Monday, July 24, 2017

Youtube daily report Jul 24 2017

Use a punch and a hammer to kick the brake pad guide pins

Use a socket №10

Use a torx №T55

Use a phillips screwdriver

For more infomation >> Cómo cambiar discos de freno traseros y pastillas de freno PORSCHE BOXSTER 981 INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 11:33.


Renueva tus ideas y Cambia tu vida por Joe Dispenza - Duration: 17:23.

In the past scientists divided the world

In matter and thought and later,

In matter and energy.

Each of these pairs was considered

Totally different from each other, but they are not!

This mind / matter duality shaped our vision

Of the world that reality was

Basically predetermined and we could do

Very little to change things with our

Actions and even less with our thoughts.

But today we consider that we are part

Of an immense invisible field of energy that

Contains all the possible realities and

Which responds to our thoughts and feelings.

Just as scientists are studying the relationship

Between thought and matter,

We are eager to do the same

In our life.

That's why we ask ourselves:

Can I create with my mind my own reality?

If so, is it a skill I can learn

And use to become who I want to be

And create the life that I want to live?

Let's face it, none of us are perfect.

Whether we want to change or not in the physical sense,

Emotional or spiritual,

We all have the same desire:

We want to live as an idealized version

Of whom we think and believe we can be.

When we stand in front of the mirror we contemplate

Our michelines, we are not only reflected

In it this version our somewhat plump,

But we also see, depending on the mood

With which we have risen that day,

A version of us in better physical shape

Or another more obese and massive.

Which of our images is the real one?

When lying in bed we review at night

The events of the day and our efforts

To be more tolerant and less reactive,

We are not only seeing the father or the mother

Who has shouted to his son for not doing without asking

And quickly what he asked.

We see ourselves as an angelic person to whom

You have exhausted your patience or like a horrible ogre

Which destroys a child's self-esteem.

Which of these images is the real one?

The answer is: both are.

And not only are these two extremes,

But also an infinite spectrum of images

Ranging from positive to negative.

How can it be?

So you can better understand why

None of these versions of yours is more or less real,

I will have to destroy the most common idea of ​​nature

Of reality and replace it with another.

Although it seems a titanic task

And in certain ways it is,

I also know that this message surely

Has attracted you because you have not succeeded

Make no physical, emotional or spiritual changes

In your life that has been lasting,

You have not been able to be the person you wanted.

And your failure has more to do with your ideas

Why your life is how it is,

With anything else,

Such as lack of will,

Of time, of value or imagination.

In order to change you must modify the image

That you have of yourself and the world,

To open up to new knowledge and experiences.

Your failures of the past come from an error:

You have not committed to live by assuming the truth

That your thoughts have

Consequences that they create

Your own reality.

We can all create our own destiny,

We all reap the benefits of our

Constructive efforts.

We do not have to be satisfied

With our current reality,

We can create a new one whenever we want.

We all have this ability,

Because for better or worse,

Our thoughts influence our lives.

I'm sure you've heard it before,

But I wonder if most of us

We make that statement.

If we really accepted that what we

We think creates tangible effects

In our life,

We would not let it come to our head

No negative thoughts.

And we would look at what we want,

Instead of always being obsessed

With our problems.

Think about it:

If you knew that this principle is true,

Would you let a single day pass

Without creating the destination you want?

To change your life,

Change your ideas about the nature of reality

I hope you change the idea of ​​how the world works,

Convince yourself that you are more powerful

Of what you believe and inspire

To show that what you think and

You have a profound effect on

The world around you.

Until you see your current reality in another way,

Any change you make in your life

Will be superficial and ephemeral.

If you want to get the desired results

In a lasting way,

You must change your idea of ​​why things happen.

To achieve this you will have to open yourself

To a new interpretation of

What is real and true.


As soon as you get a new idea

Of forces and basic elements

Of which the reality is composed,

The old idea that in this world the linear

And the methodical is the norm

It will have no place in you.

Get ready to change some

Ideas that shelter.

When you begin to accept

This new vision of the world,

Even your human condition will change.

It is clear that I am challenging you,

But I want you to know that

I understand you perfectly,

I also had to get rid of myself

Of what I thought was true

And throw myself into the unknown.

A strange science:

Can we influence the past?

As we are all interconnected

Beyond space and time,

Our thoughts and feelings

Can influence past situations

And where we want the future?

In July 2000, an Israeli doctor

Performed a randomized controlled trial

With 3,000 hospitalized patients.

He wanted to check if the prays had

An effect on the disease of these people.

The experiments carried out

With prayer are important examples

Of how the mind affects matter from afar.

This scientist selected hospitalized patients

With sepsis (an infection).

He then randomly divided them into two groups.

One would be the subject of prayers and the other would not.

He compared the results based on

In three factors:

The duration of fever,

The duration of the hospital stay

And the number of deaths caused by the infection.

Patients being prayed for

The fever lasted less

And were discharged sooner.

The difference in mortality from

Both groups was not too important,

Although in the group of prayers

The percentage of deaths was lower.

It is a powerful demonstration

Of the benefits of prayer

And how we can communicate with

Our thoughts and feelings

An intention to the quantum field.

To experience a change,

Observe a new result with a new mind

It is very simple, our daily routine

And thoughts and feelings

Always perpetuate the same state of being,

Which creates the same behaviors

And the same reality.

If we want to change some aspect

Of our reality, we have to think,

Feel and act in new ways,

We have to be "different" in

How we respond to experiences.

We have to "become"

In another person and create the new

Mental state needed to observe

A new result with this new mind.

I know it's frustrating when our life

Seems to be an endless series of

Small variations with them

Negative results.

But as long as you remain the same as always,

While your electromagnetic footprint

Remain the same,

You can not expect to get a new result.

Changing your life is changing your energy,

To be able to make a basic change in your mind

And in your emotions.

If you want to get a new result,

You must suppress the habit of being

The same as always and reinvent yourself.

Aligning thoughts with feelings

To create the desired result,

Without worrying about the details of

How the situation will manifest.

It is an act of faith that we must do

If we want to change a routine life

And predictable for a happy life

With new experiences and quantum surprises.

But we all need to make another act of faith

To create what we want.

In what circumstances do you feel grateful?

You may reply: I give thanks for the family,

The house, the friends

And the work I have.

What all this has in common is

Which is already in your life.

Usually we feel grateful

For something that has happened or

Which is already present in our life.

You and I have been led to believe that

We need a reason to be happy,

A reason to feel grateful,

And a cause to feel love.

That the external reality is what we

It makes different feel inside.

But the new model of reality challenges us,

As quantum creators,

To change something in our interior

-in mind and body,

In thoughts and feelings,

Before experiencing physical evidence

With our senses.

Can you thank for a desired situation?

Before it happens in your life and

Feel the high emotions it produces?

Can you imagine that reality so

Fully that you begin to be

Now in that future life?

In terms of quantum creation,

Can you feel grateful for something

That exists as a possible situation

In the quantum field, but has not yet occurred

In your reality

If so, you are going from cause and effect

(Wanting something from outside to produce you

An internal change), to cause an effect

(Change some of your interior to produce

An effect on the outside).

When you find yourself in a state of gratitude,

You transmit to the field the signal that

This situation has already occurred.

Gratitude is not just a

Intellectual mental process.

You must feel as if what you want

Already existed in your reality at this moment.

Your body (which only understands feelings)

Must be convinced to be

Experiencing the emotional outcome

Of the future situation.

But reality is nothing but forces

Indifferent electromagnetic acting

And responding to each other?

Is the spirit simply encouraging us

A random biological function?

I have had conversations with people

Who believed so.

In the end the discussion led to a

Dialogue similar to this:

Where does intelligence come from?

That makes our heart keep beating?

It is part of the autonomic nervous system.

Where is this system located?

In the brain.

The limbic system of the brain

Is part of the autonomic nervous system.

And in the brain, are there any tissues that are

Responsible for the heart to continue beating?


What are these fabrics made of?

Of cells.

What are these cells made of?

Of molecules.

What are these molecules made of?

Of atoms.

And what are these atoms made of?

Of subatomic particles.

And what are they made up of mainly

These subatomic particles?


And since energy is the basis of

Any physical reality,

The intelligence I just described

Has organized itself in matter.

Keep in mind that this universal intelligence

Possesses a consciousness or consciousness,

The same as the one that makes us

To us in individuals.

Although this force is universal

And objective, has a conscience:

Is self-aware and possesses

The ability to move and act

In the material universe.

He is also fully aware

At all levels,

Not only of herself,

But also of you and me.

As this awareness realizes everything,

Observes and pays attention to us.

Know our thoughts, dreams,

Behaviors and desires.

"Observe" all that has physical form.

How could a conscience

Which has created all life,

Which invests energy

And the will to regulate systematically

Every function of our organism

To keep us alive,

Which has expressed such deep interest

And enduring in us, but to be pure love?

If we have suffered and in the mind and body

We keep this suffering

And we express it with our thoughts

And feelings, we are sending this

Trace energy to the quantum field.

