doing any of

them particularly well... what that even means...




Anyway, I don't know if this is gonna become VEDA or not, but we'll see.

For more infomation >> no-cut confessional: personality - Duration: 2:59.


Dita e Mesihut të Premtuar a s - Duration: 6:47.

For more infomation >> Dita e Mesihut të Premtuar a s - Duration: 6:47.


Mở hộp đồng hồ, Video mở hộp đồng hồ Olym Pianus bản đồ OP990-17AGSK-T, địa chỉ mua đồng hồ uy tín - Duration: 16:56.

For more infomation >> Mở hộp đồng hồ, Video mở hộp đồng hồ Olym Pianus bản đồ OP990-17AGSK-T, địa chỉ mua đồng hồ uy tín - Duration: 16:56.


JUST A PRANK BROS!!! - Duration: 0:16.


GUYS! (and gals)

*MLG horn blasts your ears*

Not actually leaving! :D

*takes breath*

most of you probably

unsubscribed before

you saw this part

*just a beep, didn't swear xD*

For more infomation >> JUST A PRANK BROS!!! - Duration: 0:16.


The Merovingian Bloodline One of the 13 Satanic Bloodlines that Rule the World - Duration: 10:50.

The Merovingian Bloodline One of the 13 Satanic

Bloodlines that Rule the World

by Edward Morgan

Based on Christian Illuminati researcher Fritz Springmeier�s book �Bloodlines of the


In my writings this bloodline has been interwoven into the text of many articles, but it hasn�t

been singled out very much.

Although a great deal has been mitten by this author on this final family, to pull out articles

which concentrate on it solely is difficult.

After assembling some pages on it, a few words of explanation were still needed.

Allow me to briefly explain those items which were selected:

An article on the top family that appeared in Feb. �95 newsletter on page 73.

An appendix to the Be Wise As Serpents book about the British Royalty.

The British Royalty are tied in with the 13th Bloodline.

Many of the American political leaders have been related to the British Royalty incl.

George Bush and Dan Quayle.

A flier from a Christian conference is Included showing who the speakers are.

Finally, a little of the genealogical information I assembled on the Mormon leaden is given.

This was included in the Be Wise As Serpents book to give people an idea of how the Mormon

leadership ties back in with the leading occult bloodlines of the Merovingian dynasty.

The chart for LDS President Albert Smith is only about 1/3 typed out.

The remainder of Albert Smith�s (as well as other Mormon leaden) genealogical work

is in a file in some unknown box at my house.

The Merovingian bloodline (European �royal� families) is harder to track because it weaves

in and out of the other 12 bloodlines.

There are many surnames which are part of this bloodline (Including the Smith family),

however I can give one very prominent one, the Sinclair family.


The 13th Illuminati Bloodline is where the Anti-Christ will come from.

This bloodline believes that it has both the Holy Blood of Jesus and the blood (or seed)

of Satan in its bloodline.

In my Be Wise As Serpents book, I make reference to this bloodline but I never really took

the time to explain it completely.

In fact I don�t fully understand this bloodline myself.

I encourage those who want to learn more about this bloodline to study the following books:

Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Lincoln, Leigh & Balgent The Messianic Legacy

The Temple and the Lodge Crusaders of the Grail by J.R. Church

The Anti-Christ King � Juan Carlos by Dr. Charles R. Taylor

This bloodline is so extensive in its many branches that its membership takes in many

of the Presidents of the United States, including George Hush and George Washington.

The reason that I gave the genealogies of the some of the Mormon Presidents to people

back in 1991 in my Be Wise As Serpents book is that all of the Mormon Presidents in history,

whether RLDS or LDS, trace their blood back to this 13th bloodline.

Within the Illuminati rituals, the emphasis of the 13th bloodline is that they are the

seed of Satan.

As their secret story goes, they are the direct descendents of Jesus� spiritual brother


Since the Freeman family and the Rothschild family have members who are also in the 13th

bloodline, It is unclear to me how interwoven the �seed of Satan� is.

Some of the earliest attempts to trace the seed of Satan were some books which did extensive

research on the Tribe of Dan and the descendents of Cain.

�The Curse of Canaan� is an interesting book along with its mate The World Order by

Eustice Mullins.

One of the books which I looked with difficulty for before finding it, was Gerald Massey�s

A Book of the Beginnings (Secaucus, NJ: University Books, Inc., 1974.)

The book goes in and shows in detail how the inhabitants of the British Isles came originally

from Egypt.

This is Important because (as this newsletter has always contended) the Druidism of the

British Isles was simply a derivative from the Egyptian Satanic witchcraft/magic of Ancient


The Egyptian word Makhaut (clan or family) became the the Irish Maccu and the Maccu of

the Donalds (clan of Donalds) now reflected in the name MacDonald.

The sacred keepers of the Clan-Stone in Arran, were also known by the family name of Clan-Chattons.

Another word for clan is Mack and the Clan-Chattons were also known as Mack-Intosh.

Ptah-rekh the name of the Egyptian god Ptah was passed down to us by the Druids adopting

the name Patrick, which sounded similar.

St. Patricks day then is a Christianized form of a druidic holiday which originally had

its origins in Egypt.

