hi guys I'm Lizzie and welcome to my
channel sew many books and today's a book
talking video so I asked on my Twitter
what sort of videos you like seeing so
that I could kind of get a feeling for
the content that I should be creating
and still really feeling out and really
grateful that there are 112 of you
actually think more than that now 121
there's subscribe and want to watch some
of the weird stuff I talk about so today
I'm going to talk about my March wrap up
so the books that I read and also the
ones I'm reading it compared to some
months it's been a little slower on my
reading and as you'll see he compared it
back to my september one which was like
20 minutes long which is kind of why
never dish another one because I was
like no one is going to watch this this
is ridiculous let's deal with why a
first on the twenty-fifth of march i did
a really cool event at Uxbridge library
which recalled the power 3 with Samantha
Shannon Melinda Salisbury and Lucy Saxon
you might notice my earrings there the
power of three which I got for the event
and then never mentioned and I had
already read Mel and Sam's books last
year and you'll know because I've talked
about them in various videos and I
hadn't read book two and three of the
Tellus saga so Lucy Saxon is a
professional cosplayer and like so good
and pure as a person and she writes
these books that are set in the world
Tellus I'll pop a picture of the map up
but it's six continents and each book is
a standalone novel following a famous
person from history. the timelines are not
linear and from each of those countries
so the first book is Take Back the Skies
and follows Cat from Anglya, the second
one is The Almost King which follows
Alecks from Siberene and then The City
Bleeds Gold follows Noah who lives in
Erova and so Siberene is kind of like
and Erova is kind of like Venice Italy
like the main the main place is
definitely fantasy and I really like
these books I think Lucy's got great
imagination and there's The Almost King
King in a similar way to Take Back the
Skies has a lot in about Skyships and
flying and select pirate ships that have
wings and the almost king follows a guy
who just makes a lot of bad decisions
constantly and tries really hard but
he's just terrible and he's the younger
sibling of a family and he desperately
wants to carve out his own mark a lot
goes wrong for him and then the city
bleeds gold which is her third one is I
think her best and i love her the two
but this is just next-level shit so Noah
is a vigilante for this town Talon and
he spends his time as Daniel and he like
takes down gangsters and he protects the
poor people but at the same time he's
Noah and engaged to the princess and
like pretty fancy and books about him
trying to balance these two identities
but he needs to stop being Daniel soon
because he's gonna marry princess but
also he can't stop being Daniel until
he's taken down this mob boss it's
really good and really exciting and I
feel like the characters are really
exciting I think Noah is a really
interesting person and that split
between who what is now or what is
Daniel is really interesting and the
vigilantism reminds me of Lucy's love of
Marvel and superheroes really comes
through also um it's set at the backdrop
of this carnival happening which you can
see on the cover and everyone's got
these amazing brass masks in it so that
was really fun and we left like drains
and embarrassed salma lot so I read Gino
Dawson's new book Margot and me it's
actually only the second juna book I've
read the first one I read was all of the
above in January and I
quite liked it like you don't often get
and love stories about bisexual people
where that openly bisexual and it's
talked about and that was really cool I
love this juno said that when she was
writing at her aim as with all her
thought her books is to create a feeling
in the person and the feeling she wanted
to create was that cozy under the cover
sunday afternoon sad have a little cry
and feel heartwarming and she really
knocked it out the park with margot me i
was so impressed as a welsh person i
also really appreciated all the welsh
isms in it so basically it's about
godless whose mother has had cancer for
a long time and they go moved to mid
wales so that her mum can just recover
and get better and and they move in with
margot whos her grandmother who's pretty
brusk and difficult and different and
and Fliss is sort of trying to deal with
her life changing and she finds Margo's
diary from when she was a teenager in
the attic and she starts to realize that
she doesn't actually know her
grandmother as well as she thought she
did and starts to fall in love with
young Margot I mean not like like
romantic love I mean like she starts to
realize how much more she's got in
common and this is a really important
novel that talks about wartime and
interracial romances and gay romances
and it's very layered and complex and I
really really enjoyed it so Thank You
Bonnie ASA for sending that to me but is
that's weird I'm gonna pause you wasn't
a pirate it was a peregrine falcon that
was so cruel are just so confused by a
like they're being such a big bird in
this like weird trellis I was like
what's up anyway mark breath I read and
boys don't cry by malorie blackman which
and it's really good story about a boy
who is getting ready to go off to uni
he's waiting for his results on a level
results today the door goes the opens
the door and it's not the postman it's
his ex girlfriend Melanie with a baby
and they chart and it's a bit weird and
then she says she's yours Emma's your
baby and he had no I didn't know she was
pregnant manly just disappeared as with
a lot of Mallory books there's two
points of view every other chap well
sort of every other chapter and with
Dante and Adam his brother who is gay
and it's basically a book about toxic
masculinity and how masculine is she
encourages and forces men really not to
talk about their feelings and how
dangerous that is I was really impressed
with it I read it in just a couple of
hours and I really enjoyed watching
Dante learn to really love his daughter
the last way I read was Georgia peaches
and other forbidden fruit this is a
really beautiful lesbian romance story
about all those people yelling at shih
tzu all sorts of weird stuff happens out
these windows it's about Google Joe who
grew up in Atlanta and she was part of
the gay scene and her best friend is
called Dana who really really wants to
be and Shane from the l word Joe's dad
gets married to his third wife Elizabeth
and they decide to move to Rome in
Georgia which is a small town that she's
lived in her whole life Joseph father's
pasta so a lot of this book is about
religion and faith and being part of
that community while also being queer
the story really kicks off with Joe's
father and new stepmother
asking her to basically put herself back
in the closet for a year and that
argument is that it's not safe to be
openly gay in Rome Georgia and they're
trying to keep us safe and also there's
definitely an element of trying to make
that own lives easier and and she agrees
