Thursday, July 26, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 27 2018

0 comentariosComentar El BBVA obtuvo un beneficio neto de 2.649 millones de euros entre enero y junio, un 15% más que un año antes, debido a los mayores ingresos, a la contención de los gastos y a las menores necesidades de saneamientos y provisiones que tuvo que dotar

 En un comunicado remitido al supervisor español de los mercados, la CNMV, la entidad ha añadido que los préstamos y anticipos a su clientela se redujeron el 8% y quedaron en 390

661 millones de euros, con un ratio de mora del 4,4%, frente al 4,8% de junio de 2017

 Asimismo, su ratio de solvencia CET1 "fully loaded", que incluye todos los requerimientos de capital, se situó en el 11,40%, incluyendo la venta de BBVA Chile y el acuerdo con el fondo Cerberus para reducir la exposición al negocio inmobiliario

For more infomation >> BBVA gana 2.649 millones hasta junio, un 15% más, por los mayores ingresos - Duration: 1:25.


Tour de France 2018 : les hôtesses défendent leur profession - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Tour de France 2018 : les hôtesses défendent leur profession - Duration: 2:05.


✅ PHOTOS Melania Trump très émouvante auprès des enfants malades : ces clichés qui attendrissent l'A - Duration: 2:35.

 Depuis l'élection de Donald Trump à la Maison Blanche, Melania Trump fait couler beaucoup d'encre

Ses relations avec son mari intriguent et on les dit régulièrement en froid. Une folle rumeur affirmait même il y a peu qu'elle avait été remplacée par un sosie

La femme du Président des Etats-Unis fait aussi régulièrement la Une avec ses choix de tenues : que ce soit pour leur prix parfois exorbitant, pour leur côté un peu trop bling bling ou pour le message – plutôt malvenu – qu'elles transmettent. Mais, loin de toutes ces polémiques, la première dame se consacre à sa fonction

A la Maison Blanche, Melania Trump est en charge de l'initiative Be Best. Ce programme se focalise sur les problèmes auxquels doivent aujourd'hui faire face les enfants américains : le harcèlement scolaire ou sur internet, les drogues, la santé

Dans le cadre de cette mission, la première dame visite régulièrement des hôpitaux pour enfants

Ce mercredi 25 juillet, Melania Trump s'est ainsi rendue à Nashville, dans le Tennessee, où elle a passé du temps avec les enfants malades du Monroe Carell Jr Children's Hospital. Melania Trump a joué avec les petits présents dans l'hôpital et les a pris dans ses bras, avant de poster un touchant message sur Twitter : « Merci pour cette visite informative et émouvante

C'est une joie de passer du temps avec des enfants si courageux et d'être témoin de la force des familles qui doivent faire face à une telle situation. » La présence d'une première dame souriante auprès des enfants malades a particulièrement attendri l'Amérique

Dans les commentaires, ils ont été nombreux à lui exprimer leur admiration : « Nous vous aimons.", « Vous nous rendez fier. », « C'est super ce que vous avez fait

Ma fille Essence a passé un moment merveilleux. », « Vous êtes une perle. Je vous admire tant

Vous êtes vraiment un exemple d'amour et de générosité. », "Vous avez un coeur tellement grand ». Crédits photos : The White House via BestImage

For more infomation >> ✅ PHOTOS Melania Trump très émouvante auprès des enfants malades : ces clichés qui attendrissent l'A - Duration: 2:35.


Comment ARRÊTER de procrastiner grâce à votre cerveau (subconscient) - Duration: 14:40.

For more infomation >> Comment ARRÊTER de procrastiner grâce à votre cerveau (subconscient) - Duration: 14:40.


Alès : une chorale de 800 personnes pour rendre hommage à Johnny Hallyday - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Alès : une chorale de 800 personnes pour rendre hommage à Johnny Hallyday - Duration: 1:49.


Thủ tục thay đổi đăng ký doanh nghiệp | Dịch vụ cho doanh nghiệp - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Thủ tục thay đổi đăng ký doanh nghiệp | Dịch vụ cho doanh nghiệp - Duration: 4:48.


戚薇女兒差點受傷,李承鉉這次忍無可忍了,直接沖著人群大喊! - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> 戚薇女兒差點受傷,李承鉉這次忍無可忍了,直接沖著人群大喊! - Duration: 4:39.


80歲老戲骨遭子女拋棄獨居24年,入住養老院靠乾兒子照顧! - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> 80歲老戲骨遭子女拋棄獨居24年,入住養老院靠乾兒子照顧! - Duration: 5:41.


"Dedazo y maiceo del voto deslavaron democracia en el PAN", acusa el exgobernador Ignacio Loyola - Duration: 5:57.

 QUERÉTARO, Qro. (apro).- El exgobernador Ignacio Loyola Vera afirmó que la "compra de votos y el dedazo" son prácticas que "deslavaron" la democracia en el Partido Acción Nacional (PAN), donde pugnó por la elección de un dirigente que no tenga ambiciones personales

 "Creo que de ahí va a depender mucho la estabilidad y el resurgimiento de Acción Nacional hacia un nuevo estadio, o bien, que siga el resquebrajamiento y la pulverización" del partido, sostuvo en entrevista con Apro

 Luego relató que desde hace unos años "empezó la transformación interna en Acción Nacional, donde ya el voto venía dirigido, ya venía comprado, ya venía, digamos, maiceado, para que se entienda el término político", soltó quien fue el primer gobernador panista en la entidad

 "Ahí están los hechos, en Acción Nacional nunca veías camiones de transporte público llevando gente a votar

Hoy, tristemente, eso ocurre, esa gente que había llevado el camión, con una intención, con una instrucción, por así decirlo, a votar por una persona, entonces ya se pierde lo mejor que tenía Acción Nacional: la democracia interna", fustigó

 Loyola Vera recordó que, cuando él fue candidato en 1997, participó en un proceso interno democrático donde su discurso tuvo como tema central la democracia en el PAN y en una campaña donde, a diferencia de que ocurre ahora, nadie le pidió algo para participar

 "Dije 'aquí se vive la democracia, allá fuera el dedazo', y hoy estamos también inmersos en muchos dedazos que han ido debilitando al partido, porque entonces pierde la gente la intención o el gusto por participar, '¿qué posibilidad tengo yo de ganar?', ninguna", lamentó

 Loyola intentó ser diputado federal y senador, pero aun cuando relató que en 2009 fue el panista más votado por la militancia durante la selección de consejeros estatales y nacionales, deploró que las dirigencias estatales no lo designaran

 "En la experiencia, tú sabes que, si no estás en el grupo dominante, pues estás fuera, así de simple, y obviamente que eso, volvemos a lo mismo, lo que ha perjudicado a Acción Nacional es que las decisiones se han vuelto cupulares", acusó

 Al respecto, aseguró que tanto en 2009 como en 2018 manifestó su inconformidad con el método de selección de candidatos, pero aclaró que lo hizo al interior del partido y no de manera pública

 "Sí lo he dicho y lo he platicado, dentro del partido y con panistas. De hecho, hemos tenido ya en este momento también pláticas para ver qué se puede hacer para recuperar lo que era antes el Acción Nacional de su fundación, el Acción Nacional de sus orígenes, pero esto no es para andarlo diciendo en los medios de comunicación ni reclamando", acotó

 En este sentido, señala que incluso platicó con Ricardo Anaya Cortés.  "Se luchó mucho, yo platiqué con Ricardo Anaya, platiqué con los presidentes del partido, obviamente que se comentan las cosas, de que te hagan caso, pues es muy diferente", admite

 Abandono de banderas  Además de las nuevas prácticas al interior de Acción Nacional, el exgobernador también reflexionó sobre un alejamiento de ese partido político con banderas como la honestidad, la transparencia o la lucha contra la corrupción, lo que considera los llevó a la derrota

 "Nosotros teníamos la bandera de la no corrupción, de la honestidad, de la transparencia y la dilapidamos, no pudimos sostener esas banderas sin que la gente ya dijera 'no, no es cierto', es lo mismo, surge el término del PRIAN, decir que tanto Acción Nacional como el PRI son lo mismo"

 Aunque puntualizó que no comparte que el PRI y el PAN sean lo mismo, sí consideró como un "error" el haber permitido que expriistas se convirtieran en candidatos de Acción Nacional

