Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 31 2018


For more infomation >> OPENING DANCE RECITAL - GENERASI XYZ - Duration: 16:40.


España se corona en Suiza y revalida el título de campeona de Europa Sub-19 - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> España se corona en Suiza y revalida el título de campeona de Europa Sub-19 - Duration: 3:48.


Recetas naturales para comenzar a dejar el hábito de fumar - Duration: 6:56.

For more infomation >> Recetas naturales para comenzar a dejar el hábito de fumar - Duration: 6:56.


Resumen del webinar El Controller y la estrategia de expansión de una marca - GCCI - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Resumen del webinar El Controller y la estrategia de expansión de una marca - GCCI - Duration: 4:29.


25 Most Common English Adjectives You NEED to Know - Duration: 8:42.

So today, we have a really fun lesson for you.

We are talking about the 25 most common adjectives in English.

So today, we are going to share with you the 25 most common adjectives in English.

And these are taken from the Oxford English Corpus, which is just a collection of the English language.

Keep in mind that if you study English you should really, really know these 25 words.

So we're going to tell you the adjective and also give you an example sentence.

So we're going to count down from #25.

And we don't know each other's adjectives, so we're

going to try and think of a sentence just right off the top of our head.

So number twenty-five - the 25th most common adjectives in English is ABLE.

You can speak more than that. No?

I can understand like five.

Twenty-four is SAME.

Can you believe it?

Yeah. Scandalous.

Number twenty-three - I actually thought this one would be higher but it's not - is BAD.

Oh. I'm surprised in the higher too.

I thought you were going to say Wes is a bad boy.

Can we talk all his socks and sandal phase.

Number twenty-two is PUBLIC.

Public park. What's wrong with the public park?

Nothing. I just...I had a weird image in...

It's...it's a fine example.

Number twenty-one is FEW.

He has like two shirts.

No I don't. I have like four.

And two pairs of jeans.

It's few.

Number twenty - and this one I thought would be higher too - IMPORTANT.



Something is important.

Number nineteen - YOUNG.

Can you give us a sentence while we're young?

Wes is a young man.

What's wrong with "Wes is a young man"?

Wes is a...because it's not true.

Wes is not a young man.

That's a terrible sentence.

Eighteen is EARLY.

Okay, this is true.

I am not an early riser. That is...yes.

Yes, I hate early mornings

Yeah, we got it.

Number seventeen is NEXT.

Number sixteen is LARGE.

It is large. Quite large.

Number fifteen - quite fittingly - is SMALL.

They're so cute. They're so small.

I like this one. Number fourteen is DIFFERENT.

Sometimes. It can be a good thing.

Yeah. We should all be different.

Number thirteen is HIGH.

Yeah. High.


What are you thinking about?

High heels. High building. Yeah. If a person is high then they've been smoking something.


In case that wasn't clear for you.

Number twelve is BIG.

Is big?

Can't wait.

Big meal.


Yeah, that's true. We're going to go get some Indian. Have a big meal.

Number eleven...

I kind of want to give the sentence, but never mind.

Number eleven is RIGHT.

Oh no. Wes is going to say "Wes is always right." It's not true.

That is a good sentence. Thank you. Yes.

It's annoying because he's usually right.

Why is that annoying?

Put yourself in my shoes.

But we're on... we're on...we're on the same team. So it's good.

But you love to tell me that you're always right.

That's why I'm a bad boy.

Top ten! Wahoo!

This is also appropriate for Wes - OLD.

What? Old?

All right to be fair, I'd say...

How old is it Wes?

Probably...I don't know, maybe seven or eight years.

We met five years ago, and you had it.

I know I said it's like seven or eight years.

It's old.

Like its owner.


Number nine is OTHER.

So if somebody asks like "Oh, can I have that one?" I can say...

Yeah. Something else. You could say like "What did you do the other day?"

Oh, yeah.

Other day.

Number eight is OWN.

Or like it's something that's yours.


My very own camera. I can't believe my own luck.

Number seven is LITTLE.

It's a nice word.

It's cute.

I'm trying to think of a cute sentence.

It should be first thing that pops your head. Go! Go! Go! Go!


You don't want a big cat?

No. A little one.

I want a big cat.

I want a little one.

I want a big chubby cat.

I expected this to be where it is - GREAT.

Number six is GREAT.

Great. I would say...

Ioana, she's great.

That's true. I am great.

Even though I'm always right.

We've entered the top five.

Do you think other people are as excited about adjectives as we are?

Probably not.

So number five is LONG.

I was really tired so yesterday felt like a long day.

I think a lot of people use it in that way. Like "Ah, it's been a long day."

Number four is LAST.

Okay, like...

You could say last week, last month, last year.

When we ran our marathon, we came in last.

When we ran the marathon, yeah, we were almost last.


We weren't quite last.

