Monday, April 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Apr 3 2017

History is one thing, but it would be

nothing, it wouldn't have connected with me

had it not been for the professors here at UTEP.

My name is Yolanda Chavez-Leyva

and I'm an assistant professor in the

Department of History.

My name is Robert Diaz.

I was a history major here at UTEP

for my undergraduate degree.

I will be starting the Masters of Arts program in January.

I'm Sam Brunk.

I'm the chair of the Department of History.

My name is Desiree Duarte.

I received my bachelor's degree here at UTEP

in history and I plan to go to law school.

Students should study history

not only because it's an interesting subject,

but because of the practical skills that

they can develop through studying history.

There's a number of skills that are

useful for graduate school and law school,

like I plan to go to, and for your

future career.

The story I love to tell is that

before I started here at UTEP,

I really hated history.

It was the worst subject for me

in elementary school,

in middle school.

I thought it was cold, and irrelevant,

and distant.

The only reason I took an elective history course here,

a few years back,

is because al the other classes I wanted to take

were closed.

But thank God for that happening, because

I learned that history is not this

distant subject.

It's not just names and dates

and facts and figures that really mean nothing

to you.

It's a dynamic subject.

It's a subject that changes over time.

History isn't something that just

occurred in the past and that's it.

It's always changing according to our perspective

and new evidence that comes to light.

So if you want to know more

about the world around you,

if you want to see a world around you opening up

history is the perfect subject to study.

The practice of history

puts you

in a position where you have to engage

with other people and other circumstances

that you

my not have experienced in your own life.

And so I think it helps in that way,

maybe build empathy with other people.


you know, I just think it's a good way to think.

It helped me to be more culturally sensitive,

like I said, to minorities.

I learned my own history, you know, because

in high school I learned about


European American history.

How we came from Britain, came here,

the 13 colonies.

But that's not my own history, that's not

Mexican- American history.

So it was great to learn the Latin American side of it

and how I'm a mestiza.

And then as well as learning about African American history.

So it really helped me to be sensitive to

their experience here and

my own experience and to want to change that.

To me history gives us an idea of what is possible.

It's not just in the past,

it gives us an idea of what the future can be like.

It teaches us strategies.

what works what doesn't work.

what is the meaning of equality?

Those are things that we can look to the past

and see how those things

occurred, and use them to imagine a better future.

Yes, I invite students to study history.

I can't think without it.

I think many of you would

find the same thing.

It's very helpful

to the way you think and

I invite all of you to come and

make history

at UTEP.

For more infomation >> Making History at UTEP - Duration: 3:48.


El Chema | Avance Exclusivo 84 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> El Chema | Avance Exclusivo 84 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 1:39.


Ricardo Ferretti: "Lo que sentimos es pena deportiva" - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Ricardo Ferretti: "Lo que sentimos es pena deportiva" - Duration: 2:21.


Camila Sodi aseguró que terminó con El Chicharito por culpa de la prensa - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Camila Sodi aseguró que terminó con El Chicharito por culpa de la prensa - Duration: 0:48.


Mujer roció con gasolina a ladrón que trató de llevarse su automóvil - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> Mujer roció con gasolina a ladrón que trató de llevarse su automóvil - Duration: 0:32.


Aparece una pintada gigante en un campo de golf de Trump con la palabra "resistir" - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> Aparece una pintada gigante en un campo de golf de Trump con la palabra "resistir" - Duration: 0:22.


INCIDENTE - Película completa █ Terror █ - Duration: 1:18:18.

Register Security camera - Factory: NACAN Date:05/16/2001 - Case: AGUILAR - Police file

Come on.. come on

Move on people, move on..

My name is Fernando Galvan, I'm a retired officer from the Federeal Police

On march 19th 2010 we receive a call about 11 am..

We receive an emergency call fron "the NACAN Factory"

We already here..Remain in position QSL…

Listen.. is only one guy.. he goes up.. You back cover ..ok

We're following orders.. and everything wath happened

that day remains under strict secret

No victims relative ever knew exactly what really happened,

we didn't explain either about the real condition that we found the corpses

Aguilar.. Calm down...

Although the press was'nt informed as well..

Some people found a connection between this case

And some other occurred in the year 2001..

The Aguilar case..

I cant confirm this assumption but I can see…

a strange connection as well

I didn't do it..

We know you didn't do it…

So now take it Easy, Aguilar

Now.. hands up, so we can see them And come over here..

I didn Kill them!..

Get Ready..

Its Armed!... Its Armed!.. -Stay put!..-

Drop that knife inmediatly!..

Calm down.. Stay Put..

Since 2003 this case remains, under strict secret.

But I believe.. that's important, to reveal all this

Nobody moves.. Easy ..

Possition!.. drop that knife!

Aguilar, Its everything ok.. come to us !

No shit.. come on! get in there! No shit.. O god..

Medical unit.. Medical unit!

Affirmative we send it right away sr. 10 - 4

On march 19th at 11 am what we fond was.. A single video tape.

This is what we found..


Are we ready.. chris?..

Just a sec.. just framing

Tell me.. how is my hair

Its Ok .. kinda

I'm freezing here.. come on

That's it .. all set

We are et the NACAN factory,

this place has been closed for over 2 years now

after the massacre of 16 former workers

Today we will open thosse doors, in order to find

What really happened that day.

Perfect.. beautyfull.. -Got it?..-

Come on.. Come on.. it's gonna be cool.. gonna be good

I guess.. It was there actually..

Whats up with thosse guys?...

I don't care.. camera will tell.. you know..

Ok let's see..

Diafragm.. ok Set..

Much better.. right there..


Light on.. ups… Leds on

There it goes..

Ok Sophie I will make and intro about the case first

And then I will need you to tell something about

The Knochian Lenguage.. and thight brief and concise

Explanation on this subject.. Perfect.. some date as well?..

Ok..that'll be great .. you know to the camera.. easy..

I call you, I'll give you the mic.. and you sart..

Ok... you want me here..

Here?... -Yes-

Ready?... Give me a Sec..

Ok, don't rush, give me 3 and start.. Great.

We are now in the Old NACANs Factory..

An abandoned place since 2001.. after the fact

That a 42 years old, employee named Franco Aguilar

Killed 16 others workers, with no apparently reason.

In this room Aguilar was found quiet, standing still

with a knife on his hand and with serious injuries and cuts

in his face and body made it by himself..

Some members of the police force from that day

Declared in their testimony that Aguilar was all

the time saying that someone forced him to do it.

That somebody was talking to him.. all the time.

Finally Aguilar cuted his throat, dying a minute later.

This case was exposed a few days later,

omitting testimony statements from other employers

survivors from that massacre, assuring that Aguilar was

like goone, absent, behaving different than the usual,

and sometimes doing strange and inhuman movements

and some of them also says that aguilar's eyes suddenly turns completely white.

Don't Cut

The following medical studies revealed the existence

of strange marks on Aguilar's body.. this letters are actually

symbols from the ancient knochian language ..

Lets go with Sophie..

Sophie?. -Yes-

Stay calm.. look to the camera..

Thts it.. its your time..

Do I have to look at the camera.. directly... Perfect

A little step to your left..

Here?.. That's fine.

Its your time .. I count 3 and you go..

The etchnokian language is known since 1581 AC

when the dr. John Dee suddenly write the Knoch book…

Its was also known as the angels language

those signs we can see in Aguilar's body

make reference to a "call' or invocation..

those kind of symbols are often used

in satanic rituals as well

That's it?.. -Yes-

Need something else or?.. Ok ..

Thank you

She was scared..

No prob.. we can cut some in editing

Ok Lets go..

Lets begin with the presentation..

Fine lets do it.. - Ready?..-

Let me frame it.. how you feel the light there?.. Fine.. wath do you think..

Give a sec.. just a little bit.. Ok..

Give me 3 and then we go.. Lets go..

At the top of the table we have Ruben Dartola Knoch Culture

and Language specialist

Left to him his assistant Noelia Vores

Next to her is Nestor frenkell

Wait, wait.. wait.. stop it.. Don't rush, give me sometime

so i can stay with each one of them.. More time in between.. please

But if they remain in silence we can edit.

I know we can edit, but I need a litle time, anyhow

Ok.. ok. sory..

Lets go again.. -Ok-

and Language specialist

Left to him his assistant Noelia Vores

Next to her is Nestor frenkell also Ruben's assistant

My left Sophie Danto.. Dialectology and ancient languages specialist..

Left to her the priest Simon Akratos

My name is Romina Salustik, and we're here

to find wath really happened on That: May 16 from 2001.

We're in this place,

feeling the pain and sorrow And the abscent from those who passed away..

we respect your silences..

only asking to open a path.. Through ourselves the dead ones

can join and connect with the living ones we are about to honor and share that conection.

(Speaking Ancient Etcnochian Lenguage.. invocation)

Simon.. Simon!.. are you ok?..

Stop it!.. Stop it!!.. don't shoot this..

Simon are you ok.. you want me to call some..

What was that.. what was ..

Don't know.. let me see what's wrong with Simon..

Are you ok..aren't you?.. You're both ok?.. -Yes.. yes-

Maybe he's more sensitive than us.. maybe he felt something..

Yes provably.. some people have developed a stronger sense

of perception or sensitivity than others..

maybe that's can be the reason..

