Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!
Noticias de hoy: Los Reyes Felipe y Letizia cierran su agenda oficial y comienzan sus vacaciones - Duration: 4:30.-------------------------------------------
Tres tipos de cuerpo y agua que debemos usar para perder peso - Duration: 4:52.-------------------------------------------
Las Noticias de la mañana, viernes 27 de julio de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 4:34.-------------------------------------------
Rolls-Royce Cullinan: lujo y exageración en forma de SUV - Duration: 5:04.-------------------------------------------
La rosa de Guadalupe || Chavorrucos || Parte 1 - Duration: 17:43.-------------------------------------------
3D Monster Truck For Children | Police Trucks with Surprise Eggs | Trucks Stories for Kids - Duration: 21:57.3D Monster Truck For Children | Police Trucks with Surprise Eggs | Trucks Stories for Kids
Usos "mágicos" de la ruda - Duration: 8:00.-------------------------------------------
Müşerref Akay - Sevgili Efendim - Duration: 3:00.-------------------------------------------
TINA TURNER - Simply The Best (Remix By TMSC) - Duration: 5:05.-------------------------------------------
Astronomical Observatory of Uaxactún - A 360 ° visit with Juan Ariel Pop - Duration: 2:39.We are in the group E of Uaxactún. The structures that are here marks the center.
The equinoxes and the solstices are marked too . This square is very
interesting since it is where you can find what was for the Mayans
transitions between the time of rain, summer, spring
and autumn. The part we have here is the triadic pattern and it is an area where
was found the sunken plaza of for Uaxactún , known as one of the oldest
until its discovery. In this area we have what is the structure 7 south
which is the observation point of the sunrises and it's practically surrounded
by18 masks and in front of it, one of the most magnificent stelae of the
Early Classic Period for Uaxactún. Then to the northern part, we have what it is
practically a square, which is a closed square and we also have what is the temple
with most of the stairs of Uaxactún that is the only one of two visible in the
Maya lowlands with the temple of the national park of (...).
Every six months we appreciate the equinoxes behind this temple,
however every six months, sorry every three months,
the sun has movements here. In this structure, on July 21st, on
September, on March 21st and 21st of December, we see the sun in the area over there.
This square was very interesting in the Mayan era and it's still a
very interesting place because here you can do Mayan ceremonies in the
epoch of the equinoxes and solstices. And practically the group of
Uaxactún for many years has become one of the most important of the Maya area.
Since in the area it is one of the few astronomical observatories
that is still valid in the Mayan area. Uaxactún is
an archaeological site, it was built around 1400 BC (with an error
of 250 years) from 900 AC that was inhabited.
There is a very interesting t archaeological site that the community protects
under all that jungle coverage that can be appreciated there is a great
amount of archaeological sites in this area that are protected by
the people of Uaxactún and there are quite few the sites you can see in that
form of conservation. However the community does a self-sustainable management of resources
and the tourism is developed as a sustainable project to show all this living culture
that we have. And all this very interesting area is kept intact so you can come
and visit it. Here in Uaxactún.
5 alimentos blancos que son veneno para tu salud - Duration: 7:13.-------------------------------------------
How to Diagnose an A/C Compressor without Clutch Toyota Ford Nissan PEUGEOT Mazda Chevrolet KIA - Duration: 10:09.Hey guys
In the previous three videos Links below the video
We opened the compressor
We have seen his theory of action
And electrical and mechanical failures
Electrical and mechanical problems
Solenoid was repaired And its work theory
and measuring resistance according to current flow
and compare between coil resistance
its same value so solenoid is good
Now we will clean and close the compressor
Now we have closed the compressor
It is best to change the sealants
of the solenoid
according to sizes
Because it is not good
Sorry we wanted to try it in the car
But in the workshop the compressor was changed
Based on viewers' requests
These videos were made to benefit everyone
Thank you so much...
Juana Rivas condenada a cinco años de prisión y seis sin sus hijos por sustracción de menores - Duration: 6:04.-------------------------------------------
Ten popular Spanish expressions with colors. Transcription in PDF. - Duration: 12:06.-------------------------------------------
Pene nuevo a estrenar a diario - Duration: 5:30.-------------------------------------------
Luis Fonsi: de gira por España con su pequeño Rocco - Duration: 3:59.-------------------------------------------
Increíble: Macron hace esperar dos horas a Felipe VI - Noticias del Clavel rojo - Duration: 3:31.-------------------------------------------
Nutrition tips for swimmers. Swimming recovery part 2 - Duration: 4:33.Swimming is a lot easier if you are eating correctly, because it is an important part
of the recovery process.
If you are new here welcome to our channel where every friday we give you new advice
on how to swim easier, faster and with more joy. If you are interested consider subscribing!
So i am no expert in this field so I asked a sports nutritionist if she could help me
with this video, and I so I asked her
Why is eating as soon as possible after training important? And what kind of food do I have
to eat?
Protein is a nutrient that we related with physical activity and muscles, but why?
Proteins are composed of amino acids, which are the building blocks of our body (muscles).
The timing of protein ingestion is important, post exercise is an effective time to stimulate
muscle protein synthesis. It´s better to eat protein immediately less than 2 hours
after to initiate the recovery and muscle reconditioning as soon as possible.
Good sources of protein are: egg, milk, poultry, beef, sea food. Note: Animal protein is better
absorbed than plant protein. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy,
they are the fuel of our bodies. We stock carbohydrates in the muscles. GLYCOGEN
is the main source of energy of the muscles. So after exercise, we need to refuel this
glycogen storage. The immediate intake of carbohydrate enhances the rate of glycogen
synthesis in early recovery period. Enhanced refueling aka eating carbohydrates
early, is important when recovery period is less than 8 hours . For example when you train
double sessions or during swim meets. The type and quantity of carbohydrates depends
on the sport and nutrition goals. important Carbohydrate sources include fruits,
cereal, rice, bread, oats. These are general tips, but nutrition diets
need to be personalized. The food intake is not the only important
thing, rehydration is also key in the recovery process.
Through our sweat, we lose water and electrolytes, mainly sodium, that we need to restore.
Post-exercise rehydration can only be achieved if an appropriate volume is consumed.
The replacement of sodium lost in sweat is a pre-requisite for the retention of drinks
consumed. in other words without sodium rehydration will not be effective.
Plain water can be an effective post-exercise rehydration drink if sodium is ingested at
the same time via food. Fluid ingestion during and after exercise
also needs to be personalized, because of the variability of factors: type of exercise,
duration and intensity of exercise, sweat rate, climate and temperature of the water.
Sometimes we need to include carbohydrates and electrolytes to drinks ingested during
and after exercise. Everything in excess is bad, and drinking
large amounts of water is not an exception, because it can cause "hyponatremia", a
condition with low blood sodium levels, it is an infrequent but potentially life-threatening
condition. In addition of the sports drinks we recommended
a beverage to rehydrate:
Here is what you will need. 1 liter of water
1 Pinch of salt ½ tsp of baking soda
1 tsp of honey 1 -2 juice of lime
This drink is better served cold, really cold.
