Sunday, July 29, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 29 2018

Bárbara Rey mantuvo una intermitente relación con don Juan Carlos desde el inicio de la transición hasta entrados los años noventa,pero no fue hasta el 2017 cuando, a raíz de una información de OKDIARIO, el foco mediático se centró en el caso.

"Espías del CNI depositaron entre 1996 y 1997 en un banco de Luxemburgo cantidades millonarias de dinero para Bárbara Rey,procedente de los fondos reservados, a fin de que no descubriera las relaciones que desde el inicio de la Transición mantenía con el Rey Juan Carlos, ni difundiera vídeos privados", publicó el diario.

Y es que la 'vedette', tras finalizar el propio Juan Carlos sus encuentros, supuestamente amenazó con sacar a la luz las grabaciones que durante casi 15 años había ido recopilando.

La actriz española será el plato estrella de 'Sábado Deluxe' del 28 de julio, una entrevista que, según confirmó 'Sálvame',no contendrá ningún veto a preguntas y que podría resolver muchas de las cuestiones sin respuesta que Bárbara Rey ha callado durante años.

De hecho, llegó a reconocer a OKDIARIO que guardó material sonoro y videográfico para "preservar mi seguridad y la de mi familia".

Similitudes evidentes entre Bárbara Rey y Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, ahora Larsen, cuyos vínculos con el rey Juan Carlos no coincidieron en fechas.

La española ha declarado en numerosas ocasiones que lleva dos años sin trabajar debido a que ha sido vetada en las televisiones.

Este sería un primer caso en el que, ateniéndose a lo publicado por OKDIARIO, los servicios de inteligencia españoles tuvieron que intervenir,

más allá de la vigilancia usual, para torpedear un proceso que pudiera afectar al estado de la Corona Real.

"Era un rey joven que se enganchó más de la cuenta con una actriz despampanante, pero cuando llegó el momento de distanciarse,

lo hizo", relató Fernando Rueda en su libro 'La Casa II' (donde narra su investigación sobre el Centro Nacional de Inteligencia) acerca de cómo finalizó el propio Emérito los encuentros con Bárbara Rey.

La segunda relación de Juan Carlos en conseguirlo ha sido Corinna.

Y es que, según la lectura de 'La Casa II', la actitud de Juan Carlos influyó mucho en la transcendencia mediática que ha acabado por conseguir Corinna y que ha explotado definitivamente con la publicación de sus audios.

"Con Corinna se enganchó hasta el punto de que perjudicó su reinado", escribió el periodista Rueda para explicar el motivo que llevó a Juan Carlos a desobedecer el consejo del CNI: "Majestad,

El pasado jueves, 26 de julio, el comisario Villarejo declaró durante hora y media en la Audiencia Nacional por su implicación en la pieza separada de la 'Operación Tándem'. su relación con Corinna es muy peligrosa".

Villarejo visitó a Corinna en Londres durante junio de 2015, una reunión que fue grabada y cuya publicación ha causado un seísmo en la Casa Real.

El policía, en prisión provisional acusado de blanqueo de dinero y organización criminal, declaró que "estaba cumpliendo órdenes".

Para también confirmar que fue él quién grabó la conversación, según fuentes judiciales constataron a OKDIARIO.

"El director del CNI amenazó mi vida y la de mis hijos… Y el Rey Juan Carlos lo sabía", dijo Corinna en los famosos audios.

Félix Sanz Roldán, el acusado por la propia mujer de amenazar a ella y a su familia, lo negó todo en la Comisión de Secreto del pasado miércoles 25.

Las grabaciones de Corinna no se quedan ahí, sino que sitúan a Juan Carlos como beneficiario de una serie de actividades ilegales como el blanqueo de dinero.

En medio de un panorama nada halagueño la Casa Real ha confirmado que don Juan Carlos no acudirá a las típicas vacaciones veraniegas de Palma de Mallorca,donde estaba previsto que regateara junto a su hijo, alegando problemas médicos.

¿Será la entrevista de Bárbara Rey un nuevo azote para el emérito? Esta noche lo descubriremos.El rey Juan Carlos (80) no pudo evitar que las grabaciones de Corinna (53) le posicionaran en el ojo del huracán.

De ser cierto su contenido, este era 'letal' para la reputación del monarca, pues en ellas era acusado por la que fuera su amiga entrañable de varios delitos que actualmente están siendo investigados por la Audiencia Nacional en una pieza separada del 'Caso Villarejo'.

Un auténtico terremoto Real que en cuestión de segundos ha traído el pasado al presente, ese que en tantas ocasiones ha relacionado al Rey emérito con la reconocida vedette, Bárbara Rey (68).

Aunque ninguno de ellos ha corroborado que esta relación intermitente tuviera lugar durante casi 20 años -desde el inicio de la transición hasta entrados los 90-,

este sábado esta actriz con más de 50 años de profesión a su espalda se ha sentado en Sábado Deluxe para arrojar luz sobre esta historia que tanto ha dado de qué hablar.

"Hay personas a las que tienes un aprecio o un cariño después de lo que sea. No soy rencorosa y no quiero hacerles daño.

No quiero aprovecharme en momentos difíciles y ahondar sobre ciertas cosas", ha dicho Bárbara Rey cuando María Patiño le preguntaba sobre el rey Juan Carlos.

Tras varios años retirada de la vida pública, Bárbara no tenía reparo en manifestar su inquietud y nervios ante las cámaras.

Era consciente de que no había vetado ninguna cuestión, pero ella no estaba dispuesta a poner nombre ni a nada ni a nadie e incluso se mostraba reticente a ahondar sobre ciertos asuntos.

"Lo diré si yo quiero porque me pertenece controlar lo que siento (…) Mi silencio tiene un precio moral, no hubiera tenido los problemas que he tenido con Hacienda ni habría pedido un crédito.

No quiero ser de esa manera con los demás", ha revelado Bárbara Rey al comienzo de su entrevista.

Y era precisamente de manera sigilosa, como iba dejando a cuentagotas esta murciana titulares que podrían dar respuesta a muchas de las preguntas sobre su vínculo con el rey Juan Carlos.

Me han hecho sentir la otra, pero no la amante", ha confesado Bárbara. "No he sido mujer de estar con hombres casados, pero alguno ha habido.

Bárbara también ha recordado ese temor que durante tantos años le acompañó y es que, ella misma aseguró en mayo de 1997 que había denunciado a la policía el robo en su domicilio de carretes de fotos,

cintas de vídeo y material gráfico "comprometedor" para una "persona muy importante" de este país.

Entonces señaló como uno de los autores a Manuel Prado y Colón de Carvajal, íntimo amigo y administrador único del monarca.

Luego me fui tranquilizando y con el tiempo pasa a ser secundario", ha revelado Bárbara Rey. "He tenido mucho miedo durante un tiempo.

Palabras que trataba de decir generalizando ya que eran asuntos muy delicados."Me reservo confirmar si guardo material comprometedor de mis amistades", ha añadido.

Sin embargo, este veto así como circunstancias incómodas las ha sufrido, según Bárbara en más de una ocasión.

"Me pusieron dos policías y dos guardas de seguridad en la puerta del plató de Tómbola para no dejarme entrar a una entrevista.

Me cambié yo y cuando bajé me dijeron que no iba a intervenir. Recuerdo que no me quisieron maquillar ni nada.

Dije que iba a trabajar, que yo era una persona que cumplía siempre, pero fue imposible", ha dicho Bárbara.

"A nosotros nos dijeron que venía por una llamada de muy arriba", ha comentado Lydia Lozano. Corinna ha sido el otro eje central.

Mientras hace tan solo unos días Bárbara la defendía en su entrevista concedida a Semana, este sábado todo parecía haber cambiado.

"Por lo que han contado el Rey la ha querido mucho y ha representado mucho más de lo que debía.

Creo que Corinna está haciendo un daño innecesario, creo que hay otra forma de hablar las cosas (…) No me la creo y no me siento identificada con ella", ha confesado Bárbara.

Aunque se desconoce si esta historia del pasado seguirá escribiendo capítulos en el futuro, lo cierto es que todo apunta a que Bárbara ha tratado a través de sus respuestas de solidarizarse con el monarca y no hacer leña del árbol caído.

For more infomation >> Bárbara Rey y Corinna, dos amantes misteriosos del Rey Juan Carlos - Duration: 8:55.


¿Por Qué las Mujeres Aman a los Patanes? | ¿Por Qué los Hombres Buenos se van a la "Friendzone"? - Duration: 11:52.

For more infomation >> ¿Por Qué las Mujeres Aman a los Patanes? | ¿Por Qué los Hombres Buenos se van a la "Friendzone"? - Duration: 11:52.


Osetia pie with 3 fillings ¡700 years old! - Duration: 12:00.

Hello Friend how are you? I'm Esbieta. The pie Osetia enjoys a lot of fame and popularity

in all the post-Soviet space. And it rivals with pizza very successful. What is meant

for empanada osetia are actually 3 empanadas of different fillings. That they go one over

of another and that the three together represents the sun, air and earth, that is, the most holy

trinity. It's a very old friends dish. Already in the legend of the heroes of nartos,

dating from the 13th-14th century, it is mentioned the empanada osetia. And look, to survived

through the centuries. And it's not surprising because everything good endures. So today

I'll show you how to prepare this little gem.

According to the Ossetian customs the first piece of the empanada is served to the smallest diner.

The empanada osetía comes out very soft, tremendously juicy and delicious. Take double the filling

that of mass. It is made with osetio cheese, meat and the cheese mixed with different vegetables

of sheet.

To prepare the empanada you will need the next ingredients:

500 g of all-purpose wheat flour 10 g fresh yeast or 3.3 g dry

350 g of water 6 g of sugar

5 g of salt 1 tbsp of oil

Filling 2

580 g of fresh cheese

(I put 250 g of traditional fresh cheese and 150 g of Feta cheese, 45 g of cheese type

Fedta and 125 g of mozarella)

Filling 1

200 g of leafy vegetable (without stems) 380 g of fresh cheese

cilantro or parsley to taste salt to taste

(I put 200 g of chard, 250 g of cheese traditional fresh and 130 g of Feta)

Fillers 3

500 g of meat (whichever you want) 1 medium onion

1-2 garlic dienets salt to taste

spices to taste

butter to spread the empanadas

Ossetian cheese is a cheese that comes in brine and it has enough flavor. To replace it I have

mixed traditional cheese with feta cheese and mozzarella cheese. But you can use the

cheese that you like.

Put a glass 50 g of warm water.

Add the yeast. You can use both the fresh As with the dry, the quantities are in the


Add the sugar. Sugar is to feed the yeast, not to sweeten the dough.

Remove and leave the mixture at rest until the yeast is activated.

Pour the remaining water. If it's hot, put cold water and vice versa.

Add the yeast.

Sift the flour.

Add the salt.


Add the oil and stir.

Close the container and leave the dough at rest 20 minutes, so that they get wet properly

the flour particles.

Pour the dough on the table clean and dry and massage it until it becomes smooth and uniform.

You can knead the dough in the mixer. Would about 10 minutes at first speed.

I have been slow to knead the dough for about 8 minutes. You can take more time or less, according to

the quality of your flour and the ability to knead that you have.

Spread the container with a little oil.

Put the dough inside and let it rise doubling its size.

Meanwhile I will prepare the fillings.

Fillers 1

One of the fillings carries cheese and vegetables of sheet. The vegetable that I am going to put are

chard. I remove the stems because they are too thick. I use chard because they are from the

same family as the red beet, whose leaves put to the empanada the osetios. Can

also put spinach. Finely chop the leaves.

Chop a few sprigs of cilantro or parsley.

Crumble cheese or cheeses. I put the Fresh cheese and feta cheese but put the cheese,

or the cheese mixture, that you like the most.

Mix all the ingredients and form one ball.

It is preferable to do it with your hands, to so that the filling has more consistency.

Filling 2

Here I have traditional cheese, mozzarella, feta cheese and imitation feta cheese, for

so my cheese pie has a flavor multi-faceted.

Crumble cheese or cheeses and form a ball.

Fill 3

To make the meat filling first peak the onion and garlic with spices.

I add the meat, the salt and pick everything together. The freshly minced meat retains all its

juices And that's the reason why I like it do on your own

If you can not chop the meat at home, you They bite her in a butcher shop.

My meat is turkey but with the mixture of pork and beef the pie is left

very rich.

Make the filling a ball.