We can also watch te tape in the camera and try to see if

Some thing was recorded or something .. you know ..

Great, good idea.. lets do it

Come on.. follow me..

Where are they… Its weird


It's to Strange, man..

We go down or we follow… ..What we do?

They should'nt be far..

Yes, they must be close

The fuck is happening man..

Well .. let me try something..

Can you see something..


We have signal..You have their cell numbers? ..

Oh yes .. great..

I got it Don't shut the camera ok..

Oh yes, this is deffinitly part of the documentary.. it can be ussefull..

Yes sure.. wait..

That's Ruben's cell?... -Yes-



Sophie?.. -Yes, there was Sophie..-

Youre wright it's Sophie..

Are you ok.. Sophie?..

Oh shit.. What the fuck is happening..

What.. the fuck was that..

Ruben.. ruben.. listen to me.. were are the rest.. were are the others?

You have to see her face.. She wasn't Noelia.. no more

Wath are you talking about

Ihave to calm down.. to be focused.. but I cant..

She was.. She was like.. She tryed to kill me!..


We found Sophie, she attacked your partner..


Yes. Yes .. something wrong is happening..

she wasn't her.. she was transformed in.. I don't know..something..

Something went wrong in the session..

we didn't even close the first key of the invocation

something was opening anyhow.. and remains open..

I don't know if it was us or it was already open.. and..

wath the fuck are you doing with the camera on..

Wait, wait, wait.. Calm down, The camera must remains on..

cause is our unique eveidence

are you Nuts!.. you kow what's happening, It can be dead people!!

I know..Calm down! ok ..

I was hired to make a fucking documentary..

And everything went apart.. its a fucking mess ok..

That camera on is the only evidence

that we don't have nothing to do with all this shit

and if is necessary wil remains on till the police comes.. -Ok.. Ok.. that's ok-

Everything beguins when Simon left the room

Leave it.. Not the moment to jump to any conclusion..

No no no.. listen to me.. we have to finished what we started..

-It doesn't matter..- Oh Yes its matter!.. Can you see?..

we are all recipients here.. Maybe not you..

couse you wasn't at the table..

but the rest we are all recipients

"Recipients"?!.. what recipient, you talking abaut?!..

In any session all the participants are receptors..

something went off .. and can be in or out to anyone of us..

unless we finish the..

(Help!.. Somebody help!.. Please..) Shut up.. I listening.. Romina..

She must still have the mic on.. Must be Close.. Romina!..

i lost her

What was that!?..

That is blood.. wath happened here?.. -Don't Know..-

Wath are you doing?..

We need time..

But we just don't have..

Wait wait.. were are you going?..

Watch out she's there.. don't move, she's there.. shut up.

Stop it!!.. Ruben!..

Stay Calm .. Calm down..

What the fuck..

The Corpses were here .. yo know..

They were all mutilated.. but in a certain order..

They were all arranged like a crucifix..

All bound by their heads..

sixteen people dead..

What are you talking about?...

He said that the devil force him to do it..

Oh yes.. when the police came, he said That he was possessed by the devil..

We have to go Ruben..

What is it? Simon?..What are you doing?

Oh shit.. What the fuck..

I have to go out from here, I´ve got to go out...

What am I doing here? I want to go out

I want to go out

God!!... GOD!!! where are you?

What I did wrong God?

Look at my face

Look at my face God!!!

Look at it!!!!

Tell Goodbye to your son God!!!


Need some help and an ambulance..

There's many injured.. My'be somebody dead too..

I am in NACANs Factory..

Brandsen 767

Brandsen 767

Simon.. Simon!..

Fucking shit.. oh fuck..


Noo.. noo stop it..stop it..

Its me.. Its me.. Calm down.. its me..

What happened.. were are the rest.. the fuck happened

They're all dead.. or.. ..I don't know..

What?.. what?!.. all dead?.. its not possible..

Listen to me.. where were you … what happened wen Simon left..

Where are the rest..

I was with Noelia, we went to see what was wrong with Simon..

Suddenly I left Noelia behind.. and then she passed out..

we aprouch her to see her.. and she was changed.. you know..

after that Ruben toke her.. and I run.. I left..

You found him.. do you?..

Ruben?... -You found him.. do you?..-

Yes.. but he was attacked..

He dead?..

Yes.. I guess so.. I don't know

What are you doing with the camera still on..

I'm kepping it on.. cause I'm recording evrithing..

This is the only evidence we have about all this mess..

Ro.. look at me.. we have to go… we can not stay a minute longer..

What about the rest..

I already called the police.. they must be coming ..

Where are they?..

I don't give a shit.. we have to go Romina.. That's it

this is a labyrinth...

I also found Simon..

he was locked in a plce..

he didn't speak.. he was moving from one side to another..

Romina.. we have to go!.. Lets get the hell out of here..

The police.. call them again..

my phone is lost no matter, let's go

Ok..ok.. its ok..

Those are the symbols..

the same that Aguilar have in his body..

come on Ro.. don't stop.. we should'nt stay here..

(attention.. attention.. we have the building surrounded)

Help us!.. Help!..

(Repeat the building is surrounded.. to all occupant.. )

(get out through the main entrance or allow the officers to get in..)

(Repeat for the last time alow our officers to get in)

(as well as the medical unit, so we can attend the injuries..)

We are here.. Officers!.. We are here!..

(We need your collaboration.. so we can finish this as soon as possible..)

Help us!.. Help!..

We are here.. Officers!.. We are here!..

Ro!.. Get up Romina.. please.. police is here.. Romina..

they are downstairs..! We have to go down.. come on..

Come with me..

This is..

are you ok?..

You sure?..

Ro!.... where are you..

get out off..

Get out off my head!..

Get out off my head!!.. Get out off my head!!!!.....

The Lord is my shepperd!..

(I will shall have no fear!!...)

Help!.. Help!.. Help!!..

central attention

We found the bodies.. 7 people down..

Apparently.. are all dead sir..

No one is alive..

There is a camera here..

We found something…

On march 19th of 2003, Romina Salustik, Simon Akratos, Ruben Dartola, Sofia Danto, Nestor Frenkell and Noelia Vores were found brutally killed.

In the official report, they ommited the dead of the two officers involved.

The corpse of Cristian Andreani, responsible of the camera, was never found. His heart was rescue in between the others corpses, The forensic report says that the DNA matchs.

There's no explanation about it..

For more infomation >> INCIDENTE - Película completa █ Terror █ - Duration: 1:18:18.


Vale Saber/// Rafael Soldara anncia deunas charlas en el Museo de Celaya - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Vale Saber/// Rafael Soldara anncia deunas charlas en el Museo de Celaya - Duration: 1:44.


Enquete exclusive 2017 front national parlement européen reportage choc 2017 - Duration: 1:23:00.

Enquete exclusive 2017

For more infomation >> Enquete exclusive 2017 front national parlement européen reportage choc 2017 - Duration: 1:23:00.


Se desvanecen las esperanzas de encontrar con vida a los desaparecidos en las inundaciones de Mocoa - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Se desvanecen las esperanzas de encontrar con vida a los desaparecidos en las inundaciones de Mocoa - Duration: 2:29.


Renault Twizy Technic (Ex Accu) - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Renault Twizy Technic (Ex Accu) - Duration: 1:08.


En video, el momento en que agente de policía mata a un hispano con 16 balazos en Utah - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> En video, el momento en que agente de policía mata a un hispano con 16 balazos en Utah - Duration: 1:37.


La Ruta del Trompe 2017 - UNA TEORÍA (subtitles, 字幕, Субтитры) - Duration: 0:59.



Let's crack this theory

Out of your known roads

Strangers would now be your companions

You'd recognize shared wisdom

Observe, stop, grab it, compare it

Before sharing it prepare yourself

One day I'd show it and I'd transcend

At least I'd try to, because it's only a theory



For more infomation >> La Ruta del Trompe 2017 - UNA TEORÍA (subtitles, 字幕, Субтитры) - Duration: 0:59.


Érase Una Vez - Promo 6x16 - Mother's Little Helper (subtitulado en español) - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Érase Una Vez - Promo 6x16 - Mother's Little Helper (subtitulado en español) - Duration: 0:30.


Cámaras de comercio latinas dicen que miedo a redadas está impactando negativamente en la economía - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Cámaras de comercio latinas dicen que miedo a redadas está impactando negativamente en la economía - Duration: 1:52.


Para encarnar a la tierra usted tuvo que dominar manifestaciones - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Para encarnar a la tierra usted tuvo que dominar manifestaciones - Duration: 4:21.


Doc Mcstuffins Gave Pregnant Mommy A Shot | Easter Eggs Pregnant Mommy Learn Colors - Duration: 5:51.

It is Easter and I am making Easter Eggs

Boiling the eggs so we can dye them

Color color or make decorations?

There are three eggs in there

Ouch, I burned my fingers

I need help. Call Doctor Mcstuffins. Doc Mcstuffins please help me!

I am Doctor Mcstuffins. I heard we help a burned patient

Pregnant Mommy: I need help. I burnt myself

Pregnant Mommy: Can you give me injections

Doc Mcstuffins: I give you injections

Doc Mcstuffins injected mommy three times

Pregnant Mommy: Can you give me a band aid

Doc Mcstuffins: Do you want X or a Plus?