I want to thank these two lovely ladies who helped us with this video. They are both nutritionists.
Marianna has a sports clinic and she is my girlfriend. A lot of the beautiful pictures
on this video are Cynthia's and she is my brother's girlfriend. If you understand
Spanish, consider following them on instagram! They are always uploading useful content about
nutrition and sports.
If you found this video helpful and you know someone that could benefit from it, like a
teammate or a coach, consider sharing it. If you want to learn more about swimming visit
our webpage skillswimming.com
à la prochaine!
Nager vite!
लाल माठाची भाजी - Lal Mathachi Bhaji in Marathi - Quick & Healthy Leafy Vegetable Recipe - Archana - Duration: 3:06.-------------------------------------------
KURUMPADAM - The Untold Story - Duration: 16:48.Hello sir, is this you in this video?
Who are you?
see this video sir
tell me who are you first
I'm security guard sir
owh so what now
see this video sir
did you see sir?
hey who give you this video??
this video going viral on facebook, twitter and everywhere sir
hey this is not me
this is you sir
this is fake, i will complaint this to police
what fake sir? this is real sir. same face sir
you try to create something, go away
that is not me
(Morning 6.30am)
Is this inspector? (on phone)
Yes (on phone)
there is something about me in paper sir
i dont understand what is going on sir
dont panic, i dont understand what are you talking about
later come to the restaurant, we will talk about this
sir, i'm the one that called you this morning
I did not do that sir
dont panic, sit down first
My picture came on paper sir. seriously i did not do anything sir, believe me sir
wait relax, we check it out first ok
please sir, i did not do that sir
where is it? show me
nothing here
i saw sir, in this paper sir
i saw sir, believe me sir
please come with me sir, i will show you
the paper was here sir
this is the paper sir, i saw that in this paper sir
what? there nothing in here. same as the paper before
It is in this paper sir, i saw it sir
when i saw this morning, there was my picture sir
you relax first ok
you just stress about the work and everything
thats why you thinking like that
sir, yesterday also i saw a video in security guard phone He show me a video sir
where is the security?
he is the security sir
security come here
sir did you call me?
let me see your phone. He said you show him a video yesteday.
sir, he is not the security that i saw yesterday. He is different person sir
I'm the one and only security guard here. I'm working here for 10 years.
Yesterday was someone else sir
are there anyone else other than you?
there is only one guard sir. That is only me
believe me sir, i did not lie sir
like i said earlier, you just stress about the work and everthing
nothing is true. There is nothing in paper and the guard also different.
i dont know whats happening sir
dont worry about anything. You just take some rest first ok.
if anything just give me a call
why he is behaving like this? is he stress about his work or what?
i dont know sir. He will never respond to me anything sir. I will always salute him but he will just ignore me sir.
that is normal to have work stress but he is getting out of hand
if there is any problem just give me a call ok
why did you killed me?
i did not killed you, i just want to help you
believe me i did not killed you
I want you to die just like me
I want to see your blood just like me
There is a knife, go kill yourself
I promise, i just want to help you
just kill yourself and follow me to heaven
please leave me alone
oh my god, i cannot go through this
i really did not do anything
(Villain bgm)
(Phone ringing)
hello, are you still there?
yes, im watching everything from here. The hologram is functioning well.
Dont worry, i think he is going to suicide soon.
(how dare you trying to kill my friend, look now we made you suicide without any proof)
come on my friend
look over there. He was try to kill you
are you happy now?
guys what have you done? why you do like this to him?
isn't him try to kill you? i saw him when he try to kill you
I'm the one that show them the video
what are you saying? He is the one that came to help me
did you know what happen exactly?
hello, i saw one guy with phone
i want to rob him
help.. help..
hey what happen to you?
are you ok? stay with me ok?
wait a minute, i will call for an ambulance
haa what he is doing to my friend?
hello Hisham, someone is trying to kill muzzamil
i will come with video
hello? hello?
i want water
seriously i did not know. He is the one that called me and told me like this
we did all of this just for you
did i asked you to do for me?
what have you done?? Dont call me as your friend anymore
just leave me alone
(Dont believe what you saw, what you have heard until you have clear evidence)
Subtitles created by Mohamamd Nizam
Saffron & Rice Water Face Glow Night Serum: Anti Aging, Brightening, Antioxidant & Hydrating Serum! - Duration: 4:21.Hi friends this is Ramya from wildturmeric. In this video, I wanted to share
an amazing skin brightening serum with rice water and saffron. I love to use
rice water for skin and hair care because it is so easy to make it at home
and does wonders to our hair and skin. I have been wanting to make a serum with rice
water that has anti-aging, anti-wrinkle and antioxidant properties. After a few
tries, I got this recipe perfect to my liking. Once you apply the serum, it will
immediately penetrate your skin leaving your skin with a soft radiant glow. You can
leave the serum on the whole night, it is not sticky at all. This serum will make your
skin petal soft with regular use.
The first ingredient we need for this recipe is rice water. I usually make rice water at home using hand-pounded rice. It's a
minimally polished rice that still retains most of its nutrients. For best
results, use organic hand-pounded or brown rice but if you don't have both
hand-pounded or brown rice use any rice that you have at home. We can make rice
water in two ways, one is by soaking rice and water and using the starch water. The
second is by straining the leftover water after cooking rice. I've used
cooked rice water for this recipe and it gives the perfect texture. Rice water
soothes sunburned skin, lightens scars, improves skin elasticity and makes the
skin radiant. The second ingredient we need is saffron. Saffron has amazing skin
benefits, it protects our skin from UV damage which is a common problem for
many of us. It has anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties, perfect for
using on even the most damaged and sensitive skin. Saffron is expensive but
we only need two pinches for making this serum. The next ingredient we need is
flaxseed oil. We get virgin flaxseed oil in almost all the department stores in
India. Flax seed oil has antioxidant, anti aging and anti-inflammatory properties
and it is an amazing remedy for many skin conditions including acne, eczema
psoriasis and extreme dryness of the skin. It also helps reduce dark circles,
if we apply it around our eyes. The final ingredient we need is
vegetable glycerin, it is a natural liquid extracted from plant oils like coconut
oil, palm oil etc. We also get glycerin that is synthetically produced. In India, most
of the glycerin we get is synthetically produced, try to get vegetable glycerin
through online shops. Glycerin is a humectant, it draws in moisture and
helps keep our skin soft and supple.
First take 2 pinches of saffron in a bowl. Now add in measured 1/2 cup of rice water that is hot. The rice water should be
thick and creamy like this. Now let it sit for an hour, after an hour the saffron
would have released the color and essence into the rice water. Now strain
this mixture to get a smooth liquid.
