News Bangla 360
For more infomation >> অঙ্কুশ এর আসল পরিচয়,গার্লফ্রেন্ড,বয়স,পরিবার,মুভি,ইনকাম || Ankush full biography 2018(Official Video) - Duration: 3:17.-------------------------------------------
Waymo se asocia con Walmart para transportar a sus clientes en autos sin conductor - Duration: 1:57.
El acuerdo entre Jaguar I-Pace con Waymo fue presentado en Nueva York (Mark Kauzlarich/Bloomberg) Waymo anunció que comenzará un programa piloto con Walmart para trasladar a los clientes hacia y desde las tiendas para que recojan sus compras
La nueva iniciativa forma parte de una serie de alianzas con empresas para ofrecer a los clientes unos vehículos sin conductor para hacer compras y otro tipo de diligencias
Los clientes de Phoenix que compren productos comestibles en recibirán ahorros en sus productos y, como que sus pedidos se preparan en la tienda, los vehículos Waymo autónomos llevarán a los clientes hacia y desde Walmart
Waymo también se asociará con AutoNation, Avis, DDR y Element Hotel para ofrecer autos sin conductor a los clientes de estas compañías
"Hemos adaptado nuestras asociaciones para satisfacer mejor las necesidades de los pasajeros", comentó Waymo en un blog
"Si bien hoy en día estas son asociaciones específicas que se desarrollan en el área metropolitana de Phoenix, estas empresas son nacionales y, después de todo, tendremos una red de socios una vez que lancemos estos mismos servicios en otras ciudades en el futuro"
Receta "pura de Magnesio" para ayudar a combatir la migraña - Duration: 11:17.
Legalización de mariguana en Canadá permitirá ventas privadas - Duration: 4:05.
Con la inminente apertura del mercado de la mariguana en Canadá, a partir del 17 de octubre, algunos gobiernos provinciales como Ontario y Alberta se preparan para permitir mayor participación de tiendas privadas interesadas en entrar a este novedoso y prometedor mercado
Esta semana, el nuevo gobierno de Ontario, encabezado por el conservador Doug Ford, anunciará la apertura del mercado del cannabis al sector privado, poniendo fin al control público de la venta de la hierba programado por el gobierno liberal, que planeaba su venta sólo en las tiendas que venden licor
De esta forma, las tiendas particulares podrán vender mariguana debidamente etiquetada, mientras que el gobierno provincial adelantó que seguirá teniendo el control de las ventas al por mayor, su distribución y de las ventas en línea
La legalización de la mariguana obligó a los gobiernos provinciales a crear oficinas específicas para controlar este mercado y la calidad del producto
Al igual que existe con las tiendas exclusivas para vender licor, LCBO, se creó la Ontario Cannabis Store (OCS) que abriría unas 40 tiendas este año para abastecer el mercado
La OCS planea abrir más tiendas para llegar a 80 en 2019 y a 150 en 2020. Ontario se unirá al modelo impuesto en Alberta en donde habrá tiendas controladas por el gobierno y tiendas privadas con licencia
El gobierno de Doug Ford adelantó que en los próximos dos meses realizará consultas con las municipalidades, las agencias de regulación y grupos indígenas para afinar los detalles de las ventas privadas del cannabis
"No creo que el gobierno deba pegar su nariz en todo", declaró Ford, quien se define como un gobernador "abierto a los negocios", para justificar la liberación del mercado de esta hierba, con la que el gobierno de Ontario planea captar mayores ganancias
"Ontario estará listo (con sus tiendas) para el 17 de octubre en que se legalice el consumo recreativo de la mariguana y con un sistema que cumpla con el objetivo de esta legalización que es proteger a los jóvenes y eliminar el mercado ilegal", dijo el vocero gubernamental Scott Blodgett
La provincia más poblada de Canadá está por definir el precio final en que se venderá la hierba, estimada en unos 6
78 dólares por gramo. Se prevé aplicar un impuesto especial al consumo de cannabis de un dólar por gramo o 10 por ciento en ventas superiores a los 10 dólares
Parte de lo recaudado por este impuesto especial será destinado a campañas de prevención sobre los efectos negativos de la mariguana
El gobierno está dialogando con los productores para mantener un precio bajo en los mostradores que debilite las ventas en el mercado ilegal, pero que a su vez no afecte a los desarrolladores de esta planta
La ley prevé que los canadienses podrán cultivar hasta cuatro plantas de mariguana en su casa, pero cada provincia tiene la discreción de impedirlo, como ya lo adelantaron las provincias de Quebec y Manitoba, que se oponen porque es "muy complejo controlar eso" y porque creen que esto será un conducto para abastecer el mercado ilegal
Ascienden a 91 los muertos por los devastadores incendios en Grecia - Duration: 2:13.
Las autoridades siguen investigando las causas de los incendios (AFP) El balance de los incendios que azotaron Grecia este mes subió a 91 muertos, mientras que 25 personas siguen desaparecidas, informó este domingo la portavoz de los bomberos, Stavroula Malliri
Esta es la primera vez que la partida de los desaparecidos es sistematizada. Sin embargo, algunos de los desaparecidos pueden estar entre las 28 víctimas cuyos cuerpos están siendo examinados por expertos en medicina forense, precisó a la AFP el portavoz de la agencia de Protección Civil, Spyros Georgiou
Varios niños han encarnado el rostro de esta tragedia, incluyendo a unas gemelas de nueve años, un bebé de seis meses, unos hermanos de 11 y 13 años y otro menor de 13 años
Los grupos de rescate buscan intensamente a las decenas de desaparecidos (AFP) Hasta ahora cuatro extranjeros han sido identificados, incluyendo un joven irlandés que estaba de luna de miel, una mujer polaca que estaba con su hijo y un belga cuya hija fue rescatada
Los señalamientos sobre el manejo de la crisis se intensificaron el domingo después de que la oposición acusó al gobierno de haber intentado esconder las pérdidas humanas en un principio
Cientos de casas y autos fueron destruidos por los incendios (AFP) Los servicios contra los incendios seguían este domingo investigando las causas de los siniestros, después de que el gobierno apuntara a una pista criminal
El diario Kathimerini indicó que un informe inicial apuntó a que uno de los orígenes podría ser la negligencia en la quema de hojas secas y ramas
Con información de AFP MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: Impactantes imágenes de decenas de griegos que se refugiaron en el mar tras escapar de los mortales incendios Un griego filmó el desesperante momento en el que quedó rodeado por el incendio forestal que dejó 82 muertos El gobierno griego sospecha que los incendios que dejaron 82 muertos fueron producto de "acciones criminales"
La familia de Meghan Markle, vetada en los 'realities' de la televisión británica - Duration: 4:02.
✅ Rodrigo Rato declara mañana ante el juez en la pieza de blanqueo de capitales - Duration: 2:54.
