Monday, July 24, 2017

Youtube daily report Jul 24 2017

(Rudy:) "More..."


"Earth has no more..."

"Earth has no more to bestow!"

"Earth has no more..."

"No more..."

" bestow!"

The dark-blue water was icy cold and very deep.

The dark-blue water was icy cold and very deep.

On the clear, transparent ground sat the Ice Maiden.

On the clear, transparent ground sat the Ice Maiden.

She raised herself towards Rudy, and kissed his feet;

and instantly a cold, deathly chill,

a cold, deathly chill passed through his limbs.

like an electric shock - Ice or fire!


(The Ice Maiden:) "Mine! Mine!"

(The church bells became silent;)

And then he disappeared in the clear, blue water.

(All was still;)

(the last tone floated away...

...with the last red glimmer on the evening clouds.)

"Thou art mine!" sounded from the depths below;

"Thou art mine!" sounded from the from the heights above (from the eternal world.)

What joy it was to fly from love to love, ...

...from earth to heaven.

A chord was loosened, and tones of sorrow burst forth,

(The icy kiss of death had overcome the perishable body;)

(While through the deep stillness the last words...

of Rudy seemed to ring in her ears.)



"Earth has no more..."

"Earth has no more to bestow!"

(Words, uttered in the fulness of joy, ...

...were again heard amid the depths of sorrow.)

For more infomation >> I det klare blaae vand - Imre Ploeg - Duration: 7:59.


I PROTECT TIGERS 티저 영상 - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> I PROTECT TIGERS 티저 영상 - Duration: 1:18.


Ford Puma 1.7I-16V 125PK - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Ford Puma 1.7I-16V 125PK - Duration: 0:52.


Opel Corsa 1.4I-16V Sport - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.4I-16V Sport - Duration: 0:48.



Hi It's Tracy and welcome back to my channel and today I have an awesome, awesome workout in

the summer slim down series and this is a great leg workout

and to up your anti what we're doing is we're going to be using a resistance band here

I can link a band down below these are the perfect way for you to add a

little of extra resistance to your workout

The best part is especially for summer, I know a lot of us are traveling this is going

to fold up so tiny weenie and you can put it in your suitcase

it adds no extra weight and you can add a little bit extra bit of resistance

to your workout So if you're new to my channel, Hello I'm

Tracy and I put out brand new fitness wellness and

lifestyle videos every single week so make sure that you subscribe to my channel so that

you never miss a video So let's get started with this summer slim

down leg workout we're going to actually start with the band

down by your ankle so you just kinda quickly put it around your

ankles like that then what were are going to do is we are going

to start off with your legs about hip width apart here you're going to go down into a

little squat and then lift it up knee, squat down lift, so it's like we are doing a little

bit of crazy walk here But you're definitely going to feel how by

keeping a little pressure on the band that is working your outer thighs and then adding

this little knee lift definitely getting those abs working

So you are going to want to do about 20-40 of those

Then staying down in a little squat we're going to take two steps out, step out, step

out then pull your knee in, pull it in, step out, step out, knee in, knee in

so we're getting outer thighs, and a little bit of obliques here as well, definitely getting

that core cause you'll feel when you use the band it's almost like someones trying to press

your knee down as you're trying to lift it up so it puts a fire into the botty here

then what you are going to do is go into, oh you would also do about 20-40 of those

go into a little plea here with an external rotation and then hop, hop in

plea hop hop in A plea, hop hop

so we're getting your heart rate up a little bit here you do do this for a full minute,

ok get that external rotation so you're working

your inner and your outer thighs and you're getting a little bit of cardio there

so next up we're going to take up the band here and bring it on up to your knees

make sure that it's not all wonky then go into little half jumping jacks

so just pressing out here again getting that cardio work here getting

the heart rate up but because we have the band here on your thighs it's giving you a

little bit of extra resistance to push against so you're going to do that for a full minute

then what I want you to do is start here step out, and then you're going to reach the leg

up, step out just kinda reach towards the outside of that thigh and left up the leg

you can do whatever you want with your arms if you want to touch the ankle you want to

put them being your head, so you're going to do about 20-40 of those on either side,

because this exercise is going to get your inner thighs, your outer thighs and then when

you lift the leg you're even getting a little bit of that extra oblique

perfect things for the summer, right?

