Monday, July 30, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 30 2018

My best sniper shot !

My stand is between a forest and a huge field...

Something is approaching


a doe

followed by another roe deer

i zoom in order to identify the second roe deer

but its a young femele, not a calve

i follow them with the scope but i let them go

Louna may have expected another end !

red deers !

such a nice herd

the last one is a beautiful stag

i count them

14 !

nice scene

one day, i will take one as nice...

suddenly, i see a roe deer running far away

careful it will be quick !

i let you feel my reaction

" it isnt possible what i 've just done! "

i've just made the nicest shot of my life

it is not possible

a buck which was at nearly 150 m

full speed

i aim two meters in front of it

and it fall

its crazy !

i m really surprised


as i told you

i've just did my best shot ever

im not used to shoot so far

just one time on a young roe deer

and i see a roe deer over there

i did not launch the cam because it was too far

i first thought it was a big female

and then it took another direction

i may can try to aim

and when i shoulder my gun

thanks to the Zeiss V8 i was able to zoom in

and to see it has antlers on his head

so i may can take a chance to shoot

it is ok to shot far because i've got a slope in front of me

i launch the camera !

i hope we will have good footage

it is over there !

i try to show you

i will measure the real distance

but i would say 150m

i let the dog go i m gonna count the steps

147 meters!

i will verify it

watch it

im lucky

i thought it was a good shot, i aimed 2 meters in front of it

as it were full speed

it takes it in the neck



there is a part ok luck for sure

it is a small trophy

he puts his antlers in the mud

nice animal

thank you for this moment

you ve got it Louna !

here is the guy

who wil be able to say the real distance

lets say him a polite hello

"you are late!"

"the hunt wasnt long enought?"

"im cold!"

137/139m ! i was not so far from reality!!

new stand we can ear a lot of noice,

maybe wild boars

i say "nope" to my neigbour

herd of red deers

i aim the calve but we have no right to shoot it there...

it is full of emotion when you are so close to such animals

new stand, a wild boar is found by beaters

close to me

a male !


and missed

open your eyes !

have you seen it?

im gonna help you

i havent the good angle with my neigbour to shoot it securely

i will see it again next year ! ;)

a lot of nice scenes are coming so stay tuned!

For more infomation >> Hunting driven deer roe deer and wild boar, a sniper shot - Duration: 11:56.



Anee: Welcome to our explora---

Anee: Welcome to our exploration ... uhm wait I might die here... ( I never finish my sentence omg )

Anee: Here's our "companions" for this exploration thing.

Anee: This is an exploration of uhm...

Anee: Horror --- We're here --- what am I saying

Anee: This is like a horror movie where I vlog and then we'll die at the end haha

Anee: This is gonna be an inspiration to making someone's horror movie haha Jhingky: Hi!

Anee: Here u go... Jhingky: We're gon look for a location for a photosho--- (Sorry I keep cutting people off hfdssdgagsdh)

Anee: It's so dark, it's really like a horror--- Grace: Why is it so dark?

Anee: It's really like a horror mo--- uhm maybe it's dark bc it's dark here? Hahaha wHAT

Anee: uHM we're here --- Grace: We're here in ---- (I keep cutting her off im so sorry Grace I wasn't aware I was doing this hhhhh)

Anee: Here's Jasper... Grace: (uhm look at me wtf)

Anee: You're Jasper right?

Anee: Welcome to our school, it's really clean here... haha

Anee: *zooms in on trash* SUUUPER CLEAN!!

Anee: Oh wow they're startin their photoshoot already.

Anee: Wow, look at the trash hhdjksfkja

Anee: So we're doing all of this just for a photoshoot hhhhhh

Anee: I remember Logan Paul's vlog ... hhhh

Anee: There's so much mosquitoes!!?!?@!@!?@!@WHAHDGasj

Anee: *to Jhingky* You're wearing black... (mosquitoes are attracted to black)

Anee: There's so much mosquitoes... I can't...

Grace: There's so much mosquitoes! Anee: It's because you're wearing black

Anee: Both of you are wearing black... Why am I snapping when I'm also wearing black hahahaha

Anee: The mosquitoes are following us Jhingky!

Anee: I'm going to do some "cinematics" / montage whatever u wanna call it

Anee: I'm just going to try doing it I've never done this before...

Anee: In 3... 2... 1.... haha

Anee: Hi, we're on the way out of this mini forest.

Anee: Kidding, this ain't a mini forest, this is a big forest.

Anee: As you can see...

Anee: As you can see... Jhingky: As you can see there's ---- (Sorry Jhingky I cut u off also hhhhhh ahhhh I feel so bad)

Anee: Let's do this thing that other basic youtubers do haha :) :( Anee + Jhingky: Grace, come here!

Anee: Let's turn around hhh wait...

Grace: They're gone... (idk who she was talking about but we just started running... with Jhingky literally on my back she was so heavy...)

Anee: Yea, so we're on the way out... We were from all the way back there...

Anee: We went there because the lighting here is so bad...

Anee: And yea, there's so much trash as you can see...

Anee: Oh wait, there's no trash!! oUr sChO0L iS suPer cLeAn!!

Anee: This is the "dorm" (literally that's it... not even being sarcastic about it)

Anee: There's students staying there...

Anee: The dorms are pretty right... so modernized haha

Anee: And it doesn't look old right? haha

Anee: These are not trash, it's uhm... just for aesthetic purposes haha

Anee: Oh wow the lighting is good here...

( uhm if I translate this to English it wouldnt be that funny so why would I even make some effort in translating this hahha :( )

Anee: This is the "new" building...

