Sunday, July 29, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 29 2018

I became friends with the old man because he was a prisoner in is own home,

because he was tied to his immense wheelchair,

and because everyone deserves a glass of water.

I became his friend after getting that new job,

the one that made me walk through my childhood neighborhood to save time;

when I hadn't yet listened to the radio or knew the truth about Kirlian;

sometime before he asked me to kill the neighbor's dog.

For your consideration,

an anonymous report enclosed in the "annoying neighbors" folder

from the local police archive.

There's a house like this one in every neighborhood and every town,

there's about a dozen of them in Kirlian.

Houses that kids avoid out of fear,

and adults do so out of wisdom.

Houses inhabited by witches, monsters and ogres.

You're listening to 'Ghost Radio'.

"An Old Man and his Dog"

'Help me!' were the first words I heard the old man say.

I knew him from my childhood, when I had friends in the neighborhood.

We were afraid of him,

always sitting up against a small window that faced the street.

We thought he was an ogre and that he lived in a 'bad house'.

The inside of the house was not at all what I had imagined.

Instead of piles of kid's bones in the corners, which gave me nightmares as a child,

there was nice furniture and a wall full of portraits.

He asked me to serve him a glass of water,

and he explained that the kitchen door was too narrow for his wheelchair,

so he couldn't get it himself.

He told me his daughters in law never left enough water out for him because they despised him.

His sons, his daughters in law, his grandchildren. They all lived in that big house,

although they spent all day out, working or studying.

That ogre that children feared spent all day inside,

locked up, alone and most of the time, without water.

From that day on I visited him regularly.

I would leave my house early on my way to work to dedicate

a few minutes to him every morning,

and slowly we became friends.

A few weeks had gone by since I started visiting him,

when he asked me to kill the neighbor's dog,

because he said it barked all day long and it was driving him crazy.

That was the first time I noticed the dog

that peeked through the bars of the garden next door.

I also noticed that even though the old man was obsessed with it, he had never seen it.

I knew it by the way he described it, and the way the dog really was.

A few months back, new neighbors had moved in next door,

then, out of nowhere, the barking had begun.

Every afternoon, everyday, as soon as the old man was left alone.

'You're imagining things', his sons said.

But the worst part, what infuriated him the most,

crippled in his wheelchair by the window,

was that the dog barked at him.

I tried to generate some empathy in him,

so I said 'Maybe they leave it alone just like you'.

But there was no way.

The old man hated that the dog barked only when they were alone,

as if it wanted to tell him an impossible secret

or mock him and his solitude.

Eventually the old man told me he had tried to find an accomplice before he knew me.

He promised him $50 if he beat up the dog

until it stopped barking, or until it died.

The kid went up to the front of the dog's garden,

and the old man could no longer see what happened.

The stick fell to the ground,

the kid ran away and the old man never saw him again.

With tears in his eyes, the old man begged me

to finish the job the kid had left undone.

Tired of the whole matter, I thought I could scare the dog

without actually killing it,

and that would calm the old man for a while.

The dog recoiled to the house's door,

but it didn't growl or try to attack me.

It looked straight into my eyes and I could almost feel some

of the human intelligence the old man thought it had.

And then...

I knew it all.

I can't explain what I saw or felt,

but I knew there was something wrong in the old man's house.

I knew there was something bad in Kirlian,

or rather- many bad things, waiting for their turn, hiding.

And somehow, the dog knew it too.

The old man got furious at me, cursed at me

and finally he began to cry, begging me not to abandon him.

I left and I didn't see him for a while.

I went back there a week ago, and I found him extremely unwell,

thin and with circles under his eyes, he seemed 10 years older.

He was more scared than angry,

and above all things, he was bereaved.

He said that the dog had barked even more insistently in the last few days,

and that he hated it more than ever.

That the barking had become higher and more annoying,

aphonic and constant.

It didn't bark when the old man was alone anymore,

but now it was all day long.

And he said that two days before, the last afternoon he heard the dog,

it's broken barks had made way to language.

The dog screamed, with a teenager's voice because it was still a pup.

He screamed with it's throat torn,

like someone who has screamed for hours, days and weeks.

The old man looked seriously at me.

He grabbed my hands to stop me from leaving,

and said the dog had stopped barking and started talking, and it said-

'Your daughters in law want to kill you, old man!

I heard them outside, in the backyard!

Get out of that house while you can!'

Immediately after the dog spoke, it's owners got out to the garden,

grabbed it by the leash and took him inside.

The dog screamed 'He has to know, he has to know!'.

The dog only tried to help him all along,

but the old man didn't want to listen.

He asked me to help him escape from his house, and I didn't know what to do.

I excused myself in the clumsiest and most cowardly way,

saying I was late for work.

I left, I ran away and didn't go back.

For the next couple of days I tried pretending nothing had happened,

that I had imagined the whole thing,

that Kirlian was no different from other places.

I was never a listener,

but I found out that everything was there if you payed attention.

It was as if there was two Kirlians out there,

the one that listened and the one that ignored.

The one that thought there was something wrong in the town,

and the one that knew it.

This morning I found the news in the paper:

it said an old man had fell down the stairs that separated the kitchen

from the backyard of the house where he lived with his family,

and he had been crushed by his own wheelchair.

He had a blunt blow in his head.

Apparently, the oxygen tank that had helped him breathe for the last months

had come off from the wheelchair and struck him fatally in the head.

But the old man didn't use an oxygen tank,

and he could not get to the kitchen in his wheelchair.

I went by the house this afternoon, and I saw the family for the first time.

It was midday and the house was full.

They all seemed happy, and comfortable, and peaceful. Oh my.

The neighbors said they had the dog put to sleep.

It had become rabid and would not stop barking...


I have no proof of what I have just told,

no one will ever confess to it and the two key witnesses are dead.

The family's name is not important,

even though what they did was terrible, I feel they are protected somehow.

There are two Kirlians out there, and there's nothing to be done to one of them,

maybe just stay alert.

There is something protecting it,

but I also think that there is something trying to warn us,

and that warning can come from the least expected places:

a radio,

a talking dog, or-

Never walk close to the walls on the sidewalk;

dogs, crazy people, and ogres are on the lookout for the unsuspecting.

This is a special announcement of the local Animal Shelter

and your favorite radio show: Ghost Radio.

For more infomation >> La Frecuencia Kirlian - Episodio 5: Un Viejo y su Perro - Duration: 10:00.


Trump vuelve a defender las separaciones y lanza nuevas amenazas - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Trump vuelve a defender las separaciones y lanza nuevas amenazas - Duration: 2:11.


Fabián Cubero enamora a Mica Viciconte: Arranca el relax y un finde romántico - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Fabián Cubero enamora a Mica Viciconte: Arranca el relax y un finde romántico - Duration: 1:48.


Coraje y determinación para seguir adelante en búsqueda de la Verdad - Duration: 9:53.

For more infomation >> Coraje y determinación para seguir adelante en búsqueda de la Verdad - Duration: 9:53.


5 Simple Exercises to Get Rid of Knee Pain, Back and Neck Pain - Duration: 3:26.

5 Simple Exercises to Get Rid of Pain on the Knee, Back and Neck Pain

Did you know that the feet, which we forget and hide in the shoes, they can actually

help relieve various types of pain, such as back pain, for example?

They are very important to our health. and when exercised, they help relieve

tensions and pains in the back, in the knees, hips and neck.

The opposite may also happen.

If you do not walk correctly for example, can make the pain worse.

In today's video we will teach you 5 exercises very simple, which will bring relief to

back, knee and hip pain and neck:

Grab with your feet For pain in the hips, back and knees

this is the most appropriate exercise.

Just try to catch objects with your feet.

Place an object on the floor and try take it with your feet.

Think that the foot is your hand at that moment and use it that way.

Repeat this exercise 4 to 5 times with each foot.

Tiptoe walking This first exercise consists of walking,

resting on the toes, at least for 20 seconds.

Do a series of 5 reps of 20 seconds.

You can do this series of 5 repetitions by twice a day.

It's like you're imitating a ballerina!

If you find it difficult to balance, hold on a wall for example.

You have to train to perfect your balance!

Circles for the ankle To prevent your ankles from becoming

rigid, flexibility must be and strength.

The ideal exercise is to lie down with your back on the floor, extend one leg, and

make ankle circles 10 times to right and left.

Then lower your leg and lift the other leg to do the same thing, with the other ankle.

Lift your heels For this exercise, you should support

on a chair or on a wall.

Then raise one of the legs.

Now, leaning on only one leg, lift the heel of that same leg which is supported,

until it is on the tip of the foot.

Slowly replace heel the soil.

Repeat this between 10 to 15 times and go alternating of leg.

This strengthens the heels and muscles in the region of the knees.

Walking on a ball This exercise is not as difficult as


Just put a ball under your foot and Press a little.

Do this for a minute and then, switch foot

This will help improve your circulation.

If you suffer from chronic back pain, knees or hips and these exercises do not help,

it is most advisable to seek the help of an expert.

For more infomation >> 5 Simple Exercises to Get Rid of Knee Pain, Back and Neck Pain - Duration: 3:26.


Flor Peña contó una infidencia de su relación de consuegros con Marcelo Tinelli - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Flor Peña contó una infidencia de su relación de consuegros con Marcelo Tinelli - Duration: 2:04.


Denuncian aumento de extorsiones a comerciantes en la capital mexicana - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Denuncian aumento de extorsiones a comerciantes en la capital mexicana - Duration: 2:21.


El show de Diego Maradona en el recital de Damas Gratis - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> El show de Diego Maradona en el recital de Damas Gratis - Duration: 2:12.


Houston 07-29 - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Houston 07-29 - Duration: 2:11.


Últimas noticias |¿Por qué Mariano Martínez dejó la mesaza de Mirtha? - Duration: 10:04.

For more infomation >> Últimas noticias |¿Por qué Mariano Martínez dejó la mesaza de Mirtha? - Duration: 10:04.


Cómo hacer un galón de jabón líquido económico - Duration: 10:17.

For more infomation >> Cómo hacer un galón de jabón líquido económico - Duration: 10:17.


Trastorno de fetichismo #fetiche ¿Qué es un fetiche sexual? - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Trastorno de fetichismo #fetiche ¿Qué es un fetiche sexual? - Duration: 3:41.


La pregunta incómoda para Mariano Martínez sobre Lali Espósito - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> La pregunta incómoda para Mariano Martínez sobre Lali Espósito - Duration: 2:06.


Últimas noticias |"Libertina": el reclamo de Marcelo Tinelli hacia Florencia Peña - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Últimas noticias |"Libertina": el reclamo de Marcelo Tinelli hacia Florencia Peña - Duration: 3:10.


Batman 🦇 City Of Scars (with Spanish Subtitles) - Duration: 30:46.

For more infomation >> Batman 🦇 City Of Scars (with Spanish Subtitles) - Duration: 30:46.


♫Pack with DEATH SOUNDS ♪ for Geometry Dash - JoniDash - Duration: 1:41.

Hello Friend

In this video I'm going to give you my pack of 30 death sounds for Geometry Dash.

Now I'm going to make you listen to some of the sounds that this pack brings

To install the sound you want, I leave a video in the description that teaches how to install it

I also leave in the description my old pack with old death sounds. . .

Any doubt leave it in the comments;)

For more infomation >> ♫Pack with DEATH SOUNDS ♪ for Geometry Dash - JoniDash - Duration: 1:41.


Congreso exhorta a impulsar campañas sobre el adecuado manejo de focos ahorradores - Duration: 2:45.

