Conke... Conke... Conke... Conke...
Filipina British Life in UK: House Tour!Ang aming simpling bahay! - Duration: 14:49.-------------------------------------------
全民轟動旺姐爆出驚人消息 - Duration: 12:42.-------------------------------------------
Digiuno terapeutico: la forma più efficace di guarigione - Duration: 6:15.-------------------------------------------
Em jogaço, França bate a Argentina por 4 a 3 e avança às quartas - Duration: 8:30.-------------------------------------------
São Paulo arrecada R$ 60 mi com vendas no ano e mira reforços|x3and1baller - Duration: 3:23.-------------------------------------------
Palmeiras empresta Mouche e Nobre terá que arcar com prejuízo|x3and1baller - Duration: 1:19.-------------------------------------------
Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Feel - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
Partidos intentaron comprar el voto de 30 millones de mexicanos durante la campaña, según encuesta - Duration: 2:06.-------------------------------------------
SUCHE NACH DER QUINTESSENZ - INTRO [🇬🇧SUB] Quint-E Podcast 🎙 Beatrice Bürger - Duration: 5:35.[Musik]
Hello, I am really happy that you
followed your curiosity and found
your way here –
the podcast "Quintessence" – life
tells stories. My name is
Beatrice Maria Christine Bürger and
before the first episode starts, I would like to
introduce myself and give you
a better idea about the
background of this podcast.
For those of you who already
know me, I firstly want to say
big thanks for supporting me
during this digital balancing act. Since 2006
I've been an entrepreneur doing office management,
with short, mid or long-term
assignments worldwide.
Originally I studied ballet,
and this way I combine my expertise
with my organisational talent and passion.
Since 2016 I am specifically teaching
stretching and pilates as well.
As I am working industry independent,
I have various insights
into different corporate structures
and I do a lot of work directly
with people. Something that always
interested me, is the art
of living life.
There are so many perceptions in
this world, truths, workshops, studies,
cultures, books, and so on and one thing
that I realized so far, is that it's
less important which road you take
or what you believe in,
but it's rather the authenticity
that matters. As an office manager
I guide such different projects,
different companies and
that I have now made a decision in my
life, to start my very own
And it's called "Quintessence".
I am simply following my heart with this.
And who do I want to reach with it?
Well, for once I will interview people
77 years of age and older – open end –
who have a healthy and positive
outlook on life, and I will ask them
for their very own, personal quintessence
in their life, the one thing that
seems to be most important to them
and that they want to share with
other people.
On the other side I also want to
inspire people who have already reached
a high age, but aren't really at peace
with themselves, they might
regret certain things, maybe they
lived their life based on the expectations
of others, they might feel a deep
longing for an old dream, to
possibly make it a reality after all,
or to maybe simply find their inner
smile again.
I'd quickly like to take you a bit deeper.
Even if you know or feel that you will
soon leave this world, don't be afraid.
Give yourself and your soul the chance to
follow your heart's desire.
You will surely not regret it.
At Quintessence, we have a very clear motto:
there's dreamers, and there's doers.
Furthermore, I want to use
Quintessence and this podcast to
motivate young people to listen to
their hearts again, to follow their intuition,
and give them the chance to
learn from our wise older folks,
to get back to the roots,
and I think that we have really,
really exciting times ahead of us
and I'd love to invite you to
actively participate.
If you could see me right now,
I have a big fat smile on
my face, because I am now really
following my heart
and I am so super excited!
You will
be hearing from people who are
actively engaged in this topic
and there will be episodes where
I will be giving inspiration and support
on different topics myself.
And I'd also love to address your
questions as my audience,
I will include them as part of
the podcast episodes.
No matter which of the three areas
sound most interesting to you,
I'd absolutely love for you to become
a part of this exciting journey,
and with this in mind I want to thank you
for your trust and for your
interest, and if you like, feel free to
start with episode one, where I explain
the meaning of quintessence in more detail.
Thank you so much for listening and
all the best, Beatrice
Varios mexicanos en EEUU se quejan por dificultades en proceso de inscripción para las elecciones - Duration: 2:10.-------------------------------------------
Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Feel - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Dicas para Youtubers e muito mais | Tips for Youtubers and more - Duration: 8:40.
Pensioni: ok quota 100, uscita con 41 anni rinviata, lavoratori delusi sui social - Duration: 4:21.Le ultime notizie sulle pensioni [VIDEO] vertono sul disappunto ormai palese sui social di quanti pur avendo votato Movimento 5 stelle o Lega non vedono il Governo adoperarsi per abolire la Fornero e anzi sentono continuamente parlare di paletti sulle misure quota 100 e 41, e di rinvii della seconda, a danno dei precoci che l'attendono da tempo
In dettaglio le reazioni di chi aspettava fiducioso con l'avvento del 'Governo del cambiamento' quelle misure, che tardano ad arrivare o che non sono in linea con quanto annunciato in campagna elettorale e nel contratto di Governo al punto 17
Pensioni, prima quota 100, poi forse l'uscita con 41 anni: si prepara manifestazione a Montecitorio Furiosi i lavoratori sui social, specie i precoci che non possono sopportare ancora rinvii verso la loro causa
Sia il M5s che la Lega, lo ricordiamo, si erano detti pro pensione senza limiti anagrafici per chi avesse già alle spalle 41 anni di contributi [VIDEO]
Ora, però, la marcia indietro dalle parole dello stesso Salvini che ha annunciato che si partirà con la quota 100, che dovrebbe approdare in legge di bilancio 2019, per poi, col tempo, arrivare alla quota 41
Lo sdegno dei lavoratori precoci che sul gruppo che maggiormente li rappresenta (lavoratori precoci uniti a tutela dei propri diritti) si stanno mobilitando per raccogliere consensi per una prima 'marcia' su Roma
Lo scopo dell'amministratore del gruppo D'Onofrio è ricordare al Governo quanto è stato promesso in campagna elettorale
Un post corto ma esaustivo che ha raccolto moltissime adesioni: "Se dovessimo organizzare una manifestazione a Montecitorio in quanti saremo? Forza Leoni
rispondete". Sauro Secci, un iscritto al gruppo , fa alcune considerazioni e invita Salvini e Di Maio a rispettare quanto promesso, manifestando tutto il disappunto su un possibile rinvio della quota 41 a data da destinarsi
Pensioni, Quota 41 non può essere rinviata ancora: lo sdegno dei lavoratori Sauro Secci: "Siccome circolano voci sempre più insistenti (ricordo anche la subalternità della misura nel "Contratto di Governo" rispetto alla Quota 100) secondo le quali verrebbero procastinati ulteriormente nel tempo oltre il 1/1/2019 gli interventi per Quota 41 [VIDEO] anche nella versione 41 e 6, sperando ovviamente nella infondatezza della fonte (ma sono molo dubbioso), ritengo questo un atteggiamento omicida soprattutto per tanti soggetti più "deboli" che continuano finché possono la loro lunga ed estenuante agonia
In questo comunque non auspicabile quadro, riterrei fondamentale almeno che fosse abbattuto il vergognoso muro della "precocità" permettendo l'accesso alla pensione a tutti soggetti deboli 'ultra41isti' oggi esclusi (disoccupati, usuranti, caregivers, gravosi, etc
