Saturday, July 28, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 28 2018

A 26-year-old woman was completely cured of eczema when she was able to make changes in her diet

Eczema is a term that covers a group of conditions that cause

itchy irritations

skin redness more than 30 million Americans

suffer from this skin condition so it is actually very common

It can be of several types

atopic dermatitis

contact dermatitis

eczema of isidro tico eczema noooooo seborrheic dermatitis and stasis dermatitis

Dr. Jeffrey John Meffert MD explains this unpleasant condition and its symptoms

Medical professionals sometimes refer to the former issue as itching that produces rashes

Usually the first symptom of eczema is an intense itching

the rash appears later and is red and has bumps of different sizes

the rash itches and it can burn

especially on thin skin like the eyelids

if it is scratched it can resume and become crusty in adults rubbing

Chronic produces thickened skin plaques

some people develop

red bumps or fluid-filled bumps that look bubbling

when scratched they add moisture to the overall appearance

he adds

painful cracks in the skin may develop over time although the rash may

localized anywhere in the body in adults and older children is most often found in the neck

push-ups of the arms opposite the elbow and push-ups of the legs

Opposite the knee babies can have a rash on their torso and face

although the skin behind the ear may be involved the outer ear in itself

it is usually saved the eyelids are often swollen red and itchy

the itching can be so intense that it interferes with sleep

therefore live with that can be a continuous struggle and the outbreaks can vary from mild

moderate to severe

the most severe ecze was the life-long battle of a 26-year-old British girl

victory jinks and this condition

inflammation of the skin caused blisters


Redness Thickening of the skin What made her reject often leave her home for shame

during the summer victory covered the irritated areas of the skin and even when bleeding it stopped going to work

she says that being a girl with this health problem was not easy

I remember when I went to bed my mother had to put ointment on my body every night

I hated to be constantly put on cream and now I have developed a phobia of creams

she also says that the people around her criticized her

People always said stop scratching you and that bothered me more than the constant itching on my body

Viktoria used the steroid cream to treat eczema but did not produce effects

However, after her sister's fiance convinced her to treat the problem from within and follow a diet

vegan decided to try it


2017 stopped eating meat and by the end of the spring of this year it became completely vegan

his eczema course vegetarian diet after 10 years and finally he is happy and normal

she says

my skin is

completely clear almost healed it took me about two months to be free of eczema

but I will never go back

I think that people should try it will feel amazing after the results

Our diet is closely linked to our health and in the case of eczema certain foods

trigger the outbreaks

however what you must remember is that the extreme and its symptoms are different for all

therefore if you suffer from eczema to relieve the symptoms

must discover your needs

personal food and foods that cause unwanted reactions such as gluten nuts

fish eggs cow's milk seafood or soy

we also recommend that you try the following natural and topical remedies for eczema

aloe vera

The leaves of this plant have powerful anti-inflammatory properties and antimicrobial agents that will alleviate swellings

and the redness

Apple cider vinegar

It has strong properties

antibacterial and antifungal agents that will calm the itching and treat inflammation

epsom salts

epsom's warm salt bath offers soothing and anti-inflammatory properties

cannabis oil cannabinoids

prevent the accumulation of dead skin cells and treat the symptoms of eczema


moisturize irritated skin as they have a

96% water oregon grape

slows the production of skin cells and therefore

prevents inflammatory responses

colloidal oat

relieves itching periods and regulates ph levels of the skin

coconut oil

This oil is ideal for dry and cracked skin as it is rich in vitamin E and lauric acid

evening primrose oil

Being rich in fatty acids

this oil will treat the inflammatory process

Do not be afraid to experiment with these natural cures


consider making dietary changes

necessary since it will be worthwhile over time and you will get results


For more infomation >> Woman, 26, With Eczema All Her Life Is Almost Cured After Changing Her Diet - Duration: 7:02.



It's going well, so far it's all good,

I have teammates who have integrated me well as Geoffrey or Francis who speak French,

then all the players welcomed me very well, they are very friendly and I am very happy.

It is true that I have to learn the language very quickly in order to understand my teammates and the coach,

however it is all about the language of football, and the language of football

is not so complicated to understand when we are on the field and they give me instructions,

I understand almost everything and if I miss something I ask Geoffrey and he translates it to me.

He helps me to integrate with the others, he translates me when I don't understand a word

and he helps me with everything.

It's a very special competition, I had the chance to play it two years ago,

it's true that it's something unique for the club, for the fans

it's so important so let's try to achieve good results in Champions League.

Yes, they have a very high level, but the club and the coach

brought me for playing against that type of players.

It is a challenge to play against great players,

they are going to help me to go forward with the club and to learn how to tackle these kind of strikers.

Of course, I can play during the season with long or shorts passes,

I don't change a lot the way I play but I could try something more complicated from time to time.

The camp with my teammates is going very well, there is a good atmosphere,

everyone gets along well , since we all have the same target,

to prepare well for a good season.

I am a new player that wants to show many things,

I will do my best for my new colors,

and it is source of pride to defend the Valencia CF.



Carla Bruni et Nicolas Sarkozy, un homme brise leur couple (photo) - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Carla Bruni et Nicolas Sarkozy, un homme brise leur couple (photo) - Duration: 1:38.


Another Day in World of Tanks #49 - Duration: 14:35.

no need!

it's pretty good

background son

target lost

so yeah I wanted to order some good old-fashioned Cola Oh are we recording

hallo scrubs charlie sure is hard to find right let me show you where he is

well done fellow viewers now spam the comments telling us where he is in this


oh shit

one at all super EXTREME Justin what are you what what are you doing wait don't

touch him it's a look at him switched oh my god

hello balanced fine yes oh yes oh hello you just hide behind him let's do it

people kv2 with the dirt gun this time you're gonna be facing me as watch into

your chance that's a lot of kV juice

okay oh that's my gun and my engine

hello people you have armor but we don't care because we have high explosives

hello quick wash hello t-49 oh gosh reload reload reload

reload reload OH

hello goodbye son's weight isn't ice it's just like very high out for damage

all the crap I'm actually not sure how the armor holds up this just pull a

piece or and just let's just go for it okay

I blocked one point six how is this tank balanced well it's what the sure Aaron

there's an IQ be in the process here oh it's just straight in front of us Oh

video my ego ever wanna stop hello time Emerson real yeah yet I could okay so I

did 1300 Amman and I blocked mm I've looked 3k damage early

completely balanced I will get Paris Thank You matchmaker Oh God how did that

shall even go nope these seams are so bad 0 6 seriously Oh

fuckin swatch let's just go come on these are our counts anyways yes we

still alive scrub please

hello she ha oh no no come on one more yes no no damage that sound though right

is you 130 if you premium rounds my alpha oh they do my God's worship for

premiums watch this thing is 570 damage with premium or repeating hello

let's go to tier 7 poor guy 618

thank you all our patreon supporters at home up until today

just a dollar month get access to also purse shit link eat the truth

join the dark side we have hash browns look mom I'm on TV I got a fever and the

only prescription is more shamans join the awesome and epic minecraft server

farthest all collecting balanced premium tanks since 2012 drop the base all that

tasty damage time for the doom 95 just to the heck do you think I am well thank

you for watching this amazing video and if you want to watch more of this kind

of content why don't you go ahead and click this playlist in the middle of the

screen and don't forget to Like and subscribe

yes and don't forget to send your replays to our contact mail more details

in the description

For more infomation >> Another Day in World of Tanks #49 - Duration: 14:35.


