Friday, July 27, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 27 2018

Audi A4 Avant. Moose test

The Audi RS 4 Avant is an effective car in the moose test. The electronic aids work nicely and with efficiency to control the movements of the body, which are always progressive.

The maximum speed at which we managed to make the maneuver correctly was 79 km / h

which is a remarkable value. With an Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio the maximum speed was 77 km/h

and the reactions were also satisfactory.

The RS 4 changes direction with immediacy.

The rolling of the body is small and the electronic aids allow a slight lateral sliding of the rear wheels

This gives agility to the vehicle but in any case allows the driver to keep a very high level of control.

In this attempt at 81 km/h,

the good sensations remain unchanged but the speed is too high to perform the maneuver without knocking down cones.


In the slalom, the Audi RS 4 is tremendously effective because the changes of lane happen very quickly.

The electronic aids intervene, again, practically unnoticed, avoiding sudden movements but without subtracting fluidity in the exercise.

For more infomation >> Audi RS 4 Avant 2018 - Maniobra de esquiva (moose test) y eslalon | - Duration: 1:51.


El Éxito de la Acupuntura permanente en el tratamiento para el Alzheimer - Dr. Alfredo Muñoz - Duration: 37:51.

For more infomation >> El Éxito de la Acupuntura permanente en el tratamiento para el Alzheimer - Dr. Alfredo Muñoz - Duration: 37:51.


¿Cómo usamos el móvil y las redes sociales en verano? - Duration: 1:58.

Hey! Today we are going to talk about how we use mobile phones

and Social Media during the Summer

Hi, how are you? I´m Paula, from Adglow.

Did you know that a 18% of the Spanish people affirm

that the first thing they bring in their suitcase is their mobile phone?

This device has become a indispensable complement

during holiday, and we check it up to 150 times a day.

Smartphones are overtaking photo and video cameras.

More than a half of the Spanish people don´t use anything else more than mobile

to take their pictures of the most especial moments of Summer.

A 70% of them bring the smartphone to the beach or the swimming pool.

I´m asking myself if the demand of the mobile phones repairing

after Summer raises because they fall into the swimming pool

or because they are full of sand.

On Social Media, 21% of Spanish people get connected during the Summer.

The 97% of travelers share their coolest pictures on Social Media.

Yo do it too, right?

The preferred one for that is Instagram,

that register up to 80 million

os posts a day. Crazy.

These platforms have become the new travel guides,

where more than 50% of users

visit related accounts before take on new adventures

Even the 40 per cent of them affirm to decide where to go next on vacations

depending on how photogenic is the place... all pretending!

Thank you very much for watching this video. Hope it has been useful for you.

If you want to watch more videos like this you can suscribe to our channel

or visit our website

Thank you, see you later!

For more infomation >> ¿Cómo usamos el móvil y las redes sociales en verano? - Duration: 1:58.


🌍 Meditación de Luna Llena Luna Roja · MUNDO PRÁNICO 🌍 - Duration: 24:10.

For more infomation >> 🌍 Meditación de Luna Llena Luna Roja · MUNDO PRÁNICO 🌍 - Duration: 24:10.


El tranvía de Sierra Nevada y la Sucursal del Hotel Alhambra Palace - Duration: 1:51.

The Duke, once he had the Hotel Casino Alhambra Palace fully working

and it was very succesful

began a new venture in the Sierra Nevada

he was a keen mountaineer and loved Sierra Nevada

he also loved the Tram system and had a lot of influence in Granada

in the system that linked plains on the South of the city

as in the trams that connected the Hotel Alhambra Palace with Plaza Nueva

but his big plan was a complicated tram project to Sierra Nevada

If we think it´s difficult to do in the 21st century, imagine in 1920´s

he managed to create the route from Granada to Sierra Nevada

which was working up until the 1970´s, a tram well known in local history

because the route was incredibly beautiful

this tram linked his Hotel in Sierra Nevada, which was his 2nd project

this sister hotel to Alhambra Palace which also had a casino

he also he built an electricity station to provide power for the hotel

It was a complex project, also very expensive

all paid with his own money, a real achievement

it is a real shame that we havent been able to keep this tram to Sierra Nevada

which would be a tourist attraction in itself, due its beautiful setting

The Duke was a pioneer, he was a brave man and also succesful

The Sierra Nevada hotel was working up until 1936

before he died he donated the hotel to the church, as a church hall

but it was a succesful hotel and casino, important for tourism in Sierra Nevada

pioneering Winter Sports in Sierra Nevada

which is so relevant now in the 21st century.

For more infomation >> El tranvía de Sierra Nevada y la Sucursal del Hotel Alhambra Palace - Duration: 1:51.


【Vocaloid Original】 M:y life has no meaning 【Rin Kagamine English】 - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> 【Vocaloid Original】 M:y life has no meaning 【Rin Kagamine English】 - Duration: 2:47.


En Verdad No Te Merezco - Cancion (Feliz Cumpleaños y Feliz Aniversario (2018) Para Mi Esposa - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> En Verdad No Te Merezco - Cancion (Feliz Cumpleaños y Feliz Aniversario (2018) Para Mi Esposa - Duration: 5:21.


'OT 2017': La parodia de Roberto Leal y Roi a Cepeda - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> 'OT 2017': La parodia de Roberto Leal y Roi a Cepeda - Duration: 2:47.


🍆🍅 Le Régime Crétois Pour la Longévité et la Santé - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> 🍆🍅 Le Régime Crétois Pour la Longévité et la Santé - Duration: 4:50.


Cómo administrar actividades con la Línea de tiempo en Windows 10 - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Cómo administrar actividades con la Línea de tiempo en Windows 10 - Duration: 2:12.


Uno de esos dias #MyThoughts 09 - Duration: 1:02.

Hello, how are you all doing, welcome to my YouTube channel,

my name is Surianne, I am a singer songwriter from Gibraltar

and today in 'My Thoughts' (mis pensamientos)

We are gonna talk about 'one of those days' where everything just goes wrong

Today I had planned to film and record four songs

three of my own and a cover version for my youtube playlist called the Bedroom Sessions

Well, I have not moved from the one and a half

The guitar was just wrong, the voice was also wrong,

of course it is summer

and everyone puts on the air-con

and my throat just gets very delicate

the more I stressed the worse I performed

so I have learned that today is not my day

we have to accept it

we have good and bad days

well, today I am having a bad day

I hope that you are having a better day

leave a comment if you've been through similar

sure you have, us musicians we roll this way

warm wishes, don't forget to subscribe to my channel

see you soon, keep on smiling!

For more infomation >> Uno de esos dias #MyThoughts 09 - Duration: 1:02.


El rey medio ahogado. Una fascinante aventura de vikingos - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> El rey medio ahogado. Una fascinante aventura de vikingos - Duration: 0:31.


Funny Clown Bob Construction vehicles Loader Bulldozer & Buggy Monster Truck Unboxing Video for kids - Duration: 2:58.

Hi Kids,

Today Funny Clown Bob will present you a video with Construction vehicles.

In this video for kids you will learn construction vehicles Loader Bulldozer will unbox and play with Buggy for kids.

Do not forget to subscribe under the video and like it

Click on the picture to see other funny videos

For more infomation >> Funny Clown Bob Construction vehicles Loader Bulldozer & Buggy Monster Truck Unboxing Video for kids - Duration: 2:58.


Quand Meghan Markle embrasse le prince Harry après son match : un rare baiser en public - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Quand Meghan Markle embrasse le prince Harry après son match : un rare baiser en public - Duration: 2:21.


