Friday, July 27, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 27 2018

El príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle han superado todas las barreras y prejuicios que su unión suscitó y están dispuestos a seguir demostrando que lo suyo es amor verdadero. Lo han vuelto a hacer.

Si el día de su boda la red se llenó de memes que destacaban la mirada de enamorado del hijo pequeño de Lady Di, dos meses después los duques de Sussex han dado rienda suelta a su 'pasión',

algo muy poco habitual en la realeza, y han protagonizado un beso de película que ha recordado en buena medida al que se dieron a su salida de la capilla de San Jorge en Windsor ya convertidos en marido y mujer.

Se trataría de la primera muestra de amor tan explícita desde la boda y, aunque ambos son muy cercanos y naturales, en ninguno de sus actos oficiales se han mostrado tan pasionales.

Curiosamente, ha sido nuevamente Windsor el escenario de tan romántico gesto, que ha tenido lugar tras el partido solidario de polo que jugaba el príncipe Harry.

En el momento de recoger el trofeo, y ante la mirada de todos los asistentes al evento, el nieto de Isabel II agarraba por la cintura a Meghan Markle para transmitirle su alegría y su amor con un apasionado beso.

La duquesa de Sussex, que vestía un diseño en denim de Carolina Herrera que ha sido muy comparado con el último look de Letizia, no solo devolvía las muestras de cariño a su amado, sino que le miraba como él lo hizo con ella en la boda.

¡Pincha en la galería y descúbrelas! Las imágenes hablan por sí solas.

For more infomation >> El príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle repiten el pasional beso de su boda - Duration: 1:49.


5 Huevos Sorpresas de Jóvenes Titanes en Acción La Película en Español Latino Plastilina Play Doh - Duration: 17:11.

For more infomation >> 5 Huevos Sorpresas de Jóvenes Titanes en Acción La Película en Español Latino Plastilina Play Doh - Duration: 17:11.


Mix Pop Latino 2018 Megamix HD - Pop Latino 2018 Pop En español 2018 Lo Mas Nuevo - Duration: 1:17:53.

Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Mix Pop Latino 2018 Megamix HD - Pop Latino 2018 Pop En español 2018 Lo Mas Nuevo - Duration: 1:17:53.


5 Ways Mamma Mia 2 IGNORED Mamma Mia & Why! - Duration: 6:48.

Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again brings to life Donna and the Dynamos' backstory in gloriously

fun fashion, but hidden in that prequel story are many inconsistencies that contradict plot

points and details from the original movie.

Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers, it's Jan here and today I'm going to reveal and explain

five ways that Mamma Mia 2 completely ignored what happened in the first film!

Obviously, some spoilers ahead if you haven't seen the movie!

Apparently, resurrection is a thing in the Mamma Mia universe because in the original

movie, it's heavily implied that Donna's mother is already dead.

"Somebody up there's got it in for me.

I bet it's my mother."

"Wasn't she a ray of sunshine."

However, in the sequel, Donna's mother Ruby is still very much alive and kicking and makes

a late but show-stopping entrance in the form of Cher who reunites with her lost love Cienfuegos

while belting out Fernando.

At the end of the day, Ruby's revival for Mamma Mia 2 is basically down to writer-director

Ol Parker who wrote the part specifically for Cher and saw the chance to make the sequel

"deeper and moodier" by digging into the strained mother-daughter relationship briefly mentioned

in the first film.

As if raising the dead wasn't enough, Cher is actually only 3 years older in real life

than Meryl Streep who plays her on-screen daughter!

Still, Ol Parker says Cher "exists separate from time" and we should just enjoy the show

and not worry our heads about such things.

And I have to say I agree with him as frankly who doesn't want to see Cher lend her inimitable

style to ABBA classics while dressed in sparkly tops, white suits, and flowered flares?!

In the first movie, Colin Firth's Harry tells Sophie that when he was young he bought a

guitar for Donna and it cost him £10 and his Johnny Rotten T-shirt.

Now, in the sequel, Young Harry wears a Johnny Rotten T-shirt during his Parisian adventures

with Young Donna, but after he's bought the guitar, he's still wearing that same T-shirt.

Also, how did he ever actually give young Donna that guitar?

Because in the sequel, although Hugh Skinner's Harry does follow Donna to Greece, he misses

the ferry to the island and the last time we see him he's walking away from the dock,

lamenting his fate.

Maybe in this new version of the story, young Harry decided to leave the guitar for Donna

with someone on the island, like Omid Djalli's Greek Official; or perhaps there's a cut scene

that explains how it ended up with her.

Indeed, there does appear to be a missing part of the original Mamma Mia timeline in

the sequel because in the first film, Donna's diary says that "Harry turned up out of the

blue" so she said she'd show him the island.

Speaking of Donna's diary, in the first movie, it said she met and slept with Sam first on

July 17th, followed by Bill on August 4th, and finally Harry on August 11th.

However, that's not quite the way things happen in the sequel!

In Here We Go Again, Donna first meets and sleeps with a young Harry in Paris, then she

meets but doesn't sleep with a young Bill in Greece, after which she meets and falls

in love with a young Sam, and finally, she meets up with Bill again and this time sleeps

with him.

When Lily James was cast in the lead she says she "was so clear […] that [Young Donna's

sex life] had to be celebrated" but admits that at first she "was […] worried [the]

producers would try and dampen it down", so she was very glad when they "embrace[d] it."

For writer-director Ol Parker, although Donna's three relationships are relatively short,

it was important to make each one meaningful.

And I think that's the key to why he changed the order of events from Donna's original


The idea being that Harry was a charming vacation fling, then she fell in love with Sam but

he was already engaged and left her, at which point Bill was there to help her over her

broken heart.

Another miraculous thing about the Mamma Mia Universe is how people's eye colours seem

to completely change over the years.

So Alexa Davies's young Rosie has blue eyes compared to Julie Walters' brown eyes, Hugh

Skinner's eyes as young Harry are much lighter than Colin Firth's brown eyes, and while Meryl

Streep's Donna has blue eyes, Lily James has brown eyes.

Although the filmmakers wanted the younger characters to really remind audiences of their

older counterparts, they were never looking for a mirror image.

When Here We Go Again was casting, Lily James was actually busy on a publicity tour for

Baby Driver, but director Ol Parker insisted the Mamma Mia team wait till she had time

to meet with them.

That's because, as the filmmakers have said, "Lily transcends whether you think she looks

exactly like Meryl.

[…] She's a tour-de-force!" and "a natural storyteller in her singing".

For her part, James has said she tried to pick "a few characteristics, or expressions,

or a physicality that would make [us] hopefully believe [her] version of Donna would grow

into" Meryl Streep's.

And Streep herself has given James her seal of approval, saying she really did capture

Young Donna's spirit.

It's perhaps a little odd that James or the other actors didn't wear coloured contacts

to change their eye colour for the film, so I wonder if maybe one of them couldn't wear

them for some reason, or perhaps the filmmakers decided it wasn't a big deal.

Either way, their different eye colours totally pale into insignificance when you consider

their great performances, especially Lily James and the way she brings to life a Young


And let's not forget what Donna's three love interests looked like when they first met

her in the original movie compared to how they look in the sequel!

Gone are young Sam's long locks, headband, large moustache, and hippie clothes.

And young Bill has also had a bit of a haircut and a change of wardrobe from his more flower-power

style too.

Young Harry still has a leather jacket, but gone are his studded leather choker and eyeliner,

and his hairstyle's also less punky.

Of course, as Colin Firth, Pierce Brosnan, and Stellan Skarsgard very briefly played

younger versions of themselves in the original movie, the costume and make-up departments

had a bit of fun with how they made those actors look different from their present-day

selves at the time.

However, the filmmakers obviously didn't want to extend that few-seconds-long joke from

the original film into a very lengthy joke in the sequel, and so when it came to clothes

and hairstyles, they went for less exaggerated looks that would appeal more generally to

modern audiences.

By the way, Omid Djalli's Greek official really did seem very interested in people's changing

hairstyles, perhaps a bit of meta-commentary and a wink to fans of the franchise.

When they made the original Mamma Mia, they didn't intend to make a sequel, so their creative

decisions didn't take into account what they might want to do in a second movie.

Ten years later, they didn't want to be constrained too much by choices made or throwaway lines

in the first film.

For me, the differences are interesting as they give us some insight into the filmmaker's

thought processes.

I still really love both the movies, they're made to be fun, enjoyable, and entertaining,

and they are!

So, did any of these changes bother you and did you spot any other differences between

the two movies?

Let me know in the comments below!

For a chance to win one of these awesome Mamma Mia 2 merch packs, make sure you subscribe,

leave me a comment about the film, and also tap the Gleam link in the video description

below to register your entry.

I'll have a brand new Mamma Mia video for you shortly, so tap left to watch the next

one or tap right for my full Mamma Mia and musicals playlist.

If you enjoyed this, I really appreciate a thumbs-up!

Thanks for watching and see ya next time.

Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!

For more infomation >> 5 Ways Mamma Mia 2 IGNORED Mamma Mia & Why! - Duration: 6:48.


Get those Vaccinations! - Duration: 4:28.


Vaccination is one of the best ways

parents can protect infants children and

teens from potentially harmful diseases.

You're welcome.

Vaccine preventable diseases can be very

serious causing hospitalization and in

some cases deadly.

The main reason to get your kids immunized

are the diseases that we immunize for are

deadly diseases.

I mean we don't see that much now but in

the past we had in the past before a

vaccine was available for example we had

millions of cases of measles a year and

thousands of deaths in the United States.