Anee: This is a private school... we have aircons in our classroom...

Anee: Our aircon is natural air... when will yall's school ever, we breathing organic oxygen here while sweating our whole body off while y'all stay unhealthy!!

(me stopping myself before i get myself kicked out of this school...)

Anee: So here's the end of the vlog, hope u enjoyed somehow...

Anee: Wait let's take a selfie here...

Anee: Grace's already there... *to Grace* we're going to take a selfie!

Anee: She rly ran hhhhh



[ENG] LuHan × Extra Aug 8th Shopping Festival Promoting video - Duration: 0:12.

Hello everyone, I am LuHan

It is an honor to become a new endorser of Extra

Extra's global premier launched new product

the new Crispy cube Grand is available

Aug 8 shopping festival

Many good things, I am waiting for you in the shop

For more infomation >> [ENG] LuHan × Extra Aug 8th Shopping Festival Promoting video - Duration: 0:12.


On & On - Duration: 0:48.

And on and on we'll go

Through the wastelands through the highways

Till my shadows turn to sunrays

And on and on we'll go

Through the wastelands through the highways

And on and on we'll go

For more infomation >> On & On - Duration: 0:48.


BD Toyota Car Showroom In Gulshan 1 / Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 10:53.

For more infomation >> BD Toyota Car Showroom In Gulshan 1 / Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 10:53.


"The First Fifteen Minutes of Revue☆Starlight Are Boring" - Duration: 5:41.

Ever since the premiere of Starlight a couple of weeks ago, I've heard this take ad infinitum.

"Oh, I thought it was okay, but the last 5 minutes were amazing."

I've even heard this applied to the second and third episodes.

At the risk of sounding condescending, I can't help but think this attitude fails to appreciate

exactly what's going on in those "boring" fifteen minutes of so-called downtime.

Think about it.

The way Starlight has been presented so far is basically one giant TOURNAMENT ARC—hey

hey, cut that out, Gigguk will sue me!

Anyway, as a tournament arc, it's useful to remember what they're all about.

Yes, they're often used as an easy reason to have our protagonists fight each other

and display their abilities, but more often than not they're also easy ways to illuminate

character motivations and ideologies.

In Boku no Hero, it's the first time we learn exactly why Ochako wants to be a hero,

as well as Todoroki's tragic past.

Essentially the Sports Festival arc asks and answers two questions.

"What does being a hero mean to you?" and "Why work so hard to become one?"

Now, while Boku no Hero had an entire season to give at least a basic overview of what

its characters were all about, Starlight does not have that luxury.

Unlike its shounen counterpart, it keeps its cards close to its chest.

This leads to that jaw-dropping "what the heck is going on?!"

moment at the end of the first episode, but as a result the show is given very little

time comparably to work its magic.

So, how does it go about doing that?

By stuffing that fifteen minutes with as much characterization, meaning, and metaphor as

it can.

If Boku no Hero's questions were "what makes a hero?" and "why you?"

Starlight's questions are remarkably similar.

"What does being Top Star mean to you?"

"Why you?"

While this is explored somewhat during the battles themselves, the vast majority of the

answers and supporting evidence are established in those crucial school time moments.

What does being a Top Star mean to Junna?

It means hard work to the point of collapse.

It means blood, sweat, and tears.

When Karen says that the leads this year will most likely be Tendou and Claudine again,

Junna aggressively dips her.

Her mouth says "We still have a chance" but her eyes say "Don't you dare count

me out already."

And after besting her at their Revue, Karen dips her back, as if to say "I know."

You need this framework of Junna behind-the-scenes to give proper depth behind the revue scenes.

If you don't know that she practices in her free time, continually shows up early—or

even the little stuff like being overjoyed by nailing a part in practice—you don't

have the context of why she is fighting so desperately.

It's the classic battle of innate talent versus sheer dedication, explored in other

notable series such as Fullmetal Alchemist (2003).

There's a reason why her revue is named "The Revue of Longing."

This attention to detail is by no means limited to Junna.

Every character is explored to a similar extent, and while it can be a little in your face,

there's plenty of subtle moments that are the definition of "show, don't tell."

When Hikari first arrives, we see that she and the school are both literally and metaphorically

at a crossroads.

Karen is shown to care less about being late (and thus authority), opting instead to run

back and grab her hairpin, establishing where her priorities lie.

During morning practice, as soon as Tendou arrives she shadows over position zero, sparking

the others to literally fall in line.

Hikari only accepts Banana's baked goods the second she learns that she's not competing

for the lead.

Futaba and Kaoruko are seen together seemingly at all times, making Futaba's desire for

Top Star in spite of her have more weight.

Of course this subtlety applies to the battles themselves.

While they're filled with absolutely superb choreography and animation, they're also

strong thematically.

This is why everyone was so outraged at HiDive's subs, how do you not bother translating something

so important?

In the third episode, Karen fights a literal uphill battle while Tendou sings lyrics directly

tied to her "A dream isn't something you have yourself, it's something you give to

others," ideology.

"Preparation is not what will carry you to the summit, if you stake your pride upon

the stage, you will be unstoppable."

To her, she must be Top Star, because without her to be the bar, the others like Claudine

won't put everything they have on the table.

In contrast to Karen's bombastic flair, Tendou takes Position Zero nonchalantly.

That is Tendou Maya.

And since falling is a recurring motif within Starlight, I'm interested to see exactly

where that pride taketh her.

Once again, I'm not trying to be condescending.

If you noticed and know all of this and still find Starlight boring, sure, of course that's


But for me, the show is utterly engrossing.

