Sunday, July 23, 2017

Youtube daily report w Jul 24 2017

• From a factory worker who quit without telling anyone to a barber who went rogue,

the Planet Dolan crew re-enact some of the best true stories from our subreddit about

the most unprofessional things we've ever seen.

I'm Pringle the one And I'm Melissa and today we'll both be narrating.

Number 10 was submitted by TheZootopiaFanboy Kyle

One time Kyle was in gym class playing a version of Musical Chairs that had Hula Hoops instead

of chairs.

Everything was going great until he fell over trying to get into a hoop.

When he got up he threw the hoop in frustration and hit his teacher right in the nose!

Instead of laughing it off, Mrs McFadden went completely psychotic!

She slapped Kyle across the face and screamed, "DON'T YOU DARE DO THAT TO ME, YOU MISERABLE



Kyle burst into tears and ran out of the room.

She'd slapped him so hard bad that Kyle bled!

Kyle was suspended for a week, but Mrs McFadden had it much worse.

She was fired for acting unprofessionally towards a student and she arrested for child


I guess emotions run high when people play Musical Chairs…

Number 9 was submitted by Dooperthesnake Grgak A few years ago Grgak was out shopping when

he saw an elderly woman needed some help.

The woman got around using a zimmer frame and couldn't reach a can of Pepsi on the

top shelf.

Grgak offered to help, but it was no use – he couldn't reach it either!

So the elderly lady asked a surly looking woman at the counter for help.

This woman took one look at the sweet old lady and shouted, "Why don't ya fucken

use your cripple frame?"

Luckily the woman's boss overheard this.

He gave the old lady some free Pepsi and fired his rude employee on the spot.

So it's not all bad!

There's one less asshole working in retail…

Number 8 was submitted by Migyver106 Dolan's Brother

Dolan and his brother Zaraganba once worked nightshifts at a local factory.

Dolan's brother was in charge of sorting the parts while Dolan operated the machinery.

One night Dolan was really restless.

He kept pacing about trying to distract his brother from work.

Zaraganba told him to go back to his work station and Dolan would say, "But I'm


An hour later, Zaraganba's boss came over and asked where Dolan was.

Apparently Dolan's machine had been left unattended and had almost backed up!

They searched around and found Dolan waiting outside watching YouTube on his phone.

Dolan had just decided to quit his job without telling anyone and was waiting for Zaraganba

to finish his shift so he could get a ride home.

Zaraganba told his boss he was sorry for being related to such a failure.

Number 7 was submitted by Kidlike101 Andie A few years ago Andie worked in a hospital

emergency unit with a very unprofessional head nurse.

One night a patient came in suffering from smoke inhalation and severe third-degree burns.

It was an intense scene, with his family crying their eyes out in the hallway and hospital

staff literally running around trying to save him.

Then in strolled the head nurse holding a leaflet.

She casually looked around and said, "Hey guys, I've been thinking of getting my eyebrows


Anyone interested?

They have, like, this really great promotion!"

Andie and her co-workers stared at her like she was a mental patient.

The nurse acted totally oblivious to the burn patient and kept going on and on about her

beauty regime.

Andie got so mad that she threw the nurse out of the room, even though she was technically

Andie's superior!

A week later the worst nurse in the world was fired.

Number 6 was submitted by SlyVocaloid Hellbent One time Hellbent went to get a haircut.

He very clearly told the barber what he wanted and the barber went to work.

When he was done, Hellbent looked in the mirror and saw that his hairstyle was totally different

to what he'd asked for.

When he asked the barber what happened the barber said he'd heard Hellbent's request

but decided this different style would be better.

Hellbent asked him to fix it but the barber screamed at him and told him to leave.

Hellbent had to wear a hat for the next couple of weeks.

He never went to that barber shop again…

Number 5 was submitted by SiriusGreenDragon Nixxiom

A few years ago Nixxiom worked at an adult store.

It was an unusual place to work, but his coworkers were all very normal – except for one guy


This young guy was a bit odd, but Nixxiom gave him a chance because he worked hard and

was always on time.

Well, one afternoon Nixxiom's manager came in and announced that the young guy had been


When Nixxiom asked why, his manager said, "He was stealing money out of the till.

And he stole some… merchandise…

He was taking our reusable masturbators, using them while he was supposed to be working,

and then putting them back on the shelf for customers to buy!"

Nixxiom suddenly regretted ever shaking this guy's hand…

Number 4 was submitted by SingBling Slapped Ham

This one time Slapped Ham went to his mum's workplace for Bring Your Child to Work Day.

After a few hours of boredom Slapped Ham found another kid to play with.

They played together for a good fifteen minutes until out of the blue the kid made a face

like he needed to go to the toilet.

His mom was in the middle of an important business call so instead of telling her he

dropped his pants and did a huge stinky poo right in the middle of the office.

Instead of ending the call so she could yell at him or help him, the kid's mom walked

around her desk, grabbed her son by the arm and locked him in the snack cupboard.

Slapped Ham just watched the whole thing with his jaw dropped.

To this day he still can't look at a snack cupboard the same way.

Number 3 was submitted by NightmareAuthor Pandora

One day Pandora and her mom went clothes shopping at an all-female store.

Inside they saw a mall security guard following a young guy around for seemingly no reason.

Pandora asked what this man had done as she could see he looked uncomfortable.

The security guard said nothing yet; she just didn't trust him because he looked Mexican.

She said Mexicans were more likely to steal something and that a young man wouldn't

be in a women's clothing store unless he was planning to take something.

After harassing the shit out of this guy and calling him a bunch of derogatory names it

turned out he was just doing some early Christmas shopping for his sisters.

Pandora and her mom felt so bad about the way he'd been treated that they took him

out for a coffee.

Number 2 was submitted by SinisterSquirrel13 Emojie

When Emojie was eleven his grandma took him to Burger King.

When they went to the counter they were served by a really disinterested teenager.

Emojie could tell she didn't give a shit about her job because she spoke in a monotone

and had to look at her badge to even remember where she worked!

The girl was barely listening when Emojie's grandma placed their order, so sure enough

their order came out all wrong.

They had to send it back three times.

Emojie's grandma got so mad she yelled, "Young lady, if you mess up our order one

more time I will come back there and MAKE IT MYSELF!"

The girl left and came back with a fourth order.

But before Emojie's grandma could pick it up the girl pushed the tray off the counter,

spilling soda all over the floor.

She then screamed "Screw you and your order!" and stormed out the back exit, where her manager

promptly fired her.

Emojie was devastated because that last order she'd spilled was finally right…

Number 1 – What's the most unprofessional thing I've ever seen?

Huge thanks for the folks over on our Planet Dolan subreddit for submitting their stories.

We have another question for you: "What's the funniest time you've seen someone lose

their cool?"

