Red crescent moon, polka dots
Broken sliding screen, the sweet taste of candy
Coming in through my eyes, it gathers, gathers
Coming in through my ears, it gathers, it gathers
Aggravating my stress pool
Please no more, I'm past my limit
Showtime, inside the cage, a strange freak show
Continue to complain and complain, boasting of one's misfortune
I've lived, without saying how unpleasant things are unpleasant
Disordered self-restraint girl
Showtime! Inside the cage, Throwing away my consciousness
Erase everyone unpleasant
Drool, and dance wildly, crazily, joyously
Is this the pure land or heaven? No, it's hell
Showtime, inside the cage, Destroy it all
Erase the world and everything entirely
When tomorrow comes, it'll all continue like normal
Smiling, forgiving
Disordered self-restraint girl
For more infomation >> (SPOILERS) 抑圧錯乱ガール【Danganronpa V3】 - Duration: 2:03.-------------------------------------------
Stronger than you (Spanish Fandub) por Yuri Tenshi Tamayaten - Duration: 3:02.
[FMV] Thank You (Jaeseok) - Golden Child 😟 - Duration: 3:32.
♪♫ thank you ♪♫
♪♫ for leaving memories in my mind ♪♫
♪♫ for reminding me before I sleep ♪♫
♪♫ for smiling brightly in the picture ♪♫
♪♫ for leaving it to me ♪♫
♪♫ but why doesn't it fill up? ♪♫
♪♫ i want to go back to that time ♪♫
♪♫ i'm running to you ♪♫
♪♫ even if i'm out of breath, i can't see you ♪♫
♪♫ oh, but i need you you you ♪♫
♪♫ don't leave, don't leave me and go ♪♫
♪♫ i can still feel you ♪♫
♪♫ thank you ♪♫
♪♫ because my heart will beat towards you ♪♫
♪♫ because my eyes are only looking at you ♪♫
♪♫ because your voice still remains clearly ♪♫
♪♫ but why doesn't it fill up? ♪♫
♪♫ i want to go back to that time ♪♫
♪♫ i'm running to you ♪♫
♪♫ even if i'm out of breath, i can't see you ♪♫
♪♫ oh, but i need you you you ♪♫
♪♫ don't leave, don't leave me and go ♪♫
♪♫ i can still feel you ♪♫
♪♫ it's okay, even if i can't touch you again, ♪♫
♪♫ you hug me like forever ♪♫
♪♫ for always staying closely beside me ♪♫
♪♫ i'm running to you ♪♫
♪♫ even if i'm out of breath, i can't see you ♪♫
♪♫ oh, but i need you you you ♪♫
♪♫ don't leave, don't leave me and go ♪♫
♪♫ i can still feel you ♪♫
♪♫ i'm running to you ♪♫
♪♫ even if i'm out of breath, i can't see you ♪♫
♪♫ oh, but i need you you you ♪♫
♪♫ don't leave, don't leave me and go ♪♫
♪♫ i can still feel you ♪♫
♪♫ thank you ♪♫
♪♫ for leaving memories in my mind ♪♫
♪♫ for reminding me before I sleep ♪♫
Bệnh Phụ Khoa | U nang buồng trứng ở phụ nữ là bệnh gì? - Duration: 5:10.
Madisonville home break-in caught on camera - Duration: 1:55.
Êm - Mì 「Lyrics Video」 #Chang - Duration: 12:24.
女星不老都是假的,看看趙雅芝、關之琳、看最後一位素顏就知道了! . - Duration: 4:41.
2⃣0⃣0⃣जवालामुखि योग का अनुभव पार्ट-66||nirvachan problem solution||brahma kumaris meditation experie - Duration: 1:22.
[FOCIM] Take Me As I Am | Special Request - Duration: 4:11.
be strong and courageous
do not be terrified, do not be discouraged
for the Lord your God will be with you
wherever you go
Joshua 1:9
안녕하세요! Hi!
