Sunday, July 23, 2017

Youtube daily report Jul 23 2017

I am Zsani from Szeged. Very happy to have been here.

Monika is a very good teacher and I really liked that emphasis was on practical experience.

We practiced a lot so I don't feel like anything is missing so once we are done

I'm not afraid to put it in practice.

For more infomation >> Zsani, Szeged, Hungary - Duration: 0:20.


MONSTA X - Shownu trae preservativos en su maleta (Sub Esp) - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> MONSTA X - Shownu trae preservativos en su maleta (Sub Esp) - Duration: 1:13.


El Genio Escondido ll - Mini Película - Duration: 2:12.

He still needs a lot of work and plenty of time

I saw Bernabéu risen and i saw James looking to his Bernabéu, his madrid

James has to convince me for play

For more infomation >> El Genio Escondido ll - Mini Película - Duration: 2:12.


Stella del Carmen saca a relucir su lado más romántico - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Stella del Carmen saca a relucir su lado más romántico - Duration: 3:38.


Resultados En Vivo Sorteo Miercoles 19 de Julio 2017 Loteria Panama : Numeros Loteria 19 Julio 2017 - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Resultados En Vivo Sorteo Miercoles 19 de Julio 2017 Loteria Panama : Numeros Loteria 19 Julio 2017 - Duration: 1:19.


BÀI THUỐC NAM - Nước ép cà rốt ngăn ngừa ung thư - CARES - Carrot juice prevents cancer - Duration: 12:01.

For more infomation >> BÀI THUỐC NAM - Nước ép cà rốt ngăn ngừa ung thư - CARES - Carrot juice prevents cancer - Duration: 12:01.


[AE] Split Screen Tutorial - Duration: 6:32.

I meant beat

For more infomation >> [AE] Split Screen Tutorial - Duration: 6:32.


OUTLAST 2 PART 5 - Duration: 1:27:05.

For more infomation >> OUTLAST 2 PART 5 - Duration: 1:27:05.


Pol Side of the Moon - Duration: 44:12.

For more infomation >> Pol Side of the Moon - Duration: 44:12.


Five Bad Baby Jumping On The Bed Nursery Rhymes for Children Simple Songs for Children and Babies - Duration: 2:23.

song "Five Bad baby jumping on the bed"

For more infomation >> Five Bad Baby Jumping On The Bed Nursery Rhymes for Children Simple Songs for Children and Babies - Duration: 2:23.


BIEN ou BON en Français - Duration: 10:19.

For more infomation >> BIEN ou BON en Français - Duration: 10:19.


3 Times German Bureaucracy MADE ME CRY - Duration: 7:01.

When I moved abroad I knew that there were going to be some tricky hurdles to overcome.

However, what I had on my mind was: loneliness, struggling to find a job, dealing with culture shock.

Which are all things that I encountered.

But I forgot about good ol' bureaucracy and paperwork.

Hey everyone! I'm Dana and you're watching Wanted Adventure Living Abroad.

Quick disclaimer here: bureaucracy and paperwork are not things that are unique to Germany.

Definitely not.

There's also a lot of bureaucracy and paperwork in the U.S.

But it is the German bureaucracy and paperwork that I have the most experience with.

So here are a few times that the paperwork and bureaucracy that I encountered living

abroad in Germany made me cry.

Before moving to Germany I lived in Prague, where I got a job at a company that basically

took care of all my visa paperwork for me.

I pretty much just had to sign where I was told and then show up at the right office

on the right day and at time.

Which was nice, but left me absolutely unprepared for what was to come when I moved to Germany.

The day that Mr. German Man and I made the decision that I would move to Germany was

super exciting. It was really lovely.

But then the next day, however, we started researching the visa stuff.

And, didn't take very long for the tears to come.

We spent months trying to figure out what I needed to do, and how I could possibly go

about getting a longer stay visa in Germany.

And even then we really weren't all that sure about it.

So much time spent getting lost down rabbit holes of online forums and websites, just

trying to figure it all out.

It was so frustrating.

When it finally came time for me to actually apply for the visa at the office, I was, for

some reason, very optimistic about it.

We had filled out all the paperwork that we'd been told we needed.

I had taken and passed a couple German courses.