And then last up, we're going to go into a little bit of a plea here, lift your heels,

this is a little bit more advanced.

Push the knees out, this is what I call butterfly wings, ok

now if you're like whew, i cnanot balance, probably means that your core is not quite

so strong our balance comes from our core, you could do the exact thing with the heels

down, which would actually be a great challenge to

so you can do maybe 20 with your hells lifted and then 20 with your heels down or do 40

and 40, ok so those were your moves for your summer series

leg workout.

I hope that you liked it.

If you did, make sure to give it a big thumbs up and if you're like I really want to do

the workout in real time with you Tracy, well I've got you covered because now is the perfect

time to become a Transformer.

You should JOIN Total Body Transformation.

I will leave the link down here below in the description box because guess what?

For a limited time we are letting you start and join and become a transformer for FREE

For zero dollars, it's a really amazing opportunity you can try it for a full 7 days for nothing.

So, this is a great way for you to see what these full length workouts are like, to join

the community, the Transformer Tribe "High Gives to my Tranfomers" to get your monthly

workout calendar, your ten day transformation and there is so much more so I will leave

that link down here below So I hope that you loved that and guess what....I

will see you next week and hopefully I will see you over in the Transfomer Tribe, alright




Migos - Slippery feat Gucci Mane EVERY "prr" makes the video more distorted - Duration: 5:07.

migos slippery

migos slippery

For more infomation >> Migos - Slippery feat Gucci Mane EVERY "prr" makes the video more distorted - Duration: 5:07.


Goblin Fireball #1 // Unboxing & Building // Simone Zunterer - Duration: 34:01.

Good morning Youtube

as always you see me start the video in a car, but I am NOT on the way to a event

but I just arrived at my workplace, parked in front of the office

Today my Fireball arrives :)

Today comes the Fireball! I am so excited!

And I have to work.. :/ It will arrive here at work

I think around lunch time

and then I will still have to work 3 hours more,

desperately wanting to build it

I will try to stay calm

and I will keep you updated

I will definitely film the unboxing today evening

and collect some first impressions

but I am also invited to watch the new Game of Thrones season at a friends place

so I will not have that much time to start building

but I will do as much as I CAN

nonetheless because I WANT

to do as much as I can

we will see what happens, I keep you updated!


look what I got here... :)))))

It is hereeeee

I just had lunch...

now this box arrived..

and I still have to work till 4pm until I can open it :(

and that I CAN work until then

I will put this box

in my car where it will stay till I finish work


I finished work, I am on my way back home

now I will assemble my Goblin, I just cant wait

I already prepared everything at home yesterday

Camera, Tripod, lights, everything is ready

so let´s drive home and start building

Tadaaa here I am at home

and finally I can unbox my Fireball

I am so excited

I nearly wasn´t able to work ^^

I was all the time thinking about this box, haha

So THIS is the box

its not really big but there is a whole heli inside

and I ordered the Super Combo from SAB

so that means inside is the Heli

4 servos

and a Hobbywing ESC with 60A

whats missing is a LiPo battery

as you know I fly Optipower

I orderd one from there

the FPV Drone Quad Racing pack

its super tiny

1000mah 6s 50c

which is within the recommended specs of SAB

and as you also know I am flying Graupner

and for that reason I will be using

the Graupner FBL Gr-18

this is a combined FBL and receiver

thats super space and weight saving,

especially handy for little helis like this one

So these are the devices I will use

and now lets open the box!