Others have already written about how strong the directing and cinematography are, and

it's an incredibly fun experience simply sitting here going over the episodes with

a fine-tooth comb.

And I hope I've convinced you to join me.

Thanks for watching, and be sure to like and subscribe for more content.

There's great content about Starlight already out there, from PhenomSage, Atelier Emily,

Sakugabooru, and Nearly On Red that I'll link in the description in case you'd like

some additional reading. (or watching)

And of course, if anything I said was wrong, I'm sorry.

I must've stuttered.

For more infomation >> "The First Fifteen Minutes of Revue☆Starlight Are Boring" - Duration: 5:41.


Pablo José Cervera, Gerente de la Clínica Portoazul - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> Pablo José Cervera, Gerente de la Clínica Portoazul - Duration: 4:38.


Esto Son Los 10 Aparatos Que Más Energía Gastan Estando Apagados!! - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Esto Son Los 10 Aparatos Que Más Energía Gastan Estando Apagados!! - Duration: 3:48.


KİNOA NASIL PİŞİRİLİR ? - Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Sağlıklı Tarifler - Duration: 1:37.

The kinoa is cooked as two scales on a single scale. You can find 3 different shapes on the scales. (White, black and mixed)

If you do not have a phrase on your kinoa package that you have already washed, you should wash it thoroughly before cooking.

2 cups of water

We add some salt after we've been boiled

1 water glass mixed kinoa

We cook for 15 minutes on a low heat

For more infomation >> KİNOA NASIL PİŞİRİLİR ? - Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Sağlıklı Tarifler - Duration: 1:37.


7/22/18 11:26 AM (I-80, Gibbon, NE 68840, USA) - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> 7/22/18 11:26 AM (I-80, Gibbon, NE 68840, USA) - Duration: 3:07.


Das Kapital legt uit! Airbnb en een iets andere belastingaangifte - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Das Kapital legt uit! Airbnb en een iets andere belastingaangifte - Duration: 2:09.


Man Utd transfer news: Robert Pires predicts one deal that may happen this summer - Duration: 1:48.

 Martial has reportedly told Manchester United he wants to quit this summer. The Frenchman has failed to nail down a starting spot at the club since Mourinho was appointed manager back in 2016

 Martial left United's pre-season tour of the USA last week to attend the birth of his son but has yet to return, which has annoyed Mourinho

 And Pires reckons it could be time the 22-year-old and United went their separate ways

 "Martial could leave Man United this season if he isn't playing regular first-team football," he told bwin

 "Martial is not in a good position currently and it can't be allowed to continue

 "Martial is a top young player and he isn't comfortable not playing regularly. "He had a difficult season, with a lot of time on the bench, and it will be important now to talk to Mourinho and find out if he is a first-choice player or not for the new season

 "If he can't be assured first-team football, he might need to move on. "Alexis Sanchez and Martial both play in the same position, and the club obviously invested a lot of money in Sanchez so there might be greater pressure to play him

 "Martial will need to move on to play regular football if that's the case."

For more infomation >> Man Utd transfer news: Robert Pires predicts one deal that may happen this summer - Duration: 1:48.


2018 LIFAN X70 - Body Rigidity test - Duration: 5:53.

Hello! Today we will estimate the rigidity of the body of the new LIFAN X70.

Now the car is on a flat land.

Let's check how the doors and the back door open and close.

The driver's door is all right. The gap is 4.39 mm.

Rear left door also is ok. The gap is 3.21 mm.

Now check the back door.

At first glance it seems that everything is fine.

But on the right side, the gap is slightly less than the left.

Let's open it. Back door is all right.

Let's measure gaps.

The gap on the left side is 3.94 mm.

On the right side is 2.96 mm.

Now we will hang the car diagonally and check how doors will open. And also will see if the gaps have changed.

So here is our car. Now the rear left wheel is hanging.

Notice how the gap widened, and a large slit formed.

It is evident that the door has shifted.

Let's see how the driver's door opens.

The door lock touches, it is necessary to close with effort.

The gap is 5.29 mm.

The rear left door - nothing has changed.

The gap is 3.01 mm.

See the rear left wheel is hanging.

We pass to the back door.

Immediately noticeable that the left side of the back door moved outward.

The back door on the right side moved inside.

Let's open the back door.

We see that the it was a little shaky, but it opened.

Close the back door is difficult, you need a lot of effort.

Let's see the gaps now.

Left - 4.57 mm.

On the right - 2.58 mm.

Thank you all for viewing! See you in the new videos.

For more infomation >> 2018 LIFAN X70 - Body Rigidity test - Duration: 5:53.


How to use sockets in Sri Lanka. # Srilanka - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> How to use sockets in Sri Lanka. # Srilanka - Duration: 1:03.


Kristin Chenoweth Calls 'Trial & Error' Role "The Best Part I've Been Given" | In Studio with THR - Duration: 4:40.

(upbeat music)

- Thanks for watching.

Right now we're here with Kristin Chenoweth.

How are you?

- I'm good, Brian.

How are you doin'?

- Good, good, how's your day goin' so far?

- It's been long

but so good and so fun,

gettin' to talk about the show

and all this other stuff.

- Now, speakin' of Trial and Error

has a newcomer this season,

a new story and it's you.

- It's me. (says in foreign language)

- It's you.

- Can you tell us a little bit

about your story

and kinda comin' on and joinin' the show?

- Yeah, well, first of all,

I got a phone call from John Lithgow last season

and he was like, you gotta do the show,

this is your address, this is where you live.

I read the first three episodes and I was like,

"Yes, I'm in!"

Don't tell them that,

'cause I wanna negotiate, right?