The All-Seeing Eye can be found on ancient buildings in ancient Chaldea, in ancient Greece,

and in ancient Egypt.

The MI-seeing eye represents Osiris.

Osiris had debauched revelries (saturualias) celebrated in his honor.

The temples in Arabia clear back in the time that Moses had his black father-in-law Jethro

used the all-seeing-eye to represent the false satanic trinity of Osiris, Isis and Horus

of Egypt.

This MI-Seeing Eye pops up everywhere the Illuminati has been.

In the Winter Palace Square in St. Petersburg, Russia is that Illuminati all-seeing eye on

top of a pyramid.

You will also see it in the old Mexican Senate Building which is now a museum in Mexico City.

You will find this on the back of our one dollar bill, and you will find the all-seeing

eye was placed on Ethiopian stamps when they got a communist government in power.

The Illuminati is the continuation of the Mystery Religions of Babylon and Egypt.

And the bloodlines of the Illuminati go back to people who at one time lived in Babylon

and Egypt.

Just how the House of David (the Satanic one) and the Holy Blood of the 13th family fit

in with everything else in history I can�t say.

I�m sure It would be a big story to tell if I knew.

But I do feel that somehow the 13th Illuminati family does goes back to ancient times.

Is this via the Tribe of Dan or via some Druidic bloodline or is it via the Merovingians or

is it via all three� And where do the Guelphs and Black Nobility fit Into this?

Whatever the case, the 13th bloodline has amassed a great deal of power and wealth on

this planet.

The 13th bloodline lacks nothing to bring forth their Anti-Christ who will appear to

have all the correct credentials.

I would not even be surprised if their Anti-Christ in order to appear real will expose another


The 13th bloodline has kept its genealogies very secret.

I would welcome more Input from informed persons about this bloodline.

The tribe of Dan was prophesied to be the black sheep of the nation of Israel which

would bite the other tribes of Israel.

The tribe of Dan had the snake and the eagle as its two logos.

The tribe of Dan left its calling card all over Europe as it migrated west in the names

of many places.

The tribe of Dan ruled the Greeks, the Roman Empire, the Austro-Hungarian empire and many

others which used the eagle as its logo.

Great Britain is the mother country of Satanism.1 Scotland has long been an occult center.

The national symbol of Scotland is the dragon (the snake), and for years the chief of Scotland

was called the dragon.

The Gaelic language is an important language for Satanism, although English and French

are also use extensively by the Illuminati.

The planning sessions for world takeover that some ex-Satanists experienced were held in


The British Royal Family have long been involved with the occult.

For more information on this there is a detailed examination of the Royal family and the occult

in the book The Prince and the Paranormal � the Psychic Bloodline of the Royal Family

by John Dale (1987).2 They have also been actively involved with Freemasonry.

(See the chart.)

British MI6 has been a major vehicle for the Satanic hierarchy working behind the secret

veil of Freemasonry to control world events.3

British MI6 is the most secret intelligence organization in the world.4

(It is properly known as British Secret Service not to be confused with the U.S. agency by

that name but performing a different function entirely.)

The British Royalty have served as important figureheads to British Freemasonry lending

credibility and respectability.

British Freemasonry has managed to keep itself free of much of the criticism that the other

national masonic groups have brought on themselves.

However, much of the credibility of British Freemasonry is undeserved.

True, British Freemasonry is what it portrays itself to the public for the lower levels.

But, the lower level Masons by their dues and activities are unwittingly supporting

an organization that is led by Satanists at the top.

An example of the subterfuge constantly exercised on the public by Freemasonry is a book purportedly

written by a non-Mason entitled The Unlocked Secret Freemasonry Examined.

The book portrays itself as an unbiased and complete expose of Freemasonry.

The book states unequivocally that the Masonic order called Societas Rosicrucian in Anglia

(sic] is only open to Christians and is a �Christian Order.�

However, Edith Star Miller reprints copies of a number of letters from the chief of the

Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia which show that the English Grand Masonic Lodge, the

SRIA, the OTO, and the German illuminati are all working together.5

For more infomation >> The Merovingian Bloodline One of the 13 Satanic Bloodlines that Rule the World - Duration: 10:50.


I Need a Savior Because I'm Dying - Duration: 28:31.

[ANNOUNCER] The following

program is brought to you

by the friends and

partners of Time of Grace.



Hello, I'm Pastor Jeremy

Mattek from Time of Grace.

I will never forget the

day that we found out my

mother-in-law was

diagnosed with cancer.

I was driving along the

freeway and I saw that my

cell phone was ringing.

It was my wife calling at

a time of day when she

doesn't normally call.

I picked up the phone and

she gave me the news.

Those are hard moments for

us; hard moments when we

think about our mortality.

The fact that all of us,

in some way, we're dying.

Today, Pastor Jeske has a

very encouraging message

for us to help us face

those moments; a reminder

that we need a Savior

because we are dying.



have heard these

statements dozens and

dozens of times in my


I don't like going to

hospitals; all those sick

people creep me out.

It gives me the willies to

go in there; I won't.

Even if my mother's in the

hospital, I'll call her.

I'm not going; I don't

like being in a hospital.

I hate funeral homes.

I don't like being around

dead bodies.

I'm not going to do it.