El magistrado le cita después de que la Audiencia de Madrid rechazara archivar esta parte de la investigación sobre su patrimonio MADRID, 29 Jul
(EUROPA PRESS) - El titular del Juzgado de Instrucción número 31 de Madrid, Antonio Serrano Arnal, ha citado a declarar a las 11:00 horas de este lunes al exvicepresidente del Gobierno y expresidente de Bankia Rodrigo Rato por presunto blanqueo de capitales en la causa que se instruye por el origen presuntamente ilícito de su patrimonio familiar
El juez instructor acuerda esta diligencia después de que la Audiencia Provincial de Madrid desestimara el pasado mes de mayo el recurso presentado por el también exdirector gerente del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) en el que solicitaba que se archivara esta pieza de la instrucción
Los magistrados de la Sección 23 instaron entonces a Serrano-Arnal a que le tomara declaración por estos hechos. El magistrado sobreseyó esta parte de la investigación hace más de un año al considerar que el informe de la Unidad Central Operativa (UCO) de la Guardia Civil que le atribuía a Rato delitos contra la Hacienda Pública, blanqueo de capitales, cohecho y malversación de caudales públicos, carecía de sustento básico
Según este informe, el exvicepresidente del Gobierno se aprovechó del proceso de privatización de empresas propiedad del Estado como Repsol, Endesa o Telefónica para "colocar" en los puestos de dirección a personas de confianza y obtener "sustanciosos contratos de publicidad"
Aunque no vio delito en su actuación, el juez apuntó que dichos contratos se realizaron "por importes excesivos" y cifró en 71
902.822 euros la facturación provenientes de las empresas privatizadas con las entidades controladas por Rato. Finalmente reabrió esta parte de la investigación por orden igualmente de la Audiencia Provincial de Madrid
INTERROGADO EN LA PIEZA DE LAS CONFERENCIAS El magistrado Serrano-Arnal sí interrogó a Rato el pasado 5 de abril en el marco de la pieza sobre facturación obtenida por las conferencias que impartió para Bureau Consulting Conferenciantes (BCC) y suspendió la relativa al blanqueo que, sin embargo, ahora acuerda para este lunes
En su declaración judicial, el exbanquero aseguró que "efectivamente" facturó a nombre de su sociedad Arada las cuantías obtenidas por la impartición de conferencias, y que lo hizo de forma lícita, de acuerdo con la supresión del régimen de transparencia fiscal del año 2002
En lo que respecta a la investigación por blanqueo, Rato dirigió un escrito al magistrado que investiga el origen de su patrimonio familiar, en el que acusó a la Fiscalía Anticorrupción de acoger las "disparatadas" conclusiones del Instituto Armado sin hacer "la más mínima labor de contraste" y con una "absoluta falta de rigor"
▶Nightcore - Imagine Dragons - Believer (Kid Comet Remix) [Lyric] - Duration: 2:56.
Kawalerka dla rodziców za wychowanie. Tyle musiałbyś oddać, gdyby policzyli wszystkie lata wyrzeczeń - Duration: 19:17.
- Całe życie was utrzymywaliśmy. Teraz czas, żebyście wy utrzymywali nas. Z tym ZUSem to nie wiadomo jak będzie, a my koszty wychowania przecież ponosilliśmy - usłyszał Michał od mamy
Gdyby miał spłacić "wychowawczy dług" musiałby pozbyć się kawalerki w dużym mieście
I jego brat też. 210 tys. zł - tyle kosztuje wychowanie jednego dziecka w Polsce
Koszt "na głowę" spada z każdym kolejnym potomkiem (East News, Fot: Piotr Kamionka/REPORTER) Niedziela, obiad
Jak zwykle mama ugotowała rosół, bo przyjechały dzieci z Warszawy. Jedzą. I trwa rozmowa według powtarzającego się co tydzień scenariusza: "Co w pracy"? "Wszystko dobrze"? "Kiedy ślub"? "Kiedy dzieci"? I nowość: "A może będziesz nam wypłacał emeryturę? Wiesz, zamiast ZUS, za te wszystkie lata wychowania"
Ręka Michałowi zadrżała. Niby to żart. A może jednak nie? Jest chwilę po 30-stce, pracuje w warszawskiej korporacji
On jest pewnym źródłem dochodu. "A ZUS? To nigdy nic nie wiadomo" - śmiali się rodzice
A, że braci jest dwóch, to zwrot byłby całkiem spory. Michał napisał do nas za pośrednictwem formularza dziejesieWP
I tak będzie pomagał rodzicom, ale chce wiedzieć, ile musiałby oddawać, żeby spłacić się u rodziców w całości
Ile właściwie wydali na jego wychowanie? Zobacz także: Emerytury Polaków. Krótsza praca, mniejsze pieniądze Kilkaset tysięcy wydatków Najpierw wózek, szczepionki, pieluchy, później tysiące zabawek, jeszcze więcej tysięcy skarpetek, ubranek i ogrom zachcianek
Nowy komputer, nowy rower, wakacje i tak w kółko. Rodzicielstwo kosztuje i wie to każdy rodzic
A gdyby tak nasi rodzice wystawili pewnego dnia rachunek i zażyczyli zwrotu środków za wszystkie lata zwiększonych wydatków? Co ciekawe, w ekonomii wychowanie dzieci liczone jest jako… stopień pogorszenia standardu życia
I nie sposób się dziwić. Tanio nie jest. Zwykle od 15 do 30 proc. comiesięcznej pensji wędruje właśnie na potomków
A im dziecko starsze, tym większe wydatki - udowodnili statystycy z United States Department of Agriculture w 2014 roku
Wychowanie jednego dziecka w Polsce kosztuje od 190 tys. zł do 210 tys. zł. Mniej więcej tyle trzeba wydać na dziecko od niemowlęcia do 18 roku życia
Cena utrzymania dwójki potomków to już od 350 tysięcy do 385 tysięcy złotych - szacuje Centrum im
Adama Smitha. Mówiąc inaczej: wychowanie jedynaka to równowartość ceny kawalerki w dużym mieście
Dwójka dzieci to już równowartość własnego M4. Z kolei koszt wychowania trójki dzieci wynosi od 460 tysięcy do 500 tysięcy złotych, a dla rodziny z czwórką dzieci to wydatek blisko 600 tys
zł. Trójka i więcej dzieci kosztuje mniej więcej równowartość domu pod miastem. Oczywiście, mniej zamożne rodziny wydają na dzieci mniej, bardziej zamożne więcej
Jednocześnie - ogół kosztów zależy od dalszej drogi życiowej. Większość studentów wciąż jest na utrzymaniu rodziny
Więc koszty rosną. - Z ekonomicznego punktu widzenia dzieci są rodzajem specjalnych dóbr zbliżonych charakterystyką do długoterminowych aktywów, które w przyszłości mogą przynosić swoim rodzicom i społeczeństwu finansowe i społeczne korzyści - tłumaczą eksperci z Centrum im
Adama Smitha. I zaznaczają, że ich dane to jedynie szacunki. Dla przykładu każdy rok wychowania dziecka w USA to cena od 9 do 13 tys
dolarów (około 47 tys. zł). W Wielkiej Brytanii ten wskaźnik oscyluje w okolicach 8,9 tys
dolarów rocznie (około 32 tys. zł). Z kolei rok wychowania dziecka w Australii to cena 6 tys
dolarów (w przeliczeniu 22 tys. zł). W Polsce ten wskaźnik oscyluje na poziomie około 2,5 tys
dolarów rocznie, czyli 10 tys. zł. Podobnie na dzieci wydają Kanadyjczycy - wynika z danych OECD
Rodzinny kredyt Gdyby cenę wychowania dzieci potraktować jako kredyt z zerową stawką prowizji i zerowym oprocentowaniem, to przez dziesięć lat należałoby oddawać 1666 zł
Każdego miesiąca. To kalkulacja dla jedynaka i to na dodatek bardzo niekorzystna, bo nie podlegająca w żaden sposób inflacji (czyli wzrostowi cen)
Tymczasem kredyty bankowe i wysokość rat zależne są od stóp procentowych, a te właśnie od poziomu inflacji
Oczywistym jest, że zaraz po osiągnięciu pełnoletności nie ma się takiej gotówki
Ani dla siebie, ani tym bardziej, żeby coś z tego oddawać. Według raportu firmy Knight&Frank młodym Polakom na starcie kariery zwykle brakuje kilku procent do domknięcia budżetu
Gdyby uznać, że kredyt od rodziców będziemy spłacać dłużej - na przykład przez 30 lat, to i tak co miesiąc należałoby wyłożyć 550 zł
I to przy założeniu, że rodzice są wyrozumiali. Gdyby policzyli sobie koszt wychowania niczym bank, to do spłaty byłoby
528 tys. zł. To koszt dodatkowego oprocentowania przez tak długi okres. Zobacz także: Młodzi Polacy nie mają co liczyć na "godne" emerytury
"Będą głodne" Oczywiście, można uznać, że rodzice część długu po prostu umorzą ze względu na własny zysk, czyli radość z możliwości wychowywania dzieci
