Sunday, July 23, 2017

Youtube daily report Jul 23 2017


For more infomation >> Roblox / sniping haxor and players - Duration: 5:30.


If you Drink Lemon water on an Empty Stomach then this will happen to your Body - Duration: 5:58.

Health Benefits Of Lemon Water We often hear health experts say that drinking a glass of warm water with lemon every day early in the morning is good for our health. Here's why: Water is extremely good for your health as it is the best way to keep the body hydrated and helps eliminate harmful toxins. Lemon is a good source of many nutrients such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and vitamins A, C and B complex, as well as pectin fiber, proteins, and carbohydrates. Lemon's citric acid and the strong anti-bacterial, antiviral and immune boosting powers also help keep you healthy. Here are top 10 Health Benefits of Lemon Water 1. Improves digestion Several components in the lemon stimulate your liver to produce more bile needed for a healthy digestion. In addition, lemon helps the digestive system in removing unwanted materials and toxins out of the body. A daily glass of lukewarm lemon water helps relieve symptoms of indigestion such as heartburn, belching and bloating. It also prevents constipation and diarrhea by promoting healthy bowel functioning. The American Cancer Society recommends this healthy beverage to cancer patients to help stimulate bowel movements. 2. Help lose weight If you are trying to lose weight, drinking a glass of warm lemon water with honey will definitely help you achieve your goal. Lemon is high in pectin fiber, which helps fight hunger cravings and keeps you feeling full for a longer time. 3. Cleans the skin The daily consumption of hot lemon water can make a big difference in the appearance of your skin. It helps to purify the blood and stimulates the growth of new blood cells. In addition, high vitamin C content as well as other antioxidants in lemon helps keep skin free of wrinkles and blemishes and helps fight free radical damage. 4. Supports the Immune System Hot lemon water also boosts the immune system. Being rich in vitamin C, lemon helps boost the immune system and helps the body fight colds and flu. In addition, lemon improves the body's ability to absorb iron, an important nutrient for a healthy immune system. Lemon also contains saponins, which have antimicrobial properties that help keep infections at bay. 5. Treats bad breath The acidic nature of lemon, combined with the medicinal properties of honey and water, can help eliminate bad breath. It cleanses the mouth and activates saliva production that kills bacteria that cause odors. Lemon water also helps to get rid of the white film on the tongue that usually develops while you sleep. This white film consists of decaying food and bacteria that cause bad breath. 6. Balances pH levels Lemon is one of the best alkalizing foods for the body as it contains citric and ascorbic acid that helps maintain pH levels. A good pH level is essential since too much acidity in the body can be inflammatory. Drinking lemon water regularly on an empty stomach in the morning helps eliminate the general acidity in the body including uric acid in the joints which are a major cause of pain and inflammation. 7. Increases energy Nutritional elements like vitamins B and C, phosphorus, proteins and carbohydrates present in lemon make it a natural energizing agent. It hydrates and oxygenates the body to keep you revitalized, energized and refreshed. In addition, as the lemon contains more negatively charged ions, it provides instant energy when it enters the digestive tract. In addition, the lemon scent has mood enhancing and energizing properties. 8. Heals throat infections In fact, people who drink a glass of lemon hot water each morning have a lower risk of developing throat infections. This healthy drink even helps prevent respiratory problems such as asthma. If you have a sore throat, drink this healthy drink and also use it to gargle frequently to speed up the healing process. 9. Controls high blood pressure Those who suffer from high blood pressure can benefit immensely from this healthy drink. It helps to cleanse the lymphatic system and keeps it hydrated. The high potassium content in lemon also helps you sleep better, reduces stress and improves your mental functioning, which in turn helps keep your blood pressure in the normal range. 10. Cleanses the urinary tract Hot lemon water acts as a diuretic and therefore helps to clean the urinary tract and encourages urine production. In addition, this healthy drink can change the pH level of the urinary tract, in turn, discourage the proliferation of bad bacteria.

For more infomation >> If you Drink Lemon water on an Empty Stomach then this will happen to your Body - Duration: 5:58.


How To Get Rid Of Mucus In Lungs Without Medication - Phlegm Treatment - Duration: 4:05.

How To Get Rid Of Mucus In Lungs Without Medication You woke up with the congested chest infection

and the bronchi cluttered with mucus in lungs.

Your throat will not be long in being painful if you cough too much and you do not feel

like going out to go and buy medication.

You are lucky; there are solutions to Get Rid of Mucus in Lungs without Medication!


Consuming Certain Foods

Drink lemon tea with honey.

It is commercially available, but you can also do it at home by mixing two teaspoons

of lemon juice together with a cup of hot water.

The acidity of the lemon should clear your throat.

Add a spoonful of honey to soften.

Eat spicy.

It happened to everyone to put too much spicy oil on our pizza and to end up with the nose


The spices decongest therefore try chili, mustard or horseradish.

Drink hot beverages such as tea or broth.

The liquid warms you, helps to evacuate the mucus and nourishes you at the same time.

Salt Water Another way of the phlegm treatment is the

usage of gargle.

Make gargles with a half-teaspoon solution of salt diluted in lukewarm water.

Eat toast.

The crumbs will gently take off the chest infection from your throat and make it go


Drink water.

