Monday, July 30, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jul 30 2018

Instant Tutoring →

For more infomation >> 🔠Finding Basis for the Subspace of R^4 (linear algebra problems) - Duration: 7:01.


Renault Grand Scénic TCe 130pk Zen (7-Persoons!!/R-link/Climate/Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Renault Grand Scénic TCe 130pk Zen (7-Persoons!!/R-link/Climate/Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 1:09.



For more infomation >> Suzuki Splash 1.2 EXCLUSIVE NED.AUTO, STOELVERWARMING, AIRCO, ELEKT. R+S, LM-VELGEN, NAP - Duration: 1:08.


Renault Captur TCe 90pk Intens (R-link/Climate/Cruise/Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur TCe 90pk Intens (R-link/Climate/Cruise/Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 1:09.


Renault Captur TCe 120pk Dynamique EDC (Camera/R-link/Climate/Lichtm. Velg.) - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur TCe 120pk Dynamique EDC (Camera/R-link/Climate/Lichtm. Velg.) - Duration: 1:11.



For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.2I I-DEAL NED.AUTO, AIRCO, BLUETOOTH, ELEKT. R+S, LM-WIELEN, LED VERLICHTING - Duration: 1:08.



For more infomation >> ЗАБАЦАЛ КРУТОЙ СТОЛ ИЗ ЭПОКСИДКИ - Duration: 6:24.



So today, I'm going to be doing a really exciting look.

I'm super duper proud of this.

It might be one of my favorite looks that I've ever done.

I'm going to be doing this kind of red / fire /

sunset-inspired look,

using the Morphe 35B Palette.

Now, I know that they don't sell this palette anymore,

but I know a lot of you guys still have it.

So I wanted to put this tutorial out there,

because I haven't done that many tutorials

with this palette.

But if you don't have it,

you can always just find a substitute color.

But, yeah. I tried a new technique

of not setting my concealer.

What I was doing right here was

I was taping my eyes.

And then I applied the Tarte Shape Tape

and I blended it out with my finger.

And I didn't set it, like I said before.

For some reason, it just helps me

— at least with this palette —

to get a nice, even blend.

I don't know why.

But I really, really liked the way

that the shadow looked on top of it.

So that's what I'm gonna start doing.

And then I took the Morphe 35B Palette.

(It didn't focus.)

And I'm taking this red shade on a normal crease brush,

and I'm packing it into the crease.

We're gonna blend it out later.

But we just want to get a pigment,

like, the color, down first.

I know. I'm such a beauty guru.

I really know what I'm talking about.

Then I take the orange, and I pack it on top.

Again, I'm kind of blending, but I'm not.

I'm mostly just packing,

because we're gonna go with the yellow now.

And we're gonna blend out the harsh edges.

F--! I feel like f-king James Charles right now.

He's literally shaking.

I also look at myself a lot.

And now I'm doing a half-cut crease

with the Tarte Shape Tape.

And I'm using this brush

that came with the Urban Decay Electric Palette.

It's, like, covered in concealer,

and it's so f-ed.

It's literally completely rubbery.

You can't even see the brush hairs anymore.

But yeah. I'm just doing that.

And then I'm gonna blend with the red.

And I'm not gonna set that concealer

that I just put on, either.

So I'm blending the concealer out

with the red eyeshadow.

It's so satisfying. That blend.

Why did it blend so well?

Okay, and then I'm taking this coral shimmer shade,

and I'm gonna put this in the middle of my lid.

And kind of blending it in with the red, too.

Because we're gonna put in a light shade

on the inner corner, and we want to blend that

between the reds, so we need to have a color

that can sandwich the two together.

So I'm doing that. I'm making sure that it's all blended.

And then I did it on the other eye.

And I sped it up.

They're not quite even.

My cut creases definitely were not even, but . . .

It be like that sometimes. You know?

So then took off the tape.

Eww. I didn't like how my eye just popped out there.

Really satisfying. The blend.

Oh, that f-ing blend.

Then I filled in my eyebrows.

And I'm just applying some concealer.

I'm not doing any foundation,

because y'all know I don't really have time for that.

I'm just blending it in.

I'm in the shade "Light" in the Tarte Shape Tape.

Everybody always asks me.

That's my answer. I'm a "Light."

And then I'm taking this

Makeup Revolution Lace Powder,

and I'm baking . . . or, not baking . . .

I'm just kind of setting.

And I'm taking the Too Faced Chocolate Soleil Bronzer,

and I'm nose contouring.

Because I feel like when I conceal

or put on foundation,

my nose usually gets lost.

And I know that I have a small nose already.

But you just . . . you just gonna do what you gotta do.

So I contoured my nose.

And then, I also contoured my face

using a Luxie brush.

But sister, I'm really sorry. I don't know which one it is.

Now for my lower lashline,

I'm taking a really thin brush,

so I can get really close to the waterline.

And I'm putting on the red,

and then I'm blending it out

with the orange and the yellow.

Just what we did on top.

And yeah.


Looks pretty good.

And then, I'm taking that yellow

that we put on the inner part of the eye,

and I'm putting it on the inner corner.

I ran out of lash glue, so we're just doing mascara.

But I feel like it would look better with falsies.

But . . . this is just the Essence Lash Princess.

And then I'm using the

BECCA Vanilla Quartz Highlighter,

which I just got and I f-ing stan.

It's really, really, really, really sexy.

I love that ho.

Wow. What a queen.

And I'm setting my face.

And I didn't even use a f-ing lipstick

because I'm a piece of sh--.

But I really, really love the way that this look turned out.

So yeah. That was the video.

I hope you guys liked it.

I'm really proud of that look.

Like I said before, I think it's one of my favorite looks

that I've ever done on my channel.

I'm sorry about the audio.

I was trying to figure out how to work

this is Yeti microphone that I have,

but I don't think I plugged it in.

Like, I mean it plugged it in,

but I feel like I didn't hook it up right,

because I think that the sound

is just the computer sound, because it wasn't that loud.


And I'm also sorry that it was a voiceover,

but I hope that you guys enjoyed it anyway.

Because, at the end of the day, it's a tutorial.

It's meant to help you guys learn.

So I hope that somebody learned something.

Even if I helped one person,

that's enough for me, thotties.

Thank you guys so much for watching.

Please comment, rate, subscribe, and keep on . . .


For more infomation >> WARM SUNRISE EYE LOOK USING THE MORPHE 35B - Duration: 5:03.


🔠Change of Basis: Transition Matrix example (linear algebra problems) - Duration: 16:25.

Instant Tutoring →

For more infomation >> 🔠Change of Basis: Transition Matrix example (linear algebra problems) - Duration: 16:25.


APRENDE A USAR A SLEDGE el LOBO SOLITARIO *me hago un ace y clucht* Rainbow Six Siege - Duration: 16:15.

For more infomation >> APRENDE A USAR A SLEDGE el LOBO SOLITARIO *me hago un ace y clucht* Rainbow Six Siege - Duration: 16:15.


Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:14.


Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:13.


Hilfe für Ärzte bei der Umsetzung der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Hilfe für Ärzte bei der Umsetzung der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) - Duration: 2:21.


Opel KARL 1.0 Start/Stop 75pk ROCKS Online Edition **DEMO** - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Opel KARL 1.0 Start/Stop 75pk ROCKS Online Edition **DEMO** - Duration: 1:08.


The Happytime Murders | No Sesame. All Street.

For more infomation >> The Happytime Murders | No Sesame. All Street.


Coloque 1 Dente de Alho no Ouvido Antes de Dormir e Isso Vai Acontecer Com Sua Saúde! - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Coloque 1 Dente de Alho no Ouvido Antes de Dormir e Isso Vai Acontecer Com Sua Saúde! - Duration: 3:27.


Peugeot 508 SW 1.6 E-HDI 112pk Automaat Blue Lease Executive Zwart leder/Navigatie/Panoramadak - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 508 SW 1.6 E-HDI 112pk Automaat Blue Lease Executive Zwart leder/Navigatie/Panoramadak - Duration: 1:13.


アウディ e-tronビジョングランツーリスモ、日本初上陸 8月4日富士 - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> アウディ e-tronビジョングランツーリスモ、日本初上陸 8月4日富士 - Duration: 3:06.


Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 e-VTi Shine Automaat - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 e-VTi Shine Automaat - Duration: 1:07.


Alvaro Morata e Alice Campello genitori: sono nati i gemelli Alessandro e Leonardo - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Alvaro Morata e Alice Campello genitori: sono nati i gemelli Alessandro e Leonardo - Duration: 3:50.