Ile warte są te piękne chwile? Trudno je w jakikolwiek sposób przeliczyć na pieniądze
Przyjęliśmy więc, że to 25 proc. całości. Nawet wtedy do oddania byłoby sporo - bo 150 tys
zł. To sprawia, że przez 30 lat rodzicom należałoby oddawać po 400 zł. Trzeba powiedzieć wprost, że najbardziej opłaca się mieć rodzeństwo
Do zwrotu dla rodziców jest wtedy po prostu mniej środków na głowę. Jedynak może mieć do oddania 210 tys
zł, podczas gdy jedna osoba z trójki rodzeństwa mniej więcej 166 tys. zł. To prawie 50 tys
zł mniej. Można uznać, że to cena na przykład noszenia ubrań po rodzeństwie. Rodzinna emerytura Jest jednak inna opcja
Na początku dorosłości niewielu może pochwalić się grubym portfelem. Zwrot należności dla rodziców można by zacząć oddawać już po osiągnięciu jakichkolwiek zawodowych sukcesów
Wtedy kredyt od rodziców mógłby przyjąć formę "rodzinnej emerytury". Jeżeli przyjąć, że rodzice są już w wieku emerytalnym i mają dokładnie 65 lat, to według tablic długości życia (którymi posługuje się ZUS) przeżyją jeszcze 220 miesięcy
To nieco ponad 18 lat. Gdyby dobić targu z rodzicami, że rachunek za wychowanie jest spłacany przez właśnie taki sam okres jak wypłacana jest emerytury, to co miesiąc na ich konto jedno dziecko musiałoby oddawać około 909 zł
Wtedy w 18 lat oddałoby pełne 200 tys. zł. 900 zł to mniej niż minimalna emerytura, a przecież mówimy o dwójce rodziców
Na głowę mieliby "ekstra" 450 zł. Pod względem "rodzinnej emerytury" nieco lepiej wyszliby ci rodzice, którzy wychowali dwójkę dzieci
Wtedy niejako ich "kapitał emerytalny" wyniósłby nawet 368 tys. zł. Oczywiście jednocześnie w ciągu życia ponosiliby wyższe wydatki na rodzinę
W takim układzie dodatek emerytalny rośnie do 1672 zł na dwójkę rodziców, czyli po ponad 800 na głowę
Im więcej dzieci, tym więcej wydatków, ale jednocześnie w takim układzie wyższa kwota do zwrotu
Dziecko zamiast ZUS? - Ludzie, którzy pracują, składają się na emerytury dla swoich rodziców i dziadków
Musimy się z tym pogodzić - podkreśla prof. Leokadia Oręziak ze Szkoły Głównej Handlowej
- W perspektywie międzypokoleniowej jest naturalne, aby rodzice zapewniali materialne podstawy utrzymania dzieci, tak jak całkowicie naturalne jest oczekiwanie, aby dzieci wspierały materialnie swoich rodziców i dziadków, gdy ci znajdą się w takiej potrzebie - argumentują z kolei eksperci z Centrum im
Adama Smitha. System emerytalny to umowa społeczna wszystkich ze wszystkimi. W Polsce działa w ten sposób, że to młode pokolenia finansują emerytury wszystkich rodziców i dziadków
A gdyby załatwić to tak, że dzieci finansowałyby emeryturę własnych rodziców? Zamiast na własne konto ZUS w pewnym momencie pieniądze wędrowałyby do rodziców
Nasza składka byłaby ich emeryturą. A wcześniej? A wcześniej nie byłoby składek. To oczywiście układ tylko teoretyczny i zakładający, że o emeryturze rodziców dzieci pomyślą dopiero, gdy "staruszkowie" nie będą w stanie pracować na siebie
Gdyby każdemu z rodziców chcieć przelać po 2,5 tys. zł (to średnia emerytura w Polsce) i zastąpić w tej kwestii ZUS, to z własnych składek musiałoby co miesiąc wędrować do nich 5 tys
zł. Takie z kolei składki emerytalne w Polsce płacą ludzie, którzy zarabiają 50 tys
zł miesięcznie brutto na umowie o pracę. To oczywiście układ, w którym dziecko przejmuje rodzica już na emeryturze i nie ma na ten cel żadnego kapitału zapasowego
Rodzice przez całe życie nic nie zbierali, dziecko przez całe życie nic nie odkładało
Z dnia na dzień trzeba ich finansować (wyłącznie częścią składkową). To oczywiście układ, w którym dwójkę rodziców utrzymuje jeden pracujący
Tymczasem system emerytalny zbudowany jest tak, że zaczynamy płacić już lata wcześniej a pieniądze się odkładają
Zobacz także: Bolesna prawda o polskich emeryturach. Zobacz, ile dostaniesz ty, a ile Chorwat, Czech czy Słowak Można sobie wyobrazić układ, w którym każde dziecko wie, że kiedyś będzie musiało opłacać emerytury rodziców
Wtedy na ich starość musiałoby przygotowywać się wcześniej. Aby rodzicom uzbierać po 2,5 tys
zł emerytury na prognozowane 18 lat życia na każdego, trzeba by uzbierać po 550 tys
zł. W sumie to 1,1 mln zł kapitału emerytalnego. Żeby uzbierać taką kwotę należałoby odkładać przez 40 lat po 2,3 tys
zł. Taką składkę emerytalną odkładają co miesiąc osoby z wynagrodzeniem 25 tys. zł
A to oznacza, że jedna osoba nie jest w stanie sfinansować emerytury z ZUS rodziców
Ewentualnie można zacząć zbierać dokładnie 18 lat przed przejściem rodziców na emeryturę po 5 tys
zł. Wtedy byłoby z czego wypłacać świadczenie. Jednocześnie - oddane przez dziecko pieniądze wielokrotnie przewyższają wydaną przez rodziców kwotę
Ten układ doskonale pokazuje, że system emerytalny "nie udźwignie" kosztów emerytur, gdy zabraknie pracujących
1 pracujący na 2 emerytów to już spore wyzwanie. Masz newsa, zdjęcie lub filmik? Prześlij nam przez dziejesie
북한 김정은은 남한을 싫어하나여 - Duration: 3:36.
Nightcore - To My Parents - Duration: 3:22.
Lyrics Is In The Video :)
Top Reasons Why K1 Fiance Visa is Better than CR1 Spouse Visa - Duration: 11:43.
This is Fred Wahl the VisaCoach
Today's topic is: Why Fiance Visa is better than Spouse Visa
Visa Coach
Fast, Easy and Personal
I am Fred Wahl, the VisaCoach, I am known for the
personal one-on-one relationship that WE share, (that's you, me and your partner), as WE work
together, as a TEAM, to overcome the many challenges
of immigration,
Please don't risk your happiness, Don't go this course alone.
Alone, it's far too easy to make mistakes that cause tears,
delays and expensive denials.
Do Pick up the Phone and speak with me directly, so that,
you and I, can get to know each other.
This is the complimentary case evaluation I talk about
If we are compatible, that's the beginning of our beautiful
relationship to get you the immigration approvals you need.
This is what two of my clients Hamid and Marjan, had to say: Marjan comes from Iran and I helped
her get her Fiance visa.,
She said it took 45 minutes and they went over almost 90% of the
sample questions you had given us.
She was amazed by how spot on you were.
She got a letter saying Congratulations on the conditional approval of your visa........
She said they asked a lot of questions about age difference,
my family and even tried to test her to see if I had told her
about my incarceration.
These people even read the chat messages that we printed as evidence
of relationship and asked why you guys were talking about
this and that.
At the end, one of the two interviewers left and the other
one whispered to Marjan "Be honest with me, why are you marrying him,
is it for the Green Card?"
She handled it well
Thanks again,
Well, you are most welcome: Hamid + Marjan
Now, lets talk about Why a Fiance Visa is better than a Spouse Visa.
I get calls every day.
And the conversation usually starts with no preamble but "I have
a girl or boy friend overseas, please tell me, what is the BEST visa to get him or her
here, Fiance or Spouse"?"
My answer always is "well, it depends upon your situation and what your priorities are.
It depends on what is important to you.
Is it fastest speed?
Lowest Cost?
Relative simplicity?
Are children involved?
How old are they?
Do you have enough income to self sponsor or do you need a co-sponsor?"
And so on.
Only after I understand what the person's situation is, and what his or her priorities
are, can I suggest what visa might fit.
On reviewing annual US immigration statistics comparing how many K1 fiance visas are issued,
compared to CR1 spouse visas, there is no clear cut winner in the "which is better"
Amazingly enough it's a TIE !
In recent experience about 40,000 of EACH are issued annually.
Again the real answer is "it depends".
