Sunday, July 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 2 2018

Vuelven a ponerse todos los focos sobre Rafa Mora y la que hasta ahora su actual pareja, Macarena.

Tras salir a la luz unas fotografías de la joven en una situación muy cariñosa con otro chico en la playa, su relación fue cuestionada y puesto en duda una posible infidelidad por su parte.

Sin haberse aclarado aún que había pasado realmente, 'Socialité' ha descubierto que ambos se han dejado de seguir en las redes sociales, Macarena ha puesto su perfil privado y Rafa Mora ha borrado todo rastro de ella en su cuenta.

¿Significa esto el punto y final al amor? Para salir de dudas, el programa de María Patiño se ha puesto en contacto con el mediático extronista de 'Mujeres y Hombres y Viceversa' para aclarar lo ocurrido y ha sido franco: "No considero que sea una infidelidad porque son unas fotos",

y además asegura que el chico de la playa "es un amigo desde hace dos años" con el que pudo hablar el propio Rafa Mora sobre lo ocurrido.

A pesar de ello, esto generó un fuerte conflicto en la pareja que les ha obligado a poner su relación "en stand-by", es decir, se han dado un tiempo.

El problema que ahora tiene que zanjar, en palabras del principal protagonista, es si les merece la pena seguir adelante siendo conscientes de su propia realidad: "Yo le dije que tiene que entender que su pareja trabaja en los medios y que sus actos tienen unas consecuencias.

Tiene que ser consciente de que está saliendo con Rafa Mora que sale en 'Sálvame'", y añade: "Ella dice que es anónima y que no puede estar pendiente de todo esto.

Habría sido también este el motivo que les llevó a romper de manera virtual: "Macarena es una persona anónima. Tenemos esta conversación pendiente y a ver si podemos seguir adelante".

Se ha cerrado la cuenta de Instagram y yo la he borrado de todas mis redes para no tener ninguna responsabilidad, si ella hace cositas y llega a mi puesto de trabajo".

Reconoció también que esto fue algo que ella misma le llegó a echar en cara y los llevo a tomar este tipo de situación. ¿Pagándole con la misma moneda? Pero Rafa Mora tampoco está libre de pecado.

Tras el paso de Sofía Suescun por 'Sábado Deluxe', la ganadora de 'Supervivientes 2018' subió una foto en brazos del colaborador del programa con el título: "Solteros de oro",

algo que no ha pasado desapercibido y ha hecho saltar aún más alarmas sobre la situación sentimental de Mora.

Para más inri, él ha hecho lo mismo en su cuenta de Instagram con la misma fotografía y esta vez con un título diferente pero no exento de polémica: "Que sería de este mundo sin amor. Te quiero guapa".

El protagonista de todo esto asegura que ambos son muy buenos amigos y ha querido poner un ejemplo de su buena relación que no queda muy claro si 'aclaran' o echa más leña al fuego: "Sofía es muy cariñosa,

Por lo visto, la pareja tiene mucho que hablar y mucho que aclarar. por ejemplo ayer me enseñó el piercing que se puso en el pezón en el camerino".

For more infomation >> Rafa Mora habla sobre la relación con Macarena: "Estamos en stand by y sus actos tendrán - Duration: 3:04.


¡Es el de Aquaservice! Descubre nuestro cómodo servicio a domicilio - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> ¡Es el de Aquaservice! Descubre nuestro cómodo servicio a domicilio - Duration: 0:16.


Descubre cómo atraer plenitud a tu vida con una simple herramienta.101 formas de transformar tu vida - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Descubre cómo atraer plenitud a tu vida con una simple herramienta.101 formas de transformar tu vida - Duration: 1:50.


Birthday Song for Satish - Happy Birthday Song for Satish - Duration: 1:15.

Birthday Song for Satish

For more infomation >> Birthday Song for Satish - Happy Birthday Song for Satish - Duration: 1:15.


PRIMER VIDEO || Vivi Channel - Duration: 0:49.

Hi, everyone, my name is VIVIANA! and Welcome to my new channel on Youtube

I hope here to share many of my experiences, I don't know, tell you things ... talk ... lol

comment also what you want to see, challenges, whatever you want

please subscribe, give me a like, and I hope to see you soon here ... Byeeee!

Day6- Shoot me

[yes, i'm crazy...]

ASMR: How hard is this!



For more infomation >> PRIMER VIDEO || Vivi Channel - Duration: 0:49.


Ivan Rakitic: "Neymar es uno de mis jugadores favoritos, siempre lo quiero en mi equipo" - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Ivan Rakitic: "Neymar es uno de mis jugadores favoritos, siempre lo quiero en mi equipo" - Duration: 3:35.


Routine Hair Care and Tips-Online Shopping Review-Kachu Sager Ghanto Recipe-Awesome Breakfast - Duration: 20:16.


Garlic & Green chili

Black pepper

Black salt


Garlic paste

Cumin powder

Turmeric powder

Red chili powder

Salt to taste

Green chili - 2

Punka shak / Green vegetable

For more infomation >> Routine Hair Care and Tips-Online Shopping Review-Kachu Sager Ghanto Recipe-Awesome Breakfast - Duration: 20:16.


Robi się bardzo GORĄCO. Tysiące Polaków wychodzą na ulice, Wałęsa wyciąga BROŃ PALNĄ - Duration: 3:52.

Lech Wałęsa już w sobotę wywołał burzę w mediach.

Teraz jeszcze bardziej potęguje emocje, bowiem zapowiada ogromną rewolucję, a w razie potrzeby twierdzi, że gotów jest posunąć się nawet do użycia broni palnej.

Były prezydent Polski Lech Wałęsa już w sobotę doprowadził polskie media do wrzenia.

Po południu na swoim Facebooku opublikował wpis, w którym nawołuje do fizycznego rozprawienia się z władzą polityczną.

Jak podkreślił, 4 lipca jedzie do Warszawy, gdzie ma dojść do „fizycznego odsunięcia głównego sprawcy wszystkich nieszczęść".

Teraz jeszcze bardziej wzmaga emocje związane z zapowiadanym protestem.

Lech Wałęsa na czele zbrojnego ruchu?!

W sobotę na Facebooku byłego przywódcy pierwszej „Solidarności" pojawił się wpis, z którego wynika, że Lech Wałęsa chce odsunąć PiS od władzy metodą rewolucyjną.

