Sunday, July 29, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 30 2018

this is the music video analysis of Yves "New" finally arrived in November

of 2017 it had been more than a year since

HeeJin will invite you to go through the mirror and eight members had already been

presented and then overcome several trips

LOONA was recognized as one of the most important groups of the next

generation of K-Pop

BBC had shown that it could create one of the

best groups of cute girls and at the same one of the best Girl Crush groups

and if for a long time LOONA was seen as a weirdo from the

industry after more than a year of work had fans all over the world

is to say LOONA was for the world of the music a success assured however

that style of success had a flavor bitter its success appeared that of youtuber

the one who gets views just to do the Trend topic is to say what is

success if it's just to follow the manual that created someone who is already successful

what is the success

if it does not allow you to reach your full potential

that's not what everybody criticizes K-Pop

how many times did they tell you that the

K-Pop is a bad copy of the music of the 80s

LOONA to truly do

great not only had to be the best cute group and the best girl crush group

they had to be able to achieve something better

they have to create something new but the

critics always said that ODD would be impossible to overcome

then BBC introduced Yves

and showed that something new had come to the world of K-Pop

K-Pop instead of kpop, it was like so professional

From the image of the launch Yves stands out in a clear message from

LOONA to her fans Yves unlike of the other eleven members appears

smiling away from the traditional pose moe of K-Pop member Yves smiles

with mischief looking directly at the camera COW: She smiles at me because she knows I love her!

which represents that because Yes

looks at you directly at the camera?

each moon member clearly represents

a part of the K-Pop universe

as we saw in all the analyzes since

We started four months ago

we found the cute and its opposite

girl crush we saw the relationship of the members with themselves with their group and

with the fans up to the same theories philosophical about how everything

wants to change also wants to stay motionless and in the song "New" by Yves

we see how an agency tries to break all the schemes is BBC that you

speak to the eden of the agencies and it shows like the rebel super agency

before continuing to watch this video you I recommend that you go to see the video

of Alvinsch when he talks about the world of K-Pop

be clear that it is a business world

Yves is the rebellion is Eva revealing himself against a god who only creates rules

rules like you can not eat from fruit of that tree

rules like you can not hear Asian music because the trap is fashionable

or rules like you can not

launch a musical group of twelve Members taking into account talent

of each member

We already talked about the trauma that crazy otaku has with

Lovelys, right?

let's see the lyrics

surprise but the Yves'song does not talk so much about the adam and

eva actually focuses more on the myth of Icarus, but who is Icarus? Yes, still

you did not see the myth of Dedalo you can see it here COW: I edited it separately so this video was not too long

Click on I to hear the myth of Daedalus and Icarus

the release song of yves is the first electronic soul theme of K-Pop and

in the music video we can see how yves is escorted outwards by some

men like Jin Soul Yves I was in a basement but Yves did not know

escapes is released and helped to get out outside by his friends Yves is shown

rebel and that rebellion makes her question even the god of

K-Pop system she is something new no is another teddy to choose a new one

product to label

Yves is free to choose his own stuffed animals and release them

giving them the knowledge that she has

Yves's freedom of choice allows you to choose your style

the possibility of choosing makes it a goddess like Haruhi Suzumiya

Yves is a goddess who can be a girl crush but chooses to be cute

they remember "i'll be there" when 2Jin practiced walking on the

edge of the path to be able to be idol Yves knows that there is a different path for

travel and choose to abandon that path in look for your own way of being

idol Yves is the most rebellious face of LOONA and his agency BBC

LOONA with Yves offers you something really new something that goes beyond the fan idol relationship

It offers you to face all those who they tell you how you have to do or what

music you have to listen because no There is a ceiling that limits your

potential but neither a path of success if your happiness is not assured

to travel that road you just have to encourage you to expand the wings that you

imagination invented to be able to fly well to the same as LOONA faces a

destination where you can possibly wrong many times

do not be scared learn more about mistakes than about The successes

LOONA and BBC know that it is

very possible that trying to reach the sun they end up narrowing that's why they ask you

that you stay there with them so that with you they can reopen their

wings and face fate again until they can be free

Do you throw apples because you are the goddess of discord?

Why do you skate on a bowling lane?

I am Lola and this is the

Señora Vaca, do not forget to subscribe to the red button below and activate the little bell

do not forget to give little hand up to video and share it with all your friends

see you next chau

Comment with your Yves theory

For more infomation >> LOONA Yves NEW Theory and Analysis 🍎🍎 with English subtitles - Duration: 5:59.


Quiebre en Bienvenidos del 13: Martín Cárcamo y Tonka Tomicic no se hablan fuera de pantalla - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Quiebre en Bienvenidos del 13: Martín Cárcamo y Tonka Tomicic no se hablan fuera de pantalla - Duration: 3:20.





Peluchín y Gigi: Lourdes Sacín los denunció por difamación y espera sentencia - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Peluchín y Gigi: Lourdes Sacín los denunció por difamación y espera sentencia - Duration: 2:10.


Honoring Paisley and Harlan - Duration: 0:24.

For more infomation >> Honoring Paisley and Harlan - Duration: 0:24.


Cómo hacer aceite de menta para cuidar de tu salud - Duration: 9:40.

For more infomation >> Cómo hacer aceite de menta para cuidar de tu salud - Duration: 9:40.


El rey Felipe quita hierro a la ausencia de su padre, el rey Juan Carlos - Duration: 3:17.

