Last night... Last night...
Last night...
...i had that dream again ...i had that dream again
About the woman at train station? About the woman at train station?
Do you know who is? Do you know who is?
I'd like to make a toast... order to celebrate that night, similar to this...
...when a very beautiful girl…
...came in through that door...
...and let me take care of her...
...since then.
<i>Is everything okay with Julio?</i>
<i>Sure! Great!</i>
He´s perfect
<i>The medication should help you sleep...</i>
...are you feeling better?
What's the matter? Are we disturbing the neighbours?
Look, I don't want to fuck up your evening with your girlfriend
but if you could let me charge my phone for half an hour…
Julio, i know this...girl
...from long time ago.
I don't know what she's told you
but I can assure you she's not what she says.
You've done the worst thing ever.
Don´t speak in code, fuck!
What the hell have you done, Sophie?
You can't imagine how hard it is
but it's for our safety, Julio.
She´s very dangerous
When she realises what we've done with her, she'll be furious
A lot
Julio, is she your girlfriend?
What's going on here?
who you let
Why don't you say it?
Why don't you tell us the reason why you're here.
I needed to charge my phone,
it's not my fault to bump into bloody crazy people!
I don´t know...
...which lie is true.
I don't understand why you let her manipulate you.
The two lies you mentioned before.
These two things are true.
How do you want me to believe such an absurdity?
That´s impossible!
You keep saying I'm running away,
I'm scared, and you don't know what of.
You're gonna know it now.
I only need to know if you're ready.
I've accepted the last evidence...
If what Sophie says doesn't happen, then…
Would you untie me?
For more infomation >> "MA PETITE SOPHIE" - Trailer final - - Duration: 2:40.-------------------------------------------
Apoyan la "chela" artesanal - Duration: 5:25.
Apoyan la chela artesanal Nos cuentan que quienes andan muy movidos apoyando a los pequeños empresarios productores de cerveza en México son los de Bancomext, que encabeza Francisco N
González. El banco de desarrollo quiere que los cheleros artesanales afiliados a la Cámara Nacional de la Cerveza y de la Malta tengan opciones de financiamiento, contacten potenciales inversionistas extranjeros y conozcan de mejor manera cadenas de suministro
Según nos explican, actualmente el segmento de cerveza artesanal tiene una participación de 0
1% en el mercado, por lo que se busca que proyectos de pequeños y medianos empresarios, enfocados a la producción de este tipo de bebida, tengan un mayor impulso
Además, la idea es fomentar el acercamiento de los afiliados con otras instituciones públicas, para ampliar el abanico de opciones en un mercado en el que cada vez más consumidores quieren probar cerveza distinta a las marcas tradicionales
Jiménez Espriú, festejando El secretario de Comunicaciones y Transportes de la próxima administración, Javier Jiménez Espriú cumple hoy 81 años de edad
Quien tendrá en sus manos el destino del Nuevo Aeropuerto Internacional de México (NAIM) se ha reunido con una comisión de pueblos y organizaciones opositoras a la construcción de esta infraestructura, así como con la Cámara Nacional de Aerotransportes (Canaero)
Con motivo de su onomástico, nos cuentan que Jiménez Espriú es el primogénito de seis hermanos y en 1960 obtuvo el título de ingeniero mecánico electricista
El ingeniero no es nuevo en el sector público, pues fue subsecretario de Comunicaciones y Desarrollo Tecnológico de la SCT durante el sexenio de Miguel de la Madrid
Además, tiene experiencia en el sector energético al haber sido nombrado durante el sexenio de Carlos Salinas de Gortari como subdirector comercial de Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), en donde tuvo a su cargo la venta de los productos de la entonces paraestatal
Mattel no suelta prenda Con hermetismo, Mattel Inc., la juguetera que dirige Ynon Kreiz comunicó en el mercado mexicano sus resultados trimestrales, casi con una semana de diferencia de su publicación en el mercado estadounidense
La empresa no aclaró a cuántas personas despedirá, aunque en su comunicado hablaba de 2 mil 200 personas recortadas en todo el mundo, sin incluir a las afectadas por la venta de sus dos plantas en México
Sin embargo, según la Asociación Mexicana de la Industria del Juguete (AMIJU), que comanda Miguel Angel Martín, se estima que la empresa daba trabajo a más de 6 mil personas en temporada alta
Hasta ahora, la empresa sólo se limitó a destacar sus ventas mundiales por 841 mil millones de dólares en el segundo trimestre del año, destacar que sus líneas de Barbie y Hot Wheels tienen una inercia positiva, a pesar del impacto de la liquidación de las tiendas Toys "R" Us, así como la continuación de su operación comercial en México
Impulso a la infraestructura Los que van a estar de manteles largos son los del Banco de Desarrollo de América del Norte (BDNA), institución que tiene como director a Alex Hinojosa, y el Fondo de Fondos, con Felipe Vila al frente
Nos cuentan que mañana colocarán sus primeros Certificados Bursátiles Fiduciarios de Desarrollo (CKDes) en la Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV)
Los primeros CKDes que se emitirán con el clásico campanazo en el piso de remates del centro bursátil en Paseo de la Reforma llevarán la clave de cotización "FFBANCK"
Con los recursos, nos cuentan, se pretende financiar proyectos de infraestructura por 4 mil millones de pesos, con la finalidad de cofinanciar préstamos potenciales a proyectos sustentables
Nos cuentan que el primer CKD fue formalizado y financiado por inversionistas institucionales a principios de junio
Belle & Sebastian: The Adventure Continues - Movie - Duration: 1:36:56.
