Sunday, July 29, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jul 30 2018

Please Don't forget to: LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE for the latest Movies Trailers.

For more infomation >> Stree Official Trailer | Rajkummar Rao | Shraddha Kapoor | Dinesh Vijan | Raj & DK | Amar K | Aug 31 - Duration: 2:21.


The Happytime Murders | No Sesame. All Street.

For more infomation >> The Happytime Murders | No Sesame. All Street.


What is a Blanket? | The Man Made Podcast | E 002 - Duration: 1:31.


Welcome to The Man Made.

My name is Alen White.

I am a writer and philosopher.

And in this episode I will show you the awe and wonder of the blanket.

The blanket is a common object, but it is an object of awe.

And the awe of the blanket is that it is, in essence, a fire in a cloth.

The blanket is the created substitute of wood and fire, of man creating it, and warming

his body by the heat of its flames.

The blanket, in effect, is the heat, the flames, the fire.

That is the awe and wonder of the blanket: that man weaved heat into a cloth, and made

the air warm.

My name is Alen White, and this is The Man Made.

If you enjoyed this episode, please comment, review and subscribe, and post your suggestions

for future episodes.

In the next episode, I will show you the awe of the bicycle.

Until next time: think twice and check your premises.

For more infomation >> What is a Blanket? | The Man Made Podcast | E 002 - Duration: 1:31.


Pandero 'e Rasha MI LINDA CUECA EN EL ALMA EMPO (Escuela de Música Popular) de La Serena. Surandando - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Pandero 'e Rasha MI LINDA CUECA EN EL ALMA EMPO (Escuela de Música Popular) de La Serena. Surandando - Duration: 1:35.


Moving to Anapa. Bought an apartment in Anapa remotely. Hardship. Summary. About work. - Duration: 11:20.

all the guests are greeted by our guests

from the city of the find, these are those guests

which I helped to do repairs in

apartment law Kiselev andrey and Katya here

tell me how you are in anapa as you are here

Why did they decide to give him warmth?

First of all here were all and

Katya but in general as weave you walked

a little bit how did you do it for her

consider to see and do not understand

because in my city I have already become

I buy products where it is but here

yet so it's a bit difficult

only here is arthritis third

day at sea I of course you did not have time though

in the first place you had to get

on the sea the way time is how many times

both that only when you are already on

must progress cot ready

tell me why they decided to move well

ecology photo falling asleep

the interface was jealous of the ruble

open transshipment in winter us snow black

straight really dark tammy way low

gave off throwing off to the wind will be

these all the carbon monoxide boils off fine dust

it meant how much you were born

there or how many sasha painted there

sahalina 1211 and why is it exactly

chose viewed the coast

Chernovskaya at prices more or less it is Sochi

then I really buy what you know I

I will say and it is correct that with very not chosen

somewhere would want and therefore

serpentine skated Gelendzhik should

expensive and plus I give

selfish mountains

and I, on the contrary, do not like gur either

Examples for the mountains around or from the skate

Here on these 7 actually it is here

all the same, the price is ok by the way

compare but if compared to you and

here the prices for products here you bought

on here saucepot there meat on quality

course meat hour holiday season

principle and then a valuable leg will fall and

for quality, we just boil the broth

that the children ate somehow not very much

after all, what plus is also cheaper here about

father moth at how you have real estate here

and in anapa

our depends on the area to sell an apartment

Ultimately so, well, now I want to

I asked you to help with the repair as

you are repairing the whole

furniture gloria about the company this well in general

we liked people do not need thanks then

that alena color

He danced on the phone and we

mentally not familiar were of course when I

already said that I want to write about him

By the way he will tell you how you knew about us and knew

just stumbled on it got me started

interesting all that in anapa

since I never happen and of course

began to watch youtube and all bloggers

which you and I, of course, put out for

then that everything is just so sincere and

said Andrew that here you are still a family

in another way for a family long by last name

Yes, I say I want to write the talioni

maybe it will take us to do

repair likes and shuny normally to her something

why do I say no, will refuse to demand

Krishna, I demand that he was sure that the

I do not have something when, to be honest, I was

very, very nice when you tell me

wrote and I think damn man did not

knows he just knows me on the video and

entrusted me flat in general javachess

Katya flew parts of me was too

Aunt said to make children by the way a man

not equally the same way

yes you come any to any

well, let's say we are flooding then

burn but you know, and still not a sofa

ready to be such a brand well

it was still fun yes you are to me


In general, it was generally cool

I do not like to stay at home, that is not for

the joy to go and the owner of course kipishui

where are you there and I liked it that is

so if something is addressed, and Crimea

will tell thanks well done no disputes

nothing and nothing but giving

and she gave an interesting video

but of course I did not advise on furniture

the firm of glory before is called

sometimes saying furniture but I do not

advised there and debaters not only

I like running like a customer

arguing there plus 1 add-on everyones

giving cheating that I have all

the cost of the assembly is they still

additional services either change

directors have found out that

There were no additional fees for

15 percent of the cost using the assembly

setting it all that it is everywhere then we

took money for the side of the sink for

connection of grams there is a sidebar for

tubes corpse these always that is of course

Here it's you, she probably is on the map of the mess

you need salt, but Andrew can be explained

because you say scream find us


Have not yet created your social circle if

no secret what do you plan to do

here is the secret there is no husband, too

Outside tell me about this, we have a cool I

educator preschooler go to the garden yes



it is too painful on what the sea outlet we too

communication is when

Well, in general, I think that it is not for you

disappoint especially you varna

Andrew would have once again thank you so me

not that I was very pleased that

you will like its main thing that by

furniture, they said that the nuances and what

cons it does not apply to me.

on repair

so if you want to order

any repairs please contact me

here the comment somehow wrote valentine

described how I help people and than I can

help you type just is not free

do something you write I actually

free probably only cheese in

mousetrap, and tell the translation of each

himself picking what was suitable in 300 to 270

left work and the material furniture is not

include a toilet there is also a toilet

wanted the shower everything comes to pass

ok, yes the price is probably normal

if not a secret for say because of this

prices were already four buildings

then choose forty-three things under your feet

Well, yes, right now, there are no such prices, and now we

need more than 50 thousand and you waited

long when it's built yeah yeah yeah

spoke for a year well, plus or minus it's 200 in

principle is not so little that everyone knew

there are people here as they waited for the secret

soon an apartment but a meteor should not

somehow so of course

we watched the advertisement that they are of course

there is a beautiful warrior

before this advertising is more embellished

much does not correspond to what was


should not generally need not be that advertising


this is also somehow slightly

if the coupler daddy looked good with you

in other apartments were terrible you remember

Already the legs could be broken and here she is

perfectly even facades of the house carnarvon

beautifully yes in general right in the moment of sucking and

beautiful here like a dark color so

how rich you are we are so

such a review we received will be what

questions ask ask

and yet

For more infomation >> Moving to Anapa. Bought an apartment in Anapa remotely. Hardship. Summary. About work. - Duration: 11:20.


Sanzioni alla Russia e Tap: Conte fa l'equilibrista tra le contraddizioni dei suoi - Duration: 1:09.