So measles is a for I'm just using that as

one example.

Measles is a really serious disease that

can cause brain inflammation encephalitis

and cause pneumonia.

Staff at Clark County Public Health urged

parents to get kids immunized before the

next school year.

People should get immunized in order to

provide protection for their children.

This is especially important in a school

setting because we have a lot of kids that

are together and just people in general

and so that can kind of be an incubator

for diseases that can spread easily.

So that's in part why these laws are in

place and were put into place initially

because they provide protection to a large

group of people that are mingling on a

daily basis for example with whooping


You have a period of two weeks where you

just have cold symptoms before you develop

a cough and you're contagious with


The first symptoms of measles can be a

cough and runny nose and red eyes.

You don't develop the rash right away but

you're still contagious so you're already

exposing people before you even know that

you have the disease.

Another reason to get immunized ahead of

time because it prevents disease.

So you're not in a position where you're

exposing people when you don't know that

you have the disease.

Sometimes after getting a vaccine a child

may experience minor symptoms such as

redness or fever.

These symptoms are normal and will not


Common side effects include normally just

redness and swelling at the site of the

injection is most common.

Typically people don't have any more

adverse reactions than that.

It's very very rare.

One in a million you're more likely to win

the lottery than you are to have a severe

adverse outcome from a vaccination.

Oftentimes children will have a low grade

fever as well that can be expected.

So anything under 100 degrees is totally


And parents can expect that.

In situations where there is an outbreak

at a school.

Students without the appropriate shots

will not be able to return until


Without vaccination.

It could take as long as three weeks until

that student is allowed to return to


But the other thing about measles I should

point out is that is exquisitely

contagious so you can actually go into a

room if you're susceptible let's say you

haven't been vaccinated you can go into a

room that somebody with measles had been

in several hours earlier and still get


Measles is deadly.

I mean it's really deadly.

So that's why even one case of measles in

a school we take really seriously and

that's considered an outbreak.

One of the misconceptions parents have

about vaccinations is ingredients in the

shot and what long term effects could


There's no mercury in the early childhood


The risk of a severe adverse reaction is

less than one in a million.

The risk from these diseases is huge.

People get their information in different


What I'd ask parents to do is check

Reliable Sources and check check.

Check your citations because there's a lot

of misinformation.

There's many hundreds of respiratory

viruses circulating around.

Most of them not as severe as a flu.

That's why we do the flu shot and people

get a shot and then they get a cold or

something and say oh I got that from the

flu shot.

That's that's not true.

The flu shot definitely positively does

not cause the flu.

You can't get the flu from a flu shot.

For more information about immunizations

check out the Clark County Public Health

Web site at


For more infomation >> Get those Vaccinations! - Duration: 4:28.


8 Jugos para aliviar la artritis - Duration: 7:29.

For more infomation >> 8 Jugos para aliviar la artritis - Duration: 7:29.


Meet Iku for the FIRST and LAST time!!! - Duration: 9:25.

so we're doing a friend tag which is like Iku and I ask questions to

each other I ask iku questions about me and.. I love how

we didn't introduce each other hey I love her you were like oh oh and hi guys

hi guys

can you equals it's our last day together she's leaving tomorrow and I

can't drop her off at the airport because I'm going to Santa Maria but


we just found echos driver's license and Kurtis has 12 errors and the maximum

errors are supposed to have it's 15 are you proud of yourself yeah I'm a great

guy oh we came in good well and EKU's

donating some of our old stuff last time in this car

soak it all up because

in the yesterday wrong yeah sign up Bahama it's my last second to last day

in Pasadena wait who are you Rico wait second to last in Pasadena what else

being in Pasadena for two years like do you feel like you learned shit I met

like a lot of people mm-hmm and I met my best friends

fake so guys oh it looks so cute this is where they stay on the left wave she

doesn't know that there was me lesson right and she puts me on hey that's you

know what like do you think you're driving you're gonna point you're gonna

give a finger shoulder to finger sewing what's left is and what scientists do

that the one on left isn't it yeah while driving

you know I'll Drive you ain't gonna make a left on this right like on the second

on this side yeah when you understand or do you not okay and you're gonna make a

left on that intersection is that a right hotel is so good yeah guys you

should yeah okay look if you want things are last like today's TV

fans it looks so cute your legs look so long yeah

oh do you oh but you just naturally have like a good body yeah oh oh okay see

that's how it works okay when you're older than I am

what are you having onions so we want this gelato place in Old Town Pasadena

and um yeah just soaking in those last few hours together if you are going to

be called another name what could you become Irene no that's a

specific way because my mom wanted my name's Gary

but my doesn't equal equal dad yeah Iko and for those of you who don't know

she's been my inability okay all of you don't know I love you do if you follow

me which you should we still awesome so she's a good friend of mine so yeah

we're gonna play up front at today's which is basically I ask questions I ask

you some questions about me and equal ups asks me questions about herself

yes if I could go anywhere where would I go

I appreciate you yeah do I have allergies

yeah what they know

it's not even that serious because I can eat I can't eat the knife okay see I'm

not allege that I just go like this hell oh man it's cats dogs aspirin aspirin

yeah nice brand yeah my ice sauce and they get really big what is my favorite

holiday Christmas Thanksgiving another holiday

yeah like the effect that big something to look forward to

oh there's another year like the fireworks have I ever been in a car

accident yes you have to get eCos car accident

story oh we was about like I like about Tameka right and we see my mom sees a

person with a motorbike way driving very incoherently towards us so I was like

he's gonna hit us hit us and the guy like got out and you'd have a helmet or

anything and instead of shaking like okay so extra logical sign oh yeah what

is something that annoys you about the other person I can't think of it I don't

know to go fight you I don't know maybe that okay she's like me for nothing ah

you're stuck you ask too many questions I'm glad you know this I mean yes your

favorite inside joke that you and your buzz French air

we have a lot of insight but we just look at each other like oh rice and

bananas that is not weird that isn't know spring is coming you drink milk

with everything that's not weird literally you drink milk with spaghetti

do tomato pasta look it up right now clearly this is not going well

For more infomation >> Meet Iku for the FIRST and LAST time!!! - Duration: 9:25.


Michał Wiśniewski błaga ze szpitala. Dramatyczny apel - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> Michał Wiśniewski błaga ze szpitala. Dramatyczny apel - Duration: 5:15.


Panasonic Lumix FZ60 With Sony & Digital Camera In BD /Shapon Khan Vlog - Duration: 11:38.

For more infomation >> Panasonic Lumix FZ60 With Sony & Digital Camera In BD /Shapon Khan Vlog - Duration: 11:38.


Nightcore - Bed - Duration: 2:34.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Bed - Duration: 2:34.


Nội soi sức mạnh Pakistan: Đối thủ đầu tiên của U23 Việt Nam - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Nội soi sức mạnh Pakistan: Đối thủ đầu tiên của U23 Việt Nam - Duration: 4:04.


KARABUĞDAYLI SEMİZOTU SALATASI - Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Sağlıklı Tarifler - Duration: 2:31.

Materials 1 callus 6 tablespoon yogurt 1 water glass of buckwheat (boiled) 1 red pepper 1 cucumber 1 clove garlic Salt

1 clove garlic


1 water glass of buckwheat (boiled)

1 red pepper

1 cucumber

6 tablespoon yogurt

1 tablespoon oil

For more infomation >> KARABUĞDAYLI SEMİZOTU SALATASI - Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Sağlıklı Tarifler - Duration: 2:31.


(最新!)《PRODUCE 48》Instruction排名 中西智代梨 王珂 金賢雅 金秀潤 李河恩 孫恩采 ranking produce48 ep7 180726 - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> (最新!)《PRODUCE 48》Instruction排名 中西智代梨 王珂 金賢雅 金秀潤 李河恩 孫恩采 ranking produce48 ep7 180726 - Duration: 0:50.


Ancient Rome: The Beauty Habits Of The Ancient Romans (Video) 2018 - Duration: 10:03.

Hi guys!

Welcome to Archaeology And Travel With Zorica!

Today I am going to talk about beauty habits of the Ancient Romans.

You have probably heard about some of them but you have to prepare your stomach for what

comes next.

In order to better understand the beauty habits of the Ancient Romans we have to take a look

at historic facts.

From the time of Kings and Republic Rome has changed a lot and grown into deliberate conglomerate

of nation incorporating almost entire known world.

Conquering the ancient states like Greece and Egypt inevitably brought back the accomplishments

of these cultures to Rome.

To be precise, Rome was not the home of makeup nor perfumes but once the elite saw the opportunity

to accent to beauty ideal and to preserve the beauty they have accepted the beauty trends

from Greece and Egypt.

That way they started using some good products.

Afterwards came the tendency to distinguish the elite from poor, not just by the wealth but

using a personal display.

The idea to express the nobility through the white skin, led the Ancient Romans to some

dangerous practices which caused them to severe problems with health and in some cases even


The white skin was very important to Ancient Roman women because it was a sign of status.

The use of lead to bleach the skin cause them severe health issues.

The powder ladies used to whiten the skin was not durable nor thermoresistant and they

ended up as a subject of jokes during the hot summer days.

Another skin bleaching product was so called crocodilea, which was nothing but the crocodile


After successful face bleaching, Roman women applied moisturizer or anti wrinkle treatment.

Wrinkles, freckles and skin blemishes were not acceptable in the Ancient Roman


Ovid states that the Ancient Romans used swan fat, asses milk and axle geese to remove wrinkles.