Efectivos enjuagues caseros para las encías sangrantes - Duration: 9:20.

For more infomation >> Efectivos enjuagues caseros para las encías sangrantes - Duration: 9:20.


Charlène de Monaco illumine le Gala de la Croix Rouge avec une robe Versace - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Charlène de Monaco illumine le Gala de la Croix Rouge avec une robe Versace - Duration: 1:33.


海贼王:大将黄猿的隐藏身份,是龙安插在海军的卧底? - Duration: 3:42.

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Gobierno frena venta de terreno militar en la zona de Santa Fe - Duration: 5:09.

 [email protected]  La Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional (Sedena) administrará los cerca de un millón 255 mil 276 metros (más de 125 hectáreas) que comprende el Campo Militar 1-F, de acuerdo con lo publicado ayer en el Diario Oficial de la Federación (DOF), con lo que se da marcha atrás al acuerdo federal de poner ese terreno a la venta

 "Ubicado en la avenida Vasco de Quiroga, fue destinado a la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional por el Instituto de Administración y Avalúos de Bienes Nacionales, de la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público [SHCP], para que lo administre", describe el convenio publicado en el DOF

 Con ello, se dejó sin efecto el acuerdo del 24 de enero de este año, en el que se desincorporaba el inmueble, propiedad de la Federación y se autorizaba su venta, que llevaría a cabo el Servicio de Administración y Enajenación de Bienes (SAE)

 El 24 de enero en el DOF se estableció que ese terreno no era necesario para fines militares y no ofrece ningún uso para otras instituciones públicas, además se informó que los fondos de su venta irían a la tesorería

 "Con base en la aprobación de su Comité de Aprovechamiento Inmobiliario y en el dictamen de no utilidad para el servicio público, emitido por la Dirección General de Política y Gestión Inmobiliaria, tomando en cuenta que la superficie del inmueble materia de este acuerdo no es de uso común por sus características, no es susceptible de destinarse al servicio de otras instituciones públicas para la prestación de servicios a su cargo

 "Con su venta se obtendrán recursos para el erario federal y se dejarán de realizar gastos con motivo de su mantenimiento

[Por eso, se] ha determinado la conveniencia de su enajenación, a través del organismo público Servicio de Administración y Enajenación de Bienes", se precisa en el documento

 Entre los acuerdos publicados ayer destaca que "la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional asignará los diversos espacios que se ubican dentro del inmueble materia de este acuerdo, y que se encuentran precisados en el plano referido en el considerando tercero del presente, a las instituciones públicas que así correspondan"

 Además de que, debido a que dentro del inmueble se encuentra parte del cauce del río Tacubaya y su zona federal, "en términos del artículo 27 constitucional y al encontrarse bajo la administración de la Comisión Nacional del Agua [Conagua], la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional tramitará ante dicha comisión los permisos, autorizaciones o demás medidas de regularización que correspondan por tratarse de una propiedad originaria de la nación"

 Se advirtió que si la dependencia diera al inmueble un uso distinto al establecido en los acuerdos, sin autorización de la SHCP, a través del Instituto de Administración y Avalúos de Bienes Nacionales, o lo dejara de utilizar o necesitar, con todas sus mejoras y accesiones, se retirará de su servicio para ser administrado directamente por este instituto

 Se establece que la Sedena deberá gestionar los permisos necesarios en caso de que se tengan proyectadas obras de construcción, reconstrucción, modificación, adaptación, conservación, mantenimiento, reparación y demolición

 Antecedente. De acuerdo con el Proyecto de Transformación y Modernización de la Industria y la Infraestructura Militar, la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional mudaría parte de la industria militar al estado de Puebla, en el que se incluía la venta predio

 El valor comercial de los terrenos se calculó hasta mil millones de dólares, debido a que se encuentran ubicados en la zona de Santa Fe y de Chapultepec

 La intención de vender ese espacio generó un conflcito con las autoridades de la Ciudad de México, ya que negaban que se pudiera otorgar el uso de suelo necesario, en caso de que se pretendiera un desarrollo habitacional mixto con 7

5 millones de metros cuadrados de construcción, ya que hubieran generado en la zona problemas de movilidad y abasto de agua

 A pesar de los inconvenientes, los coroneles Roberto Nava Balderas y Sergio Gallardo Bonilla, integrantes del Comité de Desincorporación del Predio, recomendaron en agosto del año pasado a sus mandos una negociación para que esos temas no fueran un problema

 Uno de esos militares, Gallardo Bonilla, quien fuera subdirector general de ingenieros de la dependencia, fue hallado sin vida en su casa en Cancún, donde se encontraba como residente general de las obras del nuevo cuartel de la Policía Militar desde diciembre pasado

 Ante los inconvenientes, el 22 de mayo de 2018, la Sedena solicitó "recibir en destino el inmueble descrito en el considerando primero del presente Acuerdo, a efecto de continuar utilizándolo para actividades castrenses", informaron en su momento las autoridades

For more infomation >> Gobierno frena venta de terreno militar en la zona de Santa Fe - Duration: 5:09.


MOMO COME MY HOME OMG !! (Momo) - Duration: 16:29.

For more infomation >> MOMO COME MY HOME OMG !! (Momo) - Duration: 16:29.


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For more infomation >> Sánchez, contra las cuerdas: Podemos le traiciona y revienta sus presupuestos - Duration: 5:37.


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For more infomation >> La Infanta Cristina organiza sus primeras vacaciones con Iñaki Urdangarin en la cárcel de Brieva - Duration: 3:15.


Victoria Federica de Marichalar disfruta de los toros durante sus vacaciones de verano - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Victoria Federica de Marichalar disfruta de los toros durante sus vacaciones de verano - Duration: 2:44.


La divertida respuesta del Príncipe Harry cuando le preguntan sobre la paternidad - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> La divertida respuesta del Príncipe Harry cuando le preguntan sobre la paternidad - Duration: 2:48.


Así se desarrollan los XXIII Juegos Centroamericanos y del Caribe - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Así se desarrollan los XXIII Juegos Centroamericanos y del Caribe - Duration: 4:20.


Learn colors with bear # 14 تعلم الألوان للأطفال - Grace Morton - Duration: 3:59.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!

For more infomation >> Learn colors with bear # 14 تعلم الألوان للأطفال - Grace Morton - Duration: 3:59.


El rey Juan Carlos, a través del espejo de Iñaki Urdangarin - Duration: 6:32.

For more infomation >> El rey Juan Carlos, a través del espejo de Iñaki Urdangarin - Duration: 6:32.


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For more infomation >> Miguel Poveda triunfa en Starlite, con su amigo Albert Rivera entre el público - Duration: 4:43.


「Aran」 | テレビ業界での走行深刻な地震を任命することを決定で新しいマップ!ジョニーの仮説?草なぎ剛、香取慎吾、稲垣吾郎も... - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> 「Aran」 | テレビ業界での走行深刻な地震を任命することを決定で新しいマップ!ジョニーの仮説?草なぎ剛、香取慎吾、稲垣吾郎も... - Duration: 4:21.