Compartir La Comisión Permanente hizo un llamado a la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales para que, en coordinación con sus homologas en las 32 entidades federativas, promuevan campañas informativas para el correcto manejo y reciclaje de lámparas ahorradoras

  El dictamen aprobado en sesión ordinaria, precisa que el uso de lámparas ahorradoras no representa un peligro en primera instancia, y expone que es conveniente realizar acciones con el propósito de que la gente conozca el tratamiento que se debe dar a estas cuando su vida útil haya concluido

  Los focos ahorradores, se agrega, contribuyen al cuidado del medio ambiente y a la disminución del gasto del pago de la energía eléctrica, aunque también repercuten en la salud de las personas, al estar constituidos de materiales que pueden ser nocivos si no se tiene un correcto manejo para ser desechados

  Las lámparas ahorradoras utilizan mercurio que, al encenderse, se gasifica y genera energía ultravioleta que choca en las paredes de cristal del tubo para emitir la luz

  En el dictamen se detalla que la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) ha señalado que la exposición al mercurio, incluso en pequeñas cantidades, puede causar graves problemas de salud y es peligrosa para el desarrollo intrauterino y en las primeras etapas de vida

  Puede ser tóxico para los sistemas nervioso e inmunitario, el aparato digestivo, la piel, pulmones y riñones; y es uno de los diez productos o grupos de productos químicos que plantean especiales problemas de salud

  En 2012, la Ciudad de México emprendió, a través de la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente el "Plan Verde", mediante este plan dan una serie de pasos a fin de llevar el manejo de residuos de lámparas fluorescentes cuando se quiebren

  De acuerdo con dicho Plan se deben colocar guantes protectores; cubrirse la boca; conseguir una caja, no una bolsa; recoger los fragmentos grandes y ponerlos en la caja; barrer las astillas y pedazos pequeños con un papel o cartón; limpiar la zona usando un paño húmedo; colocar el paño húmedo en la caja; sellar la caja usando cinta adhesiva; marcar la caja, señalando el contenido; y llevar la caja a un área donde traten los desperdicios

  La Asociación Greenpeace señala que el uso de lámparas ahorradoras en el hogar es seguro, y recomienda que cuando una lámpara ahorradora se rompa, es necesario usar guantes para recoger los residuos; evitar hacerlo con las manos sin protección; no aspirar los residuos de una lámpara o tubo fluorescente que se ha roto; ventilar el área donde se rompió; colocar los residuos en una bolsa y sellarla; y depositarla en la basura, junto con otros residuos inorgánicos

    aarl Compartir

For more infomation >> Congreso exhorta a impulsar campañas sobre el adecuado manejo de focos ahorradores - Duration: 2:45.


pum4s VS n3c4x4 5 3 goles y resumen hd liga mx jornada 2 apertura 2018 - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> pum4s VS n3c4x4 5 3 goles y resumen hd liga mx jornada 2 apertura 2018 - Duration: 3:22.


Así ha sido el tradicional posado más delicado para los Reyes y sus hijas - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Así ha sido el tradicional posado más delicado para los Reyes y sus hijas - Duration: 2:52.


Cashden - Poppin

For more infomation >> Cashden - Poppin


The Bark - Duration: 0:10.

OH look cute dog


Is he ok?

Now calm down. Don't panic


For more infomation >> The Bark - Duration: 0:10.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAABE! - Duration: 7:20.



so you just gonna bring me a birthday gift on my birthday

to my birthday party on my birthday with a birthday gift

happy birthday?


*silence in like 47 frames*

1st vine is about a birthday wow what a coincidence

ill start doing captions in a bit but honestly im just loving this so much













to make a long fucking story short




awe meow meow get up :C

meow meow dead :cc






*tammie brown*



*old but i still love it*












i have no fucking clue

go ahead and introduce urself

my name is michael with a b

and ive been afraid of insects my entire life-

stop stop stop!



wheres the b?


lord and saviour christine

you play it u get 100 million dollars

but 100 million people would die






ok but is the boy with the dark hair josh dun like? the fuck? just look man

me if it is

stupid audio but lovely boys

cba to caption this all but tom harlock is such a fucking dad and i love him and his vines

its me- the cheese bandit!


b u t y a d i d n t

girl come see this they got a ramen noodle exhibit

u know thats ur favourite

be careful chirren! thats a lot of sodium





420 what u smokin?


and they were roomates

oh my goood they were roomates


say whO want lasanya

whO want


fucking gayyyy lol i love you

the best video


fat baby

this video changed my life

my heart


sweet baby singing to other sweet baby

For more infomation >> HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAABE! - Duration: 7:20.


Man City news: Pep Guardiola warns key players after young prospects flourish on US tour - Duration: 5:28.

 Guardiola has been Stateside without 16 first team regulars, with nearly all of them returning this week following an extended break after the World Cup

 The Spaniard has been forced to use prospects like Phil Foden, Brahim Diaz, Eric Garcia, Lukas Nmecha, Luke Bolton and Douglas Luiz in matches against Borussia Dortmund, Liverpool and Bayern Munich

 And although the first two games ended in narrow defeats, this 3-2 comeback win from two goals down against a Bayern Munich team with Franck Ribery and Arjen Robben in midfield was highly impressive

 England U-17 World Cup winner Foden and Diaz made the step up into the seniors last season and have increased their chances of making further inroads during the new campaign with some good performances over the last 10 days

 There was even a debut for 17 year-old Spanish wonderkid Adrian Bernabe who teed up two-goal Bernardo Silva for the second half winner

 "We came here with a lot of young players, new players," said Guardiola who saw Riyad Mahrez forced off after just 27 minutes with an ankle problem

 "It will be good for them for the future but they know that I always play the guys who run

We can help them to understand the game after but the guys who don't run are not going to play, be it the World Cup or not

 "That is what I like the most as a manager, seeing my players fight and play like a fourth division team

In my career, that detail speaks for itself.  "You cannot imagine how I enjoyed these 10 days with these guys

The young players have desire, they are starving to become football players. "They are hungry, work with them and you say something and they open their eyes and listen to you because they want to make a career

 "They are 17, 18, 19 years old. We played with just one or two pros in the first team and we did what we have done in spite of the results

It was so happy for me with the way they played. "I give credit that we were 2-0 down and never got down

It's not easy to have high intensity in this humidity but I am so satisfied. We gave a solid 90 minutes

" Foden is the name on everyone's lips when it comes to finding someone who can inject a creative spark into Gareth Southgate's England team

 The 18 year-old, just like the rest of Guardiola's up and coming stars , need game time in a squad bursting with top class players in all positions

 Southgate, however, will receive a glowing report about Foden. "I'm happy with Phil because he played an outstanding game, " said Guardiola

 "The last game (against Liverpool) was not his perfect performance but even though Phil didn't play good, he's a fighter, he runs and he never gives up

I like this guy." Lukas Nmecha, the 19 year-old striker, impressed in attack with his second-half goal sandwiched in-between two excellent strikes from the impressive Portuguese midfielder Silva after Bayern had been 2-0 ahead in 23 minutes through Meritan Shabani and Arjen Robben

 "We have been lucky in a way, " said Nmecha. "We have got so many great first team players and they've all been away at the World Cup, so we have had our chances to play and I thought we all did really well

 "I don't really know yet what happens next season. When we get back I'll have to speak with Pep and see what he wants me to do

 "He knows what he's doing though, doesn't he? Building up and all that stuff. That's what helped us win

" Nmecha tested himself against Liverpool's Virgil van Dijk in last Wednesday's defeat to Jurgen Klopp's side and has a wealth of knowledge to tap into every day on the training ground

 "With guys like Sergio Aguero or Gabriel Jesus, most of their advice comes from training, watching what they are doing

 "Mainly I get help from Vincent Kompany. He has told me what he doesn't like playing against

If I hold it up against him I might lose the battle, so it's more about running in behind and using my pace


For more infomation >> Man City news: Pep Guardiola warns key players after young prospects flourish on US tour - Duration: 5:28.


ខេមរៈ សិរីមន្ត សុខ ពិសី កន្ទ្រឹមស្រុកស្រែ | Khemarak Sereymon Sok Pisey Kontrem Song Collection - Duration: 1:08:32.

Khemarak Sereymon Sok Pisey Kontrem Song Collection

For more infomation >> ខេមរៈ សិរីមន្ត សុខ ពិសី កន្ទ្រឹមស្រុកស្រែ | Khemarak Sereymon Sok Pisey Kontrem Song Collection - Duration: 1:08:32.


Książki dla projektantów #4 - Duration: 12:42.

For more infomation >> Książki dla projektantów #4 - Duration: 12:42.


Phân Biệt Hàng Thật - Hàng Giả - Mẫu Mới 2018 - Trà Thảo Mộc Vy & Tea - Duration: 7:50.

JON: As a boy looking out from my father's castle,

I thought the sun could never set on the North.

So vast did it seem.

A part of me still does.

The North is by far the largest of the Seven Kingdoms

and can fit the other six inside it.

Not that the others care.

Cold and damp, that's how the Southerners see the North.

But without the cold, a man can't appreciate the fire in his hearth.

Without the rain, a man can't appreciate the roof over his head.

Let the South have its sun, flowers and affectations.

We Northerners have home.

Mine was once Winterfell,

the ancient seat of my father's family, House Stark,

who have ruled the North since the First Men and were once the Kings of Winter.

Growing up, Lady Catelyn made sure I knew I wasn't a Stark,

no matter how much blood I shared with her trueborn children.

But where their name rules over the North, mine is the North.


Our land stretches from the Wall down to the Neck,

a narrow land that divides us from the rest of Westeros.

Legend has it that the Children of the Forest flooded it in their war against the First Men.

If that's true, every Northman owes them a debt of gratitude.

The swamps of the Neck are as good as the Wall

for keeping out unwelcome armies.

And if the swamps don't deter you, the crannogmen men should.

Small, shy people who rarely leave those swamps

and who follow House Reed,

the gatekeepers of the North

and among the most important and loyal bannermen of House Stark.

Also a bit strange.

I heard their oath of fealty once as a child.

It's like no other lords'.

Ancient and dark, they swear by earth and water,

by bronze and iron,

and by ice and fire.

Where House Reed holds the gate to the North,

House Manderly holds the port, White Harbor,

the closest thing to a Southern city we have

governed by the closest thing to a Southern family we have.

Generations ago, the Manderlys were driven from the Reach,

but the Starks gave them their land in return for featly.

Now White Harbor is the richest city of the North

and the Manderlys the richest family.

Not in gold and silver like their Southern counterparts,

but in fish, grain and trade.

As for the other great Northern Houses,

the Starks brought them into the fold during the Age of Heroes.

A Stark wrestled an ironborn for Bear Island and gave it to the Mormonts.

A Stark granted a keep and land to a younger son, Karlon,

in return for putting down a rebellion.

His family then grew up into the Karstarks.

Starks fought the wildlings and their kings beyond the Wall

beside the Umbers of Last Hearth,

thus earning their fealty.

Boltons, back then they were the bane of the North.

A few were even rumored to wear their enemies' flayed skins as cloaks.

But after centuries of war,

they too bent the knee.

And so House Stark became the Kings in the North

but never forgot that they weren't the North.

When Aegon and his dragons landed on Westeros,

the kings of the Rock and the Reach

sent all their men to die to defend their grounds.

Torrhen Stark knelt to spare his people the same fate.

He placed duty above pride.

Just as my brothers in the Night's Watch had done for thousands of years at the Wall.

Many think of it as the end of the world, but it's not.

I've seen other land stretch as much farther than any man knows

into the Land of Always Winter

where the White Walkers came from during the Long Night.

After the First Men and the Children of the Forest beat them back,

Brandon the Builder raised the Wall

and set up the Night's Watch to guard the realms of men.

He gave us our oath,

our castles and the Gift,

the lands behind the Wall whose farms and crops sustain us.

Southerners may now mock my black brothers

as thieves, rapers and worse.

And not without cause.

But the North remembers why we're there.

And if we fall, the South will get a very harsh,

and very cold reminder.

TYWIN: The Westerlands are all bounded by three natural defenses.

Mountain, sea and forest.

Necessary barriers when the land is as rich as ours.

From our mines come the gold and silver that fuel the rest of Westeros.

From Lannisport, our largest city,

come the most skillful gold and silversmiths in the land.

Yet, geography alone is not strength.

The Westerlands would've been sacked and pillaged for thousands of years,

if it hadn't been for the men who ruled it.

My family. House Lannister.

According to legend, we trace our descent to Lann the Clever.

A trickster of the Dawn Age,

who swindled the Casterlys out of Casterly Rock,

their ancient castle.

A childish story, but not without merit.

One, a mind can and should be a weapon in a man's arsenal.

Two, Lann must've been clever enough not to rely solely on his wits.

After all, where today is House Casterly?

Three, by keeping the Casterly name on the castle,

Lann reminded the world of the price of getting in his way.

The Reynes ignored all these lessons.

Not content with being the second richest family,

they sought to challenge the first. Mine.

My father had put up with their insults and disrespect.

When I came of age,

I led our army to teach them what they should've known.

Some people say I was too harsh.

That eradicating every member of their family was not necessary.

But now there are no bannermen as loyal to their lord

as the Westerlands to us.

If any lord bridles at our authority,

I have only to send a singer with a harp

and he falls back into line.

Because I will not have our lords squabble amongst themselves,

like the lords of the Riverlands,

or hide in their castles like the lords of the Vale,

each of our bannermen contributes a unique skill

that furthers the whole of the Westerlands.

House Clegane, because every lord needs a beast from time to time.

So, Gregor strikes terror into the hearts of our enemies

and our friends.

So too, does his disappointing brother, Sandor, the traitor.

House Payne, who provides us loyal servants.

Ser llyn Payne was once captain of my household guard,

until the Mad King heard him boast that I ran the Seven Kingdoms,

which I did.

The Mad King tore out Ser llyn's tongue.

Making him especially well-suited to later become the King's Justice.