Pregnant Mommy: X

Doc Mcstuffins: Maybe Plus is better

Pregnant Mommy: Wow, you are such a good doctor

Doc Mcstuffins: Yes, I know. Thank you

Pregnant Mommy: Wow, that is such a cool band aid

Doc Mcstuffins: Yes, it is such a cool band aid

Pregnant Mommy: Put it on the pregnant belly

Pregnant Mommy: Thank you!

Pregnant Mommy: Oh thank you for helping me

Pregnant Mommy: oh, it is a plus sign

Pregnant Mommy: Can you kiss baby Emily

I teach you the colors

Put the egg into red food coloring water

I put this egg into purple

I put this egg into YELLOW

I put this egg into BLUE

I put this egg into GREEN

I put this egg into ORANGE

Yeah! I am done teaching you the colors

We have Easter Eggs

This is red egg

This is purple egg

This is a green egg

This is a blue egg

This is red egg

White color?

This is a white color

No more Easter Eggs?

For more infomation >> Doc Mcstuffins Gave Pregnant Mommy A Shot | Easter Eggs Pregnant Mommy Learn Colors - Duration: 5:51.


Game of Thrones S7 Teaser (Fan Made) - Duration: 0:23.

Kill the boy Jon Snow

Winter is almost upon us

Kill the boy

and let the man be born.

For more infomation >> Game of Thrones S7 Teaser (Fan Made) - Duration: 0:23.


[ASL] Lily Weir - I'm Proud To Be Deaf! - Duration: 5:45.

Hi everyone, I'm Lily Weir.

This is my name sign.

I'm Deaf and this is my first vlog.

I'm so excited!

My greatest wish is that ASL

becomes the first language for all Deaf children.


I'm here to share my personal story

of growing up in an oral school.

I got a cochlear implant at two years old.

It didn't mean that I could hear and understand everything well.

No, I didn't always understand when hearing people spoke to me

because their voices were muffled

and difficult to understand.

I was the only Deaf student in elementary and middle school.

When I hung out with my hearing friends,

I usually tried to mimic

their facial expressions, mood, and actions

in order to fit in with them.

Like if my friends looked happy,

I would just say "That's great!"

Or if they looked sad, I would hug them like, "Oh no."

They assumed I could understand them, but I couldn't

I felt alone.

I felt the same way in class.

Like one time, I remembered looking at my teacher

and trying to lipread what she was saying to the class.

I only got 2 words: "Science pen."

I was puzzled.

The class got up and I ended up following them,

not understanding what the teacher said.

I was completely confused.

It was very frustrating.

My teacher gave me homework,

I told my teacher's aid that I didn't understand this,

and she told me to just copy the answers.

As a result, I didn't learn anything.

I was not learning because I had no access to language.

In the 6th grade, I was placed into a Special Education class

as they thought it would be a good fit for me, but it didn't work out.


No one signed to me.

I continued to struggle.

I knew that I could be like other hearing people -

independent, knowing how to write and communicate clearly!

I wanted the same thing!

I was so furious.

I knew that something was wrong at school.

I decided that it was time.

I followed my instincts.

I told my mom I wanted to go to a different school, a Deaf school.

I was tired of being the only Deaf student.

I felt was not able to learn as much as I should have.

I had my mom's support.

My mom and I visited the DHH program

at Venado Middle School in Irvine, California.

I was so excited when I arrived

because I saw many students just like me - Deaf!

Plus, they were signing!

I was so amazed at the ease the students had

with communicating and understanding.

I told my mom, I wanted that!

After, I transferred to Venado Middle School

and learned ASL,

and finally felt like I belonged.

Communicating became natural.

I finally understood my teachers

because they were using sign language.

I finally understood ideas and concepts

that I couldn't understand before.

I did no more copying and started to do my own work.

I realized that I was really behind with my education,

because I had missed out on so much growing up.

I was motivated to catch up,

so I communicated with my teachers

and asked how I could improve.

I worked with tutors,

and went to summer school every year,

and worked doubly hard.

One year later, because I was not comfortable using my voice

and it was not who I am,

I decided to stop using my voice.

I felt free, comfortable, and happy.

It was a personal choice that I made for myself.

Of course, I respect my other deaf friends,

who wear hearing aids,

cochlear implants, and use their voice.

If they're comfortable and happy, that is great!

I can't imagine not having ASL.

I would have continued to struggle and fail.

I'm very proud to be Deaf.

I cherish my culture, my language, and my community,

it's all part of my identity.

Now, I'm a senior and will graduate soon

from high school

and this coming Fall I'll be going to Gallaudet University.

ASL saved my life!

I want to let you know that it's never too late to learn ASL.

No matter your struggle,

work hard and don't give up!

Thank you for watching!

Mwahhh! Bye!

For more infomation >> [ASL] Lily Weir - I'm Proud To Be Deaf! - Duration: 5:45.


Honda Jazz 1.3 I-VTEC COMFORT Automaat - Navigatie - Rijklaar!!! - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Honda Jazz 1.3 I-VTEC COMFORT Automaat - Navigatie - Rijklaar!!! - Duration: 1:06.


Hyundai i30 1.6 GDI i-Motion Pl. - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 1.6 GDI i-Motion Pl. - Duration: 0:54.


Chevrolet Epica 2.5I EXECUTIVE lpg-g3 export - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Chevrolet Epica 2.5I EXECUTIVE lpg-g3 export - Duration: 0:52.


Mazda 323 Fastbreak 117 dkm 1.6I TOURING - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Mazda 323 Fastbreak 117 dkm 1.6I TOURING - Duration: 0:50.


Opel Vectra 1.6I-16V PEARL / UNIEK LAGE KM STAND !! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Opel Vectra 1.6I-16V PEARL / UNIEK LAGE KM STAND !! - Duration: 0:59.


Citroën C1 1.0I 3-DRS SEDUCTION - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0I 3-DRS SEDUCTION - Duration: 0:59.


1974 Vikings vs Cowboys - Duration: 21:44.

For more infomation >> 1974 Vikings vs Cowboys - Duration: 21:44.


Minecraft PE 1.1 duplication glitch - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Minecraft PE 1.1 duplication glitch - Duration: 2:30.



(music playing)

My goodness was gorgeous day it is out!

Common, let's go on our walk.

So last week a really nice neighbor brought us a bunch of lemons

from their lemon tree. So I'm going to

attempt to make fresh lemonade for the

first time. So the recipe I found on says you should first

take one and three-quarter cup sugar and

dissolve it in one cup of water.

(music plays)

Andrew prides himself on being a

lemonade connoisseur. Every time we go

out to eat, he asks, "Do you have fresh

lemonade?" and then they say "What do you

mean by fresh?" and he says "Like out of real

lemons." And sometimes they do and

sometimes they don't. And sometimes they lie.

Yeah and he can always tell.

So this is the real deal babe. What do you think?

Looks right.

What's the bouquet?

Needs more lemon.

Jody: Yeah.

Andrew: It's good though

Jody: It's too sweet for you though, right?

You like yours tart.

Yeah I figured that may happen.

I made it according to the recipe.

But you know we can easily fix that.

Just give me a shot of lemon.


It a, tastes like it.

Yeah that's good.

Lemonade take two.

It's good.



It's a big day on the vlog folks,

this here

Big Red Van as we call it

it's going to meet its maker today. Yes

this 1994 Ford Van, econolodge?

No, that doesn't sound right. I think it's an

Econoline has been a part of Andrew's

life for many years and we just don't

drive it very much anymore. It's got some

mechanical problems. That's part of the reason

why we don't feel comfortable selling it

to another disabled person. We just do

not want it on our conscience, if it had break

issues or you know transmission problems.

So yeah that's why we're just going to

go ahead and-- we got a notification from

like a water like from state

agency that basically is going to give

us a small amount of money for scrap in

effort of getting a basically less

efficient vehicle off the streets. So

we're taking advantage of that program

and we are driving it to the dismantler


You're dad's going like a bat out of hell.

In a--

How many ton van is that?

It's called a three-quarter ton van but it's actually weighs a little less than three tons.

(upbeat music)

Vince's you said.

Yes, right here.

And I see John.

In the guy's driveway.

Go up here and park.

I'll just ride you.


How did it go?

How did you go?


He's helping someone else right now. But he said--


He's aware of me.

Yeah we're a little early

We're early.

Do you see the cat John?


Oh yeah.


Yeah, I think he's in charge of rodent control.

Betcha they don't have any rodents here.

Okay, come here.

Good boy!

Hey everybody! So I think most of you know Alton, here

He's our golden retriever fur son.

And some of you might be noticing that he's been wearing some leg warmers.

And you might be thinking, well what is up with that?

Well as the case is right now, Alton

has a little bit of an owie on his elbow

and he does not do well with the cone.

And when I say he doesn't do well with the

cone, he basically won't move in it, and

then get very anxious. He's a little bit

anxious right now because I think he knows

something's gonna be up. So we had

to come up with something where we could

cover his owie so he wouldn't lick at

it, so won't get infected. But yet it

doesn't bother him. So, since I have to

change his stockings and put some medicine on his owie, I thought we might explain

what this is. Now as it happens, Andrew

came up with this idea. It's essentially

two of my old slipper socks that I cut the

end off of and then we've taken some

elastic with suspenders clips, so it's

easy to get on and off. And as you can tell

Alton's very good about it.

