Sunday, July 29, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jul 29 2018


It's Knowing Better.

Don't adjust your… whatever device you're watching this on.

It's me, live and in stereo.

No gimmicky titles, no thirteen title cards, and this time, no guests.

Get a snack, settle in, because I'm about to tell you why this show is the worst thing

to happen to mental health awareness in recent memory.

13 Reasons Why, welcome to your tape.

This video is brought to you by Dashlane.

Thirteen Reasons Why is a teen drama on Netflix that has sparked a lot of controversy since

the first season came out last year.

It covers sex, suicide, mental health, substance abuse, you name it.

Their stated goal in the trigger warning which precedes the first episode is to-

Start a conversation.

If you've been following me on Twitter, you know that I have a deep seeded hatred

for this show and the way that it glorifies mental health issues.

And specifically suicide.

The show also gets a lot wrong about high school in general, which is weird considering

what a universal experience that is.

You'd think the producers would know what high school is like.

We could spend hours discussing plot holes, like how adults don't seem to exist in this

universe at all.

Or how the cliques are incredibly well-defined, there are no jocks in band, there are no band

geeks in yearbook…

Think about your high school experience, was anybody just one thing?

We could also talk about silly nitpicks like how Jessica's dad is in the Air Force, but

nobody else's parents are – do they live 200 miles away from the nearest base or something?

How is he the only one?

Or how about the fact that Tony thinks cassette tapes are a superior medium.

You're still on the old media, huh?

So much better.

In what universe is that true?!

You can make the case that vinyl sounds better, we could have that debate, but audio cassettes?


No, we're not here to nitpick those things, I'm not a film critic.

If you are interested in sort of thing, as well as some of the more technical aspects,

I recommend this video by I Hate Everything…

I really need to figure out what's causing that.

We're here to talk about the broken psychology and inaccurate depictions of mental health

in the show.

We are going to- Start a conversation.

For those of you unfamiliar with the show, the basic premise is that Hannah Baker kills

herself and leaves behind several audio tapes with thirteen reasons explaining why she did


The set gets passed from person to person until they reach Clay, the main protagonist

and audience surrogate.

We listen to the tapes and learn things along with him and experience the various flashbacks

just as he does.

It was actually a pretty clever narrative device to have him crash his bike in the first

episode – if he has a scar, it's currently happening; if he doesn't, it's a flashback.

In the beginning of season two, Hannah reappears to Clay, not in a flashback, but in current


So you talk now?


There are only two possible explanations for this.

A, Hannah is a ghost, in which case I have some rather strong opinions which I've discussed


You don't get to come back and watch your epic revenge fantasy unfold.

But since Executive Producer, Selena Gomez, described the show as "so real" we can

assume that's not the case.

Which leaves us with option B, Clay has schizophrenia.

It's somewhat eluded to during season one that Clay had a mental health issue that required

medication and therapy in the past, but we're never given any context, maybe they're leaving

that for season three.

Yes, there's going to be a season three.

Schizophrenia usually doesn't present itself until your early- to mid-twenties, so it's

a little odd that he's showing symptoms already.

There are two main symptoms of schizophrenia.

Delusions are a false belief about reality – everything from that person is a secret

robot replacement, to the government is run by reptilian shapeshifters, to all of this

is just a computer simulation.

This is just a symptom of schizophrenia, if you happen to believe any of these, that doesn't

mean you have schizophrenia – but you might.

Clay doesn't appear to have any delusions, but he is experiencing hallucinations, seeing

or hearing something that isn't actually there.

Hallucinations come in many different forms and literally affect every sense.

A good example of a tactile hallucination is when you feel your phone vibrate in your

pocket but when you look- I'm actually convinced that it does vibrate because sometimes when

I look at my phone I'll see the notification disapp- anyway.

Most hallucinations that we're concerned with are either auditory, so you're hearing

voices, or visual, you're seeing things.

Clay is experiencing both, an audiovisual hallucination of a girl who isn't really

there, which is rare, but not impossible.

The problem with this depiction is how he responds to and interacts with the hallucination.

Firstly, hallucinations are usually quick or fleeting – they appear for a moment and

then hide behind a tree or corner when you try to get a better look at them, and when

you go to investigate, they're gone.

Secondly, they're usually scary.

Nobody is hallucinating that they're on a date with a supermodel or Magic Mike.

It's usually somebody's trying to murder you or watching you.

This is what causes idiots who are high on salvia to run into traffic or jump out of

the window of their second story apartment.

Because thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, you don't know that you are hallucinating.

You might realize it afterwards and have a laugh while putting the video up on youtube,

you might even know that you're going to hallucinate, which is why you set up the camera

in the first place.

But in the moment, it is real.

Your brain is telling you that what you're seeing or hearing is actually happening.

So Clay realizing that she isn't real and still having full conversations with her is

an inaccurate depiction of a hallucination.

Earlier in the first episode, she appears in the background or he mistakes people for

her, but she always disappears in a flash because hallucinations are fleeting.

It even gets in the way of his relationship with Skye.

What the f- At first I wanted to applaud the show for

its depiction of teenage sex… ugh it sounds creepy when I say that.

The typical Hollywood trope is that all it takes for a teenage boy is a strong breeze.

Open the window and breeze rolls in and I- But in reality, the opposite is just as common

and they go out of their way to show that.

I like the way you look, I like you.


Because your body is kinda saying the opposite.

This is Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction, meaning it's psychological in origin rather

than biological.

These kids are way too young to be having biological problems in that regard.

They're way too nervous, their mind is elsewhere, they're hallucinating.

It really does happen to a lot of guys, your girlfriend isn't lying to you.

But then they throw it all out the window and have the creepy incel ruin his pants in

a movie theater.

What's wrong?


Skye is Clay's girlfriend in season two, at least when he's not obsessing over Hannah,

and she's your typical goth gf.

Skye has Bipolar Disorder.

A person without this disorder goes through normal ups and downs, but it's much more

pronounced in a person who is bipolar.

They go from a deep depression to mania.

Most people understand what depression is, we've all likely experienced it at some


But mania is a little more difficult to wrap your head around.

People going through a manic state feel invincible, not physically, obviously, but they feel great

and like nothing could ever ruin this.

So they engage in risky behavior, like gambling, drug use, and sex.

Now, I'm not a clinical psychologist, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night,

so I was able to diagnose her with bipolar disorder during this scene…

We hang out.

What does that mean?

I never know… is that slang for sex?


I just hope you're being careful.

Oh c'mon, no adult in that room would not know what just happened there.

It's later confirmed to the audience that she has that disorder while she's at an

in-patient mental health resort.

Look are they sure it's bipolar?

I mean it feels like kind of a blurry line between someone being manic and someone being

in a really good mood.

But I would also argue that she has Borderline Personality Disorder, which is often co-morbid

with Bipolar, meaning that they occur at the same time.

Having Borderline Personality Disorder means that those ups and downs are much more unstable

and sudden.

Skye goes from a manic episode to an incredibly depressed episode in a matter of minutes and

then goes home to self-harm.

Along with Minecraft, Skye also does Non-Suicidal Self-Injury, or NSSI.

More commonly known as cutting.

Then what's that?

It's what you do instead of killing yourself.

There are three main reasons why people self-harm and in order to discuss them, we need to talk

about conditioning.

I hope you paid attention during your Intro Psych class.

If you want to get someone to do something there are two ways to go about it, with a

reward or punishment.

Though in psychology, we call it reinforcement and punishment.

And then there are two types of each of these, positive and negative.

Positive and negative don't mean good or bad in this context, it means you are getting

something or taking something away.

So a positive reinforcement is something we all understand, you're getting something

good as a reward.

Positive punishment is also something we all understand, though the name sounds a bit contradictory.

You are getting a punishment.

A negative reinforcement is when something bad is taken away, maybe a siren turns off

when you stand in a certain place or a headache goes away after you take medication.

The behavior is reinforced by stopping a bad thing from happening.

A negative punishment on the other hand is when you take away something good.

Like being grounded or banned from a video game.

So now that we have that covered, why do people self-harm?

Positive reinforcement is unfortunately a big contributor.

Someone who is feeling neglected will self-harm and are suddenly showered with care and attention.

It's an attention-seeking behavior in the same vein as Munchausen Syndrome.

The person obviously needs medical attention and mental health care, but that's also

why they did it in the first place, so it's kind of a Catch-22.

Positive punishment is somewhat more rare.

Someone will physically punish themselves for some moral failing or wrongdoing.

This is common in people who suffered abuse as a child and no longer have a parental figure

to dole out punishment, so… they do it themselves.

Skye, as far as I can tell, doesn't fall into this category.

But negative reinforcement does seem to fit the bill.

She's taking away the emotional pain she's feeling and replacing it with physical pain.

As soon as she feels a depressive state coming on, she goes home and cuts herself to stop


She doesn't want to die, people who cut don't do it with suicidal intent.

It's the just pain that they're after, thus the name.

Unfortunately, well over half of people who self-harm eventually attempt suicide.

So if they tell you it's nothing to worry about, it's not nothing.

Hannah commits suicide before the first episode, she didn't self-harm or show symptoms of

any mental health issues before that.

But two of the thirteen causes that she lists involve sexual assault; one of them happens

to her and the other to a friend while she is hiding in a closet.

Now, I've heard criticisms of Hannah's response to these assaults and, especially

in the case of her friend, felt it myself.

Why didn't she do anything?

Whether it was trying to stop it, or screaming, or calling the cops, she could have done something,


To respond to that criticism, we need to talk about your fight or flight response.

Your nervous system has multiple parts and subdivisions – it's not just your brain.

Your brain is the Central Nervous System or CNS, but you also have a Peripheral Nervous

System, which branches off from your spinal cord and is never abbreviated.

And it can make decisions and perform actions independently from your brain.

It's not like a separate person or anything, it's very basic decisions.

Have you ever touched a hot stove and pulled your hand back before you even felt that it

was hot?

That's your Peripheral Nervous System.

The Peripheral Nervous System also has two parts, the Somatic, which controls movement

and sensory input, and the Autonomic, which regulates your physiological functions.

The Autonomic Nervous System is what regulates your arousal level, through, yet again, two


The Sympathetic Nervous System ramps you up for your fight or flight response, while the

Parasympathetic calms you down for rest and digest.

So what happens when you encounter something stressful, like a lion or your friend being


The amygdala is activated, followed by the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal glands,

releasing epinephrine, also known as adrenaline – which along with raising your heart rate

and affecting your senses, also slows down your perception of time so you can react more

quickly and decide whether to run away or stand your ground.

But that doesn't happen with Hannah does it?

Because fight or flight is an incomplete understanding of the available options.

It's actually fight, flight, or freeze.

Which is the most common response in modern humans.

It's the deer in headlights.

You don't know what to do, so instead of making a decision, you do nothing.

Do Something!

Hannah doesn't know if running away will cause more harm or if screaming and fighting

back will cause more harm.

So she freezes – whether she's the victim or a witness.

So at least her response is consistent across both situations.

Now let's talk about the suicide.

Is it possible we can be done with all this?

I mean it's been over a week, isn't healthy to like move on?

The school is right to be concerned.

Knowing someone who commits suicide increases the likelihood of friends and family to commit

suicide by 65% or more.

It's called Suicide Contagion and it can happen in a local cluster or even nationally

when it's someone like a celebrity.

So the school is reacting appropriately to try and get out ahead of any copycat suicides.

Which is exactly what happens anyway.

Alex attempts to kill himself by shooting himself in the head, which doesn't work.

When, in reality, it works 97-99% of the time.

This is in contrast to Hannah, who kills herself by cutting her-

Whoa whoa, I'm not showing that scene are you crazy?!

I also disagree with the show showing that, it was pure shock value and nothing more.

Anyway, in reality, cutting your wrists only works 1.2-6% of the time.

So it's flipped for some reason.

Not to mention the show and various other media depictions make it look like it only

takes a few seconds or minutes.

When in reality it takes 4-6 hours, if it works at all.

Your body is incredibly resilient to injuries like that, remember that scene from Saving

Private Ryan?

Whereas gunshots to the head in the show and elsewhere, sometimes don't work.

I have my own tin foil hat theories on why the show flips the success rate, but I'll

let you discuss that down below.

You have a cane and a scar.


Where is the scar?

I get that they might not have wanted him to have some disfiguring scar that they'd

have to apply before filming every day, but they had no problem with doing that for Clay

in the first season.

Later, they try to say that the scars are under his hair, which he grew out, which is

supposed to be the narrative device this season to differentiate between flashbacks.

So let's try and figure this out together.

He isn't Phineas Gage, he didn't shoot up and through, that would be horribly disfiguring

and we would see that.

In fact, there doesn't seem to be any frontal lobe damage at all.

He also didn't hit his occipital lobe in the back of the brain, since his vision seems

to be intact.

