Saturday, July 28, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 28 2018

EP, 20. Es Trenc, Mallorca

Es Trenc is the last large sandy area of ​​Mallorca

that is preserved,

It is a system of dunes

with a humid zone behind

it has a great ecological value.

Mute memory

of all that we have lost

behind so many and many urbanizations,

which have damaged irredeemably the island

Es Trenc is a place still virgin.

Only spotted by the remains of these machine-gun nests,

built for Spanish fascism during the Second World War.

They expected an Allied landing

in this little piece of paradise.

The same landing, which ended with fascism in Germany.

But a landing that here never came!

A nightmare of 40 years of dictatorship, can certify it!

and these ruins remind us permanently.

Now history has turned them into a blank canvas for hope.

History has wanted this beautiful verse,

by Miquel Costa and LLovera

become a work of art ...

...Is that in the calm of such places,

so sweet is to live, to see and to feel,

and next to the water of pure mirages

the eolian rhythm of these beaches

so sweet sleep!...

- Let's go darling!

- Where we go?

- Towards Mallorca!

We leave the port of L'Ampolla in the Ebro Delta

We sail aboard the Joka, the beautiful Amel Santorin

of good friends Manel and Esperanza.

we go out in the afternoon

and we will sail all night

to do the 140 miles that separate us

from the nice beaches of Es Trenc, Mallorca.

letting go moorings

it's leaving friends behind ...

letting go mooring, is also to say goodbye ...

it's not knowing if I'll see you again ...

Loose moorings, is to leave the safety of the port

is to be at the mercy of the sea ...

But letting go, it's also making new friendships

is to discover new landscapes

cast off, It's a sweet to live, to see and to feel ...

Now we are crossing to the Balearic Islands

We've been sailing all night,

It has been a very quiet night.

In summer, in the Mediterranean

Tend to dominate the thermal winds,

and the nights are usually quiet.

We are motoring, with the mainsail hoisted

due to the little wind we have,

9 knots almost for the bow.

When you wake up in the morning...

here, in the middle of the sea...

and there is nothing...I enjoy it!

Now we go with the autopilot,

I do not know if it is appreciated,

but in the bow you can see the Balearic Islands.

....sweet is, to live, to see, and to feel.....

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through Patreon.

This video is possible thanks to you !!

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Together we are doing this channel!

Thank you very very much!

We also want to thank all friends,

who follow us from Spain and South America

Thank you so much friends!!!

For more infomation >> Ep 20 Es Trenc, Mallorca. Sailing Balearic Islands- Navegar a Vela - Duration: 11:20.


Boxeadores aportarán más metales en JCC - Duration: 1:09.

 El boxeo mexicano ha colocado a nueve de sus peleadores en semifinales de Barranquilla 2018

 Hoy por la tarde buscarán su pase a la final los pugilistas Yoali Mejía Mosqueda (49 kg), Miguel Capilla Flores (52 kg) y Crisna Álvarez Rivera (51 kg)

En tanto que, Alberto García (60 kg) y Marcos Martínez Luna (69 kg), se medirán en la ronda de los cuartos de final, en sus respectivas categorías

For more infomation >> Boxeadores aportarán más metales en JCC - Duration: 1:09.


Cómo preparar la barbacoa perfecta - Duration: 9:41.

1 comentariosVer comentario Sol y tiempo libre para compartir con familiares y amigos

el verano es la estación ideal para disfrutar de una barbacoa en buena compañía. Hamburguesas, pollo, morcilla o chorizo no pueden faltar, aunque cada vez más gente opta por añadir verduras o pescado

Todo vale. Para que ningún contratiempo arruine un día agradable, le recomendamos seguir estos pasos para llevar a cabo una parrillada perfecta

Eso sí, siempre en lugares controlados y permitidos para evitar problemas mayores con el fuego

Bon apetit.Calcula las raciones Empecemos por lo más básico. En función del número de comensales habrá que comprar mayor o menor cantidad de alimentos

Hay que intentar que no sobre mucho, pero que a su vez nadie se quede con hambre

Por ello, se recomienda que se adquieran 200 gramos por persona para los entrantes (morcilla, chorizo, chistorra, pinchos morunos

) y otros 250 gramos, también por persona, para la carne principal (hamburguesa, chuletón, solomillo, entrecot, chuletas de cordero

). Es muy importante tener en cuenta si a la mesa se sentará alguien que sea vegano o celíaco, para adquirir raciones que puedan comer

La calidad del producto, fundamental Si quieres que la comida salga a pedir de boca, no importa gastarse unos cuantos euros más y que el producto tenga mejor calidad

Se recomienda, ya que la carne se prepara mejor a temperatura ambiente, sacarla del frigorífico una hora antes de ser cocinada

Es importante no echarle sal hasta que no esté en la parrilla, para evitar que se seque en su interior

Las brasas ¿De leña o de carbón vegetal? La primera tarda más en convertirse en brasas, aproximadamente hora y media, pero el sabor de la carne lo agradecerá

Aunque, según dicen los expertos, si el carbón vegetal (que tarda unos 45-50 minutos) es de buena calidad, no distará mucho de la leña

Para encender las brasas podemos utilizar las clásicas piñas o ramas secas, o tirar de líquidos y pastillas inflamables

La primera opción es ideal para que los productos tengan el sabor más natural posible, pero en verano no se pueden crear fuegos en cualquier sitio (no se debe, además: debemos insistir mucho en este punto), así que no va a ser fácil encontrar a no ser que se haya hecho previsión durante el invierno

Nuestra recomendación son los nidos de paja que se pueden encontrar en cualquier tienda especializada en carbón

¿Dónde comprar lo necesario? Lejos de los productos que os vayáis a llevar a la boca, que podréis comprar en vuestra carnicería de confianza (mejor hacer el encargo un par de días antes) o incluso online (la enseña Solobuey envía packs de barbacoa en 24 h

para los comensales que se precisen, y las hay de diferentes tipos: árabe, argentina, la clásica, especial

), necesitaréis los siguientes utensilios: Barbacoa: Se puede comprar desde en centros comerciales (Carrefour, Alcampo

) a otros establecimientos más específicos como Leroy Merlin o Bauhaus. Pueden costar desde 30 hasta 300 euros, aunque por aproximadamente 70 ya puedes adquirir alguna muy apañada

Recomendamos que tenga cajón recoge cenizas y que sea apta tanto para leña como para carbón

Los más profesionales pueden decantarse por parrillas o ahumadores de precios más elevados , pero si la pericia con las brasas es discreta, recomendamos no gastar más 100 euros

 Brasas: Tanto la leña como el carbón vegetal pueden ser adquiridos en los lugares donde compraste la barbacoa (estarán expuestos muy cerca de éstas)

Pero también en plataformas digitales como Amazon, para aquellos que no tengan tiempo de ir al local en persona

Tanto el carbón vegetal como la leña están a la par en lo tocante a precios, pudiendo encontrar diez kilos por, aproximadamente, nueve o diez euros

Pero nuestra recomendación es visitar Fuegomarket (Embajadores, 156), tienda también conocida como La carbonería

Allí son especialistas en combustibles (disponen de sacos de astillas de pino, carbón de encina, carbón de marabu cubano, carbón de quebracho argentino, chips de madera de cerezo para ahumar en caliente, rocas volcánicas para barbacoas de gas

) y completan su oferta con todo tipo de utensilios (desde barbacoas y ahumadores hasta besugueras, cacerolas de hierro fundido, chimeneas de encendido, artículos de limpieza, guantes o palas para manejar los alimentos)

Además, ofrecen cursos para convertirse en un maestro asador, tanto a la hora de encender brasas como a la de cocinar

Cocinar los alimentos Cuando las brasas estén bien formadas (el carbón debe estar blanco por fuera e incandescente por dentro), es el momento de empezar a colocar la carne

Vigila que ya se hayan apagado las llamas. Puedes poner tu mano encima, si te empiezas a quemar al cabo de cinco segundos es que está todo listo

Dependiendo del producto que cocines en cada momento, deberás asar de dos a cinco minutos por cada lado

Para quien prefiera omitir la carne Para aquellos que prefieran hacer una barbacoa de pescado o de verduras, más sanas y menos calóricas, el mecanismo es el mismo

Algo que siempre va bien a la parrilla es el salmón o las sardinas, aunque el rape también cuenta con muchos adeptos

For more infomation >> Cómo preparar la barbacoa perfecta - Duration: 9:41.


