Sunday, July 23, 2017

Youtube daily report w Jul 23 2017

Nat: I'm getting a phone call.

Dael: Oh! / Anthony: Oh dear.

Nat: Hello? / Dael: You know, if she had a smartphone, she could tell who the call was from.

I know!

Look at this! Look how full this hat is.

I know! You- You guys have done very well!

So many! So many lovely anecdotes, look at these.

They're all folding into each other, look at all these reddit ones!

And I think well done to Dael for like

printing them all up and cutting them out.

How long did that take?

Uhhh, not as long as I thought it was going to...

Hey Humans.

My name is Dael Kingsmill

And this is an episode of memory lane where we talk about memories inspired by your memories. / Anthony: Yeah

It's really fun! / Dael: We take anecdotes that you submit

via the comment section under the videos or over on factory

And we read them out and then we give ourselves 10 minutes to follow the... rabbit down the... and we...

Think of memories. / Anthony: We're going to jump down

Anthony! Pick a thing!

I hope she didn't break her neck when she hit the bottom, haha!

Ok this is from the melodramatic raven. / Dael: Ooh! Nice name.

*Reads in a silly voice*

That is beautiful! How- I'm sorry, how is the first one of those your least smooth moment

When the mug handle punch is..? / Anthony: Did it like shatter? Just like the Hulk?

Dael: That's astounding! / Anthony: That is metal! / Dael: My, my, my, my, my.

Geeze. Get ready, gang! Ten minutes! Here we go!

Anthony: *Speaks beeping language*

Dael: *Joins in beeps*

Nat: *Looks concerned*

We had multiple

Cups in our family that just broke

I've got photos somewhere of my brother

Holding just the top of a glass because the bottom he'd got himself chocolate milk

And he was walking out of the kitchen and the bottom of this of the glass just came off in a perfect circle

and left him holding just with this round thing of glass all the milk was everywhere. It was pretty astounding

Since we're talki- It's funny, like whenever I- I like start off not knowing a story, but when you see me in the video

That means I've thought of something.

It was like literally like two or three weeks ago our neighbours have this like really beautiful Malamute, it's like a husky kind of thing?

Yeah, you guys have seen it. / Dael: The gigantic ones. / Anthony: and it was at the stage where there was a hole in the fence

So it could like see through and just like look at us, coz it was bored

And I was just like walking around, there's chickens that visit us

And I was feeding them and I was just like walking around with them like a mother hen

And I was just like walking down, and this is like just after that torrential rain

We had. I am just walking down and this is like swamp bit in my backyard

that I always forget is a swamp bit. I just- I was wearing these exact same pants I think too!

just like walked out, and I was literally just like to slid fully and just like fell like right on my arse

in the mud. And the dog was just like looking at me the whole time. Just as I go- *SPLAT*

just like oh, you know when you like are in shock after just like...

Yeah / Anthony: I was traumatised

Dael: Actually speaking of- / Anthony: thank God I took off my dressing gown before I fell, so it wasn't muddied (Anthony loves dressing gowns)

Nat: Your precious dressing gown.

I fell in a creek "the other day". Many of the Humans are already aware, I fell in a Creek, but I

Okay, I walked down Alongside the Creek. I realized how little time

I had to get back to meet my mother at the designated time and so I thought I'll just

Take off my shoes

And I'll go through the creek to get back

Because that'll be faster coz I don't have to like fight through all the trees and whatever

And it was a good plan until I hit a slippery rock and just went DOWN. Hard.

On my whole left side, it was- I've still got my light-switch wrist is bad, and I've got a couple of scrapes still but

The thing about it was that it was freezing cold water cause it's Creek water in winter

And I was just stuck there going like "no." / Nat: "why." / Dael: "stand up. I can't. how do I... stand up..?"

I think the first thing I said though was; "... I fell in da Creek..."

Anthony: Was anyone there to witness you? / Dael: No! And so, I could have cracked my skull open--

Anthony: Who were you talking to? / Dael: Me! / Nat: Oh, OBVIOUSLY.

I could've cracked my skull open and DIED and been in the middle of the bush. Coz I was out at Grandad's block of land!

Aww, I love that block of land! We had a big medieval day there. / Dael: Yeah we did

And I was a wizard. And Dael was a bard.

My entire backyard growing up. I don't know where that way um was basically swamp like if it rained?

It was swamp water and Raewyn for her 18th birthday-- She did it before it was cool-- She got a jumping castle and

It was going to be a sunny day, but the forecast was wrong and it rained

And so people weren't using the jumping castle

but me and my friends were like "WE'RE still using the jumping castle! And we used it like a

Like a water slide, kind of? So we'd like bounce around for a while

And then we throw ourselves down the little sort of slope at the end? That's where you get off? and because it was

Raining and my backyard- we basically lived in like Swampland

But only when it rained; our arms were going up to like HERE

Into the mud and my next door neighbour sprained his ankle. And then a bunch of PUNKS showed up!?

They were very polite.

They were like "hey can we crash your party and use your jumping castle?" And so they did- / Anthony: Wait...

I thought you said pugs..? / Dael: No, punks. / Nat: Yeah, I was like "Pugs..?"

Anthony: OH! I thought you said PUGS!

Dael: P.u.n.k.s. Mohawks and studs. / Anthony: Like talking pugs. / Nat: Yeah, I figured it out when they started talking...

Dael: Yeah. / Anthony: Well, the way my mind works... / Dael: Anthony didn't. / Anthony: There are talking pugs.

They did things like they pushed the trampoline up against the jumping castle so they would bounce high as they could on the trampoline over

The wall of the jumping castle and land on the- and one of them broke his arm

And some of them showed up the next day to help clean up because they were very polite party crasher punks

Did you guys ever reenact and cosplay the entire first movie of shrek in and around the swamp? / Dael: Uh. No.

crazy enough... / Anthony: *Silly voice* Ogre!! / Dael: We did not.

It wasn't like an ACTUAL swamp, but it was marshy-marsh type land... I guess.

I don't know- I don't THINK I've told this in Memory Lane

but I'm going to tell-- I have this talent where I can like-- my body-- my senses-- I have a sixth sense for

Knowing when someone's about to fail, and I'll just like turn around and I'll see it happen

And I was like I peaked in High school

There was just this random guy

I just looked at and he was just walking and just like stubbed his toe or something and then it like came to fruition

When I was in my maths room

I just like literally just looked outside, and it's just like this massive like grass oval behind our school

It was a businessman like in a suit just walking on the field don't know why?

And he like dropped his suitcase and all his papers were scattered everywhere

Like just as I looked at it! but it's like I've got like-- I like CURSE people! / Dael: You've got super powers

Nat: Is that a sense or a power..? / Anthony: Yeah, I know! Ooooh!

Are you causing it!

We're making backstories in Memory Lane / Dael: A bad luck ray...

My smooth moment was the first week of class. I just started a...

like a course this year and the third day of class

I was on my way... I was on my way to the station. I was walking down stairs-- So first day

I miss my train

And I catch a later train and come in late and make a really good impression and then the second day

I think I got lost? and then the third day, I didn't even make it to the station because I fell down the stairs. / Dael: No!

And I um... I had uh

One-- I had my left leg up on the bottom step

and my right leg went down onto the carpet that's at the bottom of the stairs and it was a

when we had those really bad rains

So it had come all in under my door

Wet the mat, and then I stood on the mat, and the mat just slipped out from under me

And I went like kind of like doing the splits but from your knee-

Dael: *Alarmed Squealing* / Nat: -down, coming out? / Dael: NO!!

Dael: *muffled and strained* It's fine.

Anthony: whoa! / Nat: yeah. so like I bruised the inside of my knee and my

toe and my ankle / Dael: *ongoing strangled groan*

And I couldn't walk and then... *laughs* so I was like... / Dael: *Still groaning*

Sitting on the floor... / Anthony: They'll just have to amputate. / Nat: and I'm like "well. the train's gonna be here soon...

I can't--" I couldn't walk. I couldn't stand on it. And I'm calling out-

"Someone help me!" It's like...

It was 6:00 in the morning. It was dark. / Anthony: Oh that's horrible!

It was bad. / Dael: NO. / Nat: And then I had to call up work the next day and be like "Hey.