Good boy.

See, you can already tell he kind of wants to lick at it.

We don't quite know where this owie came from.

We think it was maybe a hotspot from a flea

bite or something and unfortunately Little

Man's immune system is not quite

as robust. Alton can you sit?


Gotta put your sock on buddy. Good boy!

Leave it!

And so, we don't want to give him a lot of anti-biotics.

So we want to try to just treat this topically. We have taken him to the vet.

He has had two round of antibiotics.

He has had two round of antibiotics.

The vet is aware.

And umm....

obviously we are monitoring it closely.

But we're hopeful that it will heal with time, and topical, and just leaving it alone.

So if you have a pet, and they have a hard time with the cone, kind of I would suggest, do what we did.

think outside the box.

We know other people have used t-shirts,

T-shirts, umm, yeah, obviously it depends on the size of your dog.

Littler dogs are kind of easier to find clothes for, but

big mooses here

Since he's bigger than the both of us, we can't loan him clothes.

Good boy.

Good boy.

And he really doesn't seem to mind this.

He can wear it on his walk, he can jump up on the bed,

We kind of joke and call him pippy long stocking. Good boy.

Free dog.

(music plays)

Well friends, it's been a long and productive day,

and I am going to tuck in for the night.

I hope you've had a great day too.

It's been a great start to the weekend.

And I will see you tomorrow.

Thank you for watching! Please give this video a thumbs up.

I'm really enjoying being a part of the VEDA again this Spring, this year.

Don't forget to tag your videos SSSVEDA so hopefully we can see each others videos and comment and support each other along the way.

Have a good evening guys! Bye!



WEATHER REPORT | Spanish - Project - Duration: 3:50.

Hello, my name is Pilar

and you are watching the news.

The theme of the day is

rat infestations in all schools in the country.

Therefore, schools are closed for today.

These infestations are caused by -

*Breaking News*

I just received the news that there is

a massive hurricane in the Raleigh area.

It is called "Devil".

We have a reporter on the scene now.

Hi, my name is Lana,

and this hurricane is massive.

How is it looking down there, Lana?

There is a little wind and

it seems that it will start raining soon.

It rained for two hours yesterday and stopped.

Right now the wind has picked up.

Can guess how much rain it will get ?

I'm not sure now, but the rain has begun

and the wind that is picking up per minute.

Back to Pilar.

The last big hurricane was in 1986 when

many buildings were destroyed and several people were injured.

Lana in

Two buildings were destroyed and many people are

frightened and worried about their lives.

Are firefighters or paramedics on the site?

Yes, both.

Firefighters are arriving, paramedics are taking the wounded to the hospital,

and police are evacuating people to safe places.

What is the wind speed?

Currently, it is 180 km/h toward the West.

Are there clouds coming your way?

Yes, dark storm clouds.

Is there flooding?

Yes, about one and half feet of water.

Do you have any idea when the hurricane will leave?

We are hoping that the hurricane will leave in a few hours,

but this storm is always changing.

We just want everyone to be safe.

Thank you very much, Pilar.

Okay, thank you, Lana.

For your security, it is safe that you are near windows or doors.

Stay safe and smart.


That is all friends. Thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> WEATHER REPORT | Spanish - Project - Duration: 3:50.


The 1089 rule (KristaKingMath) - Duration: 2:31.

This is called the 1089 rule, but I'll be

honest, it's more about algebra and less

about a rule. So what it says is that we

can pick any 3-digit number with

decreasing digits, so for example 982

where the digits are decreasing from

9 and then to 8 then to 2 or 321,

or 632, these are all 3-digit

numbers with decreasing digits. I

can pick any number like that and then

if I reverse the digits, so for example

let's say I pick 742. If I reverse the


I'm going to get 247. In other words I

just flip them around, then I take this

result here and I subtract it from my

original number. So I take 742 and

subtract that reversed number 247. When I

do that I'm going to get a particular

result. In this case I end up with 495.

Okay so once you have that result, now what

you want to do is reverse those digits

again. So I'm going to reverse these from

495 to 594. Then what it says is that if

I add these two together, so I take 495,

the result of that subtraction, and I add

to that the reverse of it

594, that what I'm going to end up with

is 1089. Now the amazing thing about this

rule is that no matter which number I

pick, I will always end up with 1089. So I

can take any 3-digit number as long

as the digits are decreasing. So I could

have done this with 982, 321, or 632,

just like I did with 742, and as long

as I reverse the digits, subtract the

reversed number, then reverse the digits

of the result and add these last two

numbers together, no matter which

3-digit decreasing number I started

with, I will always end up with 1089.

For more infomation >> The 1089 rule (KristaKingMath) - Duration: 2:31.


EXPLORING JATIM PARK 2 | Things to do in Indonesia - Duration: 8:46.

For more infomation >> EXPLORING JATIM PARK 2 | Things to do in Indonesia - Duration: 8:46.


[Closed Caption] Shin Koihime Musou - Moeshouden 026 - Duration: 26:02.

Sawa: Save us, captain!

Kazuto: ...Huh? ...What?

Mao: ...W, we're about to get killed! #Is Kazuto not planning to go eat for once?#

Those two suddenly rushed over and...

Kazuto: Killed, you say, is someone trying to behead you? #As I thought, Gi training is bullying those two#

Sawa: At any rate, save us! It's an emergency!

Kazuto: No, to be fair, this is nothing new...

Now that I think about it, someone trying to behead you is nothing unusual in this area...

Mao: Well, for captain, it might be not... #Screw this faction#

Sawa: In captain's case, it's your own fault.

Kazuto: No, no, no... so, what did you two do... snacking?

Mao: Only captain would get killed over something like that. We didn't do anything!

Kazuto: Yeah, right. Were you skipping work?

Sawa: No! We didn't even have time to do that!

So they considered it at least. Actually, that's also nothing new... it's not like it's something to get beheaded over.

Nagi: Found you! You two!

Mao: Hiii!

Sawa: C, captain! We're leaving the rest to you!

Kazuto: Huh? ...Hey, you two!

Saying that, they disappeared behind the castle gates in no time.

...Noone explained the situation, so what's going on?

Nagi: They've escaped...

Kazuto: Nagi. What did they do?

Nagi: Desertion.

Kazuto: D, desertion?!

That sounds serious. But, if even those easygoing two would desert... just what's going on?

Nagi: Shunran-sama went out of her way to seriously train them... and they fled.

Kazuto: Ah... makes sense.

If Shunran gets serious, anyone would want to flee... #Gi top members really don't understand normal humans#

Shunran: Deeeeei!

Kazuto: Hey, Shunran.

Shunran: So you're back from taking your long shitting time, maggots!

Kazuto: ...Huh?

Shunran: So you've left you answering skills in the toilet! How many times do I need to repeat, add "sir" before addressing me!

Kazuto: S... sir, yes, sir! #She's better at this than Sawa#

Shunran: You take too long to respond! Do you want me to put both of your legs up your ass?! Or do you want me to behead you?!

Kazuto: Sir, yes, sir! #She's really failing her spot check#

Shunran: Good! Then, get to training, run a hundred li! #And also failing to understand the limits of a common trainee#

Kazuto: Sir... wait, a hundred?! #How is she even a commander?#

Shunran: Answer properly! It appears rather than puking from all the running, you want to puke blood out of your neck as I behead you!

Kazuto: S, sir, no, sir! #Fear is the worst form of control#

Shunran: Run then! Run, run, run, run, run! For Karin-sama, keep running until you're unable to even laugh or cry!

Kazuto: S, sir... hey, Shunran! #With this, 90% of soldiers will desert#

Shunran: ...Oh? Here I thought it was those maggots that finally returned, but of all the things, it's the lowest grade maggot.

Kazuto: Lowest grade aside... just what are you doing?

Shunran: Yeah. You know how Sawa uses this all the time to train new recruits? I tried to mimic that and hold a training...

Marine corps style... or actually, even Shunran can come up with so much abuse on the spot.

Shunran: This is pretty nice. Feels refreshing. #This is main reason I hate her. She's good at anything without practice#

Kazuto: No, it's not funny if you do that... #She casually negates everyone's hard work#

Shunran: ...Is that so? #Well, unless it involves using your brain...#

Kazuto: Yeah. If you do this for real, all recruits will desert.

Or actually, she was casually letting out bloodlust... it's even worse than just being bad at training.

Shunran: Heh. Our Gi doesn't need weaklings like that. #That's where you're wrong. Go tell that to Karin#

Kazuto: Don't need, you say, but it'll be a major problem if you get no recruits. Sometimes, quantity is more important than quality, in situations like this, Karin will be quite troubled.

Shunran: M, muu... can't be helped then.

Kazuto: Leave this training method to Sawa.

Well, I understand why Sawa would flee after seeing Shunran act like this...

Shunran: Hmm...

Kazuto: Also, what's with a hundred li... running that distance is not what you'd call warming up...

Things should be done in moderation. #Out of those four, ironically, only Keifa understands that#

Kii: We're back, Shunran-sama!

Ruru: ...I, I'm so tired!