Once the dough has doubled in size return it to the table and weigh it.

Divide it into 3 pieces of the same weight.

Round the pieces of the dough.

Leave them at rest for 10 minutes.

In the oven put baking sheet.

Turn the oven to the maximum temperature. If the maximum temperature your oven has

they are 250 ° C then at 250 ° C and if they are 300 ° C so put 300ºC. Put the heat only from below.

If you do not have function just from below, put the one above and below.

Take the first piece and stretch it in a circle a little bigger than the stuffing ball.

Before putting the cheese ball in the dough dry it with a paper napkin.

Form the empanada as I show it.

Stretch it in a circle of 26-27 cm.

Make a small piece in the center of the pie hole for the steam to come out.

Put it in the oven and bake it for 7 - 10 minutes. After 4 minutes of baking put the grill.

Remove the empanada from the oven.

Return the heat only from below.

Spread the empanada with butter or oil.

In the same way make the remaining empanadas.

The transparent juice of the meat pie reveals that the meat is perfectly cooked

and that is deliciously juicy.

The dough of the pie is also good cooked but without drying.

And that is what the essence of empanada consists of Ossetia, which is baked the just and necessary time

to be made but to stay juicy to the maximum.

Serve the empanadas at once.

Although they serve the three together they eat one to one. A very thin dough and a lot of stuffing.

At home the one I like the most is chard with cheese. It is an ideal way to eat chard

or spinach. You can make only one pie, dividing all the ingredients of the dough

in 3 and choosing the filling that suits you the most.

From the nutritional point of view it is a empanada very beneficial. Do not stop preparing it.

Tell me in the comments what you think the recipe.

And, if you liked it, share it in the networks social with your friends.

And subscribe to my channel, it's totally free. This way you will be aware of all the recipes

I climb. And do not forget to give the bell, for YouTube to notify you when uploading a video


Until next time.

For more infomation >> Osetia pie with 3 fillings ¡700 years old! - Duration: 12:00.


Nina y Ben.El terremoto. Parte 5 (Subtitulado español) - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Nina y Ben.El terremoto. Parte 5 (Subtitulado español) - Duration: 1:40.



For more infomation >> KARD - RIDE ON THE WIND MV HD 1080P SUB ESPAÑOL - Duration: 3:17.


#LaEnvidiaMata #LaEnvidiaEsMaligna #EnvyIsEvil por The Atlas Society - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> #LaEnvidiaMata #LaEnvidiaEsMaligna #EnvyIsEvil por The Atlas Society - Duration: 4:23.


Dolor articular nocturno: ¿cómo aliviarlo? - Duration: 10:27.

For more infomation >> Dolor articular nocturno: ¿cómo aliviarlo? - Duration: 10:27.


LOS CUENTOS DEL TÍO LEÓN - Promoción de la temporada 2. - Duration: 1:47.

Sairam children and greetings from Prashanti Nilayam,

the spiritual capital of the universe.

It's me, Leo whom you all fondly call uncle lion.

Well children, did you all miss me ?

I hope you all enjoyed the stories I told you last time.

More importantly, I hope you have learned the lessons from those stories.

Hmm! but, I heard that you all have been asking for more such stories.

So, here I am with season 2 of uncle lions tales.

With prayers to Swami I am going to bring for you more stories with beautiful lessons and values.


Just as your need nutritious food and sports for a healthy body,

education for a sharp mind.

You all need lessons in values for a pure heart.

It is only when you have all three, a healthy body, a sharp mind. a pure heart,

you can grow and be a complete person and that is why uncle lion is here.

I love to tell stories, I will tell you wonderful moral stories based on Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's teachings.

So children, you just have to come back to this very page every Saturday to find a new short and sweet cartoon.

I will be waiting for you.

Thank You Sairam and enjoy watching these cartoons.

For more infomation >> LOS CUENTOS DEL TÍO LEÓN - Promoción de la temporada 2. - Duration: 1:47.


What is being a Gifted? - Duration: 3:23.

What is being a gifted?

The gifted community,

which forms 3 percent of the population

Not only have a genetic mutation

that causes a higher intelligence,

but a community of effort and persistence,

that is promoted through the differentiated-excellence programs,

as those handled by Grupo Alianza Mexicana por la Sobredotación.

It's commiting to a cause.

A nationalist intelligence.

It is belonging to a community of global significance.

It is something that can change the world.

It's effort of excellence!

It is a great privilege, and in turn

a great responsibility.

Being a gifted means

being a catalyst for change in the nation.

Being gifted

is to live with excellence

and learn many new things!

Being gifted is being part of that group of people

that are going to innovate, create and develop the technology of the world and the nation.

It means perseverance to achieve your goals.

Being gifted is doing things with excellence!

Being Gifted is a gift,

because you can leave relevance in history.

Being a Gifted is an exceptional condition,

that requires guide.


knows no bounds.

An intellectual minority.

Proudly gifted!

Giftedness Made Excellence

For more infomation >> What is being a Gifted? - Duration: 3:23.


Atrae lo que quieres apreciando lo que tienes- Subt. Español - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Atrae lo que quieres apreciando lo que tienes- Subt. Español - Duration: 3:11.


Capítulo 24 - De Bulgaria hacia Alemania - Duration: 10:00.

We are on the border between Bulgaria and Serbia,

and at least one kind gentleman has told us that we can avoid

all this cue that I have behind me.

In the end it took us 20 minutes but we are in Serbia again.

It's eight in the afternoon, and we're crossing the mountains in Serbia.

To go towards Montenegro.

There is a lot of wind right now and it starts to get cold.

We are in Montenegro now.

The truth is that we rode, because of an error in my calculations,

across the mountains between Serbia and Montenegro at night.

We did, in fact, two hours driving at night between Serbia and Montenegro.

And well, we have had everything. From cars with the highlights on

up to two meters before crossing meeting you, cars doing the rallies,

dogs crossing the street ...

Even in a curve I found a truck overtaking another truck.

And, well, it almost run me over.

So that's it, we are here.

If everything goes well, tomorrow we will continue through Montenegro and cross to Bosnia.

Today we woke up in Montenegro.

It's a little cold, it looks like it's going to rain.

So let's hope we will have a pleasent ride.

We will go first through Cetinje, the Royal city, and then we will go to the north of Bosnia.

The Chinese, or the Japanese, are building the Montenegro highway.

But, my god! They are destroying the entire road next to them.

We were lucky and did not lose the Rollei.

Well, we've worked out a solution for the rest of the day.

It's twelve o'clock and I almost got scared to death.

The battery didn't connect and we are in the middle of Montenegro.

In Slovakia nobody was comming for us. Who will come for us here?

You can see that the highway is huge.

Over there they are building it, they are building it there.

And here we have even more barracks, for the workers.

Well, we stopped a bit here because a car hit a poor Italian girl,

and took away her saddlebag.

Luckily nothing has happened to her and it was just a fright.

Here we are with the authentic "cowasakis".

We are already on the border between Bosnia and Serbia.

And we always have the same thing.

We are in Bosnia.

And today we woke up in Bosnia. Specifically in the region of Prozor.

We have stopped at "Jajce", not "scheisse", which in German means something else.

And we are recovering a little bit our body temperature because it is cold today.

It is already starting to squeeze the heat. But hey, we are about 70 km from the border.

An hour and a half left to get to Croatia.

Easy border between Bosnia and Croatia, we spent less than 10 minutes.

Soon after crossing the border we found this biker bar

in which we entered and, well,

they have given us some sweatshirts.

Sweatshirts and t-shirts.

Hello friends!

We are in Graz.

We are going to clean the bike because I was told it would be a better to

take the motorcycle clean to the mechanic.

We are trying to make a fix because the battery is being disconnected.

We are going to put this piece

to see if with this we can hold it there.

And we have our solution done. Hopefully, I'll hold on.

Well, I came to change the tire and it turns out that they do not remove the wheel from the motorcycle.

I am without profile on a part of the wheel.

I do not know what happens in these countries that no one takes out the wheels,

they only put the tire on the rim.

Well, that is how the tire was. We do not have profile around here.

And right now it is raining.

Back on the road, thanks to Markus.

Yeah, great! Great job

I have told them the same thing I told them one our before.

But ok, now it's done. We will continue.

We moved to Rainding, to attend Vulcan Riders United MC meeting.

And I said: "yeah, you can sleep in our flat". But you said: "no, thank you."

In Wien.

That's not true.

Welcome Julio, from Spain.

For more infomation >> Capítulo 24 - De Bulgaria hacia Alemania - Duration: 10:00.


Cashden - Poppin

For more infomation >> Cashden - Poppin


crappily playing Rasputin on a piano in ROBLOX - Duration: 0:34.

so this video is stupid

but so am i

so whatever


how has your day been

actually i don't really care

i was bored so thats why i made this

what did you eat today?


i had a BBQ pulled pork quesadilla before i made this

Are you really still watching...

go away!


For more infomation >> crappily playing Rasputin on a piano in ROBLOX - Duration: 0:34.


Peach Harvest - Time to Harvest My Ripe Loring Peaches! - Duration: 10:26.

so my Loring Peach tree has several peaches on it that are getting really

close to being ripe and I'm gonna go through this and pluck off all the ones

that I think are ready to go which is probably gonna be about a third of them

we've got some squirrel problems coming in I've lost three peaches this morning

and as these near even closer and closer we'll start losing them by the dozens

every day there's a lot of good ones on here here's a beautiful one here it

comes off the vine super easy basically there's no green

left it's got a red blush and some spotting which is normal the Loring

peach and it's about the size of most Loring peaches about two and a half

inches in diameter so and it's soft to the touch

I can bruise it pretty easily if I wanted to now they're all not going to

be as good as that one if I just pick off those that'll be good but then I'd

have these other ones that are not quite ready there's a little bit of green

still on that one in that one and I'm gonna leave those on for a couple more

days they're plucking off the ones that are

green so they don't know how good the good ones are so we're close "he" tested

it didn't like it and walked away and left it out there it'll be better for

him tomorrow he'll probably come back and finish that one up tomorrow but

anyway I'm sure there's a cluster right there of ripe ones so we'll keep

plucking away at these and I'll show you what I got

all right guys you've seen a few clips it's been a few days since the last

clips were shot and I'm trying to really push my luck on this peach tree I lost a

couple of peaches to pests looks like they were squirrels a few days ago I

lost four more yesterday I've lost six today the peaches are so close let me

put this camera around and we're gonna just pick as many of the most mostly

ripened or just about ripe peaches as we can and really limit the number of finds

that they can get and if they get a few more after that then they get a few more

but let me flip the camera around and show you this peach tree as you can see

the Peach tree is just still loaded with fruit a lot of them still have green on

them but a lot of them had a lot of dark coloring on them as well and so I'm

gonna pick off all these ones that you can see on here that have pretty good

dark coloring you got to remember with Loring peaches you don't want any green

you want the cream-colored yellows you want the oranges you want the Pink's the

blushes things like that are fine a lot of these have almost all that just

some of them still have a slight tint in some areas I gotta give you an example

from back here the bottom of that one's not in direct sunlight so it's still

getting a little bit of green I think if I take off a lot of the mostly ripe ones

the branches will kind of come up a little bit because the weight will be

reduced and maybe that will help change or alter the Sun positioning on a lot of

these but they're just loaded like here's a good example here one I mean he

got tested but he comes off pretty easily mostly yellow there's just a

light tint of green you know what he'll ripen on the counter in a few days I've

got this makeshift pouch here I'm just gonna start picking them up and record

some of it but I'll show you what I get at the end

here's a couple with a little more green than I'd like one side in the Sun is

really ripe the other side's not as much this one on the right is probably a lot

closer man this one could have used another three or four days but I'm

losing them I just was out here this morning men were lost and all of a

sudden boom four more I pulled off already being chewed at and these guys

are right there definitely getting the best of the best every single time you

see if I can grab a whole bunch more off here for you guys and we'll be back whoo