Let us know in the Reddit page linked below and you might be featured in a future countdown.

For more infomation >> UNPROFESSIONAL PEOPLE | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 8:20.


Um gay suicida no Rio Grande do Sul - Duration: 7:11.

For more infomation >> Um gay suicida no Rio Grande do Sul - Duration: 7:11.


Geoffrey West - Cidades são pessoas - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Geoffrey West - Cidades são pessoas - Duration: 1:51.


Michael Sandel - Democracia para pensar desigualdades - Duration: 1:47.

I think that the greatest moral challenge that we face today

is to try to do something

to alleviate the enormous gap between rich and poor.

I think that is the overriding moral challenge.

If I could add a second moral challenge, and it is connected,

it would be to realize the promise of democracy and democratic life

as something more than just voting. Elections are important.

But, really to deepen democracy in our society

so that it really is an occasion for, and an instrument of civic education.

Democracy at its best

cultivates the character of its citizens.

It teaches us to

care about the fate of those other than ourselves.

To participate in a common life. To take responsibility

for our fellow citizens.

So, in some ways these two moral challenges are connected.

Because I think,

as democracy deepens, as it becomes a civic project,

and not just a way of registering our preferences on election day,

it will force us

to think about, and to address

the vast disparities in income and wealth,

in power and opportunities that

continue to describe so much of our world and our public lives.

For more infomation >> Michael Sandel - Democracia para pensar desigualdades - Duration: 1:47.


Taeyang - Eyes, Nose, Lips (눈,코,입) - Cover by 꽃 - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Taeyang - Eyes, Nose, Lips (눈,코,입) - Cover by 꽃 - Duration: 4:08.


【In Izu】 Kitagawa Hot Springs ! A Really Good Hot Springs Bath! [CC Available] |Kinoshita Yuka - Duration: 2:47.

i went to Kitagawa Hot Springs !

look at this wonderful view

ohhhh ! amazing

this hot springs... ah ! a bird flying around

i'm in a japanese hotel, it called " Aqua Water" and it's a really good place

the atmosphere is so good here

i entered earlier a big public bath, and i was so happy about the seafood there

isn't that a good weather !?

and i wearing today, a yukata

when i entered the hot springs earlier

It's almost the time of dinner

ohhhh !

ohhhh ! that's amazing

various things

- this part in the main channel -

It is the sunrise

you can see here, the red sun !

this is so good

it's 4:38am now

it's morning now and i'm in the hot springs

oooh !

a decoration with the flowers

and the smell is so nice

oooh ! this really amazing

this is not the room

it's somthing special for hot spring...

how they said that...


A Places to rest


Ah ! really amazing

there is bed as well

Ah ! really good

and there is a lot of drinks as well

a really good ones

ahhh ! look at this

the sofa is so vast

and we have here the bath

this is so luxurious

oooh ! amazing

i'm so happy about that

it's really amazing

oooh !

the sing of the birds

ahh ! this is really amazing

and beautiful

a really good morning

we are now at 6 am ...

and i'll do my best for today as well

For more infomation >> 【In Izu】 Kitagawa Hot Springs ! A Really Good Hot Springs Bath! [CC Available] |Kinoshita Yuka - Duration: 2:47.


Last Hope - Paramore Cover - Duration: 5:23.

I don't even know myself at all

I thought I would be happy by now

The more I try to push it I realize gotta let go of control

Gotta let it happen

Gotta let it happen

Gotta let it happen

So let it happen

It's just a spark

But it's enough to keep me going

And when it's dark out, no one's around

It keeps glowing

Every night I try my best to dream

Tomorrow makes it better

Then I wake up to the cold reality

And not a thing has changed

But it will happen

Gotta let it happen

Gotta let it happen

Gotta let it happen

It's just a spark

But it's enough to keep me going

And when it's dark out, no one's around

It keeps glowing

It's just a spark

But it's enough to keep me going

And when it's dark out, no one's around

It keeps glowing

And the salt in my wounds isn't burning anymore than it used to

It's not that I don't feel the pain,

it's just I'm not afraid of hurting anymore

And the blood in these veins isn't pumping any less than it ever has

And that's the hope I have,

the only thing I know that's keeping me alive


Gotta let it happen

Gotta let it happen

Gotta let it happen

Gotta let it happen

Just let it happen

Gotta let it happen

Gotta let it happen

Gotta let it happen

It's just a spark

But it's enough to keep me going

So if I let go of control now, I can be strong

Out, no one's around

It keeps glowing

It's just a spark

But it's enough to keep me going

So if I keep my eyes closed, with the blind hope

Out, no one's around

It keeps glowing

For more infomation >> Last Hope - Paramore Cover - Duration: 5:23.


Edit Videos in iMovie | Video Editing Software + Tips - Duration: 14:24.

Hey there it's Ashley Perkins. Welcome back to the best place to build income,

influence, and impact for your business or brand online. If you're new here make

sure you subscribe because I share new social media and brand strategy

tutorials every single week. If editing software and technology is what's

keeping you from creating and sharing video content with your audience, I'm

here to fix that for you. Today I'm going to be sharing how you can create

visually appealing and engaging video content using iMovie to edit your videos.

Alright, before we get started I would like to give a personal

recommendation that video editing becomes a lot easier when you're

creating your video content with the editing process in mind. Let me explain a

little bit. You don't have to give yourself a full breakdown by breakdown

script of exactly word for word what you want to say, but I do recommend giving

yourself an outline of at least a few bullet points so you not only stay on

track, but you know exactly what to expect when you're editing your video.

That way you can cut your editing time in half and also enhance the editing

process and the final product of your video with a few bonus features in mind

like slide overlays, special effects, transitions, and anything else you'd like

to include. So once you've made your script and recorded your video it's time

to get started with the editing process, so let's dive into iMovie. Once you open

iMovie you want to create a new movie project. Then you want to go to file>

import media> and find the video file that you want to import.

So, before I do anything I like to

stretch out my video clip so I can see the video and audio breakdown in a lot

greater detail, and that way again the editing process becomes a lot easier

because I can see that any blank space like this where I'm not saying anything

and I'm simply just getting prepared to start speaking that can instantly be cut.

Before I do any cutting or trimming of this clip though, one thing I really like

to do and encourage you to do is check your audio and adjust it as needed. I

already know off the top of my head that the room I record my videos in does give

off a bit of an echo so I know that I want to adjust my volume and reduce the

background noise to increase my voice and reduce the echo you hear in the

background. So I want to reduce the background noise to a hundred percent

and that way it just flattens out anything in the background and makes my

voice the focal point of the video. So once that's done the audio has been

corrected and I can start editing my video. So like I said, I know all of this

can be cut because I'm not speaking, I'm preparing to get on camera. There's no

audio spikes here, so I know that I don't need to worry about that. What you

can do is simply either drag your video clip inward, or you can split the clip

and simply delete anything beforehand. So right there you can see that my mouth

begins to open and I'm about to say my greeting or my channel intro that I

always pitch in every video so that will be good right there. But we're going to

double check it anyway. Perfect. And I like breaking up my clips and

eliminating any dead space like this just to keep my transitions tight and

cohesive, so I'm going to do what I just showed you and split this clip.

