Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jul 31 2018

welcome back and in today's video fouseytubes gone crazy I'm way too

invested in the ksi vs logan paul fight cinnamon is I'm gonna call her and

we're gonna listen to her her reactions right there in the moment about some of

those great things that you've said about her and is she gonna start making

content today as the rep reports my own friend twisted a narrative against me to

manipulate to get more views so bougie-ass article comes out Drake's

team confirms yada yada first of all I don't give a shit cuz I'm talking to

Drake's to you Oh Bo Johnny tell his day's text to me I love you okay one of

the biggest problems I have with fouseytube in his message I know

everyone has pretty much already decided I mean I've heard people in the streets

he's lost his frickin mind but the number one thing is is I want to get

this clear I don't think that his message is completely wrong I do believe

in like universal intelligence and you in the law of attraction you do attract

what you are the problem with it is by the words that he says it just cannot be

so some of my favorite authors like Bill Carnegie anything in Robbins Napoleon

Hills book law of success everyone speaks about the words that you say like

even his the one show he did what was a hate dies lover is that what it is

having the words hate and dies those are negative of affirmation --all words kids

can I say that negative Nate Nick will just say negative affirmations and if

you see in the video where he just completely loses his cool toward Sam

pepper in Adam no jumper this podcast you can see the conflict within I feel

like a Jedi talking about this but sense a disturbance in the force phousi

higher and I can't wait for you and that's I told you what I felt about you

don't love you and I can stare at you lying saying I love you and the reason

I'm doing this because I want you to change right I stopped being a walking

Lu stop being a meme start doing shit for your lying about hey I'm trying to

tell you you're living just like when Han you're living your life through a

listen you may were tracked Hey you came here to call me Wally

he was extremely aggressive I want to point out ass beside me is just like

what's going on this guy right here is just like please don't touch me

but you know sandpaper 'he's got some controversy behind him but the point is

is the law of attraction doesn't work that way phousi you have to watch the

words that you say and you have to be a little bit more centered i stand firm in

my crown and I never hesitate I never changed my story the break was coming

that day yeah it's now let everyone speculate everyone hate let everyone do

thing but if you want to say Oh Drake's team said they want no involvement Greek

theater a youtuber that the world's calling crazy and a bomb that does great

one of the highest-paid artists in the world and brands in the world want to

associate himself with that I think that's a good question to ask I'm not

gonna get into this in the rep reports but tomorrow I plan on doing like a big

a bigger video about the fuzzy stuff maybe I will if this video gets 300

likes so slap a like on it we might do that first it was Logan Paul in a video

pretty much trashing ksi followed by ksi with a video pretty much thrashing

thrashing Logan Paul problems with these videos Logan Paul was bringing up things

from chaos eyes past very bad things sexual harassment let's take a look at

that with massive tits where have your tits

gone where'd the God because I can't see them

not big enough

my problem with KS is exposing video was the fact that there really wasn't any

exposing in there and all his points were pretty groundless I am NOT biased

like I said I'm neutral in the situation but every point that ksi brought up is

it a se que si que si brought up it wasn't a good one let's let's go ahead

and for the risk of this being completely demonetised let's check this

out recognize this type of behavior before a JJ you are me moments before I

flew to Japan oh my god Logan you're so right making a comment about your

testicles and what you did in January or exactly the same thing by the way that

was sarcasm

so pretty much ksi pointed out the fact that most of the stuff he says is

sarcasm but if you have to point out that the most list of you say is sarcasm

it is it in fact actually sarcasm or are you just really bad at sarcasm because I

feel like when I do my sarcasm it's just a little bit more obvious but yeah they

just go back and forth to each other it's a little bit but I gotta say that I

am actually really looking forward to watching this fight it's interesting to

me that this fight is gonna bring crowds of up to 100 million which is about the

same amount of people that watch a professional fight between Mayweather

and Conor McGregor real athletes these guys aren't athletes but still that just

goes to show you that people really don't give a crap how popular somebody

is or how good they are they just really like watching people fight brings me

back to the Roman days when they used to have the Colosseum it I think it's

pretty much similar because I'm just pretty just as amped up about this as I

was the Conor McGregor fight and I'm actually looking forward to khabib

fighting Conor McGregor will Conor McGregor actually be any good as he

comes back also in the news okay this is a piece from a live stream that we did

where cinnamon joined me you guys met cinnamon for the first time and she was

very awesome and she did a very good job a lot better than a lot of people I've

had on the show you guys really locked her and you had a lot to say and she was

very I guess woke to the fact that she will I think she was really interested

in making content and I wanted to make a video and show her the support that she

had so let's call her up and we're gonna read a few of the comments from you guys

and listen to her reactions cuz that's fun

hello hey what he doing I'll do a little bit of context here I

made a video where I talked about how you were how you were kind of like

talking about after we did the livestream together you were talking

about how you liked singing and you was you even kind of referenced you knew

some ghost stories and you kind of it just kind of seemed to me like you were

like really interested in doing something creative like that

so I did make a video where I wanted them to show support towards that and

what I want to do is I just want to read you some comments and I want you to

reply to those comments right now this sounds cool this is from

Denis Denis or zoko it says okay first of all you and cinnamon should do music

together like how awesome that she also wants to get into singing and you

compose I think it would be easy for cinnamon to manage a horror story ghost

story channel she can do multiple stories in a long compilation video and

upload once a week it may not be mini uploads but it can definitely hold a lot

of content per upload that makes it worth it yeah I recently found out there

for mountain holds mini ghost stories and mini supernatural like and just

crazy things like aliens and stuff like that

so let's get another one here we'll do one more suggestion for her making her

own channel with her being that busy she could get a mount or mounts for her

phone or cameras and set them up in her car so she can record herself talking to

and from work and do vlogs that way that is safe as long as it isn't

live-streaming and that would be a driving distraction so that wouldn't be

a dropping distraction so basically setting up a camera in the car and just

talking back and forth during your commutes it is a really good idea you

should when you get a chance you need to like read through these comments because

it's like mostly just stuff to you and like a lot of different ideas I wanted

them to put out ideas to where since you have a busy schedule that you could get

around it another thing is is that you are doing a what is it you're raising

money for suicide awareness tell us about that I know why you're doing it

they don't know why you're doing it

I want to make that impression on people who are going to the same thing so just

help people and we're currently yeah what do we as I shared it on Twitter and

I shared it on Facebook so we're a 150 to 300 so we're like halfway to it and

there's like 30 days left so what I'll do is I'll put the link in the

description for anybody that wants to donate even a dollar helps and that's it

you got anything else you want to say

alright that's good I'll call you after this video all right bye

she seemed very nervous didn't she I think that I just randomly call people

up I'm like hey you're on video yes that would be freaky also in the news so it

looks like we're about halfway to 26,000 subscribers that's really cool I did the

IRL stream the other day where we went to Walmart we've got groceries groceries

we made spaghetti I'm still eating the spaghetti it's grape you guys want to

watch that it's here on the YouTube channel another thing is I did make a

video on image Chamberlin the bully it's doing really good at three point one

thousand views now does need some more eyes on it no that helps because we did

last strip reports I said we need more eyes on the yandere day of exposing

video and at the time it had about three thousand views and now I think it's on

the upwards of 20,000 views and going pretty hardcore so that's really cool

and these kinds of topics do need awareness to them also the Domesday

videos they were pretty crazy we did the one talking about how momo inspired from

the creepypasta that actually was inspired from an urban legend of the the

Serie I'll put that video in the above me but we had that real weirdly

associated with the doomsday prophecy and then I did the Mars in opposition

Blood Moon brings a doomsday prophecy weathers

possibly an apocalyptic event right now bringing the doomsday spoiler alert

we're all still alive and you still have to go to work but as interesting as this

is there's always something that's more interesting to meet that straight you

guess the hour and shoot I switch going leave your creative into attrition

responses in the comment box be Lou there's always brothers and sisters I

will see you in the next video another fun episode of the RIP reports

where we talk about the things that matter to us in us alone because that's

the way you do it because oh yeah I almost forgot

are you the black sheep with your family I know I am now we have released a new

merch line I'll put the link in the description it's called I am the black

sheep that's right you can get a hoodie tank tops stickers I have the sweater on

the way which I will wear in videos really cool I am the black sheep of my

family I cannot wait to wear this shirt I'm gonna wear it during Christmas I'm

gonna wear it during Thanksgiving and that's just that's what we do but

because I know that you rep really regular how do you become a member the

rest code I go do a subscriber notification turned off be in the

comment section to every single video cuz I'm gonna be there Greg the cat's

gonna be there and the rest of the rip squad is going to be there let's just

that whoops oops-a-daisy I poked my crystal that's

just another reason why this channel loves you

For more infomation >> Fouseytube ATTACKS!? (KSI IS DISGUSTING!) Cinnamon talks AWARENESS #RepReports - Duration: 15:03.


4810 WINTHROP - Duration: 9:34.

For more infomation >> 4810 WINTHROP - Duration: 9:34.


Fiveheads are Better Than Foreheads (come at me!) - Duration: 3:58.

hi everybody, I'm Amanda the G, and recently

I have noticed on this channel and on reddit and some other social media

a little uptick in the number of comments

that are I think meant to make me feel bad

about my beautiful fivehead

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 head

I don't feel bad, it's fucking glorious, ok?

when I was little, sure, I felt bad, and I had bangs, which was a huge terrible decision

and I learned to take pictures where you like

change your angles so you don't really see the forehead as much

but now, forget it, we'll take pictures like this

I don't really understand this whole like calling out people for the size of their forehead

or fivehead, which, according to buzzfeed, a fivehead is

so today I figured we would go through some

celebrity fiveheads and evaluate if they actually are indeed fiveheads

because I looked up a list of them, and I'm gonna tell you right now

a lot of these people have foreheads

I don't know what your problem is

y'all can't see

Tyra Banks, now Tyra, I will give this to her

that is a fivehead, ok? and she owns it

Christina Ricci, also a fivehead, I would agree with that

Marcia Cross is a forehead

there is no way in hell you are fittin' five fingers on that forehead

that is a forehead, what is wrong with people?

Alexander I can't pronounce your last name, I'm gonna really butcher this, Skarsgard


yeah, ok, fivehead, kind of on the border line, but we'll go fivehead

Uma Thurman is not a fivehead, there's like photo angles where it looks that way

if you like tilt forward, like whatever you put near the camera looks bigger

look I have a bigger chin

Christian Slater is a forehead

Ellen Page, fivehead

Angelina Jolie, forehead

that is not a fivehead, that is a forehead

Rhianna, I will give that to her, fivehead

Neil Patrick Harris, fivehead

Jennifer Garner is a forehead

James Van Der Beek, fivehead

Reese Witherspoon is BARELY a forehead people!

Nicole Kidman, again, forehead

Meena Suvari, fivehead

Leighton Meester


Ryan Reynolds is on this list

who the hell approved this list?

Ryan Reynolds does not have a fivehead

Zoe Saldana

four and a half, maybe five

Leonardo DiCaprio


Olivia Wilde


maybe four and a half

Tom Hanks, fivehead

and then, we'll get into a couple of people on YouTube that people

have claimed have fiveheads

one is more recent which is Jacksepticeye




four, not a five


then the one that has a shit ton of forehead jokes

everywhere because everybody thinks he has a fivehead


now listen, Jacksfilms wishes he could be in the fivehead club

but he's got four, maybe four and a half

grow another half a finger, then you can join our exclusive club!

that's just a quick list of some foreheads, fiveheads, whatever

listen, I don't care

you wanna call me a fivehead, congratulations, I am one

it really does not bother me

so if you wanna get under my skin, you're gonna have to try a little bit harder than that people

that's it for this video, if you liked it, click the like button

and subscribe to my channel

I make a new video every Tuesday and Friday

thank you guys so much for watching


I burninated myself on an oven

For more infomation >> Fiveheads are Better Than Foreheads (come at me!) - Duration: 3:58.