Take the saffron infused rice water in a cup. Add in a teaspoon of virgin flaxseed oil to it. Finally, add in a teaspoon
of vegetable glycerin too. Now mix well to get a smooth mixture. Once mixed well,
pour into a spray bottle and store in the fridge immediately. To use, every day
night before going to bed, take little bit of the serum in a piece of cotton
and apply all over the face after removing all make up. Within minutes of
applying the serum, it will get absorbed into the skin making your skin feel soft
and radiant. After making this serum, store it immediately in the fridge. If stored
in the fridge, this serum will last well for 2 weeks. You can apply this serum even
around the eyes it will help reduce dark circles really well.
I hope you found this video useful. If you like to support me and this channel, please share this
video with your friends. It'll mean a lot to me. If you like to get detailed
information on herbs on days I don't post videos, press the notification
button. Thank you for watching this video :).
Xyloken Spray মিলন করার সেরা স্প্রে Opsonin Pharma Best Spray For Health - Duration: 7:04.Xyloken Spray
Suzuki Alto 1.1 GLX JUBILÉE 2,Automaat, 37.dkm! Stuurbekrachtiging,Elek pakket,cpv,5 deurs! - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
Volunteers, officials search for 19-year-old missing University of Iowa student - Duration: 0:19.-------------------------------------------
ALAÇATI 2018 | GEZİ REHBERİ | VLOG-Gezilecek Yerler | Pahalı mı? | Beach, Köyiçi, Butikler, Gece - Duration: 14:01...like restaurant or club..
entertainment, joy place or something like that
just like "kımıl kımıl" stuffs
Today, 21st of July..
and we are in Alaçatı
Go bigger..
Birthday Song for Rashi - Happy Birthday Song for Rashi - Duration: 1:15.Birthday Song for Rashi
Opel Zafira 2.2 150pk Automaat Executive | 88000 km ! - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Man Utd transfer news: Toby Alderweireld update issued amid deadline day claims - Duration: 2:54.Alderweireld has a year left on his Spurs contract and after developing into one of the Premier League's best defenders, there is significant interest in the Belgium international
Spurs can extend Alderweireld's contract by 12 months but it means he will have a release clause of £25million, which is attainable for most top sides
As a result, Spurs are demanding around £50m for the defender in a bid to get the best price for him
Manchester United boss Jose Mourinho wants at least two more signings before the transfer window closes on August 9 and bolstering his centre-back options is one of his key priorities
According to Sky Sports, United and Spurs are "far apart" in their valuations of Alderweireld and no talks are scheduled between the two clubs
But the report says a deal for Alderweireld "will go to the final days of the window"
Earlier this week, Sky Sports journalist Michael Bridge even hinted a deadline day swap deal could happen involving United striker Anthony Martial
"Anthony Martial's future could be the big talking point of the transfer window," Bridge told the Transfer Talk podcast
"Chelsea have entered the fray and I have said plenty of times that Spurs have a longstanding interest in Martial and I still stand by that
"There may even be a deadline day swap between him and Toby Alderweireld, who knows
There will still be plenty to go in the last few weeks." If Alderweireld eventually leaves Spurs, former captain Ledley King believes Mauricio Pochettino will only replace him with quality
"Obviously everyone else is adding to their squads and I'm sure the manager is looking," King told Sky Sports
"But he will only bring in the right players for the right prices and I think that's important
"We need people who are really going to make an impact in the squad. If not, then we don't need to buy
отдых с детьми | горный алтай | детский канал | влог - Duration: 11:52.-------------------------------------------
Nanak Shah Fakir - Movie - Duration: 2:17:25.-------------------------------------------
Opel Astra 1.4 Turbo Cosmo |Navigatie|Trekhaak|Stuurverwarming|Stoelverwarming| - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
Что бы ни случилось, вкладывайте в маркетинг обязательно! [Дмитрий Клещев] - Duration: 4:22.-------------------------------------------
شارة بداية أنمي Death Note الثانية ?!! WHAT'S UP , PEOPLE مترجمة حصريا ᴴᴰ ! - Duration: 1:22.-------------------------------------------
Free Vbucks Fortnite 2018 | get free v bucks | free Vbucks fortnite - Duration: 2:35.Free vbucks Fortnite 2018
Semi jackknifes on I-80 in Liberty - Duration: 0:36.-------------------------------------------
I AM PAUL WALKER Trailer | Paramount Network Documentary - Duration: 2:04.- Hold old are you now? - Fifteen.
Okay this is the, we're gonna test you now.
This is the test. What's today's date?
September 20 - I mean December 24th.
- Yeah? What year? - 19, um, 1986.
He was a big kid. He was a big kid.
He liked to go fast.
As soon as I was old enough to hang on tight,
I was on the back of his big wheel with him going for the ride of my life.
That guy made the best of every single minute.
He lived five lifetimes.
The gun-toting hippie, balance of opposites, uh,
you know, a lover and a fighter.
He's definitely not a puppet.
You know, he's definitely not somebody that's gonna
just be told to do something and then do it.
Cinema didn't capture it all, couldn't capture it all.
Paul was always an actor who had one foot in and one foot out.
- He would just disappear. - Where are you going?
Bye, Paul.
He'd always say, like, I wanted to be a park ranger,
you know, make 28 grand a year and like live in the wilderness.
That's really what he wanted to do.
My daughter, my surfing. That's the life.
And that's what I care about.
I can actually say he did a lot of things
that made a lot of difference in a lot of people's lives,
you know? He was a giver.
If you loved him the way we did you would say, well,
why him and not us?
Peaky Blinders | Comes and Goes - Duration: 4:01.You've lost your wife
and now your brother too
I thought it would make you different
but it doesn't seem to change you, nothing seems to change you
I made a mistake
and I want to appologize to all of you
It was you, who stopped my heart from breaking
Happy or sad?
But I warn you: I'll break your heart
Already broken
Here she is
That's when family's become the one family
You remember?
I remember everything
It's alright brother
You still love her don't you?
My fucking wife took a bullet meant for me
Your heart will be broken
Just the same as mine
You deserve better
Here it comes, Tommy
I'm not fucking you, everyone fucking knows it
You're my best man
every fucking day
You made a choice
I chose my mom
I want you to look at me
Who will be wearing black for you?
Will you help me?
Thank you, Tommy
I think it's that lovely barmaid that's made our brother go all soft
I'm sorry
You came back
Men like us Mr. Shelby
will always be alone
and that love we get
we will have to pay for
You forget
I have my family
Tommy, I want you to know that I came back for love
But we're not kids now John
But we still have to look out for each other, right?
