(Translated lyrics): Congratulations (Lance) in your day, that today you pass with healthy joy
Many years of peace and harmony, happiness, happiness, happiness~
Congratulations (Lance) in your day, that today you pass with healthy joy
Many years of peace and harmony, happiness, happiness, happiness~
Happy birthday! On this day!
We wish you, a lot of happiness <3
Congratulations (Lance) in your day, that today you pass with healthy joy
Many years of peace and harmony, happiness, happiness, happiness~
Happy birthday! On this day!
Congratulations! A lot of happiness!
For more infomation >> Feliz Cumpleaños Lance || (Advertencia de música cubanita y mala edición) - Duration: 1:42.-------------------------------------------
El espíritu y la guerra invisible, reflexión científica - Duration: 2:22.
U xơ tử cung thường gặp trong các khối u tử cung - Duration: 12:49.
Health Network, For Public Health
Hi, you are listening to audio on mangyte.vn website
Uterine fibroids are common in uterine tumors
Uterine fibroid is the most common disease in the tumors of the uterus.
1. Characteristics of uterine fibroids.
In uterine fibroids, fibroids can have a uterus, but often many uterine fibroids throughout, committing smaller or larger, depending on each case.
Most of the growth occurs in the body of the uterus, but in rare cases the nucleus may be seen in the cervix, in the circular ligament or broad ligament.
The fibrosis is cancerous, accounting for only 0.5%.
According to scientists, the cause of uterine fibroids is not well known, but the hormone estrogen,
has a significant effect on the fibroid, because people with uterine fibroids, often with the hormone estrogen state.
In fact, quite clearly, women use a high dose of hormone estrogen, which will cause the fiber to grow faster,
The fibroid is also fast growing with the uterus, during pregnancy, and the fibroid will stop growing when it reaches menopause.
However, there is no solid evidence to prove that the hormone estrogen, which causes uterine fibrous growth,
It is not known whether the hormone estrogen, the cause or effect of the uterus.
The prevalence of uterine fibroids in women is high, in our country, the estimated incidence of uterine fibroids in women,
About 18 to 20 percent of all gynecological diseases are actually considered to be low,
Probably because there are women with uterine fibroids, but no clinical symptoms, so not examined for examination.
Although small intestinal fibrosis is asymptomatic, they can sometimes cause severe symptoms, requiring immediate medical attention.
The scientists note,
Cystic fibrosis usually develops in women with estrogen hormone deficiency and is common in premenopausal women.
Depending on the anatomical location, the uterine fibroids originate in the muscle, which can be divided into three distinct categories:
The fibrosis below the mucosa develops just below the lining of the uterus, and grows toward the uterus,
This fibroid may have a stalk, and grow into the uterine cavity, sometimes through the cervix that grows toward the vagina,
fibrous stems, which can be twisted or infected.
Human interstitial fibrosis, or fibrous nucleus in the muscle, is located in the uterus, which causes the muscle to become enlarged.
Peritoneal fibrosis develops towards the abdominal cavity, peritoneum, sometimes with stems,
If the peritoneal nucleus develops in the two broad ligaments, it becomes the nucleus in the ligament.
2. Pathological symptoms.
Symptoms of myocardial infarction:There may be cases of patients with uterine fibroids,
It does not cause clinical symptoms, especially obesity, although the fibroid is enlarged, but the patient does not know and detect.
Depending on the location of the anatomy and mass, the uterine fibroid may cause symptoms,
such as abnormal bleeding, abdominal pain, pinching, infertility, and so on.
Abnormal bleeding is an important symptom, initially characterized by menorrhagia,
It can cause menstrual bleeding, more menstrual bleeding than normal,
Finally, the menstrual cycle is altered, the abnormal bleeding due to the fibrous nucleus, eventually leading to anemia.
Abdominal pain is a rare symptom, often painful due to degenerative fibrosis,
or the uterus contracted to subdue fibrosis, out of the uterus,
Can cause severe sensation in the lower abdomen, fibrous growth in the sub-frame, can compress the nerves, causing pain symptoms spread to the lower limb.
Pressing is a phenomenon, the fibrous nucleus in the ligaments, which can cause compression of the organs in the sub-
such as the ureter, the bladder, the rectum, etc., create urinary symptoms, digestion, and so on.
Infertility is a condition in which the fibrous nucleus deforms the uterus, causing abortion and premature birth.
About physical examination:two-handed gynecological examination can easily detect uterine fibroids,
Sometimes the cervix is pulled up high on the joint, due to large fibrous cervix.
Co-ordination of gynecological examination, with functional symptoms, can determine the location of the fibroid:
Peritoneal fibrosis protrudes into the abdominal cavity, causes the outside of the uterus to deform,
It can be seen just below the hand placed on the abdomen, which causes less bleeding.
The fibrous uterus in the uterine layer also causes less bleeding, but causes the entire uterus to enlarge, very often confused with the pregnancy in the uterus.
The subcutaneous mucosa develops towards the uterine cavity, causing a large bleeding, infection of the fibrous nucleus,
However, when the examination is difficult to know, because the uterus is almost normal, if a type of fiber stalk, commonly called uterine polyps,
Can see the fiber, when the platypus test specimen vagina and cervix.
On subclinical testing:Blood counts are often seen in red blood cells, because patients with persistent blood loss, leucocytes may increase, and the rate of blood clots is usually high.
Imaging of the uterine cavity by contrast medium, which can be seen in the distal uterus,
In the case of fibrous tissue under the mucosa, the entire uterine cavity is enlarged, in the case of interstitial fibrosis,
In the case of peritoneal fibrosis, imaging of the uterus reveals the normal uterus.
Measurement of the uterus indicates that the uterus is larger than normal, and if there is a fibroid in the uterine cavity, the metric may touch the nucleus and be deflected.
Dilation of the uterus in case of uterine fibroids,
The uterus of the uterus develops normally, the glands secretion many, with the image of hormone estrogen.
In diagnosing uterine fibroids, differentiating between intrauterine pregnancies, stillbirths, ovarian tumors, and so on, should be distinguished.
Pregnancy in the womb may be confused with a fibrous nucleus in the interstitium, because the uterus is large and tender,
and determined by HCG test, (human chorionic gonadotropin), positive.
Pregnancy in the womb can be confused with uterine fibroids, especially the peritoneum,
Thorough examination, to detect tumor mobility relative to the uterus, uterine film, and fallopian tubes, can also be seen in the fallopian tube, around the ovary tumor.
3. Common complications.
Although uterine fibroids are benign, they can cause some complications to be noted.
Although uterine fibroids are benign, they can cause some complications to be noted.
Pressurization of the ureters, bladder, colon, may be caused by enlarged fibroid tissue.
Fibrosis can cause infertility, uterine cavity deformity, abortion, premature birth.
During labor for childbirth, the uterus of the cervix, which can cause abnormal fetuses, may become a prostatic tumor to block the exit of the abortion.
After birth, uterine fibroids may affect uterine contraction, resulting in postpartum haemorrhage.