For more infomation >> TRANSFORMERS: THE BASICS on FEMALE TRANSFORMERS - Duration: 13:02.


[MV] A-YEON _ You&I - Duration: 3:31.

Dazzling sunshine

Cool breeze

Gently blows to me I Feel good

Your eyes are

Like the blue ocean

Softly melt me away I fly high

You smile at me

We laugh together

Heaven is here

If we're together

You & I

You & I

When you stroke

My hair

I close my eyes again I Feel good

Like I'm dreaming

I feel comfortable

Take me this way Oh fly high

You look at me

We laugh together

Heaven is here

If we're together

You & I

You & I

Love me, Love me, Love me

Like you do Love me

Feel me, Feel me, Feel me

Like you do Feel me

Love me, Love me, Love me

Like you do Love me

Feel me, Feel me, Feel me

Like you do Feel me

You & I

You & I

For more infomation >> [MV] A-YEON _ You&I - Duration: 3:31.


Magical Skin Whitening Permanently With Gram Flour │ Get Fair, Glowing, Spotless Skin With Besan - Duration: 7:24.

Gram flour is a versatile ingredient.

It fights pimples, removes tan, and reduces the oiliness of skin and moisturizes it too.

It can be mixed with a variety of ingredients to clean and nourish your hair, make it shiny,

help it grow, and remove dandruff.

Its high nutrient and fiber content improves your cholesterol levels, fights fatigue, regulates

your blood pressure, controls diabetes, and strengthens your bones.

Here are 8 beauty packs you can make at home using Gram flour and other everyday ingredients.

So please click the subscribe batton and press the bell icon for more videos.

To make this, take 2 tablespoon of gram flour.

Add 2 tablespoon of water.

Mix it well to make a thick paste.

Smear your face with this paste, and rub gently in circular motions for about 10 minutes.

If the pack starts to become dry, simply keep wetting your fingers and continue scrubbing.

Then rinse it off with cool water.

Pat your skin dry and apply a suitable moisturizer.

This can also be used to scrub the entire body.

All you need to do is take more quantity of gram flour.

Add a few drops of your favorite body oil for a nourishing effect.

Use this exfoliating face pack or scrub once in every 4-5 days.

Firstly, take 1 tablespoon of baking soda.

Add 2 tablespoon of water.

And mix well.

Secondly take 2 tablespoon of gram flour.

Add A pinch of turmeric Powder.

And add enough of this baking soda water.

Mix them well.

Apply this on the entire face or affected areas.

Leave it on for 10 minutes and then rinse it off.

Repeat this once or twice a week.

The astringent and pH neutralizing properties of baking soda help to bring down the excess

sebum being produced by the skin.

The bacteria causing acne are also killed because of baking soda�s antimicrobial effect.

At first take 2 tablespoons gram flour.

Add 2 tablespoons milk.

Mix the gram flour with the milk to form a thick paste.

Apply the paste on your skin and leave it on for about 20 minutes.

Once the pack dries, wash it off with cold water.

Pat your skin dry.

Do this once in every 4-5 days.

Milk is an age-old skin cleanser.

It removes impurities from your skin and unclogs pores.

It is also a natural emollient.

At first take a cucumber and grind it to make paste.

Extract the juice from it.

Take 2 tablespoons gram flour.

Add 2 tablespoons cucumber juice.

Mix both ingredients together.

Apply this smooth paste evenly across your skin.

Keep the pack on for about 20 minutes and then wash off with cool water.

Do this twice a week.

Cucumber has astringent properties that help in closing the pores.

It also hydrates the skin and lightens marks, scars, and your complexion.

It also works well to tighten the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

To make this, Take 1 egg white.

Add 1 tablespoon gram flour.

And add few drops of lemon juice.

Mix well.

Apply this carefully on your face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes or until it dries.

Rinse it off with lukewarm water first and then with cool water.

Apply this egg face pack 1-2 times a week.

Egg whites give your skin an instant lift and glow.

They tighten the skin pores and tone the skin.

At first take 1 tablespoon gram flour.

Add 2 teaspoons Fuller�s earth Powder.

Add 2 tablespoon of milk.

Mix all the ingredients together.

Then, apply this on the face and leave it on for 15 minutes.

Rinse it off with water.

Reapply up to twice a week.

Fuller�s earth Powder is a type of cosmetic clay that absorbs all the excess oil and impurities

from the skin.

It clarifies your pores and also has a cooling effect.

It can also improve circulation to the skin�s surface.

At first take 2 teaspoons gram flour.

Add A pinch of turmeric powder.

And Add 2 tablespoon of rose water.

Mix it well.

Apply this as an even layer on your skin and leave the pack to dry naturally.

Rinse it off after 10-15 minutes.

Do this twice a week.

Turmeric is a perfect ingredient to achieve this in combination with the gram flour.

It has skin brightening properties.

It is also antimicrobial in nature and can benefit people who are with acne prone skin.

At first cut an aloe lead and extract gel from it.

Take 1 teaspoon gram flour.

Add 1 teaspoon aloe vera gel.

Mix the two together to get a smooth paste.

Apply on the face and let it sit for 10 minutes.

Rinse it off with water.

Repeat this twice or thrice a week.

Aloe vera soothes and nourishes the skin.

This face pack works well for removing sun tan, relieving sunburn, reducing dark spots

and hyperpigmentation.

For more infomation >> Magical Skin Whitening Permanently With Gram Flour │ Get Fair, Glowing, Spotless Skin With Besan - Duration: 7:24.


MOMO COME MY HOME OMG !! (Momo) - Duration: 16:29.

For more infomation >> MOMO COME MY HOME OMG !! (Momo) - Duration: 16:29.


Temptation Island: Filippo Bisciglia si apre sulla malattia che ha segnato la sua infanzia - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Temptation Island: Filippo Bisciglia si apre sulla malattia che ha segnato la sua infanzia - Duration: 3:29.


Install Snagit 2018 with key | 100% work - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> Install Snagit 2018 with key | 100% work - Duration: 5:05.


Ida Platano e Riccardo Guarnieri, retroscena al falò di Temptation e convivenza in vista - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Ida Platano e Riccardo Guarnieri, retroscena al falò di Temptation e convivenza in vista - Duration: 3:33.


Man Utd news: Dimitar Berbatov makes Paul Pogba prediction - Duration: 4:19.