all right guys we pulled off maybe half and there's a ton more let me show you

the tree still I can't show you them all because they're kind of hidden behind

foliage but let me show you the tree and then we'll show you this monster basket

of peaches we got on this four-and-a-half five year old peach tree

let's take a look look at this they're everywhere

these are all the ones that are either really green on one side are not quite

soft enough so I didn't want to pick them a lot more over there

got a few on this cluster here quite a few more there loads of them up here

even inside down here we got a couple these are the ones behind the ladder I

was talking about they're all pretty green down here you gotta remember with

peach trees the highest peaches on the end branches will ripen first then

everything else that's high will ripen second and as you work your way down it

ripens last the only exception is peaches on the very ends even on the

lower branches and ones that get the most sunlight will ripen first as well I

end up finding a few more damaged peaches here so we've got six that are

damaged they weren't all damaged yesterday because I inspected the tree

but guys look at this basket and I know this lighting is uh is shadowed because

it's not direct sunlight so the the green looks a little more green than it

really is and honestly I've eaten them green door just a little bit less sweet

they're a little bit more tart still very flavorful but and they don't need a

lot of red the key is they don't need red to be ripe not luring peach as long

as there blush-colored they're good we've got

something here that I'm basically blushing pink this one I pulled off cuz

it had some damage it's pretty brain still in my opinion it probably won't

eat well but we'll leave it for a couple days and see what happens I'm gonna

weigh this up madness the aroma is awesome it smells like peaches but I'm

gonna weigh this up and we'll see what we got in peach wait now I've got some

in the house that I pulled off a few days ago

I've eaten probably eight or ten of them and we've lost several more but let's

get this basket weighed up we'll even add the ones from the house that are

ripe to it well there it is guys twenty-three pounds of peaches so far

harvested - the probably ten that we've eaten so call it 24 pounds and we can't

include the ones lost to pests but that's how it goes man it's hot guys but

we got 23 pounds of peaches you saw the outcome that's only probably half maybe

half of what's on that tree and still to come

probably this weekend coming up I'll harvest the rest of them see how many

more we get if not by this weekend then then pretty shortly here now that

there's less peaches on the tree and more surface area of the unripe ones

exposed to the sunlight harvesting and maturing should happen pretty quickly

I'll tell you guys you know what I've tried a lot of things to keep the pests

off the off the peach trees and they'll keep coming they'll keep coming Matt

fact there's a Mockingbird out here right now looking at the peaches but he

just flew away when I came by but I'll tell you let me put the camera around

these pie tins seem to work the best and now that I'm removed a lot of the

ripe fruit they're going to take a bite out of the ones that are the closest and

I was tempted to pull the rest of them off honestly but here's the deal

I've got a pretty good amount of peaches now and if they get some more that's

fine what I don't want to have happen is pull them off and have them go to waste

because they're not quite they'll be too tart if you like eating little sweet

tarts and I don't want to do that some of these probably will be okay if I pull

them off now they'll mature and ripen over the next few days but I want to

leave a handful up there and we'll pull off another batch of them here so

check it out guys another basket as you can see these ones are the ones that

there's a lot of ripened ones a little bit more green the lighting is not good it's

not as green as this as you'll see in the house but a slight tint of green on

some of these I don't mind there's still there's still peaches all over this tree

so we'll keep working on it every day see if we lose any and how many we get

but now I'm gonna wait I'm gonna weigh this up I would imagine it's at least

another 12 pounds but we'll check it I'll get back to you in a minute all

right guys here's the other box of peaches like I said we had 20 almost 25

pounds yesterday and another 14 pounds today plus probably a couple pounds in

loss but either way we're right around 40 pounds and I would suspect that I at

least have into the 10 pounds on the tree so this tree in picked fruit this

year is going to produce 50 pounds of peaches and that's not bad for less than

a five year old peach tree you know I think part of the success I had this

year on this Peach Tree is because of the pruning I did last year I did a lot of

summer pruning last year and then I left it alone didn't do a winter pruning at

all that's why I got a little out of control but I really think the summer

pruning helped get a lot of growth Spurs a lot of fruiting spurs and that's why

we got on a four and a half almost five-year-old peach tree while we got

such a pretty good harvest if you were to add in all the peaches I've lost man

who would've got a big one final thing I want to say is I know my peaches were a

little small and I planned it that way I didn't thin the clusters in the spring

after they set fruits because I knew I'd have some loss to the pests and I

figured I'd rather have two or three times as many at half the size just for

sheer quantity to kind of mitigate my losses anyway everyone just wanted to

give you a harvest of my lowering peach tree you can still see all those peaches

on it back there hopefully you enjoyed this video with me if you did please

give it a thumbs up and as always everyone thanks for watching

the good thing about all these peaches is I get to make one of my favorite

fruit smoothies with yogurt, orange juice, and peaches!

For more infomation >> Peach Harvest - Time to Harvest My Ripe Loring Peaches! - Duration: 10:26.


Nickels - Coin Roll Hunting to Complete My Coin Collection - Duration: 7:13.

hey everyone its Rob with Rob Finds treasure and we've got a couple of

nickel boxes today but I'm gonna be hunting this one first the reason why

I'm hunting this nickel box is I went over to a chase bank and they had no

nickel boxes for me to look through and I said well do you have any loose rolls

the guys like I have 50 bucks the teller next to him Camile and I

really appreciate her she said I got a hundred and forty dollars in nickels but

they're they're just the loose rolls not in a box so I grabbed a Kroger bag out

of my car walked back in and said I'll buy a hundred $ in loose rolls she dumped

five trays into my bag twenty dollars per tray and I have never gotten these

kinds of rolls looks like we could have some wartime nickels in these things of

course everything looks good through this so we've got customer wrapped we've got like

three different kinds of rolls here we've got the container these kind of

Cointainer ones and then below these guys we've got those kinds of rolls so I

went ahead and uh since I had nickel boxes in stock like you guys know I do

grabbed all their rolls stuck them in a box to make a box huh now I was gonna do

a customer wrapped verse machine wrapped nickel hunt but I decided since these ten are

machine wrapped technically it's not really a customer verse machine wrapped and besides

I don't want to do two box at the same time tonight I just feel like hunting

one box I think this is gonna be a good one to hunt - that being said let me get it in

position and let me start hunting this box we'll start with these ten clear

rolled machine rolled nickel rolls it's a lot of rolls

roll number two of the fun to open plastic rolls that's a joke we have a

1941 here I almost missed it cuz it just didn't look like a forty one it didn't

have the forty one look but it is a forty one for sure and it's a forty one

Philadelphia on the board with the forty one and a fifty three so far there you

next roll guys roll three we're gonna have another forty one

and this was a 41 d so we've got a 41 Philly and a 41 Denver in the first

couple of rolls roll 14 has 39 nickels and two pennies lost three cents but

roll 14 also has a 49 nickel and look at that a 49 s unbelievable 49 s is less

than 10 million minted so it's a semi key date we'll definitely take that all

day every day roll 15 another penny... roll 16

another penny beginning to think the person that used these container wrappers or

container wrappers knew how to make some money so they probably hunted their

nickels or if they didn't hunt them they knew they're a few nickels short and

inserted some pennies into the rolls to make up for it that's a bummer because I

don't like being shorted but I'll be shorted if I could find some more 49

esses short me a penny or a nickel every roll with the penny and a 49 s

that's a good trade well they almost heard me in that same roll with this

penny again roll 16 we did find a 48 48 filly trying to give me a 49 but didn't

quite get one what year is this penny by the way 96 let's get back to the hunt

yeah roll 19 another penny but roll nineteen's also getting another 40's Nickel here

1940s a lot of S mint marks and so far a lot of forties nickels we've got five

already in the first nineteen rolls customer wrapped technically so we'll

see what happens roll 21 and this is almost comical guys

how did a bank teller accept this roll a penny ender unbelievable roll 22 and we

might've made up for it we've got a dime so we we're shorted five

cents or five nickels so that's 25 cents short

but we just made up five cents and now we're back to 20 cents short roll 26

another 41 nickel 41 Philadelphia so that's 3 41's and 6 40's already roll

29 another 40s nickel 1947 Philadelphia so pretty good finds in the 40s so far

if I can get these uh set up straight make two rows of those since we're

starting to stack them up a little bit seven coins in the 40s roll 38 guys got

another 40's nickel here 1948 Denver roll 42 another 40s nickel 1947 San

Francisco definitely we'll take another San Fran minted nickel for sure same

role another 40s nickel 1941 Denver roll 47 and yet another 41 nickel

Philadelphia crazy same roll guys and look at this we've got a 39 can it be

the 1939 Denver Mint

it's not it's just another Philadelphia but you know what we'll take a second

year Jefferson like I've always said every time all right guys that box of

nickels is complete here's the finds a dime seven pennies a couple of nice

keeper album coins kind of an odd toned 61 I'm probably gonna toss it look at

this 7 2009 D's crazy we ended up with 11 from the 50s and really the key finds

are a 52 s and a 52 D couple of 55 s in there some other good years in the 40s

we had one of my better for these boxes we got 11 and capped by a 40 and what is

that 5 41's and then a 49 s which is pretty semi key date and then we got a

39 philadelphia again so no super finds good amount of early Jefferson's with 11

and 11 that's 22 23 early Jefferson's that's a good box along with a bunch of

Oh nines hopefully you enjoyed this hunt with me if you did please give the video

a thumbs up and as always everyone thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Nickels - Coin Roll Hunting to Complete My Coin Collection - Duration: 7:13.


Chelsea ace Antonio Rudiger provides hilarious tour entertainment – Fans LOVE this - Duration: 2:02.

 After kicking off their pre-season preparations with a win over Perth Glory in Australia, Chelsea returned to Europe this week for a International Champions Cup meeting with Inter Milan in Nice

 Pedro opened the scoring after eight minutes but Roberto Gagliardini equalised four minutes into the second half

 The game finished honours evens but Maurizio Sarri's side won 5-4 on penalties. And on their way home following the win, Rudiger decided to provide some in-flight entertainment for his team-mates

 Blues youngster Tammy Abraham filmed the Germany international dancing in the aisle of the plane

 While Abraham wasn't impressed with Rudiger's moves – he uploaded the video to his Instagram story with the comment "@toniruediger need me to teach you bro?" – many Chelsea supports loved his in-flight antics

 "Always bringing that positive energy. Love him a lot," one fan said. Another support wrote: "Such a great player in and out side of pitch

" "Rudiger always on some positive vibes," a third fan said. A fourth fan wrote: "U can only get the best out of a player when his heart and soul are with the club

Rudiger has always been proud to be a Chelsea player." Premier League rivals Arsenal await the Blues next in Dublin on August 1 before their final warm-up game against Lyon at Stamford Bridge six days later

For more infomation >> Chelsea ace Antonio Rudiger provides hilarious tour entertainment – Fans LOVE this - Duration: 2:02.


Anime Mix「AMV」- Everything remix - Duration: 3:07.





For more infomation >> Anime Mix「AMV」- Everything remix - Duration: 3:07.


Verikuu / Kuun pimennys (CC for foreigners) - Duration: 5:24.

Hi! Now that we had this "moon eclipse"

I took photos of it because sky was clear. But this bright northern night kind of spoiled a lot.

I managed to see and shoot only the few last minutes of the eclipse.

And they look like this.

So when I saw the moon, the shadow was that small.

I made an HDR out of these eight photos.

Choose all and make HDR.

And suddenly this combo turned yellowish.

As in from this colour to this colour.

But because this Darktable is not the best possible photo editor aka it can't auto align we see ghosts.

But we have Affinity Photo and it can auto align and much much more.

HDR merge.

Ok, now all eight raws are in there and everything is aligned.

And in this software the moon is not yellowish. So let's tune it a little bit.

So first we add some sharpness. Double the layer by pressing cmd+j and add unsharp mask.

And let's add some yellowish colour into it. At least it was so called blood moon, so it needs some colour.

A little bit of yellowish/brownish ocraish ground color.

And some cropping.

And a little bit of more sharpness. I choose high pass filter.

And change blend mode to overlay.

Okay, there we have the moon picture... of course we could add some more sharpness.

This is not the best possible eclipse photo because I could see only the end of the eclipse.

Too bright, it didn't last long enough, etc.

Next blood moon/eclipse is in november, at least I heard so, so I don't guarantee it.

But till then we gonna watch this photo and so on.

But we'll see in the next video and 'till that: good bye.

For more infomation >> Verikuu / Kuun pimennys (CC for foreigners) - Duration: 5:24.


Qayamat se phele qayamat hai yaaro |part2|| || Whatsapp status video|| by True Love Status - Duration: 1:57.


True Love Status

For more infomation >> Qayamat se phele qayamat hai yaaro |part2|| || Whatsapp status video|| by True Love Status - Duration: 1:57.


Aphorism by Darwin - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Aphorism by Darwin - Duration: 1:17.