) magari andando, come si sente in giro, a quota 41 e 6 mesi e, per tutti coloro che si trovano sul canale di anzianità, oggi "beffardamente" rinominato in "anticipata", la soppressione del meccanismo infernale della ADV
Poi l'augurio che il lavoratore fa alla sua categoria, in attesa di provvedimenti conclusivi, come la quota 41 per tutti senza se e ma, da anni: "Voglio comunque confidare sino in fondo sugli attuali governati dopo gli impegni presi e dopo avere acquisito la nostra fiducia, alla quale potrebbero infierire (cosa che non auspico assolutamente) un colpo letale"
Questo articolo è stato verificato con: https://www https://www Chiedi la correzione di questo articolo
Il baracchino CB - #DdVotr 221 #OperazioneNostalgia - Duration: 8:45.-------------------------------------------
2018 Sutherland Memorial Lecture - Duration: 56:41.-------------------------------------------
How to Apply Coconut Oil Under the Eye Area - Duration: 5:38.How to apply coconut oil under the eye area as we age the skin under our eyes becomes thinner and more delicate
Allowing the blue veins beneath it to show through as dark shadowy circles
Lack of sleep stress and long hours in front of computer and television screens
also contribute to dark circles
But there's no need to spend money on expensive commercial creams when you can erase dark circles once and for all using
do-it-yourself remedies for dark under-eye circles
We're about to tell you exactly
How but first take a look at the properties that make coconut oil such an effective treatment for dark under-eye circles
Is coconut oil good for dark circles under eyes
Coconut oil moisturizes the skin around eyes to prevent dryness and wrinkling
it'd been a trade quickly into the skin and
Rejuvenates, it contains vitamins and fatty acids that are essential to the growth of healthy skin cells
the vitamin E and
Antioxidants in it heal and repair damage to skin cells it is
Anti-inflammatory, so it reduces redness and swelling
The lactic acid in it tightens pores to make skin smooth and firm
how to use coconut oil to fade dark under eye circles coconut oil can be used alone or in combination with other
natural ingredients that keep skin healthy firm smooth and bright
Try all the methods below until you find the one that works best for you one
coconut oil wash face with mild cleanser and warm water and pat dry
Apply extra virgin coconut oil on clean under eye skin before going to bed
massage very gently in clockwise and anti-clockwise
Directions for a few minutes leave on overnight in the morning rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry
repeat nightly at least a week to notice the difference to
coconut oil potato and cucumber potato contains natural bleaching agents and
cucumber tightens pores to keep skin firm and smooth
Peel and chop a cucumber and a potato in blender mix cucumber and potato until smooth
Use fingertips to apply on clean under eye skin
massaging very gently in circular motions leave on 20 minutes
rinse with cool water and pat dry
use fingertips to gently massage coconut oil in to under-eye skin
Leave on overnight in the morning rinse with cool water and pat dry
Repeat nightly for at least two weeks to observe the change then follow the process alternate days for a week
Coconut oil and almond oil almond oil nourishes and moisturizes skin to keep it firm and smooth
mix equal amounts of coconut and almond oil
Use fingertips to gently massage on clean under eye skin
Leave on overnight in the morning rinse with cool water and pat dry
repeat nightly to get rid of dark circles for
Coconut oil with essential oils mix coconut oil with few drops of essential oils like grapeseed
sandalwood or macadamia oil
use fingertips to gently massage on clean under eye skin rubbing in circular motions
Leave on until oil is completely absorbed repeat daily 5
Coconut oil and turmeric this process soothes the skin by stimulating the blood flow and moistures the dry skin
mix 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil with 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder
Use fingertips to apply to dark circles
Leave on 15 minutes or until dry rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry
Repeat daily
Coconut oil with chickpea flour
Lemon juice and honey in a blender mix one teaspoon each of warm coconut oil
Whole milk and lemon juice add two teaspoons of turmeric and 2 tablespoons of chickpea flour and blend on high
until smooth
apply on clean under eye skin
massaging very gently in circular motions leave on 20 minutes
rinse with cool water and pat dry
repeat 3 times a week
tips and precautions
For best results follow the advice below when using coconut oil to reduce the appearance of dark under eye circles
Always use organic extra virgin coconut oil avoid getting coconut oil in your eyes during application
Before starting regular coconut oil treatments do a patch test to find out if you're allergic to it
Coconut milk can also used instead of coconut oil
Apply on dark circles and massage for few minutes if dark circles do not begin to fade after a week
Consult a doctor as they may indicate a more serious underlying health problem get regular exercise
Eat a healthy diet drink plenty of water and get plenty of sleep
Pocoyo em Português | Férias na praia | Novos Episódios 2018 - Duration: 6:22.-------------------------------------------
Дом 143 м терраса 25 м - Duration: 5:48.-------------------------------------------
Nata la sorellina della "bimba farfalla": si chiama Gloria ed è sana - Duration: 3:01.1 luglio 201808:28 Nata la sorellina della "bimba farfalla": si chiama Gloria ed è sana La piccola è venuta al mondo il 22 giugno: gli esami prenatali hanno escluso che sia affetta dalla stessa malattia della sorellina morta 6 mesi fa leggi dopo commenta I genitori di Sofia, la "bambina farfalla" morta sei mesi fa nonostante il tentativo di salvarla ricorrendo alle cure del "metodo Stamina", sono diventati di nuovo genitori
Il 22 giugno è infatti nata la sorellina della piccola, Gloria. E, spiegano i genitori con un post su Facebook, "grazie a Sofia sappiamo dalle indagini genetiche prenatali che Gloria non avrà il deficit enzimatico che provoca la leucodistrofia metacromatica"
"Nella sua imprescrutabile Sapienza - spiegano i genitori, la 38enne giornalista Caterina Ceccuti e il 44enne architetto Guido De Barros - Sofia ha compiuto il suo destino, indicandoci una missione di vita ed assecondando i tempi di una staffetta che mai avremmo potuto prevedere
assicurando le stesse premure ed attenzioni esclusive avute da mamma e babbo, alla sorellina che doveva nascere"
Così il 22 giugno, "a sei mesi dalla nascita in cielo di Sofia, abbiamo conosciuto Gloria, tre chili e mezzo di bambina rosacea e paffuta, arrivata puntuale, il giorno previsto dopo un parto naturale vissuto intensamente
Siamo convinti che Gloria e Sofia si conoscano già benissimo, anzi, abbiamo la certezza che il loro legame precorra il loro stesso concepimento, quando il Cielo predisponeva gli eventi secondo il disegno noto soltanto alle creature celesti
Attraverso la Sapienza di Sofia, accogliamo la bellezza della Gloria nelle nostre vite"
Sofia, che alla nascita era una bimba senza problemi, a un anno e mezzo aveva iniziato a mostrare i segni della malattia, cominciando a zoppicare
E poi, con il passare degli anni, era diventata anche cieca trasformandosi nella "bambina farfalla", come vengono chiamati i piccoli affetti da leucodistrofia metacromatica
I genitori avevano provato di tutto per salvare la figlioletta, ricorrendo perfino al metodo Stamina e battendosi per la libertà di concedere a chiunque cure compassionevoli anche se non ufficialmente riconosciute dalla scienza
Ma era stato tutto inutile. sofia de barrosgloria de barrosguido de barroscaterina ceccutistamina
São Paulo arrecada R$ 60 mi com vendas no ano e mira reforços|x3and1baller - Duration: 3:23.-------------------------------------------
curb your coca-cola habit - Duration: 0:45.monaay
Conke... Conke... Conke... Conke...
