Wellcome to my vid . Give me 1like if u feel good xD . Thanks for watching !
Misterio en señales de radio que sufren interferencias al pasar por lugar donde asesinaron a joven - Duration: 5:24.-------------------------------------------
¿Sabías que las almendras son mucho más nutritivas cuando se remojan? - Duration: 2:11.-------------------------------------------
Chocolate, CHOCOLATE! 🚩 TOP 5 MELHORES VÍDEOS COM CHOCOLATE 🍫 - Duration: 1:15.Let's get ready to rumble!
Ziemia Obiecana [#15] Kryzys [PL\ENG] - Duration: 4:31.Crisis
Praised be the Lord Jesus Christ!
I would like to welcome you on our next meeting during this retreat.
We take a closer look at the journey of Israel to the Promised Land
and contemplate living the faith in God in the context of life in exile.
Today, we will notice the fact that Israel while traveling in the dessert, is going through a crisis
and is putting the Lord to a test.
Full of pretension, they turn to God: "Give us water to drink".
And then they are asking doubtfully: "Is the Lord in our midst or not?"
Looking at all this we might wonder about this acting.
Did not God just feed them with manna?
Did not God just prove His power and brought Israel out of Egypt,
letting them go with dry foot through the Red Sea?
Israel is called a stiff-necked nation due to spiritual sclerosis
and stubbornness of trusting the Lord.
There is no blinking the facts, often our life and life of many emigrants
seems to be an exact copy of such behavior.
We also are saying to God: "Bring my expectations in true otherwise I will stop believing in You"
We treat God like a vending machine: we put our prayers in and are expecting they come true.
And when God stays silent and our dreams do not come true, we discouraged are losing our faith.
Then we blame God for loneliness, disappointment, misunderstanding,
problems with assimilation, failure at work.
Don't be deluded - each person goes through a crisis.
Each person experiences the weakness of faith.
We can say that we are living in the era of crisis.
Deepen in the crisis stage of our live, we do not feel the presence of God.
Even worse – the chances are that God forgot about us.
And we are crying out in a loud voice: "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
?" In such moments the best solution seems to be to give up.
After the death of Mother Teresa of Calcutta,
we read in her notes that this holy woman went through her "spiritual dessert"
and for many years did not feel any presence of God.
But in such difficult stage of life, she continued serving people in need with love and smile for God's glory.
She knew that we should rather trust God and believe than feel His presence.
St. Ignatius of Loyola provides us with practical advises in regard to changing condition of our spirit;
we should keep our balance, avoid any extreme reactions.
In painful moments of our live we should keep hope
and remember that after darkness, a new bright day comes.
We should not be to euphoric or to confident.
Being aware that new obstacles will arrive, we should struggle to make us ready for the future hardship.
God bless you!
イヤーソニックス社 社長 ビデオメッセージ - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Baby Hazel Injury care - Kids Play Doctor & Care-Baby Injury Care Baby Hazel Games - Duration: 10:00.Baby Hazel Injury care - Kids Play Doctor & Care-Baby Injury Care Baby Hazel Games
Liên Quân Mobile : TNN ISSprox Top 8 Sever cầm Nakroth đi quẩy cùng rank Cao Thủ - Duration: 15:55.-------------------------------------------
Ford Fiesta 1.0 STYLE 5-DEURS NAVIGATIE INCL. BLUETOOTH, AIRCO, ELEKT. R+S, NAP NU OOK EEN INRUIL VO - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
WEIRDEST THING WE'VE SEEN HAPPEN AT SCHOOL #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 9:30.-------------------------------------------
PLACE - Duration: 3:12.-------------------------------------------
U.S. ready to tackle N. Korea alone if China doesn't act: Trump - Duration: 2:13.U.S. President Donald Trump says Washington is more than willing to tackle Pyongyang alone...
if Beijing doesn't take action.... setting the tone for his first upcoming summit with
his Chinese counterpart.
Connie Kim breaks down the comments by the man with a tendency to fire before aiming.
"If China is not going to solve North Korea, will."
That was the short but strong message from U.S. President Donald Trump with regard to
North Korea's nuclear weapons program, according to an exclusive interview with the Financial
Times published Sunday.
The president said "China has great influence over the North" and will either decide to
help Washington with Pyongyang or not,... adding it won't be good for anyone if China
When asked whether unilateral action would be successful, the U.S. president responded
with a single word: "totally."
He declined to provide further details, telling the paper he didn't have to say any more.