*NO WAY* Old Spice is The Pirate Bay! - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> *NO WAY* Old Spice is The Pirate Bay! - Duration: 1:54.



Well it is Saturday Dardenne more adult exciting adult things we are

looking for apartments we are apartment 19 so welcome to house hunters today we

are gonna visit a few apartments in our Atlanta area and hopefully we'll find a

good place where we want to live after we get married our first little home

together so kind of a big deal kind of a big decision

I just really hope it's cozy and cute and safe and well I don't know there's

just so many apartments around here in so many different places within Orlando

within the greater Orlando area that you can live so it's hard to find the right

fit but thankfully we have time and we're not in any big rush or anything so

I'm sure we'll find something suitable for us in the lifestyle we want to live

but yeah it's definitely exciting time

okay so we just left our first tour what do you think babe what do you think yeah

so we only were able to see a two by two but we're really just looking for a one

by one so that's kind of tricky to imagine the size of a one by one but

they do have these like carriage house things which is kind of cool because you

you get a garage with it and it's not that much more expensive than just like

a regular apartment so you live on top of your garage which is really nice so

you don't have anyone living above or below you so that's really cool and

Brandon like that and they're isolated or like the rest'll and they do have

windows on all sides but they're tiny little windows so I love natural light

and I would love way bigger windows like the windows and the apartments are way

bigger see I'll show you like it's just the windows are so super small they're

just tiny little windows so like taking a department number two on

the way here we seriously passed about 20 different not really like six other

different program conflicts though in the same area so we have a lot to check

out I just wanna make sure we find the best one

finished our second tour at the second apartment complex and I liked it way

more like way way more it's just not as big and it's the units are just a lot

more beautiful I think and a lot one of the units that we went in it was super

open which I liked a lot and it had all hardwood floor which I also really like

I like rugs and stuff but I do like the hardwood floor opposed to carpet because

Kenan gross is meow especially like with pet friendly places I love pets and

animals but I just like I don't know carpet can get really dirty and gross so

I really liked this place and they have a really nice pool with lots of cool

chairs and stuff and they have lots of community events which I don't know we

would go to all them but like it's nice to have a theatre and lots of cool

amenities so yeah I really liked it definitely a lot more than the other

place and it's not even more expensive or anything like that might even be

cheaper right

about the same there's been so many numbers so hard to keep track of

everything we have so much information but yeah it was a success and I think

it's my front runner for sure

okay we just left the third apartment complex that we found we actually just

stumbled upon it we were driving to our second place and I saw this and I was

like but looks interesting and guys it was the moment we stepped in

this guy the team manager I don't know he he was just amazing he was so polite

so professional so informative and this place is seriously is stunning what did

you think about it it's too expensive it is too isn't it it's like it's way more

than we want to spend but it is very beautiful and they are holding in a

place for us so I'm sure we'll talk about it but it was so beautiful yeah so

they're holding the place for free so

I want to but it's like you could pay for a mortgage on a house and it would

be that much so yeah so we're trying to like save money in this time of our life

but it is and it really was so fun it was fun to explore it and like daydream

of living there I would just love to so we'll see you by the white kitchen and

the there was a rain shower and one of them one of the bathrooms so it was kind

of a dream but it was fun to check around and I absolutely loved looking in

bottle homes and apartment hunting and house honey and so I love this kind of

thing and hopefully it you've all had fun watching and tagging along let me

know what your favorite apartment was I'm pretty sure we're gonna have a

consensus of which home and we like the most but be interested to know what you

think thanks Rajan gate

the way you

For more infomation >> APARTMENT HUNTING IN ORLANDO ✨ - Duration: 8:33.


Nickels - Coin Roll Hunting to Complete My Coin Collection - Duration: 7:13.

hey everyone its Rob with Rob Finds treasure and we've got a couple of

nickel boxes today but I'm gonna be hunting this one first the reason why

I'm hunting this nickel box is I went over to a chase bank and they had no

nickel boxes for me to look through and I said well do you have any loose rolls

the guys like I have 50 bucks the teller next to him Camile and I

really appreciate her she said I got a hundred and forty dollars in nickels but

they're they're just the loose rolls not in a box so I grabbed a Kroger bag out

of my car walked back in and said I'll buy a hundred $ in loose rolls she dumped

five trays into my bag twenty dollars per tray and I have never gotten these

kinds of rolls looks like we could have some wartime nickels in these things of

course everything looks good through this so we've got customer wrapped we've got like

three different kinds of rolls here we've got the container these kind of

Cointainer ones and then below these guys we've got those kinds of rolls so I

went ahead and uh since I had nickel boxes in stock like you guys know I do

grabbed all their rolls stuck them in a box to make a box huh now I was gonna do

a customer wrapped verse machine wrapped nickel hunt but I decided since these ten are

machine wrapped technically it's not really a customer verse machine wrapped and besides

I don't want to do two box at the same time tonight I just feel like hunting

one box I think this is gonna be a good one to hunt - that being said let me get it in

position and let me start hunting this box we'll start with these ten clear

rolled machine rolled nickel rolls it's a lot of rolls

roll number two of the fun to open plastic rolls that's a joke we have a

1941 here I almost missed it cuz it just didn't look like a forty one it didn't

have the forty one look but it is a forty one for sure and it's a forty one

Philadelphia on the board with the forty one and a fifty three so far there you

next roll guys roll three we're gonna have another forty one

and this was a 41 d so we've got a 41 Philly and a 41 Denver in the first

couple of rolls roll 14 has 39 nickels and two pennies lost three cents but

roll 14 also has a 49 nickel and look at that a 49 s unbelievable 49 s is less

than 10 million minted so it's a semi key date we'll definitely take that all

day every day roll 15 another penny... roll 16

another penny beginning to think the person that used these container wrappers or

container wrappers knew how to make some money so they probably hunted their

nickels or if they didn't hunt them they knew they're a few nickels short and

inserted some pennies into the rolls to make up for it that's a bummer because I

don't like being shorted but I'll be shorted if I could find some more 49

esses short me a penny or a nickel every roll with the penny and a 49 s

that's a good trade well they almost heard me in that same roll with this

penny again roll 16 we did find a 48 48 filly trying to give me a 49 but didn't

quite get one what year is this penny by the way 96 let's get back to the hunt

yeah roll 19 another penny but roll nineteen's also getting another 40's Nickel here

1940s a lot of S mint marks and so far a lot of forties nickels we've got five

already in the first nineteen rolls customer wrapped technically so we'll

see what happens roll 21 and this is almost comical guys

how did a bank teller accept this roll a penny ender unbelievable roll 22 and we

might've made up for it we've got a dime so we we're shorted five

cents or five nickels so that's 25 cents short

but we just made up five cents and now we're back to 20 cents short roll 26

another 41 nickel 41 Philadelphia so that's 3 41's and 6 40's already roll

29 another 40s nickel 1947 Philadelphia so pretty good finds in the 40s so far

if I can get these uh set up straight make two rows of those since we're

starting to stack them up a little bit seven coins in the 40s roll 38 guys got

another 40's nickel here 1948 Denver roll 42 another 40s nickel 1947 San

Francisco definitely we'll take another San Fran minted nickel for sure same

role another 40s nickel 1941 Denver roll 47 and yet another 41 nickel

Philadelphia crazy same roll guys and look at this we've got a 39 can it be

the 1939 Denver Mint

it's not it's just another Philadelphia but you know what we'll take a second

year Jefferson like I've always said every time all right guys that box of

nickels is complete here's the finds a dime seven pennies a couple of nice

keeper album coins kind of an odd toned 61 I'm probably gonna toss it look at

this 7 2009 D's crazy we ended up with 11 from the 50s and really the key finds

are a 52 s and a 52 D couple of 55 s in there some other good years in the 40s

we had one of my better for these boxes we got 11 and capped by a 40 and what is

that 5 41's and then a 49 s which is pretty semi key date and then we got a

39 philadelphia again so no super finds good amount of early Jefferson's with 11

and 11 that's 22 23 early Jefferson's that's a good box along with a bunch of

Oh nines hopefully you enjoyed this hunt with me if you did please give the video

a thumbs up and as always everyone thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Nickels - Coin Roll Hunting to Complete My Coin Collection - Duration: 7:13.


Vkook I Best Of me - Duration: 0:13.

For more infomation >> Vkook I Best Of me - Duration: 0:13.


MOSCOW: World Cup 2018, fans & city tour (vlog) - Duration: 8:34.

That's how you write Russia in Russian: "Rossiya"


Welcome to Russia!

My friends, welcome to the FIFA World Cup

Typical Russian food here at the Red Square now. How nice! Oh, and also some souvenirs, World Cup souvenirs

Security is really strong here at the Red Square. Several entrances are closed, like this one here,

one of the main entrances, and in several others, like there behind, you need to go through metal detector

Now let's take a look at a heart of the World Cup celebrations, Nikolskaya Street


This is real World Cup feeling here

This guy came by bike all the way from Valencia, Spain. Now he's being interviewed here by TV crews

Check, check, one, two, three, check

Talking about interviews, my husband is like a magnet

Gordon is giving multiple interviews here

Russians are wonderful people, we have had great weather

I was on camera!

I got on camera!

From Ribeirao Preto, really? My sister lives there. Not me, but my sister is there, so are my parents

_ Really? _ Yeah!

I'm taking a picture to send them

Go ahead!

Let's cheer for the national team, right?

Oh, yeah! We gotta raise our spirits

Hi Brazilians! Hi Brazil!


Brazilian for a day, huh?

That looks so good!


This is Nikolskaya Plaza

It's like a huge food square, but not the typical food square you find at a mall

Because you don't see McDonald's, Burger King,...

None of that here, it's just like authentic shops

Great food, huge variety

And the atmosphere here is great

You sit down with other people together

There's a giant screen as well and you can see World Cup matches here

Uh, oh, how do we get out?

There might be a viewpoint over there. So many people!

Zaryadye park! When I first published my Moscow videos a lot of Russians

left comments telling me to come here, and I absolutely love it!

Thank you so much everyone! Best views!

I love! You can see everywhere. The Red Square right there

That's Saint Basil's Cathedral, the Kremlin,...

And the river is right here, Moskva River

Where are you form?


I'm from Egypt

Egypt? Brazil

Nice to meet you

This is a brand new park, inaugurated in September 2017

This park is full of viewpoints

and everywhere you look, it's so beautiful

You have this... like a footbridge here. Moscow from all angles, so beautiful

You see several tourist attractions from here

Come ready to walk

but also with your phone charged, to take pictures

World Cup jerseys here

You want to be in the picture, don't you?

FIFA museum!

Let's keep walking

My favorite part of the Children's store:

The view! Look at this!

Not quite like Zaryadye Park, but still a nice city view


Hi five! Oh you're so pretty!

Oh, thank you!


Perfect place for the Fan Fest

That's a TV studio, so cool!

The Luzhniki! The main World Cup stadium

He's trying to capture the perfect shot

So how was it? Got it?

Does that mean "no"?

I wish I had my other lenses

The light is so beautiful, it's gotta be beautiful anyways

What a great way to close the day

If you want to learn more about the Red Square, the Kremlin, Sparrow Hills, and other things to do in Moscow

take a look at my previous vlogs

I'm linking the playlist here as I go into a lot of details

Now in the next video I'll show you a few places I haven't been yet

These are all suggestions from the amazing people who watch this channel and leave me wonderful comments

with lots of ideas of things to do

I love it, thank you so much! And if you watched until here, how about subscribing? I really appreciate it

For more infomation >> MOSCOW: World Cup 2018, fans & city tour (vlog) - Duration: 8:34.


UM HI PALS! BACK AGAIN! - VLOG # ? (i lost track :,( sorry!) - Duration: 7:43.


say hi joy!



well guys welcome back to my channel sorry for not posting a lot ooh

It's been long time officially a senior... I'm getting old

oh hey dad, my dad's home

Well yeah, they're home!

we're getting some hot dogs

Look at monica

Monica: Lalooo

Monica: Why did you record it!

Monica: May I ask..

Monica: my hair looks like a mess, I just looked at the mirror.

There's momma bear and dad

it's the man! The icon! I

Yeah, sorry for not posting a lot, it just because

I didn't have any ideas of what to do or what to post

oh my god why am I so zoomed in?

I didn't have any ideas, but now I do

it's summer and I can have more ideas to what to post and they'll be more

funny videos coming up here's mama making some hot dogs

oh dog!! from Mickey Mouse

Well.. another thing is that Joy isn't a new dog.

no, not you lilo. joy joy, my baby!