Apparently, these days,

a younger Payne also serves my degenerate son, Tyrion.

House Lefford, who guards the Golden Tooth,

the eastern pass through the mountains,

and the all too frequent chaos of the Seven Kingdoms.

Though after Robb Stark's recent incursions, perhaps we need a new gatekeeper.

Fools look at the Westerlands and see gold.

Fools see our wealth and call it strength.

Gold is just another rock.

The Westerlands are strong because of House Lannister.

From strong leadership comes unity.

From unity comes power.

BLACKFISH: Men have fought over the Riverlands since the Dawn Age.

But that's to be expected of things that rest below the Neck.

It doesn't help that the Riverlands are between everything and everything else.

The Westerlands' gold, the Reach's grain,

the Vale's rock and the North's snow.

House Mudd once ruled as the kings of the rivers and hills.

But after a thousand years, their line was exhausted

and fell to the Storm Kings who fell to the ironborn.

I suppose after years of drowning at sea,

our rivers looked pretty attractive to that race of pirates and rapers.

Never mind that their monstrous castle, Harrenhal,

was too large to staff and garrison.

It turned out the ironborn wouldn't be there long enough to bother.

Aegon Targaryen landed to our south,

and as had many before him, liked the look of the Riverlands.

My ancestor, Edmyn Tully, led the desertion of riverlords to his cause.

And was rewarded by getting to watch King Harren burn in his own tower.

Unfortunately, that's not all Edmyn got.

House Tully was named the Lords Paramount of the Trident,

which means we had to keep in line all those lords

who hadn't governed themselves for thousands of years.

We were now responsible for aiding the Mallisters at Seagard

against the pouting ironborn whenever they got cheeky.

For settling Harrenhal on a family

stupid enough to think its curse would skip them

after devouring all previous families.

For keeping the Blackwoods and Brackens from wiping each other out.

And giving us two more castles to deal with.

For keeping the Freys in their place and out of others' pockets.

For marrying off our sons and daughters wisely enough

so we didn't follow House Mudd into...

Well, the mud.

Yet under the Targaryens, the Riverlands knew a peace we hadn't had for centuries,

if even

But like all good things, sooner or later, it all goes to shit.

And our shit had a name.

Aerys Targaryen.

Westerns has had 'ms share oi mad Hugs,

but usually they had the sense not to bully more than one powerful house at a time.

Aerys soon blundered into a triple alliance.

The North, Stormlands, and Vale rose against him.

But, of course, where do you think most of the blood was spilled?

My brother, Hoster, guaranteed the answer to that

with the marriage of my niece to Eddard Stark, the Warden of the North.

At least Hoster didn't send her to Robert.

So the Riverlands joined the war against the Mad King.

And it was on one of our rivers that Prince Rhaegar died,

sealing the fate of his dynasty.

Robert was a great soldier and a horrible king.

Drinking and whoring are their own brand of madness

when you sit on a throne that everybody wants.

He died and another war started.

Again the armies marched, again the Riverlands burned.

If Westeros isn't careful,

pretty soon our people will grow some sense and abandon this place for a safer realm.

Like the Dothraki Sea.

I joke, of course.

The Riverlands are our home and Gods help us, we love it.

Still, as they say, the king eats and the hand takes the shit.

The same is true of the Riverlands.

The Seven Kingdoms piss,

and the Riverlands change clothes.

BRIENNE: Tarth has lulled many a novice sailor into complacency.

Our lush island sits on calm, blue water like an emerald set into a sapphire.

You would never guess that such a vision is only the sheath

hiding the blade of Shipbreaker Bay,

with its treacherous tides, unpredictable gales,

and sharp rocks lurking just below the water's surface.

The storms that blow through the bay water the Kingswood and Rainwood,

two of the great forests of Westeros.

And they give the Stormlands their name.

Even without our weather, we have more than earned our name in strife.

The first Storm King, Durran,

started his reign by declaring war on the Gods themselves.

He loved the daughter of the sea god and the wind goddess,

but they forbade the union.

At their wedding, the Gods unleashed their might,

pulling down his hold and killing all of Durran's family and guests,

though his wife shielded him.

Durran vowed to rebuild.

And when he did, the Gods again destroyed his home.

His councilors begged him to retreat inland, but he would not abandon his wall.

Finally, with the counsel of the Children of the Forest,

or perhaps a young Bran the Builder,

Durran raised a seventh castle that, try as they might, and still do,

the wind and sea gods could not tear asunder.

Durran took the name Godsgrief, and called his new home Storm's End.

Having beaten the waters to the east,

the Storm Kings turned their gaze to more practical enemies,

the Reach, Riverlands and Dome.

For thousands of years, the Storm Kings fought the Gardener kings of the Reach,

and various families of Dorne for control of the Dornish Marches,

just below the Red Mountains.

The fighting didn't stop until Dorne married into the Seven Kingdoms,

a mere 100 years ago.

But still the houses of the Stormlands, such as the Dondarrions,

guard the Boneway, the mountain pass into the Marches,

against any Dornish incursion.

The Storm Kings had greater luck to their north, at first.

They took the Trident from the River Kings

and built an empire that stretched as far as the Neck.

But then the ironborn swarmed out of their islands

and pushed the Storm Kings out of the Riverlands.

No doubt, the ironborn intended to expand their empire into the Stormlands.

Before they had a chance, Aegon Targaryen landed with his dragons.

While Aegon burned the kings of the Iron Islands,

the Rock and the Reach,

his fiercest commander, and rumored bastard brother,

Orys Baratheon set out to subdue the Stormlands.

No matter how fierce a warrior he was, no one could've envied his task.

Storm's End had seen thousands of years of war and never fallen,

but Argilac, the Storm King,

chose not to barricade himself behind its walls,

and gave Orys the battle he must have hoped for.

Orys slew Argilac,

and took Argilac's castle, kingdom, daughter, sigil and House words.

House Baratheon became the Lord of the Stormlands.

Targaryen rule quieted the Stormlands for the most part.

Until Robert rebelled against the Mad King.

His first challenge came not from the crown, but from his own bannermen,

who tried to join forces against him.

Robert struck first, defeating three armies in a single day at Summerhall.

The victory cemented Robert's control of the Stormlands,

and he was able to march on the Reach and Riverlands,

with no enemy to his rear.

Yet, not all of Robert's bannermen sided with him.

Ser Barristan the Bold came from the Stormlands.

But as the pre-eminent member of Aerys' Kingsguard,

and greatest knight in the realm, Ser Barristan remained loyal.

After Robert's decisive victory on the Trident,

Robert sent his own maester to care for his countryman, Ser Barristan,

who had suffered grievous wounds whilst fighting so hard to kill him.

Later, when the Kingslayer betrayed Aerys,

Robert pardoned Ser Barristan, and even took him onto his own Kingsguard.

When Robert lifted Mace Tyrell's ill-managed siege of Storm's End

and returned to his ancestral home,

he realized the dream of all the Storm Lords before him.

To rule the Seven Kingdoms.

Then Robert died,

and his brother, Stannis, killed their other brother,

the noble King Renly, with black magic.

Now the Stormlands again live up to their name.

With so many houses burnt on the Blackwater,

and others currying favor with the Lannisters to seize the survivors' lands,

Renly could've saved us.

If only I could've saved him.

But I will teach Stannis a lesson

he should've learnt growing up in the Stormlands.

As lightning gives way to thunder,

so too, must murder lead to vengeance.

LITTLEFINGER: impregnable.

That's how the Vale sees itself.

Shielded from Westeros by its mountains.

They call the entrance to their lands the Bloody Gate

because during the Age of Heroes

a dozen armies supposedly smashed themselves against it.

Even if they'd gotten through,

the roads of the Vale are narrow, steep and treacherous.

Half the men would have slipped to their deaths

or frozen in the mountain snow.

Or so the common wisdom goes.

Except the Vale has been conquered.

Those vaunted mountains didn't stop the Andals who came by the Eastern Sea.

The people of the Vale say that Ser Artys Arryn, the Andal general,

flew on the back of a giant falcon

and slew the Griffin King on top of the tallest mountain.

During Aegon's conquest, one of his sisters did the same.

Flying a dragon over the Bloody Gate

and up to the Eyrie, the Arryn stronghold.

And the Arryn boy king yielded the Vale in return for a ride on the beast.

Do you sense the theme here?

The rationalizing of defeats

with mythical beasts and the whims of children

instead of acknowledging the root cause.

The arrogance of isolation.

The men of the Vale are so proud of their mountains

they can't abide any flaw in them.

As with the mountains, so too with their blood.

The first Andals landed in the Vale as its most powerful lords,

the Arryns, the Waynwoods, the Corbrays like to brag.

Through their veins runs the blood of the oldest Andal nobility in Westeros.

But through their brains runs an even older folly,

that blood matters.

If it did, those pure born lords

should have been able to exterminate the hill tribes centuries ago.

But those primitive raiders,

whose tribes more resemble kennels than families,

continue to plague the Vale.

Even kidnapping an Arryn once.

Until Tyrion Lannister, an outsider,

no Vale lord ever thought to turn the tribes to the Vale's advantage.

That a desperate war-like people could be useful,

not to mention inexpensive.

But perhaps the Vale lords consider such thoughts beneath them.

After all, the Vale's isolation does breed an abundance of honor and pious bleating,

which governs their decisions instead of foresight.

Like a blind man who can only guess where his horse is taking him.

I doubt Jon Arryn had even prepared for civil war when he raised his banners

instead of handing over his young wards

Ned Stark and Robert Baratheon to the Mad King.

Honor demanded and Lord Arryn obeyed.

He'd have done the same if the boys hadn't been the lords of two great houses

who could field mighty armies of their own.

But perhaps I give him too little credit.

After all, if the war went against them,

only Lord Arryn had a nice, impregnable castle to retreat into.

And he was wise enough to take poor Lysa Tully into his bed

to win the Riverlands as allies.

Jon Arryn won. Then Jon Arryn died.

Wisely, the Vale stayed out of all the ensuing chaos.

Its crops did not burn or wither in the fields from lack of men to tend them.

Its strength was not drained by forced marches

to futile skirmishes.

In the Vale life proceeds as it always has.

Calm. Proud.

A world of high honor undisturbed by armies

and men of low birth but high ambition.


MARGAERY: The Reach is aptly named.

We're the ones who give your hands something to do at the table.

As the most fertile region of the Seven Kingdoms,

we grow the lion's share of the grains and fruit that feed this country.

Especially now, since the rebels have burned down the other fields.

Thankfully, House Tyrell is here to do its duty to the Crown

and keep the capital from starvation.

Yet, as with all gardens, weeds grow in the Reach, too,

though few name them as such.

Singers fill our heads with chivalry and courtly love,

fluff to make boys fight and girls swoon.

Oh, the songs are good enough for a pleasure barge down the Mander.

They give pleasure to the common people and harmony to the realm.

But if the rise of House Tyrell proves anything,

it's that virtue and honor have their place.

And if you're not careful, that place is the grave.

Unlike the Lannisters, Starks and Arryns,

we were never kings in our own right.

House Gardener ruled the Reach since the Dawn Age.

And we were their stewards.

While they warred to enrich their already rich domain,

we managed their castle of Highgarden.

But then Aegon Targaryen landed with his dragons.

Nobody knows why the Gardener king took the field against him.

Anyone could see that a man who grows flowers

should beware a man who grows fire-breathing monsters.

But maybe it wasn't wholly his idea.

Maybe someone whispered in his ear about all the face he'd lose

with the other six kings if he stayed home.

The rest is history.

The last Gardener king lost his face.

Along with this body.

And his steward, Harlen Tyrell, promptly yielded Highgarden to Aegon.

My grandmother swears that Harlen was like most of our men

and grew up banging steel together too loudly for thought to penetrate.

But, luckily, his wife had better sense.

Whatever the case, in return for Harlen's show of sense,

Aegon proclaimed House Tyrell the Lords of the Reach

and Wardens of the South,

passing over all the other houses with better claims.

House Hightower, who were kings before the Andals came,

their seat is the oldest city in Westeros.

They call it Oldtown.

Wealthy, proud and solitary,

there have been Hightowers

who wouldn't come down from their great lighthouse for decades.

Its name, fittingly, is the Hightower.

House Florent, who had actual blood ties to the Gardeners,

they whinge about their ancient rights to Highgarden every once in a while,

and now that their daughter is married to Stannis Baratheon,

about their rights to all of Westeros, too.

Apparently, putting a fox on your banners doesn't impart a fox's wiles.

House Tarly, who still gives the Reach the best soldiers it has,

if Aegon had named them as his lords,

the Reach would have become the greatest military camp in the world.

Until it starved to death.

The price for conscripting all the farmers.

Yet Aegon chose us.