That is one of the main reasons I invite future clients to first book a free case evaluation
with me.
Besides giving us the chance to get to know each other, and feel if we can work together,
it gives me the opportunity to learn what is going on, and what the person wants.
Then together we discuss the pros and cons and figure out which of the two visas best
But today, I am going to list just the PROS, the TOP positive reasons why most who choose
the Fiance Visa path, actually choose it.
Next month I will take the other side and list the top reasons why a Spouse visa path
is chosen instead.
Reason #1.
Fiance visa is twice as fast
In 2018 this means while a spouse visa takes 14 to 18 months on average, a Fiance visa
will get your fiancee to the US much sooner, in half the time, only 8 to 9 months on average.
The reason the spouse visa takes longer than the fiance visa, is because the time to approve
permanent residency is included in the spouse visas processing time.
A K1 Fiancée visa is considered a non-immigrant visa.
Non-immigrant means it is only for a short and temporary stay, and that is only 90 days.
This compares to a regular immigration visa like a CR1 Spouse Visa which not only gives
the person permission to enter the USA, but also grants permission to remain permanently
as a lawful permanent green card holding resident.
A fiance visa does not need to include the the time it takes to review for permanent
residency and green card approval, only approval for a short 90 day visit instead.
And immigration knows that their fiance visa review can be less vigorous and thus faster
because they understand, that if the fiancee marries and applies to remain in the USA,
there will be a second chance to review the applicant all over again, when the new bride
or groom applies for permanent residency after arrival, after the wedding.
Reason #2.
Wedding in USA
The second reason a fiance visa is better is when the couple wants to celebrate their
wedding in the United States.
Usually this means they want to share their happiness with their American family and friends.
Reason #3.
Fiance's Children ages 18 to 21 are still eligible to immigrate with Parent
The third reason that a fiancée visa is better is when the foreign fiancé wants to bring
his or her children to the USA, who are 18 years of age or older.
When applying for a fiance or spouse visa the American sponsor can also at the same
time apply to bring to the USA the dependent children of his or her fiance or spouse.
If the wedding has taken place, the American sponsor can apply for a spouse visa, and regular
immigration for any child who was under 18 years old on the day of the wedding.
The American Spouse is limited to only apply for the under
18 year old's.
Any children aged 18 to 21 would be left behind.
However, if the couple is not married, and instead applying for a Fiance Visa, then the
American can sponsor the older children too, up to 21 years of age.
Reason #4.
Single trip Engagement appears more bona fide vs single trip Wedding.
Finally a fiance visa may be better than a spouse visa, when a couple plans to only meet
once, only make one trip, and only meet a single time and then apply for the visa.
This is because the timeline of their relationship will seem to make more common sense.
The couple who makes a marriage proposal, after meeting face to face, that then applies
for a visa have followed a more normal courtship progression of getting to know each other
first, before making life changing decisions.
And if their acquaintance has been short, they still have more time to get to know each
other, while the fiance visa is pending before having to make the final commitment at the
This compares to a couple who has never met, and sight unseen, agree to marry, make arrangements
in advance of the trip, and then almost without catching breath to get over jet lag move directly
from arrivals at the airport to the altar.
Remember the consular officer making the approve or deny decision, does not know you.
Does not know how honest and sincere you are.
However, he is aware of some dishonest people who offer money and a free overseas trip,
to an American willing to marry, then sponsor a foreigner for immigration.
If your genuine relationship follows the same apparent course that some common sham applications
follow, the consular officer might not be able to identify yours from the other.
And for a consular officer, "when in doubt, the safest decision, is to deny"
To summarize, Couples who only have ONE TRIP, to meet in person, then propose, then apply
for fiance visa, will appear to a skeptical consular officer more Bona Fide, than a couple
who only have ONE TRIP, where all marriage plans, had been made and committed to in advance
of the first in-person meeting, and who carried out those prearranged plans immediately upon
Next time I will describe the top good reasons why a CR1 Spouse Visa is better.
This was Fred Wahl, The VisaCoach
Please "like" or add your comments to this video.
Then go to and sign up for the VisaCoach
monthly newsletter.
Each month it is full of tips and advice on marriage based immigration.
And its free of charge.
And when you sign up you get two free ebooks I have written
"120 K1 Visa Interview Practice Questions, and "5 Things you must know before starting
your visa"
Finally, when you are ready to get started, call for
your complimentary case evaluation and speak with me directly,
Before starting on your immigration adventure, before
entering an arcane maze of rules, regulations and procedures,
before committing yourself to a risky path that could
mean an end to your happiness, speak with the VisaCoach
and ask for his Free Case Evaluation.
He listens to you to learn the red flags and strengths
of your case, your eligibility and goals.
He will suggest which visa is right for you, the best strategy
to get it, and how soon your love could join you.
VisaCoach's friendly advice and support might make
the difference between approval and denial, and
could save you months, or years, of loneliness and separation.
What have you got to lose?
Book your free evaluation today.
Mugabe hints he may vote for opposition leader Chamisa - Duration: 1:54.
Mugabe hints he may vote for opposition leader Chamisa
Mugabe hints he may vote for opposition leader Chamisa.
Zimbabwe's former president Robert Mugabe, who was ousted in November, suggested Sunday he could vote for opposition leader Nelson Chamisa rather than Emmerson Mnangagwa of the ruling ZANU-PF in the presidential election "I can't vote for ZANU-PF.
what is left? I think it is just Chamisa," Mugabe told a press conference in Harare on the eve of the historic vote.
"For the first time ever we have now a long list of aspirants to power," Mugabe said.
"I cannot vote for those who tormented me.
I will make my choice among the other 22 (candidates) but it is a long list." Zimbabwe goes to the polls on Monday in its first election since Mugabe was forced to resign last November after 37 years in power, with allegations mounting of voter fraud and predictions of a disputed result.
Zimbabwe's military generals shocked the world in November when they seized control and ushered Mnangagwa to power after Mugabe, who is in frail health, tried to position his wife Grace, 53, to be his successor.
It was supposed to be just a family Sunday Skating but.. - Duration: 10:18.
at list got it on camera
because I'm a hot girl shit like that yo
hi my name is
Ricardo Lino and and im a wheel addict so it's Sunday morning and Janice chose the
skate park where we're going Janice Durbin valve skate
it's lest we go into a DIY skate park these week we go to another DIY skate
park we just came to the shop to pick some stuff like this camera that I'm
filming right now and Janice is just updating your social media my child
social media thank you could follow the jail in life alright we're now in LA we
should be there at 10:00 there's no traffic at Sunday morning so let's do
this I wanted to vote
save me there's no dock today you're doing good
come I know free free free bossy
mommy's turn take this did you talk
you know what you did wrong ah you know she's wrong Janice you
didn't you didn't spend the full thing are you okay at least you got another
camera shit like that shit like that yo just take that hard Jalen that's what
you should never be doing Jalen look at that nose Jalen good the first time they
do really felt like that huh yeah it's my first ever learn leading for
okay learn the new slide it's not a new slide is the citric acid slide but I
learned it when I turn left I can do it good check
we just got here we're in Redemption the last time we tried to film you didn't do
a proper backside talk now you got to do it come on you're only doing one thing
wrong you need wants to do it you need to land both feet at the same time Yeah
yes that was it that was good
I'm gonna try one thing with this on the back wheel I didn't want to do it in the
front once I did it again on the back
slowly okay john cornyn okay cool
that's cool come on
got it I just want to try this thing I think I can do it you just need to put
the camera it's time for lunch my tea just got here it's still on
shorts is he going Matt you have you been have you did you went out the ramp
already you're going watch out here because the floor is not the best you
can do this one now it's easy I'll try it go with Andrew give it give it give a
hand to Android nope no not on shorts that's it we're done for today time for
lunch and yeah don't forget to subscribe but I
hope you enjoyed this one if you did enjoy this one do not forget to give us
thumbs up thumbs up if you didn't like it thumbs down let me just show you
something I just planned right now I just I just went over the rainbow in
slow-mo anyway if you did like this video again just like Andrew said don't
forget to subscribe and more important than anything else just don't forget why
we all started skating because it's fun Cheers
I just got home to the best news about Rob G so I don't even know what to say
I've been seeing so much support from this community for Rob G and I'm just so
happy to see this all I want to say is that whenever someone says that skating
is that you asked them to show any other community with the same power as we have
I mean we raised more than one hundred thousand dollars in one day I guess that
says it all Rob G if you're watching this I wish you all the best I know
you're gonna go over these and can't wait to see you on skate soon
김정은이 대단한 인물인가요? 외교할때 중국 미국 잘 다루는거같은데 - Duration: 3:33.
