Sunday, July 29, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jul 29 2018

Ultraman R/B (Rube) Transformation Orb Specium Zepelion Crystal | Lingke Babies

For more infomation >> Ultraman R/B (Rube) Transformation Orb Specium Zepelion Crystal | Lingke Babies - Duration: 7:21.


How to decrease itch with state that don't use cream. - Duration: 4:25.

Hi my name is youhei ozaki. Thanks for watch this video. This time talk about how to decrease itch with state that don't use cream.

This season is summer. When been bitten by mosquitoes or when bitten by tick in carpet,etc. And when cream that decrease itch is none.

When that,this method is effectiveness. Almost case,it happen in night. Maybe almost people is continue to patience.

It is very hard. But,If you try my method,that problem will improve.

That method is very easy. It soften stiff muscle of itch place.It is only. I was bitten by mosquito at other day. But was bitten place became lost.

At basically was stabbed place become red and inflate. If you pinch that place,you feel painful especially. It compare that point and nothing place and maybe you feel the big different.

You will feel pain that like when pinch the foot corn. Actually,that pain is there is possible of pain by stiff muscle. I don't know detail information.

But maybe myofascial as well becoming stiff. Some people give stimulation in itch place by self claw. As that substitute please try to do pinching.

Please move self finger with state that did pinch. Please do pinch from many angle. If pinching pain decrease,the bulge is decrease.

Case of become that state,your itch will be decrease. You may be to feel worry self skin. But don't worry,problem is none.

Your skin come back normal quickly more than you do nothing. At basically,I soften itch place. I received one question.

To do pinch it into immediately after is OK? Almost case,bulge was made when you were notice. If you bitten into mosquito and feel itching,please try this method.

Please try it. Thanks for watch this video. See you!

For more infomation >> How to decrease itch with state that don't use cream. - Duration: 4:25.


#要天堂,不要十架?要復活,不要死?要樂園,不要客西馬尼園?(感情聖化要理問答66問) - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> #要天堂,不要十架?要復活,不要死?要樂園,不要客西馬尼園?(感情聖化要理問答66問) - Duration: 2:55.



For more infomation >> COMO LER MAIS RÁPIDO | TÉCNICA PODEROSA 📖⚡ - Duration: 4:57.


今日のセルフトーク 7月30日「共依存の家族にどう接したら良いでしょうか?」 - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> 今日のセルフトーク 7月30日「共依存の家族にどう接したら良いでしょうか?」 - Duration: 2:04.


The Happytime Murders | No Sesame. All Street.

For more infomation >> The Happytime Murders | No Sesame. All Street.


Os efeitos da Palavra de Deus (Homilia Diária.912: Segunda-feira da 17.ª Semana do Tempo Comum) - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Os efeitos da Palavra de Deus (Homilia Diária.912: Segunda-feira da 17.ª Semana do Tempo Comum) - Duration: 4:50.


Bruna Marquezine ganha festa de aniversário de Neymar e convida ex-namorada do jogador - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Bruna Marquezine ganha festa de aniversário de Neymar e convida ex-namorada do jogador - Duration: 4:05.


5 Simple Exercises to Get Rid of Knee Pain, Back and Neck Pain - Duration: 3:26.

5 Simple Exercises to Get Rid of Pain on the Knee, Back and Neck Pain

Did you know that the feet, which we forget and hide in the shoes, they can actually

help relieve various types of pain, such as back pain, for example?

They are very important to our health. and when exercised, they help relieve

tensions and pains in the back, in the knees, hips and neck.

The opposite may also happen.

If you do not walk correctly for example, can make the pain worse.

In today's video we will teach you 5 exercises very simple, which will bring relief to

back, knee and hip pain and neck:

Grab with your feet For pain in the hips, back and knees

this is the most appropriate exercise.

Just try to catch objects with your feet.

Place an object on the floor and try take it with your feet.

Think that the foot is your hand at that moment and use it that way.

Repeat this exercise 4 to 5 times with each foot.

Tiptoe walking This first exercise consists of walking,

resting on the toes, at least for 20 seconds.

Do a series of 5 reps of 20 seconds.

You can do this series of 5 repetitions by twice a day.

It's like you're imitating a ballerina!

If you find it difficult to balance, hold on a wall for example.

You have to train to perfect your balance!

Circles for the ankle To prevent your ankles from becoming

rigid, flexibility must be and strength.

The ideal exercise is to lie down with your back on the floor, extend one leg, and

make ankle circles 10 times to right and left.

Then lower your leg and lift the other leg to do the same thing, with the other ankle.

Lift your heels For this exercise, you should support

on a chair or on a wall.

Then raise one of the legs.

Now, leaning on only one leg, lift the heel of that same leg which is supported,

until it is on the tip of the foot.

Slowly replace heel the soil.

Repeat this between 10 to 15 times and go alternating of leg.

This strengthens the heels and muscles in the region of the knees.

Walking on a ball This exercise is not as difficult as


Just put a ball under your foot and Press a little.

Do this for a minute and then, switch foot

This will help improve your circulation.

If you suffer from chronic back pain, knees or hips and these exercises do not help,

it is most advisable to seek the help of an expert.

For more infomation >> 5 Simple Exercises to Get Rid of Knee Pain, Back and Neck Pain - Duration: 3:26.


Neymar manda presente voando para Bruna Marquezine e ela fica sem acreditar; veja - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> Neymar manda presente voando para Bruna Marquezine e ela fica sem acreditar; veja - Duration: 5:29.


✅ Belo lança projeto, volta com marca registra da carreira e pega fãs de surpresa - Duration: 3:09.

  voltou a ficar loiro e pegou todo mundo de surpresa. O blonde do cantor foi sua marca registrada no início da carreira, antes de mudar a coloração e usar até touca na cabeça

 +  Foi assim que ele subiu ao palco no fim da tarde deste sábado, num show na Barra, Zona Oeste do Rio

A apresentação faz parte do projeto Dia, que vai rodar em turnê pelo país.  Vale lembrar que recentemente os fãs do cantor ficaram surpresos com outra coisa

É que Gracyanne Barbosa sempre é "cobrada" quando o assunto é "filhos". Apesar do desejo, a famosa não pensa na situação porque é "proibida" por contratos

 Em entrevista a Quem, a beldade comentou sobre o assunto e explicou melhor: "Tenho um contrato que não me permite engravidar

É um contrato bacana, que traz um retorno legal para nós. Acaba ano que vem, em 2019″

 Enquanto isso, Gracy aproveita para paparicar a neta, Alice, filha de sua enteada Ingrid

"A vontade de ser mãe já tenho faz muito tempo! Claro que ter uma criança dentro de casa muda tudo e me fez sentir um pouco mais o lado materno", admitiu

   Um fator, porém, pode atrapalhar a futura gestação da esposa de : o baixo percentual de gordura corporal da esposa de , que recentemente deu um "toco" em um internauta maldoso

 "Está muito músculo, está não?", questionou ele. Sem papas na língua, a musa fitness rebateu: "Não

Estou do jeito que quero e sou muito feliz assim. Isso que importa. Cada um com o seu"

   A musa fitness Gracyanne Barbosa não fez cara de muitos amigos após ser assediada por um homem nesta segunda-feira, 23 de julho

 Em determinada loja para divulgar produtos fitness durante evento, Gracyanne posou para fotos com fãs, mas acabou passando por uma situação constrangedora

 Um certo homem, que foi tirar foto com a modelo, acabou colocando sua mão no bumbum da esposa de , que tirou a mão do rapaz e se mostrou visivelmente incomodada com o assédio

For more infomation >> ✅ Belo lança projeto, volta com marca registra da carreira e pega fãs de surpresa - Duration: 3:09.


