Sunday, July 29, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jul 30 2018

Every time I travel to L.A., my schedule is jam packed.

Live from the red carpet...

I'm really excited for the Oscars.

This is great. I love this, Kristin.

Sometimes we forget that she's Kristin Cavallari.

For more infomation >> "Very Cavallari" Goes to The Oscars This Sunday | E! - Duration: 0:16.


MOSCOU, RÚSSIA: Copa 2018, torcida e passeio pela cidade (vlog) - Duration: 8:42.

For more infomation >> MOSCOU, RÚSSIA: Copa 2018, torcida e passeio pela cidade (vlog) - Duration: 8:42.


Cetoconazol – O que é, posologia e preço - Duration: 10:12.

For more infomation >> Cetoconazol – O que é, posologia e preço - Duration: 10:12.


Hidroclorotiazida – Para que serve, como tomar e como funciona - Duration: 12:59.

For more infomation >> Hidroclorotiazida – Para que serve, como tomar e como funciona - Duration: 12:59.


✅ Tatá Werneck cai no Arquivo Confidencial e Rafael Vitti faz revelação sobre namoro - Duration: 3:21.

 A atriz Tatá Werneck foi uma das convidadas deste domingo (29) do programa Domingão do Faustão

Na atração, ela foi surpreendida ao cair no famoso Arquivo Confidencial. Entre as pessoas que deixaram recados para a humorista, estava o seu namorado, Rafael Vitti

Ele fez uma revelação sobre o início do namoro com a moça.  "A gente foi a um restaurante japonês

Fui te deixar em casa, malandramente pedi para fazer xixi, você já entrou no seu estudiozinho e começou a tocar bateria

Pensei: 'Meu Deus do céu, que mulher é essa? Preciso tomar uma atitude, mostrar o que quero'

Tasquei um beijão. No começo, ela achou estranho, mas não deixei ela pensar muito, não", revelou o ator

 A atriz contou que não aceitou gostar do ator de imediato. "Demorei muito para admitir que estava apaixonada por ele

Vi que eu mesma tinha preconceito de namorar um cara mais novo. Terminava com ele sempre até descobrir um amor que já existia

Eu te amo, você é minha luzinha que faz brilhar tudo em volta", disse.    Namorando Rafael Vitti, Tatá Werneck contou à revista Cosmopolitan no final do ano passado que planejava engravidar de seu primeiro filho após o fim de Deus Salve o Rei, em que interpreta a personagem Lucrécia, ainda em 2018

 No entanto, em uma entrevista dada para a Revista TiTiTi, a humorista parece que mudou de ideia

Quando questionada sobre a questão dos rumos que sua vida está seguindo, foi afirmado pelo repórter as conquistas que ela vem tendo e se falta algo para se sentir completamente realizada

 Por fim, ficou uma pergunta no ar, se ela deseja ser mãe. "Ah, estou tão feliz, não me falta nada! Quero ser mãe, sim, mas vou esperar mais uns três anos", revelou a apresentadora

 Já sobre o prêmio do Troféu APCA de Melhor Apresentadora, Werneck comentou um pouco de como reagiu ao momento, um tanto quanto inesperado para ela

"Era algo que eu não imaginava, pois temos Fátima Bernardes, Fernanda Lima, Fábio Porchat, Pedro Bial, cada um nos seus lugares, fazendo aquilo de forma brilhante

Nunca pensei em estar ali como apresentadora. Estou ali como comediante", disse a global

For more infomation >> ✅ Tatá Werneck cai no Arquivo Confidencial e Rafael Vitti faz revelação sobre namoro - Duration: 3:21.


Valle di Fiordimonte: un successo la prima edizione di Montefeltro Camp - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> Valle di Fiordimonte: un successo la prima edizione di Montefeltro Camp - Duration: 5:38.


Desalex – Para que serve, efeitos colaterais e contra indicação - Duration: 12:20.

For more infomation >> Desalex – Para que serve, efeitos colaterais e contra indicação - Duration: 12:20.


Chulapa defende Gabigol, diz que derrota do Santos foi injusta e ignora vaias: "Nunca fui burro" - Duration: 6:29.