Janet diagnosed with ligma | Toast Lying to Jenny | Janet befriends a honey Kappa - Duration: 10:03.
Janet diagnosed with ligma | Toast Lying to Jenny | Janet befriends a honey Kappa
Half-Life Part 12-2 The Epic Ending - Duration: 6:11.
Gordon freeman in the flesh or rather in the hazard
Suit I took the liberty of relieving you of your weapons
Most of them were government property as for the suit, I think you've earned it
The border world zen is in our control for the time being
Thanks to you quite a nasty piece of work you managed over there. I am impressed
That's why I'm here mr. Freeman I have recommended your services to my
And they have authorized me to offer you a job. They agree with me that you have limitless
You've proved yourself a decisive man
So I don't expect you'll have any trouble deciding what to do
If you're interested just step into the portal and I will take that as a yes
Otherwise, well, I
Can offer you a battle you have no chance of winning
Rather an anti-climax after what you've just survived
Time to choose
Wisely done. Mr. Freeman, I will see you up ahead
Four Warned X About This Furry Stuff... (kinda lazy) - Duration: 0:20.
Wait, that isn't X...
It's a MONSTER!!!
:X starts taking a walk: (I'm sorry I forgot the ears!)
ya dun goofed four
同样是狐狸精,苏妲己和白浅谁厉害?东华帝君一个举动说明真相 - Duration: 6:02.
ANNISOKAY USA Tour Ep. 4 - Cockroach Attack - Duration: 7:50.
All the traffic lights are red.
That's not true.
Yes it is, do you see a single green light?
Here, here, here!
I'm serious, look at this!
Dude, what is this?
You have to record this.
Trouble is coming.
Her facial expression was priceless.
Dad has to clean, again.
Someone's gotta do it... with all these kids, here.
Come here.
It's so hot.
It's like putting your face into a sauna.
There's a sauna outside?
Yes, it's a sauna outside and a fridge in here.
Rating this coke on a scale from 1-10...
It's a 4.
Really, just a 4?
Yeah, look at it, the design is really bad.
Way too much sugar, not enough flavor.
It smells like River Cola from ALDI.
And it's sweeter.
Are you excited, today?
Of course.
We are excited, every day!
I mean, it's only the 4th show of the tour.
It somehow feels like it's the 10th or 20th show, though.
But it's awesome. We're having so much fun.
I'm stoked. It seems like some people are gonna show up tonight, too.
It's great.
Dude, we've been searching for you, for an hour, already.
I'm sorry.
For an hour, already?
You haven't told anyone, where you were going.
It was very spontaneous.
We have changed time zones.
We are now in Nashville at 5:14 p.m.
We started driving at midnight.
17 hours ago.
Welcome to Nashville!
There is going to be a day, where you two are gonna wrestle.
I can't wrestle when I'm shitfaced.
We won't make it... no chance.
We have to stop this.
Oh god.
That was close.
That wasn't close. There was plenty of space left.
We have arrived in Florida.
And we can definitely tell by the vegetation and all the animals that roam around, here.
I just found a wild animal.
All alone.
In the wild.
Dude, what is this?
You have to record this.
Try to pull it out.
Can you stop doing this in my direction?
It's still here, watch out. We can do this.
It's so fast.
It's amazing. We still almost can't believe that we are here.
This is the first annisokay show in an area, where there are palm trees.
And this is really cool.
When this video is released, you guys will most likely have watched our new music video already.
The new single is called "Coma Blue."
I hope you guys like the video.
It was all done in one take, and we had a lot of fun shooting the video.
As you can imagine, it takes a while to get something like this done without any mistakes.
But we hope you guys like the video as much as we do.
And there will also be a limited fanbox for our new album.
The box contains the album, an instrumental version without vocals, a bandana and an autograph card.
And as you can see on the album cover, there are many polaroid photos on it.
We really had to make that many polaroid photos for the album cover.
We thought, that it would be the best to give you guys the polaroid photos that are part of the album cover.
You can pre-order this box on Amazon. In the future, it might be available in other stores, too.
It will be released on the 17th of August.
What are you doing, so late out here?
Catch all that?
It's okay.
Heavy beer or light beer?
It's just light.
Don't tell me it's Bud Light.
No, it's not Bud Light.
Okay, nice to meet you all!
Have a safe night!
Bye, bye!
We wanted to record something for our tour blog.
But we were interrupted, by this nice guy.
He told us it's better to not stay outside. So we're going back in.
How To Make Aloe Vera Gel At Home In Telugu With Eng Sub / Homemade Aloe Vera Gel For Hair And Skin - Duration: 5:07.
Today we will see how to prepare Aloe Vera gel from leaves of Aloe Vera ie., Organic Aloe Vera Gel
If we buy Aloe Vera gel from outside, there is every chance of mixed with preservatives, chemicals, food colour etc., which is not safe
So, it is safe to prepare ourselves in home
I have so many Aloe Vera plants in my garden
Ten years back my friend has given one plant, from that I am developing so many plants till now
I will use Aloe Vera very often for skin, hair and will use for making hair oil
There are so many health benefits from Aloe Vera
Whenever we cut leaf from plant, we have to keep the leaves slanting like this in a plate for 15 minutes. Allow the yellow gel to come out from leaves which is harmful
Cut the leaf like this and wash with fresh water
We we start this process,we have to wash hands with fresh water so as to get rid of impurities,
I have taken three leaves since these are small,otherwise one or two are enough.
Remove the thorns from both the sides of leaves
Remove thorns from both sides of leaf by using knife like this
Removing thorns also can be done in another way which is
Keeping the leaf on plate and remove like this
It is also easy
Place the knife like this and cut the leaf into two pieces
Scrub/Scratch the gel from leaf with spoon and pour in a blender
Extracting gel is a time taking process and slippery from hands
Growing and maintaining these plants in our homes is an easy one and also requires very less water
As for present trends Aloe Vera is using in many of the cosmetics, medicines etc.,
It is useful for skin and hair
If we use during night times, it will act as moisturiser
If we use regularly, it will remove pimples and its scars and black spots
If any burns in kitchen to our hands, apply this gel then we will get cured gently
It also helps to reduce pigmentation
If we apply for hair, it reduces hair fall and also enhance hair growth
Today I have shown the extraction of gel from the Aloe Vera leaves
Methods of application to skin and hair will be shown in my upcoming videos. keep watching
Since this leaf is a small one ; I have scrub/scratch the leaf with spoon to extract gel
If it is thicker one, Peel off outer skin, since the inside gel will be like solid cake, can be cut into smaller pieces and blend it
Add one tbsp of lemon water to the gel and blend it smoothly
Vitamin C and Citric Acid abundantly present in lemon juice
They reduces dead cells from our skin and also acts as moisturiser
This pack can be used for all types of skin
Now shift this smooth paste into bowl and use as much as you want
And shift the remaining into an airtight container and store in the refrigerator
This can be used then and there for one week as and when needed
If you like this recipe like it and share to your friends and relatives
Do not forget to subscribe my channel. For application of gel keep watching my forthcoming videos
Sazabi and Nu Gundam in flower shop?! "Once painted, 20 years should be right." - Duration: 4:26.
I like fancy style of work, but I try to stick to the basics.
This is the motto of my model.
I think, if I make a piece, I have to keep the color off and the brightness alive for at least 20 years.
So I focused on painting.
These two robots are 1/60 Sazabi and 1/60 Nu Gundam from NeoGrade.
A rival of fate. so I thought I should have both.
Nu Gundam is painted with Max Paint.
(What's Max Painting?)
There is a famous modeller, Max Watanabe. His technique is called Max Paint.
paint the darkest color on base. and it's painted in bright colors on dark color to give it a contrast.
If you look at the shield, you can see the shade at the edge between the face and the face.