Universal Intelligence Answers Us

Sending another event to our life

Which will reproduce the same answer

Intellectual and emotional.

Our thoughts send the signal

(I'm suffering), and our emotions

(I'm suffering) attract in our life

A situation that coincides with this

Emotional frequency, that is,

A good reason to suffer.

In reality, humans

We are constantly asking

To the universal intelligence that shows us

Her existence and she is sending us

The answer in the outside world all the time.

Maybe that's our power.

The essential question is:

Why do not we send a signal

That produces a positive result?

How can we change so that

The signal we sent matches

With what we want to create in our life?

Will we change when we commit?

Fully believe that when choosing

The thought / sign that we send

Will we produce a perceptible and unexpected effect?

This objective intelligence does not

Punish us for our sins

(That is, by our thoughts,

Feelings and actions),

But through them.

When we send a signal to the field

Based on thoughts and feelings

(Such as suffering) generated by

Some unpleasant experience of the past,

It is not strange that the quantum field

Answer us in the same negative way.

How many times have you pronounced

These words or the like ?:

"I can not believe it,

Why does this always happen to me? "

Based on your new knowledge

Of the nature of reality,

Do you see now that this statement

Reflect that you are accepting that you are

Victim of the cause and effect?

Do you see that you are totally capable of causing an effect?

Do you see that, instead of responding in this way,

Could you ask yourself how can you

Think, feel and act differently

To produce the desired effect / result?

Our mission is to move to a state of consciousness

That allows us to connect with

The universal intelligence,

Contact directly with

Field of possibilities

And send the clear signal that we hope

Change the truth and see the results

That we want

In the form of a quantum-

In our life.

For more infomation >> Renueva tus ideas y Cambia tu vida por Joe Dispenza - Duration: 17:23.


¡Sorpresa! La hora de dormir. Juega a las sorpresas con este libro de solapas - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> ¡Sorpresa! La hora de dormir. Juega a las sorpresas con este libro de solapas - Duration: 0:31.


Trance (Hard Rock Band) - Almas Libres (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Trance (Hard Rock Band) - Almas Libres (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:57.


Ricardo Tacoronte, un Mister Gay militar que sueña con ir a Supervivientes | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> Ricardo Tacoronte, un Mister Gay militar que sueña con ir a Supervivientes | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 6:28.


Desarrollo para la Mujer - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> Desarrollo para la Mujer - Duration: 0:29.


Seat Leon 2.0 TDI FR Dynamic - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Seat Leon 2.0 TDI FR Dynamic - Duration: 0:52.


Nhựa Của Quả Này Quý Hơn Nhân Sâm Chữa Khỏi Hẳn Cả Đống Bệnh 100 Người Thì 99 Người Không Biết - Duration: 12:34.

For more infomation >> Nhựa Của Quả Này Quý Hơn Nhân Sâm Chữa Khỏi Hẳn Cả Đống Bệnh 100 Người Thì 99 Người Không Biết - Duration: 12:34.


Nhựa Của Quả Này Quý Hơn Nhân Sâm Chữa Khỏi Hẳn Cả Đống Bệnh 100 Người Thì 99 Người Không Biết - Duration: 12:34.

For more infomation >> Nhựa Của Quả Này Quý Hơn Nhân Sâm Chữa Khỏi Hẳn Cả Đống Bệnh 100 Người Thì 99 Người Không Biết - Duration: 12:34.


BAD BABY Police Officer ride on POWER WHEEL Mersedes wheel fell off CHANGING WHEEL - Duration: 4:18.

BAD BABY Police Officer ride on POWER WHEEL Mersedes wheel fell off CHANGING WHEEL

For more infomation >> BAD BABY Police Officer ride on POWER WHEEL Mersedes wheel fell off CHANGING WHEEL - Duration: 4:18.


How To Make A Vintage Typography Logo | Illustrator Tutorial | Satori Graphics - Duration: 11:27.

to kick things off this week at Satori graphics I have an illustrator tutorial

on how to make a vintage typography logo in today's graphic design upload

what is that people welcome back to Satori graphics home of graphic design

content today a very cool vintage typography logo tutorial in Illustrator

if you do end up enjoying this tutorial drop a comment and I like and maybe even

share this to somebody else in Illustrator the first thing we need to

do is to make some header text for our Vintage typography logo so grab the type

tool and 5 out of 5 - maybe a letters of a word in the type window I will change

the typeface to Gobold Lowplus which is a nice thin and thick round serif font

with the text selected go up to the fact and warp use the arc upper option play

around with the top slider until you're happy with how the arch looks on your

typography in the type window you can lower the kerning making the letters

closer together I feel this leads to a better effect for your

vintage typography logo design if you have an open up you realize hit command or

control R to do so we want to guide along the edges of our design and then

one centrally through the typography like I've done here to make things

easier on you one is how to make a Vintage typography logo design tutorial for now

lock the text layer with the pen tool make your rectangle or you could even

use a shape tool to do so either way works just fine and then flip the shape

to a color fill

now with the pencil create a shape on the side like mine here you can hold

down shift to make sure the lines are exactly straight sideways and vertically

you can use the red collection tool to move then just rankle points if you want

to on tightly hold down the option key and duplicate the shape we're going to

reflect it like I'm doing here

hold on shape so you can select both of the end shapes and then align them in

the line window space to align them centrally for a visually appealing

vintage typography logo design in Illustrator you can right-click or

control-click the artboard to hide the rulers in Illustrator we are now waxen

text over the ribbon of the logo so choose a sans-serif font and write a

word or a phrase it was prophase that I'm using for my logo you want to add

quite a high value of kerning on the typography

I will make the typography bold and now add a white fill. make your guides visible

when I line attack like fire you can now center on top of your logo design

properly hold down shift to select the rectangle and the new text and open up a

Finder window choose the minus front option it will cut the text into the

rectangle making it one entire shape we are now about halfway through the

illustrator tutorial on how to make a vintage typography logo design

for the next step of today's tutorial grab the star tool and hold down shift

to generate style duplicate it with the option key align them and then duplicate

both of them leaving you now the four stars duplicate one last time put in the

middle but make it larger than the other ones

select all five stars and hit command or control G to group them we can go up to

the top and group them here if your tank Slayer is annoying you like mine is you

can lock it make the guides visible and then Center the group of stars like so

or visually decent logo design

with a string selected use the ellipse tool to make a small circle with quite a

thick string value use the pen tool to make a line coming out of it and then

add the stroke style I'm using here

you can groove the circle and the line together duplicate them and then reflect

as we have done previously in the tutorial this mid section of our vintage

typography a logo design simply detail to really set up the design

illegal design should be looking something like this here mean I want to

add some tides enabling us to a symmetrical line around our design set

us up as I've done here take the pen tool and draw a line similar to mine

around the vintage logo design

if the line is not perfect select the direct selection tool to adjust it

we can then increase the strength wait for a great order to a lego design

we need to add a line board along the bottom to making kind of pointed at the

bottom the right tip once finish to right-click to hide the guides I'm in

some text that's going to go to very bottom here in the timepiece that I'm

using for this section of the Vinci table aqua logo we need one last section

of the text together bottom I'm going to again use go ball to typography here

as you can see I've increased the stroke weight around edges of the logo design

even more than I did before we need to copy the section of text here but the

next section of this tutorial is a bit iffy regarding this part of the

typography so that's all of the logo apart from the copy text and an outline

the text and outline the strokes it was a link in the description below for this

vector pack here and this is going to probe into the effect for the logo

design go back to the logo select everything and then open a transparent

window so let's make a mask and then uncheck clip select and copy one of the

vintage textures and make sure to select the right hand box in the transparency window

in command or control V to place inside you can then resize it and place the

texture wherever you want on your vintage logo design and simply click the

left box to select out of it

now we need to do exactly the same process for the copy text below adding a

vintage texture layer to it with the transparency window

and now you have it how to make a vintage typography logo design with

today's illustrators tutorial brought to you by store graphics if you enjoyed the

video make sure to let me know in the comment section below like and share so

somebody else can watch it if you really define it useful and subscribe for for

weekly graphical enough loads until next time there's only feature today peace


For more infomation >> How To Make A Vintage Typography Logo | Illustrator Tutorial | Satori Graphics - Duration: 11:27.


Вкусный салат! Классический простой рецепт! - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Вкусный салат! Классический простой рецепт! - Duration: 2:44.



For more infomation >> EVOLUTION FURY 1-B STEEL, WOOD CUTTING SAW - Duration: 4:22.


Will Minoxidil work better if I shave my head | HairMD, Pune - Duration: 3:22.

