Friday, July 27, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jul 27 2018

Hi! We are Hora local

it's quarter to three in Zorritos, Perú.

For the ones that haven't been following us

We are in the middle of a gap year, Alvaro with a sabbatical, i left my job to be able to travel.

and see the world before developing our careers.

For the ones that have been following us, you might have notices that it's been more that a month that we don't post a video.

and the reason why there has been a jump from Argentina to Peru

is because we have had technical problems.

its been disastrous. The hard drive in which we were saving all our videos and photos has died.

well, not fully died, as we've been able to recover some things, but there is a gap

there is stuff missing

this is the video about Bolivia. And as we have lost most of the videos in which we explain what we do and see

we've decided to do this video a bit different.

We entered Bolivia through the Uyuni salt lake

we did a three day tour on a 4X4 that leaves from San Pedro de Atacama all the way to the city of Uyuni

during those three days we saw breathtaking landscapes

not only the salt lake. From the very first day you see these amazing lagoons.

immense dessert areas, hot springs, and finally the salt lake

where we saw the most amazing sunrise that have possibly ever seen in our lives.

after that we get to Potosi

famously known for the gold mines. This mines were exploded by the Spanish when they conquered this region

mines that even today are still working. There has been a lot of materials coming out of this place.

the mountain is called "Rich Hill" and is truly rich as for 500 years

it has been mined for gold, silver, tin, lithium, everything they could imagine it was there.

also we discovered an amazing city. It was our first important city to visit in Bolivia

and we were really surprised

the historical city centre, the coin museum, the cathedral... we loved it

in Potosi we discovered what we would later see in the rest of the Bolivian cities

and it that as you get closer to the city, you cannot help wandering, where have I come to?

half built houses, all in plain brick with no paint

but all of a sudden as you get to the city centre,

in Potosi, in Sucre, Cochabamba....

they are just wonderful

beautiful plazas

lots of street live, lots of culture

I fell in love with Sucre, "the white city"

After that we went to Samaipata, which was not in our plans, but got recommended to us, last minute

we did some beautiful routes, we saw the Fort of Samaipata, which are these pre-inka ruins

that were later used by the Inkas and by the Spanish

there is lots there yet to be discovered, ruins that remain underground

we also did a route in the Amboro National Park

a giant fern forest

and then we continue our way through Santa Cruz to the Chiquitanias

we did that by train, the first train of our trip

and we got to San Jose de Chiquitos

with the idea of making a route across the Chiquitania and it's different villages

but the bus schedules where really bad, so we decide to walk a bit around San Jose, do some routs to see the pampas and the landscape of Santa Cruz

and improvising a little bit, we departed to Cochabamba.

discovering the magical adventure that are "Trufis"

Trufis are basically a mini van, with 10 or 15 seats

and this mini van has a destination...for example, Cochabamba

the drivers are usually parked outside of the bus station

you want to go to Cochabamba?

you pay your ticket, you sit inside the mini van... and you fall sleep

because the mini van will not move until is completely full

so you might be sat there waiting for 20 minutes.... if you are lucky.... or 3 hours if you are not

this was our first ride on a Trufi

and we manage to do all the way from the East side of the country to the West side

we took a Trufi from San Jose de Chiquitos to Santa Cruz

we got to Santa Cruz well passed midnight and even then we manage to find another Trufi that took us to Cochabamba

we fell sleep...and some time later (one hour)

we woke up when the driver turned the engine on, that meant we were leaving.

In Cochabamba we celebrated our second wedding anniversary.

we climbed to this hill where they have this Christ statue (like the Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro) we saw the sunset

and then we went out for a nice anniversary dinner

from Cochabamba we finally made it to La Paz

dealing with altitude again we could barely walk

but we were really impressed by La Paz. Not only the altitude, but it's mountains, it's cable cars

from which you can see the amazingly big city markets

La Paz is a city that leaves and breaths in the street

there are normal business, but they do everything in the street markets

you do shopping at the street markets, you have lunch at the street markets

I'm sure that even the big company contracts are also done in the street market ;)

The amount of people that you see, at all times, astonishing

I really loved La Paz, is an spectacular place.

we really liked going to La Lanza market in the city centre

and enjoy a two courses meal for.... 10 Bolivianos (£1)

you sit right next to local people, that right away notice you are foreign

they ask you where you come from, they give you advise

it's just great

there was this lovely gentleman that said to us: What I would give to become small and be able to travel in your pocket and see the world with you.

its really interesting to eat at the market because they are....

in the second floor the always have this dining area

and they have this tiny gaps in the wall... each with their own kitchen

with their stove and their oven

is like having your grandma cooking for you

In Bolivia, there is still not much information on the Internet

but you realise that as soon as you enter the city, all you have to do is to get a bus, find the main square

and from there just look for a hostel what ever you want... very cheap prices

things are done the old way..... you just go and ask

and now we leave to Rurre to the Amazon jungle (Rurrenabaque in the next video)

For more infomation >> Merece la pena viajar a Bolivia? || Is it worth travelling to Bolivia? (English subtitles) - Duration: 8:47.


✅ Sedm tipů na správné cvičení s bolavými zády - Duration: 2:34.

 Není cvičení jako cvičení. Některé bolavým zádům prospívá, jiné jim vysloveně škodí

Víte, kam které zařadit? Hluboké předklony nejsou pro citlivá záda vhodné. Přetěžují meziobratlové ploténky bederní páteře a může při nich docházet k přílišnému natažení svalstva zad a zadní strany stehen

Malé „sedy–lehy" se zvedáním horní části trupu mohou být naopak velmi prospěšné

Posílíte při nich svaly břicha a zad, aniž byste je příliš namáhali. Je však zapotřebí dodržovat správnou techniku

Zvedejte ze země jen lopatky, vždy se zpevněným břichem, a hlavně netahejte za hlavu nebo krk rukama

Velké „sedy–lehy" naproti tomu zádům nesvědčí. Jakmile začnete zvedat z podložky celý trup, výhody se ztrácejí

Tlak na meziobratlové ploténky je až příliš velký a záda stejně dobře neposílíte, protože víc používáte svaly v okolí kyčelních kloubů

Dobrým cvičením je šetrné protahování zadní strany stehen. Lehněte si na záda, pokrčte nohy a opřete je o podložku

Pak jednu z nich natáhněte nahoru. Ručníkem nebo gumou přitáhněte špičku chodidla směrem k sobě a držte 15–30 vteřin

Nohy střídejte a každé dopřejte několik opakování. Leckde se dočtete, že nejlepším cvičením na posílení svalů břicha a středu („core") těla je lehnout si na záda a snožmo zvedat nohy

Tento cvik je však velmi náročný. Jestliže máte svalstvo zatím slabé, může se bolest zad ještě zhoršit

Zkuste to jinak – jednu nohu pokrčte a opřete o podložku, druhou nataženou zvedejte

Je to jemnější a vhodnější cvičení. Nohy nezapomeňte po 10–15 opakováních střídat

Další z vhodných cviků vám možná připomene školní léta. Klekněte si a opřete se rukama do polohy „na psa"

Poté zanožujte vždy jednu nohu co nejdál a nejvýš, držte 5 vteřin nahoře a položte zpět

Stačí 8–12 opakování na každou nohu a záda budou posílená.  Existuje řada dalších vhodných cvičení, a tak se nebojte a zkoušejte nové věci

Záda vám „řeknou", jestli se jim daný cvik líbí, nebo ne. Ale musíte jim naslouchat

Jakákoli bolest by měla být důvodem k zamyšlení. Pokud neodezní do patnácti minut od začátku cvičení, měli byste je přerušit a zkusit jiné nebo raději odpočívat

 (pez)  Zdroj:

For more infomation >> ✅ Sedm tipů na správné cvičení s bolavými zády - Duration: 2:34.


