Saturday, July 28, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 28 2018

 COMPOSTELA La volcadura de un autobús en la autopista Jala- Compostela dejo como saldo al menos cuatro personas muertas y 30   lesionados de acuerdo con Protección Civil del Estado

Bancos retendrían transferencias uno o más días por este motivo  Los hechos ocurrieron durante la madrugada de este sábado, aunque aún no se establecen las causas del accidente, aparentemente el conductor del autobús de turismo de la marca Volvo color blanco, perdió el control del volante en una curva a la altura del kilómetro 45+00

Así viven mexicanas los ataques en cercanías de Franja de Gaza  Al lugar se trasladaron paramédicos de Cruz Roja, Protección Civil y Bomberos del Estado, para auxiliar a los heridos quienes fueron trasladados para recibir atención médica en hospitales de Compostela y Tepic

Aquí tienes los tipos de Hepatitis y sus vías de contagio  Las personas que perdieron la vida aún no han sido identificadas, pero entre ellos se encuentran menores de edad


For more infomation >> Mueren cuatro personas tras volcadura de autobús en Nayarit - Duration: 1:25.


Intento de asalto termina en tiroteo en plaza comercial de McAllen, Texas - Duration: 1:41.

La policía respondió a la emergencia y detuvo a dos sujetos que intentaron robar una joyería ubicada dentro del mall La Plaza; no hubo heridos

 Estados Unidos.- Un intento de asalto derivó en un tiroteo dentro de un centro comercial en la ciudad de McAllen, Texas

   De acuerdo con reportes preliminares, entre dos y seis sujetos armados intentaron robar una joyería ubicada dentro del Plaza Mall, pero elementos de seguridad respondieron a la emergencia y evitaron el atraco

   El intento de robó generó alarma entre visitantes del centro comercial, quienes compartieron videos en redes sociales sobre el desarrollo de los hechos

La policía montó un cerco alrededor del lugar y pidió a ciudadanos evitar la zona

     De momento no se reportan ni muertos ni heridos. 

For more infomation >> Intento de asalto termina en tiroteo en plaza comercial de McAllen, Texas - Duration: 1:41.


Cancún en alerta roja por 'ataque' de sargazo - Duration: 3:33.

La mayoría de los vacacionistas en todo el mundo considera a las playas de Cancún como un excelente destino, pro hoy muchos de ellos se han tenido que enfrentar a un gran incoveniente

Se trata de una hierba que ha invadido la playa caribeña que proviene del Mar de los Sargazos

La enorme concentración de algas flotantes ubicada en el Océano Atlántico y que alcanza una extensión de 3 millones 500 mil kilomeros cuadrados, con una profundidad de hasta un metro y medio

El fenómeno de esta basura comenzó a crecer a partir de 2011 y ha generaod mucha molestia a los visitantes, debido a que las algas despiden un olor particular y aparecen como un obstáculo para caminar libremente sobre la orilla del mar y para nadar

Ahuyenta a turistas Debido al exceso del sargazo en Playa del Carmen, los visitantes han bajado en un 50 por ciento en este verano, en comparación con el mismo período del año anterior

¿Qué ha sucedido con esto? Los turistas han optado por otros sitios como Cozumel e Isla Mujeres

Brigitta Ine van Tussenbroek, investigadora del Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología de la UNAM, junto con Marta García-Sánchez, especialista en Macroalgas, dieron una conferencia hace poco en el planetario Sayab en Playa del Carmen, donde enfatizaron los impactos del organismo marino

Su hipótesis indica que de continuar con un mal manejo del sargazo, a largo plazo representará daños irreversibles para los ecosistemas costeros, modificando de manera permanente la calidad del agua de mar, el color de las playas, la vida de los arrecifes y sus faunas, además de la estabilidad de los arenales

"Lo que necesitamos es más conciencia de que el sargazo se va a quedar, no se va a ir, no se puede cerrar los ojos fingiendo que ya no vendrá

De vez en cuando más o menos, pero tenemos que hacer algo al respecto o de otra manera todo va a cambiar y será un desastre a nuestras costas y a final de cuentas va a tener repercusiones incluso también económicas", dijo la doctora Ine van Tussenbroek

    Marta García-Sánchez, recordó que el sargazo es un alga parda que pasa toda su vida flotando en el mar, que históricamente ha estado en el "Mar de los Sargazos", y que a veces de ahí se desprendía llegando a zonas del Caribe por el estrecho de Yucatán hasta el Golfo de México, en cantidades que no suponían un problema

Coincidieron en ejemplificar utilizando la figura de un "Semáforo de Alerta", que Quintana Roo está en fase de color amarillo que corre en riesgo de subir a rojo si no se corrigen las políticas para su adecuada atención


For more infomation >> Cancún en alerta roja por 'ataque' de sargazo - Duration: 3:33.


Hailey Baldwin Lifestyle | 2018 - Duration: 6:34.

Hailey Baldwin Lifestyle | 2018

For more infomation >> Hailey Baldwin Lifestyle | 2018 - Duration: 6:34.


Last ride with the Freewind - Duration: 2:11.

Hello girls and boys, I'm Eddie and welcome you to a new video.

Yeah and here you see my freewind and that's the last ride we

do together, because today I bring it to its new

Owner, i. I hand them over in good hands and hope it will have a lot of fun

with her new owner and of course her new owner with her.

Yeah, that's it, that means last video from the freewind and then we see

of course, after the tests, something new is coming our way and yes, I'm looking forward to it.

Of course, I give her off with a laughing and a crying eye.

The laughing eye, because of course I'll buy a new one next year

and who is not happy about it and the weeping eye, because I really have a lot

of fun with her and she really did not let me down and I was really,

very, very happy with her and that's why my heart was crying and that's why

I have only one thing left to say, as always


For more infomation >> Last ride with the Freewind - Duration: 2:11.


Yo no la descargo porque ya lo tengo (Remix epileptico) (DJ CHALO) - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Yo no la descargo porque ya lo tengo (Remix epileptico) (DJ CHALO) - Duration: 1:41.


Der kolumbianische Superstar James Rodriguez vom FC Bayern Münchenhat auf die vielen Spekulationen u - Duration: 31:01.

Der kolumbianische Superstar James Rodriguez hat auf die vielen Wechselspekulationen um seine Person reagiert und ein klares Bekenntnis geäußert

 News vom 28. Juli 2018Miami - Der kolumbianische Fußball-Nationalspieler James Rodriguez hat sich zum Bundesliga-Rekordmeister Bayern München bekannt

"Ich weiß, dass es viele Gerüchte gibt, aber ich bin glücklich in München, das ist meine Gegenwart und ich denke nur an den FC Bayern", sagte der 27-Jährige im Rahmen der USA-Reise seiner Mannschaft in Miami, wo die Bayern ein Testspiel gegen Manchester City (Sonntag, 1

00 Uhr MESZ) bestreiten. "Wenn ich auf mein erstes Jahr mit dem FC Bayern zurückblicke, dann bin ich sehr zufrieden

Wir haben einen sehr homogenen Kader, mit dem alles möglich ist. Ich möchte unbedingt die Champions League gewinnen", fügte James hinzu

Der Südamerikaner war vom FC Bayern im vergangenen Sommer für zwei Jahre von Real Madrid ausgeliehen worden

Die Spekulationen über eine Rückkehr zu den Königlichen waren unter anderem von seinem Adoptiv-Vater angeheizt worden

News vom 27. Juli 2018:Eigentlich fing das Hin und Her mit Julen Lopetegui an. Nachdem klar war, dass der Spanier neuer Trainer bei Real Madrid wird, fing auch James Rodriguez wieder an zu zweifeln

Der Kolumbianer erarbeitete sich sein verloren gegangenes Selbstbewusstsein beim FC Bayern München wieder zurück und konnte glänzen

Eigentlich war ein Verbleib bei den Münchnern beschlossen, doch dann kam Lopetegui

Fakt ist, dass der FCB eine Kaufoption nach der Spielzeit 2018/2019 besitzt.  Nun berichtet die Marca von einer geheimen Klausel, mit der James alles selbst in der Hand hätte

Der Offensivmann hat laut dem spanischen Blatt die Macht zu entscheiden, ob er zu den Königlichen zurückkehrt oder nicht

Aus dem Umfeld des Mittelfeldspielers heißt es, dass er die Entscheidung beeinflussen kann

Die Spanier berichten, dass ein Angebot der Münchner zurückgewiesen werden kann, sollte James im Sommer 2019 lieber nach Madrid zurückkehren

  In der kommenden Saison wird der 27-Jährige bei Bayern spielen. Was danach passiert, steht noch nicht fest

 News vom 25. Juli 2018Der FC Bayern München will den aktuell von Real Madrid ausgeliehenen kolumbianischen Fußball-Nationalspieler James Rodríguez über 2019 hinaus fest verpflichten

„Wir haben noch das eine Jahr den Leihvertrag. Und dann haben wir diese Klausel für 42 Millionen Euro, die wir - Stand heute - mit ziemlich großer Sicherheit ziehen werden", sagte Bayern-Vorstandschef Karl-Heinz Rummenigge am Dienstagabend (Ortszeit) in Philadelphia

Das Verhältnis zwischen Verein und Spieler sei wunderbar, betonte der 62-Jährige. „Wir sind sehr happy mit dem Spieler, der sehr glücklich bei uns ist", sagte Rummenigge während der USA-Reise des deutschen Meisters

„Dementsprechend gehe ich davon aus, wird er auch lange bleiben."Der 27 Jahre alte James war vor einem Jahr als Leihspieler nach München gekommen

Er wurde im Saisonverlauf immer stärker und zählt inzwischen zu den Leistungsträgern im Team

Zuletzt hatte es Gerüchte gegeben, James würde es zurück zu Real ziehen, nachdem Erfolgscoach Zinedine Zidane den Champions-League-Sieger verlassen hatte

News vom 23. Juli 2018Seinen Heimaturlaub nutzte James Rodriguez auch, um der kolumbianischen TV-Show „The Suso Show" sein Zuhause zu zeigen

Dabei sprach er auch über seine Zukunft beim FC Bayern und zeigte sich mit seiner derzeitigen Situation zufrieden: „Bisher bin ich noch hier und ich hatte eine spektakuläre erste Saison, also bin ich sehr glücklich und ich merke, dass mich der Klub und die Fans sehr mögen", wird James von „Sportbild" aus der TV-Show zitiert

 Der FC-Bayern ist unterdessen am Montag in Philadelphia gelandet, wo der Rekordmeister auf Summer-Tour ist und auch zwei Testspiele bestreiten wird

James wird in Miami zu seinen Teamkollegen stoßen.Damit äußerte sich James ähnlich wie zuvor bereits Bayern-Boss Karl-Heinz Rummenigge (Siehe News vom 20

Juli). Zuvor waren vor allem in spanischen Medien immer wieder Gerüchte aufgetaucht James könnte vorzeitig zu Real Madrid zurückkehren

Der Leihvertrag der Königlichen mit Bayern München läuft offiziell noch bis zum Sommer 2019 und enthält eine Kaufoption über 42 Millionen Euro

News vom 20. Juli 2018Karl-Heinz Rummenigge positioniert sich klar zur Zukunft von James Rodriguez

Die Spekulationen um eine Rückkehr des Kolumbianers zu Real Madrid in diesem Sommer sieht der Bayern-Vorstandschef sehr entspannt: „Viele Dinge, die da aus Spanien kommen, müssen nicht dem Wahrheitsgehalt entsprechen

" Zugleich betont der Ex-Stürmer: „Er wird gesichert diese Saison, und ich gehe davon aus auch darüber hinaus, beim FC Bayern spielen

"News vom 17. Juli 2018:James Rodriguez, bleibt er oder geht er? Laut ESPN soll nun Klarheit herrschen

Wie der Sportsender berichtet, soll seine Agentur Gestifute bestätigt haben, dass die Leihe des Kolumbianers nicht in diesem Sommer enden wird

Im Gegensatz zu Berichten der spanischen Medien, gibt es laut Gestifute keine Möglichkeit, den Leih-Vertrag vorzeitig zu beenden

Hartnäckig haben sich die Gerüchte gehalten, dass James bereits vorzeitig von Bayern nach Madrid zurückkehrt, da Ronaldo seine Zelte in Turin aufgeschlagen hat

Auch die Verpflichtung von Trainer Julen Lopetegui soll den Mittelfeldspieler wieder ins Blickfeld der Madrilenen gebracht haben