In the postnatal period, the uterine fibroids may be infected.
4. Treatment and prevention.
The choice of treatment, depending on the patient's age, number of births,
pregnancy status, clinical manifestations, position and fiber mass.
In many cases, the uterine core does not need to be treated, without causing a symptom,
Or, if the patient is already menopause, however, be sure it is fibrous, not ovarian,
Therefore, patients should be screened again every 6 months.
Surgical treatment is the cheapest and most radical treatment,
However, it is difficult to determine the size of the fibrous nucleus, but it is recommended that surgery,
Surgical removal of the fibrous nucleus, if the uterine fibroid is pregnant from 12 to 14 weeks of age, although no complications of compression and bleeding.
Surgery may involve the removal of fibrosis, vaginal fibrosis, hysterectomy, or complete removal.
In cases where the patient has uterine fibroids, causes mild complications, or contraindicates surgery,
Because of a disease of the whole body, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.,
medical treatment with synthetic progestatif, from day 15 to 24 of the menstrual cycle,
At a dose of 5mg x 2 tablets a day, progesterone tube 10 to 20mg every 2 days,
On the 16th, 18th, 20th, 22nd, and 24th of the menstrual cycle, if the patient is near the menopause,
Can use testosterone, with doses of 25 to 50mg per day, to stop bleeding and subsequent surgery, can also cure the entire uterus to stop bleeding while preparing for surgery.
In addition, radiotherapy may be used, in rare cases of bleeding, uterine fibroids,
Systemic conditions that do not allow surgery, such as elderly patients, or have heart disease, diabetes, and so on,
Indications for use of radioactive rays, wilt two ovaries, menopause to stop bleeding.
Note, during pregnancy, the uterine fibroid enlarges rapidly with the uterus, but there is no indication of surgical removal of the nucleus,
The majority of patients may have normal spawning, if the spinal cord is enlarged, if the spinal cord is enlarged, or the cervix,
formation of the tumor striker, occupying the fetal descent, the caesarean section,
There is no indication for removal of the fibroid, unless the peritoneal nucleus has a stalk, which can be removed easily,
After birth, the uterus shrinks normally, the fibrous nucleus narrows, it will decide, whether surgery to remove or not.
Prevention of uterine fibroids, by being careful when using estrogen.
When taking oral contraceptives, choose the type with the lowest estrogen hormone,
and regular clinical monitoring, with the doctor's recommendation, especially for premenopausal women,
Because scientists have suggested that uterine fibroids are involved in the effects of hormone estrogen.
5. Doctor's advice.
Although uterine fibroids are identified as benign tumors of the uterus, they are most commonly seen in women with gynecological diseases.
The progression of uterine fibroid tumors is usually quite long, over a period of 5 to 10 years,
So, just surgical management, when there are complications bleeding and squeezing.
Excellent doctor, doctor:NGUYEN VO HINH.
The content of this article is coming to an end, you have questions, please share your comments below this article.
Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.
Hope this article will bring you many useful things.
Wish you always healthy.
Makeup Revolution Fortune Favours the Brave Tutorial Reseña-Maquillaje/ Tutorial Review-Makeup - Duration: 10:41.
Hello my dearest and welcome to my chanel
For the people that they don t know me, my name is Gabriela David
Today I will make a review from....Makeup Revolution!
Makeup Revolution Fortune Favours The Brave
There are 30 eye shadows
This is the box
Let s open the box
The box is super cute
Inside it has a mirror
And a plastic were it put the name of the eye shadows
It have one small double brush
It cost....I buy from internet, from my country
Who don t know, I m from Rumania
I paid 15 eur
Really I liked, the box is super cute, the design..
So let s see how I start...
Let s make a makeup
I will start with this eyeshadow
In all the eyelid
I already apply a foundation from Dermacol, n 207
That the Tutorial...I don t know if I will put the tutorial before this or after
Is a review from Dermacol
A foundation that is super
Covered all
The first transition eye shadow it will be that
Like always we shake the brush
The second eye shadow
So the second eye shadow named Koffeine Fixed
We apply in the eyelid secket
O sh-t is so intense
I will need do blend a LOT!!!
Now I will use the other brush and I will blend
The truth is that it blended ok ...the colors
So my dearest, the third eye shadow it named Drama Queen
The corner of the eyelid to the inside the eye
And now I will take this brush
And now again with the first brush to blend the colors
The truth that is not sow WOW this pallete
I don t like so much this colors that I used...but...
Let s apply a little bit corrector
I will use corrector from E.L.F
I will apply 2 eye shadows
This one...
The first
By the way, I like this eye shadow
And this eye shadow, pink tone
In the middle of the eyelid
And now I will apply a little bit...
I apply this white eye shadow to give more brightness of the eye
Because I don t like so much how do I look with this type of makeup
And in the corner I will apply a little bit this
So let s go with the other part
The first eye shadow that will use in the eyelid
The second eye shadow
The third eye shadow
And I will go a little bit up
To give more intensity to the eye
So that are not good colors that fit me
Let put the false eye lashes, because I see myself horrible
I will blend a little bit
I will take the first brush that I use
I use use a eye liner waterproof from L oreal
Inside the eye
I will continue with a eye liner from Dior because
The other I does not like to much how it look
That I finish with the eye liner I will apply other eyeshadow
To give more intensity at the eye
With this tone
And i will use this brush
We use a blending brush
And we blend very soft
We continue with this creamy white eye shadow
So I will apply the false eye lashes and I come back!
So to illuminate I will use this pink tone and that tone
That I don t like to be not too much pink , not too much white
A little bit ...
I will apply Rimmel from Miss Sporty The Miaww my favorite
So my dearest, I finish with the makeup
I hope you enjoy my tutorial
And don t forget to Subscribe, Share & Comment
PLEASE!!! :)
To the next time!!!
Pandora Music Alternative, Los Angeles, CA - Duration: 0:18.
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COPENHAGEN JAZZ FESTIVAL 2018: Jonas Johansens Blanco Y Negro 2/ - Duration: 33:08.
✅ Gordito está desesperado porque su esposa lo cambió por maceteado con six pack - Duration: 2:57.