The temporal lobes are the next candidate, but this would also damage his hearing and

speech, which doesn't seem to be the case.

Which leaves us with the parietal lobe, which controls sensory and motor function, and given

his limp and later erectile issues, makes the most sense.

But he also has another plot-convenient symptom.

The bullet went up and in and out of my skull and into the wall, that's what they told


You don't remember?

No, I don't remember anything of like a month before that.

Okay forgetting that up and in an out doesn't entirely make sense-

That's not how amnesia works.

That's not how any of this works.

There are several different types of memory and therefore several different types of amnesia.

There's Implicit Memory, which is unconscious and pertains to things like language and skills,

and then there's Explicit Memory, which is conscious and contains two parts.

Because everything so far contains two parts.

Firstly, there's Semantic Memory, which is facts, definitions, and dates and stuff.

And secondly, Episodic Memory, which is events and experiences.

They don't always have to be autobiographical, if you watch a movie or hear a story from

a friend, that's logged as an Episodic Memory.

Whether it happened to you or not.

It would seem based on his recollection, that he's lost his Autobiographical Episodic


If you lose your memory for the past, that's Retrograde Amnesia – everything from before

the damage or disease.

You can also lose the ability to form new memories, or Anterograde Amnesia, which is

what happened to Drew Barrymore in a movie that shall not be named, usually caused by

damage or disease to the subcortical structures, most notably the hippocampus.

It's usually all or nothing when it comes to memory loss from physical damage to the


You can psychologically repress a memory for a traumatic event, so I can understand not

remembering the actual shooting itself.

But not remembering only a plot-specific month before the attempt is basically impossible.

With amnesia, he'd probably forget a ton of other things too, like people's names,

his school schedule, or his facebook password.

I need to remember.

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The show gets a few things correct, but it also gets a lot of things wrong.

In order to depict some of these disorders, they have to crank it up to 11.

Showing a more accurate mild bipolar disorder wouldn't really come across the screen that


But in these exaggerations, they lose a lot of the nuance of human behavior, which can

lead people to dismiss actual mental health issues as not that bad.

If 13 Reasons Why is the standard you are holding people up to when thinking of disorders,

then very few people have disorders that need addressing.

Not everybody with schizophrenia hallucinates dead people.

The creators wanted to start a conversation, and now we can have that conversation, because

now, you know better.

Wow, look at all these new patrons!

Including my newest legendary patron, another Eric!

I can barely fit them anymore.

If you'd also like to climb into this clown car that is the end card, head on over to

What did you think of the show?

Let me know down below and don't forget to… uhhh…

I… uhhh… hmm.

It'll come to me, just gimme a…

For more infomation >> Misrepresenting Mental Health | 13 Reasons Why - Duration: 18:37.


Donald Trump threatens shutdown over wall funding before midterms - Duration: 2:32.

President Trump threatened Sunday to shut down the federal government unless Democrats in Congress support his immigration initiatives, including funding for a wall on the border with Mexico

Trump also lashed out at the immigration policy that allows up to 50,000 immigrants to receive visas each year and the practice of arresting migrants for crossing the border illegally and freeing them until their case are adjudicated

I would be willing to 'shut down' government if the Democrats do not give us the votes for Border Security, which includes the Wall!" Trump tweeted

"Must get rid of Lottery, Catch & Release etc. and finally go to system of Immigration based on MERIT! We need great people coming into our Country!"

The president's tweet comes days after he met with Republican leaders in Congress to discuss a plan that would avoid a shutdown in the fall

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc

, presented Trump with a plan that would fund the government and delay the debate over immigration until after the midterm elections in November

Trump wants $5 billion in funding for the border wall this year, but he had signaled to leaders that he might be willing to wait until after the midterms, given that Senate Democrats are unlikely to agree to that amount

His latest tweet throws those discussions into question.The government has already twice gone unfunded this year

In January, when lawmakers were at another spending-and-immigration impasse, largely over the fates of undocumented immigrants facing deportation

The shutdown lasted for less than three days.Just a few weeks later, in February, the government went unfunded for five-and-a-half hours after Sen

For more infomation >> Donald Trump threatens shutdown over wall funding before midterms - Duration: 2:32.


7/19/18 2:14 PM (I-35, Ardmore, OK 73401, USA) - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> 7/19/18 2:14 PM (I-35, Ardmore, OK 73401, USA) - Duration: 3:00.


7/19/18 2:01 PM (I-35, Davis, OK 73030, USA) - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> 7/19/18 2:01 PM (I-35, Davis, OK 73030, USA) - Duration: 3:05.


7/19/18 2:04 PM (I-35, Davis, OK 73030, USA) - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> 7/19/18 2:04 PM (I-35, Davis, OK 73030, USA) - Duration: 3:11.


Roghi, Matteo Salvini: "Chi avvelena e brucia rifiuti sarà accusato di omicidio" - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Roghi, Matteo Salvini: "Chi avvelena e brucia rifiuti sarà accusato di omicidio" - Duration: 3:13.


Preparare il latte di mandorle e di cocco in casa - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> Preparare il latte di mandorle e di cocco in casa - Duration: 7:16.


General Augusto Heleno critica Lula e alerta para apreensão nas Forças Armadas - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> General Augusto Heleno critica Lula e alerta para apreensão nas Forças Armadas - Duration: 4:32.


Sindrome da contaminazione batterica del tenue: sintomi e alimentazione - Duration: 8:05.

For more infomation >> Sindrome da contaminazione batterica del tenue: sintomi e alimentazione - Duration: 8:05.


Uomini e Donne, Francesco Monte: la Henger svela com'è finita la denuncia | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Francesco Monte: la Henger svela com'è finita la denuncia | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.


7 HÁBITOS MATINAIS DE PESSOAS BEM-SUCEDIDAS | SejaUmaPessoaMelhor - Duration: 6:50.

For more infomation >> 7 HÁBITOS MATINAIS DE PESSOAS BEM-SUCEDIDAS | SejaUmaPessoaMelhor - Duration: 6:50.


Uomini e Donne, Martina Luchena: un altro grave lutto dopo la morte del padre | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Martina Luchena: un altro grave lutto dopo la morte del padre | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:38.


Salvini a Theresa May: "Più dura nelle trattative con l'Ue" - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Salvini a Theresa May: "Più dura nelle trattative con l'Ue" - Duration: 2:44.


Ex corteggiatrice di Uomini e Donne fidanzata con Ezio Greggio: chi è? - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Ex corteggiatrice di Uomini e Donne fidanzata con Ezio Greggio: chi è? - Duration: 3:22.


Live PD: Who's Your Boyfriend (Season 2) | A&E - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> Live PD: Who's Your Boyfriend (Season 2) | A&E - Duration: 4:09.


A Barca - Tu Te Abeiraste Da Praia (Música Católica) - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> A Barca - Tu Te Abeiraste Da Praia (Música Católica) - Duration: 2:32.


Tina Cipollari ha un nuovo amore: "L'ho incontrato per caso… " Questa è la verità? - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Tina Cipollari ha un nuovo amore: "L'ho incontrato per caso… " Questa è la verità? - Duration: 3:28.


Ida e Riccardo di Temptation Island: progetti e retroscena della coppia - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Ida e Riccardo di Temptation Island: progetti e retroscena della coppia - Duration: 3:31.


How to Meet Men: 7 Tips to Meeting Men (In Real Life) - Duration: 6:39.

For more infomation >> How to Meet Men: 7 Tips to Meeting Men (In Real Life) - Duration: 6:39.


Temptation Island, la Sebastiani ha tradito il ragazzo con Andrea | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Temptation Island, la Sebastiani ha tradito il ragazzo con Andrea | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:46.



When they actually admit that they think I'm weird I'm like thank you so much who wants to be normal so boring. Hey guys

Welcome back. Thanks so much for stopping by. Sorry

If you can hear the air-conditioning in the background, it should shut off any minute

But it is like hot and sticky and humid and weird today and I just need a little air for a second

Um today is the third installment of my eighth Beauty paradise collection eyeshadow palette review see it's off

Today, I am reviewing the classical paradise palette

Which is the one that I think a lot of you guys have been most excited to see it's the beautiful fall inspired colors

So if you want to see this review and see if it lives up to the other two our shadow palettes keep on watching

If you haven't already done

So don't forget to hit the subscribe button if you like my eyeshadow palette reviews

Check out the first in second parts of this series the first part contains a giveaway

So don't forget to enter that

Hit the like button if you like my videos and definitely comment below letting me know if you're picking up anything from this collection

We're gonna see if this one lives up to the other two

I'm dying to figure that out because as we know brands can have a lot of inconsistency between palettes

So we'll see if the formula is as good as the other two

So I do actually have a look in mind for once for today's

situation but it is going to be a very challenging look so pray for me because

I'm not that count. No, I'm just kidding. I'm just

Intricate work is a little bit challenging for me. So I'm gonna put myself to the test today

I want to create something cool and all the while we're gonna be testing out these shadows

Alright, so I'm gonna start off with I don't have my color switch today. Oh

Well, and I'm gonna go straight into maze

Which is a basically a dandelion yellow

and we're just going to

Put that into the crease in a rounded shape. I

Have primed my eyelid with the Mac Paint Pot in painterly. That is my favorite way to prime eyelid

I prefer it to


Liquid concealer because liquid concealers crease on my eyelid and the night

it's just like an extra step to have to blend out the crease and then

You know apply the eyeshadow

So I love the painterly paint-pot because it does not crease and it helps my eyeshadows go on

Super smoothly and pigmented. So this is definitely larger fluffier brush. So I wouldn't expect the pigmentation to be too insane

This is the m57 3 by Murphy so I have had to go in with a few passes of this shade

To really build up to the pigmentation. I want however, it is blending really really well

I don't have any concerns as of now

It's just one of those shades that when you are using a fluffy brush

You might have to spend a little of extra time to build up the pigmentation which the other pallets

Really the pigmentation was there like right off the bat you really didn't have to work at it this one

I'm definitely having to go and tap in a few times but yellow from my experience, really

Do you have to be freaking weed-whacking right now?

Yellow from my experience is a very

Very hard shade to master. I've tried Kylie cosmetics

I tried Jeffrey star. I've tried huda beauty. I've tried a

Lot of yellow eyeshadows and it is very very rare

For me to find a yellow eyeshadow, that's super super pigmented

In fact the most pigmented yellow I have come across

Was the bright yellow from the previous palette from the slice of paradise palette from this company

They've by far had the most pigmented yellow that I've come across to date. So now that I look like I have

An eye infection of sorts. It's actually an insanely pretty color and I'm kind of living for it with these fake freckles

But I'm just really really just kind of blending it out. I just really have to wash it

Are you guys like me comment down below? Do you really procrastinate washing your brushes? Because I am the frickin worst

Just full disclosure

Alright, so let's go in with golden apple

This is a very very fall palette and this is a green shade and we're just going to apply that a bit

Closer to the crease over top the yellow shade

Again I'm not getting I'm not getting the payoff that I've gotten in the past two

If I'm being completely honest

Like the last two I was just so

Unbelievably floored like I was literally floored by the pigmentation and this one is just kind of more standard like it's good

the pigmentation is fine, and it's blending really nicely but

I'm not getting that

Intensity that I got the previous two pallets if that makes sense. So I'm just kind of again

I'm having to dip in like multiple times

To really build up the color now, I really look like I have conjunctivitis of the eyelid, but that's fine

We're gonna go with it. All right, so now it's time to do some hacking


Don't mind the pink situation on the other side of this brush. I'm going to take earth

Okay, so again, we have more it's actually a little bit more balanced in this palette than the other palettes

We have one two, three, four, five six seven

Um mattes and one two, three, four five

shimmers, so it's a little bit actually more balanced than the other palettes in terms of the

Okay, there's that packing pigment for you

That is a


intense pigmentation I

Might have to go hit off the AC keep your blending brush on hand

Let's see how it blends cuz a color this pigmented oftentimes has really like a lot of trouble blending

Oh, it actually blends really nicely. Okay good

Don't worry about it being super perfected in the middle there because we're gonna carve that out

Okay, I'm really that that shade is awesome if you want a matte Brown

Like a dark cool tone. I think that's in that Brown

No, it actually could be like a purple. My eyes are not functioning very well apparently

I'm really liking how all these colors are blending and looking together. We are serving fall

realness right now

Just as the Sun is peeking out

okay, so

now is the tricky part I'm going to attempt he word attempt to carve out like a

circle like a half circle in the middle of my lid with concealer and I am

More than a little concerned because if I ask this part up

It's probably gonna f up the entire look but I really want to try something different today

I don't want to do just like a standard. Halo eye. I want to do something a little different

So I'm an attempt to do that. But there's no point. You see next there's nothing do the eye shadow

So I'm gonna try and do that off camera right now and when I come back, let's just hope that it looks okay

This is what we have. It's not perfect, but we're gonna try and work with it

Um makeup is not about perfection people, okay

If anybody tells you that


forget them because makeup is a form of art and

Art is not perfect. So

Someone hates on your art then they clearly just don't get your perspective

All right, so I'm gonna take a real techniques brush and we are going to dip into

How about sunflower? Yes

Who would not a lot of kick up in the pan something. I've noticed as a trend with these shadows is the kick up

Again, I've told you guys this a million times doesn't bother me because look at that. I

Mean, how can you complain about kick up when you have that situation happening when you have a dry?