Hello friends I am Dr. Dhananjay Chavan I am Dermatologist and Trichologist

at Clearskin and HairMD Pune The question is Will Minoxidil work better

if I shave my head yes Minoxidil is working in hair loss patient

Minoxidil is working in baldness patient or male pattern or female pattern baldness

yes Minoxidil is working Minoxidil is applied to the scalp skin

so whenever there are hair then while applying Minoxidil

especially on the scalp If hair are wrong if

they are thick then application of Minoxidil becomes little bit difficult

sometimes while applying the Minoxidil if Minoxidil lotion or foam if it is

applied on the scalp if hair are more there or longer length hair are there then difficult

to occurs while applying some amout of Minoxidil get attach to the

long hairs so daily dose of Minoxidil application is

1ml in the morning 1ml at night so suppose out of that arround 20 to 30 percent Minoxidil

may get wastade on the shaft of hair if hair are wrong or

hair are thick or density is more that's wise if you shave hair then

really after shaving hair these hairs are short so

application of Minoxidil while applying to the scalp

wastage to the hair shaft or long hair will be very less

and maximum Minoxidil whatever you will apply will be

on the scalp skin and that skin will absorb Minoxidil

and Minoxidil will work so if you shave scalp hair

and then apply Minoxidil yes it will have better action

than when you having long hair thick hair and it is

some amount of Minoxidil if it is wasted on hair shaft and it gets attach to the hair

than little less action dear friends if you got any query regarding

hair and hair loss problem then please write me

on my mail and just comment below this video again remain updated regarding hair loss and

hair problem please subscribe to our channel so that you

will be updated about hair and hair loss problem

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Will Minoxidil work better if I shave my head | HairMD, Pune - Duration: 3:22.


Toyota Yaris 1.0-16V VVT-I YORIN / EL. PAKKET / TREKHAAK / RADIO-CD - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0-16V VVT-I YORIN / EL. PAKKET / TREKHAAK / RADIO-CD - Duration: 0:57.


Honda HR-V 1.6 i-DTEC Elegance (Climate control / Cruise Control) - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Honda HR-V 1.6 i-DTEC Elegance (Climate control / Cruise Control) - Duration: 0:55.


Honda HR-V 1.6 i-DTEC Elegance (Climate control / Cruise Control) - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Honda HR-V 1.6 i-DTEC Elegance (Climate control / Cruise Control) - Duration: 0:59.


Toyota Yaris 1.0-16V VVT-I YORIN / EL. PAKKET / TREKHAAK / RADIO-CD - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0-16V VVT-I YORIN / EL. PAKKET / TREKHAAK / RADIO-CD - Duration: 1:01.


How To Build A Huge Buyers List And Sell 20% Of Your Properties In 3 Days - Duration: 7:05.

It's Joe Crump.

In this video I'm going to show you how to build a huge buyer's list and be able

to send them emails, texts, voice blasts, do it all in five minutes and be able to sell

20% of your properties to them within three days.

Once you get to a list that's got 500 to a 1,000 people on it, that's the statistic

that we're typically seeing.

So once you go through this process and start building a list and start doing deals, it's

not hard to build a list of 500 people in a very short period of time because a lot

of people respond to lease option ads and we develop these ads through craigslist, through

Zillow, through Facebook groups, through signs in the yard, through signs around the area

through other types of advertising that I teach.

Sometimes we drive them to a website like this clone site which teaches them how to

buy rent to buy homes, and asks them for their information and when they fill out this form,

and listen to this audio and this audio, by the way gives them this information, it teaches

them why rent to buy makes sense and how to buy these types of properties.

So, when they listen to this information and fill out this form, then their data, all the

information about them, what they have, how much they've got for a down payment, all

that information, goes into the lead sheet in the Automarketer.

So when you come to the Automarketer you'll see that you've got buyers in here.

And on this particular account I don't have very many buyers in this account.

These are just test buyers right now just to show you how it works.

So they can come in through the clone sites, or you can create a new lead and put one in

manually if you prefer to do it that way or if you're speaking to someone on the phone

or they called on a sign and you can just type in their information here and you could

put in the information that you need about them and save the changes.

If I just type in the name of a new buyer, and I type in their email address and then

I can save the changes and it's going to take me to the larger lead sheet.

Now I can then add them in as a buyer, I can add them in as a seller, and I can also put

more information about them here and I can edit that information.

I can add a property to this lead, or properties that they might be interested in to this lead.

So once the leads are in the system then we can go to our lead management tool and we

can see the leads that we've got that are in the buyer section by picking the buyer

thing and then clicking on search and it'll pull up all of our buyers.

Now, if I want to put these buyers into a follow up campaign, I can do that as well.

I can click "Select All" so it selects all of these people.

So what I can do next is, I can edit the follow up campaign so I can add these people to the

follow up campaign.

I can either remove them from campaigns or I can add them for a campaign.

So if I scroll down here I can find the Rent to Own Buyer Campaign and add them to that


And if I save changes it'll put these two leads, and that's all I've got in here

right now, into a follow up campaign.

And if I just want to check to make sure they went in that follow up campaign, I can click

on this little doo-dad here and it'll show me the campaigns that they're in, so that

they're in this campaign.

Now, let me show you what the campaign actually looks like.

This is the follow up system.

If I scroll down I can actually see what's in these campaigns.

I put them in this Rent to Own Buyer Campaign.

So let's take a look at this campaign, I can either clone this campaign or I can just

view it, which is what I'm going to do here.

And when I view it I can see the series of emails that go out to these buyers.

There's seventeen emails that go out over forty-one days.

And also during that time you're going to be sending them individual broadcast messages

of new properties that you have for sale.

And I'm going to show you that in a minute.

But say I just wanted to look at what these emails say.

Let's start by looking at the second one here.

I'm going to go in here and click on this button and it'll pull up the email itself

and you can see there's merge fields here, there's website merge fields here to send

them to the clone site that's applicable.

And you can go in here and you make modifications, like changing a typo like that, and then you

can save it.

So that's one way to talk to your buyer's list.

The second way is to send them broadcast messages.

If I want to click on Broadcast Messages here I can send out a message, text, an email or

a voice blast to anybody, to any group of people.

So if I go in here I can pick whether it's text or voice or email.

If I want to just send out an email blast every time I get a new property for sale,

I can create an email with all the information.

I can add pictures, I can add attachments to that.

I can add merge fields for the lead.

I can add a subject line and then I can save it and go on to the next piece which is doing

a little search to send the message and then I can put in the tags that I want in order

to pick the group that I want to send.

Let's say I want to send it to buyers.

I can do a search and all the buyers on this particular list will come up and then I can

hit broadcast message to these two leads.

Right now there's like two buyers in this particular account.

One of them doesn't have an email address so if I send out an email it's only going

to go out to one.

If I want to get rid of one of them, I can click on this button and it'll remove them

from the list and it'll only broadcast to the one.

If I ask it to send out a text message then it's going to allow me to put in some messages


Mostly if I want to put in a link here I can type in the link and put in the long link,

and let's say I want to shorten this because I only get 160 characters in this.

I can create a tracking link by clicking on this button here and it'll shorten it and

keep track of the amount of clicks, and unique clicks and total clicks.

So it's pretty cool.

And then you could send this one out the same way.

For more infomation >> How To Build A Huge Buyers List And Sell 20% Of Your Properties In 3 Days - Duration: 7:05.


아니꼬운 연예인 2세의 핏줄, 그 꼬리표 무겁거나 무섭거나 - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> 아니꼬운 연예인 2세의 핏줄, 그 꼬리표 무겁거나 무섭거나 - Duration: 5:27.


Learn Colors for Children with Colors Dinosaurs Finger Family Nursery Rhymes Songs for Kids Dynasore - Duration: 1:13:14.

Learn Colors for Children with Colors Dinosaurs Finger Family Nursery Rhymes Songs for Kids Dynasore

For more infomation >> Learn Colors for Children with Colors Dinosaurs Finger Family Nursery Rhymes Songs for Kids Dynasore - Duration: 1:13:14.


Godzilla Vs King Kong Fight Epic Battle For Kids 3D Dinosaur Godzilla Attack For Children Dinosaur - Duration: 1:03:52.

Godzilla Vs King Kong Fight Epic Battle For Kids 3D Dinosaur Godzilla Attack For Children Dinosaur Cartoon

For more infomation >> Godzilla Vs King Kong Fight Epic Battle For Kids 3D Dinosaur Godzilla Attack For Children Dinosaur - Duration: 1:03:52.


Go global with data science | Interview with Bo JI - Duration: 17:04.

Hello and good afternoon everyone.

My name is Paweł Soboń and I represent Data Science Management Students' Scientific Association at Warsaw School of Economics.

We aim to create a hub of leaders of the new data-driven economy.

We unite people with different backgrounds, both business and technological.

- Today we have a great opportunity and honor to talk to Mr. Bo Ji. Very nice to meet you. - Nice to meeting you too.

Mr. Bo Ji is the Associate Dean and Chief Representative of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business.

- Did I pronounce it correctly?

- Yes, correct. - Okay. - Very well.

- The university is located in China and is one of the top business universities worldwide.

- Yes.

- Okay, so the aim of our organization is to raise awareness of the importance of data and data-driven economy.

We like to seek value, which is hidden in the data.

However sometimes we struggle to convince companies that this is the right way.

I'm wondering whether in China companies are more open to solutions based on big data and soultions based on the values that are hidden in data.

- This is...

