Sunday, July 23, 2017

Youtube daily report w Jul 23 2017

And behold the king of thieves

Who comes to take hold of your hearts

Humpf, the king of thieves? You think you're Ali Baba?

Let me teach you the fear of the greatness of my assassinations

Anyway you will end up like your daughter about in a city can

I must make you a revelation

I'm not finished my rebellion

But my goal of revolution will pass after your execution

You are not part of our reality returns to near Gul'dan submissive and chained

To your role of woman for the one who has the grip on your soul

And here is the drama!

Do not make amalgam

I am above all a lady

To equalize me I offer you a sweet sesame

And since you claim it you will taste to my blades

It is not only your rhymes that are abominations Miorque that is not a name

It reflects a great lack of inspiration at the time of your creation

It makes you have a child then returns play the mother because obviously you do not have your place

In the heart of the

You really are not smart for a person rebellious against society

How much life and mana should we spend in order to boost you and be able to play you?

But enough to talk about the community is your story we all forgot

For more infomation >> Edwin Van Cleef vs Garona rap battel of Azeroth#1 - Duration: 1:46.


Halo : Nightfall (Trailer VOST) - Duration: 2:24.

Death will come to all of us.

Especially soldiers.

You give your life away so others can live.

And take life, but only God can give it.

What the hell are they doing here ?

They got their hands on a compound that kills humans and nothing else ?

Medical says they've never seen anything like it.

Covenant's found the holy grail then, haven't they ?

It's time to take the war to them.

It'll be a bold move. Send a team in, destroy the stuff.

I hear you need a ship.

ONI work better alone.

Shouldn't fear me, I'm just one man.

One man that was a Spartan.

Ready to go to hell, Colonel ?

Never thought we'd set foot on a Halo ring.

Are we really doing this ?

Stay on mission.

Found something.

What the hell are they ?

Fall back !

We will not go out like this.

My question to you, Commander Locke,

how will you lead ?

And for what ?

For more infomation >> Halo : Nightfall (Trailer VOST) - Duration: 2:24.


Xiaomi Mi Drone 4K - Nuovo Aggiornamento Gimbal / New Firmware Update! - ITA - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Xiaomi Mi Drone 4K - Nuovo Aggiornamento Gimbal / New Firmware Update! - ITA - Duration: 3:56.


Internet pe Jo Desi Nuskhy Btaye Jaty Hn Wo Ap K Ly Jaan Lewa Bhi Ho Skty Hn | Kesy ? Janiye | - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Internet pe Jo Desi Nuskhy Btaye Jaty Hn Wo Ap K Ly Jaan Lewa Bhi Ho Skty Hn | Kesy ? Janiye | - Duration: 2:24.


[ENG SUBS] Pyrotechnical tests - Strobe Fountain (JS021) by Jorge - Duration: 9:45.

Today we`re going to unbox a small parcel and we`ll test new things which I have bought

We have a laucher of roman candles 'Faraon'

100 shots

We won`t test it...

WOW! It has CE certificate

So we`ll test it :)

I`ve bought on a sale in THUNDER

And the shop assistant told that it doesn`t have CE certificate

And she sold me this product 40% less of the normal price

I don`t know, it`s broken

And maybe that`s why I got this cheaper

There were more pieces of article and they were on sale

I also bought 5 packs of Piccolo corsair firecrackers

Maybe will I use them in the other day

I paid 6 PLN for this

And Piccolo corsairs cost 0,60 PLN for one pack

4 meters of fuse

I regret that I bought fuse

It costs 2 PLN for 1 meter

8 PLN...

But I did it with mind that I`ll make a launcher

It stands next to me

It`ll be prepared for next camera test

I also bought Cyrkoblitz

I have never got as big as these

I just wanted to see how they fly

And that`s why I bought them

They will be tested too

For example to camera tests

We won`t judge it as product

We have swirls

And we`ll test it in next movie

And I have strobes

It`s distributed by Jorge and their duration is 60 sec


And we`ll test it in this movie

It will be interesting

I`ll throw away this foil

I`ll put these thing in the other place

Because they are redundant at the moment

So we`ll test strobes

As I said they are distributed by Jorge

They have CE certificate

They have 42 g of NEC

So one strobe has 14 g of NEC

They work about 1 min

They didn`t write more informations

This strobe`s name is JS021

It`s probably a 2nd class fountain

There`s nothing more written; Only some warnings

That we burn by hand and we`ll escape from 8 m from strobe

There are strobes (probably red strobe) which are banging

In this product there`s a sticker that it could bang

I don`t know you`ll see it

My camera is far away from me

So let`s test it

See ya outside

We`re testing strobes

Let`s burn

We have 60 sec strobes

Distributed by Jorge

Burn, burn

Ok, it`s burning

I`ll catch a focus

Quite strong

You`ll see an advantage

Of this tripod

Look how nice can I handle it

Without any interruptions

Very nice strobe, I like it

I leave this frame

And i`ll burn next strobe for a moment

The eyes hurt when I look for this

So you can see how it presents

It speeds up in the end

We can play with camera settings

I`ll brighten a picture

I add more ISO

Ok, I`ll burn next one

How nice it`s burning in the end

I hope it won`t bang in the end

I will be happy

We`ll burn next strobe

We have another one

I`ll play with camera settings

I have a possibility

You can see the picture is brighter

I changed ISO

I can open the diaphragm

And then it will be brighter

I want to change this dusk in total darkness

It will be better to recording movies

This strobe is shooting very well

I`ll prepare next one

We`ll check its work time

I`ll come to it

I feel fizzy when I look at it from this distance

I`ll burn next one

I have poor sight at this moment

What a crazy start!