 That's the verdict of former Old Trafford star Dimitar Berbatov, who says the onus is now on the midfielder to secure Premier League glory

 Paul Pogba has experienced mixed fortunes since rejoining United from Juventus in a then-world-record £89m deal two years ago

 But he shook off any doubts that may have arisen in Manchester by figuring prominently as France won the World Cup in Russia

 Pogba will be eager to replicate his international form for United once the new season gets going next month

 Berbatov has predicted the 25-year-old will be buoyed by France's summer success and that will be reflected when he returns to action for United

 "Jose Mourinho knows how to control to big players in the dressing room, to control egos, he's done it all his life and knows how to work it into the team," said Berbatov, when asked if Mourinho will have to adapt to get the best out of Pogba

 "It's not easy for Mourinho, when teams are set up defensively against them because then it's when you need imagination, that Paul Pogba and Romelu Lukaku possess

 "Coming from experience as a former footballer, Pogba will start to see things getting easier for him now he has the confidence of being winning the World Cup

On the pitch you can have the feeling that everything is happening for you, from passing, running, tackles, everything

 "This should give him more momentum in the Premier League but he needs to stay strong

Sometimes self-esteem affects you on and off the pitch, until you face your next game and you miss, then you feel not as great

 "However, he will be a World Champion for life, now he needs to be a Premier League winner

Top players at Old Trafford know how to be winners." Meanwhile, United legend Paul Scholes has revealed what he believes Pogba must do next season

 "Paul needs to find a consistency, I think," said Scholes. "You look at his game – he can be brilliant one week and not so good the next week

 "He seems to be a player you get a performance out of him one in every three or four games

If you're going to win leagues, it's not enough. "He needs to become that commanding player he was at Juventus

He was part of a set structure at Juventus. He knew every week what position he was going to play, who he was going to play with

 "I don't think that helps him at United because I'll be amazed if the same team has been named twice in a row and the same formation, there doesn't seem to be a set way of where it's going and that could possibly work against him

 "But there's no doubt the lad has real quality, he's shown it at this World Cup. He can play, he's such a strong lad - such a strong player - such a fit lad, he can run, great technique as well, great ability

 "But he needs to use his brain a little bit more to become a top footballer." Dimitar Berbatov has been announced as a global ambassador for Betfair

You can read more from the former Manchester United star here.

For more infomation >> Man Utd news: Dimitar Berbatov makes Paul Pogba prediction - Duration: 4:19.


Temptation Island anticipazioni, il bacio del tradimento: Gianpaolo senza parole | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Temptation Island anticipazioni, il bacio del tradimento: Gianpaolo senza parole | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.


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For more infomation >> Tina Cipollari ha un nuovo fidanzato ma smentisce la sua quarta gravidanza | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:04.


Tutorial Blender - Cara Membuat Bangunan Elite dengan Mudah di Blender (Bahasa Indonesia) - Duration: 44:02.

For more infomation >> Tutorial Blender - Cara Membuat Bangunan Elite dengan Mudah di Blender (Bahasa Indonesia) - Duration: 44:02.


Ford B-MAX 1.6 105PK Automaat Powershift Titanium - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.6 105PK Automaat Powershift Titanium - Duration: 1:12.


Opel Corsa 1.4 Twinport 100pk 5d Anniversary Edition in nieuwstaat!! - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.4 Twinport 100pk 5d Anniversary Edition in nieuwstaat!! - Duration: 0:53.


カルフォルニアで食べるカルフォルニアロールって?캘리포니아에서 먹는 캘리포니아롤은 어땠을까? ep03 - Duration: 1:19.

Moe, can you eat Albacore?


What is this?

This is Garlic Edamame (Green Soybeans .)

Yes, that's our favorite

Let's eat!

Thank you for the meal!

For more infomation >> カルフォルニアで食べるカルフォルニアロールって?캘리포니아에서 먹는 캘리포니아롤은 어땠을까? ep03 - Duration: 1:19.


【KIRA's ASMR】12 Triggers to help you sleep U.U♡♥잠을 돕는 12가지 트리거_trigger,tingle,tapping, - Duration: 27:03.

For more infomation >> 【KIRA's ASMR】12 Triggers to help you sleep U.U♡♥잠을 돕는 12가지 트리거_trigger,tingle,tapping, - Duration: 27:03.


What does I'm a vegetarian mean? - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> What does I'm a vegetarian mean? - Duration: 0:35.


Arsenal transfer news LIVE: Ousmane Dembele revelation, Bellerin talks future and more - Duration: 2:58.

Arsenal transfer news LIVE: All the latest gossip and rumours from the Emirates Saturday, July 28Dembele to the Emirates? Arsenal have reportedly already contacted Barcelona over a deal for Ousmane Dembele, journalist Kike Marin has claimed

 The France international reportedly wants to leave Barcelona after the club signed Malcom from Bordeaux, beating Roma to his signature in a £36million deal

 And journalist Marin, who is followed by Emery on Twitter, claims Gunners chief Sven Mislintat has already contacted Barcelona over a deal for Dembele before

 He said: "The German Sven Mislintat has in the @Arsenal three former players of the @BVB Aubameyang, Sokratis and Mkhitaryan

 "If Dembele, angry, wants to leave the Barça after the signing of Malcolm, it is logical to think of a transfer to #Arsenal and Mislintant already posed to Barça before

" Bellerin confirms Arsenal future Hector Bellerin has vehemently dismissed claims he wants to leave Arsenal this summer

 Barcelona and Manchester City have been linked with the Spain international in the past but in 2016 he signed a new six-and-a-half-year contract with Arsenal

 And Bellerin has eased Gunners fans' fears that he might be seeking a move away from the club

 "It is crazy that people ask me these questions all the time," said Bellerin. "A few years ago I signed a very long-term contract

I have never said that I have wanted to be anywhere else. "I am very happy in London

I am very happy at this club."Campbell uncertain on future Joel Campbell admits he does not know if he is a part of Unai Emery plans for next season

 Campbell has been loaned out six times since arriving at the Gunners from Saprissa in 2011

 And with one year remaining on his current Arsenal contract, he admits he is still in the dark over his future with the club

 "This weekend, I'm traveling and they'll decide what's coming next," he told La Nacion

 "I know that I have a lot left to show in football, so wherever it may be I'll do things as well as possible to enjoy this sport


For more infomation >> Arsenal transfer news LIVE: Ousmane Dembele revelation, Bellerin talks future and more - Duration: 2:58.


【MV】君色々移り/自分で歌ってみた【まふまふ】 - Duration: 4:10.

Changing to Your Colors

Changing to Your Colors

Guitar: Gibson Mitsuya Vocals, Songwriting: Mafumafu

Video: MONO-Devoid

Illustrations: Chachagoma

Our path home has been soaked through with blue

The colors washing away

In the twilight sky, the side of your face was illuminated with crimson light

With a scarlet hairpin in your hair, you beckon to me

While wearing wooden sandals you haven't quite gotten used to walking in

Stretching yourself just a bit this summer's night

A crowded wave of people draws near

The distance between us, so slight I could reach out and close it

I act indifferent, while the clouds above threaten rain

Can I make sure you won't get swept away?

The color of you bleeds into mine, together in the summer wind

Red, blue, yellow, all blend together to become love

In an instant, swept away; petals dot the night sky

I miss my chance to say it again this year

and it stays an unbloomed bud

That day, the path was soaked through with black

The colors washing away

An ark rocked by the waves of time for every moment of silence

Gathering words fall from lips; but gathering leaves fall from trees

How much of the season has passed us by, I wonder

This summer night, I wish time and time again

Love and sorrow flutter in the wind *The words for 'love' and 'sorrow' are homonyms.

To draw close then part is our fate

If I'll definitely regret the end

Then I want to regret now

Wavering in your eyes

My heart is a lantern

Swaying, as if able to disappear with a single breath

With a whispery sound, it burns

This tranquility is only a hollow act

I only yearn for you

I miss my chance to say it again this year

Unable to find the words

All I wanted was to hold your hand.

Covering it up with an excuse like "I just don't want you to get lost".

Did we hold hands?