PAGANI創始人特製 2.5億元豪宅用超跑Zonda R當隔間 - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> PAGANI創始人特製 2.5億元豪宅用超跑Zonda R當隔間 - Duration: 2:32.


The Happytime Murders | No Sesame. All Street.

For more infomation >> The Happytime Murders | No Sesame. All Street.


Ex-Turma do Didi ASSUME NAMORO com RAPAZ e SURPREENDE a todos - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Ex-Turma do Didi ASSUME NAMORO com RAPAZ e SURPREENDE a todos - Duration: 1:22.


Estou Aqui (Clipe Oficial) | Isaias Saad ft. Luma Elpidio - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> Estou Aqui (Clipe Oficial) | Isaias Saad ft. Luma Elpidio - Duration: 5:05.


Martina e Gianpaolo si sarebbero lasciati dopo Temptation Island per colpa del tentatore - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Martina e Gianpaolo si sarebbero lasciati dopo Temptation Island per colpa del tentatore - Duration: 3:45.


Una Vita anticipazioni: RAMON e TRINI faranno pace! - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> Una Vita anticipazioni: RAMON e TRINI faranno pace! - Duration: 4:15.


Riso per eliminare il cattivo odore dagli armadi - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> Riso per eliminare il cattivo odore dagli armadi - Duration: 5:27.


Cartões de Débito e Crédito - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Cartões de Débito e Crédito - Duration: 2:10.


SHROUD BACK TO HIS ROOTS! PRO 200 IQ BAIT! CS:GO Twitch Clips - Duration: 10:05.


For more infomation >> SHROUD BACK TO HIS ROOTS! PRO 200 IQ BAIT! CS:GO Twitch Clips - Duration: 10:05.


Como identificar aplicativos falsos no Google Play | Canal da Lu - Magalu - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Como identificar aplicativos falsos no Google Play | Canal da Lu - Magalu - Duration: 2:04.


Freestone Park, Gilbert to Bunker Family Funerals & Albersons, Mesa, Arizona, 30 July 2018 GP075955 - Duration: 26:05.


Lindsay Rd

Ray Rd

30 July 2018

Gilbert, Arizona

Settlers Point

Jiu Jitsu

Valero, 831 E Warner Rd, Gilbert, AZ 85296 valero.com (480) 813-4350

Warner Rd


Stamps Auto, 711 S Lindsay Rd, Gilbert, AZ 85296 stampsautolindsayrdgilbert.com (480) 497-6272


Horse Trailers

Middle Finger Poke

Mercedes SUV Dance

Elliot Rd

Sierra Springs

Freestone Park

Town of Gilbert Public Works Department Field Operations Division


Sun Circle Trail, Heritage Trail

American Orchards, 765 N Lindsay Rd, Gilbert, AZ 85234 americanorchardsaz.com (480) 887-0599

Guadalupe Rd

Houston Ave

애리조나 한국 제 7 차 재림 교회


Arizona Korean Seventh-Adventist Day Church

Personal Loans, Cash Time Loan Center

Baseline Rd

Suncrest Villas

US 60 Underpass

The Village at Lindsay Park

Lindsay Court

Without Walls Church, 1303 S Lindsay Rd, Mesa, AZ 85204 withoutwalls.tv (480) 838-2587

Southern Ave

Sun Valley High School, 1143 S Lindsay Rd, Mesa, AZ 85204 sunvalleymesa.com (480) 497-4800

Canal, Sun Circle Trail, Consolidated

Meadowgreen Park, 2821 E Pueblo Ave, Mesa, AZ 85204 (480) 644-2352

E Pueblo Ave


Alans Beer & Wine, 361 S Lindsay Rd #7, Mesa, AZ 85204 (480) 830-7867

Broadway Rd


Boost Mobile

United States Postal Service, Passports

TitleMax Title Loans, 2801 E Main St, Mesa, AZ 85213 titlemax.com (480) 981-8240

Main St

Big Lots

Ross Dress for Less

Mesa Spirit

Panhalla Metaphysical and Psychic Center, 355 N Lindsay Rd, Mesa, AZ 85213 panhalla.wix.com (602) 977-7770

Circle K

University Dr


Mesa Spirit

Orangewood Shadows RV Resort, 3165 E University Dr, Mesa, AZ 85213, orangewoodshadows.com (480) 832-9080

Pilgrim Lutheran School and Church, 3257 E University Dr, Mesa, AZ 85213 pilgrimmesa.com (480) 830-1723

The Polo Club, 3319 E University Dr, Mesa, AZ 85213 poloclubrentals.info (480) 642-7656

Las Alegres, Adult Community

Val Vista Gardens

Canal, Eastern Canal Trail

Bunker Family Funerals & Cremation, 3529 E University Dr, Mesa, AZ 85213 bunkerfuneral.com (480) 830-4105


University Dr.

N. Val Vista Dr.

Fast Med Urgent Care

Super Cleaners

Holly's Nails

Tobacco 4 Less

Albertons, Osco




Cart Man


F***, f***, f***!

Worker injures self.

For more infomation >> Freestone Park, Gilbert to Bunker Family Funerals & Albersons, Mesa, Arizona, 30 July 2018 GP075955 - Duration: 26:05.


UN POSTO AL SOLE, anticipazioni e trame puntate dal 6 al 10 agosto 2018 - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> UN POSTO AL SOLE, anticipazioni e trame puntate dal 6 al 10 agosto 2018 - Duration: 3:06.


TOP 5 Ways To Make $200 PER DAY With Your Website – Episode 5 - Duration: 11:03.

So now that you've built your own website you've actually built yourself a

money creating asset so in this video I'm going to show you the top five ways

to make money with that specific website and if you haven't created that website

that's okay just watch the previous episodes in this free tutorial series

where I teach you how to create that website so let's go like I said in the

previous episodes I do think that crane website and creating your own content is

potentially the most enjoyable way to create money online at the moment now

that I've showed you how to create that website technically and how's that

creating content that will start ranking month a month month now with that

traffic you're creating a loyal fanbase and you can start to monetize the

traffic and this comes the fun part monetizing that audience so let's get

stuck into it straight to point number one the first way to monetize that

website that you just created is of course affiliate marketing now affiliate

marketing is its own beast in itself and I won't get too deep into affiliate

marketing techniques with affiliate marketing it is the most reliable way to

create a passive source of income with your current website all you're doing

with affiliate marketing is you're providing a referral link to a certain

business for your audience within your current niche so say for example for

fishing niche is what if you're working with a fishing company that has

affiliate offers and they're providing fishing rods for example and you used

this fishing rod and you really like it then you can provide a review on it or

just insert it into any article where it's relevant and once a person clicks

on that link and makes a purchase off your link within a certain time period

then you're gonna be getting a commission we're looking at scale here

you can imagine how well this works like I said in my first video if I was

getting 10,000 visitors a month a lot of people are gonna be converting off my

affiliate links and that is a decent amount of site income every month but

here's probably one of the biggest advice that I want to share

it comes to affiliate marketing you want to be transparent and you want to be

honest with your followers of your website so what I mean by this is you

don't want to shove authors down your users throats just for the sake of that

commission instead what you want to do is be really honest with them if you use

the product or that service before and you do think honestly that it's really

beneficial you want to make sure that it's a reliable that it's a quality

service or product before you start suggesting it otherwise you're not gonna

find that affiliate marketing will work well for you me personally on this

channel I love promoting Shopify because I know for a fact that it works like a

charm I love the platform I love the service I

love what they provide and what they stand for and I've spent hours and hours

thousands of hours on that platform and so I am not hesitant at all to provide

that offer to you guys so that's method number one moving on to method number

two is Google Adsense now this is a very simple method and very simple model all

you need to be doing is grabbing a piece of code essentially from Google if you

type into Google Google Adsense sign up for an account and get that piece of

code what you're letting Google do is start serving ad placements on your

website so essentially is selling placements on your website you're

selling a traffic to Google so they can promote their ads on your website this

isn't the most effective way but this is a very very simple way to make a start

making money online with your website when you first get decided and you get a

decent amount of traffic for example like I said I had 10,000 people coming

in from a month I get a decent amount of pocket money from Google via Adsense

this again this isn't the most effective way to make money online but it can get

you started in the short term now the third way to make money with your

website is putting out good content essentially what you're doing with this

website is you're creating a following you you're working in your niche that

you're really passionate about you're creating a following capturing all these

people around the world to follow your blog so by doing so you've got a law

lawyer following and you can create a really good piece of content and start

selling it to your audience if you're in the Attic

nitch or you're in the gym nish you can simply all you need to do is create an

ebook 20 30 pages long with several workouts that you know specifically has

worked for yourself and you share that with your audience now you'll be

surprised just how many people will buy that ebook especially if its price well

within the ninth 20 dollar range because that is an impulse buyer and can easily

set it up as a gated piece of content on WordPress and that able doesn't even

need to be that fancy you can simply create it as a Word document with a few

photos here and there and you can convert it into a PDF I've seen ebooks

that are literally on Word documents with no photos at all and according to

the owner it's made them thousands and thousands of dollars every month so for

example if you were to sell 10 ebooks a day press the $20 that's already $200 a

day that is a decent amount of income every month

me personally I haven't sold any ebooks online just yet for example on my

ethan's ENCOM website I provide a free dropshipping ebook at the moment and I

don't plan to monetize that ebook at all because I want to provide value for you

guys and I love creating a mini community at the moment that wasn't at

the number 3 method number four is all about sponsorships when I was working in

a PR firm with a whole bunch of clients sponsorships were super lucrative we

would approach bloggers online with even a small small following with I'm talking

about 2,000 to 3,000 visitors a month and we would offer them a trip sometimes

we would offer them a product we'll offer them a service get them to review

it and even pay them on top of that and they could they could keep that specific

product or that service I've worked with clients multinationals where we would

provide them a trip around Europe and pay them just to have fun so that could

be you if you create a big enough following then you could potentially be

approached by companies small or big and they'll provide you with monetary value

to review their products and to give them exposure now this can happen more

earlier than you think but it is also very important to make sure that you are

not selling yourself out you want to be

partnering with a company that is in line with your website's values and your

content value for example with my channel I have not partnered up with

anybody but I do receive sponsorship of this every single week but I just don't

think they're in line with my brand and I don't want to be selling you guys some

useless crap that is not going to help you out on your journey to success so

make sure that you're providing your audience value and make sure that you're

being transparent because these two values are the most important elements

that you'll be providing your audience the fifth and final way to make money

online with your website and a very effective way is ecommerce of course

ecommerce now because you're gonna be on the WordPress website and the WordPress

infrastructure you want to be working with WooCommerce

a couple of people in the previous videos have mentioned that they want to

see my will commerce stats and how I've used WooCommerce so I'll make a view in

the future about these stats and just to let you know it was pretty successful in

comparison the shop fire and we're talking about five six digits here so I

will be sure to show you on the back end of my WordPress website and the new

feature so keep an eye out for that it is a very effective way especially off

the back of your content website now think about it if you're creating a very

loyal following about a certain niche their balances starts you know

bookmarking your website they're bound to begin to start browsing your website

other than the article that you've written I'm sure you've seen those fan

Instagram pages where they create a huge following all about their favorite niche

for example and in their bio they've got a link to a ecommerce website whether

that be shocked by whether they're being WooCommerce that website surely makes a

lot of money especially if they have hundreds of thousands of followers on

Instagram now you can do the exact same on a Content website all you need to do

is create a loyal following with repeats users coming back to read your content

and your to make sales because if you think about

it getting 10,000 people to visit your website on a month that is quite

expensive when it comes to paid traffic now I'm not saying that paid traffic is

useless Facebook Ads is a beast Google Ads is a beast there's always a place

and time for it and that is another strategy in itself that I won't get into

in this video but getting 10,000 followers every month to read your

website they are bound to visit your store so hook up your store to

WooCommerce and boom you've got a beast of a content website where in the next 6

to 12 months you're making a decent amount of income through affiliate

marketing you're making money through Adsense potentially sponsorships and on

top of that you've got a WooCommerce store connected to your website so god

knows how much money you can make off that WooCommerce store and like I said

be sure to stay tuned for that specific video where I go through my personal

website and my personal WooCommerce store is show you what sort of figures I

am making as you can imagine if you've got these five methods in place that I

taught you in this video that is a lot of income compounding in a long term and

the stat is every millionaire has at least I believe it was seven sources of

income so this is a very decent and profitable way to make money online and

I hope you enjoyed this series that is a wrap but be sure to continue watching

and subscribing in this channel if you haven't already because I will be

dropping some seriously seriously a litte value bonds coming your way

including a WooCommerce video because I know that has been highly requested and

on top of that I am actually going on another adventure very soon with my

mates and that is going to be an awesome adventure style blog because I know you

like the previous one as well as always guys thanks for watching if you have any

questions let me know down in the comments below otherwise thanks for

watching and keep on hustling

For more infomation >> TOP 5 Ways To Make $200 PER DAY With Your Website – Episode 5 - Duration: 11:03.