Galen states that the Ancient Romans used honey to fix the skin imperfections.

This must have been a practice inherited from the Ancient Egyptians.

I will cover this subject in depth in one of the future videos.

The use of makeup was favorable in the Ancient Roman society even though there were many

sarcastic comments about using a makeup during the rainy or summer season.

Wearing a makeup was an essential activity in the life of Ancient Roman Patrician women.

Those of noble origin, even had a skillful attendant called ornatix to adorn them.

Blushing cheeks were considered as a proof of good health.

That is why they used cinnabar and minium to blush the cheeks.

The use of these two components cause them a severe health issues and social stigmatization.

Those with more experienced beauty stylists, used a mixture of rose and poppy petals to

blush the cheeks.

I would note here that the crocodile dung, so called crocodilea, was used as a base for


Can you imagine kissing a girl wearing that kind of lipstick?

White teeth were also a must when we talk about the wealthy Romans.

To get the idea about the importance of white teeth to the Ancient Romans, let me recall

the ancient statement of Ovid.

He said:"You can do yourself an untold damage if you laugh and your teeth are black, too

long or irregular.".

Black teeth were common for poor people.

Members of elite who have lost their teeth had an alternative.

From special cement paste, ivory and bone dentists made a fake teeth to make their clients

socially acceptable.

Patricians usually used a toothpaste, toothbrushes and pastilles to sweeten the breath.

In Ancient Roman society, hair was considered favourable for both sexes.

Those who have lost their hair over time used several medicaments in order to make their

hair grow again.

Some of them included animal fat.

Especially of bear and sheep.

One of the weirdest prescriptions included rat's head, rat's excrement, hellebore

and pepper.

Even though they used everything mentioned above, many Romans, both sexes actually, lost

their hair which cause them to start wearing a wigs.

Now we have to bear in mind that those wigs were not looking natural and the owner of

these wigs ended up as a subject of jokes.

Ovid states that a lady should keep all the doors well guarded in order to prevent slipping

the wig of the head due to the draft.

For combing hair, Ancient Romans used wooden, ivory or tortoise shell combs.

Plautus states that the use of curling iron is attested in the 2nd century BC.

In fact, both sexes were using them.

Body hair was removed as a part of hygiene.

Women were using a blood of bats to get rid of body hair.

Sounds awkward?

They also used bryionia, pumice stone and razors to get rid of body hair.

During the early days of Republic, shaving beard was not popular and a man who would

spend much efforts in grooming would suffer a massive ridicule (jokes).

Later on, in the 2nd century BC aesthetic fashion has changed under the influence of

Scipio Africanus and shaving beard became popular, at least for the elite.

Plebeians and slaves (so called servi) kept their beards because it was almost impossible

for a man to shave himself without using any help.

Rome was famous as a home of many barber shops across the town.

Some of them popular as a masters of their crafts while the others like Antiochus and

Subura were on a very bad reputation.

Roman poet Martial, from the 1st century AD was not satisfied with a treatment at the

Antiochus barber shop.

He worte that the only those who "want to decent to the Underworld would went to Antiochus

barber shop".

Apparently, the scars he has got were "worse than he would suffer from a boxer or sharp

nails of fierce wife".

I wonder:"How did he knew that?!".

In one of his poems, Martial speaks about lady Galla.

He said:"You live at home, Galla, but not your beauty that lives at the chemics.

Your hair was made in far away Germany, and your teeth are in the boxes just like your


When you get into the bed, the rest of you is boxed up in the hundreds of boxes.

Even your face is somewhere else.".

To conclude the story about the Ancient Romans, I would note here that as the aesthetic fashion

changed many other traditions changed.

To follow the hairstyle fashion sculptors were forced to model the sculptures with removable


I hope that you have liked this video and that you have enjoyed watching it.

If you did, please give me your thumbs up.

Also, if you are not subscribed yet, you can do it just by clicking the red button below

this video.

Thank you for your time!

See you in the next video!

Bye, bye!

For more infomation >> Ancient Rome: The Beauty Habits Of The Ancient Romans (Video) 2018 - Duration: 10:03.


Tâm Sự Đời Tôi - Karaoke nhạc sống cha cha cha - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> Tâm Sự Đời Tôi - Karaoke nhạc sống cha cha cha - Duration: 4:57.


LYOS.TV | Chapter 08 | Philippines Fall - Duration: 16:11.

For more infomation >> LYOS.TV | Chapter 08 | Philippines Fall - Duration: 16:11.


(最新!)《PRODUCE 48》無法傳達的真心組 排名 張圭悧 宮崎美穂 岩立沙穗 竹內美宥 ranking produce48 ep7 180726 - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> (最新!)《PRODUCE 48》無法傳達的真心組 排名 張圭悧 宮崎美穂 岩立沙穗 竹內美宥 ranking produce48 ep7 180726 - Duration: 0:50.


Edelkrone SliderOne Pro Review - Duration: 5:32.

Hello my name is Mark, welcome to my channel, today we're going to take a

quick look at the Edelkrone SliderOne Pro.

The SliderOne Pro is a really nice

bit of kit it's got a lovely premium feel to it, it can be used with mobiles

and DSLRs, it travels about 20 centimetres and on the top you've got a

bubble level. The B represents the end, so you've got an egg and a B end, that's

used in the app, and you also have a two point five mil shutter trigger section,

cable sold separately as is the battery. I found that this was the same battery

as my Canon 80D. The tripod mounting port, on the bottom, is the larger size that

will work with some tripods but not those with the small tripod head that

you would use with a DSLR you can simply pop in an adapter that just screws into

the bottom and then you're able to use this we tripods that have quick release

plates or that goes straight into DSLRs. So in order to use this little slider

you're going to need to download the app so you will need a mobile available to

control the slider, you also notice got the larger thread

type on the top so you will be able to pop your adapter straight on you will

need to get something to convert the live in using this Edelkrone

adapt, so this is the FlexTilt Head it's really good just opens out there's quite

a lot of options you can use this for so just screw that on

and now I can put on, if I was just using a mobile or DSLR, whatever you

need to, you can just pop that on there and it's ready for use. Brilliant app

that you use with this, it auto connects to the SliderOne Pro, at the top it

shows you the battery status the middle section allows you to manually control

the slider that goes left and right and you can control the speed depending on

where you pop your finger so you can see I can control this very quick and easily

if you want to do a manual shot and then the bottom section is where all the

controls are. Point A and point B you can quickly move between them so if you want

to reset a shot you simply click point A or point B and it will just throw

your camera to the other side and just below that is the speed setting so when

you are actually doing a shot you can adjust the speed and it will tell you

how long that will take so you can see as I'm adjusting the speed faster it's a

much shorter shot to travel those 20 centimeters. You've also got time-lapse

and stop-motion options I haven't made a huge amount of use of these but there's

plenty to take a look at if you're into this kind of stuff including a motion

warper and a time warper. Here's a quick example of a moving time lapse

I've done if you're interested in the stop-motion features I don't have the

patience for that but I'm sure if you search online you'll find some great examples.

So here's a quick demo of a few standard shots so here we've got a nice shot of

some ceramics and it's just a nice simple panning left and right of course

you don't have to do left and right, you can do a vertical shot as well. You

may recognize this shot if you're a subscriber as these are speakers I've

recently reviewed so this is how I got the lovely vertical shots going up the

back of the speaker to shot all the ports. The camera in use is the Canon 80D and

that's on the FlexTilt Head 2. So now we're recording on both these cameras and if I

hit slide what you'll get is a nice sliding motion on this one while the

Canon obviously stays static you see it's going over the fair pace we can

reduce that and slow that down and I'll be - so if you can hear this on the OnePlus 6s

audio. On the Canon I'm wearing a mic but I'm not wearing a mic

for the OnePlus 6. so that's fine if you were just looking to do very basic

panning shots and I've done quite a few of those you've seen those with things

like the laptop review I did, I did a nice shot myself typing I've done the

shots where I'm packing bags all sorts just straightforward left and right

shot works really well now if you wanna do something a bit fancier you're gonna

need some little extras on top you could use the Edelkrone Motion Box, which I'll

be reviewing, but quite a few people have the DJI first-generation Osmo Mobile. The

base stand allows me to connect it so now we've got the OnePlus 6 filming

me, we've got the Osmo in a face tracking mode so you can see that the mobile

moves where I move so now we're doing a nice panning shot where it's going from

right to left left to right depending on which way you've got this set up but the

camera will stay focused on me because the Osmo is tracking me. Using a plain

background in that last example was a pretty bad idea because you don't really

see any movement so here's a much better example where we've got the Osmo on top

of the SliderOne Pro and this time you've got much better movement you can

see it looks like a really professional shot once you get the hang of all this

it's very quick to set up and you can produce lots of them in quick succession

So there you go that's the Edelkrone SliderOne Pro, I really like it I

think it offers an interesting dynamic to your videos it allows you to all

sorts things but you really get the most out list when you attach something else

like the Osmo mobile or the Motion Box and that way you can add an extra

dimension to your movement. If you're interested in learning more about this

product puppet looks in the description below if you haven't already please

consider subscribe to my channel thanks for watching I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Edelkrone SliderOne Pro Review - Duration: 5:32.


🤩💥If you stop singing, you lose English pop level 2018💥🤩 - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> 🤩💥If you stop singing, you lose English pop level 2018💥🤩 - Duration: 3:03.


Tạ Từ Trong Đêm - Karaoke nhạc sống cha cha cha - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Tạ Từ Trong Đêm - Karaoke nhạc sống cha cha cha - Duration: 5:10.