Maxi sconto del 50% e 30 minuti di chiamate gratis: a chi spetta il bonus telefono - Duration: 4:05.

 Forse non tutti sanno che le famiglie a basso reddito hanno diritto ad un'agevolazione nel sottoscrivere dei contratti di telefonia

Parliamo del così detto "bonus telefono", uno sconto sul canone di accesso alla rete telefonica che di recente l'Agcom ha esteso a tutti i nuclei familiari che ricadono nella definizione di povertà relativa dell'Istat

 Possono dunque usufruire del bonus tutti coloro che dichiarano un reddito Isee inferiore a 8

112,23 euro. Ma in che cosa consiste nello specifico l'agevolazione? In sostanza chi è in possesso dei requisiti, previa presentazione della domanda, avrà diritto ad uno sconto del 50% sul canone di accesso alla rete telefonica Telecom

Il costo dell'abbonamento sarà pari dunque 9,50 euro anziché 19, che è il prezzo standard della compagnia telefonica

 Sul proprio sito TIM specifica però che alle "fasce sociali" che beneficiano di tale agevolazione applica di fatto una riduzione sull'importo dell'abbonamento pari al 55,8% superiore a quella del 50% stabilita dalle delibere AGCom

Il costo dell'abbonamento sarà così pari a 8,32 euro al mese.  Trenta minuti di chiamate gratis  Non solo: come stabilito dall'AgCom, il nuovo sistema di agevolazioni prevede anche 30 minuti gratuiti di telefonate verso tutte le numerazioni nazionali fisse e mobili

L'agevolazione estesa a 2,6 milioni di famiglie  Con il provvedimento firmato lo scorso 14 giugno, "l'Autorità ha esteso a circa 2,6 milioni di nuclei familiari la possibilità di avvantaggiarsi delle agevolazioni, rimuovendo i precedenti vincoli che ne condizionavano l'accesso alla presenza nel nucleo familiare di anziani al di sopra dei 75 anni, di percettori di pensioni sociali o di invalidità, o di capifamiglia disoccupati"

"Agcom - si legge nella nota - confida che la rimozione dei vincoli e la semplificazione delle procedure di accesso incoraggerà le famiglie economicamente disagiate ad avvalersi di questo importante strumento di inclusione sociale"

Tutti i bonus e le esenzioni per chi guadagna mille euro al mese  Bonus telefono, come fare domanda  L'agevolazione ha validità annuale e si rinnova automaticamente il 1° gennaio di ogni anno

 Per richiedere l'agevolazione bisogna scaricare il modulo sul sito della Tim. Il modulo, compilato in ogni sua parte, dovrà poi essere inviato a mezzo lettera raccomandata all'indirizzo indicato nella fattura TIM o al numero verde fax 800

000.314.  Insieme al modulo il richiedente dovrà allegare i seguenti documenti:  1) fotocopia del documento di riconoscimento in corso di validità del titolare del contratto di abbonamento e anche della persona avente il requisito sociale richiesto, se diversa dal titolare;  2) nel caso di disoccupato/in cerca di prima occupazione, documentazione comprovante tale requisito; 3) fotocopia dell'attestato ISEE rilasciato dall'INPS;  4) fotocopia della pensione sociale o di invalidità civile

Il bonus telefono e Internet  Nel suo comunicato AgCom ha poi specificato che "in assenza di una specifica competenza in materia, dal momento che l'accesso ad Internet in banda larga non rientra nel perimetro del servizio universale, l'Autorità, anche al fine di dar seguito alle richieste delle associazioni dei consumatori, ha esercitato le proprie funzioni di indirizzo ed ha invitato TIM S

p.A, l'operatore incaricato del servizio universale, a mettere a disposizione degli utenti economicamente disagiati alcune offerte flat di connessione ad Internet a banda larga, la cui sottoscrizione non implica la perdita del diritto di accesso alle agevolazioni economiche"

  Bonus gas e luce: come ottenere lo sconto

For more infomation >> Maxi sconto del 50% e 30 minuti di chiamate gratis: a chi spetta il bonus telefono - Duration: 4:05.


Atleta de futsal Ricardo Baía fala de sua trajetória dentro e fora do país - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Atleta de futsal Ricardo Baía fala de sua trajetória dentro e fora do país - Duration: 2:08.


Temptation Island: Raffaela, Martina e Giada single? L'indizio - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Temptation Island: Raffaela, Martina e Giada single? L'indizio - Duration: 3:58.


Discovering a "New" Author | Book Nerd Problems - Duration: 0:49.

My god, I love finding amazing new authors!

She's gotta have a second book coming out soon, right?



My gosh.

I just found this amazing new author.

Mindy McGinnis.

Well, yeah.

I know now that she's written— Nobody told me.



For more infomation >> Discovering a "New" Author | Book Nerd Problems - Duration: 0:49.


I Won An Award From The National Association Of The Deaf | ASL - Duration: 6:38.

[marker writing]

[Pokemon game sound]

Hello there.

My cat, Zane, is down here.

You may have seen him in some old videos.

He's just lying here staring at me.

Anyway, that's not the point of this video.

I have some mail here and, today, I'm going to be doing an unboxing.

This package is from... I can't seem to sign this.

I looked it up before this video and I was like, "Wait, what?"

The NAD.

National Association of the Deaf.

They sent an email congratulating me for winning an award.

An award for supporting fellow deaf on social media in regards

to closed captions and things like that.

The NAD had a conference a few weeks ago.

Unfortunately, I couldn't go. The total was way too expensive.

But I did send a thank you video which was shown to the audience.

And now we have this.

This actually arrived on, I think, Wednesday,

but I wanted to wait to open it for this unboxing video.

I'm so excited!

Are you ready?

Got a knife.

I don't want to break this.

I almost cut myself.

How do I open this thing?!

I am strong!

This entire video is just going to be me trying to open this box.


And we have another box.

I don't know what the award looks like.

I'm ready!

Who's cutting onions around here?

I'm not crying. You're crying!

This- Actually, I'll just show it to you.

I need a tissue. I'll be right back.

Okay. I'm sorry.

Keeping my tissue.

This says, "Media Advocacy Award".

I don't know how to sign all this.

It has my name on it.

It looks beautiful.


And it has this if I want to hang it up on my wall.

And my name is spelled right!

"Y", not "I"!


It's beautiful.

When they emailed me, I was very surprised.

I was thinking, "Are you joking with me right now?"

I said it in the thank you speech, but I want to say it here too.

Thank you.

This wouldn't have happened without all the support I have.

Watching videos, sharing articles and videos.

Talking about #NoMoreCRAPtions.

Leaving comments on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

This award didn't happen on my own.

It happened with the support of all of you.

I'm not good at talking about my emotions, being sappy.

I'm not good at that.

But now is the right time to say that.

I can't be crying right now. I still need to take thumbnail photos.

My makeup's gonna get messed up.

Okay, okay. Breathing.

Again, thank you. I'm very thankful.

Hopefully, even more work will be done.

We can do it.

Thank you for watching.

If you haven't, consider supporting on Patreon.

It's a great way to support creators.

You get perks like articles you won't see in public,

and pen pal letters.

It's cool stuff.

I'll see you later, bye!

For more infomation >> I Won An Award From The National Association Of The Deaf | ASL - Duration: 6:38.


Teflon Sega - Not Another Love Song (prod. by OZZIE) - Duration: 3:18.

Imma drink from her fountain like its avian hundred dollar bill come and turn me on

neck in the dark she my black swan moving in tempo to the song

she brought a friend thats an and 1 got them gassed up baby exxon

look like a suicide girl got me turned on she aint going home yet

all up in the spotlight see her in the strobe light

she come out at midnight only when there's moonlight

all up in my mindset i know i can't fight it

she got that darkness in her eyes

i know how it sounds but its not another love song

aint trying to lock you down but you work that pole so professional

i wanna write you vows i know how it sounds

but it's not another love song I'm just catching a vibe

cus you dance your show like an animal but you're only mine tonight

trapped in her city walls babylon you me and my demons threesome

making me shake like I'm withdrawn now she going south , san juan

always 2 for one that a coupon bend her into shapes with them heels on

baby feeling lit smoking saffron she ain't going home now

all up in the spotlight see her in the strobe light

she come out at midnight only when there's moonlight

all up in my mindset i know i can't fight it

she got that darkness in her eyes

i know how it sounds but it's not another love song

ain't trying to lock you down

but you work that pole so professional i wanna write you vows

i know how it sounds but it's not another love song

I'm just catching a vibe cus you dance your show like an animal

but you're only mine tonight

i know how it sounds but it's not another love song

ain't trying to lock you down

but you work that pole so professional i wanna write you vows

i know how it sounds but it's not another love song

I'm just catching a vibe cus you dance your show like an animal

but you're only mine tonight

For more infomation >> Teflon Sega - Not Another Love Song (prod. by OZZIE) - Duration: 3:18.