La Frecuencia Kirlian - Episodio 5: Un Viejo y su Perro - Duration: 10:00.

I became friends with the old man because he was a prisoner in is own home,

because he was tied to his immense wheelchair,

and because everyone deserves a glass of water.

I became his friend after getting that new job,

the one that made me walk through my childhood neighborhood to save time;

when I hadn't yet listened to the radio or knew the truth about Kirlian;

sometime before he asked me to kill the neighbor's dog.

For your consideration,

an anonymous report enclosed in the "annoying neighbors" folder

from the local police archive.

There's a house like this one in every neighborhood and every town,

there's about a dozen of them in Kirlian.

Houses that kids avoid out of fear,

and adults do so out of wisdom.

Houses inhabited by witches, monsters and ogres.

You're listening to 'Ghost Radio'.

"An Old Man and his Dog"

'Help me!' were the first words I heard the old man say.

I knew him from my childhood, when I had friends in the neighborhood.

We were afraid of him,

always sitting up against a small window that faced the street.

We thought he was an ogre and that he lived in a 'bad house'.

The inside of the house was not at all what I had imagined.

Instead of piles of kid's bones in the corners, which gave me nightmares as a child,

there was nice furniture and a wall full of portraits.

He asked me to serve him a glass of water,

and he explained that the kitchen door was too narrow for his wheelchair,

so he couldn't get it himself.

He told me his daughters in law never left enough water out for him because they despised him.

His sons, his daughters in law, his grandchildren. They all lived in that big house,

although they spent all day out, working or studying.

That ogre that children feared spent all day inside,

locked up, alone and most of the time, without water.

From that day on I visited him regularly.

I would leave my house early on my way to work to dedicate

a few minutes to him every morning,

and slowly we became friends.

A few weeks had gone by since I started visiting him,

when he asked me to kill the neighbor's dog,

because he said it barked all day long and it was driving him crazy.

That was the first time I noticed the dog

that peeked through the bars of the garden next door.

I also noticed that even though the old man was obsessed with it, he had never seen it.

I knew it by the way he described it, and the way the dog really was.

A few months back, new neighbors had moved in next door,

then, out of nowhere, the barking had begun.

Every afternoon, everyday, as soon as the old man was left alone.

'You're imagining things', his sons said.

But the worst part, what infuriated him the most,

crippled in his wheelchair by the window,

was that the dog barked at him.

I tried to generate some empathy in him,

so I said 'Maybe they leave it alone just like you'.

But there was no way.

The old man hated that the dog barked only when they were alone,

as if it wanted to tell him an impossible secret

or mock him and his solitude.

Eventually the old man told me he had tried to find an accomplice before he knew me.

He promised him $50 if he beat up the dog

until it stopped barking, or until it died.

The kid went up to the front of the dog's garden,

and the old man could no longer see what happened.

The stick fell to the ground,

the kid ran away and the old man never saw him again.

With tears in his eyes, the old man begged me

to finish the job the kid had left undone.

Tired of the whole matter, I thought I could scare the dog

without actually killing it,

and that would calm the old man for a while.

The dog recoiled to the house's door,

but it didn't growl or try to attack me.

It looked straight into my eyes and I could almost feel some

of the human intelligence the old man thought it had.

And then...

I knew it all.

I can't explain what I saw or felt,

but I knew there was something wrong in the old man's house.

I knew there was something bad in Kirlian,

or rather- many bad things, waiting for their turn, hiding.

And somehow, the dog knew it too.

The old man got furious at me, cursed at me

and finally he began to cry, begging me not to abandon him.

I left and I didn't see him for a while.

I went back there a week ago, and I found him extremely unwell,

thin and with circles under his eyes, he seemed 10 years older.

He was more scared than angry,

and above all things, he was bereaved.

He said that the dog had barked even more insistently in the last few days,

and that he hated it more than ever.

That the barking had become higher and more annoying,

aphonic and constant.

It didn't bark when the old man was alone anymore,

but now it was all day long.

And he said that two days before, the last afternoon he heard the dog,

it's broken barks had made way to language.

The dog screamed, with a teenager's voice because it was still a pup.

He screamed with it's throat torn,

like someone who has screamed for hours, days and weeks.

The old man looked seriously at me.

He grabbed my hands to stop me from leaving,

and said the dog had stopped barking and started talking, and it said-

'Your daughters in law want to kill you, old man!

I heard them outside, in the backyard!

Get out of that house while you can!'

Immediately after the dog spoke, it's owners got out to the garden,

grabbed it by the leash and took him inside.

The dog screamed 'He has to know, he has to know!'.

The dog only tried to help him all along,

but the old man didn't want to listen.

He asked me to help him escape from his house, and I didn't know what to do.

I excused myself in the clumsiest and most cowardly way,

saying I was late for work.

I left, I ran away and didn't go back.

For the next couple of days I tried pretending nothing had happened,

that I had imagined the whole thing,

that Kirlian was no different from other places.

I was never a listener,

but I found out that everything was there if you payed attention.

It was as if there was two Kirlians out there,

the one that listened and the one that ignored.

The one that thought there was something wrong in the town,

and the one that knew it.

This morning I found the news in the paper:

it said an old man had fell down the stairs that separated the kitchen

from the backyard of the house where he lived with his family,

and he had been crushed by his own wheelchair.

He had a blunt blow in his head.

Apparently, the oxygen tank that had helped him breathe for the last months

had come off from the wheelchair and struck him fatally in the head.

But the old man didn't use an oxygen tank,

and he could not get to the kitchen in his wheelchair.

I went by the house this afternoon, and I saw the family for the first time.

It was midday and the house was full.

They all seemed happy, and comfortable, and peaceful. Oh my.

The neighbors said they had the dog put to sleep.

It had become rabid and would not stop barking...


I have no proof of what I have just told,

no one will ever confess to it and the two key witnesses are dead.

The family's name is not important,

even though what they did was terrible, I feel they are protected somehow.

There are two Kirlians out there, and there's nothing to be done to one of them,

maybe just stay alert.

There is something protecting it,

but I also think that there is something trying to warn us,

and that warning can come from the least expected places:

a radio,

a talking dog, or-

Never walk close to the walls on the sidewalk;

dogs, crazy people, and ogres are on the lookout for the unsuspecting.

This is a special announcement of the local Animal Shelter

and your favorite radio show: Ghost Radio.

For more infomation >> La Frecuencia Kirlian - Episodio 5: Un Viejo y su Perro - Duration: 10:00.


Coloque a Haste de Uma Rosa Em Uma batata, Você Não Vai Acreditar No Resultado! - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Coloque a Haste de Uma Rosa Em Uma batata, Você Não Vai Acreditar No Resultado! - Duration: 3:17.