Były prezydent już wcześniej wielokrotnie podkreślał, że jest gotów stanąć na czele ruchu,

który obali PiS, w tym celu potrzebuje jednak oddanych mu Polaków, którzy pójdą z nim ramię w ramię.

Także teraz stwierdził, że potrzeba do tego „ponad 100 000 zdecydowanych i zdyscyplinowanych chętnych".

Od początku Wałęsa pisał o ruchu pokojowym, który wprawdzie „fizycznie odsunie" obecnych rządzących od władzy, ale bez rozlewu krwi.

Dziś nie jest już taki spolegliwy.

Nowy wpis byłego prezydenta na Facebooku jest znacznie ostrzejszy.

– Wybraną władzę należy szanować.

Tej władzy nie wolno szanować.

Ta władza łamie konstytucję, niszczy dorobek i dobre imię Polski.

Ja mówię zdecydowane już dość.

Jeśli podniosą łapę na Sąd Najwyższy, to jadę do Warszawy 4 lipca, by głównego sprawcę odsunąć od możliwości zniszczenia podstawowego strażnika demokracji,

jakim jest Sąd Najwyższy – napisał Wałęsa na Facebooku.

– Będę chciał zrobić to pokojowo, ale jeśli ktokolwiek, w tym policja, stanie mi na przeszkodzie, będę walczył i bronił się.

Przypominam, że mam broń i pozwolenie do obrony osobistej.

Policja nie może wykonywać rozkazów w obronie łamiących konstytucji – dodał.

W związku z powyższymi wpisami można spodziewać się już niebawem gigantycznych protestów w stolicy Polski.

Możliwe jest jednak także, że rządzący wpisy Wałęsy uznają za groźbę zbrojnego przewrotu i zareagują wcześniej, na przykład aresztując byłego prezydenta.

To zaś może doprowadzić do jeszcze poważniejszych rozruchów w kraju.

For more infomation >> Robi się bardzo GORĄCO. Tysiące Polaków wychodzą na ulice, Wałęsa wyciąga BROŃ PALNĄ - Duration: 3:52.


সকালে স্ত্রী সহবাস বা যৌন মিলনের কিছু সুফল এক বার হলেও ভিডিওটি দেখুন#BanglaHealthCare - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> সকালে স্ত্রী সহবাস বা যৌন মিলনের কিছু সুফল এক বার হলেও ভিডিওটি দেখুন#BanglaHealthCare - Duration: 2:11.


Birthday Song for Shiva - Happy Birthday Song for Shiva - Duration: 1:15.

Birthday Song for Shiva

For more infomation >> Birthday Song for Shiva - Happy Birthday Song for Shiva - Duration: 1:15.


Birthday Song for Satish - Happy Birthday Song for Satish - Duration: 1:15.

Birthday Song for Satish

For more infomation >> Birthday Song for Satish - Happy Birthday Song for Satish - Duration: 1:15.


Birthday Song for Prem - Happy Birthday Song for Prem - Duration: 1:15.

Birthday Song for Prem

For more infomation >> Birthday Song for Prem - Happy Birthday Song for Prem - Duration: 1:15.


Harry I Meghan Nie Byli Gorsi Od Williama I Kate. W Urodziny Księżnej Diany ... - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Harry I Meghan Nie Byli Gorsi Od Williama I Kate. W Urodziny Księżnej Diany ... - Duration: 3:42.


Fico usa i migranti per rompere il patto Salvini-Di Maio - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Fico usa i migranti per rompere il patto Salvini-Di Maio - Duration: 3:29.


【VOCALOID】 RE: Again 【Gumi English】 - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> 【VOCALOID】 RE: Again 【Gumi English】 - Duration: 4:13.


Multicouples | Whenever you're there, everywhere I see color (my otps) - Duration: 2:39.

What's a soulmate?

Well, it's like a best friend but more.

It's the one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else.

Who knew and accepted you and believed in you before anyone else did.

Toni: You're sensational.

Gabriel: Who are you?

Mary: If you weren't the future king of France,

Mary: and I was just a girl, not the queen of anything.

Mary: Would you what this?

Spike: It's not to watch you be happy.

Spike: You glow.

Fitz: I got something magnificent right here.

Eleanor: But somehow I never want to leave you.

Eleanor: I want to stay in The Good Place because of you.

Daniela: What's wrong.

Gabriel: I've never noticed that you have beautiful eyes.

Dracy: You have bewitched me body and soul.

Dracy: I love...I love...Love you.

Gabriel: I told you, for you, I would do anything.

Gabriel: And anything is everything.

Barney: It has been…

Barney: overwhelming and and humbling, and even painful at times,

Barney: but I could not stop loving her any more than I could stop breathing.

Barney: I'm hopelessly, irretrievably in love with her.

Eleanor: I was dropped into a crave and your were my flashlight.

Bary: All I know, right here, right now, I wanna spend every moment I can with you.

Bary: You're the first thing I want to see when I wake up.

For more infomation >> Multicouples | Whenever you're there, everywhere I see color (my otps) - Duration: 2:39.


ROHILESH X Hon. Bob Carr, Australian Foreign Minister - If I Knew Then What I know Now. - Duration: 35:39.

Bob Carr Australia's Ex-Foreign Minister a longest serving premier here New South

Wales Australia shares with us what it takes to get over the fear of failure

it's awesome to hear this from a politician actually someone who's been

as successful as Bob he opens up and he also lets us know what's the one thing

that he wishes he'd spend more time on which of course he's doing a lot to get

better at right now and I have a lot of fun in terms of coaching Bob in this

particular area hey welcome to the leadership show welcome to happiness

platform I'm Roh Singh. Bob Welcome to the happiness platform welcome to the

leadership show it's a great cause happy to talk to you thank you thanks for

having us in your office I hope you read all these books. I can't say that I have. I was very impressed. Bob you've served our

our nation for a long time you've served our state for a long time today I wanted to

talk to you about you know what makes a good leader particularly one who is

orientated towards service has dedicated his entire life to this particular cause

such as you have so maybe if we can start off there is that okay

sure well one idea I'd like to give you and and hold up to the light is the

notion of life is a learning experience because I think leaders ought to see what a