Meghan Markle : Comment sa sœur profite de son mariage pour gagner de l'argent ?? - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle : Comment sa sœur profite de son mariage pour gagner de l'argent ?? - Duration: 3:20.


El baile de Begoña con 7 guardaespaldas tras patearse Sánchez, su marido, 36.600 € del ala - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> El baile de Begoña con 7 guardaespaldas tras patearse Sánchez, su marido, 36.600 € del ala - Duration: 2:12.


Remedios naturales para los Acúfenos - Duration: 6:51.

For more infomation >> Remedios naturales para los Acúfenos - Duration: 6:51.


Tratamientos caseros para la colitis ulcerosa - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> Tratamientos caseros para la colitis ulcerosa - Duration: 6:23.


✅ Affaire Benalla: Le groupe LR a déposé sa motion de censure - Duration: 1:58.

 Le groupe LR à l'Assemblée a indiqué jeudi soir à l'AFP avoir déposé sa motion de censure contre le gouvernement, annoncée mardi pour le contraindre à « s'expliquer » sur l'affaire Benalla

Une conférence des présidents aura lieu à 20h pour décider de la date du débat de cette motion, qui aura lieu la semaine prochaine, probablement mardi dans l'hémicycle, a-t-on appris de source parlementaire

 « Il est indispensable que le gouvernement (…) réponde devant la représentation nationale de la réalité des faits, de l'étendue des responsabilités et de la chaîne des protections dont a bénéficié Monsieur Benalla », justifie LR dans son texte de motion

« Cette affaire, qui a mis en lumière une confusion des pouvoirs à la tête de l'exécutif », justifie le dépôt de la présente motion de censure, indique le groupe

Une seule motion adoptée en 1962  Le groupe LR a reconnu par avance qu'il n'y avait « aucun suspense » sur l'issue de la motion au vu de la très large majorité LREM-MoDem

Le dépôt d'une motion de censure (nécessitant la signature d'au moins 58 députés, sachant que le groupe LR compte à lui seul 103 membres) ouvre un délai de 48 heures durant lequel elle ne peut pas être mise aux voix

Le débat sur la motion doit ensuite avoir lieu d'ici au troisième jour de séance.  Si elle est approuvée par la majorité absolue des députés, le gouvernement doit démissionner

Sous la Ve République, une seule motion de censure a été votée, en 1962, contre le gouvernement de Georges Pompidou.

For more infomation >> ✅ Affaire Benalla: Le groupe LR a déposé sa motion de censure - Duration: 1:58.


Euro U19: L'équipe de France échoue contre l'Italie en demie (2-0) et ne jouera pas le Portugal en f - Duration: 1:09.

 Il n'y aura pas de revanche face au Portugal. L'équipe de France U19, s'est inclinée jeudi en demi-finale de l'Euro contre l' Italie (2-0) et n'aura pas l'occasion d'affronter les jeunes portugais, faciles vainqueurs de l'Ukraine (5-0), dimanche en finale

Malgré une nette domination dans le jeu, les protégés de Bernard Diomède ont concédé deux buts, touché deux fois la barre et se sont vu refuser un but pour hors-jeu

 Cette équipe pleine de talents (Maolida, Diaby, Adli, Gouiri, Guitane) ne pourra donc pas offrir à ses aînés une revanche face au Portugal après la défaite des A en finale de l'Euro 2016 en France

For more infomation >> Euro U19: L'équipe de France échoue contre l'Italie en demie (2-0) et ne jouera pas le Portugal en f - Duration: 1:09.


Cashden - Poppin

For more infomation >> Cashden - Poppin


Barre de son Sonos Beam - Unboxing - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Barre de son Sonos Beam - Unboxing - Duration: 1:27.


El Éxito de la Acupuntura permanente en el tratamiento para el Alzheimer - Dr. Alfredo Muñoz - Duration: 37:51.

For more infomation >> El Éxito de la Acupuntura permanente en el tratamiento para el Alzheimer - Dr. Alfredo Muñoz - Duration: 37:51.


How To Add Your Shop/Office/School address On Google Map Easily | Urdu Hindi | Anwar Academy - Duration: 6:03.

How To Add Your Shop/Office/School address On Google Map Easily | Urdu Hindi | Anwar Academy

Subscribe To My Channel

For more infomation >> How To Add Your Shop/Office/School address On Google Map Easily | Urdu Hindi | Anwar Academy - Duration: 6:03.


Tesla Élményvezetés a Szatuna jóvoltából - Duration: 10:44.

For more infomation >> Tesla Élményvezetés a Szatuna jóvoltából - Duration: 10:44.



have parking for cars free of charge

restaurant and bar

on the beach you can rent a deckchair now we know how much it costs

prices are nowhere written how much isi three euros

too six and cheaper today said tomorrow will be more expensive on the beach is not

not very clean that you are upset we will go a little further

it's cleaner there I raked my place practically

cleared where we are Lying on bags cleared only because

unpleasantly of course this beach does not lie that's how I said

on the far side of the beach we have a reindeer Well, of course not to compare if you saw

my reports about the beaches Langkawi beaches of Carabi Spain addition

of course in Greece are not very clean beaches

side of the pine forest so beautiful

birds sing, but we're like this settle here on our bags

and under your own umbrella saving what you will do

9 euro per day for sun loungers and umbrellas we have two weeks here and count it will be

€ 130 quite a sensitive amount of sea

warm bath do not want transparent water

this is the transparent water I stand

I passed a hundred meters here stony is the bottom and stones

beautiful but not suitable for swimming let's go see what's next

The transparency of water is removed

hello friends today is very hot float

water transparent warm chic fish no

today the people have increased pioneer camp

located near

see what a clear sea everything is visible here a little bit there are hedgehogs

we float in coral slippers on bought

store globe is very comfortable so convenient

I walk up to beach them

many hedgehogs are found

whole colonies

near to us the pioneer camp of 200 people probably

now they will be here every day and us like it less and less because

see what happens in the water and on the beach

had with our place

people playing someone is riding a boat someone is going to half have already taken away the children

there was much more

such fun to me




For more infomation >> XOC DIA 2018 , TAI XIU 2018 , CÁCH CHƠI LUÔN THẮNG VỚI XÓC ĐỈA, TÀI XỈU BỊP - Duration: 7:09.


Breaking News - David de Gea returns from holiday to join United squad on US tour - Duration: 3:11.

It was hugs all round at UCLA on Thursday as No 1 goalkeeper David de Gea joined up with his Manchester United team-mates on the club's US pre-season tour

The Spanish international missed the start of the America trip having taken his post-World Cup holiday after being eliminated in the quarter-finals

Along with new £52million signing Fred, the goalkeeper linked up with his team-mates as he warmly embraced Spanish compatriots Juan Mata and Ander Herrera before the players met special guest, wrestler Rey Mysterio

De Gea is a big fan of the American wrestler and the feeling is clearly mutual as the special guest presented the Spaniard with a special mask for him to keep

In return the wrestler, a big United fan, was given a personalised shirt with 'Mysterio 619' which pays homage to the wrestler's signature finishing move

Having arrived after his holiday, the goalkeeper did some light fitness work with the Reds' goalkeeping coaches in a bid to ease him back in

New signing Lee Grant and Joel Pereira have been sharing goalkeeping duties so far on the tour but with the Premier League opener just two weeks away, Mourinho needs De Gea to be match sharp

The World Cup proved a real low point for De Gea, who has gone on to establish himself as one of the best in the world

But a poor tournament for Spain and himself on a personal note will ensure he has added motivation to right those wrongs at the start of the season for United

The Reds will train on Friday morning before making the trip to Detroit ahead of facing Jurgen Klopp's Liverpool side in the International Champions' Cup

Mourinho's side got their cup campaign off to a winning start without De Gea and Fred on Wednesday as Alexis Sanchez led by example in the epic penalty shootout win inside the Pasadena Rose Bowl

For more infomation >> Breaking News - David de Gea returns from holiday to join United squad on US tour - Duration: 3:11.