If you produce a lot of mucus, it's maybe your body is trying to get rid of a chest

infection and your immune system is doing its job.

Drink water because it needs it.

Drink cider vinegar.

Consume a teaspoon of cider vinegar.

The flavor may not be great, but it works!

Swallow it quickly and wait for 5 to 10 seconds.

If the vinegar flavor disturbs you, then you can drink a glass of water.

Method 2.

Avoiding the Production of Mucus in Lungs Stop smoking.

As long as you are congested, try not to smoke.

The smoke dries up the vocal cords, and the body tries to remedy this by producing even

more mucus.

Studies have shown that smoking produces mucus.

Use patches until the mucus has disappeared.

Avoid dairy products.

They are not necessarily the cause of the problem, but they cause a thickening of the

mucus in lungs in some people.

Beware of chemical vapors that attack the bronchi.

Method 3.-Get rid of mucus in lungs naturally • Make inhalations with essential oils of

camphor, mint, and thyme.

• Moisten the room air if you can, but do not turn it into a tropical jungle.

• Hum if you can.

It may be that the vibrations in your throat help to slide the mucus.

• Spit the mucus, do not swallow it.

Keep a handkerchief on hand to discreetly expectorate.

Advice • Always keep a menthol cough syrup for


• Drink a lot of water.

• Do not cough too hard.

In some people, a very severe cough can lead to problems with ribs and intercostal muscles.

• Sleep with your head up with pillows, you breathe better and cough less.

• Keep your neck warm with a scarf.

• Sleeping can help in complementing phlegm treatment, but do not overdo it.

• Eat ice cream and take hot showers that produce a lot of steam.

For more infomation >> How To Get Rid Of Mucus In Lungs Without Medication - Phlegm Treatment - Duration: 4:05.


Dal Sabut Masoor With English Subtitle | Cook With Fariha (2017) - Duration: 4:45.

Hello Friends

Today we are going to make Whole Pink Lentils (Dal Sabut Masoor)

Soaked over night or 4-5 Hours

This is my homemade Garam Masala

This is also my homemade

Now for Tempering, we'll use

I am cooking this in Pressure Cooker

But you can cook in normal cooking if you want!

It will be cook in Pressure Cooker within 15-20 Minutes

If you are making in normal pot then it

will cook around 30-35 Minutes

Add over night soaked Lentils in Cooker

Then Ginger & Garlic Paste

I am serving this with Bread/ Roti

But if you are serving with rice then you can add more water

If you are serving with rice or roti then

you can make it thick or thin accordingly

Add all spices

Cubes will enhance the flavor, kids loves to eat

Garam Masala Powder

I have roasted all ingredients

so we don't need to use any other powder spice

Add almost 2 glass of water

If you want more liquid form then add more water

Mix it and put on pressure for 10-15 minutes

After 15 Minutes

Our Lentils ready now

Here you can see the thickness

And can add more water accordingly if you want!

and cook 5-7 minutes more

Now Put pot to another stove

and let's prepare Tempering

Add Ghee or Oil

Ghee is recommend as it will taste better

But you can oil or olive oil if you want!

Add Cumin Seeds

Keep frying

I have chopped onion and add into pan

Green Chilies

Small cuts on Green Chilies

It will take only 2-3 minutes and Lentils completely ready

you can see the thickness

Now add tempering mixture into pot

Freind, our Lentils are ready

It smells really good

Must try

If you like my recipes then please Subscribe, Like

And Thanks for watching, Good Bye

For more infomation >> Dal Sabut Masoor With English Subtitle | Cook With Fariha (2017) - Duration: 4:45.


i will find you | vhope [ reincarnation au ] - Duration: 1:17.

they think i have schizophrenia

but it's not true

he always comes to me:

in my dreams, reality, everywhere

this... guy from the past

i even started taking pills

but he doesn't go away

as if...

he gave me a promise


find me, hyung

in the past life he saved me.

wherever you are, i will always be there!

we'll meet again.

i've been looking for you for so long...

For more infomation >> i will find you | vhope [ reincarnation au ] - Duration: 1:17.


Att volontärarbeta med vilda djur i Sydafrika - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Att volontärarbeta med vilda djur i Sydafrika - Duration: 3:38.


Honda CR-Z 1.5 I-VTEC IMA GT - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-Z 1.5 I-VTEC IMA GT - Duration: 0:56.


Honda CR-Z 1.5 I-VTEC IMA GT - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-Z 1.5 I-VTEC IMA GT - Duration: 0:56.


Toyota Auris 1.6-16V VVT-I TERRA 5-D 124PK - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Toyota Auris 1.6-16V VVT-I TERRA 5-D 124PK - Duration: 0:57.


Homestuck - Lifeboat - Feferi (CC) - Duration: 1:35.

I float in a boat

In a raging black ocean

Low in the water

And nowhere to go

The tiniest lifeboat

With the people I know



And crowded

The people smell desperate

We'll sink any minute

So someone must go

The tiniest lifeboat

With the people I know

Everyone's pushing

Everyone's fighting

Storms are approaching

There's nowhere to hide

If I say the wrong thing

Or I wear the wrong outfit

They'll throw me right over the side

I'm hugging my knees

And the captain is pointing

Well, who made her captain?