Doctor Cariño: No sé qué me pasó, porque en el último año subí 32 kilos. Estoy yendo a un nutriólogo para bajar de peso, pero en medio de todo esto me di cuenta que mi esposa me está engañando con un tipo que conoció en el gimnasio y que tiene hasta calugas
Alguna vez fui esbelto, pero no comprendo cómo me mató la vida cambiándome por el otro, sólo por el aspecto físico
He sido un buen marido, he respondido con mis hijos, nunca le falté el respeto, y ella se anda revolcando con ese fortachón, que lo único que busca es cama
Estoy destrozado y le pido que me dé su ayuda para no cometer una locura e ir a sacarle la cresta al señor galán
Felipe Don Pipe: De partida que le importe un soberano champiñón si su señora está pescando a un mastodonte, en vez de a un hombre que se ha sacado la cresta por su familia
Trate de conversar con ella y si aún la ama, reconquístela. Lo que sí, le aseguro que no puede pensar en ir a darle combos al King Kong
El hombre es fisicoculturista y si usted no está en forma, le pueden dar la del "8''
Más encima se puede ir preso y su esposa (ex) menos lo pescará. Sin embargo, creo que debería optar por agarrar sus cositas, cambiarse de pieza (si es que no se ha cambiado) o irse un rato de la casa
A los niños no los puede abandonar, y seguro no lo hará, pero ella necesita extrañarlo
De lo contrario, a dar vuelta la página y a esperar que el futuro le regale otra oportunidad
No hay gordo bueno al que le vaya mal. Y sus críos, en esta pasada, son lo que más valen
Ella se lo pierde. ¡Ah!, y baje de peso por salud. Tus consultas y dramas de tipo amoroso pueden aparecer en la Ventanita Sentimental si las mandas a doctorcarino@lacuarta
La encuesta que pone a la Corona en la cuerda floja - Duration: 3:41.
U xơ tử cung thường gặp trong các khối u tử cung - Duration: 12:49.
Health Network, For Public Health
Hi, you are listening to audio on mangyte.vn website
Uterine fibroids are common in uterine tumors
Uterine fibroid is the most common disease in the tumors of the uterus.
1. Characteristics of uterine fibroids.
In uterine fibroids, fibroids can have a uterus, but often many uterine fibroids throughout, committing smaller or larger, depending on each case.
Most of the growth occurs in the body of the uterus, but in rare cases the nucleus may be seen in the cervix, in the circular ligament or broad ligament.
The fibrosis is cancerous, accounting for only 0.5%.
According to scientists, the cause of uterine fibroids is not well known, but the hormone estrogen,
has a significant effect on the fibroid, because people with uterine fibroids, often with the hormone estrogen state.
In fact, quite clearly, women use a high dose of hormone estrogen, which will cause the fiber to grow faster,
The fibroid is also fast growing with the uterus, during pregnancy, and the fibroid will stop growing when it reaches menopause.
However, there is no solid evidence to prove that the hormone estrogen, which causes uterine fibrous growth,
It is not known whether the hormone estrogen, the cause or effect of the uterus.
The prevalence of uterine fibroids in women is high, in our country, the estimated incidence of uterine fibroids in women,
About 18 to 20 percent of all gynecological diseases are actually considered to be low,
Probably because there are women with uterine fibroids, but no clinical symptoms, so not examined for examination.
Although small intestinal fibrosis is asymptomatic, they can sometimes cause severe symptoms, requiring immediate medical attention.
The scientists note,
Cystic fibrosis usually develops in women with estrogen hormone deficiency and is common in premenopausal women.
Depending on the anatomical location, the uterine fibroids originate in the muscle, which can be divided into three distinct categories:
The fibrosis below the mucosa develops just below the lining of the uterus, and grows toward the uterus,
This fibroid may have a stalk, and grow into the uterine cavity, sometimes through the cervix that grows toward the vagina,
fibrous stems, which can be twisted or infected.
Human interstitial fibrosis, or fibrous nucleus in the muscle, is located in the uterus, which causes the muscle to become enlarged.
Peritoneal fibrosis develops towards the abdominal cavity, peritoneum, sometimes with stems,
If the peritoneal nucleus develops in the two broad ligaments, it becomes the nucleus in the ligament.
2. Pathological symptoms.
Symptoms of myocardial infarction:There may be cases of patients with uterine fibroids,
It does not cause clinical symptoms, especially obesity, although the fibroid is enlarged, but the patient does not know and detect.
Depending on the location of the anatomy and mass, the uterine fibroid may cause symptoms,
such as abnormal bleeding, abdominal pain, pinching, infertility, and so on.
Abnormal bleeding is an important symptom, initially characterized by menorrhagia,
It can cause menstrual bleeding, more menstrual bleeding than normal,
Finally, the menstrual cycle is altered, the abnormal bleeding due to the fibrous nucleus, eventually leading to anemia.
Abdominal pain is a rare symptom, often painful due to degenerative fibrosis,
or the uterus contracted to subdue fibrosis, out of the uterus,
Can cause severe sensation in the lower abdomen, fibrous growth in the sub-frame, can compress the nerves, causing pain symptoms spread to the lower limb.
Pressing is a phenomenon, the fibrous nucleus in the ligaments, which can cause compression of the organs in the sub-
such as the ureter, the bladder, the rectum, etc., create urinary symptoms, digestion, and so on.
Infertility is a condition in which the fibrous nucleus deforms the uterus, causing abortion and premature birth.
About physical examination:two-handed gynecological examination can easily detect uterine fibroids,
Sometimes the cervix is pulled up high on the joint, due to large fibrous cervix.
Co-ordination of gynecological examination, with functional symptoms, can determine the location of the fibroid:
Peritoneal fibrosis protrudes into the abdominal cavity, causes the outside of the uterus to deform,
It can be seen just below the hand placed on the abdomen, which causes less bleeding.
The fibrous uterus in the uterine layer also causes less bleeding, but causes the entire uterus to enlarge, very often confused with the pregnancy in the uterus.
The subcutaneous mucosa develops towards the uterine cavity, causing a large bleeding, infection of the fibrous nucleus,
However, when the examination is difficult to know, because the uterus is almost normal, if a type of fiber stalk, commonly called uterine polyps,
Can see the fiber, when the platypus test specimen vagina and cervix.
On subclinical testing:Blood counts are often seen in red blood cells, because patients with persistent blood loss, leucocytes may increase, and the rate of blood clots is usually high.
Imaging of the uterine cavity by contrast medium, which can be seen in the distal uterus,
In the case of fibrous tissue under the mucosa, the entire uterine cavity is enlarged, in the case of interstitial fibrosis,
In the case of peritoneal fibrosis, imaging of the uterus reveals the normal uterus.
Measurement of the uterus indicates that the uterus is larger than normal, and if there is a fibroid in the uterine cavity, the metric may touch the nucleus and be deflected.
Dilation of the uterus in case of uterine fibroids,
The uterus of the uterus develops normally, the glands secretion many, with the image of hormone estrogen.
In diagnosing uterine fibroids, differentiating between intrauterine pregnancies, stillbirths, ovarian tumors, and so on, should be distinguished.
Pregnancy in the womb may be confused with a fibrous nucleus in the interstitium, because the uterus is large and tender,
and determined by HCG test, (human chorionic gonadotropin), positive.
Pregnancy in the womb can be confused with uterine fibroids, especially the peritoneum,
Thorough examination, to detect tumor mobility relative to the uterus, uterine film, and fallopian tubes, can also be seen in the fallopian tube, around the ovary tumor.
3. Common complications.
Although uterine fibroids are benign, they can cause some complications to be noted.
Although uterine fibroids are benign, they can cause some complications to be noted.
Pressurization of the ureters, bladder, colon, may be caused by enlarged fibroid tissue.
Fibrosis can cause infertility, uterine cavity deformity, abortion, premature birth.
