Saturday, July 22, 2017

Youtube daily report Jul 23 2017

[Eddy' Intro Music] Before the video starts I have a quick word from our sponsor Haste.

Two to the one to the one to the three

Holy shit- Wait no, you're Kephrii!

...Can someone clip that for me?

[Eddy laughs]

Three to the one to the one to the three

[To team] You guys are winning keep it up.

[Genji] I need Healing- BLEH

Look at him!

He didn't even try out- he just went "Oh, okay I'll Die."


[Eddy, defeated] GG.

Just look at him, you can see the sadness in his eyes.

That was terrifying.

[Winston voice, singing] Rock-a-Bye Baby

[Eddy laughs]

"No talent or skills (I've?) only been watching anime and crying."

That is Exactly Me.

[Music fades]

[Winston voice] How embarrassing...

For more infomation >> YOU DIDDLED IN THE WRONG NEIGHBORHOOD - Duration: 0:59.



For more infomation >> FLASH SEASON/TEMPORADA 4 TRAILER SUB ESP || TRAILER COMIC CON || SDCC 2017 - Duration: 2:13.


Dragon Ball Super AMV - Don't Give Up - Duration: 3:29.

Dragon Ball Super AMV - Don't Give Up

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball Super AMV - Don't Give Up - Duration: 3:29.


New Jurassic Park Electronic Command Compound VS Spinosaurus T-Rex Jurassic World Unboxing - Duration: 22:01.

Wow guys New Jurassic Park Electronic Command Compound VS Spinosaurus T-Rex Jurassic World Unboxing

introduce awesome dinosaur Wow they are really cool he's a pretty much

of the biggest Jurassic Park dinosaurs you are going to climb keep watching

them all Wow guys great to see you again today I have the Jurassic Park compound

all set up here we're going to go ahead check out the options and then I'm going

to go ahead and set them all of the awesome huge dinosaur park dinos that I

have I have I believe every single one of the large Dinosaur toys ones so that is going to be

a lot of fun and I'm going to go ahead and use Rexy here to demonstrate some of

them for you this is the pressure to run okay guys and one of my subscribers

asked to see some of my Jurassic Park characters I really don't know where the

rest are guys I mean I have tons of boxes of toys which I have not reviewed

these so I'm just going to show the few of them I have I think this one's dr.

grant and I do apologize guys because I don't remember the characters names this

is I know this is the guy that our velociraptors you go on that tells the

Velociraptor like girls smart girl when the other

velociraptor eats him so I know that's him I just don't remember his name and

then we've got this one here I did this is uh Billy maybe that could be Billy

the thing is you could use these guys to uh check out the options of this one so

the first thing you got is this big thing here okay so you got this thing

here which if you push in the tip the command center actually cause and make

make make different size okay then this command center actually has like

hundreds of different phrases I'll do just a few of them there you have a

flash of light then you have this sequencer here you have this hatchery

here so these would be like the eggs that you go ahead and so you would use

this to infuse different Dino DNA into the eggs and then let's go ahead and

check out the compound but the compound has several really cool features first

of all back here actually so that command center keeps talking the thing

is this has a really cool breakaway section here you could have like a dino

attack here and ah break the whole wall right off of there

so that's a cool action feature that's one thing I loved about toys in the 80s

they had all the breakaway action features and everything which was really

cool and then up here you have another breakaway action feature this railing

here Dino grabs to pull it right off this door here with the Dino comes

behind you can walk right through the door there and grab one of the guys call

that's uh cool and then over here on this side too you've got another

way wall so I know to just slam right through here ah

grab the guy on the other side yeah good night my friend I do have a lot of

WD Toys has over a 1,000 dinosaur toy video's

them stuff it's a lot of fun and then you get like warning features here

the defensive shape shaking the computer will say different messages and send off

alert injury so that's cool and then of course you've got the gate which each

section of the gate says warning 50,000 volts you got the front gate that opens

and closes so that is a lot of fun I did do a full unboxing of this one so if you