I don't like cemeteries;

I'm not going in a


I know a ton of people who

will not buy life

insurance because they

can't make their brains

grasp the fact that I'm

going to be dead someday

and I want to cushion the

blow of my death on my


They just drag their feet,

drag their feet, and drag

their feet and never do it

because the thought of

their own death is so

repulsive they just push

it off.

At least half of all

Americans refuse to make

out a will because the

thought of thinking about

their own death is so

repulsive to them, so

frightening to them, so

creepy, so stressful they

just won't do it.

Well, today I want to dig

into Scripture with you -

not for buzzkill; this is

a happy day - it's the

Lord's Day and I've got

great news.

But first we have to

confront some hard news

and that is that the

reaper is coming after all

of us and one day he will

catch up to us and we will

go down.

And if you can't handle

that thought it's because

you've not been reading

your Bible for the

Scripture is full of help

to prepare for that day.

It must not catch you


Today is the second of the

Sundays of Bible studies

where I am encouraging you

in this Lenten season,

when the purple colors

come out, some things we

must think about are our

aching desperate need for

a Savior for things we

cannot do for ourselves.

And because this is

stressful and because it's

humbling, people don't

like to do it but you


Last week, we dug into

Scripture and were

confronted with our aching

need for the forgiveness

of our sins.

We like to pretend we're

fine; that sin is somebody

else's problem but no -

look in the mirror to find

the chief of sinners.

There he is, there she is,

looking right back at you.

Today, I want to talk to

you about mortality.

We need a Savior simply

because we're dying.

And I'd like to dig into

Psalm 90 with you, it's

the Psalm of Moses, and

invite you to do one of

two things: Either get a

Bible and look up Psalm 90

or just lean back and I'm

going to read it for you,

along with a little music

to help you grasp its

impact, and I would like

to - usually I kind of go

through things

verse-by-verse with you

but today, I would like

you just to hear the whole

poem and I would like you

to hear what may be the

very first psalm of our

150 ever to be written

because it's the Psalm of

Moses, the first author

God chose for his word.

Listen now to the words of

Psalm 90: "Lord, you have

been our dwelling place

throughout all


Before the mountains were

born or you brought forth

the earth and the world,

from everlasting to

everlasting you are God.

You turn men back to dust,

saying, "Return to dust, O

sons of men."

For a thousand years in

your sight are like a day

that has just gone by, or

like a watch in the night.

You sweep people away in

the sleep of death - they

are like the new grass of

the morning: Though in the

morning it springs up new,

by evening it is dry and


We are consumed by your

anger and terrified by

your indignation.

You have set our

iniquities before you, our

secret sins in the light

of your presence.

All our days pass away

under your wrath; we

finish our years with a


The length of our days is

seventy years, or eighty,

if we have the strength;

yet their span is but

trouble and sorrow, for

they quickly pass, and we

fly away.

Who knows the power of

your anger!

For your wrath is as great

as the fear that is due


Teach us to number our

days aright, that we may

gain a heart of wisdom.

Relent, O Lord!

How long will it be?

Have compassion on your


Satisfy us in the morning

with your unfailing love,

that we may sing for joy

and be glad all our days.

Make us glad for as many

days as you have afflicted

us, as many years as we

have seen trouble.

May your deeds be shown to

your servants, your

splendor to their


May the favor of the Lord

our God rest upon us;

establish the work of our

hands for us - yes,

establish the work of our


Moses' life could

basically be divided into

three trimesters; each of

roughly forty years of


Born a Hebrew slave-child,

slave-baby, in Egypt, at

risk of being beheaded by

the royal order of the

Pharaoh, his mother - in

order to save her precious

little boy's life - gave

him up for a watery

adoption hoping that the

miracle of babies would

touch the heart of an

Egyptian woman.

Knowing that the hearts of

males are often cold,

Moses' mother, Jochebed,

put her baby in a little

tiny wicker little boat, a

little boatlet, and shoved

him out in the Nile hoping

he would be discovered.

And exactly, that is what


The daughter of the

Pharaoh himself fished

little Moses out of the

water and decided to adopt

him and brought him up as

an Egyptian though knowing

that he was a little

Jewish baby.

And she risked her life to

defy the Pharaoh's edict

and she saved him.

Moses was educated, became


Unlike most of the slaves,

his fellow Israelite

slaves who were consigned

to a life of drudgery

making bricks, Moses

became literate - could

read and write - which was

wonderful and helpful for

he was chosen by God to be

the first author of the

new technology called a

written Bible.

Up until that point, all

the communication from God

to people and from people

to each other was all

oral, was verbal.

Moses became the writer

and that became possible

because he was an educated


Moses was impatient as a

younger man, decided to

start the revolution


And with his own hands, he

killed an Egyptian who was

tormenting one of the

Hebrew slaves.

God knew that he was going

to bring about a great

exodus but that was not

the moment and this was

not how it would be done.

And Moses had to run for

his life and God arranged

for him to escape but he

became a shepherd where he

went to the school of

patience - God's college

of patient knowledge - and

he became a shepherd and

God taught him to wait and

to trust and to let God's

time be his time.

And in fact, God waited so

long that Moses lost his

fire for liberation so

that in the final

trimester when God did

appear to him in that

burning bush, Moses didn't

want to go.