So that was a more candid moment in my video so I'm thinking I might try and

input a couple of transitions in there to make it a little more engaging and

also just to change up the style of the video. So let's look at what transitions

fit with this if any at all. So I first want to split the clip so you can fit a

transition in between them then you'll find your transitions up in the top

navigation panel here. Let's try a wiping motion and see how that looks. So that

transition wasn't exactly noticeable so I'm actually going to delete it and try

picking another one. That one looked okay so I'm going to just finish this off and

split this clip too. Let's see how this looks. Perfect. That

looks like a great place to stop so I'm going to split that clip again. Now you

may or may not have had an intro created for any video platform that you're using

whether that's the YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, or what have you. So this is a

spot where before you dive into the content of your video and you're done

explaining what you can expect from watching the video this is where you

want to pop in your channel intro. So I'm just going to grab mine and drag it in

right here. I also like to have music playing during my channel intro so you

can go into the audio section and there will be audio there stored from your

iTunes. You can also get sound effects from iMovie too. Another great resource

and actually where I found my audio for my channel intro is YouTube's Audio

Library so definitely make sure you check that out because there are tons of

royalty free audio files on this which you can use to create an even more

engaging video. So I'm going to grab the song that I always use and drag it

underneath of my intro. Now it's much longer than my

intro so I've got to scroll until I find the end of it. Here's the end of it and

we're just going to click and drag it in. Now this is going to be way too loud so

if you want to adjust the audio of any clip whether that's a video clip like

this or an audio clip that you put in yourself all you have to do is find this

middle line here and just drag the volume down. That sounds good but I don't

like the way that it abruptly ends the song, it would be nice if it had a nice

transition out so it sounded a little more natural. So I'm just going to grab

this and create a fade effect so the song will gradually fade out and not end

on a dead stop. So for every topic or subject that I'm introducing at that

moment in a video I like to include a title on the screen so my audience knows

exactly what I'm talking about and whatever tip or trick I'm recommending.

So I'm just going to grab this one and pop it on top there. So all you have to

do to edit it is just double click. You can select any font you like if your

brand font isn't in here just try and find one that most resembles the fonts

that you do use for your brand just so you're keeping everything consistent and

cohesive. You can also adjust the length of time that your title appears on

screen, you can make it as long or as short as

you want. I usually just like mine to appear for the time that I'm introducing

it. So a great thing that I like to do just to change up again the visual

content of the video and to give my audience an exact idea of what I'm

talking about is to include b-roll of whatever I'm talking about. What I like

to do is either go to the website or the sales page, product page, service page, you're

talking about and use your QuickTime Player or any screen casting or screen

sharing service that you may use and just record a screencast of that web

page. Do a scroll through as if you were someone landing on it for the first time

or if you have visuals of a physical product or perhaps a

digital product you could also include that as an overlay and I'll show you how

to do that. So once you either have your image or your video ready to go for your

call to action let's say you've got an image so you can just drag that and pop

it on top of your video and you can customize the cropping you can either

crop to fill or fit the screen. I like just to make sure that it fits the

screen and you can also choose if you want it to be a cutaway where it sort of

fades out through the screen split screen where it shares the screen with

you and video or picture in picture and that way you have way more control over

how the visual appears on the screen. So let's see how this looks. So that was

something that appeared just as a small extension of the screen if I wanted I

could make it bigger pop it in the corner or I could cover the entire

screen if you are going to cover the entire screen. I just recommend you

choosing the cutaway option because it's going to fill the screen for you and

give it a nice transitional effect. Let's see how that looks. There you go, that's

the example of an image if you again had an image of a physical product or a

digital product. This is a scroll through of a website and what's pretty cool

about a scroll through is you can customize actually how quickly you

scroll through the screen. So I'm just playing with the cropping here we're

going to move it around the screen like this a bit it's going to cut away which

is fine but it seems way too long. 17.1 seconds is way too long and it's going

to cut into the rest of my video, so what I can do is just click this little clock

up here and speed it up. You can either slow things down

if you wanted to add a cool slow motion effect, you can add a freeze-frame, but

for this instance we're going to speed it up. You can go two times faster, four

times faster, eight times faster, or twenty times faster. I think four times

would be best for this because you can still get an idea of what I'm trying to

show you without it taking up again too much of the video. So let's see how this

looks. I really like the way that looked it was a natural scroll through and

you could still see details of the screen so I'm going to leave that as is.

And now we're moving into my final call to action. Ok so again I know I can drag

this in because that's the end of the video. What you could also do here is

include again a small image overlay just like I showed you with this photo except

you can include your own custom subscribe. So you'd want to do it as a

picture-in-picture and this image can be popped anywhere on

the screen and it can be an addition to your call to action asking your

audiences to subscribe or like your Facebook page, or follow you on Instagram,

whatever your custom call-to-action is you can include that there too. Now I

also have an outro for my videos when I'm sharing them on my YouTube channel,

so I'm just going to drag that and drop it on the end of my video. And I use the

same audio for my intro and outro so all I have to do is just select it, hit

command C, and just paste it under my outro. It's a little bit longer so I'm

just going to drag it in and I'm also going to add a transition to the end of

my video.

That looks great okay so now that I'm happy with my video file and all of my

editing has been done I've added my titles and everything that needs to be

included all I have to do now is go file> share> select file> name my movie> copy

that into description> just so all of the metadata

is consistent> and click Next and you're done. There you go you know my entire

system for editing video content within the iMovie software. And if live

streaming is a video marketing strategy you want to get started with click the

link below this video to learn more about my eCourse Learn to Live Stream.

Inside you'll find my top to bottom strategies for leveraging Facebook live

to get found by your target audience, build trust with them, and increase

conversions. And of course if you liked this video please hit the like button

below and feel free to share it with your friends I'll see you in the next


For more infomation >> Edit Videos in iMovie | Video Editing Software + Tips - Duration: 14:24.


N0tail • Phantom Lancer • 42K DMG — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 51:13.

N0tail • Phantom Lancer • 42K DMG — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2

For more infomation >> N0tail • Phantom Lancer • 42K DMG — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 51:13.


Beatle Paul....conclusion. - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> Beatle Paul....conclusion. - Duration: 4:09.





UNPROFESSIONAL PEOPLE | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 8:20.