Birthday Song for Pushpa - Happy Birthday Song for Pushpa - Duration: 1:15.

Birthday Song for Pushpa

For more infomation >> Birthday Song for Pushpa - Happy Birthday Song for Pushpa - Duration: 1:15.


Leerdoelen training presenteren of spreken in het openbaar! - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Leerdoelen training presenteren of spreken in het openbaar! - Duration: 0:43.


इलाइची खाकर बिस्तर पर मचाएं धूम ऐसे करना है इस्तेमाल || elaichi ke fayde || elaichi || cardamom - Duration: 7:10.

इलाइची खाकर बिस्तर पर मचाएं धूम ऐसे करना है इस्तेमाल || elaichi ke fayde || elaichi || cardamom

For more infomation >> इलाइची खाकर बिस्तर पर मचाएं धूम ऐसे करना है इस्तेमाल || elaichi ke fayde || elaichi || cardamom - Duration: 7:10.


Johnny Depp insulte Amber Heard avec ses tatouages : elle contre-attaque - Gala - Duration: 2:29.

 #NoInkNeeded [Pas besoin d'encre, NDLR]. Avec ce message posté sur Instagram, Amber Heard fait clairement savoir qu'elle ne lèvera pas le pied dans sa bataille post-divorce avec Johnny Depp

Vêtue d'une robe rouge assortie à ses ongles, le regard rageur, elle porte une bague à chacun de ses doigts

Si l'image fait penser aux bijoux qu'affectionne Depp, elle est surtout une réponse à une de ses récentes provocations

 Lorsqu'il était en couple avec l'actrice, la star de Pirates des Caraïbes portait le mot « slim » sur les phalanges, le surnom de sa dulcinée

En 2016 alors que le couple était en plein divorce, il avait demandé à son tatoueur de recourber le L en C puis de prolonger le I en U ce qui donnait le mot « scum » qui peut être traduit par « ordure » ou encore « racaille" 

De « scum », Johnny Depp est ensuite passé à "scam«  qui signifie  »escroquerie » ou encore  »arnaque"

 Johnny Depp et Amber Heard s'était mariés en 2015. Un an plus tard, l'actrice l'accusait de « violences conjugales

 » Dans le magazine Rolling Stones, l'acteur s'était confié il y a quelques semaines sur cette rupture : « Je me versais de la vodka le matin et je commençais à écrirejusqu'à ce que mes larmes emplissent mes yeuxet je ne puisse plus voir la page »

Le week-end dernier, il se sont évités au Comic-Con de San Diego.  Crédits photos : Bestimage

For more infomation >> Johnny Depp insulte Amber Heard avec ses tatouages : elle contre-attaque - Gala - Duration: 2:29.


BASIUM Squonk 180W Mod I by Vaping Biker and Dovpo l ENG SUBS l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 11:51.

Hey there!

Today our guest is the box mod called Basium. It's the collaboration project of Dovpo and reviewer Vaping Biker

Let's roll!

Hey hey hey! Hello everyone! Alex from VaperMD is with you and i'm glad to welcome you on my channel

Collaboration. Yeah. Another collaboration of reviewer and Chinese company. So, they released this interesting squonk box mod which is powered by 2*18650, with a 6ml bottle and 180W board

It's pretty big and chunky box mod, but after all, it's powered by 2*18650's

Alright, let's not stretch the beginning, so let's dive down

Okay, unpretentious cardboard, but in the same time stylish box, on which it is written Basium Dual 18650, 180W squonk mod

And at the very bottom it says that this is a collaboration project with Vaping Biker

At the rear side of the box we have more detailed information of all features, of what's in the box, scratch code for authenticity check and lots of other necessary and not much information

Under the cover we are met by the additional documentation, which tells about battery safety, how to use this squonk mod and description why guys had decided to use super-simple board without any excesses

Also in the kit we have extra squonk bottle with plastic adapter

And, of course, the mod itself, which is packed in the plastic bag. And we don't have anything else in this box

Okay, now a little bit of specs. Mod is made out of zinc alloy and available in 5 colors - Black, Red, Blue, Green and SS

It features landing for atomizers with up to 25mm diameter. it's driven by the branded board by Dovpo, which can deliver up to 180W and 8V and minimal supported resistance is 0.08Ω

This mod is powered by 2*18650's and supports squonk mode, which is kinda obvious, since it's a squonk mod

And, as I previously said, it comes with two 6ml squonk bottles

And we, as always, start from the top and in order, where we have metal squonk 510 connector

As you can see, it's not centered, it's placed on the side to be opposite to bottle

This mod has no issues with the landing as well, but 26mm RDAs, for example, will get a slight overhang, but it won't be interfere you from using it

So maximum here is 26mm. Correctly - 25mm

Below connector there is control panel - Fire button, screen of a board and +/- buttons and, of course, a cutout in metal, through which the silicone bottle can be seen

This side is blank, here we have the name of a mod

This side is blank as well and at the bottom there is a battery door, which hides a compartment for dual 18650's

And special plastic slider for a bottle

On the sides, this slider has these notches, so you could to catch it by fingernail and pull it out

Moving forward. After you pulled this plastic slider out, you can take out the bottle, unscrew the cap and after that you can fill it up

Inside we have a silicone tube. Let's do an aptitude test for this bottle, as it being said

Press, block the air and remove the fingers. And, as you can see, the bottle holds vacuum perfectly

As I previously said, in the kit we have an extra silicone bottle, but as you can see it's white

But the capacity of it is the same - 6ml

And now let's take a look what's under the battery door. The door is holding firmly, it has contact group on it - A is negative, B is positive

And there is nothing left for us but to correctly insert the batteries - one battery goes positive side down, second battery positive side up. Contacts at the bottom is spring-loaded

After that close the battery door. This door has this lock on this side, so the door is holding firmly, it doesn't open by itself, it doesn't wobble nor rattle. It's great

And after you installed the batteries the board will turn On automatically

This is very simple board, it's very understandable and logical

So now I'll explain what's going on here

Okay, on the display we have battery life indicator - A and B. Also the mode, which we're currently in - VW(aka Power mode)

Lower, Wattage value, that you adjusted by +/- buttons

Amperage, voltage and resistance of your atomizer

Wattage can be adjusted by +/- buttons with 0.1W increments if you're below 100W

If we hold it, then, as you can see, Wattage adjusting with 1W increments. And once you go over 100W you will be able to adjust the Wattage with 1W increments

Also this mod has round robin feature - once you get to 180W the mod will stop and if you click once again you'll switch to the minimal value

Also, here you can change the mode from VW to VV(variable voltage). To do so you need to simultaneously press Fire and - buttons and hold it a bit

As you can see we're switched to VV mode and now we can adjust the voltage with 0.1V increments. And maximum voltage is 8V

And round robin back to 1V

Aside from that, mod has locking feature for +/- buttons. By pressing it simultaneously you'll lock it, while Fire button will remain functional at the same time