China is definitelly into the big data

and this name, this word 'big data' is all over Chinese media and Chinese consumer and investment community and start-up community as well.

You perhaps know China has close to 1,4 billion popullation, so we have not just big data, we have big big data.

- Because of many people. - Yes.

This data is not just in terms of population, but also in terms of consumption, in terms of consumer behaviour.

So it is in entirely different sectors, so we actually in China we have national big data center

into a company we have a dedicated department of big data.

And almost every single business has some initiatives related to big data.

We all understand the need of quiet user and to understand a user through the big data

And that is very important.

A lot of businesses made a big profit because they owned data.

I'm sure during our conversation I have to share with you some of the examples how Chinese firms leveraged the big data to drive the business.

That's very nice, but I would like to start our interview also from the obstacles that are seen between Europe and China, and how to overcome them.

So one of the obstacles that we see is the cultural difference between China and Europe

- And I'm wondering whether you have heard of the blockchain technology? - Yes.

And do you think that this technology will revolutionise those two markets and will have and impact on the cultural difference between China and Europe.

I definitelly see it.

The blockchain, I must say, right now is relatively new to Chinese market.

I've been to many different blockchain conferences in many European cities and also in China.

What I see is that the blockchain technology is still young and still in development not just in China but also worldwide.

In China we are a little bit behind, I must say, in the blockchain technology development, but it's very much needed,

because blockchain addresses one of the issues, which is trust.

So China and Chinese have a big trust issue.

So i think the blockchain will solve some of the problems that concern the security compliance and all the main areas in that.

So I look forward to see that technology being widely applied in China.

When I say it's relatively new in China, but we already see lots of investment in that territory and there are many, many blockchain companies, start-up companies in China already.

So we have a big country, so we tend to have lots of companies, eventhough it's relatively new in China.


- Okay, I'm wondering whether you could find a few steps that a company from Europe or a start-up

or a student organization like Data Science Management should take to grow internationally or expand to China, for example?

- I think the first is to really understand the Chinese market,

to understand where is the opportunity

Today I can lay out 10 different industries where there are opportunities for foreign start-ups, definitelly European start-ups.

And then next is to really go in depths to see who is already joining in that field, whether it is a local Chinese company or an international start-up company or a commercial company

to do a kind of mapping and to find out where there are still good opportunities to start with.

And then the next thing to do is to really go in China to look for findings. I don't think you should bring the investment from here directly to China, but there is a lot of funding in China.

So, you need to really develop a customer forecast as a businessman.

What that means is that you develop a technology that Chinese consumer actually need, whereas consumer or business will need it

So that's the key

Don't just develop the technology fo the sake of the technology but rather look at what the Chinese consumer needs and then understand that consumer behaviour fall different from the European consumer behaviour.

And the difference means opportunity.

So sometimes maybe the technology isn't quite useful here, but it could be very useful in China.

If you take this logic you first identify the opportunities in the Chinese market in a specific industry and then you develop a business model for that market and then you go to China and peach for the investment.

I think that's the best way to go

and I see the company which actually raised the money grow faster in China.

Actually two types of companies:

one is that they have a great technology already, they have great tractions in Europe already.

Then they go there and the Chinese investor look at that and say 'You already got traction and you are doing very well on European market and we need it here as well.', so they invest in you.

- So this is just an expansion of... - Existing business, yes.

The second kind of the company to do well in China would be that they just went to China, they don't have any traction here, they just went to China

and started to develop their business in China through maybe an incubator programme or accelerator programme in China, which we have a lot.

And then they got attention from the Chinese investors.

You should be therefore more competitive than the Chinese start-ups, even if they are doing the same thing.

- Why is that?

- Because the Chinese somehow just love the western technology, they just think that it's better, that it's better quality and they think they are more trusting.

I'm sorry to use this word, because Chinese trust the Europeans more than Chinese.

Which is kind of strange, but we do.

We think that European technologies are more top quality, more innovative.

Okay, I understand.

From Chinese perspective, do you see a future of companies or organizations that take approach of data-driven economy, that look at the data and want to make decision making process basing on the data,

not on, maybe, know-how or experience?

Of course, we are already doing that in China.

Many businesses start to use data as a way to drive the decision making process.

And so, for instance, where do I put my adverstisement?

Whether I sell this or not?

Now I use example of Taobao.

Consumers also use data to make judgement, for instance like in, which is the largest chinese e-commerce store.

And if you go there to do the shopping you will first see how many people have bought this item from this store.

Okay, and based on the ranking, today this big data you can see that, oh this company sells 1000 pieces a month. The other company sells 20.

So for consumer, they rely on this big data to make the decision - which vender do I buy from?

Should I buy from the vender, the seller who sells 20 a month or 1000?

I'm gonna go with, you know, with 1000.

But then the company that was selling 20 will think that 'I'm stuck. So what should I do?'.

Today they need to lower the price a little bit or offer something of more value and, so, they also use the big data to drive their new strategy endeavouring the consumer.

A company may have some advantage over the product that is more popular and is better in some way, but unfortunatelly cannot be as popular as the product that you mentioned before.

What should a company like this do to make this product more popular?

- So if a company is not popular how do they make it popular? - Yes.

In China it's very difficult to acquire it. Chinese snowball effect is very obvious.

We are a nation we like to follow. We like to follow our people, you know. It's like the Chinese like to copy, right?

So, we like to follow.

So, how do we deal with that? How do we change the consumer behaviour?

This is a very interesting subject, very good question.

What lots of companies do is they formulate a differentiated strategy to deal with that.

So, price is not always the only thing.

So, for instance, some of the companies make their online ... on user online as example.

Online store looks very trendy and more... you know more variety.

So, they are able to attract the consumer that way. Not just because of, you know, the other company has more sales volume.

And, and, also sometimes they also use a social media market to attract more users.

So, on this platform I'm not ranked in the top, you are big guys, but they can use another social media to do the marketing and attract more users to my store here

and then I can change, I can, I can, you know break this ranking.

Previously the ranking was done by the volume, now by attracting people to merchandise to my store.

Now I'm able to build up my volume for that.

And some companies use more special terms, for instance, e-commerce, they would say that, you know, unconditional return.

If you receive the product within 7 days they insure, we don't ask you any questions, we just, you know, we fund money to you right away.

So, conditions like that.

Or they could offer some complimentary things, like if you buy this I give you something free or provide a service for certain period of time here.

So, I will summarize it - they do a bit of differentiation.

The other way to do is they use an ecosystem approach.

So that I not just sell this product, but I also sell other things that will enable user of this product.

So, as a result now it's becoming very interesting. Now I don't necessarily make money only on one product, but I made my, all of this, ecosystem

So I have much more cards to play than just using one product.

So, this ecosystem is more than they play.

And also there are companies that start to use the platform model.

They build a platform, so they became a platform or can be a part of a platform.

So there are many, many different business models in China, that I see they're using very well, but are not quite present in Europe.

- You have mentioned social media, right? - Yeah.

And I think there is a vast difference between social media in Europe and in China.

What is the difference, from your perspective, as far as you know both of them?

And, yeah, what do you think about the issue of differentiation between social media?

How do the Chinese use it?

Do they also use Facebook or not?

We don't use Facebook. It's blocked in China, unfortunately, but we use the replacement of the Facebook.

We have WeChat, for instance.

We have QQ.

We have Weibo.

Weibo is like a block system, Weibo writes about it.

And, we have other social media tools.

Companies like PengYou, they all have something like that.

And all other companies like the

They have, they have those too.

I would say the difference within this is that, first of all, the Chinese consumers spend more time on social media than the Europeans.

- Do you think so? - Yes I think so, definitely more.

I mean you can judge based on the size of a mobile phone, we have much largers size of mobile phones,

because people just use it so often that they need, they need to look at it all the time.

So in terms of frequency of using it.

And sencond is, that actually, one of the big differences is...

in the Europe the people treat social media separately from e-commerce.

And saying separately is a relative term.

But Chinese actually rely on social media to drive the e-commerce.

So, which is...

which is incredibly good for the businesses in China,

because in Europe, if you uderstand what I'm trying to say,

is in Europe, when you use the social media,

you are cautious not to oversell it.

You know, overpromote the product or services.

You wanna,

you wanna present your service more objectively

that I'm just in social media, okay?

- Okay, how is it in China? - But in China...

the consumer expects the social media to actually link them to e-commerce.

So, that means, if you talk about

okay, this product is great, you know I really enjoy this.

But then they expect you have a link

that, where you can buy this thing.

And in Europe you would feel a little bit shy to have that, and become too commercial.

But in China the consumer actually expects you to do it.

So, that's a huge difference between the west and Chinese social media in terms of its functionality.

- Okay, and to summarize our interview, what advice would you give to Europeans who would like to talk to Chinese partners?

What is one, one advice that you would give them?

- For the Europeans to talk to the Chinese partners? - Yes.

Well, first of all, I suggest you don't have a partner in China.

You actually do it yourself.

You go to China

you create your own start-up there

and you hire local talents, which we have a lot of talents

and then you

you go to business much faster this way because you can control the business.

