Sunday, July 23, 2017

Youtube daily report Jul 24 2017

The hands are one of the most visible and used places of our body and of course the

wrinkles will inevitably appear there, if you would like to reduce the appearance of these

in this part of your body, today in todo en salud we will show you a recipe

that Will help you with that purpose.

For this we will need: Extra virgin olive oil

Sodium bicarbonate The preparation is very simple just

add a spoonful of baking soda and add olive oil until it

forms a creamy consistency without it too liquid or too dry.

Then we can apply it is in our hands using a sponge with circular motions.

Leave it on for 10 minutes and remove with soap and water.

This home dermabrasion treatment should be done at least three days a

week in this way in less than a month you will begin to notice the results.

The effectiveness of this remedy is based on the fact that olive oil combined with

sodium bicarbonate will help retain moisture in the hands, it will also moisturize, renew and

nourish the skin, resulting in softer, smoother, Flexible and softer hands.

So if your hands are showing the steps of the years, use this recipe, check

their properties and tell us what you thought.

We hope this video has been useful, remember that your opinion is very important

so score, comment and share and if you have not subscribed, subscribe to the

daily upload new videos.

For more infomation >> Apply this powder on your hands and the wrinkles will disappear in a matter of days naturally - Duration: 2:00.


Le eFFe x Logan Mc - Sonámbulos Del Viento (Prod. Cuarto Dimensión) - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Le eFFe x Logan Mc - Sonámbulos Del Viento (Prod. Cuarto Dimensión) - Duration: 4:01.


Welcome To My Channel - Duration: 0:54.

Hello there!

My name is Natalie and welcome to my channel.

As you can probably tell from my background this channel will largely be dedicated to

all things bookish.

However, since I am a film major, I may occasionally talk about movies and TV shows and such.

So, if this sounds like content that you are interested in, go ahead and click that subscribe

button down below.

I also want to mention that I will be captioning all of my videos for any viewers who may be

deaf or hard of hearing or learning English and I leave community captions open for anybody

who wants to contribute subtitles in any other language.

This is my contribution to Rikki Poynter's #NoMoreCraptions campaign to improve accessibility

on YouTube.

Rikki is a deaf YouTuber and I will leave a link to her video explaining the campaign

down in the description.

So, if you have decided to subscribe to my channel thank you and once again welcome and

I will see y'all soon.


For more infomation >> Welcome To My Channel - Duration: 0:54.


CHETANDO CUENTAS EN VIVO! - Duration: 13:18.

For more infomation >> CHETANDO CUENTAS EN VIVO! - Duration: 13:18.


Alcácer: "Tenemos ganas de que empiece lo bueno" - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Alcácer: "Tenemos ganas de que empiece lo bueno" - Duration: 1:57.


Rob Kardashian se venga de su hermana Kylie Jenner publicando su teléfono - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Rob Kardashian se venga de su hermana Kylie Jenner publicando su teléfono - Duration: 1:40.


6 Điều Không Ngờ Khiến Quý ông Tăng Hưng Phấn Phòng The Ngay Cả Đàn Ông Cũng Phải Ngỡ Ngàng - Duration: 20:58.

For more infomation >> 6 Điều Không Ngờ Khiến Quý ông Tăng Hưng Phấn Phòng The Ngay Cả Đàn Ông Cũng Phải Ngỡ Ngàng - Duration: 20:58.


Lễ phát động Tháng Thanh niên năm 2016 do Đoàn Khối các cơ quan Trung ương tổ chức - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> Lễ phát động Tháng Thanh niên năm 2016 do Đoàn Khối các cơ quan Trung ương tổ chức - Duration: 7:25.


III.5 Proofs: Introduction to the Basic Inference Rules [Part I] - Duration: 11:41.

in this video we'll introduce the five basic inference rules our first one is

modus ponens modus ponens says that if you have a conditional and the

antecedent of that conditional then you can infer the consequent of that

conditional so let's look at a concrete case say that we're given the premises

if P then Q and P we have the conditional and we have the consequent

of that conditional and say we are asked to prove that Q follows from the

premises well this is just one application of modus ponens we can put Q

on line three and we can cite lines one and two and we can say that we can infer

Q because we know that modus ponens is a valid argument form and because it's a

valid argument form it is a truth preserving rule as in if the premises

are true and we infer Q on the basis of modus ponens we know that the conclusion

would also have to be true let's look at a slightly more complicated looking

version of modus ponens okay here's another one so again we have a

conditional on a line recall that this is the main operator so statement number

one premise 1 line 1 that is a conditional statement the statement on

line 2 is the antecedent of the conditional on line 1 that means we have

a conditional and we have the antecedent of a conditional so we can infer put on

a new line the consequent of that conditional X and we can justify our

doing that by citing lines 1 and 2 and the rule modus ponens and so we have

proven because we know that MP is a valid inference we've proven that X

follows from the premises P and Q now the important thing to note here is that

we didn't have to use atomic statements we just needed the antecedent to be the

same as the line here so this just has to be the antecedent so here's another

example there are no tildes or anything in the schematic version of modus ponens

over here in blue but that doesn't mean anything all we care about is that on

line 2 here we have the exact same statement that is the antecedent of the

conditional so that's the only element of the pattern that we're looking for

ok let's look at this one a little bit longer so first of all notice how many

different atomic statements there are four this would be a no-fun truth table

to do so I'm glad we're doing proofs see if you can before we move on pause the

video and take a guess at how you would prove that s follows from the four

premises you're given using our modus ponens rule and hint it'll take more

than one step okay let's do it so modus ponens says if you have a

conditional and you have the antecedent of that conditional you can infer the

consequent so we do have a conditional on line 1 and we have the antecedent of

the conditional on line 1 here on line 4 which means we can infer the

consequent and we will cite lines 1 and 4 and the rule modus ponens to justify

doing that now on line 5 we have the consequent and made the antecedent of

the conditional on line 2 that means we can use modus ponens to put R on a new

line and we'll justify doing that by citing line 2 where the conditional is

and line 5 where that antecedent was and the rule modus ponens now we have R on a

line which happens to be the antecedent of the conditional on line 3

which means we can infer S by 3, 6 modus ponens and now that we have the

conclusion on a line the proof is complete so the only things that you

have to do to have an entirely correct proof is get the conclusion on a line

using inference rules correctly those are the only requirements okay let's

look at our next rule the next rule is called modus tollens and we'll

abbreviate that mt so what modus tollens says is that if

you have a conditional and you have the negation of the consequent of that

conditional then you can put on a new line the negation of the antecedent of

that conditional so here's an example of a proof where we can use a modus tollens