저는 젤입니다 I'm Gel
FOCIM Dance Head입니다 I'm the FOCIM Dance Head
우리는 태민 씨에게 생일 축하하는 we would like to greet Taemin
인사하고 싶습니다 a happy birthday
많이 사람들이 태민 씨를 I know that many people
사랑하는 알고 loves you and
태민 씨가 사람들에게 영감을 줍니다 you give inspiration to people
그러니까 태민 씨 so Taemin
강하고 건강하고 be strong and be healthy
행복하십시오 and be happy
걱정하지 마세요 don't worry
하나님이 보고 있습니다 God is watching
그리고 하나님이 태민 씨를 and remember that
항상 사랑하는 기억하십시오 God always loves you
수고하셨습니다, 태민 씨 well done, Taemin
감사합니다 thank you
so in behalf of Fullness of Christ International Ministries
Worship Team
we would like to greet you
A Happy and Blessed Birthday Taemin
생일 축하합니다!!! Happy Birthday!!!
Southern Charm Savannah: Hannah Breaks Down At Dinner With Ex Louis (Season 2, Episode 3) | Bravo - Duration: 1:26.
Home Remedies: Expectation VS. Reality | Rickshawali - Duration: 6:43.
None of my friends will talk to me now including Varun
Why are you crying?
I have got dandruff
Apply curd
All the dandruff will go away
The dandruff is gone
The curd is also not going from my hair. This remedy is not working at all, dandruff is still there
Why are you crying?
I have dandruff
You want to get rid of dandruff?
Apply this egg on your hair
Don't eat it
The dandruff is gone
Due to this egg, my hair is spoilt but the dandruff is still there
Why are you crying?
This dandruff has ruined my life
Apply this beer
If drinking beer was a remedy to remove dandruff it should have gone a long time ago
I never did it
Apply only on your hair
The dandruff is gone
Did dandruff go?
No, dad. I won't go out from now onwards
None of the remedies worked
Before I only had dandruff, now it's become more worse
Sometimes I feel, I have washed my hair with vomit
Nothing has worked
Why are you crying?
This dandruff is not going at all
You have dandruff? Do you know why you get dandruff?
It happens cause of Malassezia
One second
I have tried many shampoos. It doesn't go
This is the new head & shoulders shampoo + conditioner
It has zpt which clears all the germs of dandruff
The conditioner will keep your hair smooth and silky
OMG, the dandruff is gone
You looking so beautiful
I shouldn't have wasted the beer
Your looking nice
What is there in your face?
A pimple?
I have a remedy
You leave it. I have a better remedy
Apply toothpaste
Oh My!
Let me know in the comment section, which home remedies actually works
What ever is the remedies let me know
If you do everything, all would be alright
Road rage incident caught on camera on I-35 - Duration: 2:18.
Doc Holliday: "I like our team" - Duration: 0:37.
I Wish You A Merry Christmas! - 티티마 - Duration: 1:32.
Glossier Haul + First Impressions - Duration: 7:41.
hello there you lovely people! I'm Claudia Corb0 and you're watching my
youtube channel. Subscribe! alright so today is a super exciting day because I
got my packages from glossier but I'm going to unbox this stuff review it
and I like already know and expect stuff from these products so like I'm not
going into this blind don't you worry you can expect a proper beauty guru
review from me. look at this it's so cute it has like some glossier tape and it
says have a nice day on there that's adorable I say have a nice day it's just
meant to be it's really nice pastel pink on the inside
oh my gosh oh look at how cute these little stickers are I'm so excited so
now onto opening up the second box. "skin first makeup second smile always" that
should have been my senior quote oh and if you don't know what glossier is, it's
like becoming this more popular brand I think that it's more so known for like
the whole aesthetic of it but it's very much so about like embracing your inner
beauty and everything like that so the stuff is known to be pretty low coverage
the prices are a little higher than like what you would find at a drugstore or
something like that like I will admit to it but they are better prices than what
you would get from like if you're using everything Mac or whatever but if you do
want to make sure that you're getting a better price I have a 10% off link
thinks if you just click on the link in my description you'll get 10% off and
I'm pretty sure I get like something back if you do but like honestly if you
don't want to use the link don't use the link I'm not trying to pressure you into
anything just put it out there if you want to save a little bit but I figured
I should start with skin care so that's what we are going to do this is the
milky jelly cleanser I've heard great things about it it says this ph-balanced
creamy gel formula gently removes impurities and softened without
stripping your skin of moisture alright so
definitely like a very jelly consistency let's see how this feels
so now that I've watched off I don't I don't really feel like anything
particularly special like what do you think doesn't look smooth
it definitely dried out my skin a bit and it feels smooth so next is the
priming moisturizer which I've heard kind of like in reviews of it that's why
I didn't buy the full size because I didn't want it to just be and for me and
then for my bank account to be like girl you should not have thought that my
second feeling a little dry today because I just use our cleanser and it
was really dry and I can definitely feel that it did not leave me feeling