Can't come in fell down stairs". I had to call up uni in the morning cuz

they treat it like working with you call in sick

So um I called in sick "Eyy. Fell down the stairs". and everyone's like "how did you? do? that??" Like it just sounds stupid!

Nat: I had to explain to everyone! / Anthony: Well, they gotta know that... People can be doofuses. / Dael: I've got pain! Sympathy pain!

Nat: But it's fine.

I was at a party once and um

You know those like... plastic..

Crate things that people store paperwork in? They sometimes have wheels on the bottom? Yeah, I like sat on one

And I was like

"This is going to be a good idea!" I think I'd had alcohol? probably. and it just slowly started to crunch underneath me! it was empty, and I literally just like

It's just all imploded! It didn't hurt but it was just funny, but then I felt bad coz like it's this person's

parents' possession and then-- / Nat: Where were you? / Anthony: my friend Josh's house, it was like a party.

Oh, so you broke his things.

Anthony: Just a random crate, yeah! / Dael: *mimicking Nat* "Oh, so you broke his things, you broke his stuff, you broke Josh's stuff, then. Ok."

Yeah, it just all broke. And I just remembered like the night of that party

We were just like-- because his parents were like away on like some holiday. / Dael: Kegger! / Anthony: I think we had permission to be there

But we didn't do anything bad

Anthony: Apart from me breaking the crate / Dael: Apart from break their belongings. / Anthony: Like demolishing a crate.

We hadn't slept all night, we'd had alcohol

And I was like awake in the early hours of the morning like in his like sister's bed? Like not-- no one's home

I'm in the bed by myself and some of my friends are in like another room next to us. And all these like magpies? Just like start like

Calling and I said: *in a loud cooky voice* "MAGPIIIIES!!

SHUT UP YOU MAGPIIIIIES!!" just like started shouting and they were just like laughing

"GO TO SLEEP!" / Dael: That's very you. That's a very you thing to do...

Anthony: *continuing to himself* "magpiiies!" / Dael: My first day of school after moving to Wollongong-- I've got like 30 seconds don't I?

Anthony: One minute! / Dael: Brilliant! / Anthony: One minute of glory.

The first day of school after moving to Wollongong I made the excellent impression of arriving to school

about 80 minutes late and our periods were 80 minutes long


It was-- I-- we didn't know

how to get there exactly and we made the assumption that the turn for Fairymeadow would be AFTER the turn to--

It got confusing and we got stuck up Mount Ousley.

There's nowhere to turn around until you get ALLLL the way up to like Picton Road.

Yeah, so I got there a full hour and ten minutes late

I had to walk into-- Thankfully it was Drama! was my first ever class so I walked in and they were like "ah. Well.

I guess you're one of ours." / Nat: You could have just faked it. The NEXT day come in

Coz you missed the ENTIRE class you coulda just said

"I was sick yesterday, I'm sorry. I didn't have an embarrassing..." / Dael: Yeahhhh, hmmmm, noooo... / Anthony: But that wouldn't have been a "Dael" thing to do

Nat: No? / Dael: No

I have to arrive very late

Much better than missing-- actually now. I'm like "man I could've miss a whole day..." / Anthony: At least there's like a back story to support your--

*Weirdly peaceful alarm plays*

Well, I mean , I prefer the FAKE backstories for-- Yeah, this is a nice one!

*Nat humphs vaguely disbelievingly*

I Guess.

Anthony: It's like a lullaby *pretends to be a trumpet* / Dael: I like the dance-y ones! I like the dance-y endings!

I hope you've enjoyed this


Memory lane. Well... not peaceful there were a lot of injuries guys / Anthony: *to himself again* "Magpiiiies!"

Too many people falling over and shouting at magpies.

I don't know whether these scratches are ever going to

Go away, because they're under my skin and they're not leaving. / Anthony: Ohhh!

Dael: Anyway. / Nat: There's a bonus one for you. / A: That's like Bodhi Rook when he was working on Rogue One he months later still had dirt under his fingernails

Dael: But I... Need this wound to go away...


I hope that you enjoyed it. If you thought of other stories from your life as we were telling you stories from ours

you should leave them in the comments below or

head on over to

and leave them there because then maybe they will be the spawn point for a future episode

I am Dael Kingsmill, I make videos here regularly

I'm anthony you can find me at the links below in the undercroft at TheRussianBlue, my YouTube channel

*In an alarming voice* Find me! It's fun. Dael's there now. *Suddenly pleasant* Natlie might be there one day!

A lot of terrifying things just happened. / Nat: Need to process that.

Anthony: PTSD from being spoken to by Anthony. / Dael: You have to do your own

outro by the way, I'm leaving you to be the one to admit you have no links

But you just said that I have no links


Anthony: *Imitating Dael with a strange voice* Curses.

Nat: I have no-- / Dael: This is Nat. She has no links.

Yea-- Oh, okay.

No, what were you going to say!? What were you-- No! Say it! / Anthony: But she's really cool!

No, I was going to say "I'm Nat, and I have no links."

I thought you were gonna say "I'm Nat and I'm making a Twitter."

Anthony: And Urban Dictionary likes her.

Ha! That's wishful thinking, Dael. / Anthony: And Dael has a Kryptonian name.


I do! Da-El.

Both: Da-El.

For more infomation >> Tales of Falling Down || Memory Lane - Duration: 14:17.


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According to analysts, Christopher Nolan's World War 2 epic 'Dunkirk' will take in between $45 and $50 million for its opening weekend at the box office. Following a $5.5 million take-in on Thursday night, Dunkirk is now expected to earn $17 million or more on Friday. The film, which has earned universal acclaim, is playing in over 3,700 domestic locations, including Imax theaters. Analysts add that overseas, 'Dunkirk' has earned $8.6 million in its first two days after making its international debut on Wednesday.

For more infomation >> การเปิดตัวโปรเจคชั่นออฟฟิศวันหยุดสุดสัปดาห์สำหรับภาพยนตร์เรื่อง 'Dunkirk' - Duration: 0:47.


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Dutch 3D Braid - Duration: 5:51.

hi guys for those who don't know us my name is Gary this is my daughter Gracie

i won welcome to our channel there do teach

hairstyles today to tell let me show you how to do I've got three braids so let's

get started I started by having her hair wet you can do this dry but I prefer to

have it wet so that it controls her flyaways I also put some gel in her hair

just so that it will have better grip now if you want to know what kind of gel

I use I'll leave a link in the description box below now this is

basically like the 3d braid I have done previously but this time is gonna be

into a Dutch braid and I take a small section in the middle

smooth it out and split this and four equal parts okay

I'm going to call these one two three and four I'm gonna take I'm going to

take number three and number one I'm going to take number three put it in

between my pointer finger and my thumb then I'm going to take number one and

put it in between my pointer finger and middle finger then I'm going to take

this one and this one which is number four and number two and twist it put it

in the empty slots of my finger okay I'm going to take a slice from this side and

add it to this string

now I'm going to go ahead and grab number two with my finger and grab

number four right here the last one and between my fingers now I'm going to go

ahead and twist them number one and number three put it in the empty finger

spots okay I'm going to add a piece of hair on this side take this strand here

okay now I'll take three and one pick it up put it in the the right places just a

thumb and a pointer then number one in between the pointer and the middle okay

then I'm going to take two and four and twist it put it in the empty slots of my

finger again and a section of her hair grab a section add it to the end here

this one and this one

and dress and it's fall repeating all the way down

to the end okay make sure during the time that you're doing all this you have

these strands flush to her head once you get the hang of it it goes it pretty


okay so now I'm at the end I'm gonna just add the last pieces by splitting

the bottom in half okay split flip this one and this one in half this was just

let go here the sections and put them in there right finger places again this one

will be on this last one two and four

once you're done adding all the pieces from the sides you have no more to add

you just go ahead and continue with your 3d by adding the two and one and twist

that's it just keep going all the way down to the end

so now I'm just gonna go ahead and stir it up add lots of ham I'm gonna hide

this with her hair using the Topsy tail

and smooth the sides out and there you have it

thank you so much for watching we hope you would give it a try and let us know

how it comes out don't forget to give us a thumbs up and click the two hearts

below so you don't miss any of our upcoming tutorial days and Sundays to

check out more of her tutorials click over there and there without you guys

until next time learn it do it and teach it to others bye guys bye

For more infomation >> Dutch 3D Braid - Duration: 5:51.