Trump's comments come four days before he hosts Chinese President Xi Jinping at his
private Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, and the U.S. leader is expected to push Xi on
the North Korea issue.
The U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley told ABC in an interview broadcast
on Sunday that China must take "definitive actions" as the only country that can halt
North Korea's nuclear ambitions... and that UN resolutions have so far failed to stop
the North from conducting nuclear and missile tests.
But because the North Korea issue involves many parties besides China, experts aren't
predicting a significant breakthrough anytime soon.
"I believe that President Trump understands that the North Korea problem is linked in
many ways to China in relations between the United States and China.
// North Korea issue needs to be handled more multilaterally in consideration of South Korea's
interest, Japan's interest and Russia's interest."
Nevertheless, Trump is likely to press Xi on North Korea when they meet, to at least
enforce existing sanctions... and stop trying to exploit sanctions loopholes to help its
Connie Kim, Arirang News.
Opel Mokka 1.4T 103KW EDITION - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
Opel Astra 1.0T 77KW 5-drs innovation easytronic - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
PLACE - Duration: 3:12.-------------------------------------------
Ada Must Do Something Against Her Own Will | Season 1 Ep. 9 | APB - Duration: 1:22.What are you talking about?
While you're worried about losers stealing TV sets,
your boss is creating a police state right in front of you.
He's a fascist, Ada.
Oh my god.
He's using technology to steal our civil liberties.
That's not what it's like.
That's exactly what it's like.
One believes things because one has been
conditioned to believe them.
Remember that?
It's from "Brave New World," the book you begged
me to read in college, way before Gideon
was pulling your strings.
I'm reminding you of the truth you used to know.
This for you.
What is it?
Call it a crowbar.
Just plug it into the district servers.
It'll pry open an encrypted backdoor for me to do my thing.
Your thing?
It's called checks and balances.
The wolf got himself put in charge of protecting the sheep,
and with this I watch the wolf.
I'm not doing that.
Oh, yes, you are.
And you've got 24 hours to make it happen.
Otherwise, every cop in this city
will know about the blood on your hands.
Danny, please, you can't undo all of this that--
That's where you're wrong, Ada.
Like the book says, ending is better than mending.
[music playing]
Your Body Is A Universe - Duration: 3:45.Your Body Is A Universe
by Tiara Kumara,
This is an excerpt from the MORPHOGENESIS: Opening the Crystalline Seals into Avatar
Complimentary enrollment with more than 60 podcast episodes.
When we come across the terms �Divine Consciousness�, �unified field� or even �multidimensional
perception�, we don�t have to go so far from home to understand what these seemingly
far-reaching ideas mean.
We just have to spend a little more time observing nature.
Our coherence with nature and the natural world is one of the most important connections
that we, as humans, have.
Nature serves as a botanical bridge, offering many clues to our true reality as part of
a self-sustaining unified field.
Likewise, Earth�s connection to the sun and to our solar system is one of the most
important connections our planet has.
Our sun�s connection to the galaxy is one of the most important connections our solar
system has.
Our galaxy�s connection to the universe, and beyond, is one of the most important connections
our galaxy has.
Our universe�s connection to the mysteries beyond is one of the most important connections
our universe has.
All forms of life are wholly interconnected and coherent.
Without this multi-level, coherent interconnectivity, nothing would exist.
Yet, each entity is also a single organism.
This also applies to our own bodies.
We are like the living cells in the body of the cosmos.
We inhabit a living universe, reflected by the most fundamental characteristics of our
body�s biology.
As is the smallest, so is the greatest.
Our scientists have confirmed that a single cell is a complete system, as is the brain
and the entire body.
Every single system is driven by feedback loops and sustained by homeostasis.
It continually self-organizes.
We are presiding over an entire ecology, and like planetary ecology, our body responds
to all that nourishes it to maintain balance and harmony.
By going inward and deeply communing with your body, you can know the universe more
In fact, the more that you explore and experience your own body universe, the more that you
can understand the unified field around you as it unfolds in the form of reflections in
your daily life.
Your body is an entire ecology that has the ability to bring about accelerated biological
This is done through the increasing coherence that you have with your total self, with attuned
loving thought given to that �totality� of self.
This is one of the main keys to unlocking the powerful ability to self-actualize into
anything you want to be.
16 Things You Didn't Know About BRUCE LEE! - Duration: 10:03.16 Things You Didn't Know About Bruce Lee!
By Any Other Name?