Pour les câlins avec sa petite fille, David Ginola est le champion (photo) - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Pour les câlins avec sa petite fille, David Ginola est le champion (photo) - Duration: 1:39.


Jean Dujardin craque sur un gros sandwich bien gras (photo) - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Jean Dujardin craque sur un gros sandwich bien gras (photo) - Duration: 1:09.


Bitva u České Skalice 28.06.1866 (Schlacht bei Skalitz) - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Bitva u České Skalice 28.06.1866 (Schlacht bei Skalitz) - Duration: 3:35.


IXAK - Love U (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> IXAK - Love U (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 2:13.





Omikron 234 The Nomad Soul česky CZ - Duration: 10:15.

For more infomation >> Omikron 234 The Nomad Soul česky CZ - Duration: 10:15.


MAKE a question or ASK a question? - Duration: 1:35.

hi make a question or ask a question this is Susan Brodar from SPEAK

Languages & TRAVEL the World here to help you improve your English with

minimum effort a maximum benefit in many languages there are different ways of

emulating questions but there are also different ways of expressing that you

need to ask a question and here you have the answer in English we say ask a

question we don't say make questions that may sound odd another languages

it's quite typical but this is the correct way to say it so if you want to

speak to somebody and you have a question you could say may I ask a

question can I ask a question I'd like to ask a question and that's the only

way making questions may be only used if you have to write them down and prepare

them in advance so prepare some questions and then ask your partner for

example during a lesson but when it comes to speaking we are asking

questions okay so don't forget that we always ask a question in British English

I hope that was useful for you and don't forget to subscribe if you haven't done

so already and I look forward to seeing in the next video bye bye bye

For more infomation >> MAKE a question or ASK a question? - Duration: 1:35.


Temptation Island 2018: una fidanzata irriconoscibile prima della chirurgia! | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Temptation Island 2018: una fidanzata irriconoscibile prima della chirurgia! | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:14.


🏁Wie VW GOLF 3 Bremsscheiben wechseln [TUTORIAL AUTODOC]🏁 - Duration: 3:28.

Loosen the wheel mounting bolts. Remove the front wheels.

Use an HEX ı6. Unscrew the brake caliper fastening.

Remove the brake caliper.

Use a phillips screwdriver. Unscrew the brake disc mounting bolts and remove it.

Install the brake disc and secure it. Use a phillips screwdriver.

Install the brake caliper and fix it. Use an HEX ı6.

For more infomation >> 🏁Wie VW GOLF 3 Bremsscheiben wechseln [TUTORIAL AUTODOC]🏁 - Duration: 3:28.


Blueberry NIGHTMARE !! - Tauranga, New Zealand | Travels (#52) - Duration: 8:27.

This is some kind of a joke!

I hope I will wake up in a few seconds...

I will just wake up and this with those f*** blueberries nightmare will end.

New Zealand is not always... DAMN

New Zealand is not always shiny

Sometime there are thunderstorms, look there - storm is coming

Another day... another adventure

Kasia... what adventure are you talking about

Picking blueberries!

After 2 weeks of picking, picking, picking

And picking once again of kiwi fruit flowers

We managed to get a different job

Thanks to this lady's smile

The same way we didn't see single Kiwi fruit

during our work which you can see in the previous video

the same way... during this work, we will not probably see single blueberry fruit...

This is because we do blueberry pruning, not picking...

From a plant looking like this, we have to do a plant looking like that

So 1 person is picking plants from the ground

2 people are cutting, one from each side of the table

The last person is putting the plants in the order... depending on what the farm owner wants

And that's it... We were suppose to work until christmas

but we're working so efficiently that we're doing the job 3 times faster than they expected

co. Kasia & Piotr

After that... enough of work, how long can we work?

It's almost been a month!

We came to work this morning and our supervisor brought us those gifts!

Everyone got a bag of freshly grinded coffee + a coffee maker

ok, enough :)

1, single blueberry

They asked us to do 'bullshit' job

we have to move pots from one place to another

Kasia's putting the pots into baskets

That's what we've done today


at least the owner brought us a box of ice cream which is awesome!

7 days later

I think I reached a small crysis

I received a slap in my face

I have this consciousness that I've worked in much better places, for much better money

I've just remembered how I would complain from time to time that I cannot be bothered to go to work..

and now I am thinking...

I forgot how I struggled during my first year of living in UK, doing all those shity jobs...

I even wrote an article about it if you want to see - I'll post a link to it in the description below

Today I got this smack in my face...

"Do you remember how you worked in those shitholes"

And now I am thinking also about those better jobs I had, well paid, laid back

How could I even complain about them?!

When I worked at the University...

How could I complain... damn...

Now we do this shitty job

Its taugh, 35 degrees, in a greenhouse

You sweat like crazy, sun is burning

And just cut those blueberries for hours

I feel really happy that I came here and I go through this... that I got this kick in the ass to remind myself about my past, to appreciate what I have

By the way... this is our garden for today's night

Here... I'll share ut with you

Our boss ordered a pizza for us! How awesome that is!

They gave us this shity job for the end...

Here, you see this weed? It needs to go

All 36.000 pots...

Luckily its the last day, I've have enough of this

I think Kasia too

...<For f**k sake, I'm going to f**k this up!>

Now you can say bye tot the blueberries :) This is the end


This is the end of this nonsense


Kasia is making one of my favourite dishes

She did it only once before. SUPER TASTY

If anyone wants a recipe...

...then let us know. I think a separate video will be needed for this

CHICKEN - the best meet of course





By the way, I wanted to record this, just so I can remember


This is New Zealand beer


I usually do not like beer especially STRONG one

But I have to admit that this one is... TASTES great

Beautiful bootle - SHOVEL

I think it is ready

If you want the recipe

Write down in IN THE COMMENTS below

SUBSCRIBE by the way

and you eat this dish WITH PITA bread by the way





And in the next video!!

Guess what that will be ;)

For more infomation >> Blueberry NIGHTMARE !! - Tauranga, New Zealand | Travels (#52) - Duration: 8:27.


🚴🔆 Лазерный Задний Фонарь для Велосипеда с Алиэкспресс - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> 🚴🔆 Лазерный Задний Фонарь для Велосипеда с Алиэкспресс - Duration: 2:45.


DEUTSCHLAND vs REST DER WELT | Militär im Vergleich [2018] - Duration: 3:24.