 Nadie sabía si el tradicional posado de la Familia Real de este domingo en La Almudaina aclararía algunas de las incógnitas sobre la ausencia del rey Juan Carlos en Palma

Tampoco si algún periodista espetaría alguna pregunta cuyo contenido estuviera relacionado con las filtraciones de las grabaciones de Corinna o con el reciente ingreso de Iñaki Urdangarin en prisión

Sin vetos aparentes por parte de la Casa Real, no ha habido ninguna pregunta incómoda, aunque el monarca sí ha querido justificar el estado de salud de su progenitor cuando se le ha preguntado por él

"Bueno, está fastidiado porque tenía muchas ganas de venir a Palma. Los médicos le aconsejaron no moverse mucho", ha dicho el rey Felipe

Palabras que corroboran la versión de la que se hizo eco este viernes la Casa Real, pues alegaron problemas médicos

 [Así ha sido el tradicional posado más delicado para los Reyes y sus hijas]  Además, el rey Felipe ha recalcado que están muy tristes por su ausencia

Ni una palabra más sobre él. La otra protagonista de este día ha sido la princesa Leonor, quien se ha mostrado muy distendida con los reporteros gráficos apostados en el Palacio y no ha tenido reparo en desvelar cómo ha sido su experiencia en los campamentos de Estados Unidos

"Hemos practicado mucho inglés", comenzaba a decir la pequeña. "Bueno, es que ellas ya saben mucho", acertaba a decir el monarca entre carcajadas

"Ha sido muy divertido. Hemos hecho mucho deporte y hemos conocido chicos de otros países", añadía la princesa Leonor

 Mucho más silenciosas se han mostrado la infanta Sofía y su madre, la reina Letizia, quienes no dejaban de sonreír en el que es, sin duda alguna, su verano más delicado

Al finalizar, el Rey ha dado la mano a todos los presentes y todos ellos han señalado la excelente actitud que ha mantenido durante el posado

For more infomation >> El rey Felipe quita hierro a la ausencia de su padre, el rey Juan Carlos - Duration: 3:17.


Sa silhouette affinée, moins d'un mois après avoir accouché | - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Sa silhouette affinée, moins d'un mois après avoir accouché | - Duration: 3:10.


La Reina Letizia y la Reina Sofía, dos grandes amantes del tarot y el esoterismo - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> La Reina Letizia y la Reina Sofía, dos grandes amantes del tarot y el esoterismo - Duration: 2:52.


WATER on MARS, ESPORTS READY & WoW Ads on TV! | #Ketchup on Tech & Gaming with TradeChat - Duration: 5:03.

Hello everyone and thank you for tuning into Tradechat.

My name is Panser!

And today we are going to be going over all of the

hottest stories in tech and gaming from the past week.

Everything from water on Mars to Warcraft Ads on TV.

Let's Ketchup!

This week in groundbreaking scientific discoveries, scientist in Italy

may have discovered liquid water on Mars, and like a LOT of it.

Using data gathered from the European Space Agency's Mars

Express Orbiter, the researchers pinpointed what looks to be

a giant aquifer located about a mile under the Red Planet's

south pole and spanning a whopping 12.4 miles in length.

And while it hasn't been spotted directly, the team

claims to have ruled out all other possibilities of what

it could be, they also said the structure's radar

signature matches that of buried water here on Earth.

Additionally, given how immense the pressure is

around the area, as well as the concentration of

brine underneath the surface, it's actually the

perfect conditions for liquid water to thrive.

Obviously, this has huge implications for what

else may lie beneath the surface of the planet,

especially when you consider that nearly every body

of liquid water on Earth contains some form life.

So it's like, I'm not saying there's aliens on

Mars… but there's definitely aliens on Mars.

Switching up gears to gaming news, Realm Royale is one of the fastest-growing games out

there, so its no surprise that Hi Rez wants to

take it over to both PS4 and Xbox One as well.

Next week, console players will be able to experience

Realm Royale's closed beta, so if that's something

you're interested, be sure to head over to Realm

Royale's website and sign up so you can do the thing.

In other battle royale news, PUBG creator AKA The

PlayerUnknown Brendan Greene was quoted last

week as saying the game was not "esports ready".

Which is hysterical, cause their in the middle of

this huge PUBG Global Invitational right now and

their so ambitious about the game's future, but if

they can't just get this optimized and working

properly, it might not have much of a future left.

And finally, if you play Fortnite, you may already

know about the game's tombstone which was added to

commemorate Chappadoodle, a player who was accidentally

killed by a Twitch streamer attempting to rescue him.

And to no ones surprise, when a bunch of players gathered around to

mourn poor Chappadoodle, the memorial turned into an all-out bloodbath.

RIP Chappadoodle, you never asked for any of this.

Moving onto Blizzard stuff, the first-ever Overwatch League

Grand Finals happened this weekend and the London Spitfire came

out on top over Philadelphia Fusion at the Barclays Center in

Brooklyn, NY taking home the one million dollar grand prize.

This brings the Overwatch League inaugural season to a close, and

makes it one of the most memorable esports competitions in history.

This is because pretty much everyone was banking on New York Excelsior

and LA Valiant becoming the top 2 teams and duke it out for

the final but in the semifinals they were both knocked out, meaning

that not one but two underdogs competed for the grand title.

And from a marketing standpoint, this is phenomenal cause

everyone loves a good underdog story, and with all

the drama and plot twists it's sure to draw in more

viewership and bring esports more into the mainstream.

Well, at least here in North America at least. South Korea's been

doing it for a while, but, we're catching up… we're working on it.

The Battle for Azeroth is about to go down, with the expansion releasing on August 13th

at 3pm Pacific time globally and Blizzard is kicking up the hype 4 new television ads.

The four ads depict awkward and hilarious scenarios between the Horde and Alliance

IRL, and plays off of the fierce loyalty WoW players hold towards their faction.

Also feeding into the faction war are two new teasers, one for

Sylvannas, Warchief of The Horde and one for the boy king Anduin.

Both teasers seem to be a reference to last year's Battle for

Azeroth trailer, and both end with the caption "Prepare for War."

Excuse me Blizzard are you implying that I havn't been prepared for this

my whole life. Because I've been preparing for this for my whole life!

And because Blizzard felt like spoiling us this week, they also

released a new cinematic featuring Jaina Proudmoore and her back story,

which includes some stunning artwork and cinematics, and the Kul Tiran

sea shanty called "Daughter of the Sea" playing in the background.

At the end, we see Jaina raise her father's ship from the

depths of the ocean and begin her journey back to Stormwind

This cinematic short was the first in a series of three. The

next two will feature Sylvannas Windrunner and Queen Azshara.