(最新!)《PRODUCE 48》Touch 排名 裴恩英 金珉周 本田仁美 李宥姃 下尾美羽 touch ranking produce48 ep7 180726 - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> (最新!)《PRODUCE 48》Touch 排名 裴恩英 金珉周 本田仁美 李宥姃 下尾美羽 touch ranking produce48 ep7 180726 - Duration: 0:52.


LK Nhạc chế - Vòng Xoáy Trắng - Tuyển tập lk nhạc chế hay nhất 2018 - Duration: 1:22:05.

For more infomation >> LK Nhạc chế - Vòng Xoáy Trắng - Tuyển tập lk nhạc chế hay nhất 2018 - Duration: 1:22:05.


BMW 3 Serie 316i Executive - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie 316i Executive - Duration: 1:05.


Kaala Panther Rajnikanth Latest Dubbed Hindi South Movie 2018 - Duration: 2:16:31.


For more infomation >> Kaala Panther Rajnikanth Latest Dubbed Hindi South Movie 2018 - Duration: 2:16:31.


Bellabeat Leaf Urban Smart Health Tracker Review +Bellabeat Leaf Urban Smart Jewelry Health Tracker - Duration: 0:55.

Bellabeat Leaf Urban Smart Health Tracker Review

Bellabeat Leaf Urban Smart Health Tracker Review

Bellabeat Leaf Urban Smart Health Tracker Review

Bellabeat Leaf Urban Smart Health Tracker Review

Bellabeat Leaf Urban Smart Health Tracker Review

Bellabeat Leaf Urban Smart Health Tracker Review

For more infomation >> Bellabeat Leaf Urban Smart Health Tracker Review +Bellabeat Leaf Urban Smart Jewelry Health Tracker - Duration: 0:55.


***Free ps4 games I Free psn codes [free codes for games] - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> ***Free ps4 games I Free psn codes [free codes for games] - Duration: 4:29.


Matoma & Enrique Iglesias – I Don't Dance (Without You) ft. Konshens [Lyrics] - Duration: 2:58.

Yeah, oh yeah Hey, girl, baby

I like the way that you moving Baby, don't stop what you doing (yeah, yeah)

You know I came here for you, girl I don't dance without you

I know you came for the music (for the music) I know you came here to lose it (oh, yeah)

You got me so into you, girl I don't dance without you

Last night I got you drunk Last night, I fell in love

It's not really like me But girl, you surprised me

I got an open mind If you wanna cross that line

You know where I'll be, I'll be Tell me what you want from me

Tell me what you need

I'll give you everything I got When it's only you and me, only you and me

I like the way that you moving

Baby, don't stop what you doing (oh, woah) You know I came here for you, girl

I don't dance without you I know you came for the music

I know you came here to lose it (yeah, yeah) You got me so into you, girl

I don't dance without you You say I move too fast

Slow down and just relax

Hands on your waistline Don't like to waste time

Sex written on your face You never listen then

I want you all night, all night Tell me what you want from me

Tell me what you need

I give you everything I got

When it's only you and me, only you and me

I like the way that you moving

Baby, don't stop what you doing (oh, woah) You know I came here for you, girl

I don't dance without you I know you came for the music

I know you came here to lose it (oh, yeah) You got me so into you, girl

I don't dance without you Come here, baby, pull up closer to my body

Daddy, know fi make you happy If you're down to take the ride tonight

I'ma take you on a flight tonight Come here, baby, pull up closer to my body

Daddy, know fi make you happy If you're down to take the ride tonight

I'ma take you on a flight tonight I like the way that you moving

Baby, don't stop what you doing (oh, woah) You know I came here for you, girl

I don't dance without you I know you came for the music

I know you came here to lose it (oh, yeah) You got me so into you, girl

I don't dance without you I like the way that you moving (way you move)

Baby, don't stop what you doing (don't stop, don't stop)

You know I came here for you, girl I don't dance without you

I know you came for the music (for the music) I know you came here to lose it

You got me so into you, girl

I don't dance without you

For more infomation >> Matoma & Enrique Iglesias – I Don't Dance (Without You) ft. Konshens [Lyrics] - Duration: 2:58.


Always Never - Dangerous - Duration: 2:05.

Didn't mean to love you I didn't mean to show my hand

Now I'm tripping over something I don't understand

This might be the end And I don't give a damn

I don't give a damn

Must have thought about it a dozen times A dozen times

if the timing only have been fine Have been fine

No I don't want to miss your love But you know that it's dangerous

Must have thought about it a dozen times A dozen times

if the timing only have been fine Have been fine

Girl I don't want to miss your love But you know that it's dangerous

I don't mean to step A little unprofes

So I feel alone About to lose my mind

I know I said I'm fine But I ain't fine

At least you know why At least you know why

At least you know why At least you know why

Must have thought about it a dozen times A dozen times

if the timing only have been fine Have been fine

No I don't want to miss your love But you know that it's dangerous

Must have thought about it a dozen times A dozen times

if the timing only have been fine Have been fine

Girl I don't want to miss your love But you know that it's dangerous

For more infomation >> Always Never - Dangerous - Duration: 2:05.


Nightcore - Bed - Duration: 2:34.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Bed - Duration: 2:34.


Why I stopped playing games... (for a while) - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Why I stopped playing games... (for a while) - Duration: 0:54.


5 Scary Demons You Should Never Summon - Duration: 7:24.

We all know that messing around with a demon is a fools game.

We've all heard tales of people whose curiosity has gotten the better of them, and they've

stared too long into the abyss - and - inevitability - the abyss has stared back.

Now - I've got to go ahead and say it - don't try this at home.


But - just in case you were curious, we've compiled a list of 5 Scary Demons That You

Should Never, Ever Summon.

You've been warned.

What's going on guys - it's me, Jack Finch - your host right here on Top 5 Scary Videos.

Today we're going to by delving into the depths of demonology, and take a look at the

most sinister - the most devious of demons that you should keep far, far away from.

Jumping in at Number 5 - we have Belial.

Belial - whose name in Hebrew literally translates to worthless - or yokeless - was canonised

as the leader of the Sons of Darkness in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

If you didn't know - the Dead Sea Scrolls are an ancient Jewish text discovered in 1947

- which are believed to have been written before 400 BC, and refer to a wide host of

demonic beings.

Seriously, it's spooky how much they name drop them.

In these scrolls, Belial is described as both the King of Evil and the Prince of Darkness

- which has led many to believe that Belial is a pseudonym of the Devil himself.

Belial is also known as the Lord of Lies and the Master of Deceit.

Many texts refer to Belial as a devious figure, who utilizes fornication, wealth and pollution

of the sanctuary to gets what he wants.

However, in the Satanic Bible, Belial's name is suggested to translate as "without

a master" - and symbolizes independence, self-sufficiency and personal accomplishment.

It begs the question - whose side is Belial really on?

Coming up at Number 4 - we have Surgat.

In Latin, Surgat literally translates to 'rise' - and is the physical manifestation of rebellion

and opposition.

His angelic opposite is Aquiel

To be honest, Surgat is a minor demon - and is pretty weak sauce compared to some of the

guys on this list.

But the thing that makes him pretty terrifying - is his brush in with a particular Pope.

Written between 1150 and 1227, The Grimoire of Honorius was written by Pope Honorius the

3rd with the intention of being specifically used by a priest.

Pope Honorius was obsessed with the thought of Satan invading the mortal realm, and so

began preparing the Catholic church for a war.

He wrote down his findings in this forgotten Grimoire, which wasn't unearthed until 1760.

Honorius began his training by purposefully summoning demons - and then banishing them

again in a sort of weird, spooky, demonic boxing session.

It proved quite effective, and the Pope soon started to get a handle on the Armies of Hell.

He'd write down the name of each demon he fought, and leave an elaborate explanation

of their strengths and weaknesses.

Kind of like a Pokedex.

But for demons.

That is - until - he came face to face with Surgat.

All that was written in his section of the Grimoire, was that Surgat is - he who opens

all locks.

That was the last demon that Pope Honorius noted down in his book.

Makes you wonder what happened, eh?

Next up at Number 3 - we have the Great Duke of Hell - Berith.

Also referred to as Baal-berith - this guy is a pretty formidable dude.

Known in the Infernal Dictionary as the Great Duke of Hell - Berith commands twenty-six

legions of demons and is a pretty big player in the fiery depths below.

According to Aleister Crowley's Illustrated Goetia - those that attempt to speak with

Berith soon learn that he's a formidable liar.

Crowley refers to him as speaking with a clear and subtle voice - and is a liar when not

answering questions.

To speak with Berith, the conjurer must wear a silver ring and hold it clearly to their

face in respect to the Great Duke.

If not, Berith will consume the conjurer for not sincerely paying their respects.

Berith is often depicted as a soldier - dressed in red clothes, riding a red horse and wearing

a golden crown.

His main function is to corrupt those that crave power - and is often found lingering

on both sides of war.

In 1612 - a nun from Aix-en-Provence was possessed by Berith.

During the exorcism, Berith gave up his own name - as well as the names of all the other

demons possessing her - but also gave the names of the saints who would be most effective

in opposing them.

That guy loves a good fight.

Bringing up the rear at Number 2 - we have Pazuzu.

Dating back to ancient Mesopotamia, Pazuzu is the king of the demons of the wind.

He is the bearer of storms and the bringer of drought, and is often depicted with the

body of a man, the head of a dog and the talons of an eagle.