I had a job as an English teacher.

And an American friend of mine, who also taught at the same English school that I worked at,

had gone to the same office just a few days before, and had breezed in and out in a matter

of minutes with then a two year visa.

So yeah, I was pretty optimistic about it.

But yeah...from my experience it ended up seeming like exactly what paperwork and which

documents you actually needed varied depending, I guess, on who you got at the office and

what kind of a mood they were in, because after getting up super early in the morning,

waiting outside in the cold, and then waiting in a really long line inside, we were told that

we'd have to come back with more documents that we hadn't been told about in the first

place, hadn't found any information about needing online, and that my American friend

at the English school had not needed for her visa just a few days earlier.

What's that they say about not getting your hopes up? Yeah, I cried that day.

This one could really count double or even triple, because there were at least three or four

painful incidents involving paperwork and bureaucracy surrounding

getting married here in Germany.

But for now I will just say three little words: apostilled birth certificate.

No idea what that is?

Neither did I, nor my parents, nor anyone else that I asked.

But it was required for me to get married in Germany, so I needed to figure it out.

After several hours of research, I learned that it's basically a way of getting a document

authenticated that is even more than notarizing.

But of course, it's more complicated too.

First, I had to obtain a copy of my birth certificate from the state in the U.S. where I was born.

And then that birth certificate needed to go to another office to be apostilled.

Now, explaining this out loud, actually makes it sound pretty simple, but somehow this process

ended up being really stressful and taking several phone calls just to make it happen.

I just ended up feeling like nobody in the offices actually knew what an apostilled birth

certificate was.

I don't know, maybe they don't get a request for that very often?

But also, when searching for answers online - as with all of the visa paperwork in general

and all the marriage paperwork - if just often really felt like I ended up spending hours

just going around in circles, without ever really getting to the bottom of what I needed

to actually do in order to move forward with the bureaucracy and paperwork.

And the icing on the cake of bureaucratic frustration is that when I actually ordered

my birth certificate, the state that I was born in said that they could print an official

copy in, like, 10 different languages, including German, isn't that convenient?

But the office in Germany said no.

They would not accept an American birth certificate printed in German.

I had to get the copy printed in English and then pay around 100 euros to have a certified

translator in Germany translate the birth certificate from English into German.

Name - Name.

Date - Datum.

Yeah, we paid 100 euros for that.

So my question for you is: When has paperwork and bureaucracy made you cry or at least made

you really, really frustrated?

What is the most frustrating paperwork or bureaucracy that you've had to deal with?

Please let me know in the comments below.

Thanks so much for watching!

I really hope that you enjoyed this video.

And also a really big thank you so much to our patrons on Patreon, who help make these

videos possible.

Thank you so much for your support.

If you would like to check out our Patreon page, you can find a link to that down in

the description box below.

Until next time, auf Wiedersehen!

Surrounding getting married here in Germany...

Just trying to f...

Getting lost down these rabbit holes of online...

Paperwork. Yay!

Before moving to Germany I lived in Prague.


Good? - Uh-huh. - Okay.

For more infomation >> 3 Times German Bureaucracy MADE ME CRY - Duration: 7:01.


" ECHO. " - Duration: 2:21.

I think you'd better stop training.

Hate E'Tum!

Hate E'Tum!

I am your mother!

Is he retarded?

Don't say it like your son is not talented.

Even though Yim is a kid with special needs,

but he is really talented in playing Badminton, P'.

And he really likes competitions too.

Some other kids still don't know what they like,

but Yim, he knows.

You have to admit that, his skill is as good as any kids in the same category.

It is the problem of an Autistic kid.

Just accept it.

I'm not retarded..

No no, P'Yim is not retarded.

For more infomation >> " ECHO. " - Duration: 2:21.


[AE] Split Screen Tutorial - Duration: 6:32.

I meant beat

For more infomation >> [AE] Split Screen Tutorial - Duration: 6:32.


What to pack when moving to Melbourne ✈ 👜 | LIM Ep 023 | Subt. Español - Duration: 9:31.

For more infomation >> What to pack when moving to Melbourne ✈ 👜 | LIM Ep 023 | Subt. Español - Duration: 9:31.