My heart pounds for a spell

And sunrays shine down in my heart My heart pounds for a spell

And sunrays shine down in my heart

I love you so dearly

My chest aches and grows tight

I can't stop your colors from bleeding into mine anymore

The simplest things make my heart leap

I miss my chance to say it again this year

the words are love itself

I miss my chance to say it again this year

I love you

For more infomation >> 【MV】君色々移り/自分で歌ってみた【まふまふ】 - Duration: 4:10.


[MV] A-YEON _ You&I - Duration: 3:31.

Dazzling sunshine

Cool breeze

Gently blows to me I Feel good

Your eyes are

Like the blue ocean

Softly melt me away I fly high

You smile at me

We laugh together

Heaven is here

If we're together

You & I

You & I

When you stroke

My hair

I close my eyes again I Feel good

Like I'm dreaming

I feel comfortable

Take me this way Oh fly high

You look at me

We laugh together

Heaven is here

If we're together

You & I

You & I

Love me, Love me, Love me

Like you do Love me

Feel me, Feel me, Feel me

Like you do Feel me

Love me, Love me, Love me

Like you do Love me

Feel me, Feel me, Feel me

Like you do Feel me

You & I

You & I

For more infomation >> [MV] A-YEON _ You&I - Duration: 3:31.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I DYNAMIC BLUE - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I DYNAMIC BLUE - Duration: 1:05.


Best Funny 2018 (46) 🔥 July 🔥 🤔😍 *June* - Duration: 5:06.


For more infomation >> Best Funny 2018 (46) 🔥 July 🔥 🤔😍 *June* - Duration: 5:06.


【MUKBANG】 [7-Eleven] Summer Sweets And More!! 22 Items [Ramune Warabi] [5200kcal][CC Available] - Duration: 11:36.

hello it's kinoshita yuka


i bought all the new dessert of 7-eleven

and i bought with it some food that i found it interesting

there is plenty of desserts that represent summer


hay, this product i find it so interesting

jaan, Ramune Warabi

i found it while i was looking on the net, and it was so interesting

it's so rare to find ramune as a Warabimochi, the Japanese style of mochi with the foreign carbonic juice

the aroma of the ramune is so stronge

it's not the smell of warabimochi at all

hay, this is how it looks like

like candy


the taste is strong, but it's not like warabimochi at all

it's like a mochi of ramune

warabimochi is more jiggly than this, this is more watery

but still looks like the mochi for me

but the taste of ramune is amazing and tasty


next, this...

next is, melty salty Cookie Cream

made by using the snow salt, and i think it's from Okinawa

this is how it looks like

so soft


this is not like anything i tried it

the cream is melty

i like this serie a lot

it's like the ice cream version of the daifuku, and this is so tasty

with the cream there is some cookies and White chocolate chips as well

and this is amazingly tasty

and the smell of the milk is so strong

we progress steadily

and this is milk with plenty of Mandarin, and it's heavy

it's like the summer of the old days, so nostalgic

hay, cold


the amount of the mandarin is so big and tasty


the taste of the mixed milk with mandarin is really good

it's a nice dish for diet

next is, Salted Soy Sauce Rare Cheese

made by using snow salt

the is plenty of sweets that looks like it in okinawa

hay, this is how it looks like

and in the bottom you can see the sponge and cheese cookies

looks so tasty

aaaah, cheese cream

yes, yes, yes

the snow slat goes so well with the rare cheese

it's really good to have a salty and sweet taste together

and in the bottom there is cheese sponge that gives a different good texture

crepe with cream custard

it's the texture of the crepe that is filled with plenty of custard cream


soft and with a strong taste

and because the cream is a custard cream, it's so refreshing

we still with the sweets

Water Cream

this is a real summer sweet

convenience stores are really amazing, they have evey kinds of sweets

hay, it looks so elegant


it's like the jelly and puddings

that's why it's easy to eat it

you can notice the difference between the japanese sweets and western ones

the anko here is thick, but it's easy to eat it

let's go to the Bread now

we have here, strawberry jam & condensed cream bread

isn't cute ?

strawberry jam and milk cream is a great mix


hay, it looks so tasty, looks at the jam

there isn't plenty of cream...

but the bread is fluffy and with a good texture

next is Karintō manju

i really like Karintō manju

the outside is like Karintō, and it's hard

it's with a hard texture

and the filled Bean paste is so tasty

hay, and now, with custard cream Eclair

hay, this is so huge


filled with plenty of cream

and because they used plenty of eggs with the cream, it's so thick

and now let's go to the dishes

spicy cold meatbowl noodle

aah, this meat miso looks so tasty

this seasoning as well

let's add to the noodles this soup

the amount of the soup is so big


looks tasty and thick

is it going to be spicy ?

sesame sauce looks so tasty

let's add the seasoning now

hay, looks so tasty


the soup is with a really uniqye taste

rich with flavors and the taste of the meat is so good

this noodles are so good for the summer, especially that's cold

and you can mix this soup with it so easily

and the aroma of the seasoning is so good

next, Fromage Sweet

ah, what fluffy texture


it's so soft and filled with cheese cream

next, melty tiramisu

this is how it looks like

aah, this is so soft


the taste is thick, and the amount of the cream is huge

the bottom rich with coffee taste, and this part is so tasty

and "Cheesecake for cheese lover"

what a nice name

looks tasty

filled with the kiri cheese cream


it's so fluffy

and with blueberry sauce as well

and this goes so well with cheese cream

this cheese is really thick

jiggly Annin tofu

jiggly and looks so good

jiggly ?


so jiggly


so refreshing

and so sweet

and without texture

because it's so jiggly

supper jiggly


it's melty and ultra jiggly

Jaan , Yomogidango

looks so tasty


the smell of yomogi plant is strong

it's soft and it goes so well with the red beans

and, mango pudding

the smell of the mango is strong

and with plenty of mango cubes


doesn't look like a convenience store sweet at all

this mango pudding is so soft

and the amount of the mango is so huge

and this is warabimochi

it's the traditional japanese sweets, warabimochi

mmm, this warabimochi is so jiggly

the sweetness is good

and, THE 7 Choux

it's heavy, and it looks like it's with plenty of cream

the humanity is really genius

but i'm not that genius

this cream looks so tasty

and with plent of vanilla beans


rich with eggs, what made it with a strong taste

let's try now this...

it's coco ichiban cheese curry chips

it's not just the taste of the curry

it's cheese curry, and this is amazing

this aroma is really unique

strong taste and delicous

the texture is so crispy, and because of that the taste is strong as well

hay, next, is the daifuku

hay, looks so tasty

a bright white

the same color as the plate


in this soft texture, filled plenty of anko

and with all this sweet taste there is some light salty taste as well

next, Kuromitsu kuzu kiri

hay, there is everything in 7-ELeven

there is plenty of Black honey

looks so tasty

it's my first time to try it

hay, this is how it looks like

looks tasty

the texture is good, it's like jelly

and the sauce goes so well with it


this is really good

there is 128 Kcal and this not too much

it's really good for diet

and in last....

blue hawaiian jelly

this is also i sow it on the net, and found it so interesting

and it's so rare

the blue sweets are rare, isn't that ?

and it's so elegant

topped with some cherry


it looks like a jewel


the jelly taste is so refreshing

and the mousse cream on the top is so good

the refreshing jelly goes so well with it

it's only 156 Kcal

the last bite, itadakimasu



7-eleven sweets was so tasty

it's the new summer items

and this huge variety is really amazing

there is always a new items

like Warabim mochi cider or blue hawaiian jelly

both the japanese sweets and the western sweets

and the noodles was so tasty as well

in 7-eleven you can buy anything really

and this is amazing

this was so tasty

and because it was so tasty why you don't try it as well ?