With a partner there is a lot of debate and cultural difference. It creates an endless problem.

But in case, if you indeed have to deal with a partner in China

you gotta to be very careful about the things, where they will become impactful.

Numer one.

Number two is whether they offer something that you absolutely cannot do.

You know...

for instance like

you need a sales channel.

Maybe they can help to do that, that's great.

Or, you know, developing a product.

Why do you need someone to develop your product?

You can hire local talents to do it, you know, for you rather than with you.

So, this for me is very important lesson.

- Okay, thank you very much. It was a pleasure talking to you.

- Same here.

You can see the link of our webpage down below.

- Thank you once again and it was a real pleasure. - Thank you.

For more infomation >> Go global with data science | Interview with Bo JI - Duration: 17:04.


UPWORK VIDEO PROPOSAL for video editing services 🎥 - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> UPWORK VIDEO PROPOSAL for video editing services 🎥 - Duration: 2:21.


PAYDAY 2 - UNCOMMON, RARE OR EPIC? - Biker + Chains Safe Opening/Unboxing - Duration: 4:39.

Hi Guys Master Indigo here. Welcome back to yet another Payday 2 safe opening video.

Today we are going to open the remaining safes here

Chains safes and biker safes

Let's start with the Chains safes because we have more of those

So it's going to be nine of these and three of those we're gonna start with "Nightstalker"

And that's next to "Royal Commander" with the statboost. Kinda hurts, kind of hurts, but at the same time it doesn't

It doesn't it's the basic luck of payday 2 safe opening

Thankfully these a little bit cheaper to open than the old generation safes or CSGO unboxing, so I'm not losing that much money

There we go we get "silent strike" with a stat boost almost over the cross come on. Don't give in the me the "Rattler" all right?

We get the uncommon and we got one uncommon in a bad condition

So most likely everything else is going to be just commons, but hey that's just rng for you guys

Almost got the second one. We are gonna "Legionaire" Getting "Legionnaire" with the statboost. That's like three cents anyway

Well-Used. Yeah that's 3 cents.

Okay, okay, maybe open one Chains safe. No, I mean Biker safe.

Here. Nope. Nothing good, no.

Again next to a Epic with a statboost.

Give me the "Pistonheads" Mint-Condition!

All right, or right there is three cents, three cents. Gonna lose like 70 cents there? I didn't know how much

Chains Safe, please no

Three "Rattlers" in a row and we saw like three Epics there. I don't know


No, no, not getting anything good, not getting anything good.

Right let's open one biker a safe again. One biker safe one biker safe. Give me something good gimme something

No, "Pistonheads". God damn it

"Trimmad Moppe" with a statboost... That would have been... not too valuable to be honest, anymore.

But would have been pretty nice.

But would have been pretty nice.. Let's open three of these in a row

Come on. Give me anything better than commons.

Anything that would even cover up the price it costs to open these.. I mean it

it has to be almost like

At least rare if you want to make profits and in a good condition

Uncommons never like make profits. Epics are a little bit more expensive, but they don't make that much all right

All right, we got the epic

Not Epic. I mean sorry uncommon???? WTF INDIGO

I Don't know I will assume in Mint-condition. These are maybe one Euro.

Oh, so they did cover up the cost of the Safe

Most likely not too much more

That's pretty nice. I do like these. It's not the first time I've gotten these. It's been a while

I think during the last year's safe opening Christmas calendar we got these. I don't remember was it in Mint-condition. That's fine.

Maybe one more and then we're opening the last Biker safe

Please please please anything good any good? almost another "face of death", and it's gonna be "Ghurka"

Almost "ambush"as well, but it's Gonna be "Ghurka"

Another common in broken-in condition that's alright. That's alright. We still have like

3 safes for this episode. Let's open Biker safe. Biker please anything "torque"

No "road rash" it is. Road trash.

oh well

No, good luck for us today, but that's unfortunate, but we still have the remaining two chains safes

Would be kind of nice to have legendary, but it would be the same legendary as the first time

Mm-Hmm, I've only opened one legendary in Payday 2

And that was

In Chains safe, and I sold that of course. I don't I don't think it's the worst legendary some people do

It's not my favorite either and weapon sucks


That was bullshit luck. Anyways. Hope you guys enjoyed


Didn't really enjoy because I got so bad skins.. anyways, I'll see you next time.

Master Indigo signing out.

For more infomation >> PAYDAY 2 - UNCOMMON, RARE OR EPIC? - Biker + Chains Safe Opening/Unboxing - Duration: 4:39.


Toddler Girl H&M Sale Haul July 2017 [CC] - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> Toddler Girl H&M Sale Haul July 2017 [CC] - Duration: 6:28.


'알쓸신잡' 시즌2 나온다..나PD 시리즈 예능 추가 - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> '알쓸신잡' 시즌2 나온다..나PD 시리즈 예능 추가 - Duration: 1:50.


【誕生日に】『ユニバース』を歌ってみた ver. nanasi - Duration: 4:15.

Grasp the moon, Sun and earth

Spin them in your palms and sing

The more you go forward, the more you realize you lack

I live every day, copying to hide it

But don't you find these terrible days fun

somewhere deep down in your heart?

Seeing you laugh after getting drenched in the rain

Makes me laugh too!

Let's laugh about all the dreams that can't be fulfilled

lining up until it becomes morning

We will become adults

Surely, we are

Living beings filled with contradiction

Grasp the moon, sun and earth

Spin them in your palms and sing

You are the main character

This is a story about you

You are the only one

That can complete it

Feeling frustrated about always being compared to

I told myself it would be alright if I just close my eyes and hide it

But you always encouraged

a cowardly person like me

"Other people are other people, you are you

Of course we will be different."

The future ahead,

is definitely yours."

Let's talk about the possibilities

as much as the stars until day breaks

We will grasp something

Surely, we are

Living beings filled with hope

Grasp the moon, Sun, and earth

Spin them in your palms and sing

You are the main character

This is a story about you

You are the only one

That can complete it

Let's laugh about all the dreams that can't be fulfilled

lining up until it becomes morning

We will become adults

Surely, we are

Living beings filled with contradiction

Grasp the moon, Sun, and earth

Spin them in your palms and sing

You are the main character

This is a story about you

You are the only one

That can complete it

For more infomation >> 【誕生日に】『ユニバース』を歌ってみた ver. nanasi - Duration: 4:15.


BRIGHTEN UP- A REFRESHING DRINK II गाजर और सेब से बना सेहतमंद जूस II BY CHEF POONAM DEDHIA II - Duration: 1:35.

Hello friends…Myself Poonam Dedhia, I welcome you all to my kitchen.

Today we are going to make a healthy juice, its name is "Brighten Up"

As the name says Brighten Up that means, it's very obvious we'll be using Chopped Carrots.

We all know that carrots are loaded with Vitamin A.

Which is good for our blood formation, so I'm adding finely chopped carrots into the mixer jar.

Also adding finely chopped Apple

Little bit of Lemon juice to give the tangy taste to the juice

Approximately 1 tsp Finely chopped ginger

And Honey as per taste (Optional.. Keep it or Omit it)

Also adding some water

Now we'll blend all the ingredients well

Let' check it once

Adding some Ice cubes.

Let' churn them one more time.

Let's sieve the juice.

Juice is ready, now let's pour it into the glass

We'll garnish the juice with a Carrot Slice & I'm rolling it into Caster Sugar.

Although its optional.. Placing he carrot slice on the ring of the glass.

And your juice is ready

Choose this juice to make it or to include it in your everyday diet.

Do like and share among your friends

And subscribe to my channel. Till then thank you.

For more infomation >> BRIGHTEN UP- A REFRESHING DRINK II गाजर और सेब से बना सेहतमंद जूस II BY CHEF POONAM DEDHIA II - Duration: 1:35.