Veja o que falou o técnico interino Serginho Chulapa depois da derrota do Santos O técnico interino do Santos, Serginho Chulapa, sentiu na pele o que é comandar um time próximo da zona de rebaixamento

O ex-atacante fez substituições que não agradaram à torcida e ouviu vaias e gritos de "burro" na derrota por 1 a 0 para o América-MG, neste domingo, na Vila Belmiro

A alteração mais criticada foi a de Diego Pituca, que deixou o gramado para a entrada de Jean Mota

Na saída do gramado, o volante afirmou que não havia sentido nada. O interino ignorou as críticas da torcida e explicou: – Eu não ligo (para as vaias), nunca fui burro

Pituca estava um pouco esgotadoe Jean Mota entrou bem. Não ligo, isso faz parte do folclore do futebol

Não se pode satisfazer a todos. Fiz a substituição com a maior certeza – disse Chulapa, em entrevista coletiva após a partida

Serginho Chulapa disse que derrota do Santos foi injusta (Foto: Gabriel dos Santos) Chulapa afirmou que a derrota do Santos foi injusta e comentou que o pênalti marcado para o América-MG foi "duvidoso"

Se o Bahia vencer o Atlético-MG nesta segunda-feira, o Peixe terminará a rodada na zona de rebaixamento

+ CLIQUE AQUI e veja a tabela do Brasileirão – Foi um jogo em que tivemos sete finalizações (certas), América-MG veio por uma bola, pênalti duvidoso

Não faltou empenho e dedicação dos jogadores. Chances umas cinco ou seis para empatar e não tivemos competência

Foi um resultado injusto, mas o que vale é bola na rede e não adianta lamentar – opinou o comandante

+ CLIQUE AQUI e leia mais notícias do Santos Melhores momentos: Santos 0 x 1 América-MG pela 16ª rodada do Brasileirão Outro muito vaiado na Vila Belmiro foi o atacante Gabigol, que desperdiçou inúmeras chances claras de gol

Além de vaiar, a torcida chegou a vibrar com a saída do atacante. Chulapa saiu em defesa do atleta e reforçou que o Santos precisa de um camisa 9

– Gabriel é o seguinte: não é centroavante. Quando ele jogava com o Ricardo Oliveira, toda hora estava na cara do gol

Ele tem que vir de trás e pelas pontas. E tinha um centroavante de referência. Quando tiver, tendência é que ele melhore

– Falta um 9, sem a menor dúvida. Para disputar Copa do Brasil e Libertadores, tem que ter 9 e reforços

É isso que a gente aguarda nos próximos capítulos – emendou o técnico interino. Torcida do Santos vibra com saída de Gabriel que jogou muito mal aos 28 do 2º tempo Em cinco jogos na Vila Belmiro, onde o Santos sempre costumou ter bons resultados, foram duas vitórias, um empate e duas derrotas

Chulapa comentou o mau desempenho do Peixe no estádio em 2018. – Eu me pergunto também

Santos, mesmo na pior situação, sempre era difícil perder aqui. Joguei oito anos e se perdi três vezes foi muito

Temos que voltar a aproveitar a Vila Belmiro, o próprio Adilson (Batista, técnico do América-MG) falou para mim que vieram jogar por uma bola

Mas fiquei satisfeito pelo empenho. Vila tem que voltar a ser nosso alçapão e começar a ganhar

Os caras têm que vir com receio e temos que ganhar para as coisas caminharem normalmente – concluiu Chulapa

O elenco santista se reapresenta nesta segunda-feira, no CT Rei Pelé. O próximo jogo do Peixe é na quarta-feira, contra o Cruzeiro, na Vila Belmiro, pelas quartas de final da Copa do Brasil

For more infomation >> Chulapa defende Gabigol, diz que derrota do Santos foi injusta e ignora vaias: "Nunca fui burro" - Duration: 6:29.


Diclofenaco Sódico – Para que serve, contra indicações e quando usar - Duration: 14:31.

For more infomation >> Diclofenaco Sódico – Para que serve, contra indicações e quando usar - Duration: 14:31.


Organizadores de evento precisaram separar Valesca Popozuda e Tati Quebra Barraco ......... - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Organizadores de evento precisaram separar Valesca Popozuda e Tati Quebra Barraco ......... - Duration: 1:35.


Temptation Island 2018, Giada Giovanelli potrebbe aver fatto ricorso a ritocchi estetici - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Temptation Island 2018, Giada Giovanelli potrebbe aver fatto ricorso a ritocchi estetici - Duration: 4:22.


Punishment, What Would Jeff Do? Dog Training Tip of the Day #157 - Duration: 2:41.

- Hey everybody, how are you?

It's Jeff Gellman with Solid K9 Training with my

What Would Jeff Do?

Dog Training Tip of the Day, Tip #157.

Look who's in the house.


- Hi!

- That's Joelle, she's gonna do a Facebook Live

right after this.

We just finished an almost two hour Q & A.

She filled in for Linda.

Linda's not feeling well at all today.

And it's not 'cause she's hungover

from the Taylor Swift concert.

But anyway, why do I talk about punishment so much?

Like, Jeff, you talk about punishment all the time.

Well number one, I'm doing it because, I mean,

we have tons of videos on how to reward your dog,

and there's so many videos out there

about how to reward your dog,

and how to get your dog, you know, to do something.