Famoso & più Famoso (Un Film di Alessio Catizzone) - Duration: 8:44.

For more infomation >> Famoso & più Famoso (Un Film di Alessio Catizzone) - Duration: 8:44.



reworks the bus baby look you've all made an

excellent decision to see this movie you're clearly shrewd so let me lay this

out for you puppies are women and babies are losing my job is to find out why

I will help you just to get rid of you I can't do this without you we do make a

pretty good team no literally I can reach the border now what parents think

is going on and what's really going on to the meeting have you learned anything

hey Stacy we bet the notes I can't read

choo choo ah

no no no way no I had the greatest parents ever rise

and shine take your kid to work day really it was just the three of us the

Templeton's life was perfect until that one fateful day yeah yeah I know what

you're thinking look how helpless he is can't even

change his own diaper well can't or won't

diapers are all about power dynamics I poop they wipe BAM I'm the boss

whee babies are having a crisis babies aren't getting as much love as we used

to behold our mortal enemy we have two kinds of customers here at BBCOR the

first type has researched every option they've been preparing for years and

they know exactly what they want the second type of father's know what have

you learned about puppies no Jimbo puppies are evil Stacey be back the

notes I can't read what's it say

he carries a briefcase there's no nose things that's Oh

I don't know he's like a little man trust me one day you are gonna love him

with all of your heart a little freaky will you carry lamb-lamb around until

you look like this is not about lamlam

but I think the kid might be on the middie

look the kids are finally getting along that's nice my job is to find out why

they'll give me a double espresso and see if there's someplace around here

with decent sushi I kill for a spicy tuna roll right about now I don't wear

not even Friday Oh bummer sleep is for the weak

I've been trying to train those around me to work on this same incredibly

productive schedule but it's not going well hate is a strong word it's the

right word but still like a good manager needs a variety of approaches to get the

best out of this team sometimes you have to be firm what that cookie down cookies

are for closers are you let's just say I'm the boss wait till mom and dad find

out about this you were saying I will help you but just to get rid of you deal

okay chew chew on that sometimes you have to set clear goals

Stacy be back the notes I can't read what's it say

sometimes you need your cute face I'm working on what's on the racquet did he

adorable oh I've got one for you too what bummer

I've never been so humiliated myself to sleep in short bursts only power nap

victory nap last night dad tried to change my bottle and feeding my diaper

finest you could file on the new puppy well never get through that door no not

that door the doggy door no no no no no no no way no down never been so

humiliated in my life


no no biting what is it

mmm it's gotta be in here it's almost like it's begging us to go in on a

paperwork huh I thought puppies shredded everything this is getting creepy

that's it see I was right no I've seen this before it's a work

we've got to find out what can be placed in the exact same position exact single

you already said that I know I said it Oh hey maybe twice I'm thinking a third

time wait pressboard edges about 50 houses no 49 try this one


I'm arising I kind of want to see how it in yeah me too

who are you let's just say I'm the boss the boss you're a baby you were a diaper

you know who else wears diapers astronauts and NASCAR drivers that's

called efficiency Templeton the average toddler spends what 45 hours a year on

the potty it doesn't work on Meg here I'm dead down there come on

everyone has a tickle spot come one step closer and early luminate you was a soft

glow and I'll clean your clock oh to be the strength the story is about

cannibalism and burning people alive yeah no wonder kids



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Paul: Trump can probably pardon himself - Duration: 1:22.

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For more infomation >> The WINK | This will make you rethink | Malayalam short film with english subtitles | HD - Duration: 6:43.


Tales of Falling Down || Memory Lane - Duration: 14:17.

Nat: I'm getting a phone call.

Dael: Oh! / Anthony: Oh dear.

Nat: Hello? / Dael: You know, if she had a smartphone, she could tell who the call was from.

I know!

Look at this! Look how full this hat is.

I know! You- You guys have done very well!

So many! So many lovely anecdotes, look at these.

They're all folding into each other, look at all these reddit ones!

And I think well done to Dael for like

printing them all up and cutting them out.

How long did that take?

Uhhh, not as long as I thought it was going to...

Hey Humans.

My name is Dael Kingsmill

And this is an episode of memory lane where we talk about memories inspired by your memories. / Anthony: Yeah

It's really fun! / Dael: We take anecdotes that you submit

via the comment section under the videos or over on factory

And we read them out and then we give ourselves 10 minutes to follow the... rabbit down the... and we...

Think of memories. / Anthony: We're going to jump down

Anthony! Pick a thing!

I hope she didn't break her neck when she hit the bottom, haha!

Ok this is from the melodramatic raven. / Dael: Ooh! Nice name.

*Reads in a silly voice*

That is beautiful! How- I'm sorry, how is the first one of those your least smooth moment

When the mug handle punch is..? / Anthony: Did it like shatter? Just like the Hulk?

Dael: That's astounding! / Anthony: That is metal! / Dael: My, my, my, my, my.

Geeze. Get ready, gang! Ten minutes! Here we go!

Anthony: *Speaks beeping language*

Dael: *Joins in beeps*

Nat: *Looks concerned*

We had multiple

Cups in our family that just broke

I've got photos somewhere of my brother

Holding just the top of a glass because the bottom he'd got himself chocolate milk

And he was walking out of the kitchen and the bottom of this of the glass just came off in a perfect circle

and left him holding just with this round thing of glass all the milk was everywhere. It was pretty astounding

Since we're talki- It's funny, like whenever I- I like start off not knowing a story, but when you see me in the video

That means I've thought of something.

It was like literally like two or three weeks ago our neighbours have this like really beautiful Malamute, it's like a husky kind of thing?

Yeah, you guys have seen it. / Dael: The gigantic ones. / Anthony: and it was at the stage where there was a hole in the fence

So it could like see through and just like look at us, coz it was bored

And I was just like walking around, there's chickens that visit us

And I was feeding them and I was just like walking around with them like a mother hen

And I was just like walking down, and this is like just after that torrential rain

We had. I am just walking down and this is like swamp bit in my backyard

that I always forget is a swamp bit. I just- I was wearing these exact same pants I think too!

just like walked out, and I was literally just like to slid fully and just like fell like right on my arse

in the mud. And the dog was just like looking at me the whole time. Just as I go- *SPLAT*

just like oh, you know when you like are in shock after just like...

Yeah / Anthony: I was traumatised

Dael: Actually speaking of- / Anthony: thank God I took off my dressing gown before I fell, so it wasn't muddied (Anthony loves dressing gowns)

Nat: Your precious dressing gown.

I fell in a creek "the other day". Many of the Humans are already aware, I fell in a Creek, but I

Okay, I walked down Alongside the Creek. I realized how little time

I had to get back to meet my mother at the designated time and so I thought I'll just

Take off my shoes

And I'll go through the creek to get back

Because that'll be faster coz I don't have to like fight through all the trees and whatever

And it was a good plan until I hit a slippery rock and just went DOWN. Hard.

On my whole left side, it was- I've still got my light-switch wrist is bad, and I've got a couple of scrapes still but

The thing about it was that it was freezing cold water cause it's Creek water in winter

And I was just stuck there going like "no." / Nat: "why." / Dael: "stand up. I can't. how do I... stand up..?"

I think the first thing I said though was; "... I fell in da Creek..."

Anthony: Was anyone there to witness you? / Dael: No! And so, I could have cracked my skull open--

Anthony: Who were you talking to? / Dael: Me! / Nat: Oh, OBVIOUSLY.

I could've cracked my skull open and DIED and been in the middle of the bush. Coz I was out at Grandad's block of land!

Aww, I love that block of land! We had a big medieval day there. / Dael: Yeah we did

And I was a wizard. And Dael was a bard.

My entire backyard growing up. I don't know where that way um was basically swamp like if it rained?

It was swamp water and Raewyn for her 18th birthday-- She did it before it was cool-- She got a jumping castle and

It was going to be a sunny day, but the forecast was wrong and it rained

And so people weren't using the jumping castle

but me and my friends were like "WE'RE still using the jumping castle! And we used it like a

Like a water slide, kind of? So we'd like bounce around for a while

And then we throw ourselves down the little sort of slope at the end? That's where you get off? and because it was

Raining and my backyard- we basically lived in like Swampland

But only when it rained; our arms were going up to like HERE

Into the mud and my next door neighbour sprained his ankle. And then a bunch of PUNKS showed up!?