want to check out my odd playlist or you could watch a full

unboxing of it there I got the original box and everything but all let's go

ahead and check out the big dinos first like I said you have

the Thrasher t-rex if you shake its hit its tail here its head moves back and

forth that's why it's called a Thrasher if you go ahead and open its mouth it

will move into lock position and you push his tongue and it small close this

so this is a really cool Dino and also the whole body is rubber this is JP 29

so we're going to go ahead and set this guy up right over there fighting big

and then the next big one we have is to I like this guy because he has

a very flexible neck I mean you could put this guy looks here like his necks

gonna break or something very flexible very fun this guy is all robber

this is JP ho9 the arms loom broad the mouth you can open it close so this guy

is really cool too and we're going to set this guy up here

like it's coming into the gate fighting and then we're going to take

a look at a bunch of the bull t-rex's because they are awesome first of all

this is one that never came out this is the gulper t-rex and as you can see the

colors here this was professionally painted by an artist I bought this one

off of ebay so it never came out but it is the bull t-rex the cool thing about

the bull t-rex is they've got the glass eye but the coolest thing is they will

swallow full-sized action figures and then you just go ahead and open this

lock in his stomach here and pull out your action figure how cool is that and

they do also make roaring noises but there we go it's not very loud so this

this is one of the biggest t-rex we're going to go ahead set this guy up

all plays and then the next one we've got is the

chaos effect bull t-rex the best thing about these ones is their legs when you

put them in a box their legs tend to push together and then they can't stand

up so if you want to get rid of that if you've got other big ones or something

to put store it with something between its legs and then its legs will stay

open to the point where it could stand off it doesn't have a problem was

standing up by itself it looks like looks like this one the batteries died

on it well anyways this is very similar to the last wall except it's

painted in chaos colors so I really like the fact that they have like war paint

colors black eye a sharp teeth same with this guy you could swallow full-sized

action figures and then you just go ahead and take it out of stomach so

we're going to go ahead and set this guy up on the side here with the red rex

because with these big ones we're going to run out of room really quick and then

here is the original bull t-rex this one is really cool this one's the most that

computers going to keep talking this one's the most detailed realistic

looking one it has a lot more realistic looking colors arms through Greenglass

this one also this swallow size action figures and you pull them

out of the stomach there any of these dinosaurs guys i have full reviews and

awesome battles of check that out in my Jurassic Park or play list at the end of

this video and then this one is the Toys R Us exclusive t-rex

the super nice thing about this one is it's like its feet turn so you could put

it in two different positions where the original one that like running position

is the only position you could put it in this one we could put into a much more

upright position and it will stand there by itself or you could move it into

super low position like it's going to one of the guys like an action figure

here I do like the colors of this too it's like an orange gray Brown almost

like a tannish color so this one has like the war paint base too but this one

has a lot more cool sound effect you have a button on the back edge

a much nicer louder sound and this one the does open but you can't swallow

the action figures because there's a speaker down there so this one it's sort

of like a bull t-rex but a little different and on the bottom you have a

speaker and a place for the batteries here too so that here's stopping you

make stomping noises different roars

chewing noises so this guy is really cool to all like I said v my favorite

part of this site is the fact that you could move his feet put them into

different positions then of course you've got this guy this guy's actually

the coolest one but also the most expensive one you're going to find it's

a huge Spinosaurus this is the biggest one you're going to find it's all

covered in rubber and it has different action features because this is actually

the animatronic Spinosaurus so if you push down here by a tail he raises his

head roars

and also he has like a really bad here if you push it you make almost like

a squealing noise and bent his head forward or up it's totally random and

also he has a wound here on his neck if you push it he makes different sounds

Nancy moves his head up or down so like I said I do got a full review on this

one and lots of awesome battles with this one you can check out either that

Jurassic Park playlist at the end of this video or the Jurassic world guys I

got over a thousand videos the majority of them are awesome dinosaur unboxing

and battle videos so this guy off arms move open and close all rubber

so as you can see as it head moves it moves very realistically because it's

all rubber so that is really cool get down like I said it is like Rambo

clearly see how the rubber moves as he moves his head so it looks really cool

and that is actually the coolest dress of carpools you are going to find and

then another really cool one is the demon carnotaur head so this guy is cool

but ah he is super hard to find and very expensive I'm in this one for a smaller

dinosaur you expect to pay 150 for this guy on his mouth does opening clothes

he's got the horns this is actually one and it's of JP 19 this is actually one

of the biggest Carnotaurus dinosaurs were going to find and also he's got the

same problem with his legs that's why I have to lean him against one of these

dinos because his legs tend to move together and then it doesn't want to

stand I also have this remote control t-rex this one is jeepers we usually

find this one for about $30 so it it's actually quite affordable if you push

the remote control button he opens and closes his mouth and he roars

this guy is all rubber - and at one point he used to walk now he just does a

quick shuffle if you push the button the thing is this guy tends to be annoying

because in the box that button gets stucked and he just moves his head up

and down so once again this guy is all rubber to thaw he's not as high quality

as the other then I got this Pachycephalosaurus if you push the

button there his head pops up so you can have him like attack like one of the

dinosaur Park guys are like sent him flying let's check that out again I was

kind of cool haha okay so this guy does have the capture gear and everything

they have the really hard head they are herbivores and this one is so they use

that hard head to protect themselves so they were not fly carnivore and also uh

they could attack other ones sort of like goats at each other and then you

have a cool little like rock-and-roll Velociraptor if you push his legs he

pops back forth so I got a couple of those and then I also have the

calf effect one with the same action feature block really clean bright color

I also have the baby t-rex with the broken leg so that goes with the mobile

command compound which I just did a review on I've you've been watching my

channel that's another one I was just able to find and we also have a

i think the site that guy who moved his leg he moves his head

back he is cool funny-looking dinosaur and then I have a

cool little Triceratops if you move this back leg moves his head set them over

there and then I have this nice huge colorful guy this is JP 58 - this guy

well sure what exactly sure is but he is vertically looking and then I have a

bunch of the smaller Jurassic Park dinosaurs I have all the world

dinosaurs you can check those out Jurassic world playlist I actually have

five playlists going through quads so I have I think about 250 videos there so

you can check all those out which is a lot of fun so here is all the big ones

except guys I could not find my bone crusher Carnotaurus I do have a full

review on it if you want to check out my Jurassic Park playlist but they must

have got mixed in among my toys silver I have a lot of toys guys i have pretty

much every toy i've reviewed so far which is over twenty thousand dollars of

toy they're so quite a bit of searching and

try to keep my dinosaur separate but sometimes they do get mixed up in there

and all guys let me know what other dinosaur videos you want to see reviewed

or what battles you want to see I have a lot of arena battles on the Jurassic

Park in the Youtube Kids world thanks guys I love making these videos for you guys

they are awesome this is my job making the videos for you so if you do enjoy

them please go ahead click like drop me a comment

I do read my comments and like to see with one of my viewers who just common

is not long ago I tried to implement their six suggestions which this one was

to add the Jurassic Park characters I have a lot more like I said I'm not

really sure where they are so guys this was super fun you guys are an awesome

audience I really do appreciate you viewing and guys if you do subscribe

there is a bell next to the subscription button if you push that you get a

notification every time I make a video but I do make daily videos at 2 p.m.

every weekday so Monday through Friday and then on Saturday and 9 p.m. and 9

p.m. I also have videos that are makes I make 7 videos a week mostly dinosaur and

I've been doing - lego speed build stop-motion animation videos a week of

the latest lego toys so those are really too thanks for viewing guys and

I will see you Wow guys that was a lot of fun and if you enjoyed the video make

sure you click Subscribe and the thumbs up button down below the video in

today's secret word is a word good put that in the comment section below the

video on those you remember my club look to the video ends there's an awesome

incurred lot more fun with you click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos

and if you want to see even more go ahead and click the subscribe button

For more infomation >> New Jurassic Park Electronic Command Compound VS Spinosaurus T-Rex Jurassic World Unboxing - Duration: 22:01.


Go out with MOTO RVFとCB400SBで走る 人が多かったるり渓 There were many people.Ruri River, Kyoto. - Duration: 15:24.


♪ Let's go out by motorcycle

♪ Let's ride a motorcycle

♪ Feel the season

♪Let's be wind

♪ A pleasant world is waiting for you

♪ Motorcycle Touring

♪ Let's go to motorcycle touring!

"Welcome To hot springs Ruri River "

Ruri River, Kyoto.

"Kyoto Ruri River Park Information Guide"

Are we going to walk?

Let us stop to walk.:)

Let's go by motorcycle here.

Let's stop walking. :)

This river do you need to walk in earnest.

Ruri River

Let's have a meal.

It is a beautiful cafe.

When it is said that the provision of meal is over · · ·

That is a shock.

! Exit the provision of lunch. !

What is lunch instead?



Let's stop eating the cake.

For more infomation >> Go out with MOTO RVFとCB400SBで走る 人が多かったるり渓 There were many people.Ruri River, Kyoto. - Duration: 15:24.


영화 '나홀로 집에' 아버지 역 영화배우 존 허드 별세(종합) - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> 영화 '나홀로 집에' 아버지 역 영화배우 존 허드 별세(종합) - Duration: 2:12.


New Jurassic Park Electronic Command Compound VS Spinosaurus T-Rex Jurassic World Unboxing - Duration: 22:01.

Wow guys New Jurassic Park Electronic Command Compound VS Spinosaurus T-Rex Jurassic World Unboxing

introduce awesome dinosaur Wow they are really cool he's a pretty much

of the biggest Jurassic Park dinosaurs you are going to climb keep watching

them all Wow guys great to see you again today I have the Jurassic Park compound

all set up here we're going to go ahead check out the options and then I'm going

to go ahead and set them all of the awesome huge dinosaur park dinos that I

have I have I believe every single one of the large Dinosaur toys ones so that is going to be

a lot of fun and I'm going to go ahead and use Rexy here to demonstrate some of

them for you this is the pressure to run okay guys and one of my subscribers

asked to see some of my Jurassic Park characters I really don't know where the

rest are guys I mean I have tons of boxes of toys which I have not reviewed

these so I'm just going to show the few of them I have I think this one's dr.

grant and I do apologize guys because I don't remember the characters names this

is I know this is the guy that our velociraptors you go on that tells the

Velociraptor like girls smart girl when the other

velociraptor eats him so I know that's him I just don't remember his name and

then we've got this one here I did this is uh Billy maybe that could be Billy

the thing is you could use these guys to uh check out the options of this one so

the first thing you got is this big thing here okay so you got this thing

here which if you push in the tip the command center actually cause and make

make make different size okay then this command center actually has like

hundreds of different phrases I'll do just a few of them there you have a

flash of light then you have this sequencer here you have this hatchery

here so these would be like the eggs that you go ahead and so you would use

this to infuse different Dino DNA into the eggs and then let's go ahead and

check out the compound but the compound has several really cool features first

of all back here actually so that command center keeps talking the thing

is this has a really cool breakaway section here you could have like a dino

attack here and ah break the whole wall right off of there

so that's a cool action feature that's one thing I loved about toys in the 80s

they had all the breakaway action features and everything which was really

cool and then up here you have another breakaway action feature this railing

here Dino grabs to pull it right off this door here with the Dino comes

behind you can walk right through the door there and grab one of the guys call

that's uh cool and then over here on this side too you've got another

way wall so I know to just slam right through here ah

grab the guy on the other side yeah good night my friend I do have a lot of

WD Toys has over a 1,000 dinosaur toy video's

them stuff it's a lot of fun and then you get like warning features here

the defensive shape shaking the computer will say different messages and send off