There were four people after us.

Number three - it's interesting how close they are together because number three is FIRST.

We were nowhere close to first.

I was going to talk about my first kiss, but it's inappropriate.

Yeah, people talk about first kiss, first date.

Yeah, I guess that's why probably first is probably more common than last.

Okay the second one, second to last...second to first....

Number two is NEW.

I was going to say new clothes.

Yeah, I need a new pair of shoes.

So the number one adjective - the most popular adjective in English is...

You're screaming in my ear.

GOOD. Number one is GOOD.

I like that that's the first one.

That is a good adjective. Yeah, it's good.

I don't think that's surprising at all.

We use good all the time.

How are things? - Good.

Basically anything. How are you doing? - Good.

That's like the answer to everything.

Keep in mind, these are Important adjectives

so you should know these, learn these, study these.

Dream of these.

So now we want to know, which adjective do you use the most.

Which one is your favorite?

Write it in the comments. We want to hear from you guys.

If you enjoyed this lesson, please don't forget hit that LIKE button.

And if you enjoy learning English with us, we appreciate it if you subscribe.

Thank you guys so much for watching, and we'll see you next time.

See you.


For more infomation >> 25 Most Common English Adjectives You NEED to Know - Duration: 8:42.


Resumen del webinar Del reporting descriptivo al reporting prescriptivo – GCCI - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Resumen del webinar Del reporting descriptivo al reporting prescriptivo – GCCI - Duration: 4:26.


Más de 500 senderistas atrapados en volcán tras el sismo en Indonesia fueron evacuados - Duration: 5:25.

Sendereristas bajan del monte Rinjani (AFP/Ejército de Indonesia) Más de 500 senderistas y guías fueron evacuados con éxito de un volcán indonesio, después de que un sismo el fin de semana en la isla de Lombok provocara deslizamientos que los dejaron atrapados, informó este martes un portavoz de la agencia que se encarga de las emergencias

El terremoto de magnitud 6,4 del domingo por la mañana y sus múltiples réplicas provocaron el desprendimiento de toneladas de piedras y fango, bloqueando a los turistas en los caminos del monte Rinjani, un volcán con 3

726 metros de altura cuyos senderos atraen a numerosos turistas. Un total de "543 senderistas han sido evacuados, llegaron anoche", dijo a la AFP el portavoz de la Agencia Nacional de Emergencias, Sutopo Purwo Nugroho

"Todavía quedan seis personas", agregó. El monte Rinjani es el segundo mayor volcán de Indonesia y un destino muy apreciado por los aficionados al senderismo debido a las magnificas vistas que se aprecian desde su cima

Entre los turistas atrapados, había franceses, alemanes, holandeses, estadounidenses o tailandeses, indicaron las autoridades del archipiélago del sureste asiático

Según un portavoz del ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de España, cinco españoles se encontraban en la zona

Socorristas ayudan una senderista a bajar del monte (AFP / Ejército de Indonesia) El descenso fue posible después de que los guías encontraran un camino alternativo que no se vio afectado por los deslizamientos de tierra

La mayoría de los excursionistas llegó a la base de la montaña a última hora del lunes, dijo I Gusti Lanang Wiswananda, portavoz del servicios de búsqueda y rescate de Mataram, la principal ciudad de la isla de Lombok

"Todos estaban cansados, pero en buenas condiciones y fueron revisados por nuestros equipos médicos en el terreno una vez que llegaron", dijo a la AFP

Un senderista muerto El funcionarios dijo que un senderista murió en la montaña y que un equipo de rescate estaba acompañando a los seis excursionistas que todavía estaban en el monte

El terremoto tuvo lugar 50 km al noreste de Mataram, la principal ciudad de Lombok

El sismo dejó al menos 16 muertos y más de 220 heridos, según las cifras del lunes

El sismo principal estuvo acompañado de otros dos fuertes movimientos telúricos y de más de 100 réplicas

El lugar donde acamparon los senderistas (AFP /Ejército de Indonesia) El temblor, ocurrido en las primeras horas de la madrugada, destruyó cientos de casas y provocó escenas de pánico cuando los residentes y los turistas alojados en los hoteles se precipitaron al exterior

Un total de 5.141 personas están viviendo en albergues temporales y están sin agua potable, según cifras oficiales

El presidente indonesio, Jokowi Widodo, que se desplazó el lunes a las zonas afectadas, prometió una ayuda financiera a los habitantes que perdieron sus casas en la catástrofe

Indonesia, un archipiélago de 17.000 islas e islotes, se sitúa en el conocido como "cinturón de fuego" del Pacífico, una zona de fuerte actividad sísmica

Aunque el país registra numerosos seísmos, la mayoría no son peligrosos. En 2004, un tsunami provocado por un terremoto de magnitud 9,3 frente a la costa de Sumatra, en el oeste de Indonesia, dejó 220

000 muertos en varios países del Océano Índico, 168.000 de los cuales en Indonesia

MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: Terremoto en Indonesia: 13 muertos, cientos de heridos y miles de casas destruidas

For more infomation >> Más de 500 senderistas atrapados en volcán tras el sismo en Indonesia fueron evacuados - Duration: 5:25.