As you see we have this nice little box

and here we have

the instruction manual

as always printed in colour and in english

heres also a little extra


here is the Goblin registration card

as you know: Register your heli

so you will get the latest updates from SAB

here is the

sticker set which we have to put on the heli

more stickers

aaaaw here is the tiny little heli

as you can see

it is really cute and tiny

and here we have

the landing skid

which will look like this

here we have the cute little

main blades

the tail pushrod linkage

a cute little blade caddy

in here are the rc devices

in here are all the little parts

for building the heli

here is a small manual

for the ESC

here we have

the ESC


more servos

the cool new motor

here it is

very chic

a bit heavy

but i think that will be okay, I trust the guys from SAB

and now to the other box

box nr 2

as always

all the little

parts for the build

as usually from SAB they are labeled

with bag numbers

so if you stick to the manual

it is nearly impossible to do something wrong

So ... lets start building!

Hello as you can see its bright outside, I wear new clothes: Its the NEXT day!

As you saw I already mounted the motor, the tail servo and the ESC

also without the camera

I soldered the batteries and the ESC connector

what I will do next is

to connect my FBL with my TX

create a new model in the TX

I will then center the servos

as you saw

I already mounted them into the holder

I have to install them here on top so I can then mount the main head

and just in case that it maybe hard to

access the servos later (what I dont know but I am just precautious)

I will center them now

then finally mount the servo horns

then I will install the main head

and I think then

the biggest part should be done

so that means I then can start

to install and program the FBL

and I can program the ESC

and if everything goes fine we maybe

can do the maiden flight tomorrow after work

so have fun with the further building

So this is what the final thing looks like

I also put the stickers on

it was a bit of a work

but i think now the tiny little

joghurt can looks quite pretty

here is the Lipo

you see its quite at the front

i think due to my wish

to choose a lighter battery

to not make the heli too heavy

now i dont get the center of gravity correct

this is the furthest i can go forward

unfortunately it is still tail-heavy

how this will affect the flight performance

i would recommend you

to choose a bigger lipo with more capacity

or you put rc devices to the front

for me it didnt work :(

what you can see here

is this guidance for the servo wires

under the main shaft dampener

this solution is easy, clever and super easy

here on the main head

we have a small plastic dfc linkage

not typical for sab but for this

size completely okay

here you see the tail belt

is running directly ON the motor

the ESC snaps easily into the

main frame

so you just open the frame with two screws

you put the ESC inside

close two screws

here is an additional cable tie

thats it

what I also like

there is a guidance on the bottom

for the esc cables

its also recommended in the manual to put the cables there

the motor connectors

are here in the front

easily accesible

when i realized that the motor was running inverted

so i didnt have to solder something

just take the lipo away and change the plug

also we have here

two simple and easy belt guidance

which push onto the tail belt

it looks a bit adventurous but works pretty fine

dont know if you can see that

the tail belt is passing

just around the tail servo

it works

at the beginning it didnt know what this is

until i mounted it

then i realized its for the servo cables

that is so super genius

you have it on both sides

here are no cables but i mounted it anyway

This is not so beautiful, I know

but it should do the job for the test flight

to see if everything works

as always with SAB you have these

three lines on the main head

to see if you have the 0° pitch

and where max and min pitch is

the tail is typical SAB

so you have these

four screws to loosen or tighten the tail belt

the tail runs smooth

my Graupner FBL has its place here

the space is just like built for it :)

it ends right before this tailboom click part

in order not to have

the antennas hanging down

i taped them on the boom

i know its not pretty but for test purposes its okay

so thas my complete package

i think

it looks pretty awesome

as always very pretty this little machine

here are my Optipower lipos

which are perfect from the size

in my opinion, like made for this heli

also the cable length

is perfect

nothing to complain

only thing, as mentioned, it would have been better

to take one capacity size bigger so they are a bit heavier

but we will see how this all works at the end

Here is the included anti-static kit

I didnt install it because Graupner

isnt very sensible for that

I hope I wont need it

for that reason its a small heli

if its really struck by a ray and makes it crash

the crash costs should be in a cheap range

so i will risk it

i will now shortly show you

what i programmed

You see here I did a model

with name fireball

I had to invert the

three swash servos

but that maybe different with everyone of you

what else did i program?