5 Illustrator QUICK TIPS You May Not Know - Duration: 6:26.
today I have five quick top tips for working in Adobe Illustrator some of
which you probably don't know also sponsoring today's video is worthy tea
which is a great way to ensure that your questions they have for me are actually
answered so if you have a question about graphic design or you need some help
worthy tea will guarantee that I answer your questions and allow a one-on-one
discussion with your graphic design problems more about that later in
today's video
the first quick tip in adobe illustrator will allow you to use mathematical
equations on scaling objects so head into the transform window with a shape
selected and then for example use the slash symbol to divide the width and the
height of an object now this is a great way to be 100% precise with your scaling
of objects we can also use the asterisk symbol to multiply a measurement as well
as other mathematical equations to
the second quick tip today will help you with symbols on your design work so for
example on this business card design here I would maybe want to add an email
or even a phone icon if you download an icon font you can insert specific icons
into your text by using the glyphs panel
now this is a quick and easy way to add relevant icons to your artwork and I
find it saved a lot of time too you can find icon fonts with a Google search
within a matter of seconds
did on this business card design here when we use the arrow keys to move an
object around the design it might move too far or maybe doesn't move far enough
head into the general settings and change the keyboard increment values
this number is going to totally depend on the size of your current design or
your project so always change it up to match your design the fourth illustrator
quick tip is again going to save you some time but in this instance when
coloring artwork before you start a project generate plenty of squares off
of the artboard somewhere much like how a painter will have a box of paints for
the watercolor artwork then add color swatches to each of these squares and
choose colors that you might want to use for your design or your artwork you
could of course just use the swatch libraries but by using the squares here
instead you can also add a stroke values
now this is good because when you go to use the eyedropper with eye on your
keyboard you can sample the color of the squares which will actually use the fill
and the stroke color
finally another Adobe Illustrator tip for coloring artwork however this time
it relates to coloring the artwork after has been designed so if you're not
entirely satisfied with the color scheme of your design simply head into edit and
recolor artwork here you're going to be able to change every single aspect of
your design and see the changes in real time this is useful and more efficient
than changing one color at a time in the color palette also you can have access
to things such as color harmony settings which will help suggest what colors that
you need to use for your design
now as I mentioned at the start of video my youtube channel is growing very fast
and I receive questions every single day not only my YouTube comments but also an
Instagram Twitter and even my email now as my channel grows I'm finding it
increasingly hard actually impossible to answer every single person simply
because I didn't have enough time I do try to answer as many comments as
possible and you will see that my comments section on my videos not many
youtubers actually do this but I do take pride in trying to answer as many
comments as possible but yes becoming ever increasingly more difficult so if
you want to make absolute sure that answer your question and even have a
conversation with you about your problem worthy duck tea is the best way to do
this for a really small fee you can ask you a question or you can simply donate
to me and support the channel so if you want some one-on-one help just head down
to the link in description below and connect with me on worthy tea in the
last today's video guys tomorrow I've got a really cool digital art tutorial
in Adobe Illustrator so follow along in a step-by-step creative process on how
to make this digital art that you see on screen now like and share my videos on
social media and of course subscribe to to Tory graphics yum done already
until next time design your future today peace
Dope Daniels - Algo Diferente ft. Pincho Prod. M. Wallace & Dope Dee (Videoclip) - Duration: 3:50.
Cómo coquetear con una chica o un chico - Duration: 3:52.
✅ Polos personalizados #1-Polo manga corta Valento Patrol - Duration: 1:24.
Entornos de desarrollo con Docker - Duration: 16:27.
7 hábitos matutinos que no te dejan adelgazar - Duration: 3:08.
Katie Holmes enceinte et larguée par Jamie Foxx (photo) - Duration: 1:27.
El alegato de Samanta Villar contra la precariedad laboral en televisión - Duration: 5:17.
Emma Smet : le message plein d'amour de sa tante Laura - Duration: 1:43.
Pierre Casiraghi et Beatrice Borromeo surpris au bord du Pacha III (photos) - Duration: 1:29.
Mẹo dân gian | Tác dụng chữa bệnh thần kì của rau muống - Duration: 3:25.
¿Recibiste una llamada que dice que estás bajo investigación? ¡Cuelga inmediatamente! - Duration: 3:51.
Who Will Rock You is Coming to Nashville on August 3rd
Miki Radojević - Tony (A Tribute Song To Tony Sly) [ENG/GER/ESP/SER subs] - Duration: 2:50.
From north and from south, a murder of crows flies
Spelling out "sadness" all across the skies.
Black feathers burst!
The best are mostly fucked the worst.
And since the day Tony Sly has died
I couldn't eat, I had not a single bite
So that it wouldn't jam my throat
Like a pill which makes me choke
Maybe he can feel a tear on his wing
Maybe he hears me forcing myself to sing:
Hey, Tony
Don 't You know, I gave up chasing rainbows,
And not a single time I've been wasted
Since that night at the SKC bar?
Tony (Tony)
You can't imagine the deafening silence
That fills my ear without your vocal guidance.
Broken is my heart.
I'm ashamed because proper words I cannot find,
Nothing wise to say, standing here all tongue-tied,
Trying to send this eulogy of mine
All the way to San Jose and its distant sky.