And Exodus' first chapters

- one, two and three - are

lists of excuses, some

sort of credible, some

feeble, as Moses tried to

get out of the very job he

was willing to kill once

to do.

But he did agree and he

represented the God of

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

before the Pharaoh and led

the mighty exodus.

Moses beheld the ten


Moses saw the glory of the

Lord, the pillar of cloud

and fire, that moved out

in advance to lead the

Israelite people; at

night, a pillar of fire

protecting them from the

attacks of the Egyptians.

Moses, I think, wrote this

Psalm, the one you just

heard, as an older man.

This doesn't sound like a

young man talking, does


Young men are impatient.

They're eager.

They're optimistic.

They think they can lick

the world.

When you start to have

some snow on the roof and

maybe less and less of it,

you slow down a little

bit, you think more.

You also observe patterns

and the reason most of all

why I think that this was

written by Moses in his

later years is he said,

"Our lives quickly pass."

When you're young, life

goes slow.

You just got the itch,

you're impatient, you

can't wait and like time

just seems to crawl when

you're young.

You get bored so easily

because you don't have

control of your life;

you're at the behest of

other people.

When you get older, you

have your independence but

half your energy has been

taken away from you by

that time and it just

seems to fly away.

I was talking to my

mother-in-law once on the

phone and talking about

her day and I said, "Tell

me about your day."

She said, "Well, I got up

and got dressed and made

the bed, cleaned up, made

myself a nice breakfast,

ate a nice breakfast,

cleaned up all the dishes,

and then I vacuumed the

rug and then it was time

for lunch [Audience: Laughter]

and I made

myself a nice lunch and

really enjoyed it and then

cleaned it up.

And by the time I put the

dishes away, I took a

little snooze, I read a

little bit, and then all

of a sudden it was time

for supper."

[Audience: Laughter] And

that was her day.

And then a little TV and

it was time for jammies.

That was her day and she

was tired by the end of

the day.

That's what life becomes

for us.

That's what lies ahead for


A wise person told me once

- if I've shared this with

you, I'll remind you of

it; some of you haven't

heard it - I have never

heard a better way of

describing the speed at

which our lives just flow

away better than this.

A guy told me once: "Life

is like a roll of toilet


[Audience: Laughter] The

closer you get to the end

the faster it goes."

And that's really true!

Ask any person who's older

than seventy, they can't

even tell where the years

fly away anymore.

They look around and

suddenly it's autumn and

then they lose track of

time a little bit and

suddenly it's spring.

Time just flies and Moses

said our years quickly

pass and we fly away.

This Psalm sounds pretty

melancholy, doesn't it?

I think I know why: Moses

had witnessed death on

many scales.

He had witnessed personal

death; he had killed a man

with his own hands.

He watched a human being

die right in front of him.

How does that not change

you forever?

He had witnessed God

drowning the chariot

troops of the Pharaoh.

He watched the waters

close over them.

He may have heard their

gurgling screams as they

were drowning and he

watched what had been this

like cavalry unit all be

killed all at once.

Do you think that wasn't a

sobering sight?

There were at least 1.2

million adults who went

out of Egypt with Moses

and yet, because of their

content and disregard for

the promises of God, God

said all of the grown-ups,

everybody twenty and

older, is going to die in

the desert and in the

forty years of their

wandering in the

wilderness, all but a

couple of those 1.2

million people died.

Do the math - 1.2 million

people over forty years

averages 85 or so funerals

a day.

Death was in the Israelite

camp every day and Moses

could see it.

He could see the reaper

cutting people down.

And so, his melancholy

poem about the certainty

of death is something we

need to pay attention to

because this is not

somebody else's problem.

This is our problem and

Moses has got six

takeaways for you from

this powerful Psalm.

And it's not creepy; it's

just reality.

This isn't buzzkill; it's

good life planning.

This isn't depressing for

what it will do is drive

you to find your

confidence, your hope, and

your gladness of heart -

not in yourself, for

you're mortal and fading

away like a cut flower

like mown grass that is

green when it's cut but a

day later will be brown

and dead.

Here's where your joy

comes from: Putting your

eyes on Christ.

Here are the six things

Moses wants you to know.

First, God is awesome and


The all-powerful Creator,

eternal in both directions

- in geometry, when you

see a line, they put the

little arrow on either

side of the line, right?

Do you know - do you

remember sophomore high

school geometry?

The line goes endlessly in

both directions.

That is the existence of

your God who is eternal,

knows neither a beginning,

middle or an end.

Past, present, and future

are all the same to him.

He is constant existence

everywhere all at the same


He has been our dwelling


He is our safe place, our


He's where we can hide.

He's our rock.

He's our anchor.

He is our organizing point

for all of our thinking.

"Before the mountains were

born or you brought forth

the earth and the world,

from everlasting to

everlasting, you are God."

So with Moses, we worship

someone way older than we

are - in fact, he's older

than the oldest rock on

earth - and he will exist

into all eternity.

Just enjoy making yourself

small before someone so


Enjoy the comfort of

knowing someone as small

and weak as you can find a

refuge of someone who

likes you, knows your name

and likes you, so that you

may find rest in him.