Brush and

It's it's packing that kind of pigment like, how can you even

How can you pick out anything negative about that that's incredible



Just was reminded of a dream. I had oh my god. It was so scary

I had a dream that I was staying in a hotel room. That was like I'm like a

million stories up in this really really tall tall building and

One way to get down was to use this ladder

And it was so high. It was above the it was like above the clouds

Like that's how high the hotel was and you could use this

Just this regular ladder to get down and I was freaking terrified

That's kind of unique and cool, right?

Can we call it unique? Even if it looks like shit? Can we just go with like

This is my artistic expression

but that color jokes aside is

Unreal that's probably my favorite color of all three palettes so far

Because it's just super super unique. Now the question is, how are we gonna fix?

because like there's no I

Was actually thinking of doing like another smaller little half circle

Just probably kind of hard for you to see but I like a little situation going in there

Why don't we try a little bit of barley?

No ACM and I've turned you off. Ooh, that doesn't look good. Maybe I need to let that dry. Not really

when I envision oh

Boy so, we're just gonna go with it we're gonna like

Tap it out and make it like a little

Rainbow we will use this color again as an inner corner highlight

shade as well as under the brow because they don't feel like this is I

Don't feel like that was very representative of how the shadow is gonna work. Now. How do we make this look better?

How do we do that guys? I'm gonna go back in. Maybe I'll do a little bit of soil

let's see just take that Mac brush again and just tapping the tip into soil and I'm just gonna

Go around the edges and kind of like soften that actually that worked I feel like that made it look a little cleaner

I'm debating now

whether I blend out the sides because the precise thing is

So freakin hard to achieve but those colors it's a blending like dream situation happening that I mean

That actually makes me look like I'm really good at makeup probably better than I am because those clips are so easy to work with

All right

So for the lower lash line, I feel like we have to do that orange now

Like I feel like we have to tap into the orange

Vegetation it's like a carrot

They should just call it carrot

Oh man, you put the pallet right in prettier friggin eye

Pigmentation on fleek, is that so cool - Sam fleek. I don't think so. But pigmentation is a

Hundred percent agree on that shade. Okay. So, you know we're going to do next we need to use more shimmer

so I'm going to find a

Pencil brush and this mess

No, I lied. I'm gonna go back in with this little

This little guy here and now should we go in with mineral or harvest?

I think I think harvest we're going to tap into harvest

And we're gonna just like

Progressively put that all under the eye

Pigmentation is excellent. I wasn't sure how that was going to apply with this brush in this particular way, but

No surprise she is performing like a champ, I'll be honest guys. I think I'm gonna blend out the edges of my

like faux

Whatever this is it reminds me of like I don't know what it reminds me of but I feel like I should blend it out

because I feel like I'm gonna get a lot of hate on this look if I leave it they're gonna be like

What time is that?

Why didn't you blend?

Maybe I'll just take a little bit of clay

We'll just call it a spotlight crease

Instead of a weird barn silo

Glowing barn silo

That's better, right? Yeah. Yeah, I gotta say that's better

It's not perfect, but it's better than like the I tried to be precise and failed miserably situation that it was going on before

I'll get there one day. I'm holding out. Hope not a lost cause okay, you know I

Practice every day guys tell you can do

All right. So let me tap into barley again with my finger and just like do a little this

Just brighten that area up

Make it look like this is our plan all along


Like this actually quite a bit. All right now we're gonna take

so I did promise you guys that I was gonna go in again with


So I'm gonna put it on this other really dirty brush

and we're gonna pop it under the

Brow yeah pigmentation is definitely there. I feel like that first time was just a weird. I

Don't I was trying to lay our too much or something, but that's really nice shade. Really really nice shade. All right

Now we're gonna take hey if I can where's my pencil brush? Where did you put it?

Where did you put my pencil brush? Okay

I'm so weird

Even my students sometimes like I I know they want to tell me I'm weird

And I'm when they actually admit that they think I'm weird. I'm like, thank you so much who wants to be normal?

So boring. All right, so I'm gonna use hey



Yes, girl. Oh

yeah, I haven't slowed down at all with the queer a

queer eye or

Jeffree star lingo or James Charles. It's only increased

I have to tell you guys I had the slowest morning like I slept in way too late

I was supposed to get up and do pure bara 8:00 a.m. This morning

but I didn't I

Turned off my alarm and proceeded to sleep to until 10 o'clock, which is late. I'm like almost 30 years old. Stop sleeping till 10

We turn off the a/c

I'd rather sit here and drip sweat than listen to that friggin ambience out in the background when I'm editing. It's so annoying

But anyways, I got up I already felt useless because I slept until 10 o'clock. I didn't work out

so I proceeded to watch YouTube and listen to my book on tape for

two and a half hours

yeah, about two and a half hours and I finally got my ass in gear and sat down and filmed this look and now I'm

like in a really good mood because this always takes me out of my funk sitting down and filming always always takes me out of

My funk no matter how like depressed or low or useless

I'm feeling if I sit down and do this even though I'm not anything special and I'm not anything like great or

Revolutionary like just doing this. There's something about it. That's so fair puted for me

It's just it's being creative. It's playing with makeup. That's whether it's good or bad. It's just still so much fun

Like it really just makes me feel better, I don't know and like I honestly you guys like I debate so often

Let's get real for a second. Let me zoom out. So you're not

um, it's all bright all of a sudden I

Get a little discouraged from time to time as you guys know from some my other videos like I put so much

Time effort and money. Why am I still so bright?

Into this channel like everything I review for you guys I buy with my own money

I'm not one single PR list because I'm not big on Instagram

I don't get any PR because that's how brands find

Makeup artists to send to put on their perilous. It's pretty much all through Instagram, and I'm


Not very act. I am active on Instagram

But like I don't have a lot of followers

So I'm not on any perilous and it can get really challenging to just kind of

Spend so much money and not really be getting a ton in return. But I'm so unbelievably grateful for the

audience that I have like my true core subscribers the people that comment on all my videos the people that

You guys like honestly, keep me going and I feel like when I do videos I'm doing it for you

And I'm doing it to gain new subscribers, of course, but really in my head

I I just tried to think about doing it for you guys that I know truly truly support me no matter what

I look crazy right now Here. I am having a deep conversation and I have no eyelashes. Um

but anyways, yeah, I don't know it can just get kind of hard sometimes because

Just the monetary aspect of it

It's like you just see so much money pouring in to buy these gorgeous makeup products

Which I love but when you're not getting a ton in return, it can be a little challenging not gonna lie

Alright that rant is over. Let's never had I think that's gonna be about it for the look. I'm obsessed

um that palette again was another


Earth shatter like you guys know, I don't say that very often about that many products, but

This these pallets are the quality is unmatched

It is unmatched

I'm being so done honest like you can see for yourself

Those two colors at the beginning were a little bit less like intensely pigmented right off the bat

but I was using a fluffy brush and they served the exact purpose that I wanted them to which was to set a

Backdrop for the main event which was like this

Barn, silo situation. Um

So yeah. Anyways, let me just stop blabbing for a hot second. I'm gonna throw in some lashes and then I'll give you guys my

Okay guys so that completes the look no surprise here this is yet another

absolute winner in this collection

I was a little bit like

Worried at first when those first two shadows weren't just packed with pigment like the other palette

But as I built them up and they just blended beautifully

All my concerns were pretty much eliminated in every single other color. I used to just once again blew me out of the park

I mean, I don't even know what to say. This is the best release I

I mean this quite possibly could be the best release I have ever reviewed on my channel to date which is crazy

but true

So that's pretty much it you guys that's the last palette I'm gonna be reviewing about three out of three

I'm not concerned at all about the paradise fall and palette that I'm giving away check out part 1 to enter the giveaway

I mean each of these

Mm-hmm, excuse me

Each of these palettes just have blown me out of the water with the quality and the pigmentation and the blend ability

So I am just so unbelievably pumped to be giving away such an amazing product to you guys

So yeah that completes the three-part series reviewing this product stay tuned because I am going to be doing three looks

One palette with these palettes. I have to use them

I have to like continue to use them and play with them because they're just so much fun to use

So stay tuned for that

If you're interested, if you own any of these palettes and you want to see how to do just some easy looks

Definitely check out that series on my channel as well. I've done it with a couple other palettes as as of now

So if you want to see that check it out

Other than that, of course, don't forget to press the subscribe button

If you like my videos check out my community tab for lots of poles and a more kind of intimate

Conversation with me and yeah, I'll catch you in my next video. Bye

For more infomation >> THE BEST EYESHADOW YOU NEVER KNEW EXISTED! ACE BEAUTE REVIEW Pt. 3! - Duration: 20:51.


(FREE) Drake Type Beat 2018 x Lil Baby x Yung Bans "BLOSSOM" | Yes Indeed Instrumental Wheezy Bag - Duration: 3:17.

(FREE) Drake Type Beat 2018 x Lil Baby x Yung Bans "BLOSSOM"

For more infomation >> (FREE) Drake Type Beat 2018 x Lil Baby x Yung Bans "BLOSSOM" | Yes Indeed Instrumental Wheezy Bag - Duration: 3:17.



For more infomation >> [Témoignage n°7] VACHES HUBLOTS, PARC ANIMALIER, EXPLOITATION LAITIÈRE - Duration: 4:07.


Questions with Like - Duration: 2:57.

Hello, everyone!

My name is Cris

My name is Ana and this is Great Ideas for Teachers and Students

Subtitles are available in English and Portuguese.

On today's video we are going to teach you the difference between three questions using like.

Hi, Ana, I'm so happy!

Really? Why? I got a new pet. He's a wonderful dog

Hmm and what is he like? He's sweet, calm and people friendly

Really, and what does he look like? He's not so big and he has short black fur

Hmm. And what does he like? Uh, he likes his toys

These questions can be really difficult for English learners.

So it's important to know the difference between them.

We ask "What is he or she like" to ask about somebody's personality

So we answer for example, she's shy

He's patient

Cris who's that in the car? Oh, that's my son Pedro.

Hmm. What is he like?

Oh, he's smart and very creative. He's a little quiet though

We ask "what does he look like" when we want to know about someone's appearance

So some possible answers are he's tall, She has blond hair. He has blue eyes, etc.

O, I have a daughter too.

Oh really? What does she look like?

She's tall

She has curly black hair and she has amazing hazel eyes.


We ask "what does he or she like" when we want to know about the person's preferences

So we can say he likes meat, she likes fruit. He doesn't like vegetables, for example.

Tell me more about your daughter. What does she like?

She likes Japanese food

She likes going to the movies and going out with friends Oh

Oh wonderful.

Well, we hope we have helped you understand the difference between what's she like...

What does she look like....

and what does she like. To see another video like this

click here.

And if you liked this video

Please hit the like button and subscribe to our channel

If you haven't already

Don't forget to ring the notification bell

and share this video with your friends

follow us on our social media

Bye. Bye

For more infomation >> Questions with Like - Duration: 2:57.


🤘 Move Your Fucking Brain 2018 🧠💥 El mejor festival de metal extremo de Barcelona - Duration: 5:40.

As it couldn't be otherwise, as each year we are in the Move Your Fucking Brain

of Molins de Rei (Barcelona) it is the 14th edition, foreign bands, bands

from here So, a great festival of extreme metal

and it's free

So far the summary of the Move Your Fucking Brain edition 2018

hope you liked it

and we wait for you next year

and we also take the opportunity to tell you that we say goodbye until September

because now in August we will be on vacation break

have a good summer and see you in September

nice holidays

For more infomation >> 🤘 Move Your Fucking Brain 2018 🧠💥 El mejor festival de metal extremo de Barcelona - Duration: 5:40.


Johnson more optimistic about trade resolution - Duration: 7:21.

For more infomation >> Johnson more optimistic about trade resolution - Duration: 7:21.


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Inside Texas Politics (7/29/18) - Duration: 6:40.

For more infomation >> Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Inside Texas Politics (7/29/18) - Duration: 6:40.


Kapenga opposes Kimberly-Clark deal - Duration: 7:19.

For more infomation >> Kapenga opposes Kimberly-Clark deal - Duration: 7:19.


Inside Texas Politics full episode (7/29/18) - Duration: 27:42.

For more infomation >> Inside Texas Politics full episode (7/29/18) - Duration: 27:42.


Misrepresenting Mental Health | 13 Reasons Why - Duration: 18:37.