The Happytime Murders | No Sesame. All Street.

For more infomation >> The Happytime Murders | No Sesame. All Street.


Chá de abacaxi e canela para perder peso e desinchar a barriga/ Dicas de Saúde/ Dicas e Curiosidades - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Chá de abacaxi e canela para perder peso e desinchar a barriga/ Dicas de Saúde/ Dicas e Curiosidades - Duration: 2:46.


Jahrein Mesut Özil e Hakkında Konuşuyor ( Twitch ) - Duration: 10:39.

For more infomation >> Jahrein Mesut Özil e Hakkında Konuşuyor ( Twitch ) - Duration: 10:39.


Motor flex pode não reconhecer a gasolina ou o etanol? - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Motor flex pode não reconhecer a gasolina ou o etanol? - Duration: 1:30.


Cocco: il frutto che attiva il metabolismo, brucia il grasso e regola gli zuccheri - Italy 365 - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Cocco: il frutto che attiva il metabolismo, brucia il grasso e regola gli zuccheri - Italy 365 - Duration: 1:58.


Goude - Jogando Frio (prod. Cypri) - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Goude - Jogando Frio (prod. Cypri) - Duration: 3:04.


Come abbassare i livelli di zucchero nel sangue con le uova - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Come abbassare i livelli di zucchero nel sangue con le uova - Duration: 1:56.


Mujer acusa a hospital por muerte de su bebé en el parto | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Mujer acusa a hospital por muerte de su bebé en el parto | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:58.


#EwangeliarzOP | 28 July 2018 | (Mt 13: 24-30) - Duration: 1:44.


By God, do not be surprised by different obstacles that appear when you are doing something good.

It is really no wonder. The devil fumes every time something good is going on.

Some even say - you will know that you are really doing something good because some obstacles appear.

The parable is that a man sowed good seed, and his enemy - being furious, anticipating the crops that are about to appear -

sows some weeds, rubbish.

Because the devil hates good, it hates our ability to do good.

And every time we open up through cooperation with grace to good which may flow from us, may burgeon in us,

may bear fruit, lush greenery; then the devil comes up with something straight away to disturb it.

You could even be glad about such obstacles because there are a sign

that something amazingly beautiful, great, important and good is about to happen.

For more infomation >> #EwangeliarzOP | 28 July 2018 | (Mt 13: 24-30) - Duration: 1:44.


9 Reasons Why You Should Consume Black Cumin Seed Oil Every Day - Duration: 5:45.

The seed of black cumin has been very used for medicinal purposes in the East

Been thousands of years, and it is not difficult to understand why you are starting to earn

popularity in the West as well.

With the scientific name of Nigella Sativa, these seeds are extracted directly

of the black cumin flower and possesses a with mild touches of onion and


There are literally hundreds of scientific studies which demonstrate the health benefits

of oil extracted from cumin seeds black.

Its numerous medicinal properties are attributed mainly to their compounds

active agents, especially thymokinone.

Many believe that this oil has the to cure many health problems, from

allergies to hypertension.

In today's video we will point out 9 of the main benefits of black cumin oil, which

will certainly leave you motivated to include a teaspoon of this oil in its regime


Treatment of diabetes Black cumin oil has the ability to

to reduce blood sugar levels, besides increasing the sensitivity of the cells

from the liver to insulin, which helps prevent of diabetes.

Weight loss This is a benefit that you may not

expected, but the black cumin oil is considered one of the most

effective for weight loss.

It is believed that these anti-obesity properties are due to the same mechanism that makes the oil

be effective against diabetes.

In addition to being a potent anti-inflammatory, and improve blood sugar levels,

black cumin oil also helps to reduce the appetite.

Cancer Prevention Several scientific studies have shown

the effectiveness of black cumin oil in combat to various types of cancer, such as the colon,

lung and brain.

The thymoquinone compound has been shown to be effective in the reduction of tumors, being compared

to the effect of drugs used in chemotherapies.

In addition, the oil is considered a protector against the dangers of radiation, when

used in conjunction with conventional treatments.

Allergies and asthma Black cumin oil has antihistaminic action,

being a great medicine to treat allergies.

And if you suffer from asthma, these same properties of black cumin is an excellent remedy,

often even more effective than conventional treatments.

Increases immunity Being rich in antioxidants, nutrients

and vitamins, black cumin oil helps immensely improve the immune system.

In particular oil is beneficial to people who suffer from autoimmune diseases.

Fighting infections Salmonella, E. coli, listeria, staph and MRSA

- these different types of bacteria have something unusual, being known to cause

infections that can have serious consequences serious.

MRSA in particular, is a strain of bacteria of difficult treatment with medicine remedies


To make matters worse, staph infections are becoming increasingly difficult

be treated because these bacteria are becoming increasingly resistant to


The good news is that black cumin oil has the ability to eliminate these bacteria,

proven effectiveness in several scientific studies.

Longer and stronger hair Did you know that using cumin oil

been used for over 2000 years?

Queen Cleopatra used seed oil to conquer his beautiful and long locks.

Oil is great for strengthening hair and even stimulate the growth of new yarns.

By its anti-inflammatory properties, black cumin oil brings relief to

Scalp problems such as scaling.

Improvement in digestion Known as the father of medicine, Hippocrates

already used the black cumin oil to treat digestive problems.

Black cumin seeds are considered carminatives, which means that they help

in digestion, reducing swelling, heartburn, stomach pains and flatulence.

For those who suffer from bowel syndrome irritable, oil is also a great ally,

due to its antispasmodic action, which relieves the symptoms of aches and cramps.

Skin care Cleopatra was also famous for beauty

of your skin, and perhaps the cumin oil black is the explanation for this.

This oil promotes the inhibition of melanin, contributing to healing and prevention

of spots and scars on the skin.

Studies have shown the effectiveness of in the treatment of eczema, in addition to bringing relief

for irritated skin.

Thanks to the numerous antibacterial properties and immune system enhancers,

These powerful seeds also psoriasis and acne.

For more infomation >> 9 Reasons Why You Should Consume Black Cumin Seed Oil Every Day - Duration: 5:45.


Sentencian a Cristiano Ronaldo a prisión | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Sentencian a Cristiano Ronaldo a prisión | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:41.


Las espeluznantes declaraciones de Los Cuates de Sinaloa | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Las espeluznantes declaraciones de Los Cuates de Sinaloa | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:42.


La celebración de grado soñada con auto incluído | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> La celebración de grado soñada con auto incluído | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:34.


Famosos Al Rojo Vivo: Resumen de farándula de hoy | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> Famosos Al Rojo Vivo: Resumen de farándula de hoy | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 6:01.


AlExtraño caso: su cuerpo se quema de adentro hacia afuera | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> AlExtraño caso: su cuerpo se quema de adentro hacia afuera | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:29.