William and Harry's regret over their last phone call with Diana - Duration: 10:06.

Princes William and Harry have bared their souls in the most candid and emotional interview

they have ever given about their mother.

Among their revelations, the brothers describe how they are haunted by the final phone call

Princess Diana made to them from Paris, hours before her death.

The boys cut the conversation short because they were busy playing with their cousins

– something that has caused them heartache to this day.

'I have to deal with that for the rest of my life,' Harry now says of the fateful decision.

He adds that: 'This is the first time the two of us have ever spoken about her as a


[It was] arguably probably a little bit too raw until this point.

It's still raw.'

The result is the most revealing royal interview since 1995, when Diana admitted to having

an affair.

William says he thinks of his mother every day and even felt her presence at his wedding.

Touchingly, Harry admits that he can 'still feel the hugs she used to give us', and misses

that embrace.

They paint a portrait of a devoted mother; a caring, passionate woman who had 'the ability

to change the mindset of millions'.

Yet they also celebrate her impish streak, with Harry saying 'she was a total kid through-and-through'

and never happier than when she was with her children driving 'through country lanes with

the roof down'.

Above all, it is their painfully frank recollection of what turned out to be their last conversation

with Diana that will hold millions in thrall when their interviews are broadcast on ITV

tomorrow night.

The two Princes says they will never escape the deep regret they feel at hastily ending

her call from Paris because they were playing in the Scottish Highlands with Peter and Zara


At the time – August 30, 1997 – William, then 15, and Harry, 12, were at Balmoral,

while Diana was in France with her close friend Dodi Al Fayed, the son of the tycoon who then

owned Harrods, Mohamed Al Fayed.

Having not seen each other for nearly a month, Diana and her sons were looking forward to

a reunion in London the following day.

William describes the truncated five-minute phone call as his 'very last memory' of his


Appearing solemn and occasionally casting his gaze downwards, he says: 'I think Harry

and I were in a desperate rush to say 'goodbye', 'see you later', and 'we're going to go off'...

If I'd known what would happen I wouldn't have been so blasé about it.

But that phone call sticks in my mind quite heavily.'

Asked if he recalled what his mother said to him, he replies wistfully with a half-smile:

'I do, I do,' but doesn't elaborate.

When the boys awoke the next day, Prince Charles told them the shattering news of Diana's death

in a car accident overnight.

She was 36, a year older than William is now.

The phone call is fixed in the mind of Harry, too, and he lays bare his heartache with almost

harrowing candour.

He recalls William speaking to Diana first then shouting: 'Harry!


Mummy's on the phone.'

Harry says: 'Right my turn, off I go, pick up the phone, and it was her speaking from


His memories of what came next are fragmentary.

'But I do remember regretting... for the rest of my life how short the phone call was.

'And if I'd known that was the last time I'd speak to my mother, the things I would have

said to her...

Looking back on it now it is incredibly hard.

I have to deal with that for the rest of my life.

Not knowing that was the last time I was going to speak to my mum, and how differently that

conversation would have panned out if I'd had even the slightest inkling that her life

was going to be taken that night.'

In 1995, Diana plunged the Monarchy into crisis with her Panorama interview in which she revealed

she had been unfaithful with Army officer James Hewitt.

With what some regarded as unflinching honesty but others saw as cynicism, the Princess spoke

of almost every aspect of her life.


contrast, the William and Harry interviews, which, like their mother's, were conducted

at Kensington Palace, are likely to meet universal approval.

The Princes emerge as assured, confident, well-adjusted adults, who have continued their

mother's charity work in a way that would have made her proud.

William appears the most sombre, and speaks in a measured tone.

His brother is breezier and, typically, uses humour to deflect often painful subjects.

Both talk about how they struggled to make sense of being robbed of their mother at a

crucial stage in their development.

To William, in the throes of adolescence, it was as if an 'earthquake had run through

the house'.

He says: 'Your mind is completely split and it took a while for it to sink in.

Losing someone so close to you is utterly devastating.'

Harry reveals that he has only cried twice since she died – and says he grew up thinking

'not having a mother was normal'.

Elsewhere in the ITV interview, part of a 90-minute documentary marking the 20th anniversary

of Diana's death:

William says he talks constantly to his own children, George and Charlotte, about 'Granny

Diana' who, he says, would have 'loved them to bits'.