But the only way to stop your dog

from an unwanted behavior, is punishment.

And I'm trying to also make sure people understand,

how to properly punish a dog.

There's actually a proper way.

You know, you're not yelling, you're not screaming,

you're not mad, you're not angry.

But there's actually a proper way

to methodically do it in a way

so the dog understands what it did was wrong,

and it won't repeat it.

And that's the only way

to actually stop an unwanted behavior.

It's also the only way to proof your obedience

around high levels of distraction.

So, it's very important for people

either to go to the next level

or to stop things that usually

you end up surrendering your dog for.

Not too many people are surrendering their dog

because, yeah, you know what,

dog just didn't hold a down stay for longer than 10 minutes.

And, yeah, you know you, just, no.

It's always because my dog

was doing something I couldn't stop.

That's usually what the problem is.

So, I talk about punishment all the time,

but that's not all we do.

10% of our world revolves around punishment,

but a lot of my videos talk about it

because nobody else seems to be.

And, that's not, you know.

So I think it's important though that owners understand,

it's actually a critical part

of the dog training spectrum, you know?

So most people ask me questions on,

"Jeff, how do I stop, fill in the blank?"

The answer is, well, I don't believe

in training an alternative behavior,

'cause great, like, how do I speak better English?

Oh! Learn French!


Doesn't work that way.

So, that's why I do it, because you need it.

Everybody needs it, and nobody's talking about it.

So I'll talk about it.

Jeff Gellman, Solid K9 Training.

I am madly in love with you.

If you didn't see my YouTube Live tonight,

almost two hours of Q & A, jump on over to that.

It's number 439, I think.

Been doing it for a long time.

Q & A shows for over 10 years.

What Would Jeff Do?


Madly in love with you, and I'll talk to you soon.


For more infomation >> Punishment, What Would Jeff Do? Dog Training Tip of the Day #157 - Duration: 2:41.


心理測試:第一眼你聯想到什麼?測出你的性格是哪一種類型! - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> 心理測試:第一眼你聯想到什麼?測出你的性格是哪一種類型! - Duration: 4:44.


Senza reggiseno in piscina: la foto bomba, la riconoscete? - Duration: 2:08.

 ROMA – Cecilia Rodriguez torna a stregare i fan. La sorellina di ha infatti postato su Instagram una foto in piscina, senza reggiseno e solo con la parte sotto del bikini

 [blitz clicca qui – Oggi, App on Google Play] Ed è subito boom di like

 Nello scatto, Cecilia Rodriguez è sdraiata di spalle su un gonfiabile a forma di conchiglia

 Il lato B è decisamente perfetto e i commenti non si fanno attendere

"Non ho parole per tanta bellezza…". E ancora: "Ceci sei perfetta!"

 Di recente Cecilia alla rivista "Sono" ha confessato. "I continui attacchi contro mia sorella? – si chiede Cecilia Rodriguez – Non se ne può più

Tante volte sono scesa a parlare con i fotografi appostati sotto casa sua

Ho tentato di convincerli ad abbandonare la postazione. Stanno lì per ore, per giornate intere, senza alcun rispetto per la privacy"

 La sorella minore di Belen aggiunge: "I miei interventi sono stati inutili, ma vorrei che la lasciassero in pace

Questi atteggiamenti insistenti stanno rovinando la vita di mia sorella e non va bene

Vorrei più umanità: non penso di chiedere troppo".

For more infomation >> Senza reggiseno in piscina: la foto bomba, la riconoscete? - Duration: 2:08.


'Il Trono di Spade': l'ottava e ultima stagione potrebbe arrivare ad aprile 2019 - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> 'Il Trono di Spade': l'ottava e ultima stagione potrebbe arrivare ad aprile 2019 - Duration: 5:53.


Il Segreto, anticipazioni dal 6 al 12 agosto: Severo rapisce Venancia - Duration: 7:47.

For more infomation >> Il Segreto, anticipazioni dal 6 al 12 agosto: Severo rapisce Venancia - Duration: 7:47.


La maschera di ferro, cast e trama film su Nove - Super Guida TV - Duration: 0:37.

D'Artagnan é l'unico dei quattro moschettieri rimasto ancora al servizio del re come capitano

Il sovrano é il crudele Luigi XIV che sta riducendo il popolo alla fame e tiene segregato nella bastiglia un uomo coperto da una maschera di ferro, si tratta di suo fratello gemello

For more infomation >> La maschera di ferro, cast e trama film su Nove - Super Guida TV - Duration: 0:37.


khmer song, kontrem chnam thmey, រាំវង់ខ្មែរ, romvong khmer - Duration: 26:02.

For more infomation >> khmer song, kontrem chnam thmey, រាំវង់ខ្មែរ, romvong khmer - Duration: 26:02.