Lo zucchero: 8 usi alternativi che vi cambieranno la vita - Duration: 6:40.

For more infomation >> Lo zucchero: 8 usi alternativi che vi cambieranno la vita - Duration: 6:40.


ULTRA ROKTAVOR GLITCH + CODES [Beyblade Burst App] - ベイブレードバーストアプリ - Duration: 10:24.

For more infomation >> ULTRA ROKTAVOR GLITCH + CODES [Beyblade Burst App] - ベイブレードバーストアプリ - Duration: 10:24.


♡ Precure's Game - Indovina la Pretty Cure [SUB ENG] ♡ - Duration: 8:16.


SUBS BY: Reika Aoki

Hi to everyone future legendary fighter!

Today we do a new game, sure you all know it

but we adatted it in the way we can play it in the world of the Pretty Cure!

The game basically consists in this:

Febe and I we'll take a note in which there will be write the name of a Cure

Obviously, we will not go to see the name because or target will be guess the Cure we have take

by up to ten questions

to which we can answer "yes" or "no".

If we can not guess, we can have the possibility to ask a clue to our opponent

that is, ask him/her what color is the Cure he/she take

To remind us the questions we have asked our adversary, we will have a notebook

where we will write the answers the opponent will give us.


And the first to take is Febe.

I close the eyes?


Wow, interesting! "CURE BEAT"

We can start the game now!

My Pretty Cure, when she is trasforming, have the hair collected?


My Pretty Cure *Ehm, my Pretty Cure*

has her hair loose from untrasformed?

She have her hair lose (yes).

My Pretty Cure...she has an intellectual behavior?


Ok, my Pretty Cure have the hair lose.

but despite having the hair lose transformed, does she have any accessories?

Yes! Yes, yes!

My Pretty Cure untrasformed have the hair short?

No, she don't have it short.

Ok, while I continuing to write...

My Pretty Cure...

have a particular talent?

Who is your Pretty Cure?

Oh, yes, she have it.

My Pretty Cure when is transformed have an accessory in the head...?


She have an accessory on the head.

My Pretty Cure have a two pieces dress?


My Pretty Cure have the boots that reach up to the knee?


My Pretty Cure *my Pretty Cure* have the eyes purple?

...from untrasformed?


My Pretty Cure from transformed

have the hair blue?


My Pretty Cure...have a suck desing-Ok, no!

My Pretty Cure have the blond hair from untransformed?


My Pretty Cure unstransformed have a little tail?

...or...no, have a little tail?

But what are you meaning for "tail"? A real long tail or a shprt tail?

A short tail.


*My Pretty Cure have the hairs lose but she have an accessory...so we see a bit in the Pretty Cure story!*

*Then, for esample...* but any Pretty Cure-

Wait a second.

My Pretty Cure untransformed have the hair red?


My Pretty Cure have on the head a thing, like a heart?


Girl, I'm am it.

*Then...she dont' have the hair red, she don't have blond hair...but she have the hair lose.*

*And she have an accessory.*

Oh people, I'm really really confused.

My Pretty Cure transformed have a hair at the end it have curly?

She have it.

I try...

My Pretty Cure is Cure Beauty?


I was sure!

I'm was sure she is Cure Beauty!

Isn't Cure Beauty. You have an other possibility.

My Pretty Cure transformed have the hair that's isn't of the color of the dress?


My Pretty Cure *I'm at the nine question!*...my Pretty Cure when she transformed change hair color?


It's very hard this game guys!

I have the final question!

My Pretty Cure have a particular talent?


Musical talent?

Eh, is an other question!

Particular talent.

You have done nine question.

I have the final people!

My Pretty Cure doesn't the hair purple, don't have the hair red, don't have the hair blond...

then, what color I miss?

But, the color of the hair change, and this is a thing can really help.

We have Peach, but sh doesn't have the hair lose, and she change color.

We have Inori, but she don't have the hair...

People, if I wrong...

My Pretty Cure is Cure Yell?



Ok, I lose.

Ok, I win!

This game is really hard!

Then, what is was my Pretty Cure?

She was Cure Beat.

But Cure Beat doesn't have the hair lose...

Yes, she have!


But...she have all the hair tied!

Cure Beat!

She the image of Cure Beat in the book.

But she doesn't have lose!


She doesn't have lose...I ant to show you....

This game is rigged!


I'm sorry....

Ok, good guys, the video end

I hope you have like the game!

Then, a greeting!

And....at the next one video!

Thanks for watching!

SUBS ENG BY: Reika Aoki

For more infomation >> ♡ Precure's Game - Indovina la Pretty Cure [SUB ENG] ♡ - Duration: 8:16.


Qual o Polimento Correto para o Seu Carro? Conheça os tipos de Polimento e Vernizes | Dom Custom Car - Duration: 10:23.

For more infomation >> Qual o Polimento Correto para o Seu Carro? Conheça os tipos de Polimento e Vernizes | Dom Custom Car - Duration: 10:23.


A Limpiar los Amigos de Plim Plim #4 | Higiene en las Comidas |Plim Plim Juegos - Duration: 10:35.

For more infomation >> A Limpiar los Amigos de Plim Plim #4 | Higiene en las Comidas |Plim Plim Juegos - Duration: 10:35.


Previsões Agosto 2018 - Leão - LEÃO CAINDO A FICHA - Duration: 1:47.

July must have been a heavy month, but August will help you understand everything that went

down, especially at the time of the eclipse of the 11th.

You will understand and project yourself better.

Venus going to Libra makes contacts with other humans more harmonic, although you should

be careful with talks until Mercury goes back to the right track on the 18th.

The Sun in Virgo talking to Uranus retrograde in Taurus also helps you to see financial

solutions for your profession.

Great news after so much stress.

Just be smart because Mars goes back to Capricorn on the 13th and energizes your routine, in

a weird way.

My tip: Take care of your health.

Don't let this excess energy make you sick.

And watch out for inflammations and irritations you thought were already healed.

Sensitivity will be strong in middle month, and mediumship even more.

If you don't have a spiritual connection, you may find a ghost on your bathroom.

Take note: self-knowledge and understanding: around the 11th; focus on the routine and

career: from the 13th on; high sensitivity: middle of the month.

Avoid being trolled by that ghost in your bathroom!

Like, share and subscribe our channel.

Follow weekly forecasts on Facebook and daily tarot on Instagram, and take a look at our


For more infomation >> Previsões Agosto 2018 - Leão - LEÃO CAINDO A FICHA - Duration: 1:47.


Previsões Agosto 2018 - Sagitário - SAGITÁRIO ABRINDO A CABEÇA - Duration: 1:55.

The eclipse of the 11th will bring you news in your favorite subjects: studies and travel.

Now, you've got the nerd fire or the lust for travel in action.

My Tip: you may just need to open your head.

And if you're too stuck in something, you can confuse yourself.

Venus going to Libra helps you a lot to be beautiful and bouncy in the middle of people,

especially if you're a girl or in situations related to women, art, law or finances.

Singles can find someone interesting among friends.

Keep your eyes open!

The second half of the month is very focused on your career, and you can feel relief in

the routine or better understand some surprises at work.

But not everything is easy, because those intense closures have returned to action,

especially in familiar or residential situations.

The middle of the month will be especially strong in this regard.

Take note: news of travel or study: around the 11th; shining in the middle of people:

from the 6th on; strong closures: all month, but especially in the middle of the month.

To carry on those closures easily, like, share and subscribe our channel.

Follow weekly forecasts on Facebook and daily tarot on Instagram, and take a look at our


For more infomation >> Previsões Agosto 2018 - Sagitário - SAGITÁRIO ABRINDO A CABEÇA - Duration: 1:55.


Previsões Agosto 2018 - Capricórnio - CAPRICÓRNIO DIRECIONANDO ENERGIA - Duration: 1:50.

Mars goes back to your sign and gives you a little more energy, but not

so much because he walks backwards until the 27th - so you may not direct that energy correctly,

like Goku without target.

My tip: The beginning of the month requires a lot of attention, because the eclipse of

the 11th brings great transformations or revelations.

But it seems to me that this is going to bring you a career opening, or new life goals.

It's a matter of looking forward – if you look back you'll fall.

The second half of the month is more like you and you feel better to open your head

or even travel.

Those genius ideas that may have been coming may stop, so that you can process and organize

what has come.

And when you're in the middle of a lot of people, watch out for ideas or contacts that

can come back.

This information will come for a reason.

Take note: transformations and revelations: around the 11th; study or travel: second half

of the month; information and contacts that return: middle of the month.

To follow the line of all those transformations, follow Augúrio!

Like, share and subscribe our channel.

Follow weekly forecasts on Facebook and daily tarot on Instagram, and take a look at our


For more infomation >> Previsões Agosto 2018 - Capricórnio - CAPRICÓRNIO DIRECIONANDO ENERGIA - Duration: 1:50.


Fake news sobre a eficácia de vacinas prejudica saúde da população - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Fake news sobre a eficácia de vacinas prejudica saúde da população - Duration: 3:02.