And this is Junior which is my dog, I think I already showed you guys

joy on the other hand, is my brother's dog. He's at San Francisco

coming back home and that's my brother

that's my sister-in-law. they got married unfortunately he doesn't live with us and

I'm sad. Look at this sexy beast. That's my mom and dad next month is their anniversary.

oh wow never mind, yeah I was wrong. so next one is gonna be their 30 YEARS anniversary


Well yeah, they're going to Vegas soon!

She said she's not old, she's young.

Ew, what the, sorry, you guys see that?

there was some cut tomatoes up in here

well, we'll see you guys later.

Well not later, um.. soon

Well not soon


What's that one word?

I'll see you guys when I'm making hot dogs! PEACE!

Before I start making Hot Dogs..

Look at this new table we got from IKEA!

And the fake plants. I came up with this idea!

Because it looks so extra, so tumblr and I got a new XBox for my birthday. But who cares about this!

This is the most amazing one I don't know if you guys ever seen my other videos or like Monica and I's

videos we had this like big-ass thing over there that was taking over but you

know it stank due to the dogs, well now we got this, It looks cool!

It looks like it's so nice you know you the plants right there, the controllers there, and all of this


so, we'll see guys making hot dogs!

*Australasian Accent* Alright guys, Welcome back to Animals uh TV show, where we stalk our predator stalking its prey.

Walk away, WALK AWAY




Monica: It's funny how we're all getting ready just to drop off the dog, to Saul's house.

Oh hell no. This shit is popping already, I'm on

the edge right here. I don't wanna be pop

The man living in his natural habitat

so guys, while my mom's making hot dogs, from a minute later, you'll be seeing us eating. So, we're gonna


Monica's in her feelings..

you're good? Are you in your feels?

Hey guys, so right now, I'm going to my brother's house. Me, My mom, my dad, and my sister. Joy's going home!

I'll see you guys later!

An hour ago, we dropped off joy and now she's home, now it's even quieter right

now and let me show you around what's going on with the dogs.

Right here, we got Junior

And we got Lilo over here

Hey Lilo!

Look at the outside view really beautiful

but I don't know the moon is at! Because I remember the moon was over there now the

moon is gone

but yeah you know I hope you guys enjoyed this video

I know it wasn't a lot honestly, my bad ! but yeah I hope you guys

enjoyed it. I hope you guys are having a good weekend

a good summer. whatever you are, be safe and I'll see you more with another video

so, see you soon!

For more infomation >> UM HI PALS! BACK AGAIN! - VLOG # ? (i lost track :,( sorry!) - Duration: 7:43.


How I met my American husband in Japan // Yunae [English Subs] - Duration: 10:28.

Welcome to...the hotel? In Tokyo? ????

Before we begin, I have to tell you, I have a scab in my eye.

It's fine, don't worry, it's healing.

Today we're going to talk about...

how I met Andrej

but also, we're doing this video in TOKYO

I'm going to show you the places where Andrej and I used to go when we first met

and we'll tell you our love story

So, today, finally you will know how I met this American--

OMG you scared me so much, coming out of the darkness like that

How I met this American in Japan

Are you ready? Let's begin.

Hi guys, now I'm gonna tell you what happened. You're not going to believe it.

The thing is, the first day that I saw Andrej

was in the library of the university (Waseda University, where we both studied, Andrej was in the class above)

And so, Andrej... What did you say to me, Andrej?


How was the exam?

"How was the exam?" he asked me. For me, the exam had been


In the exam I was very nervous and did so badly that I had to retake it.

It was a placement exam for putting us into different courses of Japanese

And I did very poorly, and they put me in the lowest level

So I was totally embarrassed, and this guy who I didn't know

And the first thing he says to me is "How was the exam?" Well, I don't even remember what I said to him.

What did I say to you, Andrej?

-Nothing. -I didn't say anything to him

I think I looked at him with this face, and left.

Yes, with this face. Like:

And I went away! Just left! Like, I don't want to know anything about you

-So rude. So rude. -Very rude.

So, after that,

I had to retake the exam, and I went up a level.

But when he asked me I was not in the mood to talk about it.

And so after that we didn't speak more.

Then came a day when we went to this shrine here

because there was a matsuri (festival)

It was the first time I'd ever been to a shrine, I was super excited

I went with my Norwegian friend.

We didn't go in the same group together (to the shrine)

No, we didn't go in the same group, we came here separately

I went with my friend Kira who lived with me

I love Kira a lot, I always tell you that I love her so much

She was my roommate here, she's German

And Kira liked the friend of Andrej

And you know I talk with everybody, and so of course, I told Kira

(it was raining) I said "Kira, those two don't have umbrellas"

"Go over there and tell the Norwegian to go with you under your umbrella"

And Kira was like "Nooo, no, I don't wanna, I'm embarrassed"

And I say "No, you've gotta go"

I pushed her and said "Kira you have to say it, this is your chance."

And I pushed Kira forward so she would go offer him her umbrella

So then Kira offered to share her umbrella with the Norwegian friend

and the Norwegian friend said okay (obviously, since he didn't have an umbrella)

The situation of the Norwegian had improved greatly...

but mine hadn't. And I had my camera with me.

And I had to choose... a lady (with an umbrella)

Yes because there were other girls there, with their umbrellas

And I think... Various girls offered, no?

And I saw he didn't have an umbrella, so I thought I'd offer, and said "Do you want to come with me?"

-And they said "Ah, you can come with me, too" right? -Yes

-I chose you. -Why?


because I liked your red jacket

I had a red jacket that was very long, like a dress

And Andrej liked how it looked on me

-I liked it, that's all. -He liked it and that's all.


And now you'll say, "what happened when we went from the shrine?"

Well, Andrej and I went home together (We lived in the same student dorm)

-And we talked the whole way back. -Yes, the whole way. We got along really well.

And... I dunno

After this day, we spoke a lot more.

Yes, basically like friends

Andrej liked a girl. I was helping him.

I became a spy, I asked her, "Hey, do you like Andrej?"

I asked her, I asked, "Do you like him? What do you think of Andrej?"

She said "No I think of him as a father" I was like WOW

Because Andrej was older than us, okay, but EVEN SO don't say you see him as a father!

-So I told Andrej "She sees you as a father, so you have no chance." -Of course.

And I guess what changed in our relationship was, Andrej one day started to talk about anime

And I like anime a lot. So he told me he had watched Fullmetal Alchemist

And I wanted to tell him that there was a remake, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood...

-...which left out all the filler -And I had no idea

-You didn't know. -I didn't know.

And he didn't know anything about mecha (anime with giant robots)

You guys know I love mecha anime, so I showed him Tengan Toppa Gurren Lagann

-I showed him Code Geas, remember? -Yes.

I showed him all of the mecha animes that I loved

So I would go to his room, because he had a nice, soft bed

so we were comfortable sitting on his bed. And because I, in MY room...

in my room I just had a futon (a thin mattress), very thin and uncomfortable

-So I would go to his room, we'd sit on his bed and watch anime until the wee hours of the morning, remember?


And until one day that...

What happened?


we slept together

-SLEPT, JUST SLEPT -Hey, tell it right!

I slept on his shoulder

Like, sleeping in an embrace. Because when I sleep I sleep holding something

So we slept cuddling, and for Andrej, no one had ever slept with him like that

No, never.

-His girlfriends had never been that cuddly -No, never (while sleeping)

Never never. You needed a Yu in your life

-And how did you feel? -Uhmmmm...

-Very, very comfortable. -Yeah

I was very comfortable with you, too

It's that I like how you smell. You smell good.


You smell gooood

Since you smell good, I'm always here, close

Is this normal? Do you guys feel the same with your significant others? Do they smell good?

-I don't know if it's normal. -Is it normal? Are we weird?

So then, after that what did you think, that you wanted to go out with me, after we slept together?


It's like "I like how she holds me in her sleep and I want her to do that always."

-Yep. -That's what you told me.

-Yep. -How was it, tell us


I started to...

...try to hang out with you more

for longer and more often

I brought bread over to your room

-I like bread, you know -No no, it was because had jamón serrano (cured Spanish ham)

I had jamón serrano, so he'd bring over some nice bread and say "Shall we eat together?"

and we ate my ham with your bread

-while we... watched anime -we watched anime

And it...

it was my first (time eating) jamón serrano

-And that's it -No -Oh, that's not it

Haha, what happened next?

Andrej gets a bit frustrated talking with me about this stuff

because I, he says I don't tell our love story right

So tell it yourself, what else happened? When did the story really begin?


When you invited me to our first date

-We went to Tsutaya (a movie rental shop) -But, but you sent me a message


You called me "Spanish girl" remember?

"Hey Spanish girl"

"Are you available?" Something like that.

-I don't remember. -I have the message.

Let's see if I can find it, but I have the message.

And so we went to Tsutaya to look for something to watch

It's a place where you rent videos, Tsutaya

-That was your plan, to watch a movie with me. -Yes.

But you know what he did? He rented a movie that was... French? I don't remember [*My Life Without Me*]

It was about a woman with cancer and it was very sad; it was a fail

We were laughing a bit about it but it was very depressing.

We had to do a second "date"

-And so- -And anyway-

And, um...

...the next day...

...we watched The Princess Bride

-How is it in Spanish? -The Engaged Princess (literally)


And it worked

We were close, snuggling up together watching the movie

and we looked at each other and kissed

and that's how our love story began


And that's all

-That's all? -More things happened-

-I don't think (that's all) -but that was the most important

I think there's a bit more, but...

-that's all? -Yes, for today.

Ha, okay

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Now we're going to leave this shrine because I am roasting, I am sweating all over

We're at like 40 degrees, so, kisses!

-How are you doing? Bad? -Bad!

-Bye -Adios

For more infomation >> How I met my American husband in Japan // Yunae [English Subs] - Duration: 10:28.


GRANGETOWN, Caerdydd – Esyllt Ethni-Jones yn cyflwyno: - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> GRANGETOWN, Caerdydd – Esyllt Ethni-Jones yn cyflwyno: - Duration: 4:15.


Amazon Teams Up With ICE To Help With Trump's Deportations - Duration: 4:05.

Recently, the news organization Truthout printed an interview between Truthout reporter Sarah

Jaffe and Cata Santiago, who is with the group Movimiento Cosecha.

Basically, what Santiago described, the movement that this group is currently working on is

getting people to understand the fact that Amazon is actually working with ICE to help

round up people for Donald Trump's mass deportations that he wants this country to begin engaging


Amazon, the site that most of us go to a couple times a week to order basic necessities that

we don't feel like running to the store, maybe they're cheaper on Amazon.

Not only are we supporting that company and the richest man in the world, Jeff Bezos,

but apparently by purchasing from Amazon, we are also helping this horrible immigration

policy put forward by the Trump administration.

I say, "We," because I'm guilty of too.

I'm an Amazon shopper.


It's cheap.

I can't afford, always, to go buy more expensive products at a local store, just like most


It is a horrible cycle of capitalism here, right?

We don't make enough money, so we have to go to the cheaper options.

Unfortunately, a lot of times the cheaper options are things like Walmart or Amazon

or places like that.

These big box stores that drive local retailers out of business because we can't afford to

purchase from there because we have to work at these crappy places that pay us slave wages,

like Amazon and Walmart.

And the cycle continues.

It perpetuates itself here.

Unfortunately, in this particular instance, supporting Amazon means supporting ICE and

supporting mass deportations.

What's happening, according to Santiago, is that Amazon ... and a lot of people don't

realize this ... Amazon is a massive defense contractor for the United States.

They provide the servers that defense department, that the Pentagon uses.

They are massive in their military contracts, and that's where a lot of their money comes


But they're also selling surveillance equipment to ICE, and that surveillance equipment is

what is being used to track down immigrants in the United States, throw them in a prison,

give them a sham of court hearing and then sending back from wherever they came from.

Unfortunately, they're right.

If you support Amazon, you're supporting this.

It is hard, as I just pointed out, to be a conscientious consumer here in the United

States today because of this cycle of capitalism that we have.

You get paid low wages.

You have to buy the cheaper stuff.

Well, you buy the cheaper, you got to go these crappy companies that pay their employees

crap while they're making billions upon billions of dollars.

But it's because you can't afford to do the other stuff, and so that cycle continues.

We have to figure out a way.

We have to figure out a way to stop supporting these evil companies.