to it on the basis that her dad who has
a ministry FM sort of thing radio show
she agrees that she'll closet herself if
he gives her her own show and issues
allowed to go on this epic road trip
with Dana at the end of the summer
before college and you know problematic
is it is she thinks hey is a year I can
do it and then she meets Mary Carlson I
really love how in the south everyone
calls each other by their full name I
really like the romance I really really
liked the intricate layers of balancing
faith and queerness and I thought that
was really interesting and actually I'd
love to read more about that be it
fiction or nonfiction and I also really
liked Mary Carson's twin btb who has an
unnamed disability and but he's very
much treated like a fully fleshed-out
character like I didn't particularly
feel he was to stereo typical and um his
obsession with elephants resonated with
me as someone who has been obsessed with
foxes for like their entire life I've
had Claudia ranking second an American
lyric book of poetry core don't let me
be lonely this one is more about mental
health is tough a tough read as with her
first one I really like Claudia rankings
sort of sa style of poetry where it's
it's just written in blocks and then
there's pieces of artwork throughout it
and it feels much more accessible I
think than other types of poetry and I
think it's really really interesting
read about how America views mental
health and also America in a post-911
I really enjoyed Claudia rankings
writing her first one is called citizen
so even if you haven't read much poetry
I recommend picking up don't let me be
lonely and citizen the to an American
limit poetry collections I'm going
really into reading sort of Chinese
American literature Chinese diaspora
literature and I really enjoyed the bank
status daughter this is something I've
been meaning to read for years it
follows a girl called Ruth whose mother
luling is getting quite old and is
showing the early signs of dementia and
before she forgets it luling writes down
her history and her life and Ruth never
really connected with that partly
because her mum's English girls are not
great and I'm so the first bit of the
book is going to know Ruth and Lou them
through her eyes the middle section is
all about luling looks childhood and
growing up in China and having to flee
China and and go into hiding around the
Second World War and afterwards and how
she made it to America and then it goes
back to Ruth and her family reconciling
and finding a new way forward I thought
it was really beautiful I think um if
you like Chinese Cinderella or wild
swans or even do not say we have nothing
and which people have talked about how
difficult it is a book to read I really
enjoyed it it did take me a long time if
you want something that's sort of a
similar vibe to it of like going through
the past and understanding people's
stories in China then this would be a
great one to read as well don't give up
on it do not say we have nothing because
it's a really good book and it's been
nominated for reasons like it's
interesting and layered and I could go
on about it i'm not going to go on by
okay and then over in comic books i read
the secret love of geek girls which is
this really really cool anthology lips
kick-started and it's a mixture of
essays and comics all about geek girls
and who they love on their passions and
the stories are beautiful every
relationship type and sexuality and race
is represented I'm really hoping that
they will do another sort of anthology
like this because I was so impressed by
it the artist beautiful it includes
writing from people like Kelly sue
deconnick Margaret Atwood marico Tamaki
pulling the gamma show that all artists
that I've really loved in terms of being
an essay collection again very
accessible it's not packed with words
and on a day when I wasn't feeling great
I read loads of the comics and then a
day when I was feeling better i read
loads of the stories and so it has a
non-linearity about it that I really
appreciated over in comic books i read
gem 3 which i thought was pretty good
it's not been my favorite one but four
and five are coming out this year this
one was very weird synergy basically
gets a computer virus that makes her
make creepy noises and turns over on
slightly evil so there's really strange
it was good fun I read miss marvel 6
which I enjoyed although I didn't read
the story line from civil war that a lot
of it references but that doesn't matter
too much it's mostly about Carol Danvers
so the original miss marvel who's not a
captain model and tells her to sort of
take part in this like thought crime
thing have being a thought police and
she wants to follow what Carol tells her
because she gave her her suit and she's
her mentor and it's about her sort of
outgrowing that and it was really good I
really enjoyed it snot girl finally came
out and trade paperback at me okay and I
was so happy and I convinced Alice my
friend smoking tofu I just seen her in
the water stains when i picked it up and
I was like you have to get it they've
got it downstairs just come out and I
love Bryan Lee O'Malley writing because
he's just so accurate and me like he
gets to the core of like everyone's
insecurities lottie person is a fashion
blogger in LA and she secretly has a lot
of allergies hunt smoke girl basically
she stopped to make this friends with
this strange super
cool girl who then has an accident in a
bathroom when lot is the only witness
and Lahti think she's dead but she's not
but there's a lot of weird stuff going
on um really really strange stuff in the
meantime her old intern is dating her
ex-boyfriend and has sort of tried to
make a look as like Lottie used to
before the green hair and the boobs and
everything it's really really funny I
was crying a lot and if you like sort of
the blogosphere then you'll really enjoy
the the hardcore cuts on this is by
Leslie hung it's not by Bryan Lee
O'Malley but I think that's quite
exciting I really like Leslie's art and
I think that it you know it's
interesting to see Brian's words with a
different artists because I'm so used to
his signature sort of manga inspired
thick lines style and that he's been
writing this and he has got a new
graphic novel coming out in the next
future at some point about bands I think
I've been trying to piece it together
from an Instagram for like the last two
years not go very far and I'm really
really glad that he's producing because
he's probably one of my favorite hmm
he's probably my favorite comic book
writer and artist yeah he probably is
because I really read his stuff all the
time and just i love it i love how
snarky all it look at this mess behind
me it's just like pile of books have you
read any of them Tommy tell me what you
thought comment below and subscribe I
will be talking about the whole I got
for this month which was big because
people have been generous and I spent
too much money and then I will talk
about and during that video I'll talk
about what I'm going to read next
month's videos bye
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