News vom 16. Juli 2018: Der Wirbel um James reißt nicht ab. Nachdem das spanische Blatt Marca berichtet hatte, dass der Kolumbianer mit einer Rückkehr zu Real Madrid liebäugle, soll sich nun sein prominenter Berater nach München begeben haben, um vor Ort mit den Bossen des FCB über eine Rückkehr des 27-Jährigen zu verhandeln

 Laut dem kolumbianischen Reporter Javier Hernández Bonnet ist Starberater Jorge Mendes, der sich auch um die Belange von Cristiano Ronaldo kümmert, über das Wochenende nach München gereist, um die Chefetage des Rekordmeisters von James' Wunsch zu überzeugen

Das Problem dabei: Die Karten in der Causa James hält nach wie vor ausschließlich der FC Bayern in der Hand

Der Torschützenkönig der WM 2014 ist bis 2019 an den deutschen Meister ausgeliehen, der überdies eine Kaufoption für den Offensivmann besitzt

Heißt im Klartext: Will der FC Bayern den Latino nach der Leihe verpflichten, muss er nur 42 Millionen Euro an Real Madrid überweisen

So ist es vertraglich vereinbart – egal was Real nun will.News vom 15. Juli 2018Es scheint konkreter zu werden mit der Rückkehr von James Rodriguez zu Real Madrid

Wie die spanische Fachzeitung Marca erfahren haben will, hält der neue Trainer der Königlichen, Julen Lopetegui, einen schnellen James-Transfer für nötig

Intern soll er darauf bestanden zu haben, schnellstmöglich im Fall James zu verhandeln

 Lopetegui soll auch James selbst aufgefordert haben, einen Abschied aus München zu erzwingen

Die Marca weiß aber auch: Die Bayern haben noch kein Interesse an einem solchen Deal gezeigt, zumal der deutsche Rekordmeister bei dem Leihgeschäft des Kolumbianers alle Fäden in der Hand hält

Eine konkrete Absage gebe es allerdings nicht aus München, berichtet das Blatt. Zuerst müsse aber klar werden - so laut Marca auch die Einstellung von Bayern-Boss Karl-Heinz Rummenigge - was James überhaupt will

Dass in Madrid ein neuer Trainer das Sagen hat, ist für den möglichen Deal entscheidend

Mit Zidane hatte James stets Probleme. News vom 14. Juli 2018James und Real - da scheint doch was zu laufen, oder?! "Er trägt Real in seinem Herzen

Ich würde es begrüßen, wenn er zu Real zurückkehrt", sagte der Adoptiv-Vater des Linksfußes, Juan Carlos Restrepo, in einem Radio-Interview bei Cadena SER am Freitagabend: "Er würde sich sehr geschmeichelt fühlen, wenn Real Madrid sich damit beschäftigen würde, ihn zurückzuholen

Real Madrid hat man immer im Auge."Aktuell ist James von Real Madrid an den FC Bayern nur ausgeliehen, besitzt an der Säbener Straße allerdings noch einen Vertrag bis 2019

Zudem haben die Bayern eine Kaufoption. Sein leiblicher Vater hätte derweil nichts dagegen, wenn sein Filius in München bliebe: "Er ist ganz relaxt

Bei Bayern haben sie ihn sehr gut behandelt. Da hat er es geschafft, dauerhaft zu spielen, was das Wichtigste ist

Er fühlt sich da wohl. Es gibt noch ein Jahr Vertrag, und das ist unsere Verantwortung

Er ist verpflichtet, seinen Vertrag zu erfüllen, es sei denn, es gibt im letzten Moment eine Entscheidung

"Allerdings bestätigte Rodriguez Senor, dass Julen Lopetegui, der neue Coach von Real Madrid, mit James gesprochen hat: "Jetzt gibt es einige Veränderungen mit dem Weggang von Ronaldo und der Ankunft von Lopetegui

Es sieht danach aus, dass auch er attraktiven Fußball spielen lassen will, mit dieser Struktur könnte mein Sohn bei Real Madrid zu mehr Einsatzzeiten kommen

"News vom 13. Juli 2018Mit dem Wechsel von Cristiano Ronaldo von Real Madrid zu Juventus Turin könnte richtig Bewegung in den europäischen Transfermarkt kommen

Das könnte auch Auswirkungen auf den FC Bayern haben, denn nach dem Abgang des Portugiesen zur alten Dame klafft in der Real-Offensive nun ein großes Loch

Die spanische Sportzeitung "Marca" berichtet nun, dass diese Lücke möglicherweise James Rodriguez füllen könnte - und dieser wohl nicht abgeneigt sei

Der Kolumbianer hatte Real vor einem Jahr Richtung Isar verlassen, da er bei den Königlichen kaum noch zum Zug gekommen war, der damalige Trainer Zinedine Zidane hatte kaum auf ihn gesetzt

Doch Zidane verließ den Verein nach dem CL-Triumph, sein Nachfolger heißt Julen Lopetegui

Und der soll sehr viel von James halten.Aber: James Rodriguez ist bekanntlich noch bis Sommer 2019 an den deutschen Rekordmeister ausgeliehen (Leihgebühr: 13 Millionen Euro), die Münchner haben jedoch die Entscheidungshoheit über die Zukunft des 27-Jährigen

Sollten die Roten ihn fest verpflichten wollen, muss Bayern weitere 35,2 Millionen Euro an Real Madrid zahlen

Zum Vergleich: Als Real James von der AS Monaco holte, überwiesen sie ganze 75 Millionen Euro ins Fürstentum

News vom 19. März 2018Seit Sommer 2017 ist James Rodriguez beim FC Bayern. Vertraglich ist der Kolumbianer noch bis 2019 an den deutschen Rekordmeister gebunden

Nach Ablauf des Leihvertrages besitzt der FCB außerdem eine Kaufoption in Höhe von 42 Millionen Euro

 Die eigentlich klare Vertragssituation des 26-Jährigen schreckt mögliche Interessenten aber nicht ab

Nach einem Bericht von Don Balon steht der offensive Mittelfeldspieler bei José Mourinho hoch im Kurs

Nach dem frühen Aus in der Champions League soll der Trainer von Manchester United seine Mannschaft im Sommer erneut umkrempeln wollen

Am liebsten würde er dazu James verpflichten.Beruhigend für alle Bayern-Fans: Der Rekordmeister hat in diesem Fall alles in der eigenen Hand

Auch wenn James aktuell noch zu Real Madrid gehört, entscheidet bis mindestens 2019 allein der FC Bayern, was mit dem Kolumbianer passiert

FC Bayern München: Sommer-Transfergerüchte 2018 und aktuelle NewsNews vom 26. Februar 2018James Rodriguez hat in München voll eingeschlagen

Seine Zukunft ist jedoch weiter ungewiss. Die Real-Legende Guti, aktuell Trainer der U19 von Real Madrid, würde einen endgültigen Abgang von James nach München jedenfalls nicht als Fehler einstufen

News vom 16. Februar 2018Wie die SportBild berichtet, hat die Vorstandsetage des FC Bayern bereits beschlossen, dass die Kaufoption von Shootingstar James Rodriguez gezogen wird

Die einzige Voraussetzung sei dem neuen Bericht zufolge, dass der gläubige Christ bis zum Saisonende sein Leistungshoch beibehalten kann

Besonders in der Rückrunde spielt der Kolumbianer in den Reihen des deutschen Rekordmeisters groß auf und konnte in nur vier Einsätzen bereits genauso viele Scorerpunkte (fünf) sammeln, wie in den zwölf Einsätzen in der Hinrunde zusammen

Die Gebühr für das zweijährige Leihgeschäft mit Real Madrid beträgt 13 Millionen Euro, die Hälfte davon haben die Münchner bereits dem spanischen Nobelklub überwiesen

Für einen Betrag von 42 Millionen Euro kann der südamerikanische Offensivmann fest verpflichtet werden - ohne dass die „Königlichen" ihr Veto einlegen können

News vom 14. Februar 2018Der Leihvertrag von James Rodriguez beim FC Bayern läuft noch bis 2019, doch der Rekordmeister scheint schon jetzt Nägel mit Köpfen machen zu wollen

Die Roten haben eine einseitige Kaufoption für den bei Real Madrid unter Vertrag stehenden Kolumbianer - und dass die Münchner diese ziehen werden, wie die SportBild berichtet

Aufsichtsrat Edmund Stoiber verriet dem Blatt: „Ich würde kein Veto einlegen, wenn es bei ihm darum ginge, die Kaufoption zu ziehen

" Und Rodriguez? Der Mittelfeld-Star, der in Bogenhausen lebt, fühlt sich entgegen anders lautender Gerüchte pudelwohl an der Isar

Video: Damit verdient James Rodriguez nebenher Geld News vom 4. Februar 2018Real Madrid soll ja angeblich stark daran interessiert sein, James Rodriguez bereits im kommenden Sommer zurück nach Spanien zu holen - obwohl dessen Leihvertrag mit dem FC Bayern bis Sommer 2019 läuft (siehe News vom 2

Februar). Dass der deutsche Rekordmeister aber am längeren Hebel sitzt und selber darüber entscheiden kann, ob man den Spieler behält (wonach es derzeit nach James' hervorragenden Leistungen in den vergangenen Wochen ausschaut), konnte man sich schon denken

Nun hat die Real Madrid nahe stehende spanische Sporttageszeitung Marca dies bestätigt

Der Vertrag, der am 12. Juli vergangenen Jahres aufgesetzt wurde, beinhaltet keinerlei Möglichkeiten für Real Madrid, den Spieler vorzeitig zurückzubeordern

Der 31 Seiten lange Leihvertrag bietet andererseits dem FC Bayern nicht die Möglichkeit, den Spieler bereits im Sommer 2018 für die festgeschriebene Ablösesumme von 42 Millionen Euro zu verpflichten

Dies ist erst ab Sommer 2019 möglich. Wie Marca unter Bezug auf Football Leaks zudem vermeldet, kassiert der Kolumbianer beim FCB 6,5 Millionen Euro im Jahr

Genau die selbe Summe übrigens, die der Bundesliga-Tabellenführer pro Jahr an Real Madrid für die Leihe bezahlt

So kostet James die Münchner pro Saison wohl 13 Millionen Euro. Dazu soll es für den Linksfuß noch einen Bonus über 250

000 Euro geben, falls er in allen Pflichtspielen entweder zwölf Tore erzielt oder 20 Vorlagen gibt

Bislang erzielte James in offiziellen Partien vier Tore und gab sieben Assists.News vom 2

Februar 2018Zuletzt gab es immer wieder widersprüchliche Meldungen rund um die Personalie James Rodriguez

Der Kolumbianer blüht seit einigen Wochen regelrecht auf im Dress des FC Bayern - die Leihgabe von Real Madrid gehört zu den Leistungsträgern beim souveränen Tabellenführer

James betonte mehrfach, sich in München wohlzufühlen. Der 26-Jährige lässt aber auch keine Gelegenheit aus zu erklären, dass der spanische Rekordmeister sein Lieblingsverein ist

Eine Rückkehr erscheint momentan aber als unrealistisch: Der FC Bayern hat James für zwölf Millionen Euro bis Sommer 2019 ausgeliehen und verfügt danach über eine Kaufoption in Höhe von 42 Millionen Euro

Nun berichtet der Daily Express, dass Real Madrid den Offensivspieler bereits im kommenden Sommer zurück nach Chamartin holen möchte

Trainer Zinedine Zidane, der auf James keine besonders große Stücke hält, soll nach dieser Saison sein Amt abgeben - Präsident Florentino Perez will den Linksfuß dann wieder in den eigenen Reihen haben

Bei den in dieser Saison bislang kriselnden Madrilenen wird Zinedine Zidane unter anderem übel genommen, dass er James vor dieser Saison leichtfertig ziehen ließ und keinen adäquaten Ersatz verpflichtete

 Laut Don Balon habe James seinem kolumbianischen Nationalmannschaftskollegen Yerri Mina, der im Januar zum FC Barcelona wechselte, mehrfach erzählt, dass er Spanien und die Primera Division vermisse und jede Gelegenheit nutzen werde, um zu Real zurückzukehren

Allerdings läuft sein Vertrag in München wie erwähnt bis 2019. Ohne ein Okay der Bayern-Bosse ginge da also schon mal gar nichts

News vom 22. Januar 2018München - Seit Wochen verzückt James Rodriguez die Fans des FC Bayern mit überragenden Leistungen