Bruce Lee was born November 27, 1940 in Chinatown, San Francisco in the Year of the Dragon at
the Hour of the Dragon (6:00 am to 8:00 am).
At the Chinese Hospital where he was born, he was given the name "Bruce" by the doctor,
Mary Glover.
But the name his parents gave him was Lee Jun Fan which means "return again."
His parents returned to Hong Kong when Bruce was just three months old and Lee's mother
thought he would go back to the US one day so she chose this predictive name.
However, this wasn't the first name Lee's mother had given young Bruce.
She first called him Sai-fon which means "small Phoenix."
Bruce Weed?
Bruce Lee only had only one formal instructor in Wing Chun, a Chinese martial art, when
he was 13 to 18.
His instructor, Yip Man, was known to use opium regularly and one student claimed he
used his school's tuition money to support his habit.
Bruce later adapted the Wing Chun he had learned from Man into what he called "Bruce Lee's
Kung Fu" or "Style of No Style," considered by many to be the beginning of Mixed Martial
Dana White of the UFC called Lee "the father of MMC."
Lee's most famous philosophical quote to "be like water" came directly from Yip
Man's teaching of the art of detachment.
Lee was never known to use opium to detach himself but he was reported to use cannabis,
specifically edibles, and a small amount was found in his stomach during his autopsy.
However, doctors never linked the cannabis to his death, instead blaming it on a bad
reaction to pain medication.
Lee's Earliest Work Movies and acting were in Lee's blood from
a very young age.
He appeared in over 30 films with the earliest, Golden Gate Girl, in 1941 at just 3 months
The film was directed by the first Chinese female director, Esther Eng, and Kuan Man-Ching
who were friends with Bruce's father, a noted opera singer.
Esther used Bruce as a stand in for baby girl for just a few seconds.
However, his name was not listed in the credits.
Cha-Cha Ching In addition to being a master martial artist,
Bruce Lee was also an award-winning cha-cha dancer.
Initially to gain the attention of a girl, Lee started lessons and soon realized how
much the footwork practice could help his fighting.
When he left Hong Kong at 18 and made his way to America on an 18-day steamer trip,
he made extra money teaching other passengers how to dance.
He arrived to San Francisco with $115 in his pocket.
It was during this same trip that Lee practiced his English with fellow travelers, embraced
his American-given name, and shed his Chinese name, Lee Jun Fan.
Average Student He attended Edison Technical School in Seattle
and then the University of Washington there in 1962 (with a low GPA of 1.84) where he
took philosophy and drama classes.
He even only received a C in gymnastics!
He wasn't paying attention to school while he attended.
Instead he was focused on opening his kung fu studios in Seattle and Oakland.
He was also writing his first book then, "Chinese Gung Fu: The Philosophical Art of Self-Defense."
Despite being an average student, Lee spoke English, Cantonese, Mandarin, and Japanese.
In fact, his good English helped him to get the role of Kato in The Green Hornet in 1966.
Lee said that it was because he was one of the only Asian actors who could correctly
pronounce the lead character's name, Britt Reid, that he got the part.
Health With a body as fit and tight as Bruce Lee's,
you would never suspect that he wasn't a perfect specimen of health.
Surprisingly, he was administered an exam by the US Army Draft in 1963 and he failed!
His eyesight was not good as evidenced by photos of him behind the camera with big Coke-bottle
He also wore contacts, which back then, were probably especially brutal on the eyes.
Then in 1970, Lee suffered a back injury that almost kept him from continuing his martial
He was attempting to do a "good-morning," a move that requires holding a barbell across
the back shoulders while bending over keeping the back straight and knees slightly bent.
Way of the Cat A lot of people want to know why the cat was
featured so prominently in the fight scene in Way of the Dragon between Lee and Chuck
During the intense fight, there are several shots of the cat and even some zooming action
near the end.
Apparently, Lee wanted to use the footage of the cat to play off the idea of a cat pawing
at a toy, or Lee viewing Norris' character as a plaything.
Rather, it just sent a message of confusion to movie-goers.
But channeling animals through the loud, sometimes shrieking noises Lee would make when fighting
served great purposes of helping him focus and to disorienting his opponents.
The Mortal Combat character, Liu Kang, who is based on Bruce Lee, also features these
unique animal sounds.
Black and Yellow You have seen it on Uma Thurman in Kill Bill,
and on characters Grand Theft Auto.
It shows up every Halloween at parties and doorsteps each year.