CUTE GIRL HEADSHAVE - Duration: 14:18.

please subscribe

For more infomation >> CUTE GIRL HEADSHAVE - Duration: 14:18.


🇧🇷 The Game - How We Do LEGENDADO Ft. 50 Cent (Jackson Legendas) - Duration: 3:15.

This is how we do

We make a move and act a fool while we up in the club

This is how we do

Nobody do it like we do it‚ so show us some love

This is how we do

We make a move and act a fool while we up in the club

This is how we do

Nobody do it like we do it‚ so show us some love

Fresh‚ like‚ unh‚ Impala‚ unh

Chrome hydraulics‚ 808‚ drums

You don′t want none‚ nigga better run

When beef is on‚ I will pop that trunk

Come get some‚ pistol grip‚ pump

If a nigga step on my white Air Ones

It is redrum‚ ready‚ here I come

Compton‚ unh‚ Dre found me in the slums

Sellin′ that skunk‚ one hand on my gun

I was sellin′ rocks when Master P was sayin′ Uhh

Buck pass the blunt

These G Unit girls just wanna have fun

Coke and rum‚ got weed on the ton

I am bangin′ with my hand up her dress‚ like‚ unh

I will make her cum‚ purple haze in my lungs

Whole gang in the front‚ in case a nigga wanna stunt

I put Lamborghini doors on that Es clade

Low pro‚ so look like I am ridin′ on blades

In one year‚ mane‚ a nigga′s so paid

I have a straight bitch in the telly goin′ both ways

Touch me‚ tease me‚ kiss me‚ please me

I give it to you just how you like it‚ girl

You know I am rockin′ with the best

Tre pound on my hip‚ teflon on my chest

They say I am no good‚ ′cause I am so hood

Rich folks do not want me around

′Cause shit might pop off‚ and if shit pop off

Somebody gon′ get laid the fuck out

They call me new money‚ say I have no class

I am from the bottom‚ I came up too fast

The hell if I care‚ I am just here to get my cash

Bougie ass bitches‚ you can kiss my ass!

This is how we do

We make a move and act a fool while we up in the club

This is how we do

Nobody do it like we do it‚ so show us some love

This is how we do

We make a move and act a fool while we up in the club

This is how we do

Nobody do it like we do it‚ so show us some love

I put gold Daytonas on that cherry six fo′

White walls so clean It is like I am ridin′ on Vogues

Hit one switch‚ mane‚ that ass so low

Cali got niggas in New York ridin′ on hundred spokes

Touch me‚ tease me‚ kiss me‚ please me

I give it to you just how you like it‚ girl

You know I am rockin′ with the best

Four pound on my hip‚ gold chain on my chest

50‚ uhh‚ Bentley‚ uhh

Em came and got a nigga fresh out the slum

Automatic gun‚ fuck them one on one

We wrap up your punk ass‚ stunt and you done

Homie‚ It is Game time

You ready? Here I come

Call Lloyd Banks and get this motherfucker crunk

It took two months‚ but 50 got it done

Signed with G Unit‚ had niggas like‚ Huh?

Don′t try to front‚ I will leave your ass slumped

Thinkin′ I am a punk‚ get your fuckin head lumped

50 got a gun

Ready? Here he come

Got a sick vendetta‚ to get this cheddar

met my Beretta‚ the drama‚ setter

Sip Amaretta‚ my flow sounds better

Than average‚ on tracks I am a savage‚ I damage

Any nigga tryin′ to front on my clique (G Unit)

For more infomation >> 🇧🇷 The Game - How We Do LEGENDADO Ft. 50 Cent (Jackson Legendas) - Duration: 3:15.


How To Sing Better For Guys - Complete - Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy - Duration: 10:43.

How To Sing Better For Guys. Welcome to Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy, where we're gonna be

discussing How To Sing Better For Guys!

Hi, guys! Ken Tamplin, from Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy, and I'm gonna teach you a

little bit about the voice, and voice lessons today.

There's a lot of different styles and a lot of different approaches to singing. So that one subject isn't

just how to sing better for all guys, because it's how to sing better in

whatever style you're looking to sing. Well, there are some very basic

non-negotiables to singing, and I want to point out that most of the time, not all

the time, but most of the time guys want to sing harder than girls. They want to

get out there and just belt and wail!

Then there's the other side of R and B, or Pop guys that are just looking to have some

Soul, and and some good licks, and some good tone, and good resonance, and stamina,

and so forth, and range, which we all we all want.

But I want to cover both aspects, fairly briefly. I'm gonna discuss Rock singing

first, and then I'm gonna break into more Pop and R&B

So the very first thing is, is that we want to have awesome posture. We want to sit

up straight, or stand up straight, and by the way, when you sit, you lose up to 30%

of your strength in your abdomen when singing, so I recommend you stand if you

can. But anyway, so you're gonna want to stand in you're going to take a breath

from your belly, from your abdomen, instead of breathing like we do like

this from our chest, we want to breathe from our abdomen, from our belly, and our

diaphragm. So you've heard a lot about diaphragmatic support. So I'm not gonna

cover that here. I have some tutorials on my website regarding diaphragmatic

support, and have an amazing course called How To Sing Better Than Anyone Else

So anyway, I want to talk about How To Sing Better For Guys. So we're gonna

start first with this Bright Ping in an AH Vowel. I coined a phrase. It's called

It's the LAH!!! AH!!! and it's that nice, Open Throat, bright Ping sound that keeps us

from sort of choking on our vowel sounds, or pinching and squeezing as we go up.

Now there's a lot to this, but I'm just gonna go through the basic elements of

this first, and then if you're interested, check out my course or check out my my

channel and I cover a good amount of this stuff. So we're gonna start with the

mean average of singers, and that would be a baritone, and so we're gonna start

down in, like a mid Bari, or upper mid Bari range, and we're just gonna go

through a simple triad scale like this

Now try to keep the jaw as stable as possible. Try not to move the mandible, or

the jaw. Keep it in a marble, or static, or stable position. We're gonna continue up

a triad scale, like this.

Don't forget your breath. Take your breath, and use your breath. Bring in the

breath, kind of like you're doing a sit-up, the feeling of how much strength

is required when you're doing a sit-up. So let's continue...

Take your breath, relax the shoulders, relax the arms, relax the neck. Let's

continue. Nice, bright, open AH! I don't mean "Luh... " I mean "AH!!!"

Do yourself a favor. Even get out a handheld mirror and look at the back of

your throat, and see if your throat is nice and wide-open and that your tongue

is placed to the base of the jaw, so it's not causing any stricture or any

constrictions, constriction, excuse me, in the back of the throat, so that the

throat can be as free as possible to create this nice, bright timbre that

timber of sound.

Okay, now, for most guys, for the mean average would, like me, I'm a high

baritone, but I can sing well into the soprano range. There are some different

registrations and I want to talk briefly about them. And I cover this

extensively in my course. And that's that there's something called the speaking

register, and that's the register that I'm talking to you at right now I'm

speaking to you in a specific registration of the voice. Now as we move

up into higher notes, the cords actually vibrate quicker. So they become a little

bit more tense, and they become a little bit, you know, what's the word? um, there's a lot

more strength in the sound or more strength is required in this sound, so

what we really need to do is have a greater relaxation response, so that we

don't create tension in the neck or the throat as we ascend a passage or a scale.

So because of this fast vibration, we also need to control the actual tone or

the vowel sounds themselves. And these are called vowel modifications. I'm just

going to go through one of them. There are many for each vowel, but we're gonna

focus mainly on the AH Vowel today. So we're gonna go here...

Did you notice how I kind of migrated a little towards AH, like loft, at the top?

Listen closely...