Michael Buble został po raz trzeci ojcem! - Duration: 2:11.-------------------------------------------
Celebrating Harry Potter 20th Anniversary at Target - Duration: 5:05.see for her Harry Potter event at Target let's go and he's nervous because she's
wearing for Harry Potter outfit but I think it's perfect it's perfect for the
event right you know okay stop it you'll be fine it looks
like a Harry Potter fan right there we'll see she's got to get on her ball
Oh Harry Potter where are you oh there it's up there we don't have
very much stuff over here though do they what slurring oh yeah was that fun I
really wanted you to do the Hat please pretty please I'll pay you a dollar I'll
give you a dollar for doing it
hold on it's gonna say all of them nobody's gonna say all four and then
it'll tell you what do you guys get at the end a butterbeer you see yours I get
to stop it but I want to China side it yes and I got the hypest very very very
hibiscus yeah it's really good her first edible flower so good so they
actually know what does it taste like
oh it's cute though I like showing off all our other Harry Potter stuff yeah
okay guys we are home now I dropped Sofia off with my dad because she wanted
to go stay the night and Alison decided to stay home with me we went and got
some Chinese food I got sesame chicken no honey chicken
white rice we have some of these long time
cream cheese long times with the sauce and Jason got some beef Lin a stick and
white rice and then we're gonna watch Harry Potter
Ali so excited child you are so weird she's eating popcorn with her chopsticks
Agnieszka Szulim Badziak Woźniak-Starak wzbudziła sensację na ślubie Krupińskiej! Przesada? - Duration: 3:09.-------------------------------------------
Roseanne Barr on her Valerie Jarrett tweet: 'I was so sad that people thought it was racist.' - Duration: 6:04.by Emily Yahr July 27 at 12:37 AM Email the author In a wide-ranging interview with Sean Hannity on Thursday night, Roseanne Barr attempted to defend her tweet about Valerie Jarrett ("muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj
") that got her fired two months ago from her sitcom. "I was so sad that people thought it was racist," Barr said, in her first televised interview since the "Roseanne" revival was shut down after ABC deemed the tweet "abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values
" [ABC orders spinoff of 'Roseanne' without Roseanne Barr] Barr repeatedly told Hannity that to her, the tweet was a political statement and had nothing to do with race
"That is a tweet about asking for accountability from the previous administration about the Iran deal, which Valerie Jarrett is the author of, and that was what was in my head," Barr said
Barr also used her previous defense that she didn't know Jarrett, adviser to former president Barack Obama, was African American: "I thought she was Middle Eastern," she said
.@seanhannity Exclusive: @therealroseanne Apologizes to Jarrett, Says Tweet's Intention Was Political Not Racialhttps://t
co/ouze5L7vbS— FoxNewsInsider (@FoxNewsInsider) July 27, 2018 During the conversation, Barr seemed frustrated whenever Hannity brought the topic back around to the tweet, and she reiterated how it cost her "everything
" She also occasionally got emotional, such as when she talked about her African American godson
Barr said her godson's father called her after the tweet and said, "I love you no matter what you do
" "I just have to say this," Barr said. "If you really think at the height of my power and my fame I would go 'black people look like — ' I mean, it's just, I wouldn't — I am not stupid! That's what they keep selling
Now, after they misquoted the tweet for weeks, now they don't even include it and they go 'Roseanne's racist tweet
' And they just keep shoving it down everybody's throat." The hour-long interview also dealt with Barr's mental health; she talked about being hospitalized multiple times and previously suffering from multiple personality disorder
She discussed her medications. She talked about growing up around Holocaust survivors
She explained why she liked President Trump. ("I am tired of no solutions … I think he is a solutions person
") She said she's still proud of the "Roseanne" revival's huge ratings when it debuted in March: "They can't take that away from me, no matter what happened
" When Hannity asked about Barr's future, in which ABC has ordered a spinoff called "The Conners" without her, Barr revealed one interesting twist: She said her contract with the network actually addressed her Twitter feed, which was always controversial and contained many fringe conspiracy theories
"I walked away from that show, despite the fact that I had a contract which protected me from if I got in trouble with tweets," Barr said
"It said that in your contract? And they didn't pay you?" Hannity asked. Barr paused
"Well, we can't talk about that," she said. "But I was allowed under my contract to have 24 hours to correct any mistake
" She added that she asked ABC executives to go on "The View" or another show to "explain and correct" the Jarrett tweet, but they said no
(ABC didn't respond to a request to comment about Barr's claim about her contract
) At one point, Hannity asked what Barr would say to Jarrett if she could talk to her directly
"If she's watching," Barr said, turning directly to the camera, "I'm so sorry that you thought I was racist and that you thought my tweet was racist, because it wasn't, it was political
And I'm sorry for the misunderstanding that caused my ill-worded tweet. And I'm sorry that you feel harmed and hurt
And I never meant that and for that I apologize. I never meant to hurt anybody, or say anything negative about an entire race of people, which I think 30 years of my work can attest to
" "Plus I'll tell her, she's gotta get a new haircut," Barr added. "Seriously. She needs a new haircut
" Read more: Roseanne Barr launched her new YouTube career by yelling an explanation for her Valerie Jarrett tweet Roseanne Barr says she 'begged' ABC to save her show ABC cancels 'Roseanne' after its star, Roseanne Barr, went on a vitriolic and racist Twitter rant
Mary Celeste: an UNSOLVED mystery - Duration: 17:26.-------------------------------------------
Instant Anti Aging Beauty Tips Over 50 - Duration: 10:01.today I'm going to share with you six anti-aging products that give instant
results four to put on your skin and two are to put inside your body so if
you'd like to know more please keep watching hi I'm Schellea this is fabulous
50s a Lifestyle channel that explores fashion beauty and lifestyle for women
over 50 and if you're a woman over 50 click subscribe and click the bell and
you'll be alerted every time there's a new video and they'll all relate to you
I get so excited when I buy a product and I get instant results so quite often
when we buy creams and potions it takes a long long time but before we notice a
difference so I wanted to share with you some things that I know work instantly
so if you buy them you will get instant gratification so let's start with the
first one is a lactic acid peel this is makeup artist choice lactic acid peel
and it's a 55% so I bought this about a year ago and I started reading about it
and thought it would be good for my sun damage and this stuff is really good for
once a week you put it on your skin and it goes very tingly kind of sting II and
you leave it on your face for about 5 to 7 minutes and then wash it off it but
you have to prep your skin first with the the prep solution so the two of
these come together and the reason that you would use this lactic acid peel is
if you've got blackheads on your scheme if you've got pigmentation if you've got
blocked pores and what it is is an exfoliant so it exfoliates the dead skin
cells takes them off your face and it gives a really great instant result I
would suggest if you're going to buy this just to start at the one lower than
55% if you're not used to these kind of acids but I just went straight to 55
percent because I using retin-a on my skin and my skin is
kind of tough it's kind of getting rid of all of the dead skin cells and you
can feel it happening as you put it on so this is great I'll leave a link where
to buy this and I use it once a week and it just keeps my skin really fresh and
glowing another great anti-aging skin care product is the Mario Badescu
botanical exfoliating scrub I got this as a sample at Mecca in Sydney they were
giving it away in one of their free gift boxes and it's beautiful and the reason
I use of this is because it gets rid of my flaking skin from using written a
when I got the sample of this it just felt so nice and so beautiful and so
calming and so soft on my skin and you exfoliate all the dead skin cells off
and when you have finished using this your skin looks and feels amazing you