My Autorotation

Three flight phases

I noticed that the HW ESC doesnt spool up

if you have less than 50% throttle open

So my first idle is 50% throttle for starting

Idle 2 is around 60% and Idle 3 75%

I will have to test these on the field

Pitch curve is completely standard

The max and min angles are set up in the FBL

I programed an Autorotation switch

and all the rest is setup in the FBL

Now I show you the FBL settings

All the basic stuff like "Heli" "Language"

You see I activated the Experts menu but I didnt use it till now

All the settings are BASIC DEFAULT settings from the beginner menu

I just unlocked the expert mode, in case that I need it later

so swash and tail gain is all DEFAULT

I just did here: Swashplate 120°,

the frequency of the swash servos

my swash direction

you have seen this in my G500S building video

here you change the value until the servos

move together in the right direction

for example when I give pitch, they all should move up or down

if your swashplate goes reverse

then just invert the servos in the Tx

(like I did)

but they should move in the right manner

this is swash direction

the servo center option you use

to put your servo horns right into the center position

so the swash is levelled at 0° pitch

With swash cyclic you change it

until you reach 7° cyclic pitch

i normally do 8° because I like it better

swash travel A and B,

here you just give full max and min pitch

and adjust the value until it fits your needs

so for me its + / - 12°pitch

Swash limit is really high for me

I dont get the servos to mecanical bind

thats quite unusual but I leave it with 100

I am surprised because I never had a value that high

swash rotation is just for scale, not usable for us

tail servo, here VERY IMPORTANT

to set the speed to 760

the default value is higher and

the tail servo will not work until you set the right speed

so at first it was broken, but it just was my fault ^^

tail servo frequency to 333 hz

the tail servo middle we dont need

here is the tail limiter.

adjust the value so

your tail pitch slider can go aaaall the way

on your tail shaft,

so you get the maximum tail performance

Expo YES

Logging is default

and now only the gyro setting is left

i showed it to you in detail in the G500S video

so you just enter this menu and

check "New" and say YES

activate Aileron and steer Aileron to the right

then you take the heli and incline it to aileron right

then activate elevator and steer elevator to the front

then you incline the heli to the front by hand. for tail you steer tail right

and then rotate the heli by hand to the right

then afterwards you take the heli and check if the gyros work properly

and check if the gyros work properly

i dont give any guarantee on

the values i use in my setup

please always check it for yourself

and dont rely on just coping my values

if your gyros work right then nothing bad can happen

so this is my basic setup

so now there is only left to say

the basic setup is done for the maiden flight

and i think

we will meet tomorrow on the flying field

for the maiden flight

lipos are charged but its too late now

8:30PM is too late... :(

But tomorrow after work we will do the maiden flight

promised! Bye Bye!

For more infomation >> Goblin Fireball #1 // Unboxing & Building // Simone Zunterer - Duration: 34:01.


Na czym polega członkostwo w BNI? - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Na czym polega członkostwo w BNI? - Duration: 1:33.


Cobie Smulders vs Ryan Eggold and Kathy Najimy vs Ali Wentworth - Duration: 43:04.

For more infomation >> Cobie Smulders vs Ryan Eggold and Kathy Najimy vs Ali Wentworth - Duration: 43:04.


Jax Jones ft. RAYE "You Don't Know Me" (karaoke+) - Duration: 4:03.

Jax Jones ft. RAYE "You Don't Know Me" (karaoke+)

For more infomation >> Jax Jones ft. RAYE "You Don't Know Me" (karaoke+) - Duration: 4:03.


컬투 정찬우, 문재인 대통령X김연아와 셀카 "영광의 순간, 청와대분들 죄송" - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> 컬투 정찬우, 문재인 대통령X김연아와 셀카 "영광의 순간, 청와대분들 죄송" - Duration: 1:17.