Military Power Comparison

Germany vs Rest of the World

Total Population

Defense Budget

Active Military Personnel

Nuclear Weapon


Armored Fighting Vehicles

Multiple Rocket Launchers

Self-Propelled Artillery

Towed Artillery


Attack Aircraft

Transport Aircraft

Trainer Aircraft

Attack Helicopters


Air force

Aircraft Carriers






Patrol Boats


For more infomation >> DEUTSCHLAND vs REST DER WELT | Militär im Vergleich [2018] - Duration: 3:24.


Temper full movie in telugu || temper full movie telugu || Temper Dubsmash - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Temper full movie in telugu || temper full movie telugu || Temper Dubsmash - Duration: 0:43.


The cheapest Italian restaurant in Japan!!! | 【SUB ITA】 - Duration: 10:57.

For more infomation >> The cheapest Italian restaurant in Japan!!! | 【SUB ITA】 - Duration: 10:57.


*WrongTurn* Free Robux Codes I Free Roblox codes [new 2018] - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> *WrongTurn* Free Robux Codes I Free Roblox codes [new 2018] - Duration: 4:22.


Everything I need | Janet reacts to Toast-DK | Janet reacts to Toast dropping his gun for her - Duration: 11:20.

So, thank you. Yes. It's a brighter pink

Um, okay, I'm gonna take a selfie and then

um, okay, so I'm gonna go downstairs get my water take a selfie tweet that I'm live and then

Hopefully I can keep these settings

Me Mizell, bitch is now hosting you for up to 75 years. Hello my so meet so nice. Oh, thank you

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Welcome

Welcome Tod was that's very nice of you. Thank you so much. Hope you had a good stream

Do you like the surprise?

When he didn't stop driving is so funny

Dinky Winky he did when he didn't stop driving I couldn't help but laugh

He just wanted a have fun you could tell because he didn't stop jiving

Ha I know because I don't reveal my, you know stuffy stuffs y'all think I'm flat

But I got some big. Oh, I'm kidding

Hey, I'm happy with my size

We birthday to you Barry, it's not a birthday though

It is in a couple of months fried pork buns, thank you for the seven months

Hades at zero a four thing this November

No, googling 5 4 3 2 no. Do you want a public? No. Oh

Do you want your birthday?


Don't know surprise

Wait why my like you assumed I'm gonna buy you something. Well then why are you asking what I want?

That's a very common question. No, it's not


Neal's birthday, man

He prefers something expensive or something cheaply made the heartfelt hard hell

Yeah, that's a lot work

Would you be okay with something

As long it's not like dangerously expensive

No, it's going on today, oh, he's really

Then you tell me if you find a drum gun, okay. Oh, yeah this one right here

Can you tell me if you find a blue pump all right

Nice two big blue potion just enough mushroom here so you can get

What are you missing

What do you mean you don't yeah

Why are you messing up?

You in this house, hahahaha

Are you getting shot at no, it's another

My Wayne, all right, let's go. Okay. I've every time I need in this world


I was talking to my chat about eating the booty today. What do we like to know what I learned?

Apparently, it doesn't taste like

Much is surprising

It tastes like pennies pennies

Yeah, like licking a penny

No people


Have you ever been to Hawaii? I have not

Have you want to take a boy's trip there boys. Check out on them. Yeah, only boys. No girls though

Okay, boys

Yeah, you know girls make things complicated they like to do other like girly stuff

It's just boy stuff

Cuz we can't just come one girl holding us down. We're trying to get multiple girls

Seto still in a one-girl man. Yeah, well go through the while then come boy stuff

There's some stores with 50% off but I've eaten in so much

Food it's like a promotion on certain

ubereats restaurant you can have loss but it's all Asian and

I've eaten it like but a bed frame someone noticed can squeak during activities. Oh

My god, oh

Jesus okay, Mike granola wrapper flew and I thought it was a bug

But it just flew and then you wish you're on your bed frame. No, I didn't

And every single person that was important to have their own world and like say I were to die I just restart my world

There's someone this is like it's irrelevant to me

Okay, I didn't have that but I thought I could control the wind

Yeah, you're weird

Yeah, I got oh I Lambos

Know it's not like world of Honor on me if I made a mistake

I killed someone went to jail wouldn't matter are beef set free

So you feel it like a video game yeah, basically

Maybe that's why I'm so handsome successful. I'm smart. I don't know

What the hell I literally

Was going for 10 seconds longer than you at least


All right, okay stop directly West

There's one more guy southeast


That's a big red bar

I'm safe for now

Everything I need | Janet reacts to Toast-DK | Janet reacts to Toast dropping his gun for her

For more infomation >> Everything I need | Janet reacts to Toast-DK | Janet reacts to Toast dropping his gun for her - Duration: 11:20.


'I love you' has 3 meanings. How does stress change the meaning of a sentence? - Duration: 2:29.

I ate chicken for lunch.

So, in this sentence

Not you, not anybody else.

It means 'I' love you.

In this sentence

He emphasized 'love'.

Not like

nor hate,

it means I 'love' you.

If you emphasize 'you',

Not her,

nor anybody else,

it means I love 'you'.

For more infomation >> 'I love you' has 3 meanings. How does stress change the meaning of a sentence? - Duration: 2:29.


OWNER OF DUDESONS RANCH!!!?!! - Tour Part 3 - Duration: 8:58.

For more infomation >> OWNER OF DUDESONS RANCH!!!?!! - Tour Part 3 - Duration: 8:58.


Magnet fishing (magneetvissen) 132 Found a gun! - Duration: 8:09.

For more infomation >> Magnet fishing (magneetvissen) 132 Found a gun! - Duration: 8:09.



Hey guys!

It's Jana!

And today we are going to finish up the kid's toy room purge.

The next big thing is the desk and then just the little things here and there.

Not a big deal.

So lot of purging today.

As you can imagine in these drawers there are a lot of papers and things that don't

need to exist in my home.

We'll get this cleaned up all is well, because tomorrow we're picking up the kids.

So get it done.

So go ahead and hit subscribe, thumbs up, check all the links down below.

Let's finish up this toy room.

Alright guys I am beat. I'm done. it's dark outside.

I need to eat dinner it's probably like 7:30 or so.

So the kids are coming back tomorrow to their surprise

their place is going to be all cleaned up and out.

So yeah!

So check out all the garbage that I found.

We got four bags and a couple boxes for recycle.

So got a bunch cleaned out.

The desk is looking amazing you can actually work on it's surface.

You know, it's intended purpose.

And this is all the stuff that I think we can get rid of.

There is a lot more stuff that I think we can get rid of, but I like to have the kids

pick that out and have a say.

Because it is their stuff and a lot of times they actually bought it.

So they can actually learn how to purge and donate themselves because that is a very valuable

trait that all humans should have.

So thank you so much for watching.

Go ahead and hit subscribe, thumbs up, check all the links down below.

And I will see you next time.

For more infomation >> PURGE AND ORGANIZE PART 2 // SPEED CLEANING ROUTINE // CLEAN WITH ME - Duration: 15:28.


Google AIY Voice Kit (Version I) - Unboxing, Assembling, Software Setup & Demo - Duration: 25:22.