For more infomation >> PROGRAMA EXCLUSIVO: DO DIA DA CRIANÇA - Duration: 2:59.



For more infomation >> COMO LER MAIS RÁPIDO | TÉCNICA PODEROSA 📖⚡ - Duration: 4:57.


Doraemon Bahasa Indonesia Terbaru 2018 - Menyanyi Di Televisi Dimulai - Duration: 24:55.

For more infomation >> Doraemon Bahasa Indonesia Terbaru 2018 - Menyanyi Di Televisi Dimulai - Duration: 24:55.


Kendine Müzisyen Twitch Edits 222 İzliyor Ortaya Karışık Komik Anlar Twitch - Duration: 16:40.

Kendine Müzisyen Twitch Edits 222 İzliyor Ortaya Karışık Komik Anlar Twitch

For more infomation >> Kendine Müzisyen Twitch Edits 222 İzliyor Ortaya Karışık Komik Anlar Twitch - Duration: 16:40.


NÃO TEM NO BRASIL! Um passeio pela IKEA de Sydney - Duration: 10:36.

Today I'm here to show you something that really

doesn't exist in Brazil.


IKEA is a Swedish multinational company,

that sells on the scheme ready to assemble.

It sells furniture,

home appliances,

and decoration items.

So let's go inside to take a look,

before my hat flies out with all this wind.

Well, we're now entering the IKEA's showroom

and basically everything that exists in the showroom

is for sale inside the store.

The most incredible thing about IKEA is that they are detail-oriented.

As I said, some of the objects

are for sale, like this box right here.

While others are just decorative purposes,

so you can see how the furniture is going to look at your home.

Each object that is put in here, each lighting item

is very well though, to compose the room,

and to transform the furniture so you can see how it looks in real life.

IKEA works with self-service furniture,

this means that you come here,

you pick up your item,

and you assemble at your home.

Upstairs, in the showroom,

each item has a label

with the information where you can find it: row and self.

There are lots of hallways and selfs,

all that because IKEA works with a wide range of furniture.

There's also a system called Click and Collect,

in which you buy your furniture online

and then you just come to the store to pick up.

For those who doesn't own a car or can't transport large pieces of furniture,

IKEA also offer a delivery service,

but you'll have to pay a fee.

Let's say, it doesn't matter how large or big is your item,

the fee will be something around or higher than AU$89.

For more infomation >> NÃO TEM NO BRASIL! Um passeio pela IKEA de Sydney - Duration: 10:36.


Quem é Deus? / Libras / A bíblia não falada. - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Quem é Deus? / Libras / A bíblia não falada. - Duration: 3:49.


Der verlorene Sohn und der ältere Bruder (1) – Joyce Meyer – Gott begegnen - Duration: 24:14.

For more infomation >> Der verlorene Sohn und der ältere Bruder (1) – Joyce Meyer – Gott begegnen - Duration: 24:14.


Volkswagen Polo 1.6 TDI R-Line Edition 160pk Xenon Navi GTI GTD! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.6 TDI R-Line Edition 160pk Xenon Navi GTI GTD! - Duration: 0:54.


Ultraman R/B (Rube) Transformation Orb Specium Zepelion Crystal | Lingke Babies - Duration: 7:21.

Ultraman R/B (Rube) Transformation Orb Specium Zepelion Crystal | Lingke Babies

For more infomation >> Ultraman R/B (Rube) Transformation Orb Specium Zepelion Crystal | Lingke Babies - Duration: 7:21.


How to decrease itch with state that don't use cream. - Duration: 4:25.

Hi my name is youhei ozaki. Thanks for watch this video. This time talk about how to decrease itch with state that don't use cream.

This season is summer. When been bitten by mosquitoes or when bitten by tick in carpet,etc. And when cream that decrease itch is none.

When that,this method is effectiveness. Almost case,it happen in night. Maybe almost people is continue to patience.

It is very hard. But,If you try my method,that problem will improve.

That method is very easy. It soften stiff muscle of itch place.It is only. I was bitten by mosquito at other day. But was bitten place became lost.

At basically was stabbed place become red and inflate. If you pinch that place,you feel painful especially. It compare that point and nothing place and maybe you feel the big different.

You will feel pain that like when pinch the foot corn. Actually,that pain is there is possible of pain by stiff muscle. I don't know detail information.

But maybe myofascial as well becoming stiff. Some people give stimulation in itch place by self claw. As that substitute please try to do pinching.

Please move self finger with state that did pinch. Please do pinch from many angle. If pinching pain decrease,the bulge is decrease.

Case of become that state,your itch will be decrease. You may be to feel worry self skin. But don't worry,problem is none.

Your skin come back normal quickly more than you do nothing. At basically,I soften itch place. I received one question.

To do pinch it into immediately after is OK? Almost case,bulge was made when you were notice. If you bitten into mosquito and feel itching,please try this method.

Please try it. Thanks for watch this video. See you!

For more infomation >> How to decrease itch with state that don't use cream. - Duration: 4:25.


#要天堂,不要十架?要復活,不要死?要樂園,不要客西馬尼園?(感情聖化要理問答66問) - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> #要天堂,不要十架?要復活,不要死?要樂園,不要客西馬尼園?(感情聖化要理問答66問) - Duration: 2:55.



For more infomation >> COMO LER MAIS RÁPIDO | TÉCNICA PODEROSA 📖⚡ - Duration: 4:57.


今日のセルフトーク 7月30日「共依存の家族にどう接したら良いでしょうか?」 - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> 今日のセルフトーク 7月30日「共依存の家族にどう接したら良いでしょうか?」 - Duration: 2:04.


MEXICAN Superstitions | Mexican Survival Guide - Duration: 3:58.

Did he just smile at my baby without touching her?

Maybe I should just go back home before she comes back and tries to kill me.

Cute baby by the way.

Sorry! I didn't know it was that serious!

I told you not to sweep anyone's feet!

Why did you do that?

Oh no she's cursed forever!

I'm going to sweep her feet.


do you know where the baby's bottle is?

sorry to interrupt but


it wouldn't work anyway.

and this isn't your house so

It's supposed to be behind the door.


It's just a superstition.


You're still here!

Oh look!

then you should go away.

hold this broom upside down


if it's so true than if I

Every single one of these is true!

For the hundredth time they're not made up!

Who makes up these things?

that means it won't come.

but if you scratch it

When your palm is itchy that means money is coming your way.

No don't do that.

I don't see how that correlates but


that's because it's bad luck.

Purse on the floor, money out the door.


wondered that.

I've never once

Actually, no.

Have you ever wondered why you never see a Mexican mom put her purse on the floor?


That's disgusting.


place it on the forehead of the person who has hiccups

and voila!

All you have to do is lick it

it's red string.

There's a cure for that


I just let them pass.

I don't

how do you make them go away.

When you get hiccups




then you have to rub them with an egg.

If someone smiles at your baby without touching them,


because you're cursing their relationships

make sure you don't sweep anyone's feet

there's a lot of them in Mexican culture like

I don't know




other superstitions do you believe in?

Well what

everything needs to be proved through science Chris!


Because they're just myths.