Fouseytube ATTACKS!? (KSI IS DISGUSTING!) Cinnamon talks AWARENESS #RepReports - Duration: 15:03.

welcome back and in today's video fouseytubes gone crazy I'm way too

invested in the ksi vs logan paul fight cinnamon is I'm gonna call her and

we're gonna listen to her her reactions right there in the moment about some of

those great things that you've said about her and is she gonna start making

content today as the rep reports my own friend twisted a narrative against me to

manipulate to get more views so bougie-ass article comes out Drake's

team confirms yada yada first of all I don't give a shit cuz I'm talking to

Drake's to you Oh Bo Johnny tell his day's text to me I love you okay one of

the biggest problems I have with fouseytube in his message I know

everyone has pretty much already decided I mean I've heard people in the streets

he's lost his frickin mind but the number one thing is is I want to get

this clear I don't think that his message is completely wrong I do believe

in like universal intelligence and you in the law of attraction you do attract

what you are the problem with it is by the words that he says it just cannot be

so some of my favorite authors like Bill Carnegie anything in Robbins Napoleon

Hills book law of success everyone speaks about the words that you say like

even his the one show he did what was a hate dies lover is that what it is

having the words hate and dies those are negative of affirmation --all words kids

can I say that negative Nate Nick will just say negative affirmations and if

you see in the video where he just completely loses his cool toward Sam

pepper in Adam no jumper this podcast you can see the conflict within I feel

like a Jedi talking about this but sense a disturbance in the force phousi

higher and I can't wait for you and that's I told you what I felt about you

don't love you and I can stare at you lying saying I love you and the reason

I'm doing this because I want you to change right I stopped being a walking

Lu stop being a meme start doing shit for your lying about hey I'm trying to

tell you you're living just like when Han you're living your life through a

listen you may were tracked Hey you came here to call me Wally

he was extremely aggressive I want to point out ass beside me is just like

what's going on this guy right here is just like please don't touch me

but you know sandpaper 'he's got some controversy behind him but the point is

is the law of attraction doesn't work that way phousi you have to watch the

words that you say and you have to be a little bit more centered i stand firm in

my crown and I never hesitate I never changed my story the break was coming

that day yeah it's now let everyone speculate everyone hate let everyone do

thing but if you want to say Oh Drake's team said they want no involvement Greek

theater a youtuber that the world's calling crazy and a bomb that does great

one of the highest-paid artists in the world and brands in the world want to

associate himself with that I think that's a good question to ask I'm not

gonna get into this in the rep reports but tomorrow I plan on doing like a big

a bigger video about the fuzzy stuff maybe I will if this video gets 300

likes so slap a like on it we might do that first it was Logan Paul in a video

pretty much trashing ksi followed by ksi with a video pretty much thrashing

thrashing Logan Paul problems with these videos Logan Paul was bringing up things

from chaos eyes past very bad things sexual harassment let's take a look at

that with massive tits where have your tits

gone where'd the God because I can't see them

not big enough

my problem with KS is exposing video was the fact that there really wasn't any

exposing in there and all his points were pretty groundless I am NOT biased

like I said I'm neutral in the situation but every point that ksi brought up is

it a se que si que si brought up it wasn't a good one let's let's go ahead

and for the risk of this being completely demonetised let's check this

out recognize this type of behavior before a JJ you are me moments before I

flew to Japan oh my god Logan you're so right making a comment about your

testicles and what you did in January or exactly the same thing by the way that

was sarcasm

so pretty much ksi pointed out the fact that most of the stuff he says is

sarcasm but if you have to point out that the most list of you say is sarcasm

it is it in fact actually sarcasm or are you just really bad at sarcasm because I

feel like when I do my sarcasm it's just a little bit more obvious but yeah they

just go back and forth to each other it's a little bit but I gotta say that I

am actually really looking forward to watching this fight it's interesting to

me that this fight is gonna bring crowds of up to 100 million which is about the

same amount of people that watch a professional fight between Mayweather

and Conor McGregor real athletes these guys aren't athletes but still that just

goes to show you that people really don't give a crap how popular somebody

is or how good they are they just really like watching people fight brings me

back to the Roman days when they used to have the Colosseum it I think it's

pretty much similar because I'm just pretty just as amped up about this as I

was the Conor McGregor fight and I'm actually looking forward to khabib

fighting Conor McGregor will Conor McGregor actually be any good as he

comes back also in the news okay this is a piece from a live stream that we did

where cinnamon joined me you guys met cinnamon for the first time and she was

very awesome and she did a very good job a lot better than a lot of people I've

had on the show you guys really locked her and you had a lot to say and she was

very I guess woke to the fact that she will I think she was really interested

in making content and I wanted to make a video and show her the support that she

had so let's call her up and we're gonna read a few of the comments from you guys

and listen to her reactions cuz that's fun

hello hey what he doing I'll do a little bit of context here I

made a video where I talked about how you were how you were kind of like

talking about after we did the livestream together you were talking

about how you liked singing and you was you even kind of referenced you knew

some ghost stories and you kind of it just kind of seemed to me like you were

like really interested in doing something creative like that

so I did make a video where I wanted them to show support towards that and

what I want to do is I just want to read you some comments and I want you to

reply to those comments right now this sounds cool this is from

Denis Denis or zoko it says okay first of all you and cinnamon should do music

together like how awesome that she also wants to get into singing and you

compose I think it would be easy for cinnamon to manage a horror story ghost

story channel she can do multiple stories in a long compilation video and

upload once a week it may not be mini uploads but it can definitely hold a lot

of content per upload that makes it worth it yeah I recently found out there

for mountain holds mini ghost stories and mini supernatural like and just

crazy things like aliens and stuff like that

so let's get another one here we'll do one more suggestion for her making her

own channel with her being that busy she could get a mount or mounts for her

phone or cameras and set them up in her car so she can record herself talking to

and from work and do vlogs that way that is safe as long as it isn't

live-streaming and that would be a driving distraction so that wouldn't be

a dropping distraction so basically setting up a camera in the car and just

talking back and forth during your commutes it is a really good idea you

should when you get a chance you need to like read through these comments because

it's like mostly just stuff to you and like a lot of different ideas I wanted

them to put out ideas to where since you have a busy schedule that you could get

around it another thing is is that you are doing a what is it you're raising

money for suicide awareness tell us about that I know why you're doing it

they don't know why you're doing it

I want to make that impression on people who are going to the same thing so just

help people and we're currently yeah what do we as I shared it on Twitter and

I shared it on Facebook so we're a 150 to 300 so we're like halfway to it and

there's like 30 days left so what I'll do is I'll put the link in the

description for anybody that wants to donate even a dollar helps and that's it

you got anything else you want to say

alright that's good I'll call you after this video all right bye

she seemed very nervous didn't she I think that I just randomly call people

up I'm like hey you're on video yes that would be freaky also in the news so it

looks like we're about halfway to 26,000 subscribers that's really cool I did the

IRL stream the other day where we went to Walmart we've got groceries groceries

we made spaghetti I'm still eating the spaghetti it's grape you guys want to

watch that it's here on the YouTube channel another thing is I did make a

video on image Chamberlin the bully it's doing really good at three point one

thousand views now does need some more eyes on it no that helps because we did

last strip reports I said we need more eyes on the yandere day of exposing

video and at the time it had about three thousand views and now I think it's on

the upwards of 20,000 views and going pretty hardcore so that's really cool

and these kinds of topics do need awareness to them also the Domesday

videos they were pretty crazy we did the one talking about how momo inspired from

the creepypasta that actually was inspired from an urban legend of the the

Serie I'll put that video in the above me but we had that real weirdly

associated with the doomsday prophecy and then I did the Mars in opposition

Blood Moon brings a doomsday prophecy weathers

possibly an apocalyptic event right now bringing the doomsday spoiler alert

we're all still alive and you still have to go to work but as interesting as this

is there's always something that's more interesting to meet that straight you

guess the hour and shoot I switch going leave your creative into attrition

responses in the comment box be Lou there's always brothers and sisters I

will see you in the next video another fun episode of the RIP reports

where we talk about the things that matter to us in us alone because that's

the way you do it because oh yeah I almost forgot

are you the black sheep with your family I know I am now we have released a new

merch line I'll put the link in the description it's called I am the black

sheep that's right you can get a hoodie tank tops stickers I have the sweater on

the way which I will wear in videos really cool I am the black sheep of my

family I cannot wait to wear this shirt I'm gonna wear it during Christmas I'm

gonna wear it during Thanksgiving and that's just that's what we do but

because I know that you rep really regular how do you become a member the

rest code I go do a subscriber notification turned off be in the

comment section to every single video cuz I'm gonna be there Greg the cat's

gonna be there and the rest of the rip squad is going to be there let's just

that whoops oops-a-daisy I poked my crystal that's

just another reason why this channel loves you

For more infomation >> Fouseytube ATTACKS!? (KSI IS DISGUSTING!) Cinnamon talks AWARENESS #RepReports - Duration: 15:03.


4810 WINTHROP - Duration: 9:34.

For more infomation >> 4810 WINTHROP - Duration: 9:34.


Fiveheads are Better Than Foreheads (come at me!) - Duration: 3:58.

hi everybody, I'm Amanda the G, and recently

I have noticed on this channel and on reddit and some other social media

a little uptick in the number of comments

that are I think meant to make me feel bad

about my beautiful fivehead

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 head

I don't feel bad, it's fucking glorious, ok?

when I was little, sure, I felt bad, and I had bangs, which was a huge terrible decision

and I learned to take pictures where you like

change your angles so you don't really see the forehead as much

but now, forget it, we'll take pictures like this

I don't really understand this whole like calling out people for the size of their forehead

or fivehead, which, according to buzzfeed, a fivehead is

so today I figured we would go through some

celebrity fiveheads and evaluate if they actually are indeed fiveheads

because I looked up a list of them, and I'm gonna tell you right now

a lot of these people have foreheads

I don't know what your problem is

y'all can't see

Tyra Banks, now Tyra, I will give this to her

that is a fivehead, ok? and she owns it

Christina Ricci, also a fivehead, I would agree with that

Marcia Cross is a forehead

there is no way in hell you are fittin' five fingers on that forehead

that is a forehead, what is wrong with people?

Alexander I can't pronounce your last name, I'm gonna really butcher this, Skarsgard


yeah, ok, fivehead, kind of on the border line, but we'll go fivehead

Uma Thurman is not a fivehead, there's like photo angles where it looks that way

if you like tilt forward, like whatever you put near the camera looks bigger

look I have a bigger chin

Christian Slater is a forehead

Ellen Page, fivehead

Angelina Jolie, forehead

that is not a fivehead, that is a forehead

Rhianna, I will give that to her, fivehead

Neil Patrick Harris, fivehead

Jennifer Garner is a forehead

James Van Der Beek, fivehead

Reese Witherspoon is BARELY a forehead people!

Nicole Kidman, again, forehead

Meena Suvari, fivehead

Leighton Meester


Ryan Reynolds is on this list

who the hell approved this list?

Ryan Reynolds does not have a fivehead

Zoe Saldana

four and a half, maybe five

Leonardo DiCaprio


Olivia Wilde


maybe four and a half

Tom Hanks, fivehead

and then, we'll get into a couple of people on YouTube that people

have claimed have fiveheads

one is more recent which is Jacksepticeye




four, not a five


then the one that has a shit ton of forehead jokes

everywhere because everybody thinks he has a fivehead


now listen, Jacksfilms wishes he could be in the fivehead club

but he's got four, maybe four and a half

grow another half a finger, then you can join our exclusive club!

that's just a quick list of some foreheads, fiveheads, whatever

listen, I don't care

you wanna call me a fivehead, congratulations, I am one

it really does not bother me

so if you wanna get under my skin, you're gonna have to try a little bit harder than that people

that's it for this video, if you liked it, click the like button

and subscribe to my channel

I make a new video every Tuesday and Friday

thank you guys so much for watching


I burninated myself on an oven

For more infomation >> Fiveheads are Better Than Foreheads (come at me!) - Duration: 3:58.


PAGANI創始人特製 2.5億元豪宅用超跑Zonda R當隔間 - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> PAGANI創始人特製 2.5億元豪宅用超跑Zonda R當隔間 - Duration: 2:32.


Don't tell him, Pike! - Dad's Army 50th Anniversary - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Don't tell him, Pike! - Dad's Army 50th Anniversary - Duration: 0:54.


Prosecutors Won't Pursue Sexual Abuse Case Against Les Moonves | Katy Tur | MSNBC - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Prosecutors Won't Pursue Sexual Abuse Case Against Les Moonves | Katy Tur | MSNBC - Duration: 4:19.


The Untold Truth Of Burger King - Duration: 5:10.

It's tough to imagine a world without Burger King.

For over sixty years, the company has provided cheap and filling food to hundreds of millions

of customers across the globe.

Here are a few things you probably don't know, or don't remember, about this American favorite.

"Break out the buns, cuz we grillin this dog my way.

Bikinis, martinis, zucchinis… yeah, you know the rest."

The Whopper Sacrifice

In 2009, Burger King created a one-off app which awarded users a coupon for a free Whopper,

if they deleted 10 people from their friends list.