get an instant result it's kind of so amazing you want to do it every day but
it's 2 to 3 times a week and I love using this I didn't know how much it
would be all I knew is that I really wanted to buy it and when I went into
Mecca they told me that this brand is kind of like a drugstore brand in the
States I don't know if that's true but that's
what I was told and here you can get it at make a cosmetic oh and another free
sample I got in that same box was the Wren flash rinse one minute facial and
this gives you instant gratification seriously your skin feels so nice after
you've used it so I've been using this first and then this second in the
morning so I cleanse then use my exfoliating scrub then I use this flash
facial and you put this on your skin rub it in and then you add a little bit of
water to activate the vitamin C it's kind of like a little vitamin C mask and
you put it on and again your skin feels a bit tingly and then you go and do what
you want to do for one minute and wash it off so when you use the two of these
together you just feel so good your face feels beautiful and soft and exfoliated
and clean and my last favorite skincare product for anti-aging and instant
gratification is the Niod multi molecular hyaluronic complex this stuff
is beautiful and you use it as a serum underneath your moisturizer and what it
does is it adds moisture to your skin before you put your makeup on and it
gives like an immediate hydrating boost your skin just feels plump and beautiful
so immediately when you put this on you can feel your skin kind of puffs out a
little bit like it really does work I've been using this and I've told my friends
about it so yeah I'm telling you guys now this is amazing
okay my fifth product is something that you take inside your body to give an
anti-aging effect and it's called Oxy powder you may not have heard of this
before but it's an oxygen based intestinal cleaner and this is the best
product I have tried on the market it's all-natural it doesn't have any fillers
or any bad stuff in it and it goes inside your body and it cleans out all
of your pipes and he fell : isn't clean in our guts not healthy we age really
really quickly so it's all good and well to put all of this on our face and and
our body for anti-aging but if our bodies aren't working
properly we will look old really quit so an unhealthy gut actually makes our
whole body kind of crinkle up like an old Apple so that's why we can get lots
of really deep wrinkles and dryness and skin irritations and bumps and
blackheads and all of that that's all the result of your gut not working
properly this product literally goes in and kind of bubbles away and clicks all
the compacted stuff in your colon and your small intestines so getting it out
of your body is just the best thing can you imagine
that stuff stuck in there and what it's doing to your body it makes you
lethargic it makes you grumpy it makes you irritated it gives you skin
conditions it gives you blackheads and whiteheads like it's toxic we've got to
get the toxins out of the body if you're feeling really lethargic or constipated
or you feel like you're a little bit toxic you'll take this as directed so
the first few days you take one tablet more each day until you're very clean
and then the way that I use it is a weekly maintenance so one day a week
I'll take three or four tablets and the next morning you wake up release it all
and you feel amazing like literally you can see a skin clearing when you get rid
of all of that stuff inside of your body so yep
anti-aging beauty tip number one is to clean out the gut and my last anti-aging
product that I've got to share with you is Progest E complex this little bottle
here is progesterone mixed with vitamin E and it's a really pure natural source
of progesterone and I found it through this book here take control of your
health and escape the sickness industry this is one of my health Bibles and I
refer toward all the time everything in here works so yeah I love this book I
started taking this because I read it in the book but the reason I started taking
it was because I was going through I guess it was a menopausal symptoms but I
wasn't getting any sleep at night so I went from being a perfect sleeper to
someone who was waking up three or four times a night
every single night I was exhausted I wasn't getting hot flashes I was just
waking up for no reason I'd go to the bathroom come back and lie
there wide awake and I couldn't sleep and it started to affect my mood so much
because I was just so tired every day and I read about this protest e cream so
I ordered it and you put drops of it inside of your gums
and it absorbs through the gums into your bloodstream kind of immediately and
I kid you not once it goes into your bloodstream it started working for me
and I started sleeping pretty much straight away like they say you don't
get your beauty sleep you do start looking tired and drawn in dark circles
and it's impossible for you to perform at a peak level it's amazing stuff and I
won't be without it writes Elaine Hollingsworth who's the
author of this book because it's a product that's kind of going in and
doing something to your hormones you must do lots of research on your own but
I'm going to leave all the links below so you can be well researched to sum it
up anti aging starts on the inside of our body we can use lots of beautiful
products to make our skin glow but if you want to have healthy skin underneath
and beautiful eyes and health and vitality you've got to work on the
inside too I hope you enjoyed my 6 anti-aging products please give a thumbs
up if this was any use to you at all and share it with any of your girlfriends
who are love instant gratification and anti aging thank you so much for
watching and have a beautiful week
ACRYLIC RAINBOW NAIL - With French Smileline Tool - Duration: 17:05.-------------------------------------------
Saffron & Rice Water Face Glow Night Serum: Anti Aging, Brightening, Antioxidant & Hydrating Serum! - Duration: 4:21.Hi friends this is Ramya from wildturmeric. In this video, I wanted to share
an amazing skin brightening serum with rice water and saffron. I love to use
rice water for skin and hair care because it is so easy to make it at home
and does wonders to our hair and skin. I have been wanting to make a serum with rice
water that has anti-aging, anti-wrinkle and antioxidant properties. After a few
tries, I got this recipe perfect to my liking. Once you apply the serum, it will
immediately penetrate your skin leaving your skin with a soft radiant glow. You can
leave the serum on the whole night, it is not sticky at all. This serum will make your
skin petal soft with regular use.
The first ingredient we need for this recipe is rice water. I usually make rice water at home using hand-pounded rice. It's a
minimally polished rice that still retains most of its nutrients. For best
results, use organic hand-pounded or brown rice but if you don't have both
hand-pounded or brown rice use any rice that you have at home. We can make rice
water in two ways, one is by soaking rice and water and using the starch water. The
second is by straining the leftover water after cooking rice. I've used
cooked rice water for this recipe and it gives the perfect texture. Rice water
soothes sunburned skin, lightens scars, improves skin elasticity and makes the
skin radiant. The second ingredient we need is saffron. Saffron has amazing skin
benefits, it protects our skin from UV damage which is a common problem for
many of us. It has anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties, perfect for
using on even the most damaged and sensitive skin. Saffron is expensive but
we only need two pinches for making this serum. The next ingredient we need is
flaxseed oil. We get virgin flaxseed oil in almost all the department stores in
India. Flax seed oil has antioxidant, anti aging and anti-inflammatory properties
and it is an amazing remedy for many skin conditions including acne, eczema
psoriasis and extreme dryness of the skin. It also helps reduce dark circles,
if we apply it around our eyes. The final ingredient we need is
vegetable glycerin, it is a natural liquid extracted from plant oils like coconut
oil, palm oil etc. We also get glycerin that is synthetically produced. In India, most
of the glycerin we get is synthetically produced, try to get vegetable glycerin
through online shops. Glycerin is a humectant, it draws in moisture and
helps keep our skin soft and supple.
First take 2 pinches of saffron in a bowl. Now add in measured 1/2 cup of rice water that is hot. The rice water should be
thick and creamy like this. Now let it sit for an hour, after an hour the saffron
would have released the color and essence into the rice water. Now strain
this mixture to get a smooth liquid.