How To Make A Vintage Typography Logo | Illustrator Tutorial | Satori Graphics - Duration: 11:27.

to kick things off this week at Satori graphics I have an illustrator tutorial

on how to make a vintage typography logo in today's graphic design upload

what is that people welcome back to Satori graphics home of graphic design

content today a very cool vintage typography logo tutorial in Illustrator

if you do end up enjoying this tutorial drop a comment and I like and maybe even

share this to somebody else in Illustrator the first thing we need to

do is to make some header text for our Vintage typography logo so grab the type

tool and 5 out of 5 - maybe a letters of a word in the type window I will change

the typeface to Gobold Lowplus which is a nice thin and thick round serif font

with the text selected go up to the fact and warp use the arc upper option play

around with the top slider until you're happy with how the arch looks on your

typography in the type window you can lower the kerning making the letters

closer together I feel this leads to a better effect for your

vintage typography logo design if you have an open up you realize hit command or

control R to do so we want to guide along the edges of our design and then

one centrally through the typography like I've done here to make things

easier on you one is how to make a Vintage typography logo design tutorial for now

lock the text layer with the pen tool make your rectangle or you could even

use a shape tool to do so either way works just fine and then flip the shape

to a color fill

now with the pencil create a shape on the side like mine here you can hold

down shift to make sure the lines are exactly straight sideways and vertically

you can use the red collection tool to move then just rankle points if you want

to on tightly hold down the option key and duplicate the shape we're going to

reflect it like I'm doing here

hold on shape so you can select both of the end shapes and then align them in

the line window space to align them centrally for a visually appealing

vintage typography logo design in Illustrator you can right-click or

control-click the artboard to hide the rulers in Illustrator we are now waxen

text over the ribbon of the logo so choose a sans-serif font and write a

word or a phrase it was prophase that I'm using for my logo you want to add

quite a high value of kerning on the typography

I will make the typography bold and now add a white fill. make your guides visible

when I line attack like fire you can now center on top of your logo design

properly hold down shift to select the rectangle and the new text and open up a

Finder window choose the minus front option it will cut the text into the

rectangle making it one entire shape we are now about halfway through the

illustrator tutorial on how to make a vintage typography logo design

for the next step of today's tutorial grab the star tool and hold down shift

to generate style duplicate it with the option key align them and then duplicate

both of them leaving you now the four stars duplicate one last time put in the

middle but make it larger than the other ones

select all five stars and hit command or control G to group them we can go up to

the top and group them here if your tank Slayer is annoying you like mine is you

can lock it make the guides visible and then Center the group of stars like so

or visually decent logo design

with a string selected use the ellipse tool to make a small circle with quite a

thick string value use the pen tool to make a line coming out of it and then

add the stroke style I'm using here

you can groove the circle and the line together duplicate them and then reflect

as we have done previously in the tutorial this mid section of our vintage

typography a logo design simply detail to really set up the design

illegal design should be looking something like this here mean I want to

add some tides enabling us to a symmetrical line around our design set

us up as I've done here take the pen tool and draw a line similar to mine

around the vintage logo design

if the line is not perfect select the direct selection tool to adjust it

we can then increase the strength wait for a great order to a lego design

we need to add a line board along the bottom to making kind of pointed at the

bottom the right tip once finish to right-click to hide the guides I'm in

some text that's going to go to very bottom here in the timepiece that I'm

using for this section of the Vinci table aqua logo we need one last section

of the text together bottom I'm going to again use go ball to typography here

as you can see I've increased the stroke weight around edges of the logo design

even more than I did before we need to copy the section of text here but the

next section of this tutorial is a bit iffy regarding this part of the

typography so that's all of the logo apart from the copy text and an outline

the text and outline the strokes it was a link in the description below for this

vector pack here and this is going to probe into the effect for the logo

design go back to the logo select everything and then open a transparent

window so let's make a mask and then uncheck clip select and copy one of the

vintage textures and make sure to select the right hand box in the transparency window

in command or control V to place inside you can then resize it and place the

texture wherever you want on your vintage logo design and simply click the

left box to select out of it

now we need to do exactly the same process for the copy text below adding a

vintage texture layer to it with the transparency window

and now you have it how to make a vintage typography logo design with

today's illustrators tutorial brought to you by store graphics if you enjoyed the

video make sure to let me know in the comment section below like and share so

somebody else can watch it if you really define it useful and subscribe for for

weekly graphical enough loads until next time there's only feature today peace


For more infomation >> How To Make A Vintage Typography Logo | Illustrator Tutorial | Satori Graphics - Duration: 11:27.


It's Game Time in Galveston - Duration: 21:36.

For more infomation >> It's Game Time in Galveston - Duration: 21:36.


Anmeldelse af Game of Thrones E1S7, Nørdeevents og Fede Flix - SUPERTOTAL #10 - Duration: 17:53.

For more infomation >> Anmeldelse af Game of Thrones E1S7, Nørdeevents og Fede Flix - SUPERTOTAL #10 - Duration: 17:53.


ご紹介したいですo(*^▽^*)o~♪ - Duration: 3:02.

Long time no see!

I'm sorry that I didn't upload any videos lately.

Lately I was really busy with other stuff.

I didn't have time to do any videos.

I'd like to introduce you to the reason. :)

This sweet girl!

2 months ago, I adoped this sweety.

She is very clever, she found the snacks.

I adopted this little girl and she didn't know any dog commands

I was busy teaching her

She can do the basic commands.

turn around, turn around, turn around to the camera

Her name is Mara

such a cutie

now that she learned the basics

she still has to learn a lot, the rest of her life

now, since she can do the basics, I plan to do videos again

I hope you will watch my videos :)

I will make videos together with her.

For more infomation >> ご紹介したいですo(*^▽^*)o~♪ - Duration: 3:02.


Święto Policji - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Święto Policji - Duration: 3:36.


Le smagliature - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Le smagliature - Duration: 2:09.



For more infomation >> EVOLUTION FURY 1-B STEEL, WOOD CUTTING SAW - Duration: 4:22.


Renueva tus ideas y Cambia tu vida por Joe Dispenza - Duration: 17:23.

In the past scientists divided the world

In matter and thought and later,

In matter and energy.

Each of these pairs was considered

Totally different from each other, but they are not!

This mind / matter duality shaped our vision

Of the world that reality was

Basically predetermined and we could do

Very little to change things with our

Actions and even less with our thoughts.

But today we consider that we are part

Of an immense invisible field of energy that

Contains all the possible realities and

Which responds to our thoughts and feelings.

Just as scientists are studying the relationship

Between thought and matter,

We are eager to do the same

In our life.

That's why we ask ourselves:

Can I create with my mind my own reality?

If so, is it a skill I can learn

And use to become who I want to be

And create the life that I want to live?

Let's face it, none of us are perfect.

Whether we want to change or not in the physical sense,

Emotional or spiritual,

We all have the same desire:

We want to live as an idealized version

Of whom we think and believe we can be.

When we stand in front of the mirror we contemplate

Our michelines, we are not only reflected

In it this version our somewhat plump,

But we also see, depending on the mood

With which we have risen that day,

A version of us in better physical shape

Or another more obese and massive.

Which of our images is the real one?

When lying in bed we review at night

The events of the day and our efforts

To be more tolerant and less reactive,

We are not only seeing the father or the mother

Who has shouted to his son for not doing without asking

And quickly what he asked.

We see ourselves as an angelic person to whom

You have exhausted your patience or like a horrible ogre

Which destroys a child's self-esteem.

Which of these images is the real one?

The answer is: both are.

And not only are these two extremes,

But also an infinite spectrum of images

Ranging from positive to negative.

How can it be?

So you can better understand why

None of these versions of yours is more or less real,

I will have to destroy the most common idea of ​​nature

Of reality and replace it with another.

Although it seems a titanic task

And in certain ways it is,

I also know that this message surely

Has attracted you because you have not succeeded

Make no physical, emotional or spiritual changes

In your life that has been lasting,

You have not been able to be the person you wanted.

And your failure has more to do with your ideas

Why your life is how it is,

With anything else,

Such as lack of will,

Of time, of value or imagination.

In order to change you must modify the image

That you have of yourself and the world,

To open up to new knowledge and experiences.

Your failures of the past come from an error:

You have not committed to live by assuming the truth

That your thoughts have

Consequences that they create

Your own reality.

We can all create our own destiny,

We all reap the benefits of our

Constructive efforts.

We do not have to be satisfied

With our current reality,

We can create a new one whenever we want.

We all have this ability,

Because for better or worse,

Our thoughts influence our lives.

I'm sure you've heard it before,

But I wonder if most of us

We make that statement.

If we really accepted that what we

We think creates tangible effects

In our life,

We would not let it come to our head

No negative thoughts.

And we would look at what we want,

Instead of always being obsessed

With our problems.

Think about it:

If you knew that this principle is true,

Would you let a single day pass

Without creating the destination you want?

To change your life,

Change your ideas about the nature of reality

I hope you change the idea of ​​how the world works,

Convince yourself that you are more powerful

Of what you believe and inspire

To show that what you think and

You have a profound effect on

The world around you.

Until you see your current reality in another way,

Any change you make in your life

Will be superficial and ephemeral.

If you want to get the desired results

In a lasting way,

You must change your idea of ​​why things happen.

To achieve this you will have to open yourself

To a new interpretation of

What is real and true.


As soon as you get a new idea

Of forces and basic elements

Of which the reality is composed,

The old idea that in this world the linear

And the methodical is the norm

It will have no place in you.

Get ready to change some

Ideas that shelter.

When you begin to accept

This new vision of the world,

Even your human condition will change.

It is clear that I am challenging you,

But I want you to know that

I understand you perfectly,

I also had to get rid of myself

Of what I thought was true

And throw myself into the unknown.

A strange science:

Can we influence the past?

As we are all interconnected

Beyond space and time,

Our thoughts and feelings

Can influence past situations

And where we want the future?

In July 2000, an Israeli doctor

Performed a randomized controlled trial

With 3,000 hospitalized patients.

He wanted to check if the prays had

An effect on the disease of these people.

The experiments carried out

With prayer are important examples

Of how the mind affects matter from afar.

This scientist selected hospitalized patients

With sepsis (an infection).