moisturize at all this feels nice it feels very moisturizing also this has
like a subtle kind of sunscreen II smell yeah this definitely combats the dryness
of the milky jelly cleanser well because it is quite moist as you can see I'm
probably a very shiny right now next is this cherry bomb calm it's red it's
supposed to taste nice and like cherries so this says swipe on to lips for a
loving layer of a nourishing moisture that sounds quite enticing for a lip
balm ooh there we go oh I feel like I squeezed too much out
oh my gosh the smells and tastes just like cherry lollipops and literally a
Jessica Nikita this not going well so it does have a very like nice and subtle
red tint I like that I think it's quite pretty it was a very thick but we don't
remind too thick around here so I also got the stretch concealer this is what
it looks like I got in the shade medium which in hindsight like um I'm not a
medium skin tone I'm like obviously the lightest skin tones I don't know why I
did that oh you know it's definitely getting rid of like some redness and
inconsistencies in skin tone and stuff the color match is actually really nice
which is saying something because do I look like a medium skin tone girl no I
do not I look like a light skin tone girl so like where is your shade range I
have like a little redness or years let's see if it covers that this is
really nice and moisturizing so it's great for under eyes but I feel like for
coverage for pimples or anything it's not great and I wouldn't
commend it for that so here are the two clap hands that I got so I got the shade
dusk and beam dusk is a little bit more like a burnished color and beam is a bit
more Coralie let's put these bad boys on I think I'm gonna go with dusk it's
really bill oh my god I schoolers too much out I'm just getting excited as
Breeden squeezing things up so you really don't need too much a little goes
a long way with this stuff but it does blend out really well so like I look
like a Kong right now but just wait this is Claudia trying to be a beauty guru
things don't really work out that well oh god this is way too much fella next
thing that I picked up was actually for my set of like the boy brow and Hollow
he lose I think it's hang low scope I don't come for me but yeah it's this
it's the highlighter which I'm super excited about because I really like the
what benefit Watts up highlighter and that's a like stick highlighter and so
is this so I hope I like this too I got this in the shape course which was like
kinda in between ish shade oh look at that
isn't that cute I guess that's why it's called that it looks like a little halo
and I know that the stuff in the center is supposed to make you very dewy this
is called the dew effect I later I want to see how much product is actually in
here oh that's like nothing all right let's get that on there oh it's very
sticky I feel like my skin's already not like matte so I don't really know if
this is making oh yeah it's something making a difference look at that do you
see it so that's good nose highlight going on I really do enjoy that boom
boom already there sister yes I'm not James
Charles I can't say that but do you like the highlight this is the thing that I'm
go six move it about it's the boy brow and I just got my brows done thanks for
noticing and so I just I really want to try it out so this is what it looks like
the tubes actually really small these come in a bunch of different shades I
got sheep blonde I hope that it matches okay
wait I'm gonna do it on one burro and then you can have a look for if it
really makes so much of a difference I want to get it right I want to do them
justice hmm okay so it's a lot more filled in like this is the one that I
did obviously and this is one I haven't done and yeah Wow interesting I don't
know if I quite like how bold it looks and such said both the bras are done and
looking rather dark I think that it definitely does a job of like filling in
and kind of taming brows a lot so this is my finished look if you like it
reluctant products you can lose that 10% off link that I have no pressure though
obviously don't have to buy anything just letting you know it's a good way to
save money okay so I'm recording this after all my
phone because my camera I don't know if it's not recording properly so I'm sorry
about the quality of this but yeah if you like this video be sure to give it a
thumbs up down below I really appreciate that let me know if you do like these
beauty videos I would like to do them more frequently and try out some more
makeup if you aren't subscribed already make sure you subscribe because I'm
having a giveaway going on right now and literally all you have to do to be enter
to subscribe and comment away to reach you and for all the people that are
excited about the giveaway and everything I do want to add this more
often but like at every benchmark and stuff so you can definitely expect like
a big giveaway at 500 subscribers so just stick around for that that'd be
cool I hope that you're having a lovely day and continue to and see you
Lester my baby oh my
Gary Lineker reacts to viral footage of Leo Messi playing football with his dog - Duration: 2:56.