Harry recalls being puzzled by the 'outpouring of love and emotion' from people who had never

met her, thinking: 'How is it that so many people who have never met this woman, my mother,

can be crying and showing more emotion than I was feeling?'

Harry reveals that he found letters about Diana's work on land mines, dated the day

she died, at Kensington Palace only last month.

William says that he spent years managing his grief by keeping busy.

Harry recalls her sense of mischief, and says: 'Her motto to me was: you can be as naughty

as you want, just don't get caught'.

The Princes say that, as the anniversary approached, they felt compelled to be more candid in order

to celebrate her life and offer 'a tribute from her sons'.

At a screening of the film for the media, William said: 'Harry and I felt that it was

an appropriate time to open up a bit more about our mother.

We haven't really spoken so publicly about her... and we felt this was the right time

to do it.

We won't be doing this again.'

He added that the film was intended 'to remind people of the person she was and what she

was like as a mother – the warmth, the humour – which hasn't really come across before'.

Diana, Our Mother: Her Life And Legacy, is on ITV at 9pm tomorrow.

William shows Harry 'sweet' photo of his brother beaming with delight in one of the last images

ever taken of the younger prince and his mother.

Sitting in the sunshine, wrapped in his mother's embrace, Prince Harry beams with blissful

delight in one of the last images of mother and son together.

The photograph was taken on holiday and, remarkably, Harry saw it for the first time only recently.

As he explains in tomorrow's ITV film, it was from Princess Diana's personal photo collection,

which he had been reluctant to go through.

'Part of me never really wanted to look at them and part of me was waiting to find the

right time where we could sit down and look at them together,' he tells his brother.

William and Harry are filmed poring over the images and the exchanges they provoke – some

playful, some touching – demonstrate their close bond.

Opening one of the albums, William highlights the holiday picture of his brother and mother

saying to Harry: 'This photo here I thought you'd like to see.

It's quite a special picture of the two of you, which I thought was quite sweet.'

Harry asks: 'Where was this, do you remember?'

William replies: 'This was out on holiday'

Harry adds: 'I just remember having the skinniest legs and still do.

Skinniest of legs.

Chicken legs.'

Laughing, William interjects: 'You've got some good bushy blond eyebrows going on there

as well.

And your freckled nose.

Your freckles have gone quite a lot now.

You used to have such freckles.'

Harry says: 'No, they come back every now and then,' before musing: 'Happy memories,

good smiley faces…

She smothered us with love that's for sure.'

Then William notes that 'it's really nice looking back at it and reminding yourself...

it brought back so many memories'.

Many of the pictures they look at in the film, including the holiday snap, have been publicly

released to make the 20th anniversary of Diana's death.

One of the most striking is of Diana, in a pink jumper, holding William, while pregnant

with Harry, below, which she had captioned 'W and Harry'.

'Believe it or not, you and I are both in this photograph,' says William.

'You're in the tummy.'

Harry replies: 'Oh, nice...

You look excited that you've got a brother or sister coming.'

William: 'I think I was looking forward to beating you up, maybe you're right!

I thought that was quite a funny photograph, it was quite sweet.'

Harry: 'She seems happy there as well.'

Talking about a picture of the pair dressed in policemen's helmets, Harry says: 'We were

dressing up – thinking we were looking really cool.'

William replies: 'Yeah, that's brilliant.

We used to have great fun mucking around, didn't we?'

For more infomation >> William and Harry's regret over their last phone call with Diana - Duration: 10:06.


Trouble on the Bayou - Duration: 11:20.

For more infomation >> Trouble on the Bayou - Duration: 11:20.


안재욱, "아내 최현주의 몸에 제일 해로운 건 남편" - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> 안재욱, "아내 최현주의 몸에 제일 해로운 건 남편" - Duration: 4:58.


강원래 아들 강선, 클론에 푹 빠진 귀요미 "아빠 멋있어" - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> 강원래 아들 강선, 클론에 푹 빠진 귀요미 "아빠 멋있어" - Duration: 1:42.


Surfside Revive in Texas - Duration: 43:02.