What I'm doing is I'm paring down the sound, or closing down the sound, so the

sound doesn't get so big that it splats and gets away from us, or becomes too

top-heavy to control the sound. This is one of the key mysteries and key

elements of learning How To Sing Better For Guys. So guys, what we want to do is

you want to close down that sound with good vowel modifications, strong support,

and a relaxation response that allows for this. Now. I talked about the speaking

register, and around the E we start to move in to the F, which is called the

Call Register or the Belting Register. So if you notice, as I start to resonate

louder, and the cords vibrate quicker, I start to create more resonance that

creates more sound, like this:

Moving to the F-sharp 4...

Little by little, I'm closing down the sounds safely, a little bit more at a

time, so that, again, I'm not oversinging, and the sound is getting away from you.

Now as you grow the voice, you can actually lean into that sound, and get my

YEAH!!!! and you can belt into that sound and get kind of a dirty or distorted, you

know raspy sort of tone. But you want to start with a clean sound first and build

up into this. Now if you're an R&B guy and you don't necessarily want to sing

that heavy, we can actually create a mixed voice or this, or the idea that

you're mixing this call or belting register with what's kind of like a

reinforced falsetto, that's joined, or fused together, and I like demonstrate

that like this...

It's a much softer intonation, a much softer sound, so I'm connecting

through what's called Segundo passaggio, or the second passageway, or that

register break between our chest voice and our head voice. So let's continue...

It's seamless between my chest voice and my head voice. Now in my course, I

discuss how we connect that sound, so we have a seamless connection. Now also,

for you belters out there, you can take that sound, and once you grow the

passaggio, you can lean into that sound, or allow more volume into that sound, as

you build up strength in the muscles, so that you can, in fact, belt into that

sound as well

So you can continue to go up and down the scales, and up and down the scales, to

build one, long, powerful note. So whether you want to be a belter, or you want to

be an R&B guy, or you want to do the you know have a Pop sort of sound, or

whatever that is, you can start to incorporate these things to where you

can build a one long note.

With a seamless connection, to where you can have full command of your entire voice,

and not just your belting register, or call register, but can include also your

head voice register, and fuse them together. So that's a basic tutorial on

How To Sing Better For Guys. Thank you for joining me. Ken Tamplin vocal Academy

Hey guys! If you like what you heard, please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to my channel,

and if you want to get notified when I have a new, cool video come out, you need

to go to my channel and click on this little Bell icon, and it will actually

notify you every time I have a video come out! Thanks, Guys!

For more infomation >> How To Sing Better For Guys - Complete - Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy - Duration: 10:43.


TENTE NÃO RIR #01 - NÃO AGUENTEI! [+13] (W/ ENGLISH SUBTITLES) - Duration: 11:45.

For more infomation >> TENTE NÃO RIR #01 - NÃO AGUENTEI! [+13] (W/ ENGLISH SUBTITLES) - Duration: 11:45.



Many people, when they see the cross, see an instrument of torture, they can not

to stop thinking that Jesus is dead on this cross, then when they see the cross,

they are sad and every time they see Jesus with his crown of thorns and the

face in blood they are sad, me personally when I see Jesus suffering during the

way of the cross or on the cross, I can not stop me from feeling guilty, guilty

to have made him suffer ... Jesus, the image of him that he prefers

it's when he makes this great gift of love to the whole population of the earth, it is

to say is when he suffers because for him that's where he's the most beautiful, when

he gives himself to men for love ... and we it's the image of Jesus we do not like.

Because Jesus suffers and it makes us the trouble ...

Jesus told women did not cry on me but on you ...

Always see the cross as a cross bright, a cross that saves, a cross

love and not as an instrument of torture ...

Eucharistic miracle ...

In Mexico, in Villahermosa, a group of prayer in adoration before the Eucharist

it is seen that there were some points luminous

on the monstrance, the monstrance is an object religious who presents the Eucharist

One person filmed the stage with his phone portable and he recorded these images. when

he watched the video he heard a voice who said

"I feel lonely, very lonely, very very alone"

The video is over, so you can support my chain in the white zone by clicking

on the picture ... or so see the last video in the red zone ...

If you found my video interesting you can subscribe ... by following ...

the red arrow ...



Em festa de Bruna Marquezine, Neymar surpreendeu como cantor; saiba mais - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> Em festa de Bruna Marquezine, Neymar surpreendeu como cantor; saiba mais - Duration: 4:55.


"Ylenia è viva". Dopo la voce choc, la reazione di Romina è inaspettata. Ha sperato per 24 ... - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> "Ylenia è viva". Dopo la voce choc, la reazione di Romina è inaspettata. Ha sperato per 24 ... - Duration: 6:21.


Jacqueline Sato, de Orgulho e Paixão, revela que não toma refrigerante desde quando era criança - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Jacqueline Sato, de Orgulho e Paixão, revela que não toma refrigerante desde quando era criança - Duration: 1:36.


Toyota Rush 2019 - All details (Top Sounds) - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Toyota Rush 2019 - All details (Top Sounds) - Duration: 3:06.


🔠Finding Basis for the Subspace of R^4 (linear algebra problems) - Duration: 7:01.

Instant Tutoring →

For more infomation >> 🔠Finding Basis for the Subspace of R^4 (linear algebra problems) - Duration: 7:01.


Renault Grand Scénic TCe 130pk Zen (7-Persoons!!/R-link/Climate/Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Renault Grand Scénic TCe 130pk Zen (7-Persoons!!/R-link/Climate/Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 1:09.


Renault Captur TCe 90pk Intens (R-link/Climate/Cruise/Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur TCe 90pk Intens (R-link/Climate/Cruise/Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 1:09.


Renault Captur TCe 120pk Dynamique EDC (Camera/R-link/Climate/Lichtm. Velg.) - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur TCe 120pk Dynamique EDC (Camera/R-link/Climate/Lichtm. Velg.) - Duration: 1:11.



For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.2I I-DEAL NED.AUTO, AIRCO, BLUETOOTH, ELEKT. R+S, LM-WIELEN, LED VERLICHTING - Duration: 1:08.



For more infomation >> Suzuki Splash 1.2 EXCLUSIVE NED.AUTO, STOELVERWARMING, AIRCO, ELEKT. R+S, LM-VELGEN, NAP - Duration: 1:08.



For more infomation >> ЗАБАЦАЛ КРУТОЙ СТОЛ ИЗ ЭПОКСИДКИ - Duration: 6:24.



So today, I'm going to be doing a really exciting look.

I'm super duper proud of this.

It might be one of my favorite looks that I've ever done.

I'm going to be doing this kind of red / fire /

sunset-inspired look,

using the Morphe 35B Palette.

Now, I know that they don't sell this palette anymore,

but I know a lot of you guys still have it.

So I wanted to put this tutorial out there,

because I haven't done that many tutorials

with this palette.

But if you don't have it,

you can always just find a substitute color.

But, yeah. I tried a new technique

of not setting my concealer.

What I was doing right here was

I was taping my eyes.

And then I applied the Tarte Shape Tape

and I blended it out with my finger.

And I didn't set it, like I said before.

For some reason, it just helps me

— at least with this palette —

to get a nice, even blend.

I don't know why.

But I really, really liked the way

that the shadow looked on top of it.

So that's what I'm gonna start doing.

And then I took the Morphe 35B Palette.

(It didn't focus.)

And I'm taking this red shade on a normal crease brush,

and I'm packing it into the crease.

We're gonna blend it out later.

But we just want to get a pigment,

like, the color, down first.

I know. I'm such a beauty guru.

I really know what I'm talking about.

Then I take the orange, and I pack it on top.

Again, I'm kind of blending, but I'm not.

I'm mostly just packing,

because we're gonna go with the yellow now.

And we're gonna blend out the harsh edges.

F--! I feel like f-king James Charles right now.

He's literally shaking.

I also look at myself a lot.

And now I'm doing a half-cut crease

with the Tarte Shape Tape.

And I'm using this brush

that came with the Urban Decay Electric Palette.

It's, like, covered in concealer,

and it's so f-ed.

It's literally completely rubbery.

You can't even see the brush hairs anymore.

But yeah. I'm just doing that.

And then I'm gonna blend with the red.

And I'm not gonna set that concealer

that I just put on, either.

So I'm blending the concealer out

with the red eyeshadow.

It's so satisfying. That blend.

Why did it blend so well?

Okay, and then I'm taking this coral shimmer shade,

and I'm gonna put this in the middle of my lid.

And kind of blending it in with the red, too.

Because we're gonna put in a light shade

on the inner corner, and we want to blend that

between the reds, so we need to have a color

that can sandwich the two together.

So I'm doing that. I'm making sure that it's all blended.

And then I did it on the other eye.

And I sped it up.

They're not quite even.