But +/- buttons will be inactive until you unlock it

Unlock it the same way and now the mod is basically ready to work

Because it's only left to turn it Off and On by the 5x clicks of Fire button. Mod says Goodbye to us. And when we turn it On

One two three four five

It just turn On without any long intros

It's great, very simple, understandable and logical board, I like it a lot for the fact, that it doesn't have any excesses

I think, friends, you noticed, that there is no MicroUSB slot for charging in this mod. But I agree with Dovpo on this one, because you shouldn't charge your batteries inside of your box mod, because sometimes it's not a safe thing to do

Better charge your batteries with external charger

Okay, I have a sample that I've been testing, this Red one, I have a liquid in a bottle. As you can see when I press it the liquid starts to go up. So put adapter inside like so and snap it

But, unfortunately, I have little issue with the Red version - this plastic part isn't snaps properly, so it protrudes a bit

And I think it's a con, because every sample should be precise and well built. For example, If I take Blue version - as you can see, everything is flush and nothing is protruding

Same goes for SS version - I'll snap bottle in place and as you can see this plastic part isn't protrude much

On the Red version, however, this is more critical, because it protrudes hard and mod is standing unstable on the table

So Dovpo should keep an eye on this issue to prevent it in the future

So, folks, everything is ready to get back to face-time, try how this mod works and I'll tell you about pros and cons I found

So thanks for your attention in close up

Let's go back up top


So, as you can see, vorobushki, everything is working

And let's discuss pros and cons, without which no review is complete

First con I'll give to Red version for the fact, that here that plastic slider with a bottle is protruding

It protrudes the way that you can feel it and mod stands unstable on the table

I wish that every device has passed through more thorough quality control and such samples didn't appear on the market

Next con is kinda subjective and it's like my personal preference. I never liked brick-like devices. Yeah, that old Cuboid which I didn't like because of its design - and here we have brick-like design as well. And I don't really like it

Okay folks. I'm done with cons, let's talk about nitpicks

And I have only one nitpick - it'll be not very comfortable to use this mod if you're left-handed

Once you take box mod in the left hand and press the Fire button with your thumb - the bottle will be right under your thumb, so it'll be uncomfortable to squeeze the bottle

So this box mod is designed for right-handed, because when it's in right hand - Fire button is under your thumb and the bottle is under these two fingers, so squeezing it will be convenient

So if you're left-handed person you will have to press Fire button with your index finger and use these fingers to squeeze the bottle

So it's average convenience for left-handed person

And now let's talk about pros

And first pro I'll give to this box mod for good quality of manufacturing. Nothing wobbles nor rattle

Yes, this slider part in Red version is a letdown, because in Blue and SS versions everything is flush

Other than that I have no complaints about quality of manufacturing

Next pro I'll give for simple and understandable board without excesses. There's no any extra stuff, no unnecessary modes

Yes, of course people who use TC - this mod is not for you, since it doesn't have TC or TCR mode. It has only VW and VV mode and nothing more

And I like it

Anyway, slider with a bottle is convenient thing. You pulled it out, take out the bottle, fill it up and put it back. It's convenient

6ml capacity. Decent capacity, it's really nice capacity to use this mod for a fairly long period of time while it's filled

Decent battery life. Yeah, dual 18650's do its job. So a pro goes for battery life

Next pro I'll give for landing for large atomizers - up to 26mm, but it's better to use 25mm. And I think it'll be enough

And last pro, as strange as it sounds, I'll give for lacking of MicroUSB slot for charging batteries inside of the box mod

Those of you who watch my videos know, that I don't like this thing with charging batteries via MicroUSB

I always strongly recommend you to charge batteries with external charger to not harm your batteries and your box mod

So lack of MicroUSB slot in this box mod I'm considering as a pro

That is all, folks. I'm done with cons, pros, nitpicks, other weird stuff

Let's talk about price

Average price of this box mod on the market is around 65$

Unfortunately, I didn't found it on popular sites so I'll put a Google link in the description

And I'll say this - 65$ is the great price for this box mod. It has good battery life, it has great landing for attys and super simple board

So using it is sort of pleasure for people who don't care about its design. To me - I don't really like the design of this box mod

So, in my turn I want to congratulate Vaping Biker with release. I wish him good sales and popularity of this device

And Dovpo - big thanks for sending me this device for review and for the fact, that you cooperate with bloggers

I wanna thank YOU for your attention

Don't forget - in this corner we have a voting going - do you like this device or no(да-yes/нет-no)

Hit that like button if you liked my review and share this video with your friends, also press on the Bell button

Leave a comment - do you like dual 18650's squonk mods? Because either way it's gonna be pretty big devices

And, of course, don't forget to subscribe to my channel

Friends, I wish you a delicious vape and let the vaping come into your life and stays there for long

Take care of yourself and your mods

Alex from VapersMD was with you

Vsem poka poka

For more infomation >> BASIUM Squonk 180W Mod I by Vaping Biker and Dovpo l ENG SUBS l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 11:51.


《Girls' Talk - 郁啦! Girls》 第1集 - 直立板瑜珈 (I) - Duration: 11:04.

For more infomation >> 《Girls' Talk - 郁啦! Girls》 第1集 - 直立板瑜珈 (I) - Duration: 11:04.


2 killed when truck crashes into tree along I-80 - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> 2 killed when truck crashes into tree along I-80 - Duration: 1:42.


Latest Shiv Bhajan I Bhole Ka AC Room I Pooja Hooda I Anil Kaushik I Desi Red - Duration: 3:29.

Latest Shiv Bhajan I Bhole Ka AC Room I Pooja Hooda I Anil Kaushik I Desi Red

For more infomation >> Latest Shiv Bhajan I Bhole Ka AC Room I Pooja Hooda I Anil Kaushik I Desi Red - Duration: 3:29.


Animaljam Giveaways every 5 subs! - Duration: 7:29:54.

For more infomation >> Animaljam Giveaways every 5 subs! - Duration: 7:29:54.


Are house keys effective self-defence weapons? - Duration: 5:00.

Cut me as if you want to severe my fingers, as hard as you want to

At some point in your life you have very likely been told that if you ever find yourself in a situation where you have to defend yourself

using your house key is a good thing to do

today I'm going to be looking at a technique taught by a youtube famous self-defence instructor

and seeing whether or not it actually works

You dirty b*stard there want to kidnap her

she have a key and then press into it and cut it and then he will let go

so I'm going to be offering random people on the street $50 if they can get it to work

without further adieu, let's do it

hello gentlemen how are you going?


I have a proposition for you, I have a youtube channel and I take questionable self-defence techniques

and test them against resistance

I'm going to offer you guys $50

essentially all you have to do is take either my house key or your house key

run it across my hand as hard as you can, if I let go you get $50, if I don't you're back where you started

yeah nah I'm alright

You're good?

This is pretty much it then I gotta go to work


I'm good thanks

no worries all good, have a good day guys

while I walked through my home town trying to find someone who was willing to physically assault me I asked myself life's more difficult questions

like have those signs on the back of bathroom doors that tell you how to poop been put there because people have actually tried to poop while squatting?

I was sure that I was going to find out.

If you cut my hand and I let go you get $50

the only rule is it can't be a slow and steady cut because it's gonna have to be quick and fast

press as deep and as hard as you want to, as though you want to sever my fingers if need be

do we know if there's any serious arteries there?