In the possession case of Roland Doe - the story that inspired the exorcist, Pazuzu is

the chief demon that possesses the boy.

He is known to be an incredibly intelligent demon, and is renowned for scheming and corrupting

the pure of heart.

He takes most pleasure though, from corrupting the purest of the pure - and is often depicted

trying to possess children for sport.

It is also thought that Pazuzu pre-dates most other demons, and is thought to be an Obyrith

- an ancient evil that manifested itself from the abyss - and has been tied to Earth for

millions of years.

Strangely though, Pazuzu finds reference in a huge number of ancient societies.

From Mesopotamia, to Sumeria, to Ancient Babylon.

In some - he is revered as a saviour and protector.

Others - a demon who should never be summoned.

Followers of the Obyrith often carve wooden statues of the demon - and worship him in

the hope that Pazuzu will one day reveal his true name to them.

No thanks.

And coming in at the top spot - Number 1 - we have, Azazel.

Azazel - or Satan, or Lucifer - or the Devil - or Baphomet.

You know this guy.

He's the king of all demonic possession - and he loves nothing more than a group of

teenagers standing around a pentagram and beckoning him forward into the mortal realm.

The Horned Prince is heavily related to the image of the goat - and we often see him depicted

with hooves, horns and a tail - but this /actually/ has some substance to it.

In Abrahamic society, a Priest would whisper the prayers of a village into the ears of

a goat - and then sacrifice it in hopes that their prayers would be answered.

But - in fear of Azazel corrupting the goat - they'd select an extra goat - often referred

to as a scapegoat, and use it as a decoy.

They'd then send it out into the desert - hoping they'd wasted a little bit of the

Devil's time.

Now, we all know that's probably not the case.

He's a tricky one.

In the Dead Sea Scrolls, Azazel is referred to in the Book of Giants - and connects him

with the story of the fallen angels.

In this, he teaches men the art of war and also teaches women the art of witchcraft and

painting the body.

Generally, Azazel pops up in pretty much every possession story ever.

And it's probably wiser to just avoid him all together.

Speak of the Devil, and the Devil shall appear.

That's all we've got time for today guys - we hope you've enjoyed this video as much

as we have.

Make sure to leave a comment in the box down below.

I've been your host Jack Finch.

You've been watching Top 5 Scary Videos.

And until next time, take it easy.

For more infomation >> 5 Scary Demons You Should Never Summon - Duration: 7:24.


Apple Glasses Are Coming - Here's Why - Duration: 10:20.

This video is sponsored by Audible.

Start listening with the link in the description.

There are some things Apple just loves, design, aluminum, excuse me... and secrecy.

To keep a surprise, it hires former FBI agents, searches more bags than TSA, and disguises

its products with fake companies like "IP Application Development Ltd" - IPAD.

But there are some things even the world's most profitable company can't hide.

This is a list of companies acquired by Apple.

Most make perfect sense - Authentec became Touch ID, Siri, well, Siri, But, around two

thousand fourteen, you start to see a pattern:

First, a company creating tiny, super-bright, high-density displays.,

Then one specializing in eye-tracking, an augmented reality headset, and a couple AR

software startups.

Plus a handful of patents and job descriptions, all suggesting the same thing: smart, augmented

reality glasses.

Directions, the weather, really anything, projected right onto your vision.

The technology may not seem ready, we may not seem ready, and others have already tried

and failed.

All of which could be said about the iPhone in 2007.

Of course, acquisitions are just, acquisitions, there are no guarantees, and Apple loves saying

no, it doesn't very often release a new product.

But there's good reason to think smart glasses are coming, Apple is the perfect company to

make them, and now is the time to do it.

If you're at all skeptical, well, you should be.

Every other week we hear a new version of the same madlib: Blank technology is on the

verge of radically disrupting blank industry.

Watch out!

We're about to reinvent wearable blockchains, or leverage proactive mesh networks, and the

world will never be the same

The few experts who see where an industry is really going get drowned out by a sea of

companies promoting their "world changing" idea.

Which makes it pretty tough to predict the future.

So when I say smart glasses, and you say I've heard this before, well, I can't really

blame you.

But there are still ways of separating a hero from a zero.

The Gartner Hype Cycle explains why new technology seems to come out of nowhere and then disappear

with no explanation.

Progress is never a straight line, but it's also not random, it tends to follow a pattern:

First, a very primitive prototype gets some attention.

The media, desperate for clicks, jumps right over its flaws to its best-case scenario,

10, 15 years from now.

And not just in tech, A dietary study with a tiny sample size became the headline "Why

You Must Eat Chocolate Daily".

That's what you and I see.

So we're inevitably disappointed when we get a glimpse of reality.

Then, while we've mostly forgotten about it, real progress is made.

This is where r/Futurology claims it can cure cancer, This is where you add "Blockchain"

to the name of your Ice Tea company, boosting its stock 200%, and this is when we're told

it's coming in 3-5 years, every…

3-5 years.

Some technologies die trying to get attention, some are only hype.

Virtual Reality is somewhere around here, Far enough we know its viable for games and


But while it steals our attention, Augmented Reality quietly moves forward.

Sure, it's earlier and more uncertain.

But its potential is much, much bigger.

And Apple seems to agree:

It's been a huge focus of the company since iOS 11.

Tim Cook even compared its promise to the smartphone.

I mean, listen to how their website describes it: "Imagine if the line between the virtual

and the real simply didn't exist.

Your classroom could become the cosmos.

The past could be as vivid as the present.

And this is just the beginning.

Welcome to a new world."

That's pretty… bold for what's currently just a few games and the ability to sample

IKEA furniture.

Of course, all of this is brand new, But even if there are really great apps in a year or


There's one, huge problem: For it to work, you constantly have to hold up your phone,

or dare I say, 13 inch iPad.

It's just… awkward.

AR is kind of the new drone - incredibly hyped, And sure, it's fun for a minute or two,

but only practical for a few, specific applications.

Unless, Apple knows this.

Why invest so much time and money?

Because they know what we don't:

This is just an intermediary between today's phones and tomorrow's glasses.

It's a very clever solution to a big problem:

If Apple wants to keep its glasses secret, it can't tell developers, and apps won't

be ready when it launches.

But what if they could have their cake and eat it too?

That's ARKit.

Developers can start working now, without knowing what's coming.

Meanwhile, Apple collects feedback and improves the technology.

By the time glasses arrive, they'll have already proven their value:

Directions projected right onto the street, Translation of the world around you, Context

for your day, and so on.

Plus, I mean, the product names itself: iSight, EyePod, EyePhone, iGlasses, iWear…come on.

Except - none of this is exclusive to Apple.

In fact, some company called "Google" kinda already tried this.

Why would Apple be any more successful?

Apple is rarely the first to do something, and glasses would be no exception,

Microsoft introduced the Hololens in 2015, there's Magic Leap

And Intel Vaunt, Snapchat Spectacles, sold from a vending machine somehow uglier than

the app itself, and the Vue, Get it?

Because vue… rhymes with blew, as in they really blew it, naming their company a pun

Okay, look at their websight: "your glasses will be able to do more than meets the eye."

I See, This is not a business, it's just an excuse to make puns.

What a sorry sight/site.

But most interesting, is Google Glass, and the million reasons why it failed:

Like, to do anything, you tilt your head 30 degrees and speak - OK Glass, discreetly take

a photo, or, use a touchpad on the side of your head.

Both equally terrible.

It was expensive, poorly marketed, and lacked a compelling feature.

But, most of all, it just looks… well, let's say there's room for improvement

The challenge of all these is just as much design as technology.

Like, I think this joke writes itself

But if there's any company that can turn a tool you have to wear into an accessory

you want to, it's Apple.

Glass spent years being developed in public.

But glasses should be released for quick, mass adoption and acceptance - something Apple

might know a thing or two about.

They should also be demoed in person - giving Apple's 500 retail stores a huge advantage

over, say Microsoft's hundred.

I even know the perfect year to release it, although, we'll see, hindsight is…well,

you get it.

But seriously: isn't it just way too early?

Technology arrives in waves, first, early adopters, then the public, eventually, even

the luddites.

But between these is an invisible hole, To see it, we have to remember the Hype Cycle.

Here at peak excitement, it's very easy to get a few users - these are early adopters

- and they give the illusion of momentum.

The hole is the steep descent that follows - after the hype, getting users is much, much


It takes a lot of kinetic energy for a product to pass this filter.

A journalist will wear any piece of glass with a camera taped to it,

But Apple designs for the masses - only what can survive the gap.

Which creates two challenges for glasses:

First, the technology has to be really good.

The Watch proves they can make small batteries last a whole day and design a tiny but mighty


It would need a bright, high-density display like microLED - which it's already developing.

But then there's the camera - which brings us to the second challenge: The other kind

of optics:

it has to be, well… not creepy.

Consumers will think Black Mirror, The Circle , Wall-E, and so on.

Even with Apple's focus on privacy, these are very real challenges, and could delay

its release.

But glasses are more than a new product - they're a critical part of Apple's strategy:

Moving in the direction of more transparent, more personal technology,

Because, the smartphone won't last forever.

The only way a company so dependent on one product can survive is to replace itself,

not wait for someone else to.

It's a philosophy rooted in the company by Steve Jobs, and one reason I recommend

his official biography.

With Audible, you can listen on your way to school or work, at the gym, or whenever else.

I started listening to audiobooks in high school and it really changed my habits - It

turns the necessary but very boring moments of your life into the ones you look forward


I'm almost always listening to at least one book, and one of my favorite things is

reading about the CEO of a company I like:

For the Grand Theory of Apple, Amazon, and this video, I learned much of the content

by understanding the person behind the company - their personality, what motivates them,

and how they came to start their business.