Still, the weakest must go

The tiniest lifeboat

Full of people I know

The tiniest lifeboat

Full of people I know

For more infomation >> Homestuck - Lifeboat - Feferi (CC) - Duration: 1:35.


Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014) IMAX CLIP | Prison Break Scene 'Oh Yeah - I Am Groot' Scene HD - Duration: 3:21.

If we're gonna get out of here, we're gonna need to get into that watchtower.

And to do that, I'm gonna need a few things.

The guards wear security bands to control their ins and outs. I need one.

Leave it to me.

That dude, there. I need his prosthetic leg.

- His leg? - Yeah.

God knows I don't need the rest of him. Look at him, he's useless.

All right.

And finally, on the wall back there is a black panel. Blinky yellow light.

- Do you see it? - Yeah.

There's a quarnyx battery behind it. Purplish box, green wires.

To get into that watchtower, I definitely need it.

How are we supposed to do that?

Well, supposably, these bald-bodies find you attractive.

So, maybe you can work out some sort of trade.

You must be joking.

No, I really heard they find you attractive.

Look, it's 20 feet up in the air,

and it's in the middle of the most heavily-guarded part of the prison.

It's impossible to get up there without being seen.

I got one plan, and that plan requires a frickin' quarnyx battery,

so figure it out!

Can I get back to it? Thanks.

Now, this is important. Once the battery is removed,

everything is gonna slam into emergency mode.

Once we have it, we gotta move quickly, so you definitely need to get that last.

Or we could just get it first and improvise.

- I'll get the armband. - Leg.

Prisoner, drop the device immediately and retreat to your cell,

or we will open fire.

I am



All prisoners return to your sleeping areas.

You idiot!

How am I supposed to fight these things without my stuff?

The animal is in control.

Fire on my command!

Creepy little beast!

Oh, yeah.

You need my what?

For more infomation >> Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014) IMAX CLIP | Prison Break Scene 'Oh Yeah - I Am Groot' Scene HD - Duration: 3:21.


LYING - Duration: 4:05.

(dramatic sound)

(dramatic sound)

(car driving sound)

(dramatic sound)

(dramatic sound)

(creepy music) hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to five nights

at freddy's

me, stealing other peoples intros even though their name and their video makes no sense

to what i'm doing and lying abut it?! (affronted gasping sounds)

(ding sound)

maybe i need to reenforce my point a little bit more.

i feel like we all lie to some degree.

usually it's little white lies like, "oh yeah, this pie tastes fantastic!"

(nervous laughter)

and whilst i am subject to many of these white lies myself, lying for me goes a little bit

farther than that.

you know those people, okay, that have the craziest story like "oh yeah, man i got

attacked by this alligator and had to get stitches, check it!"

that's kinda where i come in.

'cause i'm not the person listening to the story, most of the time.

i am the person t-e-l-l-i-n-g the story.

and the thing is it's complete bullshit.

you know it's complete bullshit, i know it's complete bullshit, but we pretend like

it's not.


please tell me you don't believe me and i'll tell you the truth, okay? but i want

you to think i'm cool, so i'm gonna tell you this completely bullshit story and if

you believe it, i'm gonna be really happy but you're also really an idiot and i don't

know why i'm talking to you.

because you actually believe me.

but the problem is it gets to the point where i don't realize i'm lying until after

i finish telling this person this story.

and the fact that i had forgotten that it wasn't true, it sounds more realistic and

people actually believe me.

moral of the story, do not trust anything i say.

i am the least trustworthy person you can talk to.

right after donald trump.

(ding sound)

of course i had to bring in a donald trump reference

what, did you think i wasn't going to? you clearly haven't been on this channel long


however, the biggest problem with this is that when i'm telling the truth, people don't

believe me. and it's the same thing when it comes to sarcasm.

i am so sarcastic all the time, so when i'm trying to be serious i'm still sounding

sarcastic and then people think i'm just being sarcastic when it's just like, "no,

i really do wanna kill your family."

(ding sound)

let me just clarify really quick that on this channel, i am being 100% honest with my stories

that i tell.

i"m not adding in anything.

i may take out the way to embarrassing tmi parts, umm.

and you know, it's probably a bad thing that i'm being 100% honest on here because,

you know, colleges and future job prospects are gonna look at this and be like, "you

know, maybe we should just leave her in a ditch."

however, just because i'm not willing to share does not mean you guys cannot share,

please, in the comments below give me your stories, it makes me feel better about my


and if youuu, like this video, please give it a thumbs up! or if you relate.

either one.

or just give it a thumbs up because you're a nice person.

uh, and if you would like to subscribe, you can click right there or the red box below.

and if youuu- want to give someone a hint that they really need to stop telling bull

crap stories or something, share this video to someone, okay? it may not be the most discreet

method but... it may get the job done (laugh).


(stitches by shawn mended playing)

For more infomation >> LYING - Duration: 4:05.


Spoon-fed Chicken Dinner - Duration: 33:44.

"Spoon, I wanted to show you."

"If you hover over Steam Friends while in Squad you can see who's readied up. In this case we can see that Raz has not..."

"Spoon, don't you dare suggest camping the bridge here again. Every time you do it ends terribly."


"Git out."

"Oh, ok...."

"Here's free stuff!"

"I've never tried the Groza."