• From a factory worker who quit without telling anyone to a barber who went rogue,

the Planet Dolan crew re-enact some of the best true stories from our subreddit about

the most unprofessional things we've ever seen.

I'm Pringle the one And I'm Melissa and today we'll both be narrating.

Number 10 was submitted by TheZootopiaFanboy Kyle

One time Kyle was in gym class playing a version of Musical Chairs that had Hula Hoops instead

of chairs.

Everything was going great until he fell over trying to get into a hoop.

When he got up he threw the hoop in frustration and hit his teacher right in the nose!

Instead of laughing it off, Mrs McFadden went completely psychotic!

She slapped Kyle across the face and screamed, "DON'T YOU DARE DO THAT TO ME, YOU MISERABLE



Kyle burst into tears and ran out of the room.

She'd slapped him so hard bad that Kyle bled!

Kyle was suspended for a week, but Mrs McFadden had it much worse.

She was fired for acting unprofessionally towards a student and she arrested for child


I guess emotions run high when people play Musical Chairs…

Number 9 was submitted by Dooperthesnake Grgak A few years ago Grgak was out shopping when

he saw an elderly woman needed some help.

The woman got around using a zimmer frame and couldn't reach a can of Pepsi on the

top shelf.

Grgak offered to help, but it was no use – he couldn't reach it either!

So the elderly lady asked a surly looking woman at the counter for help.

This woman took one look at the sweet old lady and shouted, "Why don't ya fucken

use your cripple frame?"

Luckily the woman's boss overheard this.

He gave the old lady some free Pepsi and fired his rude employee on the spot.

So it's not all bad!

There's one less asshole working in retail…

Number 8 was submitted by Migyver106 Dolan's Brother

Dolan and his brother Zaraganba once worked nightshifts at a local factory.

Dolan's brother was in charge of sorting the parts while Dolan operated the machinery.

One night Dolan was really restless.

He kept pacing about trying to distract his brother from work.

Zaraganba told him to go back to his work station and Dolan would say, "But I'm


An hour later, Zaraganba's boss came over and asked where Dolan was.

Apparently Dolan's machine had been left unattended and had almost backed up!

They searched around and found Dolan waiting outside watching YouTube on his phone.

Dolan had just decided to quit his job without telling anyone and was waiting for Zaraganba

to finish his shift so he could get a ride home.

Zaraganba told his boss he was sorry for being related to such a failure.

Number 7 was submitted by Kidlike101 Andie A few years ago Andie worked in a hospital

emergency unit with a very unprofessional head nurse.

One night a patient came in suffering from smoke inhalation and severe third-degree burns.

It was an intense scene, with his family crying their eyes out in the hallway and hospital

staff literally running around trying to save him.

Then in strolled the head nurse holding a leaflet.

She casually looked around and said, "Hey guys, I've been thinking of getting my eyebrows


Anyone interested?

They have, like, this really great promotion!"

Andie and her co-workers stared at her like she was a mental patient.

The nurse acted totally oblivious to the burn patient and kept going on and on about her

beauty regime.

Andie got so mad that she threw the nurse out of the room, even though she was technically

Andie's superior!

A week later the worst nurse in the world was fired.

Number 6 was submitted by SlyVocaloid Hellbent One time Hellbent went to get a haircut.

He very clearly told the barber what he wanted and the barber went to work.

When he was done, Hellbent looked in the mirror and saw that his hairstyle was totally different

to what he'd asked for.

When he asked the barber what happened the barber said he'd heard Hellbent's request

but decided this different style would be better.

Hellbent asked him to fix it but the barber screamed at him and told him to leave.

Hellbent had to wear a hat for the next couple of weeks.

He never went to that barber shop again…

Number 5 was submitted by SiriusGreenDragon Nixxiom

A few years ago Nixxiom worked at an adult store.

It was an unusual place to work, but his coworkers were all very normal – except for one guy


This young guy was a bit odd, but Nixxiom gave him a chance because he worked hard and

was always on time.

Well, one afternoon Nixxiom's manager came in and announced that the young guy had been


When Nixxiom asked why, his manager said, "He was stealing money out of the till.

And he stole some… merchandise…

He was taking our reusable masturbators, using them while he was supposed to be working,

and then putting them back on the shelf for customers to buy!"

Nixxiom suddenly regretted ever shaking this guy's hand…

Number 4 was submitted by SingBling Slapped Ham

This one time Slapped Ham went to his mum's workplace for Bring Your Child to Work Day.

After a few hours of boredom Slapped Ham found another kid to play with.

They played together for a good fifteen minutes until out of the blue the kid made a face

like he needed to go to the toilet.

His mom was in the middle of an important business call so instead of telling her he

dropped his pants and did a huge stinky poo right in the middle of the office.

Instead of ending the call so she could yell at him or help him, the kid's mom walked

around her desk, grabbed her son by the arm and locked him in the snack cupboard.

Slapped Ham just watched the whole thing with his jaw dropped.

To this day he still can't look at a snack cupboard the same way.

Number 3 was submitted by NightmareAuthor Pandora

One day Pandora and her mom went clothes shopping at an all-female store.

Inside they saw a mall security guard following a young guy around for seemingly no reason.

Pandora asked what this man had done as she could see he looked uncomfortable.

The security guard said nothing yet; she just didn't trust him because he looked Mexican.

She said Mexicans were more likely to steal something and that a young man wouldn't

be in a women's clothing store unless he was planning to take something.

After harassing the shit out of this guy and calling him a bunch of derogatory names it

turned out he was just doing some early Christmas shopping for his sisters.

Pandora and her mom felt so bad about the way he'd been treated that they took him

out for a coffee.

Number 2 was submitted by SinisterSquirrel13 Emojie

When Emojie was eleven his grandma took him to Burger King.

When they went to the counter they were served by a really disinterested teenager.

Emojie could tell she didn't give a shit about her job because she spoke in a monotone

and had to look at her badge to even remember where she worked!

The girl was barely listening when Emojie's grandma placed their order, so sure enough

their order came out all wrong.

They had to send it back three times.

Emojie's grandma got so mad she yelled, "Young lady, if you mess up our order one

more time I will come back there and MAKE IT MYSELF!"

The girl left and came back with a fourth order.

But before Emojie's grandma could pick it up the girl pushed the tray off the counter,

spilling soda all over the floor.

She then screamed "Screw you and your order!" and stormed out the back exit, where her manager

promptly fired her.

Emojie was devastated because that last order she'd spilled was finally right…

Number 1 – What's the most unprofessional thing I've ever seen?

Huge thanks for the folks over on our Planet Dolan subreddit for submitting their stories.

We have another question for you: "What's the funniest time you've seen someone lose

their cool?"

Let us know in the Reddit page linked below and you might be featured in a future countdown.

For more infomation >> UNPROFESSIONAL PEOPLE | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 8:20.