alert injury so that's cool and then of course you've got the gate which each

section of the gate says warning 50,000 volts you got the front gate that opens

and closes so that is a lot of fun I did do a full unboxing of this one so if you

want to check out my odd playlist or you could watch a full

unboxing of it there I got the original box and everything but all let's go

ahead and check out the big dinos first like I said you have

the Thrasher t-rex if you shake its hit its tail here its head moves back and

forth that's why it's called a Thrasher if you go ahead and open its mouth it

will move into lock position and you push his tongue and it small close this

so this is a really cool Dino and also the whole body is rubber this is JP 29

so we're going to go ahead and set this guy up right over there fighting big

and then the next big one we have is to I like this guy because he has

a very flexible neck I mean you could put this guy looks here like his necks

gonna break or something very flexible very fun this guy is all robber

this is JP ho9 the arms loom broad the mouth you can open it close so this guy

is really cool too and we're going to set this guy up here

like it's coming into the gate fighting and then we're going to take

a look at a bunch of the bull t-rex's because they are awesome first of all

this is one that never came out this is the gulper t-rex and as you can see the

colors here this was professionally painted by an artist I bought this one

off of ebay so it never came out but it is the bull t-rex the cool thing about

the bull t-rex is they've got the glass eye but the coolest thing is they will

swallow full-sized action figures and then you just go ahead and open this

lock in his stomach here and pull out your action figure how cool is that and

they do also make roaring noises but there we go it's not very loud so this

this is one of the biggest t-rex we're going to go ahead set this guy up

all plays and then the next one we've got is the

chaos effect bull t-rex the best thing about these ones is their legs when you

put them in a box their legs tend to push together and then they can't stand

up so if you want to get rid of that if you've got other big ones or something

to put store it with something between its legs and then its legs will stay

open to the point where it could stand off it doesn't have a problem was

standing up by itself it looks like looks like this one the batteries died

on it well anyways this is very similar to the last wall except it's

painted in chaos colors so I really like the fact that they have like war paint

colors black eye a sharp teeth same with this guy you could swallow full-sized

action figures and then you just go ahead and take it out of stomach so

we're going to go ahead and set this guy up on the side here with the red rex

because with these big ones we're going to run out of room really quick and then

here is the original bull t-rex this one is really cool this one's the most that

computers going to keep talking this one's the most detailed realistic

looking one it has a lot more realistic looking colors arms through Greenglass

this one also this swallow size action figures and you pull them

out of the stomach there any of these dinosaurs guys i have full reviews and

awesome battles of check that out in my Jurassic Park or play list at the end of

this video and then this one is the Toys R Us exclusive t-rex

the super nice thing about this one is it's like its feet turn so you could put

it in two different positions where the original one that like running position

is the only position you could put it in this one we could put into a much more

upright position and it will stand there by itself or you could move it into

super low position like it's going to one of the guys like an action figure

here I do like the colors of this too it's like an orange gray Brown almost

like a tannish color so this one has like the war paint base too but this one

has a lot more cool sound effect you have a button on the back edge

a much nicer louder sound and this one the does open but you can't swallow

the action figures because there's a speaker down there so this one it's sort

of like a bull t-rex but a little different and on the bottom you have a

speaker and a place for the batteries here too so that here's stopping you

make stomping noises different roars

chewing noises so this guy is really cool to all like I said v my favorite

part of this site is the fact that you could move his feet put them into

different positions then of course you've got this guy this guy's actually

the coolest one but also the most expensive one you're going to find it's

a huge Spinosaurus this is the biggest one you're going to find it's all

covered in rubber and it has different action features because this is actually

the animatronic Spinosaurus so if you push down here by a tail he raises his

head roars

and also he has like a really bad here if you push it you make almost like

a squealing noise and bent his head forward or up it's totally random and

also he has a wound here on his neck if you push it he makes different sounds

Nancy moves his head up or down so like I said I do got a full review on this

one and lots of awesome battles with this one you can check out either that

Jurassic Park playlist at the end of this video or the Jurassic world guys I

got over a thousand videos the majority of them are awesome dinosaur unboxing

and battle videos so this guy off arms move open and close all rubber

so as you can see as it head moves it moves very realistically because it's

all rubber so that is really cool get down like I said it is like Rambo

clearly see how the rubber moves as he moves his head so it looks really cool

and that is actually the coolest dress of carpools you are going to find and

then another really cool one is the demon carnotaur head so this guy is cool

but ah he is super hard to find and very expensive I'm in this one for a smaller

dinosaur you expect to pay 150 for this guy on his mouth does opening clothes

he's got the horns this is actually one and it's of JP 19 this is actually one

of the biggest Carnotaurus dinosaurs were going to find and also he's got the

same problem with his legs that's why I have to lean him against one of these

dinos because his legs tend to move together and then it doesn't want to

stand I also have this remote control t-rex this one is jeepers we usually

find this one for about $30 so it it's actually quite affordable if you push

the remote control button he opens and closes his mouth and he roars

this guy is all rubber - and at one point he used to walk now he just does a

quick shuffle if you push the button the thing is this guy tends to be annoying

because in the box that button gets stucked and he just moves his head up

and down so once again this guy is all rubber to thaw he's not as high quality

as the other then I got this Pachycephalosaurus if you push the

button there his head pops up so you can have him like attack like one of the

dinosaur Park guys are like sent him flying let's check that out again I was

kind of cool haha okay so this guy does have the capture gear and everything

they have the really hard head they are herbivores and this one is so they use

that hard head to protect themselves so they were not fly carnivore and also uh

they could attack other ones sort of like goats at each other and then you

have a cool little like rock-and-roll Velociraptor if you push his legs he

pops back forth so I got a couple of those and then I also have the

calf effect one with the same action feature block really clean bright color

I also have the baby t-rex with the broken leg so that goes with the mobile

command compound which I just did a review on I've you've been watching my

channel that's another one I was just able to find and we also have a

i think the site that guy who moved his leg he moves his head

back he is cool funny-looking dinosaur and then I have a

cool little Triceratops if you move this back leg moves his head set them over

there and then I have this nice huge colorful guy this is JP 58 - this guy

well sure what exactly sure is but he is vertically looking and then I have a

bunch of the smaller Jurassic Park dinosaurs I have all the world

dinosaurs you can check those out Jurassic world playlist I actually have

five playlists going through quads so I have I think about 250 videos there so

you can check all those out which is a lot of fun so here is all the big ones

except guys I could not find my bone crusher Carnotaurus I do have a full

review on it if you want to check out my Jurassic Park playlist but they must

have got mixed in among my toys silver I have a lot of toys guys i have pretty

much every toy i've reviewed so far which is over twenty thousand dollars of

toy they're so quite a bit of searching and

try to keep my dinosaur separate but sometimes they do get mixed up in there

and all guys let me know what other dinosaur videos you want to see reviewed

or what battles you want to see I have a lot of arena battles on the Jurassic

Park in the Youtube Kids world thanks guys I love making these videos for you guys

they are awesome this is my job making the videos for you so if you do enjoy

them please go ahead click like drop me a comment

I do read my comments and like to see with one of my viewers who just common

is not long ago I tried to implement their six suggestions which this one was

to add the Jurassic Park characters I have a lot more like I said I'm not

really sure where they are so guys this was super fun you guys are an awesome

audience I really do appreciate you viewing and guys if you do subscribe

there is a bell next to the subscription button if you push that you get a

notification every time I make a video but I do make daily videos at 2 p.m.

every weekday so Monday through Friday and then on Saturday and 9 p.m. and 9

p.m. I also have videos that are makes I make 7 videos a week mostly dinosaur and

I've been doing - lego speed build stop-motion animation videos a week of

the latest lego toys so those are really too thanks for viewing guys and

I will see you Wow guys that was a lot of fun and if you enjoyed the video make

sure you click Subscribe and the thumbs up button down below the video in

today's secret word is a word good put that in the comment section below the

video on those you remember my club look to the video ends there's an awesome

incurred lot more fun with you click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos

and if you want to see even more go ahead and click the subscribe button

For more infomation >> New Jurassic Park Electronic Command Compound VS Spinosaurus T-Rex Jurassic World Unboxing - Duration: 22:01.