"There was a second payload ahead, somewhere."

"I hear a vehicle"

"East of our building."

"Do you have a spare scope I could take? All I have are red dots."

"I hear shots North, North East."

"Guy hiding behind the rock at 15."

"Was he crawling?"

"I'll watch the rock."


"We have to move a bit, the house is gonna get cut."

"I see a guy Southeast."

"Dammit, my gun won't shoot!"

"Oh yea! I was recording that!"

For more infomation >> Spoon-fed Chicken Dinner - Duration: 33:44.


How to make RAINING ARROWS in Minecraft PE with Command Blocks - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> How to make RAINING ARROWS in Minecraft PE with Command Blocks - Duration: 2:57.


Weekly Thoughts: It's Not Your Fault - Duration: 5:27.

Hey ya'll so I wanted to talk briefly about the fact that you cannot change what

other people do you can only change yourself and sort of this responsibility

that I feel for people's happiness or helping other people and all of that

kind of stuff my whole life I've always dealt with you know stretching myself

too thin and wanting to help everyone it's really come up a lot more this week

for multiple reasons one of them you know

Chester's death um I have a friend who's in the hospital right now I have another

friend who is just going through a really rough time and I'm trying to be

there for her and someone else that is you know she's she's also going through

a really rough time and all of these people that have their individual lives

going on but you know they reach out to me and I try to be there for them and I

try to make time in my day to go see these people all the while I am you know

working full time and all this stuff and it's so easy to feel guilty whenever

people make decisions that aren't good for them that aren't good for other

people you know and it's so easy to feel like you could do something or you could

have done something that maybe would have changed the course of someone's

life All these what-ifs they don't matter

because thinking about all the stuff you could have done all that does is torment

you it just torments you about the what-ifs

and with what could have been because it doesn't change anything nothing good

comes out of that the only thing that possibly good could come out of it is if

you stop that cycle in your brain and the stuff thinking of the past

you take that motivation and that spur of emotion into the present and it's a

really hard lesson to learn the one that other people make their own decisions

that they are the ones that make the decision

and you yourself weren't a part of that you weren't the one that made the

decision you're not the one that can change that decision you know even if

you help someone sway their mind on something you specifically aren't the

one that makes that decision you aren't the one that changes someone's life they

are the one that does that you know and my friend one of my friends who is you

know struggling with a lot of things right now I went on a really long speech

I preach a lot to these people you know all my friends and they're always

laughing me because they're like you're going on another one of your long-winded

speeches but you know I was telling her that you know she's been in-in these sort

of situation before and she's gonna find herself back in those situations unless

she makes a change unless she specifically wants to change that she is

the one that takes the initiative because you know if you don't want to

get better or you inside yourself you can't find that drive or that you know

yearning for change any of that then you're not going to change. People around

you can support you all they can they can give you all the advice you need but

it really comes down to you because unless you take that help unless you ask

for that help you know nothing's gonna happen nothing's gonna change because

it's your life you know and you know for yourself that's empowering because

you're like I have this ability to change or not change

it can also be overwhelming you know but for the people around you that you care

about that's a hard lesson to learn because

you know we don't want to just watch our friends and our family and stuff

deteriorate in front of our eyes we don't want to watch people just go down

the wrong path we want to change them we want to shake them and be like what are

you doing you know and and I mean I get that way with myself sometimes but

it's so hard to realize that all you can do sometimes is be there for a person

and have an open ear and maybe a hug and there's really nothing you can do that's

gonna change the way someone lives their life unless they want to change and if

you're the person that's in the situation that needs to change you know

their life or turn something around I want you to hear this the future doesn't

exist it's only the past and the present and if the future doesn't exist and

there's only the past in the present you can't change the past but you can change

your present moment which in turn changes the future because the future is

the present I'm sorry I feel like I'm going on this whole crazy tangent but I

just want y'all to understand that it is possible to change it can be

difficult but it is possible to change you know but you can't change other

people and that doesn't mean that you shouldn't be there for them or-or give

them words of encouragement and support and help and stuff like yes do that

but that's not gonna change a person that's not going to be the thing that

makes someone turn their life around or make-forces them to make a specific

decision you know it comes down to them and all you can do is offer what you

have and maybe they'll take it. It's like the old saying you know you can lead a horse

to water but you can't make it drink. Thank you!

For more infomation >> Weekly Thoughts: It's Not Your Fault - Duration: 5:27.


How To Make Mexican Style Street Corn ~ Elote Mexican Corn on & off Cob Recipe - Duration: 4:02.

Fresh corn on the cob is an abundance this time of year. I'm Tess

and I'm going to show you how to prepare Elote, Mexican style Street corn. Stay tuned. (intro music)

We live in the center of farm country and fresh corn from the field is

plentiful this time of year. I take advantage and make as much corn as we

can eat and freeze. Today I'm making Mexican style Street

corn called Elote. It is so easy and good. First, I husk the corn and cook in

boiling water for about 10 to 15 minutes. If you have a grill this corn is great

cooked on the Barbie. Just pull back the husk and remove the silk and keep the end on

for a handle. You can use all white or all yellow corn but today I'm using a


Once done I'm letting the corn slightly cool until I can handle. I'm taking a

wooden skewer and pushing in the end for a handle. It doesn't have to go in far

and I did cut off the excess so it's easier to handle. Now the fun part!