And that is it for this weeks Ketchup. Let me know in the

comments section below which story tickled you right in the

fancy. If you'd like more information about anything I

talked about today check out the info section of this video.

I am gonna go but, in the meantime I hope that you

are having a GREAT week and until next time guys,

Take Care!

For more infomation >> WATER on MARS, ESPORTS READY & WoW Ads on TV! | #Ketchup on Tech & Gaming with TradeChat - Duration: 5:03.


2nd victim in Kalispell fatal head-on crash ID'd - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> 2nd victim in Kalispell fatal head-on crash ID'd - Duration: 0:38.


Good4u Soul (meme) {FlipaClip} COLLAB turn on subtitles!! - Duration: 0:38.


What is life??


sub to her now!



lololol jjjjjj

For more infomation >> Good4u Soul (meme) {FlipaClip} COLLAB turn on subtitles!! - Duration: 0:38.


Tổng hợp những tác dụng chữa ung thư từ củ giềng có thể bạn chưa biết - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Tổng hợp những tác dụng chữa ung thư từ củ giềng có thể bạn chưa biết - Duration: 5:01.


'I'm Packing Up': Residents Fed Up With Air Conditioning Issues At Dallas Apartment Complex - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> 'I'm Packing Up': Residents Fed Up With Air Conditioning Issues At Dallas Apartment Complex - Duration: 2:23.


【LON】 I Think She GOT A NEW TOY !! [CC Available]| Kinoshita Yuka - Duration: 3:24.

she find this interesting

she find this so interesting

she want to play with it but she is afraid to do that

she just want to watch

this is so fun for her

i'm going to bring what she like

she is not interested in it anymore

she don't play with it anymore

bye bye

don't forget to follow me on instagram as well

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【LON】 I Think She GOT A NEW TOY !! [CC Available]| Kinoshita Yuka - Duration: 3:24.


One dead after car goes off I-10 bridge over Pascagoula River - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> One dead after car goes off I-10 bridge over Pascagoula River - Duration: 1:39.


Cossy is the only woman I can marry in Nollywood - Actor Benson Okonkwo - Duration: 2:31.

It s confession time as Nollywood actor Benson Okonkwo has revealed to fans that the only woman who has captured his heart in the movie industry is no other than, Cossy Ojiakor.

According to Potpourri, he revealed that although he has numerous girlfriends but when it comes to settling down, he would love to take his time in making that decision because marriage is not meant for the faint hearted.

The actor added that but if he is being asked to pick one of his female colleagues, he would gladly go for Ojiakor because he believes she is the kind of woman that can understand him.

Okonkwo says: "I have many girlfriends but I am taking my time to settle down. When I find the right woman I will settle down. I know I'm not getting any younger but age is nothing but a number.

Marriage is a full time thing and you have to be very cautious before you dabble into it or you would be making the biggest mistake of your life. I don't want to marry now and divorce soon after.

But very soon something will happen. I need someone controversial; someone who will understand me, I mean the real Benson inside. If I'm to pick a Nollywood actress I can marry I will pick Cossy Ojiakor. She's my ideal woman.

Forget the Genevieves, the Angela Okories, Rita Dominics or anyone, the woman for me in Nollywood is Cossy Ojiakor. I believe she's a kind of woman who can understand me.".

This got the young lady's attention as she disclosed that Okonkwo is a cute man. She added that any man that wants her must be able to give because he receives double of whatever he gives out.

Ojikaor said: "He is a very cute man. Hmm but any man that wants me should be able to give and take. What you give you will receive double. If you give slap you will receive double slaps.

If you give love you will receive it in manifold and we women are natural spies. There's no place to hide and live double life. He is so cute and will make very lovely babies.".

For more infomation >> Cossy is the only woman I can marry in Nollywood - Actor Benson Okonkwo - Duration: 2:31.


ASMR THE MOST TINGLES You'll EVER HAVE 3 (Try it Out) - Duration: 22:51.

For more infomation >> ASMR THE MOST TINGLES You'll EVER HAVE 3 (Try it Out) - Duration: 22:51.




This makes me get muscles... (lol)


Knock it off! (lol)

Your heads... (lol)

What are you... (lol)

Sticking chins each other... (lol)

Bam bam bam~

Bamm~ Look at this, DD!


Are you gonna just watch? Not coming?



I'll take... Oh, god...

You ruined it!

Hey! Phew...



Amazing, huh?

Are you getting in, DD?

I think it's too small

for you to get in there.


Huh~ (lol)

It's a bit small...

Oh, someone has already got in there.



Your tail... (lol)

May I move it to here?

Let me move it.





Capsule hotel for cats!


What should I call them? Cats and 7 jars?

Should I leave them as they are now? Do you like them?



Please come out. I gotta make a hole on it.


I gotta make a breathing hole. Come out.

What are you doing?

You look so comfortable. I feel even sorry.

But I have to make a hole anyway.

One, two !


OK, First of all...

Get your legs... Hey... Geez! (lol)

Get your legs out! (lol)

What are you.... Come out!


He doesn't get out... What do I do?

Yeah! Get your legs out. Good.


Kitty, stay in here

while I make a hole on it.

Right here.

Come on.



Stay there.

I gotta make a hole here. (lol)

Hey, you... (lol)

Do you... (lol)


Watch me making a hole sitting there. (lol)

What are you licking?


Are you eating something? (lol)

Why do you keep licking?

I'm a butler. Please come out for a while.




Um... Sir?

I'm sorry to bother you, but you should come out. (lol)

He doesn't even listen to me.

Lulu: I don't wanna get out!




Yeah! That's what I'm saying!


Cat capsule hotels!



The capsule hotel

that I offer you this time

is designed very carefully so that

each cat can have own room.

Hello, chairman Momo.

This is Cream butler.

You got into the first room. How do you feel about your room?

Momo: Umm... It's so cozy...

I'm selling these houses to cats

who want to have their own room.

Each room costs 10 claws.

It's advance fee.

Hello? Are you with me?