Oh I have no idea, if I die I die

pick a key, feel free to examine it to make sure I haven't rigged it

no warning at any point in time scratch my hand as hard as you can

yeah right that'll probably bleed in a sec

it's hard to find someone who's willing to make me bleed

cut me as if you want to sever my fingers, as hard as you want to

so does it make you wanna let go?

not at all, if anything it's like *angry noise* like I'd probably just pick you up and slam you if you did that

well my hands are absolutely killing me but at least now we know whether or not this technique is viable for a realistic self-defence situation

the answer is a clear and definite no

in regards to what I recommend instead the best defence to getting grabbed from behind is simply situational awareness

now not everybody is going to be aware 100% of the time that is an unrealistic expectation

but in a specific circumstance where you do feel uneasy walking from your work to the car at night

yes, make an extra effort to be aware.

Anywhere where you feel unsafe, make an extra effort to be more aware than you usually are

Rich Dimitri has a great method of improving your situational awareness, you can find it in the video on this card here

In regards to how to properly use keys as a weapon

my advice is to hold them like this in a fist

that way you can grab or index here and just cycle through these hammerfists

Now Master Wong, if you are somehow miraculously watching this video

if the people who watch me have sent this video to you

[send the video to him]

then I ask you to do one thing, please pressure test the things you teach before you teach them

don't just think that something might work and then teach it as a viable solution

put your body on the line like I did today and find out whether or not it actually works

and if you're not willing to do that before you teach something, don't teach it. put your body on the line like I did today and find out whether or not it actually works

and if you're not willing to do that before you teach something, don't teach it.

so that's it if you want to see more of my content make sure not only to subscribe but hit the little bell icon

otherwise you may not get notified when I upload any new videos

and of course a big shoutout to the people on Patreon who do support me

It is the main reason I am able to do things like this and actually put my body on the line

it is the main reason that you are seeing a video every week because of these people that you are seeing on your screen right now.

so, you have them to thank

alright I will see you next week and have a good one

I feel like I should have something cool to say at the end of every video, like a catch phrase

I'll see you next week and don't forget to punch on

don't forget to kick guys in the throat

don't forget to get a cat, yeah, I think that'll do

adopt don't shop

For more infomation >> Are house keys effective self-defence weapons? - Duration: 5:00.


Jimmy Kimmel Fixes Odd Children's Book - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Jimmy Kimmel Fixes Odd Children's Book - Duration: 2:23.


I MIEI REGALI PER L' ONOMASTICO - 16 LUGLIO 2018 - - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> I MIEI REGALI PER L' ONOMASTICO - 16 LUGLIO 2018 - - Duration: 6:05.


Humpty Dumpty | + More Kids Songs | Funny Songs Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 3:26.

one two three four five once I caught a fish alive six seven eight nine ten then

I let it go again because he bit my finger so the finger on my ride daddy

finger daddy finger where are you Here I am Here I am how do you do mommy

finger mommy finger where are you

brother finger brother finger where are you

Here I am Here I am how do you do sister finger sister finger where are you

Here I am Here I am how do you do baby finger baby finger where they were been

on the bed and the little one said so they all rolled over and one fell out

Johnny Johnny yes Papa eating sugar no papa

taking life no Papa open your mouth ha ha ha

Piper cake patty cake Baker's man bake me a cake as fast as you can

For more infomation >> Humpty Dumpty | + More Kids Songs | Funny Songs Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 3:26.


Trump on Tape: The Complete Collection of Cohen's Secret Recordings - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Trump on Tape: The Complete Collection of Cohen's Secret Recordings - Duration: 3:46.


The Day - Duration: 48:17.

For more infomation >> The Day - Duration: 48:17.


Yehya Reviews Mission: Impossible - Fallout - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Yehya Reviews Mission: Impossible - Fallout - Duration: 2:39.


LISTEN: Demi Lovato 911 Call, Assistant Asks for 'No Sirens' | - Duration: 4:28.

LISTEN: Demi Lovato 911 Call, Assistant Asks for 'No Sirens' |

The 911 call made from Demi Lovato's house has been released.

The audio was obtained by TMZ on Thursday, and reveals thats the singer's assistant alerted the male dispatcher of the incident, while telling him to make sure that paramedics to shut off the sirens.

"You're with the patient now?" the dispatcher can be heard asking, to which the assistant responds: "I was, I'm downstairs.

There are other people went in… We just need to get somebody out here." After some deliberation, the dispatcher tells the assistant: "You should be hearing the sirens real soon." It is at this point in the conversation that she said she did not want the sounds of the ambulance sirens to be heard. "Wait, no sirens please, right?" she asked.

"No no, this is a medical emergency.

I don't have control over that," the dispatcher responded.

"This is definitely a medical emergency and we need to get there as fast as possible." Later during the 911 call, an unidentified male can be heard telling the dispatcher: "We heard the sirens.

The windy street getting up here.".

Lovato currently remains in the hospital, where she is recovering from an apparent overdose.

On Tuesday evening, hours after news of the overdose had broke, Lovato's publicist released a statement assuring fans that she was stable.

Sources told E! News that Lovato and a large group of friends were drinking at the Saddle Ranch bar and restaurant in Los Angeles the night before her overdose, and that the group stayed together well into the evening. "She was taking shots with her friends," the sourced added.

"Demi wasn't like super sloppy or wasted, definitely was drinking though.

Her friends were cheering her on when she took a shot.".

A second source told E! News that the singer had been partying for quite some time before that. "She had been partying for 12 straight hours and it caught up with her," they said.

"This was going on for a few weeks and the warning signs were there.

She slipped up and thought she could handle it.

This is obviously a huge wake-up call.

Demi doesn't want to die and she's very grateful to be alive.".

The source continued: "She will be leaving the hospital and heading straight to rehab.

Her family has been by her side supporting her and is getting her the help she needs." On Tuesday evening, a representative for Lovato released a statement confirming that the singer was in stable condition:.

Demi is awake and with her family who want to express thanks to everyone for the love, prayers and support.

Some of the information being reported is incorrect and they respectfully ask for privacy and not speculation as her health and recovery is the most important thing right now.

For more infomation >> LISTEN: Demi Lovato 911 Call, Assistant Asks for 'No Sirens' | - Duration: 4:28.


Holy Spirit - Francesca Battistelli (Cover) - Duration: 3:22.

There's nothing worth more That could ever come close

No thing can compare You're our living hope

Your presence, Lord Holy Spirit, You are welcome here

Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere Your glory, God, is what our hearts long for

To be overcome by Your presence, Lord There's nothing worth more

That could ever come close No thing can compare

You're our living hope Your presence

I've tasted and seen Of the sweetest of loves

Where my heart becomes free And my shame is undone

Your presence Holy Spirit, You are welcome here

Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere Your glory, God, is what our hearts long for

To be overcome by Your presence, Lord Let us become more aware of Your presence

Let us experience the glory of Your goodness Let us become more aware of Your presence

Let us experience the glory of Your goodness Let us become more aware of Your presence

Let us experience the glory of Your goodness

For more infomation >> Holy Spirit - Francesca Battistelli (Cover) - Duration: 3:22.


【Vocaloid Original】 M:y life has no meaning 【Rin Kagamine English】 - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> 【Vocaloid Original】 M:y life has no meaning 【Rin Kagamine English】 - Duration: 2:47.


Ståle: Der er for meget power i mig til landsholdet - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Ståle: Der er for meget power i mig til landsholdet - Duration: 3:50.


Znajdowanie sterowników i oprogramowania produktów HP w systemie Windows 10 S - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Znajdowanie sterowników i oprogramowania produktów HP w systemie Windows 10 S - Duration: 2:32.