During labor for childbirth, the uterus of the cervix, which can cause abnormal fetuses, may become a prostatic tumor to block the exit of the abortion.
After birth, uterine fibroids may affect uterine contraction, resulting in postpartum haemorrhage.
In the postnatal period, the uterine fibroids may be infected.
4. Treatment and prevention.
The choice of treatment, depending on the patient's age, number of births,
pregnancy status, clinical manifestations, position and fiber mass.
In many cases, the uterine core does not need to be treated, without causing a symptom,
Or, if the patient is already menopause, however, be sure it is fibrous, not ovarian,
Therefore, patients should be screened again every 6 months.
Surgical treatment is the cheapest and most radical treatment,
However, it is difficult to determine the size of the fibrous nucleus, but it is recommended that surgery,
Surgical removal of the fibrous nucleus, if the uterine fibroid is pregnant from 12 to 14 weeks of age, although no complications of compression and bleeding.
Surgery may involve the removal of fibrosis, vaginal fibrosis, hysterectomy, or complete removal.
In cases where the patient has uterine fibroids, causes mild complications, or contraindicates surgery,
Because of a disease of the whole body, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.,
medical treatment with synthetic progestatif, from day 15 to 24 of the menstrual cycle,
At a dose of 5mg x 2 tablets a day, progesterone tube 10 to 20mg every 2 days,
On the 16th, 18th, 20th, 22nd, and 24th of the menstrual cycle, if the patient is near the menopause,
Can use testosterone, with doses of 25 to 50mg per day, to stop bleeding and subsequent surgery, can also cure the entire uterus to stop bleeding while preparing for surgery.
In addition, radiotherapy may be used, in rare cases of bleeding, uterine fibroids,
Systemic conditions that do not allow surgery, such as elderly patients, or have heart disease, diabetes, and so on,
Indications for use of radioactive rays, wilt two ovaries, menopause to stop bleeding.
Note, during pregnancy, the uterine fibroid enlarges rapidly with the uterus, but there is no indication of surgical removal of the nucleus,
The majority of patients may have normal spawning, if the spinal cord is enlarged, if the spinal cord is enlarged, or the cervix,
formation of the tumor striker, occupying the fetal descent, the caesarean section,
There is no indication for removal of the fibroid, unless the peritoneal nucleus has a stalk, which can be removed easily,
After birth, the uterus shrinks normally, the fibrous nucleus narrows, it will decide, whether surgery to remove or not.
Prevention of uterine fibroids, by being careful when using estrogen.
When taking oral contraceptives, choose the type with the lowest estrogen hormone,
and regular clinical monitoring, with the doctor's recommendation, especially for premenopausal women,
Because scientists have suggested that uterine fibroids are involved in the effects of hormone estrogen.
5. Doctor's advice.
Although uterine fibroids are identified as benign tumors of the uterus, they are most commonly seen in women with gynecological diseases.
The progression of uterine fibroid tumors is usually quite long, over a period of 5 to 10 years,
So, just surgical management, when there are complications bleeding and squeezing.
Excellent doctor, doctor:NGUYEN VO HINH.
The content of this article is coming to an end, you have questions, please share your comments below this article.
Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.
Hope this article will bring you many useful things.
Wish you always healthy.
【親親我好媽 Re-U】14歲熊子逸鄰家女孩變辣妹 江美儀:可惜嚴生未能出席 - Duration: 2:22.
Deepika Padukone Inspired Makeup Tutorial - Duration: 4:31.
I'm gonna use,
a spoolie first.
Oh! It's the wrong side, sorry.
Now it's been a really long time since I've done
a celebrity inspired recreation.
So today because so many of y'all voted
for Deepika inspired one,
I'm gonna do that.
So, to recreate this peachy, dewy look of hers
I'm first gonna start off with primer.
Second thing is you have to secure your base.
For foundation I'm using Smashbox's Foundation Stick,
the good thing about this is that one side
is your foundation shade and
the second side is a contour stick.
Always make sure to blend it down towards your chin,
into the hairline otherwise it just looks weird,
as hell!
Since I have horrible dark circles,
I'm gonna need a sh*t ton of concealer.
I'm gonna use this one, it's from NYX Cosmetics.
I've mixed two colours to find my shade,
because it's really difficult to find my shade guys.
I also love blending with my fingers
because the warmth of your fingers can really help
set the product and blend it really well together.
Because I do not have Deepika Padukone's chiseled
jawline and face.
I'm going to fake it by applying bronzer.
It's from H&M.
Now next up to achieve those rosy cheeks, use blush.
I'm using this one from 3ina.
Smile and dab.
Okay now Deepika has perfect eyebrows which
I'm gonna try and do for myself.
I'm gonna use a spoolie and comb out my brows.
After you brush out your brows,
I'm gonna go in with Benefit's Brow Zings.
This one is a wax and this one is a powder.
I'm gonna use the powder.
I'm starting with the center and then filling it out
because you don't wanna go to harsh on your,
the starting of it.
Deepika's eye makeup is very soft
but dark at the same time.
So I'm using Smashbox's eyeshadows.
I'm going in with a lighter shade.
Taking this I'm gonna apply it all over my lids.
Now next up to create some definition on the crease
I'm gonna use the darker shade from this.
This other one is little darker I'm gonna dab in
and blend it to the outside, just this corner
to intensify the look.
I'm gonna use a sparkly colour over here.
And for the final step for your eyeshadow,
taking the same darker brown,
apply it to your lash line.
I'm using MAC Cosmetic's Lash Mascara.
So for highlighter I'm using this one, it's from
MAC's Padma Collection.
I'm using this.
So I've taken a fluffy brush,
you can also do this with your fingers.
Now, Deepika has a nude and neutral lip shade
so I'm using this one from Nykaa.
It's got pink undertones.
You, my friend,
are Deepika Padukone ready.
Guys, I hope you enjoyed this video
If you happen to recreate it tag me,
tag MissMalini Beauty, tag Deepika Padukone,
just tag everybody you know!
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show us some love.
Yakuza Zero Ps4 Gameplay Part 37 - Duration: 23:03.
Top 15 bàn thắng đẹp nhất của Quang Hải 2018#U23 Châu Á#không đẹp không lấy tiền! - Duration: 10:49.
Youtube Hashtagai – kas tai | Ar tai žingsnis atgal - Grotažymės - Duration: 5:53.