7 Things You Need To Know About Anthony Scaramucci, the new White House communications director - Duration: 5:37.

President Trump has a new White House communications director: Anthony Scaramucci.

The move has prompted a bit of a shakeup, as Press Secretary Sean Spicer has resigned

from his position.

What can people expect out of Scaramucci?

Here are seven things you need to know about him.


Scaramucci is a Wall Street hedge fund manager.

He was Goldman Sachs' vice-president of Private Wealth Management and co-founder of Oscar

Capital Management before founding SkyBridge Capital, the investment firm that now manages

$11.4 billion in assets.


Scaramucci is known for being a media savant.

Per The Atlantic:

Like Trump, Scaramucci's knack was not so much business acumen — SkyBridge was a notably

poorly performing fund — but salesmanship and courting the media.

Nicknamed "the Mooch" by reporters, he hosted a splashy annual conference in Las

Vegas and was a frequent media presence.

It's easy to see why Trump likes him.


Scaramucci has described his politics as being "socially inclusive, fiscally responsible."

Scaramucci told Gawker in 2015 that's how he describes himself because he hates labels.

He did say that he is a loyal Republican voter, with the exception of voting for Barack Obama

in 2008.

While Scaramucci decried the gap in compensation between CEOs and workers in the interview,

he said that school choice was a viable way to reduce compensation, and told people that

they shouldn't victimize themselves over inequality.

"Life is unfair," Scaramucci said.

"So the first thing you gotta do is end the bitterness and the disentitlement syndrome,

where you're like 'I'm behind the eight ball so therefore I can't get out.'"

Scaramucci also said that people should reach out to "mentoring communities" and non-governmental

organizations and avoid drugs.

In 2012, Scaramucci tweeted out support for gun control:

We (the USA) has 5% of the world's population but 50% of the world's guns.

Enough is enough.

It is just common sense it apply more controls

— Anthony Scaramucci, August 6, 2012


Scaramucci was critical of Trump in 2015.

After Trump went after hedge fund managers, Scaramucci declared that Trump has "a big


"You're an inherited money dude from Queens County," Scaramucci said on Fox Business.

"Bring it, Donald."

He also called Trump "another hack politician."


However, Scaramucci has become an ardent supporter of Trump.

He served on the Trump campaign's fundraising committee and was on Trump's transition team.

After a potential job as the Trump administration's business liaison fell through, Scaramucci

has been working in the Export-Import Bank.

Scaramucci has been an attack dog against Trump's critics; some examples include: (H/T:

Weekly Standard)

Back in December, Scaramucci defended Trump's waffling on climate change, saying that "there

was overwhelming science that the earth was flat" and that "we get a lot of things

wrong in the scientific community."

In January, he criticized media hysteria over Trump's calling NATO obsolete, saying that

people should stop "setting their hair on fire" and "don't need to run around

like crazy."

In February, he speculated on Twitter that the bombing of a Jewish community center might

be connected to Democrats' "effort to incite violence at Trump rallies."

In April, Scaramucci told CNN's Chris Cuomo that Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner was

"like Alexander Hamilton."

"He's got the trust of the president.

He's very, very thoughtful.

He knows how to bring people in," he said.

"That was Hamilton's great gift at a very young age."

Scaramucci also shares his new boss's distaste for the media.

In June, after he was the subject of a now-retracted CNN story that attempted to link him to the

Russian Direct Investment Fund, Scaramucci said that media organizations everywhere needed

to "tighten up editorial standards."

"Once you start to lose your integrity and your reputation as a news organization, people

start to get tone deaf," he said on Fox & Friends.


Scaramucci's appointment as Trump's business liaison fell through over the sale of his

stake in SkyBridge.

The sale of his stake in January involved firms connected to the Chinese government.

Scaramucci hasn't sold his stake in Skybridge yet; it was supposed to be finalized on June

30, but has faced a number of setbacks.


Spicer, Reince Priebus and Steve Bannon really didn't want Scaramucci to serve as Trump's

communications director.

"This was a murdering of Reince and Bannon," a chief White House official told Politico.

"They said Anthony would get this job over their dead bodies."

Spicer was concerned that Scaramucci had zero experience in communications.

However, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, National Economic Director Gary Cohn, and Deputy National

Security Advisor Dina Powell all supported Scaramucci for the position; they won over

Priebus, Bannon and Spicer.

For more infomation >> 7 Things You Need To Know About Anthony Scaramucci, the new White House communications director - Duration: 5:37.


Khim Sokheng - How to Pass Grade 12 Exame | Success Reveal - Duration: 1:03:27.

Success Reveal

Khim Sokheng - How to Pass Grade 12 Exame

Mr. Khim Sokheng

For more infomation >> Khim Sokheng - How to Pass Grade 12 Exame | Success Reveal - Duration: 1:03:27.


Divided America Part 3

For more infomation >> Divided America Part 3


[ROBLOX] Epic mini games | with my voice :v | btw i speak indonesia :v | read desc - Duration: 8:55.

For more infomation >> [ROBLOX] Epic mini games | with my voice :v | btw i speak indonesia :v | read desc - Duration: 8:55.


Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-I DYNAMIC BUSINESS (Navi, Clima) - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-I DYNAMIC BUSINESS (Navi, Clima) - Duration: 0:42.


Toyota Yaris 1.0i 5drs, Airco! SUMMERSALE 10%! Zondag Open! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0i 5drs, Airco! SUMMERSALE 10%! Zondag Open! - Duration: 1:01.


Hyundai i20 1.2I DYNAMICVERSION =RIJKLAAR= 5-deurs / Airco / Lmv / 4-seizoens banden - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.2I DYNAMICVERSION =RIJKLAAR= 5-deurs / Airco / Lmv / 4-seizoens banden - Duration: 0:53.


Hyundai Matrix 1.6i GLS (Meeneem prijs) - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Matrix 1.6i GLS (Meeneem prijs) - Duration: 0:54.



[Eddy' Intro Music] Before the video starts I have a quick word from our sponsor Haste.

Two to the one to the one to the three

Holy shit- Wait no, you're Kephrii!

...Can someone clip that for me?

[Eddy laughs]

Three to the one to the one to the three

[To team] You guys are winning keep it up.

[Genji] I need Healing- BLEH

Look at him!

He didn't even try out- he just went "Oh, okay I'll Die."


[Eddy, defeated] GG.

Just look at him, you can see the sadness in his eyes.

That was terrifying.

[Winston voice, singing] Rock-a-Bye Baby

[Eddy laughs]

"No talent or skills (I've?) only been watching anime and crying."

That is Exactly Me.

[Music fades]

[Winston voice] How embarrassing...

For more infomation >> YOU DIDDLED IN THE WRONG NEIGHBORHOOD - Duration: 0:59.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHAYLA!!!! - Duration: 1:07.

Delusions of how you want things to be and reality.

Stir them up and build your individuality.

Deleting yet another of the problems you've been holding.

Taking things from beginning to end, that's my entertainment!

Boom boom boom.

Dancing through the skies.

This unraveled future isn't dead yet!

For more infomation >> HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHAYLA!!!! - Duration: 1:07.


