Thursday, July 26, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jul 27 2018

Hey guys, genki?

This is Vivian and today I'd like to bring you with me to the Japan Festival!


Looks like they will celebrate the 110 years of Japanese immigration here in Brazil.

There is going to be tons of attractions,,

and my friend {big kiss to you, Ti!}, took a part on this event to play with her orchestra for princess Mako.

I truly wanted to see it but unfortunately, the tickets were sold out :(

But let's check what kind of cool things we'll get to see at this event!

I'd like to apologize in advance for the audio of this video,, as it'll sound kinda odd at a few parts..

My cellphone is currently unable to record so I had to take my mother's phone to shoot this event.

But don't worry cause you still can watch it normally, okay?

Here's the vlog!

Guys! Look at all those people in the line!

Almost 20 minutes in the line,, the quantity of people who is on this event is just surreal!

Yaaay! Finally!

I'll be able to buy the ticket!


Got my ticket here! :]

I haven't been to this festival for like 3~4 years!

And I confess that I'm super curious to check it out!

Especially this year since it will be the special immigration edition after all!

But just looking at those huge amount of people,,

I can see that it has turned into something much more bigger than I have imagined!

While our friend ain't here,,

we are going to wonder around just a little bit and see if we can find the food court as we are QUITE hungry!

The tea ceremony was happening close to the entrance.

And I find it so cool cause they have a proper ritual to prepare the tea.

This tea is has a stronger and bitter taste,,

but if you drink it while eating some Japanese sweets, the balance is perfect.

Meanwhile, our friend has arrived and we were ready to wonder around the fest for real!

V: We can go now! E: Oh! Now I understand why the yellow and red on the origami.

V: Yeah, it's Brazil and Japan!

G: What kind of exhibition they have?

E: There's nothing interesting,,

V: Oh give me a break..

E: Well,, there's Honda, Bradesco,,

V: There's also Sony and..

G: So there's more big companies exhibitions?

G: There's no artists doing exhibitions or performances?

E: There's those kind of things too. V: Not to mention that there's a place where you can learn how to play Shogi. E: Shogi.

G: What is that? V: It's the Japanese chess!

G: Oooh! E: I want to go there. V: I know, right?

G: Let's go there then! V: There's lots of cool things to do!

G: What is the difference between origami and kirigami?

G: Is this kirigami? Like this one?

E: Is this kirigami, love? V: Kirigami? Nope.

V: So what do you guys think? Do you think that we will be able to eat any time soon? xP

V: SoOo many people here {it's freaking HOT!}

V: That's the one I chose!

V: Kitakata Ramen!

V: Still in the line and almost starving,,

V: we are just here making funny faces hoping that time would pass by quicker xP

V: So guys! I was planning to buy different kinds of Japanese foods to show you and to taste them,,

V: but as you can see,, it's freaking crowded here and I don't think that I'll be able to do that :(

V: But let's start with ramen and gyouza to see it's tasty, okay? =]

V: Gian is so hungry that he is starting to eat the papers! G: Ramen and gyouza are done!

V: It's okay guys, he is just hungry! xD

V: Tadaaan!

V: After 1.000 years of waiting,,

V: it's finally here! Woohoo!

V: Kitakata ramen!

V: Gyouza!

V: Itadakimasu!

V: Let's taste the gyouza first!

V: Let's taste it then!

V: Gyouzaaa! <3

V: Yup, it's yummy!

V: The filling is tasting really delicious!

E: Not to mention that we all are super hungry,,

V: Yeah, it could be that too.

E: We'd find even a stone yummy. V: Aaaah...

V: I was going to say that...

V: How do you call it?

E: Gyouza? V: Crust?

V: It's not crust, right?

E: Wrapper? V: *nods*

V: The gyouza wrapper is very thin and the filling is delicious!

V: I liked it a lot!

E: Where did Gian go? Did he forget the chopsticks?

E: Ohashi?

E: Do you want to shoot more?

V: Ramen!

E: What?

E: Oh boy..

V: Kitakata ramen!

V: Gee,, it's quite hot!

V: It's so hot that I can't taste..

E: Did you react?

V: Well,, I was trying to say my thoughts but you were shooting the ramen lol!

V: But yeah, it is so hot that it is kinda hard to taste the flavor of the soup..

V: Well guys, I just finished to eat the ramen,,

V: it was okay, I could eat it without a problem..

V: And now it's time to eat the dessert! <3

V: Look at what I've bought!

V: Woohooo!

V: It's a drink that I used to love to have while I was in Japan!

V: Let's see if this one here tastes the same!

V: Melon soda! <3

E: Melon Soda!

E: Yes! Yes!

E: You have to say: How delicious is that!

V: Heck no!

V: Let's see if this one tastes the same as the one I used to drink in Japan!

E: Lol it doesn't!

E: You are screwed!

E: Poor you!

V: It's definitely not the same! E: Did you think that it was going to be easy to find?

V: It's not the same x3

V: Oh well,, I was so sure that I was going to drink a delicious melon soda today.. I was wrong though :(

V: Gian ordered Kibidango!

V: Which is the sweet that Momotaro used to have.

V: Let's go, Gian! Let's see your thoughts about this one!

G: I'll be as strong as Momotaro!

V: Now it's time to wonder around and check the stands!

V: There's so many options that it makes me even more indecisive x3

V: Stands and more stands!

V: And the time that I was longing to learn shogi finally came!

V: Shogi is the Japanese chess by the way!

V: They were teaching Igo as well which I'd love to learn.

V: But I had so much fun playing shogi there!

V: Even though I lived in Japan for such a long time,, Who'd knew that I'd learn to play shogi in Brazil?! xD

V: I'd like to thank the young sensei who were so patient to teach us how to play!

V: If you got curious to know more about it,,

V: I'll leave the link of the Brazilian Shogi Assossiation in the description box, okay?

V: And who knows? Maybe one day I could shoot a video about shogi to you all =]

Well,, before we go home, I want to buy some sweets so I can go home happy xD

V: I wanted to buy some choux cream but for my sadness,, it has sold out (T_T)

V: It's 7pm right now and I guess we have seen all the things we had to see..

V: but there was still so many things that we didn't get to see.. right, hun? E: Yep.

V: Like we missed the shows and performances for example,,

V: there was so many people that we didn't manage to enter the arena x3

V: Gee.. you guys have no idea how crowded this festival was!

V: There's so much more people this year comparing to the previous ones..

E: Yeah, comparing to a couple of years ago.. V: Yes.

V: It has been a couple of years that we haven't attended to the Japan festival,,

V: so I didn't imagine that this festival had grown to this scale!

V: We didn't get to see many things because there was a huge line wherever we go..

V: But the highlight for me today was the shogi class with the nice teacher!

V: Right, hun? E: Yeah!

V: For me, it was definitely the coolest part of this event!

V: Unfortunately I didn't get to see my friend performing :( but I hope someone will upload their performance!

V: What else?

V: I guess that's all. The food was.. E: Okay..

V: Yes. The food was okay.. it wasn't super delicious but it didn't have a bad taste as well..

V: The melon soda did disappoint me a little bit though..

V: Let's see how things will be next time around! Or maybe I'll be able to have a decent one only in Japan x/

V: Well guys, that's all for today's video!

V: Thank you so much for watching! I hope to see you all in the next video, okay! ^^

V: Big kisses and mata ne~! <3

V: Thank you Japan Fest! See you next year!

V: See you next year! E: Bye bye!

V: Did you see? There's a huge line even at the time to go home lol xP

V: Aaargh,, I wanna go hooome! x3

For more infomation >> 21st Japan Festival = Foods + Shogi + HUGE lines (ENGLISH SUBTITLES) • Vivian Uru - Duration: 10:42.


Gorgeous Beautiful 2019 Forest River Sierra 401FLX DESTINATIO Park Model from RV Trader - Duration: 4:56.

Gorgeous Beautiful 2019 Forest River Sierra 401FLX DESTINATIO Park Model from RV Trader

For more infomation >> Gorgeous Beautiful 2019 Forest River Sierra 401FLX DESTINATIO Park Model from RV Trader - Duration: 4:56.


The Happytime Murders | No Sesame. All Street.

For more infomation >> The Happytime Murders | No Sesame. All Street.


E-scooters arrive in Portland - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> E-scooters arrive in Portland - Duration: 3:05.


Cách dùng viên E giúp bạn đẹp xuất sắc từ da đến tóc, ăn đứt cả Spa đắt tiền - Duration: 5:03.

Cách dùng viên E giúp bạn đẹp xuất sắc từ da đến tóc, ăn đứt cả Spa đắt tiền.

Rất dễ dàng để mua 1 vỉ vitamin E tại hiệu thuốc, cửa hàng mỹ phẩm hoặc đặt online

Cùng khám phá những công dụng tuyệt vời của chúng như thế nào nhé.