My cut creases definitely were not even, but . . .

It be like that sometimes. You know?

So then took off the tape.

Eww. I didn't like how my eye just popped out there.

Really satisfying. The blend.

Oh, that f-ing blend.

Then I filled in my eyebrows.

And I'm just applying some concealer.

I'm not doing any foundation,

because y'all know I don't really have time for that.

I'm just blending it in.

I'm in the shade "Light" in the Tarte Shape Tape.

Everybody always asks me.

That's my answer. I'm a "Light."

And then I'm taking this

Makeup Revolution Lace Powder,

and I'm baking . . . or, not baking . . .

I'm just kind of setting.

And I'm taking the Too Faced Chocolate Soleil Bronzer,

and I'm nose contouring.

Because I feel like when I conceal

or put on foundation,

my nose usually gets lost.

And I know that I have a small nose already.

But you just . . . you just gonna do what you gotta do.

So I contoured my nose.

And then, I also contoured my face

using a Luxie brush.

But sister, I'm really sorry. I don't know which one it is.

Now for my lower lashline,

I'm taking a really thin brush,

so I can get really close to the waterline.

And I'm putting on the red,

and then I'm blending it out

with the orange and the yellow.

Just what we did on top.

And yeah.


Looks pretty good.

And then, I'm taking that yellow

that we put on the inner part of the eye,

and I'm putting it on the inner corner.

I ran out of lash glue, so we're just doing mascara.

But I feel like it would look better with falsies.

But . . . this is just the Essence Lash Princess.

And then I'm using the

BECCA Vanilla Quartz Highlighter,

which I just got and I f-ing stan.

It's really, really, really, really sexy.

I love that ho.

Wow. What a queen.

And I'm setting my face.

And I didn't even use a f-ing lipstick

because I'm a piece of sh--.

But I really, really love the way that this look turned out.

So yeah. That was the video.

I hope you guys liked it.

I'm really proud of that look.

Like I said before, I think it's one of my favorite looks

that I've ever done on my channel.

I'm sorry about the audio.

I was trying to figure out how to work

this is Yeti microphone that I have,

but I don't think I plugged it in.

Like, I mean it plugged it in,

but I feel like I didn't hook it up right,

because I think that the sound

is just the computer sound, because it wasn't that loud.


And I'm also sorry that it was a voiceover,

but I hope that you guys enjoyed it anyway.

Because, at the end of the day, it's a tutorial.

It's meant to help you guys learn.

So I hope that somebody learned something.

Even if I helped one person,

that's enough for me, thotties.

Thank you guys so much for watching.

Please comment, rate, subscribe, and keep on . . .


For more infomation >> WARM SUNRISE EYE LOOK USING THE MORPHE 35B - Duration: 5:03.


🔠Change of Basis: Transition Matrix example (linear algebra problems) - Duration: 16:25.

Instant Tutoring →

For more infomation >> 🔠Change of Basis: Transition Matrix example (linear algebra problems) - Duration: 16:25.


APRENDE A USAR A SLEDGE el LOBO SOLITARIO *me hago un ace y clucht* Rainbow Six Siege - Duration: 16:15.

For more infomation >> APRENDE A USAR A SLEDGE el LOBO SOLITARIO *me hago un ace y clucht* Rainbow Six Siege - Duration: 16:15.


Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:14.


Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:13.


Hilfe für Ärzte bei der Umsetzung der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Hilfe für Ärzte bei der Umsetzung der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) - Duration: 2:21.


Opel KARL 1.0 Start/Stop 75pk ROCKS Online Edition **DEMO** - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Opel KARL 1.0 Start/Stop 75pk ROCKS Online Edition **DEMO** - Duration: 1:08.


Top 10 Extinct Animals We Shouldn't Bring Back To Life - Part 2 - Duration: 10:03.

We talked about animals that are no longer with us - scary animals that could rip us

to shreds or crush us without even realising - I thought it might be too much for some

of you but I was wrong, the comments were just full of people asking for more.

I think our subscribers are a bit crazy, and I love it, I am too - my names Danny Burke

and this video is the Top 10 Extinct animals we shouldnt bring back to life part 2!

Starting off at number 10 now we have Spinosaurus.

Let me start by asking you a question - whats the largest carnivorous dinosaur of all time?

Surely the T rex right?

Theyve always been portrayed as the top dogs … their name literally translates to tyrant

lizard king.

I was surprised to learn that its actually the Spinosaurus is the perhaps the largest

known carnivorous dinosaur of all time.

It lived about 100 million years ago.

Estimates put the length of these things at about 60ft while weighing as much as 23 tons

- thats 3 and a half times as a T Rex.

If its sheer size wasnt scary enough - you might have guessed from its name that it also

had spines.

They fanned out across its back and formed what is usually referred to as its sail.

What scientists arent sure about is if the spines were covered in fat and looked kind

of like a huge camel like hump.

If a camel was the size of a small building.

Coming in at number 9 now we have The Giant Crocodile.

Thats right, if you thought the best way to make a crocodile even more scary was to give

it more teeth - youre wrong - you just make them away bigger - and they really did exist.

The scientific name for this animal is Sarcosuchus.

They lived around 112 million years ago during the early Cretaceous period in what is now

Africa and South America.

These things weighed about 8 tonnes and grew up to 40ft in length.

Thats almost twice as long as the biggest living crocodiles today.

The Giant Crocodile would laugh at the crocodiles we have today.

Then it would eat them.

Then it would eat us.

Then it would laugh.

Luckily, they died out over 100 million years ago.

Next up at number 8 we have The Walking Worm.

The scientific name is Hallucigenia Fortis.

It was part of a family of walking worms.

They looked like worms, they acted like worms - but they had legs - actual legs.

Get this - scientists discovered their fossils in Canada and China - they were so weirded

out by their appearance, they called them Hallucigenia, as in Hallucinogenic, like hallucinogenic


These things are so weird looking, the scientists basically thought they were tripping out - thats

what Im taking from it.

Im thinking if normal worms creep people out, then a big walking one that looks like it

came from a Harry Potter movie might be a bit too much …

Moving on to number 7 now we have Andrewsarchus.

Think of a big scary mammal.

A lion?

A tiger?

A bear?

Oh my.

This thing would eat them for breakfast.

Andrewsarchus lived in what is now China about 45 million years ago.

The only known skull of this creature was discovered in Mongolia in 1923 - its now on

display in the American Museum of History in New York.

It was from only this skill and a few bones that scientists were able to make an accurate

construction of what this beast would have looked like.

When they finished the model, they were pretty shocked to see that it would have weighed

about 4,000 pounds - that would possibly make it the largest land-dwelling mammal predator


Were talking bigger than all the lions, tigers and bears oh my.

If you don't want to step into a ring with them, well those creatures wouldnt want to

step into a ring with this …

Next up at number 6 we have The Pig from Hell.

Again - thats my name, youll see why though.

This mammal is known as the Entelodon.

They lived 37 - 28 million years ago across Eurasia.

If we were around back then, we would have said they looked like pigs - but terrifying


Despite being on all fours, these things were 4 and a half ft tall.

They were massive.

Some scientists say they had a ravaging appetite for meat.

These things would eat you, theyd eat me and if there wasnt any other meat around - theyd

eat each other.

You heard me right.

Some have suggested that Entelodonts were cannibalistic - they craved meat so much,

theyd even eat their own kind.

How does that sound then?

Imagine one of these charging at you … you wouldnt stand a chance.

You better hope theyve eaten their fill for the day, or youll be the filling - that sounds


Moving on.

Next up at number 5 we have The 3ft Long Scorpion.

Thats the scientific name.

Kidding - this is Pulmono-scorpius.

It looked just like modern scorpions, it had the same front claws and sting in its tail

- the only difference is this thing was bloody massive.

It lived over 300 million years ago during the carboniferous period and this helps explain

why they grew so big.

Back then, Earths Oxygen content in the air was a lot higher.

Scientists know that this is one of they key factors in determining how big some creatures


So, if you don't like creepy crawlies - just be glad there isnt too much oxygen in the


We know this creature had venom, like many modern scorpions, but its difficult to know

just how toxic it would have been.

One things for sure though, you wouldnt wanna stick around these things to find out - if

modern day scorpions cause problems for us today, imagine these 3ft versions running

around stinging us.

No thanks.

Moving on to number 4 we have the Smilodon.

I love this one.

I remember watching a show as a kid called Walking with Beasts that featured this animal.

Check it out if you havent heard of it - probably came out before some of you were born.