CV in life as being a trajectory of learning I could go on about it a great

length but just think of one thing but the challenge any any leader has of

walking into a room of strangers and becoming interested in other people it's

not hard if you think to yourself when you go into that room but from each

person here I'm capable of learning a great fact a great truth

and if you take that approach you're interested in people you're motivated to

Winkle out of them but their lifetime experience has been what they have

boiled it down to but to get to that point you need to say I want to learn I

want to learn life is a learning experience I think if you take that

if you are interested in learning learning of course life is interesting life is interesting

I think people who are demoralized by life were defeated by life are people who

are not passionate about learning new things by my age I'm just getting a

little bit sad that I'm not gonna have time to learn everything I want so it's

a really really prudent point it's a point that we're we encourage a fair bit

and hence the work that we do which is try and get such wisdom from people

like yourself and share with everybody right so when you are serving the nation

and also when you're serving your state there's some major major changes that

you put forward what motivated you to keep going because you know you're a

dirty you know we're in a dirty business where people are always you know having

a go at you guys for doing something right which may not fit in with what

they think is the most important thing how do you stay on top and focused in

terms of hey you know what the vision is for the state or the country and then

you you know you go about in making sure whatever plans you put in place gets

executed fear of failure that's a very creative thing and you render that a

positive emotion I remember once when I was oppositional leader I was way behind in

all the polls the conventional wisdom was that Carr will never be premier

he might be if they were generous they might say you'll be the he was the best Premier

we never had right and I thought I got all the polls against me and the experts

united in saying that I can't win I don't want to fail because that'll be to

disappoint the people around me and like everyone else I want to I want a

bit of honour from my time as a public figure

therefore therefore knowing I'm behind knowing that I'm being written off I'm

just going to make make every moment of the day count I wanted I wanted to be

said should I be defeated in the forthcoming election I will want it to

be said he couldn't have done more he led us he led the party as well as

anyone could have he made every post a winner in the end he didn't get over the

line but what a race he ran wow that's beautiful what Bob I'm

really really curious in terms of what formed that type of a character in you

you know I know I know you mentioned about learning always you know letting

life be a learning experience and continuous learning so that you're

continuously interested in what's going on and you're in the present right what

what shaped Bob to be that particular way to have that insight rather than

buckle to to fear buckle to anxieties and restlessness etc yeah I think I

think just the wisdom to accept look I'm in a hell of a position I've been dealt

a bad set of cards but I'm going to make the best of it so that people will say

he couldn't have done more he fought like like a warrior that's all the

motivation you need on behalf of your cause give them as good as you can

there's a great lesson in politics and I want to share it with you I think and we

ought to deal with that the fact of failure every election has a winner and a


and sometimes the cycle in politics but in life in life in business and other

other Affairs just won't suit you it's not your time the goddess Fortuna hasn't

smiled on you because she's been distracted by someone else

it's their turn not yours I think if you don't achieve your goal make a virtue

out of not being bitter I didn't win the prize but not for a moment am i bitter

about it and if you do win if you do win aspire to be kind about the victory

I did win instead of being arrogant or smug complacent or lazy about that

win I'm going to distinguish himself with kindness no business in defeat and

in victory kindness don't forget Doctor Evsky your big lesson

from Dr Evsky in a book a novel of his The Brothers Karamazov it deals with

big questions of religion he has someone tell a story about a woman and he's very

religious easily a fierce Christian and he sometimes forces his faith

on his readers he told a story about an old woman who distinguished

herself with one kind deed she gave an onion to a begger one Dr Evsky

has this story told a story within his novel of how that good deed

according to her a monk or a priest that single good deed meager as it was was

enough for her to achieve everlasting life

yeah some of your wise Swami friends wise men of India no doubt make the point with a

similar tale but I think I think at a certain stage

in life it could be nice if we can list the kind things we did

I'm sure if anyone goes through my life they would find a lot on the other side of the

ledger but I'd like to think there are some there's some magnanimous things I

did but not to my credit I'm sure there's plenty Bob you're absolutely

right right when I spend my time with the Swamis and the wisdom that they put

forward and they try and live by it's a really interesting one and I think it'll

serve politics really well which is one of the notion of when we do give be it

that onion be it to the right person at the right time then it makes sense if we

give when someone doesn't need it or with the wrong motivation then it's

really a useless deed right so I'd be interested as you read a bit more about

that it'll be it'll be cool so Bob Mattraville that's where all started for you

the Ducks did you know back then that this is what you wanted to do I know

it's at 15 at 15 I became resolved to be a career politician because the best of

motivations but also to make a name for myself but I mean I could've

become fanatical about a career in journalism or different gifts a career

on the sporting field some youngsters pick up a motivation at a young age

others others sift and evaluate and filter options but it was funny at 15 I

simply resolved that I would be I had done a bit of reading and I had heard my father talk about politics but I

I wanted to be an elected politician and what have you there would have been

challenges at times are there any times where you've gone I don't know if I want

to do this I don't know did any of those challenges ever come up well one bit of

wisdom is I think you gotta be loyal to the nightmare of your choice yeah

if you said at an early age this is it and it seems to be more thinning and

sincere choice give it a good run at least until you get it out of your system and

then if you're frustrated if you look and there is a setback and you won't get there

accept that and again without bitterness without bitterness and pick up something

else and give that your best but when I had setbacks it was only an invitation

to greater if it because I did think I did think my the true expression of

whatever talent or good instincts or ambition I had was to be an elected

politician it's wonderful there's also another you keep reminding me of all these

lessons that I've come forward from the you know the wisdom of the Vedas which

is very very clear in terms of you best do your own duty and put 100% into it

doesn't matter if you fail then to do another person's work and be so

successful at it so I guess this is where it comes back to that insight that

I'd like to serve as a politician be an elected politician and sticking to it

doesn't matter whether you know what the poll said etc that's probably what

drives that ability to keep going with the process of being there and doing the

best right I mean that's that's become very very clear to me a little bit later

in life as you know you get a bit older I wish those the kind of wisdom I had

endlessly I think replay our lives and think if only then I knew what I know

now but one of the beautiful things about life is making mistakes you make a

mistake and you then know being human you make the same mistake again but then

then having made it twice or maybe three times the hard wiring for hardwiring and