I`ll come

You can see how I look in a light which gives this strobe

It`s lighting very strong

These strobes are great

In this price.. They are really good

In the end they speed up

It`s good idea

It finishes working

I have many glimmers in front of my eyes

Today there`s no wind

It`s perfect day to recording

We`ll see on a review

These strobes were good

If I`m not wrong

They were really good

The light was intensive

And when I was looking at it after recording on my computer

I felt strange

And you could have the same after watching this test

It`s recorded in 4k

So if you watched it in 4k you could feel as you were here

My feelings during watching on PC are the same as in real world

Sth amazing

Trust me

I really liked this strobe

It was quite long

At first it was lighting very intensive and in the end it was lighting fastly

And when I came to it I felt dizzy

My note is 10/10

Unfortunately I don`t have any comparison to other strobes

I`ll order other types of strobes in the near future

And then I will be able to say more and better judge this product

And I`ll be able to compare products

So it will be interesting

Today it`s all

If you enjoyed leave a like

Write your opinion in a comment (and how did you feel after watching strobe)

And that`s all

Subscribe if you don`t do this

And hit the bell to get a reminder about new movie

You will watch movies recorded by my new camera from now

See ya in next movies!

For more infomation >> [ENG SUBS] Pyrotechnical tests - Strobe Fountain (JS021) by Jorge - Duration: 9:45.


PIEPRZONE ŁAŃCUSZKI | Weekly - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> PIEPRZONE ŁAŃCUSZKI | Weekly - Duration: 5:11.


Nokia 8 revealed!Gold-copper pictured in the wild | 短新聞【小翔 XIANG】 - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Nokia 8 revealed!Gold-copper pictured in the wild | 短新聞【小翔 XIANG】 - Duration: 3:34.


How to learn Yamaha DX7 Synthesizer - Tutorial: FM Synthesis Sound Design New FullTines 日本語字幕 - Duration: 21:14.

This is a tutorial video from the FM synthesis tutorial series for the famous DX7 E.Piano

1 and FullTines.

In this tutorial, we will start making improvements to the famous FullTines patch

Although the FullTines patch has a sharper attack tone, we can look into giving it more

solid attack.

Remember what we did for the e.piano patch?

We gave it a solid attack tone by having an additional modulator.

That means that we need to look into the Algorithm Interchangeability.

For this exercise we will follow how we improved the E.Piano 1 patch.

My choice of Algorithm for this exercise is 13.

Use Operators 5 & 6 as modulators that are directly linked to Operator 3.

We will use Operator 5 for a hammer tone.

We will use Operator 6 for a soft/sawtooth tone using its feedback loop.

Let's get our hands dirty.

We can change ALG by going to ALG screen.

Press the edit button and press button 7.

You can use the slider or data entry button to select Algorithm 13.

After completed, when you press a key, it has too much modulation, as Operator 5 output

level is set at 99.

So what happened?

We basically increase the number of modulators, now it's four, instead of 3 modulatros and

3 carriers with algorithm 5.

This means that you have more flexibility in FM sound design.

Now we will look into Oscillator.

Press button 19 and use Operator select button to select operator 5.

You can turn off operator 6, but make sure to keep operator 3 on.

Press Button 17 and you will see Operator 5 using Frequency Ratio.

We will change it to Fixed Frequency by press +1 button.

Press Button 18 and you will see that the Fixed Frequency is set at 10 Hz.

We will increase this to 100Hz by pressing +1 button.

Press button 19 and adjust Fine to 158.5 hz.

Once completed, let's hear the sound.

At the moment, you are only hearing its inharmonic tone, sounding like a noise, as Operator 5

envelope is not set for a short decay type.

We will adjust Operator 5 envelope so that it actually sounds like a hammer tone.

Press buttons 21 and 22 and use operator select button to see how Operator 5 envelope is set.

At the moment, Operator 5 has a 2 decay type envelope with a very long decay.

So we will change it to 1 decay type envelope with very short decay.

We will apply what we've learnt from the Tub Bells improvement.

First, we will change Rate 2 from 20 to 78, so that Rate 2 has faster speed and very short


Then we will set Level 2 from 95 to 0, so that it has only 1 decay.

Once completed, press a key and let's hear a hammer tone.

Now it actually sounds like the hammer tone.

Let's turn on all operators and hear the new FullTines.

We can summarise what we've done so far.

We changed algorithm from 5 to 13.

We changed Operator 5 to Fixed Frequency of 158.5 hz

We changed Operator 5 envelope from a longer decay envelope to a hammer tone short envelope.

Now you will also notice that something else has changed.

A chorusing effect is not as smooth as before.

There seems to be too much modulation for a decay tone.

So, what do we need to do next?

We will make changes to a chorusing effect, so it becomes smoother again.

As a beautiful and smooth chorusing effect is must for a great electric piano sound,

we will start with Detune.

Before adjusting Detune, let's revise how the overall chorusing effect is created.

It is created by Operators 1, 3, 4 and 6.

Operators 1 and 3 are Carriers.

Operators 4 and 6 are Modulators.

We will adjust those operators to find a sweet spot.

As the DX7 has 6 operators, it can get really tricky and complex to adjust Detune for all


So we will start with focusing on Carrier Operators only.

We will adjust Operators 1 and 3 first.

Turn only Operators 1 and 3 on.

At the moment, Operator 1 is -7 and Operator 3 is 0.

This creates a slow chorusing effect.

We will make the chorusing effect faster.

Increase Operator 3 Detune by 1 increment.

When you reach +5, the chorusing effect get very fast.

Then, you can try decrease Operator 1 Detune by 1 increment.

At -4, it seems just right.

In this exercise, what we did was to balance Detune for Operators 1 and 3.

Instead of one operator having an extreme value like -7, we adjusted 2 Operators with

medium Detune level opposing each other.