The Smilidon lived from 2.5 million yeard ago to just 10,000 years ago.

If you recognise the picture on the screen right now - you may know this creature by

its much more famous name - the Saber Tooth Tiger.

They were a forced to be reckoned with with - well built forelimbs and exceptionally big

canine teeth.

They spread all over the world and came in a number of different types.

The biggest ones are thought to have weighed up to 880 pounds!

You might think oh well Im glad humans never had to live alongside these beasts - well

think again, they did.

Considering the Saber Tooth Tiger didnt died out about 100,000 years ago, there were already

modern humans just like me and you, walking around.

Many of them got probably got eaten by these big cats as they had nothing more than a spear

to defend themselves.

They died so that we could live, I vote that we don't bring them back.

Next up at number 3 we have the Terror Bird.

Thats the nickname given to Phorusrhacidae - and I think the nickname suits it well.

They were the largest species of apex predators in South America for about 60 million years,

starting 62 million years ago.

Thats a very long time.

You can even picture how long these things were the top dogs for.

They were huge, standing up to 9.8ft tall.

They were flightless too, thats quite strange to think about - we usually think of flightless

birds as quite harmless - dodos and penguins, maybe Ostritches could give you a good slash

but generally speaking, its the flying hawks and things that are the scariest.

This creature will make you think twice though.

The terror birds were big, they weighed up to half a ton.

OK, so you might be able to outrun them?

Well probably not, its thought they could run as fast as a cheetah - thats about 75


If you see a terror bird and the terror bird sees you - just give up.

Accept your fate as its lunch.

Coming in at number 2 now we have The Giant Bird.

Thats my name for it, the real name for this creature is Pelagornis Sandersi.

It is one of the largest flying birds ever discovered.

It lived 25 million years ago during the Oligocene era.

This thing - was huge.

You may think youve seen a big bird, maybe bit pigeon or a seagul - nah, youve not seen

a big bird, look at the side of this.

Pelagornis Sandersi had a wingspan of up to 24ft - its wingspan, was bigger than a Giraffe

is tall.

Just picture that.

Perhaps fittingly for one of the largest flying creatures to ever live, the only fossil of

this creature to ever be discovered was found in 1983 by construction workers at Charleston

International airport, South Carolina.

Big bird, found at an airport?


Interesting link?

Well, it seemed like it was earlier, perhaps its not anymore …

And finally at number 1 we have the Quetzalcoatlus.

Im not even sure how to start off with this one - just look at this thing.

This creature was a pterosaur, they lived alongside dinosaurs, but were very much their

own thing.

This Quetzalcoatlus was one of the largest known flying animals of all time.

It was toothless, it had a long stiff neck and was just generally a bit of an odd ball.

Its wingspan was 52ft.

Remember the massive bird we were talking about earlier?

This creature had a wingspan twice that size - its hard to even imagine how big this thing


Ever since its discovery, people have been fascinated by it.

Its been features featured in documentaries and movies.

Perhaps my favourite one is Clash of the Dinosaurs.

We already know thats wrong anyway but wait till you hear this - the show portrayed them

as having ultraviolet vision to locate dinosaur urine while hunting in the air.

I laugh but I kinda wanna watch it …

Well they were some scary animals - are you glad they don't exist anymore?

Or have I done the opposite, maybe you think theyre really cool and you wish they were

still around!

Let me know your thoughts - let me know if you want a part 3 there are thousands of extinct

species we can talk about - thanks as always for watching my name is Danny Burke and Ill

see you all in the next video.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Extinct Animals We Shouldn't Bring Back To Life - Part 2 - Duration: 10:03.


Chef's Challenge: Chef T vs. Chef Rik - Chef T's Dish - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Chef's Challenge: Chef T vs. Chef Rik - Chef T's Dish - Duration: 2:35.


Chef's Challenge: Chef T vs. Chef Rik - Secret Ingredient Reveal - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Chef's Challenge: Chef T vs. Chef Rik - Secret Ingredient Reveal - Duration: 3:10.


Chef's Challenge: Chef T vs. Chef Rik - The Winner Revealed - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Chef's Challenge: Chef T vs. Chef Rik - The Winner Revealed - Duration: 1:35.


Chef's Challenge: Chef T vs. Chef Rik - Finishing the Challenge - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Chef's Challenge: Chef T vs. Chef Rik - Finishing the Challenge - Duration: 3:37.


William Black - Take Me (Lyrics) Ft. RUNN, With Matte - Duration: 3:13.

so Don't tell me where we're gonna go just take me

Yeah you're the only one who knows how to save me

Right now every time you're close I'm shaking

Don't tell me where we're gonna go just take me

Just take me

Don't tell me where we're gonna go just take me

Yeah you're the only one who knows how to save me

Right now every time you're close I'm shaking

Don't tell me where we're gonna go just take me

Cause all I want is you

Worser for better nothing less will do

You're the exception breaking all my rules

No second guessing cause I'm hooked on you

Just take me

Don't tell me where we're gonna go just take me

Yeah you're the only one who knows how to save me

Right now every time you're close I'm shaking

Don't tell me where we're gonna go just take me

Even I had doubts

Who would've guessed we'd end up where we are

Feelin' your present when you're near or far

Closer to heaven when I'm in your arms

For more infomation >> William Black - Take Me (Lyrics) Ft. RUNN, With Matte - Duration: 3:13.


Chef's Challenge: Chef T vs. Chef Rik - Chef Rik's Dish - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Chef's Challenge: Chef T vs. Chef Rik - Chef Rik's Dish - Duration: 1:56.


Pence Says White House LOVES The Free Press, But Only If They Stay Silent - Duration: 4:21.

This past weekend, Mike Pence appeared on Fox News with host Maria Bartiromo, where

she asked him about the incident earlier this past week where a CNN reporter was removed

from a pool spray and then informed that she couldn't come back for an event later in the


They basically banned her for the day.

This is what Mike Pence had to say about that reporter being banned.

I'm going to ask you about access to you and the President and this White House, was it

necessary to throw out Kaitlan Collins from CNN the other day?

What happened?

Well, let me say that this administration believes in the freedom of the press, and

President Trump and I and our entire administration have provided extraordinary access to the


The President answers so many questions in so many different settings, and I can assure

you that we'll continue to do that.

But maintaining the decorum that is due at the White House, I think is an issue that

we'll continue to work for.

But I'm very confidence that, whether it be with that network or any network or any members

of the media, that we'll continue to work in a way that ensures the access of the American

people to this administration and to all the incredible progress we're making.

Yeah, this administration loves free speech, they love the freedom of the press.

They have a great relationship with the press, just so long as they stay silent, they don't

ask any difficult questions, they don't do their jobs, and they just shut up and smile

and maybe laugh whenever the President says something intentionally humorous.

That is the press that Mike Pence wants to see in the country, but that is not the press

that the First Amendment guaranteed us.

We are allowed, as members of the media, as a public, to get information from this administration.

Not to mention the fact that Pence is flat out lying, not only about what happened when

the reporter was banned, but too about the openness of this administration.

We have gone months at this point without any kind of press conference from the Pentagon,

so we don't know what the hell the military's doing.

They have forbidden other government agencies, Parks, EPA, Interior Department, from actually

being able to give interviews to the press.

They're not allowed to anymore, unless they get it pre-approved by a higher up in the


Whereas in the past, they get asked to do an interview, they could just do it.

This administration is more shut off than other administration, at least in my lifetime.

But let's get back to Pence's claim here, that she was being uncivil.

She wasn't recognizing the decorum of the White House.

First and foremost, that's not true.

Every reporter that was in that room admits that, no, she wasn't out of line, she wasn't


And if she was, it's only because all of the other reporters were also yelling questions.

She did not do anything out of line, did not break any rules, was not becoming uncivil,

they just didn't like what she had to say.

So, are we going to take the word of the reporters that were in the room with him, or are we

going to take the word of a guy like Mike Pence, who believes that Donald Trump is the

most honest person to ever walk the face of the earth?

I'm going to go with reporters on this.

Yeah, I know they're corporate media and most of them are probably pretty bad, but still,

they have just a little bit more credibility at this point than a guy like Mike Pence,

when every other word that he said in that interview was an absolute lie.

But that's what Mike Pence does.

He lies, he covers up, he tries to misdirect things and say, "No, we love the press, as

long as they observe the decorum of the White House."

Decorum that I'm pretty sure kind of went out the window 20-30 years ago, at this point.