Filipina British Life in UK: House Tour!Ang aming simpling bahay! - Duration: 14:49.-------------------------------------------
全民轟動旺姐爆出驚人消息 - Duration: 12:42.-------------------------------------------
Funny Baby Surprise toy Unboxing Ride on Power Wheel car and Learn Colors for kids with Colored Cups - Duration: 2:25.Funny Baby Surprise toy Unboxing Ride on Power Wheel car and Learn Colors for kids with Colored Cups
Mukti is the Goal, Not God - Duration: 2:37.This is a land which clearly understood God is our making. That's the reason why in
this culture God is not the goal, Mukti is the goal, liberation is a goal
ultimate freedom is the goal, God is never the goal, yes or no? You don't like it?
Because you have forgotten. Otherwise Mukti is the goal, isn't it?
Mukti means what? Liberation. Freedom from everything including God. You are using
God as a stepping-stone if you need it. You can grow with God or without God. This is
the only culture on the planet, where in any of our Indian languages, there is no
word for a heretic, because we never thought anybody is a heretic. We never
imagined that there can be somebody like that. Because we did not have any
established belief system, everybody can do their own thing. Most plural and
democratic process for thousands of years. So the spiritual movements were
started for human liberation. This is not about God, it's about you. So when it's
about you, we were straightforward enough to address it straight, we said this is
about our liberation, this is about our well-being, this is about our ultimate
well-being, not just immediate well-being. So this is a culture which looked at it
this way so it is a complex array of spiritual movements. Many have died
unfortunately. In the yogic system it says, when when somebody asks
Adi yogi, how many paths can be there, he says if you use your system and go, there are
only 112 but if you go beyond your system ,how many atoms are there in the
universe that many doorways are there. So we gave the freedom to create your own
God. There is something called as Ishta devatha, you can choose your God
If you don't like any, you can create one
How To Hydro Dip Flag 🇺🇸 Custom Boots ⚽️ Soccer Gear! - Duration: 9:55.hi guys Ian from the football boots team and today we're going to do another
custom we're gonna do hydro dipping again but this time we're going to add
flags to boots when I'm filming this it is 4th of July American Independence Day
so we're going to do a USA based custom I've also got a yellow black custom and
as you can see I've got lots of flags out because it's time for the World Cup
so I have all of these flags that are going to go on the boots to stay tuned
to this video it is going to be sick let's get started
all right so we're gonna start off with this yellow black and we'll see how this
goes in here and the first thing I'm gonna do is the shin pads but this is
gonna go in the water I'm gonna let that do its thing for 60 seconds get wet
get that air bubble out if we can you can see that there it goes alright and then
I'm gonna put this shin pad in and we'll see how this ends up looking up I'm
gonna move that out but wait alright now you're gonna put the activator on I'm
just gonna spray this on I've got a couple more bubbles to get out maybe that one
alright here we go
may give this go before it stretches out much further
oh just a tiny bit with my hand look at that!
all right let's put the USA in here give that a little bit of time to do its thing
all right so let's put activator on and see what happens
few air bubbles can't do anything about those now we're just going to go for it
Shall we do it?
the water coming out of it
all right I'm excited to get the tape off that and have a look
alright so time to apply this flag design to these gloves alright first off
the design into the water
a bit of activator
Shall we do it?
check that out and I reckon this will come up whilst we here, let's have a look
what you reckon with those gloves? That design is going to look awesome on the boots!
alright ready to give this a go we're gonna try the whole soleplate, put this in like that
I just don't want it to fold up on itself
okay I'm gonna try and get the front and the back in and back out again
activator coming
ready 3 2 1
all right
Looks alright so far, it will be interesting to see that once we get the tape off
all right time to introduce the flag graphic onto the upper of the boot so
first off lets get the flag in here it's pretty big but I'm hoping it'll just spread out
You're ready for a bit of activator, all she's gone funny
alright just put it in and see what happens
right guys so you have seen all of the hydro dips which is your favorite
we have got the shinpad with the black and yellow we've got the flag custom on the
side of the boots we've got the USA flag custom on the boots or we've got the
goalkeepers gloves have a vote in the poll card now and let me know which one
you like out of these make sure you drop in the comments below any suggestions
you've got for future hydro dip videos you want to see or anything else you
want to see us do with a custom with some football boots I'm gonna tell you
right now my favorite is probably the gloves it's a flat surface it works
really well but I'm also really excited about what we managed to do with these
boots because I think a lot of that's come out nicely as well so we've got
some more customs coming to the channel very soon make sure you subscribe we're
gonna do some more of this for now go enjoy your football
Tell Me How Long - Caro Emerald | Karaoke Lower Key - Duration: 2:51.TELL ME HOW LONG (KARAOKE VERSION)
JAPAN amazing VLOG ! Even Higher / Cherry blossoms - Duration: 17:29.Hello everyone !
So this morning we are going to go around Roppongi
but first we are going to eat some..
Black curry
It's gonna be delicious
I am looking on my gps
I am looking on my gps
the gps
You're well dressed Honey !!
You're so handsome !
I'm hungry, I'm hungry !
Are you hungry, love ?
I am starving !
You are so beautiful !
I am so hungry !
Look there is one with avocado right here
You understood everything right ?
Of course I am bilingual in Japanese
She told us
It's a little bit crowded
You have to order your menu, and if you can wait a little bit
and all this in a perfect japanese language,
She's speaking japanese really well, I am surprised
Little asshole
I would like..
It's not expensive !
we are going to order first on this machine
so there is different levels
with these little symbols
1 chili pepper, 3 chili peppers, 5 chili peppers
It's going to be so good
it's my favorite meal here
as a starter we took a salad with mashed potatoes
you were dreaming of this for 9 months
it melts in you mouth
it' s a perfect meal
you have to come here !
yes it's really good
a delight, really
Bon appetit Clem
Thank you
Tofu, tofu, tofu, tofu ...
I imitate Clem who was saying this to me
Tofu, tofu, tofu, tofu ...
you're not funny
Tofu, tofu, tofu, tofu ...
no but look all of this is tofu
Tofu, tofu, tofu, tofu ...
look this is cooked tofu
Tofu !
Stop !
And all of this is toilet paper
toilet, toilet, toilet, toilet...
here it is, we finished eating, we can untie our hair !
exactly !
damn it
this is awful
Hello I changed my hair
do you like it ?
Well no it was Clem !
No still the same face
a dickhead
damn it have you seen how is he
it's when I untie my hair
I become mean !
you're getting back to the real one
I become meaaaan !
Forbidden to Clem
what an asshole
I knew you were gonna do that
you're such a prick
No I'm kidding but people are coming here with their pigs
We bought this on a grocery store
I think it's like mochis
but I thought I heard or read that
Clem told me earlier
I saw on a report
really ?
So here it is, I saw
it was one of the favorite dessert of japanese !