Un cambio de look sorprendente | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Un cambio de look sorprendente | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:26.





Revelan llamada de 911 que auxilió a Demi Lovato | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Revelan llamada de 911 que auxilió a Demi Lovato | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:29.


Defense budget could shake up JSTARS - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Defense budget could shake up JSTARS - Duration: 2:39.


Astro's Mover - Duration: 2:25.

Sir where do I put the things?

Over there?



*Trap beat*


I have to move all the things

Next time!


You got me

You got me

You got me

You didn't write anything



I think that should be everything

But I'm gonna go check


I'll be right back

Yea everything is out of the truck and

I just want to say thanks for using our service uh

For more infomation >> Astro's Mover - Duration: 2:25.


O QUE É DA? | Libras - Duration: 10:49.

For more infomation >> O QUE É DA? | Libras - Duration: 10:49.


Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TSI 95 PK Highline | R-line | Beats | Active info display - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TSI 95 PK Highline | R-line | Beats | Active info display - Duration: 1:12.


Volkswagen Golf Variant 2.0 TDI R-DESIGN BUSINESS CONNECTED NAV/CLIMATE/HALF-LEDER/NL-auto!! - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf Variant 2.0 TDI R-DESIGN BUSINESS CONNECTED NAV/CLIMATE/HALF-LEDER/NL-auto!! - Duration: 1:09.


Stemerman launches new TV attack ad, Stefanowski wants it withdrawn - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Stemerman launches new TV attack ad, Stefanowski wants it withdrawn - Duration: 1:58.


Rose City 'Rosebuds' rank 6th worldwide - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> Rose City 'Rosebuds' rank 6th worldwide - Duration: 5:06.


今日のセルフトーク 7月28日「小さな一歩を踏み出す」 - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> 今日のセルフトーク 7月28日「小さな一歩を踏み出す」 - Duration: 2:34.


#為何有人遵行神旨意直到死,看不見成功?(感情聖化要理問答64問) - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> #為何有人遵行神旨意直到死,看不見成功?(感情聖化要理問答64問) - Duration: 4:06.


Merece la pena viajar a Bolivia? || Is it worth travelling to Bolivia? (English subtitles) - Duration: 8:47.

Hi! We are Hora local

it's quarter to three in Zorritos, Perú.

For the ones that haven't been following us

We are in the middle of a gap year, Alvaro with a sabbatical, i left my job to be able to travel.

and see the world before developing our careers.

For the ones that have been following us, you might have notices that it's been more that a month that we don't post a video.

and the reason why there has been a jump from Argentina to Peru

is because we have had technical problems.

its been disastrous. The hard drive in which we were saving all our videos and photos has died.

well, not fully died, as we've been able to recover some things, but there is a gap

there is stuff missing

this is the video about Bolivia. And as we have lost most of the videos in which we explain what we do and see

we've decided to do this video a bit different.

We entered Bolivia through the Uyuni salt lake

we did a three day tour on a 4X4 that leaves from San Pedro de Atacama all the way to the city of Uyuni

during those three days we saw breathtaking landscapes

not only the salt lake. From the very first day you see these amazing lagoons.

immense dessert areas, hot springs, and finally the salt lake

where we saw the most amazing sunrise that have possibly ever seen in our lives.

after that we get to Potosi

famously known for the gold mines. This mines were exploded by the Spanish when they conquered this region

mines that even today are still working. There has been a lot of materials coming out of this place.

the mountain is called "Rich Hill" and is truly rich as for 500 years

it has been mined for gold, silver, tin, lithium, everything they could imagine it was there.

also we discovered an amazing city. It was our first important city to visit in Bolivia

and we were really surprised

the historical city centre, the coin museum, the cathedral... we loved it

in Potosi we discovered what we would later see in the rest of the Bolivian cities

and it that as you get closer to the city, you cannot help wandering, where have I come to?

half built houses, all in plain brick with no paint

but all of a sudden as you get to the city centre,

in Potosi, in Sucre, Cochabamba....

they are just wonderful

beautiful plazas

lots of street live, lots of culture

I fell in love with Sucre, "the white city"

After that we went to Samaipata, which was not in our plans, but got recommended to us, last minute

we did some beautiful routes, we saw the Fort of Samaipata, which are these pre-inka ruins

that were later used by the Inkas and by the Spanish

there is lots there yet to be discovered, ruins that remain underground

we also did a route in the Amboro National Park

a giant fern forest

and then we continue our way through Santa Cruz to the Chiquitanias

we did that by train, the first train of our trip

and we got to San Jose de Chiquitos

with the idea of making a route across the Chiquitania and it's different villages

but the bus schedules where really bad, so we decide to walk a bit around San Jose, do some routs to see the pampas and the landscape of Santa Cruz

and improvising a little bit, we departed to Cochabamba.

discovering the magical adventure that are "Trufis"

Trufis are basically a mini van, with 10 or 15 seats

and this mini van has a destination...for example, Cochabamba

the drivers are usually parked outside of the bus station

you want to go to Cochabamba?

you pay your ticket, you sit inside the mini van... and you fall sleep

because the mini van will not move until is completely full

so you might be sat there waiting for 20 minutes.... if you are lucky.... or 3 hours if you are not

this was our first ride on a Trufi

and we manage to do all the way from the East side of the country to the West side

we took a Trufi from San Jose de Chiquitos to Santa Cruz

we got to Santa Cruz well passed midnight and even then we manage to find another Trufi that took us to Cochabamba

we fell sleep...and some time later (one hour)

we woke up when the driver turned the engine on, that meant we were leaving.

In Cochabamba we celebrated our second wedding anniversary.

we climbed to this hill where they have this Christ statue (like the Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro) we saw the sunset

and then we went out for a nice anniversary dinner

from Cochabamba we finally made it to La Paz

dealing with altitude again we could barely walk

but we were really impressed by La Paz. Not only the altitude, but it's mountains, it's cable cars

from which you can see the amazingly big city markets

La Paz is a city that leaves and breaths in the street

there are normal business, but they do everything in the street markets

you do shopping at the street markets, you have lunch at the street markets

I'm sure that even the big company contracts are also done in the street market ;)

The amount of people that you see, at all times, astonishing

I really loved La Paz, is an spectacular place.

we really liked going to La Lanza market in the city centre

and enjoy a two courses meal for.... 10 Bolivianos (£1)

you sit right next to local people, that right away notice you are foreign

they ask you where you come from, they give you advise

it's just great

there was this lovely gentleman that said to us: What I would give to become small and be able to travel in your pocket and see the world with you.

its really interesting to eat at the market because they are....

in the second floor the always have this dining area

and they have this tiny gaps in the wall... each with their own kitchen

with their stove and their oven

is like having your grandma cooking for you

In Bolivia, there is still not much information on the Internet

but you realise that as soon as you enter the city, all you have to do is to get a bus, find the main square

and from there just look for a hostel what ever you want... very cheap prices

things are done the old way..... you just go and ask

and now we leave to Rurre to the Amazon jungle (Rurrenabaque in the next video)

For more infomation >> Merece la pena viajar a Bolivia? || Is it worth travelling to Bolivia? (English subtitles) - Duration: 8:47.


✅ Sedm tipů na správné cvičení s bolavými zády - Duration: 2:34.