The famous yellow jumpsuit with the black strip down the sides is trademark Bruce Lee
While it was rumored that Lee choose the color to make a statement about his race, film producer
Andre Morgan said that was not the case.
In fact, Lee was only offered two jumpsuits to wear in Game of Death – one yellow, and
one black.
When they were reading the script, they saw the fight scene with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar had
a portion where Kareem kicks Lee in the chest.
The big footprint wouldn't show up on a black suit, so Lee chose yellow.
It was auctioned off in 2013 and a private Hong Kong bidder won it for $780,000.
Multi-tasker According to his daughter, Shannon, one of
the greatest things she has learned about her father over the years is that he was an
"insane multi-tasker."
According to his friend, Lee would drop down and do push-ups if he had to wait for an elevator.
He could do push-ups with a man weighing 250 pounds sitting on his back.
He was also known to read a book, watch boxing, and exercise all at the same time.
Not to mention the fact that he was a martial artist, actor, producer, writer, dancer, choreographer,
and philosopher.
Crunchy Smoothies?
Breakfast for the champion often included protein shakes with eggs, but get this…with
the shells!
Along with powdered milk (the only time he really ate any dairy), peanut butter, brewer's
yeast, and some supplements, the shakes provided the energy he needed for his very active lifestyle.
In addition to shakes, he often had muesli cereal which included grains that could be
soaked overnight for a porridge effect.
To this, he would add dried fruits and nuts and 2% milk.
He liked Chinese food over western food because he thought western food didn't focus enough
on carbohydrates and instead paid too much attention to protein and fat.
Seattle Home Lee referred to Seattle as his home.
He attended school there and worked as a waiter at Ruby Chow's restaurant.
On his first date with his wife, Linda, he took her to the space needle.
He worked out at two studios – which are now Ho Ho Seafood in Chinatown and the other
is Szechuan Noodle Bowl.
He loved the nature of Seattle, Lake Washington and how it made him think of a place where
his father took him to fish in Hong Kong.
Now, there is an exhibit dedicated to Lee at Wing Lake Museum with the hopes of having
a permanent "Bruce Lee Action Museum" in the future.
So when Lee passed away, it was clear that he would be laid to rest in Seattle.
He is next to his son Brandon at Lake View Cemetery.
Quick Draw Not only was he a skillful martial artist,
Lee was plain fast.
He was so fast, in fact, that during filming of Enter the Dragon, the shot had to be slowed
down to 34 frames so that moviegoers could actually see his kicks.
In an 11 second fight in 1962, Lee won with a knock out but also included 15 punches and
a kick.
It only took Lee .05 seconds to react and punch from a 3 feet distance.
He quickness wasn't limited to just fighting.
He was known to steal a dime out of someone's palm and leave a penny before they could make
a fist.
Top Students Bruce Lee had three instructors that he certified
They were Taky Kimura, James Yimm Les, and Dan Inosanto.
Right before Lee died, he told the two living instructors (Kimura and Inosanto) to close
his schools because he wanted low numbers of students in order to keep the quality of
the teaching high.
They taught small classes and Lee himself trained with Chuck Norris, Joe Lewis, and
Mike Stone.
Each of them won every karate championship while they were training with Lee.
He also taught Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Steve McQueen, and James Coburn.
His teaching was in such high demand that he could charge up to $275 per hour.
It's possible they trained to the Mission Impossible theme song as that was a favorite
of Lee's.
He told the composer, Lalo Schifrin, in 1973 that he often trained to the well-known soundtrack.
Another one of his students?
James Bond star George Lazenby but there is no word on whether or not they trained to
any James Bond theme songs.
NO-kia In 2008, Nokia created an online commercial
featuring Bruce Lee playing ping-pong with his nunchaku and then setting matches on fire
as they were thrown to him.
The viral video caused quite a commotion as many people thought it was real footage.
Unfortunately, no footage exists of Lee actually performing these amazing feats and it was
something Nokia created from scratch.
Lemme Take a Selfie The best place to take a selfie with the legend
in the United States is at 943 Sun Mun Way in the Chinatown district of Los Angeles.
There you can see the only public statue of Lee in America often surrounded by visitors
in fighting stances with cameras and phones ready.
The sculpture is 7 feet tall (Lee was actually 5'7") and includes his amazing abdominal
6-pack (maybe 8-pack or even 10-pack as his pants are too high to count).
Why Chinatown?
Lee was a regular there while he filmed the TV series The Green Hornet and he also opened
a martial arts school nearby.