Going To School - Duration: 15:28.

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, we are here for one more video

For who don't know, I'm Mateus David, and I'm living here in the US

Guys, the video today is gonna be a daily life

You probably have noticed that I was doing my stuff, I summarize one hour in 30 seconds, so...

I hope you like it, there were a lot of people asking me to make a video about....

Daily life and etc... But...

It's kinda complicated because I'm a shy person to record in public, so...

I would get to school and think like, "Ah I don't record you", and this would be boring

But dude, fuck other people's opinion, let's record the video, and let's go

I'm here waiting my friend, Mark, you already know him, he...

He was in my second video

Shit... A truck...

But anyways, he appeared in my second video, and I usually take the bus until certain point, and he picks me up

But today Mark is being a pussy

And he told me that he's not gonna pick me up, but I hope he will

If he doesn't pick me up, I'm fucked up because...

I'll be late

Actually I'm gonna call him and let's what will happen

Yeahh guys.... The only thing that I can do is wait...

I gotta take an Uber, and I'm gonna spend 17 dollars

17 fucking dollars

To get to the fucking school, so...

Thanks Mark, I'm really appreciated :)

You're a really cool person

Ah my Uber has gotten here

So, I just got here in the school

I had to take an Uber, but it was worth

I'm not angry at Mark anymore

When we get in front of school there is even a...

A water fountain, like...DAMNNNN

Here, there is the first building

And... ahhh

Let's start the day guys...

Guys, first I have to...

This is the library guys

So, I have to print

Damn... An essay that I did

Mateus David, uhhuuu

So guys, now it's...


The first class is "Reading and Writing" that's like...


And... Ah it's cool in general

That's why I have to print this essay

Dude, this stuff takes like...

Forever to get in

Here it is guysss

Let's go to the class, I'll probably have to turn it off when I get at the hallway

Because the first class' teacher may complain about

So, I gotta turn it off to not make my teacher upset

Ahhh check it out...

Really handsome

For the ones who couldn't see, this is Rubaish

He was in my last video...

Ahh look at him

Everyday we have to sign our names here to show that we're in class

I kinda create signature crazily

And everyday I have a different one...

So guys, it's almost 10h30am, it means that is time to study

We just finished the second class, and now we're going to get a.... Milk-shake

For who didn't understand the joke, his name is Aydid

So I is "eu"

And do is "fazer" and did is "fazia"

So I did is "eu fiz/fazia"

So here we also have culture, DaveVlogs is culture

This is the coolest teacher, the most excited one

Ahhh I just receive some complains there

I'll probably put the audio for you, I was recording... The audio

And... You'll hear what the teacher said

He said that I could get involved in...

Legal problems and etc...


I had to ask people what...

They think about being recorded

But dude...

I asked most of people yesterday...

Yeah... But I actually didn't ask the teachers

Ah I have only to cut them out of my video, it's easy

So, those are the Milk-Shakes

Then we get the chocolate one

Open the tape...

Put on the machine

And that's it, it's done the Milk-Shake

So, we've already finished the last class

And now....

And this dude is gonna take me

Yeahhh, (impossible to translate)

So, I just got at the airport

And... It's been an uncommon day

Because usually...

Mark picks me up and after class drops me off at that place

And then I take the bus

But today, it happened a different schedule unfortunately


So, I needed to figure out news options

And now, I'm here in the airport, waiting for the train

It's not gonna happen something interesting, so...

I'll finish the video

Currently...ops not currently, now it's....

3h45pm, I got out from home at 7h15am

So you can notice that my day is long as fuck


Don't forget to subscribe and leave the thumbs up

If you like it, share with your friends


If there is someone who wants to go to the US

This is a tip about what you.... Not what about what you should do...

But how the life is here and etc

I hope you enjoyed it, and that's it, see you

For more infomation >> Going To School - Duration: 15:28.


Inversión motiva a ciudadanía a utilizar servicios - Duration: 2:45.

 Verónica Fajardo/SIPSECANCÚN, Q. Roo.- La Operadora y Administradora de Bienes Municipales (Opabiem) concentra el Rastro Municipal, la funeraria y el Panteón Municipal, que después de 30 años sin inversión, le inyectaron 7 millones de pesos en estos dos años de gobierno

 Al ver los cambios y los resultados en la mejora de sus servicios e infraestructura, la población se acerca a solicitar estos productos; un funeral puede costar entre siete y ocho mil pesos, la remodelación del panteón municipal motivó a los familiares a pagar el refrendo de mantenimiento de las criptas, mientras que el rastro cuenta con todas las medidas de higiene, señaló el director de Opabiem, Luis Peniche González