Vitamin E rất cần thiết cho sức khỏe cũng như làm đẹp, không chỉ giúp nuôi dưỡng làn da khỏe mạnh, trắng hồng hoàn hảo, kích tóc mọc dài,…

mà còn hỗ trợ tăng cường hệ miễn dịch, thúc đẩy tuần hoàn máu, chống đột quỵ, ngăn ngừa ung thư

1. Làm mờ sẹo. Vitamin E có khả năng kích thích tái tạo tế bào da mới, chữa lành các tổn thương và xóa sẹo rất hiệu quả

Rất đơn giản, sau khi làm sạch da với nước ấm để loại bỏ phần nào bã nhờn,

bụi bẩn bên ngoài thì bạn trích lấy dung dịch bên trong viên nang vitamin E, thoa trực tiếp lên vị trí vết sẹo thâm

Massage nhẹ nhàng 2 phút, giữ nguyên vậy để qua đêm hoặc ít nhất 30 phút thì mới rửa lại với nước

Áp dụng đều đặn mỗi tối trước khi đi ngủ đến khi bạn hài lòng.

2. Chống lão hóa. Vitamin E hạn chế sự hình thành nếp nhăn, các dấu hiệu lão hóa khác như đồi mồi, chảy xệ

Ngoài ra, chúng còn bảo vệ da tránh khỏi tác động từ tia cực tím, các gốc tự do,

giúp tăng cường sản xuất collagen, bổ sung tính đàn hồi để bạn có được làn da luôn căng mịn, bóng khỏe

Cách thực hiện tương tự như công thức trị sẹo.

Tuy nhiên bạn không nên bôi hết cả khuôn mặt nếu da thuộc loại dầu nhờn, như vậy sẽ khiến lỗ chân lông bị bít lại, dễ nổi mụn

Ngoài ra, bạn có thể sử dụng dầu oliu để massage vùng da bị nhăn khoảng 1 – 2 lần/ngày vì trong đó cũng rất giàu hàm lượng vitamin E, chống lão hóa rất tốt

3. Làm sáng da. Không thể bỏ qua tác dụng làm sáng da của vitamin E,

chúng phục hồi nhanh chóng những tổn thương trên da, cải thiện hiệu quả các sắc tố melanin gây nám, tàng nhang, vùng da sạm màu

Để đẩy nhanh tốc độ làm đẹp, bạn nên trộn dung dịch bên trong 2 viên vitamin E + 1 thìa dầu thầu dầu (nếu có)

Bôi trực tiếp lên vùng da có nám trước khi đi ngủ, để qua đêm và rửa sạch vào sáng hôm sau

Chỉ sau khoảng 2 tuần, bạn sẽ thấy hiệu quả rõ rệt, da sáng lên trông thấy. 4. Trị rạn da

Nhờ đặc tính chống oxy hoá cao, khả năng thắt chặt liên kết các sợi collagen, vitamin E làm tăng tính đàn hồi, xóa mờ vết rạn da nhanh chóng

Bạn trộn dung dịch bên trong 2 viên nang vitamin E với vài giọt nước cốt chanh, tùy thuộc vào diện tích vết rạn mà tăng số lượng hỗn hợp lên

Massage nhẹ nhàng 5 phút để dưỡng chất thấm sâu, sau đó bạn giữ 30 phút nữa rồi rửa sạch với nước

Thực hiện mỗi ngày. 5. Trị viêm da. Nếu da bị viêm, kích ứng, sưng tấy, ngứa, bỏng rát và nổi đỏ thì bạn hãy lấy ngay vitamin E thoa lên

Để qua đêm và rửa sạch vào sáng hôm sau. Chỉ cần thực hiện đều đặn mỗi ngày là các dấu hiệu trên sẽ biến mất nhanh chóng

Bên cạnh đó, bạn hãy bổ sung vitamin E qua các thực phẩm như dầu oliu, hạt hướng dương, dầu mầm lúa mì, bơ đậu phộng,… để đạt hiệu quả tốt hơn

6. Kích tóc mọc nhanh, chống chẻ ngọn. Ngoài tác dụng làm đẹp da, vitamin E còn dưỡng tóc cực hay, kích thích tóc mọc nhanh, ngăn ngừa chẻ ngọn, gãy rụng, xơ rối

Mái tóc của bạn sẽ bóng mượt, chắc khỏe bất ngờ, không bị lão hóa sớm. Bạn trộn 2 viên nang vitamin E với 1 thìa dầu oliu/dầu dừa, xoa đều lên tóc từ chân tới ngọn

Ủ 20 phút rồi gội đầu như bình thường, làm 2 – 3 lần/tuần.

7. Dưỡng môi. Đôi môi dù khô nẻ đến đâu cũng trở nên căng mọng, khỏe mạnh, không có nếp nhăn nhờ việc dưỡng ẩm bằng vitamin E

Hơn thế nữa, chúng còn cải thiện môi hết thâm, ngày càng hồng hào.

Bạn chỉ cần dùng trực tiếp hoặc lấy dung dịch vitamin E trộn cùng mật ong với tỉ lệ 1:1, thoa lên 30 phút rồi rửa lại với nước

8. Dưỡng da tay. Vitamin E kết hợp cùng kem dưỡng thể sẽ tạo nên loại hỗn hợp làm mềm da tay cực hiệu quả

Hoặc bạn trích lấy 2 viên vitamin E hòa cùng với nước cốt của 1 quả chanh + 2 thìa mật ong + nước ấm, ngâm tay trong đó khoảng 10 đến 15 phút

For more infomation >> Cách dùng viên E giúp bạn đẹp xuất sắc từ da đến tóc, ăn đứt cả Spa đắt tiền - Duration: 5:03.


'Carteirite' interfere no quadril... E até no ciático - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> 'Carteirite' interfere no quadril... E até no ciático - Duration: 1:00.


Stasera Italia - Marchionne e la rossa : così cambiò la Ferrari - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Stasera Italia - Marchionne e la rossa : così cambiò la Ferrari - Duration: 1:19.


Preocupación por aumento de visitas de la Migra a empresas y granjas | Noticias | Telemundo - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Preocupación por aumento de visitas de la Migra a empresas y granjas | Noticias | Telemundo - Duration: 2:48.


Reunificados con sus hijos, pero con un dolor enorme en sus almas | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Reunificados con sus hijos, pero con un dolor enorme en sus almas | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:59.


San Diego: lo mejor de ambos mundos para los inmigrantes latinos | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> San Diego: lo mejor de ambos mundos para los inmigrantes latinos | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 3:34.


Un viaje a México que busca ayudar a las comunidades indígenas | Noticias | Telemundo - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Un viaje a México que busca ayudar a las comunidades indígenas | Noticias | Telemundo - Duration: 2:06.


Nuevo récord de pérdidas para Facebook | Noticias | Telemundo - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> Nuevo récord de pérdidas para Facebook | Noticias | Telemundo - Duration: 0:37.


Felices, las familias reunificadas no dejan de hacerse preguntas | Noticias | Telemundo - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Felices, las familias reunificadas no dejan de hacerse preguntas | Noticias | Telemundo - Duration: 2:18.


Who Beats Up A Pregnant Woman? - Check Yourself: S5 E1 | Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood - Duration: 6:49.


You're watching "Love & Hip Hop Hollywood."

Check Yourself.

Season Five.

You'll be watching us...

Watch the show.

For the very first time.

You'll be getting our natural...

...and honest reactions.

We're watching it...

...with you!

The scene you're about to see

is Moniece going bananas at a pregnant mum.


A.D.'s event is cute.

You know, it's for her fashion show,

which I did help design.

I think she should put me on the payroll.

He got braids twisted in dreds?

What the (bleep) is that in hair?

Do this man got microbraids?

Is them crochet braids, boy?

Hey, I'm single and mingling right now,

so I don't have to pay nothin'.

I just pay for (bleep). I'll send you home, though.

Rachel is a mess.

This man Michael's braids just swing there

where I can't take him serious, cous.

I can't wait for you to hear these records, though.

I'm opening for Kimberly. I'ma need you there.

Kimberly? I don't know who--

Kimberly-- "K. Michelle."

Oh, I think that Bridget is so talented,

and I like to see her opening up for her friend.

This Bridget, Bridgy, whatever.

Baby, heh... I'ma need you.

Just call me, man.


I think it's a good idea to call Princess,

'cause she told me to drop the location.

Like, when a pregnant person ask you to do something,

you do it.

That was a very dangerous move she made

by inviting Princess.

I don't think that anybody there

is gonna be particularly pleased to see Princess.

Just a guess.


♪ Burn it down ♪

How's everybody doing tonight?


Pregnant gangsta.

We were doing just fine

until you walked your fat (bleep) into the room.

(Princess) What type of person announced to the world

that someone else is carrying somebody else's baby?

One that doesn't like you.

What did I do?

Paris, you kind of set that one up there,

because we all know that Princess wouldn't be coming

to have a cup of tea with her.

(Princess) Maybe the type of person

that would fake being a lesbian.

No, it could be the type of person

that tries to shame somebody's girlfriend

and release a sex tape.

A.D. better stand for bae, okay? Heh.

And when we got home,

we (bleep) the (bleep) out of each other,

'cause that was so sexy... mm-hmm.