I'm pretty sure there's no scientific backing to any of this.

Why wouldn't I?

And of course I do

First of all they're not superstitions.

You don't actually believe in this stuff do you?

This sounds like fake superstitions

purify the house.

they'll help absorb any evil spirits and therefore

they are


These just look like glasses of water.

to help me place these around the house

so I need you

but my tía told me that she felt negative energy here.

I don't have to time to convince you


So it must work.

well my dad never came back home.

but my mom used to do it when I was a kid and

I don't know

How is a broom gonna stop me from coming in?

A.K.A. you

Placing this broom upside down behind the door is supposed to keep unwanted guests from coming into your house.

talking to a broom?

Why are you

No, no, no!

Why did you have to fall?

Hey Ramon I'm here!

I'll go get the egg!

For more infomation >> MEXICAN Superstitions | Mexican Survival Guide - Duration: 3:58.


Liverpool news: Gary Neville sends Xherdan Shaqiri message to Reds fans - Duration: 2:45.

 The Swiss international scored the fourth in Liverpool's 4-1 pre-season rout of United, played in front of 101,254 fans in Michigan

 Despite the impressive acrobatics, former United captain Neville refused to overturn his opinion of the 26-year-old

 The former Valencia boss slammed Shaqiri's attitude back in June, before the player moved to Liverpool, saying: "I'm not a fan of Shaqiri to be honest with you

 "I think that was, to be fair, made worse by the fact that he distanced himself from his team-mates at Stoke

They were unprofessional last season - there's no doubt - and he epitomises it.  "To be honest with you, players like that I can't have

I struggle with it." Following Shaqiri's impressive debut, Liverpool fans took to Twitter to gleefully remind Neville of his comments

 In response, Neville remained unmoved: "I hope you lot are going to message me every time you see him stood on the halfway line whilst your team are being attacked," he tweeted

 Shaqiri already shrugged off Neville's comments before Saturday's game.  He told The Telegraph: "They [the Nevilles] were Manchester United players

Maybe they don't like Liverpool! Some people like you, some people don't like you

I don't want to comment on what is said by people I don't know." Phil Neville also labelled Shaqiri "a disgrace" despite him garnering respectable statistics for Stoke last season

 "I think I played three years already in the Premier League and I've proved I can play here

I can score goals and give assists. I know the league well," Shaqiri continued. "I have a lot of experience

I think my score points speak for themselves. I was the top scorer in the team with goals and assists, so I don't have to say any more


For more infomation >> Liverpool news: Gary Neville sends Xherdan Shaqiri message to Reds fans - Duration: 2:45.


Pyro Paints - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Pyro Paints - Duration: 3:02.


Goku and Homer Simpson Fusion | SIMPSONS MEET DRAGON BALL | DBZ Tenkaichi 3 (MOD) - Duration: 7:11.

For more infomation >> Goku and Homer Simpson Fusion | SIMPSONS MEET DRAGON BALL | DBZ Tenkaichi 3 (MOD) - Duration: 7:11.


Chicopee residents concerned about speeding in neighborhood - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Chicopee residents concerned about speeding in neighborhood - Duration: 0:45.


Facebook's New 'Watch Party' Let's You Watch Videos With Friends - Duration: 1:33.

Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

Facebook is coming for YouTube and Twitch.

The social media platform has launched a new feature called 'Watch Party' that allows you

and your friends who are in a Facebook group to stream clips together.

According to CNN, anyone in a Facebook group can launch a Watch Party and become a host,

with the ability to designate co-hosts.

Hosts can control the playlist of videos and the playback and anyone in the group can give

suggestions for videos, ask questions, and leave comments or reactions.

Facebooks head of video said,

"When you're watching at the same time, there's a lot more conversation that happens."

The feature has been tested since January and it officially released this week.

Some test groups reportedly consisted of 10-hour parties.

For now this feature is only for Facebook groups but the platform is testing the possibility

of hosting parties with your friends list.

Facebook's principal analyst notes that if this feature doesn't seem like something you

want to do, Facebook isn't going to force feed it to you.

QUOTE CARD--Michael Inouye via CNN If you don't want to do it, you don't have

to engage and it won't change the way you view content.

There are concerns that these watch parties will be used for less than friendly content.

Some Facebook groups are specifically dedicated to revenge porn or other harmful content.

However Facebook is optimistic that their AI can detect violent and harmful content


They of course urge users to report and flag anything harmful as well.

What do you guys think, will you be using 'Watch Party' on Facebook or not?

Let us know in the comment section below and as aways for more stories like this subscribe

to Complex on YouTube.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

For more infomation >> Facebook's New 'Watch Party' Let's You Watch Videos With Friends - Duration: 1:33.


Fortnite - Giving People *FREE* Real estate - Duration: 19:53.

is that a person what wow bro is that wait what is that way bro oh my god, so turns out I need content to run a

youtube channel who would have thought about that

all right so today we're going to be building some free real estate and for

tonight cuz I don't know I've read enough ideas or YouTube but I'm going to

build some houses probably yeah maybe that's kind of close to the line

I'm probably gonna do it like right here maybe just so I don't die front of the

line I land here so I can get some weapon so I can like not die

nice okay that's great I guess I can elute that house too

do I store my thing right there alright so turns out nobody landed with me which

is always great so if I get pushed by like a squad of the the other team red

team that I'm just dead because I'm not that

good to take on a whole squad first game of the day by the way so this is always

a good thing okay is that person what is that

what are you whoa boy chill chill out bro what a what a woman one of what are

you oh oh my god okay I'm done here I'm going away no I'm not he's never here

you didn't see that I was never here Oh

headshot am i right I don't know if that was a head shot but head shot boy let's

go snipe this game is on point today that is a drop that I would gladly take

cuz drop sir Oh P now oh boy let's go see this is

what I mean by OPI just got a legendary scar alright hey buddy chill out bro you

need to chill out where are you coming from

alright well that sucked my building right there build some ramps whoa were

you a let me see where you're at some blind apparently

it's close not close enough though whoo again clothes I'm not good at like

really long a range but I'm I'm getting there you know I'm getting I've only

been playing for like two seasons or something like that you know I'm getting

away from that all right I just want to build some houses all right and then

messing up my plans I should not have taken that first shot and be honest but

it was a pretty spicy shot so myself okay all right you're mean you're mean

you're mean you're mean why do I keep on doing that type of stuff

you better not you better not do what you're about to do bud that is nuking

everyone take a chill pill

alright I'm dead this is great you know this is yeah Leigha ceilings okay that's

a pretty flat area and also I think though most of our like team will be

there well that's great okay there we go something at least hey bud what is he

doing in my swamp you done messed up with the wrong odor you don't want to

seem to ogre when he's angry

oh there's a Battlestar up here white I do not know that

okay I am happy I came up here then jeez I'm gonna drink this big shield only one