Right now, considering how they're treating their workers, considering how they're contributing

to the war machine, and considering how they're contributing to the human rights violations

that are happening at the hands of ICE officers every day, we have to find a way to stop using


The people have the power.

We just have to figure out how to properly use it to get companies like Amazon to stop

with their self-destructive ways and destroying the lives of Americans and Europeans and Hispanics

and South Americans, everyone on this planet.

Get them to be the companies that we need them to be.

We just have to figure out how to get there.

For more infomation >> Amazon Teams Up With ICE To Help With Trump's Deportations - Duration: 4:05.


How Much Saliva Would Dissolve A GIANT Jawbreaker?! - Duration: 10:02.

don't tell me you put some in here too I would never deceive you we are

scientists and part-time intellectuals and today as intellectuals we are going

to be doing a little bit of an experiment and that is to see how long

and how much saliva it will take to break down a giant jawbreaker I know you

guys have all seen ed ed and Eddy show clip right here Pat Thank You Pat they

have big jaw breakers in there and that's us here it's Edie Edie Eddie I'm

trying to open this at all the same time it's not working sorry so basically what

we're doing here now is we're going to be filling buckets with saliva and water

and one bucket will have water and the other will have saliva what the trick is

what not sure it's not gonna be real saliva it's gonna be forensic explode

it's artificial slime that means is that big people like Kim K Kanye they all

spit in a bottle yeah and we're taking that we bought it because it's worth the

money oh he's real fake no no I don't know I don't know these people but we

got their saliva and so we're gonna be spraying it all over these puppies all

right he's not really puppies as a jaw breakers but sometimes I like to tell

myself that where's the other bucket I gotta grab at what if I spit this in

my mouth I'll be like making out somebody I can

actually do it yeah this one's me I love you bet that's wait why do it in what

situation would I need more saliva see what it tastes like

tastes like someone else's spit actually not bad okay we got more of these

bottles that I'm gonna be putting in there this is great all right give it

give it it's like an addiction I feel like I

have to pry it out of your fingers to do a bucket oh my god

yeah I feel like we should I feel like we should just get like can we get a

clear ones we can see it yeah we should get clear why don't we have clear all

right I love you mom but I hate you Kristen you that's green

looking yeah so I was green on the inside

she's like I know blood is blue no that's got such a weird consistency it's

just like oil yeah it literally looks like saliva do you not drink oil Gunnar

Oh Ricky that's gross dude one time I drink oil all by myself

I heard infringing motor skills

dude you were addicted I made a bunch of saliva in my mouth and I tried to sort

it out wait we still Morgan it's um I don't drink it

wait so do we spit in there or what do we keep spinning and should we split

this little time I have a lot of spit spit for days I vowed to spit in bottles

one of the changes people click off and restarts really call it names we spit I

don't know if you want to see a spit so comment down below there's so many

people that want to see a spit are you a fan think about this one all right boy

this is weird now yeah sure man say that we're gonna pour the rest of this saliva

into the bucket and we'll we'll catch you guys in a second

Gunnar - literally word for word told me to say we're gonna pour the rest of this

live into a bucket and we'll see you guys in a second don't tell Gunnar I'm

looking at so when he grabbed he's like why is it wet I put all the rest of this

live on in there nice that's disgusting looking you put all the rest of saliva

where did you get all that so long oh my god it was in my office

I've been harboring it for about a year half now for this video or for something

else either way it's gross did you ask people

send you their spit if you would send your spit no cuz people wouldn't do that

we're not gonna do it okay don't do that don't send us your spit I

miss your dog though we love puppies you want put it in the bucket I mean isn't

what I learned do it now I feel weird I said we I said we say we did it my

fingers in there Scott just probably by the way drop it in that hooker you

have pickles Oh

son of the hitch bottom we're gonna big and bold us it is so bulbous and they

say the earth is flat so look at how round that jawbreaker is baby Wow when

that job is so round alright phears so we're gonna check on it oh dude it is

already dissolving whoa it's already done solving Mitchell

hey Kirby ah that's Mitchell check that out you see that it's just falling off

oh ooh comment down below how long do you guys

think it's gonna take for this alignment to dissolve the jawbreaker well which

one what are you guys this one or the one or the water either one okay how

long do I think's gonna take yeah do we have those stuff what's going right now

or what to common like days lesson today do you think science boy we should have

you don't I thought you were drunk for your guess I'm gonna say like two days

I choose do this I choose I think it's gonna take two weeks okay I think it's

gonna take about five hours to dissolve the whole thing put some water yeah

let's put this in the water so now we're gonna fill this coming out of your nose

yeah my big boy there's just two blows I'm usually one with the nose hair

problems I don't see you oh how the turns have table so now we're gonna fill

this one up with water okay let's do it we're doing that need to get out okay

yeah yeah no I'm staying here why are you over there

you know I hate it when we go over there dang it I'm just gonna go do it in the

sink over here all right I have a precious cargo why is it

we're play fighting knock it over it's milky now we wait look at white that is

which one do you think we'll know faster what's you I think we'll Mel faster you

tell me what you'll melt faster in the comments down below guys make sure you

vote in this poll right here skip to later in the day this has been what

three hours four hours baby

five or six hours okay so right now it's like what I guess five oh yeah it's

there I'm gonna put in my Nikon all right so let's see what's in the first

one this is water are you so little Smurfs wait did you guys swap them wait

what what happens

so is it gone then no it's in there so you grabbing my ears trying dude don't

break that glass put your hand in there

geez haha no suck there's a limit

he's been scratching every single yo that wild though oh what a cool pattern

so this is from just the water right this is just from the water YUM okay so

I think my fight two-week prediction was that year right but yeah two weeks I was

about two days don't tell me you put some in here too no I would never

deceive you more than artificial weight

interesting I would say that probably take about ten hours for this to fully

know dissolve yeah cuz it's 5:00 right now it's about halfway like eight to ten

hours he's changed his answer as you can tell all right whatever this would take

a lot longer yeah yeah that's so weird so I agree it's weird that's kind of I

was glad it actually worked oh it's just as a soft yeah how's it

wait a sec you it kind of looks like a planet that's gross it does look like a

plan welcome to Woodland de Mars good the geography on that thing oh it smells

good you smell these guys you would you drink that that I would taste it that's

water hey no it's a cute top flakes it's got a

jawbreaker dandruff try anything I need a spoon no just

drink it drink it finger glass and just drink it no I don't want it that's right

I'm not you I don't know all right let's break my family saya

which of these is a soft is gonna decide that I'm gonna scared you'd know fooled

myself on us please aah Mike lose a good point though why is

one side smooth as silk but the other side ripoli like a rose make sure you

fall away oh yeah well a dog okay let's go up for real huh yeah are you I'm not

gonna look until you Chef Boyardee day he wasn't even close closing music

this is what the inside of the planet looks like oh yeah beautiful it's got a

cavity it's showing you in that that's that you're really pretty it's beautiful

guys like this video these are beautiful like woods check out that video right

there and also check out that video right there thank you for watching ash

and follow us on Twitter and Instagram a high five rest put the possible chance

of the shoutout get ready

For more infomation >> How Much Saliva Would Dissolve A GIANT Jawbreaker?! - Duration: 10:02.


Peach Harvest - Time to Harvest My Ripe Loring Peaches! - Duration: 10:26.

so my Loring Peach tree has several peaches on it that are getting really

close to being ripe and I'm gonna go through this and pluck off all the ones

that I think are ready to go which is probably gonna be about a third of them

we've got some squirrel problems coming in I've lost three peaches this morning

and as these near even closer and closer we'll start losing them by the dozens

every day there's a lot of good ones on here here's a beautiful one here it

comes off the vine super easy basically there's no green

left it's got a red blush and some spotting which is normal the Loring

peach and it's about the size of most Loring peaches about two and a half

inches in diameter so and it's soft to the touch

I can bruise it pretty easily if I wanted to now they're all not going to

be as good as that one if I just pick off those that'll be good but then I'd

have these other ones that are not quite ready there's a little bit of green

still on that one in that one and I'm gonna leave those on for a couple more

days they're plucking off the ones that are

green so they don't know how good the good ones are so we're close "he" tested

it didn't like it and walked away and left it out there it'll be better for

him tomorrow he'll probably come back and finish that one up tomorrow but

anyway I'm sure there's a cluster right there of ripe ones so we'll keep

plucking away at these and I'll show you what I got

all right guys you've seen a few clips it's been a few days since the last

clips were shot and I'm trying to really push my luck on this peach tree I lost a

couple of peaches to pests looks like they were squirrels a few days ago I

lost four more yesterday I've lost six today the peaches are so close let me

put this camera around and we're gonna just pick as many of the most mostly

ripened or just about ripe peaches as we can and really limit the number of finds

that they can get and if they get a few more after that then they get a few more

but let me flip the camera around and show you this peach tree as you can see

the Peach tree is just still loaded with fruit a lot of them still have green on

them but a lot of them had a lot of dark coloring on them as well and so I'm

gonna pick off all these ones that you can see on here that have pretty good

dark coloring you got to remember with Loring peaches you don't want any green

you want the cream-colored yellows you want the oranges you want the Pink's the

blushes things like that are fine a lot of these have almost all that just

some of them still have a slight tint in some areas I gotta give you an example

from back here the bottom of that one's not in direct sunlight so it's still

getting a little bit of green I think if I take off a lot of the mostly ripe ones

the branches will kind of come up a little bit because the weight will be

reduced and maybe that will help change or alter the Sun positioning on a lot of

these but they're just loaded like here's a good example here one I mean he

got tested but he comes off pretty easily mostly yellow there's just a

light tint of green you know what he'll ripen on the counter in a few days I've

got this makeshift pouch here I'm just gonna start picking them up and record

some of it but I'll show you what I get at the end

here's a couple with a little more green than I'd like one side in the Sun is

really ripe the other side's not as much this one on the right is probably a lot

closer man this one could have used another three or four days but I'm

losing them I just was out here this morning men were lost and all of a

sudden boom four more I pulled off already being chewed at and these guys

are right there definitely getting the best of the best every single time you

see if I can grab a whole bunch more off here for you guys and we'll be back whoo

all right guys we pulled off maybe half and there's a ton more let me show you

the tree still I can't show you them all because they're kind of hidden behind

foliage but let me show you the tree and then we'll show you this monster basket

of peaches we got on this four-and-a-half five year old peach tree

let's take a look look at this they're everywhere

these are all the ones that are either really green on one side are not quite

soft enough so I didn't want to pick them a lot more over there

got a few on this cluster here quite a few more there loads of them up here

even inside down here we got a couple these are the ones behind the ladder I

was talking about they're all pretty green down here you gotta remember with

peach trees the highest peaches on the end branches will ripen first then

everything else that's high will ripen second and as you work your way down it

ripens last the only exception is peaches on the very ends even on the

lower branches and ones that get the most sunlight will ripen first as well I

end up finding a few more damaged peaches here so we've got six that are

damaged they weren't all damaged yesterday because I inspected the tree

but guys look at this basket and I know this lighting is uh is shadowed because

it's not direct sunlight so the the green looks a little more green than it

really is and honestly I've eaten them green door just a little bit less sweet

they're a little bit more tart still very flavorful but and they don't need a

lot of red the key is they don't need red to be ripe not luring peach as long

as there blush-colored they're good we've got

something here that I'm basically blushing pink this one I pulled off cuz

it had some damage it's pretty brain still in my opinion it probably won't

eat well but we'll leave it for a couple days and see what happens I'm gonna

weigh this up madness the aroma is awesome it smells like peaches but I'm

gonna weigh this up and we'll see what we got in peach wait now I've got some

in the house that I pulled off a few days ago

I've eaten probably eight or ten of them and we've lost several more but let's

get this basket weighed up we'll even add the ones from the house that are

ripe to it well there it is guys twenty-three pounds of peaches so far

harvested - the probably ten that we've eaten so call it 24 pounds and we can't

include the ones lost to pests but that's how it goes man it's hot guys but

we got 23 pounds of peaches you saw the outcome that's only probably half maybe

half of what's on that tree and still to come

probably this weekend coming up I'll harvest the rest of them see how many

more we get if not by this weekend then then pretty shortly here now that

there's less peaches on the tree and more surface area of the unripe ones

exposed to the sunlight harvesting and maturing should happen pretty quickly

I'll tell you guys you know what I've tried a lot of things to keep the pests

off the off the peach trees and they'll keep coming they'll keep coming Matt

fact there's a Mockingbird out here right now looking at the peaches but he

just flew away when I came by but I'll tell you let me put the camera around

these pie tins seem to work the best and now that I'm removed a lot of the

ripe fruit they're going to take a bite out of the ones that are the closest and

I was tempted to pull the rest of them off honestly but here's the deal

I've got a pretty good amount of peaches now and if they get some more that's

fine what I don't want to have happen is pull them off and have them go to waste

because they're not quite they'll be too tart if you like eating little sweet

tarts and I don't want to do that some of these probably will be okay if I pull

them off now they'll mature and ripen over the next few days but I want to

leave a handful up there and we'll pull off another batch of them here so

check it out guys another basket as you can see these ones are the ones that

there's a lot of ripened ones a little bit more green the lighting is not good it's