For more infomation >> Surfside Revive in Texas - Duration: 43:02.


Sonic Forces - Theme of Infinite (Extended with Video Edit) - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> Sonic Forces - Theme of Infinite (Extended with Video Edit) - Duration: 4:37.


Summer Red-Lip Looking | 夏日红唇妆容 by Rollin Wang - Duration: 6:58.

For more infomation >> Summer Red-Lip Looking | 夏日红唇妆容 by Rollin Wang - Duration: 6:58.


Obituary For The "Death Of Common Sense" Is Absolutely Hilarious - Duration: 2:44.

Subscribe to our channel for more : Visit our website :

Obituary For The "Death Of Common Sense" Is Absolutely Hilarious

We've lost a long time friend.

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us

for many years.

No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic

red tape.

He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as knowing when to come

in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm, life isn't always fair, and maybe

it was my fault.

Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn)

and reliable parenting (adults, not children, are in charge).

His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned, but overbearing, regulations

were set in place.

Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate,

teenagers suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch and a teacher fired

for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.

Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job they had themselves

failed to do in disciplining their unruly children.

It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer

paracetamol, sun lotion or plaster to a pupil, but could not inform the parents when a pupil

became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.

Common Sense lost the will to live as churches became businesses and criminals received better

treatment than their victims.

Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own

home, but the burglar could sue you for assault because you protected yourself and your own.

Common Sense finally passed away after a 7-year-old child was suspended from school for chewing

a Pop Tart into the shape of a gun.

Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust, his wife, Discretion,

his daughter, Responsibility and his son, Reason.

He is survived by three stepbrothers; I Know My Rights, Someone Else is to Blame, and I'm

A Victim.

Not many attended his funeral because so few realized that he was gone.

If you still remember him, pass this on.

If not, join the majority and do nothing.

Like and share this obituary if you'd like to pay your respects to Common Sense.

For more infomation >> Obituary For The "Death Of Common Sense" Is Absolutely Hilarious - Duration: 2:44.


Beginner in Lol :P [1] - Duration: 28:32.

For more infomation >> Beginner in Lol :P [1] - Duration: 28:32.


Ny Fomba Hanatanteraka Hadj 2017 | Malagasy Sub Mpitari-Dalana Fohy Sy Mora 3D Sarimiaina - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> Ny Fomba Hanatanteraka Hadj 2017 | Malagasy Sub Mpitari-Dalana Fohy Sy Mora 3D Sarimiaina - Duration: 5:20.


中部国際空港の豚骨ラーメン セントレアらーめん麺達のベトコンで旅が始まる:Gourmet Report グルメレポート - Duration: 2:18.


I am going to Naha from now.

It is an annual trip.

I have just gone to Okinawa two months before.

It's so for certain, isn't it?

It would be fun travel.

Which do you eat?

I eat Tonkotsu-syoyu.


What is this?

What kind of meaning is Betokon?

This is like Somen.


Garlic is not included.

Is that so.

Soup is stuck in your shirt.

Is this dinner?

No, this is a snack.

It isn't time of the dinner yet.

What are you eating for a snack?

I'm eating Somen.

I have already eaten noodles.

Because this is a snack.

Chashu is soft, isn't it?

Chashu is soft.

The soup is creamy.

I have finished eating.

Very good.

For more infomation >> 中部国際空港の豚骨ラーメン セントレアらーめん麺達のベトコンで旅が始まる:Gourmet Report グルメレポート - Duration: 2:18.


OUTLAST 2 PART 5 - Duration: 1:27:05.

For more infomation >> OUTLAST 2 PART 5 - Duration: 1:27:05.


Renovating Walls and Wardrobes - Duration: 43:03.

For more infomation >> Renovating Walls and Wardrobes - Duration: 43:03.


Pol Side of the Moon - Duration: 44:12.

For more infomation >> Pol Side of the Moon - Duration: 44:12.


十大真相 神奇宝贝 Pokémon【有趣的事实】中英CC字幕 - Duration: 6:32.