So we will set Operator 1 Detune to -4, and Operator 3 Detune to +5.

Now, we will move to Modulator Operators 4 and 6.

Turn Operators 1, 3, 4 & 6 only.

When we play the sound, it needs an adjustment.

It has too much 'Wow' or modulation.

Select Operator 6.

At the moment, it is set at +4, so we will keep it as is.

Select Operator 4.

It is set at 0.

We will adjust its Detune by 1 increment.

Try go up and down.

When you set it to +4, the modulation is gone.

We will set it at +4.

Let's turn on all operators and hear the sound that we've just made.

What do you notice?

The overall chorusing effect is much better.

It has a solid attack tone.

But, the hammer tone is too prominent, without expressiveness.

There seems too much Decay tone.

We will go through the rest of the Priority Parameters which are Keyboard Rate Scaling,

Output Level and Key Velocity Sensitivity and adjust accordingly.

Press Button 26 and use Operator Select Button to go through each operator.

The hammer tone generated by Operator 5 is set at 4.

This is too high for the hammer tone.

You only need a minimum shortening of the hammer tone at higher notes.

So we will adjust it to 1.

Also for Carrier Operators 1 and 3, they are set at 4.

We will change them to 3 so that those Carrier Operators 1 and 3 can have longer envelopes.

What this does is to make the overall chorusing effect last longer.

Now we will change Output Level.

Press Button 27 and use Operator Select Button to go through each operator.

You will notice that Carrier Operators 1 and 3 are set at 95 which is slightly lower.

So we will put them to 99.

As we adjusted Operator 1 Output Level to 99, Operator 2 is producing too much sharp

metallic tone.

We will reduce Operator 2 Output Level slightly to 78.

For Operator 4, it has too much modulation as it is set at 89.

Try change it from 85, 75 and 65.

When set at 65, it has a soft decay tone, so we will set at 65.

For Operator 5, like what we did in the Tub Bells improvement, we will adjust it to 90.

For Operator 6, as FullTines has a more prominent sawtooth decay tone, we will keep it at 85.

We will go through the final step, Key Velocity Sensitivity to give better expressiveness

to the new FullTines patch.

Press Button 28 and use Operator Select Button to go through each operator.

As Operator 5 is set at 1, we will change it to 3, giving better expressiveness with

the hammer tone.

For Operators 1, 2, 3 & 4, we will change them to 2, 7, 2 and 6 respectively.

This will give a better chorusing effect and expressiveness.

Let's hear the sound by turning on all operators.

Now we have the new FullTines patch.

So let's revise what we've done.

We changed Algorithm from 5 to 13.

We created a hammer tone using Operator 5 by adjusting its Fixed Frequency and EG

We adjusted Detune to give a smooth chorusing effect

We adjusted Keyboard Rate Scaling for Operators 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5.

We adjusted Output Level to have a balance of sharp and solid attack with a soft decay


We set Key Velocity Sensitivity for Operators 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5, giving expressiveness to the

new FullTines patch.

So, please enjoy playing the new FullTines patch!!!

I hope you learnt a lot by joining me on this FM synthesis journey.

Compared to the Tub Bells, the DX7 electric piano patches are a bit more complex.

Why is it complex?

It has more parts to the electric piano patches.

First, you have a metallic attack tone.

Then you have a hammer tone.

Finally you have a decay tone.

Putting together these 3 parts to make a great electric piano patch is a challenge!!!

The key is to find a sweet spot for balancing those 3 parts.

The first part is a hammer tone.

This is quite straight forward.

You need to change its frequency to fixed then adjust its envelope.

The second part is a decay tone.

Because the original electric piano patches use Algorithm 5 with 3 independent towers,

it is much easier to create a suitable decay tone.

However, as we sacrifice the extra tower for an extra modulator operator (remember we moved

from Algorithm 5 to 13, from 3 carriers and 3 modulators to 2 carriers and 4 modulators),

it becomes a bit tricky.

As Operators 4 and 6 are used for creating a decay tone for the original patches, we

use them to do the same, except that we only have one shared carrier Operator 3, instead

of two independent carrier operators for the original patches.

This means that we need to reduce one of operators' output level, so that there isn't too much

modulation going into the single shared Carrier Operator 3.

The most challenging thing with the electric piano patches improvement is re-creating a

smooth chorusing effect using only two carrier operators, instead of 3 carrier operators

of the original patches.

In this case, we are not only adjusting Detune, but Keyboard Rate Scaling and Output Level

to get as smooth chorusing as possible with just two carrier operators.

So once we adjust everything, we get the new and improved electric piano patches with sharper

and solid attack and still retaining smooth chorusing.

So congratulation to you all for joining me to this journey to the end.

For more infomation >> How to learn Yamaha DX7 Synthesizer - Tutorial: FM Synthesis Sound Design New FullTines 日本語字幕 - Duration: 21:14.


A garland of paper. Christmas tree ornament - New year - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> A garland of paper. Christmas tree ornament - New year - Duration: 3:17.


Mình Từng Yêu Nhau - Soái Nhi Cover - Những Bài Cover Hay Nhất 2017 - Duration: 10:08.

For more infomation >> Mình Từng Yêu Nhau - Soái Nhi Cover - Những Bài Cover Hay Nhất 2017 - Duration: 10:08.


Amanda Lear - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Amanda Lear - Duration: 3:37.


Ben Affleck fará uma pausa em sua carreira - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Ben Affleck fará uma pausa em sua carreira - Duration: 1:41.