Number two: Confess your


The difficulties of the

people on earth and the

miseries of the people of

Israel were because of

their own sin.

"We're consumed by your

anger Lord," Moses says,

"because you've set our

iniquities before you, our

secret sins in the light

of your presence" for

before you Lord, nothing

is secret.

This is healthy.

It's not creepy, it's not


It isn't hangdog, it's not


Just admit your aching


The great one holds you

accountable for how you

behave and expects you to

be as holy as he is.

Don't blame somebody else.

Don't make excuses.

Don't make light of it.

Don't laugh it off.

Don't say, "Well," - don't

get out your pointing

finger and say, "Not my


Now there's the sinners.

Admit it for yourself so

you can become healthy.

As long as you hold your

sins inside and don't

acknowledge them before

God, they're like a

poison; they're toxic.

It's like an acid eating

away inside your heart.

Dump it out so that you

can become healthy for you

will find forgiveness

complete in Jesus for them


Third: Realize that human

death is not the result of

the fact that medical

science just has not quite

yet found the cure.

For every disease that

medical science can find a

cure for, God will find a

way to bring death in some

other way.

And death will chase us

until the end.

"You sweep people away in

the sleep of death," like

God's just brooming them

off; every day he brooms a

few more people off the


This is a bitter truth of

our existence but it's an

absolutely vital one for

you to see and


Death is the result of the

curse of God upon humanity

because of our sins.

"The soul that sins shall

die," Scripture says, and

we see that coming true

day after day, one by one.

Rate of inflation for

death never changes, does


One per person.

And it happens to us all.

This isn't morbid talk;

this is just reality.

And you can't really have

a happy life until you

come to grips with this

sad fact that human death

is the result of human


Point number four: Learn

the lesson of this.

Verse 12 Moses says,

"Teach us to number our

days aright so we may gain

a heart of wisdom."

What should we conclude by

looking at when the angel

of death moves through?

Learn from this and

realize our time on this

planet is quickly slipping


Yesterday, in this very

building, a young woman in

her twenties was laid to

rest; way sooner than

anybody wanted or dreamed

it would ever happen.

You don't know the number

that's going to be

chiseled - the second

number - on your


So prepare now since you

don't know.

Now is the time to take

care of this business to

come before your Lord.

Where do you go for the

dilemma of our sin?

Where do you go to escape

the angel of death?

"Relent, O Lord" Moses

says, verse 14: "Satisfy

us in the morning with

your unfailing love."

That's a Hebrew word whose

Greek equivalent, charis,

is grace.

We go to God's grace that

he has a rescue plan that

he gives because of his

inside goodness; not

because of your or my


Verse 16 towards the end:

"May your deeds be shown

to your servants and your

splendor to their


Moses, you might envy

Moses, because he got to

see the glory of the Lord.

He got to see the ten

plagues smacking Egypt


He got to see the huge

pillar of cloud.

He got to see the golden

box of the ark of the

covenant and the bright

cloud going inside of the


But something Moses never

saw was the fulfillment

that he was waiting for;

the fulfillment of the

arrival of the Savior.

You and I have a

phenomenal advantage over

even Moses; one of the

greatest of God's Old

Testament leaders because

you have had shared with

you the good news of the

arrival of the Savior as

God said.

You have the certainty of

the forgiveness of your


You have the certainty of

the resurrection of


You have the certainty now

of knowing that you will

rise, as well.

And that means that the

death stalker has no

terrors for us; that this

doesn't have to be creepy

talk for Christians

because we need a Savior

but we have a Savior.

And his immortality, his

resurrection, guarantees

both your forgiveness and

your resurrection, as


When Moses says, "Make us

glad once again for as

many days as you have

afflicted us," that is

where your gladness of

heart comes from.

It comes not when your

eyes are focused on

yourself, your

achievements, your


Look at Jesus and gladness

will come to your heart.

"May the favor of the Lord

our God rest upon us."

That is where our

salvation comes from.

God's favor through Christ

resting upon us.

And number six - this kind

of surprises you; you

might think that would

have been a great place

for the Psalm to end - but

Moses finishes with

saying: "Establish the

work of our hands for us -

yes, establish the work of

our hands."

You might think that that

would be a great place to

end by Moses says, "Lord,

establish the work of our


In other words, what we're

doing right now for God

still matters!

And as individuals and as

a congregation and as

Christians, we have the

unbelievable privilege of

sharing this hope, how to

escape, how to find some

gladness in a world full

of struggle and

bitterness, how to find an

exit, how to live beyond

that death angel who goes

around cutting people


How grass and flowers that

are cut and dying once

again get their color back

and bloom once again.

Establish, Lord, our work

that we do in your name to

make great your name to

tell people about the

Savior that we have.

And in that way, his favor

rests upon us but it will

also rest upon everyone

who hears that precious

gospel message.

We need a Savior because

we're dying but because of

our Savior, we are alive!

That's good news for God's


Let everybody say "Amen!"



Pastor Jeske just had an

incredible message on the

reality of death and those

can be very difficult

moments for us.

I remember one day a

number of years ago, my

wife and our two small

daughters were driving

through Chicago and my

sister-in-law was in the

car with her, traveling

with her.