- (Brian) You're gonna negotiate my deal?

- Right.

I play Lavinia Peck-Foster.

She is the first lady of East Peck

and she is been accused

of murdering her husband,

stuffing him into a suitcase

and throwing him into the river.

Now I cannot confirm or deny that Brian

as you know.

- [Brian] I'm scared.

- Well, you should be.

But I am going to say

that in this style of show

with mockumentary,

it is fun to let the audience

either in on something

or think they know,

just like we do

when we watch The Jinx

or Making of the Murderer,

we see, they didn't do it, they didn't do it,

oh, they did it.

Maybe they didn't.

That's kinda what we do here

but Lavinia's most fun to play

and I'll say I'm a little sore

from somethings I've been asked to do

that I haven't done since childhood

and facing my 49th year

I'm pretty damn proud of myself.

- I can't wait to watch it.

- You're gonna love it.

- I'm so mad it's not out yet. - Jeff Astrof is a genius

writer, so.

- What about this role has been different

than your other roles over the years?

- It's one of the best parts

I've ever been given.

The skill set that's required is large.

As you know, comedy is its own beast.

- Are you sayin' I'm funny, is that why?

- Yeah, maybe.

I mean you are rather tall.

I mean, last time I checked.

So I can only see this button.

Thank God we're sitting down.

I think that Astrof has found

this incredible world of taxidermy

and law and Jewish boy from New York

coming into the South

and what he's, in season one,

it's been set up so beautifully

with Lithgow's character

and now Lavinia, myself,

coming in to fill those shoes.

- [Brian] Take it over.

- Yeah, I get to do a lot of fun things

and I'm also working with

perhaps, in my estimate,

the best comedic team that I've ever experienced,

with Nick and Sherri Shepherd, and Steven,

and Amanda and Jayma Mays,

and of course Astrof has his voice.

Blitz keeps us all reigned in

and let's us loose when we're supposed to,

what a director.

So I'm on the planet I should be in,

but Lavinia does live on her own planet as well.

I call it Lavinia Land.

She's not really aware of cameras

or anyone else.

She's only aware of herself.

- That's great.

- It's fun.

- Now, you've had quite the career.

Is there a role that you wish you had more time with at all

or you look back and say like,

I wish I had more time with that character?

- Gosh, so interesting you say that.

There's roles I miss.

I don't know that I need

to have invested more time,

but there are roles I miss.

One of them is not well known,

should be, it's the role of--

It's the show The Apple Tree

and I did it on Broadway.

But it was at the Roundabout,

so it was only three or four months.

What was required of me

was to play four roles.

It was a three one acts in one show.

So I miss that.

I miss Candide.

You know, Leonard Bernstein

coming upon his hundredth year anniversary

and I'll be doin' a concert honoring him

at the Hollywood Bowl this summer.

But I think, for me,

it's The Apple Tree

and everybody expects me to say Wicked

and yeah, Wicked was amazing

and a game changer and a life changer

but so was Sally in You're a Good Man Charlie Brown

and Olive on television and Pushing Daisies.

They've all shaped me

for I miss them.

I miss them but I'm not really one

to kinda look in the past either.

I look forward.

- [Brian] Movin' forward.

Great, well I can't wait to watch you

on Trial and Error.

- Thank you, please enjoy it.

- Yeah, I will.

Thank you.

- Thank you.

For more infomation >> Kristin Chenoweth Calls 'Trial & Error' Role "The Best Part I've Been Given" | In Studio with THR - Duration: 4:40.


Pink Collar Crimes - I'm Sorry! - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Pink Collar Crimes - I'm Sorry! - Duration: 2:08.


Captain America 'I Understood That Reference' Scene | Marvel's The Avengers (2012) - Duration: 4:54.

it's 30,000 feet straight down in a steel trap.

You get how that works?

Ant, boot.

It's an impressive cage.

Not built, I think, for me.

Built for something a lot stronger than you.

Oh, I've heard.

A mindless beast.

Makes play he's still a man.

How desperate are you,

that you call on such lost creatures to defend you?

How desperate am I?

You threaten my world with war.

You steal a force you can't hope to control.

You talk about peace, and you kill because it's fun.

You have made me very desperate.

You might not be glad that you did.

It burns you to have come so close.

To have the Tesseract, to have power,

unlimited power.

And for what?

A warm light for all mankind to share.

A warm light for all mankind to share.

And then to be reminded what real power is.

Well, let me know if "real power" wants a magazine or something.

He really grows on you, doesn't he?

Loki's gonna drag this out.

So, Thor, what's his play?

He has an army called the Chitauri.

They're not of Asgard, nor any world known.

He means to lead them against your people.

They will win him the Earth,

in return, I suspect, for the Tesseract.

An army

from outer space.

So, he's building another portal.

That's what he needs Erik Selvig for.


- He's an astrophysicist. - He's a friend.

Loki has him under some kind of spell,

along with one of ours.

I want to know why Loki let us take him.

He's not leading an army from here.

I don't think we should be focusing on Loki.

That guy's brain is a bag full of cats.

You could smell crazy on him.

Have care how you speak.

Loki is beyond reason, but he is of Asgard.

And he is my brother.

He killed 80 people in two days.

He's adopted.

I think it's about the mechanics.

Iridium... What do they need the iridium for?

It's a stabilising agent.

I'm just saying, pick a weekend.

I'll fly you to Portland.

Keep love alive.

It means the portal won't collapse on itself

like it did at S.H.I.E.L.D.

No hard feelings, Point Break. You've got a mean swing.

Also, it means the portal can open as wide

and stay open as long, as Loki wants.