 Nel primo incontro al G7 nel verde del Québec – poco più di un mese fa - Donald Trump si congratulò con Giuseppe Conte per «la grande vittoria alle elezioni»

Vai a sapere se non ricordasse quale fosse il percorso che l'ha portato a Palazzo Chigi, o se stesse pensando all'indubbia vittoria della coalizione giallo-verde

Purtroppo per Conte – e per la credibilità dell'intero Paese - il suo ruolo in Italia non è di capo di quella coalizione, ma di primus inter pares di una maggioranza i cui azi

Per leggere TopNews devi essere abbonato 1,50€ A SETTIMANA Abbonati Con l'abbonamento TOPNEWS digitale avrai: • una selezione di articoli internazionali, nazionali e locali SEI GIÀ ABBONATO? ACCEDI Vuoi leggere tutti gli articoli? Scopri le offerte dell'abbonamento Tutto Digitale per pc, tablet e smartphone SCOPRI

For more infomation >> Sanzioni alla Russia e Tap: Conte fa l'equilibrista tra le contraddizioni dei suoi - Duration: 1:09.


Exatlón | Exatlón Estados Unidos, Capítulo 12 | Entretenimiento - Duration: 22:28.

For more infomation >> Exatlón | Exatlón Estados Unidos, Capítulo 12 | Entretenimiento - Duration: 22:28.


Nadia Toffa, nuovo post su Instagram che conforta i fan: 'Raviolata tra amici' - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Nadia Toffa, nuovo post su Instagram che conforta i fan: 'Raviolata tra amici' - Duration: 3:44.


Anticipazioni Il Segreto: Julieta diventa un'assassina, Saul suo complice - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni Il Segreto: Julieta diventa un'assassina, Saul suo complice - Duration: 4:03.


La familia de Meghan Markle, vetada en los 'realities' de la televisión británica - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> La familia de Meghan Markle, vetada en los 'realities' de la televisión británica - Duration: 4:02.


Nhạc Trẻ Remix - Việt Mix - Liên Khúc Nhạc Trẻ Remix Hay Nhất Tháng 7 2018 (P22) - Duration: 51:40.

For more infomation >> Nhạc Trẻ Remix - Việt Mix - Liên Khúc Nhạc Trẻ Remix Hay Nhất Tháng 7 2018 (P22) - Duration: 51:40.


Nonstop Vinahey 2018 - Ba La Ba Lá Ba La Pùm - Nhạc DJ Phiêu SML - Châu Đen Mix II ✔ - Duration: 45:11.

For more infomation >> Nonstop Vinahey 2018 - Ba La Ba Lá Ba La Pùm - Nhạc DJ Phiêu SML - Châu Đen Mix II ✔ - Duration: 45:11.


Spoiler Il Segreto: Mauricio rifiuta di fare da padre a Miguel - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Spoiler Il Segreto: Mauricio rifiuta di fare da padre a Miguel - Duration: 4:08.



For more infomation >> VOZ NIGHTMARE FREDDY - PT/BR (ULTIMATE CUSTOM NIGHT) - Duration: 0:41.


Salvini: bassa natalità dell'Italia scusa importare migranti - Cronaca - Duration: 3:01.

  "Un Paese dove non nascono bambini è destinato a morire. Alla fine di questo mandato il Governo sarà valutato sul numero di nuovi nati più che sul suo debito pubblico"

In gioco "c'è la nostra tradizione, la nostra storia, la nostra identità" e la sinistra sta usando la bassa natalità come una "scusa" per "importare migranti"

Così il vicepremier e ministro dell'Interno, Matteo Salvini, intervistato dal Times

    In un'altra intervista al Sunday Times il ministro parla di Brexit: "La mia esperienza nel Parlamento europeo mi dice che o ti imponi o loro ti truffano", ed esorta la premier britannica Theresa May ad adottare una linea più dura nei negoziati con la Ue sulla Brexit

Per Salvini, May dovrebbe prepararsi a lasciare il tavolo senza un accordo. "Perchè - aggiunge - su alcuni principi non c'è bisogno di essere flessibili e tu non dovresti fare passi indietro"

 Fontana: grande Salvini, stesse idee per bene Italia - "Grande Matteo Salvini sul Times: 'Un Paese dove non nascono bambini è destinato a morire'

Stesse idee per il bene della nazione. Avanti tutta!". Lo scrive oggi sul suo profilo facebook il ministro per la Famiglia, Lorenzo Fontana

Nel corso della Commissione Affari sociali sulle linee di indirizzo del suo dicastero, Fontana tre giorni fa aveva espresso lo stesso concetto: "La famiglia deve essere considerato un investimento e non una spesa

Il capitale famiglia rappresenta infatti un investimento per il welfare, per il futuro e in termini di Pil

Ogni anno perdiamo in termini demografici una città come Padova. Un problema non certo risolvibile solo allargando le maglie dei flussi migratori"


For more infomation >> Salvini: bassa natalità dell'Italia scusa importare migranti - Cronaca - Duration: 3:01.


Morsicata alla caviglia dalla vipera, 27enne ricoverata in Rianimazione - Duration: 1:09.

E' stata morsicata da una vipera mentre si trovava nei pressi del rifugio Flora Alpina, in comune di Falcade

La vittima, A.C., 27 anni, di Zero Branco (Treviso), è stata ricoverata in Rianimazione

Non è in pericolo di vita. Si tratta del primo caso di questa stagione nell'ambito della provincia di Belluno

For more infomation >> Morsicata alla caviglia dalla vipera, 27enne ricoverata in Rianimazione - Duration: 1:09.


Old Delta uniforms get new life through 'Upcycle Project' - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Old Delta uniforms get new life through 'Upcycle Project' - Duration: 1:33.


[삼성 셰프컬렉션] HOPE with CHEF COLLECTION - 집에서 미슐랭 3스타 음식에 도전하기 편 - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> [삼성 셰프컬렉션] HOPE with CHEF COLLECTION - 집에서 미슐랭 3스타 음식에 도전하기 편 - Duration: 0:28.


The Number on Great-Grandpa's Arm - Movie - Duration: 18:46.

For more infomation >> The Number on Great-Grandpa's Arm - Movie - Duration: 18:46.


海軍陸戰隊9月進駐台北?綠媒話音剛落 美方光速否認 - Duration: 7:43.

For more infomation >> 海軍陸戰隊9月進駐台北?綠媒話音剛落 美方光速否認 - Duration: 7:43.


Stree Official Trailer | Rajkummar Rao | Shraddha Kapoor | Dinesh Vijan | Raj & DK | Amar K | Aug 31 - Duration: 2:21.

Please Don't forget to: LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE for the latest Movies Trailers.

For more infomation >> Stree Official Trailer | Rajkummar Rao | Shraddha Kapoor | Dinesh Vijan | Raj & DK | Amar K | Aug 31 - Duration: 2:21.


Bipolar Disorder Help: 5 Reasons Why Many Don't Seek It Out | HealthyPlace - Duration: 2:56.

Hey guys, it's Hannah.

5 reasons those of us living with bipolar disorder

do not seek help when we need it the most.

One reason, of course, is the shame and guilt

that we feel for receiving help.

A lot of people around us don't treat it

as though it is a real disease

and it influences us not to treat it like that as well.

And that's a problem.

We spend so much time feeling guilty for not being okay

that it distracts us from ever receiving the help that we deserve.

Number 2.

We deny it.

It's a phase. It's going away.

How many of you have said that?

I know I have.

It's not easy for those around us to accept it

and us, when you cannot physically see it.

Number 3.

There is no clear, step-by-step, treatment process.

It's not step 1, step 2, step 3, step 4

and then, you're there.

And we feel so alone.

And people aren't open about mental illness in society.

So we can't just pick up the phone

and ask a friend or somebody we know

about how they went through it.

It is very overwhelming, treatment, even though it's necessary.