We can revisit this conversation

in about 2 1/2 months, when I have my baby.

Just because you're pregnant

doesn't mean that you can't get popped in the mouth.

Okay, bitch? Your belly may be pregnant,

but your face is not.

Maybe I'll show you how to be a good mother, too.

Yo, it done went left!

You have to control that (bleep), man.

Princess is pregnant.

I'm sorry, I'm still not sorry about picking up the chair,

and I guess I'm not sorry 'cause I didn't make contact.

I think I'm sorry that I didn't, 'cause then I would actually

have something to be sorry about.

Hey, hey, get her! Get her, get her, get her!

She just tried to downplay it and downsize it,

but I don't think that worked.

Who tries to fight a pregnant person?

A bitch that doesn't give a (bleep) about the pregnant person.

A.K.A. me. Let the record show...

that the chair did not leave my hands.

So, I didn't hit a pregnant person.

I almost hit a pregnant person. Almost doesn't count.

Who tries to fight a pregnant person?


I (bleep) love that Wicked Witch of the West.

"Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha! Ha ha ha!"

Princess, you're bad.

I held it together for a pretty long while.

I felt like I was standing on the judgment line,

waiting for Jesus to tell me whether I was coming to heaven

or being condemned to hell.

The next scene you're about to see

is K. Michelle's fake booty plugged up to the IV.


How you doin'?

Hi, baby.

I think K. Michelle pretty.

Pretty trash.


My single charted and...


You know, I got a big radio tour I did off of it.

You is spoiled.


You did the show with me,

and literally, you was a hour late.

It's two artists, there's a battle of egos.

And, you know, may the best one win.

I bet Lyrica was late.

She wasn't late.

You wrote some great songs.

But nobody give a (bleep).

Ooh... she back.

You are not serious right now.

I swear to God 'fore crackers and cheese,

you was an hour late!

Why you wanna be B.S.?

K, you told me about the show

three days before show!

Just say "sorry" and be done with it.

I definitely think Lyrica's entitled,

and this moment of hers

has definitely gone to her head.

You gotta fake it till you make it, bitch.

You fake it!

But till I make it, you got to.

But let me tell you one thing--

I don't fake (bleep)!

(laughing) If anybody knows fake,

it's definitely K. Michelle.

Say what you said, dog, that's all I want.

From the booty to the nose to the lips to the cheeks.

I'm not faking (bleep) like you fake your marriage.

I'm not faking (bleep).

I fake my marriage?

Okay, make (bleep) up.

It looked like that kind of hurt Lyrica.

She didn't-- she didn't like that.

If your (bleep)'s real, your (bleep)'s real, right?

And I feel like...

K's onto something with this fake marriage.

These bitches in La La Land,

they finna get a taste of the real.

She 'bout to get her IV.

Nah, she thirsty.


She's so thirsty for attention.

Why is K. Michelle randomly getting a drip

in the middle of her rehearsal?

This is what you're doing? You in L.A. being the same K?

The same K doing better than you, bitch!

Doing better than me?

Doing better than you!

What the (bleep) have you done?!

(both laughing)


Hollywood is so weird. (giggling)

Give me a mic!

Your album was brick.

Whatcha need a mic for?

Yeah, Lyrica!

Let's go, Lyrica!

Nah, security.

Yeah, you don't wanna get the mic.

Your mama's trash.

Lyrica just came out of nowhere.

"Your mum's trash"?

Ooh, "Your mama's trash."

Your nose is pinched.

Yeah, her nose is pinched.

Get the (bleep) out of here.

(bleep) you, K!

That's why you're trying to (bleep) Safaree.


Safaree, you're bad for that, if you did go there,

because A1 is your boy.

Bros over hoes.

You gotta (bleep)!

Why you taking me out?

Let's go.

Get the (bleep) out of her crunchy booty-ass bitch!

What did she just call her?

A crunchy what?

Crunchy booty-ass bitch.

Oh, my God!


You thirsty?

I am thirsty.


At the moment.

Can I have some water, please?


For more infomation >> Who Beats Up A Pregnant Woman? - Check Yourself: S5 E1 | Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood - Duration: 6:49.


Los preocupantes datos que nos deja la realidad del Alzheimer en el país | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Los preocupantes datos que nos deja la realidad del Alzheimer en el país | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:08.


City Council - July 26, 2018 - Part 2 - Duration: 6:06:48.

For more infomation >> City Council - July 26, 2018 - Part 2 - Duration: 6:06:48.


बिगड़ी को बनाने में क्यों देर लगी ख्वाजा जी | Bigdi Ko Banane Me Kyu Der Lagi Khawaja - Duration: 5:43.

Bigdi Ko Banane Me Kyu Der Lagi Khawaja

For more infomation >> बिगड़ी को बनाने में क्यों देर लगी ख्वाजा जी | Bigdi Ko Banane Me Kyu Der Lagi Khawaja - Duration: 5:43.


Learn Zoo Wild and Land Animals Name Education Box Toy, Learn Colors with Gravel and Wood Video Kid - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Learn Zoo Wild and Land Animals Name Education Box Toy, Learn Colors with Gravel and Wood Video Kid - Duration: 2:10.


Attenti agli estorsori su Internet tramite email - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Attenti agli estorsori su Internet tramite email - Duration: 1:41.


Provocan intencionalmente un pavoroso incendio en Los Ángeles | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Provocan intencionalmente un pavoroso incendio en Los Ángeles | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:31.


Tiburón en cautiverio mordió a una pequeña | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Tiburón en cautiverio mordió a una pequeña | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:56.


Hoteles de Miami Beach darán botón de pánico a empleadas | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Hoteles de Miami Beach darán botón de pánico a empleadas | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:34.


Dramático rescate de mujer a punto de caer a quebrada | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Dramático rescate de mujer a punto de caer a quebrada | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:34.


21st Japan Festival = Foods + Shogi + HUGE lines (ENGLISH SUBTITLES) • Vivian Uru - Duration: 10:42.

Hey guys, genki?

This is Vivian and today I'd like to bring you with me to the Japan Festival!


Looks like they will celebrate the 110 years of Japanese immigration here in Brazil.

There is going to be tons of attractions,,

and my friend {big kiss to you, Ti!}, took a part on this event to play with her orchestra for princess Mako.

I truly wanted to see it but unfortunately, the tickets were sold out :(

But let's check what kind of cool things we'll get to see at this event!

I'd like to apologize in advance for the audio of this video,, as it'll sound kinda odd at a few parts..

My cellphone is currently unable to record so I had to take my mother's phone to shoot this event.

But don't worry cause you still can watch it normally, okay?

Here's the vlog!

Guys! Look at all those people in the line!

Almost 20 minutes in the line,, the quantity of people who is on this event is just surreal!

Yaaay! Finally!

I'll be able to buy the ticket!


Got my ticket here! :]

I haven't been to this festival for like 3~4 years!

And I confess that I'm super curious to check it out!

Especially this year since it will be the special immigration edition after all!

But just looking at those huge amount of people,,

I can see that it has turned into something much more bigger than I have imagined!

While our friend ain't here,,

we are going to wonder around just a little bit and see if we can find the food court as we are QUITE hungry!

The tea ceremony was happening close to the entrance.

And I find it so cool cause they have a proper ritual to prepare the tea.

This tea is has a stronger and bitter taste,,

but if you drink it while eating some Japanese sweets, the balance is perfect.

Meanwhile, our friend has arrived and we were ready to wonder around the fest for real!

V: We can go now! E: Oh! Now I understand why the yellow and red on the origami.

V: Yeah, it's Brazil and Japan!

G: What kind of exhibition they have?

E: There's nothing interesting,,

V: Oh give me a break..

E: Well,, there's Honda, Bradesco,,

V: There's also Sony and..

G: So there's more big companies exhibitions?

G: There's no artists doing exhibitions or performances?

E: There's those kind of things too. V: Not to mention that there's a place where you can learn how to play Shogi. E: Shogi.

G: What is that? V: It's the Japanese chess!

G: Oooh! E: I want to go there. V: I know, right?

G: Let's go there then! V: There's lots of cool things to do!

G: What is the difference between origami and kirigami?

G: Is this kirigami? Like this one?

E: Is this kirigami, love? V: Kirigami? Nope.

V: So what do you guys think? Do you think that we will be able to eat any time soon? xP

V: SoOo many people here {it's freaking HOT!}

V: That's the one I chose!

V: Kitakata Ramen!

V: Still in the line and almost starving,,

V: we are just here making funny faces hoping that time would pass by quicker xP

V: So guys! I was planning to buy different kinds of Japanese foods to show you and to taste them,,

V: but as you can see,, it's freaking crowded here and I don't think that I'll be able to do that :(

V: But let's start with ramen and gyouza to see it's tasty, okay? =]

V: Gian is so hungry that he is starting to eat the papers! G: Ramen and gyouza are done!

V: It's okay guys, he is just hungry! xD

V: Tadaaan!

V: After 1.000 years of waiting,,

V: it's finally here! Woohoo!

V: Kitakata ramen!