It's Knowing Better.

Don't adjust your… whatever device you're watching this on.

It's me, live and in stereo.

No gimmicky titles, no thirteen title cards, and this time, no guests.

Get a snack, settle in, because I'm about to tell you why this show is the worst thing

to happen to mental health awareness in recent memory.

13 Reasons Why, welcome to your tape.

This video is brought to you by Dashlane.

Thirteen Reasons Why is a teen drama on Netflix that has sparked a lot of controversy since

the first season came out last year.

It covers sex, suicide, mental health, substance abuse, you name it.

Their stated goal in the trigger warning which precedes the first episode is to-

Start a conversation.

If you've been following me on Twitter, you know that I have a deep seeded hatred

for this show and the way that it glorifies mental health issues.

And specifically suicide.

The show also gets a lot wrong about high school in general, which is weird considering

what a universal experience that is.

You'd think the producers would know what high school is like.

We could spend hours discussing plot holes, like how adults don't seem to exist in this

universe at all.

Or how the cliques are incredibly well-defined, there are no jocks in band, there are no band

geeks in yearbook…

Think about your high school experience, was anybody just one thing?

We could also talk about silly nitpicks like how Jessica's dad is in the Air Force, but

nobody else's parents are – do they live 200 miles away from the nearest base or something?

How is he the only one?

Or how about the fact that Tony thinks cassette tapes are a superior medium.

You're still on the old media, huh?

So much better.

In what universe is that true?!

You can make the case that vinyl sounds better, we could have that debate, but audio cassettes?


No, we're not here to nitpick those things, I'm not a film critic.

If you are interested in sort of thing, as well as some of the more technical aspects,

I recommend this video by I Hate Everything…

I really need to figure out what's causing that.

We're here to talk about the broken psychology and inaccurate depictions of mental health

in the show.

We are going to- Start a conversation.

For those of you unfamiliar with the show, the basic premise is that Hannah Baker kills

herself and leaves behind several audio tapes with thirteen reasons explaining why she did


The set gets passed from person to person until they reach Clay, the main protagonist

and audience surrogate.

We listen to the tapes and learn things along with him and experience the various flashbacks

just as he does.

It was actually a pretty clever narrative device to have him crash his bike in the first

episode – if he has a scar, it's currently happening; if he doesn't, it's a flashback.

In the beginning of season two, Hannah reappears to Clay, not in a flashback, but in current


So you talk now?


There are only two possible explanations for this.

A, Hannah is a ghost, in which case I have some rather strong opinions which I've discussed


You don't get to come back and watch your epic revenge fantasy unfold.

But since Executive Producer, Selena Gomez, described the show as "so real" we can

assume that's not the case.

Which leaves us with option B, Clay has schizophrenia.

It's somewhat eluded to during season one that Clay had a mental health issue that required

medication and therapy in the past, but we're never given any context, maybe they're leaving

that for season three.

Yes, there's going to be a season three.

Schizophrenia usually doesn't present itself until your early- to mid-twenties, so it's

a little odd that he's showing symptoms already.

There are two main symptoms of schizophrenia.

Delusions are a false belief about reality – everything from that person is a secret

robot replacement, to the government is run by reptilian shapeshifters, to all of this

is just a computer simulation.

This is just a symptom of schizophrenia, if you happen to believe any of these, that doesn't

mean you have schizophrenia – but you might.

Clay doesn't appear to have any delusions, but he is experiencing hallucinations, seeing

or hearing something that isn't actually there.

Hallucinations come in many different forms and literally affect every sense.

A good example of a tactile hallucination is when you feel your phone vibrate in your

pocket but when you look- I'm actually convinced that it does vibrate because sometimes when

I look at my phone I'll see the notification disapp- anyway.

Most hallucinations that we're concerned with are either auditory, so you're hearing

voices, or visual, you're seeing things.

Clay is experiencing both, an audiovisual hallucination of a girl who isn't really

there, which is rare, but not impossible.

The problem with this depiction is how he responds to and interacts with the hallucination.

Firstly, hallucinations are usually quick or fleeting – they appear for a moment and

then hide behind a tree or corner when you try to get a better look at them, and when

you go to investigate, they're gone.

Secondly, they're usually scary.

Nobody is hallucinating that they're on a date with a supermodel or Magic Mike.

It's usually somebody's trying to murder you or watching you.

This is what causes idiots who are high on salvia to run into traffic or jump out of

the window of their second story apartment.

Because thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, you don't know that you are hallucinating.

You might realize it afterwards and have a laugh while putting the video up on youtube,

you might even know that you're going to hallucinate, which is why you set up the camera

in the first place.

But in the moment, it is real.

Your brain is telling you that what you're seeing or hearing is actually happening.

So Clay realizing that she isn't real and still having full conversations with her is

an inaccurate depiction of a hallucination.

Earlier in the first episode, she appears in the background or he mistakes people for

her, but she always disappears in a flash because hallucinations are fleeting.

It even gets in the way of his relationship with Skye.

What the f- At first I wanted to applaud the show for

its depiction of teenage sex… ugh it sounds creepy when I say that.

The typical Hollywood trope is that all it takes for a teenage boy is a strong breeze.

Open the window and breeze rolls in and I- But in reality, the opposite is just as common

and they go out of their way to show that.

I like the way you look, I like you.


Because your body is kinda saying the opposite.

This is Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction, meaning it's psychological in origin rather

than biological.

These kids are way too young to be having biological problems in that regard.

They're way too nervous, their mind is elsewhere, they're hallucinating.

It really does happen to a lot of guys, your girlfriend isn't lying to you.

But then they throw it all out the window and have the creepy incel ruin his pants in

a movie theater.

What's wrong?


Skye is Clay's girlfriend in season two, at least when he's not obsessing over Hannah,

and she's your typical goth gf.

Skye has Bipolar Disorder.

A person without this disorder goes through normal ups and downs, but it's much more

pronounced in a person who is bipolar.

They go from a deep depression to mania.

Most people understand what depression is, we've all likely experienced it at some


But mania is a little more difficult to wrap your head around.

People going through a manic state feel invincible, not physically, obviously, but they feel great

and like nothing could ever ruin this.

So they engage in risky behavior, like gambling, drug use, and sex.

Now, I'm not a clinical psychologist, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night,

so I was able to diagnose her with bipolar disorder during this scene…

We hang out.

What does that mean?

I never know… is that slang for sex?


I just hope you're being careful.

Oh c'mon, no adult in that room would not know what just happened there.

It's later confirmed to the audience that she has that disorder while she's at an

in-patient mental health resort.

Look are they sure it's bipolar?

I mean it feels like kind of a blurry line between someone being manic and someone being

in a really good mood.

But I would also argue that she has Borderline Personality Disorder, which is often co-morbid

with Bipolar, meaning that they occur at the same time.

Having Borderline Personality Disorder means that those ups and downs are much more unstable

and sudden.

Skye goes from a manic episode to an incredibly depressed episode in a matter of minutes and

then goes home to self-harm.

Along with Minecraft, Skye also does Non-Suicidal Self-Injury, or NSSI.

More commonly known as cutting.

Then what's that?

It's what you do instead of killing yourself.

There are three main reasons why people self-harm and in order to discuss them, we need to talk

about conditioning.

I hope you paid attention during your Intro Psych class.

If you want to get someone to do something there are two ways to go about it, with a

reward or punishment.

Though in psychology, we call it reinforcement and punishment.

And then there are two types of each of these, positive and negative.

Positive and negative don't mean good or bad in this context, it means you are getting

something or taking something away.

So a positive reinforcement is something we all understand, you're getting something

good as a reward.

Positive punishment is also something we all understand, though the name sounds a bit contradictory.

You are getting a punishment.

A negative reinforcement is when something bad is taken away, maybe a siren turns off

when you stand in a certain place or a headache goes away after you take medication.

The behavior is reinforced by stopping a bad thing from happening.

A negative punishment on the other hand is when you take away something good.

Like being grounded or banned from a video game.

So now that we have that covered, why do people self-harm?

Positive reinforcement is unfortunately a big contributor.

Someone who is feeling neglected will self-harm and are suddenly showered with care and attention.

It's an attention-seeking behavior in the same vein as Munchausen Syndrome.

The person obviously needs medical attention and mental health care, but that's also

why they did it in the first place, so it's kind of a Catch-22.

Positive punishment is somewhat more rare.

Someone will physically punish themselves for some moral failing or wrongdoing.

This is common in people who suffered abuse as a child and no longer have a parental figure

to dole out punishment, so… they do it themselves.

Skye, as far as I can tell, doesn't fall into this category.

But negative reinforcement does seem to fit the bill.

She's taking away the emotional pain she's feeling and replacing it with physical pain.

As soon as she feels a depressive state coming on, she goes home and cuts herself to stop


She doesn't want to die, people who cut don't do it with suicidal intent.

It's the just pain that they're after, thus the name.

Unfortunately, well over half of people who self-harm eventually attempt suicide.

So if they tell you it's nothing to worry about, it's not nothing.

Hannah commits suicide before the first episode, she didn't self-harm or show symptoms of

any mental health issues before that.

But two of the thirteen causes that she lists involve sexual assault; one of them happens

to her and the other to a friend while she is hiding in a closet.

Now, I've heard criticisms of Hannah's response to these assaults and, especially

in the case of her friend, felt it myself.

Why didn't she do anything?

Whether it was trying to stop it, or screaming, or calling the cops, she could have done something,


To respond to that criticism, we need to talk about your fight or flight response.

Your nervous system has multiple parts and subdivisions – it's not just your brain.

Your brain is the Central Nervous System or CNS, but you also have a Peripheral Nervous

System, which branches off from your spinal cord and is never abbreviated.

And it can make decisions and perform actions independently from your brain.

It's not like a separate person or anything, it's very basic decisions.

Have you ever touched a hot stove and pulled your hand back before you even felt that it

was hot?

That's your Peripheral Nervous System.

The Peripheral Nervous System also has two parts, the Somatic, which controls movement

and sensory input, and the Autonomic, which regulates your physiological functions.

The Autonomic Nervous System is what regulates your arousal level, through, yet again, two


The Sympathetic Nervous System ramps you up for your fight or flight response, while the

Parasympathetic calms you down for rest and digest.

So what happens when you encounter something stressful, like a lion or your friend being


The amygdala is activated, followed by the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal glands,

releasing epinephrine, also known as adrenaline – which along with raising your heart rate

and affecting your senses, also slows down your perception of time so you can react more

quickly and decide whether to run away or stand your ground.

But that doesn't happen with Hannah does it?

Because fight or flight is an incomplete understanding of the available options.

It's actually fight, flight, or freeze.

Which is the most common response in modern humans.

It's the deer in headlights.

You don't know what to do, so instead of making a decision, you do nothing.

Do Something!

Hannah doesn't know if running away will cause more harm or if screaming and fighting

back will cause more harm.

So she freezes – whether she's the victim or a witness.

So at least her response is consistent across both situations.

Now let's talk about the suicide.

Is it possible we can be done with all this?

I mean it's been over a week, isn't healthy to like move on?

The school is right to be concerned.

Knowing someone who commits suicide increases the likelihood of friends and family to commit

suicide by 65% or more.

It's called Suicide Contagion and it can happen in a local cluster or even nationally

when it's someone like a celebrity.

So the school is reacting appropriately to try and get out ahead of any copycat suicides.

Which is exactly what happens anyway.

Alex attempts to kill himself by shooting himself in the head, which doesn't work.

When, in reality, it works 97-99% of the time.

This is in contrast to Hannah, who kills herself by cutting her-

Whoa whoa, I'm not showing that scene are you crazy?!

I also disagree with the show showing that, it was pure shock value and nothing more.

Anyway, in reality, cutting your wrists only works 1.2-6% of the time.

So it's flipped for some reason.

Not to mention the show and various other media depictions make it look like it only

takes a few seconds or minutes.

When in reality it takes 4-6 hours, if it works at all.

Your body is incredibly resilient to injuries like that, remember that scene from Saving

Private Ryan?

Whereas gunshots to the head in the show and elsewhere, sometimes don't work.

I have my own tin foil hat theories on why the show flips the success rate, but I'll

let you discuss that down below.

You have a cane and a scar.


Where is the scar?

I get that they might not have wanted him to have some disfiguring scar that they'd

have to apply before filming every day, but they had no problem with doing that for Clay

in the first season.

Later, they try to say that the scars are under his hair, which he grew out, which is

supposed to be the narrative device this season to differentiate between flashbacks.

So let's try and figure this out together.

He isn't Phineas Gage, he didn't shoot up and through, that would be horribly disfiguring

and we would see that.

In fact, there doesn't seem to be any frontal lobe damage at all.

He also didn't hit his occipital lobe in the back of the brain, since his vision seems

to be intact.