Don't frack the Fraser Coast - Burrum River - Duration: 2:53.

The Burrum River itself and the whole of

the Burrum River system is the most

pristine river system in southeast

Queensland. So it's certainly something

that we have to preserve.

Beautiful freshwater lakes on sand

rainforests on sand, fens on sand mangroves on sand.

What more could you ask for in terms of

biodiversity than that? But of

course the key to it all is water what

would fracking or coal mining do to

this area? If it interferes with the

surface water or the groundwater that's

the end of all this biodiversity. Do we

want to destroy all of this for a bit of

a short term gain? I've had a good life

and I've hunted and gathered, and my kids and

I've got grandkids you know and great

grandkids as well and I'd like to see

them enjoy it as well as we did...

But if these people move in and start

destroying the place, well there is not going to be

much left for them, hey. It's going to be

devastating for them if that happens. You can't

live without land and the water.

All of the land is sacred to us. We

have a special connection to it, it's all

about oneness the one with the mother.

If there's no water our mother will die and

if we have no mother we have no life. My

uncle's they tell me if you walk into

the bush and you can't hear the bird

sing out the environments no good so now

we can hear the birds, it's a healthy little

ecosystem behind us, but if something like

fracking comes along.

You know it won't just affect the birds, it will

affect everyone I'm not just

Aboriginal people but everyone that lives

here. We like to play outside on the

grass, the grass grows out of the ground

the waters underneath that ground. What

goes in that water eventually comes up

and goes into me, I think I have a right

to speak for my body and what goes in it

and what doesn't. I think I'll probably

have to move camp somewhere where they

say no to fracking. I'm proud of my

country and I'm proud of its people but

I'm really ashamed of the government and

I'm really ashamed of these big

companies and individuals who seem to

think it's ok to risk everybody else's

future to put a few bucks in their pocket.

I'm not that good at predicting

the future but I'm pretty damn sure that

if this goes ahead with this you're going to

wreck our country. But we have a right

you know, the people,

they can't just come and say, we're going

to do this and we're gonna do that.

That's not right.

You're only leaders because people follow

pretty soon we'll turn away if you don't

do something about it.

Just stop it. Lock The Gate

For more infomation >> Don't frack the Fraser Coast - Burrum River - Duration: 2:53.


Explora holds 'sensory-friendly' event for people who want a quieter visit - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Explora holds 'sensory-friendly' event for people who want a quieter visit - Duration: 0:41.


ANTSHARES REVIEW 📈 Bitcoin Price 2717 USD Crypto Currency News Chart Analysis FREE BITCOIN BTC NEO - Duration: 44:46.


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For more infomation >> ANTSHARES REVIEW 📈 Bitcoin Price 2717 USD Crypto Currency News Chart Analysis FREE BITCOIN BTC NEO - Duration: 44:46.



We have just under a day remaining on the big box bundle

Subscriber might hit me up

and he wants some more black Ops 3 DLC weapons with 100 Bo3

supply drops remaining in his brand new Big Box Bundle

We're going to be unlocked from a ton of DLC weapons smash a friggin like on the video for that like luck

Let's get right into it boys to enter this month's $50 xbox PSn or steam card giveaway?

All you have to do is drop a like leave a comment

And be subscribed one light equals one DLC

weapon luck drop a like get some extra like luck on the video because today you're going to watch one of the

Craziest and luckiest openings I've ever done on Black Ops 3 smash alike

Let's get right into it taking a look at this guy's account. He is a DLC weapon connoisseur like myself. He has a pistol

He doesn't have the launchers he has a pretty considerable amount of the melee weapons

He is missing a few here and there though special weapons

He's missing the ballistic and the Annex reticle he has the D13 go into the primaries though

He actually has quite a few t's missing the nail gun and the pPSh

He's also missing the a 94 M16 and LV a basilisk

He has the bad she has the R7 thx he has the Rs a so

he is missing the dBS our this guy's about half the weapons in bo3 and I'm telling you this guy is a

Legitimate DlC weapon grinder take a look at this he has a total victory and he has two triple play contracts completed

So this guy is about his Dlc weapons for sure with 21 hours remaining

We have just under a day if you want me to open your big box bundle. Hit me up on Twitter add

I tanked it or Instagram out. I take it as well. Make sure you guys are following me as well over there add

I take it on Twitter and Instagram, and I'm doing the giveaway for sure

I'm buying one person's big box bundle you have under 21 hours though

So this is the last call on this video if you want me to open your big box bundle again

Drop a like subscribe to the channel and make sure you leave a comment, and tweet me on Twitter

I'll be given a $50 pSN code probably tonight or in the morning tomorrow

So you got to be on point smash it like to make sure you subscribe to him eeeh besides that we have a hundred drops

Left to go let's get right into it 100 remaining

We are going to be flying through these

Doing our best with the likelike mission you guys smash a friggin light down below and let me know in the comments what you've actually

Been getting from your big box bundles big box bundle you know promotion the sale was phenomenal

I broke down the math in my first video when we were talking about it


Incredible 75% off the supply drops essentially with the big box bundle every four supply drops you open

It's like you only really opened one

Which is crazy if you think about how good that is you get four times the items than a regular you know black market you?

Know shopping spree in the supply drops with the cop points or the crypto keys, so another doubt one of the best promotions

Hopefully, they bring it back one more time before bo3 and if not I'm really hoping for a triple play also

Let me know in the comments down below

do you want another big box Bundle or would you rather have a

Triple play because I was thinking we already had the big box bundle

We just came up the triple play, so we have like refreshed our memories on which supply drop system

Or which you know sale is better in my mind

I think the rare supply drop under the big box bundle is good

If you just opening drops like if you like opening supply drops

And you want to get a ton of gear a ton of camos a ton of weapons you don't think like you know?

Just get a bunch of stuff, but the triple play is obviously way better for like oh

the first DlC weapon of the opening the Malleus

I'm not too sure if you had this one already, but that is our first DLC weapon on the opening

But like I was saying the triple play is much better for guaranteeing those new DLC weapons

So whichever one you're going for if you're looking at you know just get more stuff on your account obviously triple play

It's not the best for you. It's more of a big bucks bundle. Type of wave if you know what I'm saying

I am to go check out though

If that malice was brand new after a few more drops because I want to see I need that you know jog my memory says

We're probably getting a ton of me. Oh, we got the part let's forget. Go he already had the rSA

So that is guaranteed to be the new DBS are I'm pretty sure if you only have the rSA. I'm almost positive

Let me go check

I want to make sure that is pretty insane that was like super fun okay, so that's a devious R50 right there, and yes

Okay, you get the matalas boys

We're putting it worth 2 DLC weapons overall so far with a dude the like luck

Comes clutch everyone that liked the video so far you guys are friggin legends if you haven't liked it already

I don't know you're doing you're playing yourself right now, bro

18 supply drops 18 rare supply drops not even a guaranteed you know bribe, and I'm already two weapons deep

I'm telling you guys like luck is

In phenomenal smash' like down below were not even 20 drops in we already have two DLC weapons

Let's keep it going keep the ball Rolling

Hopefully, I can pull some more that's one. You know epic Sniper and one Legendary Melee weapon off the ripper

That was like four or five supply drops

You know like spaced out with each other so that was

Crazy if you actually break that town the math behind that because like I think the odds of pulling a cryptokey, okay?