Number 4.

We are really nervous about treatment and getting help.

The side-effects of bipolar medications are very severe.

And what you see on the Internet -

the side effects that people have gone through -

you're always saying yourself:

"Is it even worth me getting help?"

And number 5.

Sometimes, when you receive help,

you begin to lose hope.

You've started the treatment process.

You're experimenting with medications;

which is a long and enduring process.

But when they're not working

and you're facing these severe side effects,

you begin to question whether you can even get better.

And that's devastating.

You feel hopeless and helpless.

And one point I want to share with you is about hope.

Hope is being able to see

that there is light

despite all of the darkness.

In regards to receiving help,

please subscribe to my Youtube channel.

Look at my videos about treatment

and finding psychiatrists

based on my personal experience

with bipolar 2 disorder.

And the resources at

You have a huge community of support.

And you are not alone.

Please share your thoughts with me down below.

And I will see you next week.


For more infomation >> Bipolar Disorder Help: 5 Reasons Why Many Don't Seek It Out | HealthyPlace - Duration: 2:56.


Big Brother - Nomination Time Again - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Big Brother - Nomination Time Again - Duration: 2:22.


Big Brother - Sending Emails - Duration: 7:44.

For more infomation >> Big Brother - Sending Emails - Duration: 7:44.


Man with a history of stalking leaves trash on Rio Rancho woman's porch - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Man with a history of stalking leaves trash on Rio Rancho woman's porch - Duration: 2:26.


Peak vacation week begins in S. Korea - Duration: 1:33.

Many people here in Korea will be away for their summer vacation this week... and what's

interesting is that t*his summer... many have chosen to stay within the country instead

of flying overseas.

Our Oh Soo-young tells us more.

This week is set to be the busiest week of the summer for holidaymakers in Korea.

According to a survey conducted by the transport ministry,... Koreans will make 92 million

trips during the vacation period from the end of July to mid-August,... and 40% of those

trips are happening this week.

Most holidaymakers this summer -- around 80 % --- are planning to travel within the country.

"Last year, many people headed abroad, but this year, other islands, especially Ulleungdo

Island in the East Sea, are becoming popular.

We believe it's because they've been introduced on popular television shows.

Trips have increased by roughly 20 percent.

Also, the number of days people are spending on domestic trips has increased compared to

last year."

According to the survey,... most travellers are heading to coastal regions, especially

by the East Sea, which known for its stunning views and fresh air.

"With more than 90 percent of holiday makers planning to travel by car or bus, nearly 5

million vehicles are expected to hit the roads every day this week.

Traffic will be at its peak from Wednesday to Friday."

To ensure the roads are safe for the millions of travelers,... the ministry says it will

put more road patrols and personnel on busy routes,... as well asincrease the capacity

of public transport during the peak holiday season.

Oh Soo-young, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Peak vacation week begins in S. Korea - Duration: 1:33.


Woman claims homeless group wouldn't let her approach public bathroom - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Woman claims homeless group wouldn't let her approach public bathroom - Duration: 2:13.


Turtle's Flute: Learn Urdu with subtitles - Story for Children and Adults "" - Duration: 7:02.

Turtle's Flute

A Brazilian folktale

Once upon a time,

on the banks of a river,

Turtle played her flute.

When Turtle played,

all the animals listened.

Lions, elephants,


snakes and monkeys

danced to Turtle's music.

One day

a man heard Turtle's music.

Ahh, he thought,

that must be Turtle making music.

that must be Turtle making music.

Turtle would taste very good right now."

So he called out,


Show me your beautiful flute.


slowly walked to the door

and held out her flute.

But the moment the man saw Turtle,

But the moment the man saw Turtle,

he grabbed her by the neck

and began to run.

Turtle tried to cry for help,

but she couldn't make a sound.

but she couldn't make a sound.

She closed her eyes,

holding tightly to her flute

for good luck.

When the man reached his hut,

he put Turtle

into a cage

and shut it.


he turned to his children:

Don't let Turtle out of her cage.

Don't let Turtle out of her cage.

And off he went to the fields.

And off he went to the fields.

The children began to play outside.

The children began to play outside.

Turtle sat very still inside her cage,

Turtle sat very still inside her cage,

thinking about the father's words.

thinking about the father's words.

She began to play a sweet tune on her flute,

She began to play a sweet tune on her flute,

She began to play a sweet tune on her flute,

and the children ran to the cage.

and the children ran to the cage.

Is that you playing,


they asked,

their eyes wide with wonder.


Turtle said.

She kept on playing,

for she could see

the children were delighted.

At last

she stopped.

I can dance even better than I can play, she said.

I can dance even better than I can play, she said.

I can dance even better than I can play, she said.

Would you like to see?

Oh, please! the little boy cried.

I'll show you

how to dance and play at the same time,

how to dance and play at the same time,"

how to dance and play at the same time,"

said Turtle.

But you must open the cage.

But you must open the cage.

There is no room in here."

So the little boy

opened the cage

and Turtle

began to dance and play.

began to dance and play.

The children laughed

and clapped their hands,

for never

had they seen such a wonderful thing.

had they seen such a wonderful thing.

Then Turtle stopped.

Don't stop!

the children cried.

Oh, Turtle groaned.

My legs are stiff.

If I could just walk a little bit to loosen them ...

If I could just walk a little bit to loosen them ..."

Don't go too far,

the little girl cautioned.

Come right back.

Never fear,

said Turtle. "You wait right here."

said Turtle. "You wait right here."


crawled off toward the jungle.

crawled off toward the jungle.

The moment

she was out of sight,

she raced all the way back to her house.

she raced all the way back to her house.

Nobody ever found Turtle again.

Nobody ever found Turtle again.

But to this day,

if you stretch your ear, you can listen

if you stretch your ear, you can listen

to the sweet sound of a flute in the forest.

to the sweet sound of a flute in the forest.

to the sweet sound of a flute in the forest.

For more infomation >> Turtle's Flute: Learn Urdu with subtitles - Story for Children and Adults "" - Duration: 7:02.


Jaundice Treatment at Home -How to Treat Jaundice by Sachin Goyal (Hindi) Ep01 पीलिया का इलाज-Piliya - Duration: 1:18.

Namaste! I am Sachin Goyal and I welcome you to this program for public welfare.

Today I am going to tell you a great home remedy for jaundice

for kids and adults both which can cure jaundice in 3-4 days.

Just peel off 4 cloves of garlic.

Crush them to make a paste.

Add this garlic paste to 1 glass of lukewarm milk.

Home remedy for jaundice is ready to use.

You have to drink this milk at any time in a day.

Do this treatment for 3 to 4 days only.

Kids and adults both can use this home remedy.

This remedy is one of the fastest working remedy in naturopathy.

It is so powerful remedy

that it cures jaundice in 3-4 days only.

In jaundice, skin and eyes turns to yellow.

In jaundice skin and eyes turns to yellow.

Using this remedy turns the color of skin and eyes back to normal very quickly.

Also, yellow color vision also becomes normal.

If, in a case, jaundice is not cured completely in 4 days,

then you can continue it for 4-5 days more.

It will cure jaundice.

Give a try to this life saving home remedy of jaundice.

It was all about jaundice.

Click above to watch my more health related videos.

For more infomation >> Jaundice Treatment at Home -How to Treat Jaundice by Sachin Goyal (Hindi) Ep01 पीलिया का इलाज-Piliya - Duration: 1:18.