Raise the mizzenmast. Jib the topsails.

That man is playing Galaga.

He thought we wouldn't notice, but we did.

How does Fury even see these?

He turns.

Sounds exhausting.

The rest of the raw materials,

Agent Barton can get his hands on pretty easily.

The only major component he still needs

is a power source of high-energy density.

Something to kick-start the Cube.

When did you become an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics?

Last night.

The packet, Selvig's notes, the extraction theory papers.

Am I the only one who did the reading?

Does Loki need any particular kind of power source?

He would have to heat the Cube to 120-million Kelvin

just to break through the Coulomb barrier.

Unless Selvig has figured out how to stabilise

the quantum tunnelling effect.

Well, if he could do that,

he could achieve heavy ion fusion at any reactor on the planet.

Finally, someone who speaks English.

Is that what just happened?

It's good to meet you, Dr Banner.

Your work on antielectron collisions is unparalleled.

And I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control

and turn into an enormous green rage-monster.


Dr Banner is only here to track the Cube.

I was hoping you might join him.

I would start with that stick of his.

It may be magical,

but it works an awful lot like a HYDRA weapon.

I don't know about that, but it is powered by the Cube.

And I would like to know how Loki used it

to turn two of the sharpest men I know

into his personal flying monkeys.

Monkeys? I do not understand.

I do.

I understood that reference.

Shall we play, Doctor?

This way, sir.

For more infomation >> Captain America 'I Understood That Reference' Scene | Marvel's The Avengers (2012) - Duration: 4:54.


How do I keep the weight off? - Duration: 5:44.

What's the best method to into weight maintenance after

losing a large amount of weight? Let's get into it.

Hey everybody and welcome back to another episode of Walk with me.

This is Josh here today we're talking about transitioning out

of weight loss and into weight maintenance. This week's topic

actually comes from Josh real through Instagram.

Always nice to have another josh around here.

You're always supporting he says more than happy to answer that

question for you. He told me he was coming up into his weight

maintenance and I was wondering if he had any additional tips.

He actually did cover this about a year ago on the channel.

But it's such a big topic. I figured it would be worth

revisiting for everybody pretty similar to weight loss in

general. The practical advice I have for this is very

straightforward as you find yourself getting closer

to that goal weight you just want to slowly add back in the

calories. I think I tried to aim for you know 100 or 200 extra

calories added in every week just until I noticed

I wasn't losing any more weight especially because we're such

a different size now than we used to be. You have to kind

of learn and figure out what your new maintenance

calories are. So that's just going to take a little bit of

experimentation and testing. So just slowly add it in until

you notice that you're not losing any more weight.

And then from there you just try and aim and keep to those

calories as long as you can.

Generally the longer the time goes the less you're going to

have to or need to track. But I I definitely did

that rough tracking early on for sure. But the big thing I wanted

to cover more so than the short term you know transition

is that long term maintaining of your new weight and after

another year since last time I talked on this subject I think

I can boil it down to two very important points.

One education two, awareness education is going

to be one of the most important parts of losing weight.

You're always going to need to be learning and experimenting

and testing and trying things. And the reason that becomes so

important. The more that you learn and the more that

you know the less mystical and scary all of the problems

are because you know how to face them you know how to take care

of you know knowledge and understanding of how to fix

the problem is going to give you the upper hand in any situation.

I can guarantee so scenarios that come up in my normal day to

day. Right now in regards to my weight and my nutrition my

weight loss would have been crippling and difficult.

A few years back but I've had all this time to learn

and experience things and experiment with myself.

So it used to be a huge problem as just a quick and easy fix.

Now think of it as learning new trade or skill. So that's part

number one. Just make sure you're educating yourself

because things become more and more effortless the more

knowledge that you have. But the second point to this is

awareness. You can't change or control what you don't know.

So you need to still continue to maintain the track where

you're at with your weight your nutrition all of that sort of

stuff. When I used to mess up on my diet I've gotten this bad

habit of hiding from the problem. I would mess up

in whatever way and I would hide from the problem and hide from

the scale. I knew I messed up so I didn't even want to weigh

myself because I knew it wouldn't be good.

Which then made me dive deeper into the mistake and into the

problem. I would lose months at a time on my weight loss journey

from this problem and it would just be

this cyclical destruction where I didn't want to know

because I messed up so I hid from it and messed up more and

more and more. And it just went and went and went.

So even though I've come a long way and I feel pretty confident

that that sort of thing is not going to come back for me even

in my maintenance. I still like to weigh myself every morning

right when I wake up and I track it and log it and it's just

a simple little thing that I do that helps keep me aware of my

current standing in my current situation. It's nice and simple

and that's helped me immensely. And I've daily weigh ins for the

last five years straight. I think I think whatever

interval that you prefer is going to be just fine

but just make sure to stick to it no matter what.

So around back in time of one initial maintenance you just

want to slowly add back in those calories until you stop losing

weight. You want to continue to educate yourself

because the more that you learn and the more that you know

the easier it gets to change and pivot and tweak and fix

problems as they arise become even more effortless and then

you want to stay aware whether it be from daily weigh ins

or whatever methods you used to track your progress just

continue to do that as long as you need to.

I'd also recommend head back and watch that old video

that Josh found the video is a little old so apologies for

the quality in that one but the advice is still valid and good.

Let me know what you think. See how far we've come on this

channel here. But be sure to like the video it really helps

the channel out a ton and really helps the community grow

and subscribe if you're not already put out New York with me

episodes every Monday and all sorts of other videos on Fridays

and leave me comment down below those of you that have lost

weight. What's your best advice for maintenance. Love to get

that discussion going. But until next time I'll talk to

you later. Have a good one.