Subtitle by Wei Jun Won

When Pokemon creator Satoshi Tre was only a child

enjoyed catching insects as a hobby as he got older Tajiri decided

to transform his hobby into a video game

and he called it


Capsule Monsters

Tajiri was heavily inspired by a TV show from 1967 that

aired in Japan called ultra 7 in which the protagonists used ganked monsters

contained within small capsules to help him fight

Okay so what the hell is going on in this show

Okay moving on but the name capsule monsters

had some trademarking issues and so the name of change to Pocket Monsters instead

which in aggravated form becomes Pokemon

Where do the meat in the Pokemon universe come from ?

It's a question that's been asked over and over again by fans

and it's only been met with vague replies

So without an official answer from Nintendo

and only the games that animate to go on

The horrifying truth

seems to be that the people in the Pokemon universe eat Pokemon

While there are real animals in the world

They seem to be very rare almost to the point of extinction

as they are not often seen or mentioned either in the games nor the anime

and it has been hinted at specific Pokemon are actually eaten

some even being considered delicacies for example a

Pokemon called farfetche'd are noted for making a good meal and were nearly

hunted to extinction because of this ultimately leading to them not being so rare

also in the animates indicated several times that fish like Pokemon

are caught and eaten such as the Magikarp

then again it might not be that strange

as Pokemon are essentially animals in their world

where some are kept as pets and others might get eaten

Back in 2005 there was a gene in the human body named


However Nintendo threatened to sue the center that discovered it after

they found out the gene could cause cancer

Something intended did not want to be associated with them so

the center was forced to rename the gene and now it

has a much more spectacular name the ZBTB7

But fear not we still have the Pickharuin

A protein in the human body named after the iconic Pokemon

Currently there are 718 revealed Pokemon in the franchise and if we look at the

official list we can see that Bulbasaur is listed at the very top with the

national pokedex number 001

Logically that would mean Bulbasaur was the first-ever Pokemon created

Right ?

Wrong, we have to go all the way down to number 112

where we'll find Rhydon which is the actual first-ever Pokemon created

There are even early sketches of Rhydon from a Pokemon was still called Capsule Monsters

Pokemon can be defined using what is called

Currently there are 18 different types

Normal, Fire, Fighting, Water, Flying, Grass

Poison, Electric, Ground, Psychic, Rock, Ice

Bug, Dragon, Ghost, Dark, Steel and, Fairy

Types function as a way to tell what a Pokemon can and cannot do

More specifically what type of abilities it has in terms of defense and offense

Pikachu for example is the electric type

and a Pokemon can only have one or two types

If a Pokemon existed and had every type it would interestingly enough

only be weak to rock types

The most common is the water type which consists of 124 Pokemon

The least common is the ghosts and fairy type with only 34 Pokemon each

This is the most valuable pokemon card out there

It's called th Pikachu illustrator or Pokemon illustrator

and only six copies were ever created

It was originally given away as a reward to those who had a

winning entry in a Japanese Pokemon contest in 1997

only Japanese versions of the cards exist

and they are valued at approximately $20,000

However recently one of the cards showed up on eBay for a whopping $100,000

That's a lot of paper for another piece of paper

In 2001 the small South Pacific country in the Niue

printed official legal coins with several Pokemon characters featured

on the back to celebrate the franchise to find one today though could be quite

difficult as they are very rare and the coins are considered a collector's item

A very noticeable feature about the character named Brock in the

long-running Pokemon anime is the fact that his eyes naturally appear closed

However there have been a few brief moments where they have appeared open

but the few times they have many viewers have complained about it being almost a little eerie

Judge it yourself

Ash, the main protagonist of the anime series has

the last name Ketchum. It's a play on the words Ketchum as in the show's tagline

gotta catch em all. In the Japanese version of the anime though

the protagonist is known as Satoshi of the Pokemon creator Satoshi Tajiri

and on that note the rival of the main character Gary Oak is known as Shigeru

paying homage to the creator of games such as Mario and Zelda Shigeru Miyamoto

There are many reasons why people start practicing sports

strangely enough Pokemon is one of them at least for this guy when actually

McKenzie was 11 years old he got into a fight with another kid when he tried to

take his Charizard card. For those of you don't know sure I saw it was like the

shit back then but after being defeated he did some research and found the kid

had used Judo moves on him. He went to the local Judo Club and of the

confronting his attacker and getting his Pokemon card back McKenzie realized that

Judo could be something for him today all thanks to that one Charizard card

McKenzie is a Judo champion

Subtitle by Wei Jun Won, Subscribe my channel for more

While speaking of sports have you seen this

face of video between Kobe Bryant and Lionel Messi

It's pretty awesome actually

Just click this red annotation or the link in the description to go check it out

For more infomation >> 十大真相 神奇宝贝 Pokémon【有趣的事实】中英CC字幕 - Duration: 6:32.