care that's a good five shield that I need

a bush I will take that why just drop that I will take the bush just in case

actually I'm just gonna drop the bush because yeah we have people down at our

side okay this is really bad I don't like this i relocator dead very

nice this isn't good this is this no good at

all everybody's dead it's just me and this

one guy that's probably in an 80k right now he is definitely gonna be targeted

for that 80k and I don't want to go any whatever this is boogie I don't like it

that guy just launch pad it out of here hey I need to use a launch pad

give me that launch pad boy I'm just here to build houses don't hurt me I've

I'm not hurt I don't I don't want to hurt anybody

not mean to break the all the way my location is now pretty obvious I'm just

gonna build a house up here and houses do take a lot of mats so oh well

all right so how you build the house is that you got to do this and you want to

get triangles do that and just do that on both sides then you get this this and

that and you got it you got to make sure this is like the most important part you

have to put windows everywhere I'm just trying to show how to do my house all

right don't hurt me in my house I know no no oh it's a black night earlier

hey bud what you are a very good skin oh he's not even on my team all right

well that's great oh that's sad I admired him and everything and he just

read all right well that said back to building houses I'm gonna drop this guy

the face guy and get some loot in chests mines from these trees if it's minecraft


go to houses build a houses that's great yes I wasn't when I build a house all

right why didn't I don't like any of this loot completely honest it's not

that good I don't I don't even use rocket launchers so yeah

c4 nerfed they're not that good anymore

do I want to take the rift do I wanna say astral tape take it cuz I can so I

can play down though they should make it where like when you're dropping

instead of dropping a really high up okay I don't want to be here it's like

billion people we like theres a spooky I'm out see you later I'm out of here

boys see ya oh yeah I'm not even on the right

side and that's probably a problem Oh a TJ hey TJ that's what we're gonna

call it now the ATK is right there and I'm spooked not the eighty gay Oh No

I'm probably just gonna get loot from down here and dusty the dusty jungle I

could fill the houses right here think about it and I'd be saved well I kind of

want people to look at the houses you know launchpad I want to use that gimme

gimme I want to use that for a challenge case I'm lazy great now they're back boy

you better not I want to use the launch pad you know I do

you know I please I just want to use this okay can you not freeze up you know

whoa okay bud chill chill bro you don't even have any way all right nice great

it's how you know those games are really good all right time to build my houses

as the title says or maybe it doesn't because I failed so many times trying to

build a house

all right thanks for talking everybody

okay give me up there bud one oh you put a campfire down wow I just want to build

houses so can you stop let me build houses let me build houses okay I

revived you and you don't even you don't even help I watch you get the spitless

knob is

oh now they're not ah I just want Towe will go on a winning

50 versus 50 and build houses all right I want to give people some free real

estate right and nobody is letting me do it I'm just gonna be a parent

let's start oh now I know what we died it's because they had lutely can tilt it

well not really much do lake but tilt it on their side the whole time you have to

go tilted to get the tub I'm gonna I know Lenny was kind of dumb now I'm

probably going to build the houses his I don't know I've built the houses at so

many places are just too too out there you know there's like no Luke cuz

everybody's hogging all of it which makes sense I forgot we're playing 50

versus 50 this is my chest back off you got all the loot you saw alright so now

we're going to go get max and build my luxurious houses

and yeah I need I need content all right so you can't judge me

it's working out for like been awesome crap so it's got to work out for me

right okay now what if aliased came out of the meteor were like zombies time

blade load whoa what hmm and he don't have to pay $40

Jimmy dis white day actually I'm just gonna gonna do everything right here

ooh RPG you it's pretty spicy

all right I'm gonna build houses right here I've decided to build you better

not never skinned boy good all right so this is how you build the house so you

have one door Oh with the window one window oh wait no no no don't have one

window here you have to have two windows all right nice spicy then another two

one there's one window and then ya like that and then you have here I'll just do

this you have that like that like that and then you switch it around and wait

no like that I did it wrong I'm just gonna create whatever just put

that there put that there boom all right tada now you've got your really good

house and you can just like do that hold on yeah there boom now you've got your

beautiful house and your somewhat basement under a year

tada nice very good somebody just is gonna come into zone and just yet now

I'm gonna get some mats fly back over to this house the launch side and then and

then yeah so it takes like 200 mats to get like one house done

go down like two more houses I see all

so again you want this you don't necessarily have to place down the floor

just like the walls for the floor but I do it anyway cuz yeah yeah we're

accomplishing this some good older free real estate yeah that's what I'm talking

about Oh ease oh right that's that's pretty

good that's pretty good houses right there if you ask me let me close this

door there we go this is the one I want to build up like right in the middle of

the battlefield Bo so everybody can just look on my beautiful houses stop lagging

picture game

I'm doing a house

if somebody seriously just build a stair

all right but you need to not build stop breaking hey get off of my house

boom beautiful house in side the circle just barely inside the circle and it's

just amazing amazing house for me boy I'll build another one right over here

and used all of my maths to do it there's only one guy left

I have to finish this house

stop it

boom technically finished I guess sure I'll count it boom before a whole houses

in fifty versus 50 and free real estate for everybody all right

down here I've tried like four times to do that and I finally did it

I don't even care if nobody looked at it it's just fine whatever okay bye

For more infomation >> Fortnite - Giving People *FREE* Real estate - Duration: 19:53.


Great Pamor White Kitchen toy | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 12:39.

Great Pamor White Kitchen toy | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> Great Pamor White Kitchen toy | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 12:39.


How to Save Money When Buying Vegan Organic Food? - Duration: 10:12.

Welcome Back Friends!

Thank you all so much for joining me, my name is Faith Becker.

And I'm so excited to be here with all of you today!

I take it to the grocery store where I ask people just like you how they're doing to save money when it comes to buying

vegan organic food!

"I guess probably by what's on sale or something I know I'll eat

and get enough (like right now I will get fruit for lunch) and buy different things to eat during the week."

" So do you usually buy in season or you don't really *care?

"I buy whatever I have a taste for.

Because even if it is in season and I don't feel like eating it; it's just going to go bad in my refrigerator."

"Always look for the low price tag! ... Avocados are low prices and drink plenty of water."

"Probably knowing what needs to be organic and what doesn't need to be organic

I think will save you a lot of money."

"Yeah, that's an excellent answer."

"What about you Taylor; do you have any advice?"

"We usually do a list before we come

and we always eat before we come. So you don't just buy whatever when you're hungry."

"Okay, YES, awesome!"

"Dieting for me it is always keeping something healthy on hand and quick and easy because I know for me if I'm hungry

and I don't have anything around. I want to you know, eat something kinda bad or even crappy or unhealthy.

so just kind of meal prepping a little bit. And always have quick and easy snacks whether it's you know fruit or nuts..."

You know something kind of prepped in a container ready to throw in the microwave heat up so that way if I have an urge to eat something really quick

I can just kind of eat that versus you know like something sweet or unhealthy."

"It seems like eating healthy and saving money is hard for a lot of people to do at the same time."

"buy in bulk, and do a basic like rice (is always good.)

Because it never goes bad; you cook it as you needed it; and it's a basic staple."

"That's awesome, thank you so much!"

"Oh no problem"

"pleasure to meet you!"

Welcome back friends!

I hope you enjoyed that wonderful clip. I had a lot of fun making it. I made it a few weeks ago

(I think it was two or *three by now)

*On the side note. I do apologize for this really great delay; I don't plan on doing that ever again!