With the addition of a three-dimensional effect, the color is rich.
In the case of Sazabi, it's painted with overcoat technique.
I've been painted about 15 times.
First, sprinkle metal primer, then Surfacer.
Put a gloss black color on it about 2 times
and put a gloss clear color on it about 2 times.
Then apply 5 coats of clear red.
That's overcoating.
spread it thin, dry, spray it, dry it.
There's a layer on every spray.
The colors become rich when light is reflected on the layer.
(The phone signal was very unique when I first called you...)
-- Hello, This is OOO Flower Shop. --
-- Hello, This is OOO Flower Shop. -- (Flower Shop?)
I am running a flower shop. I've been modeling for 13, 14 years.
I made a delivery a flowerpot to new shop. That was a model shop.
I bought the pla-model kit from the delivery.
To be professionally painted
I've seen a lot of videos of famous modelers.
I'm sure I've seen it more than a thousand times.
If I was curious, I would see the videos, over and over again.
This is a sculpture of a 3D digital Sculptor named Genesis.
It's a resin kit, and I love the SD gundams.
Unicon Gundam BANSHEE. I've worked hard to make this color.
I took care to paint it a heavier feeling than the original titanium color.
In case of GM Sniper,
It's hard to make the colors green like this.
I did a lot of paint testing to get the color of primary colors.
When painting, I don't use ready-made colorss very often.
I use it only for basework, and I make my own colors.
I think I have my own color.
To make the model as outstanding as possible.
I make colors a lot.
I use reagent bottles. In order to accurately match the mixing color ratio.
I don't care about the any genre of models.
I am interested in figures.
I like super robots.
This is Voltes V.
Panzer World Galient.
Chojin Sentai Barattack.
Lightspeed Electroid Albegas.
I like to build a motor head.
and make a lot of 'Five Star Stories'
I like real robots like the Maschinen Krieger: Ma. K
(But do you prefer Gundam?)
The model I first met was Gundam, and I still love it.
Maybe I should go on unless Bandai fails.
五月天:青春是挽不回的水,但你是最美的光点 - Duration: 11:17.
Missing Iowa student sent boyfriend a Snapchat before vanishing - Duration: 7:01.
New evidence reveals that a 20-year-old student who mysteriously vanished after going for a jog near her boyfriend's home, may have returned to his house where she sent him a Snapchat before going off the grid
Iowa girl Mollie Tibbetts, 20, has been missing for more than a week after she disappeared on July 18 as she was dog sitting for her boyfriend in the rural town of Brooklyn, Iowa
New details help piece together a timeline of Tibbetts' evening before she went missing
Family members said Saturday evidence shows she was doing homework on her computer late in the evening on July 18, according to KCCI
She was last spotted on an evening jog in Brooklyn, near her boyfriend's home. Although its unclear if she returned to the home, her family members said she did as her longtime boyfriend Dalton Jack - who is not a suspect in the case - opened a Snapchat from her around 10pm that appears to be taken indoors
However it is unclear what the caption in the Snap was and at what time she took the photo
Alarm was raised when Tibbetts failed to show up for work the next day. Investigators revealed Friday they had searched a pig farm about 15 minutes from Mollie's home after receiving a tip - but found no sign of the missing University of Iowa freshman
Since then, the T.I.P Rural Electric Cooperative announced that the company added $1,000 to the existing Crimes Stoppers of Central Iowa reward of $1,000
The $2,000 reward will be offered for information that would lead to an arrest or conviction related to Mollie's disappearance
Despite the latest unsuccessful search, Mollie's mother Laura Calderwood is doing her best to stay positive
'If it were me that were missing, Mollie wouldn't give up hope - that's not even a thought,' she told ABC News
'You won't see me giving up hope. That's not an option.' Calderwood said she received a phone call from her son Scott on July 18 asking if she knew Mollie hadn't gone into work that day
Mollie's mother said skipping work without letting anyone know was 'so out of character' for her daughter, whom Calderwood described as an 'outgoing, fun, loving life, loving person'
'There were alarms going off immediately,' Calderwood said. Good Morning America Privacy Policy 'Within 15 to 20 minutes of me coming home, there were a bunch of her friends and I could see they were worried
Within 15 to 20 minutes, I called 911.' Mollie was last seen near her boyfriend's home in Brooklyn, where she was staying to watch his dogs while he was out of town
Authorities said Mollie's boyfriend has been ruled out as a suspect.Shortly after Mollie was reported missing, a witness claimed to have spotted the 5'3", 120lb-student jogging through corn fields wearing gym shorts, a black sports bra and running shoes
After combing every field, barn and shed in the rural area for almost a week, local police called in for back-up from the FBI on Tuesday
RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next 'You won't see me giving up hope. That's not an option':
Helicopter broadcasts from the air as police search for. Share this article Share Federal officials announced they were zeroing in on Mollie's internet footprint, keeping tabs on her social media accounts and analyzing activity recorded by her Fit-Bit tracker
'We are getting a lot of information back from that process. We are very hopeful with the electronic data we are getting back,' said Mitch Mortvedt, assistant director of the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation
'We are relying on the FBI heavily because it's an ever-changing world in technology
' Mortvedt said officials have little to go on, but they're 'leaning more and more toward something happening to her against her will'
He added that investigators welcome the help of volunteer search parties, saying: 'We'd like to get any information we can
The more eyes and ears we have, the better.' Calderwood has thanked the community for coming to her family's aid last week
'The community has gone above and beyond,' she said. 'We have had, you know, all kinds of food and water and Gatorade from family and friends, and I know that the investigators down at the police station are overwhelmed with what the community has done
Learn to sing BTS Anpanman Pt.2 | Lyrics Breakdown, Vocabulary, Memorization | Kpop Sing-Along - Duration: 13:07.
Learn to sing BTS Anpanman Pt.2 Lyrics Breakdown, Vocabulary, Memorization
Kpop Sing-Along
미국이 직접 개입해서 경제를 살려준 국가 4개 - Duration: 4:52.
✅ Βασίλης Καΐλας: «Ενα από τα χαρίσματα που έδωσε ο Θεός σε μένα ήταν η Ελλη Λαμπέτη» - Duration: 2:38.
Βασίλης Καΐλας: «Ενα από τα χαρίσματα που έδωσε ο Θεός σε μένα ήταν η Ελλη Λαμπέτη» Ο Βασίλης Καΐλαςσε μία από τις σπάνιες συνεντεύξεις του μιλάει για το βάπτισμα του πυρός σε ηλικία τεσσάρων ετών και για την ταμπέλα που ποτέ δεν αποδέχτηκε
Ο θρυλικός «λουστράκος» του ελληνικού κινηματογράφου αποκαλύπτεται… Από την ηλικία των 4 χρόνων ζείτε μέσα σε εικόνες, μύθους και πλάνα ταινιών
Νιώθετε γεμάτος;«Θα σου μιλήσω ειλικρινά. Νιώθω πραγματικά πολύ χορτάτος. Σαν να μη θέλω να φάω τίποτα άλλο!». Υπήρξατε το πρώτο παιδί-θαύμα
Σας στιγμάτισε αυτή η ταμπέλα;«Να ξεκαθαρίσω κάτι: παιδί-θαύμα δεν υπήρξα ποτέ. Ο κόσμος με έλεγε παιδί-θαύμα. Εγώ δεν ένιωσα ποτέ έτσι και δεν νομίζω ότι είχα καμία σχέση με αυτό το
παιδί-θαύμα που όλοι έβλεπαν (γέλια)». Αυτή η ταμπέλα μήπως ήταν και. κατάρα;«Αυτή η ταμπέλα ανήκει σε μια συγκεκριμένη εποχή
Από εκεί κι έπειτα η καριέρα μου στο θέατρο δεν έχει καμία σχέση με τα παιδικά μου χρόνια. Ο Ολίβιε είχε πει ότι «είναι προτιμότερο να παίζεις με έναν ανώτερό σου ηθοποιό, παρά με ένα παιδί
Γιατί το παιδί σού κλέβει την παράσταση». Είναι άλλη η εποχή του Βασιλάκη Καΐλα και άλλη η εποχή του Βασίλη Καΐλα, του επαγγελματία
Γιατί ως παιδί ο Βασιλάκης Καΐλας δεν ήταν επαγγελματίας. Ηταν απλώς μέσα σε έναν επαγγελματικό χώρο που αμειβόταν». Σήμερα βγαίνουν παιδιά-θαύματα;«Οχι
Γιατί είναι κατασκευασμένα, δεν είναι αυθεντικά». Να θυμίσουμε ότι η Ελλη Λαμπέτη σάς έδωσε το βάπτισμα του πυρός σε ηλικία 4 χρόνων
«Ο Θεός σε κάποιους ανθρώπους χαρίζει κάποια «δώρα». Ενα από τα χαρίσματα που έδωσε ο Θεός σε μένα ήταν η Ελλη Λαμπέτη». Η οποία σας είχε σαν παιδί της
«Κανονικά όμως! Η Λαμπέτη ήταν ένας υπέροχος άνθρωπος και θα μείνει για πάντα στη μνήμη μου και στην ψυχή μου», ανέφερε στην Espresso
Arsenal news: Bernd Leno sends warning to Petr Cech over starting spot - Duration: 4:14.