LEGO Star Wars Imperial Conveyex Transport review! 75217 - Duration: 10:37.

hello everyone this is the Lego Star Wars Imperial conveyex transport set it

represents the rail crawler from the big train heist scene in the solo movie but

your eyes don't deceive you and there's no more to see here than meets the eye

this is just a single locomotive in a single car so not really a proper train

there are some nice features here with the locomotive actually containing a

continuous band of track pieces going all the way through the whole thing all

the way out to the very back of it you can see the rear wheel back here and

that's all just a continues run and all of that continues down to the ground and

goes all the way through so that's a pretty generous use of those parts

although that kind of precludes the use of most of the Interior space here they

also have the opening port on the front you can kind of try to stick a figure

down in there if you want to they have just a small hinge to allow you to

attach a blaster to it I suppose this lets you imagine that there's a figure

in there holding the thing but there is some legitimate minifigure seating space

in this on either side with one figure being able to sit here and one over here

these are just mirrored ideally I would have wanted to see at least two of these

cargo cars to really consider a train so with the inclusion of only one this one

better be good this opens up nicely and you get a decent amount of cargo space

in there with these individual spots to hold on to the co axiom vials or

containers there so you get four of those in total plus a little extra space

inside for more figures they also have the ladder going up to the hatch the top

hatch which opens up right here and they have a little perch down below it's a

little bit hidden to allow you to pose a figure just sticking his head out they

also have the rear gunner position and this is supposed to be mostly an

anti-air turret but it's not able to hangul up and down it just swivels

around 360 degrees and when it's facing forward well it's obviously going to

shoot right through the head of this guy who's supposed to be on the same team

they give you an easy option to rectify that situation though by simply moving

the turret to the front to the locomotive

and then turning all of this around you need to redo the coupling to the other

side which is not that big a deal just move a single piece slot that on back

over here and now the hatch will open backwards that also has the additional

positive effect of allowing you to have a figure facing towards the front of the

train which makes a little bit more sense if you're gonna have an assault

coming from here but then you know you're good guys have to worry about

being shot from the front and the back so maybe they do something like this

this whole section rolls easily as it's on wheels with rubber tires and they're

small enough and placed such that you don't see them very much one other thing

I should point out is that the Train can be tilted and I believe this is by

design over to one side just a bit it's not significant but it is good it's a

lot better than nothing and I think it looks really good on display that way at

least from one side this set is designed to work with the 80 hauler which is sold

separately but it doesn't work like you see in the movie you don't connect wires

or ropes instead you just go directly up to the thing and just grab the car and

take it away the also separately sold swoop bike set should go with this scene

but again there are no kind of simulated wires or ropes with this set so you

can't have that tug-of-war between these and the 80 hauler and if you want to

have an imaginative scenario where the cloud rider gang actually gets the

transport car you can't really make that work without adding in your own pieces

the conveyex transport comes with the special train heist versions of young han

solo and chewbacca and Chewbacca's goggle printing is just a little bit off

set to one side here and his eyes look even bigger than they normally do with

this form of minifigure the modern generation so it looks a little bit more

comic to me you do get an alternate face for Han that's a really good one there

that's a very useful one that makes sense to me and Chewbacca as usual

gets no print for his torso whatsoever doesn't need it though because he always

has the large molded piece over it so nothing really missing their set

includes two identical range troopers and I think these guys look great

very good prints nice head molds and I really like the copper visor stripe and

they also include this small little insert as a cloth piece to give them the

the protection for their their necks and it just goes between the head and the

torso yeah these are very nicely done these look very very masa bowl to me and

you know they they just are a proper translation of this design into Lego

minifigure form I think they've got some of that bulk you don't get the extra

bulk in the legs but I think that's ok is just part of the kind of

super-deformed style of LEGO minifigures with the heads being extra large and the

prints on the backs of the torsos are great as well very very nicely finely

detailed only thing I don't appreciate here is the continued use of the Jango

Fett angry clone faces but you knew that was coming

last up here's one new solo edition Imperial gunner with the gunmetal gray

colored torso hip and leg pieces and some pretty good printing on top of that

it gets the dark brown colored hands so I represent gloves and all the printing

is good he also gets another one of those small neck cloth pieces isn't as

an insert there and that's just the exact same cut as you saw on the range

troopers it's simply done in black here another good figure and underneath they

mix things up a little bit compared to the Death Star troopers I think there's

the the main use for this head just a single face on it but yeah at least it's

something appropriate I think I really like the rail crawler concept and

execution in universe in the solo movie I think it's going to be one of the more

long-term memorable things to come out of that film but it's very difficult to

capture the aw of that's sneaking motion an interesting

tilting setup that they had you know in in the the scenes they they went through

the mountains when you only have a single locomotive and a single car here

I appreciate so much of what the designer or designers did here so much

of it is done really well the shaping of the car even most of the shaping of the

locomotive there is that gap there but it honestly didn't bug me that much

because there are no bright colors behind it I love the fact that the the

track goes all the way through the whole thing but I feel like that wasn't

necessarily necessary I would have preferred some compromises

some pretty deep compromises on engineering to get a second car even if

each of the the cars had to be smaller and less detailed on the inside I feel

like that just would have worked out better for a lot of folks you know

everybody always wants more than one car and any train like thing and it was just

so important to this in particular to have multiple cars because it had so

many and that's really what made it so interesting to look at also having

multiple cars would make it a lot easier to play with this with the realistic

movie scenarios of having people crawling around on the top and also on

the sides of the cars because as it is right now it's really cramped up there

as I showed you know as soon as you have a couple figures up top yeah especially

with the gun emplacement no matter where you put the the turret and just don't

leave you with a lot of space to really play there so there are a lot of things

that are definitely done well here some of them I could have done without to

just get that second car the integration with the 80 hauler is a good thing that

they included it but I wish they had at least given you know customers the

option by including some of the string pieces with studs at the end to do it in

a more realistic fashion I think this is good for easy direct play you know not

having to hook up the strings and worrying about them getting tangled and

stuff but if you had just four of those strings included to be able to pick this

up then you could have had dangling from underneath and then you

could have had the fight with the cloud riders you know or you could have

changed up the scenario like I mentioned before of having the cloud riders

actually win that engagement and take the car away or have your you know your

battle in a different place just would have opened up different options and

better captured the good things about that entire scenario from the movie in

my opinion also the value for your money on this set is not very good when you

look at the price to part ratio you especially have to consider the fact

that 77 of these pieces are just individual links for the tread most of

which you don't ever see just see that little bit sticking out there it's a

little bit in the back and there the rest does stuff but doesn't contribute

to the amount of play really that you get here you could have gotten away with

just having a large wheel in the back and I think that a lot of kids would

have been plenty happy with that and you know you take off 77 from this or take

off even half of that just to balance against the handful of larger pieces

that actually increase the value on the priced part you know basis and you just

have something that I don't think is quite worth what you have to pay for it

I hate to be negative especially when there are so many cool things here but I

have to be honest with you about my feelings so there you go thanks for

watching the video and I'll talk to you again soon

For more infomation >> LEGO Star Wars Imperial Conveyex Transport review! 75217 - Duration: 10:37.


How To Do Nail Art At Home - Amazing Long Nails! - Duration: 10:05.

For more infomation >> How To Do Nail Art At Home - Amazing Long Nails! - Duration: 10:05.


Author Jilly Cooper criticises Meghan for encouraging Harry's new healthy says the 'hunky' prince - Duration: 6:24.