Shunran: Oh, you're finally back!

Kii: Yes! A hundred li is quite tiring! #If even those two are tired...#

Kazuto: ...

No, it's not just quite, it's a hundred li we're talking about, right? #Their abnormal strength is really poorly written#

Kazuto: Hey, Kii...

Kii: What, Nii-chan?

Kazuto: If I offer to treat you to ramen right now, will you come?

Kii: I will! I'm quite hungry from all the running!

Kazuto: And what if I add fried rice too?

Kii: Can it be a large portion?

You're absolutely not tired from running a hundred li! You're just hungry!

Shunran: Hey, Hongou! Listen here, Kii is going to...

Kazuto: I know. Ramen and fried rice comes after Shunran's training.

Kii: Yay! Nii-chan, can Ruru come with us too? #Who wouldn't take Ruru?#

Ruru: Eh, what, Kii?

Kazuto: Yeah. Ruru can come too.

Ruru: Is that really okay, Nii-sama? #Shouldn't they be pretty rich?#

Kazuto: It would be unfair to treat Kii and not treat Ruru. Leave it to me. #Baseson seems to not realize how treating someone to dinner works#

Ruru: Thank you! #Then again, considering how much Kii eats...#

Shunran: Hey, Hongou...

Kazuto: ...Wanna come too, Shunran?

Shunran: I, I didn't say I'll come too! But... umm... can I?

Kazuto: Well, sure... but I'm not paying, okay? #She should have more money#

Shunran: Of course. I haven't fallen so low to make you pay for me! #But I guess she just doesn't want to be left out#

Well, I don't mind her tagging along... #She has a mind of a five years old spoiled brat#

Kii: Shunran-sama! What should we do next? #Actually, isn't that a developmental disorder or autism?#

Shunran: Right. Then, both of you, come at me together! Don't hold back!

Kii: Yes! Okay, let's go, Ruru! #Destroy her#

Ruru: Yeah!

Kii: Haaaaa!

Ruru: Deeeeei!

Shunran: Heh, not enough! #Also, what is her sword made of to not break here?#

Kazuto: ...

Ah. There they go. #Isn't that the point of heavy blunt weapon? Can't be blocked.#

I understood the situation... I should flee while Shunran is distracted by Kii and Ruru.

Shia: Hi, Kazuto. #Now here's a pleasant person#

Kazuto; Shia. What's up?

Shia: Wasn't Shunran making a fuss at the garden just now?

Kazuto: She was. Right now she's training with Kii and Ruru that just finished running a hundred li.

Shia: Hee...

Kazuto: What? Shia, are you also going to flee like Mao?

Shia: Don't be stupid. The only thing I find troublesome is running a hundred li. If they started actual training, of course I'll go join them.

Kazuto: I see... it's not... for Karin, right?

Shia: Isn't that Shunran's job to say stuff like that?

Kazuto: So it's to fight after all?

Shia: Of course. It's a rare opportunity to publicly fight Aisha and the rest, right? You need to enjoy it to win stuff like that!

Kazuto: So you're on that side too, Shia...

Shia: That's right. Well, I believe I'm not a boar like Shunran at least.

Kazuto: I doubt there's many people as brute as Shunran...

Shia: Hee... heh. I'll tell Shunran that.

Kazuto: Hey! ...Please don't!

I don't want to know what she'll do if she finds out I said that!

Shia: Hehe. Now, should I...

Kazuto: Please! Keep quiet about it!

She'll seriously kill me! Well, it's possible she'll take the word "brute" as a praise too, but still!

Shia: I'm just kidding. Okay, I'll get going then.

Saying that, Shia went... in the opposite direction from the garden.

Kazuto: Hey, Shia. Opposite direction!

Shia: I know. If I go there by myself, she's busy fighting the kids, right? I'll go find someone like Nagi and have her be my opponent.

Kazuto: In that sense... okay, I'll help too then. #Shia really likes Nagi#

My original goal is to help Sawa and Mao. If Shia drags Nagi with her, isn't that quite a good solution?

Shia: Hee... as expected of Kazuto! I really like that part of you, you know?

Nagi: Ah, captain! Have you found Sawa and Mao...

Kazuto: Shia! Look, Nagi!

Shia: Good! Nagi, come with me!

Nagi: Eh, ah, huh? ...Umm, what! Shia-sama, I have an important mission of finding Mao and Sawa...

Shia: Leave that to Kazuto! We should go ahead and train with Shunran and the rest!

Nagi: ...No, I'm pretty sure captain is on their side!

Shia: Let's win a lot and go on a rampage!

Nagi: S, Shia-sama?!

Shia: You're too quiet! Louder!

Nagi: Wha, don't drag me... aah!

Leaving that scream behind, Nagi got dragged away by the happy Shia.

Sorry, Nagi... #Well, she was trying to do the same#

Well then. I took care of the pursuit now... but I have no idea where the pursued are.

Kazuto: Ah, there they are. Hey, you two.

They are hiding at the opposite side of the castle from the one where Shunran is training, in a corner of a different garden.

Mao: C, captain!

Sawa: Please forgive us! We won't skip our work anymore! But at least spare us from that training!

Kazuto: I'll consider that a promise.

Mao: ...T, then!

Kazuto: Nagi was dragged away by Shia just now, so she won't pursue you for a while.

Sawa: ...Just Nagi-chan?

Kazuto: Hmm? Weren't you chased by Nagi?

I know I saw Nagi chasing after them earlier...

Sawa: That's true, but... we're fleeing from someone even more fearsome right now...

Kazuto: ...Fearsome?

The moment I muttered that...

Kazuto: Whoaaa!

Before I noticed, something appeared before me without even making a sound... it's a thin and sharp metal arrow.

Shuuran: Oh, Hongou. It's dangerous to stand there. #I think Kazuto should just stop visiting Gi mansion#

Kazuto: Dangerous, you're the dangerous one here, Shuuran! I'll die if it hits me!

Shuuran: Ah, don't worry about it. I wouldn't aim it anywhere lethal. #If they want something, let them come to him instead#

Kazuto: ...In other words, it'll hurt but not kill me? #And only let them in when Ren is guarding him#

Shuuran: Hmm... well, you could say so. #They really don't understand how important his life is#

Kazuto: No, no, no, no, no!

How about you just don't use people as your practice targets? Okay?

Shuuran: Sis is unusually motivated. As her younger sister, I thought I should cheer her on.

Kazuto: If you're cheering for her, stick to the spiritual support instead!

There's no way my argument will be heard. Shuuran pulled out an arrow and drew her bow.

Shuuran: Mao, Sawa! Watch out, it'll hit you unless you dodge!

Shuuran: Haa!

Mao: Whoa! There's no way we can dodge it! #Sometimes, Shuuran is as dumb as her sister#

Sawa: Captain! Save us!

Kazuto: Hey, don't ask me!

Of all the things, to ask me to do something about Shuuran's arrow!

There are things humans can't do anything about! #That's not true, but you need to develop the right tools for everything#

Shuuran: Well then, let's keep em coming! Haa! #Against her... powered suit would do#

Mao: A, at times like this, a man should step forward and shield us with his body!

Sawa: Right! Like, captain will awaken to his true strength, scream "nooo!" and explode!

Kazuto: I'm not the [type] of a person to shield you or explode!

First of all, girls are more likely to scream "nooo" and making things explode!

Sawa: I have no idea what this type thing is!

Mao: I don't get it, but if you're not that type, become that type! #Or completely become Kuzuto instead, hide and abandon them#

Kazuto: Don't ask for impossible! #Right now he's half-assed, unable to be a hero or a scum#

Shuuran: Jeez. I see you still can afford to make jokes. Then, it should be okay for me to shoot a bit faster!

Kazuto: No, wait a bit! #Or become Shirou and tell them that people die if they're killed#

Mao: As I said, we're not into that kind of stuff!

Sawa: Don't group us together with Shunran-sama!

Kazuto: ...N, now that was terrible...

We ran around from Shuuran and her arrows for a while.

We took a break in the shade of a tree that we finally found.

Mao: For sure...

Sawa: I'd rather not...

...Huh? ...I'm not participating in the martial arts tournament, so was there a need for me to run away with Mao?

Keifa: Oh. Is Shuuran's training over already?

Kazuto: Keifa...

Keifa has nothing to do with the tournament, so we're probably safe...

Mao: It ended somehow... I thought I was going to die.

Sawa: Keifa-chan, tell them something...

Keifa: Something, like for them to be even more strict?

Kazuto: Huh? No, not that...

Keifa: Karin-sama's reputation in the Three Kingdoms rides on this tournament, you know? If our chances of victory increase even a bit, noone will mind if one or two of you dies.

Kazuto: No, no, no! #Gi always did dumb things for the sake of keeping face#

Keifa: No, actually, I wish you would get killed! Just as a bonus!

Kazuto: Come on!

I don't want to die as a bonus!

Keifa: ...What?

Kazuto: Don't you think they're being too harsh on Mao and Sawa? It wouldn't be surprising if they collapsed.

Keifa: It's for Karin-sama, they should be able to overcome that little. #How about you fight then, win tournament with your loyalty#

It's no use... she's no different from Shunran and Shuuran. #You need Rin here. Fuu will just troll them even more#

Kazuto: Or actually, Shunran is already a candidate for victory.