It was in 2011 when his former club Bayer Leverkusen took on Chelsea in the Champions League group stage
Leno was on the losing side at Stamford Bridge, 2-0, but back in Germany he came out on top with Leverkusen winning 2-1
Now the pair are team-mates at Arsenal following the 26-year-old German's £19.3million move and they are about to do battle again for a place in Unai Emery's starting line-up
Leno said: "Petr had a big career with many, many trophies and he's still a big goalkeeper and a big personality
"But I have to look at myself and play my game, work every day, very hard, to be the first choice of the coach
"I will learn a lot working with him every day. He has big experience and played many games
I have a lot of experience too, but he has much more, so I can learn from him. "He is a goalkeeper I admired when I was growing up
I can remember my first game in the Champions League, when I was 19, was against Petr
After the game he said it was a good game for me. "It was seven years ago and now we are together at Arsenal, it's crazy
" Away from football, Cech is a passionate musician who loves playing the drums. But if Leno's initiation performance was anything to go by he will not be recruited as lead singer for the Czech's band anytime soon
"Maybe you saw the video of me when I had to sing," added Leno, smiling. "It was a German song — it was quite bad
" Thankfully his goalkeeping is better and after a quiet game in the friendly against Atletico Madrid last Thursday, where he did not have a save to make, he was called into action properly against Paris Saint-Germain two nights later as Arsenal won 5-1 in Singapore
Leno said: "It's exciting for me, I like the team, I like the club and I like the way we play
"The way we passed it on Saturday is the way the coach wants us to play. With a goalkeeper you have one more player and it's the way I want to play
"Leno's competition: David Ospina and Petr Cech shared first team shot-stopping duties last season What is clear is the high defensive line Emery wants his side to play, meaning Leno must be comfortable in the role of sweeper-keeper when he needs to be
He said: "When the defence is a little bit wider or higher, I need to close the space
"Of course, there are a lot of risks but the coach wants that, we close the space
I did it in Germany too, so it's nothing new for me." Leno and his girlfriend have moved into a hotel in London while they find a home and he says he is excited to discover the city properly
But the true excitement will come on a matchday, with many tipping Leno to be first choice even if he is refusing to give anything away
Asked if Emery had told him or Cech who is going to be No.1, Leno said: "No. I don't know
I do my best, I work every day very hard and at the end the coach has to decide." Cech has been around long enough to know he has another battle on his hands
Marquezine descarta fim de carreira por exposição na mídia: 'Amo o que faço' - Duration: 5:53.
Devemos perder o receio de vacinar os adolescentes contra o HPV - Duration: 6:22.
Two dead in crash on Ben Schoeman highway - Duration: 2:21.
Two dead in crash on Ben Schoeman highway
Two dead in crash on Ben Schoeman highway.
Two people were killed in a collision between a mini-bus taxi and a car on the Ben Schoeman highway in Midrand‚ north of Johannesburg‚ on Sunday morning.
"Reports from the scene indicate that two women in their mid thirties tragically died and four other patients sustained injuries in a collision between a mini-bus taxi and a light motor vehicle‚" said Netcare 911 spokesman Shawn Herbst.
"All the patients were treated on scene and transported by another private ambulance service to hospital for further treatment.
"All necessary authorities were on scene to investigate‚" he added.
The accident occurred at about 6am.
Man knocked over and killed by truck Meanwhile a man‚ believed to be in his 20s‚ was killed on Saturday night when he was hit by a truck on the R53‚ about 15km outside Potchefstroom.
"ER24 paramedics arrived on the scene at 8pm last night to find the body of the man lying on the side of the road.
The truck that had hit the man had come to a stop a short distance away.
"Paramedics assessed the man and found that he had sustained numerous injuries and showed no signs of life.
Unfortunately‚ nothing could be done for him and he was declared dead‚" said ER24 spokesman Russel Meiring.
The driver of the truck was uninjured‚ he said.
Lavar os alimentos com vinagre elimina completamente as bactérias? - Duration: 4:20.
José Mayer ficou um mês internado para tratar doença autoimune - Duration: 3:11.
Por que quem faz quimioterapia deve evitar tomar sol, como Ana Furtado? - Duration: 3:57.
A prática de mindfulness pode modificar nosso cérebro? - Duration: 4:13.
Caso de youtuber que teria abusado da ex é investigado pela polícia - Duration: 1:35.
Tak wyglądają gwiazdy Top Model. Spotkały się po latach, poznajesz je? - Duration: 2:30.
Posso engravidar ao fazer sexo menstruada? E menstruar durante a gestação? - Duration: 4:28.
Legalización de mariguana en Canadá permitirá ventas privadas - Duration: 4:05.
Con la inminente apertura del mercado de la mariguana en Canadá, a partir del 17 de octubre, algunos gobiernos provinciales como Ontario y Alberta se preparan para permitir mayor participación de tiendas privadas interesadas en entrar a este novedoso y prometedor mercado
Esta semana, el nuevo gobierno de Ontario, encabezado por el conservador Doug Ford, anunciará la apertura del mercado del cannabis al sector privado, poniendo fin al control público de la venta de la hierba programado por el gobierno liberal, que planeaba su venta sólo en las tiendas que venden licor
De esta forma, las tiendas particulares podrán vender mariguana debidamente etiquetada, mientras que el gobierno provincial adelantó que seguirá teniendo el control de las ventas al por mayor, su distribución y de las ventas en línea
La legalización de la mariguana obligó a los gobiernos provinciales a crear oficinas específicas para controlar este mercado y la calidad del producto
Al igual que existe con las tiendas exclusivas para vender licor, LCBO, se creó la Ontario Cannabis Store (OCS) que abriría unas 40 tiendas este año para abastecer el mercado
La OCS planea abrir más tiendas para llegar a 80 en 2019 y a 150 en 2020. Ontario se unirá al modelo impuesto en Alberta en donde habrá tiendas controladas por el gobierno y tiendas privadas con licencia
El gobierno de Doug Ford adelantó que en los próximos dos meses realizará consultas con las municipalidades, las agencias de regulación y grupos indígenas para afinar los detalles de las ventas privadas del cannabis
"No creo que el gobierno deba pegar su nariz en todo", declaró Ford, quien se define como un gobernador "abierto a los negocios", para justificar la liberación del mercado de esta hierba, con la que el gobierno de Ontario planea captar mayores ganancias
"Ontario estará listo (con sus tiendas) para el 17 de octubre en que se legalice el consumo recreativo de la mariguana y con un sistema que cumpla con el objetivo de esta legalización que es proteger a los jóvenes y eliminar el mercado ilegal", dijo el vocero gubernamental Scott Blodgett
La provincia más poblada de Canadá está por definir el precio final en que se venderá la hierba, estimada en unos 6
78 dólares por gramo. Se prevé aplicar un impuesto especial al consumo de cannabis de un dólar por gramo o 10 por ciento en ventas superiores a los 10 dólares
Parte de lo recaudado por este impuesto especial será destinado a campañas de prevención sobre los efectos negativos de la mariguana
El gobierno está dialogando con los productores para mantener un precio bajo en los mostradores que debilite las ventas en el mercado ilegal, pero que a su vez no afecte a los desarrolladores de esta planta
La ley prevé que los canadienses podrán cultivar hasta cuatro plantas de mariguana en su casa, pero cada provincia tiene la discreción de impedirlo, como ya lo adelantaron las provincias de Quebec y Manitoba, que se oponen porque es "muy complejo controlar eso" y porque creen que esto será un conducto para abastecer el mercado ilegal
Carrossel com tiki-taka? Trocas de posição e precisão ditam vitória maiúscula do Fla - Duration: 7:17.