Auch zuletzt beim Spiel gegen Werder Bremen lieferte der Kolumbianer mal wieder eine Torvorlage zum Zungeschnalzen, als er kurz vor dem Sechzehner den Ball auf Thomas Müller chippte und dieser per Direktabnahme zum 4:2 vollendete

Der Spielgestalter ist längst beim FC Bayern angekommen und eine wichtige Stütze von Trainer Jupp Heynckes

 "Es ist jeden Tag zu merken, dass er sich hier wahnsinnig wohlfühlt. Er ist jetzt voll integriert und merkt, dass er Fehler machen darf und es nicht an der Leistung liegt, wenn er raus muss

Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit ihm", sagte Trainer Jupp Heynckes unlängst, und fügte an: "In Zukunft wird er noch wichtiger für uns werden

"FC Bayern: Hat James seine Zukunft an den Verbleib von Heynckes geknüpft?Die Aussagen des Spielers selbst lassen ebenfalls darauf schließen, dass der 26-Jährige mindestens bis 2019 - so lange dauert das Leihgeschäft mit Real Madrid - in München bleiben möchte

Er sei „sehr glücklich" in München, beteuerte der Linksfuß zuletzt mehrfach.Ein Medienbericht aus Spanien lässt nun aber aufhorchen

Denn wie Don Balon berichtet, hat James seine eigene Zukunft beim FC Bayern eng mit jener von Trainer Jupp Heynckes verknüpft

James, der eigentlich als Lieblingsspieler von Ex-Trainer Carlo Ancelotti gilt und auch auf dessen Betreiben hin verpflichtet wurde, will angeblich unbedingt weiterhin mit Heynckes beim FC Bayern zusammenarbeiten

Andernfalls käme für ihn eine vorzeitige Rückkehr nach Madrid in Frage, berichtet das Fußballmagazin

Rückkehr zu Zidane? Sehr fraglichDa Jupp Heynckes im Sommer bekanntlich endgültig in Rente gehen möchte, stünde der FC Bayern hier möglicherweise vor einem Problem, falls der Südamerikaner mit dem nächsten FCB-Trainer nicht klarkommen sollte

 Doch als Fußballprofi kann man sich seinen Trainer nicht aussuchen. Diese Erfahrung hat James bei Real Madrid schon einmal gemacht, wo Coach Zinedine Zidane nicht mehr auf ihn setzte und sein Okay zu einer Leihe zum FC Bayern gab

Ob der Spieler daher wirklich erpicht darauf wäre, bei einem wahrscheinlichen Heynckes-Abschied wieder um eine Rückkehr nach Madrid zu bitten, nur um dort wieder unter Zidane zu arbeiten, der ihn gar nicht mehr haben will? Video: Diese Spieler sind wieder voll dabeiWhatsApp-News zum FC Bayern gratis aufs Handy: tz

de bietet einen besonderen Service für FCB-Fans an. Sie bekommen regelmäßig die neuesten Nachrichten zu den Roten direkt per WhatsApp auf Ihr Smartphone

Und das kostenlos: Hier anmelden!

For more infomation >> Der kolumbianische Superstar James Rodriguez vom FC Bayern Münchenhat auf die vielen Spekulationen u - Duration: 31:01.


28/07/2018 12:12 (Av. Aliomar Baleeiro, 14040 - Mussurunga I, Salvador - BA, 41490-150,) - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> 28/07/2018 12:12 (Av. Aliomar Baleeiro, 14040 - Mussurunga I, Salvador - BA, 41490-150,) - Duration: 5:01.


ASTRO 아스트로 - 너잖아(Always You) M/V REACTION - Duration: 7:37.

Charlz: is it in english?

Shayne: oh no, i'm not talking

me: wait there's no sound

sHayne: it's 3 minutes?

oh wait

me: i'm sorry i just wanted to see if there's subtitles

no there isn't

shayne: well now we saw him 6 seconds

shayne: he looks like a kid

shayne: *leaving* imagine if they see the video what do we look like

For more infomation >> ASTRO 아스트로 - 너잖아(Always You) M/V REACTION - Duration: 7:37.


PENTAGON(펜타곤) - 'VIOLET' German sub - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> PENTAGON(펜타곤) - 'VIOLET' German sub - Duration: 4:01.


U&D, Riccardo Guarnieri e i progetti futuri: 'voglio prendermi cura di Ida e Samuele' - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> U&D, Riccardo Guarnieri e i progetti futuri: 'voglio prendermi cura di Ida e Samuele' - Duration: 3:55.


I did insane flip! | The winner of the give away - Duration: 8:18.

What's up guys! As you can see I'm in my cottage house now, but soon I will go back to my home

And now let's have a grass session - try something new and cool! As always

Okay, that's all for today! I'll continue tomorrow!

Okay, as you can see it's boiling hot here!

But I want to show you one cool flip

I did it in the gym but I've never done it on grass

And you probably haven't seen this trick

So I hope you will like it!

I did a warm up and I'm so tired now! Stupid hot weather!!!

Let's try it! I'm a bit scared because I've never done this on grass

I've never seen someone who had done it before, actually there is one guy

But he did it from the ball, not on the flat ground

It is what it is

I wanted to do a swingthrough, but

It was unexpected!

It's so hot here!!!


Okay, that's all fails for today, now let's go and check the winner of the give-away!

Now let's check the winner!

I'll show you just like that, because it's very hard to download bandicam on the Mac, so

So, here is 10 comments, and now let's choose

Okay, here is the link

I use this website

Here it is

And start

Here is the winner! And I've got his phone number, so let's call him!

Okay, I think for those people who took part in this give-away I can do discount

You can buy it for 14$, if you want, and I think that's all for today! Thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> I did insane flip! | The winner of the give away - Duration: 8:18.


SHY Martin - Lose You Too (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:07.

If I say it loud, would it make it real?

And if you go now, would I feel anything?

When you're out on the weekends Catching up with your old friends

Do they ask you 'bout how we've been?

When you're walking home, do you think of me?

And how I fell in deep when you touched my skin

How easily my hands left you shivering Didn't catch our breath before we jumped right

in Now I don't know if we can make it out

Breaking everything with a single touch I don't even know how to make us stop

This might be the part where you lose me And I'm about to, I'm about to

I'm about to lose you too, ooh Yeah, I'm about to lose you too, ooh

If you let me go, will you let me know?

And if we leave it here, are we letting go Of drive away's on the weekends?

Hundred nights with no sleep and Hundred miles with no seat belts on

When I feel alone, do you think of me?

And how I fell in deep when you touched my skin

How easily my hands left you shivering How we went from "How are you?" to "How you


Now I don't know if we can make it out Breaking everything with a single touch

I don't even know how to make us stop This might be the part where you lose me

But I'm about to, I'm about to I'm about to lose you too, ooh

I'm about to lose you too, I know, ooh I'm about to lose you too, ooh

I'm about to lose you too, ooh If you let me go, will you let me know?

'Cause I'm about to lose you too, ooh How I fell in deep when you touched my skin

How easily my hands left you shivering How we went from 'how are you?' to 'how you


For more infomation >> SHY Martin - Lose You Too (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:07.


HOW TO JUMBO BRAID GODDESS PONYTAIL On Short Natural Hair - Duration: 7:22.

How to jumbo braid

goddess ponytail tutorial

jumbo braid tutorial

how to jumbo braid goddess ponytail

How to jumbo braid goddess ponytail on short natural hair

For more infomation >> HOW TO JUMBO BRAID GODDESS PONYTAIL On Short Natural Hair - Duration: 7:22.


Top 8 Features of the $100,000 Jeep Trackhawk - The Most Powerful SUV Ever - Duration: 7:27.

A friend of mine sent me a text message today. Trackhawkk being delivered at 6:00

p.m. 707 horsepower, hundred thousand dollar Jeep Cherokee Trackhawk. Yes! I've

never actually even seen one before. It's actually being delivered by truck in a

parking lot in this shopping center that I'm in right now. And I just parked besid

another white Prius just just like mine.

In this video we're going to take a look at 8 things you need to know about

the 2018 Jeep Cherokee Trackhawk.

Come go use y'all game pretty soon a couple nights what you gettin it.

It's supercharged and the reason I'm bringing that up is because yeah it's

written right there but you know what kind of stands out is the fact that it's

written really really small. You see supercharged right there you

know what I think actually would be kind of cool is that the owner took

supercharged off of it. That would just make it like a sleeper. If you know what

to look for. That right there that means it's got more than 700 horsepower and

you know that the tires are gonna be extra big and fat and wide and amazing.

You're probably familiar with something called Launch Control. A lot of cars have

it. This vehicle has Launch Control however Launch Control cannot be used

for 500 miles. That's right. Jeep wants you to break it in and so

that whenever you do use Launch Control it doesn't stress the engine

unnecessarily or it doesn't mess it up. They just want you to break it in a

little bit but there's Launch Control but not for 500 miles. And this one

happens to have 9 miles on it. So they're not gonna be using the Launch

Control for a little while. And it's kind of ironic actually that Launch Control

cannot be used for 500 miles because each Trackhawk engine has to undergo

about 42 minutes of rigorous dyno testing before it actually gets put into

the the body of the Trackhawk itself so. But still no launch until. Cute little V6

Mustang thinks he wanted to, hear by laughing out there? The speedometer goes to

200 miles an hour. It has no speed limiter. You know how whenever you read

about vehicles top track speed. That information comes as a result of the

manufacturer having to limit the speed of a vehicle.

Not this one. It's not limited but the top track speed is right at 180 miles an

hour. You see those delicious beautiful Brembo

brakes. Well the brake rotors on this are the

largest brake rotors that have ever been installed on a Jeep from the factory.

They are a whopping 15.75 inches in the front and that's like gigantic. Look at

that. That's my hand for perspective. I mean that's, that is just a massive brake

rotor because something that is not limited by speed you gotta slow it down.

You got to stop at some point. You see this little dial here? This is track,

sport, auto, snow, and tow. Well when you roll it it changes modes right. Track

mode is the only mode in which traction control can be fully disabled. Translation= track mode is the best mode to drive this thing in in my opinion. It

has no fog lights. This area on a regular Jeep does have fog lights there but in

this one you can see the little gray stuff right there behind that grille and

that's a radiator. And in order for this to be able to cool that massive

supercharged 700 horsepower Hellcat engine it has to have access to as much

air as it can get. Therefore you remove fog lights, you

allow more air to come in through that grate get to that radiator and cool that

big fat engine. This is my 2015 Toyota Prius. It doesn't have fog lights either.

This Trackhawk has 707 horsepower that is 537 more horsepower than that Prius

you see there in the quarter and that happens to be my Prius. Even if a car had

five hundred and thirty seven horsepower you'd be like holy crap that thing's

awesome. This actually happens to have 537 more

than my thimble shaped sewing machine and I know

this video was all about cool things about the Trackhawk but you would be

really, really mad at me if I didn't show you this. Look at that all of that love.

That's where that comes from. I love the throwback the old school

orange there. It's just at a whole different place.

That's the supercharger and yeah I'm really excited about shooting this

vehicle. So let's start it up and see what it sounds like.

For more infomation >> Top 8 Features of the $100,000 Jeep Trackhawk - The Most Powerful SUV Ever - Duration: 7:27.


Everything You Need to Know About the IS-7 in War Thunder - Duration: 13:54.

It's big, it's green, its angry, and it's here to spread some bias

Hello you sexy beasts, and welcome back to War Thunder

(intro) Before we start with the review, here are

the usual disclaimers: What you are about to see in this video is

not the final representation of the IS-7.

This is a very early look at an unreleased and unfinished tank that is quite likely to

have its stats changed before final release.

The purpose of this video is just to give you a general idea of what the tank might

play like, and whilst I will give you the detailed stats that are available to me, take

them with a grain of salt.

Secondly, I'm not going to be discussing operation summer or the marketplace, that's

a topic for another video.

This is purely about the tank itself.

With that out of the way, this is the IS-7, War Thunder's newest and meanest event tank.

The IS-7 started life as the Object 260 prototype in 1946, following on from the failure of

the IS-6.

The requirement was to build a heavy tank that could withstand the German 128mm PaK

44 gun as found on the Jagdtiger.

Calling the final design a battleship on tracks wouldn't be too far from the truth.

The IS-7 ended up featuring armour that could even withstand its on 130mm cannon derived

from a naval gun, as well as a naval diesel engine with an output of over 1000 horsepower.

Despite the tests overall being very favourable and the tank being quite liked by everyone

involved, it was rejected and ultimately superseded by the IS-8, which we know as the T-10.