 Ante esa realidad, consideró que la persona que aspire a dirigir el partido debe privilegiar la unidad sobre sus ambiciones personales y, sobre todo, debe ser electo por la militancia

 "Por supuesto que, en la elección que viene, para ser presidente nacional de Acción Nacional, tendrá que ser democráticamente abierto

No nos queda de otra, para que llegue un presidente fuerte o como dicen 'una transición pactada' y una transición pactada para que sea terso entre los grupos que manejan la política dentro de Acción Nacional"

 Loyola Vera consideró complicado que Marko Cortés sea el sucesor de Ricardo Anaya, aunque en su opinión el panista Carlos Medina Plascencia es un hombre que no tiene ambiciones personales y sí deseos de servir

 "Él está en una posición, digamos, semejante a la mía, ya no tenemos mayor ambición política, pero sí deseos de servir, entonces esa es la parte que se requiere hoy en Acción Nacional", definió

 Quien fue uno de los gobernadores que se caracterizó por sus dichos en Querétaro, agregó uno más sobre la situación actual del PAN: "Cuando veas las barbas de tu vecino cortar, pon las tuyas a remojar"

For more infomation >> "Dedazo y maiceo del voto deslavaron democracia en el PAN", acusa el exgobernador Ignacio Loyola - Duration: 5:57.


Juez federal otorga amparo a César Duarte contra orden de aprehensión; FGE impugnará - Duration: 4:21.

 CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (apro).- El juez décimo de Distrito en el Estado de México, René Ramos Pérez, otorgó un amparo al exgobernador de Chihuahua, César Duarte Jáquez, contra una orden de aprehensión por el presunto desvío de 246 millones de pesos del erario a campañas políticas del PRI

 Como respuesta, el gobierno estatal anunció que interpondrá un recurso de revisión del amparo, ya que aseguró contar con los elementos para fincarle el delito de peculado

 El juez federal ordenó al juez de Control local que dicte un nuevo fallo en el que se declare incompetente para librar la orden de aprehensión contra Duarte, porque se trata de recursos federales

 César Augusto Peniche Espejel, fiscal general de Chihuahua, advirtió que la autoridad tiene los argumentos para cuestionar la competencia del juez de Distrito del Estado de México

 La resolución, agregó, es sólo contra una de las más de 10 órdenes de aprehensión que les han otorgado por diferentes causas penales abiertas contra el exmandatario chihuahuense

 Además, aclaró que la resolución del juez federal no es definitiva, por lo que la impugnarán, pues no comparten los criterios del fallo

 "Con esto quiero dejar, muy preciso, que (César Duarte) no está exonerado. No se le han perdonado los cargos que se le están imputando

Simplemente, este juez de Distrito desvió a la competencia de la autoridad local, argumentando que en todo caso debió ser dictada esa resolución por un juez federal", insistió Peniche Espejel

 Según el fiscal, el amparo fue concedido para efectos de que el caso se vuelva a revisar y se defina que la competencia debió ser para un juez federal

No obstante, la Fiscalía no está de acuerdo y, por ello, interpondrá el recurso de revisión

 "Nosotros sí tenemos razones para cuestionar la competencia de un juez de Distrito en el Estado de México que viene a resolver un caso del estado de Chihuahua

Son parte de los argumentos que haremos valer. No estamos de acuerdo con esta resolución y, de cualquier manera, en caso extremo, no está exonerado de ninguna responsabilidad", reiteró el funcionario

 Hasta ahora, el exgobernador acumula 15 órdenes de aprehensión. El caso resuelto por el juez federal se basa en la causa penal 780/2017, por el desvió de 246 millones de pesos para financiar campañas electorales del PRI a nivel nacional y estatal

El caso involucra también a Alejandro Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, secretario general adjunto del PRI nacional y operador del líder priista, Manlio Fabio Beltrones

 Las 15 órdenes de aprehensión vigentes contra Duarte Jáquez son motivo de Procedimiento de Extradición por parte de la Procuraduría General de la República (PGR), desde el año pasado, por lo que la resolución del Juicio Amparo 1851/2017-l no obstaculiza los actos de búsqueda, localización y detención judicial del ahora sustraído de la acción de la justicia, aseveró el fiscal Peniche

For more infomation >> Juez federal otorga amparo a César Duarte contra orden de aprehensión; FGE impugnará - Duration: 4:21.


La estimulación eléctrica de los nabos - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> La estimulación eléctrica de los nabos - Duration: 2:57.


Cashden - Poppin

For more infomation >> Cashden - Poppin


TonyZ - Road So Far ( SOUNTEC Mashup ) ♪ - Duration: 2:25.

Thanks for watching !!!

For more infomation >> TonyZ - Road So Far ( SOUNTEC Mashup ) ♪ - Duration: 2:25.


it's 1:30 in the goddamn morning take this - Duration: 0:07.

do u have a better idea

yiss i do

(oh shit dawg he puttin in the tape)


For more infomation >> it's 1:30 in the goddamn morning take this - Duration: 0:07.


Temptation Island VIP, in Sardegna potrebbero sbarcare Sossio di U&D e il figlio di Zenga - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> Temptation Island VIP, in Sardegna potrebbero sbarcare Sossio di U&D e il figlio di Zenga - Duration: 5:11.


I baked cookies in my car! [CC] - Duration: 1:36.


The most basic cookies that exist.

Wooh! T his Arizona heat is insane right now!

Thank you so much for watching.

I post videos every Sunday, Tuesday, and Friday.

So click over here to subscribe and check out more videos.

For more infomation >> I baked cookies in my car! [CC] - Duration: 1:36.


Ray Conniff - Before the next teardrop falls (HD) (CC) - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Ray Conniff - Before the next teardrop falls (HD) (CC) - Duration: 2:24.


✅ Brat Patryka Jakiego jest hip-hopowcem. Filu-JKey nie unika wulgaryzmów i rapuje o legalizacji mar - Duration: 1:36.

Patryk Jaki to znany polityk Solidarnej Polski, który będzie startował w wyborach na prezydenta Warszawy. Ale tym razem nie jest o nim głośno za sprawą polityki, a jego brata

Filip Jaki, czyli Filu-JKey wyrasta na hiphopową gwiazdę i wydaje się, że zdecydowanie różni się od pana Patryka.Kim jest Filu-JKey?Filu-JKey to dwudziestolatek, który poszedł w muzyczną stronę

Zajmuje się hip-hopem i choć jest dopiero początkującym muzykiem, jego media społecznościowe już cieszą się sporym zainteresowaniem

W sieci ukazały się już jego pierwsze utwory. Filip Jaki przygotowuje się do wydania swojego debiutanckiego krążka.  Kim jest brat Patryka Jakiego?Filip Jaki urodził się w 1998 r

Brat Patryka Jakiego w swoich piosenkach nie unika wulgaryzmów i otwarcie przyznaje, że jest za legalizacją marihuany w naszym kraju

  Przypominamy, że Patryk Jaki za to od lat jest zwolennikiem karania za posiadanie miękkich narkotyków. Filu-JKey wyraźnie zaznacza, że nie interesuje go polityka

 Pierwsza płyta Filipa Jakiego będzie nosiła tytuł "Pierwszy krok". Kupicie? JTB.R.O - KOŁO PLOTKA EXTRA

For more infomation >> ✅ Brat Patryka Jakiego jest hip-hopowcem. Filu-JKey nie unika wulgaryzmów i rapuje o legalizacji mar - Duration: 1:36.


Never Left Without Saying Goodbye - Duration: 2:51:30.

For more infomation >> Never Left Without Saying Goodbye - Duration: 2:51:30.


LADY GAGA Naked or Covered Up ... I'M A PERFECT ILLUSION - Duration: 1:12.

Lady Gaga went from sexy beach photo shoot to a wet dress contest in the blink of a wave -- and she didn't have much on


Gaga had several wardrobe changes in the sand Wednesday in the 'Bu -- going from French dominatrix to sea nymph with her ass on full display

much of the time.

Not to worry when the waves crashed, Gaga had several people waiting on her hand and foot. To the photog who also got dunked, we say

thongs for the perfect shots!

So Naked! Lady Gaga Poses In See-Through Dress For Steamy Beach Photo Shoot.