Author Jilly Cooper criticises Meghan for encouraging Harry's new healthy regime - and says the 'hunky' prince doesn't need correcting

Jilly Cooper has revealed she is a Meghan Markle fan, however admits that she disapproved of the Duchess of Sussex reportedly putting Prince Harry on a diet eating plan ahead of their May wedding.

The racy novelist, 81, who shot to fame after writing the Rutshire Chronicles, gushed that she 'loves' the 'stunningly beautiful' Meghan in an interview with The Sunday Times.

But she added: 'Harry's a lovely, hunky man.

You shouldn't put men on diets.

I think that's awful.

I don't like correcting people, do you?.

'I want him to be our Harry, as well as her Harry.

He's a good boy who desperately needs a loving atmosphere.'.

In May reports surfaced claimed that Meghan had introduced Harry to her 'clean eating' regime to help him shape up for their wedding, as well as preparing him for impending fatherhood.

Meghan — who tries to eat only vegan food during the week and drinks alcohol in moderation — reportedly helped wean Harry off meat as well as processed foods and introduced healthy, organic alternatives — with his blessing.

He was said to have cut down on his drinking, too, as well as giving up smoking.

Harry was said to be taking the regime so seriously he reportedly worked with nutritionist and ex-model Gabriela Peacock, who recommends a regime low in sugar, high in protein, and free of dairy.

Harry reportedly lost more than half a stone ahead of the wedding, and was seen attending a Chelsea gym regularly.

Meanwhile Jilly is no stranger to controversial opinions, having claimed in June that she was 'worried' about the effect the Me Too campaign may have on views of courtship.

Describing how campaigns against sexual harassment have affected relationships, Mrs Cooper said: 'One lovely man said 'I can't flirt any more'.

You have a mini skirt up to here, then 'do not touch' tattooed across your knees.'.

However, despite her comments, Mrs Cooper conceded that modern men are better at trying to make relationships work.

'I think a lot of the young men I know love their wives and are determined to make their marriages stay,' she said.

'But being happily married doesn't stop you falling in love with other people.'.

Addressing how the internet has changed the landscape for dating, Mrs Cooper sounded a note of caution about the dangers of meeting someone you found online.

She told the audience: 'I don't know how many of you go online, but the idea of going online.

I have a bad hip and I can't run away from a mass murderer.'.

Author Jilly Cooper says the MeToo push back against sexual abuse means men and women can no longer flirt with one other.

The writer - known for racy reads such as Riders, Rivals and Polo - said the movement has changed the way people interact.

She claimed to love it when men wolf-whistle at her as she discussed the reaction to rape allegations made against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, whose accusers include actress Rose McGowan.

'You can't flirt any more,' she told The Sunday Times.

'We used to have so much more fun!'.

The 81-year-old theorised that her lothario character Rupert Campbell-Black, who features in many of her books and is known for his sexual exploits, 'would be locked up in prison' in today's climate.

She branded sex abusers 'horrible, horrible, horrible' and said she feels for those who are speaking out.

Cooper added: 'But what worries me is that some poor man at the end of his life will be hauled out and told that he jumped on somebody in the year BC.

Cooper, whose husband Leo died in 2013, said she had not suffered assault in her own life.

'Men on the whole have been very nice to me,' she said.

'I love being wolf-whistled.

I know men shouldn't jump on everybody.

But I do think men have stronger libidos than women.'.

For more infomation >> Author Jilly Cooper criticises Meghan for encouraging Harry's new healthy says the 'hunky' prince - Duration: 6:24.


Street Of Sai Gon | Sia - Chandelier (Matthew Heyer Remix) ♪ - Duration: 4:18.

Thanks for watching !!!

For more infomation >> Street Of Sai Gon | Sia - Chandelier (Matthew Heyer Remix) ♪ - Duration: 4:18.


Executing a Jab, Jab, Cross Combo - Duration: 1:01.

Hi, this is Tim with your Ferrell's Trainer Tip of the day.

Today we're going to talk about a jab, jab, cross combination. It's one of my personal favorites,

but there's a lot going on with the body vs just throwing our hands.

We're going to make sure that we're leveraging our momentum.

So we'll set up with our target like we normally do. With a jab, jab, cross we're going to reach that first jab

bring it back, reach it back out and then follow with the cross punch.

Notice that when I'm bringing my jab back my cross punch is also going out.

Again, leverage the momentum of my body.

Here again, you can see what its going to look like.

Jab...Jab, Cross.

Watch the movement of the core and the lower body to help leverage the

maximum amount of effort for this one.

Here we go. At real speed it's going to like this.

And that is your jab...jab, cross combination

For more infomation >> Executing a Jab, Jab, Cross Combo - Duration: 1:01.


3 Simple Ways To Keep Focused On What Is Important - Duration: 3:36.

Hi, it's Mandy from Mindset for Success with today's Mindset Matters. Now today

I'd like to talk about the topic of focus. So, why is focus so important?

Well, we live in a really busy fast-paced world driven by technology.

What this means is there are even more opportunities and possibilities to be

distracted. How many of you work when you have a notification swishing across your computer

or you have that ping from your phone telling you that there's a message.

Now that's a really dangerous way to work because our brain loves to be

distracted by bright shiny objects. And the anticipation that it could be a

friend leaving us a message or an invite or something interesting means you're

more than likely going to go down that rabbit hole and end up who knows where,

instead of focusing on what's important. You see, the other thing is our brain

loves to move towards pleasure and away from pain - so if you're working on a

project that you feel is difficult or hard guess what will happen it's so

much more preferable to check our social media or emails or anything else but

that important task at hand. The energy of the mind is attention so unless we

are diligently keeping our attention and our focus on what's important we'll be

distracted, we'll be less productive, we'll be building our to-do list, getting

more overwhelmed and there's less time to go and do other things in life.

So, here are a few quick tips to help you keep focused - and just before I share

them, you may say to yourself as I share these tips, I know that - and the thing is

yes, you probably do but if you're not implementing it then you don't know it.

You know it in your head but you don't own it. So the first thing to do is every

morning take a few minutes. Spend that extra time to plan your day. And what I

do is I write down two things that are really important that I must achieve

today. I'll put them on a piece of paper and I put them on my desk

so I'm already moving the energy of my mind onto what is important. Then what I

do as I start on the task I set a clear intention and remember the energy of the

mind is focus. So I set an intention to be productive and then I imagine how

I'll feel when I've completed my task. The third simple tip is chunk your time.

Manage your time or measure your time so you're aware of how long you're spending

on a project. What I do is I chunk mine into 30 minute blocks and I treat it a

bit like a race as if you're an athlete. There's a warm up I - get everything

ready and move all distractions. Then I set my timer and I'm in race mode. I'm

only focusing on the task at hand. At the end of the thirty minutes my timer goes

and I take a short break. I stretch and if I'm still working on the project I

set another 30 minutes and I get back. Or I might go and do another project.

So those are three simple tips which will help you be more productive, keep your

focus on what's important and now it's just up to you to make sure that you use

them. Thank you it's Mandy from Mindset for Success with today's Mindset Matters

For more infomation >> 3 Simple Ways To Keep Focused On What Is Important - Duration: 3:36.