Centuries later, when his descendant, Aerys, faced rebellion,

the Reach stayed loyal.


My father, Mace, dealt Robert his only defeat in the war.

Even if it was my father's vanguard who did most of the fighting before he arrived.

After the Battle of Ashford, we laid siege to Storm's End, Robert's home.

Unfortunately, the war ended before we could take it

and free up our armies to go save the king.

The new king, Robert, had a forgiving nature.

Our crimes were brushed aside without even one execution for the sake of formality.

Our family was surprised.

Until Robert's new Hand, Jon Arryn, came by with the bill.

The Reach is second only to the Westerlands in wealth.

And Robert meant to spend as much of it as he could get his hands on.

We gave him the coins he wanted.

And later, when he wanted our grain, or fruit, or wine,

he gave them back at whatever price we set.

Now much of Westeros is ashes.

The rest of it is armies.

As the Starks are fond of saying, "Winter is coming."

And for leagues outside the capital, there isn't a harvest to be seen.

Have no fear. The Reach is, as always, bountiful.

House Tyrell will manage the harvest

and keep the Seven Kingdoms from starvation,

like the good stewards we once were.

Just ask House Gardener.

JORAH: When the Doom claim Valyria

The great freehold fractured into warring cities and upstart nations.

Ripe for the taking.

Out of these swarmed, The Dothraki

The Horse Lords of the plains who feared only Defeat and Dragons

and now the dragons were all gone.

Under The Great Khal Temmo,

they sacked and burned every town and city in their path.

No army could stand against them

because the Dothraki do not stand.

The Horse Lords do not draw up battle lines or

hide behind shield hoards or layer themselves in Armor.

The Dothraki charged,

their blades are more scythes than swords.

and better to call the infantry ranks without breaking stride

even their archers fire from horse back.

so that advancing or retreating,

The Arrows never cease.

To The Dothraki a man who does not ride is no man at all

without honor or pride.

When the city of Qohor realize Khal Temmo was coming

they strengthened their walls, doubled the roam guards

and hired two full companies of sellswords.

The Dothraki were used to glorified farmers with spears

Qohor would show them a proper army.

With mounted an armored cavalry to match the odd zone.

As an afterthought the city leaders sent an envoy to Astaphor to buy


The slavers are always claimed that the unsullied

with a great Ghiscari Legions come again.

Few cared.

The dragon burned ruins of Old Ghis were a stark reminder that the age of the foot

soldier was over.

The envoy had his orders however and quickly bought 3,000

Unsullied for the long march back.

For Unsullied do not ride,

but while they marched

Khal Temmo arrived at Qohor,

I can imagine how pleased the Khal was to finally face a challenge.

By the end of the battle crows and wolves

feasted on what remained of Qohors heavy horses.

All the sellswords had fled.

Qohor knew that The Dothraki would very soon break through the gates

to rape, slave and burn at their pleasure.

Yet the next day Khal Temmo woke to find before the gates

3,000 units in formation, armed with only Spears,

shields and spiked helms. The Unsullied did slip past the Khal's army in the night

while The Dothraki feasted.

Khal Temmo had many times their number

and could easily had flanked the small force.

But to The Dothraki man on foot are fit only to be Ridden Down.

18 times the Horse Lords charged

and 18 times The Unsullied locked their shields,

load their spears and held the line against twenty thousand of Dothraki screamers.

When the Khal's archer's rain arrows on them

The Unsullied lifted their shields above their heads until the school past

and then they held the line.

In the end only six hundred Unsullied remain

but more than 12,000 Dothraki laid dead.

Including Khal Temmo and all his son.

The New Khal led the survivors past the city gates

where one by one each man cut off his braid

and threw it down before the feet of The Unsullied.

Defeated and Shamed forever. Since that day

The Unsullied fill the ranks of cities and households wealthy enough

or desperate enough.

Sellsword fight for Gold,

Knights for Glory and Dothraki for Blood.

To a man The Unsullied fight only to obey.

With the right master over them

Imagine how the forces of chaos would break against their shields,

The Conquerers, The Mad Men,

The Usurpers.

JORAH: Valyria was not the first to conquer the world.

In the dawn of days, the city of Ghis opened its gates

and poured forth its legions across the continent of Essos.

With their lockstep discipline and absolute obedience,

they ground entire nations beneath their boots

and planted the Harpy in every corner of the known world.

What they didn't destroy, they chained.

Slavery is as old as man, but until the Ghiscari it was never an art.

The slave lords grew rich and fat as pyramids were raised around them,

pleasure houses were filled and fighting pits were opened.

Nobody remembers if the waters around Ghis had names before the Empire.

But ever since, we know them only as Slaver's Bay

and the Gulf of Grief.

Of Ghis, however, nothing remains but ruins.

Where end all great civilizations.

Five thousand years ago, Valyrian shepherds stumbled on strange eggs.

And within a few generations,

an upstart Valyrian Freehold rose across the sea.

Five times did the Ghiscari contend with Valyria,

and five times did they go down in defeat

for the Freehold had dragons and the Empire had none.

The best of their legions burned, the others broke.

The brick walls of Ghis were pulled down, their streets and buildings turned to ash

and their very fields sown with salt, sulfur and skulls.

Yet the Empire was not wholly destroyed.

Astapor, Yunkai, and Meereen,

once lowly colonies along Slaver's Bay, survived.

And even thrived.

Valyria had watched the Ghiscari grow rich and powerful

off the backs of conquered peoples,

and now the self-styled Freehold wanted its turn.

While the dragon lords brought the world to heel,

the slave markets of their former enemy never lacked for flesh.

Lamenting the lost Empire,

the descendants of Old Ghis grew rich and fat.

The Doom fell on Valyria

and the Dothraki rose to pillage most of the continent at will.

But gold-laden Astapor, Yunkai, and Meereen

continue as they have for thousands of years.


For even the Horselords understand what the Ghiscari taught Valyria so long ago.

What good are slaves without slavers?

THOROS: I was born youngest of eight in Myr across the Narrow Sea.

So my father gave me over to the Red Temple.

In their wisdom, they decided to make me a priest

instead of a warrior or a temple prostitute like other children.

It was not the path I would have chosen.

Sure, I prayed the prayers and I spoke the spells,

but I also led raids on the kitchens.

And from time to time, they found girls in my bed.

Such wicked girls.

I never knew how they got there.

Then again I did have a gift for tongues.

And when I gazed into the flames, well, from time to time I saw things.

Even so, I was more bother than I was worth.

When the High Priest foresaw Robert's ascension,

he sent me to turn the Storm Lord to the Lord of Light.

When Robert seized his crown,

we'd take all of Westeros from the Seven in a single stroke.

Perhaps they thought Robert would listen to a kindred spirit.

Or perhaps celibacy had addled the High Priest's brain.

I didn't know, and didn't care.

I was free.

I did my duty as I saw it.

Drinking and whoring and waving my sword around,

the only gods Robert cared about anyway.

Years passed, Robert became King, I became a joke.

We both became fat.

I even won some glory in Greyjoy's rebellion.

First through the breach and all that. (CHUCKLES)

It's amazing what boldness a full bladder can inspire.

But Robert had stopped listening to my sermons a long time ago.

Even if I'd still bothered to give them.

Then came Robert's death and the war.

I'm not speaking of those brats squabbling over the world's pointiest chair.

Powers long asleep are waking and moving through the land.

I've seen them in my flames.

Shit, I've seen them with my own two eyes.

The Lord of Light is real.

And if he's real, then all of it is real.

Man once again faces the war for the Dawn which has been waged since time began.

On one side is the Lord of Light, the Heart of Fire,

the God of Flame and Shadow.

Against him stands the Great Other whose name may not be spoken.

The Lord of Darkness, the Soul of Ice,

the God of Night and Terror.

According to prophecy, our champion will be reborn

to wake dragons from stone

and reforge the great sword, Lightbringer,

that defeated the darkness those thousands of years ago.

If the old tales are true,

a terrible weapon forged with the lifeblood of a loving wife's heart.

Part of me thinks man was well rid of it.

But great power requires great sacrifice.

That much, at least, the Lord of Light is clear on.

I sound like a dried out old woman, I know.

But as our former Hand liked to say,

"Winter is coming."

When the cold winds rise, all men,

no matter their faith or lack of it,

huddle beside my night fires.

And I pray the prayers and speak the spells

and beseech the Lord of Light to bring back the Dawn.

So far so good.

But reprobate as I am, I can't help but wonder

what will happen if, one day,

our Lord does not answer.

Imagine a night that goes on forever.

So dark and full of terrors.

I think I need another drink.

JOFFREY: Mine. That's what the Red Keep is.

The smallfolk say its color comes from the blood Aegon spilled to win his crown.



Blood doesn't soak into stone, no matter how hard I try.

Aegon built his castle of red rock

to remind people of the fires he'd roasted his enemies in.

So whenever King's Landing looked up, they'd see the price of defiance.

He knew the first rule of kings.

Only fear keeps men in line.

Fear and punishment.

A lesson he taught his son, Maegor.

When the builders finally finished the Red Keep,

Maegor executed them all to keep its secrets safe.

Rumor has it, miles of hidden passageways

run behind the walls and under the floors.

One day, I'll have to find them.

Traitors and women work in shadows.

A king has no need for secrecy.

Now, people named Maegor "the Cruel."

But I doubt any dared in his day.

His strength was all too rare in the degenerate Targaryen blood.

The simpering Baelor the Blessed

created the Maidenvault to imprison his own sisters,

and save himself from carnal thoughts.


Though, I admit a Princevault could be amusing,

when Tommen bores me.

My favorite place in the Red Keep?

There are so many.

The Traitor's Walk, where I mount the heads of my enemies.

It's a shame flesh rots so slowly.

I've almost run out of spikes.

The dungeons are also quite nice once you get past the first two levels,

a stable for common criminals and private cells for useful highborns.

How boring, I know.

But then, you come to the black cells.

No windows. No torches.

Just darkness, and whatever you hear in there with you.

Here we keep the greatest traitors, until the king is ready for them.

And with these,

I often like to take my time.

But I've heard rumors of an even lower, hidden level,

Maegor's favorite.

Once a man was taken here,

he never saw the sun again, nor heard a human voice,

nor breathed a breath free of agonizing pain.

Varys must know the way, but that overgrown girl pretends not to.

Maybe he fears I'll make him a victim.

Maybe I will.

Then again, torture chambers are just so private.

Better to punish your enemies where everyone can see and remember.

Like that Targaryen who forced his nephew to watch

as he fed the boy's traitor mother to a dragon.

Oh, what I could do with a dragon.

Even Aerys, fool as he was, knew to burn men alive with an audience

to spread the terror far and wide across his kingdoms.

Of course, I know my favorite place now.

When I sit on the Iron Throne,

high in the Red Keep, all of Westeros scuttles below me,

like insects waiting for my heel to land.

BRAN: Growing up, my sister Sansa loved stories with princesses and knights.

But I always wanted to be scared.

When my turn came, I would ask Old Nan to tell us of magic and monsters.

Long ago, when the world was new,

the Children of the Forest sang the song of the earth,

and the earth listened.

Magic was strong in those days

and the Children could commune

with all the beasts of the forests, streams and air.

The greatest of them could even leave their bodies

to hunt, swim and fly in the skins of animals.

They were the first wargs.

Then, the First Men came with fire and sword.

They burned the weirwoods and cut down the Children.

Calling on dark magic, the Children raised the sea

and shattered the land bridge that the First Men had crossed into Dorne.

When that failed, the Children brought down the hammer of waters upon the Neck,

flooding and transforming it into the bog it is today.

After peace came, the two races shared the land

and the Children's gods for thousands of years.

Now comes the good part.

Nobody knows how, or why,

but the magic of the Children began to emerge in men.

Maybe one child in a thousand would be born a warg.

Fewer still would be born with the sight.

Old Nan would not speak of it.

And Maester Luwin never believed in it.

But with it, the Children could know of events far away

and even those still to come.

Some say the sight was the Children's most powerful and terrible secret.

It helped turn the tide during the long night.

Magic has since fled our world.

Among the small folk,

any child suspected of being a warg will be left out to die.

Beyond the Wall, though,

a careless hunter might still find his prey has claws and teeth

and a man's mind to guide them,

for the wildlings have a different idea of monsters.

But even wildlings keep their distance from a warg

because, and here Old Nan would lean in close and whisper,

"How can you tell if the man is wearing the beast

"or the beast is wearing the man?"

Now Old Nan has no more tales.

And Maester Luwin will never scoff again.

That's fine.

I don't like scary stories anymore.

Because I'm in one.

VARYS: For 300 years, the Targaryen dynasty ruled Westeros.

Wars were still fought.

Homes still burned and men still died.

But compared to the chaos of what came before,

the realm was stable.