I just had a lot of

personal issues that kind of occured

and I needed to give my full attention to that. And also I just wanted to make sure that I produce

quality videos and I just never felt like there was a clip that was quite right

So I am re filming this and just hopefully it will turn out as I planned because you know

we are people of excellence and I want to produce quality content

But without further ado, let's just get right into this video.

I'm excited to recap and I wrote some notes down, and let's see

The first one is:

"buy things on sale" that is so important and so true

But I personally use sales as a grate bonus and as a blessing not a necessity

Which gives me permission to continue to invest in quality foods!

So I don't purposefully look for sales, but it's always such a great blessing when it is because for me

I think I just realized that importance just eating healthy no matter what.

But that is just my person journey

Next is...

"Buy things you have a taste for!" I also really like this one because so many times

I've also been guilty of this but we find something because we think "it's healthy"

but we never eat it and it just ends up going to waste so really do be mindful; when you do go grocery shopping

Whether or not you have a taste for it, and also on the side note when you do go to the grocery store

obviously we're gonna elaborate a little bit more on this

But make a list before you go to the grocery store, but sometimes you might just be craving something

and really do listen to your body because it might be something that you're actually really needing and there's nutrients and vitamins

So yeah, that's just another great tip

See I like this one too, I like all of them they're so good

And so I just wanted to take a few more minutes to elaborate

To give you guys just that much more

amazing content

"So know what needs to be organic and what doesn't"

so with this

It's a 50/50 *obviously, I don't know your personal journey and how much health is important to you. I

think at first absolute!*...

Well, it's not what I think, but it's just that I

hope this helps you from my perspective

I do agree with this

especially when you are first starting out. Do this, buy more produce in general and

then over time I would highly recommend that you do

transition to a more organic diet just because

it's better soil, so the produce is going to absorb more nutrients and vitamins which ultimately will result in better health

in you.

Leaving you out of the hospital and saving you thousands of dollars

from hospital bills

And I also love the idea of supporting local farmers, so...and the food tastes better!

But when you do start out just so you don't get overwhelmed

I would invest in just buying produce in general and then transition. :)

Next, we have make a list before you go to the grocery store. So this one is so important. I know so many people

Who is so

scattered when they go grocery shopping and I've been guilty of this too

Where you just go to the store and you're so hungry and you just buy everything.

And then you go to the cashier and you have to put a ton of it back because you didn't realize that you were

going way over your budget or if you just don't care you end up spending that money and then you're kind of regretting it because

You know for all the other reasons so really do be intentional

Take that time make a list before you go to the grocery store. It's just gonna take you

no more than an hour!

But I think over time you're just gonna get faster and faster and realize it's an investment

So even though you're putting an hour into the work, it's gonna save you a week's time

So to kind of give you a more like overall

(greater content)* I would even go as far as to say

plan your meals

you know breakfast, lunch, and dinner and then if you want to

have snacks.

*Be sure to plan that in your budget and then if you know you are going to go out to eat

Weigh it out and see

what food needs to

be bought that week or what can wait till next week...and so forth...

Okay next we have

I like what Stephen said he was the guy that I believe wore the Spider Man or the Superman shirtt, and he just mentioned

that he usually eats before he goes to the grocery store; so that way he's not eating something bad

but instead he takes a few more minutes to invest and preparing his food and I personally don't recommend using


But you know what? I am not going to be legalistic,

whatever works for you and

It's all a journey not a *quick destination

and what I have found really works for me is just

to know that this is a lifestyle not necessarily a

quick thing

So yeah

I hope all of these

incredible tips helped you

....and I will see you guys next week where I talk about on the 'Myths on Veganism!'

So stay tuned!

Please do like, comment, and subscribe, for more great content! =}


For more infomation >> How to Save Money When Buying Vegan Organic Food? - Duration: 10:12.



hey you guys welcome back so somebody recently asked me what's the easiest way

to watch YouTube but without the adverts so in this video today I'll be showing

you exactly how you can do that now this process will work perfectly fine on your

fire stick or fire TV or really any Android device where you want to enjoy

the full version of YouTube - the adverts so as per normal and we do a

quick overview of this apk then I give you the exact steps you need to follow

to install it so with all of that being said let's get started

I'm doing my demonstration on the second generation for a stick with Alexa but as

previously mentioned this process worked perfectly fine on Android TV boxes

Android phones Android tablets it's all good now let me just tell you right off

the bat guys this is using a modified version of YouTube not YouTube TV so

that means doing this on a fire stick or fire TV it is gonna require a mouse

toggle so it can be a little bit fiddly and I deal with recommend that if you

are using love apks that require the master go it's worth investing ten or so

dollars and buying yourself an air Mouse so when you start ap Caid this is what

you'll see so because he has a standard YouTube layout let me now just bring up

my virtual mouse by double pressing the play button okay there's a virtual mouse

there so as we know guys if you do want to scroll down with the virtual mouse

you have to press the forward key on your remote so let me just do that now

and we can you see that it simulates me going down and if you want to scroll

back up you press the options key which is one with the three lines let me press

that now and we can see that now Scrolls back up so it's a for example to watch

something just to confirm that we're not gonna see any adverts let's click on

this thing here and we clear starts playing straight away and of course now

adverts blesses back out of this now this wonderfully thinks guys so when you

do back out our video we can see just like the official YouTube application it

stays minimized on the bottom right and it stays open so the way we close that

we can go over to the video we can press the select button and don't let go and

then just swipe to the left so it is a little bit fiddly guys and I do highly

recommend once again do buy yourself an air mouse if you are

going to be using this application or just generally any apk that does require

an air mouse if you're just gonna top right and click on the small logo here

then go over to settings now the good thing is once you do actually get into

settings you can actually use your remote without using the mouse toggle so

let's go into settings now we can now disable the virtual mask by pressing the

play button once now we can used up and down on the remote and we can now just

select these settings as normal so lots of tweaks and lots of things you can do

in here guys that for example we can go into the Vaughn setting which is the mod

settings and we can say in the video settings for

example I want to see my videos ideally in 1080p because if you only have a

1080p TV there's no point you clicking on you know 2k links or you know 1440p

link so depending on what you have you can basically do these settings and

match the kind of hardware or the TV that you have get us back up this you

can also change the layout so for example if you're not interested in

seeing the suggested videos you can turn this off if you don't want to see the

cost button because you're not going to be costing so this apk does support

costing so you can cost from it on to your TV or other places if you want to

cost to a different device but again if you're not gonna be using that we can

turn that off you have some options regarding the theme so if you prefer the

dark theme we can click on this and click on this and we can see now we have

a darker theme because I know some people who actually prefer the darker

theme within YouTube that compared to the normal theme let's leave that as is

let's back out of this so you can see guys there's so many options we can

change in here and tweak this application and make it work exactly how

we want to like for example background plays so one of the key things this

application does support is background play so in the normal YouTube

application if you are watching a video or just listening to the audio as soon

as you minimize the application that video will stop that audio will stop but

in here because this supposed background play that thing will actually carry on

in the background so so if you are listening to music for example through

YouTube that audio track will carry on playing and allow you to do other things

at the same time so we can go into that so - ed - always-on but for example if

you want to turn it off you can do that or you can say if I have my headphones

plugged in and then enable background play otherwise keep it off but phenoms

gonna leave mine off okay let's back out this lets us try one more video just to

show you that everything is working properly and you're not gonna see any

adverts let's just try this this one here let's click on that now we can see

let's start it straight away and of course no adverts okay let's back off

that okay so let me show you how you can now install this on all your devices and