The temporal lobes are the next candidate, but this would also damage his hearing and

speech, which doesn't seem to be the case.

Which leaves us with the parietal lobe, which controls sensory and motor function, and given

his limp and later erectile issues, makes the most sense.

But he also has another plot-convenient symptom.

The bullet went up and in and out of my skull and into the wall, that's what they told


You don't remember?

No, I don't remember anything of like a month before that.

Okay forgetting that up and in an out doesn't entirely make sense-

That's not how amnesia works.

That's not how any of this works.

There are several different types of memory and therefore several different types of amnesia.

There's Implicit Memory, which is unconscious and pertains to things like language and skills,

and then there's Explicit Memory, which is conscious and contains two parts.

Because everything so far contains two parts.

Firstly, there's Semantic Memory, which is facts, definitions, and dates and stuff.

And secondly, Episodic Memory, which is events and experiences.

They don't always have to be autobiographical, if you watch a movie or hear a story from

a friend, that's logged as an Episodic Memory.

Whether it happened to you or not.

It would seem based on his recollection, that he's lost his Autobiographical Episodic


If you lose your memory for the past, that's Retrograde Amnesia – everything from before

the damage or disease.

You can also lose the ability to form new memories, or Anterograde Amnesia, which is

what happened to Drew Barrymore in a movie that shall not be named, usually caused by

damage or disease to the subcortical structures, most notably the hippocampus.

It's usually all or nothing when it comes to memory loss from physical damage to the


You can psychologically repress a memory for a traumatic event, so I can understand not

remembering the actual shooting itself.

But not remembering only a plot-specific month before the attempt is basically impossible.

With amnesia, he'd probably forget a ton of other things too, like people's names,

his school schedule, or his facebook password.

I need to remember.

Unless he had Dashlane…

Dashlane not only stores and secures your passwords, but it generates a unique password

for every website and account you use, including social media, stores, and banks.

You don't need to remember anything, Dashlane auto-fills the login and password fields for


And just in case you suffer Global Amnesia, it remembers and auto-fills your birthday,

phone number, and address too.

If you thought I was going to show you that information, you should know better.

You can get started for free by heading over to and save yourself

hours of time changing and remembering your passwords.

Likewise, you can save 10% on a premium membership, which saves an unlimited number of passwords

on more devices than you currently own, by using the code "knowingbetter" within

35 days of signing up.

You'll also be supporting the channel when you do.

The show gets a few things correct, but it also gets a lot of things wrong.

In order to depict some of these disorders, they have to crank it up to 11.

Showing a more accurate mild bipolar disorder wouldn't really come across the screen that


But in these exaggerations, they lose a lot of the nuance of human behavior, which can

lead people to dismiss actual mental health issues as not that bad.

If 13 Reasons Why is the standard you are holding people up to when thinking of disorders,

then very few people have disorders that need addressing.

Not everybody with schizophrenia hallucinates dead people.

The creators wanted to start a conversation, and now we can have that conversation, because

now, you know better.

Wow, look at all these new patrons!

Including my newest legendary patron, another Eric!

I can barely fit them anymore.

If you'd also like to climb into this clown car that is the end card, head on over to

What did you think of the show?

Let me know down below and don't forget to… uhhh…

I… uhhh… hmm.

It'll come to me, just gimme a…

For more infomation >> Misrepresenting Mental Health | 13 Reasons Why - Duration: 18:37.


Donald Trump threatens shutdown over wall funding before midterms - Duration: 2:32.

President Trump threatened Sunday to shut down the federal government unless Democrats in Congress support his immigration initiatives, including funding for a wall on the border with Mexico

Trump also lashed out at the immigration policy that allows up to 50,000 immigrants to receive visas each year and the practice of arresting migrants for crossing the border illegally and freeing them until their case are adjudicated

I would be willing to 'shut down' government if the Democrats do not give us the votes for Border Security, which includes the Wall!" Trump tweeted

"Must get rid of Lottery, Catch & Release etc. and finally go to system of Immigration based on MERIT! We need great people coming into our Country!"

The president's tweet comes days after he met with Republican leaders in Congress to discuss a plan that would avoid a shutdown in the fall

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc

, presented Trump with a plan that would fund the government and delay the debate over immigration until after the midterm elections in November

Trump wants $5 billion in funding for the border wall this year, but he had signaled to leaders that he might be willing to wait until after the midterms, given that Senate Democrats are unlikely to agree to that amount

His latest tweet throws those discussions into question.The government has already twice gone unfunded this year

In January, when lawmakers were at another spending-and-immigration impasse, largely over the fates of undocumented immigrants facing deportation

The shutdown lasted for less than three days.Just a few weeks later, in February, the government went unfunded for five-and-a-half hours after Sen

For more infomation >> Donald Trump threatens shutdown over wall funding before midterms - Duration: 2:32.


7/19/18 2:17 PM (I-35, Ardmore, OK 73401, USA) - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> 7/19/18 2:17 PM (I-35, Ardmore, OK 73401, USA) - Duration: 3:03.


7/19/18 2:14 PM (I-35, Ardmore, OK 73401, USA) - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> 7/19/18 2:14 PM (I-35, Ardmore, OK 73401, USA) - Duration: 3:00.


7/19/18 2:01 PM (I-35, Davis, OK 73030, USA) - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> 7/19/18 2:01 PM (I-35, Davis, OK 73030, USA) - Duration: 3:05.


7/19/18 2:04 PM (I-35, Davis, OK 73030, USA) - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> 7/19/18 2:04 PM (I-35, Davis, OK 73030, USA) - Duration: 3:11.


DO's & DON'T - How to Draw Hair! 【Easy Art Drawing Tutorial for Beginners】 - Duration: 10:55.

hello everyone welcome back to my channel I'm brushes & bunnies and in this

video we're going to be doing a drawing tutorial I have not done one of these in

so long and I really wanted to do another tutorial for you all so this one

we're going to be focusing on the basics of drawing hair drawing hair can be very

difficult especially if you're new to it at the beginning I could remember

feeling very overwhelmed I just did not know where things started where things

ended how to basically organize the hair strands the first mistake that I would

do is of course draw very awkward strands of hair that I just you know had

no form there was no curves there was nothing

and a lot of that mistake actually came from just because I wouldn't loosen up

my wrist so everything was just kind of lifeless there was no curves there was

no like I don't know there was just the motion to the hair that I would draw

kind of like what you're seeing now the second mistake was also in the way that

I would draw it because I did not know where it started I didn't really know in

which way that the hair would actually end up falling and you know the

different directions of the hair I just didn't really consider this and I didn't

really know how to consider it and the third mistake was to avoid any sort of

shading I would tend to end up with characters that had sort of a lifeless

shape around the head that didn't really look like any hair and I think that

avoiding any sort of shading is a mistake for sure because it does bring a

lot of life to your hair for the dus part of this video I'm going to be

showing you all three of these things we're going to start with the root of

the hair where it starts at the forehead

we are then going to get into the direction and the movement of the hair

basically have to plan it out before you actually start drawing the hair and last

but not least I'm going to be showing you how I basically shade the hair to

create another dimension or a more realistic look but keep in mind that

this tutorial is not for realism it's more for I'm just showing you guys how I

draw the hair in my own style

the first step to drawing hair is to find the base of the hair where will the

hair come from the forehead I tend to follow a relatively easy structure so

when I'm first drawing the head or the face of the character I draw a circle

and the very top of this circle line is where I will tend to base my hair

sometimes I'll start the hair a little bit above this top circle line or a

little bit below it all depends on the character that I'm drawing but I tend to

use this as a basic guide or reference line another thing that I tend to do

before I start the hair is just to draw the outline of where the hair will

appear on the forehead so not only on the top but also on the side above the

ear perhaps even around the neck it's just really basic lines that help me

figure out where the hair will appear around the face the next thing I do is

basically visualize where the hair will go in which direction the movement of

the hair in this tutorial I'm using arrows to kind of simulate or visualize

that sort of thing that I'm talking about in terms of the motion and the

movement um so these arrows show you exactly in which direction the hair will

go and from then on I base the hair strands on this sort of visual drawing

these movement arrows or motion arrows it's not something that I do typically

in my sketches or on paper I just use that or I visualize that in my brain

already before I draw but if you're starting out what I could give you guys

as a tip is to just basically maybe do this digitally before you get started

you can do a very quick digital sketch and you could just map out in which

direction you want the hair to fall and this will really help you just visualize

before you get started in the actual drawing once I know which direction to

go I basically just go for it now the trick to drawing the hair is of course

to keep your wrist and very very loose you want to have a very loose wrist and

this comes with practice and if you're unsure and if you've got a shaky hand

and it's very tight and you're just finding yourself drawing too many kind

of lifeless strands then just practice before just loosen your risk with

exercises draw circles draw curvy lines just draw a couple shapes before you

actually get started with the hair and this is something that I used to do way

back in the day and it has helped a lot now at this point in the drawing I'm not

focusing on any detail I am just literally drawing the outline of the

hair maybe some key hair strands that I really want to bring focus to but I'm

not going for a total realistic look here I just want to have a very nice

shape and I want to see in which areas the hair will move and I'm basically

focused on getting the kind of movement right before I get into any detail work

the last step to the hair drawing process revolves around the details this

could be anything from actually drawing the individual hair strands which a lot

of artists do if you're going for a realistic look you want realistic hair

you can just start to draw different hair strands including the highlights

including the two shades the different sort of yeah it's a different sort of

hair strands this is not something that I typically do however I do like to add

minimalist or minimal hair strands in my drawing as you can see I tend to start

at the base of the skull or the hair and I create just very simple outlines to

kind of simulate or visualize the hair or the hair texture but in my style I

don't typically go crazy or all-out with the hair strands I only do it in key

areas like I mentioned at the base of the hair where the hair kind of

basically splits around the forehead maybe simulate hair strands when there's

very key curls in the hair as well but I don't go fall out another

thing that I tend to do to add detail is of course adding shadow so I do use the

cross hatching technique around the hairs or the the sections of the hair

that is in a shade or in a shadow sometimes you'll see this basically

around the neck area which is kind of gives you a dimension that you have a

foreground and a background within the hair and this just gives a little bit

more realistic feel to your drawing as well and it actually makes your hair

come to life rather than it being just like one color this is quite this is

quite nice another thing that I tend to do is what you're seeing me doing right

now is in my sketches I always have a black fineliner and I take like the

smallest size available which is an S or 0.3 millimeters for example and I just

outlined the hair strands I don't do everything because it just takes away

from I don't know the style that I have to just kind of outline the outside of

the hair I'll outline any sort of hair strand like a major hair strand that's

you know around the ear for example these are sort of details that I add

later on and then from then on once I'm done with that I can go back and just

sketch a little bit more shadows or sketch more hair strands if I want it

really depends on the look that I'm going for

- basically Risa mirai's what I just talked about in terms of the hair

drawing process here's a very quick speed drawing section of the tutorial

basically showing you guys from the very first steps of drawing the face the

facial features and then going with the actual hair

it is setup a lot but if you want to see the real-time video it will be available

on my patreon for all of my patreon that is a shameful or shameless plug sorry

but I have to I want to promote it because I am working quite hard on

patreon and trying to get new content there for everyone who is a member a few

words before I leave this video or stop for yep this video ends basically I just

want to say that drunk hair is very hard it's very challenging it can be

overwhelming at the very beginning I know it was for me where just like I

have no idea what I'm doing its to complicate it and I will tend to just

all the same hairstyle over and over and over again but let me tell you that it

does get better with practice just like anything else and practicing in your

sketchbook just drawing different types of hair even different textures curly

wavy is straight very very short there's all kinds of different hairstyles out

there and there's all kinds of really nice references that you can use on the

internet to basically draw yeah I learn how to draw hair one of the things that

I really like to actually use as a reference is kind of like cosplay

cosplay wigs there's all kinds of really beautiful wigs out there that are very

cool especially for girls you've got all these really beautiful and really cute

Styles you can find that are kind of like manga style almost there's all

kinds of reference photos out there that you can basically use so keep practicing

practice is key and it's how you will improve especially how you will you know

get familiar or just get in the habit of loosing up loosening up your wrist this

is very important to you know getting a natural flow or motion to the hair just

to have a loose wrist but this of course comes with time and comes with practice

before this video ends I just want to give a huge thank you to everyone that

participated in the draw this in your style challenge it was a lot of fun and

it was something that I posted on Instagram and it was so happy to see all

of your drawings I'm gonna be giving you guys sort of an image real once this

video is over on my end screen you're guys gonna see all of the beautiful

drawings that everyone created over on Instagram so check it out I'll also be

giving out some shout outs to those that did or participate so yeah I don't know

it was just it was just a lot of fun to see everyone's drawings and I was very

happy with like I don't know just just seeing it you guys are so talented and

it's really fun to see everyone kind of jump in and draw things together I want

to wish you all a lovely day and don't forget to draw today do some drawing

practices and don't ever give up stay awesome and we will see each other very

soon bye

For more infomation >> DO's & DON'T - How to Draw Hair! 【Easy Art Drawing Tutorial for Beginners】 - Duration: 10:55.