Well, there's a conspiracy theory that you know Cryptokeys are weaker then Cod poets apparently top points

This is like way back, but people on a conspiracy theory like I guess a supply drop

Scam theory that Cod points would give you better items in the supply drops now

There was an extremely good map extremely good data

Then I'm not because it's obviously pretty subjective

Account to account and especially if like you have a lot of weapons on it

if you have no weapon

So there's a lot of variables that make it kind of hard to you know make that a real I guess


but cop points and crypto keys have always been compared and if you just thinking about Crypto keys like how often you're supposed to get

A brand new weapon, it's not that consistent. We got the july contraband would vibrate this looks crazy, whoa

It's like a skull within the helmet

It's like he's done for like he died within the neck that's crazy what but yeah, anyway

The supply Drop system with the crypto games you're really supposed to get like a new weapon every

25 30 35 drops or so like I think it's like you have a decent chance at getting a one weapon per 100 items

So it's like 33 drops or so the fact that we pulled too much. Oh boy

The Wrench boys. I'm pretty sure you already had that one. I'm almost positive you already had that one. Yeah, okay?

He already had that one, but we got the wrench which is a DLC weapon unless it is a duplicate

So you know comes through comes clutch with those friggin? You know duplicate keys right there?

Always good stuff, especially if you know you're racking up supply drops in your account

You're getting the camels. You're getting the gear like ah like look at this job kind of sucks

Whatever, but I guarantee you probably had a few of those already and we're going to get some keys off it

So you get some return on your investment the more money or the more?

Cryptokeys that you spend on the supply drop system because obviously the more items you have the

Or duplicate chances you get on your supply drops the more teams you can burn from those duplicates, so it's over the reasons

Why I have

Essentially on my accountant this guy's account right now is if you're thinking about is a hundred range supply drops

He has a ton of weapons he eslint keys you're essentially going to get almost

Unlimited supply drops because after that hundred supply drop bundle what you're getting for

75% off you get so many more supply drops off the keys that you can burn so it's a really good system

It's a good system that you know stack up the supply drops

Especially if you're looking for some new weapons, and you haven't unlocked them all in black Ops. II like this guy

He's missing a ton of range some melees as well. We have some july contraband time to die every foreboding things

I was just opening supply drops on my account this morning, and I actually pulled that gear

So you know twinsies right there 55 drops though remaining in this big box bundle?

We got a void fire break got another rainbow drop right there intensity now too bad. We're flying through these

I'm trying to get these done as fast as possible

I don't want this video to be literally 75 days long

So it is a lot of supply drops to get through that 100 Rares plus the dupes

We're going to burn out to this it is a ton of keys and a ton of supply drops

we're almost halfway through we're three weapons and two of them being brand new and

Actually, which is a cool thing. They're not all melee weapons

There is a range DBS are 50 sniper and that finishes off with the torch a lot of contraband

That's such a sick body theme. It's so bright. It's so like crazy popping. There's a lot of gear

That's like kind of Low-key

underrated and really strong and bo3 that's like one thing that they put a lot of effort into

But not many people talk about is the gear we talked about the camels and the weapons a lot

But the gears you got to respect the effort you know Black Ops 2 Lynch

Eric put within this game even you know the new contraband assets

They always have you know gear?

But people don't really like I don't know it's a kind of a weird thing like everyone uses a specialist

But people have cool gear and like no one really cares

No one really talks about it as much as I think they should I think the camos in some ways are?

weaker than the gear if you really break it down how much how many pieces of gear you have and the

Customizable, you know heads and bodies with the showcase weapons for specialist. It's a pretty good system. Look

Besides that we're getting some camos

We're getting some gear we got some weapons before

But we've been on like a dry spell for like 40 drops with like 30 drops so far

We haven't got a weapon in a minute

We got two new ones though, which I'm pretty happy about that is a complete set for those snipers

So I'm pretty sure he's you know pretty satisfied with that right there. We're flying through these Dylan

I'm trying to get these done as fast as possible

Let me know in the comments down below if you guys doubled up on the big box photo

I know a lot of you guys actually did on twitter you guys recruiting in mystic. You lock contraband

You can buy the big box one or multiple times and at the point when I'll be uploading this video

You will have time to do it twice

I'm not advocating if you have the money and you want to buy it

Obviously, it is the best time to do so so if you're in the market for it

I guess it's the best time but don't go out of your way

Don't you know try to you know steal your mom's credit card or anything like that?

Don't don't be crazy

But it is a pretty good time to get some weapons and to get some you know supply drops on Bo3 because you can double

Up, but you have to open all of them. I was going to double up

I was actually to like quadruple up on the big bucks, but you have to open all of them up

And I have every single DlC weapon unlocked already

So I'm not really looking

For you know spending some supply drops just to get to buy more when I don't really need them right now

I'm saving them up for when new weapons and new camos or whatever new contraband drops in the next update and on Tuesday

We will be getting the day. Oh the slash and burn boys. Let's go to the melee weapon right there

I don't know if that's a brand new one

It might be is it it is okay boys a brand new slash and burn axe right there

It's a super dope animation. How many we have we had a way yeah, so he only has five male

Is that that's pretty phenomenal word we're doing some work in the the melee weapon department right there? That's what slash and burn wrench

What else dBS are and I missed it one more. What was it? I cannot remember, but we got another one I

Can't what what was that? I can't remember week, we pulled a pretty good about a weapon so far for this 100 big box bundle

supply drop

Extravaganza if you will there's so many supply drops to open 100. It's actually a lot when you actually break it down

You're opening a ton of drops but my last opening on the channel. We didn't have the best of luck this opening

We're getting some pretty good drops so far so with 19 remaining in the big box bundle and all the rares soon to come from

These keys I'm hoping we can pull two

Maybe three more weapons that we pretty sick if we can manage to pull that off because we're going to have a ton of

Supply drops left with these dukes trust me

It is literally like an unlimited supply drought

Farming system you get all these drops you get all these keys and you just keep opening and opening and opening and hoping

Obviously you get those new weapons because obviously

Black Ops 3 has a ton of weapons, and if you actually think about I was like on Twitter, I think a week ago

And I was looking at some stuff. There's I think more DLc weapons than regular weapons

I could be mistaken but with how many melee weapons are it really does skew how many Dlc weapons there are so

There's a ton of content to get so you want to catch up

You know you don't want to have half the weapons in the game so supply drops have become a pretty big part of bo3

Obviously with how many DlC contraband updates you know they put out they put out what?