Do you have cash?

(Surprised) Wow! He's a rich!

Terrific! (lol)

Momo: Let it go!


Room service! (lol)


This makes me get muscles... (lol)


Knock it off! (lol)

We should play together!

You! Don't you remember?

You've eaten this before and made green poops!

Lulu: Umm...

Lulu: I'm a cool cat who makes green poops!

Good afternoon, Lulu. What drink

would you like to have at dinner?

This one? Or... this one?

Red one? Blue one?

Oh, blue one! Let me put this in there.

Hi, sweetie!

Take this, doctor Coco.

Do you have enough room for this? OK.

Take it.

Oh, should you come out cuz it's too small?


OK! Have fun here.

Sir? You should get in your room.

You can't do this on the street.

How do you feel, Lulu?

Lulu: Well... life is...

Life is...?

Lulu: the capsule hotel in the evening.


I got it... (lol)

For more infomation >> CAT CAPSULE HOTEL IS JUST OPENED! (ENG SUB) - Duration: 7:24.


Bernd Leno admits battling Petr Cech for Arsenal No1 shirt is "crazy" after growing up with him as a - Duration: 4:08.

Bernd Leno has already done battle with Petr Cech.Twice, in fact — in 2011, when his former club Bayer Leverkusen took on Chelsea in the Champions League group stage

Leno was on the losing side at Stamford Bridge, 2-0, but back in Germany he came out on top, with Leverkusen winning 2-1

The pair became Arsenal team-mates with the 26-year-old German's £19.3million move this summer and are about to do battle again — for a place in new boss Unai Emery's starting line-up

Leno said: "Petr had a big career with many, many trophies and he's still a big goalkeeper and a big personality

But I have to look at myself and play my game, work every day, very hard, to be the first choice of the coach

"I will learn a lot working with him every day. He has big experience and played many games

I have a lot of experience too, but he has much more, so I can learn from him."He is a goalkeeper I admired when I was growing up

I can remember my first game in the Champions League, when I was 19, was against Petr

After the game, he said it was a good game for me. Away from football, Cech is a passionate musician who loves playing the drums

But if Leno's initiation performance was anything to go, by he won't be recruited as lead singer for the Czech's band anytime soon

"Maybe you saw the video of me when I had to sing," added Leno, smiling. "It was a German song — it was quite bad

Thankfully, his goalkeeping is better and after a quiet game in the friendly against Atletico Madrid last Thursday, where he didn't have a save to make, he was called into action properly against Paris Saint-Germain two nights later

Leno added: "It's exciting for me. I like the team, I like the club and I like the way we play

"The way we passed it on Saturday is the way the coach wants us to play. With a goalkeeper you have one more player and it's the way I want to play

What is clear is the high defensive line Emery wants his side to employ, meaning Leno must be comfortable in the role of sweeper-keeper when he needs to be

He said: "When the defence is a little bit wider or higher, I need to close the space

Of course, there are a lot of risks but the coach wants that. We close the space

I did it in Germany too, so it's nothing new for me. Leno and his girlfriend have moved into a London hotel while they find a home, and he says he's excited to explore the city properly

But the true thrill will come on matchdays, with many tipping him to be first choice even if he is refusing to give anything away

Asked if Emery had told him or Cech who is going to be No.1, Leno added: "No. I don't know

"I do my best, I work every day very hard and at the end the coach has to decide. Cech has been around long enough to know he has another battle on his hands

For more infomation >> Bernd Leno admits battling Petr Cech for Arsenal No1 shirt is "crazy" after growing up with him as a - Duration: 4:08.


[中字]Apink 7th Mini Album '1도 없어' 1都沒有 I'm so sick Recording Making Film - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> [中字]Apink 7th Mini Album '1도 없어' 1都沒有 I'm so sick Recording Making Film - Duration: 3:15.


Fire impacts traffic on I-90 near Cle Elum - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Fire impacts traffic on I-90 near Cle Elum - Duration: 1:33.


The Cons To Owning Aquarium Fish - Duration: 5:25.

I'm pretty sure I'm an addict. hahahahaha

Greetings everybody.

This is Paul the inventoryking.

Hope you guys are all having an awesome day and enjoying your fish.

So go ahead If you can't punch the subscribe button and click the notification bell.

It'd be honored for you guys to join me, on my fish keeping adventures.

So today we're here checking out the Predator hap tank and let's talk about a specific topic


As we know there's tons and tons and tons of pros to keeping fish, but there are those

cons to.

And in the comment section down below, let me know what are your cons.

Let the other viewers know what are your cons to keeping fish?

Well, we talked about the pros in a previous video.

Now we got to talk about the cons.

These are in no particular order, so let's go ahead and start off con number one, fish

keeping is expensive.

The thing about it is when you have one fish, that's not enough.

That means you got to get a second fish which will lead to a third fish, a fourth fish,

a fifth fish and before you know it, you have a whole bunch of fish and it is expensive.

You know you could break your pocket pocket book pretty easily.

Let's go ahead with another one.

Another con is going to be, it is a addicting, keeping fish is so addicting, like me, Take

me For example, I started off with one tank, now I have a fish room with 10 aquariums and

I got this show tank here.

I'm pretty sure I'm an addict. hahahaha

So that is one of the cons.

It is addicting, addicting hobby.

Now, depending on the fish that you keep, they can be extremely aggressive.

Now that is a con who wants to have a tank full of aggressive fish.

We like, a lot of us like predators, but when it gets to the point where they're so aggressive

that they're just beating up other fish, that's, It sucks.

It's a con for sure.

You don't want to have fish that are constantly beating up other fish.

So aggression, that's a con.

That is definitely a con.

Okay, so we talked about the aggression part.

Here's the thing about aggression.

If you have that and you have fish getting picked on, it's going to lead to that fish

that got picked on to be stressed and if you have a stressed fish, it could lead to it

getting sick.

The chances are high.

That is a con is when you have stressed out fish, they can get sick easily and die like


It sucks.

It's a con for sure.