La Jefa del Campeón | 'Tita' lleva al equipo de los Búfalos a la inauguración de su tienda - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> La Jefa del Campeón | 'Tita' lleva al equipo de los Búfalos a la inauguración de su tienda - Duration: 1:36.


ADJECTIVES | Basic English Grammar Course - Duration: 8:17.

Hello, guys.

And welcome to this English course on adjectives.

In today's video, I'm going to tell you everything there is to know about adjectives.

And what they are exactly.

The best way to describe an adjective in English is to say that

it's a word that describes or clarifies a noun.

It gives you information on people, things, ideas, nouns, or pronouns.

It is very important to understand what adjectives are

and to know how to use them.

Because they are essential when you speak English.

Let's get started.

Adjectives give us so much information about nouns.

Let's, for example, take a common noun, 'cup'.

And see how many ways there are in English to describe a cup

using different kinds of adjectives.

Let's see.

We can say, "It's a great cup."

Just give your opinion.

"It's a big cup."

Talking about the size of the cup.

If you want to talk about the shape of the cup you could say,

"It's a round cup."

"It's an old cup."

If you want to talk about age.

Or if you want to say what color it is, "It's a white cup."

Or talking about temperature, "It's a cold cup."

"It's a broken cup."

If you make observations.

"It's a Korean cup."

Talking about origins.

Or you can mention the material.

"It's a plastic cup."

Or "It's a coffee cup."

Talking about the purpose of the cup.

Now 'coffee' as you know is a noun.

But in this case, it can be used as an adjective.

All these adjectives are places before the noun.

Let's learn more about adjectives.

Adjectives can found before the noun.

It's called the attribute position.

Or after the noun.

Which is called the predicative position.

And it's just as common.

Adjectives which are found after a verb, describe the subject of this verb.

Usually a noun or a pronoun.

So if we take the sentence, "The girl is nice."

The adjective, 'nice', refers to the subject of the sentence, 'the girl'.

But it is placed after the verb 'to be'.

"My students are happy."

Same thing.

The adjective, 'happy', describes the subject of the sentence, 'my students'.

But it is placed after the verb.

I hope you understand guys.

Let's move on to practice now.

Let's now practice finding adjectives in a few sentences.

"I'm a tall woman."

Can you see the adjective in this sentence?

I hope you can.

The adjective is 'tall'.

It gives you the height of the woman.

"I'm a British woman."

Now where is the adjective?

The adjective is 'British'.

Gives you the origins of this woman.

"I have blonde hair."

Now what's the adjective in this sentence?

Of course guys, it is 'blonde'.

It gives you the color of the hair.

"My eyes are blue."

Now that's a different sentence.

Can you spot the adjective?

The adjective is 'blue.

What's blue?

My eyes.

'My eyes' is the subject of the sentence and the adjective is 'blue'.

"I'm nice."

Again, can you spot the adjective?

It's 'nice'.


And finally, "The weather is cold."

What's the adjective?

Where is it?

Can you see it?

The adjective is 'cold'.

What's cold?

The weather.

'The weather' is the subject and the adjective is 'cold'.

Now in the first three sentences, it's the attribute position.


The adjective comes before the noun.

And in the last three sentences, it's the predicative position.


The adjective comes after the noun.

And in this case, after the verb 'to be'.

I hope you understand this.

Good job.

Okay, guys.

Let's go through the sentences again.

This time focusing on pronunciation.

It's very important that you repeat the sentences after me

to practice saying these adjectives in a sentence.

Okay, let's get started.

"I'm a tall woman."

Can you repeat after me?


First, "I'm a tall woman."

"I'm a tall woman."

Very good.

Moving on.

"I'm a British woman."

Repeat after me.

"I'm a British woman."

"I'm a British woman."


Third sentence "I have blonde hair."

So repeat after me please.

"I have blonde hair."

"I have blonde hair."

Very good.

"My eyes are blue."

Repeat after me.

"My eyes are blue."

"My eyes are blue."

Next one.

"I'm nice."

Repeat after me.

"I'm nice."

"I'm nice."

Good job.

And finally, "The weather is cold."

Please repeat.

"The weather is cold."

"The weather is cold."

Excellent job, guys.

Ok, guys.

Thank you for watching this video.

I hope you now understand what adjectives are

and how to use them in English.

Please be sure to watch my next video as I continue talking about adjectives.

Thank you guys for watching my video.

If you like it, please show us your support.