 Není cvičení jako cvičení. Některé bolavým zádům prospívá, jiné jim vysloveně škodí

Víte, kam které zařadit? Hluboké předklony nejsou pro citlivá záda vhodné. Přetěžují meziobratlové ploténky bederní páteře a může při nich docházet k přílišnému natažení svalstva zad a zadní strany stehen

Malé „sedy–lehy" se zvedáním horní části trupu mohou být naopak velmi prospěšné

Posílíte při nich svaly břicha a zad, aniž byste je příliš namáhali. Je však zapotřebí dodržovat správnou techniku

Zvedejte ze země jen lopatky, vždy se zpevněným břichem, a hlavně netahejte za hlavu nebo krk rukama

Velké „sedy–lehy" naproti tomu zádům nesvědčí. Jakmile začnete zvedat z podložky celý trup, výhody se ztrácejí

Tlak na meziobratlové ploténky je až příliš velký a záda stejně dobře neposílíte, protože víc používáte svaly v okolí kyčelních kloubů

Dobrým cvičením je šetrné protahování zadní strany stehen. Lehněte si na záda, pokrčte nohy a opřete je o podložku

Pak jednu z nich natáhněte nahoru. Ručníkem nebo gumou přitáhněte špičku chodidla směrem k sobě a držte 15–30 vteřin

Nohy střídejte a každé dopřejte několik opakování. Leckde se dočtete, že nejlepším cvičením na posílení svalů břicha a středu („core") těla je lehnout si na záda a snožmo zvedat nohy

Tento cvik je však velmi náročný. Jestliže máte svalstvo zatím slabé, může se bolest zad ještě zhoršit

Zkuste to jinak – jednu nohu pokrčte a opřete o podložku, druhou nataženou zvedejte

Je to jemnější a vhodnější cvičení. Nohy nezapomeňte po 10–15 opakováních střídat

Další z vhodných cviků vám možná připomene školní léta. Klekněte si a opřete se rukama do polohy „na psa"

Poté zanožujte vždy jednu nohu co nejdál a nejvýš, držte 5 vteřin nahoře a položte zpět

Stačí 8–12 opakování na každou nohu a záda budou posílená.  Existuje řada dalších vhodných cvičení, a tak se nebojte a zkoušejte nové věci

Záda vám „řeknou", jestli se jim daný cvik líbí, nebo ne. Ale musíte jim naslouchat

Jakákoli bolest by měla být důvodem k zamyšlení. Pokud neodezní do patnácti minut od začátku cvičení, měli byste je přerušit a zkusit jiné nebo raději odpočívat

 (pez)  Zdroj:

For more infomation >> ✅ Sedm tipů na správné cvičení s bolavými zády - Duration: 2:34.


Mix Master Final Force S2 E5 | Don't Mess with Moreen - Duration: 26:58.

For more infomation >> Mix Master Final Force S2 E5 | Don't Mess with Moreen - Duration: 26:58.


Headed to Saints camp? Don't forget these heat safety tips - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Headed to Saints camp? Don't forget these heat safety tips - Duration: 1:51.



For more infomation >> I SPENT $5000 IN UGLY SNEAKERS - BALENCIAGA, YEEZY, LOUBOUTIN AND MORE! LUXURY SHOE HAUL | Mar - Duration: 14:05.


This Is TV's First Transgender Superhero - Duration: 3:36.

Supergirl is about to make history.

During a San Diego Comic-Con panel on July 21st, 2018, the CW announced that Nicole Maines

will join Supergirl in Season 4 as Nia Nal, aka Dreamer, the first transgender superhero

on television.

"It feels fitting to say that with great power comes great responsibility."

Described by Deadline as "a soulful young transgender woman with a fierce drive to protect

others," Nia reportedly won't start out as a full-fledged vigilante.

Instead, the upcoming storyline will see Nia, a new member of CatCo's reporting team, gradually

"fulfilling her destiny" to become the superhero Dreamer.

"Nia is so much more than 'The Trans Superhero.'

She is a reporter, she is hopeful, she is good."

Deadline speculates that the character's evolution from Nia into Dreamer will be similar to the

way Melissa Benoist's Kara grew and matured to become Supergirl as she stands today.

The character is a new iteration of DC Comics' Nura Nal, aka Dream Girl, who made her comics

debut in 1964 and was given the codename "Dreamer" in one '90s storyline.

Nicole Maines made national headlines when she was just a young teen.

After the grandfather of a classmate at Maines' elementary school in Orono, Maine complained

to school officials that Maines shouldn't be allowed to use the girls' restroom - and

the school agreed - the Maines family sued her school district.

In June of 2014, the Maine Supreme Judicial Court found that the school district was in

violation of the Human Rights Act, and ruled that trans students should be allowed to use

the restroom assigned to the gender with which they identify.

Since then, Maines has been an outspoken activist for the LGBTQ community.

In 2015, Maines and her family were the subject of Washington Post writer Amy Ellis Nutt's

book Becoming Nicole: The Extraordinary Transformation of an Ordinary Family, which chronicles the

Maines family's journey to better understand and celebrate their daughter's identity.

That same year, Maines made her television debut in an episode of USA Network's Royal

Pains, portraying a trans teen and choreographer named Anna whose hormones posed a potential

risk to her heath.

In 2016, Maines was featured in HBO's The Trans List, a documentary directed by Timothy

Greenfield-Sanders that highlights the stories of 11 transgender individuals including Caitlyn

Jenner and Orange Is the New Black actress Laverne Cox.

More recently, Maines spoke out about Scarlett Johansson's involvement in the film Rub and


Johansson was set to portray transgender gangster and massage parlor owner Dante "Tex" Gill,

but dropped out of the project due to subsequent backlash.

Maines told Variety,

"With trans folks, we have a lot of people accusing us of just playing dress up for whatever

reason, and that's not true.

And so having trans people play trans roles shows that we are valid in our identity and

we deserve to exist as we do."

It's for this reason that Maines' involvement in Supergirl is not just exciting but also

incredibly important.

And Maines isn't the only new addition to Supergirl's fourth season.

April Parker Jones is set to play Colonel Haley, described by Deadline as a "hardline

career military woman" fiercely dedicated to her country and loyal to a fault to her

commanding officers.

David Ajala is also on board as the devilishly charming and witty antihero Manchester Black.

Supergirl introducing Maines' Nia Nal as TV's first transgender superhero sets an incredible

precedent and opens the doors for even more positive LGBTQ representation on the small


Will we see Alysia Yeoh, Batgirl's best friend, roommate, and a transgender woman - in a DC

series in the future?

The Batgirl comic even featured Yeoh getting married in 2015, marking the first transgender

wedding in mainstream comic book history.

For now, we can look forward to seeing Maines team up with the rest of the Supergirl crew

when Season 4 premieres October 14th on the CW.

For more infomation >> This Is TV's First Transgender Superhero - Duration: 3:36.


Murder Suspect Won't Leave Jail Cell - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Murder Suspect Won't Leave Jail Cell - Duration: 0:51.


Octopus Tomato Spaghetti Recipe (Savory Sauce and Octopus Pasta with Zucchini) | Cooking with Dog - Duration: 4:54.

Hi, I'm Francis, the host of this show "Cooking with Dog."