 También te puede interesar: Hallan a una persona sin vida dentro de una cajuela en la SM 62  "El trabajo de estos dos años fue lograr la dignificación de estos bienes municipales, porque cuando inició la administración municipal el rastro, la funeraria y el panteón estaban en condiciones de muchos años de olvido, hoy cuentan con una operación y administración vigente, firme en donde obtiene y maneja sus propios recursos", dijo

 En el caso de la funeraria, a las salas se les invirtió en muebles nuevos, instalaron el drenaje al baño, compraron carrozas, modernizaron los aparatos para embalsamar los cuerpos y hoy están entre las mejores empresas del municipio, con un servicio de calidad

En el panteón hicieron un censo de las criptas abandonadas, para que los familiares puedan pagar el refrendo; la gente participa en mantenerse al día con el pago de este impuesto

 En el panteón tuvieron que realizar un censo de las criptas abandonadas, la autoridad se acercó a los familiares para que puedan pagar el refrendo de las criptas y por las mejoras al cementerio, la gente está participando más en mantenerse al día con el pago de este impuesto

 El Rastro Municipal tenía una situación crítica, porque estaba en el abandono, pero en estos dos años se compró maquinaria; el regidor Gregorio Sánchez Martínez presentó un estudio para concesionarlo, pero no se concretó este proyecto

 "Si puede ser concesionado, pero desde mi punto de vista, el rastro del municipio no maneja grandes cantidades de carne, cuenta con proveedores pero la venta de carne es para la población local y no deja una gran rentabilidad", resaltó Peniche González

 El funcionario comentó que el presidente municipal, Remberto Estrada Barba, ha estado pendiente de los trabajos y de la mejora en los servicios que ofrece la Opabiem


For more infomation >> Inversión motiva a ciudadanía a utilizar servicios - Duration: 2:45.


TOEICスコアアップに役立つ単語暗記  No.573【ingenuity】 - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> TOEICスコアアップに役立つ単語暗記  No.573【ingenuity】 - Duration: 1:09.


Punishment, What Would Jeff Do? Dog Training Tip of the Day #157 - Duration: 2:41.

- Hey everybody, how are you?

It's Jeff Gellman with Solid K9 Training with my

What Would Jeff Do?

Dog Training Tip of the Day, Tip #157.

Look who's in the house.


- Hi!

- That's Joelle, she's gonna do a Facebook Live

right after this.

We just finished an almost two hour Q & A.

She filled in for Linda.

Linda's not feeling well at all today.

And it's not 'cause she's hungover

from the Taylor Swift concert.

But anyway, why do I talk about punishment so much?

Like, Jeff, you talk about punishment all the time.

Well number one, I'm doing it because, I mean,

we have tons of videos on how to reward your dog,

and there's so many videos out there

about how to reward your dog,

and how to get your dog, you know, to do something.

But the only way to stop your dog

from an unwanted behavior, is punishment.

And I'm trying to also make sure people understand,

how to properly punish a dog.

There's actually a proper way.

You know, you're not yelling, you're not screaming,

you're not mad, you're not angry.

But there's actually a proper way

to methodically do it in a way

so the dog understands what it did was wrong,

and it won't repeat it.

And that's the only way

to actually stop an unwanted behavior.

It's also the only way to proof your obedience

around high levels of distraction.

So, it's very important for people

either to go to the next level

or to stop things that usually

you end up surrendering your dog for.

Not too many people are surrendering their dog

because, yeah, you know what,

dog just didn't hold a down stay for longer than 10 minutes.

And, yeah, you know you, just, no.

It's always because my dog

was doing something I couldn't stop.

That's usually what the problem is.

So, I talk about punishment all the time,

but that's not all we do.

10% of our world revolves around punishment,

but a lot of my videos talk about it

because nobody else seems to be.

And, that's not, you know.

So I think it's important though that owners understand,

it's actually a critical part

of the dog training spectrum, you know?

So most people ask me questions on,

"Jeff, how do I stop, fill in the blank?"

The answer is, well, I don't believe

in training an alternative behavior,

'cause great, like, how do I speak better English?

Oh! Learn French!


Doesn't work that way.

So, that's why I do it, because you need it.

Everybody needs it, and nobody's talking about it.

So I'll talk about it.

Jeff Gellman, Solid K9 Training.

I am madly in love with you.

If you didn't see my YouTube Live tonight,

almost two hours of Q & A, jump on over to that.

It's number 439, I think.

Been doing it for a long time.

Q & A shows for over 10 years.

What Would Jeff Do?


Madly in love with you, and I'll talk to you soon.


For more infomation >> Punishment, What Would Jeff Do? Dog Training Tip of the Day #157 - Duration: 2:41.


Mother of 4 killed in her own front yard - family members don't understand why - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Mother of 4 killed in her own front yard - family members don't understand why - Duration: 1:50.