The only remaining IS-7 today can be found at the Kubinka Tank Museum in Russia.

In game the IS-7 is a rank V gift tank without premium bonus, at a preliminary battle rating

of 8.0, only available through the 2018 operation SUMMER event.

The tank has a striking resemblance to the IS-3 and T-10M, with a pike nosed hull and

a very rounded and flat turret.

As always, we'll go through the Holy trinity of tank warfare in the order of armour, mobility

and firepower.

In terms of armour, the IS-7 does indeed fulfil the requirement of resisting Jagdtigers and


The hull front consists of sloped 150mm plates both on the upper and lower plate.

The upper frontal plate presents an astonishing effective thickness of around 340mm, and even

the general weakspot of any tank that is the lower frontal plate still features 260mm of

effective thickness.

The driver's port might look like a weakspot, and in fact it is only a 100mm thick plate,

but due to the extreme angling it still presents over 400mm of effective thickness.

The turret front has various plates, with raw plate thickness reaching up to 250mm at

some points.

Due to the heavy rounding and sloping, you can expect effective thicknesses of anywhere

between 200 to over 500mm.

Without pinpoint accuracy, even APDS shells will struggle to penetrate the turret.

The side hull armour is not much weaker either.

The upper plate is 150mm thick and sloped, providing well over 200mm of effective armour.

The lower plate is also a classic Russian heavy trap, as it is not a flat plate but

instead rounded.

As you can see from this image, trying to penetrate the apparently flat side armour

actually results in a very high bounce chance on the rounded 100mm lower plate.

Your best bet is to aim for the area just above the tracks, where this plate flattens


The rear of the hull provides between 60-80mm of effective thickness.

The massive engine will eat up APHE, HESH and HEAT projectiles, but a clear penetration

from a high power solid projectile should be capable of reaching the crew compartment


This also applies to the 80mm thick rear of the turret

Speaking of crew, the IS-7 features a total of 5, which includes what I presume to be

two loaders.

One crew, the driver, sits center in the front of the hull, with the other 4 sitting tightly

together in the turret.

Despite the high armour values, a penetrating hit should be devastating.

Onto mobility.

Despite weighing in at 68 tonnes, the 1050hp naval diesel engine provides the IS-7 with

a power to weight ratio of 15.4, which would put it in medium tank territory.

And this also reflects on the overall stats.

The IS-7 accelerates from 0-30km/h in 6.9 seconds, which is nearly identical to the

Panther A we tested in a previous video.

The indicated top speed is 60Km/h, although it levels out at around 40km/h off road, which

is quite quick.

Even the reverse speed is incredible for a machine of this weight, topping out at 23


This is a tank that can move very quickly in straight lines.

I say straight lines because it goes a bit downhill from there.

I'm not sure if it's a bug, or if it genuinely is meant as a weakness, but the IS-7 is terrible

at turning.

From standstill, it took a whole 51 seconds to do a 360 degree hull turn, in a massive

area given the lack of neutral turning.

This is by far some of the worst I've ever witnessed.

Rolling turning isn't much better, as even in third gear it still takes 24.1 seconds.

This is a tank that loves wide open fields with straight lines, but suffers heavily in

tight city combat.

Finally, I gave it a lap around the tank polygon test track.

Surprisingly, the off road performance was able to compensate for the horrible turning

performance, and the IS-7 finished the lap in just under 5 minutes, beating out a fully

upgraded Panther A by almost 10 seconds.

As I've mentioned before, for being such a heavy tank it does present medium tank mobility.

Finally, Firepower.

The IS-7 features an adapted 130mm naval gun with an automatic assisted loading system,

and a whopping 8 machine guns.

6 of these are 7.62mm mgs, two of which are mounted coaxially on each side of the main

gun, two fixed to the side of the hull, and another two fixed to the back of the hull.

All of these do indeed work, although the hull mounted MGs do not have any kind of traverse

or elevation, and the back mounted MGs only fire when aiming directly behind where your

gun is pointing, which results in constantly trying to turn the turret around.

The remaining two guns are 14.5mm heavy machine guns, capable of destroying lightly armoured

tanks, tracks and cannon barrels.

One of these is mounted coaxially straight above the gun, which means you don't have

to compensate for convergence, and the other is mounted quite high on top of the turret.

You would think this would make for excellent anti aircraft defense, and the top mounted

MG can indeed point straight up into the sky, but due to the terrible rotation and elevation

speed of it, it's going to be nearly impossible to track any kind of aircraft that's not

flying in a straight line towards you.

The coaxial machine gun isn't much better either, due to the very limited elevation.

That said, both the top and the coaxially mounted 14.5mm MGs can be used like the 20mm

cannon on the MBT-70 to destroy the enemy tank's cannon barrel directly or from behind

cover, an ability that is incredibly useful in 1v1 close range engagements.

The main 130mm gun features a 7 round assisted loading tray that functions similarly to an

autoloader, whilst still retaining two loaders to refill the tray with ammunition.

During those initial 7 rounds, the gun fires once every 10 seconds, which is below average

for most guns at this battle rating but incredibly fast for a gun of this calibre.

Mind you, after the initial 7 rounds are spent, it takes a long time to replenish ammo to

the tray.

Your gun can only feed from ammo from the tray, and every shot will interrupt the reloading

of said tray.

As such, I recommend sticking close to capture points, where you can reload the tray much

more quickly if you are going to be fighting multiple enemies in quick succession.

The IS-7 can carry a total of 30 rounds of APHE type APCBC shells with up to 265mm of

penetration and 195gr of explosive filler, at a muzzle velocity of 900m/s.

Whilst this shell can't compete in terms of raw penetration power with the HEATFS,

APDS and APFSDS shells you might find on enemy tanks within its BR range, it does make up

for it in pure damage.

With that amount of explosive filler, any penetrating hit is highly likely to result

in a one shot kill, if not crippling damage.

The gun handling isn't anything special however.

Contrary to some sources, the gun is not stabilized.

The turret rotation speed is mediocre at best with 12 degrees per second stock, and the

gun elevation range is terrible, ranging from negative three to 15 degrees.

As with the mobility, the gun works just fine in wide and flat terrains, but struggles in

close quarter combat or hilly terrain.

So, lets summarize the IS-7 then.

It is indeed a very scary tank, at a first glance of the stats it does remind a lot of

the IS-6, but better in every way.

The armour is stronger, the mobility is great, the gun is much better and it has not one,

but two secondary machine guns that can disable enemy guns.

Without knowing what it is or what its weaknesses are, the IS-7 might seem a completely broken

and overpowered tank.

But having tested it and analysed it's weaknesses, I have my reservations.

The armour is incredibly strong, yes.

It is pretty much immune against any kind of AP or APHE shell, even APDS might struggle

against it.

But it is also at battle rating 8.0 at the moment, which puts it just outside of 6.7

downtiers and into the 8.7 uptier territory, where it will often face HEATFS and even occasionally

APFSDS shells.

Whilst the tank does have a healthy number of crew, they are packed tightly together

along with sizeable ammo racks, and any penetrating hit is likely to cause devastating damage.

The mobility is once again great for such a heavy tank, comparing to or surpassing medium

tanks in many aspects.

However, as we also found out, it doesn't like to turn very well, neither the hull nor

the turret.

This makes it rather vulnerable in close quarters, where it might be easily flanked if it doesn't

have the space to use the amazing reverse speed to get into cover.

Given that the lower hull side is only 100mm flat in the right area and the crew is compacted,

even lower tier flanking tanks can do a serious number on it.

Finally, the gun.

Ignoring the bad gun handling stats, the gun itself is actually quite powerful and assisted

by the secondaries.

In close range frontal 1v1s you can easily use the armour to bounce the first shot from

the enemy and take your time disabling their guns with your machine guns and find the weakspots

to penetrate with the main gun, following up after 10 seconds if necessary.

And that is against heavily armoured opponents like an M103 for example, against medium and

lower tanks, the shell has more than enough penetration and explosive power to absolutely

obliterate them.

Unless you can disable the IS-7's gun on the first shot and avoid the machine guns

damaging your barrel or tracks, it is not recommended to go against it from the front.

That said, the IS-7's gun is not stabilized and is at a disadvantage against high penetration

stabilized guns when on the move.

105mm L7 carrying tanks with heatfs should not have too much of an issue against the

IS-7 from the front, much less so mobile tanks that can get onto their side.

Even aircraft shouldn't fear the IS-7 too much.

As long as you don't fly directly at them for an extended amount of time, the top machine

gun simply can't traverse quickly enough to catch you.

This is my own opinion, and I might of course be totally wrong by the time the tank releases.

After all, I haven't used it against actual players and the stats might be completely

different by that time.

But as they currently are and from my own experience over the last four years, I do

not believe the IS-7 to be the completely overpowered and invincible monster that some

people seem to make it out to be.

But this is just one side, I do very much want to hear your opinions on the IS-7 in

the comments now that you know more about the tank.

Again, keep in mind that all of these stats and battle ratings and performances are preliminary

and might or might not change drastically before it is actually put into the game, so

don't grab your pitchforks just yet if you believe the tank to be completely under or


Instead, say what you would want changed instead, based on what he have right now.

But in any case, hopefully you have enjoyed this preview of the IS-7!

If you're new around here, do subscribe, I seem to be in another monthly burst of video-making

motivation right now, and that's usually when I put out the good stuff.

As always, my name has been MikeGoesBoom, and thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> Everything You Need to Know About the IS-7 in War Thunder - Duration: 13:54.


The Most Oddly Satisfying Slime Asmr Video 😍 TRY NOT TO GET SATISFIED CHALLENGE 2018 - Duration: 11:02.

The Most Oddly Satisfying Slime Asmr Video

For more infomation >> The Most Oddly Satisfying Slime Asmr Video 😍 TRY NOT TO GET SATISFIED CHALLENGE 2018 - Duration: 11:02.


Arsenal mocked by PSG boss Thomas Tuchel after friendly defeat - Duration: 1:54.

 Thomas Tuchel took a sly dig at Unai Emery Arsenal's side after they swept to a 5-1 win over a makeshift PSG XI

 Without World Cup stars Edinson Cavani, Kylian Mbappe and Neymar, Tuchel's men were overawed by a near full-strength Arsenal team in Singapore

 Mesut Ozil, captain for the day, swept Arsenal into a half-time lead and although Christopher Nkunku's penalty briefly restored parity, the Gunners romped to a convincing win courtesy of an Alexandre Lacazette brace and goals from substitutes Eddie Nketiah and Rob Holding

 When asked whether he thought PSG missed their A-listers, a clearly irked Tuchel said

'Yes, clearly.'  'I think they [Arsenal] are playing in the Europa League this season, right?'  After finishing sixth in the Premier League under Arsene Wenger last season, Arsenal will again be appearing in Europe's second tier competition this term

 Tuchel replaced Emery in the French capital earlier this summer and before the match insisted he was never close to joining the Gunners despite being heavily linked with Wenger's job in the past

 'To be honest, I made my decision before Arsene Wenger made his decision.  'I don't know if I was ever meant to be his successor or not

I didn't think about it because there was no question in the situation I was.'

For more infomation >> Arsenal mocked by PSG boss Thomas Tuchel after friendly defeat - Duration: 1:54.



(screams) (heavy metal music plays)

- We're going on tour!

Nevermind, it's canceled.

- Alexa, play rock music.

- 'Cause sometimes to stay alive,

you gotta kill your blinds.

Hey everyone and welcome back to the CrankThatFrank channel,

the only channel on YouTube where you can get

family friendly alternative content

and in this case, a family friendly alternative tour!

- Woo!

(beep) - Guys, it's happening.

I made a video a little while ago

and I asked you guys to demand your city for tour

and I'm very, very excited to announce

Eva will be coming on every single date.


You whipped me, you whipped my hair.

- I whipped so good.


(both laugh)

Example one. - Oh my God.

- Of why we're together.

Ah! - Buy tickets. (both laugh)

(beep) - I'm making this a mess

and it's only like the first minute.

- So, (both laugh)

geez. (beep)

- We have to compose (mumbles)

(Frank laughs)



- Why'd you do the crab?


The tour is called (drum roll)

Kinda Emo. - Which is accurate.

- Which is very accurate to us and maybe to all of you.

You guys were asking,

"Frank, what is the tour gonna be about?

"Is the tour gonna be emo?"

And my answer to that is...


(jovial music)

(both laugh) (beep)

We've been extremely cryptic on Twitter and Instagram

for like the past week

and it's been fun to be the Walmart Twenty One Pilots

but we're very excited to announce our tour,

the dates, where you can get tickets, all of that stuff.