And as always thank you for watching

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [7-Eleven] Summer Sweets And More!! 22 Items [Ramune Warabi] [5200kcal][CC Available] - Duration: 11:36.


Play A Love Song 宇多田ヒカル フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Play A Love Song 宇多田ヒカル フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 4:21.


Anh Minh Héo ăn thử lá đu đủ và cái kết của Dũng Hi I Wefi - Duration: 8:19.

For more infomation >> Anh Minh Héo ăn thử lá đu đủ và cái kết của Dũng Hi I Wefi - Duration: 8:19.


FUN DAY WITH A FRIEND - Duration: 6:20.

For more infomation >> FUN DAY WITH A FRIEND - Duration: 6:20.


Eating WORMS!!! Kluna Tik ASMR Dinner #17 | ASMR eating sounds no talk - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Eating WORMS!!! Kluna Tik ASMR Dinner #17 | ASMR eating sounds no talk - Duration: 3:03.


Honda Accord Tourer 2.0i Special Edition automaat - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Honda Accord Tourer 2.0i Special Edition automaat - Duration: 1:11.


初恋 宇多田ヒカル フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> 初恋 宇多田ヒカル フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 4:50.


Hyundai Atos Spirit 1.0i LX 120666 km! APK tot 07-07-2019 - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Atos Spirit 1.0i LX 120666 km! APK tot 07-07-2019 - Duration: 0:51.


Play A Love Song 宇多田ヒカル フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Play A Love Song 宇多田ヒカル フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 4:21.


Hyundai Atos Spirit 1.0I SLX (59pk) Elek.Ramen/ C.V./ Stuurbekr./ Radio-Cd/ Trekhaak/ APK tot 03-'19 - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Atos Spirit 1.0I SLX (59pk) Elek.Ramen/ C.V./ Stuurbekr./ Radio-Cd/ Trekhaak/ APK tot 03-'19 - Duration: 1:04.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I ASPIRATION met navigatie en trekhaak - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I ASPIRATION met navigatie en trekhaak - Duration: 1:11.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I DYNAMIC BLUE - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I DYNAMIC BLUE - Duration: 1:05.


Saturn 3 - Movie - Duration: 1:27:28.

For more infomation >> Saturn 3 - Movie - Duration: 1:27:28.


48歲男子雙臂截肢堅持含勺喂母,拒絕乞討掙錢,沒有雙手我有雙腳 - Duration: 7:09.

For more infomation >> 48歲男子雙臂截肢堅持含勺喂母,拒絕乞討掙錢,沒有雙手我有雙腳 - Duration: 7:09.


o bir transformers taşıyan tır - Duration: 3:48.

do you like my video?

For more infomation >> o bir transformers taşıyan tır - Duration: 3:48.


Conheça o marido do ator Luís Lobianco - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Conheça o marido do ator Luís Lobianco - Duration: 2:25.


Beneficios del Carbón Activado - Duration: 6:40.

For more infomation >> Beneficios del Carbón Activado - Duration: 6:40.


Another Day in World of Tanks #49 - Duration: 14:35.

no need!

it's pretty good

background son

target lost

so yeah I wanted to order some good old-fashioned Cola Oh are we recording

hallo scrubs charlie sure is hard to find right let me show you where he is

well done fellow viewers now spam the comments telling us where he is in this


oh shit

one at all super EXTREME Justin what are you what what are you doing wait don't

touch him it's a look at him switched oh my god

hello balanced fine yes oh yes oh hello you just hide behind him let's do it

people kv2 with the dirt gun this time you're gonna be facing me as watch into

your chance that's a lot of kV juice

okay oh that's my gun and my engine

hello people you have armor but we don't care because we have high explosives

hello quick wash hello t-49 oh gosh reload reload reload

reload reload OH

hello goodbye son's weight isn't ice it's just like very high out for damage

all the crap I'm actually not sure how the armor holds up this just pull a

piece or and just let's just go for it okay

I blocked one point six how is this tank balanced well it's what the sure Aaron

there's an IQ be in the process here oh it's just straight in front of us Oh

video my ego ever wanna stop hello time Emerson real yeah yet I could okay so I

did 1300 Amman and I blocked mm I've looked 3k damage early

completely balanced I will get Paris Thank You matchmaker Oh God how did that

shall even go nope these seams are so bad 0 6 seriously Oh

fuckin swatch let's just go come on these are our counts anyways yes we

still alive scrub please

hello she ha oh no no come on one more yes no no damage that sound though right

is you 130 if you premium rounds my alpha oh they do my God's worship for

premiums watch this thing is 570 damage with premium or repeating hello

let's go to tier 7 poor guy 618

thank you all our patreon supporters at home up until today

just a dollar month get access to also purse shit link eat the truth

join the dark side we have hash browns look mom I'm on TV I got a fever and the

only prescription is more shamans join the awesome and epic minecraft server

farthest all collecting balanced premium tanks since 2012 drop the base all that

tasty damage time for the doom 95 just to the heck do you think I am well thank

you for watching this amazing video and if you want to watch more of this kind

of content why don't you go ahead and click this playlist in the middle of the

screen and don't forget to Like and subscribe

yes and don't forget to send your replays to our contact mail more details

in the description

For more infomation >> Another Day in World of Tanks #49 - Duration: 14:35.


Best Funny 2018 (46) 🔥 July 🔥 🤔😍 *June* - Duration: 5:06.


For more infomation >> Best Funny 2018 (46) 🔥 July 🔥 🤔😍 *June* - Duration: 5:06.


Woman, 26, With Eczema All Her Life Is Almost Cured After Changing Her Diet - Duration: 7:02.

A 26-year-old woman was completely cured of eczema when she was able to make changes in her diet

Eczema is a term that covers a group of conditions that cause

itchy irritations

skin redness more than 30 million Americans

suffer from this skin condition so it is actually very common

It can be of several types

atopic dermatitis

contact dermatitis

eczema of isidro tico eczema noooooo seborrheic dermatitis and stasis dermatitis

Dr. Jeffrey John Meffert MD explains this unpleasant condition and its symptoms

Medical professionals sometimes refer to the former issue as itching that produces rashes

Usually the first symptom of eczema is an intense itching

the rash appears later and is red and has bumps of different sizes

the rash itches and it can burn

especially on thin skin like the eyelids

if it is scratched it can resume and become crusty in adults rubbing

Chronic produces thickened skin plaques

some people develop

red bumps or fluid-filled bumps that look bubbling

when scratched they add moisture to the overall appearance

he adds

painful cracks in the skin may develop over time although the rash may

localized anywhere in the body in adults and older children is most often found in the neck

push-ups of the arms opposite the elbow and push-ups of the legs

Opposite the knee babies can have a rash on their torso and face

although the skin behind the ear may be involved the outer ear in itself

it is usually saved the eyelids are often swollen red and itchy

the itching can be so intense that it interferes with sleep

therefore live with that can be a continuous struggle and the outbreaks can vary from mild

moderate to severe

the most severe ecze was the life-long battle of a 26-year-old British girl

victory jinks and this condition

inflammation of the skin caused blisters


Redness Thickening of the skin What made her reject often leave her home for shame

during the summer victory covered the irritated areas of the skin and even when bleeding it stopped going to work

she says that being a girl with this health problem was not easy

I remember when I went to bed my mother had to put ointment on my body every night