"Very Cavallari" Goes to The Oscars This Sunday | E! - Duration: 0:16.

Every time I travel to L.A., my schedule is jam packed.

Live from the red carpet...

I'm really excited for the Oscars.

This is great. I love this, Kristin.

Sometimes we forget that she's Kristin Cavallari.

For more infomation >> "Very Cavallari" Goes to The Oscars This Sunday | E! - Duration: 0:16.


Ray Conniff - Leaving on a jet plane (HD) (CC) - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Ray Conniff - Leaving on a jet plane (HD) (CC) - Duration: 3:31.


周立波发文拆散"军涛CP":某某要把"涛涛"置于死地 - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> 周立波发文拆散"军涛CP":某某要把"涛涛"置于死地 - Duration: 5:47.


The Truth About Compatibility in Marriage - Christian Marriage & Relationship Advice - Duration: 3:54.

God will bring you into a relationship with someone

most of the time

Who is not only not compatible with you but is weak

Tremendously weak in the very areas where you would most want them to be strong

Now why does he do that? I'll tell you why

Remember our text Romans 8:28 and 29. What is the goal?

Everything God does in his Providence for his children to conform them to the image of Christ

Now when you think of the image of Christ what are some characteristics that just

automatically spring to the forefront? Well for me


Unconditional love

Mercy and grace

If I could pick out three things in which they told me you can imitate Christ in these

That that's what I think about

Unconditional love

Mercy and grace, let me ask you a few questions

How would you ever learn

Unconditional love if you were married to someone who met all the conditions


How would you ever learn mercy, patience, long-suffering

Heartfelt compassion, if you were married to someone who never failed you

Who was never difficult with you, who never sinned against you, who was never slow to acknowledge their sin or ask for forgiveness

How would you ever learn grace to pour out your favor

On someone who did not deserve it if you were married to someone who was always deserving of all good things

You see that

Listen to me the main purpose of marriage

Is that through your marriage you become conformed to the image of Jesus Christ

Marriage I believe is the greatest instrument of sanctification

You are married to a person who does not meet all the conditions

So that you might learn unconditional love

You are married to a person who needs mercy so that you learn to give it

You are married to a person who does not deserve so that you learn to pour

Lavishly yourself out on a person who does not respond appropriately and thus you become like the God you worship

You worship God for these things, but you don't want to give them to others

You worship God for grace

But you demand that your wife live in such a way that she not be in need of it

You worship God for unconditional love but you get mad at your own wife when she doesn't meet the conditions

You see

For more infomation >> The Truth About Compatibility in Marriage - Christian Marriage & Relationship Advice - Duration: 3:54.


'Herr Starr's Request to Gran'ma' Sneak Peek Ep. 307 | Preacher - Duration: 1:54.

[Clock ticking, bird cawing in distance]

This is interesting.

Well, I'll cut right to it.

I owe a debt to Gran'Ma.

And I will pay it down --

if she will allow me to borrow you.

I need your grandson's help in resolving a business dispute.

And what is your business, Mr. Starr?

It's quite humdrum, actually -- public relations,

crisis management -- that kind of thing.

But we have resources, so I am both able and prepared

to make his temporary release worth your while.

We could, uh, rebuild your business,

restore your charming cottage here to its former glories.

I noticed your slave quarters are empty.

We could change that.

Or, if you wanted to leave the 19th century behind,

what about a television program?

"The Down-Home Witching Hour With Voodoo Granny"

or some such.


That' e-mail.

I want souls.

[ Down-tempo music plays ]

Of course.

For more infomation >> 'Herr Starr's Request to Gran'ma' Sneak Peek Ep. 307 | Preacher - Duration: 1:54.


BRAND NEW Gorgeous Cozy Cabin House To Be Moved with Large Cedar - Duration: 3:22.

BRAND NEW Gorgeous Cozy Cabin House To Be Moved with Large Cedar

For more infomation >> BRAND NEW Gorgeous Cozy Cabin House To Be Moved with Large Cedar - Duration: 3:22.



what is up zombies Euler nation it's time to sharpen your knifes reload your

weapons sit down and let's dive right into the news right guys and before we

get started with the news for today's episode I want to congratulate nuke

head-on winning the t-shirt contest that we had over on Twitter I know a lot of

you guys entered but at the end there can only be one so congratulations again

to nuke head we'll have more giveaways during this show so keep an eye out and

for you guys are still playing called World War 2 zombies which you should you

gotta be happy to hear these needles because sledgehammer and Cameron Dayton

have both confirmed that whistling's are getting a reduction holy fucking shit if