So I wanted to try it
But I am almost sure it's rice paste
so we try it ?
mmmm it smells weird
oh fuck
it smells like the favorite dessert of japanese
I saw this on a report
apparently it is ...
so annoying !
it's good
is it ?
no it's not..
it's a weird mochi
but it's okay !
it's not crazy but it's okay
see you soon, rdv in Roppongi
we are going up there
we are in the Tokyo city view building
We are going to see the best view of Tokyo !
we are going to the 52nd floor
it's unbelievable
I am now going to show a crazy view
I am shooting pictures and timelapses
of this amazing view
look at this
I hope I will also have the sunset
Now we are going to the museum
The Mori art museum
Hello hello
this is weird
oh fuck
wow they scared me
I got scared
I look into the mirror and I am saying to myself fuck I turned myself onto a japanese girl !
I could really use a haircut
everyone is seated but it's written do not touch
it's a mess
I don't do this
it's the mess
it's more funny to film people doing it
look at all this sillies
No I am kidding of course
It's my mum collection
Because I call her "Mam"
So the Tokyo city view
in Roppongi
which is a part of the Mori art museum
it really worths it
because you can stay hours up there
you have the museum and the point of view
and it stays open really late
now we are going to....
what do you think ?
we are going to eat !
we are going to look for a little Japanese restaurant !
we are going to see in how long the elevator makes us going down the 52 floors
how long do you think it is going to take ?
I think.. Clem how long did you say ?
I said 40 seconds
40 seconds ?
yes you'll see
Let's see
what did you just say Clem ?
it seems like we are in the Tower of terror
because someone is escorting you to the elevator
it would be better we are not in the Tower of terror now
can you tell them I want to go to the 10th floor
I want to go out
is there a way to go out earlier ?
I will go out at the 23rd floor guys
stop everything I am getting out on 23rd floor
here we are it's been already 47-48 seconds we're in there
my ears..
my ears are bleeding
here we are 55 seconds
now we are going back up there ?
we'll see if it's faster going at the top
ok no we are not
Clem you're so funny
everytime there is a queue
Clem goes at the opposite of people
because I am an original person
even if it's not the right place, she goes the opposite way
look everything goes to the right, she's going to the left
and I am going with you so I am trapped
here it is, full search
it's the full search place
is it meat ?
it seems cool
20 to 40 minutes ?
it's here
but you're standing
ah you can't sit
come on let's go for another one
I am going to buy me a Rolex, you wait for me here ?
yeah right
come on, I take you to
I am going to buy a Rolex for me
and no
I don't have money
are you going to take your motorbike ?
we were so hungry
we are going to eat pizzas
and this little chorizo casserole
it smells so good
your face !
is it tasty ?
by being so hungry like this
we snatched this meal !
you snatched it !
Hello everyone and welcome to this new video !
we are heading to the Yoyogi park
near Harajuku
there is certainly going to have some cherry blossoms
so let's start with this
let's go !
we have a matcha latte, and a cherry flower latte
I could drink this all the time, it's delicious
So good
this cafe is really cool, everything is wooden
it's so pretty
look at this little photograph style !
we are arriving in a temple
the Meiji Jingu temple
the weather is so good
we are in a little gyozas and dumplings restaurant
Chocolate potato chips
we are in Harajuku
we found a shop / restaurant who cooks poatoes
with a lot of different flavors
cream cheese and maple syrup
we took chocolate potato chips
plus a matcha chocolate ice cream
let's see if it's good
Not a fan of chips usually
and chocolate
so weird, it's so good !
let's finish this
Royal surprise! Meghan Markle joined by tennis superstar Serena Williams at polo match - Duration: 3:29.Ms Williams took a break from her Wimbledon preparations to support the newlyweds, who she last saw at the Royal Wedding at St George's Chapel in Windsor in May
Prince Harry was competing in a polo match for the second day in a row, after he made a surprise appearance at the British Polo Day in Henley-on-Thames on Friday
The Duke took on the UAE alongside the US team Valiante on Friday, and raised £200,000 for two of his charities, the Royal Foundation and Sentebale
Ms Williams attended the Royal Wedding in May alongside husband and Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian, and described the event as "super fun"
Speaking with InStyle, she commented on Meghan's big day, stating: "You know, I've known Meghan for years, so it was good to see my friend happy
" The tennis superstar drew attention for her Instagram videos which she posted throughout the Royal wedding celebrations
Commenting on her light-hearted videos, she said: "That's how I think you should be
I think it should just be really fun and not pressured, you know? "Sometimes it feels like a lot of pressure
It should be what you want, when you want it, and how you want it. "That's kind of how I live my social media life
I just want to be myself." The tennis ace has also been linked to the Royal family in the past week after branding the Duchess of Cambridge a "badass" woman
Asked who she regarded as the strongest and most powerful female role models, Ms Williams placed the Duchess at the top of the list, pointing to her speedy recovery after giving birth to Prince Louis in April
Outlining her top picks, she said: "Well, obviously Beyoncé. That goes unsaid. Rihanna goes unsaid
Kate Middleton. She's official No. 1." The tennis star has been an outspoken champion of female rights, and played a large part in the fight for equal prize money for female tennis players
When questioned what constitutes a strong woman in her eyes, she replied: "You have to be confident
Someone who's a badass is incredibly confident and unapologetically herself. "And she doesn't care what anyone else says — but in a positive, not a negative, way
It's more like standing up for yourself and others. "The whole #MeToo movement, those women are badass
They're not afraid to say what's wrong and what affected them." Ms Williams is scheduled to compete in the first round of Wimbledon on Monday, where she will be vying for her 24th Grand Slam singles title
What's Happening With Heather Locklear Now? Everything We Know - Duration: 3:31.-------------------------------------------
Problem Set 3 | Q.22 to Q.25 | Circle Class 10th Maharashtra Board New Syllabus Part 6 - Duration: 29:24.-------------------------------------------
Samantha Brown 21" Hardside Spinner and Shopper 2piece S... - Duration: 17:58.-------------------------------------------
Ariana Grande's fiance Pete Davidson joked 'Spears didn't have a terrorist attack' after Manches bom - Duration: 3:48.Ariana Grande's fiance Pete Davidson joked 'Spears didn't have a terrorist attack' after Manchester bombing
A Pete Davidson joke about his now-fiancee Ariana Grande, 25, and the Manchester Arena bombing which took place during her concert has resurfaced via The Mirror.
The British tabloid newspaper wrote the 24-year-old comedian joked, 'Ariana must have realised how famous she had become because Britney Spears didn't have a terrorist attack at her concert.
The comments were apparently made during a stand-up routine at the Laugh Factory in Los Angeles five months after the May 22, 2017 blast, which resulted in the deaths of 22 people, over a year before their romance began.
According to the outlet's sources, 'it caused a stir even though he is famous for comedy roasts, in which stand-ups try to out do each other with crude barbs.
And they're reporting, 'one onlooker said: "It drew gasps from the crowd and everyone squirmed in their seats, the event five months earlier was still pretty fresh, and there were plenty of British tourists in the crowd.
Davidson has not commented on the assertions at this time.
Meanwhile, Grande and Davidson have been busy trying to figure out exactly what to do with their new apartment.
TMZ first reported the news that the new couple had moved in together a little over a week ago.