So we talked about the aggression and the stress causing the fish to uh get really sick.

So another con that's tied in with those two is going to be that there's going to be deaths.

If you keep aquarium fish, you know that they are, You're going to have times where they're

going to just die on you.

This is part of the hobby which is, it's a con.

It's, it's it.

Who wants to have fish die.

I mean nobody.

Nobody wants to have fish die on them.

All right So and for the last con as a now is going to be fish cause stress.

Yeah, it's proven that fish absolutely help relieve stress.

But when you're talking about all the things that we covered, man, they sure can cause

a lot of stress and I personally, I've experienced it where I almost gave up.

I had that stretch where I had fish dying on me left and right, and it was a completely

discouraging, but I stayed strong and I got past that tough point and all is good now.

But I gotta tell you something.

It was a stressful, stressful time keeping fish.

So they weren't relieving stress for me at that point in time.

They were causing the stress.

Well, everybody, that's all I got in those comments down below.

What cons do you believe are caused by fish keeping?

These are some that I thought about, that I've gone through that are definitely cons.

Again, in those comments down below, fill up that comment box.

What cons can you come up with?

Here's the thing though.

We know that the pros outweigh the cons by far, but I wanted to talk about the cons because

they're there and uh, I don't feel like I should ignore those cons because it's gonna

help me become a stronger fish keeper.

That's just me, that's my opinion.

Um, but again, the pros outweigh the cons by far.

So we got that going for us.

Again, in the comments down below, what are your cons?

If you could like the video, share the video, punch the subscribe button and Click on that

notification bell.

I would be honored for you guys to be on my channel joining me on my fish, keeping adventures

and subscribe.

You guys are amazing.

Stay tanked.

For more infomation >> The Cons To Owning Aquarium Fish - Duration: 5:25.


김정일 언제 별세 했나요?그리고 김정은 언제 위원장으로 취임 했어요? - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> 김정일 언제 별세 했나요?그리고 김정은 언제 위원장으로 취임 했어요? - Duration: 5:03.



what is up zombies Euler nation it's time to sharpen your knifes reload your

weapons sit down and let's dive right into the news right guys and before we

get started with the news for today's episode I want to congratulate nuke

head-on winning the t-shirt contest that we had over on Twitter I know a lot of

you guys entered but at the end there can only be one so congratulations again

to nuke head we'll have more giveaways during this show so keep an eye out and

for you guys are still playing called World War 2 zombies which you should you

gotta be happy to hear these needles because sledgehammer and Cameron Dayton

have both confirmed that whistling's are getting a reduction holy fucking shit if

you don't understand how bad this is let's go watch schism axis video before

the update and you can really see how call New World War 2 zombies was more

like Call of Duty World War 2 was slain edition

when I tell you and for that I think Cameron and sledgehammer both deserve a

round of applause and you know what we need to pray because this this this is

big this is this actually might jump me back and play the older maps because if

there's one thing that was annoying as shit and called world war two is the

whistling's here eight pounds six ounce newborn infant Jesus don't even know a

word yet we thank you for helping sledgehammer games and our point Cameron

Dayton fight off the whistling army and reduce entry good amen thanks again

schism for your video if you guys want to check out schedules channel link will

be in the description for that go check him out

also in the news if you guys are a fan of called World War two zombies and

maybe you are fan Alice's they're gonna be reducing the whistling's then advise

you guys to go check out Rizzo's review on the torture path it's about 30

minutes long so you know you might want to just sit down get a nice drink you

know maybe on your custom zombies alert mug link in a description just enjoy it

is it's pretty good also in the news zombie Chronicles 2 confirmed

look I'm sorry I had to do it okay but it's not all bad news because jason

blundell was actually asked this question at comic-con and actually let's

go listen to way said like I told you guys if you miss down on the t-shirt

giveaway that we had over on Twitter don't you worry I got you today we're

gonna be giving out to Voyager two spare posters one will be over in the YouTube

comments so to win over on YouTube all I need to do is tell me how much you love

zombies alert and the best comment I will get a hold of you and we'll send

you a voyage of spare poster and over on Twitter all you need to do is make sure

that you're following me and retweet and favorite the tweet that we'll be giving

away the Voyager to spare poster alright guys and that is it for this episode of

zombies alert hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did be sure to slap a like

on it and you're new here and you want to keep up to date with the news in a

zombies community make sure that that subscribe button it maybe turn on

notifications so you had that small chance to be notified when actually

upload zombie Zoeller nation now over 2225 subscribers and haters thought it

was gonna be all about drama

For more infomation >> NO MORE WUSTLINGS?! - ZOMBIES CHRONICLES 2 CONFIRMED!! - BO4 Poster GIVEAWAY! #ZombiesAlert - Duration: 4:11.


장윤정은 두 번째 임신 중이며 콘서트에서 놀랍다. - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> 장윤정은 두 번째 임신 중이며 콘서트에서 놀랍다. - Duration: 1:42.


Ce que j'ai appris au Québec - Duration: 15:27.

Hey everyone it's Holly and today I'm going to be talking about

what I've learned since arriving here in Québec

during the last 4 weeks almost

because I'm here with a program called Explore.

It's located here in Québec City at Laval University

and I like it a lot. I've learned a lot of things since I arrived here

and today I'm going to talk to you about all those things.

There's a bit more than a week left now (less while I type this :( so sad...)

So it's really crazy

Because... I don't know I've always...

not always. In the last couple months before leaving to come here

I thought a lot about this program and I really wanted to speak in french again

because I loved my exchange in France!

So here I have the opportunity to speak in french again

and to learn lots of new things, like

cultural, about the language, about life in general.

So today I'm going to be talking about all the things I learned and I'll be starting with the culture. :)

So it's interesting for me to be here in Québec City

because it's a culture that's


to the culture in Ontario where I live

but at the same time it's also very different.

I think lots of things are very similar but

at the same time it's very different because

Québec it a mixture of the culture's of France,

Canada, and the United States

so it's really a mixture

since it's the french language that is very old.

It's like the original french from France

but it's also a french that has evolved since

it came here at the beginnings of Québec.