The sculpture was created by a Chinese artist but Lee's daughter, Shannon, worked for
5 years to have it moved to the US.
Besides this free option, you can also pay for tickets to Madame Tussauds in Hollywood
and see the wax version of Lee busting through a window while doing a side kick.
Final Movie Filming for the movie Game of Death was underway
when Bruce Lee died on July 20, 1973.
In order to complete the film, the studio decided to rewrite the ending with the main
character faking his own death.
Shockingly, they also included shots from Lee's funeral with 25,000 crying fans and
footage of his body in an open casket.
When he was finally laid to rest in Seattle, WA, Lee was wearing the traditional Chinese
outfit from Enter the Dragon.
Gideon Shows Off His Expensive Equipment | Season 1 Ep. 9 | APB - Duration: 0:42.Ah?
What is that?
That is awesome.
It is a deep space submersible designed to explore Europa.
What's Europa?
That's one of Jupiter's moons.
It's covered in frozen lakes.
And NASA contracted us to build it in hopes of finding
signs of life beneath the ice.
And they are not that happy that I borrowed it.
Well, I will bring it back.
It cost $50 million.
I'll make sure not to scratch it.
Its Gon' Rain - Duration: 0:51.Its gon' rain,
Its so dark in here.
Look at everythin'
*Crazy laugh*
See look at the sky, its so grey
Everything around here
Look at it.
*Laughs sinisterly.*
Oh, my God, I'm so scared.
*Laughs airily.*
Good thing I'm not going out anytime soon.
*Squeaky laugh.*
Err, everything's moving.
...but me.
*Girlish laugh.*
That grey cloud is very ominous.
Anyways, thats all I wanted to show you.
Ooh, look at the cat.
*High pitch* Hey!
Can't see him.
Tokyo citizens raise awareness of Japan's military 'comfort women' sex slave issue - Duration: 7:05.Japan's wartime sexual enslavement of women has and will be a contentious issue for Seoul
and Tokyo.
Fuelling the anger of victims is the Japanese government's attitude, that there's nothing
more to discuss.
For a change we take a look at those in that same country who beg to differ.
Oh Soo-young met with the Japanese citizens who believe settling the past does not mean
sweeping it under the carpet.
Marking the decades-long cries for recognition, reparation and healing,... the Statue of Peace
outside the Japanese Embassy in Seoul represents the women and girls forced into sexual slavery
by Japan in the early 20th century.
The statue has inspired similar models around the world,... but its meaning is lost on many
"I haven't learned much about it, but I've heard about it on TV."
"I remember hearing about it briefly at high school.
But they don't teach it these days.
I think that's wrong."
"It's not in the curriculum.
I haven't been taught about it.
I think we need to learn more about history to move past conflict."
"It seems most of the Japanese public aren't aware of Japan's wartime sexual enslavement
of women.
Here in Tokyo, there are a number of people working to change that."
Tucked away in a room at a small publishing house in Tokyo.. a young girl waits to see
Yuka Okamoto, a writer and publisher, was entrusted with a duplicate of the statue of
peace,... by the sculptors of the original.
"It's been two years, but we haven't found a place for her.
We're worried the conservatives will clamp down on us."
Moved by a victim's testimony in 1991,... Okamoto joined local efforts to raise awareness
of the sexual slavery issue in Japan.
"Because the issue has been erased from most school textbooks-- young people don't know
about it.
And the Japanese media pumps out biased reports that stir up distrust and the misconception
that the statue is anti-Japanese."
She digs for historical evidence and resources and publishes the findings through printed
and online contents.
By building a better understanding among the Japanese public, she hopes some day the girl
in her backroom can sit in the sun.
"The offender has no right to tell the victims to remove the statue.
If anything, Japan is more in need of it, so it never forgets the past."
Preserving memories before they are forgotten,...
A museum in Tokyo,... holds records from nine countries where women were forced into so-called
'comfort stations'.
"Tokyo denies evidence that women were forced into sex slavery, claiming the issue was settled
with the countries.
So we collect official documents, journal entries and personal testaments for our database
available for anyone to access."
Under pressure and even threats from right-wing groups,... the activists here believe that,
as Japanese citizens, it's their duty to ensure that history does not repeat itself.
"It's a human rights issue-- a case of gender-based violence-- which applies today in warzones
all over the world.
We must not forget the terrible acts of our ancestors to warn the world against it."