Click on 'like', subscribe to out channel, comment below, and share the video.

Thank you.

See you.

For more infomation >> ADJECTIVES | Basic English Grammar Course - Duration: 8:17.


仮想通貨格付け200!買うべき通貨とは?ビットコインBTCリップルXRPビットコインキャッシュBCHは何位!?DPレーティング仮想通貨200開発分析格付け!おすすめ銘柄最新情報!最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> 仮想通貨格付け200!買うべき通貨とは?ビットコインBTCリップルXRPビットコインキャッシュBCHは何位!?DPレーティング仮想通貨200開発分析格付け!おすすめ銘柄最新情報!最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 5:18.


Birthday Song for Sweetheart - Happy Birthday Song for Sweetheart - Duration: 1:15.

Birthday Song for Sweetheart

For more infomation >> Birthday Song for Sweetheart - Happy Birthday Song for Sweetheart - Duration: 1:15.


Birthday Song for Sweetu - Happy Birthday Song for Sweetu - Duration: 1:14.

Birthday Song for Sweetu

For more infomation >> Birthday Song for Sweetu - Happy Birthday Song for Sweetu - Duration: 1:14.


Birthday Song for Sushmita - Happy Birthday Song for Sushmita - Duration: 1:14.

Birthday Song for Sushmita

For more infomation >> Birthday Song for Sushmita - Happy Birthday Song for Sushmita - Duration: 1:14.


Große Verunsicherung zwei Jahre nach dem Hangrutsch I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Große Verunsicherung zwei Jahre nach dem Hangrutsch I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 3:26.


Zahl der Nichtschwimmer steigt I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Zahl der Nichtschwimmer steigt I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 3:29.


Tag 1+2: Zurück ins Mittelalter auf dem "Campus Galli" I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> Tag 1+2: Zurück ins Mittelalter auf dem "Campus Galli" I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 4:40.


Krisenmanager Hermann Schröder I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> Krisenmanager Hermann Schröder I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 6:44.


1.600 Postkarten zur Diamantenen Hochzeit I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> 1.600 Postkarten zur Diamantenen Hochzeit I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 3:25.


Der singende Busfahrer vom Zelt-Musik-Festival I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Der singende Busfahrer vom Zelt-Musik-Festival I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 2:16.


Jimmy Kimmel Talks to Guy Hit by Car During #InMyFeelings Challenge - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> Jimmy Kimmel Talks to Guy Hit by Car During #InMyFeelings Challenge - Duration: 4:34.


Lättlagat med Jessica Frej | KÖKS-HACK: Håll maten fräsch i sommar - Duration: 0:37.

When I cook for a party or a buffet-

-I want the food to stay fresh even when it's left out for a long time.

I take two regular ice packs and wrap them in a kitchen towel.

There we go.

Then I put this under the tablecloth.

I put the plate of salad, for example, on top...

...and that way it stays cool and fresh for a long time.

It also creates some nice level differences on the table.

For more infomation >> Lättlagat med Jessica Frej | KÖKS-HACK: Håll maten fräsch i sommar - Duration: 0:37.


Bikepacking saddlebag I Radical Design - Duration: 2:07.

Easy to Attach and Adjust

Anti-slip material

Large opening


Strong handle

Light clip

Coming Soon...

For more infomation >> Bikepacking saddlebag I Radical Design - Duration: 2:07.


way down we go - Duration: 2:32.

if you think this has a happy ending you haven't been paying attention.

you must cry for me, for i have no more tears.

i want you all to look at me

who`ll be wearing black for you?

i'm done

screw you!

I nearly got f*cking everything!

I have nothing

i've lost everything!

you know what he did to me

what he took from me

you all do

and you stood by

for the honor of the family

it was for the good of the family, we had no choice

you had every choice!

let them burn with their sins

you are in pain brother, i can feel it

yes i am in pain

forgiveness is hard for us

how do you keep going?

when the worst things happened

For more infomation >> way down we go - Duration: 2:32.


Who's the Better President – Lincoln or Trump? - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Who's the Better President – Lincoln or Trump? - Duration: 2:06.


Boil Lemons And Drink The Liquid As Soon As You Wake Up You Will Be SHOCKED By The Result! - Duration: 3:30.