Hey guys, I hope you're enjoying your summer. Today we're going to learn about

the Google AIY Voice kit this is what it looks like and this is what you're going to expect

So let's get started

This is what's inside the Magpie. which also which also has instructions

well, the instructions

so this is how it looks like when we take it out of its covers

This is the voice hat

This is the voice hat microphone

This is our Raspberry Pi

This is our speaker, this is our Arcade button

these are the standoffs

and last but not least these are wires

first go to page number 16 in your magpi then read the instructions that's

what I'm gonna do right now first step insert the standoffs how to do that is

take your Raspberry Pi and insert two standoffs in the opposite holes of the

GPIO pins these two holes I'm gonna do that right now

Here are the standoffs. Step 2 placing the Voice Hat on the Raspberry

Pi here's how you do it first line up the headers with the 40 GPIO pins on the

Raspberry Pi, if you don't do this the pins will probably bend

next you put them in, now check no pins are left out so it's good to snap

once you're halfway through snap these

then, finish the rest

Step three, putting the speaker wires in the Voice Hat, the black goes in the

negative and the red goes in the positive first unscrew the screws next

there's a plus over here and a minus over here

put the red near the plus put the black near the minus.

then just push them in. next we're gonna screw the screws back. step 5

the button cable we're gonna use this end first we're gonna attach it here. Here to be more clear.

there's a bumpy side and a smooth side. the bumpy side always goes here where

the little hoops are.

step 6 attaching the microphone board cable to

the microphone board look at the bumpy side then look at empty side put the

bumpy side on to the empty side.

step 7 attaching the microphone to the voice hat same thing we'll pick the

bumpy side, meet it with the empty side put it there. step eight assembling the box

grab your bigger box and then as you can see here they described all the folds.

first, well, unflatten box then

fold. They've described them in order so first do one then fold two

step 9 secure the box which we've already done

step number 10 to 18 folding the flaps and putting everything into the box

we're going to start with folding the flaps 1 & 2 next we're going to fold the

thing that says Raspberry Pi goes here

now, this is for the speakers,

you fold this up, this part folds

and then this is where speakers gonna slide in

I almost forgot, you have to fold this

now we're gonna put the Raspberry Pi where it says Raspberry Pi goes here

so we are gonna put the "1" section here and uhh ..

Now, we have to fold the number two in between the USB ports and the Voice Hat

Next, slide the speaker in

First, take your box and put everything in make sure the speaker side is lined

up with the side where the holes are

before you proceed further check if everything's accessible this is the

Power, HDMI, USB ports, Ethernet port and a Micro SD Card. Step 19, add the arcade button to

the box here's how you do it first unscrew the ring

Next, add it through the hole which says button

here's how it looks on the inside and here's how it looks on the outside

Step number 21 wiring up the button if you look closely inside your button this is

crown shaped logo this is how you're gonna tell where to wire your button the

black goes on the top right of the button and the white goes on the top

left of the button

Pink goes opposite to black and blue goes opposite to white

Step number 22, check the wires, this should be fit and snug and they shouldn't be wobbling too


step number 23 attaching the microphone

you need double-sided tape for this but I didn't have any so I'm just going to

use these

make sure you don't cover the holes

there, make sure the holes are matching with these holes on the microphone board

step number 24 check the microphone board, make sure the holes are lined up with

the box holes. Step number 25, finish up the build.

Carefully close the box, then, all done

let's move on to the software onto the PC

We assembled the hardware, next we have to setup the software.

First and foremost, you will need the Google AIY Raspberry pi image, which you will need to write on your Micro SDcard

card I'll leave the link to download the image file and how to write it on your

micro SD card once you do that next you'll insert the micro SD card to the

Raspberry Pi we placed inside of Google AIY box

I put my SD card in my Raspberry Pi

now let's boot it up how you do that is plug in the HDMI cable then you can plug

in your power cable this is how it looks like once you booted it up after that we

need to connect to the internet click on this internet thing over here now let's

check the audio you can do that by double clicking on the check audio file

what you'll expect is for to say front Center

front center press Y and then you'll have to record it when you're ready

you'll have to say testing one two three testing one two three

did you hear your own voice

press ENTER to close congratulations you've successfully built your Google

AIY voice kit now let's bring it to life now we're going to build our voice

recognizer how to do that is go on chromium and type in you'll see a sign-in screen

sign in with your Google account I've already signed in mine to enable APIs, we can do this by clicking three line icon

going to api's and services

enable API services

and then you have to search for

Google assistant API

and click on enable

now we're going to create the credentials how you'll do that is go to

three lines and then go to api's and services and click on credentials

click on create' credentials click on olaf client ID then click on configure

consent screen

then just write the name of your project here

then click on save

after that you click on other and then you write the name of your project again

create don't worry about memorizing these just click OK next you have to

download the JSON file you can do this by clicking on this download JSON icon

then when we open this file downloads you'll see that it appeared here rename

it as assistant.JSON, OK

next we'll go to this tab called my account Google com then scroll down a

little bit and then if you haven't done it yet enabled it the web and app activity - then if

you haven't checked Marked this box check mark it.

now we have to cut the JSON file

and put it in the pi folder just go down right click and paste. there it is

now go on to the terminal and go this directory SRC slash example slash voice

then type in this command assistant underscore library underscore demo dot


okay Google can I buy land on Mars here's a summary from the website by you too can become a planet Mars land owner by purchasing acres of

land on planet Mars lunar land is one of the first companies in the world to

possess a legal trademark and copyright for the sale of extraterrestrial

property within the confines of our solar system there you have it

your own personal voice recognizer.

Today we learnt how to build how to build our

personal voice recognizer on the Google AIY voice kit, hope you enjoyed the video

please like subscribe and share and until next time this is 10v signing off

see ya

For more infomation >> Google AIY Voice Kit (Version I) - Unboxing, Assembling, Software Setup & Demo - Duration: 25:22.


Animaljam & Roblox - Duration: 2:20:25.

For more infomation >> Animaljam & Roblox - Duration: 2:20:25.


Ep 20 Es Trenc, Mallorca. Sailing Balearic Islands- Navegar a Vela - Duration: 11:20.

EP, 20. Es Trenc, Mallorca

Es Trenc is the last large sandy area of ​​Mallorca

that is preserved,

It is a system of dunes

with a humid zone behind

it has a great ecological value.

Mute memory

of all that we have lost

behind so many and many urbanizations,

which have damaged irredeemably the island

Es Trenc is a place still virgin.

Only spotted by the remains of these machine-gun nests,

built for Spanish fascism during the Second World War.

They expected an Allied landing

in this little piece of paradise.

The same landing, which ended with fascism in Germany.

But a landing that here never came!

A nightmare of 40 years of dictatorship, can certify it!

and these ruins remind us permanently.

Now history has turned them into a blank canvas for hope.

History has wanted this beautiful verse,

by Miquel Costa and LLovera

become a work of art ...

...Is that in the calm of such places,

so sweet is to live, to see and to feel,

and next to the water of pure mirages

the eolian rhythm of these beaches

so sweet sleep!...

- Let's go darling!

- Where we go?

- Towards Mallorca!

We leave the port of L'Ampolla in the Ebro Delta

We sail aboard the Joka, the beautiful Amel Santorin

of good friends Manel and Esperanza.

we go out in the afternoon

and we will sail all night

to do the 140 miles that separate us

from the nice beaches of Es Trenc, Mallorca.

letting go moorings

it's leaving friends behind ...

letting go mooring, is also to say goodbye ...

it's not knowing if I'll see you again ...