Lionel Messi is expected to link up with his Barcelona teammates on Tuesday.The 31-year-old forward was given an extended break after captaining Argentina to the knockout stages in the 2018 World Cup
Messi has been keeping himself busy ahead of his return to pre-season training.His wife, Antonella Roccuzzo, posted a brilliant video on Instagram featuring their family dog, Hulk
The Barcelona superstar was captured playing keep-away with his dog - and Messi's children can be heard watching in the background
"He [Messi] is very good at football", said one of his sons in the Instagram video
Match of the Day host Gary Lineker has never been shy to talk about Messi on Twitter, regularly describing him as the 'greatest footballer of all-time'
And he was quick to react to the new footage of Messi teasing his dog.Lineker tweeted: "Monday blues? Here's a video of a goat playing with a dog that might cheer you up
" Like millions of football fans around the world, the former England striker is quite clearly a huge fan of Messi
"You can make a case for Ronaldo's goalscoring prowess as the numbers are similar," tweeted Lineker in March
"But when it comes to the best player there is absolutely no comparison.Messi is joyous
" Hulk has become an important part of the Messi household since he arrived as a puppy in 2016
Messi spoke of his love for his dog in an interview with US magazine Paper back in June
"I am a big fan of animals," said the Barcelona icon."I grew up with them and they have taught me many things
"Now we have our dog Hulk who really is part of the family, we always include him
"Our children learn so much from Hulk: The love shown between him and the kids and the kids and him is constant
" Messi will report for pre-season training on Tuesday and could return to action when Barcelona face Sevilla in the Spanish Super Cup in Morocco on July 12
What is a DISC Profile and How Does It Relate to Real Estate? - Duration: 2:49.
- When building the ideal real estate team,
what DISC profile should you be looking for?
(lighthearted trumpet melody)
Hey guys, it's Kyle Whissel with eXp,
and on this video, I want to talk about
what is a DISC profile, why is it important,
and the ideal profiles to look for
when you build your real estate team.
First and foremost, let's talk about what the DISC is.
This is a personality profile assessment.
Really helps you understand a little bit more
about who somebody is, what makes them tick,
what motivates them, what demotivates them, all that.
Very, very important when you're hiring people
in the real estate industry or really any industry,
you wanna do a DISC profile,
learn more about who people are,
and not only do you wanna have somebody do it,
the DISC assessment, but you also want to sit down with them
and review it, because sometimes,
what the DISC assessment says
and what is the reality are two different things,
so it's always good to sit down.
We call it validating the DISC.
Sit down with them and go through
that DISC profile step by step.
So, what is the DISC?
D-I-S and C.
D stands for decisive, I is for interactive,
S is for stabilizing, C is for cautious,
and one of the best analogies I ever heard,
if you had a group of four people walk up
to a stop light and they need to cross the road.
The D is the person who walks out to the stop light,
is hitting the button over and over and over and over again,
waiting for the little walking guy to show up on the screen,
and they might not even wait for the guy to show up.
They're just gonna look both ways and run,
not even caring about if there's cars coming.
I is interactive.
This person is standing there at the stop light
while the D is hitting the button repeatedly,
the I is talking to everybody.