Kashmiri Nadru Yakhni Recipe in Hindi | Lotus Stem in Yogurt Curry - Duration: 5:13.
nadru yakhni is a traditional vegetarian dish from the state of kashmir
this dish is prepared with lotus stems cooked in spices and yogurt. ensure the yogurt you use is not sour
here are the ingredients we need. these along with their quantities are listed in the description box
unrefined mustard oil or any vegetable oil
chopped lotus stems
black cardamom, coarsely crushed
green cardamom, coarsely crushed
cinnamon pieces
shahi jeera
mint powder
asafoetida soaked in a little water
dry ginger powder
fennel powder
and about 500 ml water, not shown here
we will boil the lotus stems in a pressure cooker till they are soft
add the water, chopped lotus stems and 1/2 tsp salt in the pressure cooker
close the pressure cooker
keep heat on high till the first whistle and then reduce it to low. boil the lotus stems for about 20 minutes or till they become soft
there's the whistle. reduce heat to low now and boil for about 20 minutes
put off the heat and let the pressure subside then check the lotus stems
our lotus stem is a bit soft now. we boiled it for 20 minutes. your time will vary
remove the lotus stems to a bowl and keep aside
now we will start preparing the nadru yakhni dish
keep the pan on high heat and add the oil. heat till it smokes
then reduce heat to low and add the whole & crushed spices - the black cardamom, green cardamom, cinnamon, cloves and shahi jeera
saute them for 30 seconds
now add the ginger powder & fennel seed powder and saute for 30 seconds again
now add the whisked yogurt and stir well . keep heat on medium
once the yogurt is stirred well add the asafoetida water and salt
keep stirring constantly to prevent the yogurt from splitting
the yogurt has come to a boil. add the lotus stems and mix well
reduce heat to low, cover with a lid and cook for about 10 minutes or till the yogurt thickens
after 10 minutes our dish is ready. transfer it to a serving bowl
and garnish with a little ground mint
do try this nadru yakhani dish and serve it with rice
if you like the recipe & dish please share our video and subscribe to our channel. thanks for watching
Man Utd news: David de Gea returns with 'full battery' ahead of Liverpool clash - Duration: 2:13.
The United goalkeeper has returned from his holiday to link up with the rest of his team-mates in the United States
De Gea had a disappointing World Cup as Spain crashed out in the round of 16 on penalties to hosts Russia
Joel Pereira and new signing Lee Grant have performed well so far on United's pre-season tour but De Gea's arrival will be a massive boost for boss Jose Mourinho
The Spain No 1 says he has a "full battery" and is delighted to be back training with the rest of the squad as Mourinho continues his preparations for the new season
"I'm really happy to be back with the team and with my team-mates," De Gea told MUTV
"It's beautiful weather and I want to be fit as quickly as possible. "I had a holiday with my family, with my friends and everyone, and have a full battery to come back here to start again
"It's always good to have a break, to relax and enjoy it with people. "The season is long
You need to take a good rest and start again. Everything starts again and, hopefully this season, we'll do our job all together and try to win big things
"It's hard. The first training session is always a bit difficult. "The weather is hot and it's hard
I'll keep focused and training hard." United's next game is against fierce rivals Liverpool tonight in the International Champions Cup (KO 10
#AskMBN - 67: Cosa sono le Terapie Adiuvanti - Seconda parte - Duration: 3:18.
Surili Akhiyon Wale (Full Video Song) | Veer | & puja Khan ( Shivsagar csp ) - Duration: 0:35.
Tu Hi Mere armano me Tu Hi Mere Afsano me ( Shivsagar Csp ) - Duration: 0:35.
mujhe khone ke bad ek din tum mujhe yaad karoge ( Shivsagar Csp ) - Duration: 0:52.
Zindagani Badi Khoobsurat Hui WhatsApp Status | Love Whatsapp Status | ( Shivsagar Csp ) - Duration: 0:28.
एक फोन देदो और पापी ले लो अब आगे ( Shivsagar Csp ) - Duration: 0:29.
Talab Hai Tu Tu Hai Nasha Whatsapp Status Cute Love Status Nithiin ( Shivsagar Csp ) - Duration: 0:32.
கண்கள் ரெண்டும் பேசுதெ பாடல் - Duration: 5:11.
the mana imported car that is a phenom under way
whether they can't die whether they cared I made a thing called an echidna
here to sit them there more rodent and a unicorn
they can all get on hidden beauty you've got a name
they murdered a girl a the
in a Twitter in Auroville school
right number good report that wasn't even a good time
your name you're very much
Kaneko Luna my trouble Sangeeta
Ankhiyon Ke chhod lag jati hai Romantic Song - Ranjeeta - Old Hindi Songs ( Shivsagar Csp ) - Duration: 0:28.
I use female toilets to avoid harassment - Bobrisky reveals - Duration: 1:25.
I use female toilets to avoid harassment - Bobrisky reveals
Popular Nigerian cross-dresser Bobrisky has come again with another hot topic for his fans to talk about. The cross-dresser took to social media to reveal some secrets about his identity for the benefit of his fans.
Bobrisky is known for his cross-dressing lifestyle and he is also popular for always looking fashionable. The cross-dresser shared a video on his Instagram page, talking about which gender toilet he uses and how he operates at the airport.
In the video, the popular male barbie was spotted rocking lemon green and black. He was seen looking feminine as he rocked a full black dressed laced with green cord with a nice lemon green human hair weave.
Bobrisky revealed that he uses female toilets in public to avoid harassment from males in public toilets. According to him, whenever he goes to the airport only female security officers are allowed to search him.
we had reported few months back that the popular Nigerian male barbie was spotted using a public toilet for males.
How much does it cost to service an electric car? Renault Zoe 3rd service 🔌🔋🚗 - Duration: 8:19.