The 'Poker Face' singer freed the nipple as she posed in front of the cameras.

Lady Gaga Opens a New Window.let it all out during a steamy beach photo shoot at Malibu beach this Wednesday. The "Poker Face" singer posed in

front of the cameras wearing a see-through white dress and nude thong!

For more infomation >> LADY GAGA Naked or Covered Up ... I'M A PERFECT ILLUSION - Duration: 1:12.



Hey guys!

It's Jana!

And today we're going to clean out and purge this entire toy room.


I have been looking forward to this, the kids are visiting all the grandmas out of town.

So got a few days here to get this done.

So I am going to go through every nook and cranny.

Dump it, clean it out, pitch anything that is garbage.

I'm going to put whatever I think we should get rid of and or

donate and or put away up on the couch.

Because this room is nuts.

Our main goal is when we eventually redecorate the kid's rooms

is that their toys and junk are in their room.

So that this could be like a family hang out, watch movies,

play video games and that's it.

There's not like toys everywhere.

So yeah, we are definitely going to downsize on some toys.

Is it sad that I'm excited?


So go ahead and hit subscribe, thumbs up, check all the links down below.

Grab your trash bags and let's throw some crap away.

Alight guys I am done for the day, I'm calling it quits.

I got all of the shelves done today the little boxes and everything.

So do the desk tomorrow?


That's a lot of stuff, but the boxes are actually relatively empty now.

Which is nice.

The books are all straightened up so you can

actually grab one to read so that will be nice.

So the kids actually love it when everything gets all cleaned up.

It's very rare that they actually think of something that doesn't exist anymore.

But it is a lot of fun like running around the house trying to help them find it.


So thank you so much for watching.

Go ahead and hit subscribe, thumbs up, check all the links down below.

And I will see you next time.



Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i Comfort - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i Comfort - Duration: 0:54.


✅ Mila Kunis i Ashton Kutcher znają się od prawie 20 lat, ale zaiskrzyło między nimi stosunkowo nied - Duration: 2:15.

Mila Kunis i Ashton Kutcher są małżeństwem od trzech lat, ale znają się już od niemal dwudziestu! Oboje grali w serialu "Różowe lata 70

", a ich bohaterów łączyła burzliwa miłość. Mila Kunis o związku z Ashtonem Kutcherem w "Armchair Expert"Dziś tworzą szczęśliwą rodzinę

Razem wychowują trzyletnią córeczkę Wyatt i półtorarocznego syna Dimitra. Jak teraz potwierdziła Kunis w wywiadzie dla "Armchair Expert", nie była to miłość od pierwszego wejrzenia

Aktorka przyznała, że zaczęła spotykać się z Kutcherem zupełnie przez przypadek! Kutcher umówił Kunis na randkę w ciemno z innym mężczyzną, ale jej potencjalny partner nie pojawiał się na spotkaniu

To spowodowało, że gwiazda "To tylko seks" w końcu zdecydowała się na randkę ze swoim aktualnym mężem.Kunis wspomniała też, jak pierwszy raz powiedziała swojej mamie, że spotyka się z Kutcherem:Niedługo później okazało się, że aktorka świetnie dogaduje się z Kutcherem i jest między nimi chemia, dlatego już w 2014 roku się zaręczyli, a w następnym roku byli już po ślubie

Aktualnie para ma dwoje dzieci. Mila Kunis i Ashton Kutcher zaprzyjaźnili się na planie serialu Mimo że Mila Kunis i Ashton Kutcher grali parę w serialu "Różowe lata 70

", to w prywatnym życiu w tamtym czasie nie łączyło ich uczucie. Byli dobrymi przyjaciółmi, a przez osiem lat nagrywania produkcji zdążyli się całkiem nieźle poznać

 Jeszcze w trakcie emisji serialu, około 2000 roku, oboje byli w poważnych związkach. Mila Kunis spotykała się z Macaulayem Culkinem znanym z roli Kevina w "Kevin sam w domu", natomiast Ashton Kutcher z Demi Moore, którą w końcu poślubił

 Cały wywiad Mili Kunis dostępny jest TUTAJ. AG

For more infomation >> ✅ Mila Kunis i Ashton Kutcher znają się od prawie 20 lat, ale zaiskrzyło między nimi stosunkowo nied - Duration: 2:15.


트럼프, 주한미군 철수언급 황당 - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> 트럼프, 주한미군 철수언급 황당 - Duration: 6:37.


'Ladies Get Lit Thursdays!' The View's Sara Haines Enjoys Drinks with Meghan McCain and Joy Behar Ah - Duration: 2:58.

 The ladies of The View are getting it!  Following the news that Sara Haines would be departing the talk show to join Michael Strahan on a new third hour of Good Morning America, Meghan McCain shared a picture of herself having a drink with Haines and a few other co-hosts — including Sunny Hostin, Joy Behar, and Paula Faris — to Instagram

 "Ladies get lit Thursday's!" she captioned the group shot on Thursday.  ABC is reportedly considering at least two politically-oriented television personalities to fill Haines' spot on the talk show: Fox News' Abby Huntsman and CNN contributor and regular The View guest Ana Navarro

Both women have openly conservative viewpoints, which would prove to be an interesting balance for the current dynamic

 McCain, who is currently the most outspoken Republican on the show, recently fought back against former View co-host Sherri Shepherd's comments that she was "tak[ing] the whole Republican world on her shoulders" and needed to "lighten up a little

" She appeared on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen on Wednesday and argued that despite how it might look to outsiders, she and her more liberal colleagues get along just fine after the cameras stop rolling

 In particular, she defended herself against long-standing feud rumors surrounding her and Behar

 "I genuinely have such affection for her. I really am over this 'feuding of Meghan and Joy' [rumor]

We fight like boxers and then we get out in the match and we pump glove and we're good," she explained

"I love Joy. She's really fun to go drinking with. Even though she can have one drink and she's wasted

"  At the same time, she was also receptive to the idea of adding another conservative woman's voice to the show panel as Haines exits, saying, "It's not important to me to have another Republican on the show

I think I can hold my own, and I'm very strong. Would it be nice? Of course."  Faris is also leaving The View and Good Morning America to pursue a new role at ABC, which focuses more on reporting and breaking news for the network

 The View airs weekdays (11 a.m. ET) on ABC.

For more infomation >> 'Ladies Get Lit Thursdays!' The View's Sara Haines Enjoys Drinks with Meghan McCain and Joy Behar Ah - Duration: 2:58.


ISP Trooper Hit - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> ISP Trooper Hit - Duration: 0:28.


여자친구 '여름여름해' 안무버전 MV - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> 여자친구 '여름여름해' 안무버전 MV - Duration: 2:29.


How Do Deaf People Make Music Videos? | ft. Jules Dameron - Duration: 13:48.

Jules: We just had a whole film--setup, with the lights, everything. Rogan: A good 10, 15 minutes.

Jules: He put up with my filmmaker requirements.

Rogan: Okay. That's our intro, that's fine.

Rogan: Hello, I'm Rogan and welcome. I have a special guest with me today.

Her name is Jules (Dameron). What do you do?

Jules: I make films. And everything else. Writing, acting, just started to do more theater stuff.

R: Exciting! So obviously, as you see from the title of this video today, I want to talk about

deaf people making music videos, how that works.

If you've been watching my channel for a while, you will know I made one kind of recently.

I thought we would want to discuss my process, how I made that, and her discuss her process.

She's made several music videos in her time.

So, see and compare the differences of that, and how we came up with the process.

J: It's really complicated.

I... Basically, the point of a music video is to understand the song itself. Like, okay.

How do you start to understand the song itself? You need to find everything about it.

Not just the lyrics, you also have to learn about the music, and the beat, timing.

R: What I did for the music video, I watched the karaoke video, with the words.

It has a moving bar that shows the beat, how long--if it's saying one word, like meeeee, it'll move slowly.

Then I know how long, how to sign it, that. I used that pretty much, I didn't even rely on sound, nothing.

I just watched the karaoke only. Then after I finished filming, I used in editing the same video,

I used that to cut and figure out how to match signs and words.

J: Also, music has its own properties. What's the feeling, what's the mood? That kind of thing.

So... And so to even assimilate that into the filmmaker, I'm deaf, so I'm like, okay.