But in the Instagram clip, the SNL actor seems to suggest that they may have been living their even longer.
The beginning of the video is cut off, but he can be heard saying, 'three weeks and so have these f***ing boxes'.
It has been reported that the couple's luxury apartment was designed by the late revered architect Zaha Hadid, and is in the Manhattan neighborhood of Chelsea — and it's worth a whopping $16million.
According to TMZ, the lovebirds' sprawling 4,000-square-foot unit boasts five bedrooms and 4.
5 bathrooms and sits in a gleaming curved complex that includes a 75-foot sky-lit swimming pool, a private IMAX theatre and a fully-equipped gym.
As well as being able to enjoy all of the luxuries that money can buy within the glass-fronted complex, the couple can also enjoy the sweeping views of the bustling metropolis and the iconic Empire State Building.
It's not yet known if the couple purchased the apartment or are renting it, but they seem committed to sprucing up the space to the best of their tastes, as they were spotted furniture shopping while strolling through the city on Monday.
However, it seems like that initial burst of energy has petered out, and that the couple are still living out of boxes.
Samantha Brown 21" Hardside Spinner and Shopper 2piece S... - Duration: 9:44.-------------------------------------------
An Echo In The Bone Book Review: July Book Club - Duration: 9:27.what's up everyone I'm Melissa Elise and you're watching Melissa Elise TV welcome
to my July book club in this video I'll be reviewing "An Echo In The Bone" by
Diana Gabaldon book number seven in the Outlander series and of course revealing
the next book of the month so let's get to it
there will likely be spoilers in this video so this is your fair warning if you don't want spoilers don't watch
past this point but if you do please continue
I'll probably jump around a bit with the plot of this book but for now I'll start at the beginning which is
actually seven chapters before the end of "A Breath Of Snow And Ashes" when
William talks with Brianna and meets her family and Breath we only see it from
Lord John's perspective as he watches from his window but this time we get it
for Williams perspective and I love that it has been my wish in this series to
get more Lord John and Willie and so I'm so glad that it finally happened in this
book I also thought it was just a really unique and cool way to start the book
because correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think Diana has ever gone back and
shown an event from a different perspective she often recaps things that
have happened when they become relevant again but she's never shown an event
twice so I really enjoyed reading it from Williams point of view and getting
that introduction into his personality
And as with all these books there's so much going on and at least two plot twist
and Echo was no different other than the amount of perspectives we get to see of
course we have Claire who is the main narrator and the only one that's their
first person and then we have Jamie and a little of young Ian in third-person narration as well as Brianna and
Roger but then we also got William in this book and more Lord John and then a new
character Rachel towards the end
I like to think of them in groupings so you have Lord John and Willie who are together as the begin
the end of the book but for the majority of it they're separate and on their own
journeys and then you have Claire, Jamie and Ian but Ian goes off on his own a
few times as well and then you have Brianna and Roger in the future but
everybody has their own sections of the story and are separated from each other
at some point and I think because of that this story as a whole ends up
feeling very fragmented and for me it kind of lacked a feeling a forward
motion or a clear goal
Of course Jamie Claire and Ian's main goal was to go back to Scotland and get Jamie's printing
press which they eventually achieved and I think you could say that Lord John's goal was to find out what the
guy Percival Wainwright or Beauchamp, his stepbrother was up to but then that
turned into him needing to help Henry his nephew and bring him back to England
and with all the different groupings it was rather hard to track with any one
storyline but as with each of these books things really take off near the end
I love love love the end of this book so much mainly because of young Ian and Rachel
So Rachel and her brother Dr. Denzel Hunter are new characters and
Ian comes across them on one of his solo missions but he comes across
William first who's like lost in a swamp and William is hurt so Ian leaves him in
the care of the Hunters and they help him and get him back on his feet and
then they all go off looking for the army William of course the British Army
and the Hunters are looking for the Continental Army Ian and Rachael meet up
again in the continental camp and they share this passionate kiss and basically
proclaim their love for each other but then everything goes to pot when Ian
ends up killing a guy who was trying to blackmail Jamie for killing Dougal way
back it before Culloden well in the resulting fight Rollo gets shot trying to
protect Ian and he has to flee so he leaves Rollo in
Rachel's care this was quite the unexpected love story and one with a lot
of complications first off rachel is a Quaker and Ian is definitely
not and then they get separated when Ian has to run and then again when he
goes to Scotland with Jamie and Claire but then even when he comes back he has
to fight Arch Gug because at the beginning of the book he accidentally
killed Mrs. Bug in defense of his uncle but Arch vows to kill the woman that Ian
loves thankfully both Rachael and Ian survived but they still have to overcome
their religious differences which they do in just such a beautiful accepting
way they both accept who they are and express how devoted they are to one
another and with all the Ian has been through I'm just so happy for him and I
really do like Rachel
the other reason why I love the ending with Ian and Rachael
is because it's really the icing on the cake the cherry on top of a crazy series
of events where Jamie comes back from the dead which I'll talk about in a minute
William finds out that Jamie is his father and Jenny Murray, Jamie's sister comes to America
I really appreciate Diana's subtleties in this book even with all the moving parts she crafted it so well
particularly the plotline of Jamie's death
Claire has to go back to America to perform surgery on Henri-Christian
Marsile and Fergus' youngest well Jamie stays in Scotland to care for Jenny as
the older Ian is dying Jamie writes to Claire to let her know that Ian has
passed and the name of the ship that he's gonna take back well Jamie and
Jenny, who decides to come back with him do not make it onto the boat because it
decided to leave before it was supposed to but Claire doesn't know that and Lord
John gets word that the ships sank so they both think that Jamie is dead and
John insists that Claire marry him for her protection and the protection of her
family because she's about to be arrested as a spy I would never wish
Jamie any harm but I really enjoyed Claire and
John's dynamic and it's crazy that they slept together but it almost makes sense
because who else could even remotely mourn Jamie the same way as Claire but
John thankfully though Jamie is alive though their reunion is short-lived as he
comes running from British soldiers and is forced to take John hostage just to
get out alive but before they escape William comes in and he and Jamie are
finally face to face and the truth can't be denied any longer
one of the things that kind of frustrated me about this story but in a good way I guess was the
fact that everyone was just pretending that they could avoid William and keep
this secret even though they all encounter him like multiple times
Ian meets him like three or four times and even calls him cousin Claire meets
him again after a battle and Jamie even talks to him at one point but they're
all just like no we'll keep our heads down and just not say anything but then
other people start to notice the resemblance and comment on it which was
actually pretty funny but I was so happy when they were finally face-to-face but
William was not happy he throws a huge tantrum and practically destroys John's
house and he storms out but then Jenny walks in with her cute line of like
father like son
this is my absolute favorite ending of any of the books in this series thus far
even over drums of autumn which is still my favorite book in the series but so
many awesome things that I've just been waiting patiently to happen happened at the end of this book so I
just love it so much and I've never been more excited for the next book
there are quite a few things that have been left unfinished in the end Jamie and John are on the run
Jenny has only just shown up and her and Claire's relationship was really the
only regret I've had in the entire Outlander series because they
have yet to reconcile so I'm hopeful that they will in the next book
but then Brianna and Rogers story was cut short
right as Roger and Bucckley his ancestor and the guy that was responsible for
getting him hung who is also a time traveler and has ended up in the future
they go back through the stones because they think this guy Rob Cameron took
Jem but it turns out he didn't and he shows up at Lallybroch and tells
Brianna to take him to the gold
there are at least three or four other side stories that are as usual kind of crazy and mind-blowing but even those
haven't found their conclusion yet so I have a lot of expectations for book 8
speaking of book 8 "Written In My Own Hearts Blood" is July's Book of the Month and again
I'm so excited for this one I can't wait to read it but before I move on to that
I want to hear from you guys what did you think of this book? Did anybody find
it hard to track with like I did or did you just loved every minute of it? Let me
know what you think in the comment section as always thank you so much for
watching and I'll see you next month
If you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs
up and if you're new here consider subscribing for more book reviews
Samantha Brown 25" Hardside Spinner - Duration: 4:07.-------------------------------------------
Setting Boundaries with a Person with Depression - Duration: 9:52.Setting boundaries with a person with, depression
Depression can be very difficult, not just for people, who experience it firsthand but
Also, for their loved ones if you have a friend or a family member with, depression
You, may!