Oh, and the app also sent a message to the friends you'd deleted, informing them that

you valued their friendship at less than one-tenth of a Whopper from Burger King.

Facebook shut the app down after only ten days, claiming it was a massive violation

of their users' privacy.

In that time, however, the app had already been installed on almost 60,000 accounts.

20,000 of those got their free Whoppers, while 200,000 more people were force-fed a hefty

dose of reality.

Burger King vs. Burger King

In 1952, Gene and Betty Hoots bought the Frigid Queen ice cream store in Mattoon, Illinois.

They quickly added burgers and fries to the menu and changed its name to Burger King.

They even acquired a state trademark for the name in 1959.

A few years later, the real Burger King rolled into town.

It was a classic case of David versus Goliath, and in this case, the little guy won.

The larger Burger King chain was forbidden from opening a location anywhere inside a

20-mile radius of the Hoots' Burger King.

Although the company later offered the Hoots $10,000 to set up shop within the radius,

their offer was firmly declined.

The restaurant still exists to this day.

The Google ad

In 2017, Burger King introduced an ad campaign specifically designed to hijack the devices

in viewers' homes.

The commercial was basic enough: an actor, facing the screen, asks:

"Okay Google, what is the whopper burger?"

Any Google Home device that picked up the audio would then react by reading aloud the

Wikipedia entry for the Whopper.

Google didn't appreciate the gimmick.

The ad was only effective for about three hours after it aired, when the audio was added

to a list of sounds that Google Home would refuse to respond to.

Easy come, easy go.

The BK sauna

Burger King made headlines in 2016 when they opened their very own sauna.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, it's located in Helsinki, the capital of a country populated

by 5 million people and 2 million saunas.

But only in this one can you can relax, make your order and chow down on a Whopper and

some fries, while sweating like crazy, of course.

There's enough room inside for around 15 people, making it perfect for private parties, and

guests can even purchase robes embroidered with the BK logo.

The Burger King sauna has been something of a surprise hit since it opened, and no wonder:

where else can you go to get literal meat sweats?

"How's the burger?"

"Probably not smart to do this, right?"

"Let's see what happens."

The net neutrality debate

Net neutrality has been a landmark political issue for several years now.

As the threat to net neutrality has increased, no small number of celebrities and companies

have entered the fray to explain just how devastating it would be if internet providers

were allowed to charge more for higher speeds and priority service.

In 2018, Burger King broadcast a series of commercials in which customers were asked

whether they wanted to pay more for their Whopper to get it faster.

The customers paid different amounts based on each Whopper's "Making Burgers Per Second"

speed, whilst employees explained that, since the restaurant could make more selling chicken

sandwiches, they had decided to restrict access speeds to the Whopper alone.

"We don't make the rules."

"You just enforce these ridiculous rules?"

"Works when we have to."

Burger King then directed viewers to a petition aimed at preserving net neutrality.

It was a brilliant way to make a realistic comparison between burgers and the potential

pitfalls of an unbalanced internet.

"The Whopper actually taught me about Net Neutrality.

Stupid but true."

Crown Cards

In 2008, actor and comedian Hugh Laurie sent shockwaves across the world by revealing to

the Times that certain celebrities had been gifted their very own lifetime unlimited Burger

King Crown Cards.

He also named a number of well-known figures, including Jay Leno and George Lucas, as recipients

of the card.

Laurie didn't actually have his own card at the time, but was granted one soon after he

made his comments to the press, making him the 12th celebrity to receive an unlimited

Crown Card.

The bling burger

In 2008, Burger King created what they simply called, "The Burger."

Available in just one restaurant in west London, The Burger was made with Wagyu beef, Pata

Negra ham, Cristal onion straws, white truffles, and Modena balsamic vinegar.

Anyone wanting to sample this decadent beast would first have to fork over £95, or around


It was all for a good cause, though.

100% of the proceeds from sales of The Burger were donated to the Help A London Child charity,

an organization which lends a helping hand to children and young people suffering from

homelessness, poverty, illness, and abuse.

A secret meal

Burger King's most famous secret menu item is the Quad Stacker.

It consists of four patties, four slices of cheese, a layer of bacon and special sauce.

And if that doesn't exactly sound like the healthiest choice on the menu, that's because

it's not.

No official nutritional information exists for the Quad Stacker, but the Triple Stacker

will set you back 640 calories, 42 grams of fat and 940 milligrams of sodium.

Throw in fries and a drink and you've got yourself a disaster just waiting to happen.

Maybe stick to the salad, next time.

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of Burger King - Duration: 5:10.


STATE WILDFIRE UPDATE for July 31, 2018 - Duration: 3:55.

Hi I'm Bryan May in the Cal OES newsroom, today is Tuesday July 31st, another day

close to thirteen thousand personnel fighting more than a dozen wildfires up

and down California we're gonna update you on some of the largest ones in the

state. Now joining me to talk about today's updated fire numbers,

Battalion Chief Lucas Spelman with CAL FIRE, Lucas first of all thank you very much for

joining us today I appreciate it

Thank You Bryan

yes we've had hundreds of fires throughout the state in this month of

July and right now we have 15 large major fires that are burning throughout

the state, we're going to speak about the four major ones that we have, obviously

in the south the Cranston Fire it's in Riverside County it's over 13,000 acres

but it's 82% contained which is great because we're starting to actually put a

containment of full containment on that fire particular, there's 1257 fire

personnel on that fire right now, also we have the Ferguson Fire which is in the

Mariposa County area there's 57,846 acres

it's 33 percent contained we have almost 4,000 personnel on that

fire and they're continuing to work with that, also in the Mendocino complex which

is in Mendocino and Lake Counties it's almost 75,000 acres and

it's only 12 percent contained that fire is definitely burning on both areas

which is the River and also the Ranch fire both of those fires have 2015

personnel on that fire, and then the Carr fire in Shasta County which is

110,154 acres it's only 27% contained and we have almost 4,000

personnel on that fire with that fire we do have some concerns because there's a

lot of smoke in the air but there isn't as much fire that people can see the

fire is still burning rapidly up into the areas so we just ask everybody to

maintain their awareness of what's going on around them and if they feel unsafe

that they need to evacuate the area.

Lucas weather plays such a huge role in

what you guys at CAL FIRE do can you talk about the conditions moving forward this week.

Well the weather is getting a little bit cooler but it we're not out

of the woods yet it's still going to be hot, dry

the weather conditions are impacting the firefighters and so as we look forward

to this week we just ask people not to be complacent even though it's a little

bit cooler this is still well within that wildfire burning conditions and so

we just continue to ask people to be cautious of what they're doing and try

to maintain anything that they do outside maybe no later than 10 o'clock

in the morning

And weather aside what are some of the other challenges you see

going forward?

Well right now the firefighters are getting tired mentally

and physically and so we hope that we can knock some of these fires out so we

can get some of them back home get them some rest we do have firefighters coming

throughout the other states in the United States which is really going to

lend a helping hand to us across all these fires

Any advice to people who are

living in the areas that that either are or could be affected by wildfires?

well we have the program ready set go right now anybody that's in the affected area

I would ask them to be in the set portion of that which means that you'd

have everything that's ready you would have it in your vehicle and if something

happens or you are evacuated by law enforcement all you have to do is really

put your pets in their crates and key in the ignition and drive away

Lucas Spelman thank you very much for joining us today and giving us that

information on these fires. thank you. for more information on any of the fires

across the state you can log on to the incident page on Cal Fire's website

that's fire.ca.gov, also if you can go on Facebook if you're in Shasta County the

sheriff's office in Shasta County has just released an interactive map you can

check to see if your house was either damaged or affected by the car fire for

Luca Spelman with CAL FIRE all of us at Cal OES and all of our local state and

federal partners I'm Bryan May thanks for watching

For more infomation >> STATE WILDFIRE UPDATE for July 31, 2018 - Duration: 3:55.


Pussy Riot's World Cup Protest Explained | The Russia Desk | NowThis World - Duration: 6:08.

Putin almost got away

with hosting the World Cup without any

four members of Pussy Riot

took the field during the final

game, between France

and Croatia,

interrupting game play

and high fiving the French superstar,

Mbappé, before getting tackled by police.

Those watching the game live couldn't

tell exactly what was going on.

The cameras panned away quickly

but later that day the famous protest

group known as 'Pussy Riot' took

responsibility for the interruption,

calling it a performance titled

The group of four were making a statement

about the police state in Russia

and the treatment of political prisoners,

wearing police uniforms as part of the


They ran onto the field under the

eyes of President Putin himself

who attended the final.

As writer Masha Gessen said:

"Pussy Riot became the only people to make

The protest came on the eve of the Trump/Putin summit

and was quickly overshadowed by the

mind boggling news of that press


But while this was all happening,

the four protesters were sentenced to 15 days in jail each.

And some got a three year ban from attending

sporting events.

They released a video emphasizing

their point.

"The World Cup has shown very well

how well Russian policemen can behave,"

they said, referring to how for the most part,

Russian police didn't do their

usual cracking down of protesters.

But then they continued.

"What will happen when [the World Cup] ends?"

Pussy Riot first rose to prominence

with their infamous cathedral performance

back in 2012, for

which their members were sentenced to two

years in prison.

Fifteen days in jail may seem like a short

sentence compared to that,

but the Russian policemen hardly behaved

well when they detained the World Cup protesters.

According to videos published on social media,

and a translation by the independent Russian

news outlet, Meduza,

a policeman accused the protesters

of "taking a shit on Russia."

Pussy Riot's response? "No.

We are for Russia."

Their point,

often heard among protesters here in the US,

is that dissent is patriotic.

The policemen went on to say that he

sometimes regrets we're not still in 1937,

a year when Stalinist purges

and arrests and executions of political

dissidents were common.

That makes Pussy Riot's list of demands

all the more relevant.

They released one explaining the protest

that included bullet points like

"Let all political prisoners free,"

"stop illegal arrests at rallies,"

and "allow political competition in

the country." To hear more about

what Pussy Riot is all about, we

spoke to one of the founding members [in May 2017],

Masha Alyokhina.

Over the course of a car ride, she

told us about the philosophy behind their

protest, how the group is

pretty open to anyone who wants

to speak up,

and what she really thinks of Trump

and Putin.

Donald Trump made his first

visit to Washington.

I think the United States has, politically,

a time very similar to what we had in 2012 [in Russia with Putin],

because a lot of people didn't expect that he really will be president of the United States.

VERSHA: Did you expect it?


NADYA: No more Muslims.

TRUMP: These are people that nobody knows who they are.

We better be careful.

MASHA: The reality is that if you are not fighting for something,

your enemies will take the power real fast.

And Trump can be a good lesson for the United States,

just to remind to ourselves what we are fighting for,

what they believe, and to unite.

TRUMP: We got to take our country back, folks.

MASHA: In the circus —

There are like archetypes of two clowns,

like a funny one with red hair and red nose,

I think Trump is kind of that,

and the other clown [has] white hair, and he's always sad,

like this,

And I think there is a lot of similarities with Putin.

VERSHA: That's good. Two clowns in a circus.

No more fat pigs.

VERSHA: So what is your advice to Americans?

What should they be prepared for?

MASHA: For my opinion, one of the main,

kind of basic problems,

is indifference of people.

When they decide

that somebody else will

come and save everybody from evil.

It's not working like that.

You should do what you can every day

if you want changes.

And do not censor yourself,

because I think self-censorship

is really what they want.

And all of that starts

with like classic censorship

in media,

in, I don't know,

public space,

in our sphere as well.

[Pussy Riot music]

MASHA: Everybody can be Pussy Riot.

Anyone can do an action.

"Trump will make America great again."

Hey guys, thanks for watching The Russia Desk.

Be sure to comment on this video

and let us know what your questions are about

Pussy Riot or other protests in Russia.