Huge, isn't it? This is Mizudako, giant Pacific octopus from Hokkaido.

It's almost the size of my arm.

Today, we are making pasta with plenty of tomatoes, which go excellent with this octopus.

First, let's prepare the boiled octopus.

The arm of the octopus is very thick so cut it in half lengthwise.

Begin slicing the octopus at 3 mm (0.1") intervals,

leaving the piece attached with the initial cut

and then removing it with the next cut as shown.

Make a deep incision and cut out the slices alternatively.

Making deep cuts in the octopus makes it easy to enjoy the chewy texture.

Place the octopus onto a tray.

Then, add the sake and toss to coat.

If sake isn't available, you can leave it out.

Dice the tomato into 2 cm (0.8") pieces,

and slice the zucchini into 5 mm (0.2") thick half-moons.

Now, let's cook the pasta.

Add the 0.7 to 1 percent salt to the pot of hot water,

and bring it to a boil.

When you use a small pot,

gradually submerge the spaghetti in the water as it softens.

Cook the pasta for 1 minute shorter than the time described on the package.

And now, heat a pan and add the olive oil.

Add the zucchini.

When they are browned, flip the slices over.

Turn the heat to low,

and add the chopped garlic and dried red chili pepper.

Stir-fry them until aromatic.

Then, add the diced tomato.

The tomato contains lots of water so stir fry and reduce the liquid.

Now, lightly season it with salt.

You should go easy on the salt

since the boiled octopus also contains salt.

Reduce the liquid to give it a slightly thick consistency.

Mmmm. This looks so good!

Test a string of pasta to check the firmness.

When the pasta is almost ready,

add the boiled octopus to the pan.

Add the soy sauce

and butter.

Lightly stir the ingredients

and reduce to the lowest possible heat.

Now, place the pasta into a mesh strainer.

If you are a cooking novice,

we recommend beginning to cook the pasta

when the sauce is ready to avoid overcooking.

Then, add the pasta to the pan.

Quickly coat the noodles with the sauce.

Now, it is ready.

Using tongs, arrange the spaghetti on the plate

along with the ingredients to make the dish visually appealing.

Finally, sprinkle on the coarsely ground black pepper,

grated Parmesan cheese,

and chopped parsley leaves.

The more you cook the octopus,

the tougher and smaller it becomes,

so just warm the octopus and be sure not to overcook it.

The sauce has absorbed the savory taste of the octopus. Delicious!

When the olive oil and the cooking water with the pasta are emulsified,

the sauce becomes thick.

This will help the spaghetti hold more sauce

and make the dish more delicious.

Good luck in the kitchen!

What a pity! Wait a moment...

That was really close!

For more infomation >> Octopus Tomato Spaghetti Recipe (Savory Sauce and Octopus Pasta with Zucchini) | Cooking with Dog - Duration: 4:54.


Support for Little Shaman Healing - Duration: 10:22.

So first of all, one of the big topics I wanted to bring up I

didn't know I was know I was gonna talk about this until just very really

recently, but if anybody watches the little shaman on YouTube what I don't know what has

happened to her.

she like all of a sudden apparently has gotten taken off you tube.

She has an excellent channel she has an excellent channel. She

provides wonderful material. She's one of my very favorite top people

that talks on this subject and I have never heard her say anything that

would be at all inappropriate or I can't imagine why... and it's not just it like

she has a warning, and they took out a video . I mean, she's gone. Her channel, all

.of her videos are gone. So I it looks like.... I looked her up on Facebook here

and it looks like there was some some going on somebody made a complaint or

something and and she's working with working with YouTube to get her channel

put back up, but that's really you know I I don't know what she needs us to do but

I'm sure that if you are a fan of hers that

writing to YouTube or you know sending her some kind of supports or something

you know um you know just checking in with her she does have a website and she

has she has Facebook and so but yeah all of her content on YouTube is gone and

most of her links for her website are back to YouTube she has some stuff on

the iTunes somehow because I know she's assist you can list some similar older

material there but as you will see if you if you don't know who she is go

check it out you'll see there's nothing nothing at all inappropriate or anything

and she's really really you know I think one of the best really one of the best

it really really have always enjoyed her Channel and I had I had gone and I

hadn't really checked in with the the niche lately and I wanted to kind of

she's basically first wake up I want to go see what's going on in the it's

colleagues and my peers of people doing this I want to go check out what they're

talking about she's my first place I'll go and so I

went there and it was like what it was like she's done and it was like wow so

um you know I if you're listening Sister Sin, Little Shaman I'm really sorry

that you're having those problems if there's anything I can do please let me

know I would certainly you know write you a

letter you know let you know if I can or if anything I don't know if I have any

pull with anybody but I know it would help you to get a lot of support I'm

certainly willing to do that and yes any my my people over to you to you know I

don't know apparently him some hater or something I don't know how someone would

be had that much influence to get her challenges completely taken down so I

you know I like I said I really don't know anything about it but she has a

great channel and I've never seen anything I mean remember as I've seen so

many other things on YouTube that are really pushing the boundaries that I

can't believe that she would be some of it would get taken down and she her

material was really really helping people you know I really think that she

was growing really fast and you know people seem to really really like her

material and it was all really good stuff so you know I I pretty much always

agree with everything she said so you know if they haven't robbed motherly

brother would have brought with me too and there it and always a media nobody

certain you take anybody else down that I know of so I don't know I don't know I

don't know what happened there so anyways really sorry that's happening to

you shaman and you're her channel is Khalil shaman healing

I think that's also called on Facebook and I think that her website is like

little shaman healing org I think so yeah so go check her out she's really

great um and hopefully should be back up on YouTube in no time because I natural

disasters ruined her house and he was like kind of stuff and I know that

YouTube followers and something that really really helped her family out put

her through so I think that that is a big deal for her to get her channel

taken down you know and it would be for me to just use it would be upsetting I

know yeah so think about why certain when I started doing this it was mostly

just because I have a passion for the topic and I wanted to turn what was

essentially a total brutal nightmare into something good that helped somebody

that was my that was my point but there is a lot involved with doing YouTube

channel baguette and there's a lot of things there's a lot of aspects to it

that I don't enjoy I don't enjoy it all if I probably not if social media I had

never done I had never done social media before doing this I could never

participate in Instagram or Facebook or any of that stuff and

so and I I just thought I'd I'm amazed at how people get any work done and do

it I really am and what I really want to put out there is I when I first starts

when I first started this I had I had a young woman who was at dig my video edit

and my husband was also having a meeting he was the only technical technical

stuff and he was helping with some video editing and then I had this dear woman

have handling my social media and video editing it's all I was pretty much doing

was happy to come up come up with my content and so I have you know I have

all kinds of books and things that are like midstream that I haven't been I

haven't brought out yet because as you know about a year into the project rule

11 went into the project this woman young woman was my son's girlfriend ran

into problems with her and she took off it and so that was that and so after

that I started dabbling with with editors but I didn't have like one

editor that I worked with and so it gets to be

you know and until you really have someone that you're working that really

knows what you're doing you knows your style and all that stuff it gets to be

as much work trying to find someone to edit for you than to just do it yourself

in or how to do it yourself so so it's to be a full-time job just to put

up a couple videos a week of here you know filming them editing them doing the

social mediate all that stuff and opens is you know you start you surging this

thing you really have any goals you know I just think nice when it helps somebody