The little walking guy shows up and the I,
still talking to people, didn't even realize
that it's time to cross the street,
they're very interactive.
S, stabilizing.
These people like to be very safe
in what they do and they like support,
so this is the kind of person
when the little walking man comes on,
they're not gonna walk until he's there.
And when he does show up,
they want to hold hand with everybody
and have a nice safe walk across the street.
The C is the cautious person,
so this is the person who's absolutely not moving
until the walking man comes up, and even when it does,
some of those little things have a countdown,
you know, 20 seconds.
They're counting.
If it says I got 20 seconds and it's sixty feet
to cross the street, and each
of my steps is three feet between steps,
it's gonna take me 20 steps,
and can I get 20 steps in 20 seconds or not?
That's how a C thinks, so they're very cautious,
very calculated with what they do.
So, there's your definitions
for each part of the DISC profile.
If you guys love this content, you want more of it,
join our group on Facebook.
It's called The Whissel Way.
We'd love to share with you on there.
If you ever have questions for us,
make sure to post them there, so not only you can learn,
but everybody else can learn from those as well.
Thanks so much for watching.
Whissel Realty's been ranked the number one
real estate in San Diego County,
three years in a row now, per the Wall Street Journal.
I wanna give you a behind-the-scenes look
at the way we do things around here
to help our agents make more money in less time
and have a good time doing it.
Welcome to The Whissel Way.
장윤정, 새로운 비밀을 밝혔다. - Duration: 2:01.
Ashcroft Calls Report of Russian Hackers Targeting Mccaskill 'A Whole Lot of Nothing' - Duration: 1:05.
#gigiasmr #asmr ASMR Mini Vial Shop Roleplay | GigiASMR - Duration: 16:41.
ASMR Mini Vial Shop Roleplay
I shot him‚ but his sexual abuse made me do it, says woman who married adoptive father - Duration: 5:19.
I shot him‚ but his sexual abuse made me do it, says woman who married adoptive father
I shot him‚ but his sexual abuse made me do it, says woman who married adoptive father.
The Brakpan woman standing trial for the murder of her husband told the Pretoria High Court that she was tired of constant sexual harassment.
On Monday she sought to unravel a deadly web of murder‚ divorce and perjury.
This led to alleged revelations of horrifying sexual abuse since she was a little girl.
Cathy van Oudtshoorn‚ 31‚ is accused of murder‚ robbery‚ possession of a firearm‚ unlawful possession of ammunition‚ and having intentionally defeated or obstructed the course of justice.
This is after she allegedly shot her husband - who was also her foster parent.
Chris van Oudtshoorn‚ 58‚ was killed in April 2016 while watching television.
In a statement read out by her Legal Aid lawyer‚ Thembi Bokako‚ Cathy claimed that Chris had sexually abused and made her life a living hell.
"I have never had parents; I did not know what it's like to have a loving family‚" she explained.
She submitted that although she had shot him‚ it was out of temporary insanity.
Judge Hennie De Vos had requested Cathy‚ the defendant in the case‚ convince the court why she should be referred to the Weskoppies psychiatric hospital to back up her claim that she suffered non-pathological criminal incapacity when she shot her husband.
"I walked to the safe in the bedroom and got the gun out.
I cannot explain what I was thinking… I just could not take another night.
I then walked to the lounge and pulled the trigger‚" she said‚ through Bokako.
The mother of two said she was legally adopted by Chris and his then wife Jorina van Niekerk‚ 55.
She claims Van Niekerk was privy to the sexual abuse and would leave her with Chris at their home.
Despite these claims‚ her step mother helped her conceal the crime scene.
She was convicted and jailed as an accessory to the murder and is currently serving a five-year sentence.
"I asked her to help me.
She started opening drawers and got a cloth to wrap the gun.
On the day of the funeral I walked into the church and it was too much for me.
Later I took 90 sleeping tablets‚ I was then taken to the hospital‚" her lawyer read.
When her statement was read out‚ Cathy wept and hid her face in the dock.
The day after the funeral police arrived at her home and asked her and her step mother to go for questioning at the Brakpan police station.