However, they are in a race against time to collect more evidence and testimonies,...
as many victims and witnesses have already passed away,... and the traces of the events
continue to be erased from Japan's history textbooks.
Yang Jing-ja, a Korean-Japanese translator,... sometimes wonders if she's fighting a losing
For more than 20 years,... she's led a civic group that calls for Tokyo to fully acknowledge
its past atrocities.
This is a military journal.
It says, "wherever the Japanese soldiers conquer, they rape the women again
and again.
So they need to set up a sexual 'comfort' station as soon as possible."
That's what
it says here.
Trump Tweets to be archived as official documents - Duration: 1:13.U.S. President Donald Trump's Tweets are being archived as official state documents.
The White House agreed to a request by the National Archives and Records Administration
that each of Trump's tweets, even those he deletes or corrects, to be saved.
The head of the archives, David Ferriero, told two Democratic senators in a letter last
week that the White House has assured him it's saving all Trump's Twitter comments.
The White House was contacted on the matter since the Presidential Records Act requires
such correspondence to be preserved for history.
Ferriero didn't reveal when White House officials were reminded of the law, but the letter says
they were briefed in early February.
The letter also didn't mention how the Tweets would be saved.
The Obama administration used an automated system, but it remains to be seen if the same
method would be used for Trump.
Early last month, senators Claire McCaskill and Tom Carper raised the issue of Trump's
tweets, as he had often deleted or altered earlier ones.
Trump's love for Twitter has been heavily scrutinized by the media and political peers
during the campaign and especially after taking office.
Real estate investment surges as China announces new special economic zone - Duration: 1:34.China is set to develop its third special economic zone in Hebei Province.
The central government says the Xiongan New Area will cover up to two-thousand square
The announcement has been welcomed by investors and local residents alike.
Kim Hyo-sun reports.
The Chinese government made the announcement over the weekend that it will develop the
Xiongan New Area in Hebei as a new economic zone.
It will become the nation's third special economic zone after Shenzhen and Shanghai,...
and take on some of the role Beijing plays today.
The designated zone currently covers about 100 square kilometers but will be expanded
to two-thousand,... making it even larger than Shenzhen, one of China's richest cities.
Local residents are overjoyed at the news.
"We are very excited.
I hope the environment and the economy here will be better in the future."
Real estate agencies in the region are being flooded with inquiries from potential buyers,...
and increased demand has more than doubled real estate prices in the area.
"One square meter was worth three-thousand Yuan a month ago,... but it rose to six-thousand.
We can't buy anything even with ten-thousand Yuan."
Responding to such sharp increases,... the local government has temporarily suspended
property transactions.
Although no detailed plans have been announced yet,... the Chinese government is already
facing the daunting task of dealing with surging speculative real estate investment.
Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.
Kia pro_cee'd 1.4 CVVT X-TRA, NAVIGATIE,XENON,AIRCO,CRUISE C,LM VELGEN - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
The Gonzaga Bond - Duration: 3:14.-------------------------------------------
Thinking Critically About Critical Thinking - Duration: 8:46.-------------------------------------------
BRAND NEW CANON T7i UNBOXING!!! - Duration: 2:52.I'm going to do just a little video
that's not vloggy vlog material
hopefully be entertaining and you can
check out the new hannon t7 I which came
out on Thursday Aaron and I are heading
to tacoma to get my dad his new camera
that i picked up bomb kenmore camera
canon eos rebel t7 I dad here is going
to open it when you tonight I don't be
so all right instructions then doesn't
even need that look at that alright
that's gonna be definitely target might
need that where's the battery i think we
probably so good the battery yet is
charging so I'm looking for I think it's
just on the back end oh there it is it's
a different battery the mine is two
hours where that kind of time this is
the lens and we don't need that no you
don't need that let's cover that back up
oh ok and that's it for the season ok
packaging come on cam it's very little
put this in sure there it is if we only
had a battery you have to put the card
in now you're ready to go so first thing
is going to have you do is set the date
and time so dad is putting the strap on
the new camera I'm getting plaque for
treble hey jel pop back very cool this
will be a little bold by eight sighs I'm
going to be really neat mural done there
was a great big hole ready for me hey
Sally is that fun
good boy all right theoretically I'm
it's in almost 40 seconds and we haven't
moved it off this isn't meant to be a
vlog this is just a quick little
unboxing video
Alexa Throwing Shade - Duration: 0:56.Alexa, what did you say?
Alexa: - Sorry, there's nothing to repeat.
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