Keifa: That's obvious! #I guess Ren is not participating#

Kazuto: T, that's unusual, for you to evaluate Shunran highly...

I didn't think Keifa would actually speak well of Shunran. I was expecting some sort of badmouthing instead...

Keifa: I'm not. But the savage's brain was completely replaced with unnecessary strength, so I have to acknowledge she's the strongest of Gi.

Ah, Keifa's evaluation is as usual, I'm not sure if she's praising her or not. Good. I'm actually kinda relieved.

Keifa: ...No, wait! Our goal is to monopolize the top. #Nope, not happening. Noone else here can beat Sheren or Aisha#

Kazuto: Monopolize...

Mao: The top...

Sawa: ...You say?

Keifa: For that purpose, Shunran and Shuuran are not enough. We need to empower all of Gi officers participating! Do you understand?

Kazuto: No, well, I understand, but...

Sawa: But, if it's strong officers...

Mao: Nee-san, two kids and Nagi, there's plenty.

Keifa: You two are stupid.

Sawa: Don't group us together with captain! #Remind me why Kazuto was trying to save them again?#

Mao: Right!

Kazuto: Wha! You!

Look at them mercilessly betray me! Even though I helped them with Nagi! #SKM sacrificed gratitude feature for more unnecessary narration#

Keifa: You're no different... do you understand this tournament's format?

Mao: One-on-one elimination, right? #So, they need cannon fodder?#

Winner advances to the next round, it's a common format for large-scale tournaments.

Keifa: If you understand that much, can you realize it? What if Shunran ends up fighting against Shuuran in the first round!

Sawa: Ah...

Mao: Makes sense. That's why we need as many strong ones as possible... #This tournament system sucks. Round-robin is way less luck-based#

Well, if everyone wins their first round, it'll be Gi's monopoly for the rest of the tournament.

Keifa: That's right. If you get it, go back to training already. #And if top fighters injure each other, anyone can win#

Mao: Eh, no, still, I wouldn't want to go back to training...

Kii: Ah, Nii-chan!

Kazuto: Kii! Is the training over?

Kii: Yeah. You promised, let's go eat!

Sawa: What? Eating with captain?

Mao: We want to come too!

Kazuto: You two are clearly trying to mooch!

Mao: I don't see a problem. Treat your cute subordianates to a meal! #Don't. They betrayed you a minute ago. Show some personality!#

Sawa: That's right, that's right!

Nagi: Mao, Sawa, you two...

Sawa: Hya... Nagi-chan...

Kazuto: Nagi, how did the training go?

Nagi: Captain... yeah. Though I'm still no match to Shunran-sama or Shia-sama...

Kazuto: Well, do your best, but don't push yourself.

Nagi: Yes!

As I shifted the topic to save Mao and Sawa, another person arrived.

Karin: Oh, Kazuto. Did you decide to visit? #He probably regrets it already#

Kazuto: Yeah. Tournament is getting closed, right? I was curious to see how everyone's doing.

Karin: Shunran and Shuuran are pretty motivated. It's already lunchtime, so shouldn't they be back soon?

Shunran: Karin-sama!

Karin: Here they are. Shunran, how's the training going?

Shunran: Yes! We're aiming for our country monopolizing the victory and advancing towards it well... however...

Two: Hii! Hiyaa!

Shunran: You bastards! Did you come wagging those giant asses of yours to Hongou, you pigs?!

Mao: S, Sir, no, sir!

Sawa: Sir, no, sir!

Shunran: Cut that ou! Do you want me to cut off your balls and turn you into transvestite perverts?!

Sawa: Sir! We have no balls, sir!

Shunran: Then, do you want me to tear off Hongou's rod?! #Why? Then again... why was I expecting logic from her?#

Kazuto: Wha! That's too vulgar, so stop it! ...Or, actually, Shuuran has been training them all this time, so overlook it.

Shunran: Hmm... I see. Then, okay, I'll spare them.

Karin: I'm leaving tournament preparations to you, Shunran. #Bad idea. Never put Shunran in charge of anything#

Shunran: Leave it to me! I'll train all of them into first-rate maggots!

Karin: ...Maggots?

Kazuto: Shunran, you're still doing it, watch out.

Shunran: H, hmm... this might be pretty bad. #Can't exit sergeant mode#

That's why I told her to stop...

Kazuto: Right, Karin. We're going to go eat now... wanna come too? #Seriously? Do you want to ruin another stall?#

Karin: Too bad. I have an inspection, so I'm going out with Keifa and Shuuran.

Kazuto: I see, too bad. Be careful, okay? #Or they probably just forgot about that trait of Karin#

Karin: Yeah. Shunran, I expect a positive report, okay?

Shunran: Yes!

Karin: Then, let's go, Keifa.

Keifa: Yes!

Kazuto: Then, let's go eat...

I promised Kii, after all.

Shunran: Yeah! After we have a meal, it's back to training for us! So, all of you, be ready!

Kii: Sir, yes, sir!

Ruru: Sir, yes, sir!

Mao: ...

Sawa: C, captain...

Kazuto: I promised Shunran, Kii and Ruru. So, are you coming too?

Mao: Umm...

Sawa: That's...

Kazuto: Nagi, are you coming?

Nagi: Gladly. Mao, Sawa... you're not trying to refuse, are you?

Sawa: Uuu...

Shia: Do your best, you two! If you do well enough, I'm sure Kazuto will reward you greatly somehow!

Kazuto: ...Hey, Shia!

Mao: ...Captain will? #From squad funds, right?#

Sawa: But, there's no way we can win...

Shunran: Of course. I'm not that weak that I would lose to you two, you know?

Shia: Shut up, Shunran! #Good girl, Shia#

Shunran: M, mm...

Shia: Kazuto knows that too. That's why I said if you do... well enough.

Shia: If we do our best... you mean?

Shia: Right, Kazuto!

Kazuto: Y, yeah...

Well, there's no way they'll win... but if they at least show good results, that's fine too...

Mao: In that case, I want new tools! I'll make an automatic machine then! #Actually, why isn't the country funding her research?#

Sawa: And I want new clothes!

Shia: Yup, yup. If you do your best, Kazuto will buy you anything. #Sure, it's a captain's duty to reward subordinates, but...#

Kazuto: ...Hey, Shia! #They're subordinates in name alone#

Sawa: Thank you! I'll do my best! #Wait, did she just refer to herself in first person?#

Mao: I'll also work hard! Watch me!

Kazuto: Y... yeah...

Sawa: Then, I'll do our best to pass the first round! #So, tools for Mao, clothes for Sawa, loving hug for Nagi#

Mao: I'll also set that as my goal! #And three days of dick for Shunran#

Kazuto: Low! Your goal is too low!

I know it's hard, but at least aim for semi-finals or quarter-finals! #To be fair, there's barely anyone those two can beat#

Kii: Ah! It's not fair if it's just those two! I also want a reward from Nii-chan if I do my best!

Ruru: M... me too... #Ruru deserves a reward just for being there#

Sawa: Nagi-chan, you should also ask while we're at it!

Nagi: ...I, I'm!

Mao: Don't hold back here! Come on, say something like "I want captain" at least!

Nagi: ...M, Mao!

Shia: Ahaha. Gotta be hard being so popular. #And reward Shia with a day's worth of Nagi#

Kazuto: Well, as long as it raises their spirits, why not? While we're at it, do you want something too, Shia?

Shia: I'm fine with just being able to fight strong opponents.

Kazuto: How altruistic of you.

Shia: And won't it make you fall for me if I show my cool side, Kazuto?

Kazuto: That's so you, Shia...

Shia: Then, now that everyone's motivated, let's go eat! Is everyone okay with that?

Four: Yeah.

Shunran: ... #No, you get nothing#

Kazuto: What's wrong, Shunran? #She doesn't deserve anything#

Shunran: ...Well, wasn't that my role to raise everyone's morale? #Ah, good, she's not asking for rewards from "lowest grade maggot"#

Kazuto: Morale still got increased, so why does it matter? #Shunran is way better at demoralizing her allies#

Shunran: ...Is that so?

Kazuto: That's right.

Shunran: I see... that's fine then...

For more infomation >> [Closed Caption] Shin Koihime Musou - Moeshouden 026 - Duration: 26:02.


Back to Basics | Morning Workout - Upper Body - Duration: 6:18.

Music Begins

Good Morning! Whoo, obviously slept with my hair wet last night.

What are you doing?

If you guys did not know it before, you now fully understand how crazy I am.

Who in their right mind goes to the gym at 4 o'clock in the morning? This girl, right here.

Right here! It is my favorite thing ever!

Love going to the gym in the morning before anybody else gets there.

And as you can see, nobody is in the gym!

I have this whole place to myself!

.. to my self .. ok well there is ya know two people in the back ..

So they are just as crazy as I am!

So that's ok! That's ok! You know there has to be a little ya know there has got to be a few of us out there right?

Anyway .. I am obsessed with going to the gym early

Waking up that early, taking some pre workout, going home, having a good meal, starting my day off with that .. feels great!

It makes the entire rest of my day, one - fly by.

Two - Feel so productive!

I always feel like i get more things done when I go to the gym in the morning than the days that I do not go to the gym in the morning.