Take the saffron infused rice water in a cup. Add in a teaspoon of virgin flaxseed oil to it. Finally, add in a teaspoon
of vegetable glycerin too. Now mix well to get a smooth mixture. Once mixed well,
pour into a spray bottle and store in the fridge immediately. To use, every day
night before going to bed, take little bit of the serum in a piece of cotton
and apply all over the face after removing all make up. Within minutes of
applying the serum, it will get absorbed into the skin making your skin feel soft
and radiant. After making this serum, store it immediately in the fridge. If stored
in the fridge, this serum will last well for 2 weeks. You can apply this serum even
around the eyes it will help reduce dark circles really well.
I hope you found this video useful. If you like to support me and this channel, please share this
video with your friends. It'll mean a lot to me. If you like to get detailed
information on herbs on days I don't post videos, press the notification
button. Thank you for watching this video :).
子供が生まれてからの生活!Life with a newborn!〔#713〕 - Duration: 6:42.-------------------------------------------
I hate this game ..... (Book of Monsters ) (ROBLOX) - Duration: 8:21.Hi Guys!!!
Today I am gonna play Book of Monsters by Cosmic Workshop !!!
I played two rouds and I haven't won yet >:(
get away from e plssss
I am not gonna win am I ?
Did I ?!
(here I am cheering because its my first win XD )
/e cheer !
dont run I just want to live in you XD
cant get me up here !
But thats boring for YT to stay just here !
I am going for it !
(my rabbit lookee at me when I eddit the vid and his look was like : ... you are going for it to die ? XD)
wait where the button went?
I !
Time to play as a box ...
I am still gonna click your button dude ...
no one want to hear you .. I ment .... read your message
(hear I forgot that I stop the soud in roblox but I am still trying to stop the music from the game lol)
that was it ... BEY GAMERS
Korematsu v. United States - Duration: 7:52.Mr. Beat presents
Supreme Court Briefs
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, December 7, 1941
December 7, 1941...yeah
Japan drops bombs on an American naval base, killing more than 2400 Americans, and injuring 1000 more.
In response, the United States declares war on Japan, officially entering World War II.
Increasingly, Americans viewed anyone of Japanese heritage suspiciously.
Japanese Americans had already faced racism and discrimination in the country for nearly 100 years.
After the Pearl Harbor attack, that racism and discrimination went to the next freaking level, as many thought Japanese Americans might be more loyal to Japan than the United States, sharing military secrets with them and stuff or trying to sabotage the war effort.
Despite there being no evidence whatsoever that this was happening, Japanese American persecution increased.
People bought Jap-hunting licenses.
Life Magazine published an article illustrating how to tell the difference between a Japanese person and Chinese person by the shape their nose and height.
In California, the racism and paranoia seemed to be worse.
A barber shop there advertised "free shaves for Japs" with a disclaimer that read "not responsible for accidents."
A funeral parlor advertised "I'd rather do business with a Jap than an American."
Several people called for removing all Japanese Americans from western states and forcing them to live in concentration camps somewhere else.
President Franklin Roosevelt, who had a record of being racist against the Japanese, agreed with this idea.
He signed Executive Order 9066.
It ordered the roundup of 120,000 Americans of Japanese descent to 1 of 10 concentration camps, called officially "relocation centers."
It also said Japanese Americans weren't allowed to be in California at all, as well as much of Oregon, Washington, and Arizona, unless they were in one of the camps, of course.
Fred Korematsu was one of the Japanese Americans who said the heck with Executive Order 9066.
He stayed in California.
He had a girlfriend who was not Japanese American there he didn't want to leave, and just thought Roosevelt's order was wrong.
So after his entire family left for one of the camps, he stayed behind, became a welder, and tried not to stand out too much.
He changed his name and got a fake ID.
Later, he even tried to have plastic surgery on his eyes to look less Japanese.
The plastic surgeon who worked on him didn't do the procedure but took his money anyway.
Shortly after this, someone reported him and he was arrested.
After his arrest, he never saw his girlfriend again, by the way.
Eventually, Korematsu found himself in federal prison.
The American Civil Liberties Union, or ACLU, reached out to him there and offered to represent him in court.
Korematsu said heck yeah. Together, they argued that Executive Order 9066 went against the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment.
Korematsu's loyalty to the United States was never in question.
Still, in federal court in San Francisco, he was convicted, given five years of probation, and sent to a concentration camp in Utah.
He appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals, who agreed with the lower court.
He then appealed again, and the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case, hearing arguments in October 1944, with the war still raging on.
During arguments, the Court considered a similar case from the previous year called Hirabayashi v. United States.
That one upheld Executive Order 9066.
The Court announced its decision on December 18, 1944. It sided with the United States. But this one was certainly controversial. It was 6-3.
The Court argued that Executive Order 9066 was justified in order to keep the country safe.
They said the need to protect Americans from espionage was more important than individual rights.
Justice Hugo Black wrote the opinion, but today most say the opinion is pretty flawed.
He wrote, "Korematsu was not excluded from the Military Area because of hostility to him or his race. He was excluded because we are at war with the Japanese Empire."
Actually, no. That is false. He also wrote,
"There was evidence of disloyalty on the part of some (Japanese Americans), the military authorities considered that the need for action was great, and the time was short."
You're 0 for 2, Hugo. At that time, there was no evidence of that, either.
Justice Felix Frankfurter chimed in that the Constitution gave the President and Congress these war powers.
The three justices who dissented all wrote separate opinions.
Justice Frank Murphy passionately argued that the decision was basically the legalization of racism, and that this racial discrimination went against everything the United States stood for.
"All residents of this nation are kin in some way by blood or culture to a foreign land. Yet they are primarily and necessarily a part of the new and distinct civilization of the United States.
They must, accordingly, be treated at all times as the heirs of the American experiment, and as entitled to all the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution." Dang, you tell 'em Frank.
On January 2, 1945, President Roosevelt cancelled Executive Order 9066.
The camps were shut down, and many Japanese Americans returned home to find their belongings missing or destroyed.
Fred Korematsu returned home, and did not speak publicly about the case for decades.
Flash forward to the 1980s. By this time most Americans agreed that what the government did to Japanese Americans during World War II was messed up.
In 1983, Korematsu's original conviction was finally overturned.
In 1988, Congress passed the Civil Liberties Act, which formally apologized to the Japanese Americans affected and awarded payments of $20,000 to each camp survivor, about $43,000 in today's money.
Korematsu did speak out in his later years.
He died in 2005. In 2009, a non-profit civil liberties organization called the Fred T. Korematsu Institute was founded.
It's currently ran by Fred's daughter, Karen Korematsu.
Korematsu v. United States is often considered one of the worst Supreme Court decisions in American history.
Today the case, as well as the treatment of Japanese Americans during World War II, are both seen as major tragedies.