I was back at home many

miles away and my phone


I picked it up and it was

my sister-in-law and the

first words out of her

mouth were "everybody's

okay," which wasn't a good


They had been hit by a

semi in Chicago traffic.

They had been driving

through stop and go

traffic and my wife

stopped in time when the

vehicle in front of her

stopped, but the semi that

was behind her wasn't able

to slam on the breaks in

time and so the semi

smashed into the back of

our minivan, crumbled the

whole thing.

My two little girls were

in the back seat of the

minivan; amazingly, they

weren't hurt.

Those moments can be very

difficult as we think

about the mortality of

those we love and even


But Pastor Jeske told us,

as he reminded us, the

best place to look during

those moments isn't really

at death; the best place

to look is at our God -

our awesome and our

eternal God - who wants to

be so close to us as we

walk through the valley of

the shadow of death that

he comes down to this

earth and goes through it

himself, gets crunched by

death, only to rise above

it on Easter morning.

What a glorious message to

give us hope and

confidence and freedom as

we walk through this life.

I'll be back in a minute

to pray with you.

[PROMOTION] Time of Grace

is blessed with very

inquisitive viewers and

readers who aren't shy

about sending in their


I already answered a book

full of their

questions-Straight Talk:

Answers from God's Word.

And I've just written a

book of answers to about

150 new head-scratchers

called More Straight Talk.

Now, we won't have all the

answers to every question

till we get to heaven,

where we shall know fully,

even as we are fully

known, as 1 Corinthians

13:12 says.

But in the meantime, it's

great fun to dig into the

Word together, as we'll

get to do in my new book,

More Straight Talk.

More Straight Talk is our

thank-you for your

donation this month to

help share the timeless

truths of God's Word with

more people.

And don't forget you can

also become a Grace

Partner by making your

gift a recurring, monthly


Ask about how you can be a

Grace Partner when you

give and request your book


Call 800.661.3311, text

"time" to 313131, or visit



would like to take a

moment to say thank you to

those who support this

ministry with their

generous offerings and

their prayers.

You are the ones who allow

us to take the sweet

gospel of Jesus to hurting

hearts just like mine and

just like yours.

Let's bow our heads and

pray together.

Dear Lord Jesus, We are so

grateful for your

sacrificial love that led

you to the cross, to go

through the valley of the

shadow of death yourself,

to stand by our side and

be the sacrifice for our


We're so grateful for your

victory over death on

Easter morning that allows

us to live with hope and

joy and confidence, even

as we walk through those


Keep that message on our

hearts today and every day

and help us to bring that

message to those who might

be facing the reality of

death today, tomorrow, our

loved ones, our neighbors,

those in our community.

This whole world needs

hope and hope is exactly

what you give us in your

death, your resurrection.

In your name we pray,


For Time of Grace, I'm

Pastor Jeremy Mattek.

It all starts now.



preceding program was

brought to you by the

friends and partners of

Time of Grace.

For more infomation >> I Need a Savior Because I'm Dying - Duration: 28:31.


La Crosse's 'Nature Saturdays' gives families unique experience - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> La Crosse's 'Nature Saturdays' gives families unique experience - Duration: 2:00.


Дыхание и спорт, Как дышать правильно - Duration: 3:50.



Topic of this issue us in the comments below

Video suggested Rome, for that he had a special thank you.

I think no one is not the secret of how important our

the body of oxygen.

If we want to explain who what for us

it is great value, we say

it is important for us as air.

Proper breathing is like in training and in daily

Life is one of the guarantor of wellbeing

and an active lifestyle.

According to statistics, about 40% of the athletes, fond of iron

sport after 40 years of suffering of those or other problems,

associated with cardiovascular system.

To some extent, this It connected with the violation technique

breathing during ongoing training.

repeatedly held studies have shown

as the correct technique breathing increases the speedily

power characteristics athlete.

Besides quality tissues drenching with oxygen

slows the aging process and speeds up the metabolism.

For each sport There is his "right


However, you need to understand, that not all are suitable for universal

winning recipes, always you need to listen to the

own feelings.

If we talk about race, then Elison Makkonnel, who

Experts recommend for breathing breathe through your mouth, for every

breath doing two steps, so the step 2 will have

and on the exhale.

However, Roy Sugarman not I agree with the view

and he believes that the need to breathe always through the nose because

thus we use over the heated and peeled

air, which reduces the risk colds.

If we are talking about training in the gym, it is very

You can be heard often from trainers who took to himself

any novice: "Breathe, do not forget to breathe."

Someone may decide that "Remember to breathe" is not possible,

but unprepared person really

often intuitively He holds his breath while working

heavy weights, which negatively It affects the body

- because at the same time significantly pressure increases, decreases

tissue oxygenation.

With rare exceptions, the right It considered such an option

breathing in which breath It falls on the negative

phase of movement, and on exhalation positive.

If you give an example bench press, then inhale

should be by lowering the rod, and exhale on effort - the

there is at the moment when you squeeze it.

Too many security forces are gaining lungful of air,

hold their breath and not breathing perform powerful movement.

Such a method of execution really capable

to some extent, increase the output power, however,

This negatively affects an athlete's health.

Increases blood and vnutrebryushnoe pressure.

Deteriorating brain power oxygen, over time,

deteriorating eyesight and can come complete blindness.