Also, now I know that Québec City, the city where I am right now, was founded in 1608.

It's really old compared to where I live

So there's history here more than in many other parts of Canada

because it's where the colonization began.

so yeah. Another thing is the Fleur de Lys

and the pride to be Québecois (from Québec).

It really exists here but in Ontario there isn't really much of an 'Ontarien' culture.

The Ontario flag doesn't fly everywhere in Canada (I hardly ever see it)

but in Québec there is a flag with the Fleur de Lys that I see everywhere

especially here in the capital.

We see it everywhere here.

And as well there's just music,

literature, and art that's unique to this region

It's very interesting

to know of new songs I'd never heard of before.

For example, I was at the Québec City summer music festival (Festival d'été de Québec)

and I saw a singer named

Alexandre Poulin

and it's just cool to see singers from Québec

and to know it's in the same country where I live

and that it's a type of music

that I like as well.

It's just a constant discovery of the culture here

and I like it a lot for that reason!

Secondly, there's the grammar

of course. Obviously, I knew grammar before coming here;

I was in France for three months before this.

But I think here there's been some clarifications

about things in the language

that I wasn't sure about.

For example, about when to use the auxiliary être (to be) or avoir (to have).

I wasn't really sure.

We have an acronym in english called DR MRS VANDERTRAMP

and you're supposed to use être with all those verbs

but that's not always the case... some of those verbs can also be used with avoir.

It depends on the situation, like if it's a state of being or a specific type of verb (transitive, intransitive, etc)

It's just nice to have some clarification about things like that.

And also we learned other verbs tenses like futur anterior and conditional past.

Things like that

Also the plus-que-parfait

I'd never learned those verb tenses before.

Now I can use them, like "j'aurais du faire quelques choses" (I should have done something)

and then it sounds a little more sophisticated!

Like I could use other verb tenses to

express the same emotions.

but it's just an extra thing that I find interesting. When I read books in french

I can know about them.

Also for me I think it's good that I was in France before this

since I already know how to use many verb tenses

so I don't have to translate everything into english before I speak.

But at the same time

it's interesting to know about and

know how to conjugate verbs using the actual rules.

And it's nice to know how the words are then supposed to sound.

The third thing I've learned since getting here

is just about how to be more confident when making decisions.

I've always been the type of person who wants to make the best decisions.

Here I've had more chances to make choices by myself

like to clean my room

or what should I do this weekend, what should I do this evening,

how will I get there on time.

So it's just that I have my old calendar and

things I have to do and it's interesting to have

the freedom to make choices like that at 17 years old.

Most people stay home

before they

go to university or whatever other path they take.

But it's interesting to have this program here so I can

improve my confidence when making decisions and also my self-confidence in general.

Another thing I've really, really liked here

is that with all my new friends I can

go into the city and explore just us :)

I think that's the best way to travel because we can

go into the city

without a plan. Just for fun.

And we can walk wherever we want,

go into any stores we want, look at a map to go to any restaurant if we want to.

Anything we want to do,

we can do it if we feel like it.

It's cool to discover how to navigate a city and how to use the buses

and how to use a map on the internet.

It's those types of things,

to be in a city to to navigate it, to travel around alone...

Not alone exactly because we're in groups of 4 or more with the rules of the program

I'm having fun exploring the city like that!

The next thing is just the new experiences I've had that I'd never experienced before coming here.

For example, I went to the music festival in Québec City like I mentioned before

and I went to a concert at the Bell Stage to see Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello, and Oh Wonder

and it was just incredible!

At the beginning I was a little scared

since there are like 100,000 (a hundred thousand) people there.

So it's a gigantic area/stage.

And at the start I was scared because

we were close to the stage and there were a lot of people.

But then we watched the concert

and it was INCREDIBLE so I'm very happy I did that.

And now

it's just a new experience that I hadn't had before then.

So I'm happy

that I'm experiencing these things now with my friends

and that I'm creating this

new feeling of being almost an adult.

Next, I've been thinking a bit more about my future

since being here is like university life.

Of course we're staying in a university residence.

Right now I'm in my room

in the residence and it's my own room.

And we walk around the campus since we have classes in the morning from Monday to Friday.

And then

on the weekends we can do what we want.

But it's not exactly the same

as university life because

we don't have university courses and

we're not totally alone since we're all part of a program with rules we have to follow.

But at the same time it's different that living at home

and I think that living here in a residence

without my family

is an experience that really prepares us

for the future--and that makes me think about what I'm going to do in the future!

Because right now I'm thinking about

which universities I'm going to apply to.

So yeah.

This program has reminded me of my hopes and dreams for the future

Another thing that I realized

is that I love the québecois accent a lot, a lot.

And I think that when I was

I didn't really hear a lot of other french accents from around the world

because I was

immersed in that accent in France

in Lyon where I lived.

But here I have the opportunity to learn about lots of different accents. There is

a typical Québec accent but at the same time there are also

many different accents from the different parts of Québec.

So I think there are some slang words

that I've learned and

just in general they say words a bit differently than

what they say in France.

Lots of times I say words like "goûter" (snack)

but here they say more often "collation" (snack)

or they say "week-end" in France but here it's more common to say "fin-de-semaine" (weekend).

So of course there's things like that.

But it's jus that I find the accent

to be very, very beautiful. Before I came here

I hadn't really heard the Québec accent much.

When I heard it it was mostly on Youtube.

I believe that before

I felt kind of that

the accent in France was the accent that is

the most beautiful----just because it was the only accent

I'd heard for the most part.

It's not like I think that anymore!

Now that I've heard many more accents, I believe that

the accent in Québec is something... I don't know, it's just that

when people speak with that accent,

I'm really, really happy because I find it to be really pretty

and it's something that

yeah it's just so, so pretty!

It's the intonation of the words, you know.

Because I speak with an english accent


it's just that

how the sentences are shaped,

it's the same in english when you hear people speaking from different regions

they speak with a different accent.

Like at the end of a sentence the tone of their voice might go a little higher or little to the side.