Spoons? - Duration: 0:13.

do you ever just.....


*cat smacks paper plate with yellow brick*

bye bye water

bye bye soggy paper plate


ah shit it's going everywhere

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

isn't life great?

subscribe if you want to die of cringe... or not

For more infomation >> Spoons? - Duration: 0:13.


[SUB/SPA] Jikook live - Duration: 13:40.

For more infomation >> [SUB/SPA] Jikook live - Duration: 13:40.



For more infomation >> MY MOM FAV GROUPS AND SOLOISTS [100% HER OPINION] - Duration: 8:27.


Roman Abramovich intervenes to sign off £50m deal for Nemanja Matic to MU - Duration: 7:20.

Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich intervenes to sign off £50m deal for Nemanja Matic to join Manchester United

CHELSEA owner Roman Abramovich has given the green light for Nemanja Matic to pursue a £50million transfer to Manchester United. The Red Devils have been trying to tie-up a deal for the Serbian international all summer.

Nemanja Matics move to Manchester United is now firmly back on.

Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich has given the green light to the move. Matic, 28, was desperate for a reunion with his former boss Jose Mourinho at Old Trafford.

However, the Blues turned down United's initial £35m offer. But the Stamford Bridge kingpin has now intervened and sanctioned the sale of the star should his valuation be met.

Despite being a key part of Antonio Contes Premier League-winning squad last season, the bulldozing midfielder wants to leave the champions.

Inter Milan have also shown an interest in the star with fellow Serie A side Juventus also join the chase for his signature.

The latter were due to open talks with Chelsea next week over a potential deal but United are determined to get the move completed this month and are expected to lodge a second bid.

Nemanja Matic wants to reunite with his former Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho.

Roman Abramovic has intervened to reward the Serb for his efforts in helping the club win the league twice in the last three seasons.

Although relations soured between the clubs after Mourinho gazumped his old side to sign £75m Romelu Lukaku, tensions appear to have now cooled. The West London outfit are happy to do business with United should they match their asking price.

Abramovich gave his blessing to the move as a reward for his services in helping the club win the title twice in the last three seasons.

Chelsea have already rejected a bid of £35m for the midfielder.

Jose Mourinho has been chasing Matic all summer.

The Manchester United boss is now set to make him his third big money recruit of the summer. The former Benfica remains in England after not joining the rest of the Chelsea squad on their pre-season trip to the USA.

Matic is keen on working with the Portuguese boss again despite their rollercoaster relationship at Stamford Bridge.

The pair enjoyed plenty of success together, but he was infamously brought on as a substitute before being taken off 28 minutes later by Mourinho during a defeat against Southampton.

  Nemanja Matic vs Tiemoue Bakayoko: Take a look at their 2016/2017 stats.

Antonio Conte preferred to sell the midfielder abroad.

Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich has given the green light for Nemanja Matic to join Manchester United.

Jose Mourinho now appears to have beaten Juventus and Inter to the star. Speaking about the incident, Matic previously said: I felt terrible to be subbed, to be honest.

I am a man first of all and, of course, I felt bad at that moment. But as you know, I didn't react, I stayed professional.

Normally some of the players react to that and cause some problems but as you can see I didn't react and showed respect for the coach and for the club and my team.

  Nemanja Matic scores one of the greatest goals in FA Cup history. It was very hard. You have to play and see how it feels.

I knew I did the right thing when I sat on the bench. I knew I did the right thing and I am proud that I didn't react..

Nemanja Matic factfile - The tough tackling Serb who scored a wondergoal in the FA Cup semi-final Born in Sabac, Serbia, in August, 1988.

He began his career aged five at Vrelo, where he was coached by his father, just 500m from his house. In 2005 he signed for Serbian club Kolubara, and then moved to Slovakian side Kosice in 2007.

He spent time on trial at Middlesbrough before Chelsea beat Sunderland and Tottenham to sign him in August 2009 for £1.5million. After two first team games, Chelsea sent him on loan to Dutch side Vitesse Arnhem.

In January 2011 Matic was sold to Benfica along with £21million in exchange for Brazil defender David Luiz. He flourished at Benfica, was named Portuguese Player of the Year and reached the Europa League final, where they were beaten by Chelsea.

In January 2014, Chelsea, under manager Jose Mourinho, signed him back for £21million, and he made his second Chelsea debut against Man Utd.

He has won two Premier League titles in three seasons at Chelsea, and last season played 40 games, scoring twice including a stunning strike in the FA Cup semi-final against Tottenham.

Matic is a strong tackling defensive midfielder who is tactically disciplined and at 6ft 4in tall is very good in the air. His brother Uros is also a professional footballer, with FC Copenhagen.

He is married to childhood sweetheart Aleksandra, who he met at school, and they have two children.

For more infomation >> Roman Abramovich intervenes to sign off £50m deal for Nemanja Matic to MU - Duration: 7:20.


Sung Hyun Park Wins U.S. Women's Open, Edging an Amateur. - Duration: 2:51.

BEDMINSTER, N.J. — Sung Hyun Park, a 23-year-old South Korean with a fluid swing and stalwart nerves, dropped a 20-foot putt on the 15th green and then a 6-footer on the 17th, capturing the United States Women's Open with the decisive birdies on Sunday.

Consistency and length carried the day for Park, who carded only one bogey to shoot a five-under-par round of 67 at Trump National Golf Club. Park

chased and then surpassed Hye-Jin Choi, a plucky 17-year-old amateur from South Korea, playing one pairing behind her. Choi dumped a critical seven-iron shot off the tee into a pond on the 16th to wreck her own fairy tale.

Feng Shanshan of China, the front-runner for most of the tournament, imploded on the final hole with a triple-bogey 8, dropping her into a tie for fifth at six under.

I have had a lot of winnings, but winning here at the U.S. Open means so much more," said Park, who had seven victories on the Korean tour last year.

She has the nickname Dak Gong, an informal phrase that can be translated as "Shut up and attack."

"Not like other Koreans, I am more aggressive in my game," Park said through an interpreter. "I focus on my attack and being aggressive. And I like that name."

The triumph for Park, her first major title and her first victory on the L.P.G.A. Tour, represented a significant breakthrough. With her 11-under 277, she defeated Choi by two strokes to earn the largest prize in the history of women's golf, $900,000.

But there was considerable irony embedded in the final leaderboard. Playing under the gaze of the club's owner, President Trump, who preaches "America first," golfers from the United States failed to finish among the top 10 in this tournament for the first time.

Trump did not attend the victory ceremony, but he applauded the top two finishers as they passed under his box.

I flew all the way here from Korea, long distance, and then on top of that the United States president clapped for me and cheered for me," Choi said. "I was touched."

Marina Alex, from Wayne, N.J., about 40 miles away, was the top American finisher, in a tie for 11th. Paula Creamer's seventh-place tie in 2012, behind six non-Americans, represented the previous United States low point at the Open

Off the 18th green, Alex was greeted with a hug from her first-grade teacher before declining to provide a detailed answer to a question about whether the Americans' performance was cause for concern. "No, sir, I don't think so," she said. "Next question."

Lexi Thompson entered the tournament ranked third in the Rolex rankings, while Cristie Kerr, Stacy Lewis and Danielle Kang, who recently won the

Women's P.G.A. Championship, were all among the top 20. Ten of the top 15 players were from East Asia, including eight from South Korea. Park was 11th.

Politics continued to dog the tournament Sunday, the president's third straight day at the club, as protests directed at him moved inside the gate.

Six New Jersey-based protesters bought tickets and stood near a concession stand with shirts that spelled out "R-e-s-i-s-t" on the front and "This is not … N-o-r-m-a-l," on the back.