Boil lemons and drink liquid as soon as you wake up if you begin your day with a

glass of lemon water you will help every system in your body work properly

although lemon water has become quite popular recently however not many offers

are aware of the correct method to prepare it merely squeezing a lemon in a

cup of water and adding a tablespoon of honey to it is not enough to reap the

benefits of this drink most of the nutrients or in present in the pulp and

peel of the lemon and when you extract the juice you lose these nutrients and

do not get all the benefits so if you have been doing this wrong all these

years it's time to change your practice here is the correct way to prepare lemon

water to get the maximum benefits from it for this ingredients we need 20 ounce

of water 6 lemons and organic honey preparation slice the lemons and add

them in the water boil for 3 minutes and remove the heat after the mixture cools

a bit remove the lemon slices from the water you can even let the lemon stay in

the water overnight and then strain in there next morning to have it as a cold

beverage add some honey to taste in the liquid and mix well drink one glass and

keep the rest of the liquid in a glass bottle benefits of drinking this lemon

juice early in the morning it strengthens your immunity the lemon and

honey water helps in improving and strengthening the immune system of your

body it also contains antimicrobial properties that help in preventing

infections and fighting cold and flu it improves digestion the ingredients

present in lemon boost the production of bile in the liver and this promotes

healthy digestion in addition they also help in eliminating toxins from the body

drinking a cup of lemon water with honey early in the morning helps you get rid

of all digestion related problems including bloating diarrhea and

constipation it treats bad breath the acid a combination of lemon juice

and honey helps in combating bad breath at the same time it cleans the mouth and

boosts the production of saliva which is very useful in killing the order causing

bacteria it aids weight loss this is the best solution for those who are striving

to lose weight it contains a high amount of pectin fiber which suppresses your

appetite and keeps you full for a longer duration it also helps you lose the

extra flab present on your belly it cures throat infections lemon water is

one of the best solutions for a sore throat drinking lemon water on an empty

stomach regularly can lower the risk of a sore throat and other throat

infections it also helps in curing astma and other respiratory issues it balances

the pH levels the acidic property of lemon helps in balancing and maintaining

the pH levels of the body when you drink this concoction on an empty stomach it

will eliminate the uric acid deposited in the joints which is one of the main

reasons for joint inflammation and pain thank you for watching this video like

and subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> Boil Lemons And Drink The Liquid As Soon As You Wake Up You Will Be SHOCKED By The Result! - Duration: 3:30.


Rudy Giuliani Flip Flops on Michael Cohen & Collusion - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Rudy Giuliani Flip Flops on Michael Cohen & Collusion - Duration: 3:35.


Rolling Sky - Цирк | Circus - Duration: 2:16.

Rolling Sky - Circus

For more infomation >> Rolling Sky - Цирк | Circus - Duration: 2:16.


How to Create a Reading Culture in Your Church - Duration: 3:11.

Yes, so, how do you create a culture of reading and learning in a local church? Speaking from

the experience in our church, that's probably all I can share, but, we've done a few things.

So, one, we do a lot of book giveaways. So, we have a morning service, which is a very

formal, typically, maybe reformed baptist kind of church service. Our evening services

are more centered around catachism, training, they're a lot less formal. So, the evening

services, we do book giveaways. And what we'll do is we'll sometimes just get individual

books if we can find them, we get the free ones at conferences, or whatever, or buy some,

and we'll just give them away in the evening. Here's a book on this, who'd like to read

it? What we'll often do is give two or three away at once and say, are there two or three

people who'd like to read a book together? Here's a book recommendation. Sometimes we'll

say, we really want you to read this book, you know, like, if you're going to take it,

we're expecting you're actually going to read it. More often we'll just give it and assume

that at some point it will be read.

Another thing would be to create reading clubs and so one of our associate pastors now is,

every Wednesday night you can come to the church, he's working through some of the Christian

classics, I think they've started with JI Packer's Knowing God. So they're going to

read that book together, whoever wants can come, your commitment is only until the book

is done and then you can walk away and he'll start another book, you can come out for that

book. So that makes it more interactive and it also gives some leadership and then just

a little bit of peer pressure to, you know, you said you'd read this book with us, how

are you doing, are you keeping up with the reading?

I think those have been effective and then just having people who read, talk about reading.

So, sometimes in our evening service, I'll have someone come up and just share about

a book they've read. Just, that does two things, first, it shows somebody being excited about

a book they've read, but it also leaves another recommendation about a book. So, I read this,

here's what I benefited from in reading it, maybe you'd like to read it too. So, I think

just creating that culture, but, for all of that, we want to emphasize that we're a church

that we want you to come and hear the Word of God. Our whole service is structured around

the Word. The very first words and the very last words we want people to hear in the service

are from scripture, a call to worship and a benediction. In between, we're praying the

Word, we're preaching the Word, we're singing the Word, we just, we want people to come

to the worship service on Sunday morning and go deep into the Word. The more people can

be in the Word, the more they can benefit from sermons, the more they can sing the Word,

the more we think they'll just want to get more of it into their lives. So, that will

come of course through personal devotion, but it also comes by reading good books. So,

through all that, I think we've got a church that reads quite a bit and enjoys reading,

and I think those are probably the factors there.

For more infomation >> How to Create a Reading Culture in Your Church - Duration: 3:11.


Neymar blames 'brattish' behaviour on his inner child - Duration: 2:53.