Cause every single day is International You
And "Capo 4th Fret" is current radio tune.
Then I pretend I have something in my eye
Watering the sting in my heart as I cry.
Maybe you don't hear me, maybe you do
But know this universe is not the same without you!
Hey, Tony
Don 't You know, I gave up chasing rainbows
And not a single time I've been wasted
Since that night at the SKC bar?
Tony (Tony)
You can't imagine the deafening silence
That fills my ear without your vocal guidance
Broken is my heart.
MESSI PLAYINGFOOTBALL WIH HIS DOG || Messi vs His Dog - Duration: 1:06.
Laura Smet et Nathalie Baye, « unies pour la vie », face aux épreuves - Duration: 1:48.
"Ecco cosa decideranno". Temptation, la scelta di Lara… e Michael: succederà nel falò - Duration: 2:53.
"È troppo!". Temptation Island: il pubblico contro la single Teresa | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:24.
"L'ha detto!". Temptation Island: Martina se lo fa sfuggire e Gianpaolo perde la testa - Duration: 3:37.
Love For All Hatred For None | Dark Reality - Duration: 6:01.
Subscribe Please
「ммd」 - || Luna Dreemurr || → Look What You Made Me Do【 Vietsub Phụ Đề 】 - Duration: 1:51.
💖 Osm Romantic Whatsapp Status 💖 || 💖 New Whatsapp status video 💖 || 🌷 propose status🌷 - Duration: 0:30.
Osm romantic proposal
"Dilan Mengejar Cinta MIMIN I LOVE YOU" - Pertunjukan Sandiwara Longser (SAWER) Part 4 - Duration: 25:54.
start spreading the news I'm leaving today I want to be part of it
New York New York
hey everybody never make fun of you this is the most disjointed chopped-up blog I
might have to throw it all away I don't know if I can salvage anything where are
we at today girl new up Jamaica New York City New York City but where'd you make
it or they they make some picante sauce here back in the day bang been hollered
at three times today and she don't even know in what language the guy that was
standing beside me didn't know in what language either he didn't know either
there - I can't say what language I know what language but anyway you've seen our
horrible time we had over in Chicago the other day what would they like with
security they say we're bringing bad we're calling the Popo you can't come in
here cuz you are a bad bad man in Newark they were like man there was nothing
thanks they said you're doing what I don't know go out go in there and ask
somebody else that's what they said okay it's almost the same story the guy was
like oh what you want what are you going and my accents are totally wrong but I
can't do an Arabic accent so he's gonna be Mexican now well what you're going we
just Park over there and go walk around and you'll find somebody who helped you
nobody wants to help me that's okay I got a telephone his face does not stink
did she pee on him his face might say yeah sure you know what happened she is
obsessed with licking her kitty I'm the dog and she goes outside to pee and he
just runs up behind her and sticks your face in it about the time she cuts loose
every now and then get some get some on your face see there
he goes doing anything else damn talking about you I'm talking about
it he does he runs his head right up her potty it's awful
you should witness it I would film it but the girl said I couldn't that
somebody would follow me I think it's funny you would not believe
how many videos that are in deputing or pieces of chit chat like this and that
getting up cutting room floor yeah the cutting room floor because all of a
sudden in the back you see the little logs inside and he wants to do more than
lick the kitty and it's like we can't have this arguing with me no it's not
appropriate for everybody to see it's not an unnatural I mean everybody wants
to see it they might want to do the extreme sometimes he kid real good not
him dog in there for a while and this past couple weeks he's been back at it
for some reason it's that time of year he's mother nature Colin I firmly
believe that even when a dog no long when she doesn't have her equipment
anymore that that she still has her cycle and other critters are like hey
yeah it's your cycle I smell it in your blood right I mean she Jones that's like
saying if if you meet some chick at the bar and she ain't got her equipment but
she's putting off the vibe it's the vibe right so even even if she ain't got what
the equipment she can still make you go
wasn't going on girl women now they may still make some hair
own without their women parts they still have the same allure they may not I mean
maybe they're making pheromones not hormones pheromones it's all about the
pheromones have you ever been walking through the IGA or where at a store you
have a Piggly Wiggly let me talk about my pheromones for a minute all right and
you're walking through the Piggly Wiggly you passed some some some some chick
right and all of a sudden I mean he wasn't even checking around or anything
it's just like and you don't know everybody your guy guys check everybody
out whether they realize it or not but it's the pheromones that's what it is
it's the pheromones where's our pheromone gland I don't know that's what
it is that's wife when you're in a deer stand
hunting and the deers are in in heat you sit up a little straighter you're all
sobered up if I look tired today's because I only had three or four hours
sleep and I'm really tired you know coming through New York was bad
oh my goodness we just get some he just get some sort
of sick pleasure from staying up too long and driving through little car
areas 278 didn't used to be closed off like it is now now in your defense
apparently I'm doing so many thanks to you because I have us picking up at
American and then I have somebody from United signing so I'm just gonna have to
redo my paperwork too cuz apparently I don't know what I'm talking about either
let me sip on your bubble coffee don't drink it all I ain't gonna be able to
stop forever cuz there's nowhere to stop out here I'll be making coffee I know
what truckstops is at look I got a Bubba mug the truck stops need to get with it
it's 30 ounces and start carrying heavy whipping cream Pilate loves ta Sant
brothers anybody who's listening heavy whipping cream they're not listening
they should be actually enough drivers that we've talked to you're doing this
diet that I bet it you know you may not want to get a whole giant thing of them
but we go in there and buy four or five includes out know the powers-that-be
move at a very slow rate we'll call that a glacier weight and by the time they