- All of that emo stuff.

- All of that kinda emo stuff.


Tour starts September 22nd in Orlando, Florida.

- Oh.


(Eva laughs) (beep)

Also, let me just add, that's three days before my birthday.

- Everyone in the crowd sing Eva Happy Birthday.

- But the emo version.

- I want everyone to cry. (beep)

The next date is Dallas, Texas on September 23rd.

(Eva claps)

We love our Texas people.

Two days before Eva's birthday.

Please sing her Happy Birthday but the kinda emo version.

Okay, now we're just gonna dive right into it

and give you guys the rest of the dates.

The next date is Washington, DC.

- Which is October sixth.

- The next date is October seventh in Boston, Massachusets

and then we're going international.

- Woo.

- October 13th in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

We're super excited. - Yes.

- To meet all you Canandi-emos.

- Canandi-egens

- Canan-emo?


Then, October 14th, we're going to Chicago, Illinois.

Then we're going to my hometown.

- Where's that?

- Brooklyn, New York on October 20th.

- Ooh, pizza. (both laugh)

- That's where the good pizza is everyone.

The good pizza. - Yes.

- We're Italian, by the way. (beep)

Then on October 21st

we're going to Philadephia, Pennsylvania.

- Aye. (distortion)

- Stop dabbing. - No, you can't stop me.

- You stop dabbing. - You can never stop me.

- There's no dabbing allowed at the show.

- Yes, there is, dab.

- Emo dabbing. (beep)

October 27th, we're going to Phoenix, Arizona.

Like hey young blood!

Like that.

(Eva mumbles) (beep)

Then October 28th, we're going to Denver, Colorado.

Then on November third, we're going to Seattle, Washington.

All my Seattles.

- What? (both laugh)


- I thought like sea, Seattle, like sea attle.

I don't, like sea otters. - Okay, like marp, marp, map.

- No one's gonna buy tickets. (Frank laughs)


And then, the final show is going to be November forth!

- Ee. - in Los Angeles, California.

- It's gon' be great.

- It's gonna be a lot of fun.

Now that we explained all the dates to you guys

for way too long. - Yep.

- We're gonna break down how tickets work

and where you can buy them and everything.

So firstly, if you wanna buy a ticket,

go to

If you go there, you'll be directed to the homepage,

if you want a direct link to our tour,

then click the link, the first link in the description,

at the very top of the description, you can get tickets.

Every ticket comes with a meet and greet.

- Every one.

- If you come to the show, you get to meet us.

- Mm-hm.

- Every single one of you, everyone, I wanna stress this.

If you come to the show...

- You have to meet us. - You have a meet and greet.

You... - You have to--

- You have to. (beep)

You don't have to. - You don't, you have to.

- If you would like to meet us, we would love to meet you.

I love meeting you guys

and we wanted to make sure every single ticket

comes with a meet and greet.

So to break down tickets, there's three tiers.

First one, is general admission

which is the meet and greet and admission.

That's a post-show meet and greet,

a picture and an autograph.

Autographs I should say.

- Autographs.

- Eva's is much better than mine.

- It is, you'll see.

- Then there's VIP which is early entrance,

pre-show meet and greet,

and you also get a VIP laminate and a VIP poster.

There's gonna be tour exclusive merch by the way.

- That might possibly say Kinda Emo on it.

- It could. - Maybe.

- No promises, I'm just saying it could say that

and this merch you can't get anywhere else.

You have to get it on tour.

And of course that comes with the picture

and the autographs as well.

- And... - The big one.

- Last one. - With the red B emoji.

The big one.

All-access VIP.

- But what do they get?

- I just wanna say, this is for like the super yeemos.

- Like-- - Sounds like superheroes.

If you're super emo, this is the ticket package for you.

It's super limited, we're not gonna have many for each show.

If you are a hardcore yeemo,

all-access VIP.

You get, first entry into the venue.

- Number one.

- Number one.

The best spots in the venue for the show,

so you're gonna have the best seats or standing.

- Or standing. - Or barricade.

However it's set up.

- Barricade sounds more emo.

- We might open up the pit.

- You can dab in the pit.

- The dab, imagine a pit with just dabbing.

- Emo, wait-- - Wait, we're--

- A mosh pit of dabbing.

- What about a wall of dab?

- We need to stop. (beep)

- A pre-show meet and greet

and this meet and greet is like, I wouldn't even,

I'm calling it a meet and greet

but it's more like a hangout session.

Like we are gonna hang deep.

Do you wanna talk to us for a really long period of time?

Do you wanna hang out with us, do you wanna get to know us,

do you wanna ask us deep questions,

do you wanna find out the meaning of life,

then you get the all-access VIP package.

- Do you have the answer to the meaning of life?

- Find out on the Kinda Emo tour. (beep)

But no, in all seriousness guys,

we're gonna become like best friends.

- We're gonna be like this.

- We're gonna be talking for that long.

- Yeah. - It's gonna be great.

Then you get the all-access VIP laminate, a VIP poster,

picture and the autographs,

and you also get exclusive Fullscreen Live tour merch.

- Ye.

- Now that we've broken down the three ticket tiers,

why don't we explain what we're gonna be doing at the shows.

- I don't know, it's probably gonna be kinda emo.

- There you go everyone. (beep)

We wanted to do something extremely fun and also interactive

but interactive in the way

that it's voluntarily interactive.

- Yeah, we're not forcing you.

- Like we're not gonna randomly

pick someone out of the crowd, you know what I mean,

because I personally hate that.

- I'm anxiety. (laughs)

- Yeah, we'll have like, I don't know,

like a box you could put your name in or something.

But we wanna do stuff that's fun and interactive

and kinda emo. - Yes,

and I think you guys are gonna love it.

- If you're kinda emo.

- This tour is for you.

- You took the words out of my mouth.

- I know.

- Guys, it's gonna be so much fun.

I'm really excited

and I can't wait to hang out with you guys,

put on a show for you guys.

- Yeah. - That's kinda crazy to say.

- We're so musically talented,

you're gonna listen to us sing.

- There's no promises we'll be singing.

- Maybe.

- This show is G note free.

So guys, what we want from you is if you buy tickets,

they're available today by the way.

- You go do that right now.

- Go buy a ticket.

- Well, finish watching this video.

- Right now. - And then go do that.

- Or open up a new tab.

We want you to screenshot when you buy a ticket,

show us like the confirmation that you got a ticket.

- Mm-hm.

- And tweet it to us or tag us on Instagram.

- Mm-hm.

- I'll be looking through both and if you tweet us

maybe you'll get a retweet.

I'll be following people at random.

- So we're both gonna be stalking you guys

when you show us your screenshots, your proof.

- Stalking in a nice way. - In a nice way,

like in a positive way.

- Likes and retweets and all that good stuff.

I wanna see who's coming and I just, it's really fun.

- Yeah, this is our first ever tour so we're like--

- This is like years in the making, like leading up to this.

You guys know from what I said

in my tour announcement video,

I'm just so thankful for you guys

for allowing this to happen

and I feel like we've all been waiting for so long.

- Mm-hm.

- We are gonna make this the best, most fun,

family friendly show.

- Family friendly Kinda Emo show.

- Kinda Emo show there ever is

and I'm getting way too soft right now but--

- I will cry, I'm probably gonna cry on tour. (laughs)

Like why are-- - Crying is welcome.

- Why are you here?

I'm just a big emo lump. (Frank laughs)

I'm a emo potato.

- Water balloon.

Also guys, if you want to,

we were being very cryptic on the tour accounts

that you can follow on Twitter and Instagram,

they're both @KindaEmoTour. - Mm-hm.

And you could use the hashtag what, what hastag?

- Okay, so we were using hashtag KE18, (Eva laughs)

and apparently that's a flight to Korea.

- Oh yeah.

- So everyone was like,

"Oh my God, Frank and Eva are flying to Korea,"

and in my head I'm like, "No, we're going on tour."

(both laugh)

Now, use the hashtag Kinda Emo.

We're done being cryptic.

I'm never being cryptic again.

If I'm every cryptic, take a screenshot of this video

right now, print it out, crumple it up

and throw it at my face.

I'm never being cryptic again, I missed so much this week.

Again guys, we're very, very excited

and I can't wait to meet all of you.

- Every single-- - 100% of you.

- One. - On tour, tour.

- Tour?

- A real actual tour.

Also a question I got asked was,

"Is this tour unironically going to be family friendly?"

And the answer is yes.

So if there's any parents watching

and you want to bring your child to the show,

there will be no swearing or anything like dirty

or anything like that, it'll be 100% family friendly.

Don't worry, I can't bleep myself live.

I will not say one single swear word, I promise.

Alright guys, that's gonna do it for today's video.

I'm very sorry that we were very cryptic on you guys

and I didn't upload this week but

we wanted to build some excitement

and I was laughing through my screen.

- We both were.

- I was looking around and I was like,

"Okay, now I know what those Pilot boys feel like."

But anyway guys, we're so excited, can't wait to see you,

we love you very much and I will see you in the next video.

You can also check out Eva's video that she posted today

which is tour makeup as you can see.

Our color scheme is kind of like red and black.

- Hence why I'm not wearing all black.

- But where whatever you want.

Just make it emo.

Alright guys, I'll see you in the next video.

You've just been spanked

by CrankThatFrank, woo!

Stay wickedly frosty and Kinda Emo!

(both screech)


Swat, swat, swat, swat, swat, swat, swat, swat, swat, swat,

swat, swat, swat, swat, swat, swat.

(light electronic music)

For more infomation >> THE KINDA EMO TOUR! (HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT) - Duration: 12:10.


GTA V Online - Should you - Buy a Nightclub - Duration: 1:55.


Should you buy a Nightclub.

If you just have the money to buy one but you don't have anything else like CEO crates,

bunker, biker, or hanger then you really shouldn't buy one since the max you can make from this

without any other business already is 10,000 per GTA day or 45 real-time minutes.

If you are wondering which business to get, there will be a link in the description to

a google sheet which is almost up to date with the hourly earnings for each type of


If you don't own CEO crates, hanger, bunker, and a biker business then you too are better

off buying other businesses instead.

If you own everything and just have enough to buy a Nightclub, you already know your



However, if you own everything and have millions to spend then yes Nightclub might be worth


I haven't personally gotten a full floor or floors of product yet and haven't got the

best businesses selected.

For that, you will have to wait for the grinders like Theprofessional.

If you don't care about that and just want to sell product you will need to know that

each time you sell, Tony will take a small percentage to keep the IRS happy.

The only example that I have is when I sold 150,000; Tony took around 6000.

You might say that this video is taking to long and just get to the damn point!


You can have technicians run around to get supplies for your existing businesses and

you can run those businesses separately like how you use to so in theory you can earn 2x

the amount of money in the same time frame.

That is if the technicians work at the same pace because Rockstar, well is Rockstar.

So, in conclusion, you should buy the nightclub if you have millions to spend and if you are

anyone else the answer is no.

If you like the video, like it, dislike if you dislike, and subscribe if you want.

My name been Sky and I hope to catch you in the next video.



For more infomation >> GTA V Online - Should you - Buy a Nightclub - Duration: 1:55.


Disney I Am Princess Campaign - Duration: 2:06.


>> ANNOUNCER: I am a princess

I am brave sometimes

I'm scared sometimes


I am brave even when I am scared

I believe in loyalty

and trust

I believe loyalty is built on trust

I try to be kind

I try to be generous

I am kind even when others are not so generous

I am a princess

I think standing up for myself is important

I think standing up for others is more important

but standing with others is most important


I am a princess

I believe compassion makes me strong

kindness is power

and family

is the tightest bond of all


I have heard I am beautiful

I know I am strong

>> MANDY MOORE (from Disney's Tangled): I promise

and when I promise something, I never ever break that promise.


>> ANNOUNCER: I am a princess

long may I reign.

For more infomation >> Disney I Am Princess Campaign - Duration: 2:06.


Nightcore - Believer (Cover) - Lyrics - Duration: 2:00.