The Targaryens lied, thieved and killed as much as other lords.

They just had dragons to answer all complaints.

Until they didn't.

When the last dragon died,

it was only a matter of time before the Targaryens followed.

VARYS: By only, you mean another century?

LITTLEFINGER: Which they wasted trying to replace their lost advantage.

Incinerating their own palaces to hatch dragon eggs,

drinking wildfire to become dragons,

and let's not forget the Mad King's favorite, burning men alive,

so he could pretend to be a dragon.

VARYS: We urged Aerys to pardon Brandon Stark.

The boy had threatened Prince Rhaegar,

but Rhaegar had stolen the boy's sister.

And the boy was the eldest son of our Warden of the North.

LITTLEFINGER: Who's the greater fool?

A mad king or the man who reasons with him?

Aerys saw knives in every shadow.

When you told him to treat the Starks with caution, you made him afraid.

And what he feared, he killed.

VARYS: I wouldn't have thought you of all people would bother with recriminations

for Brandon's death, Lord Baelish.

Not after your, shall we call it, duel with him.

LITTLEFINGER: Brandon was as arrogant as he was stupid,

like his father, Lord Stark, who answered Aerys' summon to the capital.

They earned their fates.

But the younger son, Ned, what was his crime

that Aerys ordered his death as well?

VARYS: Unlike men, families don't die when you lop off their head.

LITTLEFINGER: At the very least, you should have pointed out

that loyal and dutiful Ned was living with Jon Arryn,

a proud and over righteous lord

with an impregnable castle and no sons of his own.

Perhaps you could have spared Aerys the embarrassment of revolt.

VARYS: If only we'd had the foresight to consult you, Lord Baelish.

But I suppose first we would have had to know who you were.

LITTLEFINGER: Nobody knew Robert Baratheon either.

Yet he claimed the right to sit on the Iron Throne.

VARYS: He had Targaryen blood through his mother.

LITTLEFINGER: A pretty dress for an ugly truth.

It was war and he could swing a hammer harder than the other options.

When did you know you'd lost, Lord Varys?

VARYS: When Robert Baratheon killed Prince Rhaegar on the Trident.


You lost the war when you let Ned Stark slip back into the North.

Neither the bloody gate to the Vale,

nor Moat Cailin in the North have ever fallen.

They could have held out for years even if you'd killed Robert.

But you let him slip through your fingers as well.

VARYS: I told the court that Robert was hiding in the stony Sept,

but the Hand of the King wasted too much time searching the city.

Something about the glory of single combat.

Then Ned Stark's army arrived to save the day.

LITTLEFINGER: Too bad Lord Tywin wasn't Hand any longer.

He would have simply razed the town and been done with it.

VARYS: Perhaps.

And perhaps the rebels would have found

even more of the countryside flocking to their banners.

LITTLEFINGER: I'd almost forgotten.

You weren't always so loyal to the Lannisters during the war.

Were you?

VARYS: I did my duty to the realm.

When Lord Tywin showed up at King's Landing professing loyalty,

I warned Aerys not to open the gates.

Prince Rhaegar was dead, our armies scattered.

The lion does not stir unless he smells meat.

LITTLEFINGER: I admire your powers of persuasion, Lord Varys.

Few could traffic in so many secrets to so little avail.

VARYS: Grand Maester Pycelle told Aerys what he wanted to hear.

That his old friend, Tywin, was there to save him.

LITTLEFINGER: Then Aerys' old friend sacked the city

and his son stabbed Aerys in the back.

VARYS: A regrettable, though necessary, action.

LITTLEFINGER: As were the pardons the new King Robert bestowed on the royalists,

Mace Tyrell, Barristan Selmy, you.

VARYS: King Robert wisely chose order over vengeance.

LITTLEFINGER: Jon Arryn wisely chose for Robert.

But Jon Arryn died. Then Robert.

Then Ned.

So ended their glorious revolution.

VARYS: And Westeros has been burning ever since.


VARYS: How Targaryen of you.

One of the mad ones.

LITTLEFINGER: Fire turns even the proudest oaks to ash,

leaving newer roots space to climb.

MEERA: Mud men.

Bog devils.

Those are just the most pleasant names our fellow Northerners have for us.

The crannogmen who live in the swamps of the Neck.

Because we do not live in castles like them.

Because we do not farm like them.

Because we are not tall or rich like them.

But through our veins flows the same blood of the First Men,

and at times, maybe something more.

We still live much as they did,

on floating islands in houses of thatch and woven reeds.

We fish, hunt, and tell our children of our heroes.

The Knight of the Laughing Tree who fought in the year of the false spring.

The last Marsh King, who challenged the Starks,

and lost his crown and his daughter.

And other stories, older still, since lost to the world.

The Neck was not always a swamp.

In the Dawn Age, it was as dry and fertile as the rest of the North.

But, during the war with the First Men,

the Children of the Forest brought down the hammer of waters on the Neck

trying to break Westeros in two.

When the waters finally receded,

they left the bogs and swamps we know today.

- Many of the First Men decided to fight on. -(CRICKETS CHIRPING)

But my ancestors wisely chose to heed the Children's power and advance no farther.

They beat their swords into frog spears and fishhooks,

and settled the land forever devastated by the folly of war.

Unlike the rest of Westeros,

we keep no garrisons and raise no soldiers for petty spats with our neighbors.

Our land protects its own.

An outsider will find in the Neck an endless morass of suck-holes, quicksand,

and green grass that looks solid to the unwary eye,

but turns to water the instant you tread on it.

If you're lucky enough to be armored, you'll only drown inside your own steel.

If you're not, you get to meet what swims in that water.

Serpents and monstrous lizard-lions

with teeth like daggers and never enough to eat.

Don't worry.

Only your horse will live long enough to feel their poisons burning through it.


If you somehow survive all this,

you may find that a well-placed dart can be as deadly as any blade.

Not that you'll see us blowing it your way.

Since the fall of the last Marsh King, House Reed has ruled the Neck

beneath the banner of a black lizard-lion on a gray-green field.

We are not wealthy, powerful, or known, even to our own countrymen.

Our home, Greywater Watch, is no castle you've ever seen.

And seeing it once does not mean you'll ever find it again.

For Greywater Watch moves.

Many would-be conquerors have died trying to find us.

With war all around and our Stark Lord besieged on all sides,

many more will doubtless soon try.

They will look at us on a map and see a stranglehold for the North.

And they will forget that the sea itself once entered the Neck,

and not all of it returned.

BLACKFISH: Other houses chose dragons, krakens, and lions for their sigils.

We Tullys took the trout, that most terrifying of fish,

especially when it leaps out of the water.

I suppose you don't have many options when you live in the Riverlands.

Could have been worse. We could have been minnows or wheat.

After all, we make a lot of it.

Though a land doesn't get as fertile as ours just by water.

The old River Kings, Storm Kings, and Kings of the Rock

spilled blood here for thousands of years,

squabbling like children over a new toy

until the ironborn came and spanked them with their axes.

Under Harren the Black, their kingdom stretched all the way to the Gods Eye,

where they built the largest castle Westeros had ever seen.

Maesters teach that Harren was a fool, but he had some sense.

If you're going to enslave and torture an entire people,

you'd best have thick walls to hide behind.

But the very day the last stone was laid in Harrenhal,

Aegon Targaryen landed in Westeros.

As soon as he saw Aegon's host on the horizon,

my ancestor Edmyn led the mass desertion of riverlords to Aegon's side.

I doubt Harren even noticed.

The problem with huge castles is they blind you to what's outside,

both by their size and the arrogance they inspire.

Not that the ironborn ever lacked for that.

They take pride in their ignorance of every trapping of civilization.

Though any baker could have told them that fire turns stone walls into an oven.

And so, Harren the Black finally lived up to his name,

and the riverlords swept the ironborn back to the sea.

In return for Edmyn's service,

House Tully was made Aegon's new Lord Paramount of the Trident

and all the other lords had to swear us fealty.

But old habits die hard.

The Riverlands are and always have been the middle child of Westeros,

caught up in every fart from one lord at another.

My ancestors knew that for the Tullys to survive

alliances must be made.

Our trout has swum up so many rivers over the centuries

and leapt onto so many plates

that it's a wonder half the realm's sigils don't have fins by now.

Thus, every Tully child is taught, "Family, duty, honor."

The Tully words, and pains in the Tully ass.

When I returned from the War of the Ninepenny Kings,

people called me Ser Brynden.

But my older brother Hoster called me engaged.

A great match with a very rich house, to be sure.

But I'd just fought and killed a great deal of men,

and had no desire to be told when and whom to marry.

I broke ties with him, earning the name Blackfish,

along with my personal sigil, a much more intimidating black trout.

I was too stubborn at the time to realize that while other houses fight with swords,

House Tully fights with marriages.

Then my niece Catelyn's betrothal to Brandon Stark

drew us into the war against the Mad King,

while my other niece Lysa's betrothal to Jon Arryn cemented the rebellion.

If I'd have obeyed my older brother earlier,

we'd have had the largest navy in Westeros with us then as well,

and our victory would have been swift.

Of course, I never mentioned this fact to my brother.

He'd have taken it as an apology.

My brother is dead now, and my nephew Edmure rules in Riverrun,

Gods help us.

A trout that can't tell the worm from the hook.

But he is a Tully, and he is unmarried, and there is a war.

We all know how this story ends.

Maybe she'll be beautiful. Maybe she'll be rich.

As long as she brings swords and men to House Tully,

she could look like the fish we hang all over Riverrun.

He'll honor his duty to family and swallow it.

One Blackfish per family can be overlooked.

Two, and we'd have to change all those pretty banners.

BOLTON: Like the Starks,

the blood of House Bolton runs back to the First Men.

-(BATTLE SOUNDS) - Singers call those times the Age of Heroes.

A mask for a savage world that bred savage men.

The Lannisters swindled their enemies,

the Storm Kings hammered them,

and the Starks cut off their heads.

In such company as this, were the Boltons really so indelicate?

Unlike some other houses, my ancestors owned the Bolton words,

"Our blades are sharp."

They passed down not a Valyrian greatsword, but a knife,

honed and thin enough to fit between the topmost layer of skin

and the tissue below.

And peel.

For as we all learned as children,

"A naked man has few secrets. A flayed man, none."

In those dark days, they say that some of my more willful forbearers

would even wear their enemy's skins as cloaks.

But no such tokens remain, if they ever existed.

Certainly not hanging in some secret room in the Dreadfort,

as old wives and fools insist.

I suspect my house itself was responsible for spreading such rumors in the first place.

Few weapons are as effective as terror, and this was an age of war.

House against house, brother against brother.

The ironmen were on the rise and never far from our shores.

We must have seemed ripe for the taking.

Too busy fighting each other to deal with the raiders as they deserved.

Thus, the Starks took it upon themselves to unify the North under them.

They drove the pirates out of White Knife and claimed the eastern coast,

and married the Marsh King's daughter for the Neck.

A Stark wrestled for Bear Island and won.

Or so they say.

Silly stories.

Blood and steel won the North, and the Starks had the most of both.

After years of war,

my ancestors gave up their barbaric practices and bent the knee to their new kings.

Thus, House Bolton became what we are today,

loyal bannermen and staunch ally to the Starks,

and the second-greatest house in the North.

CATELYN: Some houses rise to power through strength.

Others, through wealth.

House Frey gained its title through cunning.

Centuries ago, its founder looked at a map and noticed how the Trident spears the Neck,

cutting off the North from the South.

He realized that a river of gold would flow to the man

who owned the right bridge across the water.

It took the Freys three generations to complete their forefather's vision,

a massive arch of smooth, gray rock wide enough for two wagons to pass abreast.

When they were done, they built high curtain walls,

deep moats and heavy gates to protect the approaches,

and put up squat, ugly, formidable keeps on either bank,

the Twins.

Commanding both road and river with arrow slits,

murder holes and portcullises,

the Twins ensure that no one crosses without begging the Freys' leave

and paying the Freys' toll.

The plan worked.

The family grew rich and powerful,

exacting gold from lords, merchants and poor farmers.

A good thing, too, given the number of Freys the bridge has to support.

The current lord, Walder Frey,

has seen over 90 namedays and sired near as many children,

trueborn or otherwise.

A shameful thing in any other lord, but Walder Frey possesses no shame.

A dangerous thing for any other lord,

but Walder Frey has no concern for heirs or fear of their impatience.

Perhaps Lord Frey thinks to outlast them all.

Given the infighting he encourages among them,

perhaps he will.

Whatever the case, House Frey does nothing so well as survive.

When the ironborn conquered and razed the Riverlands,

the Freys hid in their castle.

When Aegon and House Tully swept the ironborn back to the Islands,

the Freys hid in their castle.