on line 1 we have a conditional statement and on line - we have the

negation of the consequent of the conditional on line 1 now notice how

this form is the same as the one in the schematic the tildes are different but

what we have is a conditional and what we have is the negation of the

consequent of the conditional Q is the negation of ~Q so importantly by

negation we mean either adding or removing a tilde so ~Q is the

negation of Q, Q is the negation of ~Q so since we have the conditions to use

modus tollens we can put the negation of the antecedent which would be P

on a line and we'll justify that using 1, 2 MT now we said that negating

means either adding or removing a tilde we could equally as well have inferred

not not P we could have added a tilde instead of removing a tilde and we would

use the same lines in the same rule all that the rule says is if you have a

conditional and you have the negation of the consequent you can infer the

negation of the antecedent and both lines three and four here are equally

good negations of the antecedent and that makes sense right we're pretty

familiar with a double negative sort of cancelling out however if you had done

this you had inferred not not P for some reason then you haven't actually

completed the proof assuming but you didn't do this you just did not not P

why because the last line isn't identical to the conclusion you were

asked to prove you have only completed a proof if you get the conclusion on the

last line and you used all the rules correctly so we will stick with this one

and that's a complete proof

okay here's a slightly more difficult proof this proof requires both modus

ponens and modus tollens so I recommend pausing right now and

trying to complete the proof on your own just to see how you go about it where

you get stuck before you continue watching it okay so there are two ways

we can approach this and one is to just do anything we see by that I mean I see

that I have a conditional here a conditional here so I'm thinking either

modus ponens or tollens could apply to either of these and so I'm looking what

else do I have here I have the antecedent of the conditional on line 1

and 2 so I see that the only rule I can apply is modus ponens and then I can get

started and start inferring things the other approach I can take is look at

what I want I want ~Q... ~Q is up here in this conditional it's part of

another conditional and so I'm wondering how could I get this whole conditional

on its own line if I could somehow using our rules get this conditional on its

own line maybe that's what I'll end up working with to get not Q and indeed

what I want not Q is the negation of an antecedent and modus tollens is a rule

that lets me get a negation of an antecedent I would need not R to do that

if I had these two things then I could get not Q so I have this sort of plan

get this get this then use modus tollens so now I have two things I'm working

towards can I get this can I get this well what does it take to put the

consequent of a conditional on its own line well that's something that modus

ponens lets you do if you have the antecedent of that conditional and we do

and the other thing we want is not R which is also the consequent of a

conditional and we have the antecedent of that conditional as well so I have

this bigger plan in my head I'm going to use modus ponens twice once to get once

to get this wants to get this and then I will

use modus tollens after I have those on their own line so that's kind of a big

picture thing but let's just go through it step by step so we said we have the

antecedent of both conditionals on lines 1 & 2 so we can just immediately use

modus ponens twice first way of will and for the consequent of the conditional on

line 1 and we'll cite lines 1 & 3 modus ponens and we'll do the same thing with

lines 2 & 3 to get not R and we'll cite lines 2, 3 modus ponens so one thing you

might notice is that we use line 2 twice there's no prohibition on using lines

more than once you don't have to use every line in the proof you can use

lines multiple times the only rule is that you get the conclusion on its own

line and you use rules correctly and if the rule doesn't bar doing something you

can do it okay so we used two applications of modus ponens now we have

a conditional and we have the negation of the consequent of that conditional so

we can use modus tollens to get the negation of the antecedent which is what

we're trying to get so that works out well and we'll cite lines

4 & 5 modus tollens proof complete

For more infomation >> III.5 Proofs: Introduction to the Basic Inference Rules [Part I] - Duration: 11:41.


Your Perception of Risk Is Broken - Let's Fix It Now ✓ - Duration: 13:26.

I took these pictures during my trip to Afghanistan.

It was year 2012.

I stayed in a compound called the Green Village.

It was the compound mainly used by United Nations employees and consultants.

After I left Afghanistan.

Green Village was attacked by Taliban and most of the security guards whom I had the

opportunity to meet, along with many United Nations employees were killed.

And this event happened only 2 days after I left the place.

So, if I stayed for another 2 days, I would have been dead.

Take a look at the men in this picture.

There is only 1 of them is alive today.

In case you didn't get it, that's me.

I am the one in the middle.

The reason why I told you this story is to make a point.

The point that, our brains have this incredible bias to make us overestimate the likelihood

of bad things happening to other people, and underestimate the likelihood that those bad

things will happen to us.

We feel invincible.

And I almost became a victim of this invincibility feeling.

Now, this experience had a profound impact on the way I perceive risk.

Both the opportunities and threats.

But this video isn't going to be an emotional story.

On the contrary, I want to share with you how our brains deceive us and lets us miscalculate

the gravity of the risks; both opportunities and threats and make us prone to making wrong


Make us miss out on the opportunities and be vulnerable to threats.

I am confident, by the end of this video, your perception towards risk will change.

And as a result, your career will significantly benefit from it.

Before I make my point, I want to give you 2 inputs.

First one is this; do you smoke cigarettes?

If not, do you know anyone who does? from your family and friends?

You probably do.

Now statistically speaking, according to W.H.O, cigarettes kill 7 million people each year.

That's roughly around 1 person for every 140 smokers.

That's almost 1 percent.

It's a scary high number.

But as I mentioned earlier, our brains have the ability to make us underestimate the likelihood

of bad things happening to us.

That's why people still smoke cigarettes.

But now, if I still keep the same tobacco related mortality rate, but present you the

data in a different way, I wonder if you would still smoke.

Now, imagine a world cigarettes are harmless.


It gives you no health concern.

But there is a catch.

And the catch is 1 cigaratte pack out of every 18,000 packs contains a dynamite, when lid,

blows your head off.

And not just yours also people around you.

Now, it would still be the same number of tobacco related deaths every year.

Nothing really changed.

But would you still smoke?

Probably not.

Your hand would shake so bad that you wouldn't even be able get near any cigarette pack.

nor a cigarette smoker so you don't get caught up when his face explodes and turns

into a smush.

What changed though?

Your perception of risk changed.

Now, let's move on to input number 2.

Just like the first example, your brain also plays tricks on you in different ways.

There is a bias in the way your brain perceives gains and losses.

Most people weigh a loss around twice as heavily as a gain.

2X is sort of at the bottom end.

And for some people it's 10 times.

So, to risk their 5 dollars in a 50/50 bet, they would need the other person to bet 50


This is known as loss aversion.

It's not that you don't have the luxury to lose 5 dollars, but you are built that


You evolved to pay extra attention to threats that are clearly visible instead of paying

attention to opportunities.

All of us are this way.

Now, my channel is all about your career.

It's all about making you a superstar performer.

So, let's take these 2 inputs and let's see how they apply to your work environment.

It's about to get a lot more interesting.