you learn from the mistake yes that's being human being able to slap

yourself on the forward and say how could I be so

stupid how can I be so insensitive as to do that why on earth did I allow anger

or weariness to do something as stupid as that that's the moment when up here

you're being hardwired against doing it again so it'd be beautiful to rerun our

lives with all those lessons but we only make different mistakes yes you one who

public about your focus and keeping healthy keeping fit physically and from

you know just just speaking with you I can see that you do a fair bit as far as

making sure mentally you're a student and find an operating well how much if

it goes into that it said it's a dedicated time which you put aside

rather than thinking hey I'm gonna be okay or look after your health when

something goes wrong what do you what does it look like as far as you're

concerned and how much effort and how dedicated you are to it well let's talk

about something I'm not successful at I mean I think it's more useful and that's

meditation I've I must find time to learn to meditate properly and I'm in a

phase now where I've got someone teaching the meditation technique and

I've probably got a bit more space in my life to do it but one of many regrets

I've got one of many things I'd do differently is my approach to meditation

I think if there's an investment I could have made that would have made me more

effective and a better person it would have been meditation you know I do find

it the hardest discipline it's not how hard discipline to get out to get out of

bed in as premier The Vow the news and get on the telephone it's not not hard

to get out of bed and and go off and do the day's exercise I like that so it's

not hard settle down with that I I know will improve my mind what

is heart what is heart what is colossal II unimaginably odd is to sit down and

do nothing it is it's a it's a space that has taken me a long time to get

good at okay I was very very bad at it for a long time because I was somebody

who could always enjoyed solving five or six problems and having five or six

conversations at the same time Richter and it becomes addictive and when you

get out of bed you just want to get on and do something and unless you're doing

something you don't feel you're being productive the idea of meditation is

you're probably already finding out is more so to be able to accept those

thoughts that are coming in rather than to quieting the mind yes and then to be

able to say okay I see you there let me park that for a moment alright I'm gonna

come back to it it's really important you're gonna come back to come to me

again and then bringing the focus point back

if you like what you hear and see hit like subscribe share it's for free right

give the love to people they need it and I'll thank you it is a chatot is a

challenge it's well what we will talk about that's hard is learning a language

its extruded meat as well yeah it's very difficult under it there's a lot of

people around us who are trying to learn any of these difficult the reason I ask

is because it's a process right the process of getting to that quiet space

and then dropping their little mantras yeah okay is reduce the critical

component dropping the lentils into your into your brain is just like even the

way you say all is three cook a um right so a is for our conscious state that the

U is for our subconscious okay the M is for our unconscious and the word um

takes us to our fourth state of consciousness which is the connection

with yourself right so when you do it I'll demonstrate it for ya I think is I

love it when someone talks about the especially you know someone I admire

what that does for me the vibrations from your stomach your chest your throat

your mind it automatically puts the brain in a different the mind into a

very serene place okay and then from that we're going to the state of and the

medical the scientific verification that's coming out now about rejuvenating

ourselves etc this is amazing I'm aware of that

I'm aware that it's the it's the technique there's the challenge but

we're still good we stick hurt it's the mind is extremely restless right whether

you like it or not it's designed there's an old bug would get there saying the

minds designed to be our worst enemy we're best friend automatically will

take us towards our worst enemy okay and the only way to make it our best friends

to regulate it and once you're regulated then you can sit above it and see what's