I hated to be constantly put on cream and now I have developed a phobia of creams

she also says that the people around her criticized her

People always said stop scratching you and that bothered me more than the constant itching on my body

Viktoria used the steroid cream to treat eczema but did not produce effects

However, after her sister's fiance convinced her to treat the problem from within and follow a diet

vegan decided to try it


2017 stopped eating meat and by the end of the spring of this year it became completely vegan

his eczema course vegetarian diet after 10 years and finally he is happy and normal

she says

my skin is

completely clear almost healed it took me about two months to be free of eczema

but I will never go back

I think that people should try it will feel amazing after the results

Our diet is closely linked to our health and in the case of eczema certain foods

trigger the outbreaks

however what you must remember is that the extreme and its symptoms are different for all

therefore if you suffer from eczema to relieve the symptoms

must discover your needs

personal food and foods that cause unwanted reactions such as gluten nuts

fish eggs cow's milk seafood or soy

we also recommend that you try the following natural and topical remedies for eczema

aloe vera

The leaves of this plant have powerful anti-inflammatory properties and antimicrobial agents that will alleviate swellings

and the redness

Apple cider vinegar

It has strong properties

antibacterial and antifungal agents that will calm the itching and treat inflammation

epsom salts

epsom's warm salt bath offers soothing and anti-inflammatory properties

cannabis oil cannabinoids

prevent the accumulation of dead skin cells and treat the symptoms of eczema


moisturize irritated skin as they have a

96% water oregon grape

slows the production of skin cells and therefore

prevents inflammatory responses

colloidal oat

relieves itching periods and regulates ph levels of the skin

coconut oil

This oil is ideal for dry and cracked skin as it is rich in vitamin E and lauric acid

evening primrose oil

Being rich in fatty acids

this oil will treat the inflammatory process

Do not be afraid to experiment with these natural cures


consider making dietary changes

necessary since it will be worthwhile over time and you will get results


For more infomation >> Woman, 26, With Eczema All Her Life Is Almost Cured After Changing Her Diet - Duration: 7:02.


Loan on Pakistan And India || Survivability on Foreign Aid || English Subtitle || 2018 - Duration: 4:57.

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Assalam o Alikum Friend

This video is answer for Indian media

who always propaganda that Pakistan have more and more Loan

who always propaganda that Pakistan have more and more Loan

who always propaganda that Pakistan have more and more Loan

Indian media also says that Pakistan does not survived with Foreign Loan

Indian media also says that Pakistan does not survived without Foreign Loan

Indian media also says that Pakistan does not survived without Foreign Loan

Without Loan Pakistan not survived

IF other country do,t give loan to Pakistan so very difficult situation occur in Pakistan

and economy of Pakistan got in vain without Loan

And also another propaganda says that Pakistan economy survived on American Loan

And also another propaganda says that Pakistan economy survived on American Loan

When american stop Pakistan Aid now days so Indian media start Propaganda

When american stop Pakistan Aid now days so Indian media start Propaganda

Indian says that American stop Pakistan 'Hocka Pani" hahaha

So friends these all are indian media propaganda so .it is necessary to ensure truth about these confusion

So friends these all are indian media propaganda so .it is necessary to ensure truth about these confusion

So friends these all are indian media propaganda so .it is necessary to ensure truth about these confusion.and eliminate indian propaganda

i think indian liear media speak lie For TRP rating and earning lots of dollar from hate speech,but we show you every thing with proof

i think indian liear media speak lie For TRP rating and earning lots of dollar from hate speech,but we show you every thing with proof

NOW friends >first we talk about Loan on Both countries like India and Pakistan

NOW friends >first we talk about Loan on Both countries like India and Pakistan

NOW friends >first we talk about Loan on Both countries like India and Pakistan

AND we talk about those country whose survived only on Loan or Found

and becoming american colony

NOW first we search on wiki pedia about top countries on Loan

now we start searching foreign debt countries in list

here you see America is first position on list

with 21 Trillion Dollar(USD)

This is very large foreign debt on america ,some from world bank and most from japan

This is very large foreign debt on america ,some from world bank and most from japan

we search Pakistan on Top 10 ,top 20 and also on top 30

when we search on top 30 we see India on 24 position .

so These are india who says that they have no foreign debt

But india have more more foreign debt

india have 4 Trillion 71 Billion USD dollar

this is very very Large debt compare to its economy size

this is very very Large debt compare to its economy size

Indian annual budget is 1 trillion dollar but this is very large foreign debt

Indian annual budget is 1 trillion dollar but this is very large foreign debt

they show that Indian economy got in vain in several year .or economic collapse

Indian always hidden truth But wiki Pedia show always real image

Now Pakistan is in Top 60 with position of 53

Now Pakistan is in Top 60 with position of 53

with 82 Billion Dollar of foreign Debt

this is very low with comparison of India

So Loan Is clear .India does,t survived without foreign Begging Or Loan

NOW we check foreign Aid Position of Pakistan and India

Including Medical ,Military etc Aid.

NOW we check foreign Aid Position of Pakistan and India,Including Medical ,Military etc Aid.

NOW we check foreign Aid Position of Pakistan and India,Including Medical ,Military etc Aid.

Most aid come from USA ,

Aid show that Your country are not stable and You survived on american dollar

so Donald Trump and other media says that Pakistan give more and more adds from america

so Donald Trump and other media says that Pakistan give more and more adds from america

so Donald trumpt and other media says that Pakistan give more and more adds from america

so Donald Trump and other media says that Pakistan give more and more adds from america

we show you real evidence and real documentation Graph about foreign aid of america on Pakistan and India

So we see top 10 country .whose survived on american aid lets see

So we see top 10 country .whose survived on american aid lets see

these all country give annual aid from america

Afghanistan is in First position ,Indian and Pakistan are not present in this list

Jordan,,, kenya ,,isreal colony see on list

Jordan,,, kenya ,,isreal colony see on list

Jordan,,, Kenya ,,Israel colony see on list

so we check other graph

Lets see Report of Time of India .The biggest News paper of Hindustan

this report says that India is in Top recipient on american aid

India survived on american Hoca Pani.means Aid

India give more and more aids from america ,And India is in top in Begging List

now we see graph analysis

India give 65.1% aid from america

means India survived 65% on foreign aid.

means India survived 65% on foreign aid.

if american stop aid of India . Indian economy damaged

if american stop aid of India . Indian economy damaged

Now see Pakistan is in 44% of foreign Paid

This is not Aid .America payed Pakistan on presence of NATO supply

This is not Aid .America payed Pakistan on presence of NATO supply

so this is rent of NATO supply .whose come from american to Afghanistan through route of Pakistan

so this is rent of NATO supply .whose come from american to Afghanistan through route of Pakistan

Now see Military Aid graph .NO where India and Pakistan are present in this graph

Pakistani army have Asian largest weapon factory

so Pakistan army sell weapon in world ,Pakistan army have very strong position

Indian army buy and beg weapon from Russia

Indian army buy and beg weapon from Russia

Indian army buy and beg weapon from Russia

Now we see total aid graph of world economic form

in which medical military and other form of ads are shown

Pakistan is not present in this list

But India is present with aid of 66 % of its total economy

this is proof that India is economic failed state in south asia

Now days american stop Pakistani pay and give to India with a dollar of 100 million

This is are analysis ..Like subscript and share to friends

This is are analysis ..Like subscript and share to friends

This is are analysis ..Like subscript and share to friends

Love and respect to all over world.Live in Peace .God Bless you

For more infomation >> Loan on Pakistan And India || Survivability on Foreign Aid || English Subtitle || 2018 - Duration: 4:57.