I am sure you have been in this situation before;

Like your manager is asking a report from you.

He gave you the outlines or the outcome he wants.

And from your past experience, you know that if you give that report in a certain way,

he'll be fine with it.

He won't be impressed.

But he'll be fine.

And because of the loss aversion bias that is built into you, you don't want to take

the risk of going out of your way to increase the quality in the report.

You don't want to talk with subject matter experts, your coworkers from other departments,

other stakeholders, include published research data, further analysis, you don't wanna

do any of these.

You simply don't want to go extra mile.

Because going extra mile may be risky.

Your manager may not like them.

So, why go extra mile?

Or another scenario, you are in an important meeting, you know that if you just open your

mouth and say what you know, it will help the team.

But then you start thinking about.

What if they don't like it?

What if they turn me down.

What if I am missing something.

What if they laugh at me.

And so on and so forth.

Again there is a risk.

However small it is, it's a risk.

It's a threat.

I am sure you have been in that situation before right?

Well, let's look at it from a risk reward ratio.

Let's calculate the Expected Monetary Value of Risks;

EMV= Probability X Impact Let's say there is a 20% risk of your manager

not liking your extra efforts, and as a result you create a 2% probability of losing your


Now here in this example, we have a 2 tier probability, first tier is your manager not

liking it and the 2nd tier is that if he doesn't like it, then 2% probability of firing you.

In this case, the P will be 20%x2% The impact would be you losing your job.

Let's say you make 60,000 dollars per year and it would take you 6 months to find a new


So, the impact here would be 30,000 dollars.

Now, let's calculate it.

So, from this formula, we know that our Expected Monetary Value of this risk, specifically

threat; is 120 dollars Now this doesn't look so bad right?

120 dollars.

Not so bad.

Let's now look at the same scenario from an opportunity perspective.

The probability of your manager liking the fact that you go extra mile and take initiatives

is 70%.

And if he likes it, there is a 30% probability that you will get a promotion.

And if you get a promotion, your new salary will be 100,000.

This would be 40,000 dollars more than what you are receiving now.

And let's say you get to stay in that position for 2 years.

Now, 40,000 dollars added salary times 2 years would be 80,000 dollars.

That would be your "I" score.

Impact score.

Let's calculate the EMV of this opportunity EMV = (0.70 X 0.30) X 80,000 dollars.

Now, as a result, the expected monetary value of this opportunity is 16,800.

So in simple terms, if this was a bet, it would be similar to you risking 120 dollars

to make 16,800 dollars.

And the odds are also on your favor.

0.4% of losing 120 dollars versus 21% of winning 16,800.

Would you take that bet?

Do you wanna think about this?

You are probably saying yes now.

Yes, Deniz I would definitely take the bet of winning 16,800 dollars at 21% probability

by risking 120 dollars at 0.4% probability.

Now you say that.

But you know what, if you were in that situation, you would still think twice.

Because of that built-in loss aversion.

But you know what, it wouldn't actually be such a bad idea to think twice or just

don't take the bet..

Do you know why?

It's because of statistical confidence.

Even when the odds are so favorable, like in this example, It's still a risk you are


And it's a big risk.

Because if you just do it once, or twice, there is still a random chance at play.

Just pure chance.

If you don't have statistical confidence, it's just pure chance.

Or as we call it; Pure luck or bad luck.

You know what's interesting.

This phenomenon is one of the reasons why many people underperform at work.

They don't take initiatives, they don't go extra mile.

It's most often because they have done it before, maybe you have done it before, and

you didn't get rewarded and worse maybe you got punished.

And as a result, you stopped taking initiatives.

It happens all the time.

But now I want to change a single variable here.

And changing that single variable will guarantee that you win.

You win that 16,800 dollars and also you win at your career.

It's so good that it's impossible that you will lose.

Guaranteed to win.

Do you know what I change?

I change "n".

N number.

I change the sample size.

Instead of playing once, I'll let you play let's 5 times.

And let's see if your manager will still act negatively.

Let's do it.

What did we say, we said that there is a 20% chance that he doesn't like you going extra

mile and you taking initiatives.

The probability of him not liking your initiatives at first try is 20%,

Second time in a row is 0.20*0.20 = 4% Third time in a row is 0.20*0.20*0.20= 0.8%

Fourth time is .16% Fifth time is .03% (point zero 3 percent)

That's as close as it gets to impossibility.

But Deniz you are calculating it in a repetitive manner, I mean maybe he won't like it 5

times in a row, but he won't like it 4 out of 5 times.

Or 3 out of 5 times.

That's still bad, isn't it? you are right.

I don't want to go into degrees of freedom, chi squares, sigma operators but I ran a rough

calculation and that roughly showed if you played around 100 times, you'd have about

only 1 in 3,000 chance of losing in the aggregate.

1 in 3,000 so, that's again as close as it gets to impossibility.

Meaning, you are guaranteed to win!

So, what does that mean for you career?

It means, you took an initiative once in your career.

You went extra mile once.

And you didn't get rewarded.

That's fine.

Continue to increase your sample size until you reach statistical confidence.

You will see that odds will eventually become incredibly fair to you.

You will get that promotion, you will make that sale, you will get transferred to the

department you want, you will get what you want.

You just need to be patient enough to continually increase your sample size, meaning you multiply

that event, and constantly take initiative, constantly over deliver, make that report

better every time, eventually you are guaranteed to win.

If you can just come this realization right now, that each little event, those reports,

or your initiatives, you speaking smart in the meeting as 1 of a series of 100 events,

instead of an independent one-off event, then you will realize that you have no possible

outcome other than winning in the aggregate, meaning getting what you want.

Thanks for being with me.

If you haven't already, please remember to subscribe to my channel and if you liked

this video, please share it in LinkedIn or Twitter.

And if you share in LinkedIn, please feel free to send me an invitation.

I'd love to connect with you.

And finally as always, if you are unemployed or believe you are underemployed, or you are

simply looking for a change in your career.

I suggest you take a look at my LIG program.

The results are incredible.

Just take a look and see if it's right for you.

It's definitely not for everyone.

Very well, See you next week!

For more infomation >> Your Perception of Risk Is Broken - Let's Fix It Now ✓ - Duration: 13:26.