not as green as this as you'll see in the house but a slight tint of green on

some of these I don't mind there's still there's still peaches all over this tree

so we'll keep working on it every day see if we lose any and how many we get

but now I'm gonna wait I'm gonna weigh this up I would imagine it's at least

another 12 pounds but we'll check it I'll get back to you in a minute all

right guys here's the other box of peaches like I said we had 20 almost 25

pounds yesterday and another 14 pounds today plus probably a couple pounds in

loss but either way we're right around 40 pounds and I would suspect that I at

least have into the 10 pounds on the tree so this tree in picked fruit this

year is going to produce 50 pounds of peaches and that's not bad for less than

a five year old peach tree you know I think part of the success I had this

year on this Peach Tree is because of the pruning I did last year I did a lot of

summer pruning last year and then I left it alone didn't do a winter pruning at

all that's why I got a little out of control but I really think the summer

pruning helped get a lot of growth Spurs a lot of fruiting spurs and that's why

we got on a four and a half almost five-year-old peach tree while we got

such a pretty good harvest if you were to add in all the peaches I've lost man

who would've got a big one final thing I want to say is I know my peaches were a

little small and I planned it that way I didn't thin the clusters in the spring

after they set fruits because I knew I'd have some loss to the pests and I

figured I'd rather have two or three times as many at half the size just for

sheer quantity to kind of mitigate my losses anyway everyone just wanted to

give you a harvest of my lowering peach tree you can still see all those peaches

on it back there hopefully you enjoyed this video with me if you did please

give it a thumbs up and as always everyone thanks for watching

the good thing about all these peaches is I get to make one of my favorite

fruit smoothies with yogurt, orange juice, and peaches!

For more infomation >> Peach Harvest - Time to Harvest My Ripe Loring Peaches! - Duration: 10:26.


LIVING IN NEW YORK CITY: My REALISTIC Morning Routine - Duration: 6:58.

this video was brought to you by Squarespace from websites and online

stores marketing tools and analytics Squarespace is the all-in-one platforms

who build a beautiful online presence and run your business so about a month

ago I filmed a morning routine video in the video I document the habits that I

have put into place that will ultimately help me achieve certain goals in my life

the video was very highly produced it was filmed third person and had sort of

a Patrick Bateman American Psycho vibe to it I believe in taking care of myself

in a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine and that video I made

it didn't accurately portray the grind the days that it's not fun but it's

something that if you do over a prolonged period of time you're gonna

start to separate yourself you will move closer to that life that you want for

yourself that life that you visualize and the process well the process isn't

always beautiful it's not always glamorous therefore in this video here

is a realistic look at my morning routine most mornings I wake up around

5:30 in the morning with no alarm 5:19 a.m. on the 26th of July 2018 and this

is the real look at the morning routine someone's R or a lot harder than others

to wake up and get out of bed and get going today is one of those mornings

it's a lot of comments asking how do you wake up so early consistently back when

I used to work a day job I would wake up at 5:30 Monday through Friday and

heading to work

and awaits work I'm not gonna lie some warnings is not fun getting up at 5:45

let's go work at a day job morning's like today you just have to tell

yourself that it's worth it and I told myself when the time comes when I

finally do work for myself I will never ever take that time for granted and

that's why I can never be upset waking up at 5:30 in the morning as soon as I'm

out of my bed I make it and that's not because I'm a clean freak or anything

like that this is very true as soon as I get out of bed I do make it but mainly

in this apartment I make my bed because I live in a one-room studio I have a

Murphy bed I actually have to make this bed to make my apartment livable so that

is I guess a little helping factor and waking up and putting this guy away and

making the bed I don't check my phone for the first hour that I'm awake

instead most mornings I journal some mornings I don't have time to sit down

for a whole hour and write my journal recently I've been working a lot with

visualizing a life I want to have guys like Arnold Schwarzenegger guys like

Will Smith these these people who are super hyper successful in life all them

visualize it's not as simple as visualizing it and writing it down and

poof it happens that's when the grind comes in that's when these five fifteen

in the morning wake up's come into play where this vision is driving you in all

of your actions throughout your day not just your morning not just a glossy

video on YouTube but these visions drive every action that you do to get you to

that place that you know but you know it's not a that's not a thing of oh I

hope I can get there I might get there you know that you can get there next is

lemon water this is something new that I've been trying out you take one lemon

out of the fridge cut it in half you squeeze the lemon into one cup of hot

water and you drink it I have the lemon water to start my day if

I am on a cleanse feel like if you had lemon water every day it wouldn't

necessarily be the best for you one of these guys does just fine I'll have a

big thing of water before I get into my workouts my morning workout routine is

simple I do 50 pull-ups and 100 pushups in as few sets as possible the pull-ups

in the push-ups I do daily I will do these every morning and this guy I'll

even show you hooks right to the back of my overhang of the door I got this on

Amazon it was cheap of leave it was like twenty two dollars recently though in

addition to the plops and push-ups instead of the morning runs I'm trying

to bulk up rather than lean out I have been going to the gym and I've been

lifting a lot of it I film on my Instagram story so go follow me on

Instagram if you haven't already and now for my favorite part of the entire

morning coffee but some mornings like this morning I can't necessarily sit up

my rooftop and sip coffee while the Sun is rising in the background a day like

today I'll just make my coffee come up to the roof just really soak it all in

like I am in New York City you should always take time in the morning and to

have a moment of gratitude to be thankful to just pause for a second you

know look at these beautiful flowers here up on the rooftop before you get on

with your day afterwards comes the cold shower the cold shower is a surefire way

to shock the body into being wait the cold shower I mainly use after a hard

workout I will use a cold shower from jetlag to wake up you know first thing

in the morning just even if I'm not gonna wash my body just then I use a

simple moisturizer SPF 15 the name of the moisturizer I use is rugged and

dapper and more or less it's just a simple moisturizer I wash my face with

this simple facial wash moisturizing for a little extra bonus a lot of people

were asking what I use in my hair I use a smooth Viking hair care styling clay

you want to start the back work way to the front just a little bit the

palms does the trick for breakfast I usually have a shake

I actually swear by this thing this is the nutribullet blender I had this for

breakfast almost every single day and the reason why I love it is because it's

packing so much into a breakfast drink and take it on the go

so I hit the streets of New York on my bike and head to the office till we make

it New York isn't exactly the most biker friendly city it's definitely doable but

you have to watch out you know there's guys vlogging while riding on bikes and

with that I have made it to the office with one only mr. Michael oh yeah I

think that oh my thank you for watching hope you enjoyed it and that here's a

little word from today's sponsor Squarespace is the best place to build a

website and they have award-winning 24/7 customer support Squarespace is an

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For more infomation >> LIVING IN NEW YORK CITY: My REALISTIC Morning Routine - Duration: 6:58.


Chelsea transfer news LIVE: £90m double swoop, Butland AND Pickford blow, Hazard latest - Duration: 3:36.

Hazard decision Real Madrid have decided against signing Chelsea star Eden Hazard this summer

 The Spanish giants have been heavily linked with a move for the Belgian in recent years

 But according to Spanish outlet AS, Madrid have decided against signing Hazard in this window due to already having Isco in the squad

 The Spaniard enjoys a good relationship with new Los Blancos boss Julen Lopetegui after playing under him for the national side

 AS report the former Spain boss will give Isco a 'decisive role' in his new look Madrid side after the departure of Cristiano Ronaldo

Pickford 'not for sale' Everton will have no interest in selling Jordan Pickford to Chelsea because of how much they spent on him last summer, claims former Toffees striker Brian McBride

 Pickford is reportedly the No 1 target to replace Thibaut Courtois at Stamford Bridge, who is wanted by Real Madrid

 "Everton wanted him last year and spent a good amount of change on a goalkeeper. And that's why I don't think this is going to happen," McBride told ESPN FC

 "I just think that Everton are still in the realms of building, they don't want to see a goalkeeper that's very important to them go

 "So I'm going to say Chelsea's interested, but Everton is not going to let him go

" Butland blow Stoke manager Gary Rowett has dismissed speculation linking goalkeeper Jack Butland with a move to Chelsea

 Rowett told Stoke's official website: "I don't believe any rumours if I'm honest

 "I understand the good players are going to be linked with good clubs which is great, I get that

 "That shows the level of player we've got at this club. "It shows the level Jack Butland is at as a young keeper and that those clubs might potentially look at him

"Juve double deal New Chelsea boss Maurizio Sarri is closing in on a £90m double swoop for Gonzalo Higuain and centre-back team-mate Daniele Rugani, according to Sky Sports journalist Kaveh Solhekol

 "They are getting closer and closer to Daniele Rugani. Juventus are asking for around £40m for the central defender," he said

 "Chelsea see him as a long-term replacement for Gary Cahill and David Luiz. "Gonzalo Higuain is one of their top targets but Juventus want £50million - even though he's 30

 "New Chelsea head coach Maurizio Sarri knows Higuain well from his time in Italy


For more infomation >> Chelsea transfer news LIVE: £90m double swoop, Butland AND Pickford blow, Hazard latest - Duration: 3:36.


Do you have a better idea? - Duration: 0:07.

For more infomation >> Do you have a better idea? - Duration: 0:07.


100 Subscribers! - Duration: 3:01.

Hello and thanks for visiting my channel. I haven't been doing an awful lot with

the car lately, just enjoying it. However, I really got an email saying

that I have made it to 100 subscribers. So I wanted to make a quick video to

say "Thank You." This is not a high activity channel and, as a result my

growth, is pretty slow. And that's okay, but I still want to take the time to

thank those of you who have who have clicked that "Subscribe" button.

Things that are going on with the car: I did get my hands on a second set of

Nogaro wheels and powder coated them gunmetal grey. I did that quite some

time ago and just haven't them put them on the car yet. I've been really busy and

waiting for that perfect opportunity. I'm doing a lot of work on the house and so

they've been in storage and whatnot.

I'm a little closer, I finally have the tires mounted and I moved them... I put

them in storage temporarily. It's been raining a lot lately, so I don't want to

put the wheels on until I know I can pick some really pretty pictures before

they start getting dirty, getting brake dust, and everything on them.

Things that I'm doing with the car...

Nothing as far as mods go, but I'm doing a lot of towing. I've got the trailer on

right now, in fact, running errands. This is the cargo trailer, my

utility trailer. I've been using it for moving rock. I'm installing french drains

on my property. I've probably moved about 2,500 pounds of rock, not

all at once of course, maybe I've made three trips for that 2,500 pounds. So

probably I think my loads have been 950 pounds, 850 pounds, and maybe like 920

pounds. I did accidentally overload once because this is, you know, it's a it's a

front loader, right, so it's hard to gauge how much weight's being put in the car.

And the trailer... so one load was like 1,250 pounds and the fenders were

dragging on the tires. So I had to shovel out about 300 pounds. So I know

that the trailer is happiest at about 1000 pounds and so it's good.

It's nice to be able to do this stuff on my own without getting a pickup truck. So

that's pretty much what's been going on. I am on the verge of mounting those

Nogaros, and when I do, I will write a blog and take some photos and shoot a

quick video to show you how it all turned out. So until then I just want to

say thanks again and thanks for visiting.

For more infomation >> 100 Subscribers! - Duration: 3:01.


Quantico 3x13 Promo "Who Are You?" Series Finale (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Quantico 3x13 Promo "Who Are You?" Series Finale (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:30.


*NO WAY* Old Spice is The Pirate Bay! - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> *NO WAY* Old Spice is The Pirate Bay! - Duration: 1:54.


Conference Preparation - Make Your Attendance Worth It - Duration: 4:25.