it's where I tell my story and if it appeals to anybody then I can help

somebody I want to make sure that what I'm doing is so many people really want

you know is it all right that it's what is needed here so I'm playing and

playing around with should I should I just be putting out videos about all

kinds of different things to just see what seeing what happens

wait listen to you back from you if you have any interest in you can tell me

what it is that you are ever searching for on the internet but you can't find

you think maybe I might be able to space curious if you know what what you guys

watch what you have interested and you know what pieces of my of my other parts

of my life pieces of my past he's in my future I could incorporate into

something that would be be helpful to you know to people

because it I really have will have to tell you guys turn honestly thingy just

cuz you know stop doing it then I get enough I get enough feedback from from

you all right when I'm right when I'm feeling that way I get some feedback

it's like you're helping me so much and I'm so you know I hope you don't ever

quit it's like me just knew they knew I was thinking about about quitting and

they're like hope you never quit so anyway so if you have a kid that are you

know certain or you are kids that would like to be a micro remote video editor

for me I would love that I have sort of some different job opportunities as I'm

transitioning especially as I'm transitioning right now I really need

some help I think actually right now I am gonna have to go down to one video a

week for the time being until I can get transitioned and if I do if I do more

than that'll be a bonus but that's I think I should just promise one video a

week I don't know I've got all kinds of ideas like I'm thinking oh man yes you

guys questions I have tons and I give away ideas I wanted to do but I don't

wanna give me some in trouble with that because I'm just gonna get yourself in

trouble and I wanted to make sure I was following the rules and so

do they have to like super super random and so I have to like go through a

service so that no one thinks it I'm like being biased so but why do I work

it all out all you have to do - all you're gonna have to do to participate

in it is just be a subscriber and leave comments and as many comments as you

leave those are each entries into the thing I came outside because I realized

I hadn't made any videos this year out on my patio which I usually do for like

a couple of months and people really appreciate it and so I raised a yam here

before it got dark fortunately up here in the Pacific

Northwest it's a light late in the summer time so that's one good bonus

it's starting to get dark like ten o'clock so that's cool all right you

guys I will talk with you later appreciate you for being here and okay

bye bye

For more infomation >> Support for Little Shaman Healing - Duration: 10:22.


Teen Titans GO to the Movies Movie Review - Duration: 9:43.

First off I'd like to give a respectful shout out

to those families with extremely small children

who enjoy this movie.

For more infomation >> Teen Titans GO to the Movies Movie Review - Duration: 9:43.



Hi and welcome to Steve's kitchen by the end of this recipe you're going to learn

how to make a delicious and thick super thick coconut yogurt and its rich and

full of probiotics. Now we've been doing a few good stomach recipes over the last

week we got that lovely sauerkraut, the german sauerkraut, the fermented cabbage,

which was really delicious and then we did the buttermilk as well last weekend.

Today we're taking it up a notch, something super delicious, strap yourself

in and learn with me how to make a delicious coconut yogurt. You'll see I've

got a variety of coconut milks and creams here and I've experimented with

them all so you don't have to. Now you'd have thought that a thick coconut cream

would work better than a coconut milk but I can tell you from my experimenting

the milk makes a nicer yogurt. It's just the right sort of texture, they both work

by the way. Now I've gone for a pure coconut milk by the way there's nothing

else in here, many of them do have emulsifiers and different additives in

it, doesn't matter they do all work. This particular brand that I found is perfect,

they are little Diddy tins but they're just the perfect size for me. Now whether

it comes in a can or a carton first thing you want to do. Let's give this a

good shake up, break up the fats, any solids that are in the top of the can

and then everything after this is pretty simple. Crack open the lid, pull that top

off and you'll see with the shake-up there are no solids on the top. Now we

take this coconut milk, now I've put the coconut milk into a glass jar just so

that you can see what I'm doing but a little tip here you could just do it

straight in the can it makes no difference. Now many of you will know the

cultures we use to make a dairy yogurt they grow naturally in milk but we don't

want to introduce these if we're going to go dairy free, so I've got some

probiotics, these are little capsules you can get in most chemists or supermarkets.

They're very simple, so simple little capsules, as you would find in any tablet

form. Take your little capsule give it a squeeze, a little twist and all those

little probiotics will come out. Just pour it on top of the coconut milk and

then just take a teaspoon and give this a good stir through. Now

these are the natural healthy probiotics that you find in the stomach and when

you put them into your coconut yogurt like this at room temperature they are

actually going to bloom. They're going to multiply, it's going to take a couple of

days for them to make a very thick yogurt. Now initially I'm going to leave

this for 24 hours, a little bit of muslin or cheesecloth over the top, just to keep

the dust out. In 24 hours time you're going to uncover your coconut yogurt and

what you're going to notice is there's often a little bit of coconut water at

the bottom and it will have started to thicken slightly. Not as thick as a

normal yogurt, although we're starting to get there, you can see but on the first

day what I like to do is just give this a stir through. Just to bring the coconut

water back into the milk. Cover it over and we're going to leave this at room

temperature for another day and by then it's going to be a lovely thick yogurt, a

little bit like a Greek yogurt. Now different temperatures around the house

will mean that this will take slightly varied times to actually finish but

don't worry it could be within one day or two days, it's certainly going to set.

Now by the second day, you just look how beautiful and thick this yogurt has set

and you can eat it just like this, I'll give it a try. My that is so delicious.

Now if you set that in the fridge for a little while it will set super firm like

a really dense Greek yogurt and I would serve this with some fresh fruits or as

I'm going to do now, I've got this wonderful homemade lemon curd, which is just a

great combination. Now just look at that, I think the combination of lemon curd

and coconut yogurt, you just can't beat it. Having said that I'd love to hear if

you've got a better combination but here goes, I'm going to tuck in and give this a


Wow that is heavenly, it is so, so good. I love it. Now the reason we made this with

the probiotics also was to keep it completely lactose free and it still

tastes really delicious, so if you're intolerant towards any milk products.

This is the yogurt for you, oh it's so good, I'm going in for a second helping

of this. Share the love, comments down below, let me know what you

think of it, if you do any yogurts or you make something with some beautiful

fruits in it, send me a picture across on social media. In the meantime have a

great week and I will see you for another episode of Steve's kitchen very

shortly. Chin! Chin!

For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE COCONUT YOGURT - Duration: 4:44.