How To Get Rid Of Cold Sore Naturally Fast | Cold Sore Remedies | Natural Cold Sores Treatment - Duration: 4:50.


there are few sings of painful and embarrassing than waking up to find a

cold sore haunting on the lips nose cheeks and on rare occasions in the eye

cold sores caused by the herpes simplex virus cold sores also refer to at the

fever blister where you get or develop small lesions that look like blisters or

very small stores and sites your melt or on the face these are all symptoms of a

cold sore you'll feel burning sensation and itching in your mouth you also have

trouble eating as your mouth has become extra sensitive there are natural ways

like these five tricks that really can help you to get rid of that annoying

cold sore naturally fast no one will even know it was there

number one use milk on the cold sores both told milk and cold yogurt are

believed to have some usefulness against cold sores milk contains antibodies that

can fight off viruses and lysine which can fight arginine a certain amino acid

that can cause colds or outbreaks direction of use soak a cotton ball in

one tablespoon 15 milliliters of cold milk and apply it directly to the cold

sore for a couple of minutes and let it sit for a few minutes

apply milk repeatedly analytics day don't go washing it off member to apply

some aloe vera gel aloe vera can save the pain of a cold sore among many other

skin irritations and fight the bacteria threatening to infect the Soaring wars

near condition it can also help speed up a healing process direction of use take

2.5 milliliters aloe vera gel directly to the cold sore using a cotton swab

let it stay on best gel is the one right from the plant

which is easy to find unless for a long time number three use chronic to get rid

of cold sores fast mostly people's remember that their mother's telling

them that garlic is great for a comb garlic contains many essential compounds

such as vitamin C B E and a and a licen selenium all these ingredients make it

an effective antifungal and antibiotic agent vital for healing any fever

blisters direction of use crush a clove and put it directly on the sore as

smelly as that might be must ensure you do not leave it for more than

twenty-five minutes as this can damage your skin

repeat this practice for two days three times a day

number four apply hydrogen peroxide hydrogen peroxide has antiseptic and

antiviral properties that can help reduce inflammation and fight away the

viral infection causing the cold sore direction of use soak a cotton ball or

cotton swab in one teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and hold it directly over the

cold sore for five minutes rinse your face gently with cold water afterwards

and throw away the used cotton ball make sure not to ingest the hydrogen peroxide

as you apply it number five apply peppermint oil peppermint oil have been

used for long as an anti-aging agent it is also an effective and long-lasting

treatment for cold sores it is antiviral properties and act as a

perfect disinfectant against oral herpes direction of youth rinse this affected

area with clean water and then soak a wet cotton ball and peppermint oil and

apply it on the area near this routine three times daily until you are

contented now that you have learned how to get rid

of cold sores fast you can be sure that you will benefit a lot from using these

home remedies to get rid of cold sores fast thanks for watching if you like a

video give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends if you want more

remedies and tips subscribe to our Channel

For more infomation >> How To Get Rid Of Cold Sore Naturally Fast | Cold Sore Remedies | Natural Cold Sores Treatment - Duration: 4:50.


Corpse Party- Book of Shadows (Gameplay ITA EXTRA) - Interviste al cast - Duration: 29:19.

For more infomation >> Corpse Party- Book of Shadows (Gameplay ITA EXTRA) - Interviste al cast - Duration: 29:19.


[CZ Cover] Watashi no R / My R (Aelynn) - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> [CZ Cover] Watashi no R / My R (Aelynn) - Duration: 3:35.


Ford Transit Custom 290S 2.0 TDCI 170PK L1H1 Limited Dubbelcabine Automaat/navi/schuifdeur L+R (nr.0 - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Ford Transit Custom 290S 2.0 TDCI 170PK L1H1 Limited Dubbelcabine Automaat/navi/schuifdeur L+R (nr.0 - Duration: 0:55.


J.Fla | Top 10 Bài Hát COVER Hay Nhất Của J.Fla (P3) - Duration: 26:58.

For more infomation >> J.Fla | Top 10 Bài Hát COVER Hay Nhất Của J.Fla (P3) - Duration: 26:58.


Fyldte peberfrugter til grillen | Englerod - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Fyldte peberfrugter til grillen | Englerod - Duration: 2:40.


Minecraft : Cách khóa cửa có mật khẩu ( Only One CMD) - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Minecraft : Cách khóa cửa có mật khẩu ( Only One CMD) - Duration: 3:21.


A garland of paper. Christmas tree ornament - New year - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> A garland of paper. Christmas tree ornament - New year - Duration: 3:17.


Russian FM Lavrov: 'I Don't Believe in Regime Change Anywhere' - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Russian FM Lavrov: 'I Don't Believe in Regime Change Anywhere' - Duration: 2:12.


Edwin Van Cleef vs Garona rap battel of Azeroth#1 - Duration: 1:46.

And behold the king of thieves

Who comes to take hold of your hearts

Humpf, the king of thieves? You think you're Ali Baba?

Let me teach you the fear of the greatness of my assassinations

Anyway you will end up like your daughter about in a city can

I must make you a revelation

I'm not finished my rebellion

But my goal of revolution will pass after your execution

You are not part of our reality returns to near Gul'dan submissive and chained

To your role of woman for the one who has the grip on your soul

And here is the drama!

Do not make amalgam

I am above all a lady

To equalize me I offer you a sweet sesame

And since you claim it you will taste to my blades

It is not only your rhymes that are abominations Miorque that is not a name

It reflects a great lack of inspiration at the time of your creation

It makes you have a child then returns play the mother because obviously you do not have your place

In the heart of the

You really are not smart for a person rebellious against society

How much life and mana should we spend in order to boost you and be able to play you?

But enough to talk about the community is your story we all forgot

For more infomation >> Edwin Van Cleef vs Garona rap battel of Azeroth#1 - Duration: 1:46.


Crash Bandicoot's Creatures in Real Life! [Eng / Fr Sub] - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Crash Bandicoot's Creatures in Real Life! [Eng / Fr Sub] - Duration: 3:53.