Loose moorings, is to leave the safety of the port

is to be at the mercy of the sea ...

But letting go, it's also making new friendships

is to discover new landscapes

cast off, It's a sweet to live, to see and to feel ...

Now we are crossing to the Balearic Islands

We've been sailing all night,

It has been a very quiet night.

In summer, in the Mediterranean

Tend to dominate the thermal winds,

and the nights are usually quiet.

We are motoring, with the mainsail hoisted

due to the little wind we have,

9 knots almost for the bow.

When you wake up in the morning...

here, in the middle of the sea...

and there is nothing...I enjoy it!

Now we go with the autopilot,

I do not know if it is appreciated,

but in the bow you can see the Balearic Islands.

....sweet is, to live, to see, and to feel.....

We want to thank all the friends

who are making this channel possible

through Patreon.

This video is possible thanks to you !!

If you like what we do,

and you want to help us to grow this channel,

Visit Patreon's address in the video description

and become one of our sponsors.

You can also help us,

by accessing to a extended version of this video

on the Vimeo on Demand.

If you liked it,

subscribe to our YouTube Channel, LA VIDA A VELA, ...

thumbs up, ...

comment, and share this video.

Together we are doing this channel!

Thank you very very much!

We also want to thank all friends,

who follow us from Spain and South America

Thank you so much friends!!!

For more infomation >> Ep 20 Es Trenc, Mallorca. Sailing Balearic Islands- Navegar a Vela - Duration: 11:20.


Hyundai Getz 1.3I GLS ELEK RAMEN | AIRCO | STUURBEKR - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Getz 1.3I GLS ELEK RAMEN | AIRCO | STUURBEKR - Duration: 0:52.


Meghan Markle turns 37: Why Duchess' birthday will be EXTRA special - Duration: 2:44.

 The Duchess of Sussex is likely to be spoiled by her new husband, Prince Harry, on August 4 as the pair are expected to celebrate privately at their Kensington residence

 It comes after Harry, 33, whisked Meghan off for a romantic getaway to celebrate her birthday last year, a year after they started dating

 A smitten Harry is said to have organised a surprise BBQ under the stars for his new girlfriend

 And this year, the duke is likely to pull out all the stops to make his wife's first birthday as a royal one to remember

  Before Meghan Markle became a member of the firm, the duchess wrote candid messages on her now closed down lifestyle blog The Tig every year to mark her birthday

 As she turned 33, the duchess opened up about how happy she felt to be in her 30s

 She said: "My 20s were brutal – a constant battle with myself, judging my weight, my style, my desire to be as cool/as hip/as smart/as 'whatever' as everyone else

" And in a birthday post, believed to be written before she made it official with her prince, she said: "When I close my eyes and think of what I wish for, I come up with a blank

A big old happy blank.   "I am feeling so incredibly joyful right now, so grateful and content that all I could wish for is more of the same

" Writing about what she desired for the next year ahead, the duchess added: "More surprises, more adventure, more opportunities to grow, more days filled with giggles and cheeky jokes, more delicious meals, and more inspiration

 "Always more inspiration." Royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams told he believed Meghan's birthday celebrations this year would be low key due to her royal duties

 He said: "I wouldn't expect anything at all spectacular, we may well never be told how she celebrates

 "Meghan has a serious image as a humanitarian activist and this is what she and Harry are concentrating on


For more infomation >> Meghan Markle turns 37: Why Duchess' birthday will be EXTRA special - Duration: 2:44.


Arsenal news: 'This is crazy' - Hector Bellerin in transfer blast - Duration: 2:24.

 Bellerin has fully established himself as Arsenal's first choice right-back, making 162 appearances in five seasons

 Barcelona and Manchester City have been linked with the Spain international in the past but in 2016 he signed a new six-and-a-half-year contract with Arsenal

 Bellerin's progress at the Emirates stalled in the last 18 months under Arsene Wenger but it's hoped new manager Unai Emery can help him rediscover his best form and the 22-year-old has called questions about his future "crazy"

 "It is crazy that people ask me these questions all the time," said Bellerin.  "A few years ago I signed a very long-term contract

I have never said that I have wanted to be anywhere else. "I am very happy in London

I am very happy at this club. "The club have made me who I am and gave me the chance to be the footballer I am today

So I don't want to be anywhere else." Bellerin's emergence at Arsenal is a source of inspiration for young players breaking through at the club and the next major talent appears to be Emile Smith Rowe

 The 17-year-old scored a stunning goal from outside the box for Arsenal in their pre-season defeat to Atletico Madrid yesterday

 And Bellerin believes the teenage midfielder has all the attributes to become an Arsenal star

 "It was a great goal", he said. "I've been training with him for a long time now and he's a bright young player

He has the right attitude, the right conditions to make it and it's all about him keeping his head in the games, train the way he's playing

I'm sure he'll get his chance."

For more infomation >> Arsenal news: 'This is crazy' - Hector Bellerin in transfer blast - Duration: 2:24.


When You Call My Name - Duration: 43:10.

For more infomation >> When You Call My Name - Duration: 43:10.


Toyota Yaris 1.3-16V VVT-I LINIA LUNA - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3-16V VVT-I LINIA LUNA - Duration: 1:04.


Hyundai Getz 1.3I GLS ELEK RAMEN | AIRCO | STUURBEKR - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Getz 1.3I GLS ELEK RAMEN | AIRCO | STUURBEKR - Duration: 1:04.


How To Sweep Kick In a Fight - Duration: 4:25.

you come in right when you coming in here Oh sweeping so if I'm here and I

clinch oh it creates a lot of opening because

you're playing with the person's balance the only money was gonna come inside

yeah it's up here yeah I'd like to be one hand one hand out here or like but I

don't think I need both hands here because both hands here

inside I could also just close off and he's also trapped so I like to have here

or here because it gives me more options yeah the Thai boxing they do this

Oh boom but I've got half and go you're here oh I'll use it also to track those


no just I'm playing with it I've been here the whole mine I slipped it that

way okay you get anything that happened when you're fighting right so sometimes

joke like this just teach you how to place your feet

I'll move the different angles that you've been trying to sweep the guy you

don't need to get it so technical Leo you have just to come in and sweep the

other person right so what are my options like do I get this and I'll see

you in the night to sweat poop inside here here here here

all right listen we stuck and we're here at home can I do this bring it down

right but again when you're sweeping the guy he's fallen the guy's instinct is

gonna be to grab you and bring it down with them

the guy you don't want to go down with him you want him to go down on you to be

standing because if they're multiple attackers in the street you're clots so

the intent is stay on your feet and the ground because if I hit the ground and

he's got a friend I'm getting kicked in the head home going down the street me

yeah I'm too soon I want to try yeah wrap it right there you can also just


so I'm taking him with me so you like this yeah because what I don't want to

quit this boom you fall bow bow myself stomping this friend

started talking you yeah you're fucked and I'm fuck with your you so you want

to do that yeah I'm a glacier ain't grabbed everything I kind of really come

with me

For more infomation >> How To Sweep Kick In a Fight - Duration: 4:25.


做人,要學會轉彎 - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> 做人,要學會轉彎 - Duration: 5:39.


Arsenal transfer news: Robert Pires sends Aaron Ramsey demand to Unai Emery - Duration: 1:43.