They were very polite.

They were like "hey can we crash your party and use your jumping castle?" And so they did- / Anthony: Wait...

I thought you said pugs..? / Dael: No, punks. / Nat: Yeah, I was like "Pugs..?"

Anthony: OH! I thought you said PUGS!

Dael: P.u.n.k.s. Mohawks and studs. / Anthony: Like talking pugs. / Nat: Yeah, I figured it out when they started talking...

Dael: Yeah. / Anthony: Well, the way my mind works... / Dael: Anthony didn't. / Anthony: There are talking pugs.

They did things like they pushed the trampoline up against the jumping castle so they would bounce high as they could on the trampoline over

The wall of the jumping castle and land on the- and one of them broke his arm

And some of them showed up the next day to help clean up because they were very polite party crasher punks

Did you guys ever reenact and cosplay the entire first movie of shrek in and around the swamp? / Dael: Uh. No.

crazy enough... / Anthony: *Silly voice* Ogre!! / Dael: We did not.

It wasn't like an ACTUAL swamp, but it was marshy-marsh type land... I guess.

I don't know- I don't THINK I've told this in Memory Lane

but I'm going to tell-- I have this talent where I can like-- my body-- my senses-- I have a sixth sense for

Knowing when someone's about to fail, and I'll just like turn around and I'll see it happen

And I was like I peaked in High school

There was just this random guy

I just looked at and he was just walking and just like stubbed his toe or something and then it like came to fruition

When I was in my maths room

I just like literally just looked outside, and it's just like this massive like grass oval behind our school

It was a businessman like in a suit just walking on the field don't know why?

And he like dropped his suitcase and all his papers were scattered everywhere

Like just as I looked at it! but it's like I've got like-- I like CURSE people! / Dael: You've got super powers

Nat: Is that a sense or a power..? / Anthony: Yeah, I know! Ooooh!

Are you causing it!

We're making backstories in Memory Lane / Dael: A bad luck ray...

My smooth moment was the first week of class. I just started a...

like a course this year and the third day of class

I was on my way... I was on my way to the station. I was walking down stairs-- So first day

I miss my train

And I catch a later train and come in late and make a really good impression and then the second day

I think I got lost? and then the third day, I didn't even make it to the station because I fell down the stairs. / Dael: No!

And I um... I had uh

One-- I had my left leg up on the bottom step

and my right leg went down onto the carpet that's at the bottom of the stairs and it was a

when we had those really bad rains

So it had come all in under my door

Wet the mat, and then I stood on the mat, and the mat just slipped out from under me

And I went like kind of like doing the splits but from your knee-

Dael: *Alarmed Squealing* / Nat: -down, coming out? / Dael: NO!!

Dael: *muffled and strained* It's fine.

Anthony: whoa! / Nat: yeah. so like I bruised the inside of my knee and my

toe and my ankle / Dael: *ongoing strangled groan*

And I couldn't walk and then... *laughs* so I was like... / Dael: *Still groaning*

Sitting on the floor... / Anthony: They'll just have to amputate. / Nat: and I'm like "well. the train's gonna be here soon...

I can't--" I couldn't walk. I couldn't stand on it. And I'm calling out-

"Someone help me!" It's like...

It was 6:00 in the morning. It was dark. / Anthony: Oh that's horrible!

It was bad. / Dael: NO. / Nat: And then I had to call up work the next day and be like "Hey.

Can't come in fell down stairs". I had to call up uni in the morning cuz

they treat it like working with you call in sick

So um I called in sick "Eyy. Fell down the stairs". and everyone's like "how did you? do? that??" Like it just sounds stupid!

Nat: I had to explain to everyone! / Anthony: Well, they gotta know that... People can be doofuses. / Dael: I've got pain! Sympathy pain!

Nat: But it's fine.

I was at a party once and um

You know those like... plastic..

Crate things that people store paperwork in? They sometimes have wheels on the bottom? Yeah, I like sat on one

And I was like

"This is going to be a good idea!" I think I'd had alcohol? probably. and it just slowly started to crunch underneath me! it was empty, and I literally just like

It's just all imploded! It didn't hurt but it was just funny, but then I felt bad coz like it's this person's

parents' possession and then-- / Nat: Where were you? / Anthony: my friend Josh's house, it was like a party.

Oh, so you broke his things.

Anthony: Just a random crate, yeah! / Dael: *mimicking Nat* "Oh, so you broke his things, you broke his stuff, you broke Josh's stuff, then. Ok."

Yeah, it just all broke. And I just remembered like the night of that party

We were just like-- because his parents were like away on like some holiday. / Dael: Kegger! / Anthony: I think we had permission to be there

But we didn't do anything bad

Anthony: Apart from me breaking the crate / Dael: Apart from break their belongings. / Anthony: Like demolishing a crate.

We hadn't slept all night, we'd had alcohol

And I was like awake in the early hours of the morning like in his like sister's bed? Like not-- no one's home

I'm in the bed by myself and some of my friends are in like another room next to us. And all these like magpies? Just like start like

Calling and I said: *in a loud cooky voice* "MAGPIIIIES!!

SHUT UP YOU MAGPIIIIIES!!" just like started shouting and they were just like laughing

"GO TO SLEEP!" / Dael: That's very you. That's a very you thing to do...

Anthony: *continuing to himself* "magpiiies!" / Dael: My first day of school after moving to Wollongong-- I've got like 30 seconds don't I?

Anthony: One minute! / Dael: Brilliant! / Anthony: One minute of glory.

The first day of school after moving to Wollongong I made the excellent impression of arriving to school

about 80 minutes late and our periods were 80 minutes long


It was-- I-- we didn't know

how to get there exactly and we made the assumption that the turn for Fairymeadow would be AFTER the turn to--

It got confusing and we got stuck up Mount Ousley.

There's nowhere to turn around until you get ALLLL the way up to like Picton Road.

Yeah, so I got there a full hour and ten minutes late

I had to walk into-- Thankfully it was Drama! was my first ever class so I walked in and they were like "ah. Well.

I guess you're one of ours." / Nat: You could have just faked it. The NEXT day come in

Coz you missed the ENTIRE class you coulda just said

"I was sick yesterday, I'm sorry. I didn't have an embarrassing..." / Dael: Yeahhhh, hmmmm, noooo... / Anthony: But that wouldn't have been a "Dael" thing to do

Nat: No? / Dael: No

I have to arrive very late

Much better than missing-- actually now. I'm like "man I could've miss a whole day..." / Anthony: At least there's like a back story to support your--

*Weirdly peaceful alarm plays*

Well, I mean , I prefer the FAKE backstories for-- Yeah, this is a nice one!

*Nat humphs vaguely disbelievingly*

I Guess.

Anthony: It's like a lullaby *pretends to be a trumpet* / Dael: I like the dance-y ones! I like the dance-y endings!

I hope you've enjoyed this


Memory lane. Well... not peaceful there were a lot of injuries guys / Anthony: *to himself again* "Magpiiiies!"

Too many people falling over and shouting at magpies.

I don't know whether these scratches are ever going to

Go away, because they're under my skin and they're not leaving. / Anthony: Ohhh!

Dael: Anyway. / Nat: There's a bonus one for you. / A: That's like Bodhi Rook when he was working on Rogue One he months later still had dirt under his fingernails

Dael: But I... Need this wound to go away...


I hope that you enjoyed it. If you thought of other stories from your life as we were telling you stories from ours

you should leave them in the comments below or

head on over to

and leave them there because then maybe they will be the spawn point for a future episode

I am Dael Kingsmill, I make videos here regularly

I'm anthony you can find me at the links below in the undercroft at TheRussianBlue, my YouTube channel

*In an alarming voice* Find me! It's fun. Dael's there now. *Suddenly pleasant* Natlie might be there one day!

A lot of terrifying things just happened. / Nat: Need to process that.

Anthony: PTSD from being spoken to by Anthony. / Dael: You have to do your own

outro by the way, I'm leaving you to be the one to admit you have no links

But you just said that I have no links


Anthony: *Imitating Dael with a strange voice* Curses.

Nat: I have no-- / Dael: This is Nat. She has no links.

Yea-- Oh, okay.

No, what were you going to say!? What were you-- No! Say it! / Anthony: But she's really cool!