going on in this field which is likely so I'm glad your honor I'd love to him

and see how that goes for you I've been very fortunate that some really

enlightened folks have taken me down that process and he was actually

concentrated effort or 15 days that it finally hit me and I was able to get to

that state within a few breaths so it'll count yeah it'll come when the

timing is right it'll come well if you're gonna ask you about your favorite

most memorable moments in serving the state I mean perhaps we could talk about

some of the stuff that you did overseas etc and how you know what what did you

enjoy about that if you can talk about that well the the things I'm most proud

of or the very unglamorous things as premier your role as premier is to tend

to the state's laws we faced a crisis and the cost of insurance

it involves something called tort law reform is very hard there's a lot of

opposition but it was the right path and I won the battle to get four big pieces

of legislation through second I'm very proud of the conservation achievements

under the pressure of events we recast reclassed environment policy and it made

it possible to create 350 new national parks to save great old forest systems

it's a great bit of policy with

so what about the the international stuff you didn't do that for as long as

you did the state what took you down that path what what

made you say hey listen I can you know serve my country here or what was the

motivation she was about it's about how Australia relates to other nations about

casting Australia's international personality and it was not a to do that

job in the 18 months I had it I emphasized relations with Southeast Asia

tended to the big work on China policy but didn't took my time about it quite

deliberately I made that a deliberate process and tended to the relationship

with the US and tried to get some balance about policy on israel-palestine

I could waste my time thinking about what I might have done if I'd had five

years in the job but circumstances gave me 18 months yeah I want to ask you

something that I'm quite I think about quite a bit right which is around

service and the people if you had the opportunity and I'm sure these guys come

to you and off and ask this question if they don't maybe they should the people

that are in power today and asked you what makes a good public leader what

makes a good politician what would you advise them

well I think there are many ingredients remember what I said earlier that life

is a learning experience a politician who sets out to learn it's probably got

the right frame of mind to do relevant

but I can unless a politician can put the case well the oh she's dead we'll

lose the case so my advice would be put time put time into

your debating skills or speaking skills comprehension because if you're a party

leader you the advocates you're the person in the courtroom just as a Mikey

barest or has got the job for getting his client client offered an unfair

conviction saving saving his or her life a lot risks on your capacity to sell a

case like I'm disappointed when so many politicians so many politicians are lazy

about that task if you can't sell your case you'll lose your case that's great

advice and if you're not confident about your debating school what are you going

to do when you face a challenge you gotta think I won't take that up because

I won't succeed in persuading people to join me I won't take up promoting that

reform because I doubt my ability to sell him now that's letting the side

down whatever the side is so I think I think a politician who is confident

confident about his or her cat passing in to silicate but tenacity tenacity

stick with it I see a lot of them come in and go these days but to stick with

it what what does it take what are the virtues that you'd aspire to and taking

your lawyer I'd like to leave my party for seven years in opposition and it was

very hard going seven years in opposition that's a long time and you're

up and down in the polls your ties are Abraham's seed you'll get

there not very many occasions I go say for most of the time people are writing

you off so that let's have swamp but if you're looking back to yourself I

don't normally ask this question okay but I'm trying to get go down a path

here which is I don't understand the virtues that you respect there's a lot

of people young guys that look up and go okay this guy really served the country

well you know serve the state world etc what would you what would you advise and

as far as these young guys coming through at the moment say they've gone

and they've did their studies they're getting into work you gave a really nice

piece of advice previously which is you know you made a decision to go down a

particular path to give it a good go what type of things within them should

they aspire and if they go off path make mistakes how did they go about being

kind to themselves etc so what what type of things making good I think you just

gotta embrace your mistakes and say yes that was a mistake that was amusing but

I've learned from that I've learned from that mistake you've got to see it as

normal that your stuff up a lot of the time a lot of the time you will get it

wrong but probably as you get older as you get older you'll you'll sometimes

amaze yourself by how you've got something right you got something

absolutely right it's beautiful so you're talking about a lot of compassion

and self compassion and empathy towards yourself right and that once you have

there within yourself do you find the people that have that it's easier for

them to also share that amongst other people as well so they don't judge other

people this harsher yeah I think so I think so I mean I I can recall very

often choosing not to rebuke a colleague

because like I could see myself is being entirely capable of making the same


so but what is the how important we talked a lot about what when the work

that we do how people been since eight right and I'm not too sure how often

people talk to you about this right but health plays a big part in what we do we

touched on it previously with with the meditation but in terms of your physical

health how do you go about it what's it look like why I do I follow a routine so

I can think of contemporaries of mine over the years who have died and I got

to say they drink too much they're people who drink too much okay I think I

mean everyone likes many people like the taste of that a glass of alcohol but

clearly it's a crutch and I think as you get older you got to wind it down

you're a winder right back right back as you get older yet another tolerance for

yes and smoking is just an act of suicide yeah just an act of suicide or

lack of self regard I can't understand people don't like exercise exercise

makes me feel better so I'm I'm addicted to it it's a good addiction to hands I

can't believe that I'm doing exercise programs now that I would not have done

20 or 30 years ago so you're no guarantees in this but it's sensible to

put yourself in the right risk a degree rather than the category of the highly

vulnerable but I think I think all these things are easy if you keep busy if your

life is full of activities and tasks and deadlines I think too much leisure on

your hands can invite you to be a bit self-indulgent but I think a lot a lot

of a lot of benefits flow from just being busy definitely yeah I think I'd

be bad for me not to have deadlines no challenges not to have half a dozen

things I should be dividing this l2 but on the

other hand I'm sure that with many people with space in their lives

perhaps in retirement with meditation and an interest in exercising and

gardening and a lot of other things live very fulfilling lives you shouldn't be

dogmatic for you another question that I must ask you which is around this you

know you touched on in terms of alcohol and certain activities of course picking

the right activity is important to be busy with right me I think a lot of

these is personal responsibility and individual needs to take that personal

responsibility but from someone who served in government leadership and I

don't just mean government you know the leadership in general there's a culture

in our country as you know of indulging in alcohol etcetera and how much of it

is do you you know people turn out there's always a work function there's

always a luncheon or something like that how much you divinity is self driven do

you think how much of people need to take ownership themselves and how much

of it is leadership role modeling I think it's all personal responsibility

more personal responsibility I feel very sorry for people who just got a

chemistry in the system that makes them prone to alcohol dependency and I'm full

of admiration for people who have been addicted to it but who beat it with the

older girl college anonymous or some other somehow the therapeutic approach

and I think it'd be there's only an onion scheme it separates you for

someone who's struggling with a dependency

if you're doing about the professor for a moment as if you'll work with UTS and

if we can lead to what you see the rest of your life being dedicated to and it's

it's it's a big question that one that you may have thought it through you may

just be taking minutes at times can we talk about one education work that

you're doing right now I know you huge advocate mentioned that a few times in

terms of lifelong learning and sharing your knowledge now obviously then if we

could come to like what where do you see yourself dedicating the rest your life

to who knows who knows about this very interesting job now basic UTS and Sydney

hitting a think-tank devoted to the Australia China relationship what

happens after that I simply don't know they take it as account yep beautiful in

that moment but I think I'll always be doing some sort of writing and speaking

but again who knows do you see yourself travel a lot these days always a

Manliness trap yeah but not not fanatically I think as

you get older you think no I want to get I won't get to see that part of the

world or that part of the world and but so what it doesn't matter I think I

think if your life becomes a frantic the suit that experience that's a bit of

dissipation as well and I think for stability in life a lot of us a lot of

us have got to be anchored in work the only anchored in work I think I think

that's important maybe I'll change but in another 10 years I'll I'll have a

different view that's a wonderful thing I really like that view I think what

happens is we have so many things to tick off which is promoted these days

it's the huge term that's been used thrown around a lot which is the bucket

list and people keep chasing one thing after another yeah yeah what's the

what's the big deal if you die before youth before you've had a cruise that

no way and denies if you got to do it I'm sure I'm sure there'd be some very

fulfilling moments but would anything be different about you if you were to do

that it's still the same person and if you

spent the time back home at the workaday tasks you might have read a book that

gave you a whole new set of thinking whole new set of thoughts or you're able

to advise someone a younger person in ways that they found very valuable or or

push it cause that you're committed to that's wonderful it's beautiful inside

thank you for hearing they're like shame because there's not that many people

that talk about that and are aware of that and what I find in our work

sometimes when we were chatting with people who are continuously running and

my most highly accomplished but they're finding it difficult to get pace in

their lives is basically counting down to being able to sit in quietness and

again it goes back to the ability to be able to and that spirit it's been lovely

to talk to you delicious right thank you so much for ok I had an absolute ball

hanging out with Bob we're a lot of fun there's some awesome chats afterwards as

well send us your feedback please and share this actually if you subscribe or

get someone else to subscribe to the leadership show their happiness platform

I'll send them through free videos as well that others haven't seen yet you'll

get some awesome knowledge bombs unbelievable leaders from around the

world who have joined us thanks again and I can't wait to bring the next

episode to you these 13 all someone's coming through in these particular

happiness platform series I'm ROH and all the best yeah


For more infomation >> ROHILESH X Hon. Bob Carr, Australian Foreign Minister - If I Knew Then What I know Now. - Duration: 35:39.