Neymar blames 'brattish' behaviour on his inner child

Neymar blames 'brattish' behaviour on his inner child.

  Neymar has tackled critics who derided his play-acting at the World Cup, admitting he "overreacts" and blaming his "brat" like behaviour on his inner child.

The Brazilian superstar was widely lambasted in Russia for his theatrical reactions to challenges which often left the world's most expensive footballer wincing and rolling on the ground.

"Boot studs on the shins, kick in the spine, stomp on the foot, you may think I overreact, and sometimes I do, but for real? I suffer on the pitch, but you have no idea what I go through outside of it," he said in comments on a television commercial for a razor blade.

The Paris Saint-Germain forward, speaking in Portuguese with English subtitles, continued "You may all think I've fallen too much, but the reality is I did not fall, I crumbled."   "And that hurts more than anyone stepping on your post op ankle," he added, alluding to the surgery on the injury he suffered back in February.

"When I act like a brat, it isn't because I'm a spoiled child, but because I still haven't learned to deal with my frustrations.

"There's still a boy inside of me, sometimes it dazzles the world.

Other times it pisses every one off.

"And my fight is to keep this boy alive, but inside of me, not inside the field." He adds: "You can keep throwing rocks at me, or you can throw your rocks away and help me get up.

Because when I do get up the whole of Brazil gets up with me."   This is not the first time Neymar has addressed his taxing World Cup.

On his return from Russia he took a tongue in cheek swipe at his detractors with an online video teaching children how to dive.

And last week, in an interview with AFP, Neymar disclosed he "didn't want to see a ball, or to see any more football played" after Brazil's premature exit.

For more infomation >> Neymar blames 'brattish' behaviour on his inner child - Duration: 2:53.


Ribalera Trail 2018 - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Ribalera Trail 2018 - Duration: 3:12.


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For more infomation >> Opstart af et projekt med afsæt i Explore - Duration: 2:00.


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What Celebrity Nose are People Going Under the Knife For? - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> What Celebrity Nose are People Going Under the Knife For? - Duration: 2:56.


How to Avoid Beer Bloat - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> How to Avoid Beer Bloat - Duration: 1:36.


Beyoncé convida primeiro fotógrafo negro na história da Vogue - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Beyoncé convida primeiro fotógrafo negro na história da Vogue - Duration: 1:33.


Pholia Magra – Como age, onde comprar, como usar, preço - Duration: 10:16.

For more infomation >> Pholia Magra – Como age, onde comprar, como usar, preço - Duration: 10:16.


25 Most Common English Adjectives You NEED to Know - Duration: 8:42.

So today, we have a really fun lesson for you.

We are talking about the 25 most common adjectives in English.

So today, we are going to share with you the 25 most common adjectives in English.

And these are taken from the Oxford English Corpus, which is just a collection of the English language.

Keep in mind that if you study English you should really, really know these 25 words.

So we're going to tell you the adjective and also give you an example sentence.

So we're going to count down from #25.

And we don't know each other's adjectives, so we're

going to try and think of a sentence just right off the top of our head.

So number twenty-five - the 25th most common adjectives in English is ABLE.

You can speak more than that. No?

I can understand like five.

Twenty-four is SAME.

Can you believe it?

Yeah. Scandalous.

Number twenty-three - I actually thought this one would be higher but it's not - is BAD.

Oh. I'm surprised in the higher too.

I thought you were going to say Wes is a bad boy.

Can we talk all his socks and sandal phase.

Number twenty-two is PUBLIC.

Public park. What's wrong with the public park?

Nothing. I just...I had a weird image in...

It's...it's a fine example.

Number twenty-one is FEW.

He has like two shirts.

No I don't. I have like four.

And two pairs of jeans.

It's few.

Number twenty - and this one I thought would be higher too - IMPORTANT.



Something is important.

Number nineteen - YOUNG.

Can you give us a sentence while we're young?

Wes is a young man.

What's wrong with "Wes is a young man"?

Wes is a...because it's not true.

Wes is not a young man.

That's a terrible sentence.

Eighteen is EARLY.

Okay, this is true.

I am not an early riser. That is...yes.

Yes, I hate early mornings

Yeah, we got it.

Number seventeen is NEXT.

Number sixteen is LARGE.

It is large. Quite large.

Number fifteen - quite fittingly - is SMALL.

They're so cute. They're so small.

I like this one. Number fourteen is DIFFERENT.

Sometimes. It can be a good thing.

Yeah. We should all be different.

Number thirteen is HIGH.

Yeah. High.


What are you thinking about?

High heels. High building. Yeah. If a person is high then they've been smoking something.


In case that wasn't clear for you.

Number twelve is BIG.

Is big?

Can't wait.

Big meal.


Yeah, that's true. We're going to go get some Indian. Have a big meal.

Number eleven...