No, I was going to say "I'm Nat, and I have no links."

I thought you were gonna say "I'm Nat and I'm making a Twitter."

Anthony: And Urban Dictionary likes her.

Ha! That's wishful thinking, Dael. / Anthony: And Dael has a Kryptonian name.


I do! Da-El.

Both: Da-El.

For more infomation >> Tales of Falling Down || Memory Lane - Duration: 14:17.


การเปิดตัวโปรเจคชั่นออฟฟิศวันหยุดสุดสัปดาห์สำหรับภาพยนตร์เรื่อง 'Dunkirk' - Duration: 0:47.

According to analysts, Christopher Nolan's World War 2 epic 'Dunkirk' will take in between $45 and $50 million for its opening weekend at the box office. Following a $5.5 million take-in on Thursday night, Dunkirk is now expected to earn $17 million or more on Friday. The film, which has earned universal acclaim, is playing in over 3,700 domestic locations, including Imax theaters. Analysts add that overseas, 'Dunkirk' has earned $8.6 million in its first two days after making its international debut on Wednesday.

For more infomation >> การเปิดตัวโปรเจคชั่นออฟฟิศวันหยุดสุดสัปดาห์สำหรับภาพยนตร์เรื่อง 'Dunkirk' - Duration: 0:47.


Rakhi bandhan | Rakhi Bandhan 23 July 2017 | Full Episode - Duration: 3:16.

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For more infomation >> Rakhi bandhan | Rakhi Bandhan 23 July 2017 | Full Episode - Duration: 3:16.


The Hillary Clinton Obsession Needs To End - Duration: 5:01.

If you want to know how to immediately get a group of people to turn on one another,

just say this phrase, Hillary Clinton.

The reason I bring that up is because I am getting so tired of seeing articles, going

on social media, and seeing anybody talking about Hillary Clinton.

There is no reason, and I understand the irony of talking about Hillary Clinton while I'm

saying stop talking about Hillary Clinton, but there is no reason anyone should be talking

about Hillary Clinton.

That's why I'm talking about it today.

We have three different groups of people right now talking about Hillary Clinton.

First of all, the Trump folk, the Republicans.

Trump is out there tweeting out on a near daily basis, "Hillary did this thing with

the Russians, why aren't we going after her?"

So the Republican base says yeah Hillary for jail.

Let's investigate her.

Let's do all these things.

The investigation that took place before was fraud, it was a sham.

Well no, it wasn't.

Hillary Clinton, in spite of being a horrible candidate, she did go through hell with these


No evidence came up, it's over.

That's how investigations work.

You may not like it, but that's the U.S. system of justice.

Justice was served.

Justice was done.

She was free to go.

Republicans, let it go.

There is no reason why any of you should ever utter the name Hillary Clinton again.

Now the second group, the kind of hard core progressives that are still out there saying

Hillary Clinton should be prosecuted.



Why are you still talking about Hillary Clinton?

How is she relevant to what is happening in this country today?

She lost the election.

She was a bad candidate, I agree with you.

She ran a horrible campaign, I agree with you.

She was the wrong candidate, I agree with you.

But let it go.

There is nothing productive, nothing of substance that comes out of hammering on Hillary Clinton

every day, just bashing her, beating her up.

Move on!

There are plenty of people in D.C. on both the left and the right that we can talk about

all day long, people that actually are writing laws, doing things that affect our daily lives.

Instead, some people feel that their time is better spent going after a woman who's

not even in politics anymore, hopefully will never be again in the future.

She's just out there doing whatever.

That brings me to the third group of people.

The I'm still with her people.

I appreciate your enthusiasm for a candidate.

I get it, I do, but when you're out there actively attacking people like Bernie Sanders

to make yourselves feel better.

Saying that, "Hillary Clinton is so much better than her and Bernie is a sellout.

Bernie's just in it for himself.

Bernie's a communist."

You're attacking the only senator who is out there going out and speaking to Americans

in all areas.

He's not staying in his home state just talking to the people who've elected him over and

over and over again.

He's not just talking to his friends.

He's out there talking to people who disagree with them.

He's trying to get them to change their mind.

Not about him, but about the policies of the Republican and Democratic parties.

He is being a true leader, and you're attacking him because I'm still with her.

Let it go.

Hillary Clinton lost.

You refuse to acknowledge the reasons for her campaign failures, so let it go.

There is no reason why anybody in this country, other than people who are literally friends

with her and say, "I need to call my friend Hillary Clinton."

Nobody else should be talking about her.

So this is it, okay.

I am done.

I am not going to mention it.

I am not going to talk about her.

We have acknowledged all of the faults of her campaign, all of the horrible things she

did wrong there.

We have talked about the fact that her investigations are concluded.

They came up with nothing.

It was a witch hunt by the Republicans.

Everyone needs to move on.

I don't care which one of those groups you fall into.

We have very serious, very real threats to our democracy that are happening today.

People in the United States are at risk of losing their healthcare.

They're at risk of losing their jobs, their Medicaid, their Medicare, their unemployment

benefits, their SNAP benefits, everything.

I think we have better things to do than talk about Hillary Clinton.

For more infomation >> The Hillary Clinton Obsession Needs To End - Duration: 5:01.


Fantasy football tips: Lacazette, Romelu Lukaku or Alvaro Morata – which striker will you - Duration: 7:03.

Fantasy football tips: Alexandre Lacazette, Romelu Lukaku or Alvaro Morata – which striker will you choose for your fantasy football team?

The new Premier League season is edging closer, which means it's time to seriously start thinking about your fantasy football team.

And with all the new signings that the big clubs have made so far this summer, its quite hard to decide who to pick for your Dream Team.

Especially up front, with some of the biggest strikers the game has to offer plying their trade in England this season. Nearly 60% of players have picked Romelu Lukaku on Dream Team.

Dream Team 2017/18 How does the game work? This years fantasy football game will be absolutely FREE for all players to play The total prize pot is an approximated £750,000 Game Weeks will run from Friday to Thursday £50m budget on 11 eligible players CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP TO DREAM TEAM.

Arsenal, Chelsea and Manchester United all boasted their striker options this summer – bringing in Alexandre Lacazette, Alvaro Morata and Romelu Lukaku respectively. So, which one should you choose?. Alexandre Lacazette – 28 goals in Ligue 1 last season .

How will Lacazette adapt to the Premier League?. Arsenal finally decided to settle their striker woes by signing Alexandre Lacazette from Lyon this summer.

5m acquisition could prove to be a fine investment if he carries his Ligue 1 form into the Premier League. Judging by Dream Team's ratings provider WhoScored, Lacazette was the highest rated player in French football last season at 7.

What will Lacazette offer on Dream Team? Highest rated player (7.

57) in France last season 28 league goals in as many appearances for Lyon 61 points on Dream Team Europe after helping Lyon reach the semi-finals of the Europa League Want Lacazette in your fantasy team? Sign up here.

That puts him fifth in the Premier League player rankings, with just Eden Hazard (7. 81), Alexis Sanchez (7. 76), Paul Pogba (7. 72) and Harry Kane (7. 68) ahead of him.

28 league goals isnt too shabby either, with only Harry Kane (29) scoring more in the Premier League. Priced at an initial £50m on Dream Team this season, Lacazette is one of the cheaper forwards running shoulders with the top 6.

Alvaro Morata – 20 goals in all competitions for Real Madrid last season  .

Will Morata be a good replacement for Diego Costa?. The former Real Madrid star is nearly a Blue, having passed his medical with the Premier League champions on Friday.

But Morata was seemingly second on their summer wishlist in terms of strikers, with Lukaku reportedly the clubs first-choice. Still, Morata isnt exactly an understudy, proving to be useful striker over the last few seasons.

What could Morata bring to fantasy football? 15 goals and four assists from just 14 La Liga starts last season 20 goals in all competitions WhoScored rating of 7.

17 – better than Sergio Ramos and and Karim Benzema Fancy him to shine this season? Sign up to get him in your Dream Team now.

Despite spending much of last season on Real Madrids bench, accumulating just 1790 minutes in all competitions – the Spanish striker bagged 20 goals, including 15 from just 14 La Liga starts.

In fact, only Ronaldo outscored him at the Santiago Bernabeu this season as he consistently took his opportunities when granted them by Zinedine Zidane.