AFTER DRY FASTING WHAT'S NEXT❓❓❓ #p.1 - Duration: 10:34.

hey guys it is about 7:00 a.m. in the morning and I'm drinking my juice 32

ounces of sweet juice this has beets in it

celery lime and a half of a pineapple in cucumber juice juice juice juice juice

and I have my black seed oil that you see over there I have my tea spoon it's

helping me so much with my sleep and I'm so happy for that so I'm

drinking this juice really early just one and I don't really drink this juice

this early but today I have some things to do in the morning so what I did was I

got up at five worked out to six I had my alarm on for 6 o'clock however this

is my juicer however I had the energy I've just been drinking juices and

eating salads so um you know this is what this videos about me not being able

to adapt to eating solid foods and knowing that I can't just stay on a

water fast dry fast juice fast for the rest of my life and now I can

incorporate juices for the rest of my life but I have to learn how to eat yeah

this is my total gym I've had this since 2014 so this is like the 2014 model over

there are my heaters this is supposed to be my workout ring that picture up there

was left when I had came to this house I've been here almost a year I haven't

still unpacked because I am a neat freak so if I'm not going to unpack it and put

it away correctly I pretty much will leave it

packed because I like everything in water so this is like a storage /

workout room I haven't used my total gym since I've moved in here I use my

Proform stationary bike for my workouts but yeah this is gonna be my workout and

I also use it for my room to dump my sneakers and shoes when I come in for

the day I just come directly in this room when I

when I am come from outside and I just put my sneakers as you see I with a lot

of nice Nikes very extensive footwear then I with a lot of designer clothes as

I should and I take very good care of my heels as you can see the bottom of them

they look like they haven't even been worn these are Calvin Klein I with a lot

of Calvin Klein so that is one of the reasons why I had to lose weight because

you know you can't win designer stuff like I do

I was raised I'm going to high school middle school with you know labels do

stuff went to prep schools with Dean had to keep up with other kids so basically

I wore designed the clothes and they just don't make them in 1x 2x so when I

gained this weight over a year and some change ago the total weight 88 pounds I

had to lose the weight because of the simple fact that I just could not afford

to stop back on with my clothes yeah so like I was saying we're in my closet now

it's not fully unpacked like I said I just moved here about a year ago I have

a lot of clothes and stuff that I need to you know you know unpack so I'd

rather just keep it in the boxes because I like everything to be basically you

you know organize and as you can see when I like a design or something like

these shirts Calvin Klein shirts I will get all the colors of them because I

just love you know design and stuff but again when you're you know a big girl

you can't wear that stuff Ralph Lauren these are clocks here Tommy Hilfiger's

these are from the other day when I went out these are Clark's I've always walked

good shoes my parents always said you always got to have a pair of good shoes

on your feet so you won't have bad feet so I always wit good shoes on my feet

this is some of my husband's shoes here he wears designer stuff as well some of

his clothes are over here too but mainly my stuff this is a brand new wool jacket

here that is his that I have hanging up I took it off the box because you know I

don't want that all framed up another one of his own jackets here but um yeah

this one here is brand-new from last year he's never even wore it but on yeah

he's into that designer thing too and he's in his designer shoes some of

them I haven't unpacked everything I just try to keep everything nice and you

know he was pretty much shoes that love the soles these haven't been worn but he

loves designer stuff as well and so do i and like I said if I like something I

get him in all the colors like my Calvin Klein oops I got them in two different

colors I love I love shoes I love clothes and I have never wore these

before these I should have probably wore these this summer they're Gucci they're

Gucci gee Malucci these are real

patent-leather Michael Kors I have not wore these as you can see the

heel hasn't even been touched but so I got stuff hung up but like this is like

vintage Banana Republic size medium and I got it also in the green then these

are like Nordstrom jackets just giving you an idea of I had no other choice but

to arm pretty much you know this some sneakers over the end of corn I got

stuck off in these pants and stuff designer pants that I have that like I

said I have to do some one tack and so some stuff you can tell I cited to

unpack it because it's just sitting here but it's at least neat but I'm not gonna

pack everything into I'm ready to put it away but I had to um basically you know

lose this weight because I couldn't start over with all these clothes and

things that I like to wear than a nice I don't have the money like that to do

that you know and I can't be selfish and have my husband you know paying for a

new wardrobe for me because I don't want to lose weight this is a Tommy Hilfiger

vintage coat here too that I still wear and I check to go one time this spring

and stuffs size 12 but like I said you you know when you get into these kind of

clothes and stuff you got to you know you have you you shape tight this is a

guest shirt that I wore one time color so pretty and I am I have a big chest so

it is extra large but it you know they don't this is not gonna come in at 2x

this shirt isn't so I wore this shirt this is about a hundred dollars on seal

and they probably not doing a good job showing it to you but the back is out I

don't know if you can see it I suck at recording but anyways the back is out

let me show it to you like this the back of the shirt is out the whole back as

you can see and then this is the back of it I mean the front of it so you know

what I'm trying to do now is learn how to eat this is part one cuz I'm in here

rambling showing you shoes and clothes but there's a point to this video I

learned how to fast to lose weight or juicing which is mimicking a fast but I

never learned how to eat and that was when the problem came in what am I gonna

do next when I can't juice or I can't drive faster I can't water fast anymore

what am I going to do to lose this weight so there's gonna be a part two I

don't want to ramble on this is going into ten minutes but this is gonna be a

part two you're gonna see me in the video and I'm going to be talking and

I'm gonna be telling you why I have to learn how to eat solid foods and what

kind of saw the foods that I should eat because I am struggling with that part I

think it's I know what I need to do but I'm just not doing it and I have to get

used to eating more healthier so with all that being said please subscribe to

the channel like and share this video and make it a favorite and I'll see you

in the next video bye for now

For more infomation >> AFTER DRY FASTING WHAT'S NEXT❓❓❓ #p.1 - Duration: 10:34.


N. Korean athletes arrived in S. Korea for joint teams training - Duration: 2:07.

North Korean athletes are now training with their South Korean teammates for the Asian

Games coming up in Indonesia.

It's the latest in the two Koreas' cooperation in sports... that started this year with the

PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

Won Jung-hwan has more.

34 North Korean athletes will be joining their counterparts from the South on joint teams

at the Asian Games in about three weeks' time in Jakarta and Palembang, Indonesia.

The delegation flew to South Korea on Sunday via Beijing for joint training.

The two Koreas are set to field joint teams in women's basketball, dragon boat racing,

and rowing for the Asian Games which will be held in August.

There are 18 North Korean athletes here for the dragon boat team, 8 for rowing, 4 for

women's basketball and 4 support staff.

The North Korean paddlers will begin their training with South Koreans at Chungju , about

150 kilometers south of Seoul.

"When we move to the training center in Chungju , we are expecting to first go through some

medical tests and administrative works.

Then after few days later, we think we will start the joint training,...

We expect male squad to get good results considering what they achieved in short period of time

at the previous Guangzhou Asian Games.

Also, our female athletes are doing well, and together with outstanding North Koreans

in the team, we expect to grab some medals at the tournament."

In women's basketball, three North Koreans -- Ro Suk-yong , Jang Mi-gyong and Kim Hye-yon

, who all played in the inter-Korean friendly matches in Pyongyang earlier this month, were

named to the unified team along with 9 South Korean players.

The South Korean team are the defending champions at the Asian Games.

They're currently in Taiwan for an international tournament and will get back this Wednesday.

Until then, the three North Korean players will be practicing on their own in Jincheon,

90 kilometers south of Seoul.

They don't have a lot of time to practice together, though -- the Asian Games begin

on August 18th.

Won Jung-hwan, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> N. Korean athletes arrived in S. Korea for joint teams training - Duration: 2:07.


【ENG SUB】最亲爱的你 18 | Youth 18:这就是我的人生(虞书欣、王妍之、何蓝逗、杨之楹、王薇、赵志伟主演) - Duration: 44:09.