Everyone one and a half months

When the game was active and then now every two months when the game is on the second year july contraband right there

It's no wonder we have so many weapons in Black Ops 3

We're essentially two years in to a fully DlC supported game six drops remaining in this big box bundle

Hopefully wait, it's the game boy. Let's forget


We got the Brand-new july Contraband KvK 99 MMA and 94 the Black Ops 2 throwback supply drop

Weapon Boys


He's going to be so hyped when he sees this on the account smash up freaking like boys

The like Luck comes through KV kade

I needed him to pull d Ottawa somewhere for the first two rounds of each burst are fired at a faster a little fun fact

For you guys right there

He has the lPA in the M16 remaining

But that is a massive pull that is a massive poeople the DBS are and the a and 94 2 Bo2

throwback weapon in One opening

And we still have five more drops to go guys smash the friggin like let's go for something crazy on this video

Ok I've never asked for this before in a video, but if we can smash

10,000 likes that will be absolutely sick so go down there smash the friggin like and an additional

I guess a side part, I can't remember why I didn't even oh wait

Look defect. Oh my God

I don't think this is you did always new is it you don't tell me it's new we got no no

We got the ace of spades boys this guy is getting a ton weapons boys. This is insane

This is insane to supply drugs remaining. Holy crap what I was trying to say before

We are rudely interrupted by another new DlC

Weapon was if we're going to do if I am going to do the big box bundle supply drop Giveaway

Do you guys want me to do another triple play?

If the triple play goes lives let me know the comments 105 keys right there as you can see in that top right right now

Over 600 freakin crypto keys. I'm telling you the unlimited supply drop farming system

You get the big box bundle you get the supply drops you have a stacked account and those keys keep rolling in

Smash it like down below boys

We are killing it right now the Kd k the dBS are a ton of Melee weapons a ton of new ones as well

We're not even getting duped. So they have one dupe. I think we get the wrench

That was it everything else is brand new which is so rare and so crazy

I cannot believe we're this lucky right now smash a friggin light boys. We are killing it. We are killing it

We are killing it. Let's keep it going daily double right now

We're going to go right to the ranch supply drops right after this hopefully some some more weapons to come

From those various supply drops 30 keys let's keep the ball roll and keep this momentum flowing hopefully the luck

Continues to fall down upon these supply dress, but yeah

Let me know the comments and drop a like if you guys I'm going to do another triple pledged supply drop


After the big box bundle is done when the triple play drops if they do drop a new contract which I think they will be

Doing at least next month at the latest I will also do a giveaway on Twitter on the YouTube channel

So make sure you guys to subscribe make sure you guys are following the channel and my twitter ad I tank it

And you know if we're going to keep the ball rolling with these supplies boys. We're good luck is ridiculous, okay?

We're going to keep it going

Hopefully we can pull maybe one more weapon like I was looking for like two or three more weapons

But the fact that we pulled the Kdk that to me and probably the hand that's worth like

Three four weapons if you think about that's the newest assault rifle, and it's one of the strongest weapons in the entire game plus

it's a brand new assault rifle like

Pulling in a subway for an Smg is a different level of getting a DLC weapon

That's cool to pull of shock that it's cool to pull of pistol

There's strong weapons there cool weapons

it could be even new at the time than whatever you know the

1911 was last month's update if you think about pulling an smg or an ar that is a next-level pull you're using a weapon

Right through the desperation ruin. Happy home. That's crazy. That looks like mad max right there apps actually nuts

I've never seen it before I think I have that on my account as well

but if people the smgs like if you pull a ppsh or like

I pulled the Kbk 99 like it's a it's a next-level pull that could be like a you know a standard

Weapon on your classic like it's cool to use the Melee. That's cool

These the pistols you he tried every now and again. You want to have some fun. I think that's a big difference between

Some DlC weapons that are for fun

and there's other weapons other Dlc weapons that you can literally use and like be super competitive and super strong with like if I'm a

Peacekeeper I'm very confident. I could beat any other weapon if I have the HP 40. It's a fun weapon

You know what?

I'm trying to say like certain weapons have their own lanes and weapons like the kPk that is a dominance ar like

I'm happy to go against any man o'war ma you know

Vmp. Claps and appeaser if I have the kPk or the the peacekeeper for instance

But or full-on TD supply drops. We only have a few more left to go

We're going to burn some more dupes after this as well, but this opening has been phenomenal. We have the wrench

We have the ace of spades

What else we get we get a bunch of mail abrecan's I gotta go count after the fact me of the KBK and the DBS

Are the two epics the two ranged weapons which are too crazy poles that both Bo2 throw backs they both completed?

You know the I guess throwback phase as being really strong weapons like sometimes they throw back a weapon and it's super with the DBS

Of the cave you carry both are really good snipers and assault rifles

38 keys Remaining 43 on the tactical really like what two more rares off this time if my math is not mistaken

I think we'll get two more if we can get a decent bonus by being at three. I don't know depends

What what items will get the smasher like down below boys we've been killing in this opening. It's been phenomenal this guy

I'm sure he's very

happy with a lot about getting to the C2 knee range weapons and a ton of melas no no no no no but

Diy Eleven renovator boys? I'm pretty sure that's the brand new SmG

I don't think he ever had this on his oh my God boys

This is next-level

We got the diy eleven renovator one of the funnest DLC weapons in Black Ops 3 he only has the ppsh remaining that is insane

What is going on right now boys?

Without the final that was the final supply drop. We pulled the nail gun in the final drop boys. Drop a friggin like week

All this in this opening, this was insane

I'm gonna try to jog my memory here, but we got the diy a DlC smg guy right there bam

That's number one

We also got the KBk

brand new

July contraband assault right for the a 94 v - we told the new sniper the DBS are 50 bam number three, okay?

I think that's all the range weapons if I'm not mistaken

We didn't pull any of the launchers we pulled the male escape. We got a wrench. We got a malice

We got a slash and burn

We got one else ace of spades and we got the ravens eye, so one two

Let me think 3


5 and then 3

8 DlC weapons in

One big box bundle supply drop opening 8 and not not seven of them or eight of them or melees

Three of them were ranged and not just any range put the KVk

Okay, the nail gun and the DBS are 50 boys

The luck is is it's a different level okay, the the supply of god's they're blessing me in a different way, okay?

We got the Kbk. We got the nail gun. We got the new snipers

We got the melee weapons smash the friggin light boys subscribe you guys are brand new thank you so much for watching

Have an awesome day stay safe, and I'll catch you guys in the next one

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Last Hope - Paramore Cover - Duration: 5:23.