WhoScored, Dream Team's ratings providers, gave Morata an overall rating of 701 and a La Liga rating of 7. Romelu Lukaku – 25 goals in the Premeir League last season .

Can Lukaku match Zlatan for goals this season?. Man United struggled to score goals last season, albeit Zlatan Ibrahimovics haul of 17 in the Premier League.

But with the big Swedes future at Old Trafford still undecided, United needed a new hero to grab the goals. That hero appears to be Romelu Lukaku.

How did Lukaku get on in fantasy football last season? 25 goals and six assists 7.

50 rating on WhoScored – the tenth best in the Premier League 247 Dream Team points Fancy Lukaku to shine? Get him in your fantasy football team now.

Snapped up for a cool £75m, the former Everton man amassed 25 goals and six assists in the Premier League last season and accumulated 247 points on Dream Team, while WhoScored gave the 24-year-old a 7.

The towering Belgian has the advantage of Premier League experience over Lacazette and Morata, but is the pricier than Lacazette at £60m on Dream Team. How does fantasy football work?.

The setup for Dream Team is rather simple – as a manger you get a budget of £50m to spend on your team of 11 players.

Game Weeks will run from Friday to Thursday this season and you'll be allowed to transfer out players who have already played in that Game Week.

Each manager gets a maximum of three transfers a month – so it's important to pay attention to upcoming fixtures. And if the incentive of beating your mates in our Mini-League system isn't enough, there's a whopping £750,000 prizepot at stake too.

Keep up to date with all the latest fantasy football news ahead of next season with our fantasy football live blog and sign up to play below:.

For more infomation >> Fantasy football tips: Lacazette, Romelu Lukaku or Alvaro Morata – which striker will you - Duration: 7:03.


vloggo #3 | cheetahs and other beasts - Duration: 10:32.

For more infomation >> vloggo #3 | cheetahs and other beasts - Duration: 10:32.


Dutch 3D Braid - Duration: 5:51.

hi guys for those who don't know us my name is Gary this is my daughter Gracie

i won welcome to our channel there do teach

hairstyles today to tell let me show you how to do I've got three braids so let's

get started I started by having her hair wet you can do this dry but I prefer to

have it wet so that it controls her flyaways I also put some gel in her hair

just so that it will have better grip now if you want to know what kind of gel

I use I'll leave a link in the description box below now this is

basically like the 3d braid I have done previously but this time is gonna be

into a Dutch braid and I take a small section in the middle

smooth it out and split this and four equal parts okay

I'm going to call these one two three and four I'm gonna take I'm going to

take number three and number one I'm going to take number three put it in

between my pointer finger and my thumb then I'm going to take number one and

put it in between my pointer finger and middle finger then I'm going to take

this one and this one which is number four and number two and twist it put it

in the empty slots of my finger okay I'm going to take a slice from this side and

add it to this string

now I'm going to go ahead and grab number two with my finger and grab

number four right here the last one and between my fingers now I'm going to go

ahead and twist them number one and number three put it in the empty finger

spots okay I'm going to add a piece of hair on this side take this strand here

okay now I'll take three and one pick it up put it in the the right places just a

thumb and a pointer then number one in between the pointer and the middle okay

then I'm going to take two and four and twist it put it in the empty slots of my

finger again and a section of her hair grab a section add it to the end here

this one and this one

and dress and it's fall repeating all the way down

to the end okay make sure during the time that you're doing all this you have

these strands flush to her head once you get the hang of it it goes it pretty


okay so now I'm at the end I'm gonna just add the last pieces by splitting

the bottom in half okay split flip this one and this one in half this was just

let go here the sections and put them in there right finger places again this one

will be on this last one two and four

once you're done adding all the pieces from the sides you have no more to add

you just go ahead and continue with your 3d by adding the two and one and twist

that's it just keep going all the way down to the end

so now I'm just gonna go ahead and stir it up add lots of ham I'm gonna hide

this with her hair using the Topsy tail

and smooth the sides out and there you have it

thank you so much for watching we hope you would give it a try and let us know

how it comes out don't forget to give us a thumbs up and click the two hearts

below so you don't miss any of our upcoming tutorial days and Sundays to

check out more of her tutorials click over there and there without you guys

until next time learn it do it and teach it to others bye guys bye

For more infomation >> Dutch 3D Braid - Duration: 5:51.


Awei A920BL Unboxing & Review (Cheap Earbuds) - Duration: 2:56.

Hey this is Prantik

We all know that big name brands like (beats, Panasonic) have an extra cost added to the hardware.

Cheaper brands won't cost extra because of advertising, which means I am able to find earbuds that cost $25, but perform just like $250 earbuds.

This pair of earbuds for review today are a bluetooth set of wireless earbuds by AWEI.

The package covers the electrical specs, however a giant barcode sticker is slapped over some of the important details.

The battery is rated for 6h of talk time or 4 hours of music.

Music has a slightly lower time than talk since the quality is higher.

The charging time is really fast, about an hour.

I have been wearing these to work every day, and I find if I charge them over lunch, they last until the end of the day.

they last until the end of the day.

They charge with a standard usb micro cable that is included with the package.

The loudness is rated at 90 dB which is a bit lower than some other models, but very safe and loud.

These are really comfortable for daily listening, and since they block out external noise they can work equally well loud or quiet.

The bass is even and deep which is important for the type of electronic music I listen to.

These have short flat cabling and the earbuds magnetically attach to each other.

This means they hardly ever can get tangled, even in my pockets.

This is the first time I can give a perfect tangle rating, the A920BL gets a full 5 out of 5 stars.

Now on to the important stuff: the music.

I again have found a set of earbuds that I can use on a daily basis with this pair.

The build is solid but the audio is really great too, which is a killer combination.

Earbuds in this price range can really suck sometimes.

The A920BL has a really great driver combination which means balanced, quality music output.

I give them a 4 out of 5  stars for audio quality.

These are a really fantastic bluetooth earbud, the magnetic attachment is a really nice feature!

Thats it for today, hope you like the video, and please subscribe the channel for more content like this.

For more infomation >> Awei A920BL Unboxing & Review (Cheap Earbuds) - Duration: 2:56.


Natural Remedy For High Cholesterol | Tips on How To Lower Cholesterol at Home - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Natural Remedy For High Cholesterol | Tips on How To Lower Cholesterol at Home - Duration: 3:53.


Hot Car Experiment🔥🚘 How Hot Does a Car Get in the Sun? 🌞🥚 Homeschool Science Ideas🔥Heat Safety - Duration: 6:07.

Is it hot enough to cook an egg in a hot car?

Find out! Next, on Sagan and Loki!

Loki, there's 2 eggs!

Okay, let's see.

You got them? OK, let's go put one in the car!

We're going to try to see if

you can cook an egg in the car!

I put a camera on a pendulum [frame]. (Loki:) So we can see if the egg cooks.

Yeah, and I think you put the egg in that pan.

The egg is in the pan.

Oh, there goes the yolk, you crushed it, but there we go!

It will still cook if it's hot enough. We don't know if it will be hot enough.

We're using Papa's old junk parts car cuz he probably won't notice if it smells, right?


You see what it looks like with the camera, and we're going to put in a


We have a thermometer to check the temperature inside the car.

How hot is it? It's the number on the left.

It's 118.


That's so hot!

126! Let's go inside for about 10 minutes.

Now, we're going to see if it cooked.

Wow! It did cook! It's turning white! (Loki:) I had to come out here before because the thermometer

was so hot that we couldn't read it anymore.

Let's go look inside, OK?

Look!. (Loki:) What the flea? It really did cook! We cooked an egg in a

car! That's how hot it is!

That's amazing! I didn't think it would be that hot!

That's scary.

Whoa, it did! How much?

Oh, it's all white!

Yeah. It did almost cook all the way.

I had an hypothesis that you can fry an egg in a car, and Loki did not think that.

I didn't think that it would get that hot but I was wrong.

Hot cars are very dangerous, right? Right. and now we know how dangerous.

Never play in a car! That's a safety rule!

And don't leave your pets in there, either!

Yeah. You can't even open the windows and door sometimes without the key.

Yep! So you should never play in the car!

Yes, Loki!

In the first half hour, it went up 30 degrees, and after an hour it went up to

a hundred and forty!

So dangerous!