I kind of want to give the sentence, but never mind.

Number eleven is RIGHT.

Oh no. Wes is going to say "Wes is always right." It's not true.

That is a good sentence. Thank you. Yes.

It's annoying because he's usually right.

Why is that annoying?

Put yourself in my shoes.

But we're on... we're on...we're on the same team. So it's good.

But you love to tell me that you're always right.

That's why I'm a bad boy.

Top ten! Wahoo!

This is also appropriate for Wes - OLD.

What? Old?

All right to be fair, I'd say...

How old is it Wes?

Probably...I don't know, maybe seven or eight years.

We met five years ago, and you had it.

I know I said it's like seven or eight years.

It's old.

Like its owner.


Number nine is OTHER.

So if somebody asks like "Oh, can I have that one?" I can say...

Yeah. Something else. You could say like "What did you do the other day?"

Oh, yeah.

Other day.

Number eight is OWN.

Or like it's something that's yours.


My very own camera. I can't believe my own luck.

Number seven is LITTLE.

It's a nice word.

It's cute.

I'm trying to think of a cute sentence.

It should be first thing that pops your head. Go! Go! Go! Go!


You don't want a big cat?

No. A little one.

I want a big cat.

I want a little one.

I want a big chubby cat.

I expected this to be where it is - GREAT.

Number six is GREAT.

Great. I would say...

Ioana, she's great.

That's true. I am great.

Even though I'm always right.

We've entered the top five.

Do you think other people are as excited about adjectives as we are?

Probably not.

So number five is LONG.

I was really tired so yesterday felt like a long day.

I think a lot of people use it in that way. Like "Ah, it's been a long day."

Number four is LAST.

Okay, like...

You could say last week, last month, last year.

When we ran our marathon, we came in last.

When we ran the marathon, yeah, we were almost last.


We weren't quite last.

There were four people after us.

Number three - it's interesting how close they are together because number three is FIRST.

We were nowhere close to first.

I was going to talk about my first kiss, but it's inappropriate.

Yeah, people talk about first kiss, first date.

Yeah, I guess that's why probably first is probably more common than last.

Okay the second one, second to last...second to first....

Number two is NEW.

I was going to say new clothes.

Yeah, I need a new pair of shoes.

So the number one adjective - the most popular adjective in English is...

You're screaming in my ear.

GOOD. Number one is GOOD.

I like that that's the first one.

That is a good adjective. Yeah, it's good.

I don't think that's surprising at all.

We use good all the time.

How are things? - Good.

Basically anything. How are you doing? - Good.

That's like the answer to everything.

Keep in mind, these are Important adjectives

so you should know these, learn these, study these.

Dream of these.

So now we want to know, which adjective do you use the most.

Which one is your favorite?

Write it in the comments. We want to hear from you guys.

If you enjoyed this lesson, please don't forget hit that LIKE button.

And if you enjoy learning English with us, we appreciate it if you subscribe.

Thank you guys so much for watching, and we'll see you next time.

See you.


For more infomation >> 25 Most Common English Adjectives You NEED to Know - Duration: 8:42.


Faltando 6 meses, Larissa Manoela revela preparativos para os 18 anos - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Faltando 6 meses, Larissa Manoela revela preparativos para os 18 anos - Duration: 1:53.


L'intuizione prima del nome - Brixton marzo 2008 - Seconda parte - Duration: 6:26.

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Be careful with wildlife when driving - Duration: 4:34.

so get eight people and you're going see that animal over there

mmm we're going to have a look at it now so when you are traveling in any country

you have to be careful over the wildlife most wildlife is actually pretty small

except for in Africa and North America you have the moose which apparently can

actually do a lot of damage to your car said the moose something like that and

large deer also bears elephants can destroy cars so you have to be careful

dim but in Australia we don't really have anything that big to worry about

kangaroos yeah they can do some damage but they can't destroy cars but yeah we

have a woman now a wombat is actually a grazing animal but actually it's grass

as you can see he has these two incisors these actually knit grass off and it

actually has molars inside this animal is actually closely or probably related

not probably it actually is related to the Koala so its closest relative and I

think they're actually separated by about probably about 15 million years

here we have the claws this actually used for actually digging actually back

claws and as you can see by the testicles this is a male this poor

animal was actually hit by a car as you can see we have a dirt track so and I've

been here for a while and cars a clue like to go really faster in here a lot

of them are actually trades people you know work vehicles but they wouldn't

have actually killed this animal because they usually come during the day time

these animals are nocturnal so they only come out at night time to feed and this

poor animals actually been hit by car as you can see by the wounds here and as

there is no the flies are just starting to come to it I don't see any evidence

of a maggots I'd say these animals probably killed last night

I wouldn't be surprised so when you come to Australia be careful of the wildlife

also just any country you go to United States you go to Canada you go Europe

and that's a manner see we have our this waterworks this is actually our drinking