And actually, doing the lyric karaoke videos are a good start. That's actually perfect, I do that sometimes.

But what I find most beneficial, I can't help myself. Every time I do a song, it's usually a famous song, usually.

They often already have ASL covers of those songs.

Understand, there's always someone who pronounces the words perfectly. Like... "Let it go, let it go."

You know, whatever, that pronouncing, then I lipread and see that's the exact timing.

Sometimes they mouth it to fit the energy.

Really, I tend to look for the singer, actual singer themselves if they filmed themselves,

then I can see how they emotionally deliver.

Basically, a song is like a puzzle for me. I hear it every time, I actually hear a little bit, but...

It's constantly, it's always different every time.

I listen to it, watch the video, stimulate myself, then I build and build a puzzle.

Every time I get a new piece of information, I add that and then by the end of it,

I finally have the full picture of the song. And that is a long process in itself.

R: Yes. J: But I don't mind doing it, because it's fun, but it's like...

R: I did look for the original music video, and that was not at all what I expected from the lyrics.

It was completely different.

I pictured it like, almost a love song saying don't worry about--a relationship song, and it is.

But the original music video is in a hospital. I didn't expect that from the lyrics.

Oh, that changes the mood, how to deliver that.

Examples of songs you've translated into music videos?

J: I've done a lot. R: Yes, a lot!

J: Each project is different, because... It depends on which one.

For "Let It Go" specifically, Amber (Zion) and Jason Listman and... Me.

We figured out the translation together, because we had to separate--we had to work together because there

were two characters playing that song, so we had to separate it into their respective parts.

Plus, I have a very specific idea myself too.

I think the key, really, is to understand what that song makes people feel. Like, take a famous song.

Deaf people don't know about that song, then we ask hearing people "what does this song make you feel?"

The goal is to make everything in the deaf lens to serve that feeling. Rather than literally.

Because if you do it literally, everything breaks down because we have a different culture. R: Right.

I'm very, very picky about HOW to translate anything, especially music because... It doesn't make sense--

For me, what makes a good translation is when the signed phrase fits perfectly with the sound, like butter.

It's like a beautiful relationship between the singing and the signing.

I like to think I make sure that it makes complete sense in a deaf perspective.

R: That is one problem I've noticed with some music video translations. They will go too far with the ASL.

It becomes abstract ASL, it loses all meaning, and you can't understand it at all. Like...

How are you supposed to understand that? Yeah. If it's separate, like ASL poetry or something, that's different.

Translation is key in all ASL music covers. Because translation takes everything the song's about,

and translates it to another language, another culture, carrying that over.

And many ASL music videos fail at that. Many will--I'm being honest, I'm being honest.

J: Unfortunately! I don't want that to be true, but it does. R: Unfortunately, yes.

A large majority of these are made by hearing ASL students. That, I don't consider those music videos.

I don't. I consider those... Practice...

J: I have to say that watching some of those videos are like nails on a chalkboard. R: Visual nails. Yes.

I'm fine if the ASL student makes it CLEAR that this is practice, just playing with the sign, learning sign.

Clear right there, I'm fine.

I have no problem with that, but if you try to call it an ASL cover or an ASL music video, no. Don't do that.

Even Spanish to English, English to Spanish, whatever, that is "easier" to translate...

But would you still do that if you were a student? No. You wouldn't.

So why is it okay to do that with ASL? J: Yeah!

R: Why? Is it because it's "not a real language?" No, it is.

It brings a lot of disappointment for us when we go, "oh!" and click on it... "Oh. Never mind."

People can't shake the fact that signing is beautiful with music.

R: It is. J: And, and yeah, that is good. That's why I think the deaf community should own that, you know.

R: It takes work! It takes work. J: Speaking from experience.

R: So what are examples of your favorite music videos that you've made?

I know, it's hard to pick, really I enjoy all of them.

J: I love many, I love every one like my baby. But the truth is, some of my most favorite...

"The Lazy Song," one of my favorites.

"Rolling in the Deep."

"Somebody I Used to Know."

And "Different Colors." R: Yes! J: I'm so proud of that one. I love that one.

R: I will go ahead and leave links to all of those down below so you can find them and watch. J: Thank you.

"The Lazy Song" is impressive, it's one take. All the way through, one take. No editing, so that's, wow.

That takes more work to actually memorize everything and not depend on editing.

J: That was fun. Oh my god, I'm so proud of that team.

R: So for music videos, you film and direct, but what about the performers?

How do you work with them for their work, signing and so on.

J: Oh my god, it's so much fun actually. Again, another challenging process. I myself as a film director--

I feel like it's different for me, because I have to memorize and study it, know it.

Then when I work with the deaf actor, I literally memorize the song to the point where I memorize the timings too.

Because... When I work with a deaf actor in front of the camera...

We do have music, but we also have someone cueing sometimes, it depends.

But if there's nothing, just the deaf person and me, I will just watch them

to make sure their translation fits the timing.

R: And the performer won't always be able to hear the music too. They don't know the song too.

So it helps to have someone else who knows it too to support them and make sure

they're hitting all the right times. J: Right. Right. Really, when I worked with Amber for "Rolling in the Deep"...

She hears nothing. Nothing.

Which means what? I basically just memorize the song with that, then I will talk with her a lot

about the translation, and sometimes the translation naturally falls into natural timing.

If you breathe and then sign, it matches timing. And I will watch, sing in my head while I watch her, Amber, sign.

That was interesting. I will just stare. I admit, it wore me out a little bit.

R: A lot of mental work! J: But the results! Oh my god. R: Yes!

J: And some can feel vibrations, so some sets, sometimes we have loud speakers to help

them know the count of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, you know, that kind of thing.

We did that with "The Lazy Song." The whole team for "The Lazy Song" was deaf. All of us.

And we had one deaf choreographer who understands the relationship to music with deaf people,

so that was cool using them for that. And really, we had that team of...

Six people, six or seven, that rough number of people all in the same shot.

So we had cues from all over, natural cues. They just went through it. It's really nice how it worked out.

A whole team helps! A team helps, and Spring Awakening.

It's full of timings for deaf people, and really, that's epic!

But you don't realize that we can do it, it's just figuring out timings, that's it.

R: It requires little adjustments of how things are done to make it work.

J: What I find naturally interesting is that music is like a heartbeat. And we have a heartbeat.

Deaf people have that, so we have that natural rhythm.

And I have one friend, Amelia (Hensley), an actor, and she hears nothing too.

But she can sign music so beautifully. Because she literally takes a breath and signs.

Like she breathes, breathing helps the beat with the music. It's cool.

Many people have asked me when's my next music video. I'm like... *sigh*

Do you realize how much work it is? It's not like I just film it, *snaps fingers* No.

I'm like yes, I mean, I want to do more. But it's just... Money, that. I have really high expectations,

and I want good quality, so it takes time. And I don't earn enough to keep that up.

I have to admit, it's hard for me to accept hearing people doing it.

I do accept it if it's done well, right, and respects deaf culture.

Let's be real here. If you are an ASL student, you've probably fantasized about doing an ASL music video

with your own signing, because you think signing is beautiful with music, and that's true!

That's fine. R: Yeah, that's fine.

R: If you make a music video, you have to be willing to play with the translations, play with how you sign things,

how you edit too. You have to play. Don't try to set in stone your first go. No, you have to adjust it.

It's a process. J: It depends on what you're willing to commit to.

But you gotta commit! You have to commit to this. It's a lot of work, and it requires a lot of thought.

And bottom line, include deaf people in your process.

Give them the opportunity first if possible.

It's a hard conversation, really. Do it right, do it better, do high quality, then I will stop complaining.

R: Okay, thank you for joining me today and discussing about our process for making music videos.

I hope you learned something from this video.

Let us know what your most interesting thing you learned from us today.

J: I want to know! R: Or what you want to see from us, what more you want to know about this.

Whatever. Leave them below.

J: Closed!

R: If you want to support my content, I have Patreon and ko-fi. Subscribe to this channel.

Follow me on all my socials - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Thanks for watching, see you next time.

For more infomation >> How Do Deaf People Make Music Videos? | ft. Jules Dameron - Duration: 13:48.