Yeah, that once was a haloed office, where only the best and brightest of this country

ever got to see the inside.

But decades ago, all that changed, right?

The White House isn't as prestigious as it used to be.

You know, we've had some pretty disgusting scum bags coming in and out of that place,

and I think the day that Kid Rock stepped foot in that oval office, yeah, that pretty

much killed any kind of decorum or sense of class that the oval office actually had.

For more infomation >> Pence Says White House LOVES The Free Press, But Only If They Stay Silent - Duration: 4:21.


Dance Moms: Dance Digest - "Country Cuties" (Season 3) | Lifetime - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: Dance Digest - "Country Cuties" (Season 3) | Lifetime - Duration: 5:03.


Officials: Don't Feed The Bears - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> Officials: Don't Feed The Bears - Duration: 0:38.


Discovering a "New" Author | Book Nerd Problems - Duration: 0:49.

My god, I love finding amazing new authors!

She's gotta have a second book coming out soon, right?



My gosh.

I just found this amazing new author.

Mindy McGinnis.

Well, yeah.

I know now that she's written— Nobody told me.



For more infomation >> Discovering a "New" Author | Book Nerd Problems - Duration: 0:49.


Missing woman's ex-boyfriend arraigned for murder - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Missing woman's ex-boyfriend arraigned for murder - Duration: 1:26.


Electrician Turned Alpaca Farmer Makes a Career Out of Cuteness - Duration: 2:29.

People call the alpaca fiber the "the fiber of the gods."

They say it is the world's second most luxurious fiber.

We have 36 alpacas here.

31 are female and 5 male.

I love being an alpaca farmer.

I actually call myself an "alpaca shepherdess."

Different types of alpaca farms could be the breeding,

others could be just selling pet stock.

Others just want a couple of alpacas as pets.

We do breeding at Alpaca Acres here,

plus we sell product.

Alpaca fiber is used for socks, mitts, scarves, hats,

sweaters, shawls, purses, rugs.

Alpaca farmers, what they do on a daily basis

is just basic chores.

Scooping poop. They need hay, fresh hay, all the time.

They do get a pellet supplement,

and it's a top up of vitamins and minerals,

and fresh water, and they're good to go.

Alpacas need to be sheared or it's inhumane.

Their fiber is, they say,

five to seven times warmer than a sheep wool

If you didn't shear an alpaca,

it would be like sitting out in the field

with the sun on it,

wearing a duvet, wearing socks,

hat, scarf, mitts.

Heat distress is a major thing for them.

They basically get a spa day.

They're getting their hair clipped,

their toenails done, and their teeth done,

and they're ready to have this fiber off after a year.

Most people think becoming an alpaca farmer was my idea,

but in reality it was Dan.

We'd always go online and look at other alpaca farms

and google what actually you do with them.

We actually started visiting alpaca farms,

and then we found a herd and we knew it was ours.

We knew we were gonna be breeders

along with selling alpaca products.

I love working with animals. It makes me smile every day.

For more infomation >> Electrician Turned Alpaca Farmer Makes a Career Out of Cuteness - Duration: 2:29.


'These Are Our Babies': Meet The Couple That Adopted 6 Foster Siblings | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 8:33.

For more infomation >> 'These Are Our Babies': Meet The Couple That Adopted 6 Foster Siblings | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 8:33.


10 Dead People Who Might Still Be Alive - Duration: 8:18.

Hey YouTube, Jim here!

Welcome to Top10Archive!

Sometimes, when celebrities and people of note die, we don't go the normal route of

grieving and celebrating their life.

We're often prone to thinking the unimaginable - that they've faked their death and are still

out there, living a different life in the shadows.

Here are 10 famous dead people who are rumored to still be alive and well.

Before we search for ghosts, why not join the ranks of other Archivists and subscribe


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Cory Monteith On July 13th, 2013, Glee star Cory Allan Michael

Monteith died from a combination of heroin and alcohol.

Or so we were told.

According to some, the young actor is still alive and his "death" was orchestrated to

help bolster Glee's declining ratings. describes the alleged scene of Monteith's death as suspicious, stating

it didn't look anything like a crime scene and nobody was acting as if there were an


The website goes into an insane amount of detail over the fake nature of the show and

Monteith's suspicious relationship with co-star Lea Michelle, all pointing to a faked death.


Princess Diana It was a terrible crash surrounded by many

conspiracies over who did it, but there's another set of theorists out there that believe

it was just a setup.

It's not one of the more popular "fake death" conspiracies, but if you dig hard enough,

you can find hints to it.

Since the claim that an MI6 agent confessed to killing Diana proved to be fake, maybe

it lends credence to the idea that she's still out there, having opted to find a way out

of the limelight for a relatively normal life.


Andy Kaufman Andy Kaufman was a big trickster and has always

been about doing the most extreme thing to get in the spotlight.

After everything he pulled off, it really wouldn't be so unbelievable for him to have

faked his own death.

Though he was said to have died from cancer in 1984, Kaufman's boisterous persona, Tony

Clifton, had been reportedly seen at comedy clubs afterward.

Despite confirmation from Kaufman's manager, George Shapiro, and the Los Angeles County

Coroner, rumors still circulate about Kaufman's faked death.

The pot was stirred in 2013 when Kaufman's brother, Michael, introduced the Gotham Comedy

Club to the performer's "daughter," who attested that he was still alive.

Michael, however, claims even that was a hoax.

But who can keep track anymore.


Tupac Gunned down in the streets of Sin City, the

sudden death of Tupac Shakur was a devastating blow to the hip-hop world.

As recently as February 2018, reports surfaced that the former rapper may actually still

be alive and well.

According to Twitter user Suldaan_Mahdi, Shakur was spotted living out the remainder of his

life in Somalia.

It's also suggested that Suge Knight has all but outright said the singer was alive - despite

being allegedly shot in Sin City in 1996.


Paul Walker There didn't seem to be any question over

whether or not The Fast and the Furious star died in the 2013 car crash, but leave it to

his most devoted fans to find a way to bring him back.

Conspiracists believe he faked his death with the help of his theatrical cast mates.

These theorists have proposed that there were two different Porsches and have presented

photos of two different license plates - ignoring the fact that one was placed by a fan.

Several blurry photos and hints at publicity stunts have all been used to support the idea

that Walker never really died.


Michael Jackson After being criticized by the public for years,

it really wouldn't be unfathomable that Jackson decided to hide away and fake his death.

In December 2017, the Daily Star reported that the musician had been spotted at the

wedding of Michael's nephew Siggy and Toyia Parker.

Photos and footage from the reception captured a suspicious looking man that appears to look

very similar to Jackson's portrayal as The Mayor in Ghosts.

It seems unlikely that Jackson would revert back to a known character if he were trying

to hide, but who are we to suck the joy out of some people's lives?


Amelia Earhart Maybe the most plausible theory is that Amelia

Earhart didn't die during her mid-20th-century attempted flight around the world.

Earhart intended to circumnavigate the globe, but mysteriously vanished during her approach

to Howland Island.

She was declared dead in absentia on Jan. 5th, 1939, but in 2017, CNN reported on a

photo that appeared during a History channel documentary that may have captured Earhart

in the Marshall Islands.

Allegedly, a facial recognition expert was able to determine that two people in the photograph

looked like Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan.


Marilyn Monroe August 5th, 1962, starlet Marilyn Monroe is

found unresponsive in her Los Angeles home.

Many theories surfaced over her death as people speculated whether she was murdered and, if

so, who did it.

One theory, however, states that she never died.

A claim points to her psychiatrist Dr. Ralph Greenson, who allegedly committed the actress

into a mental institution after she suffered a breakdown.

She lived there for 20 years before being released, somehow avoiding recognition.

John Alexander Baker, the author of Marilyn Monroe: Alive in 1984? claims he picked up

a hitchhiker in 1984 that claimed she was Monroe.


Elvis Presley Possibly the most popular death hoax conspiracy

is that of Elvis Presley, the King of Rock and Roll.

On August 16th, 1977, Presley was discovered by his girlfriend, Ginger Alden, unresponsive

on his bathroom floor.

For years, people have refused to believe that he's dead, and with so many impersonators

out there, it's understandable that some people would be confused.

Others, however, are just adamant that he's alive, having given up the spotlight for any

number of reasons.

Some claim he was connected to the mafia and served as an undercover agent, eventually

faking his death to avoid being killed.


Adolf Hitler Having been born in 1889, it's unlikely Hitler

is still alive, pushing 130 years of age - but rather, he may not have died the way the history

books are written.