And because this author talked for hours with Steve Jobs and the people around him, it has

a lot of detail you just won't find anywhere else.

Another is The Everything Store - the story of Jeff Bezos and Amazon.

I'm convinced there's no human on earth like Bezos, his mindset is really interesting

to hear about.

And speaking of Amazon, prime members can listen to Audible for only $4.95 a month for

their first three months.

You can pick any book they have every month, and if you don't like it, and I absolutely

love this, you just click return and pick another.

Go to or text polymatter to 500500.

Again that's or text polymatter to 5-0-0-5-0-0.

For more infomation >> Apple Glasses Are Coming - Here's Why - Duration: 10:20.


Awesome Food at the San Juan de Dios Market (Family Vlogs from San Miguel de Allende, Mexico) - Duration: 9:08.

Okay, we have made it to the San Juan de Dios market, and this is our first time here, so

we have no idea what's here, but we're going to explore and also eat.

Eat eat eat eat eat eat!

This is why I get the Cubana.

You never know what kind of crazy stuff's going to be on it.

It's become inedibly large.

It's like a dagwood, it really is.

All right Jesse, what did you get?

Jesse: this is my new child.

There's my old child, down there.

This is the torta Cubana.

This one looks amazing.

It's really good.

Erin: is it really good?

This one's got an egg on it.

Jesse: this one has, I mean you could put anything in there.

This one has "blank" on it.

It's everything.

I'm not sure what it doesn't have on it, honestly.

Okay so Jesse's letting me try his.

I don't even know how to get my mouth on this thing.

Don't say it.

Jesse: that's what she said.

Erin: I just bite it?

Jesse: yeah.

Erin: Mmm. Jesse: it is most glorious.

Erin: it's good.

The bread is really fresh.

Jesse: oh yeah, yep.

It's a milkshake.

Jesse: chocolate milkshake.

Erin: it's chocolate-y but it's cinnamon-y. Jesse: very cinnamon-y.

Cinnamon flavor is

often, often goes with chocolate flavors in Mexico.

All right, we just left the market.

Jesse, what did you think?

The torta Cubana alone was worth the trip.

Oh yeah, yeah for real.

Didn't see a lot of other tourists there, so, which usually means it's going to be

much better.

Jesse: those are the places we like.

So now we're just kind of walking around and it looks like there's rain.

(squeaking sound) Harper got a squeaky duck.

Looks like there's some rain clouds up here, so...

For more infomation >> Awesome Food at the San Juan de Dios Market (Family Vlogs from San Miguel de Allende, Mexico) - Duration: 9:08.


The Earbuds No One Asked For... - Duration: 4:04.

what's crackin' YouTube it's Dop back with another video for you and today

we're gonna be taking a look at the Marsno M2 wired earbuds and it really got me

thinking, ya know, why do wired earbuds even exist? Now just a brief backstory on

these earbuds; I actually received them from the company, they sent them to me

at no charge, the reason for that is because I reached out to them on

Twitter because I saw a buddy of mine, Chris Lee, he did a review on the

previous version of these earbuds so whenever I see a company's accessible I

typically, well, if they're a tech company; I'll typically reach out to them via

Twitter and see if there's anything that they've got that, you know, my viewers, you

guys would be interested in so they decided to send me over the latest model

the m2s and so I'll start off with the positives

but you know I really really hope that somebody from Mars nose sees this so

that they can get a little bit of a different perspective into the consumer

when it comes to your buds so this is gonna sound kind of weird but one of the

positives is actually the packaging because they're upfront about what these

are on the back they have all the specs that you would really want to know as

somebody who's into audio the driver unit size is of course 10 millimeters

small drivers because they're in ear ear buds the sensitivity is 98 decibels of

on the mic the impedance is 16 ohms the frequency range is 10 Hertz to 20

kilohertz with a max input power of 5 mega watts the weight of these is 15

grams length is 120 centimeters plus or minus 5 don't even know what that means

and it uses of course a 3.5 millimeter jack which is why I questioned the need

for their existence 3.5 millimeter jacks are going away there are a few phones

that still have them but for the most part manufacturers are just getting rid

of them but now before we get too deep into why these don't make sense we'll

talk about the next positive and it's actually the last positive which is

surprising their build quality surprisingly these are made of metal and

they actually don't feel cheap despite their price I'm not 100% sure how much

they were because again Marsno sent them to me, I'll leave a call out title

the actual price of them and a link in the description for an Amazon link if

you're interested in checking these out but again build quality decent and now

for the negative now the biggest real glaring issue is the one that I've

already brought out is there's just no demand for these why would you buy these

when you can just buy wireless earbuds and have them sync easily bluetooth is

there bluetooth is good and it works but now there's another problem with these

that is kind of absurd because wired do make sense in only one

setting and that is in studio monitoring these have just bad audio quality now

before anybody at Marsno puts a price on my head hear me out I gave these as

much room for quality as possible I listened to high source

wav files so these these files were huge that I listened to I listened to a rock

hip-hop and classical music and even more than that I plugged them into my

Focusrite USB interface so that I could get the absolute most out of these

earbuds it was definitely overkill for a pair of like 15 to $20 earbuds but I

wanted to give them as much room for quality as possible and the EQ was just

imbalanced way too heavy on the bass and not in a good way

and it just was underwhelming in every other aspect so honestly I really kind

of do hope somebody at Mars knows looking at these to get a different

insight into the consumer because one nobody's looking for these but even if

they were the audio quality would turn them off and so really why so

unfortunately I can't really recommend these so anyways I don't really want to

Jacqueline out any further and that's just about gonna wrap this episode up so

its pinned up thanks for watching

For more infomation >> The Earbuds No One Asked For... - Duration: 4:04.


The Shapes | Vivashapes | Musical instruments - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> The Shapes | Vivashapes | Musical instruments - Duration: 2:42.


Jake Hill- Snowflake [Bass Boosted] - Duration: 1:42.

Your Listening To Jake Hill- Snowflake

For more infomation >> Jake Hill- Snowflake [Bass Boosted] - Duration: 1:42.


It seems that the Queen is a big fan of ABBA: here's video proof - Duration: 2:37.

 The Queen appears to be a huge fan of the popular 70s pop band, ABBA, after the Band of the Royal Logistic Corps aptly played Dancing Queen during the Changing the Guard at Buckingham Palace on Friday

The royal family's official Twitter account shared the fabulous performance, and tweeted a video with the caption: "Can you guess this tune? #FridayFeeling Beautiful played by @TheRLCBand during Changing the Guard at #BuckinghamPalace

"  Royal fans were quick to comment on the brilliant moment, with one writing: "I've heard that Dancing Queen is one of The Queen's favourite pop songs

I'd love to know if it's true. I hope so," while another added: "That's fantastic! Dancing Queen

Brilliant!" According to BBC Radio 2 DJ Chris Evans, the monarch does indeed enjoy the song, and told guests that she was fond of it during a dinner at Windsor Castle

 GALLERY: Prince William and Kate's best twinning moments in photos  Her Majesty's favourite music was discussed in BBC documentary, Our Queen: 90 Musical Years, and her cousin, Lady Elizabeth Anson, said: "The Queen loves the theatre and musicals like Showboat, Oklahoma! and Annie Get Your Gun

These were the tunes that remained in one's head and were very danceable to. The Queen is a fantastic dancer

She's got great rhythm… "We did a lot of singing at Kensington Palace. Nobody thought it was odd after dinner if we put on a record and all sang Doing the Lambeth Walk, so music has always been part of her life

" The monarch also listed her top ten favourite songs, which included Cheek to Cheek by Fred Astaire, Sing by Gary Barlow and the commonwealth Band featureing the Military Wives, Oklahoma! By Howard Keel and Anything You Can Do (Annie Get Your Gun) by Dolores Gray and Bill Johnson

 MORE: Is this the tasty dish Meghan Markle cooks for Princess Charlotte?

For more infomation >> It seems that the Queen is a big fan of ABBA: here's video proof - Duration: 2:37.


New Arrow REVEALED & Oliver Prison FIGHTS - Arrow Season 7 Trailer Breakdown - Duration: 6:34.

For more infomation >> New Arrow REVEALED & Oliver Prison FIGHTS - Arrow Season 7 Trailer Breakdown - Duration: 6:34.


Corriere della sera - Oggi - I grandi thriller - 15 (26-7-2018) - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> Corriere della sera - Oggi - I grandi thriller - 15 (26-7-2018) - Duration: 0:16.


Honda Civic 1.4i S 5-deurs OHhistorie 2e eig Trekhaak Stuurbekr APK juli 2019 - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Honda Civic 1.4i S 5-deurs OHhistorie 2e eig Trekhaak Stuurbekr APK juli 2019 - Duration: 1:06.


Wade Meets Samantha (Art3mis) Scene | Ready Player One (2018) [Blu-ray] - Duration: 4:58.

Pick up! Pick up! Alice!

This bootsuit's pretty awesome. Thanks for that.

Rick! Rick, the place is gonna blow!

Rick, is that Wade?

- Put Alice on! - Let me talk to him.

Don't call here anymore, you got me?

I don't wanna hear your voice ever again.

Contact Aech, Daito, Sho, and Art3mis.

IOI came for me in the real world.

They gotta be coming after you, so wherever you are...

Sorry about the blindfold.

My guys are a little paranoid.

Say that again.

My guys are a little paranoid.