First things first on the sleigh all the words inside no heat one

Fired up and tired of the way the things a fatal

The way the things are fed a

Second things second, don't you tell me what you think that I can be? I'm the one at the same

I'm the master of my CEO

The master of my co I

Was broke in a friendly undertaking my soul into the balance is right on my performs for the favor

Elliptically took to me shifting the feeling missing in my heart ache from the pain to keep my message

Playing speaking. My lesson from the breaking Cena beauties

I'll let the birds fly 11

But let's love my god

They came from third things third and a prayer to the ones up above all the heat that you've heard of

My love my love my god they came from

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Believer (Cover) - Lyrics - Duration: 2:00.



okay this is like okay so my battery's really gonna die but I thought I just

like you know... look how small my... it doesn't look small at all I thought I would just

make this really quick thing this is like my first video on my channel and

basically what I'm gonna be doing is I'm just gonna be doing the like vlog style ya know what I mean like emma chamberlain

just gonna bring you along with me I'm really excited we're going thrifting

tomorrow I'm going thrifting and I'm gonna get a cute drink my camera died last time

I was coming is a good ripe to 21

I have no eyebrows anymore

sleep bro my alarm set for 9:20 yeah then I can just go get run you'll

see my forehead acne will look okay that's it

good night

so it is now the next morning it's 10:25 my friends gonna be here soon I've

already got and changed I look dumb if anyone's wondering yeah I'm gonna pee

and I hope that she's not here very very soon cuz I don't want to make her way

but I was too lazy to go bad yeah

it's magic

it's really bright out and that's all I have to say it's really bright kind of

hot I wore jeans because I thought that it would be good for trying stuff on it

was kind of a dumb idea she found really cute pants I found

nothing so I'm back home now it's been a little bit actually but I thought I

would show you guys what I got and it says Mustang and I acid-washed like a

old vintage like Star Wars one I think it's really cool now I'm going to go

clean the bathroom because that's my chore and I wanted

good if you just

stop it fuckin do it betters I just knocked her

really bad but she seems fine but that was a scary moment I just dropped my

I fixed it the audience was not pumping

don't have meat best song on the album

Tommy Harpo siren oh yeah

my mom's done

it's funny now

hey so I'm not a huge gap up here I'll put like a nice word

we've got Pilate soon I also want to do a few things t-shirts

I'm gonna sneeze oh my goodness start with this one and I'm just gonna cut the

neckline and I'm gonna crop it just lightly it just looks like so this was a

miniature obviously and so I just think like when they took away the collar and

I just made it a little bit shorter like oh my god I'm going to leave the collar

on this one I'm just gonna crop this off a little bit like this one and then

let's hope that that one turns out - okay cool I well this is the green one

I also stitched the sleeves so that they're rolled a bit this is my little

outro that I'm gonna give you and that was like my day that was like a full day

two o'clock in the morning until the night the whole entire day

I'm just sorry this like I don't know what else to say


For more infomation >> MY FIRST AND POSSIBLY LAST YOUTUBE VIDEO - Duration: 7:29.


hola skinnies sorry i didnt upload and sorry for my cringy voice D; - Duration: 6:33.

For more infomation >> hola skinnies sorry i didnt upload and sorry for my cringy voice D; - Duration: 6:33.


markmagellan37 ...anyway i see... Summer 2018 - Duration: 5:12.

this is

...anyway i see...


For more infomation >> markmagellan37 ...anyway i see... Summer 2018 - Duration: 5:12.



what's going on guys Patrick here bringing you a brand new video today we

got another killer video for you guys full of information today we're gonna be

talking a little more about Bitcoin ETF's we're also going to be going over

tons of technical analysis but guys before we get started with that if you

want to enter a chance to win some free Bitcoin all you guys have to do is

number one be subscribe to the channel and have your notifications turn on

number two give this video a thumbs up and number three leave a comment down

below saying something related to the video also guys make sure you are

checking out the cryptocurrency trade alerts group first link in the

description and in the comments if you don't have time to do technical analysis

or you don't know how to do technical analysis I post all of my trades on here

so far we've seen some great results even if the market is down I've been

managing to trade and still make money I actually posted a new trade in there

today so there is still time for you guys to check that out and there's gonna

be several more coming out in the future days also big plans in there for more

flash calls so you know the 15 20% calls that can happen in you know 10 minutes

definitely something I am going to be adding on there the best I can so guys

you don't want to miss out this opportunity make sure you do go and

check that out now let's start off with some positive some bullish news as

always well partially bullish so a billionaire investor says most kryptos

will fail bitcoin is king so it's actually interesting because he's a 68

year old investor and i don't have anything against older people but it

obviously isn't the demographic that we see interested in cryptocurrency if I

look at my demographics on my youtube channel majority of people are between

the ages of 20 to 35 to 40 ish that's where I'd say the range of my

demographics is and I think for most other cryptocurrency channels overall in

general but look we've seen people like Warren Buffett and Bill Gates talked bad

about cryptocurrency now there might be several other reasons and those two guys

are great at what they did personally I still am very bullish in cryptocurrency

as you guys know and I'm sure you guys are too but I am happy to see a guy that

he isn't net worth of over two billion dollars he is bullish on Bitcoin but

like I said he's not bullish on cryptocurrency overall mainly bullish on

Beek when he got in really till the early two so they did have to

state his involvement in Bitcoin he got in early I think the average price was

three hundred dollars so not bad return he's had so far again he's a billionaire

investor I think I would like to hope that he knows what he's doing that he

did his research before buying in and also he didn't just buy in for formal

purposes right so I am I think this is a good sign for cryptocurrency seeing more

and more of this happen seeing more big investors big names get on board

obviously there's going to be some that do like it there's going to be some that

don't like it like I mentioned before Warren Buffett Bill Gates example of two

people that did not like it but there are countless examples of people who do

like cryptocurrency and I think that's gonna be a balance that's gonna have to

happen you're never gonna convince everyone so overall it's low bullish

news I did want to open this and ask you guys a question though so he thinks

Bitcoin is not gonna be overtaken he thinks Bitcoin is the king it is here to

stay at number one and I know a lot of you guys are going to disagree with that

because everyone has their own favorite cryptocurrency that they think could be

number one there are people who believe big quiz gonna be number one people some

people think aetherium is more valuable and it should be number one that is

going to overtake and eventually some people think Ripple some people think

Tron's gonna come from the eleven spa and just shoot up into first place

eventually some people think Neal iota stuff so

many different opinions so I wanted to ask you guys I'm gonna go through the

comments and read everything you guys say let me know down below right now

which cryptocurrency do you think is going to be number one in the long run

so not just at the end of this year ten twenty years down the line do you think

it's going to be Bitcoin do you think it's gonna be any other altcoin or do

you think it's gonna be something new that hasn't even come out yet obviously

no way we could tell for sure but I would love to hear your guys's thoughts

anyways now talking a little bit more about the etf once we saw that the

Bitcoin ETF from the worm from the Winklevoss twins got rejected we saw the

market take a dip well shortly after the market went back up and seems to be

trading sideways at the exact same level it was before now at this is due to a

few reasons I think first of all people realize that this was the wrong ETF guys

the Winklevoss ETF they've been rejected before it's not the ETF

everyone has been excited for and even Tom Lee mentioned that although he

thinks that the Winklevoss twins would have been would have run a successful

ETF that's not the ETF that people are looking for so people basically shrugged

it off and the prices went back up not bad to see overall I'm happy to see the

way the market is actually handled this as well if this was earlier in the year

when everything was more bearish people were losing more and more confidence I

think we would have dipped significantly more than a few hundred dollars we did

and I don't think we would have had a balance in a correction straight away

either now the SEC Commissioner did also come out and mention that she did not

agree win the decision to reject the ETF but like I said before the main ETF is

still there so there is still hope so far things sounds they seem like they're

going in the right direction things seem good a lot of people do seem very

excited and very accepting of this hopefully this does translate into the

ETF being accepted but again rejection aside calls for Bitcoin ETF are only

escalating so like I've been saying people want this to happen and I think

it's only a matter of time until it does happen now the earliest I'm gonna keep

saying this the earliest we can see the ETF is August 16th guys August 16th it

might not happen on that day though that's just the earliest it can happen

is some people predicting all the wait until like mid-february next year until

we see it happen and if that is the case then it is going to be a very uncertain

path for cryptocurrency until then is gonna be a lot of fun there's gonna be a

lot of fake news is gonna be a lot of FOMO prices will continue to be very

very volatile but still I think eventually this is going to happen and

the funny thing is duo when the rejection happened there were some

hilarious comments on Twitter so one guy said Bitcoin doesn't need institutional

investors institutional investors need Bitcoin and in a way I can't disagree

with that I think that's very very true I think institutional investors want to

come in to the investor onto the cryptocurrency market so that they can

make a very good ROI they've seen the volatility they've seen how much money

can be made here so they want to take a piece of that pie they want to come in

and you know make money in the cryptocurrency market and I think

therefore they you need Bitcoin they want to get into

Bitcoin it's only a matter of time for them to get into Bitcoin and

cryptocurrency in general now the next though the next tweet I thought was very

interesting so CNBC just in Winklevoss twins Bitcoin ETF rejected by the SEC

and they got a reply saying please check this market manipulation and they tagged

the SEC enforcement so I can't disagree with this the reason one of the the ETF

was rejected if you guys did read the actuals like 92 pages very long but the

summary of it was that they couldn't prove that it wasn't manipulated and yes

that is that is the case it's hard to prove something isn't manipulated but to

the same point a lot of other things basically everything in the world is

manipulate it's impossible to get rid of that fully I think they're doing they're

doing great things to try and make that small shrine of um restrict how much

manipulation goes on but if somebody like John McAfee for example has okay

has a huge following he's very in his very influential person in the

cryptocurrency space you can like him or dislike him but the fact that so many

people look up to him another way to you know stop all manipulation would be to

stop all forum of influencers or public figures in the space that's gonna be

very hard to happen even some big youtubers we've seen it happen before

where they say something about a small cryptocurrency that cryptocurrency

shoots up now although they might have known that they were gonna do this this

might have been a plan I think it's hard to stop it completely the things that

people say will have an impact especially when they're you know CEO of

a giant hedge fund or a media site a new site where everyone's watching all the

time and they rely on it to get their information that type of stuff will

affect the market and in it is in turn market manipulation now if you guys

carry on there's so many I'm not gonna be able to go through all of them even

though this is it does get really funny so this guy said I've read all 92 pages

and I'm now reducing my Bitcoin price target from 500 trillion dollars to 495

trillion dollar so we lost 5 trillion dollars in his predict prediction I'll

still take 495 now selling big this this guy

makes a good point to selling Bitcoin because you expected CBOE TF to be

approved but the Winklevoss ETF got rejected is like selling Twitter stuff

shares or stocks because Facebook plunged 22% they are not the same could

not agree more again the fact is people were misled when the titles of every

article was Bitcoin etf rejected didn't specify which one people then didn't do

their research to figure out which one it was to understand more about it they

panicked sold first the first thing they did was panic sell and then the news

started coming out where people start to understand what actually happened and

then they might have bought back in or they might have regretted their decision

and like we mentioned about the Winklevoss ETF it was an appeal from a

two year old application with a 1 year old denial the initial denials because

lack of regulation / security the addition in the appeal was that Bitcoin

is hard to manipulate for a variety of reasons which I agree with again it is

hard to manipulate but it isn't impossible and then we see Charlie Shrem

here oh so was Charlie's trend that said it while I think Cameron and Tyler would

have run one of the better ETF the new ETF excitement came from the fact that

CB o he filed their own Bitcoin ETF the SEC would rather grant an ETF to an

existing institution over a new one so another big thing to keep in mind but

guys enough about Bitcoin ETS I'm very excited for them to happen I think it's

going to happen eventually I think it's going to cause a very good I think it's

going to be great for the market and I think the market cap is still so small I

saw a chart comparing the cryptocurrency market cap to other market caps out

there so gold to just apples market cap its only a fraction of apples market cap

Facebook markets gap but Facebook took a little bit of a dip so let's not talk

about that too much but then the stock market the stock markets market cap is

huge compared to the cryptocurrency market cap and if it continues to gain

more dollar and grow and continue to grow and grow and grow I think price

predictions that everyone have are significantly under predicted I think

umm $100,000 would it be easy for Bitcoin if we simply get to a few

trillion dollars in mark cap I think you know a hundred thousand dollars would be