Bipolar and Therapy: Believe Me, It's Helpful | HealthyPlace - Duration: 2:50.

Hey guys, it's Hannah.

Bipolar disorder and therapy.

In my experience living with bipolar 2 disorder,

I have been in and out of therapy.

Sometimes it's because I don't really relate to the person.

Other times, it's just because I didn't want to go.

But, over the years,

I've realized that therapy is needed for so many reasons

when you live with bipolar disorder.

The reason therapy has always been

a little difficult for me to be consistent with

is because I really struggle to be vulnerable with anyone.

So I would just sit there and really not say anything

and be staring at the clock.

Like, ready to get out.

I felt like it wasn't helpful.

It was when I met a therapist

who really called me out on all of my problems

and the fact that I wasn't acknowledging them.

He also fit my personality.

And I think the biggest thing,

and the number one thing about finding a good therapist,

is the fact that you don't just talk about

your problems and the issues you are facing.

but they give you the tools

to take with you

in order to confront those problems.

I also believe they do call you out

and kind of enlighten you

on a lot of things about yourself

that you may have not known before.

This therapist called me out on the fact

that I had body image issues

and a delusional way of thinking

when it came to that.

And it honestly, for the first time,

changed my life.

He also gave me reasonable exercises to practice,

like talking out loud to yourself.

Which, I know, sounds crazy

but it actually works.

That when I get into these moments

of insecurity or thinking negatively,

I kind of talk myself out of it

out loud.

And I can't believe it

but it really, really does work.

There are many different forms of therapy

and I want to hear about yours.

And also what suggestion you have for others

on ways to find a good therapist

For me, it's about finding someone

that suits your personality,

that you're comfortable with,

that benefits your life.

Because you are paying them.

And, overall, someone who suits your personality.

So I can't wait to see what you guys have to say.

And I will see you next week.


For more infomation >> Bipolar and Therapy: Believe Me, It's Helpful | HealthyPlace - Duration: 2:50.


I pinguini reali: come molecole in un liquido - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> I pinguini reali: come molecole in un liquido - Duration: 3:36.





When I learned the properties of lemon, began to wipe their face daily. Wrinkles as it was not! - Duration: 1:16.

Delicious citrus fruits can be much more useful,

than you could imagine.

Bright yellow fruits possess many advantages

for health and beauty, starting with protection from cancer

and ending with acne.

You can not reverse the aging process, but you

you can use lemons, to make your wrinkles become

less noticeable.

According to the study, it was found that lemon

oil reduces oxidative surface damage


Lemons are rich in vitamin C, which stimulates

production of collagen, and restores elasticity


Natural enzymes in lemon juice is tightened loose

pores and reduce the appearance of new.

Slice the lemon and massage wrinkles for several

minutes or use grated lemon rind as a

mask for face.

Effect of regular anti-aging procedures are already

a month later.

For more infomation >> When I learned the properties of lemon, began to wipe their face daily. Wrinkles as it was not! - Duration: 1:16.


All Star but it's played by green croc(s) and I put in way too much effort in this. (1080p 60fps) - Duration: 0:21.

Hi and welcome

Shrek enter stage left

Wake me up (wake me up inside)

I don't feel so good, donkeh

*production quality*

Sorry for random white stain ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

*Final slaps*

Why are u still watching

And thank u for ur time

For more infomation >> All Star but it's played by green croc(s) and I put in way too much effort in this. (1080p 60fps) - Duration: 0:21.


Letter to June 2018 - Duration: 1:24.

Dear June, our main focus was adjusting to working life again. After six months of

total freedom I had to remind myself for the first two weeks every evening

that I have to go to work. I kept forgetting. But now that's routine again.

The other challenge was of course the job itself. Learning the new tasks and

getting to know the colleagues. I still don't know everything I will do

eventually, but I have the basics down so that I can work alone and unsupervised,

which is good for me and the colleagues. The people I work with couldn't be nicer.

They help me in any way and constantly tell me how happy they are that I'm there,

and how well I do my job. It is a little bit unsettling how nice they are, but

I'll get used to that. Oh, and I have a standing desk, which is really good!

Especially since I have less time to go for walks now. I still keep up with my

morning exercise though. Aside from all that we also found enough time to read. I

think this job and I will do fine. Thanks June for giving me time to settle in.

For more infomation >> Letter to June 2018 - Duration: 1:24.


Come fanno i ragni a spiccare il volo - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Come fanno i ragni a spiccare il volo - Duration: 3:01.


Portraits of Royal Family NEVER SEEN BEFORE finally revealed - Duration: 2:19.

 There will be sketches of Queen Mother, Prince Philip, and Charles' sons Prince William and Prince Harry

 The family portraits are from Charles' personal art collection. The sketches will be part of more than 100 works of art displayed in the Prince & Patron exhibition

 In a message for visitors at the palace, Prince Charles says: "I acquired it from the artist as I felt it brilliantly captured her likeness and, above all, reminds me of the essence of her personality

 "I admire it often when in residence at Clarence House." The Prince of Wales has also chosen artworks from the Royal Collection

 These were all produced by artists who are supported by three charities the Prince of Wales works with

 The portraits include a pencil sketch of Prince Philip by Bryan Organ which has never been seen before

 A spectacular sketch of the Queen Mother wearing Queen Victoria's diamond jubilee brooch will also be shown

 This amazing portrait was drawn by Michael Noakes, who sadly passed away this year

 There will also be oil sketches of Prince William and Prince Harry in their "blues and royals" household cavalry regimental uniform

 This was painted by Nicky Philipps who rose to prominence in the 2000s as a contemporary portraitist

 They are also going on public display for the first time ever. The pair usually hangs in Prince Charle's private residence

 The exhibition can be visited at Buckingham Palace from July 21 to September 30. You can see the portraits as part of a visit to the summer opening of the staterooms

For more infomation >> Portraits of Royal Family NEVER SEEN BEFORE finally revealed - Duration: 2:19.


NCT LoOkBoOk // CRACK - Duration: 1:58.