He then randomly divided them into two groups.

One would be the subject of prayers and the other would not.

He compared the results based on

In three factors:

The duration of fever,

The duration of the hospital stay

And the number of deaths caused by the infection.

Patients being prayed for

The fever lasted less

And were discharged sooner.

The difference in mortality from

Both groups was not too important,

Although in the group of prayers

The percentage of deaths was lower.

It is a powerful demonstration

Of the benefits of prayer

And how we can communicate with

Our thoughts and feelings

An intention to the quantum field.

To experience a change,

Observe a new result with a new mind

It is very simple, our daily routine

And thoughts and feelings

Always perpetuate the same state of being,

Which creates the same behaviors

And the same reality.

If we want to change some aspect

Of our reality, we have to think,

Feel and act in new ways,

We have to be "different" in

How we respond to experiences.

We have to "become"

In another person and create the new

Mental state needed to observe

A new result with this new mind.

I know it's frustrating when our life

Seems to be an endless series of

Small variations with them

Negative results.

But as long as you remain the same as always,

While your electromagnetic footprint

Remain the same,

You can not expect to get a new result.

Changing your life is changing your energy,

To be able to make a basic change in your mind

And in your emotions.

If you want to get a new result,

You must suppress the habit of being

The same as always and reinvent yourself.

Aligning thoughts with feelings

To create the desired result,

Without worrying about the details of

How the situation will manifest.

It is an act of faith that we must do

If we want to change a routine life

And predictable for a happy life

With new experiences and quantum surprises.

But we all need to make another act of faith

To create what we want.

In what circumstances do you feel grateful?

You may reply: I give thanks for the family,

The house, the friends

And the work I have.

What all this has in common is

Which is already in your life.

Usually we feel grateful

For something that has happened or

Which is already present in our life.

You and I have been led to believe that

We need a reason to be happy,

A reason to feel grateful,

And a cause to feel love.

That the external reality is what we

It makes different feel inside.

But the new model of reality challenges us,

As quantum creators,

To change something in our interior

-in mind and body,

In thoughts and feelings,

Before experiencing physical evidence

With our senses.

Can you thank for a desired situation?

Before it happens in your life and

Feel the high emotions it produces?

Can you imagine that reality so

Fully that you begin to be

Now in that future life?

In terms of quantum creation,

Can you feel grateful for something

That exists as a possible situation

In the quantum field, but has not yet occurred

In your reality

If so, you are going from cause and effect

(Wanting something from outside to produce you

An internal change), to cause an effect

(Change some of your interior to produce

An effect on the outside).

When you find yourself in a state of gratitude,

You transmit to the field the signal that

This situation has already occurred.

Gratitude is not just a

Intellectual mental process.

You must feel as if what you want

Already existed in your reality at this moment.

Your body (which only understands feelings)

Must be convinced to be

Experiencing the emotional outcome

Of the future situation.

But reality is nothing but forces

Indifferent electromagnetic acting

And responding to each other?

Is the spirit simply encouraging us

A random biological function?

I have had conversations with people

Who believed so.

In the end the discussion led to a

Dialogue similar to this:

Where does intelligence come from?

That makes our heart keep beating?

It is part of the autonomic nervous system.

Where is this system located?

In the brain.

The limbic system of the brain

Is part of the autonomic nervous system.

And in the brain, are there any tissues that are

Responsible for the heart to continue beating?


What are these fabrics made of?

Of cells.

What are these cells made of?

Of molecules.

What are these molecules made of?

Of atoms.

And what are these atoms made of?

Of subatomic particles.

And what are they made up of mainly

These subatomic particles?


And since energy is the basis of

Any physical reality,

The intelligence I just described

Has organized itself in matter.

Keep in mind that this universal intelligence

Possesses a consciousness or consciousness,

The same as the one that makes us

To us in individuals.

Although this force is universal

And objective, has a conscience:

Is self-aware and possesses

The ability to move and act

In the material universe.

He is also fully aware

At all levels,

Not only of herself,

But also of you and me.

As this awareness realizes everything,

Observes and pays attention to us.

Know our thoughts, dreams,

Behaviors and desires.

"Observe" all that has physical form.

How could a conscience

Which has created all life,

Which invests energy

And the will to regulate systematically

Every function of our organism

To keep us alive,

Which has expressed such deep interest

And enduring in us, but to be pure love?

If we have suffered and in the mind and body

We keep this suffering

And we express it with our thoughts

And feelings, we are sending this

Trace energy to the quantum field.

Universal Intelligence Answers Us

Sending another event to our life

Which will reproduce the same answer

Intellectual and emotional.

Our thoughts send the signal

(I'm suffering), and our emotions

(I'm suffering) attract in our life

A situation that coincides with this

Emotional frequency, that is,

A good reason to suffer.

In reality, humans

We are constantly asking

To the universal intelligence that shows us

Her existence and she is sending us

The answer in the outside world all the time.

Maybe that's our power.

The essential question is:

Why do not we send a signal

That produces a positive result?

How can we change so that

The signal we sent matches

With what we want to create in our life?

Will we change when we commit?

Fully believe that when choosing

The thought / sign that we send

Will we produce a perceptible and unexpected effect?

This objective intelligence does not

Punish us for our sins

(That is, by our thoughts,

Feelings and actions),

But through them.

When we send a signal to the field

Based on thoughts and feelings

(Such as suffering) generated by

Some unpleasant experience of the past,

It is not strange that the quantum field

Answer us in the same negative way.

How many times have you pronounced

These words or the like ?:

"I can not believe it,

Why does this always happen to me? "

Based on your new knowledge

Of the nature of reality,

Do you see now that this statement

Reflect that you are accepting that you are

Victim of the cause and effect?

Do you see that you are totally capable of causing an effect?

Do you see that, instead of responding in this way,

Could you ask yourself how can you

Think, feel and act differently

To produce the desired effect / result?

Our mission is to move to a state of consciousness

That allows us to connect with

The universal intelligence,

Contact directly with

Field of possibilities

And send the clear signal that we hope

Change the truth and see the results

That we want

In the form of a quantum-

In our life.

For more infomation >> Renueva tus ideas y Cambia tu vida por Joe Dispenza - Duration: 17:23.


Go global with data science | Interview with Bo JI - Duration: 17:04.

Hello and good afternoon everyone.

My name is Paweł Soboń and I represent Data Science Management Students' Scientific Association at Warsaw School of Economics.

We aim to create a hub of leaders of the new data-driven economy.

We unite people with different backgrounds, both business and technological.

- Today we have a great opportunity and honor to talk to Mr. Bo Ji. Very nice to meet you. - Nice to meeting you too.

Mr. Bo Ji is the Associate Dean and Chief Representative of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business.

- Did I pronounce it correctly?

- Yes, correct. - Okay. - Very well.

- The university is located in China and is one of the top business universities worldwide.

- Yes.

- Okay, so the aim of our organization is to raise awareness of the importance of data and data-driven economy.

We like to seek value, which is hidden in the data.

However sometimes we struggle to convince companies that this is the right way.

I'm wondering whether in China companies are more open to solutions based on big data and soultions based on the values that are hidden in data.

- This is...

China is definitelly into the big data

and this name, this word 'big data' is all over Chinese media and Chinese consumer and investment community and start-up community as well.

You perhaps know China has close to 1,4 billion popullation, so we have not just big data, we have big big data.

- Because of many people. - Yes.

This data is not just in terms of population, but also in terms of consumption, in terms of consumer behaviour.

So it is in entirely different sectors, so we actually in China we have national big data center

into a company we have a dedicated department of big data.

And almost every single business has some initiatives related to big data.

We all understand the need of quiet user and to understand a user through the big data

And that is very important.

A lot of businesses made a big profit because they owned data.

I'm sure during our conversation I have to share with you some of the examples how Chinese firms leveraged the big data to drive the business.

That's very nice, but I would like to start our interview also from the obstacles that are seen between Europe and China, and how to overcome them.

So one of the obstacles that we see is the cultural difference between China and Europe

- And I'm wondering whether you have heard of the blockchain technology? - Yes.

And do you think that this technology will revolutionise those two markets and will have and impact on the cultural difference between China and Europe.

I definitelly see it.

The blockchain, I must say, right now is relatively new to Chinese market.

I've been to many different blockchain conferences in many European cities and also in China.

What I see is that the blockchain technology is still young and still in development not just in China but also worldwide.

In China we are a little bit behind, I must say, in the blockchain technology development, but it's very much needed,

because blockchain addresses one of the issues, which is trust.

So China and Chinese have a big trust issue.

So i think the blockchain will solve some of the problems that concern the security compliance and all the main areas in that.

So I look forward to see that technology being widely applied in China.

When I say it's relatively new in China, but we already see lots of investment in that territory and there are many, many blockchain companies, start-up companies in China already.

So we have a big country, so we tend to have lots of companies, eventhough it's relatively new in China.


- Okay, I'm wondering whether you could find a few steps that a company from Europe or a start-up

or a student organization like Data Science Management should take to grow internationally or expand to China, for example?