When Trump appeared in his customized tent near the 15th green early in the afternoon, he was greeted with cheers from a gathering of supporters. But another group of four

protesters stood facing him, wearing purple jerseys that read, "Dump Sexist Trump.

"I, like millions of others, am a survivor of sexual harassment and assault," said Hope Singsen of New York. "I'm here to

express my disgust at the U.S.G.A. for using sport to legitimize a sexual predator," she continued, with a reference to the United States Golf Association.

The president was photographed pointing at the protesters, though he spent most of the time with his back turned to the crowd, watching the

tournament on a television in his suite. Late in the day, he was joined by his wife, Melania. Security guards did not remove any protesters from the course.

For more infomation >> Sung Hyun Park Wins U.S. Women's Open, Edging an Amateur. - Duration: 2:51.


LOL NEW WIN BUG! - Duration: 11:35.

For more infomation >> LOL NEW WIN BUG! - Duration: 11:35.


Dragon Ball Super AMV - Don't Give Up - Duration: 3:29.

Dragon Ball Super AMV - Don't Give Up

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball Super AMV - Don't Give Up - Duration: 3:29.


Sade Greatest Hits Live Collection Full Album - The Best Of Sade Playlist - Duration: 1:05:11.

For more infomation >> Sade Greatest Hits Live Collection Full Album - The Best Of Sade Playlist - Duration: 1:05:11.


UPDATE: USPS Corruption in Johnson CIty NY - Duration: 6:53.

Greetings CWN NEWS audience;

Today I received a piece of mail that should not have been opened and inspected by the

United States Postal Service due to the privacy nature of the contents inside.

This action was unlawful and the USPS will take accountability of that issue.

The letter contained medical information and other private issues for my 4-year old daughter

regarding publicly state/federally funded school attendance for starting in the fall.

My future intentions will result contacting the postal inspectors office and the County

DA office, and ACLU on Monday.

At this time; we turned in a FOIL REQUEST to get a copy of the police report to pursue

a lawsuit against the United States Postal Service.

Currently, law enforcement is involved and still waiting statements from: Family Enrichment

Services, United States Postal Services and soon United States Postal Inspectors Office.

Family Enrichment is a publicly funded program that taxpayers as yourself pays for on a monthly


This was the first time we had a letter inspected that was sent from a publicly funded government

agency, and this will be the last time our letters get inspected.

Per federal statute law; USPS is required to have a search warrant to open and inspect

contents of a letter.

USPS did not have a search warrant so the actions was unlawful and I will pursue legal

counsel on those issues.

Including get the USPS on HIPPA violations and privacy violations of a minor.

The federal government will be required to explain themselves in their unlawful actions

against a minor and unlawful actions on not getting a search warrant for a letter that

wasn't addressed to them.

The laws that was violated was: -18 USC Section 1702 POSTAL SERVICE rules

and regulations - Fourth Amendment and rule 41.

-The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and that includes the

minors section of that law -5 U.S.C. § 552a which is the privacy law

The Postal Service did violate their own rules and also the USPS inspector service.

The website address of those rules is in the description below.

I will not allow this to rest and I refuse to allow the federal government to get away

with this type of unlawful actions.

All I will say from this time forward; the DOJ Office better be ready to fight a hard

case that I know you won't win.

For Johnson City New York, you do have a lot of explaining to do, but I will wait until

I take this to court.

Your actions was 100% unlawful and your corruption is not welcome in America.

You just screwed the wrong family and I will see you in court.

We've saved the evidence and made several copies just in case.

Our master copy will be held off property in a secure location.

The evidence now is protected by federal law.

Due to the matter of personal interest, I have selected another reporter for CWN NEWS

to cover all updates for me during this investigation.

As president and ceo of CWN NEWS, I want to stay professional with you guys but also expose

corruption and other matters for public interest.

Thank you for joining this broadcast and I should have another statement late Monday

or the early part of the next week.

As president and CEO; I want to serve at the pleasure of my CWN NEWS audience.

Thank you for watch, my God Bless America!

For more infomation >> UPDATE: USPS Corruption in Johnson CIty NY - Duration: 6:53.


Update - R. Kelly holding 6 women against their will in a - Cult according to their parents - Duration: 1:10.

What's up, everybody? I wanted to do this quick video on R. Kelly holding 6 women against their will in a - Cult according to their parents. This dude is like how old again

You know if he is doing all the stuff that people are claiming that he's doing

He definitely needs to go to jail - Because of R. Kelly holding 6 women against their will in a - Cult according to their parents

so anyways, I just want to know if it's true and

How you know long is it going to go on I don't think that a person should be held

Under somewhere else as will. I really really really hope that none of this is true. This is a good way to

Ruin People's

life, so I want to know what your opinion is and

Why are kelly is not in jail if all this stuff is true. Please leave a comment, or make a video then follow up out? R. Kelly holding 6 women against their will in a - Cult according to their parents

For more infomation >> Update - R. Kelly holding 6 women against their will in a - Cult according to their parents - Duration: 1:10.


New Jurassic Park Electronic Command Compound VS Spinosaurus T-Rex Jurassic World Unboxing - Duration: 22:01.

Wow guys New Jurassic Park Electronic Command Compound VS Spinosaurus T-Rex Jurassic World Unboxing

introduce awesome dinosaur Wow they are really cool he's a pretty much

of the biggest Jurassic Park dinosaurs you are going to climb keep watching

them all Wow guys great to see you again today I have the Jurassic Park compound

all set up here we're going to go ahead check out the options and then I'm going

to go ahead and set them all of the awesome huge dinosaur park dinos that I

have I have I believe every single one of the large Dinosaur toys ones so that is going to be

a lot of fun and I'm going to go ahead and use Rexy here to demonstrate some of

them for you this is the pressure to run okay guys and one of my subscribers

asked to see some of my Jurassic Park characters I really don't know where the

rest are guys I mean I have tons of boxes of toys which I have not reviewed

these so I'm just going to show the few of them I have I think this one's dr.

grant and I do apologize guys because I don't remember the characters names this

is I know this is the guy that our velociraptors you go on that tells the

Velociraptor like girls smart girl when the other

velociraptor eats him so I know that's him I just don't remember his name and

then we've got this one here I did this is uh Billy maybe that could be Billy

the thing is you could use these guys to uh check out the options of this one so

the first thing you got is this big thing here okay so you got this thing

here which if you push in the tip the command center actually cause and make

make make different size okay then this command center actually has like

hundreds of different phrases I'll do just a few of them there you have a

flash of light then you have this sequencer here you have this hatchery

here so these would be like the eggs that you go ahead and so you would use

this to infuse different Dino DNA into the eggs and then let's go ahead and

check out the compound but the compound has several really cool features first

of all back here actually so that command center keeps talking the thing

is this has a really cool breakaway section here you could have like a dino

attack here and ah break the whole wall right off of there

so that's a cool action feature that's one thing I loved about toys in the 80s

they had all the breakaway action features and everything which was really

cool and then up here you have another breakaway action feature this railing

here Dino grabs to pull it right off this door here with the Dino comes

behind you can walk right through the door there and grab one of the guys call

that's uh cool and then over here on this side too you've got another

way wall so I know to just slam right through here ah

grab the guy on the other side yeah good night my friend I do have a lot of

WD Toys has over a 1,000 dinosaur toy video's

them stuff it's a lot of fun and then you get like warning features here

the defensive shape shaking the computer will say different messages and send off

alert injury so that's cool and then of course you've got the gate which each

section of the gate says warning 50,000 volts you got the front gate that opens

and closes so that is a lot of fun I did do a full unboxing of this one so if you