you don't understand how bad this is let's go watch schism axis video before

the update and you can really see how call New World War 2 zombies was more

like Call of Duty World War 2 was slain edition

when I tell you and for that I think Cameron and sledgehammer both deserve a

round of applause and you know what we need to pray because this this this is

big this is this actually might jump me back and play the older maps because if

there's one thing that was annoying as shit and called world war two is the

whistling's here eight pounds six ounce newborn infant Jesus don't even know a

word yet we thank you for helping sledgehammer games and our point Cameron

Dayton fight off the whistling army and reduce entry good amen thanks again

schism for your video if you guys want to check out schedules channel link will

be in the description for that go check him out

also in the news if you guys are a fan of called World War two zombies and

maybe you are fan Alice's they're gonna be reducing the whistling's then advise

you guys to go check out Rizzo's review on the torture path it's about 30

minutes long so you know you might want to just sit down get a nice drink you

know maybe on your custom zombies alert mug link in a description just enjoy it

is it's pretty good also in the news zombie Chronicles 2 confirmed

look I'm sorry I had to do it okay but it's not all bad news because jason

blundell was actually asked this question at comic-con and actually let's

go listen to way said like I told you guys if you miss down on the t-shirt

giveaway that we had over on Twitter don't you worry I got you today we're

gonna be giving out to Voyager two spare posters one will be over in the YouTube

comments so to win over on YouTube all I need to do is tell me how much you love

zombies alert and the best comment I will get a hold of you and we'll send

you a voyage of spare poster and over on Twitter all you need to do is make sure

that you're following me and retweet and favorite the tweet that we'll be giving

away the Voyager to spare poster alright guys and that is it for this episode of

zombies alert hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did be sure to slap a like

on it and you're new here and you want to keep up to date with the news in a

zombies community make sure that that subscribe button it maybe turn on

notifications so you had that small chance to be notified when actually

upload zombie Zoeller nation now over 2225 subscribers and haters thought it

was gonna be all about drama

For more infomation >> NO MORE WUSTLINGS?! - ZOMBIES CHRONICLES 2 CONFIRMED!! - BO4 Poster GIVEAWAY! #ZombiesAlert - Duration: 4:11.


Absolutely Stunning Mini Mansion by Tiny House Chattanooga - Duration: 3:36.

Absolutely Stunning Mini Mansion by Tiny House Chattanooga

For more infomation >> Absolutely Stunning Mini Mansion by Tiny House Chattanooga - Duration: 3:36.


周立波是玛丽苏之光?某某才是高人,轻易扭转舆论,智商超高 - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> 周立波是玛丽苏之光?某某才是高人,轻易扭转舆论,智商超高 - Duration: 5:30.


"I Was Just Too Gullible" - Local Woman Scammed $1,200 - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> "I Was Just Too Gullible" - Local Woman Scammed $1,200 - Duration: 2:21.


Why Thomas Markle has left his daughter no choice - Duration: 5:53.

 THOMAS Markle has left his daughter no choice. He may be "hurt," as he claims. He may feel his daughter is ignoring him

 And he may be genuine — though somewhat melodramatic — when he says she'd be better off if he were to die

 But the father of the newly titled Duchess of Sussex has failed so spectacularly in being the sort of parent she needs that he has only himself to blame if she never sees him again

 Following Markle's meandering and self-pitying rant in the UK's Mail on Sunday yesterday, in which he manages to insult not only his daughter, but Prince Harry and the Queen to boot, Meghan's only option is to give up on the dad she once loved

 Consider her choices: If she does fly to Mexico to reunite with her father she runs the risk that anything she tells him, he'll blab to the press

Pregnancy plans, the workings of the royal family, details of her new life, her happiness or otherwise, are no longer conversations she can share with the man she says she's always cared for

 Conversely, if she cuts him off she'll be portrayed as hard-hearted and anything but the humanitarian she professes to be

 Yet despite what commentators are suggesting, it's not Meghan who has turned her back on her dad

Rather, he has betrayed her not once, but time and time again as she tries to build a life with the man she loves

 A parent is always a parent, and so it's incumbent on Markle to step up and be a dignified and protective father — not a headline-seeking traitor to the daughter he professes to adore

 He may be a "lonely and vulnerable" man as some are claiming but, at 74, he has sufficient wisdom to know that loyalty and love is what Meghan most needs right now

 Instead, he colluded with paparazzi to apparently improve his image, deserted her at the aisle, went on British television where he revealed his private conversations with Prince Harry and then claimed his daughter looked miserable in her new role and was sporting a "pained smile"

 But it's his latest outburst which will prove the nail in the coffin. The retired award-winning Hollywood lighting director claims Meghan has changed her phone number, hasn't spoken to him for 10 weeks and has a "sense of superiority"

Further, he fears his daughter won't let him see future grandchildren, says he "doesn't care" if Harry never speaks to him again and criticises the Queen for meeting with Donald Trump