西方再次被中國低調所征服,秘密造出新核武器比肩美國 - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> 西方再次被中國低調所征服,秘密造出新核武器比肩美國 - Duration: 3:10.


西遊記後傳魔頭無天法力無邊又怎樣 這七位大神他一個也惹不起 - Duration: 9:44.

For more infomation >> 西遊記後傳魔頭無天法力無邊又怎樣 這七位大神他一個也惹不起 - Duration: 9:44.


che batosta per la santadeche'! il gruppo 'visibilia' dovrà 'reintegrare immediatamente' i ... - Duration: 2:29.

Il gruppo Visibilia, Visibilia Magazine srl in liquidazione e Visibilia Editore Spa, dovrà "reintegrare immediatamente" i giornalisti dei settimanali 'Visto' e 'Novella 2000' che hanno fatto ricorso contro il licenziamento collettivo

Lo ha deciso il Tribunale del Lavoro di Milano che ha condannato il gruppo editoriale dell'on

Daniela Santanchè anche alla corresponsione degli stipendi dal momento del licenziamento a quello della reintegrazione in servizio e al pagamento delle spese legali

Lo rende noto, in un comunicato, l'Associazione lombarda dei giornalisti (Alg) specificando che il giudizio favorevole giunge a quasi un anno dal licenziamento dei giornalisti

Dimitri d'Asburgo Lorena, del cda di Visibilia Editore, "contesta in fatto e diritto la sentenza

In una causa analoga - spiega - abbiamo vinto". "Nell'estate del 2017 - scrive il sindacato - Visibilia aveva interrotto l'applicazione della Cassa integrazione in essere dichiarando l'insostenibilità economica della propria attività, avviando la messa in liquidazione della Magazine e aprendo la procedura di mobilità per tutti i dipendenti

Un comportamento, questo, contestato dal sindacato dei giornalisti. Alg e Fnsi nell'ambito della procedura di licenziamento collettivo hanno infatti sempre denunciato l'utilizzo strumentale della liquidazione della società e della messa in mobilità dei giornalisti in quanto la pubblicazione delle testate Visto e Novella 2000 è continuata fino ad ora: ma appaltando all'esterno il lavoro giornalistico"

"Viene così a cadere il 'modus operandi' promosso da Visibilia - sottolineano Alg e Fnsi -

Licenziare per produrre i settimanali senza giornalisti assunti".

For more infomation >> che batosta per la santadeche'! il gruppo 'visibilia' dovrà 'reintegrare immediatamente' i ... - Duration: 2:29.


Alessandro Benetton: "Era un vero uomo di squadra. Coraggioso come i piloti Ferrari" - Duration: 1:09.

 Ho in mente l'incontro di svariati anni fa con John Elkann che si trovava dinanzi a un gigantesco punto interrogativo sul futuro di Fiat ed era alle prese con un nuovo amministratore delegato

Mi dice: sai, abbiamo preso un biglietto della lotteria acquistando Chrysler. Ma era appena il punto di inizio: perché quel biglietto sarebbe diventato una storica vincita e il salvataggio di Fiat

Non è stato però un evento fortunato, piuttosto il frutto della vera straordinaria innovazione introdotta

Per leggere TopNews devi essere abbonato 1,50€ A SETTIMANA Abbonati Con l'abbonamento TOPNEWS digitale avrai: • una selezione di articoli internazionali, nazionali e locali SEI GIÀ ABBONATO? ACCEDI Vuoi leggere tutti gli articoli? Scopri le offerte dell'abbonamento Tutto Digitale per pc, tablet e smartphone SCOPRI

For more infomation >> Alessandro Benetton: "Era un vero uomo di squadra. Coraggioso come i piloti Ferrari" - Duration: 1:09.


Quick Update Plus Reminder For Special Videos in August - Duration: 2:12.

Hello, I'm Viddy of ViddyOGamesForFun

and this is a very quick Viddy Plays update. One is next week's schedule

[that is, after you've just seen the Mario Party 2 multiplayer commentary for Mystery

Land] is going to be a little bit different.

I am going to be doing four videos that week. Tuesday to Thursday instead of Wednesday to Friday

[Australian time of course] will be for EarthBound. [I'm pretty sure EarthBound will still be three videos -

I do about an hour-and-a-half of recording] and on the Friday will be the

mostly promised Dalek video finally.

[Dalek says 'Exterminate'] Yes. I'm a bit late in uploading your video Dalek I am so sorry about that. But anyway

that's what's coming next week. And by the end of that week will be the 4th of July -

Sorry, I meant the 4th of August!

That's the deadline for choosing [as mentioned in a previous update] your favorite moments for the two upcoming

videos to celebrate Viddy Plays but more specifically ViddyOGamesForFun. One will as I've said before be the

Mario Party 2 and Mario Tennis multiplayer commentary compilation and Two will be the other

solo Viddy Plays material seen there including

Super Mario Maker fails, more Dalek stuff, and Super Mario Brothers as seen on ViddyOGamesForFun my main channel.

Again, you should check that channel out if you haven't already. So basically that is what is to come next week and by

August 4th, [whatever timezone you're in that doesn't matter] choose your favorite moments - again

if you don't choose favourite moments, or you can't pick favourite moments, that is absolutely ok.

I am still in the midst of looking at - looking back at all of my videos in choosing the moments. If you want any

clarification on those or you want to know if there are any running gags or inside jokes or you want any clarification at all or

any of that stuff just comment down below. I think I stuffed up a bit when I said 'comment down below'.

Anyways, that's the end of this quick video. I'm Viddy of ViddyOGamesForFun, and I will see you soon.

Have a good - have a good day or night or whatever it is. Yeah. Bye.

For more infomation >> Quick Update Plus Reminder For Special Videos in August - Duration: 2:12.


老年痴呆很可怕,預防原來這麼簡單,可惜大多數人不知道! - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> 老年痴呆很可怕,預防原來這麼簡單,可惜大多數人不知道! - Duration: 4:49.


How to Video Adventure Races (Rabbit Cam), Top 10 Tips for Stunt Videography - Duration: 15:14.

Key ways to succeed as a "rabbit camera" out on the trail: What is it rabbit

camera or rabbit cam as it's known as? Well it's basically you are out on the

trail capturing a first-person POV point of view meaning that you are in the race

running amongst the athletes it is a perspective that is so unique because

the audience actually feels like they are in the middle of the race now

because of the interesting nature of actually running with a camera there are

a lot of things that you have to keep in mind so this is a top 10 list that I

have put together after many many years of running as a rabbit cam with NBC

Sports the Tough Mudder spartan race you name it adventure videography

first-person POV is the name of the game and I'm here to

share with you some secrets and hints tips and tricks number one thing that

you have to keep in mind is buttery smooth footage you don't want to be

running like this or you're gonna make the audience sick as if they're watching

the Blair Witch Project now of course the ultimate buttery smooth footage

would be derived from a drone but you don't want to drone flying and buzzing

among the athletes you're gonna cut up someone's ear so instead you need a

gimbal get some oh they're pretty relatively well priced anywhere from a

hundred to two hundred fifty dollars on Amazon if you're running with a GoPro if

you're running with something heavier well first of all go minimalists you're

probably gonna go really slow if it's anything heavier than an iPhone or a

GoPro now you may be like but whoa high quality videography this is where we're

at this is cinematic filmmaking nonsense you can get outstanding footage from an

iPhone 10 12 15 whatever number they're on at the viewing of this video but

point beam get buttery smooth footage and go with a gimbal run with the gimbal

now if in fact you're gonna be swimming you know water obstacles things of that

nature you're not gonna want a gimbal and in that case you're just gonna want

to do a head mount now head mounts aren't as smooth as holding a gimbal but

it's the next best thing that you can to get that buttery smooth footage

whatever you do don't run with a camera I saw this one guy running with a camera

on a sort of looked like that an antenna on his backpack and it was just wagging

like this and I was just picturing the footage looking like this the entire

time which is horrible also don't do a chest mount don't do handheld if at all

possible unless you're used to videography and running extremely

smoothly with your hands stabilized as the rest of your body is running so it

really takes a fine touched in order to run even with the gimbal oh and also

with that being said run with the gimbal like a lightsaber don't run with it up

and down like this a lightsaber and that would give the smoothest possible

footage when you're running with a gimbal a lightsaber second thing you

need to keep in mind as a rabbit camera Dress for Success now you're going to be

tempted to be out there with your shirt off and you're gonna be looking great

along with all of the other racers but let's be honest you're gonna be out

there all day long you're not there just for one race you might even run the

course one or two times and if in fact you get down to number 10 or rather yeah

number 10 secret you're gonna want to run the race

yourself I know there's this logic to that but anyway

Dress for Success cover your elbows cover your knees put some sunscreen on

of course you're not gonna wear a giant floppy Sun bonnet as you're running it

out there you're gonna look ridiculous that's gonna be up a lot of drag but

point being I see a lot of people not really dress well and they're taking

their shirt off and their look at all fancy with their Ripley abs and and

pulsing pecs but you know they're not gonna last very long if they're out

there all day so wear compression tights wear preferably a shirt if they give you