welcome to this week's video in this week's video it's time for the Zoe to
have a service
so it's that time of year again it's time to service the car this
would be the third service this cars had the second that I've done so I booked it
in using the rental booking website I always choose this option because it
means that the dealer doesn't try and make the price for the Zoe on the spot
and it also using instant price and option to organise collection Renault
offer free collection on all services so you if you book by the website it's in
the description and you can book the book online it gives you a price etc and
ask you what extras you want and you get a set menu price you can even select
a courtesy car collection or drop-off I always pick collection because I can't
be bothered taking the car there they pick the car up and drop it off later now
last time I had the car service it have nine and a half thousand miles on and as
of today I've got sixteen thousand eight hundred and thirty miles so a little bit
of mileage and but not tremendous amounts of miles but I've done a little
bit of mileage so they'll be picking this car up shortly and doing the
service which is the A service which is 65-pound from Renault lockers and that
should be picked up very shortly now there's a few bits on the car that are
causing a few issues that I want Renault to look at White's in and
hopefully get fixed number one there's a little bit of roll way up while driving
so I'm assuming that the anti-roll bushes have gone
so I'll get them to check them and see and find out although it wasn't know it
on the MOT so it might be something else the other thing I've noticed recently
was there's a little bit of rust underneath the bonnet catch on the far
right-hand corners on more a little bit more shown on the right than it is on
the left but there's a little bit there so I'd rather get it done under Renault's
anti-corrosion warranty why i can spot it the other thing is the old common
Renault badges have started to peel on the front it was a little bit at the
last year but it wasn't as bad and now it's got a real
bad it's really starting to flake off so when I asked them to replace them now
I'm going to ask them to also replace the rear badges at the same time as the
front because if you replace the front badge the new badges just plain silver
and then the back badges will be blue so I kind of want the front and rear badges
to match so I've asked them to are going to replace both the front and back or
fit me a new front blue badge which they won't so they'll replace all the badges
in the warranty so I've just had a call from Renault lookers in Stockport to let
me know that the role that they they're I could feel on the car they reckon it's
down to the tyres being an abnormal shape now I know the front tyres are
getting quite low on grip so they've note the two front tires and
also an off side rear I've told them not to fit any tyres I'm gonna sort them out
myself i can source much cheaper tyres and what Renault
will charge me obviously I'm gonna fit the the EV tyres or I might fit some
cross climate tyres which are also compatible I'll try and put a link description down
below of the two tyres that are compatible with the size rim that I have
on my car and hopefully that helps a few of you out the other thing they ask me
is do I want to replace the 12-volt battery because they said it's a
recommended service replacement item I said no because what they want to charge
even with a dealer discount on that is far too much than what I can be able to
source it I also asked them to test the battery and ask them if it's in working
order they said yeah it's still working it's just a recommended replacement part
so I've told to leave it alone I ain't paying for that so leaving the
battery alone and probably going to source for myself maybe in another six
months just before the winter hits just in case it does start to get to the
point where it fails but the moment is in tip-top condition I'll probably keep
an eye on it as well but more than likely I'll replace it before the winter
you do not have to change it at Renault you can change it yourself
don't let them try to force you to saying it's a required item it's not
required it's a recommended item you should do it after three years because
most the 12-volt battery systems are probably getting close to being
knackered but mine's still going to be perfect working order we're currently
going through a heatwave in the UK and cold kills 12-volt batteries not heat
so it should be fine well cars back and it's all fine all works fine
everything's great paid exactly the price on the Internet
you rang me up paid it and delivered the car absolutely fantastic well done
better than last time when i asked for the BMS to be done this time service I
mean to be fair the service is basically just a check on a Zoe there's not much
to do they check the brake pads and all the other bits now while on
the brake pads very notable thing brake wear on the Renault's ZOE next to
nothing absolutely minimal I think there's been 10% wear of the
original capacity of the brake pads and were on 16500 miles I
don't reckon it is 10% I reckon they just put 10% because they
think that's the easiest number to write doesn't really say much lets have a quick look it's just
basically got a green tick and it says I'll say if it says 100 percent or 10
percent so 100% nowhere or 10 percent wear which is obviously next to nothing
I actually do try and use the brake pads on this to keep the disc clean so I
occasionally slam it nice and hard every now and again especially on wet weather
just to give the disc a bit of a cleanup now the reason it doesn't use any
friction material same in any other electric car it's because it uses regen
the regen goes back into the car hybrids do it as well but electric cars
obviously of course do it that's how you get the extra miles every now and again
now the Zoe regen works completely different to other cars I have explained
it before but I'll go into it again if you let go of the accelerator you're
gets partial regen the more brake pad you apply the more regen you will get
and then eventually you engage the friction material on other electric cars
it doesn't work like that you let go and you got full regen straight away but the
Zoe's a bit more clever I prefer it because in winter driving it means you
don't slip as much now another thing I've noticed on the dash of the Zoe
which will help you monitor the regen is this if you like me and use this
screen when you're driving which I prefer how you follow the best and the
indicator noise is the least annoying when you're driving and taking power out
it goes green here and then that's when you're really accelerating hard and you
get into towards purple mode but you'll get green
here the blue bit will display how much regen you're getting in a visual nice
big screen - thing that you can get so the more regen you get the more blue
you get down here now I will demonstrate it but I haven't got a camera rig to
hold it towards my steering wheel and it's very easy for you to demonstrate
when you're driving anyway it just basically starts light you're not blue
all the way down so all this gray bit goes completely blue now there's a
another way of displaying the regen which is just here on the right hand
side if I flick through this screen here direct consumption so when you're
driving and taking power out you'll get a plus figure kilowatts out and when
you're regen you'll get a minus blue figure showing power going back into the
battery this is both screens are quite useful but I mean I prefer to drive with
basically any of us yeah we have reset service indicator I prefer to look at
driving with the averages and working out what my mpkwh is and
stuff like that but you can drive with the direct consumption but if not you
can still use this screen here for the direct consumption as well thank you so
much do Pete Coventry for subscribing to my patreon account at $30 a month that
is a huge help and hopefully I'll be able to put it shortly towards new
camera equipment and other things and also maybe helps me do some more shows
and stuff like that if you're not a patreon please consider clicking the
patreon link up here subscribe to me down here if not already click the
notification bell and check out my other videos down here thanks very much see
you again next week goodbye
do i wanna know but you are listening on a car radio - Duration: 4:33.
Arsenal transfer news: Striker admits he has NO IDEA over Gunners future - Duration: 1:47.
Campbell has been loaned out six times since arriving at the Gunners from Saprissa in 2011
The Costa Rican forward has had spells at Olympiacos, Villarreal and Sporting, with his game for Arsenal coming in 2015
He struggled to nail down a place in the side under Arsene Wenger but with Emery taking over this summer there may be some hope for the 26-year-old
Campbell has one year remaining on his Arsenal contract but he admits he is still in the dark over his future with the club
"This weekend, I'm traveling and they'll decide what's coming next," he told La Nacion
"I know that I have a lot left to show in football, so wherever it may be I'll do things as well as possible to enjoy this sport
" Campbell struggled with injuries last season while on loan at Real Betis. The striker managed just nine appearances but insists he has still learned from the experience
"It was a tough season because of the injury," Campbell added. "At the end I grew more as a person because I already had been through the good and the bad of football
"Now with this you can be a better person in the face of the future."
阿里韩沙爆料: MCMC查政府机密文件泄露 - Duration: 4:46.
Unai Emery's leaked notes appear to reveal Arsenal's formation for the new season - Duration: 2:51.
Arsenal boss Unai Emery's training ground notes suggest he will not play with two out-and-out frontmen next season and will instead opt for something closer to the 4-1-4-1 formation he prefers
The Gunners are in Singapore as they continue their pre-season preparations, and will take on Emery's old club PSG on Saturday having lost on penalties to Atletico Madrid in the first game of their Asian tour
During a training session ahead of the friendly clash with the French champions, Emery was pictured with his clipboard which had notes for how Arsenal would line up
Although fans have been looking forward to a possible Alexandre Lacazette and Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang strike partnership, Emery looks set to go with one up top
The Spaniard's notes showed a back four, one designated holding midfielder – likely to be new signing Lucas Torreira in the long-term – two more advanced midfielders, two wingers and one striker
There appeared to be a list of players capable of playing in each position on Emery's notes, with the squad looking lightest at left-back where only Sead Kolasinac is currently available
Emery started the clash against Atletico in a 4-3-3 – with Aubameyang and Mkhitaryan on the flanks behind Lacazette – though he revealed in an interview with Marti Perarnau that he prefers a 4-1-4-1, which would be easy to switch into with his leaked line-up
'For me, the 4-1-4-1 is the system which facilitates that type of pressing,' revealed Emery while he was still at PSG
How Arsenal could line-up next season: 'The 4-4-2 is designed more and more for zonal positioning
It's less aggressive, but is more difficult to get past. That's the case with Marcelino's teams, Quique Sanchez Flores' teams, Saint-Étienne when we last played them
'I am not ruling out the possibility of a 4-4-2. That's not the idea that I privilege, but if it allows me to be more competitive, then I'll go towards it without hesitating
We sometimes used it in Sevilla. I would put Banega in a playmaker position, and have him move to the second striker position without the ball
A Special Melvyn Has Appeared (3 SUBSCRIBER SPECIAL) - Duration: 0:12.