Documentar Interzis în Occident despre H0L0CAU$T (I) - Duration: 55:04.

For more infomation >> Documentar Interzis în Occident despre H0L0CAU$T (I) - Duration: 55:04.


Documentar Interzis în Occident despre H0L0CAU$T (III) - Duration: 58:29.

For more infomation >> Documentar Interzis în Occident despre H0L0CAU$T (III) - Duration: 58:29.


The Truth About Adam Levine And Blake Shelton's Relationship - Duration: 4:22.

Adam Levine and Blake Shelton's bromance truly is TV gold.

In fact, their constant fighting on The Voice is sometimes more entertaining than the musical

performances on the show.

And the two coaches apparently hit it off from the start.

That said, their friendship hasn't been without its issues.

Aside from their on-air bickering, a source revealed to Life & Style in October 2017 that

the kinship had "cooled off" and "seemed forced" when they weren't filming.

So what's the real deal?

Here are some of the ebbs and flows of Levine and Shelton's friendship.

Crazy competitive

Levine and Shelton love to give each other a hard time on the set of The Voice, with

an insider telling Us Weekly that Levine is, by far, the most competitive coach on the


In November 2017, Shelton — who, as of the 14th season, has won the show six times — admitted

on Live With Kelly And Ryan that the bulk of his success is likely due to the rabid

loyalty of his country fanbase.

"As long as he doesn't win is a win for me."

When Levine's contestant Jordan Smith won season 9, Levine — who has won three times

— couldn't wait to rub it in Shelton's face.

"It's really quite beautiful because Jordan gets to win The Voice and I get to tear Blake

apart for the next six months."

Secret romance

Even though Shelton and Gwen Stefani are now the king and queen of PDA, they initially

kept their romance a secret — but Levine ended up being the first one to find out.

He told The Howard Stern Show in October 2017 he had suspected something was up between

the then-newly single pair, but only figured it out for sure once they all went to dinner

together and he caught Stefani and Shelton sneaking a smooch.

He explained,

"They kissed or something, they did something crazy.

Imagine if two of your friends who don't hook up started kissing.

It was something that was a giveaway and I was like, 'I f---ing knew it!'"

Don't cry, Adam

Shelton and fellow The Voice coach Kelly Clarkson are close friends, so it makes sense that

they like to team up to troll fellow coach Adam Levine.

In March 2018, Shelton revealed on The Tonight Show that he and Clarkson once attended a

Maroon 5 concert to, quote, "make fun of" Levine at the show.

Later that night, the three pals were on their way home when their designated driver got

pulled over by cops, and Levine wasn't too happy with his friends' behavior.

Shelton and Clarkson jokingly sassed the cop, and according to Shelton, Levine was so convinced

they were going to jail that he started to cry.

"He got upset.

He did, I'll never forget it, 'Kelly, shut up! Kelly, shut up!'

It got intense."

Sexiest Men Alive

People magazine named Adam Levine the Sexiest Man Alive in 2013, much to Shelton's chagrin,

so when Shelton got the title in November 2017, he told the magazine,

"I can't wait to shove this up Adam's ass.

As proud as I am and honored that you guys asked me, that's really the only thing I care


The sexiness beef didn't end there.

Levine admitted on Jimmy Kimmel Live in January 2018 that he used an enormous version of his

own 2013 cover to play a practical joke on Shelton.

"I framed it and I sent it to his house in Oklahoma."

"Oh wow."

"I did, it's true, and he put it up in his barn."

Sticking together

Though Shelton and Levine are constantly beefing on the set of the show, the two coaches are

reportedly using their chemistry to their advantage in salary negotiations.

In January 2018, a source told Radar Online that Levine was itching to quit the show to

stay home and be a family man, adding,

"If Adam leaves, Blake is going to follow because he has been over it for a while.

Ever since Gwen left, Blake has been ready to go."

Shelton has said as much himself, telling Country Countdown USA in 2015,

"It's never even come up where Adam and I aren't there.

[…] I've told them if that ever comes up, I'm just gone, period."

According to Radar Online, once word got out that the boys wanted out, they were each offered

a $5 million bonus to stay on The Voice through 2020.

The bromance is real

For as much of a hard time as Levine and Shelton give each other, there is a lot of genuine

affection between them.

This was never more apparent than when Shelton spoke at Levine's Hollywood Walk of Fame induction

ceremony in February 2017.

"I have never had a more honest and loyal friend than Adam Levine."

Shelton went on to say that he was incredibly proud of his friend.

"Congratulations, brother.

I love you."

For more infomation >> The Truth About Adam Levine And Blake Shelton's Relationship - Duration: 4:22.


What Happens When VOLTA Artists Meet the Honeybees in New York? - Duration: 3:14.

Volta by Cirque du Soleil

is in the New York area until late June.

Whenever we go to a different city

we try to find a local artist to work with

to give back to community.

Today what we did is the Honey Bee's came here,

they met the Cirque du Soleil performers,

they went on stage

the show live with show music

to get the true feel and the experience

of performing on their Cirque du Soleil stage.

We did audition,

we had 11 for Cirque du Soleil

then we passed audition.

We are not solo,

we have to care for each other,

we have to think about all the time enjoying the show,

that's the most important thing.

I grew up in intercity Boston.

I myself did not grow up with a lot of money

so being able to see things like this

really inspired me

for what I wanted to do with my future.

Recently retired from the World Championships

2 years ago

and then that's when Cirque du Soleil called me

and now I get to twirl in front of a huge audience

every single night.

Are you ready!!!

Scary stuff. I'm too old for this!

Where we, how we got here,

we're at <i>Cirque du Soleil</i> everybody.

We're training with world jump rope,

world jump ropers.

What it means to the children

to be a part of the Honey organization

is experience,

is travel, is a safe haven.

It's being able to be amongst their friends,

positive things, giving back to the community,

giving back to the world

which we call pollinating.

So we pollinate the world with the joy through double-dutch.

I actually learned how to jump

a little bit faster than I did before.

I learned how to turn better

and to like follow other peoples' feet.

Yes, I learned a lot of stuff.

I learned that I can do speed

faster than normally

and that I can do more push-ups than I usually do.

That was so exciting,

that was so a good time for us.

Actually I got nervous more than show

because they have good skill.

I didn't know that, they're so good skippers.

It was really fun to just learn about each other

and support the girls as they head into their competition this weekend.

I hope these kids are inspired by our story

as we're inspired by them.

For more infomation >> What Happens When VOLTA Artists Meet the Honeybees in New York? - Duration: 3:14.


NASA 60th: How It All Began - Duration: 5:46.

The United States wanted to make clear that our space program was a civil effort

and scientific effort.

President Eisenhower was concerned that our

efforts in space exploration and research would be consolidated and made more effective.

NACA is to become part of a new agency, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

You can be justly proud of the fact that your past achievements

have made NACA the choice of all governmental agencies out of which to build the new agency.

The NACA starts taking a look at particularly high speed

flight as part of Aeronautics but that quickly blends into Space Research.

They start using rockets to do high-speed research on airplanes and eventually on re-entry vehicles.

The NACA is a repository of aerospace scientific skill

and aerospace geekdom as well I suppose to some extent.

They were people very interested in flight and quite

and of course naturally space as well but it sort of

sets them up to become the core of NASA.

So the transition between the two

organizations was like seamless in that sense.

The technicians were superb the

people that you had mentoring you were just superb. So in the early days,

the attitude was still let's get the job done.

NASA must be like NACA

in the qualities of strength and character that make an organization great.

Today a new moon is in the sky,

a 23 inch metal sphere placed in orbit by a Russian rocket.

Political pressure builds rapidly in the United States.

There's hearings in Congress.

There's calls for the United States to do something dramatic.

A lot of pressure gets put on Vanguard.

The first American attempt

with a Vanguard rocket was a failure.

We were having mostly explosions with our rockets.

It seemed like 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, blow up more than

liftoff back in those days.

We've been assigned the mission and launching a

scientific earth center.

I promised the Secretary of the Army

that we would be ready in 90 days or less.

The news media have found out about

the fact that we're gonna launch a satellite

and I heard there was something like 200 news media came in.

At one time, they measured

the jet stream wind at 227 miles an hour

over the Cape.

Well, of course, it would have driven the rocket off course,

Range Safety would have blown it up immediately.

The next day my calculation showed there was

a wave in the jet stream.

By evening there would be a

window of opportunity. I convinced him that probably would do it.

And so he said okay, we'll listen to the kid go a fuel the rocket.

And things went well.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

A project like firing a satellite

into orbit is only possible if

there is splendid teamwork all the way through.

There were scientists all around

the world that were dedicated to trying to understand the planet better

and this is what Explorer 1 was really designed for.

One of the things that I find very noble about NASA

and I think it's really useful to remember is

it started with science.

We wanted to observe the Earth from space

and we wanted to see what the environment

right up above the earth was like

and this is the incredible thing

the first time we venture up there

we discover something completely unexpected,

the Van Allen radiation belts.

And there were these radiation belts of particles

from the Sun trapped in our magnetic field.

We hadn't even guessed that they were there yet.

The purpose of the work is a scientific one and it's very nearly

pure scientific experimentation.

The more we understand about the nature of

our astronomical environment

and about our own earth is quite likely the more

we'll be able to do about it and do with it.

We have one of the most challenging assignments

that has ever been given to modern man

expansion of human knowledge about space

development and operation of vehicles

capable of carrying instruments and man through space

long-range studies of the benefits of using

aeronautical and space activities for peaceful and scientific purposes

preservation of the role of the United States

as a leader in aeronautical and space science and technology.

We have a mighty big job to do.

For more infomation >> NASA 60th: How It All Began - Duration: 5:46.