I'm sure many of you We saw cutting, where people,

operating or squat thrust lost consciousness - largely

This is due to the violation breathing techniques have been

pressure rises sharply, and then just as quickly


We recommend that you follow your breath until

long as you do not finish this skill to automatism.

Since this topic is extremely extensive, write in the comments,

if we do something not told within the scene.

If you like the video, then support us huskies

and share this video with friends.

This will greatly help the development of our channel.

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For more infomation >> Дыхание и спорт, Как дышать правильно - Duration: 3:50.



For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.2 TSI TRENDLINE, AIRCO,LM VELGEN,ELEK RAMEN,CENTR VERGR - Duration: 1:02.


Quran Recitation Really Beautiful Amazing Recitation By Raad Mohammed Al-Kurdi New 2017 l - Duration: 9:47.

And it was revealed to Noah that, "No one will believe from your people except those who have already believed,

so do not be distressed by what they have been doing.

And construct the ship under Our observation and Our inspiration and do not address Me concerning those who have wronged;

and do not address Me concerning those who have wronged; indeed, they are [to be] drowned."

And he constructed the ship, and whenever an assembly of the eminent of his people passed by him, they ridiculed him.

He said, "If you ridicule us, then we will ridicule you just as you ridicule.

And you are going to know who will get a punishment that will disgrace him [on earth] and upon whom will descend an enduring punishment [in the Hereafter]."

[So it was], until when Our command came and the oven

We said, "Load upon the ship of each [creature] two mates and your family,

and your family, except those about whom the word has preceded, and [include] whoever has believed." But none had believed

and [include] whoever has believed." But none had believed with him, except a few.

And [Noah] said, "Embark therein; in the name of Allah is its course and its anchorage. Indeed, my Lord is Forgiving and Merciful."

And it sailed with them through waves like mountains, and Noah called to his son

and Noah called to his son who was apart [from them], "O my son, come aboard with us and be not with the disbelievers."

[But] he said, "I will take refuge on a mountain to protect me from the water."

[Noah] said, "There is no protector today from the decree of Allah , except for whom He gives mercy."

between them, and he was among the drowned.

And it was said, "O earth, swallow your water, and O sky, withhold [your rain]." And the water subsided,

and the matter was accomplished, and the ship came to rest on the [mountain of] Judiyy.

And it was said, "Away with the wrongdoing people."

And Noah called to his Lord and said, "My Lord, indeed my son is of my family; and indeed, Your promise is true;

and indeed, Your promise is true; and You are the most just of judges!"


He said, "O Noah, indeed he is not of your family; indeed, he is [one whose] work was other than righteous,

so ask Me not for that about which you have no knowledge. Indeed, I advise you, lest you be among the ignorant."

[Noah] said, "My Lord, I seek refuge in You from asking that of which I have no knowledge.

And unless You forgive me and have mercy upon me, I will be among the losers."

It was said, "O Noah, disembark in security from Us and blessings upon you

and blessings upon you and upon nations [descending] from those with you.

But other nations [of them] We will grant enjoyment; then there will touch them from Us a painful punishment."

That is from the news of the unseen which We reveal to you, [O Muhammad].

You knew it not, neither you nor your people, before this. So be patient;

So be patient;

indeed, the [best] outcome is for the righteous .

For more infomation >> Quran Recitation Really Beautiful Amazing Recitation By Raad Mohammed Al-Kurdi New 2017 l - Duration: 9:47.


Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Future Tone - [PV] "Though My Song Has No Form" (Rom/Eng/Esp Subs) - Duration: 3:26.

Petals painting the pink of twilight

In the dancing light

I think I managed to smile

The sandcastles we left behind

On those brilliant days

Melt in the waves

The dream must be ending

As I wake in a world of pure white

My outstretched arms find nothing to hold

No matter how close the sky above

What have I lost?

Translucent waves

However many rise and fall

I'll leave these sandcastles with you

There I'll gather up the light

And sing

You made me smile, and when you cry

Even though I'm weak

I want to protect you

This light will beat its wings

And cross the sky

To reach you, so far away

That's the song I want you to hear

Though everything I have to give

May have no form

I want to shine like a star

In a corner of your heart

For more infomation >> Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Future Tone - [PV] "Though My Song Has No Form" (Rom/Eng/Esp Subs) - Duration: 3:26.


NON, tu n'as PAS besoin de FORCE pour bien grimper ! [Série Question-Progression #4] - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> NON, tu n'as PAS besoin de FORCE pour bien grimper ! [Série Question-Progression #4] - Duration: 6:14.


【東方妖々夢】Sen no Yukari ~Piano Ver.~「 Yonder Voice」 【Vietsub/Engsub】 - Duration: 6:05.