I'm giving the corn a good coat of mayonnaise. I'm using a brush but you can

use a spatula or knife to apply, whatever works for you.

Next, is the cheese. Authentic Mexican Street corn uses cotija cheese. I tried

to find cotija at her local store but they did not handle the cheese so I went

online to find a substitute. Online they suggested using Parmesan or feta cheese

as cotija cheese has a saltiness. I'm just spooning on some Parmesan

cheese. Next, is the spice and I'm using some chili lime seasoning that I had

left over from making Takis. You can use chili powder.

And that's it! I'm going to be serving the corn with some slices of lime.

I'm going to show you a couple other ways to prepare the Mexican style corn.

I'm mixing some mayo and sriracha sauce together. I'm giving the corn a light

coat of mayo, sprinkling with some cheese and drizzling some of the mayo sriracha

sauce over the top. Sprinkling with the chili lime spice. And I think this might

be my favorite! The third and final way, I'm coating the corn with a Mayo and

this time I'm using some crumbled feta cheese, drizzling a little Frank's hot

sauce on top and sprinkling with the chili lime spice. I'm garnishing the corn

with a little lime zest for a pop and brightness of flavor! Serving with some

slices of lime and avocado. And this is my Mexican Street corn on the cob...

three ways.

Some people don't like the corn on the cob so you can take the corn off and

serve it in a mug, top with the mayo or the mayo sriracha sauce, add the cheese,

the seasoning and a little lime zest. This Mexican style street corn is great

as a side dish. I hope you give this Mexican style street corn a try...

and enjoy! If you liked this Mexican style street

corn recipe please hit the LIKE and SUBSCRIBE button. Remember to hit the

"Bell" next to the SUBSCRIBE to make sure that you get my future video recipes.

You can also find me on Facebook and at my website. Feel free to SHARE this recipe

and my channel with your friends and family. And until next time, Much Love!

For more infomation >> How To Make Mexican Style Street Corn ~ Elote Mexican Corn on & off Cob Recipe - Duration: 4:02.


Vlog#2 - Nonbinary Musings - Duration: 10:13.

For more infomation >> Vlog#2 - Nonbinary Musings - Duration: 10:13.


Thomas and Friends Ep.1 PREVIEW-Animatic in progress part 2~! - Duration: 0:47.

Thomas: Uhhh.....Percy?

Thomas: I thought this was a small problem?!

Percy: I didn't know about this!

Thomas: James?

James: Why that's me!

Percy: Are you ok? Don't you feel well, different?

James: What are you talking about?

Thomas: What's happening to Sodor?

Thoams: I was sleeping when Percy woke me and I saw him and myself in these new designs!

James: Are you serious?

James: Didn't you hear what Sir Topham Hatt said last week?

James: He said,"We would get new designs as of this year."

James: "To attract more riders and gain more publicity."

Percy: Ohh, silly me! I must've missed that meeting I was in such a busy-state with mail..

Percy: Sorry to have woken you up from slumber Thomas.

Thomas: No worries Percy, besides...

Thomas: (I forgotten myself...)

(flashback) Thomas: (So boring...)

Sir Topham Hatt: As of this week everyone will have a different design, please don't be shocked or worried. The process will benefit Sodor. Thank you.

For more infomation >> Thomas and Friends Ep.1 PREVIEW-Animatic in progress part 2~! - Duration: 0:47.


Weight Loss - The Best Way to Lose Weight - Duration: 10:17.

life is too short to spend time obsessing over weight loss.

now in this video i'm going to share with you what believe to be the best way to lose weight

For more infomation >> Weight Loss - The Best Way to Lose Weight - Duration: 10:17.


Otterbox Commuter Series Phone Case For iPhone 6 plus/6s plus Unboxing and Review | Roki Roe - Duration: 6:46.

Alright What's Up YouTube This Roki Roe as you know Bringing You some more dope shit and today we're reviewing the

otterbox commuter Series case for The iPhone 6 plus and 6s plus

This is the frustration-free packaging so if you see that on Amazon or Whatever That's the packaging That you're going to receive

Today we're unboxing It and then we're also going to do a quick little Review on it

So without any further Ado let's Get started

So if you look in the front you see the little

commuter Logo on there and on the side it's Just some copyright information it's Just a Regular Cardboard Box

and When we open It up i guess i didn't cut It enough

so when You open it up

All you see inside

Is the case i got it in black and some literature so that You can Read about it

There's the case right There on the inside

on the inside you got

I Guess That's a Screen Protector and a Screen Cleaner

I Already Have One on mine so i'm not going to put that on and then you have the case

The case comes in two parts

One Rubber Part And One solid plastic part we're going to put that on My Phone right Now and i'm going to show you how

first You Take Your old case off

If you don't have a case on your Phone you already get to skip this step

There's your Phone first you start with The rubber part and Just

Put it into the little Grommets There

Afterwards i like to push these down Just to get a little Head start Through This plastic Part

Kind of Try to pull those Through

otherwise It might Be a pain in the Ass Later

and Then Kind of Just Push The rest of the case on Just like That

You'll know when you got it on right Because everything is going to line up but It looks like i didn't put it on all