I Turn Tobias James Will Destroy Dallas Texas You Z UTTP Into An Old Man(Sequel) - Duration: 1:24.

Tobias James suck' AUTTP ATHDTC ASPC how fucking dare you make a video result of

uttp members you know that can violate the Terms of Use I agree with Chris the

Charter uttp you also they have the bad grammar and make people's and letters

wrong and make videos out of our friends chat Carlino uttp THD TC the to you TTP

and Bernard thongs uttp that's fucking it we will kill you now

you fucking nigger no no no no no no no no no no no please don't kill me

this is why do you get for making videos out of us and making our writers

For more infomation >> I Turn Tobias James Will Destroy Dallas Texas You Z UTTP Into An Old Man(Sequel) - Duration: 1:24.


Tahoe Rim Trail | Brockway Summit - Duration: 15:15.

Good morning Hiking Brockway summit today in Lake Tahoe this

one's a little more steeper but that only means that the Vista point in the

end is going to be beautiful with an amazing view.

Same as yesterday I'm alone on this trail which makes me concerned

about wildlife

I really really do not want to see a bear because

there's no one around to help save me from that bear. Got my heart rate up

Got my HEART rate up so warmed up a bit you can see that there's still some

snow out here

I'm not sure probably a mile into this trail now and this is the snowmobile

route 73 National Forest not sure if that rings any bells. I'm going

up this trail probably about a mile in maybe a little more but there's our

first view absolutely beautiful wish there were more people around here but

goal today is take some pictures some videos and I want to get back I want to

get back to my room around one that way I can take take their kayak before the

office closes and go on the lake for a little bit I wasn't able to do

that yesterday so after that maybe watch the sunset take some more pictures.

Need to find a nice beach here yesterday's beach was ehh it was fine

but I want something more sandy that way and walk without my shoes on get the

beach feel going and then maybe a hot tub and to bed because I'm leaving early

tomorrow morning all right let's do some b-roll.

Well I heard a bear growling that's the end of that hike for me I'm going back

for sure.

That did not sound pleasant, hopefully he's not hungry. I don't taste good

anyways, I got no meat on me.

You know I didn't even see him and I almost shit my pants.

Can't wait to be back at my car.

That gave me the chills

we'll call this the morning run and go kayaking.

Alright found the trail I needed,

don't go don't go down the snow snowmobile trail that one is dangerous

there are bear's on that trail. Check out the view.

Go on the trail where it has a person hiking that would be a more logical

thing to do

so the viewpoint is an amount of mile in half which is a piece of cake it should be decent

should be able to do that real quick before one hike up and down.

A little more rocky so..

Hello there, any bears down this way? Okay good!

I'm loving this trail already kind of started off with rocks I was like

that's gonna be painful but now it's more of just flat ground with like some

elevation which makes it easy to hike but carrying a

backpack full of stuff not a pro hiker so I bring everything. Brought water,

salad that I'll eat at the top, my camera, my bag with camera wires and stuff to recharge my batteries

with uh what else? Some warm pants sweatshirt probably don't need the pants

but I needed them yesterday so I just brought them along as well. My tripod,

gimbal and the little camera so that adds up some weight but it's not too long of

a hike

I'm actually catching up to people so I'm giving them a little head start that

way it's not awkward but nature here is absolutely beautiful

there are just fallen logs pine cones, rocks, whole bunch of trees, birds singing

you can hear the highway from here. The view is incredible I don't even know

can't even imagine what the view point is going to look like.

Show you some B-roll of the surroundings here.

Alright so I had lunch, ate my salad.

Took some handheld shots I didn't set up my tripod or anything there's really no

need to set up the tripod honestly, there's a yeah just took some handheld

shots. And about to head down.

Check out that background there.

There's no one here the weather is spectacular there's a small breeze good

thing I brought my sweatshirt because after carrying my backpack my back

sweated and so my shirt is wet

with this breeze probably get sick but put the sweatshirt on I'm all good start

heading back now so I can make it, kayak a bit

looking forward to that.

So handheld shots iso:100 shutter:80 and aperture of 13 and around those

around that range and haven't really learned how to do panorama's yet

need to use a tripod for that my tripod kind of sucks once I start

rotating the camera the angle kind of shifts so I need to figure out how to

stabilize that maybe I just need a new tripod idk.

So I took handheld panorama pictures or just

pictures and then maybe I can stitch them together it probably won't be

perfect but you know it's probably worth the attempt so I'll do that

alright I'll put my camera in the backpack and start heading down

Great blue lake of Tahoe coming back now total of about I think I'v kayaked a total of

about three and a half miles maybe a little more than three and a half miles

and I'm heading back decided to cut across the deep blue instead of going

along the shoreline it's a little bit sketch but there's a little more water movement

their not waves really maybe small waves but I just call it water movement and uh

Kayaking is great this lake is see-through you can see when you're going along the

shoreline you see about ten feet deep, I'm sure you can see

more they say you can see up to 72 feet I think it was I read somewhere.

Overall I've been doing some very very dangerous activities last two

days going on trail heads alone. hearing bears, kayaking on the deap blue I was

looking for a beach with sand on it that way I could park the boat, park the kayak and just chill there.

Well I found a beach with small rocks

This looks like a dog park /b oat rental place.

So the dog owners are playing with their dogs

I just found a quiet end of the beach there,

and tanned

hopefully I didn't get too big of a sunburn.

For more infomation >> Tahoe Rim Trail | Brockway Summit - Duration: 15:15.


Los Enamorados - Duration: 42:15.

For more infomation >> Los Enamorados - Duration: 42:15.


Remedios naturales para los Acúfenos - Duration: 6:51.

For more infomation >> Remedios naturales para los Acúfenos - Duration: 6:51.


Audi RS 4 Avant 2018 - Maniobra de esquiva (moose test) y eslalon | - Duration: 1:51.

Audi A4 Avant. Moose test

The Audi RS 4 Avant is an effective car in the moose test. The electronic aids work nicely and with efficiency to control the movements of the body, which are always progressive.

The maximum speed at which we managed to make the maneuver correctly was 79 km / h

which is a remarkable value. With an Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio the maximum speed was 77 km/h

and the reactions were also satisfactory.

The RS 4 changes direction with immediacy.

The rolling of the body is small and the electronic aids allow a slight lateral sliding of the rear wheels

This gives agility to the vehicle but in any case allows the driver to keep a very high level of control.

In this attempt at 81 km/h,

the good sensations remain unchanged but the speed is too high to perform the maneuver without knocking down cones.


In the slalom, the Audi RS 4 is tremendously effective because the changes of lane happen very quickly.

The electronic aids intervene, again, practically unnoticed, avoiding sudden movements but without subtracting fluidity in the exercise.

For more infomation >> Audi RS 4 Avant 2018 - Maniobra de esquiva (moose test) y eslalon | - Duration: 1:51.


LEIA ESSE lIVRO: e Acabe De Vez Com Ejaculação Precoce Sem Ir Em Medicos - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> LEIA ESSE lIVRO: e Acabe De Vez Com Ejaculação Precoce Sem Ir Em Medicos - Duration: 3:04.


Últimas notícia de hoje : PGR recorre de decisão que afastou inelegibilidade de Demóstenes - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : PGR recorre de decisão que afastou inelegibilidade de Demóstenes - Duration: 2:44.


El Éxito de la Acupuntura permanente en el tratamiento para el Alzheimer - Dr. Alfredo Muñoz - Duration: 37:51.