Hey, Nicole Wipp here.

So, when it comes to


and events,

one of the things I think is really

being prepared to come

and have the conference

or event be successful for you.

I'm here right now at the WBENC National

Conference which this year

in Detroit,

and I have four tips for you

on how to make conferences

and events successful for you.

The first tip is

to have

a plan of


And this is actually,

probably the most important thing that you

need to do.

I'll show you right here one of the things that we

did, this the four day event,

one of the things that my team did was they put together

exactly what we're going to

be doing every single

day that we're here.

What time are we leaving?

What's the dress?

What are the different events that we're actually going

to be attending like whether they're sessions

or things like that?

Who are the people that we're connecting

with on this day?

And who is attending

this event? So,

it's very,

very comprehensive

and we have one of these sheets for every

single day that we're here.

Also, really to maximize the

event you want to

connect with as many people

in advance as possible.

I always use LinkedIn

for example to

connect somebody in advance

and say, "Hey, I see we're both attending

this event.

I hope that we run in together.

I would love to see you there." And

when I do that first of all it gives me an

excuse to connect

with somebody, but then secondly

I always get people walking up to me

at the event saying,


you connected with me in advance.

It's so good to meet you." And that

really does make the event feel

so much better

and it actually will create

such a great environment.

And so you can really be

proactive in that sense by connecting

in advance. The third

tip is to really

have a pack list so along

with this plan of action,

you want to know exactly what you're taking

with you every single day.

And this is especially true if you're

doing any kind of exhibiting

or sponsoring of events.

Now, this event we are

an exhibitor at this event,

there is tons of preparation that

goes along with being an exhibitor at

an event if you want to do it right.

And so,

but at the end of the day,

the most important thing is making sure that you actually

have all the things.

Having a really good,

detailed pack list.

And I'd say that this is true even if you're not an

exhibitor. You want to have all the things that

you're going to need,

business cards,

you know if you're at an event like this

you need to have,

what are those things called?

Capability Statements.

Thank you Victoria,

who's in the background.

You know, Speaker sheets if you're a Speaker

or whatever it may be.

So, those are the things you want to make sure you have.

And then the last

but not least is to

have a plan for

what's going to happen after the event.

And this is essential because I think

when you go to events if you

aren't clear about what

is going to happen as a result of the

event then why go at all?

Why are you even attending an event?

So, it can be anything from

making sure that you have three

or four people that you connect

with afterward,

and planning

on scheduling those phone

calls with them at the event,

or scheduling those coffee meetings.

It can be like one the things that we're

doing at this event is we actually

have a marketing

package for people to

get at this event,

and so we want to make sure that we get

as much information out there for that

and do all the follow up for this marketing package

for people to pick up after the event.

And, or it's to implement something

that you learned at the event.

So, just remember going to a conference

or to an event,

you want to take those four tips


you know, make the most out of it because if you're

spending the time

and you're spending the money you

want to be doing it the right way.

For more infomation >> Conference Preparation - Make Your Attendance Worth It - Duration: 4:25.


紅箭-9重型反坦克飛彈,從冷板凳成為中型合成旅主力 - Duration: 11:48.

For more infomation >> 紅箭-9重型反坦克飛彈,從冷板凳成為中型合成旅主力 - Duration: 11:48.


Cristiano Ronaldo: Ex-Real Madrid chief reveals real reason behind Juventus transfer - Duration: 1:48.

 The Portuguese left Los Blancos for Juventus this summer in a £99million move. He spent nine successful years in the Spanish capital, scoring 450 goals in 438 appearances and collecting 13 major trophies

 But his transfer to the Old Lady was a brewing eventuality, according to Mijatovic, who was Real's director of football from 2006 to 2009

Predrag Mijatovic was Real Madrid director of football from 2006 to 2009 Speaking to Portuguese newspaper A Bola, the Montenegrin said: "I do not think everything has been decided in a hurry

 "It was the end of a process that began, then matured over time and ended with this outcome

 "Maybe the reason is the somewhat strained relations between Cristiano and the president

 "I don't know exactly what happened between them but from the outside, it seems that there's no doubt that there were serious problems and that both had a difficult relationship

" Mijatovic left Madrid via mutual consent in 2009 - despite having a year left on his contract - following the dismissal of then-president and work colleague Ramon Calderon

 Two weeks after Mijatovic's announcement, Perez was confirmed as Calderon's successor

For more infomation >> Cristiano Ronaldo: Ex-Real Madrid chief reveals real reason behind Juventus transfer - Duration: 1:48.


Wynonna Earp 3x03 Promo "Colder Weather" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> Wynonna Earp 3x03 Promo "Colder Weather" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:21.



For more infomation >> ZAPRASZAM NA SURVIHC.ENCH.PL - START SERWERA JUTRO O 13:00 - Duration: 0:36.


Em Deus Salve o Rei, novela da faixa das 19h da Rede Globo, Catarina (Bruna Marquezine) se dará mal - Duration: 5:57.

 Em Deus Salve o Rei, novela da faixa das 19h da Rede Globo, Catarina (Bruna Marquezine) se dará mal durante seu julgamento

 No último capítulo da trama escrita por Daniel Adjafre, Catarina será levada a julgamento e contará com a ajuda da mãe, Brice (Bia Arantes) para tentar se safar

+  A bruxa entrará no corpo de Lucíola (Carolina Ferman) e fará com que ela assuma os crimes no lugar da filha

 "Todos esses crimes, de fato, foram cometidos. Mas foram cometidos por mim", gritará a dama de companhia

 "Gratidão, meritíssimo. Eu protegeria a princesa Catarina nem que fosse com a minha vida", continuará Brice no corpo da criada

 No entanto, o feitiço não durará muito tempo. Fraca e sem forças, Brice não conseguirá levar tudo isso ao final e acabará desmaiando, assumindo sua forma aos 117 anos e depois virando pó na frente de todos

 Ao perceber que falhou ao tentar salvar Catarina, Brice pedirá perdão antes de sumir: "Minha filha! Me perdoe!", dirá a feiticeira

"A bruxa estava no corpo de Lucíola!", exclamará Afonso (Romulo Estrela). "Por isso ela assumiu toda a culpa! Brice queria salvar a filha!", falará Amália (Marina Ruy Barbosa)

 Amália também irá depor contra a rainha má e dirá que sofreu duas tentativas de assassinato à mando dela

Catarina se exaltará e dirá que o juiz não pode acatar o depoimento de uma plebeia contra o dela

"Você é tão plebeia quanto eu, Catarina! Você foi adotada pelo rei Augusto", dirá a ruiva

+  Mesmo surpresa, a vilã dirá que é tudo mentirá da ruiva. "É mentira!", gritará Catarina

"Antes fosse, Catarina… Pois assim… Assim nós duas não seríamos irmãs! Nós somos filhas do mesmo pai: Martinho [Giulio Lopes]! Nós somos irmãs, Catarina", gritará Amália, deixando todo mundo chocado

 Ainda com o parentesco, Amália continuará seu depoimento e decidirá entregar todos os crimes cometidos pela rival, que será enforcada no último capítulo

   Com seu último capítulo indo ao ar nesta segunda-feira (30), a novela Deus Salve o Rei é um claro exemplo de folhetim que foi "salvo" de um fracasso

Com personagens rejeitados no início e trocas de elenco, a trama foi bem-sucedida de maneira geral, e promete deixar saudades

 É uma marca importante para Daniel Ajafre, que escreveu o folhetim medieval. Isso porque essa foi a primeira novela dele como autor principal

Em conversa rápida com o jornalista Flávio Ricco, Adjafre comentou essa primeira experiência como titular

 "Foi uma experiência muito rica. Eu imaginava o quanto seria difícil… e foi ainda mais

Felizmente pude contar com pessoas muito bacanas e talentosas – tanto na minha equipe como na direção

Tenho certeza que chego ao fim dessa trajetória bem mais maduro como autor do que quando comecei", avaliou

For more infomation >> Em Deus Salve o Rei, novela da faixa das 19h da Rede Globo, Catarina (Bruna Marquezine) se dará mal - Duration: 5:57.


A Banda Mais Bonita da Cidade - Terminei Indo - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> A Banda Mais Bonita da Cidade - Terminei Indo - Duration: 3:29.


Jovem Aprendiz em Hospitais e Clínicas - Duration: 3:41.

You youngster who likes health before even investing in this area

Why do not you try an opportunity? as a young apprentice in a hospital or in

a clinical laboratory? I'll talk to you in a moment.


Before investing your time and your resource, which it is often your money, in a course

superior, or even technically Why do not you have an opportunity?

as a young apprentice in hospitals or large clinics There is this

possibility? Yes! There is but also there are some limitations that I say

with you. So come on, let's think one a little. You will not be allowed to

young person under 18 years old Come and do some kind of activities.

So you have to be very clear when you will look for an opportunity as young

apprentice in the health area that they will not let you have contact with the patient.

Here comes the question: But where will I go to work as an apprentice in a hospital is not a clinic?

Mainly in four areas: administrative,

in the reception section, which does not be administrative, in the area of ​​pharmacy

or warehouse. Can there be other areas?

Yes, there may be other areas that do not have mainly with materials, it is

sharps, the right term is that ok, and then you can develop the activities

there that are related to the health area. The cool thing is that you will have contact with

nurses, doctors, you will get a better view of how it is

that of health. And since you have sure that this area is what you want

follow you can suddenly suddenly come to take a technical course or even

in the area. But the first contact you will have

with the possibility of knowing a little more of what is involved and what is

involved in the health area. So it's a opportunity for both

already enjoys the health area as well as who wants to be an apprentice in

any area, or any company. There is a possibility but not

forget about the dangers and risks of contamination that exists in these

it is not all the activities that the young man will be able to do and most

opportunities in the health sector are for young people over 18 years of age.

The learner can start with 14 and go to age 24.

But generally in health they take young people as of 18 years. It means that I should not

Chase? Is not it. Of course you have to

Chase. But go somewhere and if they talk who do not take to the job a young man with

less than 18, you've already been warned by me, will not fight,

simply go to another hospital, another clinic and if you can not

people, go on another. "But in my city there is no more?"

So unfortunately you'll have to wait. up to 18 years to achieve.

But now you already know that it is possible and, you know What should you chase after to achieve

improve your chances and even to be in the middle of what you like now

is the health area, if that is the case. OK? I hope you have

helped you, but do not fail to leave the your enjoyment, leave a comment and also

sign up here on the channel, That helps a lot to us. A hug to

everyone and see you next week with a new video or soon in our live

from Sunday to four thirty in the afternoon.

For more infomation >> Jovem Aprendiz em Hospitais e Clínicas - Duration: 3:41.


Apaixonados! Thiago Magalhães posta foto romântica com Anitta - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Apaixonados! Thiago Magalhães posta foto romântica com Anitta - Duration: 1:38.


Cibi potenzialmente cancerogeni contenenti nitrosammine - Duration: 7:56.

For more infomation >> Cibi potenzialmente cancerogeni contenenti nitrosammine - Duration: 7:56.


¿Por Qué las Mujeres Aman a los Patanes? | ¿Por Qué los Hombres Buenos se van a la "Friendzone"? - Duration: 11:52.

For more infomation >> ¿Por Qué las Mujeres Aman a los Patanes? | ¿Por Qué los Hombres Buenos se van a la "Friendzone"? - Duration: 11:52.


Syjonizm - powrót rdzennego ludu - Duration: 14:28.

For more infomation >> Syjonizm - powrót rdzennego ludu - Duration: 14:28.


10 beach snack bar names - the best names for your company - - Duration: 1:18.

10 beach snack bar names











Namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

For more infomation >> 10 beach snack bar names - the best names for your company - - Duration: 1:18.


Nina y Ben.El terremoto. Parte 5 (Subtitulado español) - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Nina y Ben.El terremoto. Parte 5 (Subtitulado español) - Duration: 1:40.



For more infomation >> PROGRAMA EXCLUSIVO: ESPECIAL DO PAI - Duration: 2:23.


Atrae lo que quieres apreciando lo que tienes- Subt. Español - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Atrae lo que quieres apreciando lo que tienes- Subt. Español - Duration: 3:11.


Rupert Spira: Czy świadomość jest iluzją [PL] - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> Rupert Spira: Czy świadomość jest iluzją [PL] - Duration: 10:01.


10 nombres de bares playeros - nombres para empresas - - Duration: 1:14.

10 beach snack bar names











Namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

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