 Ramsey is out of contract at Arsenal at the end of the upcoming season. The Welshman confirmed on Wednesday his agent was in talks with the club but an agreement had not been reached

 Ramsey told Sky Sports News: "We'll see what happens, but my agent and the club are talking

 "I'm not sure exactly what it hinges on, I'm just leaving it to them to discuss and to figure it out but we are yet to come to an agreement

 "That's something that my agent and the club are discussing to try and get something done

" Pires says Aaron Ramsey's relationship with new boss Emery could be a factor in his decision

 But the Frenchman says the 27-year-old is one player he must keep hold of. "If I was the manager, I would definitely offer a new contract to Ramsey and make sure he signs it," Pires told bwin

 "Ramsey is a very important player for the team. "Arsenal have just changed manager and it might depend on Ramsey and Emery's relationship whether he stays, but I'm positive that he'll stay

" Ramsey made 32 appearances for Arsenal last season, scoring 11 goals.

For more infomation >> Arsenal transfer news: Robert Pires sends Aaron Ramsey demand to Unai Emery - Duration: 1:43.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I S-LINE - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I S-LINE - Duration: 0:44.


"Załamanie przyszło tydzień temu". Magdalena Środa o ostatnich chwilach Kory Jackowskiej - Duration: 1:25.

 Prof. Magdalena Środa opowiedziała o ostatnich dniach i chwilach Kory. Wokalistka zmarła w sobotę o 5

30 nad ranem w swoim domu w Bliżowie na Roztoczu. Prof. Środa była tam i towarzyszyła jej w ostatnich chwilach

Mówiła o tym w sobotę rano w radiu Tok FM.  Kora Jackowska chorowała od 5 lat. Walczyła z genetycznym rakiem jajników

 Profesor podkreśla, że jej przyjaciółka do końca miała wolę walki, wolę życia. Do końca też interesowała się tym, co dzieje się wokół

 Prof. Magdalena Środa towarzyszyła w ostatnich chwilach Kory Jackowskiej:

For more infomation >> "Załamanie przyszło tydzień temu". Magdalena Środa o ostatnich chwilach Kory Jackowskiej - Duration: 1:25.


"Załamanie przyszło tydzień temu". Magdalena Środa o ostatnich chwilach Kory Jackowskiej - Duration: 1:25.

 Prof. Magdalena Środa opowiedziała o ostatnich dniach i chwilach Kory. Wokalistka zmarła w sobotę o 5

30 nad ranem w swoim domu w Bliżowie na Roztoczu. Prof. Środa była tam i towarzyszyła jej w ostatnich chwilach

Mówiła o tym w sobotę rano w radiu Tok FM.  Kora Jackowska chorowała od 5 lat. Walczyła z genetycznym rakiem jajników

 Profesor podkreśla, że jej przyjaciółka do końca miała wolę walki, wolę życia. Do końca też interesowała się tym, co dzieje się wokół

 Prof. Magdalena Środa towarzyszyła w ostatnich chwilach Kory Jackowskiej:

For more infomation >> "Załamanie przyszło tydzień temu". Magdalena Środa o ostatnich chwilach Kory Jackowskiej - Duration: 1:25.


Palmeiras anuncia volta de Felipão com contrato até o fim de 2020 - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Palmeiras anuncia volta de Felipão com contrato até o fim de 2020 - Duration: 3:14.


Conheça o marido do ator Luís Lobianco - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Conheça o marido do ator Luís Lobianco - Duration: 1:44.


Evandro Santo lembra saída do armário: "Fazia o diabo" - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Evandro Santo lembra saída do armário: "Fazia o diabo" - Duration: 2:08.


Bruna Marquezine se despede de Deus Salve o Rei em festa com elenco - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Bruna Marquezine se despede de Deus Salve o Rei em festa com elenco - Duration: 1:10.


Isis Valverde comenta gravidez: "Ainda estou usando manequim 36" - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Isis Valverde comenta gravidez: "Ainda estou usando manequim 36" - Duration: 3:03.


Marcos Mion lembra nascimento de filho autista - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Marcos Mion lembra nascimento de filho autista - Duration: 2:53.


Simone faltou a casamento de Fabíola Gadelha por orientação médica - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Simone faltou a casamento de Fabíola Gadelha por orientação médica - Duration: 1:36.


Vício de Demi Lovato acende alerta na equipe de Britney Spears - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Vício de Demi Lovato acende alerta na equipe de Britney Spears - Duration: 1:26.


Ex de Neymar, Carol Dantas encontra sósia em casamento - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Ex de Neymar, Carol Dantas encontra sósia em casamento - Duration: 1:56.


Gracyanne Barbosa se diverte com massagem de neta em seu bumbum - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Gracyanne Barbosa se diverte com massagem de neta em seu bumbum - Duration: 1:30.


Melinda e Teodoro usam looks combinando em festa - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Melinda e Teodoro usam looks combinando em festa - Duration: 1:20.


Could 'Frasier' be returning to TV? - Duration: 3:00.

Could 'Frasier' be returning to TV?

Could 'Frasier' be returning to TV?.

  With Charmed, Will & Grace and soon Buffy the Vampire Slayer back on the small screen, the cult 1990s sitcom, Frasier, could be the latest show to return to TV.

The show's title star, Kelsey Grammer, is reportedly discussing ideas for a potential reboot with CBS TV Studios.

For the moment, Kelsey Grammer - who played the show's lead character, Frasier Crane - is discussing various concepts to revive the series or to reboot the show with new characters, albeit still with links to the original.

Frasier followed the life of the psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, as he returns to his hometown of Seattle to host a radio talk show.

His disabled former-cop father soon moves in, with his dog, and Frasier's fastidious brother Niles is always on hand for a dose of sibling rivalry.  Frasier - a Cheers spin-off - ran for 11 seasons, from 1993 to 2004, and proved a major hit for the NBC network.

Over the course of its run, the show won a total of 37 Emmy Awards.

Some 33 million US viewers tuned in to watch the show's final episode.

If the talks progress, Frasier would join a long list of US TV shows currently being revived and rebooted, such as Will & Grace, which returns soon for its second reunion season on NBC, or Sabrina the Teenage Witch, returning soon on Netflix.

Things turned sour for ABC's freshly revived classic, Roseanne, when the show's lead actress, Roseanne Barr, was fired from the show.

A spin-off called The Conners has now been ordered, coming to the network this fall.

Recently, news of Buffy the Vampire Slayer returning with a black lead hit headlines at this year's Comic-Con in San Diego.

Indeed, the nostalgia for former hit TV series shows no sign of waning in Hollywood.  .

For more infomation >> Could 'Frasier' be returning to TV? - Duration: 3:00.


Blueberry NIGHTMARE !! - Tauranga, New Zealand | Travels (#52) - Duration: 8:27.

This is some kind of a joke!

I hope I will wake up in a few seconds...

I will just wake up and this with those f*** blueberries nightmare will end.

New Zealand is not always... DAMN

New Zealand is not always shiny

Sometime there are thunderstorms, look there - storm is coming

Another day... another adventure

Kasia... what adventure are you talking about

Picking blueberries!

After 2 weeks of picking, picking, picking

And picking once again of kiwi fruit flowers

We managed to get a different job

Thanks to this lady's smile

The same way we didn't see single Kiwi fruit

during our work which you can see in the previous video

the same way... during this work, we will not probably see single blueberry fruit...

This is because we do blueberry pruning, not picking...