How a car crash shaped Brooks Koepka's road to US Open glory. - Duration: 2:51.

What do you do when you've been in a serious car accident as a child and your doctor advises you to avoid all contact sports?

Pick up a golf club — and in the case of Brooks Koepka go on to become one of the select few players to have won a major.

His name is now etched on the US Open trophy alongside the likes of Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods, and his winning score to par of 16 under equals the tournament's all-time record mark set by Rory McIlroy at the par 71 Congressional Country Club in 2011.

But as he walks away from the fairways of Erin Hills $2.1m richer, Koepka's real reward is arguably of a value that you can't quite calculate.

I got into a car accident and couldn't play baseball, hockey and basketball," the 27-year-old tells CNN Sport's Patrick Snell. "We stuck with golf for a little while and it's panned out. "I think it was a blessing in disguise."

The crash left him battered, bruised and looking like he'd done "six rounds with Muhamma

But if it knocked him back, Koepka had at least one thing in his favor: some pretty impressive sporting genes.

The Florida native happens to be descended from one of the most versatile American athletes of the 20th century, Dick Groat — a former All-America basketball star, two-time World Series baseball champion and MLB most valuable player.

Not many can boast a great uncle inducted into the college hall of fame for two sports, but then not many have taken such an unusual journey to the top.

Leaving baseball behind him, Koepka took up golf, learning the game under the watchful eye of his father, before embarking on the European Challenger Tour in 2012.

It was an experience that taught him as much about life as it did about the sport, and the young American went as far afield as Kenya and Kazakhstan as he cut his teeth and honed his game.

I feel like I really grew up going over there," he says. "Being 21, 22 years old ... traveling the world and getting to play golf is pretty neat.

"I learned how to play golf over in Europe; I learned how to manage being on the road.

Coming out of college it's a little different: you've got to do everything yourself. I don't want to say I'm a slow learner but it was something that took me a while to actually master.

Going over there was probably the best thing for my career and, when I look back on it, it's pretty special."

For more infomation >> How a car crash shaped Brooks Koepka's road to US Open glory. - Duration: 2:51.


Carderock News Update 7-24-17 - Duration: 2:24.

Greetings Carderock team, this is your Carderock News Update.

I'm your host, Petty Officer Helena Frye.

Last week, NAVSEA held a ceremony for it's third and fourth quarter Fiscal Year 2016 excellence

awards and the 2017 Commander's Award for Innovation; recognizing engineers for their

hard work and contributions to the U.S. Navy and its fleet.

Carderock had several engineers receive NAVSEA Excellence Awards.

Congratulations to all recipients for their well-deserved recognition.

On Wednesday, join Dr. Larrie Ferreiro for a brown bag on his book "Brothers at Arms:

American Independence and the Men of France and Spain Who Saved It," which was a finalist

for the Pulitzer Prize in History.

Ferreiro, a former Carderock employee, is currently a director of research for Defense

Acquisition University.

Coming up next Wednesday, August 2nd, join James Harrison for another installment of

his "irregular" series of brown bags on Naval History and Ship Design, where he will

be presenting "I Like it!

We Should Buy One...But Just One".

This presentation will cover a number of unique ships over the history of the U.S. Navy that

were the only ship of their class.

Harrison will also explain the factors that led to them being one-offs and discuss their

service lives.

Mark your calendars for the next Branch Head COI meeting which will be held next Thursday.

The speaker will be Dave Beagan, property management divison head.

He will provide an overview of the online Shop Stores tool, as well as centralization

of Purchase Requisition creation for MILSTRIP, the material technical screening process,

and the new material PR request form.

Be sure to get up to speed as these PR changes have already gone into effect.

For more information on these events and others, check out your weekly edition of wavelets, which you

can find on the intranet or iN-Fusion.

This has been your Carderock News Update.

Thanks for watching!

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