"I was still drowsy and confused.
The police officer did not read out my rights to me or anything.
They slapped me on my face and I told them 'I did do it'‚" she said.
The family of Chris's ex-wife was present in court on Monday.
While the statement was being read the family murmured in shock.
Some wept at the end.
One of the family members told TimesLIVE that what had happened was "not fair".
Accompanied by a friend‚ Cathy started the day with bravery and a smile - but as the day went on she became more and more emotional.
She was carrying her baby‚ born just last month.
The trial continues on Tuesday morning‚ when the court is due to rule whether Cathy should be referred for psychiatric treatment or not.
Violent J - I Get Mad (Subtitulada al castellano) - Duration: 3:45.
Covered Dusty Divot - Duration: 10:31.
Oh wow that's cool
That's a tiny hole compared to this whole thing
Bigger hole!
Lets see if i can hit him
Sorry for the freezes
ima try to kill him
Your making me ruin it!
oh so stairs work..
(getting bored at this point
There you are!
Pewdiepie - 恐怖的怪物就是恐怖 [SCARY MONSTER IS SCARY] Amnesia Playthrough #7/34 (CC中文字幕) - Duration: 9:17.
[FMV] Thank You (Jaeseok) - Golden Child 😟 - Duration: 3:32.
♪♫ thank you ♪♫
♪♫ for leaving memories in my mind ♪♫
♪♫ for reminding me before I sleep ♪♫
♪♫ for smiling brightly in the picture ♪♫
♪♫ for leaving it to me ♪♫
♪♫ but why doesn't it fill up? ♪♫
♪♫ i want to go back to that time ♪♫
♪♫ i'm running to you ♪♫
♪♫ even if i'm out of breath, i can't see you ♪♫
♪♫ oh, but i need you you you ♪♫
♪♫ don't leave, don't leave me and go ♪♫
♪♫ i can still feel you ♪♫
♪♫ thank you ♪♫
♪♫ because my heart will beat towards you ♪♫
♪♫ because my eyes are only looking at you ♪♫
♪♫ because your voice still remains clearly ♪♫
♪♫ but why doesn't it fill up? ♪♫
♪♫ i want to go back to that time ♪♫
♪♫ i'm running to you ♪♫
♪♫ even if i'm out of breath, i can't see you ♪♫
♪♫ oh, but i need you you you ♪♫
♪♫ don't leave, don't leave me and go ♪♫
♪♫ i can still feel you ♪♫
♪♫ it's okay, even if i can't touch you again, ♪♫
♪♫ you hug me like forever ♪♫
♪♫ for always staying closely beside me ♪♫
♪♫ i'm running to you ♪♫
♪♫ even if i'm out of breath, i can't see you ♪♫
♪♫ oh, but i need you you you ♪♫
♪♫ don't leave, don't leave me and go ♪♫
♪♫ i can still feel you ♪♫
♪♫ i'm running to you ♪♫
♪♫ even if i'm out of breath, i can't see you ♪♫
♪♫ oh, but i need you you you ♪♫
♪♫ don't leave, don't leave me and go ♪♫
♪♫ i can still feel you ♪♫
♪♫ thank you ♪♫
♪♫ for leaving memories in my mind ♪♫
♪♫ for reminding me before I sleep ♪♫
Temptation Island 2018, spoiler 5^ episodio: i falò conclusivi, due coppie al capolinea - Duration: 4:10.
TWICE - JIHYO (Line Evolution) • JUL/18 - Duration: 6:14.
With Nayeon
It's not just the imported honey which is adulterated with sugar - Duration: 6:50.
It's not just the imported honey which is adulterated with sugar - some of the '100% pure' local stuff is too
It's not just the imported honey which is adulterated with sugar - some of the '100% pure' local stuff is too.
It's not just the imported honey which is adulterated with sugar - some of the '100 percent pure' local stuff is too.
"I like stretching the boundaries in creativity." As tests conducted overseas on behalf of the South African Bee Industry Organisation (SABIO) have revealed‚ the creativity which beekeeper Roland Kennard spoke of on Carte Blanche on Sunday included passing off a sugar concoction as honey.