Kids Fun Bad Baby Learn Colors With Characters Finding Nemo In Disney Cartoon & The alphabet Karaoke - Duration: 2:50.

Kids Fun Bad Baby Learn Colors With Characters Finding Nemo In Disney Cartoon & The alphabet Karaoke






Y and Z

Now I know my ABCs

Next time won't you sing with me






Y and Z

Now I know my ABCs

Next time won't you sing with me






Y and Z

Now I know my ABCs

Next time won't you sing with me






Y and Z

Now I know my ABCs

Next time won't you sing with me

For more infomation >> Kids Fun Bad Baby Learn Colors With Characters Finding Nemo In Disney Cartoon & The alphabet Karaoke - Duration: 2:50.


Alexandre Lacazette, Romelu Lukaku or Alvaro Morata – which striker will you choose for - Duration: 7:03.

Fantasy football tips: Alexandre Lacazette, Romelu Lukaku or Alvaro Morata – which striker will you choose for your fantasy football team?

The new Premier League season is edging closer, which means it's time to seriously start thinking about your fantasy football team.

And with all the new signings that the big clubs have made so far this summer, its quite hard to decide who to pick for your Dream Team.

Especially up front, with some of the biggest strikers the game has to offer plying their trade in England this season. Nearly 60% of players have picked Romelu Lukaku on Dream Team.

Dream Team 2017/18 How does the game work? This years fantasy football game will be absolutely FREE for all players to play The total prize pot is an approximated £750,000 Game Weeks will run from Friday to Thursday £50m budget on 11 eligible players CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP TO DREAM TEAM.

Arsenal, Chelsea and Manchester United all boasted their striker options this summer – bringing in Alexandre Lacazette, Alvaro Morata and Romelu Lukaku respectively. So, which one should you choose?. Alexandre Lacazette – 28 goals in Ligue 1 last season .

How will Lacazette adapt to the Premier League?. Arsenal finally decided to settle their striker woes by signing Alexandre Lacazette from Lyon this summer.

5m acquisition could prove to be a fine investment if he carries his Ligue 1 form into the Premier League. Judging by Dream Team's ratings provider WhoScored, Lacazette was the highest rated player in French football last season at 7.

What will Lacazette offer on Dream Team? Highest rated player (7.

57) in France last season 28 league goals in as many appearances for Lyon 61 points on Dream Team Europe after helping Lyon reach the semi-finals of the Europa League Want Lacazette in your fantasy team? Sign up here.

That puts him fifth in the Premier League player rankings, with just Eden Hazard (7. 81), Alexis Sanchez (7. 76), Paul Pogba (7. 72) and Harry Kane (7. 68) ahead of him.

28 league goals isnt too shabby either, with only Harry Kane (29) scoring more in the Premier League. Priced at an initial £50m on Dream Team this season, Lacazette is one of the cheaper forwards running shoulders with the top 6.

Alvaro Morata – 20 goals in all competitions for Real Madrid last season  .

Will Morata be a good replacement for Diego Costa?. The former Real Madrid star is nearly a Blue, having passed his medical with the Premier League champions on Friday.

But Morata was seemingly second on their summer wishlist in terms of strikers, with Lukaku reportedly the clubs first-choice. Still, Morata isnt exactly an understudy, proving to be useful striker over the last few seasons.

What could Morata bring to fantasy football? 15 goals and four assists from just 14 La Liga starts last season 20 goals in all competitions WhoScored rating of 7.

17 – better than Sergio Ramos and and Karim Benzema Fancy him to shine this season? Sign up to get him in your Dream Team now.

Despite spending much of last season on Real Madrids bench, accumulating just 1790 minutes in all competitions – the Spanish striker bagged 20 goals, including 15 from just 14 La Liga starts.

In fact, only Ronaldo outscored him at the Santiago Bernabeu this season as he consistently took his opportunities when granted them by Zinedine Zidane.

WhoScored, Dream Team's ratings providers, gave Morata an overall rating of 701 and a La Liga rating of 7. Romelu Lukaku – 25 goals in the Premeir League last season .

Can Lukaku match Zlatan for goals this season?. Man United struggled to score goals last season, albeit Zlatan Ibrahimovics haul of 17 in the Premier League.

But with the big Swedes future at Old Trafford still undecided, United needed a new hero to grab the goals. That hero appears to be Romelu Lukaku.

How did Lukaku get on in fantasy football last season? 25 goals and six assists 7.

50 rating on WhoScored – the tenth best in the Premier League 247 Dream Team points Fancy Lukaku to shine? Get him in your fantasy football team now.

Snapped up for a cool £75m, the former Everton man amassed 25 goals and six assists in the Premier League last season and accumulated 247 points on Dream Team, while WhoScored gave the 24-year-old a 7.

The towering Belgian has the advantage of Premier League experience over Lacazette and Morata, but is the pricier than Lacazette at £60m on Dream Team. How does fantasy football work?.

The setup for Dream Team is rather simple – as a manger you get a budget of £50m to spend on your team of 11 players.

Game Weeks will run from Friday to Thursday this season and you'll be allowed to transfer out players who have already played in that Game Week.

Each manager gets a maximum of three transfers a month – so it's important to pay attention to upcoming fixtures. And if the incentive of beating your mates in our Mini-League system isn't enough, there's a whopping £750,000 prizepot at stake too.

Keep up to date with all the latest fantasy football news ahead of next season with our fantasy football live blog and sign up to play below:.

For more infomation >> Alexandre Lacazette, Romelu Lukaku or Alvaro Morata – which striker will you choose for - Duration: 7:03.


Theories & Thoughts - Where is Garnok? - Duration: 6:34.

Hey everybody! And welcome back to another Theories & Thoughts.

It's been a while, but now it's time to dive into yet another theory.