10 AMAZING KITCHEN TIPS AND TRICKS IN HINDI | Anyone Can Cook With Me - Duration: 6:56.

namaste and welcome to my kitchen where anyone can cook

I'm ashu and in today's episode I'm sharing with you all: Kitchen tips!

that I have learnt over the years with experience

to be honest, I have quite a lot more, but we're keeping this video short

so i've added only a few

if you want more such tips from me, make sure you like this video

our target is 1000 likes(which is when I'll release part 2 of this video)

without further delay lets start this video, lets get started!

usually green chillies leave that burn in your hands

and if you take those fingers to your eyes or skin, it can irritate those sensitive areas as well

which is why i always cut green chillies with my kitchen scissors

you can use any simple kitchen scissors

your hands will be safe

when you make Kadi Pakora, sometimes you can sniff that raw smell of Besan

for which, you need ot dry roast the gram flour(besan) in a non stick pan

on a low to medium heat

roast it lightly, don't darken it too much, it'll overcook/burn

just enough for 2-3 minutes

for the raw smell to disappear and the fragrance to come out

we'll switch off the flame, and when it cools down

continue the kadi pakora process with yogurt or buttermilk

and now, you'll never smell that rawness in gram flour!

whenever we open a new packet of suji/besan

especially during rainy season

there's still some left, typically, which gets subjected to exposure of all sorts of insects

for which,dry roast suji or besan in a non stick pan for 2-3 minutes

on a low or low to medium flame

and then let them cool down to room temperature

when they do, just put them in air tight containers

and no more spoilt suji or besan!

if you've made any gravy, and it gets too runny

a quick fix is to mash a boiled potato

and add it to your gravy

mix well

as soon as there's a boil, it'll thicken

as you can see. Now just switch the flame off, and your problem's solved!

we tear up while cutting onions

now what I'm gonna tell you, You probably have heard it in every gravy video

or any biryani recipe

if you've been following me since the beginning

so the tip is, peel off the outer skin/layer of the onion

dip it in water for at least 20-25 minutes

and then cut, it'll ensure you don't shed a tear!

and the bitterness will go away too!

similarly, if you're a working woman, or don't have much time in general

you have to get the food ready quick in the morning

peeling off onion layers, and chopping them can take a lot of time

so whenever you're free

just peel off some onions

don't cut the roots

put them in any empty box, and cover with foil paper

close with the lid tightly

you can store them in the fridge for 4-5 days like this

they won't spoil, and will be of great help for morning cooking sessions

you can just take out an onion, chop it, slice it, or put it in the mixie

it just gets a little easier

if its already peeled off and ready to go

and it would help in you not shredding tears if cold

usually when most people make bottle gourd(or water based vegetables)

they peel off the outer skin, cut them then wash them

but this is awfully wrong

make sure you've washed it first

wiped it with a kitchen towel

and then peel off the outer layer with a peeler

cut and directly add to your sabzi

please never keep peeled off water based veggies in water or the nutrition will wash away

sometimes we knead a little too much dough when making roti

and we usually put it in a box(glass or steel)

and store in the refrigerator

but still there forms a dry layer or the dough dries up

just spread some oil on the dough

close with a lid, and problem solved!

whenever we pack fruit for kids in the tiffin

with salt or chat masala, or when you give fruits to your husband

they darken or get brown because of oxidation

for this, whenever you pack chopped fruit,

do sprinkle lemon juice to it, regardless of the salt/chat masala

the lemon will help avoid the oxidation process, thus- fresh fruits!

when we make smoothies or shakes, we often just forget the jar, sometimes filled with water, other times not

later, it gets more and more difficult to clean it

and it doesn't even clean all that well, the blades start to get dirty

so instantly after using the mixie

rinse the jar with water

whichever dishwasher you use, add a couple of drops into it

blend it with some water+dishwashing soap

flush out that soapy water and rinse with clear water

after that, fill up the jar with some clear water and blend it again!

throw away that water and place it upside down on a kitchen towel, everything clean as new!

if you wish to watch part 2 of this video, make sure to give us a thumbs up!

the moment we get 1000 likes, we'll upload part 2!

do let me know which tip you liked the most in the comments below!

also do let me know any tips you use!

I'd love to share your tips with our viewers!

and if you haven't subscribed yet, please do!

For more infomation >> 10 AMAZING KITCHEN TIPS AND TRICKS IN HINDI | Anyone Can Cook With Me - Duration: 6:56.


Srikanth Movies List - Duration: 4:55.

Srikanth Movies List

For more infomation >> Srikanth Movies List - Duration: 4:55.


Hiring a Virtual Assistant - AN AWESOME INVESTMENT (1 or 2) - Duration: 7:07.

So if you are someone who is good at everything you do then this video you

probably want to turn off right about now but if you happen to be in that

small group of people who is not necessarily a fan of everything you need

to do in your business or your life then tune in to this video because we're

going to go through one of the most important things you can do in your

business to help you reduce procrastination get more done and just

generally have a much happier life and that thing is outsourcing so I have

experimented with outsourcing or hiring a VA or virtual assistant for about

seven years on and off and it's only within the last year or so I really got

my knack for it and I'm going to make a second video where I share some tips and

strategies on how to really make this work for you but I want to just go over

the premise of outsourcing and why it's so beneficial for me I find that for

every hour of work that I pay for that I have someone else do I save at least two

hours for myself and there's a few reasons this happens first of all

procrastination when you hire someone to do all the work you don't like doing you

take away not only that work but all the procrastination all the dread all the

putting it off that goes into things like accounting or editing or whatever

it is that you don't like to do the second thing where you save time is that

the person you hire is probably better at it than you are or the very least

they're more focused because they're billing you for that so if you have to

do this say you have to put together some templates and do some invoices and

all kinds of work you don't like doing it's probably going to take you like 2

or 3 hours because you're kind of going to Drudge through it and not want to do

it and not be very good at it which is one of the reasons you probably don't

like doing it whereas when you hire someone they're probably more likely to

have experience with that and work through really quickly my one of my more

recent invoices from one of my virtual assistants was way lower than I thought

it would be I assumed it was maybe going to be in the forty hour range and it was