I don't know, it's just something you feel inside

and when you hear different accent it's something that

you can hear and you can feel how it moves, if that makes sense.

Finally, something I've learned since arriving in Québec...

well not learned, it's something I did:

it's that I've made lots of friends that come from everywhere

across Canada and kind of around the world.

Not completely around the world, but a little bit. People from the United States,

Mexico, Columbia,

and across Canada like

on one side I have friends from British Columbia that I love!

And friends from Newfoundland, Nova Scotia

and also friends from Toronto

and other parts of Ontario.

I feel really proud to be Canadian

because it's such a beautiful country

and a country where I find

there are lots of nice people...

I don't know how to explain it

but it's just that I feel proud to be Canadian

and to have friends that come from all across Canada

and to know a bit more about the language spoken here and the culture.

That's why

I'm very happy

to have decided to do this program.

I know I'm going to learn a lot more in the next week

and then I'm going to leave :( It's really sad for me because

I'd like to stay here. It really is -

Of course I miss my family! I miss you all a lot,

but it's interesting to create a new life and to know that it was you that did it.

To know that it's you who met all those people and made all these friendships,

who discovered this new culture.

Now I feel very at home here

and I'm happy that I'm able to

feel like that even though I'm not at home.

That gives me confidence that in the future

at university or in life in general I can do that.

Anyway, I think that's everything I've learned since arriving here in Québec City!

If there's anything else you'd like to know,

don't hesitate to leave a comment below

and I can try to answer it and maybe make another video like this.

So this is the only video I've made like this in Québec where I just speak to the camera

because we're always doing stuff. Even now,

I have my literature workshop in half hour which I love!!


this morning I had my class and tonight I'm going to do something.

So yeah, leave a comment below and thanks for watching!! Bye <3

For more infomation >> Ce que j'ai appris au Québec - Duration: 15:27.


仙樂隊 SEN "衝動 Impulse" Official Video - Duration: 3:32.

Happiness is getting out

Happiness is getting out

Happiness is getting out of me

I feel it in my hands

I am fully occupied

Happiness is getting out

Happiness is getting out

Happiness is getting out of me

I see the seagulls flying And glowing in the sky

Oh, I am the only master of myself

And that is for sure

Under the pure sky

Upon the deep blue sea

Under the pure sky

Upon the deep blue sea

My hands are trembling with rapture

Now I'm fully occupied

Now I'm fully occupied


For more infomation >> 仙樂隊 SEN "衝動 Impulse" Official Video - Duration: 3:32.


Cousin traumatized after witnessing fatal accidental shooting - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Cousin traumatized after witnessing fatal accidental shooting - Duration: 2:19.


Valle di Fiordimonte: un successo la prima edizione di Montefeltro Camp - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> Valle di Fiordimonte: un successo la prima edizione di Montefeltro Camp - Duration: 5:38.


과거에는 김정은이 전쟁만 좋아하는 미치광이인줄알았는데... 지금은 외교술, 그리고 국제 관계, 군사력 이런걸 잘 할줄아는 지휘관이라는게 사실이에요? - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> 과거에는 김정은이 전쟁만 좋아하는 미치광이인줄알았는데... 지금은 외교술, 그리고 국제 관계, 군사력 이런걸 잘 할줄아는 지휘관이라는게 사실이에요? - Duration: 2:55.


How to grow Aloe vera in pot/container-Urdu - Duration: 6:57.

Hello viewers How are you? I hope all of you will be fine.

Today's episode will be on Aloe vera plant.

I will show you my Aloe vera plant that I have grown on my roof...

and I will also tell you in detail how to grow it.

Aloe vera is a very useful plant in a sense that a lot of...

beauty and health products can be made from it at home.

It's also very easy to grow at home.

After growing you can use it for many purposes.

So let's start.

So this is my Aloe vera plant.

I will start with the pot size.

If you use the bigger pot you will get a bigger plant. Use 14-inch pot for good results.

Now mine is grown in 12-inch pot.

If you plant it in smaller pots then its size will be small but it will still grow fine.

Aloe vera is a succulent plant and it is pruneal so it is an evergreen plant.

You can grow Aloe vera indoor but you will need a brighter spot.

For good and fast growth Aloe vera needs lot of light.

So if you plant it outdoor in bright place your plant will grow fast and big.

Aloe vera grows well in summer days in winter its growth stop become slow.

When the weather is too warm like more than 30C then keep it in greenhouse sheet shade.

If it turns brown in very hot or cold days then don't worry it will recover again in good days.

Its succulent and very tough plant. But in extreme weathers, its tip will not recover so it will...

look little less beautiful if you are growing it as an ornamental plant.

For soil, use well-draining soil in pots.

And use pots that have holes at the bottom for water draining.

As it is succulent plant so water draining is important.

Give it water when the soil starts to get dry from earlier water.

Use sandy soil in the mixture as sand help in water draining.

As for fertilizer aloe vera don't need much fertilizer.

You can either not give it fertilizer at all or give it high phosphorous fertilizer in growing period once a year only.

You can also add some compost at the time of planting it in the pot.

For growing aloe vera best method is to use baby plants that emerge on big plant sides.

Separate these baby plants with their roots and plant them in a separate pot.

They will grow even if very little or no roots come with them.

You can also grow it from a single leave if you cut the leave from the bottom end and it has white part with it.

And you have always an option of buying it from nursery, it is available in almost every nursery.

As for harvesting you can cut its outer leaves and use them.

When you cut outer leaves soon inner leaves will grow big and the process continuous.

I haven't harvested from this plant for a while now so it has now very big leaves,.

Now lets harvest one leaf.

As you can see its full of gel.

Now it's gel can be used in many homemade remedies.

That's how you can use its leaves.

Aloe vera looks beautiful so you can grow it as an ornamental plant also.

Alright, viewers, thanks for watching subscribe if you like it, bye

For more infomation >> How to grow Aloe vera in pot/container-Urdu - Duration: 6:57.