V: Gyouza!

V: Itadakimasu!

V: Let's taste the gyouza first!

V: Let's taste it then!

V: Gyouzaaa! <3

V: Yup, it's yummy!

V: The filling is tasting really delicious!

E: Not to mention that we all are super hungry,,

V: Yeah, it could be that too.

E: We'd find even a stone yummy. V: Aaaah...

V: I was going to say that...

V: How do you call it?

E: Gyouza? V: Crust?

V: It's not crust, right?

E: Wrapper? V: *nods*

V: The gyouza wrapper is very thin and the filling is delicious!

V: I liked it a lot!

E: Where did Gian go? Did he forget the chopsticks?

E: Ohashi?

E: Do you want to shoot more?

V: Ramen!

E: What?

E: Oh boy..

V: Kitakata ramen!

V: Gee,, it's quite hot!

V: It's so hot that I can't taste..

E: Did you react?

V: Well,, I was trying to say my thoughts but you were shooting the ramen lol!

V: But yeah, it is so hot that it is kinda hard to taste the flavor of the soup..

V: Well guys, I just finished to eat the ramen,,

V: it was okay, I could eat it without a problem..

V: And now it's time to eat the dessert! <3

V: Look at what I've bought!

V: Woohooo!

V: It's a drink that I used to love to have while I was in Japan!

V: Let's see if this one here tastes the same!

V: Melon soda! <3

E: Melon Soda!

E: Yes! Yes!

E: You have to say: How delicious is that!

V: Heck no!

V: Let's see if this one tastes the same as the one I used to drink in Japan!

E: Lol it doesn't!

E: You are screwed!

E: Poor you!

V: It's definitely not the same! E: Did you think that it was going to be easy to find?

V: It's not the same x3

V: Oh well,, I was so sure that I was going to drink a delicious melon soda today.. I was wrong though :(

V: Gian ordered Kibidango!

V: Which is the sweet that Momotaro used to have.

V: Let's go, Gian! Let's see your thoughts about this one!

G: I'll be as strong as Momotaro!

V: Now it's time to wonder around and check the stands!

V: There's so many options that it makes me even more indecisive x3

V: Stands and more stands!

V: And the time that I was longing to learn shogi finally came!

V: Shogi is the Japanese chess by the way!

V: They were teaching Igo as well which I'd love to learn.

V: But I had so much fun playing shogi there!

V: Even though I lived in Japan for such a long time,, Who'd knew that I'd learn to play shogi in Brazil?! xD

V: I'd like to thank the young sensei who were so patient to teach us how to play!

V: If you got curious to know more about it,,

V: I'll leave the link of the Brazilian Shogi Assossiation in the description box, okay?

V: And who knows? Maybe one day I could shoot a video about shogi to you all =]

Well,, before we go home, I want to buy some sweets so I can go home happy xD

V: I wanted to buy some choux cream but for my sadness,, it has sold out (T_T)

V: It's 7pm right now and I guess we have seen all the things we had to see..

V: but there was still so many things that we didn't get to see.. right, hun? E: Yep.

V: Like we missed the shows and performances for example,,

V: there was so many people that we didn't manage to enter the arena x3

V: Gee.. you guys have no idea how crowded this festival was!

V: There's so much more people this year comparing to the previous ones..

E: Yeah, comparing to a couple of years ago.. V: Yes.

V: It has been a couple of years that we haven't attended to the Japan festival,,

V: so I didn't imagine that this festival had grown to this scale!

V: We didn't get to see many things because there was a huge line wherever we go..

V: But the highlight for me today was the shogi class with the nice teacher!

V: Right, hun? E: Yeah!

V: For me, it was definitely the coolest part of this event!

V: Unfortunately I didn't get to see my friend performing :( but I hope someone will upload their performance!

V: What else?

V: I guess that's all. The food was.. E: Okay..

V: Yes. The food was okay.. it wasn't super delicious but it didn't have a bad taste as well..

V: The melon soda did disappoint me a little bit though..

V: Let's see how things will be next time around! Or maybe I'll be able to have a decent one only in Japan x/

V: Well guys, that's all for today's video!

V: Thank you so much for watching! I hope to see you all in the next video, okay! ^^

V: Big kisses and mata ne~! <3

V: Thank you Japan Fest! See you next year!

V: See you next year! E: Bye bye!

V: Did you see? There's a huge line even at the time to go home lol xP

V: Aaargh,, I wanna go hooome! x3

For more infomation >> 21st Japan Festival = Foods + Shogi + HUGE lines (ENGLISH SUBTITLES) • Vivian Uru - Duration: 10:42.


Gorgeous Beautiful 2019 Forest River Sierra 401FLX DESTINATIO Park Model from RV Trader - Duration: 4:56.

Gorgeous Beautiful 2019 Forest River Sierra 401FLX DESTINATIO Park Model from RV Trader

For more infomation >> Gorgeous Beautiful 2019 Forest River Sierra 401FLX DESTINATIO Park Model from RV Trader - Duration: 4:56.


[MV] Dylan Wang (王鹤棣) - 想都不用想 (Don't Even Have to Think About It) (Meteor Garden 2018 流星花园 OST - Duration: 3:57.

Please be there for me, dare to hate and love Bad may be eliminated

I hold you in my heart, I won't let go again

Without your fireworks, it's bright, but it's the dust in the sky

Instead of obeying the fate, it's better to overthrow and give you the whole sky blue

Take off my pride crown, don't be afraid to hinder the world

Two hearts have always been together

I don't have to think about it, I like it cause it is love

Never allow anyone to destroy it I really can see, you make me born brave

Please be there for me, dare to hate and love Bad may be eliminated

I hold you in my heart, I won't let go again

Replace the ambiguity with confession, you will see me coming

If there is no accident in life, I will not understand that our soul is dependent on it

Failure is used to learn to understand the reversal of renewed regrets

The two hearts are always in the same place

I don't have to think about it, I like it cause it is love

Never allow anyone to destroy it I really can see, you make me born brave

Please be there for me, dare to hate and love Bad may be eliminated

I hold you in my heart, I won't let go again

Want to take the urge to hug you forever Love does not need any reason at all

I don't hide it for you in the sky

It turns out that true love, tears are so shocking It turns out that your love is untied

I don't have to think about it, I like it cause it is love

Never allow anyone to destroy it I really can see, you make me born brave

Please be there for me, dare to hate and love Bad may be eliminated

I hold you in my heart, I won't let go again

I will not let go of our future

For more infomation >> [MV] Dylan Wang (王鹤棣) - 想都不用想 (Don't Even Have to Think About It) (Meteor Garden 2018 流星花园 OST - Duration: 3:57.



11 Traits of Someone with True Integrity.

Integrity is the quality or trait of being honest.

Integrity also deals with strong mental principles, and when combined, they create a very important

value for us as human beings in this earth.

It makes others feel comfortable, and it is also self-satisfying.

In this video, I'm going to share with you some special traits of someone with true integrity.

But before that, please subscribe, click the bell and watch this video until the end to

know the complete information.

Here is some signs of people with true integrity, and you can see how great it is to have such


#1 - They value time.

People with true integrity don't want to waste other people's time because they know

it is something that worth more than anything.

If they want to meet you, there's always something good to give.

#2 - They put the credit properly.

If they don't deserve something, they won't take it.

They will not take someone's credit for themselves because they don't think it is


They are people with their words, and they will be a great friend to work with.

#3 - They are authentic.

We can see fake people almost everywhere.

They don't show their true self as they don't want to be seen as having weakness.

However, you can see people with true integrity to show their feeling, condition, ideas, and

passion authentically.

#4 - They are honest.

Honesty is the key of a peaceful life.

People with true integrity will not disappoint others and create conflicts by telling lies,

and that's why they are always honest.

#5 - They don't take advantage over others.

Another common problem we see in society is that people aren't sincere.

When they ask for help, they usually have agendas behind it.

They want to take advantage of others for the sake of themselves, leaving them defenseless,

depressed, and useless.

However, people with high integrity will ask others to work together, creating a balanced

and beautiful life.

#6 - They won't argue.

People with high integrity typically prefer avoiding conflicts, and that holds true especially

when it comes to arguments.

They prefer avoiding it or solving it in civilized manner.

If the other party turns out to be harsh, they will find a way to keep the conversation

slow and clear through communication strategy.

#7 - They diminish the doubt.

One problem that people usually face is doubt or hesitation.

They feel like their life is not going anywhere because of the doubt, and they will remain

in that state until they get help from people with high integrity.

They are people who can diminish the doubt by showing possibilities and assisting them

to get what others want.

#8 - They know when there's a problem.

There is a capability that makes people with high integrity respected by others.

It is the ability to see problems happening in front of them, typically between people.

They can see that there's problem, and they can offer help that benefits both parties.

#9 - They trust others.

The next trait that you may not expect is trusting others.

People with high integrity seem skilful to handle things by themselves.

However, they actually can trust others to do things they are supposed to do.

#10 - They apologize.

People with high integrity are not perfect.

They make mistakes sometimes, and they will apologize when that happens.