I Took My Skyline Hakosuka and Ferrari 599 to Meet TheStradman, Effspot at an $8 MILLION Mansion!! - Duration: 13:32.

hey everyone I am Steve this Steve's POV

you don't normally see me speak in English but that's my mother tongue is

English we are here today kind of a special

thing going on today you know I don't really do a lot of collaborations with

other youtubers I don't really get out a whole lot you know I'm a little older

than most of the guys on YouTube and that but I don't know I'm into a lot of

cars I've been around a long time I'm 48

years old and you know I've made some friends not that I don't want to

collaborate I just haven't collaborated a lot of other youtubers but I think I'm

friendly over the years with a bunch of guys I became friendly over the years

with eff spot Gordon he's a nice guy I became friendly with with Damon from

daily driven and he's a super nice guy but I don't really do a lot of

collaboration so today it's kind of interesting it's going to be an

interesting day why is there gonna be interesting day we're about to head out

and do a little collaboration with a couple of guys one I know and one I've

never met before but I look forward to it that is the Stradman who I don't

know and EFFspot that I do know we're going up to a beautiful house and we're

taking the Ferrari which is 599 GTB which I am using for a couple days and

we got my skyline right there sucking up some petrol filling them up we're about

20 minutes away from where we're heading should be a blast I can't wait to meet

these guys can't wait to work with them and can't wait to I don't know show them

kind of what Steve's POV about the old man you know the dad of the group of all

these young youtubers that's me anyway and I don't know it's gonna be a

fun day I can sell already it's always weird I say when you see your own car on

the road like my skyline right there driving and I'm not behind the wheel

driving it it's really an odd feeling to look at your own car but you know what

sometimes it gives you another perspective sometimes it gives you some

ideas you know what I mean like hey you know what if I did that to that car put

this to that car it would look even cooler

we look even better you know I mean or I don't know sometimes you know what I

mean I always think that way else these do these kind of about the difference in

cultures between Japan and the United States do not just cars and car culture

but what's different between us and sometimes you got to step out of your

own environment you got to step out of your own country you got to step out of

your own comfort zone and go someplace else to kind of get a new perspective

and that's the same thing step away from my car look at it from the outside

obviously I notice I get a brake light out right there you see I gotta fix that

okay you would've noted above traffic or myself but nice

cars are out the weather's hot it's summer baby whoo anyway this exciting

day I'm here with car vision my buddy enmesh

he's been working with me this summer he's an awesome dude

and a great cameraman and I need you to check out his channel too

and I think you'll enjoy his reviews a little more serious a little more

probably serious I think it's a good word then my reviews and what I do but

you know what that's all good different styles everybody's got their own it's

these POV style is these POV style I guess

we're at a secret location in the San Fernando Valley north of the 118 and the

Chatsworth there he had a beautiful house by the way he's a little shy but

there's a guy over there that I know his name is EFFspot he hates when the cameras

on him some reason he's always on Steve's POV but we got another guy that

you all know right here we got some cool cars here today got a little line up

some plastics some exotics and we got somebody right here that I think a lot

of you know it's trad man I'll tell you he's one of the guys on YouTube that my

kid spends a hell of a lot more time watching and even my channel you know

but as a dad I guess you just get used to that kind of stuff it's alright I'm

gonna learn and what these guys do right and try to grow my channel ayuh

I appreciate the ability to hang out with you today some laughs I love your

skyline with this car and it's rap and the look like it's almost a really glad

I wasn't gonna bring the skyline today yeah but after looking at this car and

it's kind of badass wrap I couldn't wait to take a picture of the 2 cars together...

This is the Stradman and he has a killer Youtube channel.

His channel is at least 10 times more popular than mine!!

He's an interesting guy and I hope you enjoy his channel!

I hope he and I can collaborate on some stuff in the future too.

gave you the best possible Shoutout that I can possibly do in my little world in

Japan you got a brother Good to hang out with you thanks this part is so

His car is so cool looking and the wrap when I look at my skyline next to the McLaren and I said

damn those two cars gonna look good together so what we're doing right now

is we're lining up all the cars here skyline in the front the 599 right there

we got EFFspots Jaguar right there we got Stradmans McLaren we got the

skyline gt-r right here and we've got a beautiful check this house out man

check out the environment picture perfect the nicest day the

bluest skies Ferrari a Jaguar a Nissan and... hey check that out man

Italian Japanese and a couple of Brits in the house this is like the United

Nations here in the San Fernando Valley it is beautiful look forward to getting

some nice aerial pictures of this house and of these cars and check out my

buddy car vision too, my other buddy he's the one filming us right now he's

the one who's about to launch this drone take off

all right so he came out to this undisclosed location we talked about all

this cool stuff going on we decide we're gonna do the coolest thing of all we're

gonna fly the drone and then drone goes up the wind comes and you see this tree

right here did you see the tree there's a drone up

there and there's also a youtuber with about a million subscribers up there to

grabbing that drone right now Stradman is up in the tree rescuing our

drone all right I'm here if you want to drop it to me...

1, 2, 3 catch the drone! Good save! But if I dropped the drone and he fell out of the tree; OMG!!

I am in the northern part of Los Angeles.

We got cars here but we also got an incredible house to check out too.

It's not just me here today! We got other Youtubers too!

EffSpot and the Stradman too.

This house is an amazing 17,000 sq ft!!

It's incredible!!!

This lamp alone must cost how much money?!?!?!

The lady that lives here loves crystals! They are everywhere!

Oh wow! Check out the Game Room!

Lots of classic pinball machines too!

Look at the size of this TV!!!

I did a little checking about this house... It costs over $6 million dollars!!

Look at these classic Pez containers with Swarovski crystals on them.

The lady who lives here does so much nice stuff with crystals!!

that's crazy

This is the daughters room....

Apparently she loves Japanese culture.

What does this poster say?? Pokemon??

Oh!! This is from 2015 at the Kagaku MiraiKan in Odaiba Tokyo.

She must have went to this Pokemon event in Oadaiba.

Obviously she like Japanese animation!!

I'm outside on the 2nd floor balcony now...

Look at this view of the backyard!!

Looks like a 5 star resort!

There's a river and tennis courts too.

Wow!! This is luxury!

You could never have a place like this in Japan.

I am so impressed!!!

you know guys we're up on a third floor of the house right now and I got to tell

you they are so many every room you go into in this house there's more and more

hidden treasures I mean if you're not into retro stuff like I am you just got

to look at some of the stuff and kind of appreciate what it is the game that I

showed you a few minutes to go over there early Sega basketball game that's

sitting over there under that plastic don't bees good luck ever seeing another

one of those anywhere I don't even think I've ever seen one of my life that's an

early sake I'm probably vintage 56 these early Japanese this thing is cool though

have you ever seen a coca-cola bottle like this there are glass bottles of

coca-cola that are so collectible have you ever seen one with the skinny shape

that comes down all this thin like that looks like I think what they were trying

to tell you is this if you drank cherry coke maybe you get skinny like like this

kinda you get a waistline like that you're you know kind of the nice figure

that women look for see strap man great to meet you brother

care take it easy today was a fun fun day I have not really done a lot of

hanging out with other youtubers much but today I got a chance to do that you

know my son watches a lot of these guys scrapes great Fitness neighborhood my

son watches a lot of these guys on YouTube I don't know I'm really good but

to hang out with that spot today and with the strap man today and they get a

drone stuck in a tree today and have to have him climb up the tree and get it we

had a lot of fun and we did it all in a 17,000 square foot mansion here north of

the valley man a perfect day you know what

that's what Steve's POV is all about man this neighborhoods nice but they did not

build this for low riding cars I'll tell you that much scrapes free anyway these

field v I hope you subscribe you know the beauty is my video is gonna be my

style Gordon's video is gonna be his style and

the Strad man is gonna do his style and so is car vision and everybody's got

their own styles and we can collaborate together and do things in our own ways

and that's the beauty of YouTube it's not competition you know we're all our

own thing I got my niche they got their niches and you know what hopefully we

all benefit from each other's differences that's the beauty of it stay

cool thumbs up talk to you soon

Siegen more Japanese Jenny Monday

For more infomation >> I Took My Skyline Hakosuka and Ferrari 599 to Meet TheStradman, Effspot at an $8 MILLION Mansion!! - Duration: 13:32.