My real name is Samantha, but yeah, I'm Art3mis.

Showers are that way, clean clothes, too.

Welcome to the rebellion, Wade.

That's IOI. So the stacks are over there?

We've been living this close to each other the whole time?

Next door,

around the world, it's... It's all the same in the OASIS.

For the record,


I'm not disappointed.

You said I... I would be disappointed when I met you, but...

I'm not.

I've lived with it my whole life. You don't have to pretend.

You have a birthmark, so what?

Why would that scare me?

Z, if I hurt you, I'm... I'm sorry.

No, it's...

Wait, did... did you just call me "Z"?

- Oh, my God. Did I? - I think you did.

Wade, I'm sorry.

Yeah, Wade, Z.

You can call me whatever you want. And I'll call you Sam.


Uh, Samantha?

Okay. Cool.


It's so much slower here.

I mean, the wind, the people...


We forget what it's like to be outside.


- Uh... - Oh, shit!

- I just figured it out. - Figured what out?

The second clue. I know what it means.

We've been thinking about it too literally.

"The leap not taken,"

the leap Halliday didn't take, is with Kira.

Yeah, but... I mean, he blamed her for breaking up him and Morrow.

No. Halliday was madly in love with her.

He had a chance with Kira. He had a chance to kiss her, but...

He didn't take the leap.

Right. So that's where we go next.

The place where the leap wasn't taken.

Where the date was.

At the movies!

For more infomation >> Wade Meets Samantha (Art3mis) Scene | Ready Player One (2018) [Blu-ray] - Duration: 4:58.


Kia Picanto 1.0i ComfortLine 5drs. +TOP SELECTIE+ - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0i ComfortLine 5drs. +TOP SELECTIE+ - Duration: 1:04.


Sonic 4 Episode 2 Review - Duration: 7:32.

Okay, so, I just want to say that this game has no way to erase your save file in-game.

I mean, you could do it in Episode 1…

Anyways, Sonic 4 Episode 2…

It was critically received worse than the first game, which...

Now, the truth is, this game plays very similar to the first.

Sure, I guess the physics don't let you stick to walls,

at least as much as the last game, but that

was really amusing, honestly.

The thing that's new this time is Tails.

With Tails, you can perform three different combos, as the game calls them.

You can fly, swim fast, and perform a spin-dash that can destroy stuff.

All the stages are heavily based on stages from Sonic 2 & 3, except for the winter amusement

park zone.

I guess the graphics here aren't too terrible.

The music is...again...

(Music Plays)

Unlike Episode 1, there were a few tracks I didn't mind, but I really didn't like most of them.

Now, I think that I ought to get Episode Metal out of the way.

If you have bought Episode 1, then you unlock Episode Metal in Episode 2 of Sonic 4…

Anyways, yeah, you play through four stages, each one having the appearance of a stage

from Episode 1.

The stages themselves feel like a mashing together of stages from the first game, with

some changes sprinkled here and there.

Also, the whole story of "How Metal Sonic Returned"…

Not sure who really wanted to know how an evil robot came back...

Don't they just always come back?

Anyways, the deal is that the cut scenes here show some stuff about Sonic CD

that I'll just leave as confusing,

but I won't get into it.


Who cares about this game?

I mean, this game ends with a cliff hanger that will never get resolved.

I mean, I guess there's a small chance, but...

Yeah, game-play's a thing.

Well, just like Episode 1, and as I explained last review, this game plays nothing like

Sonic 1, 2, or 3.

Sped Up Voice: Sonic can move, jump, spin-dash, and use the homing attack.

And now stuff with Tails.

Now, being able to fly with Tails isn't a new idea, but swimming

fast like a submarine

and the rolling combo

are new ideas, to my knowledge.

This game puts more emphasis on platforming this time around, but you can just fly.

Now, the game does try to have sections where you fly around obstacles, but these are few and

very simple.

They're okay.

Swimming underwater is fast, and the level design is boring.

You just swim underwater and avoid easily avoidable enemies and grab an air bubble when

you need to.

Finally, you can break stuff with your rolling combo.

Besides all this, the levels are just like Episode 1...

Sped Up Voice: Watch Sonic run fast, do a homing attack chain,

watch Sonic run fast, do a homing attack chain,

do simple platforming over a bottomless pit.

However, homing attack chains have been reduced.

Now, unlike Episode One that only had one original boss, almost all the bosses here are brand

new, but some of them are infuriatingly cheap.

The boss fights in this vary from okay to...

Just, I can't play the game anymore, I'm done.

In fact, that's what happened to me during my first play-through of this game a while back.

Interestingly, I actually beat it my first time this play-through.

It still went on way too long though, and that's another thing about these bosses.

They drag on way too long.

The bosses in this game can also be very cryptic, but I had the most

fun out of this game figuring out how to damage some of these bosses.

Other times though, figuring out how to beat some of these bosses was very unclear and


They can go on and on and then change midway into the fight, and then you die and have to start

the fight all over again.

Now, on to the collectibles.

New to Episode Two are completely optional red rings.

There is one red ring hidden in every non-boss stage.

Just like Episode One, you can collect the chaos emeralds.

I didn't mention the special stages or the chaos emeralds last review, mostly because

I really didn't think it mattered for the review.

Echoing Voice: What do you mean it didn't matter for the review? That's a part of the game, you, like...

Why wouldn't you mention something that's necessary to 100% complete the game?

I did beat every single one in Episode 1, though, and I only remember the final special stage

giving me any trouble.

However, Episode 2 is a different story.

Episode 1 had special stages similar to Sonic 1, and Episode 2 has special stages

similar to Sonic 2.

If you are unfamiliar with Sonic 2's special stages, you run down a half-pipe and collect


Now, these special stages are actually quite challenging.

The game tells you how many rings you need at the start, and if you don't meet that

requirement, you can restart, but I would often forget how many rings I needed.

Even if you do remember and restart, you have to start the stage all over again.

Did I mention in order to reach these stages, just like Episode 1, you have to have fifty

rings at the end of seven completely different stages, in order to get the seven chaos emeralds?

I'm telling you right now, I gave up.

I got 4 emeralds and I was done.

I couldn't take anymore of this game.

I looked up ending with all the chaos emeralds,

and it's exactly the same as the ending you get with none of the chaos emeralds,

except the game doesn't tell you to try again.

Sure, all Episode 1 rewarded you with was a hint of Episode 2, and some other Sonic

games have some endings really not all that different, but this ending might be one of

the worst.

However, in both Episodes, you unlock what you can unlock with all the chaos emeralds

in Sonic 2 & 3.

Since I don't like this game, I didn't care about this reward.

Now, what is my final word here about Sonic 4 Episode 2?

So, I just wanted to clear up a few things real fast.

When I said that Sonic 4 Episode 2 doesn't play anything like Sonic 1, 2, and 3, I meant that in two ways.

One is the game's flow itself, like the way you go through the levels feels really different.

And another way that kind of plays into that is the fact that the physics are really different.

I know that sounds really weird, but...

But if you're running fast in this speed-based platformer, the actual physics that the game runs on

can make the game feel really different.

Not to mention that there were a few tricks that you could do with the Genesis/Mega Drive game's physics,

but that's kind of a different conversation.

Also, my complaint about flying making the platforming too easy...

To be fair, that actually helps eliminate a problem that this game could have had

with the way the physics are and the way the levels are designed.

You can't exactly fall off a cliff because you're going too fast, because you can just recover and fly.

I really think the problem with the music in this game is the instrumentation, and not the composition.

Anyways, yeah, back to the...

I think with it's uninteresting level design, long, drawn-out bosses, and just being uninteresting

and boring as a whole, this game is a mediocre game that is so mediocre, that it is terrible,

similar to it's predecessor.

However, this one bored me to tears, even more than Episode 1.

Look somewhere else for a Sonic experience.

For more infomation >> Sonic 4 Episode 2 Review - Duration: 7:32.


Toyota Yaris Verso 1.3 16v VVT-i Sol A/T + 6 MND BOVAG - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris Verso 1.3 16v VVT-i Sol A/T + 6 MND BOVAG - Duration: 0:52.


Citroën C2 1.1i Ligne Prestige Zuinig Lage belasting Stuurbekr. - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Citroën C2 1.1i Ligne Prestige Zuinig Lage belasting Stuurbekr. - Duration: 1:11.


¿Un año sin intimidad o un año sin celular? ¡Tu decides! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 10:54.

For more infomation >> ¿Un año sin intimidad o un año sin celular? ¡Tu decides! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 10:54.


O Que Vai Acontecer Com o CB:RO? - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> O Que Vai Acontecer Com o CB:RO? - Duration: 1:54.


O Rock do Dia das Bruxas 1986 - Dublado - Duration: 1:37:13.

For more infomation >> O Rock do Dia das Bruxas 1986 - Dublado - Duration: 1:37:13.


Como hacer latigo o martillo lucha olimpica - Tecnicas de lucha olímpica - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Como hacer latigo o martillo lucha olimpica - Tecnicas de lucha olímpica - Duration: 3:36.


O que é um óleo essencial dōTERRA? - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> O que é um óleo essencial dōTERRA? - Duration: 2:14.


O ECLIPSE DA LUA E VOCÊ - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> O ECLIPSE DA LUA E VOCÊ - Duration: 3:57.


Mariana Rios exibe o corpo em maiô super sexy - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Mariana Rios exibe o corpo em maiô super sexy - Duration: 1:46.