Now, the main reason I choose an upper body workout for video workout numero uno for y'all ..

Is because as some of you know and if you don't know Imma tell you right now.

Last year I was blessed with a concussion .. yea

So where I was 8 months ago a year ago, in the gym, is no where near where I am right now.

So I am working on my muscle growth, especially in my upper body because that has always been my weak point.

So why not start off with something that I want to work on and improve, like my upper body! Yea!

Now, what you are seeing right now is my favorittttte! My favorite breakfast!

Actually I eat it all the time! I eat it for dinner too. and lunch and snack and all the above.

Uh, eggs .. one whole egg, eggs whites, turkey sausage, gluten free english muffin, with some laughing cow lite cheese to start my day off the right way!

So Iam dedicating this video to my little brother cuz he is in boot camp right now.

And his booty gets up way before my booty did this morning at 3:30 in the morning.

So if he can do it, I can do it! If i can do it, you can do it!

I hope this video motivated you guys because it is definitely motivating me!

Thank you for watching and until my next video, I will see you then! Bye guys!

For more infomation >> Back to Basics | Morning Workout - Upper Body - Duration: 6:18.


Disney's Beauty and the Beast Live Action Mystery Minis Funko Mystery Blind Box Unboxing Review - Duration: 9:17.

HEY GUYS its me your host SUPERSORRELL and today me and MRS SUPERSORRELL are reviewing

Funko Disney Beauty And The Beast Live Action Mystery Minis Vinyl Figure, A tale as old

as time has a new look in the 2016 live action version of Beauty and the Beast!

All your favourite characters have been re-imagined as stylised mini-figures based on their appearance

in the film.

Each stylised vinyl figure measures 2 1/2-inches tall and comes packaged in blind boxes.

Which ones will you get?

Please Subscribe and Support the channel!!

Links *****

Instagram: Twitter:

Facebook Page: Website:


Discount Codes ***************

My Geek Box "SORRELL10" �10 Off First Box ZBox "SuperSorrell" �5 Off First Box

Anime Bento "SUPER10" 10% Discount Geek Nirvana "Super10" 10% Discount "SuperSorrell" �3 Discount FredBox - "supersorrell" 10% Discount

About Me ********

Hey guys I am your host SuperSorrell, This channel has everything from Toy Unboxing Reviews,

Mystery Boxes by Loot Crate & My Geek Box to in depth Action Figure reviews of Star

Wars Elite Series, Star Wars Black Series, Marvel Legends and Marvel Ultimate Series.

I love Funko Pop Vinyls, Dorbz and collecting Vinyl figures too!

My wife has joined the channel under the alias Mrs SuperSorrell where we do Disney Store

Haul videos and Tsum Tsum Tuesday Mini Plush reviews!

I am a huge LEGO fan! and love to do complete opening and building videos!

I also love blind bags, blind boxes like Mystery Minis and more!

I am a huge scifi geek and love my Dr Who & Star Trek too!

I read Marvel Comics and starting DC too!

I am a huge movie and pop culture buff and therefore I attend a lot of conventions across

the UK come and say hello!

I always answer comments from fans so feel free to ask anything in the comment section!

So don�t forget to subscribe!

- *New content uploaded daily!

My Equipment *************

Console: Xbox One/360/PS2/PS4/PC Camera: Sony Handycam HDR-CX240

Vlog Camera: Samsung Galaxy A3 Webcam: Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000

Mic: Blue Snowball Blackout USB Capture: Elgato Game Capture HD

Headphones: Turtle Beach Star Wars Battlefront Sandtrooper Gaming Headset

Software: Sony Movie Studio 12 Platinum

Disney's Beauty and the Beast


Action Mystery Minis Funko Mystery Blind Box Unboxing Review

Let me know your thoughts on these figures in the comments below!!

#BeautyAndTheBeast #BeautyAndBeast #beast #belle #Disney #Funko #FunkoPOP #mysterymini

#mysterybox #blindbag #blindbox #Gaston #lefou

beauty and the beast,beauty and the beast 2017,beauty

and the beast live action,beauty and the beast live action mystery minis,funko mystery minis,funko

mystery minis unboxing,funko mystery minis beauty and the beast,funko mystery minis collection,supersorrell,mystery

bag,mystery box,funko,pop vinyl,collection,mystery,mystery box,review,unboxing,beast,gaston,belle,lefou,lumiere,be

our guest,tale as old as time,2017,disney mystery minis,disney haul,toys

For more infomation >> Disney's Beauty and the Beast Live Action Mystery Minis Funko Mystery Blind Box Unboxing Review - Duration: 9:17.


Lip Coloring | Apple Coloring | Candy Coloring Page | Learning Colors - Duration: 12:03.

For more infomation >> Lip Coloring | Apple Coloring | Candy Coloring Page | Learning Colors - Duration: 12:03.


Bus Ride in Nepal from Kathmandu to Pokhara - Duration: 11:12.

Travel day.



The tire fell off.


It is smoggy.

It sure is.

Okay, so good morning from Kathmandu.

Today is a travel day.

And we're going to Pokhara.

I've been calling it Pokhara all along.

Apparently that is not how you pronounce it.

Yeah, so we're up bright and early.

What time is it at the moment?

It is seven fifteen.

No, it is not even seven thirty.

It is seven fifteen.

And we're just we're basically dropped off on the side of the road and apparently our

bus is going to come here.

We are really hopeful this is the right area.

Fingers crossed.

Double fingers crossed.

So the air is quite dusty and polluted in Kathmandu on a normal day but today it is

foggy so it is like the fumes are almost getting trapped in the air and you can see that today.

The air has texture.

It just looks thick and grey over the city.

So yeah, that is what Kathmandu is like.

We're just waiting by the side of the road breathing in the fumes.

Lots of honking going on.

And I hope the bus gets here soon.

I am really looking forward to Pokhara where it is a lakeside and mountainside setting.

So hopefully the air will be a little fresher and cleaner.

I'm missing clean air.

We're going to be here for 45 minutes.

45 minutes.

Yeah, we got here way too early.

Our bus doesn't leave until 8 and it is like seven twenty at the moment.

No, seven eighteen.

I was concerned about traffic because it can be insane and I wasn't sure if rush hour would

be chaos and then we'd miss our bus.

I guess rush hour is more like an hour later.

Sometime between eight and nine.

But at seven in the morning yeah the traffic isn't too bad.

There is traffic out there but it is not like bumper to bumper.

There is no gridlock at this time of day.

So how are you feeling about our next destination Pokhara?

I'm really excited about it.

It is going to be considerably smaller than Kathmandu and it also just from pictures we've

seen it looks a lot more scenic.

We're going to be out by a lake and I'm looking forward to that because Kathmandu has been

fun but it has also been really chaotic.

So I'm ready for a change of pace.


Also, I'm mildly amused because we keep seeing these shuttles driving by and everyone is

asking Pokhara, Pokhara, Pokhara do you want to come hop on the bus blah blah blah.

The thing is these buses and shuttles are like bursting at the seems.

There is visibly no more room for people but they are still trying to get us on and yeah

we've already bought tickets so really it makes no sense.

Doo la looh.

Doo lada looh.

The horns hear sound a bit like a turkey gobbling.

Doo lada looh.

We are on the bus.

What time is it right now?

Eight fifteen.

So yeah, it was pretty much on time.


Just a few minutes late.

Mind you we've been putting our bags on so that has taken up a bit of time.

But yeah, beep beep beep.

We're going to start the journey now.

And those horns are just incredible.

So we're having a bumpy breakfast over here.

Um. this is what we've got.

Some kind of a noodle dish with potatoes.

We're just going to dig in.

The noodles are nice.

I'm hungry.

I didn't have anything to eat at the hotel so it is almost like a brunch for me.

Time for a pit stop.

We've been driving how long would you say?

Two hours?

Three hours?

No, it has been longer than that.

It is now twelve o'clock.

I've been sleeping.

So we've been on the road for about three and a half hours.

We're about half way there.

Now it is lunchtime.

Alright guys.

So you can see on the map where we started, where we are now and where we need to go.


And like as we've been traveling the road conditions have been getting a little bit

better like in terms of the quality of the roads and also not as much traffic either.


This is pretty sweet.

We get a buffet lunch and yeah I'm got a fairly generous plate but I don't want to eat too

too much because I usually don't like to eat a lot when we're on a serpentine road.

Windy road.

Bad combination.

So no thanks.

So I mostly grabbed some noodles here.

I have something that looks a little bit similar to Aloo Ghobi.

It has got like cauliflower.

Cauliflower and potatoes.

And then over here this is some rice with beans.

With I think a bean curry.


Sorry, I should say Dal.

I keep forgetting to call it Dal.

And then last but not least here is mine.

That is yours.

And then I have something that looks like maybe a yoghurt or a rice pudding.

Alright, enjoy.

Let's try it.

I'm hungry.

We have arrived.

My camera lens is looking rather dusty but we are here in Pokhara.

It was an eight hour journey in the end.

So a bit longer than we were expecting.

But we are here.

I'm hungry guys.

First priority is to drop off our bags and get food.


We're getting food.

Food is priority number two.

Numero Uno.

So we are all checked in and it is time for room tour.

Room tour.

Pokhara cribs edition.

There you go.