also install the fix so you can log into the APK because by default although you

can use the APK you can't login to YouTube I'll show you the fix for that

as well okay so to install this APK on your foia stick or Android device make

sure you're going to and enable these two options okay so

let's now use an application like downloader to download the YouTube API

directly onto our device let's open that up now just as a quick tip hey guys in

my previous previous video when I mentioned about the custom launcher for

fire sticks and I uploaded the three Falls to media fire page some people

were saying they were not able to see those files and the reason for that is

if you have javascript disabled on download or it doesn't actually show you

those fall so before we continue if you Skov it to the settings and just make

sure you have got this option selected here which says enable JavaScript let's

click on that now and click on yes this means now if you do access media file

pages you will be able to see the files to download let's go back to home and

you address we want to connect to is HTTP colon forward slash forward slash

bit dal y /y t ad free and the numbers 2019 let's type that in and click on go

okay we can see we then presented with two apk so as previously mentioned if

all you're interested in is just to add free apk for YouTube you can install

this thing here and that's all you need but if you also want to log in to the

application because you want to check your subscriptions or do the other stuff

that you can do only with a login you also need this fix here which is the

second route which is actually quite small but let's install the main file

here first let's click on that and then click on the green download button and

just while waiting guys if you are enjoying this content then please do

take a minute to like share and subscribe because that really does help

me out thanks I can you see this screen has passed

down a few times and then press write to install I can only see this messages

click on done in fact now let me click on open to show you how things work

before we install the login fix so this should now launch the application let's

click on close now for double press the play button let me just see if I can now


let's click on sign-in ash I think ash him tells you know that you didn't

install the I just click on Add Account

yes he said it just just as a reminder so if you do want to login and you do

need to install that additional apk so let's click on close now let's go back

to download or we can delete the previous apk because we've now installed

it and let's go back one and now let's install the login fix let's click on

that now it's actually a very small file and click on download press down a few

times and then press write to install ok that's now we're gonna click on done now

let's get back let's delete the apk delete again okay so now let's press the

HOME key on the remote now let's hold on the home key just to go to the apps

library click on apps let's go to the bottom of this list by pressing left

here we can see the YouTube fonts the model application let's press options

key on that and select move to front let's open our up okay let's try logging

in now bring up the virtual Mouse go to the top right click on this thing here

click on sign in click on Add Account is that gonna work yes it is and here we

can just see we could now log in to YouTube then access all of the stuff

that you normally do once you're logged in and that's all for this video guys

many thanks for watching so many of you are asking for add for YouTube so I do

hope you like this one let me know and I'll hopefully catch up with you guys

real soon thanks thanks again for watching guys oh and if you're

interested in a VPN if you click on that link on the bottom left you'll get a

great 46 percent discount if you are worried about your privacy and you want

to stay safe online I do recommend you check our VPN thanks again guys see you

on the next one

For more infomation >> 🔴AMAZING YOUTUBE IS NOW 100% AD-FREE FIRESTICK / FIRE TV / ANDROID APK 2018 - Duration: 9:10.


Help Save a Seat for Someone's Life-Change in Parkland, FL! | Coastal Community Church - Duration: 2:22.

Hey guys, coming up on August 26 we have our next Immeasurably More Miracle Offering.

In this offering we are trying to raise $250,000

that's going to go towards finishing up our building, so that we can

have a move-in day! Hey, up to this point you guys have given over $800,000

and your generosity absolutely blows me away! So here's what

we're asking you to do. We're just asking you to pray. Just ask God how He would

want you to be a part of making this Immeasurably More project happen so that

we can move in. I just want to say thank you guys so much for just praying and

asking God how you can be a part. I'm excited to see what happens!

15 years ago there was a local religious organization, called the Episcopal

Diocese, that actually purchased the land that our building is on. They never sold

it, they never developed it, it's almost like God was using them as a placeholder

before Coastal even existed. I mean, Coastal launched 9 years ago, and it's

almost like God saw this little church that was just starting out, and He said,

that's the church that's going to make a difference in this community!

Thank God for the placeholder, because God saw the lives that we're

gonna change here, and we were gonna make a difference in this community.

Here's what I know, there's gonna be people that step through the doors of

this church that may be here a month from now, they may be here a year from

now, and what we do right now is reserving them a seat in this space

where their life is going to change. I know that as we give, and as we invest

in what God is doing in our church it's like we are saving a seat for their life

change, it's like we're saving a seat for their eternity - because God wants to use

us to make a difference - to be a place holder, to reserve a place for the life

change that He already knows is going to happen in lives that are going to

continuously walk through the doors of this church. So I am so excited, and I

hope that you guys will be invested in creating and saving a seat for

somebody's life change!

For more infomation >> Help Save a Seat for Someone's Life-Change in Parkland, FL! | Coastal Community Church - Duration: 2:22.


Tiny Cabin in the Mountains of Crestline, California For Sale | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Tiny Cabin in the Mountains of Crestline, California For Sale | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:40.


FUTURAMA | Season 8, Episode 13: Physics Matters | SYFY - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> FUTURAMA | Season 8, Episode 13: Physics Matters | SYFY - Duration: 2:37.


#26 Are you blister prone or blister resistant? - Duration: 1:17.

- Hey, it's Rebecca here

with this week's 60 Second Blister Tip.

And today, it's about being blister prone.

Now, there is such a thing as being blister prone,

and there's such a thing as being blister resistant.

It lays on a continuum, and it's just like anything else.

We're all a little bit different.

Now, here's three pieces of evidence

that show just how different people can be

in their blister resistant.

One research project showed that some people blistered

after 27 rubs and others up to about 138 rubs.

That's a big difference.

Another piece of research showed that some people blistered

after four minutes and others not until 32 minutes,

and the last bit of research I've got here shows

that some people blistered after three minutes,

and others still hadn't blistered after 15 minutes

of some sort of blister inducing mechanism.

So that just goes to show you we're all different,

and that's just the way it is.

For more infomation >> #26 Are you blister prone or blister resistant? - Duration: 1:17.


Harry Realized his True Worth and Wants to Help You Recognize Yours - Duration: 3:00.

Good morning! Harry Stanley

from The Journey Training Class 17.

I wanted to spend just a few minutes with you this morning to talk about some things that

many of us struggle with from time to time and

specifically I want to talk about negative feelings or false assumptions about ourselves.


there could be many reasons why we have felt that way. For me,

I was raised in a different social, economic status

than a lot of the people that I went to high school with and

because of that there were a lot of things I couldn't participate in because we just couldn't afford those things.

But I put up on myself the

negative feelings or false assumptions that because I couldn't do those things, I just wasn't important, I wasn't good enough,

my thoughts, my ideas didn't count and as I continue to grow in life

I allowed those negative thoughts and those false assumptions to also become my crutch,

to keep me from trying to better myself no matter what it was that I may have faced.