I'm going to reference the Starshine Legacy games a lot in this video.

If you don't know what those are you should check out my Star Stable Background video I've done.

Link to that one should be on the screen now.

Let's start with a little story.

In Starshine Legacy - Episode 3, when Anne is going to save Concorde from Pandoria,

she passes a wall with 8 runes.

Let's go throught them all a bit quickly.

The first rune shows a people that seems to be horses combined with humans.

And their planet which exists somewhere in the galaxy.

The second rune shows a giant octopus-like monster attacking the horse people's planet.

The third rune shows the horse people being victorious and defeats the monster.

The fourth rune shows how the monster is locked behind bars.

The fifth rune shows the horse people transporting away the monster in one of their starships.

The sixth rune shows that something's gone wrong on the ship and that they are close to a planet -

- we are well known with.

The seventh rune shows the monster at the bottom of an ocean and the horse people are giving something to -

- a rider and it's horse.

The eighth and last rune shows how the monster has escaped.

But is fought back by four riders on their horses with the power of Sun, Moon, Lightning and Star.

I guess you can all guess who the monster is.

That's right. It's Garnok.

These runes shows the beginning of the Soulriders and basically where the whole story of -

Starshine Legacy and Star Stable Online started.

Fripp were also on the ship when it crashed on Jorvik. He actually explains it himself pretty good here in Starshine Legacy – Episode 4.

So now we know where Garnok came from and why he is on the bottom of the ocean.

Or is he?

A couple of years ago I read a theory on someone's blog

and I am so sorry I have forgotten your name and I forgot to save the blog post.

I feel so professional right now.

I'm not saving my sources correctly.

Anyhow, this person receives all the credit for this theory.

This person discussed that Garnok was perhaps not laying on the bottom of the ocean -

- but actually at the bottom of Devil's Gap in the middle of Harvest Counties.

In Starshine Legacy – Episode 4, when Alex is racing against Katja at Devil's Gap -

- you can see enormous tentacles rise up from the deep, trying to make Alex lose.

It has to be Garnok, since we don't know of any other creature in this universe with tentacles.

But if he is at the bottom of the ocean, how can his tentacles appear here?

If we go by this theory the answer is because the ship is down there somewhere -

- and that's why he can reach up to the top with his tentacles.

Some of you may be thinking, "but hey, Devil's Gap is far from the ocean, and Fripp even says that's where he crashed, how do we explain that?"

With the power of nature.

The earth is constantly changing, and the water levels are completely different today than they were a thousand years ago.

It's very possible that Devil's Gap actually was at the bottom of the ocean when the ship crashed outside of Jorvik -

- and throughout the years the water level has slowly sunken and revealed more land to the island we know today.

Which is how the ship now is in Devil's Gap and why Garnok's tentacles reached up during the race.

This would explain why Devil's Gap is still closed for us.

I mean, it's nothing new with SSO when it comes to open up an area -

- but leave a part still closed.

But this would actually explain WHY it's closed -

- and why everyone in Jarlaheim is so terrified of it and never speak about it.

Or, maybe the ship is actually still out on the bottom of the ocean somwhere -

- and the tentacles appearing at Alex and Katja's race is simply tentacles Garnok materialized with help of his magic.

The same way his Generals are walking on Jorvik – as Fripp explains here.

I however really like the theory about Garnok being in Devil's Gap, and believe it could work.

What do you think, do you agree with this theory or do you think he's still in the ocean? Let me know in the comments!

This was actually everything I had about this theory, and hopefully more of you know who Garnok is now after this video.

After this theory I don't really have anything prepared for the next Theories & Thoughts video.

So if you could comment something you would like me to talk about in the next video -

- please do and I can have a look at the subject and see if I can dig out any information about it.

As always, thank you for watching and I will see you in the next video. Bye!

For more infomation >> Theories & Thoughts - Where is Garnok? - Duration: 6:34.


Strawberry & White Chocolate Muffins | El Mundo Eats recipe # - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Strawberry & White Chocolate Muffins | El Mundo Eats recipe # - Duration: 3:02.


Бизнес онлайн. Преимущества онлайн бизнеса - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> Бизнес онлайн. Преимущества онлайн бизнеса - Duration: 5:06.


Wrong Body Heads Spiderman, Iron Man, Captain America and Learn Colors Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 2:01.

Wrong Body Heads Spiderman, Iron Man, Captain America and Learn Colors Finger Family Nursery Rhymes

For more infomation >> Wrong Body Heads Spiderman, Iron Man, Captain America and Learn Colors Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 2:01.


Famous FOOTBALLERS Who Play FIFA w/ Messi, Neymar & More 😂 - Duration: 14:50.

For more infomation >> Famous FOOTBALLERS Who Play FIFA w/ Messi, Neymar & More 😂 - Duration: 14:50.


[유럽여행] {Ep.30} 뮤지엄 투어 (Museum Tour) [Europe Tour] [Eng Sub] - Duration: 4:45.

Second day in Amsterdam

Paper bags for pets' poop

It's called Museumplein

Faucet water of 7 countries I've been is all drinkable

Here's a special public toilet

Various real flowers, artificial flowers, seeds are here

Ticket selling place for travelers

You can know how often people use bicycles here only watching this scene

Revisited Red Light District

Tasted bitter. 1,00€

Kebob for 4,50€. Salty but good

This episode, Ep.30 is the end of this year's Europe Tour

Videos of 3 days (01.10 ~ 01.12) are all deleted so I couldn't upload them

But not special schedules were there so I concluded it's not a big problem to finish the uploading until now

I'll be back later with more advanced, enjoyable videos. Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> [유럽여행] {Ep.30} 뮤지엄 투어 (Museum Tour) [Europe Tour] [Eng Sub] - Duration: 4:45.