*eerie music CUE*


"i juts want sum mikl"


keep it in ur pants ww


KINGofDance & VISUALS even b4 he glew up

lil fucke-

my innocent squiSH nOHHHH

left out lmao i can relate

yuta being vry SALTY his boyfriend is taken from him

winwin not having any of it


he cute


is that a dolphin? wot

(lol i just got copyrighted by SM)

omg throwback to halloween when taeil dressed up as...

and winwin said "my queen" uwuwuwuwuwu

"fat kuN" lucas knew he was gunna get BEAT tht night

"oh daddy"

lol the guy frm dr seuss

...wait for it...


this song honestly is a whole bOp

"neo got my BaCk"

this is a reference, only true fans get it

idk i sorta ran out of ideas when i got to renjun

lol milk? idk too


get it?! he only sees haechan (lol tis sort of flopped too but wotevah)

....wait for it.....

lol yes support me by THUMBSING UP this video hehehehe

For more infomation >> NCT LoOkBoOk // CRACK - Duration: 1:58.


Arsenal transfer news : Mesut Ozil persuades Jack Wilshere to make Fenerbahce move ● News Now ● #AFC - Duration: 2:03.

Mesut Ozil has reportedly played a role in convincing Jack Wilshere that his future lies

with Turkish side Fenerbahce.

Wilshere is officially a free agent after his contract with Arsenal expired today.

It ends a 17-year association with Gunners and the start of a search for a new club with

first-team football and while Wilshere has been linked with Crystal Palace and West Ham,

it appears a move to Fenerbahce is close.

And Turkish outlet Sporx claim Wilshere willingness to consider a move to Turkey stems from a

talk with Ozil.

The report says Ozil told Wilshere: "Fenerbahce is a great team [and] the fans are spectacular.

"Turkey is very beautiful and a modern country."

It is claimed Wilshere has said yes to a four-year deal from Fenerbahce and an announcement is


In an interview with Sky Sports yesterday, Wilshere expressed his openness about playing


"I am willing to go abroad if the right opportunity comes up," he said.

"Also, everyone knows I like the Premier League and the battle of it.

"It is literally the best thing that comes up and the best opportunity that we will take.

"I am not really in any rush, today [Saturday] is actually my last day with my contract at

Arsenal, so it's been a bit of a strange day.

"I have played 10 years as a professional there and had 17 years at the club.

"We are looking at things and I am keeping myself fit.

So if something does come up I am ready to go."

For more infomation >> Arsenal transfer news : Mesut Ozil persuades Jack Wilshere to make Fenerbahce move ● News Now ● #AFC - Duration: 2:03.


World Cup 2018: Eden Hazard to make the tournament his own after Messi and Ronaldo exit - Duration: 4:39.

 Hazard will lead Belgium against Japan in Rostov in the last 16 tonight with a clear mission to unlock both his own potential as a global superstar and his country's potential to be world champions

 Belgum's 'golden generation' hit a stumbling block in Euro 2016 when they lost to Wales, and they also disappointed in Brazil in 2014

 But the current side were top scorers in the group stage in Russia and face Japan as strong favourites to reach the quarter-finals, where Brazil are likely to be waiting

 So when Hazard was asked if he could step up to the plate with Messi and Ronaldo absent, the answer was positive

 "Yes, I hope so. They are not in the World Cup so now it is time to shine. I want to go through the quarter-final, semi-final and maybe the final," he said

 "I am not the only one of course. Messi and Ronaldo, they are out now, but there are still a lot of good players at the World Cup

We will see at the end what happens." Hazard is clear, however, that he feels in a good place in terms of his own development

"I am a lot stronger than two years ago, or four years ago in Brazil, definitely," he said

"I have a lot more experience. "Four years ago it was our first major competition, all of us together

France was our second one, and knockout matches have a lot to do with experience

 "When you have a younger team, it is more complicated even if you have good players

Now most of us are between 25 and 30, so we have the same level of maturity and this will make the difference

" Hazard has scored two goals in Russia but his partnership with Manchester United's Romelu Lukaku, who has four goals, and Dries Mertens has been a real feature of Belgium's play

 "Romelu, Dries and myself have reached our best level since we've started playing football," Hazard said

"Romelu is at a great club and has been scoring a lot of goals. Dries has been one of the best scorers in Italy for the last three years

 "We are very lucky to have Lukaku with us because he doesn't need much to score. Maybe a few years ago he needed more but not now

This is why he is one of the top, top players. If he has three scoring opportunities, he scores two goals most of the time

He is much better than a few years ago. "His defensive work is very good as well, he didn't do as much in defence before

But he has a lot of qualities in attack and when he plays he scores." Hazard's confidence in his team-mates shines through and he isn't afraid to accept the pressure for Belgium's golden generation to come good

 "It is time to shine, definitely," he said. "We have top players. We play as a group, all together – it is not just one or two players, we have 23 players

Especially against England we saw that. So it is in our hands." What Hazard is determined to do is to avoid a 'Wales moment' when Belgium's dreams were ended at Euro 2016, perhaps by under-estimating their opposition

 "We are much better off than two years ago because then we had injuries just before the match as well," he said

 "Now is another tournament against another team. Japan is totally different from Wales

We will take this match as seriously as possible."

For more infomation >> World Cup 2018: Eden Hazard to make the tournament his own after Messi and Ronaldo exit - Duration: 4:39.


黃秋生小三Joyce長相曝光,曾被她打到頭破血流 - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> 黃秋生小三Joyce長相曝光,曾被她打到頭破血流 - Duration: 4:52.


谢霆锋深夜开启直播,王菲乱入镜头,网友:女人味十足 - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> 谢霆锋深夜开启直播,王菲乱入镜头,网友:女人味十足 - Duration: 2:38.


TRYING FLORAL FOAM FOR THE FIRST TIME (super satisfiying) - Duration: 5:04.

music playing

Let's have a little chat

shall we

I watch a lot of floral foam videos

like a lot

a lot a lot

And I've always wanted to do it and I was like

No, it's lame

I don't want people to know I'm obsessed and yet here we are

So uh today we're gonna be doing some floral foam videos

step out of way slime. It's this stuff now

also when I went to buy this at Michaels, it was like


You know, I will insert a clip but like so and it was like destroyed it was out of the package also

This is $22. So please like and subscribe. Ahaha. Let's get started. I got some dry.