They will do that first even before the other party demands apology.

#11 - They are humble.

The last on the list is that they are humble.

They know that their gift is not for themselves, and they are fully aware of themselves.

Well, those are the 11 traits of someone with true integrity.

So, really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please

share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> 11 TRAITS OF SOMEONE WITH TRUE INTEGRITY - Duration: 5:05.


5 Wheels In 5 Mins Episode 2 - Duration: 6:03.

- Hey guys, what's going on?

It's (echo drowns out speaker)

And today we're gonna talk to you

about five wheels in five minutes.

Now you might be wondering, how is the second episode

different and better than the first?

I'll tell ya how.

Some are black, some are black with machine milling,

and some are even just matte black.

It's gonna be hot.


Jerry, take it away.


- Hey guys, I'm Shawn.

- And I'm Junior.

- With Custom Offsets.

- This is Five Wheels in Five Minutes.

- We're gonna bring you some of the hottest new wheels.

- And some of our favorites.

- Let's go.

(techno engine music)

- So for the first wheel, I chose the AX2.1.

What I absolutely love, this is one of the first

wheels I saw where they did this.

They have a machine, a brushed look into the wheel

and then also into the face

and then they came through and clear-coated it.

- I was just gonna say, it's clear-coated too, right.

Which I love. - You can run it year-round

- Yeah. - You don't have to polish it.

You don't have to do anything.

- [Junior] This seems to be something

a lot of companies are going after.

- [Shawn] Yeah, the old split-spoke, that you can pick out.

- It's got a good directional split, exactly.

- But this one is the rotary forged.

so this is basically a cast wheel,

that's then has the strengthened barrel

through the rotary forge, or flow form process.

To me, it basically, they created, what, a very forged look.

- [Junior] Yep.

- [Shawn] But you're getting them

for little bit cheaper than the forged prices.

So this is a dual drilled, but exposed.

So this'll fit on a Chevy or a Ford F150,

and then you can just spin the cap based on

which set of the 6-Lug that you're using,

so, I'm predicting this one's gonna be super hot

for the rest of the summer, going into the fall.

I'm also predicting you're gonna see more companies jumping

into the rotary, flow form forged world

- That middle ground, yep.

- of that medium price, with that very

flat, forged look for the design.

- Okay, so number two that we got, is the Fuel Hostage,

basically like three or four years ago,

the first time I ever walked into the shop,

this wheel was sitting there,

and it was, like, my dream wheel.

When I was in high school, everybody,

like, this was the wheel that everyone wanted to have.

And if you had them,

you were like the cool kid of the school.

- It's definitely super popular,

it's been one of the hottest wheels ever made.

The thing that I was, surprised me,

is that they put these plastic chrome nuts on here,

but what I do like is it's got real rivets.

So these are actual bolts.

Covered cap, humongous cap.

- [Junior] It, like, almost screams, like, truck guy.

There's so much, like, happening with it,

that's like very characteristic of like,

like you said, beefy--

- The cap is designed into the wheel,

and I think that was one of the things,

is that the cap flows.

So even though it's covered,

this looks like it's part of the wheel,

and I think that's what people liked about it.

The cap does not match the finish on the wheel.

And that was always a thing

with the Fuel satin versus matte.

The cap is a true matte, and then the wheel is a satin.

For wheel number three, I chose a WTF situation.

What the f--k happened with the RDR RD01?

So this wheel came out, and it was all about the lip game.

This one comes out, it's a 22 by 14,

and it's got like a nine inch lip on it,

which had never been done before.

You never saw it.

You go to the price point,

it's the cheapest 22 by 14 in the entire store.

It's like 12 hundred bucks for a set of four.

I go OMG, we're gonna sell so many of these

that I'm gonna buy a set for in the showroom,

because then people just keep buying it

and I'll just keep ordering it.

It is 2018 now and here is that set of wheels that I bought.

I don't understand what went wrong.

So, my question to you is,

Why didn't this work?

The wheels got the rivets which every wheel in 2015 had.

It's got the covered cap so it's got the dual drill.

- I think it's the name, honestly.

There wasn't enough history, or--

- They don't know who they are.

- Exactly, they didn't know who they were.

- Okay.

- But I mean, it's a super sexy wheel, I love it.

I mean, super clean,

it's everything you'd want from a wheel.

- It's not a Fuel, or a Hostile, or a Moto Metal,

or, just one of those top-dog names.

Number three is gonna remain a mystery.

You guys tell us what you think.

- Okay so wheel number four that I'm bringing

is the American Truxx Vortex.

This thing's sexy, I love it.

- I did not expect you to say that.

- Really?

- Yeah, I thought we were here to make fun.

- No, I like this one a lot.

It's such a clean, simple design.

It's exposed lug, it's huge, it's got a huge lip.

- I would have to say,

it's probably one of their hottest wheels.

I love their logo.

I think they absolutely crushed the logo,

but I've noticed that they have spent the time

on the caps, and exposed lug nuts.

I like a simpler, cleaner design.

And it's funny that you said this was,

'cause I don't see it that way,

mainly 'cause it, I think it's swooping,

and that just, to me, is a little much.

And I like that these guys are going out

and designing new designs.

They're not just creating what everybody else has created,

so I do love that about 'em.

For the fifth wheel, I don't want to so much talk

about this wheel, I want to talk about this concept.

So this is the Scorpion SC19.

This is actually a red clear coat on the entire wheel.

So, what you're seeing is,

the machining gives it that red pop.

And then when the sun's out,

you get like a black cherry look to the wheel.

When I saw this at Sema, I was just determined

this was gonna be one of the hottest things.

But it never went past that.

If you look at the car world, like,

there's so much color in the wheels.

I'm just a little surprised, and I think part of it

might be they're ahead of their time.

And I don't know if truck guys are quite ready for color.

- They're getting there. - Yeah.

- Like it's slowly starting to become

more and more of a thing.

- You see 'em at Sema, there's not a Sema truck there

that's got just black and milled, or just chrome wheels.

- Right. Most of the truck world, though,

like, it started out as chrome,

and it was all the bullet holes and everything like that,

like way back when, like you're day.

And then it, like, it was your day.

- I'm 25.

- 45 (laughs)

And then it slowly transitioned into black wheels

I feel like,

and then polish just recently started coming back

in the last, like, five years.

- So they're a decade behind the car wheel world,

and not ready.

- It's just physically, like, not physically,

but like it's actually just behind.

- I hope that we're not dead by the time these are cool.

- Damn.

- That's wheel number five.

So that will wrap up Five Wheels--

- In Five Minutes.

- And you guys let us know what you think

about what we just covered.

- And, what you want to see next.

- Yeah.


(strong upbeat music)

For more infomation >> 5 Wheels In 5 Mins Episode 2 - Duration: 6:03.


My KOREAN MIDDLE SCHOOLERS try AMERICAN SNACKS For the First Time - Duration: 11:01.

Oh, it smells strong!

It smells like vinegar.

It's nice.

It tastes better than it smells

- scale from zero to ten. What what do you guys think?




Ten. Yeah

You two, you really really like it No

That's different from hell, okay. It's really red

It definitely doesn't look like something edible

It's very salty

it's the vinegar that's getting on to me, but

It's sour and spicy. Oh

Very very amazing

Kind of tastes like kimchi Korean yea Korean this is stuff kind of image of that isn't like just to me

It's not greens baby it's not like kimchi spicy but it's like I don't know - yeah spicy. Yeah

So American spicy is like really really spicy

Like does advice get you?

You know, they actually banned this chip

Because not many people were eating it so they banned it reading what's your rating from 0 to 10

5 of 5 you don't really like it

you like it, but why 5 because it's

What you're reading

Root beer root beer

All the minister the cool medicine the really sweet once it's

Very healthy the

Visual but it's not healthy. It's definitely healthy



So what do you would eat guys taste what do you think

This is just feels like water it down which has

Feel sick

To be honest, I don't really like this I have to come please don't people actually drink this

Is that it kind of medicine

So sparkling medicine

This is a really popular drink in America

they actually use they actually make what's called root beer floats and

They take a vanilla ice cream and they put it inside that and they drink it like that

No, it really has

What do you think the flavor is

French toast

Actually, you're right it's called cinnamon toast crunch, it's French toast cereal

It's actually the most seasoned one out of all of this why why do you say that

That's because it tastes like anything that you know, yes, there's regular stereo cinnamon bun

What do you taste what do you think?

My favorite really but your favorite cereal or your favorite American snack

If I eat these in the morning

By Chinese readings from zero to ten. What do you think?

You agree

Must be healthy right fruit take one

It smells like it gets all my teeth

It's like GC cavity forming in my face like

Very extremely, so do you think it's healthy? Well, even though it says fruit

I'll retract the statement

You think other Koreans would like something like this? Yeah rating from zero to ten. What do you think?

For more infomation >> My KOREAN MIDDLE SCHOOLERS try AMERICAN SNACKS For the First Time - Duration: 11:01.