That's so bad that you wouldn't even end up in the hospital. At a hundred and

four degrees your brain gets hurt.

Learn to keep yourself safe! And your pets. Kids! You can do it!

I had a hypo ziz ziz... I had a apoth e ziz... I hand an eye

poth... sis... his. Argh! 3-2-1-action. Blblblbl!

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For more infomation >> Hot Car Experiment🔥🚘 How Hot Does a Car Get in the Sun? 🌞🥚 Homeschool Science Ideas🔥Heat Safety - Duration: 6:07.


There is a problem with this Windows Installer Package iTunes- (Solved!) - Duration: 4:33.

Hello Friends!

Welcome back to AppleFrendly.

Video #40

Today, I'm going to give you a solution for most common error faced by Windows PC users

saying 'There is a problem with this Windows Installer Package'

while updating or installing iTunes latest version.

There is an official solution to this iTunes install error on Apple's official website.

I tested it last week, it worked for me and hence, I'm making this video.

So, without further ado, let's get started!

Firstly, let me show you the windows installer error that I was facing

while updating my iTunes to the latest version.

So, when I was updating my iTunes,

I faced this error saying 'There is a problem with this Windows Installer Package'

which was not allowing me to install latest iTunes version.

If you're also getting the same error, understand that, most probably,

the problem is with your 'Apple Software Update' installation.

And to address this windows installer error, you need to install

'Microsoft Program Install and Uninstall Utility' from Microsoft's official website.

I have put the link in the description below.

You can click that link and you should reach this Microsoft's official webpage.

Now here, just scroll down

and click this 'Download' button here.

Now click 'Save'

Once the download is completed, click 'Open Folder'

And now, just double click this 'MicrosoftProgram_Install_and_Uninstall' file here.

Screen will pop-up.

Click 'Next'

It'll start detecting the problem.

Wait until it finishes.

Now, when asked if you're having problems installing or uninstalling a program,

select 'Uninstalling'

Now here, select 'Apple Software Update' to uninstall

and click 'Next'

On the next screen, when asked if you want to Uninstall and clean-up, select 'Yes, try uninstall'

Wait until it resolves windows installer error.

If the utility is successful, you'll see a message saying 'Troubleshooting has completed'

and the problem is fixed.

Now, just hit this 'Close' button here.

Now go and download the latest iTunes version from Apple's official website.

This is iTunes latest version file I've downloaded from Apple's official website.

I've put the link in the description below for you to download the same.

In my case, I already have uninstalled the iTunes before installing this new version.

You can follow the same procedure OR you can directly update the iTunes version from iTunes itself.

From the 'Help' menu.

But for now, double click this file to start the installation wizard.

Click 'Next'

Click 'Install'

Wait until it completes the installation.

You shouldn't see any windows installer error this time.

And after successful completion of iTunes installation, you should see this window.

Just click 'Finish' here

and wait until iTunes window opens up.

So, as you can see how we easily solved that windows installer package error

and installed the latest iTunes version.

Well, even if following this procedure, if you're unable to install latest iTunes version,

uninstall all the Apple softwares from your Computer using this

'Microsoft Program Install and Uninstall Utility' tool

and re-install all the Apple softwares again.

That should resolve the issue.

So, I hope you get this issue resolved on your own.

And this brings me to the end of the video.

If you liked it, give it a big thumbs up and share it with your friends and loves ones!

If you have any questions, do let me know in the comments section below.

I'll see you in my next video.

Till then, take good care of yourself.

And as always, Subscribe, Stay tuned, Keep the notifications ON for my next videos.

Thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> There is a problem with this Windows Installer Package iTunes- (Solved!) - Duration: 4:33.


The Kingfisher From Rewild Tiny Houses | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 2:28.


For more infomation >> The Kingfisher From Rewild Tiny Houses | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 2:28.


Sleepless Night - Episode #7/#8 - HEAVY RAIN - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> Sleepless Night - Episode #7/#8 - HEAVY RAIN - Duration: 5:41.


Roki Vulovic - Crni Bombarder live (reupload) (subtitles) - Duration: 2:36.

Roki Vulovic - Black Bomber

Is it the truth or are you just joking? You want to start a fire on the Balkans?

Is it the truth or are you just joking? You want to start a fire on the Balkans?

Old friend from the previous war you'll put a rope around your own neck

Don't pick a fight with the defiant Serbs, you'll lose swarm of Black Bombers

Don't pick a fight with the defiant Serbs, you'll lose swarm of Black Bombers

Brave and beautiful is my little homeland, for centuries it has not given over her pride

Brave and beautiful is my little homeland, for centuries it has not given over her pride

Old friend from the previous war you'll put a rope around your own neck

Don't pick a fight with the defiant Serbs, you'll lose swarm of Black Bombers

Don't pick a fight with the defiant Serbs, you'll lose swarm of Black Bombers

Wish for others what you wish for yourself, to escape from a cursed destiny

Wish for others what you wish for yourself, to escape from a cursed destiny

Old friend from the previous war you'll put a rope around your own neck

Don't pick a fight with the defiant Serbs, you'll lose swarm of Black Bombers

Don't pick a fight with the defiant Serbs, you'll lose swarm of Black Bombers

For more infomation >> Roki Vulovic - Crni Bombarder live (reupload) (subtitles) - Duration: 2:36.


Lời nguyền khủng khiếp - Tập 18 | Trailer | Hai Cao TV - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> Lời nguyền khủng khiếp - Tập 18 | Trailer | Hai Cao TV - Duration: 6:31.


ОТКРОВЕННОЕ ИНТЕРВЬЮ С GUARDIAN @ PGL Major Krakow 2017 [RU/EN] - Duration: 8:55.

Ladislav, the PGL Major Krakow 2017 group stage has ended.

As you know, Natus Vincere drop out of the tournament with a 1-3 score.

What are your first words to the fans?

I'd say it harshly: we were unlucky.

You were unlucky? Is that all you can say?

I don't know, we played poorly, our game was pretty bad during this Major.

I don't know what to say, probably our skill right now is not good enough for the Major, we deserved our place.

Do you mean individual skill or team skill?

Both of them, we just lose rounds that we shouldn't lose, especially at a tournament of this scale.

For example a 2v4 round against Immortals on Overpass, we lost it to two AWPs, when the bomb was planted.

If we lose rounds like that, nothing can be done about it.

Rounds are rounds, but Overpass was always considered the best map for NAVI,

but now you lost two times against G2 and Immortals, how can this happen?

Is T side the problem? Or coordination? Or is the problem in players? What happened?

Against Immortals we threw some won rounds, so I don't know the source of the problem,

maybe calls, maybe the players don't think about their actions, or think only about frags, it's hard to tell.

Everyone make those mistakes, so we lost to Immortals.

When we played against G2, we showed a solid defense, 12-3, but for the offense... I don't know...

We didn't play our game, we just tried to adapt, but they just killed us.

They didn't give any chances, maybe we were afraid or something.

You had a confident start, the first half was 13-2 in your favor, if I'm not mistaken.

Then you switched to T side and you just crumbled, what was it?

I know I made a few mistakes in the pistol round, I had to buy a smoke and drop Tec-9, but I bought armor.

I don't remember why exactly, maybe I was distracted by our discussion,

I didn't hear about the round during freeze time, so I bought armor instead of smoke and Tec-9.

We played the rest of the rounds in a similar fashion, we didn't know what to do, it was chaotic.

Tell me what's next? Do you want to keep the current roster or to make some fundamental changes?

It's hard to tell, I don't think the team works as it's supposed to be, I think everyone has different opinion about it.

If there are going to be changes, it's up to NAVI to choose what they want.

We didn't make it to the main stage, so we lost Legend status, we'll have to play qualifiers for the next Major.

That's not the way it should be, NAVI never dropped out of top 8, but now I can't say we are top 8, more like top 20.

Okay, tell me do you want Zeus to return as a captain of the team?

I gave an interview in Cologne, they asked me about the best in-game leader in my opinion.

I told them it's Zeus, because when you discuss something with him, you feel that he's born to be a leader.

He is a leader, and he knows a lot about the game.

I don't know what his current form is, but before he got kicked out of the team, he played very poorly,

as he was occupied with some other things at the time and therefore, played badly.

But he's a great captain.

What other things are you talking about?

Well, I'm not saying it's bad, just some business related stuff and his YouTube channel and such.