I don't even know myself at all

I thought I would be happy by now

The more I try to push it I realize gotta let go of control

Gotta let it happen

Gotta let it happen

Gotta let it happen

So let it happen

It's just a spark

But it's enough to keep me going

And when it's dark out, no one's around

It keeps glowing

Every night I try my best to dream

Tomorrow makes it better

Then I wake up to the cold reality

And not a thing has changed

But it will happen

Gotta let it happen

Gotta let it happen

Gotta let it happen

It's just a spark

But it's enough to keep me going

And when it's dark out, no one's around

It keeps glowing

It's just a spark

But it's enough to keep me going

And when it's dark out, no one's around

It keeps glowing

And the salt in my wounds isn't burning anymore than it used to

It's not that I don't feel the pain,

it's just I'm not afraid of hurting anymore

And the blood in these veins isn't pumping any less than it ever has

And that's the hope I have,

the only thing I know that's keeping me alive


Gotta let it happen

Gotta let it happen

Gotta let it happen

Gotta let it happen

Just let it happen

Gotta let it happen

Gotta let it happen

Gotta let it happen

It's just a spark

But it's enough to keep me going

So if I let go of control now, I can be strong

Out, no one's around

It keeps glowing

It's just a spark

But it's enough to keep me going

So if I keep my eyes closed, with the blind hope

Out, no one's around

It keeps glowing

For more infomation >> Last Hope - Paramore Cover - Duration: 5:23.


New distracted driving law goes into effect - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> New distracted driving law goes into effect - Duration: 2:48.


【In Izu】 Kitagawa Hot Springs ! A Really Good Hot Springs Bath! [CC Available] |Kinoshita Yuka - Duration: 2:47.

i went to Kitagawa Hot Springs !

look at this wonderful view

ohhhh ! amazing

this hot springs... ah ! a bird flying around

i'm in a japanese hotel, it called " Aqua Water" and it's a really good place

the atmosphere is so good here

i entered earlier a big public bath, and i was so happy about the seafood there

isn't that a good weather !?

and i wearing today, a yukata

when i entered the hot springs earlier

It's almost the time of dinner

ohhhh !

ohhhh ! that's amazing

various things

- this part in the main channel -

It is the sunrise

you can see here, the red sun !

this is so good

it's 4:38am now

it's morning now and i'm in the hot springs

oooh !

a decoration with the flowers

and the smell is so nice

oooh ! this really amazing

this is not the room

it's somthing special for hot spring...

how they said that...


A Places to rest


Ah ! really amazing

there is bed as well

Ah ! really good

and there is a lot of drinks as well

a really good ones

ahhh ! look at this

the sofa is so vast

and we have here the bath

this is so luxurious

oooh ! amazing

i'm so happy about that

it's really amazing

oooh !

the sing of the birds

ahh ! this is really amazing

and beautiful

a really good morning

we are now at 6 am ...

and i'll do my best for today as well

For more infomation >> 【In Izu】 Kitagawa Hot Springs ! A Really Good Hot Springs Bath! [CC Available] |Kinoshita Yuka - Duration: 2:47.


BREAKING: Look What Mueller Did On Hillary Clinton's Order… This is Criminal | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:58.

The idea that Robert Mueller is somehow independent of Washington's politics is laughable.

The man in charge of the ongoing Russian investigation has a history of being loyal to the Democrats.

During the administration of George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton facilitated the transfer of

highly enriched uranium to the Russian government.

WikiLeak cables conclusively prove that former FBI Director Robert Mueller was tasked with

secretly delivering samples of this uranium to Moscow, via Gateway Pundit.

Mueller helped to facilitate the illegal smuggling of enriched uranium, a key ingredient needed

for making nuclear weapons, at the behest of Clinton.

This is the man tasked with independently investigating President Trump and his administration

All told, Mueller's involvement began back in 2006, when the US government got their

hands on highly enriched uranium (HEU) in the Republic of Georgia.

The Georgian government allowed the U.S. to give samples of this uranium to Russia, via


While all of this may sound like routine government work (barring the fact that the U.S. was directly

involved in handling HEU between two foreign countries), it should be noted that Clinton

was involved despite not holding a position in the Bush administration.

Clinton seems to have some very deep connections to the Russian uranium industry.

After all, while serving as Secretary of State, her Clinton Foundation made a deal whereby

American uranium was sold to the Russian company Rosatom.

Rosatom is mostly controlled by Russian President Vladimir Putin, who in turn paid a handsome

reward to the Clinton Foundation for their part in the deal, via New York Times.

For his part, Mueller has shown a loyalty to Clinton and Democrat donors.

One of Mueller's team members is Elizabeth Prelogar, who gave $250 to both the Clinton

campaign in 2016 and the Obama campaign in 2012, via Daily Caller.

Other investigators on Mueller's team include James Quarles, who donated $33,000 to Democrats,

including Clinton and Obama, Andrew Weissmann, who donated $4,000 to Obama in 2008, and Jeannie

Rhee, who not only donated $16,000 to Clinton and Obama, but also represented Clinton during

her email scandal, via Axios.

Does this look "unbiased" to you?

Trump surrogates are right to claim that this investigation is nothing more than a "witch


Mueller's whole goal is to try and delegitimize President Trump's administration.

Unless he is reigned in or fired, it is hard to tell just how much damage Mueller and his

team could do.

Do YOU support the firing or Robert Mueller?

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For more infomation >> BREAKING: Look What Mueller Did On Hillary Clinton's Order… This is Criminal | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:58.


Avoid Slide Shows on Your Website - Duration: 1:48.

Hello everyone my name is Nathalie and today I'll be talking a little bit about

slideshows and how they can have a negative effect on the user experience.

Now, why is that? The user likes to have control over the interface. So when

there's a slideshow, they really might miss out on the message that sits over

that slideshow because before they're able to read it, it scrolls to the next

one. As we talked about earlier, the statistics are very low on how many

people actually sit in front of the slideshow to be able to read all the

different messages. We just don't have the attention span nowadays. And last but

not least when you're thinking about doing a slideshow, please take into

consideration that you know we are designing for mobile, we're designing for

tablets, and these large images, especially three or four of them can

really bog down your site. And that means that the loading time is a lot longer.

And the user has just lost any interest and moved on to a different site. So

hopefully next time you're thinking about creating a slideshow you're taking

all of these things into consideration. Nathalie - Tiny Frog Technology.

For more infomation >> Avoid Slide Shows on Your Website - Duration: 1:48.


Rarities 1.05ctw Emerald White Zircon East/West Ring - Duration: 9:45.

For more infomation >> Rarities 1.05ctw Emerald White Zircon East/West Ring - Duration: 9:45.


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