Hi I'm Raquel Domínguez www.operacionbikini.es
and I am here today to help end the pain.
The back is often the most overlooked of our body,
Maybe it's because they usually see us. But the truth is that we care
to have beautiful legs, a flat stomach, but ... so what
about back ?. Careful back can reach
be really sexy, but also can help us to have
a quality of life much better. Who has not ever had
those annoying back pain? Well today, I will talk about
how to prevent them, and it's easier than you think, you'll see.
Many times we are not even aware of how tense we
the back. So, the first step is to learn to identify
the warning signs that warn us stress that we can be suffering,
and who she becomes backaches. And which are they
those signals that warn us that we strained back?
For the former, the brow. If you are tense or stressed it is more
probably you have wrinkles here in this area between the eyebrows.
Another thing that usually tell us are the shoulders. Do you go with your shoulders raised
all day? If the answer is yes, another warning sign. As well
we have to fix in the hands and feet. If you always have
and cold hands and feet can not stop still for a moment, there
You have another signal. The legs. You may not know it but my legs is one of the sites
where more stress is noted. Maybe in your case you get jerks often or maybe
feel tense or anxious. That's another signal. Back also tells us regardless
you're sitting or standing if you tend to bend the lower back or have strained back,
another signal. Knees also alert you. It is likely to notice knees
stiff when walking and standing when you have fully extended the.
Jaw, do you have recently said that you face angry ?,
when you are stressed and you get tense jaw muscles
They are often tense, and that makes you put angry face. And finally,
feet will also send signals. It is likely that when you walk
go with heels raised and only lean on the floor
toes, well, you go that way. If this is the floor and you is foot
you're going well. Okay, now we know what are the signs that we are going to say
it is very likely that we end up with back pain. But,
What do we do to give you a break and not hurt us?
because I'll give you my remedy of urgency against stress and back pain.
There it goes. I'll tell you a technique very, very, very, very, very
simple that works for me when I feel stressed and it hurts
the back. Still! When you notice very tense for. Does not matter
what you're doing, it's just a moment. So, stop what you're
He is doing, no matter who is not your rest time. Breathe. Inspira
go deeply and slowly releasing tension as you go
expelling air through the mouth. Muses. Think about
what you're doing and how you're doing. Is it really necessary
whatever you were doing well, as you were doing?
Would not you can solve otherwise? Many times when
we get stressed we complicate too much, and we go unnoticed
simplest ways of doing things. Reaction to. Sure there
something you can change. Although just the posture. Show me something
I work it up from my chair and take a little walk,
even below the corridor, hallway back, anyway. I assure you with
this little ritual you'll not only get rid of the tensions
They accumulate in the back, plus you'll feel more alert and you will be
more decisive. I guarantee you. In today's video I greet
Adriana Espada, Kimberly Martinez Ojeda and Redestructor. Hi guys.
I hope my featured video you liked, if you think you may be
help someone please share it, you're doing a favor to him and to me, and I
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