For more infomation >> El Éxito de la Acupuntura permanente en el tratamiento para el Alzheimer - Dr. Alfredo Muñoz - Duration: 37:51.


Założyła szeroką sukienkę i fani zaczęli wypytywać: "Ciąża?!" Zobacz nowe ZDJĘCIA Dakoty Johnson - Duration: 0:53.

 Dakota Johsnon znów przyłapana przez fotoreporterów! Gwiazda "50 twarzy Greya" już co prawda nie przygotowuje się do następnej części z Jamiem Dornanem, ale nadal dba o swoją idealną sylwetką, którą zawdzięcza intensywnym treningom przed nagrywaniem serii o Greyu

Odkąd Dakota spotyka się z Chrisem Martinem, wszyscy zastanawiają się czy para planuje potomstwo! Na kolejnych zdjęciach z Dakotą Johnson fani doszukują się ciążowego brzuszka, choć jej idealna sylwetka cały czas wygląda tak samo

 Czy cokolwiek u niej widać? Szczególnie pod tą szeroką sukienką? Czy tym razem Dakota naprawdę chce coś ukryć? ;)  Więcej: Dakota Johnson przyłapana w obcisłych legginsach! Widać brzuszek!?  >>> NASTĘPNA STRONA >>>

For more infomation >> Założyła szeroką sukienkę i fani zaczęli wypytywać: "Ciąża?!" Zobacz nowe ZDJĘCIA Dakoty Johnson - Duration: 0:53.


Um dos assuntos mais comentados pelos brasileiros nas redes sociais e portais de notícias nos último - Duration: 5:09.

 Um dos assuntos mais comentados pelos brasileiros nas redes sociais e portais de notícias nos últimos dias, é o relacionamento de Lulu Santos com Clebson Teixeira

 Como já foi noticiado pelo Tv Foco, terça-feira, 24, o cantor assumiu publicamente e oficialmente seu namoro com o rapaz, para quem compôs a música Orgulho e Preconceito

Desta vez, ele contou ao jornal O Globo, que eles se comunicavam através de mensagens cifradas, antes de assumir o romance

 +Restrito sobre vida pessoal, Décio Piccinini aparece com a mulher na TV e ela faz revelação sobre o apresentador  "Eu toquei a canção (Orgulho e Preconceito) no show que fiz no Engenhão, mas ela ainda não foi lançada como produto

E também, até então não havia uma clareza nem da minha parte e nem da dele. A gente trocava mensagens cifradas nas redes sociais, mas nada claro

A canção será lançada no 'The voice', no dia 8 de agosto. Vou fazer um EP até o fim do ano

Além de 'Orgulho e preconceito', vai ter 'Ser ou não ser (véi)', 'Tão real' e 'Vulcão', além de mais duas letras que vou musicar, uma delas já falando dessa repercussão: 'Nosso amor virou noticia, virou capa do jornal'

Vou lançar esse EP dedicado a essa explosão de criatividade. É o que o Gil chama de 'lente do amor'

O que você vê pelos olhos da paixão. Um prédio é texto, o céu é poesia. Reacendeu isso em mim

A capa do single é uma fotografia que Clebson me mandou ha quatro meses, quando a gente, ainda antes de nos encontrarmos pessoalmente, começou a esquentar nossa troca de texto, a ficar realmente emocional

É uma montanha russa, tudo nasce no amor. Tudo parece inaugural se você reinaugura sua vida", contou ao jornal O Globo

 +Lívia Andrade faz de festa de aniversário e nem todos os apresentadores do Fofocalizando aparecem  Lulu falou também sobre a reação do público que foi bem carinhosa

"Meu Instagram ganhou mais de 120 mil seguidores. Os comentários não chegam a 1% de rejeição

Os piores são os de fundamentalismo religioso, que dizem que Deus não permite, essas coisas

Mas é ínfimo perto da quantidade de votos de felicidade', disse o cantor.  +Repórter da Globo posta clique após âncora "estragar" surpresa e fazer revelação ao vivo, no 'Jornal das Dez'  Indagado se ficou espantado com essa reação do público, ele disse: "Tinha esse lado que eu não previa, e que acabou me preocupando: acabei expondo uma pessoa que tem uma vida comum, trabalha das 9h às 17h

Mas ele é muito firme, em nenhum momento estremeceu por causa disso. Foram dois dias de intensidade e tensão, no caso dele sobretudo, e no meu caso por causa dele

Mas, como ele mesmo postou, quem tá na chuva é pra se molhar. A sociedade fica sabendo que tem esse enlace afetivo, é a nossa representação de passar os proclames pra sociedade

Dar a saber. Faltava um pouco esse elemento na minha vida pública. A gente foi encorajado pela força do amor"

For more infomation >> Um dos assuntos mais comentados pelos brasileiros nas redes sociais e portais de notícias nos último - Duration: 5:09.


I MIEI REGALI PER L' ONOMASTICO - 16 LUGLIO 2018 - - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> I MIEI REGALI PER L' ONOMASTICO - 16 LUGLIO 2018 - - Duration: 6:05.


Women's Hockey World Cup 2018: Penalty corner blunders, midfield muddle cost India as they go down t - Duration: 13:06.

Alethargic India turned in a lackadaisical performance on Thursday, losing to the world's 16th ranked team, Ireland, 0-1 in their Women's Hockey World Cup match

It was a match the Rani Rampal-led side should have comfortably won, given the experience and talent in their ranks

Forget rankings, circle entries, shots on goals, the simple fact is India didn't show the requisite hunger to wrap it up

Ireland played full tilt, winning the mental battle on a day when the temperatures at the Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis Centre touched 34 degrees

India showed tremendous promise in their 1-1 draw against Olympic champions England in their first match, and one expected the compact and solidity to go a notch higher against lower-ranked teams

But after the loss to the Irish, the display against England now seems an aberration

Ireland created history as they won their second game.Prior to this tournament, Ireland had never won two games at a World Cup

The win secures Ireland's place at the top of Pool B and means the second lowest-ranked team is the first to qualify for the quarter-finals

Ireland's win over the seventh-ranked USA should have been a warning.But after an initial burst of aggression by India, Ireland rotated the ball for long periods in all four quarters and dominated possession

The Irish, knowing India's penchant for runs through the middle where Rani Rampal, Vandana Katariya, Lilima Minz, and Neha Goyal could have strangled them out of the match, kept the flanks in full play

Time and again, they raced down the flanks, keeping the ball away from the Indians

If they couldn't break into the circle, they killed off vital seconds in the corners or rotated through the midfield

Ireland had prepared well and it showed in their defensive display too.It is in such matches that certain players raise the tempo of the game with their skills

Anna O'Flanangan, playing her 170th match, scored her 64th goal and single-handedly ran the Indian defence ragged with her angular runs down the flank and along the touch line

She was the reason why India couldn't score off their seven PCs.Her pace unsettled Gurjit Kaur and a desperate India had to use the direct hit by Deepika; it was like the modern artillery misfiring, so bring in the ancient cannons

After Nicola Evans had muffed an early opportunity, Rani Rampal created a PC against the run of play

But Gurjit took an extra second on the flick, enough time for a sprinting Anna Flanagan to deflect it

That run showed the coach and staff on the bench to immediately change tactics on the PCs

They could have gone wider or tried the indirect.Going wider would have meant that Anna had to run sideways and not straight at Gurjit

In the 13th minute, Ireland earned their first PC when Kathryn Mullan, the captain, was stick-checked in the circle