Steve Oh what are you doing hey Sharers what's going on nothing grace I'm just

scanning so shares we found this safe a couple of blogs ago and we found a map

and inside the map found all this treasure stuff we even found the iPhone

we went to that island it's a phone so tonight we're back at the safes

and we're trying to figure out how to open this safe now before we didn't

recognize this safe because both of these pictures were on top of it

covering it completely but then I knocked them off these things fell down

and we found this safe so what I've been doing is I can go around the entire

closet scanning with this backlight thing that we found in that other safe

see if there's any pass codes on the wall or anything we're trying to get

this safe open but so far nothing we're close it's almost open like it almost

twists all the way but it's kind of stuck but check this out if you come

over here this is what I found in my room it's the craziest thing ever oh by

the way grace do you see any other chairs hey Sharer's what's going on you

ready to help us open the safe yeah grace come in here so Sherry's in

my room it looks like a normal room right but if you check out the back of

this wall here this is what I found last night when I was sleeping there's holes

in the wall and what I'm thinking is this is right where the safe is so I

have a feeling that the safe bolts are like pushing against this wall and about

to come out isn't that crazy wow that's weird so what I'm thinking

sharers this if we can do something maybe go up into that attic we can look down

because there's normally a gap between walls so you can look down and we can

see exactly what's holding the safe in and maybe we can get it like push out on

the other side I don't know just a crazy idea I had so I think we should go in

the attic grace uh oh yeah time to explore this attic you ready to go up in

it um maybe here we go

some noisy that snake boys what there's a car out there what the heck oh my god

don't look it's not that red car this sounds different car it's in this is

there someone in the car it has to do something with the state grace come back

here let's see if their red light it's because you were hitting the buttons

again if the red light in the sea fizzle and that's why all to whoever's on it

coming oh did you see it the red lights on wait for it put the flashlight on

ready see yes that's what it is sharers every time we mess with the seat I think

it says not to sell it a war it's gone are you serious no way that person

Sultan must have saw us yeah just like last time that is so creepy grace the

same thing it last time my goodness we've got to figure out what something's

in this safe something's in this thing we gotta get into the Attic let's go you

ready for this let's see here we go I hear like sneaks up there

what's that what whoa yeah what is that what is that what is anything it's huge

it's a lot what is that what was that

hmm opening it a little more I don't do oh

okay I think it's all the way down wait where's the flashlight I think

they're my closet Steve walk away we need flashlights up there I don't want

to go under that thing cuz what that thing Falls hurry not a lot of

flashlights careful okay big flashlight lots of power smaller flashlight and the

lantern oh that's really bright okay you ready

to go explore yeah we're gonna find out what I was making those knocking noises

last log oh by the way shows if you didn't see that grace and I were in the

closet opening the safe when we heard this knocking it was so crazy

this black what was that so that's kind of what caused us to go

up here in the fact that there's like holes in the other wall and we can

figure out what's we can probably look at the safe up there okay ready to go on

kinda okay um I'll take the black light up just in case see Chris you'll get the

bigger flashlight I'll take this small one okay here we go

okay make sure your flashlights on oh it's one

hello anyone up there you ready wait what was that noise what cheers me yeah

don't hear anything I don't see something I don't know let's just go

it's like birds flying around our lake yeah it does sound like I'm up there

let's just go where I'm just gonna go right here we go oh my gosh it makes

such weird noises oh my gosh grace come on hurry oh my gosh

quick come on come on let's go let's go come on come on oh my gosh it's dark up

here come on keep going oh my gosh I hope there's no cockroaches

up here I don't see any you're good keep coming there's a light bulb that's

really weird keep going all the way up

whoa that is a massive fan what is that I don't know I would hope not

hello hello I don't see any of it it's actually not that whoa

I think someone's living up here look at that come quickly call it here come up

here look look look oh look there's a bag

look there's a trash bag of something why would it be all the way over there

that's so weird oh it's like boxes over there I don't know do you think

someone's living up here I don't know maybe this is so weird crease my bedroom

door is right there so the safe is probably whoa the safe is probably right

without lightball bids we just gotta somehow maybe peel up that board and

look underneath the safe is probably somewhere in the wall right nuts

what's that noise

do you know chairs do you get it that does not sound good

what is all this stuff well I'm gonna go look over here I'm gonna step on this

board here okay you got to be careful cuz whenever you're addicts you never

want to step on the foam and stuff I don't know what that fan is that's the

biggest fan of ever seen in any attic it's got like blades on it too look at

that thing that thing's huge bomb yeah right there

Oh like oh that is we are cut wire that wires cut here at ready I'm gonna step

over uh-oh you got to be very very careful oh here we go here we go that

step over here okay well well careful you do not want this board to come up

you'll fall right through okay I don't see much oh I don't I don't know there's

not much over here yeah I don't really see what we actually goes farther out

there I don't know how we're gonna get back there I don't really see much um I

don't know crease somehow we got to get to the safe they're smart however they

put this safe in there don't want us to get to it because look it's like really

hard to get through all this stuff okay so I'm gonna lift this up because I

think the safe is right underneath this board we're gonna see if there's a clear

straight shot through it just so heavy oh no you're just you see that your foam

we can't get through it they covered it with that yellow foam that you can't

touch oh darn it oh there's that cut wire look at this

under why they cut it I wonder if it goes to the safe did that oh maybe it

does someone cut this wire do you see that the wire got cut look at that

that's so weird Oh what else there's a lot there's a lot of jump up

here rings yeah there's a lot oh whoa wait Steve look whoa what is that I

think that's a map what could be blueprints to the house that looks just

like the blueprints we have an automatic touch it I just felt like a shadow over

there where are those eyes where no there's nothing

we're good we're good what does that thing shining right above that pipe oh

hello oh my goodness well I'm gonna touch that

man well I keep on seeing eyes what do you see the hive we're by the pipe

oh my gosh someone's definitely up here there's a paper towel oh yeah oh my gosh

what what what behind you there's a very income so I'm not even joking right

there behind you thank you oh my

handcuffs those are okay I want to grab this room

I can see what that means paper well I'm a careful

what is this I don't know oh my gosh what is this Oh what is it my gosh

oh my goodness it's like disintegrating I can't open it up here it's like fun

take it down take it down put it right there we'll take it down are you sure

those are handcuffs right there yes

Grammy for something careful what happened

splatter oh my gosh you gotta be explaining your foot oh my gosh careful

careful here oh my gosh oh my gosh there it is I'll pull it out oh well be

careful Wow did you get it oh you got it that was a big splinter - okay we gotta

get out of here go yeah okay go go just go just go just go just go quick quick

careful can you grab the piece of paper on the way down just be very careful

it's like disintegrating as we touch it okay go grace go quite quickly go go

quick go go go go go quick quick grace Go Go grace quick grab this piece of

paper careful it's like literally falling its falling

apart you gotta grab it very there very carefully

it's literally disintegrating let's count here okay let's go let's go okay

okay sharers one last look around that's a bag that was it pillow over there got

handcuffs there tons of wires there sharers some goodie we gotta get out of

here let's go let's go let's go some come

here we're gonna see if that car is back the car's gone that's so weird

okay let's close this thing up my heart is racing

okay so somebody at some point was living up in the attic I don't know

someone still if you think someone saw up there yeah I don't know what happened

but what I'm thinking it's whoever is living up there it's probably I can

escape he or something they try to break into this safe found something probably

try to get into this safe or they knew that there was some other type of

valuable in this house and have been looking for it it had been up there

spying on whoever used to own this house and they've been looking together they

probably never found this one safe that's what I'm thinking

yeah but they knew there are still other things or else why would they hang

around longer they stay around so we got to figure out how to open this safe

there's got to be a clue somewhere I mean there's good thing is about this

cloth grease look at this there's an outlet back here

because I'll die right here right now what they're right normal they could

every closet has an outlet I guess but look at this there's another outlet

there that's weird and then look at that there's something

up there an outlet plus they try to drill in there something's weird about

this closet are they drill over there in the cephus here or here we must connect

see me then look at this the seats electrical look at this in the excite

you have a wire up there and there's that wire up there so what I'm thinking

is it has something to do with this what does that map

not safe have to do with anything I don't know that red light off yeah see

look the red lights not on this time we'll just try to get three four five

six red light or no red light something's weird about this red light

look at that no red light at all huh no red light

just kidding red lights on okay let's see is there a

car out front if there's a carl track we know something's weird is there there's

somebody in the car there's similarly someone in the car

wait wait wait oh it's not the same red carpet where's they see SDC's is that

the same like cars laughing oh my gosh Eve I have a great idea

what why don't we follow them you know what enough of them coming every time

that safe goes off we gotta figure out look someone's definitely in the car

let's go okay ready ready I'm gonna open the door yes that just go quick ready


there it is okay go behind the truck run behind the truck oh my gosh oh my gosh

oh my gosh oh my gosh they're about to leave they bout to the doctor duck duck

Duck Duck Duck oh my gosh what is it who is that who is it oh my god oh my god I

don't know it is so weird I didn't see their face did you know that was so

weird go back inside quick I don't know there

could be someone else around let's go let's go let's go upstairs go upstairs

you're gone that was so weird that was so weird

they always Park in that same spot and always go that direction alright go back

to the safe just check on the safer what check on a safe

cuz their red lights don't want red lights still on yeah look at that yeah

just flashing wait for it wait for it it'll go off again there okay sure

whatever is in this safe I can read it it's still going off it's making a noise

we gotta get into the safe and we gotta get into the safe fast there's a lot of

people out there that won't with whatever's inside yeah there's a lot

behind this mystery chairs if you've any awesome ideas coming up low we're gonna

get into the safe also at any point in this vlog if you see something comment

exactly what time you see something cuz there's a lot that goes on that we don't

always see when we're filming if you see something at any time in this vlog

that's weird it stands out come at the exact time you see it so we can look it

up Sharers we'll check in with you tomorrow so

until then you know what to do stay awesome and share the love peace woo

For more infomation >> OPENING ABANDONED SAFE IN THE ATTIC!! - Duration: 18:46.


Thomas Markle makes shocking claim that it would be 'easier for Meghan' if he DIED - Duration: 2:41.

 Meghan Markle's dad Thomas has made the shocking claim that her life would be easier if he was to die

 Discussing his health after a heart attack stopped him from being able to attend his daughter's wedding, he told The Mail on Sunday: "It's lucky I'm still alive

 "The men in my family rarely live over 80 so I'd be surprised if I had another ten years

I could die tomorrow."  He then added: "It wouldn't be so bad. I have something of a Buddhist philosophy about death

Perhaps it would be easier for Meghan if I died.  "Everybody would be filled for sympathy for her

But I hope we reconcile. I'd hate to die without speaking to Meghan again."  Meghan's 74 year old father recently said his daughter seemed "terrified" of royal duties

 "My thing about my daughter right now is that I think she is terrified," he told The Sun

"I see it in her eyes, I see it in her face and I see it in her smile. I've seen her smile for years

I know her smile. I don't like the one I'm seeing now."  Comments of his death come from the same interview in which he claims that Meghan is ignoring him and has even changed her phone numbers

 Thomas said: "I'm really hurt that she's cut me off completely. I used to have a phone number and a text number for her personal aides at the Palace, but after I said a few critical words about the Royal Family changing Meghan, they cut me off

 "Those numbers were disconnected, they no longer work. I have no way of contacting my daughter

"  'It's her birthday on August 4 and I want to send her a card. But if I send a birthday card to Kensington Palace, or wherever she's living now, it'll just be one among thousands

She'll probably never see it.  "I thought about sending it by Priority Mail Express, but the Palace would probably just soak it in water for three days to make sure it doesn't explode


For more infomation >> Thomas Markle makes shocking claim that it would be 'easier for Meghan' if he DIED - Duration: 2:41.


ITP My Voice, My Opinion (7/29/18) - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> ITP My Voice, My Opinion (7/29/18) - Duration: 1:18.


Homeless Man Hands Out His CV To Passers-By - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Homeless Man Hands Out His CV To Passers-By - Duration: 2:56.


Google Chromecast's New Ambient Mode and How To Show Facebook Photos on Your TV - Duration: 3:12.

I'm going to show you today how to use your Google Chromecast and enable the

new ambient mode. Now in my Google Home application where I've already set up

some Google Chromecasts, I have one called Upstairs TV. I'm going to tap on the

three dots on it and you can see Ambient Mode settings. This is new if you don't

have it your Chromecast has not yet updated, so I'm going to go into Ambient

Mode settings, and once I'm in there, you can see there's now three modes, photo

frame, art gallery, and experimental. There are also more settings down below, so you

can go centigrade or Fahrenheit. You can show time or not and you

can also show personal photo data, and then you can change how fast the photos

move on. Now up at the top there's the three types. Photo frame is coming from Google

Photos, so if you have a lot of albums there you're going to see a lot of

options there. The art gallery is what you're used to on your Google Chromecast.

Those are all the normal images and artwork that you see there, and then

there's the new experimental mode. So I'm going to show you how to set that up

right now you can see you have Facebook, Flickr, and you can put it in a low

bandwidth mode. So i'm going to go into Facebook, hit connect, and if you're doing

this on a phone that already has the Facebook application, this is as simple

as it is. Otherwise, you'll have a full sign-in page. Now you tap on the little

slider and you get all your different Facebook content that you've uploaded

there. So you could choose multiple of the album's here. i'm just going to

choose one for the purposes of this demo and once you go back, the couple of

screens there, you're all done and all set up. That is now your new setting on

your Google Chromecast. And one more thing to show you in the application,

back in the devices, the Basement Chrome here that I have, I'm going to tap on the

little history icon. I'm there and once I do that, you get

your ambient history. So you can actually review just by tapping back, the back

arrow, it will allow you to scroll through the different pictures. Here's

what it looks like on the screen and what I'll tell you is both the newer and

the older versions of Google Chromecast can do this. You don't actually have to have a

new Chromecast dongle. You can see the different photos, and once I switch over,

here are my photos that I've uploaded to Facebook. They are now scrolling through and

I'm able to use that mode. So there you go everyone, hopefully now you can

connect your Facebook, your Flickr account, or you can use the other Ambient

Mode there for Google Photos. And you'll have all these options on these

different pictures to go ahead and use on your Google Chromecast

For more infomation >> Google Chromecast's New Ambient Mode and How To Show Facebook Photos on Your TV - Duration: 3:12.


Gorgeous Spacious Stylish 20th Century Villa in Sparreholm - Duration: 7:02.

Gorgeous Spacious Stylish 20th Century Villa in Sparreholm

For more infomation >> Gorgeous Spacious Stylish 20th Century Villa in Sparreholm - Duration: 7:02.


Thomas Markle rant: What did Thomas say about Meghan Markle? Has Royal Family responded? - Duration: 4:12.