He likes doing it, but he's an amazing captain, one of the best.

Would you like him to get back into the team or not?

Yes, I guess.

Who'd he replace?

It's hard to say, I respect everyone on the team and I've been playing with them for a long time...

You're trying to say that you've established friendly relations within the team

and now it prevents you from thinking objectively, so you can't answer that question of "Who'd he replace in the team", right?

Well, It's hard to say who he would replace because everyone is skillful.

For example, Seized is an excellent lurker when not having to IGL.

Sanya (S1mple) is always top fragging, he's skilled and wins clutch situations.

And Flamie is a playmaker.

It's hard to say who he would replace, everyone has a certain role.

It's really hard to change someone with no particular reason and also hard to say who it could be.

Tell me, is there any fault of the coach, manager or the organization for this defeat?

I would say this was only our fault as a team.

I think the manager did everything he could, and so did the coach.

As for organization, the management is doing everything for the players.

And I can't say they didn't do it this time.

The CIS community is big, we read tons of comments every day on YouTube, VK, Facebook.

A lot of them are positive, some negative, sometimes people tend to cross the line and start insulting the players.

Do you even read them? And how do you feel about these comments?

I rarely read them, only once in a while on Twitter, like once a month or so.

I don't really care what people say, they have no idea what's going on in the team, organization and between the players.

I don't care, let them write what they want.

One of the most popular questions asked by our fans was "When will Seized get kicked?"

This question got a lot of likes in the comments, I've asked it in every interview,

and I want to hear your answer to this question.

I don't know anything about this, if the organization decides to replace someone, they'll inform us.

We, players, have already kicked two and it doesn't work like this in NAVI anymore.

It should be done by the organization, the manager and one of the players who speaks on behalf of the team.

We don't know if someone is going to be kicked yet.

As for Denis, even if he plays poorly or he's bad as a captain, as many believe...

But no one knows if he's going through hard times in life, no one knows why he plays like that, maybe he's having some problems at home.

It can be anything, he doesn't share stuff, and who knows why he's playing like that.

Sometimes he plays well, sometimes he struggles as a captain.

This is a new role for him, and it's not that easy to get good at it right away.

Thank you for the interview, now get some rest.

I know that you're going on a honeymoon soon, so relax, refresh, and I hope we'll see you in September.

For more infomation >> ОТКРОВЕННОЕ ИНТЕРВЬЮ С GUARDIAN @ PGL Major Krakow 2017 [RU/EN] - Duration: 8:55.


Which surname will Prince George adopt for school? - Duration: 4:36.

which surname will Prince George adopt for school royal pundits say he could

employ mountbatten-windsor instead of Cambridge when he joins Thomas is in

Battersea he's known to the world as Prince George but the young royal will

have to adopt an official surname when he starts school in September and royal

pundits are debating which one he locked for the third in line to the throne who

celebrated his fourth birthday yesterday we'll need a surname for the school

register and there's two possible monikers Cambridge or

mountbatten-windsor technically because his great-grandmother is the Queen he

had the title of His Royal Highness so he doesn't actually need a surname at

all but according to the Royal Family's website if any members of the royal

family need an official surname they can use mountbatten-windsor it reads for the

most part members of the royal family who are entitled to the style and

dignity of hrh prince or princess do not need a surname but if at any time any of

them do need a surname such as upon marriage that surname is

mountbatten-windsor the surname came to fruition when Princess Elizabeth George

the fifth granddaughter married Philip Mountbatten in 1947 Princess Anne used

it on her marriage certificate in 1973 Prince George could also follow in the

footsteps of his father and use Cambridge as his surname both Princes

William and Harry used Wales as their surname during their time at school and

in the military in an ode to their father the Prince of Wales Mail Online

has contacted Kensington Palace and is awaiting a response Prince George - last

week joined his parents and little sister Princess Charlotte for the royal

tour of Poland and Germany will join Thomas's and Battersea in September

since Kensington Palace announced the news housing inquiries in the area have

soared estate agent night Frank revealed there's been a resurgence of interest in

the southwest London area as parents rushed to buy a home in the Royal

approved district where the average house costs 1 million six hundred five

thousand six hundred thirty-two pounds sales manager Chris Erickson told Harper

bizarre since the announcement that Prince George is due to attend Thomas's

school in Battersea from September we have seen a resurgence and interest in

the Battersea Park area amongst buyers we have seen an increase of up to 60%

and inquiries for houses of four million pounds and above and quite a few have

explicitly cited the added draw of the Royal connection that the area will now

enjoy the royal couple have chosen the co-educational Thomas's outpost and

well-to-do Battersea Southwest London the heart of what is dubbed locally as

nappy Valley controversially the 6000 pounds at Hearn

school is said to ban best friends headmaster Ben Thomas said

schoolchildren should have lots of good friends to stop people from having their

feelings hurt according to the Daily Telegraph it is a very middle-class

aspirational area of London full of bankers journalists and city types not

the traditional Eden style fear schools have been sent to in the past the school

said in a statement at the time of the announcement this is clearly a

significant moment for their family and most certainly for Thomas's like so many

parents the Duke and Duchess have put a great deal of thought into the choice of

their eldest child's first big school we are honored that the aims and values of

Thomas's reflect those that their Royal Highnesses would like for Prince

George's education we are deeply conscious of the trust that they like

all Thomas's parents are placing in us and we hope very much to live up to

their expectations the Duke and Duchess have made it clear that they do not wish

Prince George's attendance at Thomas's to change his aims values or ethos in

any way they would like as far as is possible for him to enjoy the same

education that all of our pupils receive and for them to join the school

community as all of our new parents do established by David and Joanna

Thomas 40 years ago the school described itself as being happy dynamic and

vibrant and one that prides itself on its excellent academic results its

website describes it as a busy thriving purposeful school which has 540 boys and

girls between the ages of 4 and 13 its motto is be kind and there is a

great emphasis on kindness confidence and humility as well as academic results


For more infomation >> Which surname will Prince George adopt for school? - Duration: 4:36.


cb edite - Duration: 23:27.

For more infomation >> cb edite - Duration: 23:27.


<松居一代>まさかの「英語版動画」を公開!外国人のツッコミがヤバっww - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> <松居一代>まさかの「英語版動画」を公開!外国人のツッコミがヤバっww - Duration: 2:43.


The Tiny Craftsman Home From Tiny Heirloom | Tiny House Listing - Duration: 1:53.


For more infomation >> The Tiny Craftsman Home From Tiny Heirloom | Tiny House Listing - Duration: 1:53.


Poker News In 5 years - #1 Episode with Fedor Holz, Dan Bilzerian, Liv Boeree - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Poker News In 5 years - #1 Episode with Fedor Holz, Dan Bilzerian, Liv Boeree - Duration: 3:21.


To Half A Whole Pt 1 - Storm Fernandes (Prod by BeatJoven) - Duration: 1:56.

Sitting in this office I'm bossless, not thoughtless

The thought of you keeps crossin My mind through the minutes

How does a human like you, ever gain a definition?

A happy disposition For me to, be in this position

My hands, graze your skin Making minutes paper thin

As fate stipulates our time will be torn apart And its futile so I will live in denial

In hopes I will forever swim through you cuz its more rockin in the nile

and your smile An unknown killer with a purpose

Makes a confident me, feel so much I get nervous and it's funny you never noticed

now you can't unsee That the being trapped in me is released with

you making you feel free

The only shackles that exist/ should be during a sex bit

Im a misfit that wants miss fit to be a constant, not a missed bit

Trace your dotted skin like im mapping constellations The only galaxy to explore, no consolations

You got me contemplating there's no replacement for what im facin the taste of you makes everything

else seem bland and tasteless.

Lets face it Give in, we're half of the same

To half a whole is whole heartedly being the opposite of sane

To half a whole is whole heartedly being the opposite of sane yeah

For more infomation >> To Half A Whole Pt 1 - Storm Fernandes (Prod by BeatJoven) - Duration: 1:56.


Mark Taylor July 23 2017 - IT'S TIME AMERICA STANDS TOGETHER - Mark Taylor Prophecy Update 2017 - Duration: 54:48.

Mark Taylor July 23 2017 - IT'S TIME AMERICA STANDS TOGETHER - Mark Taylor Prophecy Update 2017

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