14歲小小彬被爸爸當搖錢樹,出演11部電視劇、4部電影,還房貸養全家!如今近照曝光,手腳潰爛令人心疼! - Duration: 12:31.
The World's No.1 Junk FOOD - Junk FOOD VS Fast FOOD - Duration: 2:46.
Junk food facts people eat junk food as fast food places in schools at amusement
parks and movie theaters among other places and junk food is easier to get
access to then water in many cases studies prove that excessive consumption
of junk food is directly connected to the increase in high blood pressure
heart attacks and cancer a can of coca-cola has about eight or nine or
even ten according to some teaspoons of sugar but you have probably never since
the famous aura is made mainly with water additives the refined sugar and
caffeine french fries are the most popular type of junk food globally one
portion of french fries has about 600 calories and won't help your stab of
hunger but instead will make you even hunger the vast majority of researchers
and nutritionists agree that fats from junk food the trigger the brain to want
more food which of course leads to obesity in the long term a recent
scientific study in China showed that breast cancer rates in the country or
reson significantly because of an increase in the consumption of
western-style junk food many surveys have showed that mothers who eat junk
food while pregnant or breastfeeding have children who are prone to obesity
throughout life their children are also prone to diabetes high cholesterol and
high blood fats whenever you crave unhealthy food just keep in mind that
the common signal corn dip strain used in some junk food he is also the glue
used on envelopes and postage stamps a recent study showed that and women who
eat junk food constantly or at a higher risk for developing polycystic ovarian
syndrome and a condition that usually cause type 2 diabetes and heart disease
we all tend to think that a good milkshake is made from milk and cream
when it comes to the delicious which contains 14 different ingredients called
thickening agents alloxan is a byproduct of
bleaching white floor and it's found in many products classified as junk food
research shows that it leads to diabetes in healthy animals by destroying their
pancreatic beta-cells imagine what it can do to humans
Roblox Flood Escape 2 (Test Map) - Double Danger (Insane) - Duration: 1:34.
Hi Everyone : )
Shortcut XP
Oof Laggy (Why T T ?)
Wait What = =" ??? (Head Stuck)
The Truth About The Cuban Missile Crisis - Duration: 13:00.
5 Survival Hacks THAT CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE! - Duration: 2:35.
hey guys today we're doing a survival hacks video hope these hacks help you
out and let's get into it number one is having a torch / pen of course it's
important to have a flashlight but also a pen too maybe if you want to write a
note to somebody for help (S.O.S) or something so having both you can just duct tape them
together I have a real one right here but you can duck tape a torch and a
pen together and it's a very useful tool maybe try it out it will be so useful one day
it's perfect it can also help out in the dark cuz of
the flashlight while camping it is an amazing tool and I bet you if you try it
out it'll be a very useful hack for all of you guys number two is using keys as
a weapon this is a great hack but please don't try it at home with somebody as
your family member or something this is only used for defense and it's a great
hack number three is using lipstick as a lotion for any dry spots some chemicals
put into lipstick is very similar to lotion that's why they both have this
effect that helps dry skin or anything so if it's the only thing you have why
not use it it's a great material number four is extra pack of candles or even
using crayons both of them can start a fire that's why they're very useful
lastly number five healing mosquito bites with glue
all you need is a glue stick and any itchy mosquito bite glue has chemicals
that is very releasable for any itchiness that you have and it actually
really works I tried it out and it's a super great hack this is great for
camping and sooner you'll know it'll be gone
To Love-Ru Darkness True Princess (PS Vita) - Family Plans (English Subtitled) - Duration: 17:28.
Ah, Rito, welcome home~
Just now in the bathroom-!
Ah, Rin-san's taking a shower, so don't go in.
I'm too late, aren't I...?
Uhh, I didn't expect senpai to be in there...
We ran into each other when I went shopping and she helped me with the bags.
And then it rained, so I had her come here so she could use our bathroom.
So that's what happened...?
Thank you Mikan.
Thanks for drying my clothes too.
No no, I should be the one thanking you.
Ah, I'll bring something to drink, so wait here okay?
Ah, um, senpai...
I'm sorry!
It wasn't on purpose, I just didn't think someone would be inside...
Don't worry about it.
Getting mad about it wouldn't fix anything.
I'm always causing you trouble...
Admitting that you cause trouble means that you're considerate enough to notice...
You were going to get in because you wanted to warm yourself up after getting wet from the rain, weren't you?
Um, I was in a hurry, so I didn't see anything about your body or underwear!
I wasn't thinking about how cute you were either, u-um...!
I-I get it, so you don't have to say any more!
More importantly hurry and get in the bath so you can warm yourself up.
And Rito looked seriously desperate back then.
Knowing him he was probably trying his best for you.
It only shows up sometimes, but it's a pretty good side of him, you know?
Hehe, he must be trying to be a good brother for you.
Looks like the person I see is different from the person you see.
Ah, but it really only shows up sometimes!
He's completely hopeless the way he is.
Phew, that warmed me up.
Ah, Mikan, where did you put the new shirt that I bought?
Hang on a sec.
Also, are you okay with hot milk?
Yeah, thank you~
This is what it normally feels like, you know?
Um, what were you two talking about?
Well, we were talking about you, and I got to hear some interesting things.
Y-You were talking about me!?
It wasn't about how hopeless I am, was it...?
Here, Rito, hot milk.
Help yourself to some more, Rin-san.
Oh, thanks.
Ah, sorry, thank you.
Ah, right!
There's something that I've been wanting to ask you!
What is it?
It'd be nice if it was something that I could answer.
Um, well...
I've always wanted to ask you how I could look as beautiful as you.
I-I don't really consider myself to be beautiful or anything...
Wait, don't start glancing at me...!
That's not true!
You're gorgeous!
You've got long limbs, and you're in great shape!
Y-You think so...?
But even if you tell me that, it's not like I know how I do it...
She's being humble, but she looked really beautiful in the bathroom just now.
Wait, no no!
Thinking about that is rude to her!
Well, I can at least tell you what I do.
But I won't be very helpful for advice, okay?
And you don't need to ask just me, you live in a house with plenty of beautiful women.
That's not true!
I think you're very pretty!
Right, Rito?
I think you're beautiful too, Kujou-senpai...!
When you say it like that it embarrasses me...
...but it makes me happy too.
While we're at it, I'd like to here about what you do in a little more detail!
It's not like it's really complicated or anything.