a staff shirt do that in order to give you some kind of authority if you don't

have this wear something with no logo so you're as generic as possible so if in

fact you do stumble into the footage it's not like

Hey this rabbit cam is sponsored in part by Nike and Nike is not a sponsor of the

event that's kind of awkward and then they can't use your footage because you

bombed it or they fuzz it out anyway Dress for Success now this is somewhat

unique to me but for number three I would say cheer on the athletes some

people say no no you don't want to have anything to do with the athletes I

actually built some great relationships with these elite athletes throughout the

years because I run with them and now granted I can't give them an unfair

advantage like I can't say hey you're that the second-place just dropped out

because they've got cramps in their legs I can't tell them things like that or I

can't be like hey duck under this tape in order to skip the course obviously

I'm not gonna tell them how to cheat however I am gonna cheer them on I'm

gonna say hey how you feeling right now and if they want to talk they'll talk

sometimes some athlete I've told me they actually appreciate a little distraction

and they're like hey thanks for running with me and it's kind of a cool rapport

that you're building and the reason why I do this is that because I am taking

footage of them and honestly it's the least that I can ask to well cheer them

on and I'm not you know out there to exploit them and make them look bad but

I'm actually in the race with them so to speak and they're giving me incredible

incredible footage so the last thing you want to do is build animosity between

you and the athletes you're probably gonna stumble into them

and some obstacles or you're running along some single track with them and

they might shout at you get out of the way and you just apologize that's the

nature of being a rabid cam as you are in the race itself but you can't be a

complete fly on the wall you will be bumping into them here and there and so

the best thing to do is to build a good rapport with them and one of the best

ways to do that is to just cheer them on and be a real person out there go

minimalist I see a lot of videographers out there who are running on the trail

with giant backpacking they can't run for

very far the name of the game is keeping up with the athletes and in order to do

that you're gonna have to run very very simply now earlier I was mentioning how

you're putting on some compression tights and long shirt things like that

why am i doing that I thought you said go minimalist just now well what I mean

by minimalist is you know don't carry along a giant rig don't think that you

need to carry water with you there's gonna be water stations along the way

odds are in this type of adventure race now there are some adventure races where

you're out for a week at a time and in that case you're still gonna have to

pack really really smartly because you are basically running the same speed as

the athletes including their equipment plus camera equipment so you are being

pretty hardcore right now it's gonna take a special mindset to be very

strategic with what you pack don't go crazy now yes do carry an extra SD cards

do carry extra batteries in some cases I carry an extra camera if it's light

enough just add a little extra GoPro camera pack it all into a ziploc bag

sometimes - especially if you're gonna be submerged or and swimming through

water obstacles and just put it in a little runners belt it's a very thin

belt that goes around your waist it doesn't flop around very much and you

pretty much forget about it also I would recommend bringing a little little

chamois Micro cloth just in the event that you really get some gunk on your

camera and I try to keep my camera lens as clean as possible usually every

minute or two I'm trying to wipe it off on my shirt and if push comes to shove I

can just unzip my runners belt pull up the chamois cloth and really do a number

on the lens to clean it very well because after all that's that's why

you're there to get good footage and if halfway through the race you realize

that there's been a blob of dirt on your camera for the last you know 50 minutes

wow that's gonna really be lame so keep your camera clean and the best way to do

that is to pack some extra things train train train train train this is number

five train for this but don't just be like ah whatever you

know I'm just gonna be a videographer out there a fly-on-the-wall not doing

anything no no no no no you aren't going to be running if not harder than the

athletes sure you're able to skip some obstacles is there crawling under the

barbed wire but you know when push comes to shove you are in fact running the

entire race not once not twice but probably upwards of three times

depending on if there's a women's heat and immense heat so you're gonna have to

work out and if you want to do this in a long term you're gonna want to treat

your body well so you know the easiest way to get an injury is not to train for

this so train for this this is hard work being a rabbit cam there are some races

where you are live-streaming your stream so let's say for example I'm carrying an

iPhone it's connected to base camp and they're taking that feed and chopping it

together maybe with other rabbit cameras or maybe it's just you so it is

absolutely imperative that you are communicating with base camp because if

your feed cuts out and goes dead they're gonna have to contact you somehow so the

downside to be to live-streaming is I would recommend carrying a radio usually

they're pretty darn heavy and you don't want that extra weight so normally I

would say don't carry a radio be streamlined minimalist middlemist

minimalist however it is imperative that you communicate with base camp so if you

are live-streaming or if you have some equipment if they're carrying that

you're carrying along with you or you're out for days on end be sure you have a

radio or very solid cell phone connection be smart with communication

number seven your footage will only be as good as you know the course let me

repeat that your footage will only be as good as well as you know the course that

being said you're probably just gonna be showing up the day before to quickly get

a rundown on the course so I would highly highly highly recommend actually

running jogging walking the entire course yes some of these obstacle

courses it can be upwards of 15 miles sometimes it's a full marathon but

build into the day before to actually go out and walk the course because once you

know the course then you're able to skip certain sections let's say in fact you

you you miss the leader and he just pulls out in front of you because these

people are amazing athletes you're gonna want to know where to cut a corner to

hop under the tape and pick them up again so get to know the course bring a

map along with you make lots of notes your footage is just as good as you know

the course number eight this might seem like a no duh but you won't believe how

many times have forgot this bring garbage bags in your in your luggage

because you're gonna be so dirty you're not gonna have time to hose out your

shoes and things like that but bring copious amounts of garbage bags throw

your muddy clothes in there so you can hop on the plane and get on back home

fun little pro tip try to shower before you get on the plane you know a lot of

these places afters hoses and stuff you hose yourself down but it is very very

nice to actually hop on a plane without mud and your eyes and your ears and plus

it's a little weird and awkward when you're sitting next to someone and you

don't smell very good a lot of this mud is yucky especially if you're running in

a Equestrian Center ooh lots of poop in the mud so be sure to well find a

trucker place nearby or a public pool and get showered up as a professional

rabbit camera professional means you're getting paid because you are providing

something of value now a lot of people say hey I'll just do this for free if it

means free admission I mean it's so much fun but guys you're putting your body on

the line so yes negotiate and ask to be compensated fairly and when people say

well how much do you charge I hate to say it depends but it does depend I

could be out for a week out in the middle of nowhere using my own equipment

or I could just be somewhere for less than 24 hours they're providing all the

equipment and it's a super super cush gig so it really does depend but do keep

in mind that they're not just paying your salary but they're paying your food

and all these other extraneous expenses that stack up and so be reasonable yes

the goose but don't push too hard because yeah

they have a budget and they might have some really good food for you but don't

think that that means that the budget the producers and directors are just

swimming in it they got to cut costs somewhere so yeah just be polite

basically and they will treat you well I know this is kind of bizarre and it's

probably gonna distinguish me from a lot of rabbit cameras out there but I would

highly recommend that you actually run the race I mean when all is said and

done when you are done filming you turn in your footage or maybe they're copy

and pasting your footage from your SD card right then and there just be like

hey I'm gonna go out for a couple hours and run the race ah ask some other

people to go with you too because it's kind of lame when you run things by

yourself but when you're doing it with other people it is so much fun and I say

this because I don't want you to lose the magic of these races there's so much

fun to do now obviously you can't maybe do a full adventure race especially if

you're going out for a week or two at a time

but do some major major sections of the course or just go out on a really long

jog just to appreciate the essence the energy and sometimes the atmosphere is

just so much fun and you know the more you do any kind of work whether it's you

know climbing a mountain or skydiving or or paragliding that you will build some

form of cynicism towards that industry and what I mean is this is that the more

you're in the industry and the more you become an expert at it the more you

notice little things that bother you because you've been doing it for so long

and you kind of have your way your formula that you just plug things into

and you just comfortably get things done but I would encourage you not to be

comfortable and the best way to do that is to keep throwing yourself curveballs

and go out and actually run the course yourself so don't lose the magic yes

you're providing a valuable skill and you're probably getting paid for this

but when push comes to shove you're doing it because it's an adventure and

that is adventure videography hopefully these hints tips tricks on being a

rabbit camp helps you go out and film an adventure

race yourself my name is beau chef su contact info is nearby somewhere on this

page and I look forward to seeing you out in the events in the races in the

fields in the mountains wherever cameras take us


For more infomation >> How to Video Adventure Races (Rabbit Cam), Top 10 Tips for Stunt Videography - Duration: 15:14.