For more infomation >> How do I keep the weight off? - Duration: 5:44.


Classes in session at LeBron James' I PROMISE school - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> Classes in session at LeBron James' I PROMISE school - Duration: 0:28.


The Nuclear Reactor Run By Students - Duration: 4:33.

- A nuclear reactor run by undergraduate students

at a liberal arts college sounds like an interesting idea,

but it's real and it's been here

at Reed College in Portland, Oregon for 50 years.

And, yeah, we're gonna put a camera in it.

Go for it.

- The Reed Research Reactor is a TRIGA reactor,

it's designed to be operated by students

and designed to be used as a training reactor.

We got it because we had a radiochemist on Reed's faculty.

He thought that it'd be really important

for his students to have access

to this cutting edge technology that was nuclear reactors.

We have a tank that's 25-feet deep.

It's full of around 25 thousand gallons of water.

We think we have enough uranium

to continue operating at our current rate for 100 years

without having to change it out.

We operate at 250 kilowatts,

which is actually a pretty low power.

While it does produce power when it operates,

there's no way of harnessing that to make electricity.

The main purpose of our reactor is for science.

- The kind of research we do

is called Neutron Activation Analysis.

The logic behind it is if you don't know exactly

what something is made out of,

you can make it radioactive and then find

exactly what it's made out of.

Then, work backwards and figure out what it was originally.

Then, let it sit in a room until it decays

and then you have your original thing back.

You can put 80 things in there.

You drop it into a tube and then you turn it,

and it turns and it gets

the same amount of neutron exposure.

Then, we get it out with a fishing rod.

Then afterwards, you have to be very careful

with it because it's contaminated.

The water at the bottom of the reactor

becomes radioactive, it has N16 in it.

Nitrogen 16 because N16 has a half-life of seven seconds.

When the water is cycling through,

it gets diffused through a nozzle

which causes the new water to swirl around like this,

which makes the delivery time from

the water at the bottom of the reactor

to the water at the top of the reactor

just a few seconds longer than it needs to be.

So, water at the top isn't radioactive.

That's one of the coolest parts of our water system.

- The radiation levels that the reactor produces

is actually very low, but the water provides sufficient shielding.

So, it's safe for us to be in here

while the reactor's operating.

It's a very small reactor.

It doesn't get hot enough to melt down. It doesn't explode.

The way we shut down our reactor in an emergency

is with something called a SCRAM.

We have a special button, it's labelled the SCRAM button.

When you press it, it cuts power to those electromagnets

and it automatically shuts the reactor down.

If someone drops their phone or some other object

into the pool, normally what we do is

we get a bucket on some string and we try to scrape

the object into the bucket with a very long stick.

Or, we wrap duct tape around heavy weights

and we lower the weight into the pool on a string

and try to pick it up that way.

We have a pretty good success rate.

- Can we turn the lights off so we can see the blue glow?

Wow, that looks awesome.

The blue glow is Cherenkov radiation,

which is a bit like the visual equivalent of a sonic boom,

but there are other people

much better qualified to explain that than I am.

Research reactors aren't very common,

but there are more than you might think.

There are a couple of dozen in the United States alone

at universities and research institutes and a few companies.

This one is basically a student society,

just a student society with a lot of regulation and oversight.

- Before you're allowed to operate the reactor,

you have to get a licence from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Our students train for an academic year before they sit down for that exam.

You have to do things such as memorise diagrams

for our cooling system or our ventilation system.

You need to be able to explain how the physics work,

how to protect yourself from radiation

and how to actually use the controls of the reactor.

We licence 15 students to operate every year.

Currently, we have 30 to 40 students on staff.

- You don't get academic credit for working the reactor.

I think part of that is because we get paid

to work here because this is a job.

This is the reason why I came to Reed.

I just thought it was really cool

that this was a facility that existed at a school

and I was like, "I'm gonna do that."

When I first started the training programme,

I had pull aside the training supervisors

and say, "You have to explain the atom to me

"from the beginning because I don't know anything."

I worked really hard and I just really wanted to know it.

Now I know it and I still think it's really cool

and I get to do cool things like operate this.

- Thank you so much to everyone at the Reed Research Reactor

and, in particular, Val and Carrie

who are putting my camera into it.

Pull down the description for more links

about Reed College and about the reactor.

I'm looking at a nuclear reactor.

Oh, wow.

I've never actually seen Cherenkov radiation

in person before, it's amazing.

in person before, it's amazing.

For more infomation >> The Nuclear Reactor Run By Students - Duration: 4:33.


7/22/18 11:26 AM (I-80, Gibbon, NE 68840, USA) - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> 7/22/18 11:26 AM (I-80, Gibbon, NE 68840, USA) - Duration: 3:07.


Impractical Jokers: After Party - Murr's Hidden Truth | truTV - Duration: 1:34.

Well, tonight Murray had to say

some pretty insane things in Yonkers, New York,

but he's no stranger to sounding like a maniac.

Now, I'm gonna read three facts about Murr,

and you have to tell me which one is true, okay?

This is called 2 Bonks & a Yonk. All right?

'Cause we're in Yonkers. I get it.

You get it?

Oh, I get it. So two are fake. One's true.

Got it. Two bonks. One yonk.

Got it.

The yonk is truth.

Capisce? Here we go.

Which one is true?

What do you do when any one could be true?

So this is called 3 Yonks?

No, there's a yonk.

Nah, the I think the lasagna puke is the right one.

Lasagna puke is the right one?