Wild in Washington - Duration: 20:05.

For more infomation >> Wild in Washington - Duration: 20:05.


ya jalali ka wazifa in urdu | | sirf 5 second ka wazifa | sirf 10 bar parhna in urdu - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> ya jalali ka wazifa in urdu | | sirf 5 second ka wazifa | sirf 10 bar parhna in urdu - Duration: 2:12.


Running Prosthetics That Help Paralympians Run Faster | The Tech Race - Duration: 5:39.

Welcome to The Tech Race.

This technology allows Paralympic athletes

to compete on par with Olympians.

How is it possible that simple engineering is making us

question the rules of the game?


Carbon-fibre prostheses are able to reproduce

and even improve the movements of the knee joint and ankle.



Modern-day Paralympic prostheses are the result of

a long design process, as well as leaps in technology.

Let's meet one of the most important

prosthetics manufacturers in Kawasaki, Japan.


The less curved it is, the lighter,

but this arrow lays down.

If you hoist this arrow,

the prosthesis is not that flexible.

I mean, this type of prosthesis only jumps around here,

but other types jump higher.

Running prostheses are made of

a special carbon-fibre reinforced polymer.

It is an extremely strong and light reinforced plastic,

which contains carbon fibres.

The blades are transtibial prostheses,

meaning they replace legs and feet

that are amputated below the knee,

and are designed by specialised engineers.

Everybody thinks that Paralympic athletes

are disabled,

but the prosthetic legs advances

make the athletes progress,

and they can reach the Olympic athletes

and even get better than them.

Running blades used to be C-shaped,

causing athletes to lose significant energy at turns.

The cutting-edge J-shaped blades

act more like a human foot.

The curvature at the bottom of the blade acts like an ankle,

giving increased speed and efficiency on corners.

So we use two legs to walk,

but for the sprinting

we use the leg as a spring, to pump up our body.

We have earlier time,

which is the time we don't have any contact with the ground.

So the prostheses push our body upwards, and hop.

A Paralympic athlete can run

at the same speed as able-bodied sprinters

using 25% less oxygen,

due to the prosthesis energy return.

The carbon-fibre blades produce three times more energy return

than a human ankle.

Keita Sato participated in the Paralympic Games Rio 2016

with Team Japan,

in the athletics 4 x 100m men's relay,

achieving a time of 44.16 -

just 6.52 seconds more

than what Andre De Grasse achieved

in the Olympic Games Rio 2016 for Team Canada.

Both went on to take home

Olympic medals for their teams.

The first Paralympic Games were held in Rome, 1960.

They are open to athletes with physical, mental

and sensory disabilities.

It has been an important social and sporting breakthrough,

that has put disabled athletes in the Olympics.

Not everything can be achieved by technology alone -

training is just as crucial.

Paralympic athletes' training

is similar to the process of rehabilitation.

Thanks to the development of the prosthetic legs

and the training, more people that were using a wheelchair

will be able to use prosthetic legs.

Training hard and advances in technology

have shown their results.

Oscar Pistorius created history

in the Olympic Games London 2012,

where he became the first amputee to reach

a 400m semifinal, running with prostheses.

Since then, he has been nicknamed the Blade Runner.

If a Paralympic athlete becomes a star like Usain Bolt

or Federer,

the number of children who want to be stars will increase.

So we have an objective - to create a star.

When technology fuses with humans, we evolve.

I think there is a lot more progress

in Paralympics than Olympics.

The progress is good not only for sports, but for society.

There are a lot of dreams there.

As Paralympic athletes are beginning to run faster

than Olympians, the tech race continues.

Every day, researchers and scientists

are racing against time

to improve and pioneer new advances in technology,

hoping to one day close the gap

between Paralympic and Olympic runners.

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