easy if we continue to grow from that it's possible to happen if the market

continues to grow in if a Bitcoin continues to be a dominant force in the

market at number one right now if the Bitcoin ETF comes out it's a

Bitcoin ETF so I think Bitcoin is going going to be the one that goes up

I still think people are under predicting what could happen in the long

run here they haven't taken into consideration how small the

cryptocurrency market is compared to how big the stock market is for example I'm

not saying we're gonna become as big as the stock market straightaway but if

adoption continues to happen piece by piece the market should continue to grow

piece by piece as well now if we look at the market so overall pretty green day

if we do look at his pivots it had a little bit of a run of correcting back

down Icahn up 15% so Icahn was actually one that I was informing the group that

I had gone into on a trade now the trade took a few days longer than I expected

but still some great returns happening at these prices right now 0x also doing

very very well and if we do go down guys another reason to join the

cryptocurrency trade alerts right there is successful trade of 15% not bad not

bad at all so if you guys are interested again make sure you guys do check out

the first link in the description and in the comments to join the cryptocurrency

trade alerts group where I post all of my trade all the technical analysis

involved so you guys can learn stuff and make money at the same time I want is

but I want to help as many of you guys as I can so make sure you guys are

checking that out but on the red side 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cryptocurrencies in the

red out of the top 100 so 91 are in the green 9 are in the red knob a few look

at the ones in the red both doesn't seem to be any huge plummet we see mo AC is

down 4% but that's the biggest loser today while the biggest gainer is up 17

that we see 15 11 11 11 almost 11 almost 9 so overall a very green day still

under the 300 billion dollar mark at Bitcoin dominance is continuing to grow

those 4 47.4% mark cap try to test that theory on G billion correct it back down

because of that Ridge and now trying to climb back up

hopefully we'll test it again and we will start seeing some higher Bitcoin

prices as well now really quick before we end this video cuz I don't want this

video to get too long but there was a new partnership between Audi and I yota

so if you guys are more interested in checking this out so how do you think

tank and iota foundation explore tango based mobility use cases haven't talked

about iota in a while so they had an interesting thing come up so I want to

share that with you guys and if you are interested in iota and you do want to

keep up with that information highly recommend reading some more about that

and some quick technical analysis before we end here this article was pretty much

put a lot of technical analysis together so I thought this would be great to

share with you guys all the information in one place for Bitcoin it did talk

about the little bit of a dip we had but overall successful week we've had so far

if things continue to be bullish we can see Bitcoin continuing to grow and go up

to that you know eight point five nine thousand dollar level however if we do

turn into and that is the resistance we are looking at and if we do turn bearish

than the supports we are looking at is the eight thousand and the seven

thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars so just something to keep in mind

aetherium though looking like it could have a breakout so theorem has been slow

to react and benefit from the recent market upsurge however it appears the

second largest coin is shaping up for a breakout so hopefully that does happen I

have a good amount of the theory I'm I do think it is a good cryptocurrency

it's big I believe it's safer as an investment but I still think it has a

lot of upside so hopefully we do see a breakout happen as for ripple I know a

lot of you guys are invested in ripple and ripple has been underperforming with

what people wanted it to do still it's it's it dropped all the way to 45 cents

it's overall ripple I believe is an investment that will go up in the long

run so some of you are predicting a $10 ripple I'm not gonna count that out for

the same reason I'm not counting out $1,000,000 per Bitcoin for the exact

same reason I think we are way too early in the market to say that any prediction

is too high or unreasonable given how big other market caps are just keep that

in mind if if we get to a market cap of just thud

and just Apple for example everything is going to be up like 3x so just keep that

in mind Bitcoin cash I'm not going to go over

all of them I didn't want to mainly talk about the top three so Bitcoin aetherium

and ripple because I know that is those are some of the big ones so Bitcoin

influences the price of the overall market then aetherium and ripple I know

lots of fans of the channel enjoy watching those but guys that's gonna be

it for this video if you did enjoy this video don't forget to leave a thumbs up

and leave a comment down below in order to enter a chance to win some free

Bitcoin also check back tomorrow to see if you did win that free Bitcoin so you

guys can go ahead and claim it but guys thank you so much for watching I'll see

you guys tomorrow for another video



The Rules of Weightlifting - EXPLAINED! - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> The Rules of Weightlifting - EXPLAINED! - Duration: 3:35.


My 4th Channelversary & BooktubeAThon TBR - Duration: 5:29.

Hi, it's Maija here, and it is my fourth year channel anniversary.

I know you've missed my party hats! And just like last year, I have a new dress for

this video, so that is becoming something of a tradition, too? My actual channel

anniversary was on the 14th of July, but I didn't have time to film then, so

you are getting a combined Booktubeathon TBR and channel-versary

celebration video. But this is basically the celebration part, so we are moving on

to the TBR now. So I started my channel on Booktubeathon four years ago, so now

I'm again doing Booktubeathon, and the first challenge is to coin toss your

first read. And I decided to start with something small for my first read so

that I can feel accomplished when I finish it, so I'm picking between two

manga. So my manga choices are The Girl from the Other Side Vol. 4 by Nagabe,

and if this one gets picked I'm also going to reread Vol. 3 to sort of refresh

my memory, and then read Vol. 4. And then my other choice is Delicious in-

Delicious in Dungeon by Ryoko Kui. I forgot the coin. So The Girl from the

Other Side is gonna be heads and Delicious in Dungeon is gonna be tails.

So I actually don't know the first thing about doing a coin toss. I don't know

which part is supposed to be heads or tails. I think the face is supposed to

be heads..? But anyway I found a euro and it seems to be a Spanish euro. It has

"España" on this other side, so yeah, a Spanish euro. It has a guy's head there, so that

could be heads? But I think the front part is meant to be heads? So I'm actually

gonna say that for the purposes of this coin toss for this video, the part of

the coin with the actual head on it will be heads and the number part will be

tails. I don't know! I think it's the other way around, but head is heads, it's

easier for me to remember. So since I got heads, it's gonna be this one, so I will be

reading the third and fourth volume of this at the start of Booktubeathon. The

next challenge is to read a book about something you

want to do, and this one was pretty hard, but then I remembered that I own a

quite short book on my Kindle, it's The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von

Arnim, and it is about a group of women spending a vacation in Italy, and

I'd like to spend a holiday in Italy. I have been to Rome once, but that's it.

And I also learned that there is a movie about this, so I'm also using this

book for my third challenge, which is to read a book to movie adaptation. And

I just yesterday ordered the book- the movie from my library, so if they send it

on Monday, it should get to me on Thursday at the latest, so I should get

it on Booktubeathon week, even though I was quite late with that. The next

challenge is to read a book with green on the cover, and I chose the greenest

book that I owned, that I've wanted to read for a long amount of time. That is The

Beautiful Ones by Silvia Moreno Garcia. And this is a novel, a fantasy of manners

novel, set in a world inspired by the Belle Epoque. The fifth challenge is to

read a book while wearing the same hat the whole time, and I went and picked one

of the shortest things from my TBR so that I can get it done in one sitting,

and I chose The Art of Space Travel by Nina Allan. It's a novelette, a science

fiction novelette, I don't know anything about the plot. And I'm gonna need to

change my hat. So I'm gonna be wearing my summer hat while I read that. It's on my

Kindle, I don't have a cover to show you. So now I have The Girl from the Other

Side Volumes 3 and 4, The Enchanted April, The Beautiful Ones,

The Art of Space Travel, and I'm also gonna read Delicious in Dungeon Vol. 1

just because I feel like it, it doesn't meet any of the challenges. And I have six

books, so the challenges that I have left are beautiful spine and read seven books.

So to fulfill both of those challenges, I am going to be reading

the graphic novel Steve Lichman Volume One. And I have borrowed this

from Reija from The Book Finch and I've now had it for about exactly three months, so

I need to return it to her. So I'm gonna read this next month (week!)

so I can give it back to her. And this is by David Rapozza and Daniel Warren.

And it's just a graphic novel about a lich called Steve... and I think the other

guy is a vampire. It might be Dracula. Yeah, he's Dracula. So this is my TBR for

the Booktubeathon. I have a quite nice selection here -

I have graphic novels, some manga, a couple of short novels, and a novelette, and I have

some ebooks which I will be able to read on my commute. So I think I might be able

to do this! Anyway, that's all for now, I will try to vlog during the week,

hopefully I will have something to show you, and I hope you all have a great

Booktubeathon if you are participating, and if you aren't, just have a good reading

week or just a good week in general. I am glad to start my fifth year of hosting

my booktube channel. Thanks so much for watching up to now,

and I will see you in my next video.

For more infomation >> My 4th Channelversary & BooktubeAThon TBR - Duration: 5:29.


Riya Sen Compilation I Riya Sen Never Seen Before Compilation Ultra HD 2018 I - Duration: 3:51.

Compilation of Riya Sen

For more infomation >> Riya Sen Compilation I Riya Sen Never Seen Before Compilation Ultra HD 2018 I - Duration: 3:51.


Princess Eugenie Royal Wedding SHOCK: Prince Philip 'could miss granddaughter's nuptials' - Duration: 4:20.

 The 97-year-old attended Meghan and Prince Harry's wedding earlier in May this year, however, speculations are mounting over whether Philip might miss Eugenie's big day

A royal insider told People: "He does what he wants."He made a supreme effort for Harry

I would be very surprised if he did go, because he is so estranged from Fergie. "I think he will decide at the 99th hour

"  Prince Philip is said to have had a long standing feud with the Duchess of York, the ex wife of his son Prince Andrew, and the pair are known to actively avoid each other at royal events

Sarah and Prince Andrew divorced in 1992 and following the separation, the Royal Family were noticeably distant with their former daughter-in-law

A source said: "The royal wedding will be difficult for the Duke of Edinburgh because he hates Fergie so much he can't stand to be in the same place as her

"Meanwhile, royal correspondent James Whitaker said Philip once described the Duchess of York as "having no point"

 In 1992 she stole headlines after paparazzi snapped a photo of the Duchess with her financial advisor, John Bryan in St Tropez, just before her divorce from Prince Andrew was finalised

Ms Ferguson later spoke about the photo which she said was blown out of proportion

Ms Ferguson is understood to have spoken about the alleged toe-sucking incident later, where she said: "He was pretending to try the slipper on my foot and I was Cinderella

and I said, Oh, ha, ha, it doesn't fit because you are not the prince."The Duke of Edinburgh retired from public life in August this year, and now lives far away from the spotlight in his Wood Farm on the Sandringham estate

 However, the retired royal has made a few public appearances and attended some polo matches with his wife, the Queen this summer

The prince also took to the skies in a helicopter, making a 190-mile journey to Romsey in Hampshire to attend a ceremony where he was appointed the godfather of his close relative's child

Princess Eugenie and her fiancée, Jack Brooksbank will marry on October 12 at St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle - the same location where Meghan and Harry wed

The couple will invite 1, 200 members of the public to the event, including students from two of Eugenie's schools - St George's and Coworth Park

 A royal source said: "Eugenie is local to the area and spent a lot of her life in Windsor

"The Duchess of York expressed her happiness at the news, publishing a series of tweets congratulating the couple

She wrote: "Total joy!!" and included a picture of the couple overlaid with the words: "A total embrace of goodness and joy

"Despite Philip's opinion on the Duchess, Ms Ferguson and her ex husband, Prince Andrew maintain a "strong relationship"

 A royal source previously told the Express: "Believe it or not, they do live together at the Royal Lodge

"She used to stay in a different house, but she sold it and moved in after the Queen Mother died

He made her an apartment there to stay there."It's a strange relationship, no one really knows, even I don't quite know how it all works


For more infomation >> Princess Eugenie Royal Wedding SHOCK: Prince Philip 'could miss granddaughter's nuptials' - Duration: 4:20.


NEW FUSION TITLES in Davinci Resolve 15 BETA 7 - Duration: 2:14.

hello Claus here and welcome back to my channel if you hear some noise in the

back it's my neighbor having a summer party but that's not why I make this

video in today's video we'll have a quick look at some of the new features

in DaVinci Resolve beta 7 especially we are going to have a look at some of the

new fusion title which are now included in to the software so I'll show you all

of the new fusion titles so you don't have to so without further ado let's get

right to it

For more infomation >> NEW FUSION TITLES in Davinci Resolve 15 BETA 7 - Duration: 2:14.



Today I'm going to eat a crêpe "aplapla" *all flat*

Juice... Apple compote

It's like that inside, take a look..

Taste it, take a bite

It's good, right ?

It's always so good.. (。♥‿♥。)

We hear them a little bit..

✴ I came to check that she's not choking ✴

It's like that inside..

I drink a little bit and then it's over because I'm not hungry anymore

I'm not hungry anymore

My belly is full xoxo

For more infomation >> ASMR O'TACOS┃REQUESTED EATING SOUNDS┃먹방 FRANCE - Duration: 8:28.






For more infomation >> AS MÚSICAS MAIS TOCADAS DE JULHO 2018 - Duration: 3:49.