【MUKBANG】 [7-Eleven] Summer Sweets And More!! 22 Items [Ramune Warabi] [5200kcal][CC Available] - Duration: 11:36.

hello it's kinoshita yuka


i bought all the new dessert of 7-eleven

and i bought with it some food that i found it interesting

there is plenty of desserts that represent summer


hay, this product i find it so interesting

jaan, Ramune Warabi

i found it while i was looking on the net, and it was so interesting

it's so rare to find ramune as a Warabimochi, the Japanese style of mochi with the foreign carbonic juice

the aroma of the ramune is so stronge

it's not the smell of warabimochi at all

hay, this is how it looks like

like candy


the taste is strong, but it's not like warabimochi at all

it's like a mochi of ramune

warabimochi is more jiggly than this, this is more watery

but still looks like the mochi for me

but the taste of ramune is amazing and tasty


next, this...

next is, melty salty Cookie Cream

made by using the snow salt, and i think it's from Okinawa

this is how it looks like

so soft


this is not like anything i tried it

the cream is melty

i like this serie a lot

it's like the ice cream version of the daifuku, and this is so tasty

with the cream there is some cookies and White chocolate chips as well

and this is amazingly tasty

and the smell of the milk is so strong

we progress steadily

and this is milk with plenty of Mandarin, and it's heavy

it's like the summer of the old days, so nostalgic

hay, cold


the amount of the mandarin is so big and tasty


the taste of the mixed milk with mandarin is really good

it's a nice dish for diet

next is, Salted Soy Sauce Rare Cheese

made by using snow salt

the is plenty of sweets that looks like it in okinawa

hay, this is how it looks like

and in the bottom you can see the sponge and cheese cookies

looks so tasty

aaaah, cheese cream

yes, yes, yes

the snow slat goes so well with the rare cheese

it's really good to have a salty and sweet taste together

and in the bottom there is cheese sponge that gives a different good texture

crepe with cream custard

it's the texture of the crepe that is filled with plenty of custard cream


soft and with a strong taste

and because the cream is a custard cream, it's so refreshing

we still with the sweets

Water Cream

this is a real summer sweet

convenience stores are really amazing, they have evey kinds of sweets

hay, it looks so elegant


it's like the jelly and puddings

that's why it's easy to eat it

you can notice the difference between the japanese sweets and western ones

the anko here is thick, but it's easy to eat it

let's go to the Bread now

we have here, strawberry jam & condensed cream bread

isn't cute ?

strawberry jam and milk cream is a great mix


hay, it looks so tasty, looks at the jam

there isn't plenty of cream...

but the bread is fluffy and with a good texture

next is Karintō manju

i really like Karintō manju

the outside is like Karintō, and it's hard

it's with a hard texture

and the filled Bean paste is so tasty

hay, and now, with custard cream Eclair

hay, this is so huge


filled with plenty of cream

and because they used plenty of eggs with the cream, it's so thick

and now let's go to the dishes

spicy cold meatbowl noodle

aah, this meat miso looks so tasty

this seasoning as well

let's add to the noodles this soup

the amount of the soup is so big


looks tasty and thick

is it going to be spicy ?

sesame sauce looks so tasty

let's add the seasoning now

hay, looks so tasty


the soup is with a really uniqye taste

rich with flavors and the taste of the meat is so good

this noodles are so good for the summer, especially that's cold

and you can mix this soup with it so easily

and the aroma of the seasoning is so good

next, Fromage Sweet

ah, what fluffy texture


it's so soft and filled with cheese cream

next, melty tiramisu

this is how it looks like

aah, this is so soft


the taste is thick, and the amount of the cream is huge

the bottom rich with coffee taste, and this part is so tasty

and "Cheesecake for cheese lover"

what a nice name

looks tasty

filled with the kiri cheese cream


it's so fluffy

and with blueberry sauce as well

and this goes so well with cheese cream

this cheese is really thick

jiggly Annin tofu

jiggly and looks so good

jiggly ?


so jiggly


so refreshing

and so sweet

and without texture

because it's so jiggly

supper jiggly


it's melty and ultra jiggly

Jaan , Yomogidango

looks so tasty


the smell of yomogi plant is strong

it's soft and it goes so well with the red beans

and, mango pudding

the smell of the mango is strong

and with plenty of mango cubes


doesn't look like a convenience store sweet at all

this mango pudding is so soft

and the amount of the mango is so huge

and this is warabimochi

it's the traditional japanese sweets, warabimochi

mmm, this warabimochi is so jiggly

the sweetness is good

and, THE 7 Choux

it's heavy, and it looks like it's with plenty of cream

the humanity is really genius

but i'm not that genius

this cream looks so tasty

and with plent of vanilla beans


rich with eggs, what made it with a strong taste

let's try now this...

it's coco ichiban cheese curry chips

it's not just the taste of the curry

it's cheese curry, and this is amazing

this aroma is really unique

strong taste and delicous

the texture is so crispy, and because of that the taste is strong as well

hay, next, is the daifuku

hay, looks so tasty

a bright white

the same color as the plate


in this soft texture, filled plenty of anko

and with all this sweet taste there is some light salty taste as well

next, Kuromitsu kuzu kiri

hay, there is everything in 7-ELeven

there is plenty of Black honey

looks so tasty

it's my first time to try it

hay, this is how it looks like

looks tasty

the texture is good, it's like jelly

and the sauce goes so well with it


this is really good

there is 128 Kcal and this not too much

it's really good for diet

and in last....

blue hawaiian jelly

this is also i sow it on the net, and found it so interesting

and it's so rare

the blue sweets are rare, isn't that ?

and it's so elegant

topped with some cherry


it looks like a jewel


the jelly taste is so refreshing

and the mousse cream on the top is so good

the refreshing jelly goes so well with it

it's only 156 Kcal

the last bite, itadakimasu



7-eleven sweets was so tasty

it's the new summer items

and this huge variety is really amazing

there is always a new items

like Warabim mochi cider or blue hawaiian jelly

both the japanese sweets and the western sweets

and the noodles was so tasty as well

in 7-eleven you can buy anything really

and this is amazing

this was so tasty

and because it was so tasty why you don't try it as well ?

And as always thank you for watching

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [7-Eleven] Summer Sweets And More!! 22 Items [Ramune Warabi] [5200kcal][CC Available] - Duration: 11:36.




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