And be sure to follow our page

and like The Russia Desk for more videos

like this.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Pussy Riot's World Cup Protest Explained | The Russia Desk | NowThis World - Duration: 6:08.


❣️🏠Fabulous home you don't want to miss ❣️1508 Sandy Way Antioch CA ☀️ - Duration: 3:44.

(upbeat music)

- If you are a super picky buyer

this immaculate home is made for you.

Krista Mashore, Homes By Krista,

and I cannot wait to show you this house.

Come on in and let's take a look.

(upbeat music)

Talk about meticulous right?

No rear neighbors, what else can you ask for?

And it's a single story.

I know you know somebody who's thinking about buying a home

so forward this video and as always

make it a great home selling and buying day.

Krista Mashore, Homes By Krista.

For more infomation >> ❣️🏠Fabulous home you don't want to miss ❣️1508 Sandy Way Antioch CA ☀️ - Duration: 3:44.


Letters and Numbers for Children - Duration: 15:11.

(upbeat acoustic music)

- [Tayla] Hey bananas, Tayla here.

I wanna talk to you about learning ABCs and numbers.

Sometimes learning can be challenging,

but challenges can also be fun.

And there are some great tools out there

to help us overcome the challenges of learning, like this.

Wonderful set of magnetic alphabet

and numbers from Joy ABCs.

Joy ABCs is the sponsor of this video,

they sent me this 40-piece set

of wooden magnetic alphabet letters and numbers.

We're gonna use it to count and learn the alphabet today.

Plus, we'll play a fun ABC game.

Get ready for a fun, interactive episode.

Let's go.

(upbeat music) (shimmering chimes)

Parents, if you're like most moms and dads

you're always struggling with new and interesting ways

to teach your children ABCs and numbers.

Well this set of fun, colorful, educational magnets

are a great solution.

Having a physical object for your child to hold

and interact with helps build motor skills,

in addition to learning their ABCs and numbers.

Plus, it comes with a bonus pack of alphabet flash cards

and a free ebook.

Click the link in the description

to get this magnetic set for your child today,

then they can play along with me.

First, we're going to magnetize all the ABCs

to this metal sheet.

A. (focused electronic music)

























And Z.

Good job, that's all of the ABCs.

Now we're going to play an ABC game together.

I'm going to say a word, and I want you to point

to the letter that it starts with.

Then we'll take 'em down, one by one.

Okay, the first word is teddy bear.

Tuh, teddy bear. (gentle acoustic music)

That starts with the letter T, good job.

What about house?

House, are you pointing at the letter H?

That's what the word house starts with.

The next word is pencil.

Puh, puh, pencil, that starts with the letter P.

What about the word ladybug?

Luu, that's an L sound, let's remove the letter L.

Let's try the word goose.

Goose, guh, guh.

Yeah, it's the letter G.

That's what the word goose starts with.

What about the word boat?

Buh, boat.

It's the second letter in the alphabet, a B, boat.

Fence, fence.

Fu, fu, that's an F sound.

Fence starts with the letter F.

What about the word zoo?

Z-O-O, that starts with the letter Z, zoo.

Drums, drums, duh, duh.

Are you pointing at the letter D for drums?

Way to go.

Let's use the word moon.

Muh, moon, the moon is up in the sky at night,

and it starts with the letter M, muh, moon.

What about rainbow?

Rainbows are up in the sky too.

Ruh, ruh, yeah it's a letter R for rainbow.

Ah, ah, apple.

Ah, ah, apple, that's the letter A,

the very first letter of the alphabet.

Great job everyone.

Let's try the word clown.

Clown, huh.

Cuh, cuh, it could be a C, or it could be a K.

Do you know how to spell the word clown?

I'll spell it with you: C-L-O-W-N.

It starts with the letter C, clown.

Watermelon, I know that letter.

Wuh, wuh, do you?

Yes, a W for watermelon.

Mmm, I love to eat watermelon.

What about the word egg,

do you like to eat eggs for breakfast?

Eh, eh, egg starts with the letter E.

E for egg.

Snail, snail, sss, that's the sound of a snake.

That also starts with the letter S.

Snail and snake start with the letter S.

Igloo, igloos are made out of ice.

An igloo starts with the letter I.

Igloo, great job.

Ice starts with the letter I too.

Let's try the word jellybean.

Mmm, I love to eat jellybeans.

Juh, juh, do you see a letter up here

that makes the sound juh?

A J, juh, jellybean, you're right.

J stands for jellybean.

What about the word kite?

Kuh, kuh, we already used our letter C,

so it must be a K, K for kite.

Let's try the word nest.

Nnn, nnn, nuh, nuh.

Ah, that sounds like the letter N for nest.

Yes, way to go, let's try the word quilt.

Ooh, that's a funny word.

Quilt, quh, quh.

Hmm, I think it's the letter Q for quilt.

Way to go everyone, now we have five letters left.

An O, a U, a V, an X and a Y.

Let's try five more words.

Let's do the word umbrella.

Umbrella, uh, uh, that's a U sound.

That's how you spell umbrella, with a U.

What about the word violin?

Vuh, violin.

It's not an O, I think it's a V, V for violin.

Let's try the word xylophone.

Ooh everyone, this is gonna be a hard one, xylophone.

I don't think that starts with an O, xylophone.

And I don't think it starts with a Y, so it must be an X.

Xylophone starts with the letter X.

That's a hard word to spell.

Okay, two words left, let's do the word yo-yo.

Hey, yo-yo is spelt Y-O-Y-O.

Yuh, yo-yo starts with the letter Y.

That leaves the letter O for orange.

The last letter was an O, way to go,

we matched a word with each letter of the alphabet.

Now that our pan is all clean,

let's use the number magnets and count from zero to nine.

Then we can play a fun math game.

Zero, one, two, three, (soft guitar music)

four, five, six,

seven, eight and nine.

Great job counting,

we used all of the number magnets, zero to nine.

Zero, one, two, three,

four, five, six,

seven, eight and nine.

Now let's play our math game.

One plus two equals?

We have three options: five, nine or three.

Hmm, this will take some working together.

One plus two, that's addition.

It means we add 'em together.

I think nine is too big of a number for one plus two.

Let's take that one away.

Now we have to pick between three and five.

One plus two equals?

Three, you got it, bye-bye number five.

One plus two equals three, that's addition.

Okay, now we're gonna practice some subtraction.

Five minus one equals:

four, zero or eight.

Hmm, subtraction means you take this number

away from this one.

If we have five, and we subtract one,

how many does that leave us?

It can't be eight, because that's bigger than the five is.

And it can't be zero,

because that means we'd have nothing left.

It must be the number four.

Five minus one is four.

Now before we go, let's review the ABCs

using our bonus flashcards. (upbeat music)

Each flashcard has pictures representing the letter on it.


























And Z. (bright acoustic music)

Parents, if you need a solution

to help teach your kids the ABCs, counting and math,

I'd suggest you get this 41-piece

wooden magnetic set from Joy ABCs.

You can click the link in the description.

I'll see ya next time on Tea Time, bye-bye.

- [Announcer] Hey kids, thanks for watching

Tea Time with Tayla.

Be sure to subscribe, and click the bell

to be notified with brand new videos.

And parents, visit TeaTimeWithTayla.com

to learn how Tayla can help celebrate your child's birthday.

(bright acoustic music)

For more infomation >> Letters and Numbers for Children - Duration: 15:11.


🔴 Free parking for electric cars in Stuttgart Germany - Don't worry about parking with ecar 🚘⚡️ - Duration: 1:28.

hello as you already know I'm Alex from the YouTube channel eDrive

I just like to make a short video about parking in Stuttgart.

Stuttgart is one of the big cities in Germany

and here for example it's only allowed to park for one hour

but you need a parking ticket you need to... It's payed parking - but the good thing is

with electric car if you have the E plate number like I have on my Renault Zoe car you see

the last letter is E - If you have this E plate number you can park in Stuttgart where ever you like

on the public parking places for free unlimited time so I don't need to pay

parking fee and I can stay here as long as I like - that's

very good parking in Stuttgart. They should implement that also in other cities

Stuttgart thumbs up for this free parking for

electric cars. So this was already the whole video if you liked it please give

me a thumbs up and if you like to see more of my videos just press the

subscribe button and don't forget to ring the bell beside the subscribe

button so you will always get informed right now

whenever I upload a new video or whenever do a live streaming okay thank you and see

you soon

For more infomation >> 🔴 Free parking for electric cars in Stuttgart Germany - Don't worry about parking with ecar 🚘⚡️ - Duration: 1:28.


Shady Things Everyone Just Ignores About Kim Zolciak-Biermann - Duration: 4:41.

Viewers of The Real Housewives of Atlanta have watched as Kim Zolciak-Biermann evolved

from being a single mom of two who was dating a mysterious married man to being swept off

her feet by NFL free agent Kroy Biermann.

She has since starred in her very own Bravo TV spin-off series, Don't be Tardy, and added

four more little ones to her family.

Sure, some of the scenes on these reality shows may be nothing more than scripted drama,

but she has also been entangled in a few real-life incidents that have definitely raised some


Bills, bills, bills

While the ladies who star in the Real Housewives franchise live seemingly lavish lifestyles,

Zolciak-Biermann has faced plenty of legal drama for supposedly not paying her bills.

When she and her family overstayed their welcome in a house they were renting in 2012, the

landlord fined Zolciak-Biermann $600 for each day she and her family allegedly squatted

in the home.

Zolciak-Biermann initially denied that her lease had ended, but later came clean to the

tab after TMZ obtained the lease, pledging to pay the fine in a lump sum when she finally

moved out.

In December 2017, she made headlines once again over an unpaid bill from Christmas 2016.

Back then, Zolciak-Biermann reportedly hired a company to deck the halls of her humble

abode with thousands of dollars worth of seasonal decor, but she allegedly refused to fork over

the cash for months.

According to Page Six, the decoration company slapped her with a lawsuit to force her to

pay the bill.

Married sugar daddy

Prior to marrying Kroy in November 2011, Kim Zolciak-Biermann was entangled in a truly

scandalous relationship.

"He prefers to remain a mystery so I just refer to him as Big Poppa."

It was this mystery man who financed a lot of her luxury goods, from designer handbags

to cars.

Her big spending on Big Poppa's dime only made internet sleuths more curious as to the

identity of her sugar daddy, who was later revealed as real estate developer Lee Najjar.

Zolciak-Biermann was even allegedly engaged to Najjar at one point, which doesn't make

a lick of sense since he was already married to someone else.

Crappy situation

During her wedding special, Zolciak-Biermann became agitated when her mom Karen asked to

borrow a pair of shoes prior to the wedding ceremony.

The nerve!

But that was nothing.

During the wedding reception, the poo really hit the fan.

The mother of the bride and the bride actually got into a tiff over the bride forcing her

mother to use rented facilities in the backyard instead of the restroom inside the home.

When Karen decided to sneak into the house and use the restroom anyway, the groom confronted


The bride then had her mother escorted out of the house by security guards.


Family feud

As Zolciak-Biermann's brood continues to grow, there are two people who have been noticeably

absent from her family life: her parents.

While the rocky relationship was on full display during her wedding, according to TMZ, things

got so bad that her parents alleged that Kim was unfairly blocking them from visiting her


Her dad, Joe, told TMZ his daughter is a "pathological liar" who is "trying to make a mockery" of

their family.

He added: "She has been married twice and has three

different fathers of her four children.

Let's face the facts."

On an episode of Don't Be Tardy, Zolciak-Biermann revealed that the relationship with her mother

is broken beyond repair.

She said:

"My children, I will always be in their life.

But my mom?

I will not let her back into my life, let's just be clear."

Only the nose knows

On an episode of Watch What Happens Live, host Andy Cohen grilled Zolciak-Biermann about

changes in her appearance, particularly the shape of her nose.