The Way

So i'm going. To have to go back

Along These

Alright Looks Like That's about as Good as we're going to get so you Got the otterbox on there

All Solid you Know Here's a little Drop Test

Everything's okay

and That's That

Okay guys so i wanted to give you like a Little Bit of a Review of This case

It's not My first otterbox and it's not My first commuter and

The reason i Picked This case Over the defender or the the symmetry

Well Number One otterbox is probably The best i love the otterbox case more Than Any of the other cases

And i think the price difference is justified in the quality of a case you're getting

They have One Called The symmetry and to me it i think it was Just this... it was either Rubber or plastic

Around the outside but That Was it it Just seemed to be a little bit

Too i don't know not protective enough i wasn't i didn't Feel safe with that so

The commuter Has a Little Bit Better Protection on it

As to Why i didn't pick the defender i feel like the defender is

Too Bulky and i Feel like the one reason People don't use their cases is because they don't want something super Bulky in their Pocket

But This Doesn't Add That Much to the form factor of the Phone in the first place so i like it

And also You don't Get the degradation of the of the rubber on the outside

When i had the defender case i

Felt Like The outside was getting Worn Out Real quick Which made the Whole case Useless This one the Whole outside

Other Than a Couple parts Is all the plastic so it doesn't Get Worn out as quickly

I Also Picked This because i do Have This

Gorilla Pod and smartphone mount if i were to use the defender It probably Wouldn'T fit in this little

Smartphone Holder Here but since it's a

A smaller form factor It fits in Just fine

and It Doesn't Go anywhere well if i put the Thing on right Let's Say I put it on right

fits Just fine Doesn't Go anywhere

That's Why i picked it

so i got it on amazon and

I Have prime so the shipping was pretty quick i

Didn't have a problem with the packaging the frustration-free packaging there was no damage

I've never Really had problems with the frustration-free packaging there's Never Been any Damage

The last time i had this case

The Only problem i had Was that these Two Pieces right Here if you use them a Lot They will fall off

The more You the more you use it the more Likely It is they will fall off Because They have this Little tiny

Bit of Plastic Here Holding them on so if That's a problem i wouldn't Get This case but otherwise i think it's worth it


I Mean Even Without these the case is really Good and i've never had a Phone break in these cases

That Bezel Is high enough

That I don't really see it being a problem in the foreseeable future

So Yeah Guys That Was my unboxing and Review of the

otterbox commuter Series case for iPhone

6s plus and 6 plus

If you Liked It Go ahead and give me a thumbs up

if you found this useful Go ahead and share it With Your friends comment Below If you want to see something Else by me

Thanks so much for tuning in i'll see you guys Next time

For more infomation >> Otterbox Commuter Series Phone Case For iPhone 6 plus/6s plus Unboxing and Review | Roki Roe - Duration: 6:46.


레고 닌자고 무비 THE LEGO NINJAGO MOVIE 2차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> 레고 닌자고 무비 THE LEGO NINJAGO MOVIE 2차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:31.


My Ancestry DNA Story with Biological Parents - Duration: 10:02.

I decided to send in my Ancestry DNA kit

around late in fall


I expected to go ahead...

to see who I am

I did not expect

with any biological mother or father

because I am adopted

...and I knew nothing about my biological parents

I knew nothing about their names

except their short backgrounds

mentioned in the adoption papers

I did ask around

...said it is tough to find biological parents

through Ancestry DNA

but I can find out about who I am blood or where I am from

maybe biological cousins to match with

more likely match with 3rd or above cousins

I decided to go ahead and send in my kit

my own daughter...

was first person who saw my results

she was thrilled and notified me...

that you have a mother!

a mother?

out of thousand chances, I have a mother?!

never expected to match with a biological mother!

100% match with mine


I thank to my biological mother...

she had hints under her username

in Ancestry

it showed surnames she mentioned she research on...

specifically two surnames

I decided to use first surname

...and googled it up

it was an unique surname

(looked shocked)

I could see myself through some of googled images!

it was actually my biological mother


of myself!

(looked shocked AGAIN)


(speechless) WOW


so I contacted her

heard nothing for at least two days


she responded

my understanding was she checked me out first

before she responded to me

she looked...

and saw a picture of me

knew immediately

that I was related to her

I look like HER!

EXACT like her

we spoke over the phone

she found out I am Deaf

I was born Deaf

she was thrilled to talk with me

not long afterwards, she start taking ASL class

I was inspired!

while that phone call, I asked...

of course, who is my biological father

she told me...

that my biological father was Mickie Jones

I decided to...

google him up

who is Mickie Jones?

while talk to my biological mother

I did not want to ask her many questions

I just decided to google him up

because I am researcher myself

I know I can do well researching a professional researcher

I published two books

so my natural ability is to research!

I clicked images through Google

Mickie Jones was all over the images!



I asked my biological mother...

that Mickie Jones was the musician in Angel band?

she said yes

Naturally, I was surprised!

my biological father did look like me as well

partial looks

saw thousand pictures of Mickie Jones

I was overwhelmed

for several days, i could not sleep

I had been...(no words)

my mind was like circling over and over!