Esta es la razón por la que Meghan gasta 10 veces más en ropa que Kate Middleton ¿No tiene control - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Esta es la razón por la que Meghan gasta 10 veces más en ropa que Kate Middleton ¿No tiene control - Duration: 4:16.


Hailey Baldwin Lifestyle | 2018 - Duration: 6:34.

Hailey Baldwin Lifestyle | 2018

For more infomation >> Hailey Baldwin Lifestyle | 2018 - Duration: 6:34.


Uma rainha de Regina Duarte louca em " OLeão no Inverno" - Duration: 4:09.

Hey what's up? This is Alan, I am a journalist and this is Ingresse na Arte, my culture channel on YouTube.

In this video, I talk about theater and about the play "The Lion in Winter",

in which the actress Regina Duarte has a great performance as a resentful queen, whose name is Eleanor.

Forget the title of "Brazil's girlfriend" which plays suffered characters that audience loves as Regina Duarte used to be known throughout her 50-year career.

In the play "The Lion in Winter", she plays an embittered and a vengeful woman

who tries to do everything to overthrow her husband, the king Henry II, played by Leopoldo Pacheco.

Directed by Ulysses Cruz, this play features a Christmas reunion of Henry's family.

At parties like that, he frees her wife to spend some time with her three children from a tower where, look at that, he arrested her.

Their children are the firstborn Richard, the middle one Geoffrey and the younger son Johnny.

Throughout the story, the audience finds out that each one of them has personal goals,

that the relationship between them is worth nothing and they are very selfish.

While Henry II wants the younger son to become king, Eleanor wants her eldest son take the crown.

What really counts are the the collusion, the coup and the tricks for more power

according to Marcos Duad, responsible for translating the text of this piece into Portuguese.

What it is really nice about this piece is that all the characters say sentences full of bad intentions both in a direct way and full of ironies.

So it is funny to hear from Regina Duarte, paying attention to that chaotic family, saying phrases like "hey people, this happens in every family".

It is also funny to note the audience's reaction, which does not seem to believe

how a mother can encourage her son to disrespect his father or make their sons to fight against each other.

Because of Regina Duarte's performance, who in this piece has a "perfect time" for irony, the dramaturgy gets better.

It is worth mentioning that for this performance Regina Duarte was nominated for the Shell Award in the Best Actress category.

"The Lion in Winter" was also nominated for Best Costume category, which, for me, it is king of weird,

since, unike what lots of people might think, the characters in this piece wear casual clothes and not luxury clothes,

such the audience could think about a play involving king and queen.

It is also worth mentioning the presence of a band on the stage that produces sounds of doors opening,

steps on the floor and closing doors. For me, this gives the idea of there is always someone who stalks.

This play directed by Ulysses Cruz is the first Brazilian version of the text written by James Goldman.

In the USA, in addition to feature this story on Broadway in the 1960s, he also wrote the screenplay for the movie "The Lion in Winter".

In 1968, this story was adapted for a movie with Peter O'Toole, Katharine Hepburn and Anthony Hopkins, on his first experience in movies, in the cast.

This movie won three Academy Awards, including Best Actress and Best Screenplay.

In addition to Regina Duarte and Leopoldo Pacheco, Caio Paduan, Michel Waisman,

Camila dos Anjos, Filipe Bragança and Sidney Santiago are in the cast and they are great.

The first run of "The Lion in Winter", at Porto Seguro Theater, in São Paulo, ends this Sunday, June 29, and for now there is no schedule yet another run.

So, hurry to watch this piece and Regina Duarte's performance.

This is it. Next Tuesday, there is a new video on this channel.

If you like this idea, share this idea, talk to your friends about this channel, subscribe to this channel and write any comment here too. See you soon. Bye bye.

For more infomation >> Uma rainha de Regina Duarte louca em " OLeão no Inverno" - Duration: 4:09.


Las Herraduras Mexican Restaurant to Food City, 2600 W 16th St, Yuma, Arizona, 17 July 2018 GOPR0413 - Duration: 12:17.

El Rancho Motel, 2201 S 4th Ave, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 276-3702

17 July 2018, Yuma, Arizona

Tacos El Zamy Mexican Grill

Las Herraduras Mexican Restaurant, 2256 S 4th Ave, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 783-0559

Foothills Bank

O'Reilly's Auto Parts

Romeo's Car Wash

Hunter Steakhouse

Fry's Food & Drug

The Barber's

Rally's Hamburgers, 2380 S 4th Ave, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 782-7380

Rainbow Apartments, 700 W 24th St #150, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 783-9162

Circle K

8th Ave

24th St

Beach Club Apartments, 2350 S 8th Ave, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 782-7579

Endoscopy Center of Yuma, 1030 Suite H & I

Chile Pepper Mexican Food, 1030 W 24th St, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 783-4213

Massage, Foot & Body


George's Barbershop Yuma AZ, 1150 W 24th St, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 329-5860

Allure By Maggy Styling Salon, 1150 W 24th St B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 783-0333


Avenue A

24th St

Lab Corp, Westbluf Medical Center, Alicia Medical Clinic, ABC Neurology, Farmers Insurnace

Yuma Regional Medical Center Administration Building 2400 S Avenue A, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 344-2000

Brenda Ernst, 2375 S. Ridgeview Dr, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 317-2518

Cancer Center

PROMED Office Complex

18th Ave

Yuma Self Storage

Pasquinelli Produce Co, 2144 W 24th St, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 783-7813

McCord Cynthia P DDS, 2179 W 24th St, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 782-4707

Urgent Care, Valley Clinic

Storage MAX

22nd Dr

Albertosons, Taco Bell, Savon



76, Giant

Brewers Restaurant & Sports Bar, 2331 S Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 783-0073

Del Oro Mobile Estates

Pablo's Mexican Food

Dairy Queen, 2000 S Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 783-1703

20th St

Avenue B

Sunshine Market & Liquor, 1997 S Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 329-4387

Crystal Clear Pool Service, 1981 S Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 919-4666

Southwest Lumber True Value Hardware, 1917 S Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 782-9867

Terracina Villas, 1850 S Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 539-0517


Super Suds Coin Laundry

Oriental Gift Shop

Al's Tuxedo Shop

Eduardo's Mexican Food, 1701 S Avenue B # 112, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 783-6469

Yuma's Tech Monkeys LLC Smartphone Repairs and more, 1701 S Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 919-7557

Best Nails & Spa

McDonald's, 1610 S Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 783-1610

16th St


Express Stop, 1600 S Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 782-1020

Arizona Donuts




Food City, dd's Discounts, Dollar Tree

Jack in the Box

Food City, 2600 W 16th St, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 343-0840


Asian Gourmet, 2560 W 16th St, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 819-0888

For more infomation >> Las Herraduras Mexican Restaurant to Food City, 2600 W 16th St, Yuma, Arizona, 17 July 2018 GOPR0413 - Duration: 12:17.


Mueren cuatro personas tras volcadura de autobús en Nayarit - Duration: 1:25.

 COMPOSTELA La volcadura de un autobús en la autopista Jala- Compostela dejo como saldo al menos cuatro personas muertas y 30   lesionados de acuerdo con Protección Civil del Estado

Bancos retendrían transferencias uno o más días por este motivo  Los hechos ocurrieron durante la madrugada de este sábado, aunque aún no se establecen las causas del accidente, aparentemente el conductor del autobús de turismo de la marca Volvo color blanco, perdió el control del volante en una curva a la altura del kilómetro 45+00

Así viven mexicanas los ataques en cercanías de Franja de Gaza  Al lugar se trasladaron paramédicos de Cruz Roja, Protección Civil y Bomberos del Estado, para auxiliar a los heridos quienes fueron trasladados para recibir atención médica en hospitales de Compostela y Tepic

Aquí tienes los tipos de Hepatitis y sus vías de contagio  Las personas que perdieron la vida aún no han sido identificadas, pero entre ellos se encuentran menores de edad


For more infomation >> Mueren cuatro personas tras volcadura de autobús en Nayarit - Duration: 1:25.


¿Dios está en una región específica del cerebro? - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> ¿Dios está en una región específica del cerebro? - Duration: 5:32.


Cancún en alerta roja por 'ataque' de sargazo - Duration: 3:33.

La mayoría de los vacacionistas en todo el mundo considera a las playas de Cancún como un excelente destino, pro hoy muchos de ellos se han tenido que enfrentar a un gran incoveniente

Se trata de una hierba que ha invadido la playa caribeña que proviene del Mar de los Sargazos

La enorme concentración de algas flotantes ubicada en el Océano Atlántico y que alcanza una extensión de 3 millones 500 mil kilomeros cuadrados, con una profundidad de hasta un metro y medio

El fenómeno de esta basura comenzó a crecer a partir de 2011 y ha generaod mucha molestia a los visitantes, debido a que las algas despiden un olor particular y aparecen como un obstáculo para caminar libremente sobre la orilla del mar y para nadar

Ahuyenta a turistas Debido al exceso del sargazo en Playa del Carmen, los visitantes han bajado en un 50 por ciento en este verano, en comparación con el mismo período del año anterior

¿Qué ha sucedido con esto? Los turistas han optado por otros sitios como Cozumel e Isla Mujeres

Brigitta Ine van Tussenbroek, investigadora del Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología de la UNAM, junto con Marta García-Sánchez, especialista en Macroalgas, dieron una conferencia hace poco en el planetario Sayab en Playa del Carmen, donde enfatizaron los impactos del organismo marino

Su hipótesis indica que de continuar con un mal manejo del sargazo, a largo plazo representará daños irreversibles para los ecosistemas costeros, modificando de manera permanente la calidad del agua de mar, el color de las playas, la vida de los arrecifes y sus faunas, además de la estabilidad de los arenales

"Lo que necesitamos es más conciencia de que el sargazo se va a quedar, no se va a ir, no se puede cerrar los ojos fingiendo que ya no vendrá

De vez en cuando más o menos, pero tenemos que hacer algo al respecto o de otra manera todo va a cambiar y será un desastre a nuestras costas y a final de cuentas va a tener repercusiones incluso también económicas", dijo la doctora Ine van Tussenbroek

    Marta García-Sánchez, recordó que el sargazo es un alga parda que pasa toda su vida flotando en el mar, que históricamente ha estado en el "Mar de los Sargazos", y que a veces de ahí se desprendía llegando a zonas del Caribe por el estrecho de Yucatán hasta el Golfo de México, en cantidades que no suponían un problema

Coincidieron en ejemplificar utilizando la figura de un "Semáforo de Alerta", que Quintana Roo está en fase de color amarillo que corre en riesgo de subir a rojo si no se corrigen las políticas para su adecuada atención


For more infomation >> Cancún en alerta roja por 'ataque' de sargazo - Duration: 3:33.


Brudziński komentuje dziwaczny performance KOD. "Przydałby się egzorcysta" - Duration: 2:13.

Szef MSWiA Joachim Brudziński błysnął humorem, komentując nagranie z osobliwego wystąpienia pod Pałacem Prezydenckim

We wpisie na Twitterze polityk dopiekł także prof. Magdalenie Środzie.Joachim Brudziński wyśmiał performance pod Pałacem Prezydenckim (East News) Na nagraniu skomentowanym przez Brudzińskiego jedna z występujących na Krakowskim Przedmieściu demonstrantek wykrzykuje "konstytucja" oraz "wolne sądy", wijąc się na chodniku i tupiąc nogami

W tle słyszymy kakofonię dźwięków. Nietypowe środki wyrazu wyraźnie rozbawiły ministra

 "Chętnie napisałbym o koniecznej pomocy egzorcysty, ale boję się że 'państwo podziemne' Pani Środy będzie atakować, że wredny 'pisior' z MSWiA 'katoliban' chce wprowadzać" - czytamy na Twitterze Joachima Brudzińskiego

 Polityk odniósł się w ten sposób do wypowiedzi prof. Magdaleny Środy, która kilka dni temu na Facebooku ogłosiła ostateczny upadek demokracji w Polsce i pisała o konieczności tworzenia struktur podziemnych

 W czwartek pod Pałacem Prezydenckim miał miejsce protest przeciwko nowelizacji ustawy o Sądzie Najwyższym, na zakończenie którego manifestanci starli się z policją

Funkcjonariusze użyli gazu. Minister Brudziński podkreślił, że policjanci zachowali się w pełni profesjonalnie i byli opanowani, a ich zachowanie było "właściwe"

 Masz newsa, zdjęcie lub filmik? Prześlij nam przez

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