figure out that that people are doing kedo now quit yeah everybody's off keto
everybody's doing something else this is working first this ain't bad I hear a
lot of these tubers saying F taquito diet you know that
they're the same ones that are already digging with spoons and stuff right
because they still don't know how to do a proper hole how much weight they lost
eating the standard American diet I don't know but they're not chubby
Chevy's anyway so I can say screw this keto diet if they're not Chevy's I guess
yeah my goodness I came to New York City and I don't have cigarettes or not an
appendage you better not be getting any here I'm not allowed to sell appendages
I done tried that did you ever tell him that story this man got kicked off the
internet trying to sell a kidney it was just one kidney little did he know he
only has one kidney well I didn't know that back then and I didn't know it was
illegal and it should it shouldn't be illegal I want to sell my kidney I
should be allowed to sell my kidney but then people might be selling your kidney
if if you know you know sam.bewitching it that's your body or something like in
the movies when you see some cute girl and you end up in the bathtub the next
day and they leave you some antibiotics and painkillers and you got a big scar
on your side yeah just like that you know I mean like the other day when
we was in West Virginia it was wrong turn country yeah the thing
what about the ancestry don't remind me well we're talking about getting chopped
off the mike for kidneys right yeah and they don't do anything with
your stuff but if the government once they can subpoena your DNA from anywhere
right including them well there's a federal case right now where they're
trying to do that I told him you know if you what it would happen if you were a
match to someone in Hillary Clinton's family she said it guys I didn't do it I
didn't win politics into that was Hillary right everybody around them that
woman dies they shoot themselves in the back of the head and commit suicide like
that eight times I showed him something back here eight times it was suicide she
gets her murder mysteries mixed up between Grant Foster and
you know it's it's it's complicated with the Hillary case oh my god I can't
believe I said that why'd you take me over here for I have
look I haven't got on Trump I stayed off of Obama it's a very odd
coincidence that every person around her that has any evidence for anything ends
up dead now and I'm also saying that if my kidney somehow matched one of her
family members I'm pretty sure that I would commit suicide by cutting it out
of me and throwing myself in a ditch all right
right I don't know where to go from there guys you know it's true guys even
people that are Hillary Clinton fans know it's true
not that many people commit suicide by shooting himself seven times
Hillary Killary hi guys you see how she leaves me astray it's terrible being led
astray today you could lead me astray by my
nose I told you I'm kind of pheromone DUP over here I don't know what it is
what you do today like I tell me as his world I just live in it that's right
this is my world she just squirrel trying to get net no that's his line and
you best not be using it and acting like it's yours yeah that's what I said
don't she be trying to - she once told me this was her her dream world and she
just let me survive in it that's what I didn't know y'all had real dreams yeah
that was hilarious you don't even have dreams and you tell
me it was a jury during one of your special all right guys I'm gonna try to
see on some of this New York like oh let's hang out let me back up to 78 used
to run all the way through you didn't have to get off and go through city
streets now for so now for some reason you got to go through city streets where
you should not be high or not securely securely mounted
ended up flopping on the floor and every which other way in here on them rooms
and I always used to come in the bottom side all the Staten Island trust 278 and
to get over this area because it costs more money but it's a lot easier
apparently I'm gonna have to go back over the white stone over the shade GW
bridge I hate that taking pictures and then saying busted me and they've taken
more pic I might have to drive no you're not jack I'm not driving who drove out
of California the other day where was a San Francisco I made it
San Francisco is not New York City it's a whole different critter I mean
California is like quaaludes is Chicago worse in New York New York New York's
worse really because Chicago I don't think it's the traffic that's as bad in
Chicago the people are very rude inconsiderate I was in construction got
flipped off for going the speed limit people in New York are great but the
drivers are from Chicago if you're filming nobody hears our license anyway
right so it got to be the Chicago drivers that are causing all the travel
you know we have noticed everywhere we go there's Illinois plates like no other
state but everywhere we go there's Telenoid plates running around for some
reason it's a conspiracy yeah y'all saw what I did there didn't you
I went into lala land check out Buicks again aren't you
dirty dirty there's a lot of unused cars in New York I can't help but look at the
fenders and the bumpers I just can't help it there's a few tanks to God love
them you're awful I gotta go I'm gonna go slow down ain't
gonna get me unload or get me reloaded I'm gonna lay down for a little bit this
could be an interesting day I'm gonna try to film it if I go back cross that
Nylund we'll get the Empire State Building Ellis Island and all that good
stuff out there all right if not gonna be the project Fat City
here we come
start spreading the news I'm leaving today
Urban Decay sunny blight the girls driving in New York City talk about stop
and go traffic very that much don't worry go let me tell you what she's been
doing she is so sweet so country she keeps letting people go she'll say
it's okay honey y'all could go and she'll do a little finger way yeah yeah
she's a different finger wipes a few of them but I was still like every time
she'd let them go my mouth will fall open I feel like I'll fall hard
leap leap in within forever that one part did not make no difference
one lettuce off anyway I'm going to bed guys I'm tired I have a
great day
I'm Only Human... After All | MASS EFFECT 1 Gameplay Part 1 - Duration: 1:08:49.