About three years ago, I was introduced to The Journey Training and

like some of you perhaps, I was reluctant to go at first.

But once I got into the class, I began to realize

almost immediately that it really was the best things I had ever done for myself.

I began to see that there is value in me no matter what others may think or no matter what

background I have. I was valuable. I was worthy. I was important. I did count.

And I never would have figured that out on my own had it not been for The Journey Training.

One of the things that I learned about, that whole idea of value, was that I had to value myself.

If I didn't value myself, then why should others see value in me, so I was able to take that and

see my self-worth, my self value and it literally turned my life around.

I became a total different person. I began to see things differently.

My perspective was changed and maybe that's what you need in your life right now. It's just a change of perspective.

I want to encourage you to go to The Journey Training Facebook page or perhaps go to See other testimonials that are listed there as well,

other situations that other

people battle with in their life and you might be able to relate to some of those. You deserve

to have a change in your life.

I would encourage you to go and check it out now. Harry Stanley signing off here from South Padre Island, Texas.

Hope to see you in a training class soon.

For more infomation >> Harry Realized his True Worth and Wants to Help You Recognize Yours - Duration: 3:00.


New Bangla Waz | Sheikh Abdur Razzak Bin Yousuf | 2018 [waz] - Duration: 1:20:35.

AK Computer Network

For more infomation >> New Bangla Waz | Sheikh Abdur Razzak Bin Yousuf | 2018 [waz] - Duration: 1:20:35.


Arsenal transfer news LIVE: Worrying Emery claim, Dembele hope, Nzonzi failure explained - Duration: 4:00.

 Arsenal transfer news LIVE  Sunday July 29Emery prediction Unai Emery's new signings will not guide them to a top four finish this season

 That is the verdict of legendary Liverpool defender and ESPN FC pundit Steve Nicol

 New Arsenal head coach Emery has brought in five new players so far in his first transfer window in charge

 But Nicol does not think that is enough to break into the Champions League qualification places, which have eluded the Gunners for the last two seasons

 "Success would be getting in the top four, no question," Nicol said. "If they get in the top four, they should get a trophy

 "The squad they have right now, even with the signings they've made, in my opinion isn't close to any of the teams that I expect to be in the top four

"Cech could quit Arsenal star Petr Cech will leave the Gunners this summer because he would not want to be a back-up goalkeeper, claims former Fulham striker Brian McBride

 The arrival of Bernd Leno has cast Cech's future in doubt and McBride believes the 36-year-old still has plenty of years left at the top

 "Petr Cech, I still think he's a goalkeeper that has a lot of years left in him in the sense of being a starter

But he's not going to stick around being a back-up," the American told ESPN FC. "So I'm going to say he's going to move

So yes, he's going to be somewhere as first choice." Ospina on his way Arsenal have reportedly agreed a fee with Besiktas for the sale of David Ospina

 That's according to Turkish-Football, who claim the deal is worth £2million. Ospina is surplus to requirements at the Emirates after Unai Emery brought in Bernd Leno from Bayer Leverkusen

 And it is reported Besiktas have reached a deal in principle to sign the Colombia international

Dembele boost? Ernest Valverde may be putting in plans to have Ousmane Dembele at Barcelona next season, but the player is seeking showdown talks after the signing of Malcom

 That's according to Spanish outlet Sport, who claim Dembele is frustrated by the signing of the Brazilian

 Arsenal have recently been linked with a move for Dembele, with the possibility of a loan move

 It is said Barcelona have privately assured the France international of his importance to the squad

Nzonzi reason revealed Arsenal are set to miss out on Steven Nzonzi this summer. The France defensive midfielder, 29, has a £35million release clause in his Sevilla contract

 According to Kaveh Solhekol, that figure is 'too much' for Arsenal to pay. "Steven Nzonzi is likely to leave Sevilla this summer," he told Sky Sports

 "He has a £35million release clause which is too much for Arsenal at the moment."

For more infomation >> Arsenal transfer news LIVE: Worrying Emery claim, Dembele hope, Nzonzi failure explained - Duration: 4:00.


Separation versus Oneness - what do you think? [Turn ON subtitles!] - Duration: 6:13.

For more infomation >> Separation versus Oneness - what do you think? [Turn ON subtitles!] - Duration: 6:13.


Keeps Gettin' Better - Christina Aguilera | Karaoke Version - Duration: 3:21.




For more infomation >> Keeps Gettin' Better - Christina Aguilera | Karaoke Version - Duration: 3:21.


Love Island couple brutally dumped day before the final revealed - Daily News - Duration: 5:12.

</form> Dr Alex George and Alexandra Cane were brutally dumped from the Island this evening - just one day before the final

 On Friday, each of the Islanders had to vote off one other couple.  This meant that Laura Anderson and Paul Knops, Josh Denzel and Kazimir Crossley, and Alex and Alexandra were at risk of being dumped from the Island

 But Alex and Alexandra received the fewest votes from the public and were booted out of the villa

 On leaving the villa, the doctor insisted that it was the right time to go, considering they were the only pair not romantically coupled

 He said: "I feel like it's been an incredible journey, I have had so many highs and some lows as well

I think at this point and where I've got to and how the journey has been, it's the right time

 "Alexandra and I didn't work out romantically but at the same time we've had a chance to become friends and get over what happened

I think it was the right time because I leave on a happy note, and leave feeling good

I don't feel in any way frustrated that I should have been here longer and I think the right people have got into the final

"  Meanwhile Alexandra said that she was "excited" to be out.  She added: "I'm happy and think I've done myself proud

I wish the others all the best, they are really deserving to be there."  Despite Alex brutally dumping Alexandra last week, the pair insist that there are no hard feelings between them

 "We are really good friends. We do get along so well," she said. "We have such a laugh together

We has me on the floor rolling about in fits of laughter.  "I can only see it moving forward positively, maybe not romantically, but as friends

I would love to stay in touch with him, he's a funny guy. And his mum still wants him to go to Wales – that's a positive

"  So is Alex disappointed he didn't find love in the villa? Read More Love Island latest  "There is no doubt I'm disappointed in not finding someone," Alex said

"But I was honest throughout my journey about my feelings. I never played any games

When I felt things weren't right with Alexandra and I, I spoke out about them because that was the right thing to do

 "I would never want to be dishonest or lead anyone on. I am glad and proud of myself that I didn't do that, even if we had to have a very difficult discussion

 "It was a really difficult thing to do, saying to Alexandra I didn't feel that things were right for us

That was tough. But on the whole the friendships I've gained and the experiences I've had have outweighed the negative side

" Don't miss Love Island news  Want to make sure you get the latest updates from the villa? Or just can't wait 23 hours to find out what happens next?  Sign up using this form to receive daily updates directly to your phone - and we'll send the big breaking news to you as well

 When asked what surprised Alexandra the most about being on the show, she said that it was much more "intense" than she thought it would be

 She added: "You really don't realise how fast everything moves. You do have to talk about your feelings, which on the outside, I don't do a lot of

 "You learn a lot about yourself in there. I have realised I am really strong and understanding of situations, and more sensitive than I thought I might be

Plus I'm a sucker for romance!"   *Love Island final airs tomorrow at 9pm on ITV2

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