Glicemia delle Bevande energetiche: ricarica o veleno?! - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> Glicemia delle Bevande energetiche: ricarica o veleno?! - Duration: 6:05.





família do novo namorado de Lulu Santos se posiciona sobre o relacionamento e diz se aprova - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> família do novo namorado de Lulu Santos se posiciona sobre o relacionamento e diz se aprova - Duration: 3:38.





















One more time, I move to the side as I pound him to the other side.



For more infomation >> TAKEDOWN DEFENSE IN THE STREET - HOW TO STAND UP IN A REAL COMBAT - Duration: 2:32.


Michael Cohen Ready To Say Trump Knew Of Trump Tower Meeting Beforehand | The 11th Hour | MSNBC - Duration: 14:00.

For more infomation >> Michael Cohen Ready To Say Trump Knew Of Trump Tower Meeting Beforehand | The 11th Hour | MSNBC - Duration: 14:00.


✅ Cristiano Ronaldo skazany. Musi zapłacić fortunę - Duration: 1:29.

W zamian za wpłacenie wspomnianej sumy fiskus ma zakończyć proces wytoczony Ronaldo z powodu ukrywania części zobowiązań podatkowych

Jest on oskarżony o niezapłacenie 14,7 mln euro z tytułu swoich praw do wizerunku w latach 2011-2014. W maju zwrócił się z wnioskiem o polubowne zakończenie prowadzonego przeciwko niemu postępowania

Zaproponował fiskusowi zwrócenie 14 mln euro. Na początku tego roku dziennik "El Confidencial" ujawnił, że skarbówka oskarżyła Portugalczyka o cztery przestępstwa podatkowe, w tym o zadeklarowanie mniejszych o 77 proc

wpływów z tytułu praw do wizerunku. Urzędnicy zarzucili piłkarzowi zatajenie 106 mln euro. W 2015 roku piłkarz zwrócił hiszpańskiemu fiskusowi 5,7 mln euro

Zapłacił tę kwotę krótko po tym, jak urząd skarbowy w Madrycie uruchomił śledztwo w sprawie nieprawdziwych informacji przekazywanych przez ówczesnego piłkarza Realu w swoich deklaracjach podatkowych

W klubie z Madrytu Ronaldo występował od 2009 roku. W pierwszej połowie lipca przeniósł się do Juventusu Turyn.

For more infomation >> ✅ Cristiano Ronaldo skazany. Musi zapłacić fortunę - Duration: 1:29.


Últimas notícia de hoje : Lua de sangue desta sexta-feira poderá ser vista do DF - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : Lua de sangue desta sexta-feira poderá ser vista do DF - Duration: 3:34.


Após ter vídeo íntimo vazado, Felipe Neto faz desabafo e afirma que vai processar ... - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Após ter vídeo íntimo vazado, Felipe Neto faz desabafo e afirma que vai processar ... - Duration: 4:26.


Com Fátima Bernardes na Espanha, Túlio Gadêlha usa redes sociais para reclamar da distância - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Com Fátima Bernardes na Espanha, Túlio Gadêlha usa redes sociais para reclamar da distância - Duration: 3:27.


✅ Brat Patryka Jakiego jest hip-hopowcem. Filu-JKey nie unika wulgaryzmów i rapuje o legalizacji mar - Duration: 1:36.

Patryk Jaki to znany polityk Solidarnej Polski, który będzie startował w wyborach na prezydenta Warszawy. Ale tym razem nie jest o nim głośno za sprawą polityki, a jego brata

Filip Jaki, czyli Filu-JKey wyrasta na hiphopową gwiazdę i wydaje się, że zdecydowanie różni się od pana Patryka.Kim jest Filu-JKey?Filu-JKey to dwudziestolatek, który poszedł w muzyczną stronę

Zajmuje się hip-hopem i choć jest dopiero początkującym muzykiem, jego media społecznościowe już cieszą się sporym zainteresowaniem

W sieci ukazały się już jego pierwsze utwory. Filip Jaki przygotowuje się do wydania swojego debiutanckiego krążka.  Kim jest brat Patryka Jakiego?Filip Jaki urodził się w 1998 r

Brat Patryka Jakiego w swoich piosenkach nie unika wulgaryzmów i otwarcie przyznaje, że jest za legalizacją marihuany w naszym kraju

  Przypominamy, że Patryk Jaki za to od lat jest zwolennikiem karania za posiadanie miękkich narkotyków. Filu-JKey wyraźnie zaznacza, że nie interesuje go polityka

 Pierwsza płyta Filipa Jakiego będzie nosiła tytuł "Pierwszy krok". Kupicie? JTB.R.O - KOŁO PLOTKA EXTRA

For more infomation >> ✅ Brat Patryka Jakiego jest hip-hopowcem. Filu-JKey nie unika wulgaryzmów i rapuje o legalizacji mar - Duration: 1:36.


Valentim (Danilo Mesquita) desconfiará de Rosa (Letícia Colin) em Segundo Sol, novela das nove da Gl - Duration: 4:53.

 Valentim (Danilo Mesquita) desconfiará de Rosa (Letícia Colin) em , novela das nove da Globo

O rapaz acreditará que a namorada esconde algumas coisas dele e a colocará contra a parede

 Rosa tem um segredo que pode mudar a vida de Valentim: ela sabe que o jovem é filho de Luzia (Giovanna Antonelli) e foi roubado por Karola (Deborah Secco) ainda bebê

Mas ela aceitou virar sócia de Laureta (Adriana Esteves) e guardar a descoberta a sete chaves

Porém, segurar essa bomba relógio será difícil.  A megera ficará irritada em casa e Valentim comentará com a namorada que Karola e Beto (Emilio Dantas) brigaram por causa de Luzia, a marisqueira que vivia em Boiporã

"É que meus pais brigaram hoje por causa dessa mulher que ele ama, lá do Boiporã

Miguel enlouqueceu de paixão por uma marisqueira há quase vinte anos atrás. Até hoje ele pensa nela! E minha mãe encontrou uma foto dela que meu pai tinha guardado", explicará ele

 Rosa vai querer saber mais e o rapaz relatará que a mãe surtou por causa da rival

"O que?! Picotou a foto da coitada! Eu morro de pena de minha mãe… Ela pode ser descompensada, mas é a mulher que me pariu!", falará Valentim  "Pois não devia ter tanta pena dela, não!", reagirá Rosa, perturbada por não poder revelar o segredo

O filho de Beto estranhará o comentário da namorada: "Por que você diz isso? Por que você implica tanto com minha mãe? Você fica aí fazendo gracinha, mas eu acho que você não me fala tudo", dirá o jovem

 "Você que tá paranoico!", responderá a moça. "Rosa, você é muito estranha mesmo! A cada hora tá de um jeito! Fica agressiva do nada…", comentará Valentim

"Acredite no que você quiser! Tanto faz pra mim! Aliás, estou de saco cheio dessa conversa!", vai disparar a irmã de Maura (Nanda Costa)

 Rosa não gostará da pressão e Valentim insistirá para ela contar o que está escondendo

"Sempre me enrolando, sempre fugindo da raia quando eu lhe faço alguma pergunta", falará o rapaz

"Quer saber? Vou me embora, antes que eu fale o que eu não devia!", vai comentar Rosa

 "Pois fale o que não devia! O que é que você quer falar, Rosa? Fale! Não é livre? O que é que você tanto esconde de mim?", questionará Valentim

"Dá licença! Vou embora! E não venha atrás de mim!", desviará a garota de programa, que sairá da casa do namorado e o deixará chateado

 A cena vai ao ar nesta sexta-feira (27) em .