Lil'Scarion-wayne: ANNNDDYYYY
Kim Kardashian West & Kanye LOVE Family Feud - Duration: 1:47.
Kim Kardashian West on Kylie Becoming a Billionaire - Duration: 2:07.
I TUOI PIEDI MIGLIORERANNO SENZA STUDIARE! Come impostare al meglio i due pedali! - Duration: 4:57.
Become a Fearless Learner: The 5 Things You Need to STOP Telling Yourself - Duration: 7:39.
Hi! This is Cedric for MosaLingua. I hope you're doing well!
Today's video is about
the frustrations we all face when learning a language. You're not alone!
But there are a few mindsets you need to get rid of before you can become a fearless
and successful learner.
Before I go any further, don't forget to subscribe to our
channel for more language learning tips.
Learning a language is a journey. Don't
expect to follow a straight and smooth path to success. You will encounter ups
and downs, and sometimes even bumpy roads. This is why you have to be prepared to
face some frustrations when things don't go your way.
These frustration can be a
real problem sometimes, and some learners even give up because of them. So it is
important to know them and to anticipate them. Here are the most common complaints
you'll hear a language learner say and that you should remove from your vocabulary.
"I am not making any progress"
You took the plunge and you started to
learn a language. Fast forward to a few months later, and you are not motivated
any longer because you don't feel that you have improved at all.
Consequence: you are not motivated
and you want to give up.
Cause: most probably, your goal was to
"learn this language" which is very vague. How can you accurately measure your
progress if you're not able to compare your skills with a concrete goal?
This is why it is important to define a clear and precise goal at the beginning so
that you can actually compare your current situation with both your
starting point and your target point. It is crucial to take a step back and
realize how much progress you've achieved every once in a while. But this
will make a lot more sense if your goal is clearly defined. To know 1000
words in 3 months, is for example easy to track. To speak the
language in three months is way too vague.
"I feel like I keep on forgetting everything..."
You will complain about this one when you are practicing and you notice
that you have forgotten quite a few things compared to last time you
practiced. Consequence: you are not motivated and you want to give up.
Of course we all have bad days sometimes. You will have some days when you'll be
awesome, and some other when you'll feel you can't say or understand a single thing.
Depending on your mood or your physical or mental condition, you might experience
times when you are confused, even if you understood the topic perfectly just the
day before. However this might also occurs when your practice sessions are
not regular enough. Your memory will not be stimulated enough of a time and you
will face difficulties repeating what you've learned. Again, focus on regularity,
even if this means less work. Too much of it and you may lose your motivation over time.
"I can't find the right word when I want to speak"
You eventually found an
opportunity to speak after all this time learning. And... you're not even able to say
a single thing. So all that work for... nothing?
Consequence: you are not
motivated and you want to give up.
Cause: Theory and practice are two different things.
You can learn as many words as you want, and practice a language for
hours on your own but if you don't practice with a real person in front of
you, all this work won't count for me. It's like reading about swimming and
actually swimming, totally different experiences! If you want to get rid of
this feeling, you need to speak as soon as possible when you start to learn
language. Get a language partner online and start slowly. You will gradually feel
more comfortable as you develop a habit of speaking in a different language.
Check out this video about online languages exchanges if you want to know more.
"Natives don't understand when I try to speak"
The situation is similar to the
previous one, it's just you don't have a problem to express yourself. It's rather
the person in front of you who has question marks in their eyes. The native
don't understands you even if you repeat what you sayd slowly.
Consequence: you are not motivated and you want to give up.
Pronunciation is usually overlooked when
learning a language. Traditional methods don't focus much on the topic and you
tend to guess pronunciation from reading rather than from hearing.
That's exactly how you develop bad pronunciation habits. This is why it's
important to check your pronunciation of words by comparing it with that of a
native. You might encounter new sounds that are not familiar to you because
they don't exist in your mother tongue. It is important to practice these as
soon as possible in the learning process;
"This grammar is crazy! I will never wrap my head around it"
So you decided to dig deeper in the grammar
of the language you are studying and started reading a book and doing some
exercises. Two days later, you haven't understood much more and you have a bad
headache. Consequence: you are not motivated and you want to give up.
Cause: grammar is one of the most technical parts of a language. Again, this is a case
of theory versus practice. Grammar is the theory on how to speak and write
correctly. The thing is you are going to make mistakes when you will be
practicing, a lot. That's why memorizing a lot of
complicated rules won't help at the beginning of your studies. It's better to
practice by listening and repeating and to consult grammar rules when it's
really necessary. You will actually pick up on quite a bit of grammar as you
practice without even knowing it. So don't worry too much at the beginning if
it looks scary to you. Yes I'm looking at you, German grammar! Like I said I'm
facing a lot of frustration about German grammar at the moment. What about you?
Are you experiencing any frustration related to language learning? Let's talk about it
in the comments and until then, have a good one and happy learning!
Meghan Markle's birthday is next week – and THIS is how she will celebrate - Duration: 1:58.