water put this on before and as you can see there's lots of our grasses lots of

habitat and I'll pause for a minute so as you see the cars going pretty fast

for a dirt road probably far these dirt roads is that if you go too fast and you

go around a corner you could actually smash into another car so that's why you

should be careful of where you're driving not only that you can actually

hit our vehicles and kill yourself and whoever else is in the car

whoever is in the other car so don't be stupid if you actually have a problem

well deal with it because if one else has to then take it out on all of us

especially animals why would you wanna hurt an animal and this is actually been

spray-painted as you can see that means someone who actually rescues wildlife so

we have people at rescue injured wildlife actually put these X marks on

bodies so they can when someone else comes actually rescues animals they see

the X and I know someone's been here and looked at the animal so all poor thing I

feel sorry for it and please be careful people they have an awesome time with

your life because you only get one oh please like

and subscribe and have an awesome day bye

For more infomation >> Be careful with wildlife when driving - Duration: 4:34.


Horse Guards Parade - 4 o'clock parade (Full Version) [4K] - Duration: 10:47.

For more infomation >> Horse Guards Parade - 4 o'clock parade (Full Version) [4K] - Duration: 10:47.


Más de 500 senderistas atrapados en volcán tras el sismo en Indonesia fueron evacuados - Duration: 5:25.

Sendereristas bajan del monte Rinjani (AFP/Ejército de Indonesia) Más de 500 senderistas y guías fueron evacuados con éxito de un volcán indonesio, después de que un sismo el fin de semana en la isla de Lombok provocara deslizamientos que los dejaron atrapados, informó este martes un portavoz de la agencia que se encarga de las emergencias

El terremoto de magnitud 6,4 del domingo por la mañana y sus múltiples réplicas provocaron el desprendimiento de toneladas de piedras y fango, bloqueando a los turistas en los caminos del monte Rinjani, un volcán con 3

726 metros de altura cuyos senderos atraen a numerosos turistas. Un total de "543 senderistas han sido evacuados, llegaron anoche", dijo a la AFP el portavoz de la Agencia Nacional de Emergencias, Sutopo Purwo Nugroho

"Todavía quedan seis personas", agregó. El monte Rinjani es el segundo mayor volcán de Indonesia y un destino muy apreciado por los aficionados al senderismo debido a las magnificas vistas que se aprecian desde su cima

Entre los turistas atrapados, había franceses, alemanes, holandeses, estadounidenses o tailandeses, indicaron las autoridades del archipiélago del sureste asiático

Según un portavoz del ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de España, cinco españoles se encontraban en la zona

Socorristas ayudan una senderista a bajar del monte (AFP / Ejército de Indonesia) El descenso fue posible después de que los guías encontraran un camino alternativo que no se vio afectado por los deslizamientos de tierra

La mayoría de los excursionistas llegó a la base de la montaña a última hora del lunes, dijo I Gusti Lanang Wiswananda, portavoz del servicios de búsqueda y rescate de Mataram, la principal ciudad de la isla de Lombok

"Todos estaban cansados, pero en buenas condiciones y fueron revisados por nuestros equipos médicos en el terreno una vez que llegaron", dijo a la AFP

Un senderista muerto El funcionarios dijo que un senderista murió en la montaña y que un equipo de rescate estaba acompañando a los seis excursionistas que todavía estaban en el monte

El terremoto tuvo lugar 50 km al noreste de Mataram, la principal ciudad de Lombok

El sismo dejó al menos 16 muertos y más de 220 heridos, según las cifras del lunes

El sismo principal estuvo acompañado de otros dos fuertes movimientos telúricos y de más de 100 réplicas

El lugar donde acamparon los senderistas (AFP /Ejército de Indonesia) El temblor, ocurrido en las primeras horas de la madrugada, destruyó cientos de casas y provocó escenas de pánico cuando los residentes y los turistas alojados en los hoteles se precipitaron al exterior

Un total de 5.141 personas están viviendo en albergues temporales y están sin agua potable, según cifras oficiales

El presidente indonesio, Jokowi Widodo, que se desplazó el lunes a las zonas afectadas, prometió una ayuda financiera a los habitantes que perdieron sus casas en la catástrofe

Indonesia, un archipiélago de 17.000 islas e islotes, se sitúa en el conocido como "cinturón de fuego" del Pacífico, una zona de fuerte actividad sísmica

Aunque el país registra numerosos seísmos, la mayoría no son peligrosos. En 2004, un tsunami provocado por un terremoto de magnitud 9,3 frente a la costa de Sumatra, en el oeste de Indonesia, dejó 220

000 muertos en varios países del Océano Índico, 168.000 de los cuales en Indonesia

MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: Terremoto en Indonesia: 13 muertos, cientos de heridos y miles de casas destruidas

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