in the twenty hour range for the month and so I was blown away by how quickly

someone else was able to get done work that for me would have taken days

and days and days okay so outsourcing is beneficial and I would say even if

you're in your first couple years of work if you do it right and again I'll

cover that in the next video then outsourcing can be really beneficial for

you and it can actually help you get out of your own way and accelerate your

business but if you're starting out you're probably saying but then I don't

even have enough money for me yet and you're telling me to hire someone else

that is ridiculous okay yes and no the thing is is whatever

you're doing right now if you're a freelancer you have a certain service

you provide and more than likely you can earn more doing that per hour

then what you have to pay to have someone do some of these other tasks

that are potentially holding you back in some cases you might actually find once

you hire someone to do certain tasks for you that it frees up three four five

times as many hours because you'll realize after as I did that

procrastination and putting things off is actually eating up a lot more of your

time than you thought it was and so what I would recommend is if you're starting

out if you're in your first couple years or if you've been working for yourself

for four or five years but haven't really gotten over that threshold then

consider minimizing your life expenses so find ways to cut down on cost you

might actually find that at some point you're spending more money on your team

or your outsourcers then you're spending on living your life but that is a good

thing because that's reinvesting right that's putting money back in your

business back in your future it's giving you the opportunity to grow that much

quicker than it would if you just went along on your own without that help so

what are some things that you can cut down costs on that will then allow you

to reinvest take that money and rather than spending it on your self around

living find ways to reinvest that into your business and in this case I'm

talking about in terms of outsourcing and if you haven't already do subscribe

to the channel at this point because I am going to make another video on

minimalism and how to reduce your expenses and reduce your cost because

this is one of the most important things when you're starting out working for

yourself is to keep your nut or your basic expenses

every month as low as they possibly can be so subscribe to the channel and get

that video when it comes out now back to the outsourcing to give you an overview

in terms of how much it might cost if you're looking to hire someone depending

on where they're from and the kind of work you're doing

you can really be looking to start as low as maybe three US dollars per hour

moving up to ten US dollars per hour and with that you can actually hire some

really talented good people and it's not a matter of treating someone bad or

giving someone a poor standard of living it's actually in many cases a situation

where the person you're hiring is living a middle or upper middle-class life in

their own country because their purchasing power is that much more so

you've got to get it out of your head in terms of the minimum cost like four

dollars an hour what could I get for that well in many countries four dollars

an hour is a very good wage you combine that with the fact that you're letting

your employee work from home work when they want so if someone is a parent or

maybe they have a full-time job during the day and they do some outsourcing

work at night all these different things come in to make it a quite an appealing

job for people so with a very small budget you can actually get started I

suggest starting by the hour and I'm going to talk about this more like how

to pay people and how to set it up in the next video but when I suggest

generally doing is start by the hour and start with small stuff so rather than

try to jump right in and hire someone to do everything start with kind of one

task that you can unload that you can test people with and then get started

with that so with that sort of thing you can get started for ten twenty thirty

dollars a month and start getting some things off your plate and free up your

time and then test that if for you you find that once you give the tasks away

to someone else you get a lot more energy you get out of bed with a little

more bounce in your step because you're not dreading the work that you'd usually

procrastinate then you might really see the value in the outsourcing and be able

to focus more and more of your energy on making more money and then you can

invest that again in terms of more outsourcing and that of course creates

this nice cycle which will end up creating exponential growth in your

business thanks for watching this video as I said before do subscribe

the channel I'll have other videos on outsourcing some tips on how to hire

people and the best practices as well as on cutting down your cost and saving

money so that you can actually reinvest in your business catch you in the next


For more infomation >> Hiring a Virtual Assistant - AN AWESOME INVESTMENT (1 or 2) - Duration: 7:07.


Renaissance - Jordan - Duration: 9:02.

seven hundred million chinese people

and i, and i, and i

with my life, my little home

my headache, my liver pain

I think about it, then i forget

that's life, that's life

For more infomation >> Renaissance - Jordan - Duration: 9:02.


#245 [Web TV] When People Let You Down - Duration: 4:28.

Hello and welcome, Janet Beckers here with your wonderful web TV to the week.

Today, I'm answering a question from one of our community members, Fantastic Frank, had

a cool name.

And you know what.

It's a question that I've recently had to ask myself and I know a lot of people will

have this exact same problem.

Now Frank talks about how it seems recently that people are bringing him problems and

the problems that are causing him hassles they their problems but they're affecting


People who he relies on to to provide the services that support him (making his income)

and then letting him down and making their problems become his problems.

He's wondering is this just the face of business.

Is it something that he's doing.

You know what is it that is happening.

It's really starting to impact on him.

You know what.

I recently had to ask myself this question as well.

I had some people who I was relying on in my business and I was finding that you know

my deadlines were not being met.

The communication was not being met in the way that I had expected in the past and I

had to really look at.

Is this me?

What is happening?

So my first question to ask you is number one: Are you being very very clear on what

you expect and what your boundaries are?

So you've been very clear that these are the deadlines.

This is what is to be expected and I expect this to be met.

So that's your first one.

How clear are you being on what is expected.

Now number two is.

Is what you're expecting there?

So are you asking somebody who doesn't have the skills to be able to do something.

So ask yourself that question as well.

If you not sure, ask them you know is this something that's putting you out of your comfort


What can we do to make sure it's going to work.

Now if you have made sure that this is not a problem that is coming from your end and

yet you're still being let down then what you need to look at is- you know what?

What are you going to expect?

Do you expect?

Do you accept.


Do you accept being let down?

Because if you are accepting this behavior , well you've got no reason to complain about


Because you have accepted if accepting it is by not actually doing anything about it

or not setting your boundaries or saying you know what, this is something you and I going

to have to work out because it's affecting me.

So this is your problem.

I'm sending you the love I'm sending you to support what can I do from my end but ultimately

these are my needs, these are my boundaries.

And you know what,sometimes if it's still not working, don't accept the mediocrity anymore.

If you know you've got to go elsewhere you got to find somebody else that fix it.

Than can be the tough love that has to happen in business.

So, number one be very very clear that you are not the source of all of this (is your

communication clear? is your boundaries clear? are you very very clear that what you are

asking somebody to do is actually in their ability?)

Once that is absolutely clear if you start getting let down then you will you accept

it or not?

Be very very clear on what will accept or not.

And you have to let people go if you need to.

That is just life.

I love to hear, does this resonate for you?

So I hope that helps Fantastic Frank.

You know this happened to me recently and I take it very very clear on what I will accept

and what I want you know- and there's been some changes.


But I always open up new opportunities.


I'd love to hear from you if you've gotten any questions on this or how do you go about

doing this.

Please just leave questions down below and I'll see if I can help you with that.

If you have somebody that you feel could be struggling with this as well, pass this on

to them so hopefully this will give them some kind of framework to be able to apply to this

problem and see if they can solve it.

I can't wait to hear from you bye.

For more infomation >> #245 [Web TV] When People Let You Down - Duration: 4:28.


"Cancer" (My Chemical Romance) PIANO COVER - Duration: 2:38.

Turn away

If you could get me a drink

...of water 'cause my lips are chapped and faded

Call my aunt Marie

Help her gather all my things

and bury me in all my favorite colors

My sisters and my brothers, still...

I will not kiss you

'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you

Now, turn away

'Cause I'm awful just to see

'Cause all my hair is abandoned all my body

All my agony

Know that I will never marry

Baby, I'm just soggy from the chemo

But counting down the days to go

It just ain't living

And I just hope you know

That if you say (if you say)

Goodbye today (goodbye today)

I'd ask you to be true (I'd ask you to be true)

'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you

'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you

For more infomation >> "Cancer" (My Chemical Romance) PIANO COVER - Duration: 2:38.