Troca de passes constante e quase perfeita, mudanças de posição, domínio territorial e uma vitória praticamente sem sustos
O Flamengo segue líder, e a vitória por 4 a 1 sobre o Sport, domingo, pela 16ª rodada do Brasileirão, justificou, e muito, a empolgação dos quase 60 mil torcedores que foram ao Maracanã
O único "porém" fica por conta do relaxamento que afrouxou a marcação e permitiu o empate no fim do primeiro tempo
Vacilo que passaria despercebido com a exibição avassaladora da etapa final. Melhores momentos de Flamengo 4 x 1 Sport pela 16ª rodada do Brasileirão O Flamengo a cada rodada que passa dá sinais de ser um time muito bem treinado
E a regularidade apresentada apesar da troca de peças ajuda a comprovar isso. Marlos Moreno e Uribe foram as caras novas da vez e não careceram de entrosamento
Pelo contrário, foram dois dos destaques de uma equipe que apresentou tranquilidade para valorizar a posse de bola sem perder a objetividade e se reinventar no segundo tempo com alternâncias que desmontaram uma bem postada defesa pernambucana na etapa inicial
Decisivos, Lucas Paquetá e Everton Ribeiro mudaram constantemente de posição na volta do intervalo e demonstraram sincronia que permitiu que cada um marcasse um gol sem deixar o setor defensivo exposto
Mais recuado, o camisa 11 começou discreto e contou com a solidariedade do camisa 7 para se aproximar da meta adversária nos 45 minutos finais
Não à toa, foi neste período que finalizou quatro vezes (quem mais arrematou ao lado de Uribe)
O Flamengo errou apenas 13 dos 480 passes efetuados na partida com o Sport. Mais de 97% de eficiência Foi de Paquetá o primeiro dos três gols em 15 minutos que transformaram o empate por 1 a 1 do primeiro tempo em goleada
Ao sacrificar-se um pouco mais na marcação, Everton Ribeiro não abriu mão de atacar
Os dois desarmes só engrandeceram a atuação de quem ainda balançou as redes e deu assistência para Uribe
As trocas pelo lado direito de ataque, entretanto, não foram as únicas de um Flamengo cada vez mais ajustado, como apontou Maurício Barbieri: - Eles (Paquetá e Éverton Ribeiro) têm entendido cada vez mais a maneira de jogar
É a questão de posição e função. Eles têm total liberdade de trocar de posição entendendo a função
Têm esse entendimento de maneira fácil. Houve mais trocas, como o Diego com o Marlos, com o Uribe
Conforme vamos caminhando, com o entrosamento, o entendimento fica mais fácil e permite isso para se cobrir e ajustar, tanto para atacar como defender, de maneira eficiente
Everton Ribeiro e Paquetá foram determinantes para vitória do Flamengo sobre o Sport (Foto: Agência Estado) A confiança na forma de jogar reflete também na eficiência com a bola nos pés
Contra o Sport, o Flamengo trocou 480 passes e errou apenas 13, quase 98% de acerto
Cuellar, com 64 ações, e Renê, com 62, foram perfeitos, enquanto Paquetá errou apenas uma das 61 tentativas
Precisão que fez com que o Rubro-Negro tivesse mais de 60% de posse após marcar o quarto gol, terminando com 57%
As 21 finalizações apontam também para um time que não deixou de ser objetivo, apesar de Barbieri elogiar a paciência na busca por espaços
De quebra, o Flamengo, mesmo com maior posse, aplicou quatro contragolpes e ofereceu apenas um ao Sport: - Estamos conseguindo atingir um bom nível na troca de passes, ter paciência e trabalhar a bola com velocidade, o que é importante para dar ritmo ao jogo e desequilibrar o adversário
Com isso, podemos fazer a melhor escolha, seja aberta ou por dentro, na área. - Acho que fizemos boas escolhas
Temos margem de melhorar, e isso é importante. Acho que estamos no caminho certo
Caminho que passará por grandes testes no agosto que se aproxima. Nove mais precisamente, com direito a mata-matas na Copa do Brasil e na Libertadores
Quarta-feira, às 21h45 (de Brasília), pelas quartas de final da disputa nacional, o adversário será o Grêmio
Hora de colocar à prova um elenco que até aqui: segue líder!
La familia de Meghan Markle, vetada en los 'realities' de la televisión británica - Duration: 4:02.
Militare di Strade Sicure si spara a Palazzo Grazioli, aveva 25 anni - Duration: 4:21.
È entrato in bagno durante il turno pomeridiano portando con sé la pistola d'ordinanza e intorno alle 15 si è sparato in testa
Si sarebbe tolto la vita così - ieri, a Palazzo Grazioli, la residenza romana di Silvio Berlusconi - un giovane caporal maggiore, inquadrato nell'operazione Strade Sicure, «Motivi sentimentali», fa sapere l'Esercito
Il militare, 25 anni, era originario di Angri (Salerno) e proveniva dal 1/o Reggimento Granatieri di Sardegna
Non era sposato e non aveva figli. Cordoglio dal ministro della Difesa, Elisabetta Trenta: «esprimo la mia più sentita vicinanza alla famiglia in questo momento di dolore»
LEGGI ANCHE: Militare suicida a Palazzo Grazioli, l'Esercito: «Motivi sentimentali» I parlamentari del Movimento 5 Stelle della Commissione Difesa sottolineano che «non è accettabile che un ragazzo di quell'età decida di porre fine alla sua esistenza
Sappiamo però che questo non è un caso isolato, pertanto ci impegneremo a far sì che venga fatta luce sui motivi di questo gesto disperato»
L'Esercito, dal canto suo, fa sapere che «collabora, con la massima trasparenza e piena disponibilità, alle attività degli organi inquirenti per accertare le motivazioni che possono aver condotto il militare a compiere questo tragico gesto»
Il sito specializzato in questioni militari e di Difesa ricorda che quello di ieri è il terzo suicidio in sei mesi di un militare impegnato nell'operazione Strade Sicure
A febbraio 2018 un bersagliere di 29 anni, di Taranto, si era tolto la vita nello stesso modo nella stazione metro Barberini, al centro di Roma
A dicembre 2017 un altro Granatiere di stanza a Spoleto si era impiccato mentre era in licenza dopo il periodo di servizio nell'operazione
«I ragazzi chiamati a svolgere il servizio nell'operazione Strade Sicure - rileva GrNet
it - sono tutti provati fisicamente e soprattutto psicologicamente». Ma dall'Esercito rispondono che «chi in queste ore prova a strumentalizzare il fatto riconducendolo a informazioni o motivazioni false compie un atto di sciacallaggio, anche nei confronti della famiglia del soldato che in queste ore sta vivendo un grande momento di dolore»
Sempre GrNet nei giorni scorsi aveva annunciato che 150 militari dell'Esercito dell'operazione Strade Sicure hanno presentato un «atto di intimazione» al ministro della Difesa e al capo di Stato Maggiore dell'Esercito per chiedere il rispetto del Testo unico sulla sicurezza sul lavoro
I militari di Strade Sicure (7mila in tutto) devono attenersi a consegne di servizio che, si legge nell'atto di intimazione firmato dagli avvocati Giorgio Carta e Chiara Lo Mastro, «impongono ai militari di restare in piedi e all'esterno del mezzo per almeno sei ore consecutive - senza la possibilità di sedersi nemmeno per una breve pausa - e di indossare un pesante armamento, un munizionamento e un equipaggiamento del peso complessivo di circa 20 chilogrammi»
La Difesa ha replicato assicurando che il ministro aveva già chiesto un approfondimento sulle condizioni di lavoro dei militari di Strade Sicure: «la tutela del personale è un tema importante per noi»
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