After her husband, Kroy, insisted it was the "exact" same nose from years ago, Zolciak-Biermann


"If I'm going to have a nose job, it's going to be a hell of a lot shorter, okay."

While she admitted to a boob job and a tummy tuck in an interview with E! News, questions

about the noticeable changes to her face have always been a touchy subject for the star.

She told People magazine:

"It's frustrating but it's a battle I'm not going to win.

People can say what they want to say."

She told the publication that her face had naturally "thinned out a little bit" over

the years before adding: "But I have nothing to hide, and also I have

nothing to prove!"

We'll just have to take her word for it.

Shifting the blame

During part three of Real Housewives Of Atlanta's Season 10 reunion special, Zolciak-Biermann

was called out by her cast mates for her shady actions, in particular, an incident where

she said her costar, NeNe Leakes, lived in a "roach nest."

Many of her cast mates felt the term was fueled with racist undertones associated with black

women who live in the projects.

After storming off-stage, Zolciak-Biermann released a string of profanities and implied

that her co-stars were just trying to make things about race.

She was pummeled by intense backlash from viewers, and issued a written statement to

shift the blame.

It read, in part:

"I made a comment that confused and offended people.

I sincerely apologize.

Edited out of context, I understand why my remark angered people."

It's not like she had ever been accused of racism before.

"Well people always said I should have been black anyway."

For more infomation >> Shady Things Everyone Just Ignores About Kim Zolciak-Biermann - Duration: 4:41.


Sales Tips: How to Achieve Quality Engagement Across Your Entire Pipeline - Duration: 2:33.

Hi, Peter Haas here, an Account Executive at SalesLoft and today I want to talk with

you through some tips and tricks on how to successfully engage with your entire pipeline

as an account executive.

As an AE, it can be daunting to add people to the top of your funnel or to your pipeline

while still working those deals that are further along within the sales cycle.

So today, I want to give you three tips on how to attentively engage with your entire

sales pipeline.

My first tip is how to engage effectively with your entire pipeline without losing that

quality of messaging your touch.

Every salesperson knows that personalization is crucial to a meaningful connection, but

when personalization comes so far that it's hard to keep up with the volume of your pipeline

is when a problem begins to arise.

That's why I use automation to dramatically reduce the time I spend personalizing my messaging.

Dynamic tags allow you to easily include any kind of personal information, name, suggested

meeting times, even any kind of field you track in Salesforce, down to your prospect's

favorite color.

Taking it a step further, I use snippets or certain sentences or paragraphs that I use

quite often, so you just drop into my emails with a single click.

For example, when following up on maybe a demo I've done earlier, if someone wants

to see pricing for a certain tier that we offer or they're more about our advanced

telephony features, I've got a snippet right there, I can just drop it into my email and

move on to my next prospect.

As you're constantly executing and closing deals, it's hard to take time to go back

and reevaluate how your process is actually working.

What is particularly useful and my favorite feature in our analytics is the heat map of

calls and emails.

So I can go back and see based on when I'm connecting with my prospects when's the

best time to call them or send those emails off.

On top of analytics and automation, the ability to run my entire cadence right out of Salesforce

with the SalesLoft sidebar is a huge value-add.

While within Salesforce, I can run all of my cadence steps, easily access any kind of

personal information or things like CrystalKnows.

Additionally, I can go ahead and add prospects to any kind of cadence so I can take immediate

action on them right away.

And while I'm working my current opportunities, I can easily see all previous activity, any

engagement I've had with my prospects right there from Salesforce.

I can send an email, give them a quick call, have all that activity seamlessly track back

into Salesforce for me from a single click.

Thanks again for listening to my three tips today.

Hope you all are able to take something away.

Please feel free to reach out if you'd love to learn more about SalesLoft and how full-cycle

reps use SalesLoft to drive more opportunities or engage with their pipeline.

As always, happy lofting.

For more infomation >> Sales Tips: How to Achieve Quality Engagement Across Your Entire Pipeline - Duration: 2:33.



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The Good Fight: Jaime King x Jackie Cruz x Paula Begoun | Trailer - Duration: 0:19.

The moment I started being myself was the moment that people saw who I was.

By sharing my truth, it's freed me.

It just felt like I was telling the truth.

For more infomation >> The Good Fight: Jaime King x Jackie Cruz x Paula Begoun | Trailer - Duration: 0:19.


Worbital Beta with my hilarious german friend | part 3 - Duration: 37:06.

For more infomation >> Worbital Beta with my hilarious german friend | part 3 - Duration: 37:06.


😱 100% FREE - HOW TO STEAL COMPETITORS CUSTOMERS (FREE Traffic To Shopify) - Duration: 4:50.

what is going on guys my name is Jesse Eby if you're new to this channel welcome

i'll be releasing weekly content in regards to e-commerce shopify dropshipping and everything online entrepreneurship so many people hit me

up and they're asking me for methods to do various things without any money and

to open a business you need some money but I'm gonna share with you some tips

to where you can steal your competitors customers for completely free you can't

be lazy and you really gotta be ready to put in the work though but first I want

to thank the people that have donated it to my channel in the description I have

some affiliate links you guys have been using and all that money that the

channel earns will be invested directly into my youtube channel thus bringing

you guys more powerful content as time goes on I could only accept one more

mentorship because I need to be able to have the free time to dedicate to the

people they have donated for mentorship as well as provide free content for as

many people as possible if you haven't started Shopify yet consider in the

description the free extended trial that I have that gives you 30 days instead of

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resources in general in my description that help support the channel take a

look at that and let's go ahead and jump into the powerful content how to steal

your competitors customers for Shopify drop shipping alright let's go

mm all right all right boys and girls let's go ahead and jump into this now

when you're first starting out a lot of people don't have a lot of capital and

there's applications and there's services where you can pay for all of

this to be automated and it makes things a lot easier but when you're first

starting out you need to first earn that capital from using these free methods

earn some money and then invest that back into your business and scale

everything and get rocking and rolling here so this just give me a quick video

so for this example let's look at I just pulled up this random Instagram page

custom reels let's say you're in the fishing niche all you'll do is you'll go

to somebody that's in your niche and you'll go to their followers you'll go

through here and you'll start following whichever ones look like real pages

after some time these people will naturally follow you back at that point

you will DM them and let's go ahead and jump into my phone here and I'll show

you how to go about messaging them so we've gone through and we've followed

some random people and we get a handful of them they followed us back so let's

select this person here let's say this person followed us back already we're

gonna go here and we're gonna send them a message

so we'll message this person and you guys could save this message and just

copy and paste it

it's best if you give them a customized coupon code so in this example his name

looks like his name is Scott so you and make the coupon code and your

Shopify back-end something like that Scott 50 so it's personalized so they

realize it's not just random automated message necessarily that's

going off to everyone that follows them it feels more personalized you want to

leave a link to your website and have an open line of dialogue in case they have

any questions with you

and remember guys that 50% off is just an example the price that you want to

give them is a price that you breakeven on because the chances of them leaving a

store that they already have loyalty to is a little more slim you want to give

them a huge discount that allows you to break event but then you obtain them as

a lifelong customer so you'll have to figure out what that percentage is to

where you break-even depending on your item but that is the way to go ahead and

jump in and obtain some customers from competitors in your niche so like I said

guys just a quick video and when you're first starting out and if you don't have

any cash at all you really got jump in and get in the nitty-gritty get your

hands dirty and really dive in and contact people manually and just really

you got to be obsessed about it otherwise you're gonna get burnt out so

hopefully this was helpful for some beginners starting out trying to get

those first sales so that you can obtain sales and obtain some capital and then

invest that into growing your business I'm probably going to start doing

shorter videos because the audience retention on my videos is on average

pretty low let me know if you like the longer form videos or if you want the

shorter form videos in the comments below

drop a like on the video drop a subscribe if you haven't yet so we could

help this movement succeed and save as many people from being scammed by the

scamming gurus as possible all right thanks for stopping by be sure to

subscribe peace out

For more infomation >> 😱 100% FREE - HOW TO STEAL COMPETITORS CUSTOMERS (FREE Traffic To Shopify) - Duration: 4:50.


How to Get Rid of Fungus Gnats Guaranteed - Duration: 7:27.

Flies and gnats buzzing around your home are not only annoying, but could be a sign of

decomposing matter.

A common, but little known pest might be living and breeding where you least expect it.

No, it's not the fruit fly, but the fungus gnat.

So in this video, I'm going to show you first, how to confirm you have fungus gnats and then

give you our guaranteed method to get rid of them.

Hi, I'm Zach with Solutions Pest and Lawn.

If you're new to us, we create these videos to help educate people like you about do it

yourself pest control.

If you want to buy the products in this video and get even more info about fungus gnat conrtol,

click the card on the top right of the screen or the links in the description below.

The fungus gnat is a tiny fly with long, thin legs and wings, and it somewhat resembles

a mosquito.

As their name suggests, they feed off decaying organic matter, most commonly fungi.

Fungus gnats thrive indoors because of the high moisture levels, and can grow their populations

to large numbers rapidly.

While they typically don't cause any harm to us, they can be a nuisance, and can potentially

damage vegetation around the home.

So, we're going to get started with the first step of our process: Identification.

Identification is one of the most important steps in pest control.

You need to be absolutely certain that what you are dealing with is actually fungus gnats.

Fungus gnats can sometimes be mistaken for mosquitoes because of their similar appearance.

The problem is, these different types of flies require completely different control methods.

So you need to be absolutely, one hundred percent sure that you're dealing with fungus


The adult fungus gnat is very small, typically around an eighth of an inch in length, and

they'll usually be dark brown or black in color.

Their long legs, wings, and antennae are features that will help you distinguish them over other

common flying pests indoors, like fruit flies, drain flies, and phorid flies.

Unlike mosquitoes, fungus gnats do not bite.

So if you see one land on you and go in for a meal, it's definitely not a fungus gnat.

You can distinguish the two easily by also noting where you found them, which we'll get

into later in the video.

It's also important to recognize the fungus gnat larvae.

Fungus gnat larvae have worm-like bodies.

They can be up to a fourth of an inch in length, and have a dark shiny head.

If you want to learn more and get your professional pesticides for fungus gnat control, visit

our website by clicking on the link in the description below.

The next step in the process is inspection.

Inspection is a crucial step to control because this helps you confirm fungus gnats habitats,

and lets you know where they are coming from.

If you don't treat in the right spots, you won't get effective control.

Fungus gnats need a moist environment with decaying matter, like fungi, to feed on.

An often overlooked and extremely common place is household plants, specifically in your

potted soil.

This is how you can help identify a fungus gnat over a mosquito.

Fungus gnats are typically seen buzzing around or moving and about potted plants and soil.

This is also why you need to know what the larvae looks like.

What happens is the fungus gnat larvae will actually feed on the fungi in the soil and

the roots of the plant.

If there is enough larvae and fungi to go around, then they could eventually damage

your plants.

If you have moisture and fungus growing elsewhere, like under sinks or areas of the home where

you may have had a leak, then they may be found there as well.

Remember, click on the link below for our fungus gnats control guide.

And you can also order the products we're going to talk about in our control method.

The third step to the process is control.

To get control fungus gnats, the first thing you need to do is reduce the moisture around

your home.

Be sure to fix any leaky plumbing that you might have, and if you've found them around

plants, that's a sign that you're over watering and the soil needs to be dried out.

Do your best to minimize how much and how often you water.

It's best to let the top one to three inches of soil dry before watering again.

You might also consider using a spray bottle to simply spritz the plants indoors.

You can even place a raw potato on your soil to soak up some of the moisture.

Just don't forget about it or it will rot and invite other pests in.

For plants and soil outside, improve any spots with poor drainage.

When that's done, it's time for chemical control.

The items you'll need are Musca-Stik fly traps, Reclaim IT insecticide, a pump sprayer, and

Pyrid aerosol.