Rustic Beautiful The Rocky Waters Tiny House in Colorado | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Rustic Beautiful The Rocky Waters Tiny House in Colorado | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:55.


go chef EP2! Make the most powerful cooking game with origami! | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 6:51.

go chef EP2! Make the most powerful cooking game with origami! | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> go chef EP2! Make the most powerful cooking game with origami! | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 6:51.


Confetti Soap | Cold Process Soap - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Confetti Soap | Cold Process Soap - Duration: 4:58.


Astro's Mover - Duration: 2:25.

Sir where do I put the things?

Over there?



*Trap beat*


I have to move all the things

Next time!


You got me

You got me

You got me

You didn't write anything



I think that should be everything

But I'm gonna go check


I'll be right back

Yea everything is out of the truck and

I just want to say thanks for using our service uh

For more infomation >> Astro's Mover - Duration: 2:25.


XiaoLing quiz & save the lost prince of Lego! | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 7:37.

XiaoLing quiz & save the lost prince of Lego! | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> XiaoLing quiz & save the lost prince of Lego! | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 7:37.


570 Sq Ft Tiny Cabin in the Mountains of Crestline, California For Sale - Duration: 1:52.

570 Sq Ft Tiny Cabin in the Mountains of Crestline, California For Sale

For more infomation >> 570 Sq Ft Tiny Cabin in the Mountains of Crestline, California For Sale - Duration: 1:52.


July 27, 2018: NJTV News with Mary Alice Williams - Duration: 27:02.

For more infomation >> July 27, 2018: NJTV News with Mary Alice Williams - Duration: 27:02.


Is the ice cream shop turned into a pizza restaurant? | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 6:16.

Is the ice cream shop turned into a pizza restaurant? | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> Is the ice cream shop turned into a pizza restaurant? | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 6:16.


Adobe Think Tank: Navigating the Future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Duration: 7:46.

- Welcome to Adobe Think Tank.

Again, join the conversation using #AdobeTT.

And I'm with freelance science writer, Matthew Hutson.

Thank you so much for joining us.

- Thanks for having me.

- Yeah, it's a comfy space, right?

- Yeah, I feel like we're in a fish tank.

- Yeah, a little bit, a little bit.

People kinda surrounding, kinda see what we're doing.

- Yeah, when do they fill this with water?

I want to be prepared for that.

- That's next year.

So come back, we'll wear some floaties,

and we'll rock it out.

- OK. Cool.

- What growth areas have you seen during the conference,

or just in general in AI that you see have

maybe the most sustainability

or maybe have you most curious?

- Yeah. So there's one kind of general area.

Generative models.

So it's kind of an old idea, but there are new tools

that are making it really more powerful.

Things like GANs, Generative Adversarial Networks,

or probabilistic programming languages.

So it's basically, a lot of AI is labeling things,

like classifying photos.

Is it a cat or a dog? Or spam not spam?

So generative models actually produce

new examples of things.

So it can produce new pictures of dogs, or new songs.

They're starting to make videos,

it can generate videos, sometimes realistic.

So it's getting to the point where

it's gonna be a really great augmented creativity tool.

So you can say, "I have an idea, now help me make this."

You can describe your idea and it'll take that

and generate something for you.

So I think that sort of, it's not necessarily

gonna replace people, but it can help you express yourself.

- Yeah, 'cause again, it's just a human programming

a machine to get it to do something that,

maybe we can't do or would want to be freed up

to do other things with, right?

But, tech tends to allow us to do certain things,

so if you see the evolution of the internet, right?

You see that there's certain things

we couldn't do until this allowed us to do it,

or had better bandwidth.

So, as we get better bandwidth,

we get better data processing,

where do you see us being able to do certain things?

- I'm excited about the potential of AI

and machine learning in science and medicine.

So, there's so much data out there,

scientists are overwhelmed with data from telescopes,

and microscopes, and particle accelerators,

and they need a way to sort through all this

and find patterns.

So AI is really offering new tools

to search for patterns and to simulate

different aspects of the world.

So, it might help discover new drugs,

find cures for diseases, or help us

just understand the world.

Or discoveries in physics might lead to new technologies

which could then feed back into AI

and kind of accelerate this loop.

And it could solve really big problems like energy,

it might lead to new technologies

for fusion for instance, or solar power,

or desalination of sea water.

So these are really big things, energy and fresh water,

AI could help solve these giant, global problems.

- That's great.

And you actually just made a perfect segue for me,

'cause we talk about these big issues, that can be tackled.

What are some of the everyday uses, maybe in the next year,

that people will interact with AI the most?

On a day to day basic level?

- I think a lot of them are actually kind of invisible.

Like, if you ask people,

what have been the biggest breakthroughs in AI?

They might mention, AlphaGo, or Watson, or Siri and Alexa.

- Sensei.

- But a lot of the applications

that have the biggest impact right now,

that people actually might interact with,

they might not realize they're interacting with it.

Things like search engines or personalization of,

like recommendation engines, or spam filters.

And then there are things that are kind of operating

in the background, things like infrastructure,

and logistics, scheduling.

So AI and machine learning are help figuring out

the scheduling and management of how to shift things around,

and how to manage people, and these are things that are,

these are trillion dollar industries.

So AI is basically in a lot of ways,

running the world in ways that we don't even really see.

- We'll know that our lives are more efficient,

but we might not necessarily make that connection,

as we work in the space where we talk about.

- And finance is another area, assessing risk.

So lots of big decisions are made,

and even more smaller decisions are made,

and so it permeates everything.

- And when you're permeating everything

and you have big decisions to make,

that kind of leads to ethical dilemmas, right?

So, just talk a little about the human impact

down the road here, or even currently with AI?

- Yeah, so ethics, one big issue in ethics

is fairness, and bias in AI.

So, there are things like decisions

that are made about people, like whether to hire someone,

or whether to date someone, matchmaking algorithms,

whether to accept someone to a school,

whether to offer someone bail.

These are decisions that are made about people

and AI is starting to have an influence on these areas,

and there's lots of potential for bias.

Fortunately people are recognizing this

and working on solutions.

So their ways to, for instance, de-bias word embeddings.

So word embeddings are basically how a computer represents

the meaning of a word and it might use these meanings

to sift through resumes or something like that.

And even if you're not programming the AI to be biased,

it might automatically pick up on certain biases

in the way that people use language.

For instance, the word secretary might appear next to woman,

in books and magazines, more than man.

So a computer will automatically assess

secretary with female.

But there are ways to de-bias that

and take out the female component of words

that aren't inherently gendered.

- If we're conscious of that, if we have empathy,

if we understand things, and I've had a couple conversations

in the Tank about being conscious of,

alright, we have to have diversity

in who's programming AI too.

- Yep. So that's another big part of the solution.

Diversifying the engineers and the people,

building and applying these AIs,

so just recognizing that programmers kind of have

their own perspective on the world

and they may not realize that their perspective

is not gonna be the same as the people who are using it,

or people who are affected by it.

So just bringing in girls and minorities,

and teaching them how to,

helping them become comfortable

and welcomed into this space.

- Yeah. Welcome is a good word.

Well thanks so much.

And again, to learn more, go to

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