In 1944, the United States Secret Service drew up a depiction of how Adolph Hitler may

look if he tried to escape being captured by the Allies.

On April 30, 1945, however, he was said to have killed himself.

The Soviets told a different story, claiming he was still alive.

The first announcement that Hitler survived came on June 9th, 1945 from Marshall Georgy

Zhukov under direct orders from Joseph Stalin.

Some sources claim he escaped to Argentina and the History Channel's Hunting Hitler series

featured witnesses that alleged that the Fuhrer escaped to South America by U-Boat.

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For more infomation >> 10 Dead People Who Might Still Be Alive - Duration: 8:18.


Science Has Been Replaced With Corporate Talking Points In Trump White House - Duration: 3:53.

Donald Trump's White House really isn't like any other White House we've ever seen.

There's the obvious reasons.

There's his Twitter feed.

There's the investigations, but when you get past all the noise there's also very real

policy differences and the differences in the people that he's appointing to surround

him or I should say in this case, the people that he is not appointing to be around him.

Donald Trump has now officially gone through his entire administration so far without a

science advisor.

In fact, he hasn't even nominated someone to be his science advisor.

Prior to Donald Trump coming to the White House, the longest stretch ever of a president

in modern history not having a science advisor was nine months and I believe four days.

That was George W. Bush and we all know how science fared under his administration.

But now under Trump we've gone over 18 months with no science advisor whatsoever.

This is important for several reasons.

First and foremost we have the obvious threat of global climate change.

Something that we see all around us all the time and yet republicans, including Trump

himself, try to tell us that it's not real.

But, climate change is only a small piece of the puzzle that the science advisor's supposed

to be advising the president on.

We also have the issue of corporate pollution.

We have workplace safety regulations, facts and figures and statistics, and all kind of

things that this science advisor is supposed to be looking over to make sure that the president

makes informed decisions about things that affect the daily lives of every American citizen

and they're not there.

So what do we get instead?

We get a president who appoints industry leaders, people from the coal industry, people from

big pharma, people from Wall Street.

They're the ones calling the shots without anybody looking over their shoulder to say,

"Hey, your math isn't right on this.

That's not how this particular thing works."

We have TV pundits, Larry Kudlow serving in the White House.

But not somebody who spent their entire lives studying cause and effect of science.

You know, basic scientific principles.

That's what's missing in this administration.

Not that it would likely do any good, but we need someone in there to tell the president

that the policies he enacts effects people every single day.

It effects you at work.

It effects you at home.

It effects you when you go outside and breath the air that's been polluted by corporations.

Right now the EPA's science advisory panel has actually been purging scientists and replacing

them with leaders from industry.

That is the hallmark of this administration.

You kick science out the door.

You pretend that science doesn't exist after you do that and then rather than taking the

advice of people who've studied this and understand what it actually means, you pack your panels

full of corporate insiders.

People that have a vested interest in polluting us or making our workplaces less safe.

That's what this administration is all about.


Because that's what the Republican Party is all about.

While Trump may be unique in the fact that he's gone over 18 months without appointing

a science advisor, these same things would be happening, the packing of these regulatory

agencies with industry insiders and booting out the scientists, that would be happening

under any republican administration.

Because at the end of the day republicans don't care about science.

They don't care about our well being.

They care about corporate profits because those corporate profits are what fund their


For more infomation >> Science Has Been Replaced With Corporate Talking Points In Trump White House - Duration: 3:53.


Drawing With Bronwyn aka Planet B | Into It - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Drawing With Bronwyn aka Planet B | Into It - Duration: 2:20.


Stunning Tiny house outside Atlanta ,Georgia for sale - Duration: 1:23.

Stunning Tiny house outside Atlanta, Georgia for sale

For more infomation >> Stunning Tiny house outside Atlanta ,Georgia for sale - Duration: 1:23.


These states wanted 'Medicare for All' — until they saw the price tag - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> These states wanted 'Medicare for All' — until they saw the price tag - Duration: 5:27.


What If The Tanystropheus Didn't Go Extinct? - Duration: 4:51.

Hello Internet - what's going on - my name's Jack Finch, I'm new here, but I'm eager

to be asking some of Life's Biggest Questions.

Make sure to stay tuned and hit that subscribe button down below, and perhaps you'll be

seeing just a little bit more of me.

Today we're asking the question - What If The Tanystropheus Didn't Go Extinct?

Now you all know the story - dinosaurs, lizards and reptiles crawling around for millions

of years - then BOOM - asteroid hits, they're all pretty much dead.

But what if we stop and wonder for a moment, how would this green Earth look if a 20-foot

long reptile from the Middle Triassic period was still around today.

At 6-metres long, which is roughly the same size as George Washington's nose on Mount

Rushmore, the Tanystropheus was a pretty imposing figure.

It's extremely elongated neck also stretched an extra 3-metres - which is roughly the size

of a small car.

Now, there are several theories that place the Tanystropheus as an aquatic reptile, while

others say that they were purely an on land creature - but the general consensus is that

the Tanystropheus was semi-aquatic.

Which makes things a little bit more terrifying for our big question.

We know that there are sharks in the ocean - and generally we can avoid them.

There are lions in the jungle - and, yeah, generally we can avoid them.

But when there's both land and sea to contend with, and a 20-ft long demon lizard with razor

sharp teeth can pop out of a river and chase you back to your house - now that's what

I call /real fear/.

Fossilised remains of the Tanystropheus have been found in a multitude of places across

the planet - from central and southern Europe, to Central Asia, the Middle East and China.

Now let's picture a modern world where these crazy long necked creatures are roaming around


 You're on vacation in Southern Italy, canoeing down a river in Florence - when instead

of angry birds to contend with, you've got a giant Tanystropheus swooping past your paddle.

Or maybe you're out exploring in the rolling countryside of China, and instead of packing

your mosquito repellent - you've got to cover yourself with anti-Tanystropheus spray.

Don't get me wrong - most modern palaeontologists agree that the Tanystropheus was, for the

most part, a pretty chill guy.

Recent studies have concluded that the creature's diet revolved mainly around that of a Piscivore.

Basically, unless they were on the brink of starvation, the Tanystropheus was generally

happy with chowing down on fish, squid - and you know, probably some nice beer-battered


Because of their strange set of teeth in their rear jaws, the Tanystropheus have often been

compared to several species of modern seal - particularly the hooded seal, and the crabeater


So, it wouldn't be absurd to imagine a flock of these weird little guys swimming around

the coast, and surprising a boat full of tourists out on vacation.

They'd whip out their phones, take a few shots for their Insta - and hashtag Tany selfie

would probably be a little bit more common than hashtag-Tana-con.


Research has also compared the Tanystropheus hunting regime to that of a common heron.

You know those guys - big long necks - wading around in the water, pecking away at little


When you compare the two, you can also see some pretty incredible similarities, you know,

minus the wings and several hundred million years of evolution.

Now, there are a whole group of people - and a surprising amount of YouTube videos, who

are obsessed with watching the way that a heron hunts.

They hunt frogs, rats - any kind of tiny little creature you can imagine, there's probably

a YouTube video of a heron hunting it.

Seriously, check it out.

I was surprised myself.

So, imagine that with the Tanystropheus.

There'd be amateur ornithologists staking out in huge, tall trees - just to avoid it's

3 metre long neck.

I mean, how can you even camouflage yourself against that?

The Tanystropheus is a pretty huge dude - they're going to be /fairly/ hard pressed to sneak

up on him, all for the sake of a 43 second video clip.

But I mean - would they even be eating fish and frogs?

At 20 feet tall, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the Tanystropheus wouldn't

exactly be prey.

I mean - which predator is out there taking a pop at the Tanystropheus?

Versus a mountain lion?

My money's on Tany.

Versus a bear?

Still Tany - and who's to say that they wouldn't have already had a taste for human

meat, and now suddenly, we're on the menu.

Whatever the answer, a world where the Tanystropheus didn't go extinct, would be a pretty magical

place to exist.

Anything with a 3-metre long neck is a majestic sight to behold, just as the sun's going

down - and a herd of them are frolicking through a valley like in Jurassic Park.

That's it - they'd be just like giraffes.

That could swim.

And we're also /absolutely/ terrifying.

That's all we've got time for today guys - thanks for tuning in, make sure to hit that

subscribe button down below to stay updated.

This has been Life's Biggest Questions - I've been your host Jack Finch, and for now - take

it easy.

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