These products will not only give you total control of fungus gnats, but pesticides like

Reclaim IT and Pyrid can be used to control and prevent many other pests, such as roaches,

mosquitoes, ants, bed bugs, or spiders.

First, we're going to use the Musca-Stik fly traps.

The Musca-Stik is a glue trap that's free of insecticides.

It uses a combination of bright orange paper, glue, and a pheromone attractant to lure and

trap the gnats.

First, you're going to sprinkle the supplied attractant into the catch basin at the end

of the stick.

Hang in this in areas you've seen fungus gnats activity, such as around potted plants or


Trapping is a great method of eliminating and adult fungus gnats that are left behind

after reducing moisture around plants.

Next, use Reclaim IT to spray around your plants.

Reclaim is a powerful liquid concentrate that provides a knockdown, ninety day residual,

and will even treat a large variety of pests other than fungus gnats.

What's great about Reclaim is that it's not a single-use pesticide like you get at the

box stores.

Depending on what you're treating, you may only use an ounce or two at a time, and it

should last you for years.

You're going to mix this product with water following the labeled instructions in a pump


Spray the Reclaim over plants and soil beds.

This is going to kill off and destroy any living larvae or eggs, as well as adults that

may happen to land on the surface that it's sprayed on.

For indoor plants, remove them from the house and treat them outside.

Allow them to completely dry before bringing them back inside.

Finally, if you are still seeing fungus gnats flying around your home, use an aerosol insecticide

like Pyrid or a fogger to provide a quick kill.

Pyrid is a powerful insecticide that is great for contact spraying, and is a flushing agent.

It will get down to pests harboring deep in cracks and crevices.

You're going to want to spray it around plants or areas where you see activity.

Pyrid does not have a residual, it's made with pyrethrum, so make sure the gnats come

into contact with the aerosol spray for best results.

We mentioned that you could use a fogger for pesticide control, but we generally recommend

using Pyrid because of its ease of use and that you can directionally spray it where

you want to treat and chemical doesn't get everywhere.

You can get all of these products today by clicking the icon in the top right corner.

It will have links to each of these products and it will take you to our website where

we have written guides on how to use them.

We will also have links to these products and the equipment down in the description


The final step of the process is prevention.

Without prevention and eliminating conducive conditions, you may be right back to dealing

with fungus gnats after the chemicals wear off.

You'll want to be sure to monitor the moisture levels around your home.

Do your best to address and fix leaky pipes, damp soil, or areas with poor drainage.

After you've eliminated their habitat and moisture, you can spray Reclaim every 3 months

to guarantee you don't get a reinfestation.

All right, that's it.

That is the Solutions four step process in eliminating fungus gnats.

If you wan to visit our website for an in-depth written guide and access to each of these

products, click on the links in the description below.

We 100% guarantee that these products and tips will get rid of your fungus gnat problem

for good.

We also offer same day shipping to help you get control quickly.

Solutions is a small family owned business, and we rely on referrals from customers like

you, so if you liked this how to guide and when the products work for you, please share

and tell your family and friends about us.

Also please don't hesitate to give us a call or shoot us an email.

I'm Zach with Solutions Pest and Lawn, "Ask us how, then do it yourself."

For more infomation >> How to Get Rid of Fungus Gnats Guaranteed - Duration: 7:27.


Fiveheads are Better Than Foreheads (come at me!) - Duration: 3:58.

hi everybody, I'm Amanda the G, and recently

I have noticed on this channel and on reddit and some other social media

a little uptick in the number of comments

that are I think meant to make me feel bad

about my beautiful fivehead

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 head

I don't feel bad, it's fucking glorious, ok?

when I was little, sure, I felt bad, and I had bangs, which was a huge terrible decision

and I learned to take pictures where you like

change your angles so you don't really see the forehead as much

but now, forget it, we'll take pictures like this

I don't really understand this whole like calling out people for the size of their forehead

or fivehead, which, according to buzzfeed, a fivehead is

so today I figured we would go through some

celebrity fiveheads and evaluate if they actually are indeed fiveheads

because I looked up a list of them, and I'm gonna tell you right now

a lot of these people have foreheads

I don't know what your problem is

y'all can't see

Tyra Banks, now Tyra, I will give this to her

that is a fivehead, ok? and she owns it

Christina Ricci, also a fivehead, I would agree with that

Marcia Cross is a forehead

there is no way in hell you are fittin' five fingers on that forehead

that is a forehead, what is wrong with people?

Alexander I can't pronounce your last name, I'm gonna really butcher this, Skarsgard


yeah, ok, fivehead, kind of on the border line, but we'll go fivehead

Uma Thurman is not a fivehead, there's like photo angles where it looks that way

if you like tilt forward, like whatever you put near the camera looks bigger

look I have a bigger chin

Christian Slater is a forehead

Ellen Page, fivehead

Angelina Jolie, forehead

that is not a fivehead, that is a forehead

Rhianna, I will give that to her, fivehead

Neil Patrick Harris, fivehead

Jennifer Garner is a forehead

James Van Der Beek, fivehead

Reese Witherspoon is BARELY a forehead people!

Nicole Kidman, again, forehead

Meena Suvari, fivehead

Leighton Meester


Ryan Reynolds is on this list

who the hell approved this list?

Ryan Reynolds does not have a fivehead

Zoe Saldana

four and a half, maybe five

Leonardo DiCaprio


Olivia Wilde


maybe four and a half

Tom Hanks, fivehead

and then, we'll get into a couple of people on YouTube that people

have claimed have fiveheads

one is more recent which is Jacksepticeye




four, not a five


then the one that has a shit ton of forehead jokes

everywhere because everybody thinks he has a fivehead


now listen, Jacksfilms wishes he could be in the fivehead club

but he's got four, maybe four and a half

grow another half a finger, then you can join our exclusive club!

that's just a quick list of some foreheads, fiveheads, whatever

listen, I don't care

you wanna call me a fivehead, congratulations, I am one

it really does not bother me

so if you wanna get under my skin, you're gonna have to try a little bit harder than that people

that's it for this video, if you liked it, click the like button

and subscribe to my channel

I make a new video every Tuesday and Friday

thank you guys so much for watching


I burninated myself on an oven

For more infomation >> Fiveheads are Better Than Foreheads (come at me!) - Duration: 3:58.


What Liverpool & Jurgen Klopp have left to do in transfer market this summer ? ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 3:45.

The deadline is fasting approaching and there remains much work remaining for Reds.

Liverpool supporters will be hoping Jurgen Klopp delves at least one more time into the

coffers before the window slams shut, as tradition dictates we must say.

However, the majority of the work from the Reds will now be aimed at pruning a squad

Klopp admits needs reducing.

But who could be about to wave goodbye from Anfield?

And what should Liverpool be demanding?



The one position where there has already been a significant outgoing, with Danny Ward moving

to Leicester City for £12.5million having enjoyed the briefest-ever stint as Liverpool's

first-choice goalkeeper.

Alisson's £65m arrival and the emergence of youngsters Kamil Grabara and Caoimhin Kelleher

during pre-season has underlined that at least one of Loris Karius or Simon Mignolet is expected

to depart.

Mignolet seems the most likely, with Besiktas courting his signature.

Given Ward's price, both Karius and Mignolet could command at least £12.5m each.



Alberto Moreno, in the final year of his present Anfield deal, seems the most at risk but with

Klopp a clear fan and Liverpool needing backup to Andy Robertson, the Spaniard's departure

appears unlikely.

There seems little value in allowing Klavan to depart, but could there be scope for Nathaniel

Clyne moving on if a big enough offer arrives?

Liverpool are well blessed for right-back cover.

Clyne, though, would surely cost at least £20m.



Pedro Chirivella is close to a £3.5m move to Rosenborg, while it would be remarkable

if Lazar Markovic doesn't depart, the Serbian's contract up at the end of the season meaning

he may only raise a fee of around £7.5m.

Less clear, though, is the future of Marko Grujic, who is being courted by Lazio to the

tune of around £20m.

Liverpool may be tempted to do business at that amount, even if the player would be happy

with another loan move.

For Ben Woodburn, though, only a loan will be entertained, with Aston Villa currently

at the head of a very long queue.



Danny Ings has already been told he can leave if the right offer comes, with talks with

Crystal Palace having taken place with the Reds seeking a £20m fee.

Southampton, Newcastle United and Leicester City also remain keen.

And Ings might not be the only big-money exit up front, with Divock Origi fading from first-team

view during last week's US tour.

Liverpool want 30m euros with Besiktas interested, but any bid over £20m would surely be considered.

Watford have been touted as chasing a loan, but the Reds will only sanction a permanent

departure for the Belgian.

Sheyi Ojo, meanwhile, hasn't travelled to this week's training camp in France with Middlesbrough

tracking the youngster.

Whether that's a loan move or a rumoured £10m permanent switch remains to

be seen.

For more infomation >> What Liverpool & Jurgen Klopp have left to do in transfer market this summer ? ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 3:45.


Tucson Water Quality Assessment: What You Need To Know - Duration: 2:47.

Tucson, Arizona recently released its annual water quality report, and our Water Nerds

dug through it so you don't have to!

Unfortunately, we found some major problems with Tucson's drinking water.

Chromium 6 is by far the biggest concern in Tucson's drinking water.

Chromium 6 is a highly toxic metal that is currently unregulated by the EPA.

Chromium 6 pollution is associated with metal processing, tannery facilities, chromate production,

stainless steel welding, and pigment production.

In this years water quality report, concentrations of Chromium 6 were detected as high as 94

parts per billion and averaged 4.72 parts per billion.

These levels are nearly 4700 times higher than the concentration determined to have

a negligible impact on cancer risk.

EPA has acknowledged that Chromium 6 is a known human carcinogen through inhalation,

but is still determining its cancer potential through ingestion of drinking water.

Next is perfluorinated compounds.

This years water quality report for Tucson, Arizona included test data from two Perfluorinated

Compounds: Perfluorooctane-sulfonic acid (PFOS) and Perfluoro-1-hexanesulfonic Acid (PFHxS).

Concentrations of PFOS were detected as high as 56 parts per trillion, and averaged 28

parts per trillion.

Concentrations of PFHxS were detected as high as 420 parts per trillion and averaged 210

parts per trillion.

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) recently recommended setting

a Minimum Risk Level of 20 parts per trillion for PFOS, but are still researching the toxicity

profile for PFHxS.

These data from the ATSDR are preliminary and the effects to human health are still


This category of chemicals are "emerging contaminants" which means they are thought

to pose a potential threat to human health and the environment, but haven't yet been


Next is Arsenic.

Arsenic is a heavy metal that typically leaches into groundwater as surrounding bedrock naturally

weathers overtime.

The concentrations of Arsenic in Tucson's water were detected as high as 7 parts per


The federal Maximum Contaminant Level for Arsenic in drinking water is 10 parts per

billion, but regulatory agencies acknowledged that this level should be reduced to 1 or

even 0 parts per billion.

Arsenic is a toxic substance that is linked to a long list of health problems in humans.

Our Water Nerds are on the lookout for other cities to cover.

If you would like us to see what's going on in your hometown, please let us know and comment


Also, If you have any questions about this report or anything else water related, drop

us a line at hello@hydroviv.com, or visit hydroviv.com and use our live chat.

Our Water Nerds are based in Washington DC and can gladly answer any questions you might


For more infomation >> Tucson Water Quality Assessment: What You Need To Know - Duration: 2:47.


More Blocks than Minecraft「Mario Tennis ACES 🎾」 - Duration: 1:06:01.

For more infomation >> More Blocks than Minecraft「Mario Tennis ACES 🎾」 - Duration: 1:06:01.


England Vs India, Test Match Prediction, 1st Test Eng vs Ind First Match Prediction, Who will win - Duration: 4:10.

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