Be able to offer them social support at the same time it's important to set boundaries and address your own needs to
The risks of caregiving when someone you love is depressed. You may, want to help them, any, way you can
However it's, also important to take steps to protect
Your, own mental and physical health if you attempt to provide care for someone with depression
You're, at risk of experiencing
Some degree of psychological distress too one study found that caregivers of people with
Major, depressive, disorder and bipolar, disorder were more likely to report
Psychological distress than caregivers, who provide assistance to persons with other health care needs in the general population
They, also reported lower quality of life
Everyone experiences and reacts to depression differently, some people with
Depression become physically or verbally abusive, while others become majid ated or act recklessly
Some people react to depression, by indulging in drugs or binging on alcohol some become so lethargic
They can, barely get dressed feed themselves or tend to their basic
Hygiene needs, when you're caring for someone with, depression these behaviors, may pose a threat to your, own well-being
You, may find it stressful or physically challenging to help, them meet their, daily care needs you
May, even become a target of physical or verbal abuse
Setting boundaries when you're caring for someone with depression it's important to talk about
Behaviors that are unacceptable or dangerous for example consider the following guidelines and strategies
Stick to the treatment plan
social support is important but it's generally not enough to treat depression if
Someone you know is coping with, depression
Encourage them to get professional help
Depression is a medical condition that can be treated with therapy medic or a combination of both
Tell the person you care, about them but you can't help, them, alone explain, why
you think
they need
to Seek professional treatment insist on them following their mental health practitioners advice for example they should
Agree to faithfully at10 medical appointments. They should, also take prescribed medications as directed
Stand up to abuse if the person you're caring for targets you with, abusive language tell
Them it's unacceptable and they need to avoid that behavior if they've engaged in any sort of physical abuse or violence
Insist that they stop if you suspect
Your physical health is at risk, ask for help from family members or friends if you live with
This, person it may be necessary to involve local law, enforcement officials if you, do not live with
This, person and you are being physically abused
Assaulted you may need to distance yourself until the person gets the help that they need
Encourage healthy habits
Encourage the person you're caring for to channel their energy into constructive behaviors such as exercise
Regular, exercise lowers the risk of depression it may, also help, them recover more quickly
you should, also encourage them to eat a healthy diet
Consider supplementing it with vitamin d and omega-3 fatty acids commonly found in fish oil low
Levels of these nutrients, may raise the risk of depression
One study found that many participants with, depression, had low. Levels of vitamin d
Three months of vitamin d supplementation helped relieve their symptoms of depression
Another review, suggests, that low. Levels of omega-3 fatty acids may play a role in some cases of depression
More research is needed to learn if omega-3 fatty acid supplements can effectively treat depression
The risks of taking omega-3 fatty acid supplements are low. Keep time for yourself
Let the person, you're caring for know that you can't be present 24 hours a day seven days a week you need?
some time for yourself
Try to follow a healthy diet a. Sighs regularly and get enough sleep
To, manage your stress make time for regular breaks and activities you enjoy
The takeaway, when you're not healthy, yourself it can
Be hard to care for someone else take steps to prevent
Burn out injury and illness by setting realistic boundaries talk to the person, you're caring for about harmful behaviors
Encourage them to follow their recommended treatment plan practice healthy habits and respect. Your mental and physical health needs
Depression is difficult for everyone involved?
Obviously even patients with mild depression suffer from the debilitating effects of the illness
While severe depression has been described as dank, joylessness dot-dot-dot
Suffocation and a life-and-death struggle by some
who have, experienced it
Caring for the caregiver in the face of such despair and pain it's easy to lose sight
Of the fact that depression is also hard on the patient's close friends and family especially
Those tasked with caring for the depressed individual, well you may
Want to help the patient in any way you can it's not unreasonable to take steps to ensure your own
Ongoing, mental and physical health and safety studies show
That people, who provide care for a loved one with, major depression are often at risk of suffering, some degree of psychological distress
themselves one study suggested that caregivers of people with, major depressive disorder
experienced reduced quality of life compared to similar people
Who were not caring for a depressed patient this impact on quality of life is not unique however
Distress among caregivers is common for a
Broad range of disabilities if you find yourself assuming responsibility for the care of a depressed person it may
Be wise to establish, some ground rules regarding, what is and is not?
Acceptable behavior, by the patient setting boundaries
Everyone experiences and reacts to depression differently, some patients
May, become physically or verbally abusive, while others may become agitated or act recklessly
People react to depression, by indulging in drugs or binging on alcohol still others may become so lethargic
They can, barely get dressed feed themselves or tend to basic. Hygiene
Some can, barely generate the will to get out of bed or dress for the day at all any of the former behaviors
May pose a threat to your, own safety or well-being in such cases it's advisable to establish
What is acceptable behavior in light of the patient's condition, and what is out-of-bounds?
The following are some guidelines for caregivers successful interactions with, depressed patients, stick to treatment
Explain to the patient that he or she must seek and willingly participate in treatment for the illness
Require that the patient follow, their mental health practitioners advice
Insist that the patient, agreed to faithfully take, any prescribed medications as directed
Also, make it clear that the patient must agree to attend any medical appointments without fail
No, abuse if the patient has engaged in abusive language
Explained that you will attempt to be patient and
Understanding but insist that the patient make an effort to refrain from engaging in such behavior in the future if
The patient has engaged in any sort of physical abuse or violence
Insist that he or she stopped if you feel. Physically at risk, ask for help from other family members or friends if
Necessary call law enforcement
support constructive habits
Suggest that restless or agitated patients, may wish to channel their energy into constructive behaviour such as engaging in exercise
Exercise is significantly associated with a reduced risk of depression and may help accelerate recovery
Encourage healthy habits
Insist that the patient make an effort to eat a healthy diet
Consider supplementing the diet with vitamin d and fish oil omega-3 fatty acids
Studies suggest, that people with, depression are often deficient in these nutrients
Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation is associated with improved outcomes patience taking antidepressant medications
Studies, also show, that people with
Higher levels of vitamin d and omega-3 fatty acids are less likely to become depressed
Some experts suggest taking from 2,000 to 10,000 d vitamin d daily for the relief of vitamin d
Insufficiency or deficiency keep time for yourself
Ensure that the patient understands that you cannot be present 24 hours a, day
Seven days a week you need, and deserve time to yourself
Insist that he or she realized that you must, also be allowed sufficient time to care for your, own needs
How to disable safe mode on android - Duration: 1:21.If you want to start your note 8 in safe mode, then what you do is at first you power off
your note 8.