When my ancestor demanded their allegiance

as Aegon's new Lord Paramount of the Trident,

the Freys bent the knee from their castle.

Perhaps then, we should not have been surprised

when my father, Lord Hoster Tully, called his banners against the Mad King,

and Lord Walder didn't answer.

The Baratheons, Starks, Arryns and Tullys,

some of the oldest and greatest houses of Westeros,

fought and bled for the cause of justice, while House Frey hid in its castle and waited.

No doubt if Rhaegar had won at the Trident,

Lord Walder would've given him safe passage into the North

to destroy the rest of my husband's Northern Army for a fair price.

But Rhaegar fell, and lo and behold, the Frey army appeared

to render aid to our already victorious forces.

Many snickered that Lord Walder had been waiting

for his army to come of age, having fielded it out of his own britches.

My own father named him "The Late Lord Frey,"

to the other lords' amusement.

A slight that pricks Lord Walder to this day.

In many ways, however, Lord Walder was wise.

We had no guarantee of victory.

And had he fought with us from the outset and we failed,

he would've lost the bridge his family was so proud of.

"More pride than honor," those should be the words of House Frey.

Yet, part of me wonders if Lord Walder waited not out of fear,

but hope that we would be destroyed,

leaving him to assume my family's place as Lord Paramount of the Trident,

to buy the respect they've always wanted, but refuse to earn.

No, not even Lord Walder could be so disloyal.

For more infomation >> Phân Biệt Hàng Thật - Hàng Giả - Mẫu Mới 2018 - Trà Thảo Mộc Vy & Tea - Duration: 7:50.


Treinamento em Perícia Contábil - Como Funciona? - Duration: 8:52.

For more infomation >> Treinamento em Perícia Contábil - Como Funciona? - Duration: 8:52.


i was forced to edit his dreams - Duration: 0:11.

You are my dad give my dad boogie woogie woogie

my cousin forced me


Oof i want kill myself.imma work on the while lena problem meme captions


For more infomation >> i was forced to edit his dreams - Duration: 0:11.


Liverpool transfer news LIVE : Midfielder agreement, Bonucci claim, Fekir twist - Duration: 2:18.

clapping fecker Jurgen Klopp accepts the club's attempts to sign Naville fecker

are probably done dot Liverpool's interest is said to have cooled on the

midfielder and while co-op says the transfer before next month's August 9

deadline looks unlikely he acknowledges anything is still possible dot when

asked what happened with Becker Klopp answered nothing really to say about

that dot I said already something about it around a free season game I don't

know exactly which one's dot it's probably done but there's two weeks left

out if nothing happens with our voice then I'm happy it's fine so we can go

dot but if something happens I think you always have to make sure that you can

react if not now the next year whatever Woodbourne could help Spurs Liverpool

starlet van Woodbourne could be on his way to Aston Villa on loan which may

help Tottenham spur suit of Jack relish dot s KY sports transfer expert Dharma

chef says that Nicole once Bonucci Liverpool should look to sign AC Milan

and Italy defender Leonardo Bonucci before the transfer window shuts next

month says Reds legend Steve Nicol docked Panucci is reportedly keen on

leaving AC Milan just a year after joining and has been linked with a

return to Juventus Dodd absolutely Nicole said when asked if Liverpool

should sign him dot well I'm not in charge absolutely yeah

why wouldn't you unfortunately I'm not in charge or I would doc cloth on

signings Jurgen Klopp has spoken out on his defensive transfer dealings this

summer dot cloth has been busy during the transfer window bringing sub in ho

the certain shakira in the listened to Anfield doc maybe Keita also joined

Liverpool with a deal having been secured last summer dot a nd clop is

happy with his up

For more infomation >> Liverpool transfer news LIVE : Midfielder agreement, Bonucci claim, Fekir twist - Duration: 2:18.


Meghan Markle's dad Thomas admits he took drugs while raising teenage daughter - Duration: 11:05.

 Thomas Markle has admitted he got high while raising his teenage daughter Meghan

 The former lighting director said in an ­interview: "I don't do drugs, haven't for more than 20 years

"  A source insisted drugs were "part and parcel" of the TV industry and added: "Tom was no different

"  Markle Snr turned to drugs to cope with the pressures of life in Hollywood and to give daughter Meghan a better life, it is claimed

 The 74-year-old admitted he got high while the future duchess was young, but insisted he has not touched drugs since

 He was asked in an interview about claims he is an alcoholic and replied: "I hardly drink at all, just a little wine with my dinner, nothing much

"  But he added: "I don't do drugs, haven't for more than 20 years."  It was also claimed Thomas, who has not spoken to 36-year-old Meghan for more than two months, cannot get hold of his daughter as she has changed her phone number

 The retired Hollywood lighting director he is said to be worried he may never be allowed to see any grandchildren she may have with Prince Harry

 A family source said of Thomas' drugs admission: "When Tom worked in ­television, drugs were part and parcel of the industry

They were rife.  "Tom was no different. He worked every hour God sent so he could give Meghan the life he wanted for her

 "Sixteen-hour days were normal. Tom used to work well into the night.  "The spare time he had off he'd sleep for a little while but then spend every minute he could with Meghan before going back to work

 "After a while, such long hours take their toll and Tom would use drugs that helped him work for longer

Coffee just didn't cut it."  Thomas did not specify which drugs he used in his interview with the Mail on Sunday

But his daughter Samantha said last night ­marijuana was popular at the time he worked in Hollywood

 She added: "My father is upstanding and doesn't really drink and he doesn't do recreational drugs

 "But in the 60s, 70s and 80s for most people I know in America it was a cultural thing to smoke marijuana

 "Most people did. I'm sure people like The Beatles smoked pot when they were on tour

It was a sign of the times. I don't think my father is the only one who can ever have been condemned for having done that

He was never regularly doing it, he never smelt of it and I've never seen my father smoke it

 "But certainly my father has never taken cocaine or any other drugs like that. He didn't have the mentality for it

 "He was a really successful lighting director which required very sharp visuals and attention to detail

 "If he had been a drug addict he wouldn't have been successful for 40 years in a highly technical job, no way

"  Meghan was unaware of her dad's drugs past. A friend told how Thomas, who is recovering from heart surgery which stopped him going to his ­daughter's royal wedding in May, now "feels completely cut off" from her

 The pal added: "He used to have Meghan's number but now if he tries it's dead. She, or the Palace, have changed them all

Only last week he mentioned it was Meghan's birthday this Saturday, but he has no idea how to send her a card

We joked he should turn up himself and hand-deliver it.  "It's disgusting he does not know how to get hold of her

 "What would happen if ­something happened to him?"  Thomas' fears over never seeing any children Meghan may have were also reported in the interview

He has made no secret of his hopes that she starts her own family. He already has three grandchildren from his two eldest children

A friend in Rosarito, Mexico, where Thomas lives, said: "Tom loves children. He dotes on them

 "He knows Meghan has always wanted children, but it breaks his heart to think he will not get to see any ­grandchild she has with Harry

He keeps asking himself over and over why? The only thing he can think of is the shots he's taken at the royal family

 "Tom did so out of frustration, nothing more.  "It was like no one was listening to him while his ex-wife Doria was being played out in the media as though she could do no wrong

He has some bitterness about that. What people don't realise is how much of a role Tom played in Meg's life

"  It had been reported Thomas felt it would be better for all had he not survived his heart operation

 But Samantha insisted: "My father never said that he thought he would be better off dead

He's very upset."  But a source said: "Tom feels it would be easier for Meghan if he were out of the picture completely

 "He has told people there is a part of him that thinks it would be easier if his heart packed up all together and he was no longer around

He thinks if he did die there would be an outpouring of sympathy for Meg."  Thomas said he believes Princess Diana would have loathed the way he had been treated

 He said in the interview: "They [the royals] have Meghan treating her father in a way that Harry's mother, Princess Diana, would have loathed

That's not what Diana stood for."  Samantha added: "I believe he's right about what he said about Diana though because Diana was a loving humanitarian, she was very ­diplomatic and she treated her family with a lot of respect

 "But I don't think Meghan should need someone like Diana to tell her how to treat her father

She's almost 37, not 12, so she knows the right way to treat people.  "The thing both my dad and I are sick of is our family being publicly mocked and flogged

 "The challenges that we've had have been blown way out of proportion."  Dad-of-three Thomas and Doria, his second wife, divorced in 1987 when Meghan was six

 For the next five years, she lived with her mum then moved back with her dad in Los Angeles

Meghan left for college at 17 and never returned as she pursued her acting career

 But she and Thomas remained close, none more so than when his mum Doris was diagnosed with dementia in 2009

 Meghan's half-brother, Thomas Markle Jr, 51, said: "For two years, every other weekend Meghan visited gran without fail

 "She would read to her, show her pictures, watch TV with her. She did anything to make life appear as normal as possible

As she grew worse gran would often forget who my dad or I was, we'd go every weekend

 "But when Meg walked in an instant smile crossed gran's face and she knew she'd be OK

Meghan has this ability to bring comfort to those she meets, and I truly think its something similar to what Princess Diana had

She was then still very close to dad."  But after Doris died, Meghan landed a part in the US legal drama, Suits, filmed in Toronto

 She and Thomas spoke less and less and he moved to Rosarito after being made ­bankrupt

Since news of his daughter's ­relationship with Harry emerged in 2016, friends said at best contact between them has been "intermittent"

Thomas has never met the prince and has only spoken to him on the phone.  But he said in his interview he wouldn't care if Harry, 33, never spoke to him again

He added: "I'll survive". A week before the royal wedding on May 19 at Windsor Castle it was still not known if Thomas would walk his daughter down the aisle

 And he was caught out staging paparazzi pictures of himself. He had a heart attack after the story came out and needed surgery

He claimed doctors banned him from making the flight to London and Prince Charles walked Meghan down the aisle

 According to reports in the US, the duchess now "lives in fear" her dad would leak their conversations if she were to speak to him

 An insider said: "Meghan is so upset over Thomas. She's upset for a couple of reasons

She doesn't even know how to communicate with her dad without knowing he won't exploit her

"  But despite his hurt and anger amid all the stories surrounding the Markle family, Thomas said in his interview: "Meghan is everything to me

I love her and I always will."  Kensington Palace last night declined to comment on his claims

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle's dad Thomas admits he took drugs while raising teenage daughter - Duration: 11:05.


My Debut Recital - Duration: 32:43.

For more infomation >> My Debut Recital - Duration: 32:43.


Książki dla projektantów #4 - Duration: 12:42.

For more infomation >> Książki dla projektantów #4 - Duration: 12:42.


Police search for clues in 2015 murder - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> Police search for clues in 2015 murder - Duration: 0:29.


[Piano Tutorial] Lesson 2: 김광석의 '서른 즈음에' 코드 배우기 part A - Duration: 18:37.

For more infomation >> [Piano Tutorial] Lesson 2: 김광석의 '서른 즈음에' 코드 배우기 part A - Duration: 18:37.


How to Save Money When Buying Vegan Organic Food? - Duration: 10:12.

Welcome Back Friends!

Thank you all so much for joining me, my name is Faith Becker.

And I'm so excited to be here with all of you today!

I take it to the grocery store where I ask people just like you how they're doing to save money when it comes to buying

vegan organic food!

"I guess probably by what's on sale or something I know I'll eat

and get enough (like right now I will get fruit for lunch) and buy different things to eat during the week."

" So do you usually buy in season or you don't really *care?

"I buy whatever I have a taste for.

Because even if it is in season and I don't feel like eating it; it's just going to go bad in my refrigerator."

"Always look for the low price tag! ... Avocados are low prices and drink plenty of water."

"Probably knowing what needs to be organic and what doesn't need to be organic

I think will save you a lot of money."

"Yeah, that's an excellent answer."

"What about you Taylor; do you have any advice?"

"We usually do a list before we come

and we always eat before we come. So you don't just buy whatever when you're hungry."

"Okay, YES, awesome!"

"Dieting for me it is always keeping something healthy on hand and quick and easy because I know for me if I'm hungry

and I don't have anything around. I want to you know, eat something kinda bad or even crappy or unhealthy.

so just kind of meal prepping a little bit. And always have quick and easy snacks whether it's you know fruit or nuts..."

You know something kind of prepped in a container ready to throw in the microwave heat up so that way if I have an urge to eat something really quick

I can just kind of eat that versus you know like something sweet or unhealthy."

"It seems like eating healthy and saving money is hard for a lot of people to do at the same time."

"buy in bulk, and do a basic like rice (is always good.)

Because it never goes bad; you cook it as you needed it; and it's a basic staple."

"That's awesome, thank you so much!"

"Oh no problem"

"pleasure to meet you!"

Welcome back friends!