From a plant looking like this, we have to do a plant looking like that

So 1 person is picking plants from the ground

2 people are cutting, one from each side of the table

The last person is putting the plants in the order... depending on what the farm owner wants

And that's it... We were suppose to work until christmas

but we're working so efficiently that we're doing the job 3 times faster than they expected

co. Kasia & Piotr

After that... enough of work, how long can we work?

It's almost been a month!

We came to work this morning and our supervisor brought us those gifts!

Everyone got a bag of freshly grinded coffee + a coffee maker

ok, enough :)

1, single blueberry

They asked us to do 'bullshit' job

we have to move pots from one place to another

Kasia's putting the pots into baskets

That's what we've done today


at least the owner brought us a box of ice cream which is awesome!

7 days later

I think I reached a small crysis

I received a slap in my face

I have this consciousness that I've worked in much better places, for much better money

I've just remembered how I would complain from time to time that I cannot be bothered to go to work..

and now I am thinking...

I forgot how I struggled during my first year of living in UK, doing all those shity jobs...

I even wrote an article about it if you want to see - I'll post a link to it in the description below

Today I got this smack in my face...

"Do you remember how you worked in those shitholes"

And now I am thinking also about those better jobs I had, well paid, laid back

How could I even complain about them?!

When I worked at the University...

How could I complain... damn...

Now we do this shitty job

Its taugh, 35 degrees, in a greenhouse

You sweat like crazy, sun is burning

And just cut those blueberries for hours

I feel really happy that I came here and I go through this... that I got this kick in the ass to remind myself about my past, to appreciate what I have

By the way... this is our garden for today's night

Here... I'll share ut with you

Our boss ordered a pizza for us! How awesome that is!

They gave us this shity job for the end...

Here, you see this weed? It needs to go

All 36.000 pots...

Luckily its the last day, I've have enough of this

I think Kasia too

...<For f**k sake, I'm going to f**k this up!>

Now you can say bye tot the blueberries :) This is the end


This is the end of this nonsense


Kasia is making one of my favourite dishes

She did it only once before. SUPER TASTY

If anyone wants a recipe...

...then let us know. I think a separate video will be needed for this

CHICKEN - the best meet of course





By the way, I wanted to record this, just so I can remember


This is New Zealand beer


I usually do not like beer especially STRONG one

But I have to admit that this one is... TASTES great

Beautiful bootle - SHOVEL

I think it is ready

If you want the recipe

Write down in IN THE COMMENTS below

SUBSCRIBE by the way

and you eat this dish WITH PITA bread by the way





And in the next video!!

Guess what that will be ;)

For more infomation >> Blueberry NIGHTMARE !! - Tauranga, New Zealand | Travels (#52) - Duration: 8:27.


BAŞARIYA GİDEN 8 YOL [BİLGİ VİDEOSU (#Keşfet)] - Duration: 4:24.

Çoğu insan başarının anahtarına ulaşabilmek

için, kendinde bulunan özellikleri yetersiz görür ve o anahtarı elde etmek adına sürekli

çalışması gerektiğine inanır.

Böylelikle becrilerini be sahip olduğu özellikleri yükselterek ona ulaşabileceğine inanır.

Ancak burada eksik bir şeyler var, başarıya bazen kendimize kattığımız yeni şeylerle

ulaşabileceğimiz gibi önceden edindiğimiz olumsuz özelliklerden feragat ederek de ulaşabiliriz…

BAHANELERDEN UZAK DURUN ! Başarılı insanlar ailelerini, arkadaşlarını

veya içinde bulundukları zor durumları, başarısızlıklarına bahane etmek yerine

bunun bilincinde davranıp bu zor durumların üstesinden gelmek için kendilerindeki gücün

farkına varır ve bahanelerle dolu yalan bi' hayat yerine gerçekle yüzleşirler,

bu da onların başarıya doğru attıkları ilk ve en önemli adımdır…


Yaptığınız işlerde , günlük hayatınızda veya sadece aynaya baktığınızda kusurlar

aramayın çünkü mükemmele ulaşmak sadece zamanınızı boşa harcamanıza neden olur.

Bunun yerine kenidinizi ve hayatınızı olduğu gibi kabul edip kusurları küçük adımlarla

görmezden gelin nitekim herkesin kusurlu olduğu bu hayatta

mükemmeli aramak kimsenin ulaşamayacağı bir hayaldir…

KORKULARINIZDAN KURTULUN ! Birçok insan korkularından kurtulmak yerine

onlarla yaşamayı öğrenir bu da tüm yaşamları boyunca tam potansiyallerine kavuşmalarının

önüne geçer böylelikle her zaman kendilerini risk almak yerine makul bir cezayı kabul

ederken bulurlar.

Bu da onları hayallerinden, isteklerinden ve arzularından vazgeçip istemedikleri bir

hayatları yaşayıp mutsuz olmalarına sebep olur..

AŞIRI KONTROLCÜ OLMAYIN ! Etrafınızda olup biten her şeyi düşünmek

ve bunların nedenleriyle veya sonuçlarıyla meşgul olmak sizi başarılı biri değil;

stresli, üzgün ve sinirli biri yapar.

Bunun yerine her şeyi kontrol etme arzusunu bırakıp kendinize ve yapabileceğiniz daha

sade olaylara odaklanın.

Böylece daha sakin ve daha mutlu olmaya doğru büyük bir adım atmış olursunuz…

SABİT FİKİRLERDEN KAÇININ ! Pek çok kişi sabit bir düşünce tarzına

ve anlamsız kırmıı çizgilere sahiptir, öyle ki kendisi için çizdiği bu sınırların

dışına çıkıp yeniliklerle tanışmak yerine sabit durup güvende olmayı tercih


Ancak farklı bakış açıları ve bilgi edinme kısacası ''Öğrenme'' eylemi

herhangi bir alanda başarılı olmak istiyorsak hiçbir zaman terk etmememiz gerekn bir alışkanlıktır.


Genelde başarılı insanların şans eseri veya rastlantı sonucu ortaya çıktığına

inanılır ancak bu düşünce çoğu zaman yanlıştır çünkü başarı yalnızca çaba,

özveri ve inanç gibi duygularla birlikte ortaya çıkmasıyla tanınır.

Diğer yandan ''Şans'' faktörüne güvenmek bizim küçük bir ihtimal için

bile olsa her şeyimizi ortaya koymaktan kaçınmamız için kendimize söylediğimiz basit ve tehlikeli

bir yalandır.

Bu yüzden ideal oranda planlı olmak size şanstan çok daha büyük getiriler sunacaktır…

TOXIC (ZEHİRLİ) İNSANLARDAN KURTULUN ! Çevrenizde sizi engelleyen, kötümser ve

olumsuz insanlar varsa bunlardan hemen kurtulun, eeğer yapmazsanız sizin de bu başarısızlar

kervanına katılmaktan ve hedeflediklerinizden uzaklaşmaktan başka çareniz kalmayacak.

Bunun yerine daha iyimser ve sizi haklı sebeplerle destekleyecek insanlarla arkadaşlık kurun

bu hem kendinizie olan güveninizi artıracak hem de daha önce olmadığınız kadar mutlu

olmanızı sağlayacaktır.