How to get free xbox codes -Free xbox live gold codes 2018 *WORKING* 100% - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> How to get free xbox codes -Free xbox live gold codes 2018 *WORKING* 100% - Duration: 3:14.


Apsara Skin Care Review: "It significantly reduced my wrinkles and fine lines around my eye area." - Duration: 0:40.

Hey, I'm Saira. It's been 7 weeks I'm using Apsara eye serum, and the results are phenomenal.

I don't have dark circles, [but] basically, I was concerned about my fine lines and wrinkles around my eye area.

I searched online and then I read about Apsara eye serum

and I decided to go with it because of its natural ingredients.

I used it and within a month, it significantly reduced my wrinkles and fine lines around my eye area.

I'm super happy with the results. It's worth every penny, and I highly recommend it.

For more infomation >> Apsara Skin Care Review: "It significantly reduced my wrinkles and fine lines around my eye area." - Duration: 0:40.


LEGO Aquaman Black Manta Strike review! set 76095 - Duration: 10:31.

everybody this is the Lego DC superheroes Aquaman Black Manta strike

set this black manta sub looks very elegant in an evil way to me until I

turn it like this those protrusions there look really weird and it's kind of

blocking around the sides this was very striking to me upon seeing it from this

angle from these lower angles for the very first time having the thing

actually in person because all the pictures show it from angles that don't

let you see that weird shape I don't think that's Legos fault I think that's

just part of the cinematic universe adaptation of the thing that remains to

be seen as of the time the recording of this video the movies not out yet but

other than other than that I think this looks really nice and the thing about

this is that yeah it's supposed to be a submarine but it looks like it could be

a stealth based aircraft it looks like it could be a spaceship so I think this

is gonna be a very versatile toy for kids to play with it'll switch this

around and pretend to be flying with it and not just using it in an underwater

setting that's a really cool thing about this this type of fanciful design it

doesn't look like it has to be a submarine I think it's gonna just help

with imagination a lot this has the six stud shooter on the front you rotate

this manually to fire off the studs one by one there's no gear to mechanism

going through it and this also has the the spring-loaded shooters one on either

wing if you will which is good because I think these are much more useful more

accurate and less frustrating than the six stud shooters these you know fire

off the studs and the studs just go everywhere they give you they give you

spares of those but I mean especially in grey for a lot of surfaces those will

simply get lost whereas these are just brighter easier

to see and they work better they knock minifigures over very effectively

they shoot fairly straight I like those if you don't want to use them you don't

have to but I think it's a good play feature this actually looks whoops haha

this actually looks pretty respectable from the underside there are no weird

colors exposed down here the use the red color for the inverted tiles

on here and I think that's good it's a little bit weird that they didn't put

any of those inverted tiles on the on the very base on the lowest surfaces so

if you're just kind of scooting this around on carpet these corners will get

caught even though even on some harder surfaces those will get caught but yeah

it's just there for structure but I'm glad that you don't get a ton of Blues

stole a little bit in there but I'm not gonna complain about that you can see a

little bit of yellow from the back that's actually not bad but you know

it's not one of these cases where you have lots of green and tan and stuff is

showing through I hate it when they do that so I'm glad they're being a little

bit more thoughtful about that and this has a cockpit that holds just one single

figure of course they're took the hatch off so you can see in there a little bit

more easily I like the trans red colored windscreen

or just front window piece for that not necessarily a windscreen if it's being

used underground underwater right but there are a couple of consoles one on

either side just a small sticker sheet for this whole set and you don't need to

apply the stickers if you hate stickers it really doesn't take anything away to

leave them off and I'm glad that there's an actual compartment there for black

mantas weapon you know it's always nice when they consider that so just in

general I feel like this is a very considerate build it just thinks about

or the designer just thought about the kids that are actually gonna have this

in their hands and be playing with it it's very very switchable doesn't have

any small items that'll break off easily it's just a good toy I think and then

there's just this one side build with the shark on top of a bit of seaweed and

get a couple little outgrowths of treasure down there golden color and

this to me looks way better than it should I mean it's the simplest thing

but I really like the use of the dark blue I don't think Lego has ever used

dark blue for a seabed element before like that you know and it just I don't

know it looks really grown-up to me and with the use of the dark green color for

the seaweed piece rather than like a bright green

you've moved to brighter and brighter colors and using these darker colors I

know it just feels yeah it feels more appropriate for the current cinematic DC

Universe or just DC universe in in general but especially relatively more

recent stuff I don't know it just looks it just looks good to me

here's the Momoa Aquaman complete with his gunmetal gray color Trident with

just a little extension for the handle and a power blast piece in the

transparent light blue they have a total of three of those power blast pieces in

this set and I think they're absolutely perfect for these characters and they

also work well you just aim where you want pull back push back on on the

little extension back here and then it'll just fire off they fire fairly

straight and it's just another very useful item for a play you can actually

shoot that you can actually aim and hit a target with them nice prints for this

guy for sure top to bottom I think and you have pretty good quality

overall you do see some seams in the the pattern for the goal that's just

something that's always gonna happen because they have the gold flakes and

they kind of flow into the mold and the print on the back of that torso is very

good the alternate face is very good let me show you what that looks like with

hair on it yeah that's that's actually excellent really really captures Jason

Momoa and captures the the essence of alcaman here I think that that torso

print with those scales looks just fantastic with the two different golds

and the different amounts of printing on them that's that's so well done it

almost looks three-dimensional there I love that and just looking at the front

let me take this weapon of wages so you can see that a little bit better from

some different angles really appreciate the scales and how they almost appear

iridescent yeah that's that's really good stuff and then

here's Mera actually Jang it should be pronounced "Mair-a" actually it should be

pronounced "Mair-a" but it's pronounced "Mee-ra" this figure looks great as well not just

because of the scale detailing on this one which features the blue color

actually I believe that's a blue color printed over silver you know with a

transparent coating on that but I might be mistaken they may have actually mixed

the colors together to get the metallic blue but whatever it is it looks good

but I just really appreciate the teal here the turquoise color and the use of

so much of it and it makes this whole figure stand out this when was the last

time you saw a Lego minifigure made with that much of that color

I mean they've only recently reintroduced that color period for use

at all I don't know about this this face and I might I might see in the movie

some some cases where that face shows through I can imagine

Amber Heard making that face but I don't know if it quite fits but I guess this

one's okay as well I think the faces for this one just don't match as well the

character as portrayed in live-action form as the Aquaman did but still a very

good figure a good toy figure fortunately for Lego they already had

this this mold for the Black Manta helmet

you know full head set up and breathing apparatus and everything so they just

needed to set this figure up with the color scheme and print for the movie

adaptation and they were done I think it looks fine I think it looks pretty good

definitely close enough the the prints on the torso are good I think they could

have been a little bit better if they had gone with a finer print for the

black they actually printed black on top of the black plastic which is a

technique that they've used a number of times before I think to better effect

than this there is no actual minifig head beneath there but yeah just if you

use finer lines for the black on black you can create some interesting

that when the light hits it right it really looks interesting and brings in

some some different depth and here they just used really thick outlining around

all of the the prints that are already there which is is okay but yeah I think

it just could have been a little bit better but it's not bad it's definitely

not bad and I think it's again pretty appropriate for the live-action

adaptation overall I think this is a very good set in every way to be honest

I'm not even an Aquaman fan not at all I've never been interested in anyway in

that character but I can still appreciate everything that they've done

here including with the Aquaman figure itself the price depart ratio is not the

best here but I think that's okay because to me the price to volume of

stuff ratio here is is very appropriate it just seems right for for the amount

of stuff that I see in front of me and also considering the quality I mean I'm

not putting too much weight on the fact that you know that figure looks looks

really nice it's still just a figure old really but I think the size of the sub

is good the number of figures is good and even that little side build is nice

and usually you know they bump up the price quite a bit when they include

include an animal as well but I feel like even beyond that just overall this

set gives you a proper value and good quality through and through there you go

those are my feelings and I'm sticking to them thank you very much for watching

and I will talk to you in as soon as I can


For more infomation >> LEGO Aquaman Black Manta Strike review! set 76095 - Duration: 10:31.


Department Of Justice Drops The Ball On AT&T-Time Warner Merger Appeal - Duration: 5:13.

It seems the legal disputes between the government and the newly merged AT&T Time Warner haven't


Originally Justice Department tried to stop the merger on the basis that the deal would

lessen the competition.

But the judge ruled that the 85 billion combination in money was actually legal.

Joining us to talk about that, is RT correspondent Brigida Santos.

Brigida AT&T and Time Warner completely ... the merger is basically complete, was completed

and all of the sudden we're looking at it again.

The judge issued the ruling, so now the merger is complete but the DOJ is appealing and saying,

"You haven't looked at this closely enough".

Isn't that what the argument is?

Yes they're arguing that they're standing by their original argument.

The Justice Department is saying that the merger is anti competitive.

And in the mean time, unfortunately AT&T will be moving forward with the merger.

It's already begun rolling out it's plans.

Because the Department of Justice did not issue a stay.

Now if the appeal is won by the Department of Justice, it would send a message to other

companies to trying to acquire other verticals that it is still as monopolistic as a horizontal


But it's very unlikely to happen at this point.