♫ Looking back at me, to see the sincerity in my eyes. ♫

♫ Looking back at me, to feel the undisguised love and hate from me. ♫

♫ If you can give me faith in love and be true to me. ♫

♫ And tell me you love me. ♫

♫ Looking back at me, loving you with all my heart and soul. ♫

♫ Everybody knows that I'm in love with you. ♫

♫ I don't want to wait. I just want to shout out to the world ♫

♫ to admit I have fallen in love with someone. ♫

♫ Looking back at me. ♫

♫ Looking back at me. ♫

♫ Looking back at me. ♫

♫ Would you suddenly think of me sometimes? ♫

♫ Like a little monster, does not follow the rules. ♫

♫ Run into your world and get dizzy. ♫

♫ I was wondering whether you're just too shy. ♫

♫ Even if you are, you can't take your eyes off me. ♫

♫ But you're struggling and still say no to me. ♫

♫ Leaves are falling, and winter is coming. ♫

♫ No need to hear the bell of New Year alone. ♫

♫ I'm waiting for you to turn around. ♫

♫ Looking back at me, to see the sincerity in my eyes. ♫

♫ Looking back at me, to feel the undisguised love and hate from me. ♫

♫ If you can give me faith in love and be true to me. ♫

♫ And tell me you love me. ♫

♫ Looking back at me, loving you with all my heart and soul. ♫

♫ Everybody knows that I'm in love with you. ♫

♫ I don't want to wait. I just want to shout out to the world ♫

♫ to admit I have fallen in love with someone. ♫


Episode 18

Go for an interview?

What's up?


Break the leg!

Then, I'm leaving.

You bought the new suit.

Why not new shoes?



The lucky charm!

Wish you success in the interview.

My brother asked for it in the temple yesterday.

Thank you.

Fighting! Shengnan!

Okay. Sit down.

You three, please introduce yourself from the right.

Good morning, everyone.

My name is Guo Shuyu.

I'm from the School of Economics and Management in Tsinghua University.

I studied in England for exchange for two years.

I'm good at English, French, German.


Good morning, everyone! My name is Li Xin.

I'm from Guanghua school of Beijing University.

I gained the national scholarship for four years.

I had three-month internship in Price Waterhouse Coopers.

And I also worked for three months in the top ten foreign companies.


Hello, everyone!

My name is Zhang Shengnan.

I graduated from the Economic Department in Zhizhi University.

Zhang Shengnan,

You were in the university for so long.

Can you explain for it?

Because of the student loan,

I suspend my schooling for one year.

But I didn't waste any time in this year.

What did you do?

I did part-time job in the Western restaurant and convenient store.

And I've been a private tutor.

Why chose the convenient store?

This has nothing to do with your major.

Because working in the convenient store can teach me many things.

I learned how to get along with different people.

This enriches my experience.

It enhances my communicate skill and the ability to cooperate with others.

I believe I'm qualified to this job.

If you are not admitted,

will you come next year?

I believe I can.

I mean if?

I will be admitted.

[This is my life.]


Why did you come so late?

You asked me out but you were late.


Let me introduce for you,

this is my mom.

Nice to meet you, Aunt.

Sit down.

I'm busy with my business recently

and have no time to care for Eric.

Unexpectedly he has a girlfriend.

My Eric is so good-tempered sometimes.

He doesn't know how to refuse others.

So, he may be in a disadvantage.


you may misunderstand it.

We don't have to get married.

So please don't worry.

You see, mom?

We are not in that kind of relationship.

We're just having fun.

There should be a limit of that.

Miss Ni,

You said just now,

that you're not going to get married.

That's good!

You know the situation well.

Since you've agreed to get what you need from each other.

I don't need to say anything more.

But, there should be some rules when having fun.

You spent over 20 thousand this Monday.

Miss Ni,

you think you worth that much?

Yes. Xiaojin,

you're a good girl.

Why did you spend that much this week?

I'll return it.

That's good.

Take care,aunt.

Tian, are you tired?

That's okay.

This is the wage for yesterday.



I have some good news for you.

What is it?


don't cut in that way.




Is this a special day?

I had an interview.


How was it?

It was good.


Focus on your work.


I misunderstood you before

and hurt you much.


You had an interview in Fenghui Group?

Good luck!


The knife dropped.

Let me change a new one for you.


Excuse me, lady. This is your knife.

Okay. Thanks.

♫ Three days and three nights. Late at night...

Morning, Chenchen!

My lips are dark and dry.

Morning, Xiaochun!

Insurance investigator.

Physical check.

Morning, Shengnan!

The result of the interview

The result of the interview

Morning, Ni!

Can I live like this?

What happened again?

Have some big news?

I lived a boring life,

without any ups and downs.


Will I just live like this without any changes?

I can't live like that.

I'll have nothing to write in my memoir when I become old.

Send you to Syria?

You can also write A walking Rose.


this rose isn't for you.


A walking Chrysanthemum.

To Syria?

Send me there.

Zhang Helin,

be my boyfriend.

I made a decision three minutes ago.

I'll be with the one who cares me first.

Please, don't be so rush when making the decision.

Well, it's not.


Forget it.

Last autumn,

I had such a fantasy.


I appreciate your love.


I can't accept your love letter.

The number you dialed has opened reminding business.

Your dialing information will be sent to his phone.

Han Yitong,

What are you doing?


only you care about me.


you haven't handed in your manuscript.

Where is the interview draft of the basketball team?

They're going to print it.

In my E disk.

In the folder named "My writing flows like peeing".

I know.


I don't know your computer code.

Come here to turn on.

Do you care about me?

Finish the column next week?

Zhang Helin!

You have no EQ in love.

Have you written a love letter?

Only you!

I have more experiences than you.

Get out of my way.




Take the interview as the excuse.


I want to ask you for a thing.

What's it?

It's quite important.

You must consider it carefully before you respond.


Stealth technique,


and telepathy,

which do you choose if there is any?


Though I want stealth technique,

Telepathy is better for me.

Do you know why?

If so,

when I hold your hand,

I'll know what you're thinking.

That's great?

Then there is no misunderstanding between us.

But there is no such superpower.


do you hide something from me?

Tell me.

It doesn't matter.

I love you to the heart.

I'll accept what you say.

I have nothing to tell you.


Shengnan, manager Zhou has a bad mood.

Come on, Let's go there.

Hurry up.

Hello, sir!

This is your red wine.

I've open it for you.

Okay, pour it.


this way.

Help me out. Gao didn't attend.

You're really my bro!


this is Linmian.


This is Zhang Beiru.


This is Zhang Helin.

The leader of the news club.

You don' like noisy girls.

They are so quiet.

It's not good to be quiet sometimes.

Then let's order something.

Wait for some while. They are coming!


Let's have a look.


Where is Han Yitong?

She was criticized by Ms. Su.

She left in the afternoon.

and left this.

Is death the end of life?

Where I get closer to the sky,

the falling of a paper plane

may be called flying.

Will she has something wrong?


I should know where she is.

Han Yitong,

what are you doing?

I'm sorry. Sorry.

I'm late.





This boy?

Hello. I'm Han Yitong.


Nice to meet you.

Life is frail.

Why are people living so hard?

Dad, I'm scared.

It's okay.

Take care.

Dad, don't let go.

Take it easy. I won't.

Come on. Go on.

Come on!

Why does everybody move forward?

Even nobody knows

what is waiting for us.


Keep on! Come on!