DEYİN ! Bazen size ciddi anlamda zararı dokunacak

tekliflere ''Hayır'' demeniz gerektiğini bilirsiniz ancak karşı tarafı kırmama

veya çeşitli nedenlerle bunu yapamazsınız böylelikle hem kendinizi istemediğiniz bir

durumun tam ortasında bulursunuz hem de kıramadığınız kişinin sizin bu zaafınızı kötü yönde

kullanmasına ortam hazırlamış olursunuz…

Bu yüzden cesur olun ve gerektiğinde HAYIR diyin…

Bu yöntemleri ister iş hayatınızda, ister günlük hayatınızda kullanın ancak bu

yöntemlerin size aşılamak istediği tek bir düşünce var, başrı için aslında

her şeye sahipsiniz fakat tek yapmanız gereken doğru zamanda doğru kararları verebilmek…

Peşinden koştuğunuz ve hayalini kurduğunuz hedefler için bazen daha fazla çaba sarf

etmek yerine bir an için durmanız ve etrafınıza bakmanız gerekir.

Unutmayın peşinde olduğunuz şeyler sizi zirveye çıkarabileceği gibi derin bir uçuruma

da sürükkeyebilir…

For more infomation >> BAŞARIYA GİDEN 8 YOL [BİLGİ VİDEOSU (#Keşfet)] - Duration: 4:24.


🏁Cum se înlocuiește disc frana pe VW GOLF 3 [TUTORIAL AUTODOC]🏁 - Duration: 3:28.

Loosen the wheel mounting bolts. Remove the front wheels.

Use an HEX ı6. Unscrew the brake caliper fastening.

Remove the brake caliper.

Use a phillips screwdriver. Unscrew the brake disc mounting bolts and remove it.

Install the brake disc and secure it. Use a phillips screwdriver.

Install the brake caliper and fix it. Use an HEX ı6.

For more infomation >> 🏁Cum se înlocuiește disc frana pe VW GOLF 3 [TUTORIAL AUTODOC]🏁 - Duration: 3:28.


Demi Lovato ficou entre a vida e a morte - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Demi Lovato ficou entre a vida e a morte - Duration: 1:34.


Em troca de favores, Neymar deve participar do Teleton - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Em troca de favores, Neymar deve participar do Teleton - Duration: 1:13.


Cómo preparar la barbacoa perfecta - Duration: 9:41.

1 comentariosVer comentario Sol y tiempo libre para compartir con familiares y amigos

el verano es la estación ideal para disfrutar de una barbacoa en buena compañía. Hamburguesas, pollo, morcilla o chorizo no pueden faltar, aunque cada vez más gente opta por añadir verduras o pescado

Todo vale. Para que ningún contratiempo arruine un día agradable, le recomendamos seguir estos pasos para llevar a cabo una parrillada perfecta

Eso sí, siempre en lugares controlados y permitidos para evitar problemas mayores con el fuego

Bon apetit.Calcula las raciones Empecemos por lo más básico. En función del número de comensales habrá que comprar mayor o menor cantidad de alimentos

Hay que intentar que no sobre mucho, pero que a su vez nadie se quede con hambre

Por ello, se recomienda que se adquieran 200 gramos por persona para los entrantes (morcilla, chorizo, chistorra, pinchos morunos

) y otros 250 gramos, también por persona, para la carne principal (hamburguesa, chuletón, solomillo, entrecot, chuletas de cordero

). Es muy importante tener en cuenta si a la mesa se sentará alguien que sea vegano o celíaco, para adquirir raciones que puedan comer

La calidad del producto, fundamental Si quieres que la comida salga a pedir de boca, no importa gastarse unos cuantos euros más y que el producto tenga mejor calidad

Se recomienda, ya que la carne se prepara mejor a temperatura ambiente, sacarla del frigorífico una hora antes de ser cocinada

Es importante no echarle sal hasta que no esté en la parrilla, para evitar que se seque en su interior

Las brasas ¿De leña o de carbón vegetal? La primera tarda más en convertirse en brasas, aproximadamente hora y media, pero el sabor de la carne lo agradecerá

Aunque, según dicen los expertos, si el carbón vegetal (que tarda unos 45-50 minutos) es de buena calidad, no distará mucho de la leña

Para encender las brasas podemos utilizar las clásicas piñas o ramas secas, o tirar de líquidos y pastillas inflamables

La primera opción es ideal para que los productos tengan el sabor más natural posible, pero en verano no se pueden crear fuegos en cualquier sitio (no se debe, además: debemos insistir mucho en este punto), así que no va a ser fácil encontrar a no ser que se haya hecho previsión durante el invierno

Nuestra recomendación son los nidos de paja que se pueden encontrar en cualquier tienda especializada en carbón

¿Dónde comprar lo necesario? Lejos de los productos que os vayáis a llevar a la boca, que podréis comprar en vuestra carnicería de confianza (mejor hacer el encargo un par de días antes) o incluso online (la enseña Solobuey envía packs de barbacoa en 24 h

para los comensales que se precisen, y las hay de diferentes tipos: árabe, argentina, la clásica, especial

), necesitaréis los siguientes utensilios: Barbacoa: Se puede comprar desde en centros comerciales (Carrefour, Alcampo

) a otros establecimientos más específicos como Leroy Merlin o Bauhaus. Pueden costar desde 30 hasta 300 euros, aunque por aproximadamente 70 ya puedes adquirir alguna muy apañada

Recomendamos que tenga cajón recoge cenizas y que sea apta tanto para leña como para carbón

Los más profesionales pueden decantarse por parrillas o ahumadores de precios más elevados , pero si la pericia con las brasas es discreta, recomendamos no gastar más 100 euros

 Brasas: Tanto la leña como el carbón vegetal pueden ser adquiridos en los lugares donde compraste la barbacoa (estarán expuestos muy cerca de éstas)

Pero también en plataformas digitales como Amazon, para aquellos que no tengan tiempo de ir al local en persona

Tanto el carbón vegetal como la leña están a la par en lo tocante a precios, pudiendo encontrar diez kilos por, aproximadamente, nueve o diez euros

Pero nuestra recomendación es visitar Fuegomarket (Embajadores, 156), tienda también conocida como La carbonería

Allí son especialistas en combustibles (disponen de sacos de astillas de pino, carbón de encina, carbón de marabu cubano, carbón de quebracho argentino, chips de madera de cerezo para ahumar en caliente, rocas volcánicas para barbacoas de gas

) y completan su oferta con todo tipo de utensilios (desde barbacoas y ahumadores hasta besugueras, cacerolas de hierro fundido, chimeneas de encendido, artículos de limpieza, guantes o palas para manejar los alimentos)

Además, ofrecen cursos para convertirse en un maestro asador, tanto a la hora de encender brasas como a la de cocinar

Cocinar los alimentos Cuando las brasas estén bien formadas (el carbón debe estar blanco por fuera e incandescente por dentro), es el momento de empezar a colocar la carne

Vigila que ya se hayan apagado las llamas. Puedes poner tu mano encima, si te empiezas a quemar al cabo de cinco segundos es que está todo listo

Dependiendo del producto que cocines en cada momento, deberás asar de dos a cinco minutos por cada lado

Para quien prefiera omitir la carne Para aquellos que prefieran hacer una barbacoa de pescado o de verduras, más sanas y menos calóricas, el mecanismo es el mismo

Algo que siempre va bien a la parrilla es el salmón o las sardinas, aunque el rape también cuenta con muchos adeptos

For more infomation >> Cómo preparar la barbacoa perfecta - Duration: 9:41.


To było piekło, zginęło sześć osób. Nie chcą o tym mówić - Duration: 0:21.


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