I cannot describe my emotions

I was literally shocked

...that now I have

biological parents I know who

also, I did check

...with Mickie Jones' family

I reached Mickie's


naturally, half-sister was skeptical

she had to ask me questions

I responded

she was cautiously skeptical

because her brother was famous

Mickie passed away in 2009

she then told me

who was Mickie's father

actually my biological grandfather

actually found match under family tree

found match DNA through some cousins!

actually recently

my biological mother


last week!

really, two weeks ago Friday


last week Wednesday!

really inspired she in town!

she looks exact like me!

almost everybody said we are twins!

she is wonderful woman!

inspired my two children

to have biological


now they could talk with her among others

felt instantly connected!

we were not uncomfortable at all

she put a lot effort

to sign!

she has been learning ASL in class

since January!

she really put in an effort to communicate

...with me!

I am truly inspired by this!

...actually, something happened at the same time

Mickie Jones'

my biological father...

half sister matched DNA with me!

while my biological mother was in town!

saw the DNA match through Ancestry mobile!

now I know actually, we are a match!

100% confirmation

I knew already anyway

because I got DNA match through Mickie's cousins

I am still inspired...

his half-sister put an effort

to process her DNA kit

now I feel wholesome


health history...

family history...

from zero

for 47 years

over 600


since December!

I am overwhelmed!

I am truly inspired

I am proud

of my biological father who accomplished

on my adoption papers

actually he was 16 at that time

and was not yet famous that time!

but it said...

he dropped out in High School

to play in the band!

he was not famous yet...

while I was born!

now I find he accomplished something!

I wish my biological father knew I accomplished too

as a published writer

two books

I also had been doing research work

...and I found my biological mother

Head Librarian

for adult services

in Chicago

she had the exact

background, sort of!

similar activities

same tastes

down to the SAME


my two daughters hated that candy!

mother and I both love same candy!

I could not believe it!


it's real!

again I am truly inspired

by THIS!


I thank

for this

making this real!

For more infomation >> My Ancestry DNA Story with Biological Parents - Duration: 10:02.


Fried chicken at Chubu International Airport セントレア柿安柿次郎のから揚げで出発:Gourmet Report グルメレポート - Duration: 1:22.

I ate ramen earlier.

I just ate Tonkotsu Ramen.

I will eat fried chicken from further.

Because I'd like to eat this.


This is strong seasoning.

It was good.

Do you eat this?



You should like fried chicken.

But I don't want to eat.

I do not understand the meaning.

When that's eaten, I feel thirsty.

Do not eat this because you said you do not need it.

Last one.

That's good.


That's very strong seasoning.


For more infomation >> Fried chicken at Chubu International Airport セントレア柿安柿次郎のから揚げで出発:Gourmet Report グルメレポート - Duration: 1:22.


FMV - Tip Toes | Kit - Duration: 0:23.

gotta go fast

chicken chicken chicken


For more infomation >> FMV - Tip Toes | Kit - Duration: 0:23.


Rosie O'Donnell Pushes Trump Off a Cliff! | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:44.


























































For more infomation >> Rosie O'Donnell Pushes Trump Off a Cliff! | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:44.


Weekly Thoughts: It's Not Your Fault - Duration: 5:27.

Hey ya'll so I wanted to talk briefly about the fact that you cannot change what

other people do you can only change yourself and sort of this responsibility

that I feel for people's happiness or helping other people and all of that

kind of stuff my whole life I've always dealt with you know stretching myself

too thin and wanting to help everyone it's really come up a lot more this week

for multiple reasons one of them you know

Chester's death um I have a friend who's in the hospital right now I have another

friend who is just going through a really rough time and I'm trying to be

there for her and someone else that is you know she's she's also going through

a really rough time and all of these people that have their individual lives

going on but you know they reach out to me and I try to be there for them and I

try to make time in my day to go see these people all the while I am you know

working full time and all this stuff and it's so easy to feel guilty whenever

people make decisions that aren't good for them that aren't good for other

people you know and it's so easy to feel like you could do something or you could

have done something that maybe would have changed the course of someone's

life All these what-ifs they don't matter

because thinking about all the stuff you could have done all that does is torment

you it just torments you about the what-ifs

and with what could have been because it doesn't change anything nothing good

comes out of that the only thing that possibly good could come out of it is if

you stop that cycle in your brain and the stuff thinking of the past

you take that motivation and that spur of emotion into the present and it's a

really hard lesson to learn the one that other people make their own decisions

that they are the ones that make the decision

and you yourself weren't a part of that you weren't the one that made the

decision you're not the one that can change that decision you know even if

you help someone sway their mind on something you specifically aren't the

one that makes that decision you aren't the one that changes someone's life they

are the one that does that you know and my friend one of my friends who is you

know struggling with a lot of things right now I went on a really long speech

I preach a lot to these people you know all my friends and they're always

laughing me because they're like you're going on another one of your long-winded

speeches but you know I was telling her that you know she's been in-in these sort