They face the heavens

Cherry blossoms of the night in full bloom

As they shine, illuminated by many lanterns

The oath close to my heart remains

The crying wind trims my sorrows

I offer you a woven piece of cloth

Your graceful image, standing dignified

In the pouring rain, still hasn't faded

The past turns into falling flower petals

Spilling out of my opened palms

That wandering back was swallowed by darkness

An ephemeral butterfly, fallen to earth

Oh, disappearing from the opened gaps

You passed into the other world

Tracing all these beautiful scars

I'll never forget you, the one I loved

千ノ縁 (A Thousand Fated Connections) English Translated by Fuyuko

I walk on, detached, without lamenting

Seeming to mix endurance and desolation

Moved to tears, the droplets of each season

Are fated to return to the river, to the sea

Remaining here, on the other side of illusions

And thus connecting layers of dreams and reality

Ah, reflected on the water, memories ripple

Showing the fragments of the soul

Moonlight protects the sleep of millions

So that no one can ever be corrupted

Oh, if my wish can make us meet again

Let's travel the cycle of life and death together

Even when everything is forgotten

I'll give you my unchanging love

Oh, may the cherry blossoms of phantasm

Bloom madly in the distant netherworld

Binding together the end of that dream

And securing a thousand fated connections

For more infomation >> 【東方妖々夢】Sen no Yukari ~Piano Ver.~「 Yonder Voice」 【Vietsub/Engsub】 - Duration: 6:05.


EU TRIP 2017 | Shopping Session in Rome | ช้อปแหลกเมื่อถึงโรม - Duration: 4:34.

We just bought pizza for our breakfast in our room

and a cup of ice cream in the morning

we left our stuff at the apartment

We came out for a walk, will go back and pick them up later, then we will go to the train station

we'll be going to Rome

just beside of the place we stayed in, there are famous sculptures that are one of the attractions here

the location is really good

these are the sculptures

just nearby

oh and I just went to the shoes store

the shoes in Florence are €20 more expensive than in Pisa

I regret I didn't buy it yesterday

okay we're here now

these are the famous sculptures people like to come and see

There is a bird up there

what is he doing up there on the sculpture's head

We arrived at Rome now

on a taxi

if you guys gonna go on a taxi here, it will be a fixed price for €30

only in the Old town of Rome, in the centre

and if you want to go to the airport it will cost €50

we're on our way to the hotel at the moment

this is our hotel

SRS Spagna Royal Suite 2010

the location is very good

we're in the centre so we could go out for shopping at anytime

our room is on the same floor with the reception

it's very beautiful

this is the other side of the room, there is another bed


and a mirror

and a bathroom here

here everyone, I just got Italy charms from Pandora. I'm so happy

how are the chestnuts, dad?

Dad: yummy

there's another chestnuts for sale there

there're lots of them around here

me and my dad, about to get a matching sunglasses

we look so cool

my dad was about to ask me if I went to the restroom yet

but he asked me "did you shower yet?" hahaha

because he drank too much wine hahaha

so he's in a very good mood right now, look at his face it's so red

Dad: OK na ka

arrived at the hotel now

I'll be resting and editing videos

we'll be going to the attractions in Rome tomorrow

will see where we'll go and how fun will it be

Goodnight for today

bye bye~

For more infomation >> EU TRIP 2017 | Shopping Session in Rome | ช้อปแหลกเมื่อถึงโรม - Duration: 4:34.


Top 10 Terrifying Prehistoric Creatures - 2 Liopleurodon - Duration: 3:11.

10 Terrifying Prehistoric Creatures (That Weren't Dinosaurs)

2. Liopleurodon

Plesiosaurs were a group of marine reptiles ("dinosaurs-that-weren't-actually-dinosaurs")

that appeared and disappeared almost at the same time as the dinosaurs, so the popular confusion of the two groups is understandable.

And if there was one plesiosaur you needed to watch out for, it was liopleurodon.

This carnivorous beast could weigh over 3,500 pounds and reach over 30 feet in length,

with nearly a quarter of that being its massive skull–complete, of course, with a very wide jaw and several rows of razor-sharp teeth.

If you're brave enough, check out the liopleurodon in action...

For more infomation >> Top 10 Terrifying Prehistoric Creatures - 2 Liopleurodon - Duration: 3:11.


Learn English - Weekly Tip 24 for Chinese Speakers - he thinks he knows...(with subtitles) - Duration: 2:35.

Hello once again everyone, and welcome

back to 'One English Tip in One Minute for

Speakers of Chinese (and its many

language varieties)' . Each week, like


I present to you one common English

mistake made by Chinese speakers...and

this is video number 24.

If you haven't watched the other 23

videos, I hope you do that. I hope you go

back and watch them. They're short, and

they give useful information, I think. I

hope they help. But if you have, then you

know what I'm going to say next: I

think it's a very smart, cool and -- in

today's world -- practical thing to do for

you to improve your English. In these

videos, I show you a slide, and on the slide

there are two sentences: One is the

correct way that I as a native English

speaker would say it,

the other is the wrong way that many

Chinese speaker say it. You have to

decide which one is correct. Please do

that now. Read the sentences,

listen to me read the sentences, pause

the video, think about your answer and I

will discuss the answer in the slide

that follows this slide.

Did that go well? And, if it did -- and

you got your answer with confidence, you

know why you got it right -- then you don't

need to think about this very much. You

can move on. If you got it wrong -- or

you just took a wild guess and happened

to get it right --

it just means you have to start studying.

To start you off on that studying

path, I've given you three sentences to

study from. Memorize the sentences in

their entirety, constantly review them --

really drill them into your head -- and put

into practice what you've learned

through speaking of writing or both...and

kind of repeat that cycle until you

master this.

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