The owner of Grandis Apiaries in Howick admitted to feeding sugar to his bees - as opposed to letting them feed on pollen - but denied cooking up sugar and lemon juice to simulate honey‚ as claimed by a whistleblower.
His sugary product is sold under the labels Struckmeyer's‚ Honey Bee‚ Asal and another product described only as Natural Honey - "Raw‚ 100% South African Choice Grade‚ unfiltered‚ unheated".
Manoli's Munchies‚ a family business which has five branches in KwaZulu-Natal‚ hastily removed its stock of Grandis Apiaries "Natural Honey" from all stores on Monday morning.
"The news has come as quite a shock‚" said Manoli's Mario Hajipetrou.
"I've instructed my store managers to refund anyone who returns that honey.
"We knew we were getting the honey at a good price‚ via a third party‚ but we trusted the product was as pure as stated on the label‚" he explained.
"This has been a very big wake-up call." Retailers' "extreme focus" on high margins and low cost products‚ together with insufficient product due diligence‚ has allowed fake honey to proliferate‚ says Craig Campbell‚ SABIO board member and MD and chief beekeeper at Peel's Honey of Howick.
"Fake and adulterated honey makes its way to the shelves of trusted retail chains and even into in-house brands and private label bottles.
"And retailers are clearly not promoting compliance with food labelling regulations which is evident from some honey labels blatantly not complying with labelling regulations." Many do not indicate countries of origin‚ for example‚ he said.
"All that makes it impossible for even a reasonably circumspect consumer to understand or appreciate what they are purchasing‚" Campbell said.
Some companies use the words "Packed in South Africa" to fool consumers into believing they're buying local honey‚ when in fact it's imported from China‚ which is infamous for honey adulteration.
The Shoprite Group told TimesLIVE it does not stock the honey products identified in the Carte Blanche exposé as adulterated honey.
"And we have written confirmation from the supplier of our private label product‚ The Kitchen‚ that the honey supplied is authentic and adheres to the regulations that govern honey in South Africa." The problem is that testing for added sugar in honey is neither simple nor cheap.
While honey is nutritionally superior to sugar - it's high in antioxidants for example - chemically‚ it's very similar to white sugar and high fructose corn syrup.
Phil Walker‚ another KZN honey producer and SABIO board member‚ said there were effective tests available overseas to determine whether or not honey had been adulterated‚ but they were incredibly expensive.
"Honey is an extremely complex substance and only an analytical chemist can fully understand its complexities‚" he said.
Basic testing of relative amounts of sugar‚ water content and acidity of honey can be done in South Africa‚ but to test if the sugars present in honey are derived from plant nectars and collected by bees‚ and not from sugar cane or corn syrup instead requires sophisticated testing‚ which can only be done in labs overseas.
Honey adulteration is fraud on a grand scale‚ Campbell says - it threatens the health of diabetics‚ who can tolerate small amounts of pure honey but not sugar; it undermines the South African beekeeping industry's viability and threatens South Africa's agriculture and food security in general‚ given the key pollinating role bees perform.
"If the Department of Agriculture and Forestry does not take urgent action‚ the South African honey industry will not be able to survive." At one time‚ South Africa produced all the honey it consumed‚ and banned imports‚ but now about 70 percent of honey on the market is imported‚ almost all of it from China‚ according to the Agricultural Research Council.
Campbell is calling for the formation of a National Beekeeping Action Plan that will allow the local beekeeping industry to grow into a competitive and sustainable sector‚ including measures to combat fake honey and the dumping of cheap‚ sub-quality honey imports onto the local market.
"It would provide the basis for growing the value of the local honey market from R3.2-billion to beyond R20-billion‚" he said.
HOW TO AVOID BUYING ADULTERATED HONEY - Buy honey which claims to be produced (not packed) in South Africa - Expect to pay no less than R65 for a 500g bottle of pure South African honey - Use your nose and tongue.
Fake honey does not have the smell of pure honey.
And if it tastes like syrup‚ it probably is.
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