- I think the first is to really understand the Chinese market,

to understand where is the opportunity

Today I can lay out 10 different industries where there are opportunities for foreign start-ups, definitelly European start-ups.

And then next is to really go in depths to see who is already joining in that field, whether it is a local Chinese company or an international start-up company or a commercial company

to do a kind of mapping and to find out where there are still good opportunities to start with.

And then the next thing to do is to really go in China to look for findings. I don't think you should bring the investment from here directly to China, but there is a lot of funding in China.

So, you need to really develop a customer forecast as a businessman.

What that means is that you develop a technology that Chinese consumer actually need, whereas consumer or business will need it

So that's the key

Don't just develop the technology fo the sake of the technology but rather look at what the Chinese consumer needs and then understand that consumer behaviour fall different from the European consumer behaviour.

And the difference means opportunity.

So sometimes maybe the technology isn't quite useful here, but it could be very useful in China.

If you take this logic you first identify the opportunities in the Chinese market in a specific industry and then you develop a business model for that market and then you go to China and peach for the investment.

I think that's the best way to go

and I see the company which actually raised the money grow faster in China.

Actually two types of companies:

one is that they have a great technology already, they have great tractions in Europe already.

Then they go there and the Chinese investor look at that and say 'You already got traction and you are doing very well on European market and we need it here as well.', so they invest in you.

- So this is just an expansion of... - Existing business, yes.

The second kind of the company to do well in China would be that they just went to China, they don't have any traction here, they just went to China

and started to develop their business in China through maybe an incubator programme or accelerator programme in China, which we have a lot.

And then they got attention from the Chinese investors.

You should be therefore more competitive than the Chinese start-ups, even if they are doing the same thing.

- Why is that?

- Because the Chinese somehow just love the western technology, they just think that it's better, that it's better quality and they think they are more trusting.

I'm sorry to use this word, because Chinese trust the Europeans more than Chinese.

Which is kind of strange, but we do.

We think that European technologies are more top quality, more innovative.

Okay, I understand.

From Chinese perspective, do you see a future of companies or organizations that take approach of data-driven economy, that look at the data and want to make decision making process basing on the data,

not on, maybe, know-how or experience?

Of course, we are already doing that in China.

Many businesses start to use data as a way to drive the decision making process.

And so, for instance, where do I put my adverstisement?

Whether I sell this or not?

Now I use example of Taobao.

Consumers also use data to make judgement, for instance like in, which is the largest chinese e-commerce store.

And if you go there to do the shopping you will first see how many people have bought this item from this store.

Okay, and based on the ranking, today this big data you can see that, oh this company sells 1000 pieces a month. The other company sells 20.

So for consumer, they rely on this big data to make the decision - which vender do I buy from?

Should I buy from the vender, the seller who sells 20 a month or 1000?

I'm gonna go with, you know, with 1000.

But then the company that was selling 20 will think that 'I'm stuck. So what should I do?'.

Today they need to lower the price a little bit or offer something of more value and, so, they also use the big data to drive their new strategy endeavouring the consumer.

A company may have some advantage over the product that is more popular and is better in some way, but unfortunatelly cannot be as popular as the product that you mentioned before.

What should a company like this do to make this product more popular?

- So if a company is not popular how do they make it popular? - Yes.

In China it's very difficult to acquire it. Chinese snowball effect is very obvious.

We are a nation we like to follow. We like to follow our people, you know. It's like the Chinese like to copy, right?

So, we like to follow.

So, how do we deal with that? How do we change the consumer behaviour?

This is a very interesting subject, very good question.

What lots of companies do is they formulate a differentiated strategy to deal with that.

So, price is not always the only thing.

So, for instance, some of the companies make their online ... on user online as example.

Online store looks very trendy and more... you know more variety.

So, they are able to attract the consumer that way. Not just because of, you know, the other company has more sales volume.

And, and, also sometimes they also use a social media market to attract more users.

So, on this platform I'm not ranked in the top, you are big guys, but they can use another social media to do the marketing and attract more users to my store here

and then I can change, I can, I can, you know break this ranking.

Previously the ranking was done by the volume, now by attracting people to merchandise to my store.

Now I'm able to build up my volume for that.

And some companies use more special terms, for instance, e-commerce, they would say that, you know, unconditional return.

If you receive the product within 7 days they insure, we don't ask you any questions, we just, you know, we fund money to you right away.

So, conditions like that.

Or they could offer some complimentary things, like if you buy this I give you something free or provide a service for certain period of time here.

So, I will summarize it - they do a bit of differentiation.

The other way to do is they use an ecosystem approach.

So that I not just sell this product, but I also sell other things that will enable user of this product.

So, as a result now it's becoming very interesting. Now I don't necessarily make money only on one product, but I made my, all of this, ecosystem

So I have much more cards to play than just using one product.

So, this ecosystem is more than they play.

And also there are companies that start to use the platform model.

They build a platform, so they became a platform or can be a part of a platform.

So there are many, many different business models in China, that I see they're using very well, but are not quite present in Europe.

- You have mentioned social media, right? - Yeah.

And I think there is a vast difference between social media in Europe and in China.

What is the difference, from your perspective, as far as you know both of them?

And, yeah, what do you think about the issue of differentiation between social media?

How do the Chinese use it?

Do they also use Facebook or not?

We don't use Facebook. It's blocked in China, unfortunately, but we use the replacement of the Facebook.

We have WeChat, for instance.

We have QQ.

We have Weibo.

Weibo is like a block system, Weibo writes about it.

And, we have other social media tools.

Companies like PengYou, they all have something like that.

And all other companies like the

They have, they have those too.

I would say the difference within this is that, first of all, the Chinese consumers spend more time on social media than the Europeans.

- Do you think so? - Yes I think so, definitely more.

I mean you can judge based on the size of a mobile phone, we have much largers size of mobile phones,

because people just use it so often that they need, they need to look at it all the time.

So in terms of frequency of using it.

And sencond is, that actually, one of the big differences is...

in the Europe the people treat social media separately from e-commerce.

And saying separately is a relative term.

But Chinese actually rely on social media to drive the e-commerce.

So, which is...

which is incredibly good for the businesses in China,

because in Europe, if you uderstand what I'm trying to say,

is in Europe, when you use the social media,

you are cautious not to oversell it.

You know, overpromote the product or services.

You wanna,

you wanna present your service more objectively

that I'm just in social media, okay?

- Okay, how is it in China? - But in China...

the consumer expects the social media to actually link them to e-commerce.

So, that means, if you talk about

okay, this product is great, you know I really enjoy this.

But then they expect you have a link

that, where you can buy this thing.

And in Europe you would feel a little bit shy to have that, and become too commercial.

But in China the consumer actually expects you to do it.

So, that's a huge difference between the west and Chinese social media in terms of its functionality.

- Okay, and to summarize our interview, what advice would you give to Europeans who would like to talk to Chinese partners?

What is one, one advice that you would give them?

- For the Europeans to talk to the Chinese partners? - Yes.

Well, first of all, I suggest you don't have a partner in China.

You actually do it yourself.

You go to China

you create your own start-up there

and you hire local talents, which we have a lot of talents

and then you

you go to business much faster this way because you can control the business.

With a partner there is a lot of debate and cultural difference. It creates an endless problem.

But in case, if you indeed have to deal with a partner in China

you gotta to be very careful about the things, where they will become impactful.

Numer one.

Number two is whether they offer something that you absolutely cannot do.

You know...

for instance like

you need a sales channel.

Maybe they can help to do that, that's great.

Or, you know, developing a product.

Why do you need someone to develop your product?

You can hire local talents to do it, you know, for you rather than with you.

So, this for me is very important lesson.

- Okay, thank you very much. It was a pleasure talking to you.

- Same here.

You can see the link of our webpage down below.

- Thank you once again and it was a real pleasure. - Thank you.

For more infomation >> Go global with data science | Interview with Bo JI - Duration: 17:04.


Cómo cambiar discos de freno traseros y pastillas de freno PORSCHE BOXSTER 981 INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 11:33.

Use a punch and a hammer to kick the brake pad guide pins

Use a socket №10

Use a torx №T55

Use a phillips screwdriver

For more infomation >> Cómo cambiar discos de freno traseros y pastillas de freno PORSCHE BOXSTER 981 INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 11:33.


Orgia gay no Vaticano - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Orgia gay no Vaticano - Duration: 1:34.


RIDDLE: Bea or Sally? - Duration: 1:15.

Thank you so much for your support!

A shout out to Gemarnel

for answering one of our riddles last week.

Good job, Gemarnel!

Bob is a kid who has weird choices.

Can you guess how he makes his decisions?

For example, he likes Jimmy

but not Joe.

He likes apples but not mangoes.

He likes tennis and never badminton.

Who between Bea and Sally will he choose and why?

Pause the video and comment your answer below.

Okay. Are you ready?

Bob chooses Sally.

If you ever noticed,

all his choices have 2 similar letters on their names.

Do you also want to hit Bob?

Share this to your friends and do not forget to


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