Undertale AU Comic Dub - Toby Fox dog travel the AU - Vietsub ( Bật phụ đề ) - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Undertale AU Comic Dub - Toby Fox dog travel the AU - Vietsub ( Bật phụ đề ) - Duration: 1:07.


Quintuplet newborns head home, spent three months in Seton NICU - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Quintuplet newborns head home, spent three months in Seton NICU - Duration: 1:50.


'노무현입니다' 가고 '무현:파이널 컷' 온다 - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> '노무현입니다' 가고 '무현:파이널 컷' 온다 - Duration: 3:15.


서현진, 5살 연상 의사와 11월 결혼.."축복 부탁" - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> 서현진, 5살 연상 의사와 11월 결혼.."축복 부탁" - Duration: 2:15.


Cole Prime - In The End (Vocal-Only Linkin Park Cover) Draft 1 - Duration: 3:43.

It starts with One thing I don't know why

It doesn't even

matter how hard you try Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme

To explain in due time

All I know Time is a valuable thing

Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings Watch it count down to the end of the day

The clock ticks life away

It's so unreal Didn't look out below

Watch the time go right out the window Trying to hold on did-didn't even know

I wasted it all just to watch you go

I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart

What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I tried so hard

...and got so far But in the end it doesn't even matter

I had to fall to lose it all But in the end it doesn't even matter

One thing, I don't know why It doesn't even matter how hard you try

Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme To remind myself how I tried so hard

In spite of the way you were mocking me Acting like I was part of your property

Remembering all the times you fought with me

I'm surprised it got so far

Things aren't the way they were before You wouldn't even recognize me anymore

Not that you knew me back then But it all comes back to me in the end

You kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart

What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I tried so hard

...and got so far But in the end it doesn't even matter

I had to fall to lose it all But in the end it doesn't even matter

I've put my trust in you Pushed as far as I can go

For all this there's only one thing you should know

I've put my trust in you!

Pushed as far as I can go!

For all this there's only one thing you should know!

I tried so hard and got so far But in the end it doesn't even matter

I had to fall to lose it all But in the end it doesn't even matter

For more infomation >> Cole Prime - In The End (Vocal-Only Linkin Park Cover) Draft 1 - Duration: 3:43.


'예능 거성' 박명수 잡아라! 엔터사 러브콜 쏟아져 - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> '예능 거성' 박명수 잡아라! 엔터사 러브콜 쏟아져 - Duration: 3:17.


Top 10 Vampire in the Word !!! - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Vampire in the Word !!! - Duration: 0:42.


Pre Monsoon Ride - Day 2 - Chikmagalur to Dandeli | With CBR 650F, Z800, Dominar & Ninja 650 - Duration: 20:08.

Shreyas : How are you?

Will you guys wear raincoats now?

Kishen: no only the rain pants. rain coat will wear once it starts raining

Wearing rain inliner?


Im wearing rain inliner

Was worried that cold gets worse.

How to go to Hariharapura bridge?

You should have taken the previous route which was nearby.

Doberman : Dude I am getting scared!

Does your doberman know to swim?

For more infomation >> Pre Monsoon Ride - Day 2 - Chikmagalur to Dandeli | With CBR 650F, Z800, Dominar & Ninja 650 - Duration: 20:08.


Nonstop 2017 Mới - Cuốn và Hút - Phê pha cùng đồng bọn - Dj Thế FiTa vs Bin Cá chép - Duration: 1:14:04.

For more infomation >> Nonstop 2017 Mới - Cuốn và Hút - Phê pha cùng đồng bọn - Dj Thế FiTa vs Bin Cá chép - Duration: 1:14:04.


Unthinkable upset of Arrogate jolts horse racing. - Duration: 3:01.

This was Miracle on Ice, on hooves. This was Buster Douglas KO'ing Mike Tyson, on dirt. This was mouths collectively agape, faces stunned and eyes drained of answers.

As Arrogate, the No. 1 ranked horse in the world, entered the starting gate Saturday at Del Mar in the San Diego Handicap, it was so ridiculously favored that the 1-20 odds produced too many digits to show on the track's big board.

The sport's biggest star didn't win. Or finish second. Or third.

Accelerate, who beat Arrogate during his rookie debut last April before the celebrity in waiting piled up a record $17 million and change, roared to the front, never surrendered an inch and delivered the unthinkable.

That quickly mixed with the unfathomable: Donworth and Cat Burglar romped to the line before Arrogate too.

I'm dumbfounded," said jockey Mike Smith, who rode Arrogate when he battered Saratoga's record in the Travers, humbled California Chrome not once but twice and showed Gun Runner that no lead is safe in Dubai.

"I have no idea. Your guess is as good as mine, to be honest with you. I'm at a loss for words."

The moment, arguably the most monumental big-stage upset since Bing Crosby welcomed fans at the gates in 1937, spelled victory for the anything's-possible crowd.

Be on the lookout: The sun might stubbornly steal the spotlight and rise in the west.

Dan Smith, Del Mar's senior media coordinator who's been around the track for 54 years, said he'd never seen money

lean like this: Of the $2,671,938 bet in the win, place and show pools, an astounding $2,457,472 was wagered on the horse that finished fourth.

Donworth crushed records for place and show prices that had stood since 1955, at $119.80 and $67.40 respectively.

This was even more of a brain-melter, in Smith's estimation, than Dare And Go snapping Cigar's 16-race win streak at the 1996 Pacific Classic. In that race, Cigar finished second.

Arrogate was so regally regarded that the trumpeting lungs of Del Mar's Les Kepics belted out the theme from "Superman" before the call to the post and Charlie Rose of "60 Minutes" shadowed trainer Bob Baffert's every move.

The streak of seven consecutive wins, never to reach eight. The air of invincibility, snuffed. The predictability of champions, bruised purple.

Arrogate, astonishingly, lumbered to the line a staggering 15 ¼ lengths off the pace. "He just laid an egg," Baffert said.

Anyone wonder if trainer Keith Desormeaux, who scratched his horse Dalmore in a valor-be-darned shift to Sunday's Wickerr Stakes, wants a do-over?

The San Diego Handicap has done a number on a couple of international stars. Silver Charm, winner of the Kentucky Derby, Preakness and Dubai World Cup, sputtered to fifth out of five during the 1998 race.

"We ran against the best horse in the world," Accelerate trainer John Sadler said, "so it's a huge win."

The plan for jockey Victor Espinoza, Sadler said: Take the lead if you can, step on the champ's throat and hold your hoof there until the sport found itself shaken and shocked.

For more infomation >> Unthinkable upset of Arrogate jolts horse racing. - Duration: 3:01.


Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014) Movie IMAX CLIP | Peter Quill and Gamora Dancing Scene | 4K HD - Duration: 3:40.

Get out of here.

Your buyer's in there?

We are to wait here for his representative.