I hope you enjoyed that wonderful clip. I had a lot of fun making it. I made it a few weeks ago

(I think it was two or *three by now)

*On the side note. I do apologize for this really great delay; I don't plan on doing that ever again!

I just had a lot of

personal issues that kind of occured

and I needed to give my full attention to that. And also I just wanted to make sure that I produce

quality videos and I just never felt like there was a clip that was quite right

So I am re filming this and just hopefully it will turn out as I planned because you know

we are people of excellence and I want to produce quality content

But without further ado, let's just get right into this video.

I'm excited to recap and I wrote some notes down, and let's see

The first one is:

"buy things on sale" that is so important and so true

But I personally use sales as a grate bonus and as a blessing not a necessity

Which gives me permission to continue to invest in quality foods!

So I don't purposefully look for sales, but it's always such a great blessing when it is because for me

I think I just realized that importance just eating healthy no matter what.

But that is just my person journey

Next is...

"Buy things you have a taste for!" I also really like this one because so many times

I've also been guilty of this but we find something because we think "it's healthy"

but we never eat it and it just ends up going to waste so really do be mindful; when you do go grocery shopping

Whether or not you have a taste for it, and also on the side note when you do go to the grocery store

obviously we're gonna elaborate a little bit more on this

But make a list before you go to the grocery store, but sometimes you might just be craving something

and really do listen to your body because it might be something that you're actually really needing and there's nutrients and vitamins

So yeah, that's just another great tip

See I like this one too, I like all of them they're so good

And so I just wanted to take a few more minutes to elaborate

To give you guys just that much more

amazing content

"So know what needs to be organic and what doesn't"

so with this

It's a 50/50 *obviously, I don't know your personal journey and how much health is important to you. I

think at first absolute!*...

Well, it's not what I think, but it's just that I

hope this helps you from my perspective

I do agree with this

especially when you are first starting out. Do this, buy more produce in general and

then over time I would highly recommend that you do

transition to a more organic diet just because

it's better soil, so the produce is going to absorb more nutrients and vitamins which ultimately will result in better health

in you.

Leaving you out of the hospital and saving you thousands of dollars

from hospital bills

And I also love the idea of supporting local farmers, so...and the food tastes better!

But when you do start out just so you don't get overwhelmed

I would invest in just buying produce in general and then transition. :)

Next, we have make a list before you go to the grocery store. So this one is so important. I know so many people

Who is so

scattered when they go grocery shopping and I've been guilty of this too

Where you just go to the store and you're so hungry and you just buy everything.

And then you go to the cashier and you have to put a ton of it back because you didn't realize that you were

going way over your budget or if you just don't care you end up spending that money and then you're kind of regretting it because

You know for all the other reasons so really do be intentional

Take that time make a list before you go to the grocery store. It's just gonna take you

no more than an hour!

But I think over time you're just gonna get faster and faster and realize it's an investment

So even though you're putting an hour into the work, it's gonna save you a week's time

So to kind of give you a more like overall

(greater content)* I would even go as far as to say

plan your meals

you know breakfast, lunch, and dinner and then if you want to

have snacks.

*Be sure to plan that in your budget and then if you know you are going to go out to eat

Weigh it out and see

what food needs to

be bought that week or what can wait till next week...and so forth...

Okay next we have

I like what Stephen said he was the guy that I believe wore the Spider Man or the Superman shirtt, and he just mentioned

that he usually eats before he goes to the grocery store; so that way he's not eating something bad

but instead he takes a few more minutes to invest and preparing his food and I personally don't recommend using


But you know what? I am not going to be legalistic,

whatever works for you and

It's all a journey not a *quick destination

and what I have found really works for me is just

to know that this is a lifestyle not necessarily a

quick thing

So yeah

I hope all of these

incredible tips helped you

....and I will see you guys next week where I talk about on the 'Myths on Veganism!'

So stay tuned!

Please do like, comment, and subscribe, for more great content! =}


For more infomation >> How to Save Money When Buying Vegan Organic Food? - Duration: 10:12.


The Bark - Duration: 0:10.

OH look cute dog


Is he ok?

Now calm down. Don't panic


For more infomation >> The Bark - Duration: 0:10.


Man City news: Pep Guardiola warns key players after young prospects flourish on US tour - Duration: 5:28.

 Guardiola has been Stateside without 16 first team regulars, with nearly all of them returning this week following an extended break after the World Cup

 The Spaniard has been forced to use prospects like Phil Foden, Brahim Diaz, Eric Garcia, Lukas Nmecha, Luke Bolton and Douglas Luiz in matches against Borussia Dortmund, Liverpool and Bayern Munich

 And although the first two games ended in narrow defeats, this 3-2 comeback win from two goals down against a Bayern Munich team with Franck Ribery and Arjen Robben in midfield was highly impressive

 England U-17 World Cup winner Foden and Diaz made the step up into the seniors last season and have increased their chances of making further inroads during the new campaign with some good performances over the last 10 days

 There was even a debut for 17 year-old Spanish wonderkid Adrian Bernabe who teed up two-goal Bernardo Silva for the second half winner

 "We came here with a lot of young players, new players," said Guardiola who saw Riyad Mahrez forced off after just 27 minutes with an ankle problem

 "It will be good for them for the future but they know that I always play the guys who run

We can help them to understand the game after but the guys who don't run are not going to play, be it the World Cup or not

 "That is what I like the most as a manager, seeing my players fight and play like a fourth division team

In my career, that detail speaks for itself.  "You cannot imagine how I enjoyed these 10 days with these guys

The young players have desire, they are starving to become football players. "They are hungry, work with them and you say something and they open their eyes and listen to you because they want to make a career

 "They are 17, 18, 19 years old. We played with just one or two pros in the first team and we did what we have done in spite of the results

It was so happy for me with the way they played. "I give credit that we were 2-0 down and never got down

It's not easy to have high intensity in this humidity but I am so satisfied. We gave a solid 90 minutes

" Foden is the name on everyone's lips when it comes to finding someone who can inject a creative spark into Gareth Southgate's England team

 The 18 year-old, just like the rest of Guardiola's up and coming stars , need game time in a squad bursting with top class players in all positions

 Southgate, however, will receive a glowing report about Foden. "I'm happy with Phil because he played an outstanding game, " said Guardiola

 "The last game (against Liverpool) was not his perfect performance but even though Phil didn't play good, he's a fighter, he runs and he never gives up

I like this guy." Lukas Nmecha, the 19 year-old striker, impressed in attack with his second-half goal sandwiched in-between two excellent strikes from the impressive Portuguese midfielder Silva after Bayern had been 2-0 ahead in 23 minutes through Meritan Shabani and Arjen Robben

 "We have been lucky in a way, " said Nmecha. "We have got so many great first team players and they've all been away at the World Cup, so we have had our chances to play and I thought we all did really well

 "I don't really know yet what happens next season. When we get back I'll have to speak with Pep and see what he wants me to do

 "He knows what he's doing though, doesn't he? Building up and all that stuff. That's what helped us win

" Nmecha tested himself against Liverpool's Virgil van Dijk in last Wednesday's defeat to Jurgen Klopp's side and has a wealth of knowledge to tap into every day on the training ground

 "With guys like Sergio Aguero or Gabriel Jesus, most of their advice comes from training, watching what they are doing

 "Mainly I get help from Vincent Kompany. He has told me what he doesn't like playing against

If I hold it up against him I might lose the battle, so it's more about running in behind and using my pace


For more infomation >> Man City news: Pep Guardiola warns key players after young prospects flourish on US tour - Duration: 5:28.


Nhạc Không Lời Rumba Êm Đềm Dễ Ngủ II Nhạc Sống Chọn Lọc II Organ Không Lời - Duration: 47:11.

For more infomation >> Nhạc Không Lời Rumba Êm Đềm Dễ Ngủ II Nhạc Sống Chọn Lọc II Organ Không Lời - Duration: 47:11.


Stream | SUM SUM SH*T! - Duration: 6:19:11.

For more infomation >> Stream | SUM SUM SH*T! - Duration: 6:19:11.


Janoris Jenkins says he hasn't spoken to his brother - 247 news - Duration: 7:45.

Janoris Jenkins revealed he hasn't spoken to his brother since the ex-convict was charged with murdering a rap producer last month

Janoris is still reeling from the shocking murder of his friend Roosevelt Rene, 25, a music producer under the name Trypps Beats, whose body was found in the Giants cornerback's basement in New Jersey on June 26

 The football star's brother was arrested for Rene's murder and charged with aggravated manslaughter

 Janoris made his first public comments on the crime Sunday at the Giants' training facility, expressing his focus on the game rather than the murder

  'It's shocking, but I still gotta come and play football,' he said. 'Right now my main focus is coming out and getting better every day for my teammates and stay focused

'Janoris added that he has not been in touch with William since the arrest.'I haven't talked to him, to be honest,' he said

'But I will to see where his head's at. As far as that, I'm just leaving that off the field

'Scroll down for video  Janoris considered Rene to be a close friend, and the two were working producing music together before the 25-year-old's death

  'It's difficult, but at the end of the day, you gotta be a pro,' Jenkins said Sunday

'Things gonna happen in life, some things you can't control, and it's just one of those situations

'   William was arrested for parole violation in Ontario County, New York, just nine hours before Rene's body was discovered 300 miles away in the basement of his brother's home in Fair Lawn, New Jersey

   Share this article Share According to a complaint, the pair had been fighting before the murder occurred, and that William showed extreme indifference to human life and recklessly caused Rene's death

 William has a criminal record in Florida dating back to the early 2000s that includes convictions for aggravated battery, grand theft, and multiple counts of burglary

Rene's sister Arabruny Lindor also spoke to shortly after the murder, saying that her sibling had been arguing with Janoris' brother in the days before his death

Authorities said Rene was discovered by a house worker at the residence located on 14 Van Saun Place in Fair Lawn on June 26

 Police are treating the investigation as a homicide.  NFL Network's Mike Garafolo reported that detectives are investigating 'a possible strangulation/suffocation as the cause of death,' citing law enforcement sources

In a phone interview with, Lindor said her brother had moved into the home of his friend, Janoris, to work on his music, and that the football player's brother was also staying there

Janoris also dabbles in music in his free time, performing under the stage name Rabbit

 Together, Janoris and Rene collaborated on a hip hop track titled 'Hood Jumpin,' which was released in March

  A photo that was posted on the producer's Instagram page around that time shows Rene sitting next to the cornerback

 'Friday I called him and he had locked himself in the bathroom and said he had been having trouble with Janoris' brother and that they had been arguing,' Lindor claimed

'He was jealous of Janoris' friendship with my brother.'The woman said she instructed her brother to speak to her in Creole, in case William was listening to their conversation from the other side of the door

'I FaceTimed him Monday and he looked worried,' Lindor said of her brother. 'I told him to get out of there

He had a real stress on. That was the last time I spoke to my brother.'Lindor wrote in the description of a GoFundMe campaign that her brother was on the verge of a major career breakthrough at the time of his death

  Rene produced music for a variety of stars.The Giants cornerback was not in New Jersey at the time of Rene's death and has been staying in his native Florida

 ESPN reported, citing unnamed sources, that the football star has been advised by attorneys to remain in Florida

Lindor said as the only boy among seven children, Rene was universally loved and was her best friend

'He never had a problem with anyone,' she told 'Everyone loved him

'Lindor wrote on the GoFundMe page that Rene was very smart and confident, also had a smile on his face and his greatest passion in life was creating beats

 The sister said the young music producer wanted to help their family and get their mother a new car

 The football star purchased the Fair Lawn home for $500,000 in 2016. The Giants made Janoris one of the NFL's highest-paid cornerbacks in 2016, when they signed him to a five-year, $62

5million contract, with $28million in guarantees. In 2017, Jenkins season was ended prematurely by an ankle injury

  Coming off a playoff berth and an 11-5 record in 2016, the Giants sank to 3-13 in 2017 as head coach Ben McAdoo was fired and ultimately replaced with Pat Shurmur

 Janoris will be answering to new defensive coordinator James Bettcher this season when he returns to the field

 The 29-year-old is entering his third year with the Giants. The Pahokee, Florida, native played for Florida in college before finishing his career at North Alabama

For more infomation >> Janoris Jenkins says he hasn't spoken to his brother - 247 news - Duration: 7:45.


Star Wars EPISODE 9 Cast REVEALED || Luke Skywalker RETURNS!? - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Star Wars EPISODE 9 Cast REVEALED || Luke Skywalker RETURNS!? - Duration: 1:56.


ខេមរៈ សិរីមន្ត សុខ ពិសី កន្ទ្រឹមស្រុកស្រែ | Khemarak Sereymon Sok Pisey Kontrem Song Collection - Duration: 1:08:32.