First you just-
It's rare to see Mikan open up to someone and talk to them like this.
...You two get along like you're sisters.
Me and Mikan?
S-Sorry, I said something weird...
But you know, I'm not that great of a brother, so I thought that if Mikan had a sister like you she'd be happy...
Well I would certainly give her a warm welcome.
She's dependable, and even cute.
I'd be happy if you were my sister too!
Unlike Rito, you'd be reliable and cool!
Pretty and strong too, you're my dream sister!
It's really rare to see Mikan so emotionally attached to someone.
...Also can we stop talking about how hopeless I am so casually?
Ah, but...
If you married Rito in the future, it'd only be by name, but we'd really be sisters, wouldn't we?
Wha-, m-married!?
Wh-wh-wh-wh-what are you talking about Mikan!?
No matter how you look at it, it's not like there isn't any chance, right?
So how long are we talking about, Rito?
E-Even if you ask me that now...!
L-Look, you're even freaking out Kujou-senpai...!
Wait, huh!?
She's just in a daze and blushing!?
I meant that as a joke, but is it actually not very far off?
We're home~!
I thought it was lively in here, we've got a guest!
Hello Kujou-senpai.
Why do you look so red?
Did this animal do something dirty again!?
N-No, I wasn't thinking about anything dirty...!
C-Calm down, senpai!
And "again"? What do you mean, "again", Nana!?
Ahaha, but when it comes to Rito, he always makes someone mad, doesn't he?
Well that thing in the dressing room just happened, so I can't firmly deny that...
Ehehe, but that could be a good thing about Rito-san.
That's not even a good follow-up...
Ah, hey hey, what were you three talking about?
Hehe, if Rin-san married Rito, maybe she and I could be sisters.
You two are getting married!?
There's no way it could be today, could it!?
Then tomorrow!?
What led you to that!?
Besides, we're still in high school...!
Right, senpai!?
D-Don't force the conversation onto me!
You and me getting married...?
That's just, um...
Ohhh, you don't look like you're completely against it though Rin-san~
Wait just a second!
What's so good about this animal?
You should save yourself from him while you can!
A-Animal this animal that, it's not like I do it on purpose, okay!?
Rito's an animal...
What are you turning red for!?
You're misunderstanding something!
Hehe, Rito-san has this special talent...
It's like an art.
I don't think you should ignore the warnings~
I'm telling you, it's not on purpose...
But regardless...you love Rito, don't you Rin-san?
That's a tough question...
Then do you hate him?
No, it's not like I hate him...
Then would you say that you love him or hate him?
...I love him...
Hehehe, Rin-san, you're adorable...!
I thought so!
Rito's so amazing he could make anyone fall in love with him!
What is so good about this guy, I just don't get it...
Hehe, that's why you're still a child, Nana.
I'm sure you'll understand when you grow up.
What, there isn't a huge difference between you and me!
Ohh, do you really think so~?
Momo's putting a lot of emphasis on her chest...
I-Is the chest really that important!?
Are chests really all guys care about!?
What do you think, Rito?
No, even if you ask me...!
Hey, does having a bigger chest actually mean you're more mature?
Y-You're asking me...!?
Wh-What do you think, Rin-san!?
No, a girl's charm isn't just in her chest...
Even Rito, um...
Rito didn't just choose me for that...
O-Of course I didn't!
I, um...
I love you for you, senpai...
Wait, look at what you're making me say!
S-Sorry, I just...
See, look at that.
A bigger chest has got nothing to do with maturity.
But having one would still get you ahead and make Rito-san happy.
Right, Rin-san?
That's not going to make this animal happy, no way okay!?
Wait, don't start shoving each other you two...
H-Hey, don't fight-!
Ah, hey, no fighting you two~!
Even Lala got involved...
Hehe, when you look at it like this, Rin-san looks like she'd be the oldest sister, huh?
Haha, she definitely keeps it together, just like a sister would.
Wait, I can't just chill like this!
Are you alright, Kujou-senpai!?
*pant* *pant*
Sorry Rito, you saved me.
But...I'm going to excuse myself now, so that they don't see me.
I-I'm sorry about how noisy it is...
No, it's alright, I don't hate this kind of noise.
Does that mean...
That if you and Rito do get married and started living together, you'd be okay with it...?
M-Mikan, please don't tease me so much.
Hehe, I'm sorry, I was thinking that it'd be fine is all.
More importantly, you've gotta go...
Ah, Rin's gone!
She really is!
When did she leave!?
Senpai, hurry up and run...!
Then I'll be leaving now!
...next time...
...um, let's make it just the two of us.
Ahaha, they're so lovey dovey.
Ah, there she goes...!
Then, let's ask Rito-san!
Hey Rito-san!
Guys actually like big boobs, don't they!?
G-Give me a breeeeeeeak!
중국이 북한에게 화내는 이유 6가지 - Duration: 5:55.
Los Angeles Dodgers @ Atlanta Braves Part 2 - MLB The Show 18 Real Upcoming Game Matchups Series - Duration: 31:59.
Yakuza Zero Ps4 Gameplay Part 37 - Duration: 23:03.
Saturday Vlog │ 溫哥華必吃下午茶店! Gastown巧遇新人拍婚紗照♥ - Duration: 3:09.
Planer för framtiden avsnitt 5: Bygget - Duration: 8:41.
Arsenal transfer news: Alexandre Lacazette advises Aaron Ramsey on Emirates future - Duration: 2:22.
Ramsey is now in the final 12 months of his contract with talks ongoing regarding a new deal
Ramsey is the longest serving player at the Gunners having joined from Cardiff in 2008 with Arsenal reportedly keen to keep the Welshman
The 27-year-old has shone at the Emirates, netting two FA Cup winning goals while also twice being voted as fans' player of the season
And Lacazette believes the midfielder will go down as one of the Arsenal greats. "Ramsey is really important," Lacazette said at the launch of Arsenal's third kit in Singapore
"Aaron is there for maybe 10 years, he's a legend in the club so we have to be respectful for everything he has done
"Of course with his quality he can help the team to be better. "He's an example for all the young players
Of course we need Aaron in the team." Ramsey's fellow Arsenal midfielder Henrikh Mkhitaryan also wants the Wales international to remain
"He has been at this club for 10 years already and it seems he has become a symbol for this club," Mkhitaryan said
"I will be very happy for him if he is going to sign a new contract because he is [part of the] history of Arsenal already and I hope he can become a legend
"His work rate is high and everyone appreciates what he does on the pitch and off the pitch because he is a true professional
"It is very easy to be next to him on the pitch because he tries to be everywhere to help the team, to score goals, with assists, to tackle and recover balls
"That's why I am going to be very happy if he stays at this club."
✅ Kora nie żyje. Od lat walczyła z rakiem - Duration: 1:07.
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in. prof. Magdalena Środa. Foto: oko.press.pl Kora nie żyje 8 czerwca Kora skończyła 67 lat. Na swoim Facebooku podziękowała wówczas za życzenia, a do wpisu załączyła swoje zdjęcie
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