of situation before and she's gonna find herself back in those situations unless

she makes a change unless she specifically wants to change that she is

the one that takes the initiative because you know if you don't want to

get better or you inside yourself you can't find that drive or that you know

yearning for change any of that then you're not going to change. People around

you can support you all they can they can give you all the advice you need but

it really comes down to you because unless you take that help unless you ask

for that help you know nothing's gonna happen nothing's gonna change because

it's your life you know and you know for yourself that's empowering because

you're like I have this ability to change or not change

it can also be overwhelming you know but for the people around you that you care

about that's a hard lesson to learn because

you know we don't want to just watch our friends and our family and stuff

deteriorate in front of our eyes we don't want to watch people just go down

the wrong path we want to change them we want to shake them and be like what are

you doing you know and and I mean I get that way with myself sometimes but

it's so hard to realize that all you can do sometimes is be there for a person

and have an open ear and maybe a hug and there's really nothing you can do that's

gonna change the way someone lives their life unless they want to change and if

you're the person that's in the situation that needs to change you know

their life or turn something around I want you to hear this the future doesn't

exist it's only the past and the present and if the future doesn't exist and

there's only the past in the present you can't change the past but you can change

your present moment which in turn changes the future because the future is

the present I'm sorry I feel like I'm going on this whole crazy tangent but I

just want y'all to understand that it is possible to change it can be

difficult but it is possible to change you know but you can't change other

people and that doesn't mean that you shouldn't be there for them or-or give

them words of encouragement and support and help and stuff like yes do that

but that's not gonna change a person that's not going to be the thing that

makes someone turn their life around or make-forces them to make a specific

decision you know it comes down to them and all you can do is offer what you

have and maybe they'll take it. It's like the old saying you know you can lead a horse

to water but you can't make it drink. Thank you!

For more infomation >> Weekly Thoughts: It's Not Your Fault - Duration: 5:27.


If you Drink Lemon water on an Empty Stomach then this will happen to your Body - Duration: 5:58.

Health Benefits Of Lemon Water We often hear health experts say that drinking a glass of warm water with lemon every day early in the morning is good for our health. Here's why: Water is extremely good for your health as it is the best way to keep the body hydrated and helps eliminate harmful toxins. Lemon is a good source of many nutrients such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and vitamins A, C and B complex, as well as pectin fiber, proteins, and carbohydrates. Lemon's citric acid and the strong anti-bacterial, antiviral and immune boosting powers also help keep you healthy. Here are top 10 Health Benefits of Lemon Water 1. Improves digestion Several components in the lemon stimulate your liver to produce more bile needed for a healthy digestion. In addition, lemon helps the digestive system in removing unwanted materials and toxins out of the body. A daily glass of lukewarm lemon water helps relieve symptoms of indigestion such as heartburn, belching and bloating. It also prevents constipation and diarrhea by promoting healthy bowel functioning. The American Cancer Society recommends this healthy beverage to cancer patients to help stimulate bowel movements. 2. Help lose weight If you are trying to lose weight, drinking a glass of warm lemon water with honey will definitely help you achieve your goal. Lemon is high in pectin fiber, which helps fight hunger cravings and keeps you feeling full for a longer time. 3. Cleans the skin The daily consumption of hot lemon water can make a big difference in the appearance of your skin. It helps to purify the blood and stimulates the growth of new blood cells. In addition, high vitamin C content as well as other antioxidants in lemon helps keep skin free of wrinkles and blemishes and helps fight free radical damage. 4. Supports the Immune System Hot lemon water also boosts the immune system. Being rich in vitamin C, lemon helps boost the immune system and helps the body fight colds and flu. In addition, lemon improves the body's ability to absorb iron, an important nutrient for a healthy immune system. Lemon also contains saponins, which have antimicrobial properties that help keep infections at bay. 5. Treats bad breath The acidic nature of lemon, combined with the medicinal properties of honey and water, can help eliminate bad breath. It cleanses the mouth and activates saliva production that kills bacteria that cause odors. Lemon water also helps to get rid of the white film on the tongue that usually develops while you sleep. This white film consists of decaying food and bacteria that cause bad breath. 6. Balances pH levels Lemon is one of the best alkalizing foods for the body as it contains citric and ascorbic acid that helps maintain pH levels. A good pH level is essential since too much acidity in the body can be inflammatory. Drinking lemon water regularly on an empty stomach in the morning helps eliminate the general acidity in the body including uric acid in the joints which are a major cause of pain and inflammation. 7. Increases energy Nutritional elements like vitamins B and C, phosphorus, proteins and carbohydrates present in lemon make it a natural energizing agent. It hydrates and oxygenates the body to keep you revitalized, energized and refreshed. In addition, as the lemon contains more negatively charged ions, it provides instant energy when it enters the digestive tract. In addition, the lemon scent has mood enhancing and energizing properties. 8. Heals throat infections In fact, people who drink a glass of lemon hot water each morning have a lower risk of developing throat infections. This healthy drink even helps prevent respiratory problems such as asthma. If you have a sore throat, drink this healthy drink and also use it to gargle frequently to speed up the healing process. 9. Controls high blood pressure Those who suffer from high blood pressure can benefit immensely from this healthy drink. It helps to cleanse the lymphatic system and keeps it hydrated. The high potassium content in lemon also helps you sleep better, reduces stress and improves your mental functioning, which in turn helps keep your blood pressure in the normal range. 10. Cleanses the urinary tract Hot lemon water acts as a diuretic and therefore helps to clean the urinary tract and encourages urine production. In addition, this healthy drink can change the pH level of the urinary tract, in turn, discourage the proliferation of bad bacteria.

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