So, press this power button.
Then power off your device.
Select "Power off".
Now once your samsung note 8 is completely turned off, what you do is tap, press this
power on button to power on your note 8 and as soon as you see this Samsung Galaxy logo
here, press this volume down button until your, until the Galaxy note 8 starts in Safe
Now you can see that your note 8 has started in Safe mode.
You can see Safe mode written at the bottom.
Now if you want to exit from the safe mode what you have to do is, simply restart your
note 8.
Select the Restart and then Restart again.
You can see note 8 has started in normal mode.
This is the live streaming of MPL - PH Grand Final Day 2! | Mobile Legends: Bang Bang - Duration: 20:31.-------------------------------------------
Transformers TFEVO Hot Fire (The Last Knight Hot Rod) - Duration: 40:08.Je m'appelle Hot Rod and minds in the blender!!! Yes! At last, Bumblebee's buddy arrived!
A figure that I was waiting long time now. Hot Fire by TFEVO or aka Masterpiece Hot Rod!
- Uuuuhm... sorry that I interrupt you but you didn't say his name correctly.
- What do you mean I didn't say his name correctly?
- You didn't say his name correctly! - Are you sure about it?
- Yea, ask him if you want! - What's your name???
What did you say?
Anyway, I don't care!
And this is his box. A medium sized box. A simple white box.
Here you see an artwork of Hot Rod that continues until the sides of the box.
And on the bottom side as well.
On the top side of the box it says "HOT FIRE".
And nothing special on the back side of the box.
Enough with the box.
Instructions are not included, neither a card. so let's see the figure from close now.
And here is Hot Rod in his awesome robot mode! Wow....simply wow...!
Great representation of Hot Rod from the movie! Really, he is very movie accurate!
I will put him a little bit here. Look at this picture.
I tried to compare them and I came in conclusion that he is very movie accurate.
TFEVO did fantastic job by capturing the look of Hot Rod from the movie!
I can say that he is 95% movie accurate! They did fantastic job, judging by his look.
It looks very good and as you can see he doesn't have big packback.
He has his doors hanging like this. He looked exactly like this in the movie.
He also has die-cast under his feet. The only die-cast that he has.
He also comes with this weapon. "I am gonna stop the time".
Very beautiful sculpted details.
But they forgot to paint the weapon with blue colour over here.
It would be nice if they had painted it but it's a little bit disappointment.
Anyway, is he perfect??? No. He has 3 issues.
The first issue is this.
His head comes out very easily.
I don't need to put much force to bring it out. It comes out very easily.
The second issue is that his hands come out veeeeery easily!
You saw it? His hand fell down right away!
I didn't use much force. Once I touched them they fell down right away!
The hands are on mushroom pegs, for some strange reason they made them small and the hands are loose.
I will try to put nail polish after the review to make them tighter.
I am not sure it will work but I will try it!
The third issue, which is not so important, some people like it, some people not,
is that he has very complicated transformation especially when you transform him into his vehicle mode.
Very difficult transformation. So this video will be big, we will show reverse transformation,
so make a toast-sandwich, grab a soft drink, I don't know, do whatever you want because
this video will be big!
They did great job with this figure. Great sculpted details over here.
Looks exactly like in the movie. TFEVO did fantastic job!
It's a new company, it's their first product.
Also, you can bring the doors up like this if you want. You see the hands fell down.
And if you don't want the doors to hang down like this, you can rotate them like this.
His hands fell down.
You can connect them like this.
And you can tuck the backpack to look like this.
I prefer the movie accuracy so I will have the doors hanging down.
As you can see his hands come out very easily. Let me show you how he can hold his weapon.
The gun has a peg here, put it in this hole here.
Close the hand and as you can see he can hold it very steadily.
Let me put it over here.
But we will have the usual problem with his hand.
As you can see his backpack disconnects easily but it's not a big problem.
The main 3 issues are these I told you.
As for his articulation, the head is on a ball-joint, it can fully rotate.
It can look a little bit up, it can look down, it can tilt left and right.
The arm can fully rotate. The arm can move up this far.
It can rotate from this joint here. It can also rotate from this joint here.
It can bend at the elbow.
The hand can rotate and it can bend a little bit inwards like this.
The bottom 3 fingers can move as one piece and they bend at 2 points, here and here.
The index finger can move individually, it can also bend at 2 points.
The thumb can bend from this point, from this point as well and it doesn't rotate.
That's all with the articulation on the arms.
There is also waist rotation. You can move this piece up if you want.
The leg can move forward this far. Can move backwards this far.
Sideways this far. It can rotate at the thigh.
There is double-jointed knee. The knee can also bend forward like this.
The foot can move up and down from this joint. There is awesome ankle tilt.
The foot can rotate. And the toe can move up and down.
Hot Rod has fantastic articulation! I didn't expect him to have such good articulation.
He has excellent articulation guys.
That's all with the robot mode. Let's see a size comparison now.
Here he is next to Scrapyard Optimus Prime and next to Human Alliance Skids.
He doesn't scale well with Scrapyard Optimus Prime but I can say he scales well with Skids.
Here he is next to Dark Of The Moon Topspin by Takara Tomy and next to Human Alliance Roadbuster.
Here he is next to The Last Knight Optimus Prime and next to The Last Knight Scorn.
Of course the scale is not correct.
Here he is next to Striker Optimus Prime by Takara Tomy.
I can say that the scale is not correct here. I believe he scales better with MPM Optimus Prime.
Here he is next to Unique Toys Lockdown and next to Wei Jiang Hound.
I think the scale is good here, what do you think guys???
Here he is next to his G1 self, Masterpiece Hot Rod.
Finally, here he is next to Alien Attack Dino and next to Masterpiece Bumblebee.
Look at this picture.
As you can see Hot Rod is a little bit taller than Bumblebee.
So, I could say the scale here is OK, not the best but OK!
So, the difficult time arrived. Let's transform Hot Rod into his vehicle mode!
And here is Hot Rod in his vehicle mode. Guys, this transformation was a nightmare!
It is very difficult to transform him into his vehicle mode!
And the worst thing is that he doesn't even have instructions!!! Incredible, right?!?!
Look-wise, he looks very movie accurate. Look at this picture.
Looks good.
He looks good but he doesn't roll fine because the panels touch the surface.
We tried everything but we never managed to make him roll properly,
even some of his panels don't tab well, you see he has some gaps here.
The vehicle mode has its issues, it's not perfect, of course.
You have to put the headlights and the side mirrors by yourself.
It was easy to put the headlights but the side mirrors needed to be trimmed to fit in the holes here.
You can also rotate the side mirrors inwards like this.
This is the rear side of the vehicle.
And this is the bottom side of the vehicle.
There is no storage place for his weapon so let's see a size comparison now.
Here he is next to Human Alliance Barricade.