Shirley McCay's flick was powerful and right in the middle.Anna Flanagan made a run into the circle and stuck out her stick to brilliantly deflect the ball high into the goal

Ireland led 1-0 and the pressure was on.India hates chasing.Not that they haven't won going after a target, but the goal muddled their thinking

Rani should have become the playmaker, keeping Neha Goyal, Vandana and Lalresiami upfront

Lilima Minz, who carried the ball well, should have become the main playmaker.India, in the next three quarters, lacked a midfield master who could have given direction to the team

The midfield either lost the ball on the edge of the Irish striking circle or the pass was too soft

In the second quarter, India had six shots on goal to Ireland's two.Even the circle entries were more for India

On the PC front, both the teams had two each in this quarter.Gurjit stuck to the direct method to convert PCs, but it bore no result

After wasting three PCs, India were relying more on hope or a wicked deflection to get the equaliser

India's domination continued in the next quarter, but the Irish goalkeeper Ayeisha McFerran was in sublime form

She cut the angles and brought off a couple of good PC saves.Rani missed a couple, Neha failed to trap, Lilima's shot on the Irish goal was weak

India had seven circle entries, five shots on goal and three PCs, but no goals.The third quarter also belonged to Anna O'Flanagan who made the right flank her own

In one of the moves, she almost single-handedly went in from the right flank and after going past three players, almost scored but couldn't control her own momentum

India earned their sixth PC at the end of the fourth quarter.This time, Gurjit stepped back and let Deepika take the direct hit

It was defended very well, but the ball went to Navneet Kaur who made a complete hash of it

India had a God-sent opportunity in the dying minutes of the game, but Rani Rampal, after doing the hard work of snatching the ball from a defender, let loose a shot that McFerran saved by thrusting out her pad

At the end, Evans could have made the match safe but the ball that beat the Indian defenders ended up not being trapped by Evans

India had their seventh PC and Grace took a swipe, but Evans raced in and cleared the threat

Even in final minutes, with the Irish wilting under the heat, India didn't make a concentrated effort to get the equaliser

After the match, Anna Flanagan said she was "speechless".McFerran, the goalkeeper who made the victory possible, said, "It's a great day for Irish hockey as the women's team made it to the quarter-finals for the first time in 16 years

" Take a look at the stats and understand the disparity — India had 15 shots on goal, 27 circle entries and seven PCs

Ireland had 10 shots on goal, five circle entries and one PC converted.Ireland's chief coach, Graham Shaw, said

"I always believed we could push and win momentum.It's always difficult to execute it and I am glad they did

"In the end, a visibly excited Shaw said, "You could dominate games and still lose

"The reference was to the Indian side.Indian coach Sjoerd Marijne doesn't like commenting on the match

All he said was, "Ireland played well but I am also happy with the way PCs were created

"Speaking on the last match against the USA, Marijne said the confidence was there and that the last Pool games would be very interesting

A team that never won two games in a row now sits pretty on top of the table with six points, leaving others to play catch-up

Ireland have six points with a game against England in hand while England sits on second place

India and USA have a point each.England can go to a maximum five, and one among India and USA will gobble up the third spot

The fourth-placed team in the Pool gets eliminated.India came to the World Cup with lot of promise

The defeat against the Irish may be a blip or a tactical calculation gone horribly wrong

For more infomation >> Women's Hockey World Cup 2018: Penalty corner blunders, midfield muddle cost India as they go down t - Duration: 13:06.


El rey medio ahogado. Una fascinante aventura de vikingos - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> El rey medio ahogado. Una fascinante aventura de vikingos - Duration: 0:31.



have parking for cars free of charge

restaurant and bar

on the beach you can rent a deckchair now we know how much it costs

prices are nowhere written how much isi three euros

too six and cheaper today said tomorrow will be more expensive on the beach is not

not very clean that you are upset we will go a little further

it's cleaner there I raked my place practically

cleared where we are Lying on bags cleared only because

unpleasantly of course this beach does not lie that's how I said

on the far side of the beach we have a reindeer Well, of course not to compare if you saw

my reports about the beaches Langkawi beaches of Carabi Spain addition

of course in Greece are not very clean beaches

side of the pine forest so beautiful

birds sing, but we're like this settle here on our bags

and under your own umbrella saving what you will do

9 euro per day for sun loungers and umbrellas we have two weeks here and count it will be

€ 130 quite a sensitive amount of sea

warm bath do not want transparent water

this is the transparent water I stand

I passed a hundred meters here stony is the bottom and stones

beautiful but not suitable for swimming let's go see what's next

The transparency of water is removed

hello friends today is very hot float

water transparent warm chic fish no

today the people have increased pioneer camp

located near

see what a clear sea everything is visible here a little bit there are hedgehogs

we float in coral slippers on bought

store globe is very comfortable so convenient

I walk up to beach them

many hedgehogs are found

whole colonies

near to us the pioneer camp of 200 people probably

now they will be here every day and us like it less and less because

see what happens in the water and on the beach

had with our place

people playing someone is riding a boat someone is going to half have already taken away the children

there was much more

such fun to me



Jolly Nero, nuovo processo grazie alle indagini della mamma di una delle vittime - Duration: 2:45.

 E' partito il processo bis per il disastro della Jolly Nero, la nave che il 7 maggio 2013 andò a sbattere contro la torre di controllo del porto di Genova causando il crollo dell'edificio e la morte di nove persone

Nel processo di primo grado sono state condannate quattro persone e in via amministrativa la società di armatori dell'imbarcazione, ma fu archiviata la posizione di costruttori, progettisti, collaudatori della torre e quindi dei vertici della Guardia costiera

Il nuovo dibattimento si deve all'impegno e al lavoro di Adele Chiello Tusa, la madre di un giovane marinaio di origini siciliane morto nel disastro, che dopo l'archiviazione ha continuato a studiare le carte, sentire testimoni, ingaggiare consulenti fino a che la Procura di Genova non ha riaperto le indagini

   La prima udienza del nuovo processo è fissata per il 19 settembre. Dodici gli imputati, tra cui un ammiraglio, appartenenti alla società Rimorchiatori riuniti e alla Corporazione dei piloti del porto

  Jolly nero, dieci anni al comandante della nave. I familiari delle vittime: "Vergogna"   "Io ho visto le mani di mio figlio Giuseppe, signor giudice, Le sue dita erano consumate

chissà quanto tempo avrà provato ad aprire quella porta", aveva detto Adele Chiello Tusa durante il processo di primo grado: dichiarazioni dirette ai datori di lavoro del figlio, la Guardia costiera, che secondo la signora approvarono un progetto erroneo, e furono colpevoli del ritardo nei soccorsi

 "Io nella vita sono stata solo moglie e mamma, nient'altro. Non sono laureata e non sono esperta di costruzioni o di sicurezza sul lavoro", racconta oggi al Corriere della Sera la madre di Giuseppe Tusa

La donna ha sempre sentito la necessità di "dare un senso" al dolore provato per la morte del figlio e così, spiega, "mi sono studiata tutti gli atti dell'inchiesta, migliaia di pagine

Li ho praticamente imparati a memoria". "Non sanno di cos'è capace una mamma che vuole giustizia per suo figlio

", dice Adele Chiello Tusa.  Fonte: Corriere della Sera →

For more infomation >> Jolly Nero, nuovo processo grazie alle indagini della mamma di una delle vittime - Duration: 2:45.


[Eng Sub] NCT Twitter: Voice Message from Haechan - Duration: 0:08.

HC: You saw our video teasers right?

HC: I hope you liked it

HC: See you soon

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