want to check out my odd playlist or you could watch a full

unboxing of it there I got the original box and everything but all let's go

ahead and check out the big dinos first like I said you have

the Thrasher t-rex if you shake its hit its tail here its head moves back and

forth that's why it's called a Thrasher if you go ahead and open its mouth it

will move into lock position and you push his tongue and it small close this

so this is a really cool Dino and also the whole body is rubber this is JP 29

so we're going to go ahead and set this guy up right over there fighting big

and then the next big one we have is to I like this guy because he has

a very flexible neck I mean you could put this guy looks here like his necks

gonna break or something very flexible very fun this guy is all robber

this is JP ho9 the arms loom broad the mouth you can open it close so this guy

is really cool too and we're going to set this guy up here

like it's coming into the gate fighting and then we're going to take

a look at a bunch of the bull t-rex's because they are awesome first of all

this is one that never came out this is the gulper t-rex and as you can see the

colors here this was professionally painted by an artist I bought this one

off of ebay so it never came out but it is the bull t-rex the cool thing about

the bull t-rex is they've got the glass eye but the coolest thing is they will

swallow full-sized action figures and then you just go ahead and open this

lock in his stomach here and pull out your action figure how cool is that and

they do also make roaring noises but there we go it's not very loud so this

this is one of the biggest t-rex we're going to go ahead set this guy up

all plays and then the next one we've got is the

chaos effect bull t-rex the best thing about these ones is their legs when you

put them in a box their legs tend to push together and then they can't stand

up so if you want to get rid of that if you've got other big ones or something

to put store it with something between its legs and then its legs will stay

open to the point where it could stand off it doesn't have a problem was

standing up by itself it looks like looks like this one the batteries died

on it well anyways this is very similar to the last wall except it's

painted in chaos colors so I really like the fact that they have like war paint

colors black eye a sharp teeth same with this guy you could swallow full-sized

action figures and then you just go ahead and take it out of stomach so

we're going to go ahead and set this guy up on the side here with the red rex

because with these big ones we're going to run out of room really quick and then

here is the original bull t-rex this one is really cool this one's the most that

computers going to keep talking this one's the most detailed realistic

looking one it has a lot more realistic looking colors arms through Greenglass

this one also this swallow size action figures and you pull them

out of the stomach there any of these dinosaurs guys i have full reviews and

awesome battles of check that out in my Jurassic Park or play list at the end of

this video and then this one is the Toys R Us exclusive t-rex

the super nice thing about this one is it's like its feet turn so you could put

it in two different positions where the original one that like running position

is the only position you could put it in this one we could put into a much more

upright position and it will stand there by itself or you could move it into

super low position like it's going to one of the guys like an action figure

here I do like the colors of this too it's like an orange gray Brown almost

like a tannish color so this one has like the war paint base too but this one

has a lot more cool sound effect you have a button on the back edge

a much nicer louder sound and this one the does open but you can't swallow

the action figures because there's a speaker down there so this one it's sort

of like a bull t-rex but a little different and on the bottom you have a

speaker and a place for the batteries here too so that here's stopping you

make stomping noises different roars

chewing noises so this guy is really cool to all like I said v my favorite

part of this site is the fact that you could move his feet put them into

different positions then of course you've got this guy this guy's actually

the coolest one but also the most expensive one you're going to find it's

a huge Spinosaurus this is the biggest one you're going to find it's all

covered in rubber and it has different action features because this is actually

the animatronic Spinosaurus so if you push down here by a tail he raises his

head roars

and also he has like a really bad here if you push it you make almost like

a squealing noise and bent his head forward or up it's totally random and

also he has a wound here on his neck if you push it he makes different sounds

Nancy moves his head up or down so like I said I do got a full review on this

one and lots of awesome battles with this one you can check out either that

Jurassic Park playlist at the end of this video or the Jurassic world guys I

got over a thousand videos the majority of them are awesome dinosaur unboxing

and battle videos so this guy off arms move open and close all rubber

so as you can see as it head moves it moves very realistically because it's

all rubber so that is really cool get down like I said it is like Rambo

clearly see how the rubber moves as he moves his head so it looks really cool

and that is actually the coolest dress of carpools you are going to find and

then another really cool one is the demon carnotaur head so this guy is cool

but ah he is super hard to find and very expensive I'm in this one for a smaller

dinosaur you expect to pay 150 for this guy on his mouth does opening clothes

he's got the horns this is actually one and it's of JP 19 this is actually one

of the biggest Carnotaurus dinosaurs were going to find and also he's got the

same problem with his legs that's why I have to lean him against one of these

dinos because his legs tend to move together and then it doesn't want to

stand I also have this remote control t-rex this one is jeepers we usually

find this one for about $30 so it it's actually quite affordable if you push

the remote control button he opens and closes his mouth and he roars

this guy is all rubber - and at one point he used to walk now he just does a

quick shuffle if you push the button the thing is this guy tends to be annoying

because in the box that button gets stucked and he just moves his head up

and down so once again this guy is all rubber to thaw he's not as high quality

as the other then I got this Pachycephalosaurus if you push the

button there his head pops up so you can have him like attack like one of the

dinosaur Park guys are like sent him flying let's check that out again I was

kind of cool haha okay so this guy does have the capture gear and everything

they have the really hard head they are herbivores and this one is so they use

that hard head to protect themselves so they were not fly carnivore and also uh

they could attack other ones sort of like goats at each other and then you

have a cool little like rock-and-roll Velociraptor if you push his legs he

pops back forth so I got a couple of those and then I also have the

calf effect one with the same action feature block really clean bright color

I also have the baby t-rex with the broken leg so that goes with the mobile

command compound which I just did a review on I've you've been watching my

channel that's another one I was just able to find and we also have a

i think the site that guy who moved his leg he moves his head

back he is cool funny-looking dinosaur and then I have a

cool little Triceratops if you move this back leg moves his head set them over

there and then I have this nice huge colorful guy this is JP 58 - this guy

well sure what exactly sure is but he is vertically looking and then I have a

bunch of the smaller Jurassic Park dinosaurs I have all the world

dinosaurs you can check those out Jurassic world playlist I actually have

five playlists going through quads so I have I think about 250 videos there so

you can check all those out which is a lot of fun so here is all the big ones

except guys I could not find my bone crusher Carnotaurus I do have a full

review on it if you want to check out my Jurassic Park playlist but they must

have got mixed in among my toys silver I have a lot of toys guys i have pretty

much every toy i've reviewed so far which is over twenty thousand dollars of

toy they're so quite a bit of searching and

try to keep my dinosaur separate but sometimes they do get mixed up in there

and all guys let me know what other dinosaur videos you want to see reviewed

or what battles you want to see I have a lot of arena battles on the Jurassic

Park in the Youtube Kids world thanks guys I love making these videos for you guys

they are awesome this is my job making the videos for you so if you do enjoy

them please go ahead click like drop me a comment

I do read my comments and like to see with one of my viewers who just common

is not long ago I tried to implement their six suggestions which this one was

to add the Jurassic Park characters I have a lot more like I said I'm not

really sure where they are so guys this was super fun you guys are an awesome

audience I really do appreciate you viewing and guys if you do subscribe

there is a bell next to the subscription button if you push that you get a

notification every time I make a video but I do make daily videos at 2 p.m.

every weekday so Monday through Friday and then on Saturday and 9 p.m. and 9

p.m. I also have videos that are makes I make 7 videos a week mostly dinosaur and

I've been doing - lego speed build stop-motion animation videos a week of

the latest lego toys so those are really too thanks for viewing guys and

I will see you Wow guys that was a lot of fun and if you enjoyed the video make

sure you click Subscribe and the thumbs up button down below the video in

today's secret word is a word good put that in the comment section below the

video on those you remember my club look to the video ends there's an awesome

incurred lot more fun with you click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos

and if you want to see even more go ahead and click the subscribe button

For more infomation >> New Jurassic Park Electronic Command Compound VS Spinosaurus T-Rex Jurassic World Unboxing - Duration: 22:01.