That's what I felt in my heart, lasagna puke.

I was gonna say it was

the sticker book of unicorns is the true.

You are actually correct.

Wow! Very good job. Nice.

You do have a sticker book full of...

I do. Still have it, still use it.

There you go.

What? You still use it?

How do you use a sticker book full of unicorns?

Because they still make unicorn stickers, that's why.

Wait, wait, how do you use a sticker book full of unicorns?

You look through it. Some of them are scratch-and-sniff.

You smell them.

No, he means he adds to the collection.

Yeah, I keep adding to the collection.

You're still collecting unicorn stickers?

There have been radical advancements

in sticker technology.

The hologram unicorn.

Joey: Okay, all right, here we go. Here's another one.

For more infomation >> Impractical Jokers: After Party - Murr's Hidden Truth | truTV - Duration: 1:34.


7/22/18 12:09 PM (I-80, Lexington, NE 68850, USA) - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> 7/22/18 12:09 PM (I-80, Lexington, NE 68850, USA) - Duration: 3:57.


I Was Injured On The Job & Workers' Comp Won't Authorize Treatment – NJ Attorney Tanya Phillips - Duration: 1:58.

You're injured at work in New Jersey.

What happens if a workers compensation carrier is not authorizing and paying for your treatment?

My name is Tanya Phillips; I'm a partner at Gaylord and Popp.

I practice workers compensation law and Social Security Disability claims.

Well, let me tell you.

If they're not authorizing treatment, this is what we need to do.

We need to get something in writing from a doctor detailing what treatment here he or

she thinks that you need as a result of this workplace accident.

Now, there are some reasons, many reasons actually, why a carrier may deny the treatment.

They may be waiting to get a second opinion.

They may be doing an investigation of the claim, but you don't want to wait around whether

doing all that.

What you need is to compel the carrier to pay for the treatment that you need so you

can get better as quickly as possible.

Once we have the information from the doctor detailing what treatment you need we will

provide that to the carrier and ask them to pay for the treatment so you can get better.

If they still do not do that, then we have to file the appropriate papers with the court

to compel them to provide you with the treatment that you need.

Here's what you need to do if you need more information, take a look at our website or

call us at 609-771-8611.

Thank you for listening.

My name is Tanya Phillips.

For more infomation >> I Was Injured On The Job & Workers' Comp Won't Authorize Treatment – NJ Attorney Tanya Phillips - Duration: 1:58.


7/22/18 9:33 AM (1532 I-80, Pleasant Dale, NE 68423, USA) - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> 7/22/18 9:33 AM (1532 I-80, Pleasant Dale, NE 68423, USA) - Duration: 3:49.


7/22/18 11:22 AM (I-80, Shelton, NE 68876, USA) - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> 7/22/18 11:22 AM (I-80, Shelton, NE 68876, USA) - Duration: 4:08.


7/22/18 11:19 AM (I-80, Wood River, NE 68883, USA) - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> 7/22/18 11:19 AM (I-80, Wood River, NE 68883, USA) - Duration: 3:00.


7/22/18 11:15 AM (I-80, Wood River, NE 68883, USA) - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> 7/22/18 11:15 AM (I-80, Wood River, NE 68883, USA) - Duration: 3:04.


7/22/18 12:04 PM (I-80, Lexington, NE 68850, USA) - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> 7/22/18 12:04 PM (I-80, Lexington, NE 68850, USA) - Duration: 4:44.


I love you just the way you are - Yael Gavish - Duration: 2:13.

I love you just the way you are

I love your house I like your car

I love your smile I like your body too

There's nothing that I want to change in you!

Or maybe there's that little thing

but if you'll change it you will be my king!

I need to get some more attention

I want you to get motivation

To be successful rich and wealthy

And get in shape cause you're not healthy

Stop eating onions I don't like the smell

and do the dishes cause it looks like hell

and buy me shoes and win the lottery

and find another job with a higher salary

and find new friends and stop smoking weed

These will be the only things I need!

because I love you just the way you are

I almost forgot! I want you to get a new car!

Stop watching TV and also change your perfume

And I didn't like the way you organized our room

Be more involve in conversation

And last thing I need more attention

You're the best thing in my life so far

That's why I love you just the way you are!

For more infomation >> I love you just the way you are - Yael Gavish - Duration: 2:13.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY Airco - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY Airco - Duration: 0:52.


7/22/18 11:29 AM (I-80, Gibbon, NE 68840, USA) - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> 7/22/18 11:29 AM (I-80, Gibbon, NE 68840, USA) - Duration: 3:21.


7/22/18 10:37 AM (I-80, 5, NE, USA) - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> 7/22/18 10:37 AM (I-80, 5, NE, USA) - Duration: 3:07.


7/22/18 11:55 AM (I-80, Overton, NE 68863, USA) - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> 7/22/18 11:55 AM (I-80, Overton, NE 68863, USA) - Duration: 4:02.


¡Camilo Montoya "A todo o nada" con Pep Guardiola! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> ¡Camilo Montoya "A todo o nada" con Pep Guardiola! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:11.


El motor del Infiniti QX50 te permite elegir entre prestaciones o consumo - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> El motor del Infiniti QX50 te permite elegir entre prestaciones o consumo - Duration: 3:19.


Não existe culpa, sem ter responsabilidade... - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Não existe culpa, sem ter responsabilidade... - Duration: 3:17.


Coloque 1 Dente de Alho no Ouvido Antes de Dormir e Isso Vai Acontecer Com Sua Saúde! - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Coloque 1 Dente de Alho no Ouvido Antes de Dormir e Isso Vai Acontecer Com Sua Saúde! - Duration: 3:27.