Após um ano longe da Globo, Evaristo Costa comemora: "Segui o rumo certo" - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Após um ano longe da Globo, Evaristo Costa comemora: "Segui o rumo certo" - Duration: 1:42.


6 Znaków Że To KONIEC PRZYJAŹNI - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> 6 Znaków Że To KONIEC PRZYJAŹNI - Duration: 4:43.


Put a Garlic Clove in Your Ear and See What Happened to Your Health - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Put a Garlic Clove in Your Ear and See What Happened to Your Health - Duration: 2:43.


Sessão 16: Cometa Halley | Histórias de ter.a.pia - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> Sessão 16: Cometa Halley | Histórias de ter.a.pia - Duration: 5:05.


¡El eclipse solar más grande del siglo traerá conflictos! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> ¡El eclipse solar más grande del siglo traerá conflictos! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:44.


Direito Antitruste - Duration: 7:31.

For more infomation >> Direito Antitruste - Duration: 7:31.


Ovo Surpresa Gigante da Chapeuzinho Vermelho em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 11:38.

For more infomation >> Ovo Surpresa Gigante da Chapeuzinho Vermelho em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 11:38.


Beautiful Wedding Groom Entrance Music - Such Great Heights - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Beautiful Wedding Groom Entrance Music - Such Great Heights - Duration: 2:29.


Deborah Secco tieta a ex-BBB Ana Clara Lima - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Deborah Secco tieta a ex-BBB Ana Clara Lima - Duration: 2:08.


Panasonic Lumix FZ60 With Sony & Digital Camera In BD /Shapon Khan Vlog - Duration: 11:38.

For more infomation >> Panasonic Lumix FZ60 With Sony & Digital Camera In BD /Shapon Khan Vlog - Duration: 11:38.


QUEM FOI MARTINHO LUTERO? | Marcos Silva – T1 – Ep.015 - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> QUEM FOI MARTINHO LUTERO? | Marcos Silva – T1 – Ep.015 - Duration: 3:35.


Mini permitirá compartir sus coches entre 11 conductores - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> Mini permitirá compartir sus coches entre 11 conductores - Duration: 6:02.


Global Series Brazil - Um outro ponto de vista sobre nossa relação com a Wizards - Duration: 12:44.

Welcome players

My name is Thiago and this is Diario Planinauta

Your MTG Youtube channel!

A few days ago Professor, of Tolarian Community College

Magic: The Gathering World's biggest Channel

posted a video about the relationship between Wizards and the Latin American MTG community

with a strong focus on the Brazilian community.

This video happened because at the beginning of July the Professor was in Brazil

brought by CFB, to participate in the Grand Prix São Paulo 2018

which, by the way, was the biggest GP ever held in South America.

And in this video the Professor demonstrates a lot of what he could feel being in contact with the Brazilian community and some people from the neighboring countries to Brazil

and what he was able to conclude is that we are feeling abandoned by Wizards of The Coast.

While watching the teacher's video, I felt a mixed feelings

since I agree with a lot of what he said, but in many others, I felt that he got too heavy.

That's why I decided to make this video.

I do not want to rebut the Professor's video, on the contrary.

I am deeply grateful for a person like him to care so much to our community

asking Wizards to invest more in our community

What I'd actually like is to supplement your video with a few different points of view

about what the Professor saw and felt about this relationship we have between Wizards and our community

I play Magic, more or less, since 2000

when I first came into contact with the game on a bookstore stand at a Book Biennial.

Since then, I stopped and went back to playing several times

but only in 2015 I stepped for the first time in a Magic local game store

And it was in that year that my life began to change dramatically because of this game.

At the end of this year I had an amazing experience while visiting the Comic Con Experience

one of the largest Geeks / Nerds conventions in Latin America

where I had the pleasure of meeting Carol Moraes and André Manenti

the two largest producers of Magic content for Youtube in Brazil

And I only got it, because the Wizards invested in a gigantic stand

where people could know the game, learn to play

and even had several different attractions such as cosplayers

as our world champion Carlos Romao

and some icons of the nerd culture as Jovem Nerd and Azagal

And it was there, at that event that I decided to become a MTG content creator

It was seeing that stand, knowing those people, I decided to dive into the community

and share my vision and my experiences about the game.

The following year they came again with a stand, this time, even bigger

and instead of bring two youtubers

they brought many content creators

I can remember at least five that were there.

among other attractions too

These were the first two examples I had when returning to Magic

that yes, there is a concern and an investment in our community.

And I know that the Professor agrees to it.

But what I wanted to understand is why we passed on this feeling of total neglect for him

Maybe it's because we only have one GP per year in Brazil

and only two GPs in South America

That's true Wizards. We need more events being held here

Our community is too big for this.

But, we need to remember that last year, we had 2 GPs in Brazil

And this year the organization changed

now who organizes the events is the Channel Fireball

and maybe she came with caution this year

performing only one event

but I'm sure they were surprised positively with the size of the Brazilian community

and I have high hopes that next year we will have two or more GPs in Brazil

and furthermore, we can not forget a detail

last year was the first official coverage of a GP in Latin America

The GP was broadcast worldwide on the official Magic channel

and this year they repeated the dose, bringing more structure

making an even greater investment

and allowing a Brazilian team to be assembled to participate in this coverage

still talking about GP

we can not forget the creators' corner that happened last year

in Porto Alegre GP and in Sao Paulo GP

which was a great success, as the professor said

however, we can not say that we did not have any recognition

maybe we do not have the investment we would like

and nor the recognition that we would like

but to say that there was no recognition, neither is it true

In both GPs we went out in articles on the main page of the Wizards website

which was a good highlight for us, content creators

Perhaps this feeling of neglect is due to the innumerable delayed prereleases

or materials that do not arrive

or even at the cost we pay for Magic in Brazil

and, indeed Wizards, we had a lot of difficulties getting to play Magic

but can we just blame Wizards?

Many people try to give solutions to dribble the Brazilian bureaucracy

But we know that everything is not as easy as it seems

I do not think the solution is to Wizards send the material well in advance

First because we do not know how soon Wizards already sends this material

And second, even if she sends this material well in advance

nothing guarantees that this material will arrive in time

because we already had products that were stuck in customs for several years and years!

and it took a long time to get into the hands of the LGS

some other people think the solution would be to open a factory in Brazil

so that the cards can be printed here

but have you ever stopped to think about the cost of this really happening?

bring equipment and supplies from outside Brazil

set up a factory in Brazil, to produce the material here

it might not be worth the cost x benefit to Wizards

Many may feel abandoned because Wizards do not support stores as well.

But I do not agree too much with that either.

I think there has never been as much store support as there is today.

There are two distributors of material to meet the growing number of stores

and an exclusive team at the Brazilian office to serve the stores

Talking about it, did you know that on Thursday before the GP

It happened a workshop organized by the Wizards for all retailers in Brazil?

Yes, it happened! And that shows a bit of concern for our community.

Talkin about retailers support

it is very curious that the same community that complains of neglect by the company to their country

also have a huge difficulty supporting their stores

I know there are very bad stores and storekeepers around here.

and I do not want to generalize the subject

however I do see a large amount of players attending stores daily

that do not support them

Players who think that the store is forced to sell the cards at the lowest price

and complain if it makes a higher price

Hardly compliment when the store goes the extra mile to exceed your expectations

But when there is a problem, instead they try to resolve with the store, they complain openly on facebook.

Sometimes they spend all day in the store casually playing with friends and when it comes to buying a cookie, or soda, they go to the neighboring establishment!

Well, I do not want to go any further in this matter

but I would very much like you to reflect on this

Maybe we feel abandoned because we have one of the largest content producing communities in the world

with youtubers, podcasters, streamers, cosplayers

among many others

and even the, set after set

we have to "fight for crumbs"

since we received so few exclusive spoilers

which are a great tool to promote our channels

While in the United States, many content producers receive more than an exclusive spoiler per collection

and even smaller producers than the producers here, also receive

I understand that American content producers talk to the whole world.

while we Brazilians speak only to our community

but we know that when a video is well done

or when content production is well developed

this content reaches much more than just the Brazilian community

In addition, we do not have expressive support from Wizards USA regarding both physical and digital materials for the production of our content

I think this relationship still needs to improve a lot.

Still, we can not say that Wizards has abandoned content creators in Brazil

only in the last two years have I seen the Wizards take two content producers to the United States

to participate in major events

one of them even met Wizards headquarters

meeting people like Melissa DeTora, Mark Rosewater

other content creators from all over the world

this would be a dream for any Magic player

in addition we still had small actions

as in the release of Conspiracy 2 and Archenemy Nicol Bolas

where Wizards invited some content producers to take part in these actions

Anyway, it looks like I'm wanting to defend Wizards, but that's not the case

I just want to show another point of view about this relationship.

I want Wizards to invest more and more in Brazil

because I want to see my community growing more and more

And I, as a content creator, want Wizards to give us more and more support, so we can do a better job.

And although I think we deserve much more

I can not say that I feel neglected

When, in the short time I have inside the community

I see so many investments being made

I want to end this video thanking the Professor once more, for the caress for our community

and reinforce a phrase he quoted in his video

Here in Brazil, Magic is not about Wizards, Magic is about players

or rather, in my opinion, the Magic is about the community!

If you want our community to receive more support

do not forget to play your part too

support the good LGS, support the organizers of events

support the judges

support the various social inclusion groups

and support us as well, content creators

So, if you like this vídeo, hit the like button

if you are not a subscriber, hit the subscribe button

and I would like to know your opinion and view on this subject

feel free to leave your comment below

I'll stay here, until the next video!

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