 "Who cares these days about a dusty old crown?" he adds, showing a breathtaking lack of respect for the 92-year-old woman who has reigned for 66 years with dignity and fortitude

 What's more, he moans that he doesn't know where to send a birthday card to Meghan, who turns 37 this Saturday

 Honestly, could the man be more self-serving and insensitive? Meghan doesn't need a birthday card

What she needs is a dad she can depend upon. No matter that he's not sophisticated or media-savvy

 He can be idiosyncratic and awkward and shy and unsure of himself in the spotlight he finds himself in

But he is her dad, and to that end it's his job and his duty to have her back. "No comment" is the easiest comment to make and the more you say it, the more likely the media will leave you alone

Take Kylie Minogue's parents — they've never said a word about their famous daughter and these days most journalists know not to even bother to contact them

 Markle could've done likewise. He could have asked Kensington Palace for advice and they would've happily given it to him

They would've flown him over to see his daughter and meet the Queen and he might've enjoyed years of delighting in his daughter and the family she's likely to have

 Instead, he's put his feelings first without a thought for hers. Of course, some have taken the opportunity to criticise Meghan, urging her to contact her father and chiding Prince Harry for not meeting his new father-in-law

Granted, a pre-wedding meeting would've been prudent but we don't know if Markle himself was an obstacle to that happening

 In any case, he's proven himself no better than Meghan's ghastly half-sister Samantha Grant and half-brother Thomas Markle Jr

 Markle used to call his daughter "Bean" because when she was a little girl she loved Jack and the Beanstalk

 Now he has only himself to blame for being banished from her real-life fairy tale

 Follow Angela Mollard on Twitter @angelamollard.

For more infomation >> Why Thomas Markle has left his daughter no choice - Duration: 5:53.


Fries and a side of... - Duration: 0:50.

Me: Uh, hello?

Employee: Go ahead.

Me: Um, can I get a small fries,

Employee: Okay.

Me: ...and a side of curry ketchup.

Employee: Anything else?

Me: Uh, no thanks.

Employee: Your total is gonna be $1.71 at the first window. (outrageous right?)

Me: Oh, wait!


Um, I said, uh, curry ketchup, not regular ketchup.

Employee: I'm sorry, we don't have that.

Me: Okay, uh...

Do you have...

Worcestershire sauce? (look it up)

Employee: No...

Me: Szechuan sauce?

Employee: No, I'm sorry.

Me: Okay, then regular ketchup will be good.

Employee: Okay.

Me: Y'know guys, I think McDonald's has gone down in quality recently.


For more infomation >> Fries and a side of... - Duration: 0:50.


Nail Art Design 2018 - Best Art Nail Tutorial for Sisters Part 4 - Beauty Nail - Duration: 11:35.

For more infomation >> Nail Art Design 2018 - Best Art Nail Tutorial for Sisters Part 4 - Beauty Nail - Duration: 11:35.


Flooding problems arise once again at Connie Jean, residents say - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Flooding problems arise once again at Connie Jean, residents say - Duration: 1:51.


Scorching heat wave to continue in S. Korea throughout the week as Typhoon Jongdari continues - Duration: 2:02.

Weather forecasters, meanwhile, say the heat wave won't be letting up any time soon.

In fact, here in Seoul we're looking at highs of around 39 degrees this week.

The heat's caused a surge in electricity demand, and that has led to power failures.

The government says the electricity supply has now stabilized, but there'll be another

peak in the second week of August.

And what was a typhoon over Japan... now looks like it won't be bring us much rain at all.

Kim Hyo-sun reports.

Typhoon Jongdari, which has brought heavy rain to Japan, continues to weaken as it heads

towards South Korea's resort island of Jeju.

The Korea Meteorological Administration says the typhoon had weakened to a tropical depression

by Sunday afternoon,... but warned that it will still bring strong winds to South Korea's

east coast on Monday and the south coast on Tuesday.

The weather office added that the heat wave that has led to power failures will continue.

The government says electricity supply has been stabilized as of last Friday.

While the daily electricity demand peaked at 92-point-48 million kilowatts on July 24th,...

it remained around 90 million kilowatts throughout the rest of last week.

The electricity reserve margin which alerted the nation as it dropped into the seven-percent

range last Wednesday has jumped back to around nine percent,... closer to the ten percent

mark at which power supply is considered stable.

Yet, the government cannot let its guard down as we near August,... when electricity use

is expected to rise again.

Jul. 25, 2018 "The second week of August, when most companies

resume operations, is considered the electricity usage peak for the summer.

We'll face no major challenges even during the peak as we've increased the supply capacity

by at least one million kilowatts."

As this year's unexpected heat wave has put the nation's electricity supply on red alert,...

the government continues to come up with additional measures to tackle the problem.

Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.

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