This is the dry

you hear that?

This is the wet

Sounds a little different. Mmm-hmm and I also got some

glitter. cuz I was like maybe I'll make a glitter bomb. I don't know

I'm just gonna like.

Cut up the crap how I want it

And then we're gonna just like, chat.

I am done cutting everything up. I got my

got my


Floral flroa- floral foam such a hard word to say

dry ones I cut them there a hair?

I tried to cut the hole on this thing so I could do like a glitter bomb, but

Yeah, it's a little rough

Whatever were working through

I have a camera right here. You can't see it, but she's over here chilling. She's gonna film the um

(gestures wildly)

the ASMR

and you're gonna yep, that's how it's gonna work. Okay

this is the first time I've ever done this so uh

If I only do it right and you watch a ASMR video all the time, I'm sorry

This is so relaxing

Well, that was fun, this is the aftermath it got all over my hands which is annoying and I'm wondering

Should I have worn gloves?

according to Google

floral foam is


All right now we're on to the glitter portion

So for my final act I have created


Glitter bomb she's beautiful. She is grace. She's

Miss United States. We're gonna crush it

This camera is gonna film it. Everyone's gonna be amah-amazed. Amahzad lol

Okay, so here we go

that was beautiful

definitely bought way too much floral foam because I used so much and I already I- (sighs)

I have so much left and I just don't think I'm ready for the responsibility of starting a floral foam account

I just don't I just don't have the patience. I just don't the time. This is some messy stuff

I gottta clean all this stuff up.

Just look at that watahh. Look how glittery she is. she is free

She's ready to take on the town. I don't know why I keep calling inanimate objects

frr- she?

But whatever if you guys enjoyed this video

(weird laugh)

Buy some floral foam and try it. It's it's worth it.

That's it. You guys can go now. Bye

For more infomation >> TRYING FLORAL FOAM FOR THE FIRST TIME (super satisfiying) - Duration: 5:04.


Saturday Morning Routine - Storing of Vegetables| Mom of 4| Vlog 43| Pakhuangte Family. - Duration: 8:09.

These are the fruits which I placed in an open baskets,not for refregerator.

I'm gonna store them in a dark place inside our food storage in room temperature so as to retain its moisture and its changing colour or early decay.

I'm gonna store them in a dark place inside our food storage in room temperature so as to retain its moisture and its changing colour or early decay.

I'm gonna store them in a dark place inside our food storage in room temperature so as to retain its moisture and its changing colour or early decay.

I'm gonna store them in a dark place inside our food storage in room temperature so as to retain its moisture and its changing colour or early decay.

I'm solving the issues over which meat to buy by buying Pork sausages. Some of the kids hates Chicken these days while other hates Beef. And as we are cautious about Pork virus, we fear to buy Pork from the market.

Being busy as a Mom of 4 kids, its very easy to cook and that's the good thing about buying frozen Sausages. This cost Rs 400.

I emptied the readymade packet contents and split it up into portion of our family dose of consumption. I, then, wrapped it with Kitchenmate's film and put back into the very own packet after a quick cleaning of the packet.

This is how I stored the wrapped sausages in a freezer. I placed it again on container. I did the same thing even to other meat when bought home. But used white polythene bags instead of film in the case of other meats.

Here's the frozen Sausages, all wrappedup in a film. I will now have to defrost only one of these split portion instead of defrosting the whole content over and over again.

I'm gonna store back into the freezer. With that, we come to the end of this video- storing of vegetables, fruits & sausages/meats

For more infomation >> Saturday Morning Routine - Storing of Vegetables| Mom of 4| Vlog 43| Pakhuangte Family. - Duration: 8:09.


Santos não avança por Zelarayán e 'atira para todos os lados' por meia - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Santos não avança por Zelarayán e 'atira para todos os lados' por meia - Duration: 2:05.


Harry I Meghan Nie Byli Gorsi Od Williama I Kate. W Urodziny Księżnej Diany ... - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Harry I Meghan Nie Byli Gorsi Od Williama I Kate. W Urodziny Księżnej Diany ... - Duration: 3:42.


A triste e melancólica despedida da Argentina na Copa da Rússia|x3and1baller - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> A triste e melancólica despedida da Argentina na Copa da Rússia|x3and1baller - Duration: 4:39.


-فيلم ثور راجناروك كامل مترجم - Duration: 1:00:02.

For more infomation >> -فيلم ثور راجناروك كامل مترجم - Duration: 1:00:02.


Honda confirma que City renovado chega ao Brasil no mês que vem - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Honda confirma que City renovado chega ao Brasil no mês que vem - Duration: 3:59.


¡Es el de Aquaservice! Descubre nuestro cómodo servicio a domicilio - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> ¡Es el de Aquaservice! Descubre nuestro cómodo servicio a domicilio - Duration: 0:16.


Moscow celebrate Russian victory over Spain | World cup 2018 - Duration: 4:02.

Russian fans raced down the road after the Spanish victory

Russia's first World Cup quarter-finals since the break-up of the Soviet Union has created a frenetic atmosphere throughout the country.

Tens of thousands of spectators at the Luzhniki Stadium and millions of Russians rushed to celebrate the historic victory over Spain.

Help the home team win tickets to the 2018 World Cup quarterfinals

This is the first time Russia has qualified for the World Cup

The fans shouted the flag and repeatedly chanted the Russian name on the streets

The overcrowding has blocked some of the major routes in Moscow and many other cities

However, this does not upset the drivers, as they themselves celebrate the series with long sirens.

The 40,000-seat fanzone in Vorobyovy Gory, near the Luzhniki, sinks in the festive atmosphere.

DJs play rhythmic, powerful, fast-paced, exciting rhythms for the participants

On the streets of Moscow, the Russians also pour out, raise flags, embrace each other, party and dance.

The 2018 World Cup hosts drew 1-1 after 120 minutes before winning the penalty

Goalkeeper Igor Akinfeev became a hero when he blocked two Koke and Iago Aspas

Russia will meet Croatia in the quarterfinals on July 8.

For more infomation >> Moscow celebrate Russian victory over Spain | World cup 2018 - Duration: 4:02.


The Villians of Halloween Time at Disneyland Resort TV Commercial - Duration: 1:33.

[music: "The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year" by Andy Williams]

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