For more infomation >> Valentim (Danilo Mesquita) desconfiará de Rosa (Letícia Colin) em Segundo Sol, novela das nove da Gl - Duration: 4:53.


ওকি ও বন্ধু কাজল ভ্রমরারে।। অসাধারণ একটি গান # NW PRO - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> ওকি ও বন্ধু কাজল ভ্রমরারে।। অসাধারণ একটি গান # NW PRO - Duration: 5:34.


Amigo de Neymar, David Brazil ganha festão organizado pelo jogador - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Amigo de Neymar, David Brazil ganha festão organizado pelo jogador - Duration: 2:28.


Sem Marquezine, Neymar encontra filho, Carol Dantas e namorado dela em casamento - Duration: 2:29.

 Durante as férias no Brasil, Neymar Jr está casando alguns amigos! Depois de subir ao altar como padrinho do ex-jogador Léo em Santos ao lado de Bruna Marquezine, na terça-feira (24), o atleta escolhido novamente para o posto no casamento de Samara Costa e Márcio Spinelli

Por conta das gravações da reta final de "Deus Salve o Rei", a intérprete da vilã Catarina não conseguiu acompanhar o namorado nesta sexta-feira (26)

A cerimônia foi realizada na Igreja Nossa Senhora do Brasil, no bairro do Jardim Europa, em São Paulo - mesma escolhida por Bruna Hamú para seu casamento com Diego Moregola em julho

Além do atacante do Paris Saint-Germain, sua ex-namorada, Carol Dantas, foi convidada com o filho, Davi Lucca, e o atual namorado, Vinícius Martinez

  Neymar mostra filho mexendo em redes sociais: 'Aprendendo'  Davi foi um dos pajens do casamento e estava todo de branco

Já a empresária e influencer escolheu um modelo com recortes na cintura. Após a celebração religiosa, Neymar filmou Davi Lucca, de 7 anos, todo animado mexendo no celular

"Aprendendo a usar o Instagram", escreveu o jogador, adicionando emojis de risada

O perfil do menino não é público, mas tem seguidores importantes, como Marquezine e o próprio craque


For more infomation >> Sem Marquezine, Neymar encontra filho, Carol Dantas e namorado dela em casamento - Duration: 2:29.


Thủ tục thay đổi đăng ký doanh nghiệp | Dịch vụ cho doanh nghiệp - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Thủ tục thay đổi đăng ký doanh nghiệp | Dịch vụ cho doanh nghiệp - Duration: 4:48.


GOZANDO RAPIDO: Vem Vamos Bater um Papo - COMO ACABAR Com Ejaculação Precoce - Duration: 6:43.

For more infomation >> GOZANDO RAPIDO: Vem Vamos Bater um Papo - COMO ACABAR Com Ejaculação Precoce - Duration: 6:43.


✅ Mila Kunis i Ashton Kutcher znają się od prawie 20 lat, ale zaiskrzyło między nimi stosunkowo nied - Duration: 2:15.

Mila Kunis i Ashton Kutcher są małżeństwem od trzech lat, ale znają się już od niemal dwudziestu! Oboje grali w serialu "Różowe lata 70

", a ich bohaterów łączyła burzliwa miłość. Mila Kunis o związku z Ashtonem Kutcherem w "Armchair Expert"Dziś tworzą szczęśliwą rodzinę

Razem wychowują trzyletnią córeczkę Wyatt i półtorarocznego syna Dimitra. Jak teraz potwierdziła Kunis w wywiadzie dla "Armchair Expert", nie była to miłość od pierwszego wejrzenia

Aktorka przyznała, że zaczęła spotykać się z Kutcherem zupełnie przez przypadek! Kutcher umówił Kunis na randkę w ciemno z innym mężczyzną, ale jej potencjalny partner nie pojawiał się na spotkaniu

To spowodowało, że gwiazda "To tylko seks" w końcu zdecydowała się na randkę ze swoim aktualnym mężem.Kunis wspomniała też, jak pierwszy raz powiedziała swojej mamie, że spotyka się z Kutcherem:Niedługo później okazało się, że aktorka świetnie dogaduje się z Kutcherem i jest między nimi chemia, dlatego już w 2014 roku się zaręczyli, a w następnym roku byli już po ślubie

Aktualnie para ma dwoje dzieci. Mila Kunis i Ashton Kutcher zaprzyjaźnili się na planie serialu Mimo że Mila Kunis i Ashton Kutcher grali parę w serialu "Różowe lata 70

", to w prywatnym życiu w tamtym czasie nie łączyło ich uczucie. Byli dobrymi przyjaciółmi, a przez osiem lat nagrywania produkcji zdążyli się całkiem nieźle poznać

 Jeszcze w trakcie emisji serialu, około 2000 roku, oboje byli w poważnych związkach. Mila Kunis spotykała się z Macaulayem Culkinem znanym z roli Kevina w "Kevin sam w domu", natomiast Ashton Kutcher z Demi Moore, którą w końcu poślubił

 Cały wywiad Mili Kunis dostępny jest TUTAJ. AG

For more infomation >> ✅ Mila Kunis i Ashton Kutcher znają się od prawie 20 lat, ale zaiskrzyło między nimi stosunkowo nied - Duration: 2:15.


O Canna-bis! US marijuana companies go public in Canada - Duration: 3:33.

The Associated Press PORTLAND, United States — Green Thumb Industries had a business plan, expertise and plenty of ambition to grow its marijuana business

What the Chicago-based company didn't have was access to enough capital to make it all happen

So last month, the company with $20 million in revenue from pot shops in seven states turned its gaze north and went public in Canada, where marijuana soon will be broadly legalized nationwide

May also interest you: Trump recorded discussing paying for Playboy model's story The Canadian Securities Exchange is quickly becoming the go-to place for U

S. cannabis companies orphaned by their own stock exchanges because the U.S. government still considers marijuana an illegal drug

Green Thumb took over a publicly traded Canadian company, added an "Inc." to its name and went public

The company raised $67 million U.S. dollars, money that will allow Green Thumb to get licenses in new states and open more retail stores across America

"The phone rings more, we're talking to more people, and business has expanded," company founder Ben Kovler said

"We're just excited about what's happening." In recent months, prominent U.S. pot companies including MedMen, Liberty Health Care and Chalice Farms have listed on the Canadian Securities Exchange, raising capital and drawing attention from wealthy investors in Asia, Europe and Australia who want to make a play in the cannabis industry but are spooked by the U

S. federal prohibition. Many more U.S. marijuana companies are lined up to join them as the U

S. industry quickly expands. Acreage Holdings, one of the United States' largest vertically integrated cannabis companies, announced Monday it will list on the Canadian Securities Exchange this fall because it's become the "exchange of choice for U

S. companies like ours." Two-thirds of U.S. states now allow medical marijuana, and nine of them and Washington, D

C., have legalized recreational use. Last month, voters in Oklahoma approved medical marijuana, further evidence of the eroding opposition even in conservative states

For more infomation >> O Canna-bis! US marijuana companies go public in Canada - Duration: 3:33.


Flagra! João Guilherme e Jade Picon são clicados aos beijos em aniversário - Duration: 1:41.

Na última quarta-feira (25), a atriz e influencer Gabi Lopes fez uma festança de aniversário no Hopi Hari, famoso parque de diversões no interior de São Paulo

E muita gente famosa passou pelo local para prestigiá-la. Entre os presentes, estavam João Guilherme e Jade Picon, que já vinham dando rumores de que estariam juntos ao curtirem alguns eventos juntinhos

Porém, em um momento da festa, eles aparecem aos beijos mostrando que o relacionamento está mais que confirmado

Além deles, Rodrigo Simas, Agatha Moreira, Nego do Borel com a namorada, Polliana Aleixo, Marcello Melo Jr, Leo Picon e muitos outros estiveram por lá

Os shows ficaram por conta de Luisa Sonza, Clau, que é agencidada por Anitta, e Mc Pocahontas

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