On June 26, 2018, in the case Trump v. Hawaii, a case which upheld the President's restriction of travel in the United States by people from several countries, the Supreme Court finally FINALLY officially overruled the Korematsu decision.
I'll see you for the next Supreme Court case, jury!
Yeah, that was really freaking sad. On a lighter note, did you know I have a Twitter?
That's how I knew you guys wanted me to cover this case.
You should follow me on Twitter for esoteric Tweets like this one, which I tweeted on June 25th, 2018.
Today I ate half a pound of black beans in a sterile room. I was joined by 19 complete strangers, all doing the same thing.
We said nothing to each other. In fact, we didn't even look at each other as we devoured our beans.
For more tweets like that, follow me on Twitter at @beatmastermatt
Also, a shout out to my newest Patreon supporters
Vinod, Jonathan, Mark, and Shaked!
Thanks so much for your support and thank you for watching.
Nutrition tips for swimmers. Swimming recovery part 2 - Duration: 4:33.Swimming is a lot easier if you are eating correctly, because it is an important part
of the recovery process.
If you are new here welcome to our channel where every friday we give you new advice
on how to swim easier, faster and with more joy. If you are interested consider subscribing!
So i am no expert in this field so I asked a sports nutritionist if she could help me
with this video, and I so I asked her
Why is eating as soon as possible after training important? And what kind of food do I have
to eat?
Protein is a nutrient that we related with physical activity and muscles, but why?
Proteins are composed of amino acids, which are the building blocks of our body (muscles).
The timing of protein ingestion is important, post exercise is an effective time to stimulate
muscle protein synthesis. It´s better to eat protein immediately less than 2 hours
after to initiate the recovery and muscle reconditioning as soon as possible.
Good sources of protein are: egg, milk, poultry, beef, sea food. Note: Animal protein is better
absorbed than plant protein. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy,
they are the fuel of our bodies. We stock carbohydrates in the muscles. GLYCOGEN
is the main source of energy of the muscles. So after exercise, we need to refuel this
glycogen storage. The immediate intake of carbohydrate enhances the rate of glycogen
synthesis in early recovery period. Enhanced refueling aka eating carbohydrates
early, is important when recovery period is less than 8 hours . For example when you train
double sessions or during swim meets. The type and quantity of carbohydrates depends
on the sport and nutrition goals. important Carbohydrate sources include fruits,
cereal, rice, bread, oats. These are general tips, but nutrition diets
need to be personalized. The food intake is not the only important
thing, rehydration is also key in the recovery process.
Through our sweat, we lose water and electrolytes, mainly sodium, that we need to restore.
Post-exercise rehydration can only be achieved if an appropriate volume is consumed.
The replacement of sodium lost in sweat is a pre-requisite for the retention of drinks
consumed. in other words without sodium rehydration will not be effective.
Plain water can be an effective post-exercise rehydration drink if sodium is ingested at
the same time via food. Fluid ingestion during and after exercise
also needs to be personalized, because of the variability of factors: type of exercise,
duration and intensity of exercise, sweat rate, climate and temperature of the water.
Sometimes we need to include carbohydrates and electrolytes to drinks ingested during
and after exercise. Everything in excess is bad, and drinking
large amounts of water is not an exception, because it can cause "hyponatremia", a
condition with low blood sodium levels, it is an infrequent but potentially life-threatening
condition. In addition of the sports drinks we recommended
a beverage to rehydrate:
Here is what you will need. 1 liter of water
1 Pinch of salt ½ tsp of baking soda
1 tsp of honey 1 -2 juice of lime
This drink is better served cold, really cold.
I want to thank these two lovely ladies who helped us with this video. They are both nutritionists.
Marianna has a sports clinic and she is my girlfriend. A lot of the beautiful pictures
on this video are Cynthia's and she is my brother's girlfriend. If you understand
Spanish, consider following them on instagram! They are always uploading useful content about
nutrition and sports.
If you found this video helpful and you know someone that could benefit from it, like a
teammate or a coach, consider sharing it. If you want to learn more about swimming visit
our webpage skillswimming.com
à la prochaine!
Nager vite!
This is their first time flying - Duration: 3:55.say hello America
cheers everyone great to be back with another video
people in Ukraine know me because of the articles that were written that
the guy came from US who was studying there and then started a farm in Ukraine
and it's partially true but I was not actually the one started it. My parents did.
So today I would like to lay out some background story to where I have
come from. So back in 2014 when I moved
from the city to a village where we live now, a small town, that same year my
wife's parents migrated to US. It's been pretty hard on my wife for
these four years because she was really close with her sisters and
of course you are always close to your mom and she hasn't seen up in four years. And her sister
just came to visit few weeks ago and a few of us on Instagram or Facebook you
might have seen some pictures from that. Her mom is having her 60th birthday this
week. So just many things came together and we were able to make it over here to US.
It has been like eight years since I've been here last time. It's been the
first time for my wife of course traveling here and even the first time
flying for my wife and for my daughter. So this is just an introductory video to my other side of the family.
Not too many people know about it but next three weeks I'll be in US and if you'd
like to meet up I'll be in Jacksonville, FL most of the time.
If you want to talk cheese or bread we would love to. And if you guys have any recommendations to what
places to visit in that area, that either be artisan bakeries, cheese making places
or anything else artisan, handmade - that would be amazing.
We have already done two flights today. We are in Chicago now and we are gonna be flying out to Jacksonville in a few hours but
by the time you watch already gonna be there.
You have a great day and we will continue with our travels.
Despicable me Lion King finger family song | Minions Simba finger song - Duration: 0:53.Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Gender Reassignment Surgery|One Year Post Op - Duration: 2:05.-------------------------------------------
Honda Civic 1.5 I AERODECK VTEC-E - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
Mensagem de Nossa Senhora de Anguera, 26/07/2018 - Duration: 1:59.-------------------------------------------
Vices cobram Galiotte e repudiam Leila: "O Palmeiras não é seu" - Duration: 8:34.-------------------------------------------
Michael Buble został po raz trzeci ojcem! - Duration: 2:11.-------------------------------------------
Nutrition tips for swimmers. Swimming recovery part 2 - Duration: 4:33.Swimming is a lot easier if you are eating correctly, because it is an important part
of the recovery process.
If you are new here welcome to our channel where every friday we give you new advice
on how to swim easier, faster and with more joy. If you are interested consider subscribing!
So i am no expert in this field so I asked a sports nutritionist if she could help me
with this video, and I so I asked her
Why is eating as soon as possible after training important? And what kind of food do I have
to eat?
Protein is a nutrient that we related with physical activity and muscles, but why?
Proteins are composed of amino acids, which are the building blocks of our body (muscles).
The timing of protein ingestion is important, post exercise is an effective time to stimulate
muscle protein synthesis. It´s better to eat protein immediately less than 2 hours
after to initiate the recovery and muscle reconditioning as soon as possible.