 The retired TV lighting director, 74, gave an interview to the Mail on Sunday just days before his daughter celebrates her 37th birthday

 Meghan, Duchess of Sussex is already under pressure amid rumours her half-sister Samantha Markle is set to go into the Celebrity Big Brother house next month

What has Thomas Markle said about Meghan in new claims? Thomas Markle Snr claims his daughter has shut him out of her life since he staged fake paparazzi shots ahead of her royal wedding to Prince Harry, 33, in May

 He said: "I'm really hurt that she's cut me off completely. "I used to have a phone number and text number for her personal aides at the Palace, but after I said a few critical words about the Royal Family changing Meghan, they cut me off

" He went on to say he would have liked to have sent his youngest child a birthday card but if he sent one to Kensington Palace it would be "one among thousands"

What else has Thomas said about Meghan? Thomas, who spoke from his home in Mexico, accused Meghan of having a "sense of superiority" and said he feared being deprived of a grandchild

 He said: "What's sad is that some time in the next year Meghan and Harry will have a baby and I'll be a grandfather, and if we're not speaking I won't see my grandchild

 "How tragic is that, to deprive a child of its grandfather because I said a few things critical of the Royal Family?" Mr Markle stated he had "just about reached my limit with Meghan and the Royal Family" and said he refused to be "silent"

 He added: "I refuse to stay quiet. What riles me is Meghan's sense of superiority

She'd be nothing without me. "I made her the Duchess she is today. Everything that Meghan is, I made her

" He also had sharp words for Prince Harry saying he did not care if he spoke to him again - adding Harry's mother Princess Diana would have "loathed" how he had been treated

Has the Royal Family responded? A Buckingham Palace spokeswoman told they would not comment on what Mr Markle had said

 But this is not the first time Mr Markle has come under fire for making comments about Meghan and the Royal Family - and his latest interview is likely to cause them embarrassment

 Earlier this month, US media claimed the Duchess had refrained from communicating with her father for fear of her words being leaked to the press

 A source told US Weekly: "Meghan is so upset over Thomas. She's upset for a couple of reasons

 "She doesn't even know how to communicate with her dad without knowing he won't exploit her

 "She lives in fear that he'll leak their communication. If he's spoken this much already, why wouldn't he leak their conversation?" The former actress has previously described herself as being a "daddy's girl"

 But speaking in the interview about how this changed, Mr Markle referred to his ex-wife Doria Ragland as being the preferred parent

 He said: "Oh, she's a mummy's girl now, and Doria gets a lot of the credit." Kensington Palace also told Express it would not comment on Mr Markle's remarks.

For more infomation >> Thomas Markle rant: What did Thomas say about Meghan Markle? Has Royal Family responded? - Duration: 4:12.


Reading KOREABOO Letters I Wrote 5 Years Ago! - Duration: 4:30.

hey everyone welcome to my channel so I have a very special video for you guys

today and it's another Koreaboo cringe video surprise I have a bunch of letters

Koreaboo letters that I wrote probably five or six years ago and my goal was to

just send a bunch of people letters with my business cards which I will show you

my business cards so that they could place it somewhere public wherever they

lived and take a picture of it for me so I could you know become famous Koreaboo

famous before we get started make sure you subscribe to my channel click the

bell for notifications and you can also follow me on Instagram I really wish I

would have written like the date on it because this is going to be sent to my

friend her name at the time was Haneul mine was Minji the first thing in this

letter is a picture of Zelo from BAP Zelo was her bias back in the day oh my

god it's probably 2012 right do you think so and then do you guys want to

see my business card kpop tutorials holy crap here's my

letter I'll read the letters it says Haneul as I

said here's a picture of zero for your birthday I know I'm late

the irony behind that because I was already super late it's like wanting to

send out to her I was like I'm gonna send you a picture of Zelo Zelo Zelo whatever

sorry I'm late yeah maybe five six years late just just

just a little bit I also included a business card my request is that you put

it in a public place and take a picture please and thank you if you can't it's

fine. Bye-yeom! Minji Van Park. My signature... it's quite special I'm actually still in

touch with Haneul and I messaged her on Instagram the other day and I asked her

she still lived at this address she said yes so I'm gonna finally send her the

letter and I really hope she like films her reaction for me just so I

can see I think it'd be really cool so this one is supposed to be sent to

Antonio he's made youtube videos and I'm not in

contact with him anymore like I don't know where he is in the world what he's

doing and then of course I included a business card because why wouldn't I

listen to my to my like introduction for him

"A-yo Tony!" who was I? with this letter you will find a business card I would

appreciate it if you could put it in a public area and then take a picture yay

exclamation mark thank you, Mini Van Park the cringe. He used to make videos I used to

watch his videos I don't think he makes them anymore

this one's for Loza let's see what I wrote for Loza

I believe Loza wrote us a letter, by US I mean Stephan and I she was a fan of

Stephan and I back when he used to make videos with me oh my god I wrote a date

for this one Thursday January 24th 2012 Wow apparently I had gotten your letter

a long time ago but it was piled with my mom's bills and my work bag if it makes

you feel better my mom didn't get those bills for a while either "Annyeonghaseyo

Loza" hmm my favorite thing about winter is that it keeps the zombies away

I'm triggered by something I wrote in here I'm just not gonna we won't talk

about that it says have a nice day Minji Van Park this is supposed to go to

Lolita again I'm asking people to put this card in public places and take a

picture of it I actually used to do that myself

I'd go out into the city, business card, and I'd put my business card everywhere I

put it at quite a few Korean restaurants cringe picture of Himchan from BAP and some

my matoki stickers do you guys remember this DIY I'll link it in a card I hope

you guys go watch that I wanted to thank you guys so much for watching if you're

interested in me making more Koreaboo cringe videos then leave it in the

comments below I have like twenty five thousand tweets to go through to find

the cringiest ones to give you guys quality Koreaboo cringe content bye


For more infomation >> Reading KOREABOO Letters I Wrote 5 Years Ago! - Duration: 4:30.


sleeping in my bathtub for a night. - Duration: 6:55.

hey guys um today I'm gonna do something that I don't really know why I'm doing

like I think I'm gonna sleep in my bathtub tonight because like I don't

know I don't know so I mean yeah maybe with my whole experience and like my

review how comfortable it is in the bathtub overnight and I'm gonna build it

with you it'll be great I lost my car keys and my tripod is in

my car turns out I'm just blind they were in the cupholder okay I'm gonna

take a shower first let me take a shower before I sleep in it it just seems like

a good idea cuz like why would I shower with the blankets you know yeah

I'm gonna regret this now I'm going to bring every single pillow and blanket

that I have goodbye a comfortable bed

this is the current situation

I've been editing for a really long time and two in the morning so I'm gonna go

to sleep I'm gonna give you my full review in the morning

I don't know why this like in-between of the two clips

I love so much so much but I swear it was in the morning and I don't know why

I slept with the lights on but yes I I totally put the lights these lights I

don't know no these like oh I could sleep with them long I don't know why

because I literally could have bought myself and my whole last that so

all right opening up for a really long time um it's currently I'm gonna go back

and sleep in my bed because I can't sit here anymore because these lights I'm

complete okay another thing I didn't even realize what's up the fire and he's

all into like just a bit this okay I don't know why I slept with everything

on okay like don't donate please Thanks

okay still seems like a night time because I'm still in bed but I put my

lights back on my bed here and obviously

the tub wasn't even that uncomfortable and sleep for like four more hours 8:00

a.m. as you can see

I'm very tired okay I'm gonna think you know overall it was a great experience

yeah it was a good experience it's pretty comfortable but like my neck

hurts no because I was obviously like sitting

up in sort of like length let me down yeah um I edited half my video which I

needed to edit the whole thing but it's only half what do you mean it's okay I'm

probably not gonna sleep in it again but like maybe hopefully have my closet next

and like stay in it until I have to get up you know like just sleep in my closet

on the floor oh sweet yeah yeah okay so that's the end of this Sunday's video is

it Sunday I don't know that's the end anyway

and I'll see you on Tuesday :)

For more infomation >> sleeping in my bathtub for a night. - Duration: 6:55.


Duck Gets Babies In A Row – And What An Incredible Row It Is! - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Duck Gets Babies In A Row – And What An Incredible Row It Is! - Duration: 2:26.


July 2018 Young Living Essential Rewards Unboxing - Duration: 7:19.

hey guys it's Danielle with Danielle gets it done and this is my July Young

Living Essential rewards unboxing I love you I'm a morning dog hanging out

I feel like I got a good variety this month okay first I got some more and

Ningxia red it comes well it comes in a bunch of different sizes

I get the two bottles at once 25 ounces I think a serving is 2 ounces I usually

just like one or one and a half to kind of stretch it out a little bit but

basically this is a superfood it one of its main ingredients is the wolfberry

which i think is kind of the same thing as a goji berry so just super high in

antioxidants and I'll take a shot with my breakfast just in order to get a

bunch of nutrients in to start my day I love this stuff I haven't tried it yet

but I want to is to put a shot in a glass and fill the rest up with soda

water and have a little mocktail I think that sounds really good alright I also

got some laundry soap whoa I don't know what's going on with the lighting I love

this stuff it's the thieves line I think if I put it in there it makes my face

dark it is amazing clean ingredients non-toxic smells so good and I've been

loving it on my laundry I actually ran out a couple weeks ago so I've been

using tide in between and I don't know I really miss my thieves

I don't like strong chemicaly chemicaly cents so yeah I love the thieves laundry

detergent I also got the thieves all-purpose cleaner this is actually for

my sister-in-law and I love this stuff it lasts forever

I think it's man the lighting I think it's one two capfuls per spray bottle so

it's super concentrated and again non-toxic clean ingredients in just a

really nice light scent it's the thieves line so let's see thieves is close

a cinnamon lemon eucalyptus and oh I was so close

rosemary did I forget rosemary clove rosemary cimmyt cinnamon eucalyptus

lemon those are the five ingredients in thieves it's just a really nice but not

overpowering scent and if you want more of a scent you can add some extra

essential oils into the bottle you mix up I got the suntan lotion I have not

tried this yet suntan lotion is one of those things that honestly it kind of

freaks me out we're all scared to get skin cancer so

we protect our skin with suntan lotion but often times the crap we buy at the

store is filled with ingredients that are known to cause cancer so it's kind

of a lose-lose situation so this has nice clean ingredients its mineral based

a lot of sunscreen protects us chemically so chemicals go on the skin

to kind of repel the Sun I I might be getting this all wrong this I think is

called a barrier cream so it just physically adds a barrier over your skin

to protect it so most people think that's the healthier way to go I do

expect it is harder to rub in but to me that's a small price to pay for some

good protection so I have not used this yet but I am excited to do so okay I

think just a couple oils lavender batalla tea this was a freebie

I love lavender vitality the success fatality on here it means that it's been

approved for internal consumption I'm pretty conservative and do not consume

oils often if at all from what I know the ingredients in here are exactly the

same as the bottle of regular lavender so I use both topically I also got

gentle baby I don't have a baby but I heard people love this scent I heard

it's very calming and I did already try this and I'm sorry I don't want to use

the word hate I do not like this like oh I don't know what it is maybe I'm gonna

try to smell this in another month or so I have noticed certain oils that I love

at first I later don't like as much and vice versa once that I didn't like I end

up liking so we'll see but as of now I'm not a fan of gentle baby let me know if

you agree I've never heard anyone not like that I also got copaiba this comes

in the starter kit I love this oil I was running low so I decided to buy it it is

so woodsy to me it smells like the asana you know that really woodsy smell in a

sauna when the heat is turned on I love this stuff it's good for skin issues for

inflammation and a CBD oil is all the rage right now for anxiety this is not

CBD oil however I'm kind of surprised Young Living doesn't have that yet I

predict it well in the near future but from what I understand copaiba is pretty

similar to CBD oil and the same receptors in the brain are fired off for

both CBD in copaiba so a lot of people claim that it really helps their anxiety

and that doesn't surprise me because it smells so good and calming so that is my

haul for July Young Lavigne I hope you enjoyed this video if you're new I'd

love for you to stick around and hit that subscribe button leave a

comment below if you have experience with any of these items I hope you all

have a wonderful day and whatever your plans are I hope you get them done bye


For more infomation >> July 2018 Young Living Essential Rewards Unboxing - Duration: 7:19.


100 Easy Brilliant Rain Chain Ideas | DIY Garden - Duration: 10:40.

For more infomation >> 100 Easy Brilliant Rain Chain Ideas | DIY Garden - Duration: 10:40.



This is the fastest Panna I've ever seen in my life!

For more infomation >> BROEDERLIEFDE VS EASY MAN - PANNA BATTLE - Duration: 8:40.


Impractical Jokers: After Party - A Very Jokers Wedding | truTV - Duration: 1:28.

Oh, my God, I'm so nervous. Wow.

Okay, so, we are gathered --

I'm so excited about -- 'Cause this is real.

Like, I'm gonna sign this, we're gonna mail it away,

you guys are gonna be married. Like, this is crazy.

I don't want to make it about me.

Okay, here we go.

We are gathered here today to witness

the joining of Mabelle and Orlando in holy matrimony,

and they will start with their vows.

And we'll start with you, Mabelle.

Okay. Thank you.

Our journey has been anything but conventional,

but I consider myself incredibly lucky we found each other.

I feel so fortunate to have you as my accomplice.


"I strangled our bird."

[ Laughter ]

My heart can hardly handle the love I feel for you,

and in turn, the love I have for you.


"Gravy, syrup, bourbon, repeat."

[ Laughter ]

I can't express the love I feel when I see you with our son.

You are a genuinely good man, and I will strive every day

to be as good to you as you are to our son.


You go.

So, I wonder what the --


"For years, I never even understood my own bowels."

[ Laughter ]

That's how his wedding has begun.

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