李晨面具被揭开,憨厚老实形象崩塌,吃瓜群众:原来一切都是装的 - Duration: 6:45.

For more infomation >> 李晨面具被揭开,憨厚老实形象崩塌,吃瓜群众:原来一切都是装的 - Duration: 6:45.


Penn State O-Line to be big strength in 2018 - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Penn State O-Line to be big strength in 2018 - Duration: 1:07.


the whatsapp of momo - who or who is - Duration: 3:19.

it all started in a facebook group where it was challenging to start a

conversation with a stranger through of whatsapp although those that

they accepted the challenge they were warned that probably his life would not be again

the same to be able to converse with the unknown you had to add to your

contacts this number and send him a whatsapp as soon as you open a

conversation with this number the image in profile that you see is a bit frightening

disconcerting, you see a face elongated semi human resembled a woman

no nose with bulging eyes mouth pointy almost without lips and with hair

scanty and your profile comment says in Japanese he calls me they say that the best

time to talk to him or add him is to 3 o'clock in the morning the people who

They dared to speak to him, they relate that responded with violent images or

aggressive there are even those who claim that threatened them directly revealing

personal information if they did not challenges that this character asked for but

beyond the urban legend who or what is momo we really know that the

ghosts do not buy phones and about everything that does not use whatsapp is known that the

The number of the number belongs to Japan or less than the first number that was had

knowledge have been reported several different numbers throughout the world

replicating the challenge of momo as you see the phenomenon has spread momo is very

far from being a ghost or a monster but if it has caused damage in Argentina it

reported the suicide of a girl of 12 years of having started to follow the

momo challenges remember that the ghosts do not buy phones so

all this is the work of living people who his life must be so bad as to be alone

seek to harm others at most vulnerable people in society

without even giving the face the image of momo's profile is actually a

sculpture of a museum in Tokyo Japan in an exhibition about ghosts and

specters the sculpture of the face of momo is called the bird woman

and it's just a sculpture in Russia Spain France and Mexico

police institutions are alerting to society not to add the number of

phone and talk with momo beyond demonic appearances warn that the

dangers of doing so are theft of Personal information incite suicide

or violence, harassment, extortion, generate physical and psychological disorders like

anxiety depression and insomnia so now you know the demons or ghosts do not

they use whatsapp but the cybercriminals do. until next time

For more infomation >> the whatsapp of momo - who or who is - Duration: 3:19.


MOSCOU, RÚSSIA: Copa 2018, torcida e passeio pela cidade (vlog) - Duration: 8:42.

For more infomation >> MOSCOU, RÚSSIA: Copa 2018, torcida e passeio pela cidade (vlog) - Duration: 8:42.


Jacqueline Sato, de Orgulho e Paixão, revela que não toma refrigerante desde quando era criança - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Jacqueline Sato, de Orgulho e Paixão, revela que não toma refrigerante desde quando era criança - Duration: 2:03.


Amber Rose se desculpa após insinuar que Gwyneth Paltrow é amante de Jay-Z - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Amber Rose se desculpa após insinuar que Gwyneth Paltrow é amante de Jay-Z - Duration: 1:56.


Bruna Marquezine se emociona em casamento de melhor amiga - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Bruna Marquezine se emociona em casamento de melhor amiga - Duration: 1:26.


Leandra Leal revela ensinar desde cedo importância do trabalho para filha - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Leandra Leal revela ensinar desde cedo importância do trabalho para filha - Duration: 2:19.


Bruna Hamú escreve "Eu aceito" nos sapatos antes de casamento - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Bruna Hamú escreve "Eu aceito" nos sapatos antes de casamento - Duration: 1:40.


Bebês que comem alimentos sólidos mais cedo dormem melhor, revela estudo - Duration: 7:17.

For more infomation >> Bebês que comem alimentos sólidos mais cedo dormem melhor, revela estudo - Duration: 7:17.


Carol Castro já pensa em como educar a filha: "Não sei se serei uma mãe general" - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Carol Castro já pensa em como educar a filha: "Não sei se serei uma mãe general" - Duration: 1:48.


El rey Felipe quita hierro a la ausencia de su padre, el rey Juan Carlos - Duration: 3:17.

 Nadie sabía si el tradicional posado de la Familia Real de este domingo en La Almudaina aclararía algunas de las incógnitas sobre la ausencia del rey Juan Carlos en Palma

Tampoco si algún periodista espetaría alguna pregunta cuyo contenido estuviera relacionado con las filtraciones de las grabaciones de Corinna o con el reciente ingreso de Iñaki Urdangarin en prisión

Sin vetos aparentes por parte de la Casa Real, no ha habido ninguna pregunta incómoda, aunque el monarca sí ha querido justificar el estado de salud de su progenitor cuando se le ha preguntado por él

"Bueno, está fastidiado porque tenía muchas ganas de venir a Palma. Los médicos le aconsejaron no moverse mucho", ha dicho el rey Felipe

Palabras que corroboran la versión de la que se hizo eco este viernes la Casa Real, pues alegaron problemas médicos

 [Así ha sido el tradicional posado más delicado para los Reyes y sus hijas]  Además, el rey Felipe ha recalcado que están muy tristes por su ausencia

Ni una palabra más sobre él. La otra protagonista de este día ha sido la princesa Leonor, quien se ha mostrado muy distendida con los reporteros gráficos apostados en el Palacio y no ha tenido reparo en desvelar cómo ha sido su experiencia en los campamentos de Estados Unidos

"Hemos practicado mucho inglés", comenzaba a decir la pequeña. "Bueno, es que ellas ya saben mucho", acertaba a decir el monarca entre carcajadas

"Ha sido muy divertido. Hemos hecho mucho deporte y hemos conocido chicos de otros países", añadía la princesa Leonor

 Mucho más silenciosas se han mostrado la infanta Sofía y su madre, la reina Letizia, quienes no dejaban de sonreír en el que es, sin duda alguna, su verano más delicado

Al finalizar, el Rey ha dado la mano a todos los presentes y todos ellos han señalado la excelente actitud que ha mantenido durante el posado

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