Khemarak Sereymon Sok Pisey Kontrem Song Collection

For more infomation >> ខេមរៈ សិរីមន្ត សុខ ពិសី កន្ទ្រឹមស្រុកស្រែ | Khemarak Sereymon Sok Pisey Kontrem Song Collection - Duration: 1:08:32.


Top 20 'BEST PANZOID' Intro Templates 2018 | Fortnite/Roblox/Minecraft 💦 - Duration: 5:11.

All original video links in description !

For more infomation >> Top 20 'BEST PANZOID' Intro Templates 2018 | Fortnite/Roblox/Minecraft 💦 - Duration: 5:11.


52" Banvil GE vent ceiling fan - Duration: 3:14.

Hi, here is this fan running on low speed right now with a solid state speed control.

I'll then be showing through speeds to maximum speed.

Not sure if the chain is on medium or the capacitor is bad, but I do know it only spins like 130 RPM on high,

and it doesn't blow much air, and it has some wobble.

Anyways, thanks for watching, and please remember to comment, rate, and subscribe!

For more infomation >> 52" Banvil GE vent ceiling fan - Duration: 3:14.


How to use the SELECTION LAYER and LASSO ibis paint x tutorial - Duration: 4:55.

Hey guys, so on one of my most popular videos

I did an Ibis paint X tutorial and a lot of you were confused on the lasso or

Selection tool and so I finally figured it out and so in this video I'm going to show you how to use this tool

Before I get started, please subscribe to my channel and you can get updated on new posts I do

So if we scroll up to the top we can select the selection layer and then as you can tell right away

It's this blue color and it's kind of faded kind of transparent so you can see what you're doing underneath it

And it works just like a normal regular pen

You can change type it is you can erase it or add new on to it

You can do whatever you can with a regular pen

To see what the point of this is say, for example, like in this post I decided that my I didn't look good enough

So I could take a regular dip pen hard

Which is the common tool poke people usually use and color the outside of the entire I outline

So as you can see, I'm calling the whole thing a

Common mistake a lot of people use is they don't fill in the inside?

They just do the very outside and that won't work every part but the blue is that's the part that you can fix

So I'm just fixing it up a little bit there so it covers the entire eye

Now if I go onto the layer, but this eye is the part that I want to fix as you can see

There's a black and white stripe to line around the area. I colored blue

So what this does similar to alpha lock is all the actions that you complete can only be completed in this lassoed area

So if I draw a line there?

It would only be in the lasso area including if I were to erase anything

It would only be in a lasso area if I were to do anything to it

Effects anything it would only be in the lasso area

So an example why you might want to use this is to change what it looks like

for example, if I go to the functions or

Effects key I'm not sure what the FX stands for

But I can change the hue I can change how black and white it is and oftentimes

I just kind of come here and fool around with the different tools and honestly

I'm not sure what they even all do because a lot of them are for really

Advanced people like I don't know what this one does. It does not look the best but

There's so many different things. You can do just to change what it looks like and it will only be in the last area

The current filter I'm using is really good when you're using it with backgrounds

It's something that makes a real life picture look more like an anime background

So if you ever try to make an anime if you just search up like a picture of buildings

You can make it look like it's in an anime

So another reason you might need to use this as if you need to change the size of something

so if we go here to

This slide you can change you can completely move around where it is including change. How big or small it is?

So if you thought it was a little bit too small you can use this

Perspective forum make something that looks flat kind of look more three-dimensional, which is good if you're like making a book or something

you can also rotate the eye if it's like too crooked or something and

the mesh form is great for like if you search up a logo and put it on a shirt that

You're working on or anything like that that you need to change the size of it as you can tell

This is not the best function for eyes because it looks very warped now

But it's easy to get rid of it just by hitting the undo button and now it's back to normal

Now to turn the selection mode off

all you have to do is go to the selection layer and you race live and

Then you'll be back stand on overlay in selection mode

It's just like making a new layer all of these features right here that I pulled up you can use you can use anything on

Selection layer, but it will only write on the layer that you have

So as you can tell this drawing is not my style it was a line art that I colored a collaboration on sketch

So please check out my sketch video and thank you for my 1.5 K followers on this

For more infomation >> How to use the SELECTION LAYER and LASSO ibis paint x tutorial - Duration: 4:55.



For more infomation >> SEASON 5 FORTNITE WEEK 4 BATTLE STAR LOCATION (Pleasant Park) [EARLY VIEW] - Duration: 1:08.


Dr. Hoy's Natural Pain Relief Gel - doctor hoys natural pain relief gel 4 ounce - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Dr. Hoy's Natural Pain Relief Gel - doctor hoys natural pain relief gel 4 ounce - Duration: 2:59.


David Diamond ➤ "O Catolicismo Romano, A Bíblia, E A Tradição" ‒ Predicaciones Cristianas - Duration: 1:21:09.

For more infomation >> David Diamond ➤ "O Catolicismo Romano, A Bíblia, E A Tradição" ‒ Predicaciones Cristianas - Duration: 1:21:09.


COMO acelerar o DESEMPENHO do ANDROID para RODAR qualquer JOGO - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> COMO acelerar o DESEMPENHO do ANDROID para RODAR qualquer JOGO - Duration: 6:01.





5 Simple Exercises to Get Rid of Knee Pain, Back and Neck Pain - Duration: 3:26.

5 Simple Exercises to Get Rid of Pain on the Knee, Back and Neck Pain

Did you know that the feet, which we forget and hide in the shoes, they can actually

help relieve various types of pain, such as back pain, for example?

They are very important to our health. and when exercised, they help relieve

tensions and pains in the back, in the knees, hips and neck.

The opposite may also happen.

If you do not walk correctly for example, can make the pain worse.

In today's video we will teach you 5 exercises very simple, which will bring relief to

back, knee and hip pain and neck:

Grab with your feet For pain in the hips, back and knees

this is the most appropriate exercise.

Just try to catch objects with your feet.

Place an object on the floor and try take it with your feet.

Think that the foot is your hand at that moment and use it that way.

Repeat this exercise 4 to 5 times with each foot.

Tiptoe walking This first exercise consists of walking,

resting on the toes, at least for 20 seconds.

Do a series of 5 reps of 20 seconds.

You can do this series of 5 repetitions by twice a day.

It's like you're imitating a ballerina!

If you find it difficult to balance, hold on a wall for example.

You have to train to perfect your balance!

Circles for the ankle To prevent your ankles from becoming

rigid, flexibility must be and strength.

The ideal exercise is to lie down with your back on the floor, extend one leg, and

make ankle circles 10 times to right and left.

Then lower your leg and lift the other leg to do the same thing, with the other ankle.

Lift your heels For this exercise, you should support

on a chair or on a wall.

Then raise one of the legs.

Now, leaning on only one leg, lift the heel of that same leg which is supported,

until it is on the tip of the foot.

Slowly replace heel the soil.

Repeat this between 10 to 15 times and go alternating of leg.

This strengthens the heels and muscles in the region of the knees.

Walking on a ball This exercise is not as difficult as


Just put a ball under your foot and Press a little.

Do this for a minute and then, switch foot

This will help improve your circulation.

If you suffer from chronic back pain, knees or hips and these exercises do not help,

it is most advisable to seek the help of an expert.

For more infomation >> 5 Simple Exercises to Get Rid of Knee Pain, Back and Neck Pain - Duration: 3:26.


Trastorno de fetichismo #fetiche ¿Qué es un fetiche sexual? - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Trastorno de fetichismo #fetiche ¿Qué es un fetiche sexual? - Duration: 3:41.


Książki dla projektantów #4 - Duration: 12:42.

For more infomation >> Książki dla projektantów #4 - Duration: 12:42.


Shooter Season 3 Episode 6: Gutierrez Goes To Great Pains To Avoid Atlas | Shooter on USA Network - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Shooter Season 3 Episode 6: Gutierrez Goes To Great Pains To Avoid Atlas | Shooter on USA Network - Duration: 2:09.


💥♨️🔥TestServerWR🔥💢💥ɃΔĐ↑ɃØ¥ᴮᴿ - Duration: 10:16.

For more infomation >> 💥♨️🔥TestServerWR🔥💢💥ɃΔĐ↑ɃØ¥ᴮᴿ - Duration: 10:16.



For more infomation >> ESSAOUIRA: um INCRÍVEL tour GASTRONÔMICO | MARROCOS! - Duration: 17:15.


Neymar manda presente voando para Bruna Marquezine e ela fica sem acreditar; veja - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> Neymar manda presente voando para Bruna Marquezine e ela fica sem acreditar; veja - Duration: 5:29.


✅ Luísa Sonza usa conjunto Versace em aniversário de Bruna Marquezine. Veja looks! - Duration: 2:16.

 Luísa Sonza caprichou no look para o aniversário de 23 anos de Bruna Marquezine, comemorado neste domingo (29) na mansão de Neymar em Mangaratiba, Costa Verde do Rio de Janeiro

A cantora apostou em um conjunto composto por calça e legging da grife Versace, no valor de R$ R$ 2

785 e R$ 2.877 respectivamente. Para compor o visual, a mulher de Whindersson Nunes escolheu um bota preta de salto

  Preta Gil e a nora, Laura Fernandez, escolhem look com mangas  Quem também esteve presente na comemoração, antecipada por Neymar por causa de sua apresentação ao PSG nesta semana, foi Preta Gil

A cantora elegeu um vestido longo de botão com mangas compridas assinado pela estilista Patrícia Bonaldi

Ela ainda desfilou cinto Ateen, brincos La Chica de Oro e sandálias Arezzo. A nora de Preta, Laura Fernandez, também marcou presença na festa usando top de mangas longas Aderbal Freire e calça clara da grife 2DNM

  Bruna Marquezine surge com conjunto off white transparente  Para comemorar seus 23 anos, Bruna Marquezine optou por um conjunto de blusa com gola ombro a ombro e shortinho curto

O conjunto na cor off white possui transparência e foi usado com peças íntimas na mesma tonalidade

Nos pés, a atriz - que negou pensar em desistir da fama por causa da exposição - usou sandália rasteira dourada com fechos nos tornozelos, dando um tom leve e despojado ao look

For more infomation >> ✅ Luísa Sonza usa conjunto Versace em aniversário de Bruna Marquezine. Veja looks! - Duration: 2:16.


Congreso exhorta a impulsar campañas sobre el adecuado manejo de focos ahorradores - Duration: 2:45.

Compartir La Comisión Permanente hizo un llamado a la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales para que, en coordinación con sus homologas en las 32 entidades federativas, promuevan campañas informativas para el correcto manejo y reciclaje de lámparas ahorradoras

  El dictamen aprobado en sesión ordinaria, precisa que el uso de lámparas ahorradoras no representa un peligro en primera instancia, y expone que es conveniente realizar acciones con el propósito de que la gente conozca el tratamiento que se debe dar a estas cuando su vida útil haya concluido

  Los focos ahorradores, se agrega, contribuyen al cuidado del medio ambiente y a la disminución del gasto del pago de la energía eléctrica, aunque también repercuten en la salud de las personas, al estar constituidos de materiales que pueden ser nocivos si no se tiene un correcto manejo para ser desechados

  Las lámparas ahorradoras utilizan mercurio que, al encenderse, se gasifica y genera energía ultravioleta que choca en las paredes de cristal del tubo para emitir la luz

  En el dictamen se detalla que la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) ha señalado que la exposición al mercurio, incluso en pequeñas cantidades, puede causar graves problemas de salud y es peligrosa para el desarrollo intrauterino y en las primeras etapas de vida

  Puede ser tóxico para los sistemas nervioso e inmunitario, el aparato digestivo, la piel, pulmones y riñones; y es uno de los diez productos o grupos de productos químicos que plantean especiales problemas de salud

  En 2012, la Ciudad de México emprendió, a través de la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente el "Plan Verde", mediante este plan dan una serie de pasos a fin de llevar el manejo de residuos de lámparas fluorescentes cuando se quiebren

  De acuerdo con dicho Plan se deben colocar guantes protectores; cubrirse la boca; conseguir una caja, no una bolsa; recoger los fragmentos grandes y ponerlos en la caja; barrer las astillas y pedazos pequeños con un papel o cartón; limpiar la zona usando un paño húmedo; colocar el paño húmedo en la caja; sellar la caja usando cinta adhesiva; marcar la caja, señalando el contenido; y llevar la caja a un área donde traten los desperdicios

  La Asociación Greenpeace señala que el uso de lámparas ahorradoras en el hogar es seguro, y recomienda que cuando una lámpara ahorradora se rompa, es necesario usar guantes para recoger los residuos; evitar hacerlo con las manos sin protección; no aspirar los residuos de una lámpara o tubo fluorescente que se ha roto; ventilar el área donde se rompió; colocar los residuos en una bolsa y sellarla; y depositarla en la basura, junto con otros residuos inorgánicos

    aarl Compartir

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