BTS - MONTAGE #3 - Funny Bangtan Moments REACTION - Duration: 12:00.


We are going to watch Funny Bangtan moments :D

Some of you requested to watch these after we watched crack videos

Sude: And we love watching these Irmak: Exactly that is why we found this

I feel like we are going to laugh a lot

come over here

Woa this is really new

The way he says aigoo is so cute

"It feels awesome!"

I think this was the most good quality video that you could find


There is a mix for this :D


He is laughing by himself

This is so good!

dork <3

these were so hilarious

they are so cute

Look at the way he laughs

I want to get to that moment by jumping in to screen! They are adorable

Look at those reactions!

When are we going to experience this?

Never... <sad truth>

But we should...

They did not zoom into suga but he was having the moment of his life :D

He is the only one with a computer

And he asked if V was the hyung :D

This is probably the video that all the fans dreamed of

And Suga ruined it

Did you see V's reaction!

Jimin is like me

Jimin really cant stand it

So cute

He did not release another video after this one

S: Do you remember his drawing?


So good!

Wrong room

Imagine if it was real, It would be scandelous

If it was Jimin or Namjoon it could have ended differently...

Cause they describe themselves like that


he is calculating

He got stressed and cant say it. Just like me..

If I am under pressure I dont answer it right

He just had to multiply 10 and 24

Oh this is the freestyle

Suga was so into it

I am about to go blind... You keep watching

He is in pain

Look at JK

He was such a baby back than

I yawned because I knew he was going to lay dawn

Video was awseomeeee

In the begining... Ok these days we are really busy so we couldn't really watch the recent videos

Yeah I feel refreshed now since we watched the new and old ones together

Lets wrap it up!

Thank you for subscribing! Do not forget to like, comment and subscribe!

You can also check out and follow us on Instagram and Twitter ^^

Stay with peace~ <P.S: Miss you guys! This is Busra T.T>

For more infomation >> BTS - MONTAGE #3 - Funny Bangtan Moments REACTION - Duration: 12:00.


🍁The 16 countries with the world's best healthcare systems | Useful info - Duration: 5:50.

The 16 countries with the world's best healthcare systems.

The Legatum Institute, a London-based research institute released its 10th annual global

Prosperity Index in November, a huge survey that ranks the most prosperous countries in

the world.

The organisation compares 104 variables to come up with its list, splitting those variables

into nine subindexes.

One of.

the big components of the ranking is how healthy a country's people are.

Health is measured by three key components by the Legatum Institute: a country's basic

mental and physical health, health infrastructure, and the availability of preventative care.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the countries that have the best scores in the Prosperity Index,

and therefore rank as the world's healthiest, are generally big, developed economies with

large amounts of resources.

Britain — whose NHS pioneered free at the point of use healthcare globally — misses

out on this list, finishing 20th in the Legatum Institute's health sub-index.

Take a look at the top 16 countries.


Canada — Canada's 1984 Health Act entrenches in law the country's system of free at the

point of access healthcare, known as Medicare.

Canada's system is not perfect however, and in recent years the number of Canadians going

south for private care in the USA has grown.


Qatar — The best standards of health in the Middle East can be found in the wealthy

nation of Qatar.

The nation has recently taken steps to implement a universal healthcare system across the entire



France — Famed for the quality of its health services, it is not surprising to see France

close to the top of the pile.

The country's average life expectancy is 82.


Norway — Norway, along with its Scandinavian counterparts, often comes close to global

quality of life rankings, and one reason is the health of its citizens.

The country's healthcare system is free for children under 16, but adults must pay for


The country spends more per person on healthcare than any other country on earth.


New Zealand — New Zealand is one of the most active countries in the world, with the

nation punching well above its weight in international sporting competitions.

It has an average life expectancy of 81.6 years.


Belgium — With an average age of 81.1, Belgium's life expectancy is just outside the world's

top 20.

The country has universal healthcare, but also requires mandatory health insurance for

all citizens.


Germany — Despite a love of beer and sausages, Germans are some of the world's healthiest


The country's average life expectancy is 81.


Israel — Israel is the highest ranked of any Middle Eastern state on the Legatum Institute's

health sub-index, and the country has the 8th highest life expectancy on the planet,

82.5 years.


Australia — With great weather and low pollution, it is not surprising that Australia is ranked

as the healthiest nation in the southern hemisphere.

Its average life expectancy is 82.8, the 4th highest in the world.


Hong Kong — The tiny city-state of Hong Kong has 11 private and 42 public hospitals

to serve its population of just over 7.2 million people.

In 2012, women in Hong Kong had the longest average life expectancy of any demographic

on earth.


Sweden — As with most quality of life and health rankings, northern European countries

like Sweden score highly.

Swedish men have the 4th highest life expectancy of any nation, living to an average of 80.7



Netherlands — In 2015 the Netherlands gained the number one spot at the top of the annual

Euro health consumer index, which compares healthcare systems in Europe, scoring 916

of a maximum 1000 points.


Japan — The country's life expectancy — 83.7 — is the highest on the planet.

That has caused demographic issues in the country, with its population ageing rapidly.


Switzerland — Rich, beautiful, and incredibly healthy.

Switzerland has pretty much all anyone could want from a country.

Its healthcare service is universal and is based upon the mandatory holding of health

insurance by all citizens.


Singapore — Another small city-state to make the top of the Prosperity Index's health


Singapore's 5.6 million citizens have an average life expectancy of 83.1 years old.


Luxembourg — Nestled between Belgium, France, and Germany, the wealthy nation of Luxembourg

tops the Legatum Institute's health sub-index.

The country's average life expectancy is 82.

For more infomation >> 🍁The 16 countries with the world's best healthcare systems | Useful info - Duration: 5:50.


Abide with Me - piano instrumental hymn with lyrics - Duration: 4:37.

Abide with me; fast falls the eventide

The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide.

When other helpers fail and comforts flee

Help of the helpless, O abide with me.

Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day

Earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away.

Change and decay in all around I see.

O Lord Who changes not, abide with me.

I need Your presence every passing hour.

What but Your grace can foil the tempter's power?

Who like Yourself my guide and strength can be?

Through cloud and sunshine, O abide with me.

I fear no foe with You at hand to bless

Though ills have weight, and tears their bitterness.

Where is death's sting? Where, grave, your victory?

I triumph still, if You abide with me.

Hold now Your Word before my closing eyes.

Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies.

Heav'n's morning breaks and earth's vain shadows flee

In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me!

For more infomation >> Abide with Me - piano instrumental hymn with lyrics - Duration: 4:37.


[SUB/SPA] Jikook live - Duration: 13:40.

For more infomation >> [SUB/SPA] Jikook live - Duration: 13:40.


Serie Creepypasta de Apocalipsis Zombies "El final de los tiempos" Capitulo 12 [ 2016- 2017 ] HD - Duration: 16:53.

For more infomation >> Serie Creepypasta de Apocalipsis Zombies "El final de los tiempos" Capitulo 12 [ 2016- 2017 ] HD - Duration: 16:53.


Trailer - Official Channel Presentation - #by DIY - My Workbench # - Duration: 2:03.

Hello everyone, I'm paulo costa

And I come here today to introduce you to my channel " A minha Bancada"

My workbench is a channel dedicated to DIY

Where I will present all my works and projects

From creating objects by recycling materials

And create decorative objects

Where I will also elaborate and design works

Where I will make small repairs at home

Where you can see all my carpentry and painting work

Not forgetting my electronics and electricity jobs

And you can also see the presentation of tools and equipment

If you want to follow my projects

Do not forget to subscribe to the canan and activate the bell

Interact with the channel, leave your comment and share with your friends

Until the next video

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