This is literally the fastest room tour ever because my stomach is overriding this room


Sam is just thinking food.



It is time to eat.

But yeah we have a nice view of the hotel.

And some mountains off in the distance.

Seating area.

Let's check out the bathroom.

I haven't seen it yet.

Alright, so walk in shower.





Sam is looking ever so serious.

This is a hard decision.

A very important decision.

What will be his first meal in Pokhara?

After an eight hour bus ride.

I think we're going for comfort food.

Did you just take a first sip without toasting your wife.

I did.

I snuck one in there.

Excuse me.

Let's try again.

Excuse me.



I'm having a mint lemonade.

I forgot for a second.

Vino tinto over here.

Red wine.


And so my first time to try Everest beer here in Nepal.


And we won't be hiking there so I might as well have the beer right?

But you know what?

You need to read the back of the label.

It is quite poetic.

Let's see.


The land of mysterious.

The land of mysticism.

Oh sorry.

I don't have my glasses on.

Nepal the land of mysticism and Himalayan grandeur brings you this limited edition of


Oh la lah.


Uh, it is nice.

So refreshing.

I mean this is one of those chilled glasses and I needed this after sucking in all of

that dust.

That was an eight hour dust fest on the bus.

Plus the one hour wait fest.

And the food is here.

Oh, wow.

That looks very good.

Oh wow.

That is amazing.

Thank you.

Oh okay.

Alright, hungry hippo said film me first.

I'm hungry.

No I didn't.

I'm hungry.

I'm not a hippo.

I'm hungry.

Um, I forget the name of what I ordered.

It was a really long name.

I know this is the paneer.

You got paneer and it has some tikka spices and I think was it cooked in a tandoori oven?

Was that part of it?

I don't know.

It had like four or five names in the description.

Anyways, let's go with this.

This looks good.


Is it good?




Are you going to share?


Oh come on.

At least one bite.

I'll give you a slice of pizza.

Sam, has a whole pizza.

Yeah, I have a huge pizza.

This I probably could have got the smaller but you know what?

I'm hungry so no complaints.

Mine has veggies too.

It has onions, carrots, capsicum, and a salad and naan.

I didn't even mention the naan.

Look at that.

Yeah, and like show your hand for sense of scale.

These are really big portions.

This is awesome.

Lots of food.

This is just what we wanted.


Oh man, this looks.

Oh man, this looks so good.

Copious amounts of cheese.

Melting all over the place.

It is really hot.

It is obviously freshly made.

Fresh out of the oven.

You're going to burn your whole palette like that.


He wasn't willing to wait thirty seconds.

That is awesome pizza.

That is good pizza anywhere in the world.

But to get pizza this good in Nepal is a really nice surprise.

I'm going to really enjoy this meal.


Oh wow I didn't know I was going to be filmed for this.

Okay, so I found a Cabernet to bring home and this one is from Chile.

So pretty good price.

I mean for this part of the world to pay about 11 US dollars is not a bad deal.

It is obviously very pricey if I was in Chile but I'm not in Chile.

Wine drinking is not a big thing here so this is going to be brought back to the apartment

and I will enjoy this.

What are you celebrating?

I'm celebrating arriving.



Let's go.

And that is a wrap for a very very busy day.

It has been a busy day.

And we have our wine ready.

So here is yours.


Let's do a cheers.


One last salut.


So great adventures to come from Pokhara and we'll be doing lots of food vlogs and other


Some sightseeing of course and maybe a bit of hiking so please stay tuned for that and

we look forward to showing all of that.

Alright, see you soon.


Glub glub glub.

For more infomation >> Bus Ride in Nepal from Kathmandu to Pokhara - Duration: 11:12.


Doc Mcstuffins Gave Pregnant Mommy A Shot | Easter Eggs Pregnant Mommy Learn Colors - Duration: 5:51.

It is Easter and I am making Easter Eggs

Boiling the eggs so we can dye them

Color color or make decorations?

There are three eggs in there

Ouch, I burned my fingers

I need help. Call Doctor Mcstuffins. Doc Mcstuffins please help me!

I am Doctor Mcstuffins. I heard we help a burned patient

Pregnant Mommy: I need help. I burnt myself

Pregnant Mommy: Can you give me injections

Doc Mcstuffins: I give you injections

Doc Mcstuffins injected mommy three times

Pregnant Mommy: Can you give me a band aid

Doc Mcstuffins: Do you want X or a Plus?

Pregnant Mommy: X

Doc Mcstuffins: Maybe Plus is better

Pregnant Mommy: Wow, you are such a good doctor

Doc Mcstuffins: Yes, I know. Thank you

Pregnant Mommy: Wow, that is such a cool band aid

Doc Mcstuffins: Yes, it is such a cool band aid

Pregnant Mommy: Put it on the pregnant belly

Pregnant Mommy: Thank you!

Pregnant Mommy: Oh thank you for helping me

Pregnant Mommy: oh, it is a plus sign

Pregnant Mommy: Can you kiss baby Emily

I teach you the colors

Put the egg into red food coloring water

I put this egg into purple

I put this egg into YELLOW

I put this egg into BLUE

I put this egg into GREEN

I put this egg into ORANGE

Yeah! I am done teaching you the colors

We have Easter Eggs

This is red egg

This is purple egg

This is a green egg

This is a blue egg

This is red egg

White color?

This is a white color

No more Easter Eggs?

For more infomation >> Doc Mcstuffins Gave Pregnant Mommy A Shot | Easter Eggs Pregnant Mommy Learn Colors - Duration: 5:51.


Save time in Narcos Cartel Wars! Ghrumersindo Challenge - Duration: 2:41.


Welcome to the first episode

of the Ghrumersindo Challenge

We'll try to access

to the highest league of Narcos

with, a particular restriction

a rating of


By doing that,

We can save

all the time expended

trying to get a promotion

with conventional ways

In this episode

we'll see the promotion

from wood II

to wood III

It's important to wait

until achieve a zero rating

before to do the first attack.

We'll do it to enter in the new league

with zero rating.

There is a Cartel War

so we'll fight here

and we'll show a little of

how to attack with fuegos and RPGs

First part

is the missile attack

In this case, the most dangerous defense

is the rocket launcher

as it can create a great damage to

flacos and RPGs

Dropping the units in red arrow

would burn most of the units before to attack

green arrow points

a better place

It's good to use

different heliport abilities

to protect the units

Using only one type

can cost too much energy


Let's see how is

our new league

let's see the new league rivals




How many points

will I need to get promoted?

Good bye to all of you


No Limits, No San Martiño

For more infomation >> Save time in Narcos Cartel Wars! Ghrumersindo Challenge - Duration: 2:41.


Opel Astra Sports Tourer 1.4 TURBO 140PK SPORT - 18 " LMV - NAVIGATIE - PARKEERHULP - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra Sports Tourer 1.4 TURBO 140PK SPORT - 18 " LMV - NAVIGATIE - PARKEERHULP - Duration: 0:41.


How He Loves | Me Ama (Diante de Trono) Musicas Evangelicas para Casamento Instrumental - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> How He Loves | Me Ama (Diante de Trono) Musicas Evangelicas para Casamento Instrumental - Duration: 3:19.


Cámaras de comercio latinas dicen que miedo a redadas está impactando negativamente en la economía - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Cámaras de comercio latinas dicen que miedo a redadas está impactando negativamente en la economía - Duration: 1:52.


Vale Saber/// Rafael Soldara anncia deunas charlas en el Museo de Celaya - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Vale Saber/// Rafael Soldara anncia deunas charlas en el Museo de Celaya - Duration: 1:44.


Doc Mcstuffins Gave Pregnant Mommy A Shot | Easter Eggs Pregnant Mommy Learn Colors - Duration: 5:51.

It is Easter and I am making Easter Eggs

Boiling the eggs so we can dye them

Color color or make decorations?

There are three eggs in there

Ouch, I burned my fingers

I need help. Call Doctor Mcstuffins. Doc Mcstuffins please help me!

I am Doctor Mcstuffins. I heard we help a burned patient

Pregnant Mommy: I need help. I burnt myself

Pregnant Mommy: Can you give me injections

Doc Mcstuffins: I give you injections

Doc Mcstuffins injected mommy three times

Pregnant Mommy: Can you give me a band aid

Doc Mcstuffins: Do you want X or a Plus?

Pregnant Mommy: X

Doc Mcstuffins: Maybe Plus is better

Pregnant Mommy: Wow, you are such a good doctor

Doc Mcstuffins: Yes, I know. Thank you

Pregnant Mommy: Wow, that is such a cool band aid

Doc Mcstuffins: Yes, it is such a cool band aid

Pregnant Mommy: Put it on the pregnant belly

Pregnant Mommy: Thank you!

Pregnant Mommy: Oh thank you for helping me

Pregnant Mommy: oh, it is a plus sign

Pregnant Mommy: Can you kiss baby Emily

I teach you the colors

Put the egg into red food coloring water

I put this egg into purple

I put this egg into YELLOW

I put this egg into BLUE

I put this egg into GREEN

I put this egg into ORANGE

Yeah! I am done teaching you the colors

We have Easter Eggs

This is red egg

This is purple egg

This is a green egg

This is a blue egg

This is red egg

White color?

This is a white color

No more Easter Eggs?

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