Good sources of protein are: egg, milk, poultry, beef, sea food. Note: Animal protein is better
absorbed than plant protein. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy,
they are the fuel of our bodies. We stock carbohydrates in the muscles. GLYCOGEN
is the main source of energy of the muscles. So after exercise, we need to refuel this
glycogen storage. The immediate intake of carbohydrate enhances the rate of glycogen
synthesis in early recovery period. Enhanced refueling aka eating carbohydrates
early, is important when recovery period is less than 8 hours . For example when you train
double sessions or during swim meets. The type and quantity of carbohydrates depends
on the sport and nutrition goals. important Carbohydrate sources include fruits,
cereal, rice, bread, oats. These are general tips, but nutrition diets
need to be personalized. The food intake is not the only important
thing, rehydration is also key in the recovery process.
Through our sweat, we lose water and electrolytes, mainly sodium, that we need to restore.
Post-exercise rehydration can only be achieved if an appropriate volume is consumed.
The replacement of sodium lost in sweat is a pre-requisite for the retention of drinks
consumed. in other words without sodium rehydration will not be effective.
Plain water can be an effective post-exercise rehydration drink if sodium is ingested at
the same time via food. Fluid ingestion during and after exercise
also needs to be personalized, because of the variability of factors: type of exercise,
duration and intensity of exercise, sweat rate, climate and temperature of the water.
Sometimes we need to include carbohydrates and electrolytes to drinks ingested during
and after exercise. Everything in excess is bad, and drinking
large amounts of water is not an exception, because it can cause "hyponatremia", a
condition with low blood sodium levels, it is an infrequent but potentially life-threatening
condition. In addition of the sports drinks we recommended
a beverage to rehydrate:
Here is what you will need. 1 liter of water
1 Pinch of salt ½ tsp of baking soda
1 tsp of honey 1 -2 juice of lime
This drink is better served cold, really cold.
I want to thank these two lovely ladies who helped us with this video. They are both nutritionists.
Marianna has a sports clinic and she is my girlfriend. A lot of the beautiful pictures
on this video are Cynthia's and she is my brother's girlfriend. If you understand
Spanish, consider following them on instagram! They are always uploading useful content about
nutrition and sports.
If you found this video helpful and you know someone that could benefit from it, like a
teammate or a coach, consider sharing it. If you want to learn more about swimming visit
our webpage skillswimming.com
à la prochaine!
Nager vite!
Ford Fiesta Active: el compacto se vuelve SUV - Duration: 4:04.-------------------------------------------
América vence Inter e sai do Z4 - Duration: 2:58.-------------------------------------------
9 July 2018 - Duration: 1:43.Coming up today -- what should you do if you have to give a really short speech
and you would love to tell a story to your audience but maybe you feel "I don't
have enough time to do a story - a good story - justice". Well, here's an option you
might want to consider. It's called using vignettes. And a vignette is really no
more than just a scene - which is a great way to pull your audience into something
that is happening and to find connection with that idea. So let me give you an
example: Recently I was going through Dublin Airport on my way to America and
I saw this young girl with a group of kids, preteens, and she said something
like this: "I am just sooo high on life mummy and it's not even the coca-cola
speaking! I mean, we're going to America. Flipping America. Does it get any better
than that?" And her mother just looked at me and
said "Do you think she's excited?' Now, technically speaking, that's not a story...
because something didn't happen over a period of time...But it is a scene. And I
promise you even in those short few sentences I have instantly created, as
you can, a picture of something that's going on that your audience can identify
with, can engage with, and learn something from. So, if you are tight for time -
consider finding ways to use short scenes of something that you've seen,
that you found interesting, that can create something of value for your
audience. Until the next time, here's to awesome
Andrés não convence, e organizada marca protesto no Parque São Jorge - Duration: 5:12.-------------------------------------------
Rolls-Royce Cullinan: lujo y exageración en forma de SUV - Duration: 5:04.-------------------------------------------
Andrés Sanchez nega que Corinthians esteja vendendo jogadores para fazer "caixa" - Duration: 5:36.-------------------------------------------
Hot Wheels: 6.000 millones de miniaturas en 50 años - Duration: 2:46.-------------------------------------------
¿Te multan si llevas el carnet caducado un día? 6 despistes que salen caros - Duration: 5:14.-------------------------------------------
Si te gusta uno de estos 12 coches, mejor no te lo compres todavía - Duration: 10:07.-------------------------------------------
Paul Bloom – Diferenças culturais e a moral de todos nós - Duration: 3:30.I'm not sure if there's any relationship at all
between dualism and multiculturalism.
But, I'm very interested in morality,
and our moral judgements, and our judgments of right and wrong.
For that, the issue of a multicultural, or a cosmopolitan society
raises some extraordinarily important questions.
Questions that are important both theoretically,
but also for practical importance.
These questions are that, on the face of it,
people have different moralities, people have different moral systems.
I might value chastity,
and sexual modesty, you might not.
You might care a lot about patriotism,
and honor, and love for your country, I might not.
We get outraged at different things,
we want different laws put into place.
I can't speak for Brazil, but in my own country, the US,
there are huge debates over issues like abortion,
capital punishment, same-sex marriage,
just distribution of resources, what to do about racial inequality.
Because we, like you, are a multicultural society,
there's not only individual differences,
but there are also cultural differences.
People raised in one part of the country might have very different views
from people raised on other parts of the country.
The question is how do you cope with that.
A lot of that depends on the psychological question of
what you think these differences are.
So, some people are skeptical,
and they think these differences are very radical,
there are people having entirely different notions
about what it is to be a good person, what morality really is.
If you believe that, you'll be skeptical
about reconciling these cultural differences.
The society, in the end, might have to say,
"you're right, and you're wrong, we're not even going to listen to you,
you just don't fit into our moral way of talking,
our moral conversation". I'm not that skeptical.
My research with babies and children leads me to a view
that suggests that people share a morality,
despite the way that morals seem different,
there's a deep commonality.
This is, in some way, an analogy with somebody like, say, Noam Chomsky,
talking about language. Chomsky says that different languages
like Portuguese, English, Dutch, Korean,
they all sound very different,
but, deep down, if you look at their structures,
there are fundamental similarities, they all have nouns and verbs,
they all have syntax and phonology,
they all have different aspects of grammar.
I think the same thing is true for morality.
So, because there's an underline commonality,
I think people, for instance, who come from
very politically and religiously conservative values,
and people from very secular values,
in the end, at a higher enough level,
can find things that they agree on. This makes me an optimist
about reconciling different moral views from within the society.
GTI TCR Concept: un adelanto del Golf más rápido de la historia - Duration: 3:09.-------------------------------------------
TINA TURNER - Simply The Best (Remix By TMSC) - Duration: 5:05.-------------------------------------------
ALAÇATI 2018 | GEZİ REHBERİ | VLOG-Gezilecek Yerler | Pahalı mı? | Beach, Köyiçi, Butikler, Gece - Duration: 14:01...like restaurant or club..
entertainment, joy place or something like that
just like "kımıl kımıl" stuffs
Today, 21st of July..
and we are in Alaçatı
Go bigger..
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