If you think about it, the Supremes aren't going to do anything about this.

I've never seen a Supreme Court majority more intent on helping corporate America.

Add Kavanaugh to that, he is an absolutely corporate America puppet who's never done

anything that a large corporate didn't want him to do.

The DOJ originally took the position that the combination was anti competitive as you

just said.

But the judge in this case determined that the DOJ had fairly failed to make their case.

In other words, they put it in writing but when it was presented to the court, the DOJ

did not carry the ball.

We've heard that often about the DOJ.

You wonder where they find their trial lawyers.

Sometimes they aren't actually trial lawyers.

And that's why we find that ... I think this is an important part of the story.

The reason you find so many corporations getting away with absolutely murder.

By the pharmaceutical industry, they have scam after scam.

Or wall street that has scam after scam.

And nobody's ever prosecuted is because the Department of Justice doesn't have a bench

where it comes to be able to put trial lawyers on this issue.

What is your take?

How did the DOJ drop the ball here as far as what the judge said?

Well the judge just said that the Department of Justice didn't prove their case.

That it was anti competitive and that it would raise prices for customers.

And result in lower quality products.

But since the merger has gone through, AT&T has in fact done exactly the opposite of what

they said they would do.

They did increase prices on one of their services, which is their DIRECTV NOW service rather

than lowering prices as they said they would.

And in the future they could raise those prices even higher because AT&T is planning to create

their own content.

Which would then be in direct competition with some of the content created by the companies

that are broadcast on DIRECTV NOW.

So the Department of Justice may actually have a better case now.

But again it might still be too late and as you said, if this does end up in the Supreme

Court, it's very unlikely that the Justices are going to side on behalf of the Department

of Justice in this case.

Yeah, I find it interesting President Donald Trump, while he was still a candidate if you


He railed against the merger.

He was hostile to the media then and remains hostile to this day.

Is this whole thing centered around politics?

You have to ask yourself.

And then you have to consider the fact that a lot of these Federal judges that have been,

well I would say the overall majority.

I would go as far as saying the overall majority of Federal judges that have been appointed

in the last 15 years are so pro corporate.

Now that goes for Obama, his pro corporate appointments were nauseating.

Absolutely nauseating.

George Bush, you would have expected his to be pro corporate Republican pro corporate.

They weren't quite as bad oddly enough as Obama's.

So what we're living with now is this whole thing of the judges having to take a look

at this.

But how do you think this plays out politically beyond that, beyond those political appointments,

how does it play out in politics?

Well unfortunately Trump made this merger in particular political when he said as a

candidate, "AT&T is buying Time Warner and thus CNN a deal that we can not approve in

my administration."

And of course CNN is critical, but also it is political because Trump, the Department

of Justice under trump has already approved a very similar merger with Disney.

Allowing it to move forward.

So it doesn't seem to be that they have a probably with these vertical mergers.

But in this case this does seem political because Trump is offended by CNN's existence.

Thank you for joining me, okay.

For more infomation >> Department Of Justice Drops The Ball On AT&T-Time Warner Merger Appeal - Duration: 5:13.


🔴 NO MAN'S SKY | Lost in space, send help! | Survival mode - Duration: 4:35:25.

For more infomation >> 🔴 NO MAN'S SKY | Lost in space, send help! | Survival mode - Duration: 4:35:25.


Both Popeye & Polly very tired and sleep together & Polly milk until to sleep | Monkey Daily 1304 - Duration: 10:24.

For more infomation >> Both Popeye & Polly very tired and sleep together & Polly milk until to sleep | Monkey Daily 1304 - Duration: 10:24.


Someone Gets Hurt (Reprise) // first *complete* animatic - Duration: 0:42.

see thats the thing with you plastics

you think everybody is in love with you when actually everybody hates you.

you made me like this-

it was your idea for me to pretend to be plastic!

buddy, it's not pretend! you are as plastic as they come.

you think your shit don't stink! you think the rest of us are dumb!

I hate regina's (junior's) guts

but here's what you don't comprehend

at least she (he) has the guts to not pretend to be my friend!

Janis- (Colton-)

no! it's




go be fine!

For more infomation >> Someone Gets Hurt (Reprise) // first *complete* animatic - Duration: 0:42.


Dance Forever in Lobby! Infinity Emote Glitch in Fortnite - Duration: 2:29.

yo what's up guys it's your boy imrobertz1 coming at you with another fortnight

battle royale video in today's video I will show you how to do any dance MO in

the lobby forever after all the season 5 updates as you can see here you cannot

do the dance amol forever you'll have to keep clicking the button but with a

simple glitch you'll be able to do to dance MO in the lobby forever ok let's

get right into the video the first thing you need to do is select any mo and

quickly go to game mode then go back to fortnight Battle Royale this only works

with dance moves that go on forever so most I have it in will not work some of

our friends said they can see me doing it mo forever but others said they can

let me know in the comment section what you find if you enjoyed video z' like

this click on my gaming playlist for more videos

and again like I subscribe follow me on Twitter @imrobertz1 I upload all

the awesome showcase glitches tips and tricks that's all I have for you today

I'll see you guys in my next video

For more infomation >> Dance Forever in Lobby! Infinity Emote Glitch in Fortnite - Duration: 2:29.


Black Ops 4 Discussion With Biglink212 - Duration: 8:48.

yo guys what is going on my name is Agelesssundew75 and today we're gonna be

talking about a specific topic that I'm really interested in because it is going

to help my channel grow and help me out overall so here to talk about this topic

with me I have my good old friend Ben hey yo what's up my name is Ben or aka a

big link 212 add me on xbox it's the same gamertag add him on xbox yeah so

he's got his own YouTube channel I'm gonna try and help him out and get some

content on there for him but today we're gonna be talking about the black ops 4

beta so as we know the black ops 4 beta is coming to us very soon different

weekends for different consoles so for obviously let's start with the dates so

the black ops 4 beta is going to be available to PlayStation 4 exclusive

from August 3rd at 1/8 1:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time - August 6 at 1:00 p.m.

Eastern Standard Time and then the next weekend we're going to

have PlayStation 4 and Xbox one private beta which is going to be August 10th

same time 1 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and that ends at August 13th 1 p.m. the

pc beta early access is gonna start at august 10th and open beta is gonna be

August 11th for August 11th through August 13th all this starts 1:00 p.m.

Eastern Standard Time or 10:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time whichever timezone

those that's what's listed so the multiplayer beta is gonna have I think

more than ever before so obviously there's the new game mode coming out

what you've heard of yeah back out yep it is basically a battle royale there's

a lot of people know is that game is pretty much taking that style of game

it's pretty much taking over the gaming world right now so I mean it's kind of

smart on try arc to put that into the game because that's gonna get them more

people playing it I have seen pictures of the maps I'll try and get one right

here on the screen for you guys that what's the that's what the Battle Royale

Maps gonna look out there look like um but uh yeah I think it's supposed to be

like a hundred player PvP as well yeah I think so I don't know I don't know exact

I haven't been keeping up with all the black ops news cuz uh I'm not a very big

hog player as it is but if black ops four I'm gonna see if I can get back

into it yeah I'm hoping that like if you get the game we can post content

together even I'll talk to you about some of that stuff later

you guys won't see it just cuz it's completely unrelated but um anyways so

the actual beta in the multiplayer aspect so we're seeing many changes

along with stuff that we've seen before so obviously we so what we've heard is

that this game is an era somewhere in between black ops 2 and black ops 3 so

that's good so we're actually losing the boost jump and wall running which a lot

of people want anyways and we're going back to boots on the ground with just a

knee slide that's it that's the only advancement that's the only like

futuristic advancement plus the ruins grappling hook which I think only one

person can have it anyways so um I know well we'll get into that later but um

the weapon system is also different so now if you let's say you level up your

gun and you get quick-draw alright then you can level it up even more and get

quick-draw to which it's I think it's no different by itself but they kind of

just stack together so if you have a one and two it's better that's what I've

heard yeah each weapon has its very own set of

attachments to add and so no weapons different there are no weapon is the

same I mean every weapon is different and yeah I think that's all i got for

weapons in terms of specialists do you know about specialists yeah all right so

we're seeing some of the same ones from black ops 3

with a couple new ones a couple missing I know that we have Nomad ruin and

battery and then we have this new I think he's called crash he's a medic and

if he hits you with his weapon you get like 200 health instead of 150

because the base health now is 150 so you get 200 health now if he when he

shoots you with his medical gun whatever it is so yeah specialists are changing

weapons the way we make them the customizations are changing the battle

royale is coming that's also gonna be available during the open beta or a

private beta whatever during the beta the battle royale mode is going to be

available to everyone that pre-ordered or has a beta code which you can get

through giveaways I don't know if there are any more because the beta is coming

up in like the next week so I don't know if there are any more beta codes out

there but um yeah you said earlier that you're huge on zombies yes I am actually

a very I want to say I don't want to say a very good zombie player but you know

I'm decent cuz I've played black ops zombies a lot really fun it's really

what got me into the cod series other than my other friends I had cards made

me want to have it so I bought a game but the big thing that jarred me into it

was because it was like 2012 and zombies were everything so yeah Dom yeah Dom B's