Продвижение в Telegram. Раскрутка канала. Как вызвать доверие у подписчиков канала Telegram? - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Продвижение в Telegram. Раскрутка канала. Как вызвать доверие у подписчиков канала Telegram? - Duration: 4:20.


The Irving Tiny House (350 Sq Ft) | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 2:50.


For more infomation >> The Irving Tiny House (350 Sq Ft) | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 2:50.


Thank you for your presents at Zomerfolk - Rapalje celtic folk music - Duration: 10:55.

Hello, welcome to another Rapalje Show

If you want to be sure to see all the Rapalje shows that's coming up

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel and hit the notification bell

so we can inform you when there's a new Rapalje Show like every


In this video I'd like to show you what we've got in our hat

after the last show on Sunday

at the Zomerfolk Festival in Groningen

And we also got some more presents because it was the fifth anniversary and

there's some various piece of things

I show you around at the terrain and

we got the last part from the interview from Sean Cannon from The Dublin Legends

to battle

The biggest present we gather the festival was did a beautiful painting from a hank young bucer

We got this present from the volunteers from the Berkland Jack

This is so nice. I will now hang it at the Empty wall next to the cupboard behind me

Okay, cool

Look much better. Now. This empty wall

Thank you very much for it is nice painting and now you can all enjoy it another nice bedding. I got was this one

from Esther Viola from Spectral

She wants to make a painting where we look very rough in the wild

but also

cuddly the T-shirt

I'm wearing is from a band called the doorman from England and we know them also from our adventures where we traveled to glastonbury in

The uk check them out in the playlists here on YouTube this video

I made at zama folks these are the last videos. I took with my mobile phone so enjoy them

I show you around at the festival at the summer folk and after this video. I will show you what's inside of this hat

At a Sunday ever first of all as a love geek because we're still kind of street performers, we put a head on

the stage and they asked everybody to

Put something in our have any return we gave away a free CD

So what's in the hat? Let's see?

This one's empty. Thanks to my colleagues

Okay, this one's empty too honing a little horse. I know that my colleagues from Rapala really love

Throwing a sausage the whole bit was good

But there's still something to eat an ass little drop use

the emergency poncho ah


Leave a couple rows entangled Scott's achilles design, right?

I'm wandering freely Epic North Whose heart by Days total damn



It was Fantastis

Medley thank you


Martha Easter bunnies though musikdesign

Get the Mri

Some money. Thank you

from poland to slutty

Nepali is often considered


Are Apulia Friendly?

another apology finland

Is the Condom always handy Fuckin Shadow? We're

Fuckin oh flowers a

Piece of balloon we've thrown around and it's still blowing

another love letter

leave Little Paulie

You lamar can almost oakland station image? I'm the best Anna

Thank you

lover of all you, yes, Michelle terrific omar, Khayyam, Ed spade

And so more money a lot a spectrum

I'm sorry, but I don't smoke and

Some more money. We've got many coins these are the coins the cooking coins from William

Which we use to pay for drinks and the food

coin from England

smaller coin finding a koala finding

another penny and

Some euros. Thank you very much this reminds me of something. I'd showed

that this

Is a special coin we have for the fifth anniversary for the Rope Alia zama folk festival

And it's worth five fin links. Which is the same amount as ten

euros you can get it at a necklace in our repolish Op, and

Remember next year on Rupali summer for Chris fall this coin has 10% more value

So instead of 10 euros. It's 11 euros worth of

drinks and Foods

Please keep sending the presence and the comment for Apollo Shell

I will answer as many of your questions as possible in the rupaul show

And you can also send some presents to put in the cover or beneath the covers are hanging on the wall

Behind me now you will see the last part from the video from the interview with Sean Cannon from the dome in Legends

So we're using free and a meet you soon and luckily

recording techniques were although there were primitive in the time of the

Caruso's alive, nevertheless they cause the performances and the Christine failure today now yeah, so

before his time or

before recording were possibly

How much have we missed yeah look so much the booth with it could we had heard

Do you remember your first recording with it in studio ever?

Our that's going back to late

1977 about the time my son was born James. Okay my editor. Sonya were pretty perform from face yeah

here and

a man are you

Living here coventry in England where I live now again

And he asked me if I'd like to

Record some songs make an lP. Yeah

Why wouldn't be ready for this?

But he persuaded me because division wears only one day in the studio to just myself in the guitar. Yeah

And we recall it is an agarose that's how it was very quickly. That's the first

Regarding that end. It is possible to find his recordings summer. We have it son

The LP came out yes. I could find one up will be nice like I have a linger because we're on YouTube

Yeah, really great. Find the link of your first recording

All yes, hahaha. I'll go there now this gentleman in

1977 who asked me to do this run me off a couple years ago up here, and it says

Could you give would it be permitted to bring this out on CD form the old?

recording with an image the same as on the under the sleeve of the

of the M

Cd cool, it's the same diseases LP Cd. I?

Think I have one here reiner reiner has some old one, okay, right to have it cool

I like to have it and we're going to play it yeah. Yeah, yeah cool. It's very basic

Well, we love basic believe me. We really love it



For more infomation >> Thank you for your presents at Zomerfolk - Rapalje celtic folk music - Duration: 10:55.


Best Of Norah Jones Full Live 2017 - Norah Jones Greatest Hits Full Live - Duration: 1:07:51.

Thanks for watching! Don't forget to SUBCRIBE, Like & Share my video if you enjoy it! Have a nice day!

For more infomation >> Best Of Norah Jones Full Live 2017 - Norah Jones Greatest Hits Full Live - Duration: 1:07:51.


THE FLASH | Bande-Annonce SAISON 4 Comic Con en français [VOSTFR] - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> THE FLASH | Bande-Annonce SAISON 4 Comic Con en français [VOSTFR] - Duration: 2:05.