Meghan Markle will spend her 37th birthday on August 4 at the wedding of Prince Harry's childhood friend Charlie Van Straubenzee who will marry Daisy Jenks, a wedding and party video maker
Prince Harry will be best man at the ceremony, he has been best friends with Charlie since they met while attending Ludgrove Prep School in Berkshire
Charlie and his brother Thomas were reportedly ushers at the wedding of Harry and Meghan back in May
Royal photographer Tim Rooke said: "Unfortunately I will be missing the wedding of Charlie Van Straubenzee and Daisy Jenks where Prince Harry will be best man on August 4th in Churt Surrey as I will be on the beach
He then added: "Can't do everything!" The brother of the groom Thomas Van Straubenzee is also a close friend of the royals and he is the godfather to Princess Charlotte
Prince William is also friends with the groom and is expected to take time out of father duties to attend the ceremony
Meghan spent her 36th birthday with Prince Harry on safari in Africa when Prince Harry organised a secret party with a jungle barbecue around a campfire
The Duchess of Sussex also shares her birthday with the Queen's late mother. Since marrying Prince Harry in April, Meghan has been thrown into an array of royal events and had her first royal official outing with Kate Middleton at the Wimbledon women final earlier this month
Since Meghan has had to close down her social media accounts, it is unlikely her fans will ever know exactly how she decided to celebrate her birthday privately
How to make GHILLIE SUIT - short tutorial - ITA / ENG - Duration: 2:52.
Guide to make an awesome Youtube intro | Final Cut Pro - Duration: 3:32.
Cricket's Shoes / Feud Fight - Duration: 22:02.
Meghan Markle & Prince Harry's Joint Monogram Is So Romantic & Shows How Connected They Are - Duration: 5:06.
Meghan Markle & Prince Harry's Joint Monogram Is So Romantic & Shows How Connected They Are
I don't know about you, but I feel like I learn something new about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle every single day.
So, what's the latest on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex? They have a super cool monogram that's only recently been unveiled! Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's joint monogram was presented to Australian audiences via Georgie Gardner, who's a news anchor on Australia's The Today Show.
Australian television seems like an unusual place for a royal monogram to be revealed, right? Well, there's a reason for that.
On the show's July 25 airing, Gardner announced that she had received a letter from Harry and Meghan and she was super excited to share it.
While covering the royal wedding, Gardner decided to send the newlyweds a gift.
Lo and behold, the royal couple sent her a thank you note nearly three months after tying the knot.
In the letter, Harry and Meghan thanked Gardner for "the incredibly thoughtful wedding gift" and apologized that she did not receive word from them earlier.
"As you can hopefully understand, it has been a very busy time for us," the letter read.
As Gardner read the letter aloud, the Australian morning show displayed a picture of it on screen.
And that's when eagle-eyed fans spotted the joint monogram.
Find out what was in the letter down below:.
The monogram appears to be a combination of the letters "H" and "M" for Harry and Meghan, of course.
On the letter that Gardner received, the couple's monogram appears in royal blue and includes a coronet.
According to People, the coronet "features two crosses pattee (a type of Christian cross), four fleurs-de-lys and two strawberry leaves.".
Fancy, indeed.
Here's a look at the joint monogram:.
As you may or may not know, Meghan used to work as a professional calligrapher, so it makes total sense that her joint monogram (also called a cypher) with Harry would be as elegant and beautiful as it is.
Shortly after marrying Prince Harry, Meghan was given her own official monogram, which is basically the same as the joint one she and Harry share .except that it includes only the letter "M".
Harry's is similar, though his coronet is a bit more complex in design.
All in all, the new joint cypher is simply a coming together of the two.
And that makes sense given how incredibly connected Harry and Meghan are to each other.
It's not just that they're married; it's also that they seem to share similar mindsets and aspirations.
So, this monogram really exemplifies that.
The reveal of the monogram comes at a time of tension and discord for Meghan.
Her father, Thomas Markle, has recently been opening up to media outlets.
Meghan's sister Samantha has also been doing the same.
The public's reaction hasn't exactly been favorable toward Meghan's family and she has reportedly ceased communication with them.
At the very least, Meghan and Harry's joint monogram shows that they stand together.
no matter what anyone has to say about the union.
Opel Corsa 1.2i Cosmo 70PK 5drs - Duration: 1:05.
糟糕,我的天啊,,这条友仔在说什么?(请留言评论) - Duration: 6:56.
Opel Corsa 1.2i Cosmo 70PK 5drs - Duration: 1:12.
Nissan QASHQAI 2.0 I-WAY NAVI, PANORAMA DAK, CRUISE - Duration: 1:14.
Opel ADAM 1.2 Glam AIRCO, I LINK, CRUISE - Duration: 1:09.
REPAINTING DOLLS | Super Hero Girls Custom Doll | Kids Makeup for Little Heroes - Duration: 7:36.
Welcome to our channel.
Have a nice time watching video on Dolls Beauty Channel, where we show you our love of making custom dolls for kids!
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Hyundai Getz 1.4I ACTIVE COOL (97pk) 5-Drs /Airco /Elek ramen+spiegels /CV afstand. /Mistl. - Duration: 1:11.
Orquídeas com Folhas AMARELA NDO ?? - O QUE É E O QUE FAZER... - Duration: 5:38.
Cómo coquetear con una chica o un chico - Duration: 3:52.
Esquizofrenia: O que é, causas e fatores de risco - Duration: 12:27.
Become a Fearless Learner: The 5 Things You Need to STOP Telling Yourself - Duration: 7:39.
Hi! This is Cedric for MosaLingua. I hope you're doing well!
Today's video is about
the frustrations we all face when learning a language. You're not alone!
But there are a few mindsets you need to get rid of before you can become a fearless
and successful learner.