BD Toyota Car Showroom In Gulshan 1 / Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 10:53.

For more infomation >> BD Toyota Car Showroom In Gulshan 1 / Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 10:53.


Intymne wyznanie Wolszczak. Zdradziła sekret swojego związku - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Intymne wyznanie Wolszczak. Zdradziła sekret swojego związku - Duration: 3:39.


Being a Trainee at EASME - Duration: 2:17.

Should we just talk normally?

Oh ok, yeah. So...

I work as a Project Officer.

That means that I engage in communications with experts and companies.

I help mainly to implement projects for small and medium enterprises.

Helping green businesses get their innovations on to the market.

I provide support for the implementation of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.

I've been doing a public procurement study on the EU funded projects.

I'm primarily involved in company profile reviews.

I work on the project management and evaluating of the EU projects.

A very stimulating working environment.

Every day you use your language skills as you work with international colleagues.

It's synonym of international teams and friendliness and openness.

A very stimulating place in which you can learn every day.

It's a very welcoming and supportive work environment.

EASME is young,



yet fun.

Being in a dynamic, international environment and being around so many

young, brilliant and witty people.

The great atmosphere within the agency.

The views over Parc Botanique from my office.

I'm going to miss the 12:30 lunch with my co-workers.

My team and all my colleagues at COSME.

My fellow trainees.

Bring an open mind.


Be yourself, be positive and ask people for help

because everybody wants to help you.

Be willing to take responsibility.

If you are proactive you will learn a lot

and get the most of your traineeship.

Come really, really motivated and enjoy your experience.

Always carry your mug with you.

You can bring your enthusiasm to EASME!

Just go for it!

For more infomation >> Being a Trainee at EASME - Duration: 2:17.


Neymar faz desabafo sobre a Copa do Mundo em comercial e vira alvo de críticas de internautas - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Neymar faz desabafo sobre a Copa do Mundo em comercial e vira alvo de críticas de internautas - Duration: 3:52.


Procurando Annie: Episódio 20 - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Procurando Annie: Episódio 20 - Duration: 2:31.


Esto Son Los 10 Aparatos Que Más Energía Gastan Estando Apagados!! - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Esto Son Los 10 Aparatos Que Más Energía Gastan Estando Apagados!! - Duration: 3:48.


合影鯊手!親自看過照片,才敢相信世上有5個人合影能碾壓Shaquille O'Neal! - Duration: 16:20.

For more infomation >> 合影鯊手!親自看過照片,才敢相信世上有5個人合影能碾壓Shaquille O'Neal! - Duration: 16:20.


Nintendo Labo Creators Contest - Vaše šance zazářit - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Nintendo Labo Creators Contest - Vaše šance zazářit - Duration: 0:31.


2018 LIFAN X70 - Body Rigidity test - Duration: 5:53.

Hello! Today we will estimate the rigidity of the body of the new LIFAN X70.

Now the car is on a flat land.

Let's check how the doors and the back door open and close.

The driver's door is all right. The gap is 4.39 mm.

Rear left door also is ok. The gap is 3.21 mm.

Now check the back door.

At first glance it seems that everything is fine.

But on the right side, the gap is slightly less than the left.

Let's open it. Back door is all right.

Let's measure gaps.

The gap on the left side is 3.94 mm.

On the right side is 2.96 mm.

Now we will hang the car diagonally and check how doors will open. And also will see if the gaps have changed.

So here is our car. Now the rear left wheel is hanging.

Notice how the gap widened, and a large slit formed.

It is evident that the door has shifted.

Let's see how the driver's door opens.

The door lock touches, it is necessary to close with effort.

The gap is 5.29 mm.

The rear left door - nothing has changed.

The gap is 3.01 mm.

See the rear left wheel is hanging.

We pass to the back door.

Immediately noticeable that the left side of the back door moved outward.

The back door on the right side moved inside.

Let's open the back door.

We see that the it was a little shaky, but it opened.

Close the back door is difficult, you need a lot of effort.

Let's see the gaps now.

Left - 4.57 mm.

On the right - 2.58 mm.

Thank you all for viewing! See you in the new videos.

For more infomation >> 2018 LIFAN X70 - Body Rigidity test - Duration: 5:53.


Smrt je blízko! Heroinová Katka je na tom hodně špatně! Víme, kde teď bydlí a je to síla - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Smrt je blízko! Heroinová Katka je na tom hodně špatně! Víme, kde teď bydlí a je to síla - Duration: 3:09.


La guía más completa para elegir un SUV pequeño - Duration: 9:15.

For more infomation >> La guía más completa para elegir un SUV pequeño - Duration: 9:15.


ОТРЫВ ОТ ХОДУНКОВ / Соседский футбол / Комариная атака - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> ОТРЫВ ОТ ХОДУНКОВ / Соседский футбол / Комариная атака - Duration: 7:01.


Cuando el capó de un Porsche 911 se convierte en obra de arte - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Cuando el capó de un Porsche 911 se convierte en obra de arte - Duration: 2:35.


P&O Ventura Ship Tour | Planet Cruise - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> P&O Ventura Ship Tour | Planet Cruise - Duration: 2:59.


Simge Kargı & İdil Birtek - En İçten - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Simge Kargı & İdil Birtek - En İçten - Duration: 2:53.


Celebrities who look like other celebrities; Top Comparison # 3 - Duration: 3:55.

Following the top videos series comparisons, in this video you will see

famous people who look like others famous

See also the previous videos football players who seem to

celebrity music drawings that they look like Barbie dolls.

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