Nashville Burger Week @ Embers Ski Lodge - Duration: 3:13.

Hey! We are at Embers Ski Lodge.

This is our next day of the Burger Week.

So we got Burger Week going on.

I'm really excited.

I changed up my plans.

I was going to go to a different restaurant, but a friend of mine convinced me that this

burger is number 1.

I'm looking forward to seeing if they hold up to what she said.

First, we ordered the steak rangoon.

It's basically a wonton fried with steak and cream cheese in it and of course BBQ sauce.

So I'm really looking forward to that one.

It should be awesome!

Ahhh, yes!

Steak wontons!

And we're going to dig into these things right now!

They smell good. They look good.

We're going to see if they are good.

We've got a spicy little sauce right here.

It's creamy, it's meaty, it's got a kick of a spice to it.

You can feel that BBQ smokiness in the background.

So this is awesome.

It came out super quick!

I have my burger, and I've moved my wontons onto it.

So this is how it looks.

I'm not a big fan of onions.

This is a Sriracha deep fried onion.

You can taste the onion flavor.

It's not unbearable if you're not an onion fan, and BBQ sauce...cheddar.

Nice burger on a brioche bun, and it's looking like it's gonna be a load of fun!

The burger is the star.

I don't know what they did to it, but it is flavored extremely well.

And it works perfectly with the BBQ sauce.

It's like a blackberry BBQ sauce so it's special.

It's housemade, and it's good.

These things are awesome as well.

If you like steak and crab rangoon, this is the combination for you.

The most impressive part of this to me is I don't like onions.

And yet they have somehow made onions okay.

They made onions okay which is...that is something that is a feat.

This is an excellent burger.

Nashville Burger Week, you are awesome!

Final couple of bites.

I am sad it's almost all gone, but it really was a good size, that and my side.

I am going to leave full, but not too full which...that's also a good thing.

Because I've had a lot to eat this week.

A lot to eat.

This was Embers.

I really recommend it.

It's got a great burger, and this is their grand opening for this burger.

Hopefully, they keep it because it is spot on.

If you haven't seen my other videos, make sure you check those out and don't forget

to like and make a comment.

And then subscribe!

Until tomorrow and another burger, toodles!

For more infomation >> Nashville Burger Week @ Embers Ski Lodge - Duration: 3:13.


J.Fla | Top 10 Bài Hát COVER Hay Nhất Của J.Fla (P3) - Duration: 26:58.

For more infomation >> J.Fla | Top 10 Bài Hát COVER Hay Nhất Của J.Fla (P3) - Duration: 26:58.


Woman who didn't eat for 21 DAYS and lived on tea and a CLAY mixture - Duration: 4:07.

woman who didn't eat for 21 days and lived on he and a clay mixture claims

the restrictive fast healed her body helping her lose 15 pounds side acne and

riddler and signs of harmful parasites a woman has candidly revealed what

really happened when she stopped eating food for 21 days and she claims the

potentially dangerous night has healed her body in an essay published by

Collective evolution Canadian writer Elana Kettler 27 packs poetic about how

the intense three-week fast helped her lose 15 pounds control her cystic acne

and read her body of parasites and an overgrowth of Candida a form of yeast

Elana said for 21 days she followed the master fast system consuming only grape

juice mixed with lemon herbal tea and potent tinctures and plasma pudding made

out of psyllium husk powder bentonite clay and activated charcoal mixed with

grape juice and lemon she also gave herself daily enemas and did daily dry

fasts in which she abstained from food and water for 14 to 18 hours the master

fast system was created by Canadian alternative health entrepreneur Luigi B

cereal and claims to offer hope and healing to anyone who has been given a

death sentence al an admitted the plans recommended 40 to 108 days of fasting

felt like a little bit too long for so she tried it for 21 days instead I

stopped eating food altogether for 21 days and you know what happened I healed

my body gave my digestive system a much-needed rest

cleared up my Candida past some parasites and got my cystic acne under

control and would you believe it I am still here to tell the story she wrote

Elana said she was diagnosed with a candida overgrowth two years ago but

after doing the fast a part of her wonders if a parasite may have been the

cause of her stomach bloating however she did not know that those suffering

from an overgrowth of Candida can seek treatment without starvation following a

doctor recommended plan unsurprisingly Elana dropped a total of

15 pounds while following the extremely restrictive diet which she said was just

a lot of water weight the lamb is shared before-and-after photos of herself

explaining that her stomach was the airing of the shrunk the most because

the fast completely cleared up the bloating and swelling she had been

suffering from for the past two years the writer went on to discuss the mental

benefits of fasting noting that not eating makes you realize just how

addicted to food we really are it's amazing how clear the head is when there

is nothing in the system no stimulants or any other distractions she said I

found I became a lot more aware of my emotions as well

Elena explained that when certain emotions arose she couldn't use food as

an escape so she was forced to sit with it and feel it at the end of her essay

Elena said there are a lot of preconceived ideas about humans needing

a certain amount of food to be healthy but she thinks we should just tune in to

our bodies and give our digestive system a break every now and then the idea of

stuffing our faces with three large meals that day seems absurd to me and

things like intermittent fasting actually make a lot more sense

she explained when asked about the controversial fast Australian dietitian

Linda Cohen who has not treated Elena told body and soul that this is an

incredibly extreme and unhealthy approach to take to try and heal your

body it's really important to listen to your body but that includes listening to

your hunger as well she added after 21 days of fasting your body would become

badly malnourished do lack of protein there are some nutrients like essential

amino acids that your body can't produce on its own so you need to consume a min

your diet fasting will cause your body to start

breaking down your muscle to use as energy and allow your body to produce

important hormones hormones

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