Get out of here!

This is no respectable establishment.

What do you expect us to do while we wait?

Yes! Yes!


My Orloni has won,

as I won at all things!

Now, let's put more of this liquid into our bodies.

That's the first thing you said that wasn't bat-shit crazy!

Man, you wouldn't believe what they charge for fuel out here.

- I might actually lose money on this job. - My connection is making us wait.

It's just a negotiation tactic. Trust me, this is my specialty.

Where yours is more, "Stab, stab. Those are my terms."

- My father didn't stress diplomacy. - Thanos?

He's not my father.

When Thanos took my home world, he killed my parents in front of me.

He tortured me, turned me into a weapon.

When he said he was going to destroy an entire planet for Ronan,

I couldn't stand by and...

Why would you risk your life for this?

My mother gave it to me.

My mom liked sharing with me all the pop songs that she loved growing up.

I happened to have it on me,

when I was...

The day that she...

You know, when I left Earth.

What do you do with it?

Do? Nothing. You listen to it. Or you can dance.

I'm a warrior and an assassin. I do not dance.


On my planet, there's a legend about people like you.

It's called


And in it, a great hero

named Kevin Bacon,

teaches an entire city full of people with sticks up their butts that dancing, well...

It's the greatest thing there is.

Who put the sticks up their butts?

What? No, that's just a...

- That is cruel. - It's just a phrase

people use.

The melody is pleasant!

- No! - What the hell?

I know who you are, Peter Quill!

And I am not some starry-eyed waif here to succumb to your...

Your pelvic sorcery!

That is not what is happening here.

For more infomation >> Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014) Movie IMAX CLIP | Peter Quill and Gamora Dancing Scene | 4K HD - Duration: 3:40.


[TV와치]안그래도 힘든 '개콘'을 더 어렵게 하는 건 - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> [TV와치]안그래도 힘든 '개콘'을 더 어렵게 하는 건 - Duration: 4:26.


John Bradley Compares Kit Harington To The Mona Lisa - CONAN on TBS - Duration: 1:54.

John, you have spent a lot of time with Kit Harington.

I think he's the only cast member I have not personally met.

Is he as good looking in person

as he appears on television.

(audience whooping)

Oh God, this guy-- What?

This guy, I mean, (laughing)

seeing him on screen is nice enough, right?

[Conan] Yeah.

It's nothing compared to what

I'm gonna call the live experience.

(audience laughs)

It's nothing like it.

It's a bit like only every seeing

the Mona Lisa as a jpeg on somebody's phone.


Somebody says, "What do you think of that?"

You go, "Yeah, it's a pretty good painting.

"I'm not blown away by it."

But you see it in real life, and you're like, "Good Lord."

[Conan] Yeah. (laughs)

(audience cheers)

But the thing about him that's so frustrating

is he's a man of absolutely no compromise either.

There's a selfie of us that I put on my Instagram

where we're both kinda leanin' in,

and I'm doing puppy dog,

because it's kind of all I've got, right?

So, I'm doing puppy dog like this.

(audience cheers)

Oh ho.

Gonna do more puppy dog.

And then I say, "Right, cheers mate, thanks for that."

And I look at it, and he's doing puppy dog as well.

I'm like don't do puppy dog as well.

I wouldn't do puppy dog if I had those abs.


Stay away from my schtick.

You can't have abs and puppy dog.

You've gotta make a choice,

otherwise it just looks like greed.

Yeah, he got a double dose at the factory, yeah.

He's got a double dose of all the good stuff.

He's right in the sweet spot between good lookin',

vulnerable, smart, talented.

[Conan] Yeah, you seem bitter about this.

No, no, no, no. (laughing)

I just wish he'd leave me with one thing.

For more infomation >> John Bradley Compares Kit Harington To The Mona Lisa - CONAN on TBS - Duration: 1:54.


Seriously: Live Green and Die, Database Danger and Grand Theft Goat-O - Duration: 4:16.

Alright what do we got this week. I got Live Green and Die,

Database Danger and Grand Theft Goat-o. This is Seriously Seven Days.

What's up, I'm your host Bryan Parmelee and I'm back with my take on a few of the

stories from this week's issue of Seven Days. Thanks to a Vermont law that just

went into effect, you no longer have to be alive to lead a socially responsible

lifestyle. That's right, the state's minimum burial death is now only three

and a half feet, so instead of being filled with embalming fluids and put

into a fancy casket, you can choose the much more environmentally friendly route

of a green burial. That's where you're put in a sheet, or a very simple casket

and buried at a shallow depth where the soil is much more active. That means your

body decomposes a lot quicker you become part of the soil and you can do cool

things like provide nutrients to a tree. Now despite the law going into effect

no Vermont cemetery currently offers this service. So, unless you happen to own property or

come from a family of clever landscapers you might still have trouble having a

green burial. But still this law opens up a whole world of exciting possibilities.

I mean imagine if there was a combination green burial site and maple

tree farm, Where dead Vermonters were nourishing

the maple trees. I mean talk about an authentic taste of Vermont.

Well it looks like it's been a busy couple of weeks for Vermont Attorney

General TJ Donovan, or as I like to call him 'VTAGTVTJ.' On Tuesday he said that

the DMV facial recognition program is in fact illegal and should remain suspended

unless state lawmakers can pass a give us your face law. He also worked with

Vermont Secretary of State Jim condos to

identify two state laws that they believe give them firm legal standing to

reject a request from the Trump administration for Vermont voter data.

Now Vermont's not alone on this one. That request came to all 50 states and

several other states have refused to comply, saying that the election

integrity commission is really just trying to purge voter registrations and

further suppress the vote. But I think there's an even simpler explanation. Just

last month officials from the Department of

Homeland Security testified that people connected to the Russian government

attempted to hack into the election systems in 21 different states during

the 2016 election. Now why would we force those poor Russians to have to hack into

computer systems all around the country when you can just combine all the

states' voter information into a single database. That way they'd only have to

hack into one computer system instead of dozens.

It's called government efficiency, comrade.

Finally this week we end with some very sad but very Vermont-y news. At least a

dozen goats have gone missing from Upper Valley Farms in what appear to be a

string of goatnappings. Now local authorities have had very little luck in

determining what kind of a sick bastard goes around stealing goats, so I've

decided to contact my goat source ,Ally the Alpine goat via satellite. Ally can

you hear me?

Now Ally how has the goat community responded to these goatnappings?

Have you noticed any strange or unusual behavior happening around the pen?

What do you think the human community can do to better protect the goats?

You know you asked me to do these interviews and there's a goat? A goat?

I don't speak goat, alright. I'm doing all— That's going to do it for us this week

at Seriously Seven Days. We're going to take next week off so I can give my crew

a chance to participate in a blindfolded potato sack race, but we'll be back the

following week with more Seriously-ness. Thank you so much for watching

See you next time. A goat? A goat?