Before I go any further, don't forget to subscribe to our
channel for more language learning tips.
Learning a language is a journey. Don't
expect to follow a straight and smooth path to success. You will encounter ups
and downs, and sometimes even bumpy roads. This is why you have to be prepared to
face some frustrations when things don't go your way.
These frustration can be a
real problem sometimes, and some learners even give up because of them. So it is
important to know them and to anticipate them. Here are the most common complaints
you'll hear a language learner say and that you should remove from your vocabulary.
"I am not making any progress"
You took the plunge and you started to
learn a language. Fast forward to a few months later, and you are not motivated
any longer because you don't feel that you have improved at all.
Consequence: you are not motivated
and you want to give up.
Cause: most probably, your goal was to
"learn this language" which is very vague. How can you accurately measure your
progress if you're not able to compare your skills with a concrete goal?
This is why it is important to define a clear and precise goal at the beginning so
that you can actually compare your current situation with both your
starting point and your target point. It is crucial to take a step back and
realize how much progress you've achieved every once in a while. But this
will make a lot more sense if your goal is clearly defined. To know 1000
words in 3 months, is for example easy to track. To speak the
language in three months is way too vague.
"I feel like I keep on forgetting everything..."
You will complain about this one when you are practicing and you notice
that you have forgotten quite a few things compared to last time you
practiced. Consequence: you are not motivated and you want to give up.
Of course we all have bad days sometimes. You will have some days when you'll be
awesome, and some other when you'll feel you can't say or understand a single thing.
Depending on your mood or your physical or mental condition, you might experience
times when you are confused, even if you understood the topic perfectly just the
day before. However this might also occurs when your practice sessions are
not regular enough. Your memory will not be stimulated enough of a time and you
will face difficulties repeating what you've learned. Again, focus on regularity,
even if this means less work. Too much of it and you may lose your motivation over time.
"I can't find the right word when I want to speak"
You eventually found an
opportunity to speak after all this time learning. And... you're not even able to say
a single thing. So all that work for... nothing?
Consequence: you are not
motivated and you want to give up.
Cause: Theory and practice are two different things.
You can learn as many words as you want, and practice a language for
hours on your own but if you don't practice with a real person in front of
you, all this work won't count for me. It's like reading about swimming and
actually swimming, totally different experiences! If you want to get rid of
this feeling, you need to speak as soon as possible when you start to learn
language. Get a language partner online and start slowly. You will gradually feel
more comfortable as you develop a habit of speaking in a different language.
Check out this video about online languages exchanges if you want to know more.
"Natives don't understand when I try to speak"
The situation is similar to the
previous one, it's just you don't have a problem to express yourself. It's rather
the person in front of you who has question marks in their eyes. The native
don't understands you even if you repeat what you sayd slowly.
Consequence: you are not motivated and you want to give up.
Pronunciation is usually overlooked when
learning a language. Traditional methods don't focus much on the topic and you
tend to guess pronunciation from reading rather than from hearing.
That's exactly how you develop bad pronunciation habits. This is why it's
important to check your pronunciation of words by comparing it with that of a
native. You might encounter new sounds that are not familiar to you because
they don't exist in your mother tongue. It is important to practice these as
soon as possible in the learning process;
"This grammar is crazy! I will never wrap my head around it"
So you decided to dig deeper in the grammar
of the language you are studying and started reading a book and doing some
exercises. Two days later, you haven't understood much more and you have a bad
headache. Consequence: you are not motivated and you want to give up.
Cause: grammar is one of the most technical parts of a language. Again, this is a case
of theory versus practice. Grammar is the theory on how to speak and write
correctly. The thing is you are going to make mistakes when you will be
practicing, a lot. That's why memorizing a lot of
complicated rules won't help at the beginning of your studies. It's better to
practice by listening and repeating and to consult grammar rules when it's
really necessary. You will actually pick up on quite a bit of grammar as you
practice without even knowing it. So don't worry too much at the beginning if
it looks scary to you. Yes I'm looking at you, German grammar! Like I said I'm
facing a lot of frustration about German grammar at the moment. What about you?
Are you experiencing any frustration related to language learning? Let's talk about it
in the comments and until then, have a good one and happy learning!
PATANISCAS DE LEGUMES-🍎 "Receitas do Paraíso" - Duration: 5:47.
Em sua festa, Bruna Marquezine e Neymar protagonizam guerra de bolo, veja! - Duration: 1:58.
Prezydent Trump do księdza katolickiego: ty masz większą władzę ode mnie! - Duration: 0:39.
Oh, Canada! - Duration: 41:28.
Ludmilla passa por saia justa nos bastidores do Domingão do Faustão - Duration: 1:50.
#56 Are you Oprah ready - Duration: 9:07.
Felipe Neto sobre vídeo íntimo vazado: "Eu não fiz absolutamente nada de errado" - Duration: 2:34.
【MUKBANG】 Ultra Simple Using Noodle Soup!! Japanese Style Mentai Pasta [6124kcal][CC Available] - Duration: 5:55.
Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )
So today tadaa! I made a super easy to make Japanese style mentaiko egg spaghetti with noodle sauce
Today's mentaiko spaghetti is so EZ to make The last time around I made some creamy pasta
This time around we're going with a japanese style flavoring
In place of the cream we have noodles sauce instead
alrighty let's see how it's made
These are the ingredients Spaghetti mentaiko egg noodle sauce mayonnaise
Salted butter shredded seaweed
Add plenty of salt to the spaghetti water
Boil the pasta according to directions
remove the fish eggs from the membrane
blend the mentaiko egg with noodle sauce in a large bowl
Add mayo Butter and mix
then dump in the boiled pasta
The butter will melt from the Heat
You could also add some of the pasta water
I will Also add some kelp tea for extra depth
It's a shame to let this mentaiko sauce go to waste that came with the fish eggs so I'll add it
Transfer to a bowl
Once you add the seaweed.....
tadaa it's all done
Doesn't it look so yummy
mentaiko is the 'bestest' stuff around itadakimasu
This Japanese style one is lower in calories than the other
Perfect for those who are dieting
It's covered in plenty of the seaweed and looks yummy
The yummy sweetness from the noodle sauce taste so yummy with everything in here
The seaweed goes perfectly with this stuff
The kelp tea that I added gives it plenty of extra flavor
With so much of the sauce covering the noodles its all so yummy
Rich butter and the eggs that pop in the mouth are so good
oh yeah that's right I added a bit of mayo to this
the mayo gives it extra flavor
It's so covered in sauce
And since there's so much butter and mentaiko in here its very satisfying
The Mayo serves to help mellow the flavors
Time to add some more seaweed
The crispy dry ones are yummy but the soggy wilted bits of seaweed are also very yummy
One good thing about eating large portions in the summer is that you can get a lot of you liquids at the same time
please stay hydrated during the crazy hot summer Y'all
I'm all out of seaweed
It just doesn't look that good if you put too much on at the beginning
Seaweed and mentaiko fish eggs go so nicely together
Some perilla Leaf would be awesome in here as well
It can sometimes overpower a dish so it would be best to add it mid way though
I think it would be for the best if you start off this dish with seaweed then make the switch to perilla
Last mouthful itadakimasu
gochisosamadeshita The Japanese style mentaiko egg spaghetti with sauce
was so yummy how is it that these mentaiko can make everything taste so good
The creamy pasta was yummy but this japanese style pasta was yummy as well
I liked both styles of mentaiko pasta but I usually lean towards creamy carbonaras
the kelp tea did make this taste really good as well kelp is full of umami
and the seaweed was a lovely topping as well I didn't even need to cut anything up today
it was so EZ to make won't you all please give it a try
And as always thank you for watching if there's anything you Wants me to do or each please tell me in a comment section
If you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons BAI BAI
Neymar fatura R$ 1 milhão por 'desabafo' em propaganda - Duration: 3:54.
Bruna Hamú se casa com Diego Moregola em São Paulo, veja as fotos! - Duration: 1:48.
Santos recebe 'não' de Osorio e acerta com Cuca - Duration: 3:07.
Após fracasso de comercial com Neymar, agência e Gillette estudam nova estratégia - Duration: 4:08.
Silvio Berlusconi, proposta clamorosa a Matteo Salvini: "Fai cadere il governo, e poi..." - Duration: 3:17.
Nel giorno di massima difficoltà per l'alleanza, sempre più vicina al collasso, Silvio Berlusconi prova a tenere insieme i cocci
Lo fa con un'intervista a Il Giorno, dove dopo le tensioni (tutt'altro che concluse) per la proposta di Marcello Foa alla presidenza della Rai, lancia un appello piuttosto clamoroso a Matteo Salvini
Prima, il leader di Forza Italia ribadisce di essere sicuro del fatto che questa maggioranza andrà presto in pezzi
Cosa la rende così sicuro? "L'evidenza: non c'è un solo tema nel quale la politica statalista, anti industriale, profondamente illiberale dei 5 Stelle non caratterizzi l'azione del governo: penso al decreto Dignità, al paventato blocco dell'Alta Velocità Ferroviaria, agli ostacoli alla Tap - il gasdotto adriatico fondamentale per la sicurezza energetica del Paese - alla minacciata chiusura dell'Ilva, alla ri-nazionalizzazione di Alitalia, per non parlare della politica fiscale e di quella giudiziaria
Non credo che il consenso degli elettori moderati possa rimanere a lungo a chi permette di realizzare politiche della peggiore sinistra
Quindi o la Lega abbandonerà questo governo o gli elettori abbandoneranno la Lega", profetizza Berlusconi
Dunque, Berlusconi sottolinea che in caso di crisi di governo "le elezioni anticipate non sono l'unica soluzione possibile"
Questo perché, riprende, "solo pochi mesi fa, il 4 marzo, una maggioranza significativa di elettori aveva chiesto un governo di centro-destra"
Insomma, Berlusconi lascia intendere che sarebbe possibile lavorare a una nuova maggioranza, tagliando fuori i grillini, e senza dover passare per le elezioni
"Ma l'ipotesi delle urne - rimarca il Cavaliere - non mi preoccupa affatto: Forza Italia profondamente rinnovata, con il suo leader in campo, e capace di denunciare con forza le follie degli ultimi mesi, offrendo alternative serie, concrete, credibili può ottenere risultati ben diversi non soltanto da quelli di qualche sondaggio ma anche da quelli delle ultime elezioni politiche"
E ancora, rivendica come "noi di Forza Italia non solo esistiamo, ma non ci siamo mossi di un millimetro dalla linea di centrodestra che ha ottenuto alle elezioni il consenso della maggioranza relativa degli italiani"
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