is what ultimately got got me into college duty it wasn't because they

campaigned beyond some of them suck now but yeah some of them are pretty bad in

speaking of campaign before we move into that let's just keep on zombies so let's

do is one topic at a time so zombies is going to be following a completely

different storyline now with new characters I think new modeled zombies

which i'm honestly looking forward to new storyline that started all off we

remember back in call of duty world at war which I never played personally I

just remember hearing about it um the zombies was kind of an Easter Egg where

you had to complete the campaign to actually on

knock toronto and and then after time they just kind of put it into their

games with new maps and remastered maps as we saw him black ops 3 zombies

chronicles but yeah this game is ultimately gonna be better than ever

any Call of Duty game so yeah like you were saying speaking of the campaign

from what we've heard black ops 4 is not going to have one so

this could upset some people because a lot of people like to follow the

campaign to get into the storyline but other people like me for instance with

like the newer Call of Duty's I'm just what's campaign I just jump right into

the multiplayer cuz who wants to play the campaign I you alright so yeah so we

got anything else on the black ops for beta no no I don't think so alright so

um I think this pretty much concludes it here yeah so we'll leave you with the

rest of this gameplay and we know it's for tonight in the background but we

just had to get something we don't want to get call of duty so um yeah I hope

you guys enjoyed stay tuned for more videos and I hope to see you all next

time don't forget to go check out Ben link is in the description and yeah I

think that's it that's it that's a wrap alright peace guys peace out


For more infomation >> Black Ops 4 Discussion With Biglink212 - Duration: 8:48.


Chance The Rapper / Drake Type Beat [[Prod. by Asa]] "Lies" (2018) - Duration: 4:13.

Chance The Rapper / Drake Type Beat [[Prod. by Asa]] "Lies" (2018)

For more infomation >> Chance The Rapper / Drake Type Beat [[Prod. by Asa]] "Lies" (2018) - Duration: 4:13.


8 lb Raising Cane's Family Pack Eating Challenge w/ "Raina is Crazy" | Freak Eating - Duration: 12:25.

Raising Cane's is all about the chicken fingers. It's also the scene for my next

big eating challenge with Reina is crazy basically our challenge was to consume

an entire tailgate party pack by ourselves that's 25 chicken fingers over

2 pounds of delicious french fries and 10 slices of Texas toast Reina never ate

at Cannes before but it is one of my favorite places to chow down with no

fanfare no BS and no Stalin we're gonna find out how many chicken fingers two

people can eat

welcome back to another freak eating challenge shout out to hungry Empire on

Instagram for making this special challenge possible it was done to

coincide with national chicken fingers day which is July 27th and I must say

everything came together deliciously Raising Cane's is actually one of my

favorite places to eat and every time I visit my buddy Pablo in Phoenix we gotta

eat there this was my first time doing a video with cans and obviously the

portion sizes were out of control the largest combo on the standard menu

is the canny AK combo and it only gives you six chicken fingers this tailgate

pack gave us 25 fingers each and according to the website that's no less

than 3 pounds of fried chicken if you're unfamiliar with Kane's a chicken finger

is basically a fried chicken strip with a different name I find it delectable

they use a unique seasoning blend and give you something called cane sauce to

dip it in the Kane's special sauce reminds me of a spicy Thousand Island

it's not too spicy and I always make sure to use it Rayna may have been

unfamiliar with Kane's going in but more importantly neither of us expected to

see the quantity of food that was served to us we did expect the 25 fingers

that's true but we thought we'd be getting

normal-sized portions of fries Texas toast and maybe coleslaw instead we

received matching tailgate platters of fries and toast we knew immediately that

it would be the sides that would destroy us

the carb quantity was nearly overwhelming it also made it difficult

to strategize with so much of everything in front of you and keeping in mind that

the chicken itself was breaded it was hard to know where to focus I started

with the chicken and added in fries as I went

while Reyna soon began to dump all of her food into one of the trays she

resorted to her usual strategy of pouring beverage into the tray and

mashing all the food together to make it easier to chew and swallow my food was

going to remain in its original format win or lose Rayna strategy works great

in a speed-eating environment but a large quantity of food in front of us

suggested that neither of us were going to get it done quickly

I also restricted my beverage intake as much as possible to save room on the one

hand but also to prevent soaking up the bread and potato in my stomach

competitive eaters argue over the impact of water causing starchy foods to expand

and while I don't have a clear answer for you I prefer to play it safe the

dipping sauces both Cannes special sauce and a honey

mustard that I didn't know they carried continued to help keep the challenge

interesting for me the fries are crispy and generally a very high quality but

the amount of them was daunting I understood why Elena lumped everything

together just because three trays looked immense and one didn't look so bad but

in any case it was a humongous amount of food to eat in one sitting at the table

we actually debated how much food this really was the staff admitted they don't

weigh their food typically but going off of nutritional guides and the menu they

estimated the total challenge - drinks at about six and a half to seven pounds

well it sure didn't feel like six and a half to seven pounds it felt closer to

nine maybe more it was much harder than the nine pound burrito we ate a couple

weeks back at moments it felt almost as difficult as the 36 doughnuts but less

sugary and so it was possible to push past the pain and keep going because

there was no sugar rush my feeling is that this challenge was so difficult

because everything needed to be chewed up well as opposed to the burrito and

even the pizza which contained a lot of creamy and saucy elements that could be

swallowed whole it isn't easy to swallow Texas toast hole and at one point I

finally resorted to dunking the bread to soften it up

what I thought was unthinkable actually happened around the 40-minute mark Reina

was essentially unable to continue rather than risk a reversal of fortune

she stopped eating

this massive challenge highlighted our different strengths as competitors and

no doubt Rana will need to think up some new approaches to take down the massive

challenges the truly big challenges that can't be finished in 10 or 15 minutes

I've always been able to eat for the long haul and tackle the longer

challenges so once I saw Rana slowing down around 30 minutes I knew I'd have a

shot I felt confident about finishing the food don't get me wrong but I wasn't

sure I'd be able to finish first time was called at 45 minutes once I had the

last bite in my mouth I'm not going to lie it became very difficult at the end

those last few pieces of Texas toast felt like they took me forever

you're buildin

I told you after

they are


the guys

for winning the challenge I received a Raising Cane's prize

package I haven't opened it yet mainly because I can't think about Cannes right

now thank you too hungry Empire and Raising Cane's Ontario for putting this

challenge together and thank you to Reyna for doing another collaboration

video with me you're damn good so I will still be on my toes when we do a

challenge again thank you to everyone who watch this video at home smash that

like button if you enjoyed it and I will see you next time till we eat again stay

in school don't do drugs and eat like a freak

For more infomation >> 8 lb Raising Cane's Family Pack Eating Challenge w/ "Raina is Crazy" | Freak Eating - Duration: 12:25.


Aiden tiny start to control mom before get milk|Aiden try step by step for milk|Monkey Daily 1303 - Duration: 10:28.

For more infomation >> Aiden tiny start to control mom before get milk|Aiden try step by step for milk|Monkey Daily 1303 - Duration: 10:28.


Why People Can't Find Their Life Purpose & Passion ? - Duration: 2:05.














'' It's not about how HARD you can HIT, It's about how HARD you can GET HIT and KEEP MOVING FORWARD ''








For more infomation >> Why People Can't Find Their Life Purpose & Passion ? - Duration: 2:05.


【Hetalia MMD】 Suicide Parade [SUB] - Duration: 2:07.

At hell's central city where we crawled out to

CRUD whose lifespans have been extended.

Cannot even buy love

Civilization has become deformed and swallowed up by religiousness

She watches this from the ghost tower that eats away the sky

The sirens along with noise start wailing

On the night where the martial law was used, the philosophy of life distorts

There is no more damsel in distress

"Are you ready now?"

Ah- ♪

Collapsed chants inferior humans

"It's farewell"

Suicide parade ♪

Resonance, propagation, and superb poetry

Become words that curse God

Please laugh and say it's just a dream

A blackout deep inside my mind where love is dead

It's a strange world

Frenzy, gathering place, beginning

you may go through leiche's crowd

The lebel competes over the number of colors (it creates)

Because of the mage the belief in seeing dreams is shown

I hand over this useless heart

And gain a way to save you but

Ah who will love such an unsightly appearance?

For more infomation >> 【Hetalia MMD】 Suicide Parade [SUB] - Duration: 2:07.


Beautiful Jonas Way 4 Rustat One storey Villa : Holiday Home - Duration: 3:04.

Beautiful Jonas Way 4 Rustat One-storey Villa / Holiday Home

For more infomation >> Beautiful Jonas Way 4 Rustat One storey Villa : Holiday Home - Duration: 3:04.


Benjamin Franklin Biography in Khmer | Success Reveal - Duration: 17:25.

Benjamin Franklin Biography in Khmer | Success Reveal

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