For more infomation >> Seriously: Live Green and Die, Database Danger and Grand Theft Goat-O - Duration: 4:16.


O poder da Adila RJ na vida das pessoas. - Duration: 4:09.

Marcela tell me a little bit about yours and Marcele's story here in Adila

Adila is like a mother for both of us because Marcele is diabetic since she was 2 years old

and back then we had already heard about Adila but never went there because of a few problems.

But when we managed to come we could see what the project was about and it felt really good

because it was a turning point for Marcele. She started to have more focus and determination

because in Adila she was in an environment where everybody was like her.

For that reason she didn't felt different. Also, the volunteers were always very welcoming and supportive.

First she met Sol then she found Biabética and from that point on she wanted to be like Biabética.

We've also met Sheila and everybody has always been very supportive.

I didn't used to come here but when i saw that everything changed because of the importance of Adila

I wanted to bring Marcele to this environment.

And what about her treatment ? Did it get better?

It did ! It got a lot better. We met the nutritionist and it made a huge difference.

She learned a lot of things like counting carbs even though she doesn't have the insulin pump as of right now.

But she'll have it in the near future

The people here in Adila are very engaged in helping everybody.

Marcele had the opportunity to understand how the pump works.

So she's very happy. It changed everything in her life.

Her life got a lot better.

She's now a diet candy.

Not a sugar candy anymore.

Tell us a bit about your experience with Adila.

I think it's great. I was talking to my mom the other day

I think that Adila is a place where i feel at home. I love being around people here.

It feels great.

You feel this great because you're with a lot of people like you, right?

Yes ! There's nothing wrong about being diabetic.

A lot of people have the condition and it's better when we're all together.

We're not different because we're diabetic.

They all eat wholemeal bread so i'll eat too!

There's also diet ice cream, cake and pudding. There are all kinds of diet stuff to eat.

Indeed and if we take care of our blood sugar levels and nutrition our quality of life increases

and it might get even better than a lot of people that doesn't have diabetes.

Your whole family might end up getting healthy because of how you manage your health.

It's true i even ate beet because of her diet and i don't like it that much

We went to the nutritionist and she said that Marcele had to eat beet

We started eating a tiny portion but now we're eating a bit more.

I wanted to get in the diet with her.

I'm very thankful for Adila, the coordinators and nutritionists.

And also the lawyer. I had to meet with her today and i cleared up some doubts.

And of course Biabética is always here! Thank you for your kindness and for being so good to my daughter.

And again, i'm very thankful to Sol, Sheila and everybody here in Adila. Thank you very much.

Kisses !

For more infomation >> O poder da Adila RJ na vida das pessoas. - Duration: 4:09.


Budgies Breeding - Timer Switch 24Hour - Duration: 1:19.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 14 21 23 28 101 parakeet zebra young female cere budgie behaviour yellow green sale for budgies names bird budgerigar and blue cages wooden wild uk florida in australia budgerigars cage wide breed my wont why lot a sleeping is fight do eggs their out throw die did white cap parakeets buy to where the live from come originate i can are lay when season breeding mate hatch start eat veggies what vegetables like treats give box nesting put parrot your feed list babies with baby hand by egg an lays should you birds other not food of kind expectancy life spray millet span called human fruits fruit veg fresh foods does mean need seeds besides love colours get colour kept be favourite age weaning vitamins violet videos victorian used unusual unique types one two trill training talk finger sit trained top about know things best teal taming fast tame talking care taking stressed incubation stages hatching development embryo duck chick sprouting space angrybirds game angry snacks small illness signs healthy show breeders selling macaw scarlet face scaly treatment safe round ringneck necked ring amazon lored red eyes eye pied recessive rare raising quiet quality quaker candling quail conure pyrrhura purple puck price prevue pregnant pet popular plants planet breeder pionus pink male pictures pics petstore sell that shops shop permainan pellets pellet lovebird faced peach parrots parrotlet laying problems health growth free tips supplies parents long how having online pets as toys sounds size sick mix seed reproduction prices beak overgrown origin or nutrition color nose material habitat natural molting mites picture tell cycle bottom on without information flight images diagnosis house issues hatchlings handling identification gender dishes feeding process bound binding diseases diet colors chicks change behavior trimming years pairing owning overweight organic onion old obese normal newborn boy laid eating heavily breathing bleeding has diarrhea chest lump crusty died moustache most moluccan undulatus melopsittacus medicine mccaw lutino fighting lovebirds period after looking local disease liver little light lifespan large king outside keeping outdoors indoors aviary jardine endangered girl dying iodine introducing facts interesting info infertile incubating ill candle trim treat train between difference once at take stop raise make boxes keep incubate hold handle encourage draw choose catch fertility build english beginner have often much weigh cost year times many will until days till it sleep captivity water go before going reproduce video drink see fertilized grow big bad happy hanging tamed rearing reared raised formula fed grit cheek cockatoo crested sulfur greater chart goose good boys getting fun grown full found flying finches finch fertile feral duster feather fat fallow kids exotic everything personality symptoms hen cockatiel chickens candles download shots strawberries bite mirrors apples lettuce grapes carrots bread carry discount different breeds coloured derbyan define decorative dark cute custom cool common illnesses ailments colorful colony inside growing checking cheap caring muscovy method poultry day candled torch lighting candeled sunflower spinach raspberries parsley oranges kale honey cheese broccoli blueberries bananas survive speak tomatoes plums peas pears beans grass cucumber corn chocolate cherries leaves celery cabbage asparagus all calcium caique bush bugies bugie buggies buggie bugerigars budjies budgy budgrigar wanted varieties each habits singing winter india they beginners adoption favorite everywhere summer urdu pakistan dogs adek budgier world weight website poop watery droppings bottle whole vomiting voice supplements vitamin vets vent tumour tumor tricks methods feathers tail store species speaking song society sneezing sitting setup s respiratory infection regurgitating predators poo place head pin photos closing opening drinking meaning around losing balance lice problem leg kidney condition treatments housing help check guide gestation genetics foot feet bowls exercise lots dog requirements dietary plan diarrhoea death pages colouring claws claw sheet cancer calls calling call plans cabinets dimensions melbourne bum meanings bedding grinding discoloration bar antibiotics anatomy advice budgi budgey budgerigers budgerigas budgeries budgee budge brown british questions profit breading bourkes books front black birdsplanet forum com lahore medicines vit room business biggest way brand bajrigar australian noisy native thing same conures aratinga antique angrybirdsspace games dirds brids blrds pc spa mobile baru bids angri angery alexandrine albino aggressive grey african adult acrylic ab week

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