All right?

Got hurt?


Keep treading if you don't like it.

You'll fall down if you don't.


Come on! Let's move on.

Come on!

Set a goal

and move to that direction.

This is an amazing thing!

What kind of girl do you like?

The kind of girl I like?



Not noisy.

Did you hear a song by Mayday?

♫ I'm afraid it's silent all of a sudden.

How do you communicate with those who don't talk much?

By heart?

That is better than being noisy.

Did you hear the thing you will never miss?

What's it?

The so-called flag!

You said you don't like noisy girls.

Who knows!

Maybe someday you'll like it.

For example,

someone has said that he'd never come to the party.

Look. He is here!

I'm not coming for the party.

You came here for an interview?


I'm coming for interviewing the young people

about their social life and love relationship.

Observe by participating and experience with them.


You know each other?

- No. - Yes!

Come on! Let's drink.


Come on!


Believe I will throw you away?


I didn't mean to kill myself.

I just wanted to see

if there was anyone who cared about me.

Though sometimes you're mean,

thanks for your help anyway.

It's okay.

Han Yitong,

Are you a dog?

Take care! Take care!

Your bag!

Thank you.

It's okay.

Well, she drunk too much.

Take her upstairs.

Bye, Lin.



do you hate me?

I'm coming to say goodbye.

I won't bother you any more.

Where are you going?

Some other places.

My workmate finds me a job in another city.


I want to know if I died that day,

instead of your daughter,

what would you say to her?


Live your best life.

Since you survive,

live your best life.

Take it.

Take care!

Well, let me help you.

Come here, you all.

Who went to the wine storehouse?

Two bottles of red wine are gone.

Follw me.

Open it.

Get out.

Come on!

Where did you hide it?

I didn't go there alone.

Don't explain!

Where did you hide them?


You went too far!

Be quiet.


Pick my things up.


Pick my things up!

And apologize to me!

Zhang Shengnan,

are you crazy?

You're not innocent.

You dare to ask for apology?

Apologize to me!

Are you crazy?

Let off your hands, Heng.

Manager Zhou, leave it.

Pick my things up.

Let it go.

Are you crazy?

Pick my things up!


I did nothing wrong!

How can you do that to me?

Pick my things up!


♫ I must stay here even if giving up everything. ♫

♫ To embrace your gentleness with no more waiting. ♫

♫ You don't have to wipe off the tears secretly anymore. ♫

♫ Go ahead with a big smile to the direction of happiness. ♫



don't be like this.

I used to think only if you move forward,

you will get lost.

Only if you have your goal,

you'll feel tired.

Staying at one place will get me lost.


until now,

I'm still drowning in that ocean,

deeper and deeper.

Who is the person on earth that holds my hand?

What are you doing?

I'm saying goodbye.

Saying Goodbye?

To my past.

[Fenghui Group: Sorry to tell you that you don't pass the interview.]

[Q: Tian Zhiqiang.]

[Q: Where are you when your daughter meet accident?]

I'm in the jail.

[May I ask about the accusal?]

Intentional injury.

That man didn't take good care of my ex-wife.

She can be cured.

I just wanted to hit him.


[How did you know Tian Xue was involved in Ni Jin's death?]

When I was in the jail,

I saw it on the newspaper.

I saw the picture on the spot.

And noticed the bracelet in her hand.

That's the birthday gift I gave to Tianxue whe she was 12.

[Q: What is Tian Xue like?]

[What did you mean by telling Ni "live your best life"?]

But think carefully,

she was victim, too.

She lost her parents.

It's not her fault going through that.


I hope her,

I hope her,

don't be entangled in that.

Live her best.

If my daughter survived,

I would tell her like this as well.

♫ It's not easy to reach here with all my strength. ♫

♫ Being doubted and looked down upon, ♫

♫ I hover at night and cross over mountains after mountains, ♫

♫ wishing for the beautiful scenery. ♫

♫ Under the moonlight, I light up the candle ♫

♫ and tell myself that ♫

♫ you'll be alright and you will be fine. ♫

♫ Even if there's still darkness, promise me you'll be brave. ♫

♫ you'll be alright and you will be fine. ♫

♫ All the laughter and tears will become memories afterwards. ♫

♫ Beliefs in dreams will be the wings ♫

♫ that fly to you. ♫

♫ Bathing in the sun, nothing lasts longer than dreams in the world. ♫

♫ You'll be alright and you will be fine. ♫

♫ All the laughter and tears will become memories afterwards. ♫

♫ It's not easy to reach here with all my strength. ♫

♫ No matter how hurt and tired it'll be, ♫

♫ there are so many unknowns waiting for me to chase of. ♫

For more infomation >> 【ENG SUB】最亲爱的你 18 | Youth 18:这就是我的人生(虞书欣、王妍之、何蓝逗、杨之楹、王薇、赵志伟主演) - Duration: 44:09.


'Never Thought I'd Get to This Point' - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> 'Never Thought I'd Get to This Point' - Duration: 2:54.



(electronic piano music)

(hip electronic piano music)

- Even though I've been shooting,

I consider myself a newcomer,

and I think it's a really tricky thing

because everybody tells you that you need to be a specialist

and in my life what I have learned is that actually--

and anybody else is teaching you, they go like,

don't put all your eggs into one basket.

That's like the life lesson that I've learned here

yet everybody else wants to tell you in photography

that you should specialize.

I think what you need to do

is photograph what you're passionate about,

whether it's micro, or macro photography,

or landscapes, whatever that is,

do what makes you happy.

I think from that figure out what it is that you can do

and do it well and create a job from that point on.

But, I do feel that you should try

a whole bunch of different things.

Action, from action sports to other things,

because photography is an art

and it also has technical aspects to it.

I think you should learn a lot about your equipment

and other peoples' equipment.

You should learn a lot about different genres and styles

to figure out what you really want.

(hip electronic music)

- There's this thing called fake it 'til you make it.

There's some truth to it.

You don't keep the drama to yourself,

you don't tell everyone about the negative parts

of your job, any job, you know, your work.

But I think being genuine about your artwork

like being, showing your true self through your work

and also to the people you meet is very important

in this industry; timeless is the new cool.

I really believe that.

- I would suggest finding friends

and people that you feel comfortable with

and starting there so you show up

with some confidence until you can build

your confidence in photography and expand.

(mid-tempo electronic classical music)

- And another advice to anyone

who's trying to build a business:

photography, although a lot of it is creative

at the end art, it's still a business

and you still wanna grow it.

We started in 2014 and we really didn't feel the break

until like three years after

and we're still working towards a certain goal.

Give it a few years.

Give it at least five years, I would say

to see if it's something really for you.

The growth is always exponential

I think in anything; especially in business.

- I think it's important to listen to your own heart.

Maybe, it's important for the artist,

for the photographer to be alone,

to be in solitude, so you can experience,

you can dig deeper in your heart and your soul and see

what is inside, what is it what you wanna do.

♪ You wake me up and yet you ground me ♪

♪ Ain't nothin' gettin' in my way ♪

- I have found that it's really helpful

to start with what you know.

Since I started as a dance major,

I knew dance, I felt confident in dance,

I felt confidence working with dancers, so I started there.

They're inspiring for that helped us all.

So you're walking into the shoot knowing

something about what you're shooting

and not brand new to the photography

and the subject you're shooting.

- In some times, we're distracted by too much noise.

Too many people, too many opinions, and points of views.

It's really important to escape

and see and just look inside of you.

(chill electronic hip-hop beats)

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