Well, the scale is not so bad, Barricade is a little bit bigger than he should be
but ok, the scale is not so bad.
Here he is next to Revenge Of The Fallen Sideways. Of course the scale is not correct here.
Here he is next to Unique Toys Lockdown.
The scale here is not correct. They should have the same size.
Lockdown here is bulkier than Hot Rod.
Finally, here he is next to Masterpiece movie Bumblebee.
I can say the scale is good here. They look nice together.
So let's transform him back into his robot mode.
Final thoughts... I have mixed feelings about this figure.
He is very movie accurate, he has very good articulation but he has his issues.
If the cost of this figure was 50 euros, I would totally recommend him.
It costs 90 euros shipped and it's too much for this figure.
If you REALLY need a Masterpiece movie Hot Rod buy him. Otherwise, don't buy him!
I can understand that this is a new company and this is their first product, but not for this price!
This was my review of TFEVO Hot Fire.
Thank you all for watching, see you in the next video, bye!
How to Stop Body Odor Naturally with Baking Soda - Duration: 11:08.How to stop body odor naturally with baking soda
baking soda for body odor
Baking soda or bicarbonate of soda is a white crystalline compound with many health benefits here is how it can help
It absorbs moisture from the skin and keeps it dry
It acts as a natural deodorant agent to prevent body odor. It kills bacteria and neutralizes
alkalizes the body to prevent excess sweating and odor
Baking soda will lower the pH level of the sweating parts to counteract the acids in sweat
one baking soda
Process one dust baking soda on the places where you sweat the most let it sit for a few minutes to absorb the sweat
Discard the excess baking soda, and we're close as normal
process to
Place baking soda in a clean bowl and add water to make a fine paste
Well your underarms or affected areas and apply the paste evenly
Rob gently for a minute or two and then allow it to sit for about 5 to 10 minutes
shower to remove and repeat regularly 2
baking soda with lemon juice
Baking soda dries out the area where it is applied and lemon kills the bacteria with its citric acid and works as natural
Deodorant, however, do not go in the Sun when the lemon juice is on apply before bed is best
Process mix 1 tablespoon each of baking soda and freshly squeezed lemon juice into a mixing bowl
Apply this on your underarms and other body parts where you perspire excessively with either a cotton pad or fingertips
Allow it to sit for about 10 to 15 minutes
Make sure that not to scrub or rub the skin when dried have a shower or bath follow daily for a few weeks
Baking soda with cornstarch both baking soda and cornstarch are excellent absorbent agents
So this combination works really well
ingredients baking soda 1/2 cup corn starch 1/2 cup
Tree Oil ten drops
plastic containers powder shaker container
Process add tea tree oil to equal quantities of baking soda and cornstarch powder
Pour this well mixed powder into a shaker container and close it properly
Then apply this mixture every day after taking shower
Let it sit for a few minutes and then remove excess mixture wear clothes as normal
regular follow-up of this process will
Definitely help or you can replace tea tree oil with coconut oil and mix it to make fine paste
Apply and be sure to wash it off afterwards
baking soda with alum powder and rubbing alcohol
this process is useful for the people those who don't want to use scented deodorants to prevent their body odor as alum is
ingredients baking soda two teaspoons alum powder four teaspoons
rubbing alcohol -
225 milliliters
empty and clean dry spray bottle
Process mix all three ingredients in a clean dry spray bottle stir it properly until all are mixed
Well store and use as needed replace your regular deodorant with this homemade unscented deodorant
homemade natural deodorant commercial
Deodorants are generally loaded with chemicals that cause harm to the skin
The solution is made from baking soda and essential oil to get rid of body odor
Naturally without causing any harm to the skin ingredients
baking soda 1 TSP
essential oil 3 to 4 drops water
Process add sufficient amount of water - baking soda and stir it well to make a thick paste
Then add an essential oil of your choice like lavender
lemon or vanilla oil and mix
Apply this to the most hodor prone areas like armpits feet groin
Etc. Allow it to sit for about 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse with water or you can also leave it like that without
Washing it to completely dry
regularize the application for best results six
Baking soda and coconut oil coconut oil has lauric acid that helps to eliminate the bacteria causing sweat with odor it
Has light fragrance that keeps the body refreshed
Baking soda eliminates the body odor by clearing the bacteria and absorbing the excessive sweating
Making this combination very effective
ingredients baking soda three to four teaspoons
coconut oil three teaspoons
shea butter 2 teaspoons
essential oil
arrowroot powder optional 2 teaspoons double boiler or saucepan
Process add shea butter and coconut oil to a double boiler and place over medium heat until they melt
Remove from heat and add baking soda and arrowroot powder
Mix it well and then add an essential oil of your choice
Let it cool for a few minutes to store this mixture in an airtight container
Fill an empty deodorant stick with this mixture and store in the fridge
Use this stick regularly as a deodorant place the jar in the hot water until both these ingredients are thoroughly melted
7 baking soda bath for body odor have this bath regularly to prevent body odor
ingredients baking soda
1/4 cup warm water
Process add baking soda to a bath of warm water stir it well and have a relaxing bath in the water
This process helps to extend the baking soda benefits to the whole body have this bath regularly?
Baking soda with salt and essential oils bath have this bath daily until you get relief from body
Completely and then continue this for once or twice a week
ingredients baking soda 1 tbsp kelp powder 1 tbsp
Epsom salt 2 tbsp dead sea salt 3 tablespoons
lavender oil 6 drops
lemon, balm oil 3 drops
lemon oil 6 drops warm water
Run a bath of warm water pour baking soda Epsom salt and dead sea salt into this water
Mix and then add kelp powder and mix again now add lavender oil
lemon, balm oil and lemon oil in it and stir well
Soak yourself in this water for about 30 minutes have this baking soda salt and essential oils bath regularly
baking soda with apple cider vinegar
borax and water
ingredients baking soda 1/2 TSP apple cider vinegar 2 tablespoons
Borax a pinch water 1 liter
Process pour all the ingredients into water and stir. Well sip this slowly throughout the day
Continue the intake of this baking soda mixture for about 3 to 5 days and then give a break of 2 to 3 days
Baking soda for foot odor body odor is common in the feet due to continuous usage of shoes or other unhygienic conditions
ingredients baking soda 4 tablespoons warm water 4 cups
towel or a clean washcloth
Process add baking soda to warm water in a bowl stir well and soak your feet in the water for a few minutes
Take your feet out and dry properly or you can apply dry baking soda powder to the feet after taking shower
how to remove body odor on cloths
Baking soda can also be used to remove odor from clothes if you have washed clothes and they still have odor
Then it's time to use baking soda
Always remember that you have to wash these cloths separately so that the smell will not be transferred to other cloths
ingredients baking soda warm water
Process place baking soda in a bowl and add warm water to make a paste apply to the problem areas and rub it gently
Allowed to sit for at least 20 minutes to overnight after that launder the clothes as regularly
removing body odor from furniture using baking soda
Sweat smells and body odor will ease they get attached to furniture and is hard to remove
Here is the process that allows you to clear the odor using baking soda
ingredients baking soda vacuum clean washcloth
process sprinkle baking soda over the furniture
Rub it gently and leave overnight
The next morning vacuum the furniture thoroughly to remove baking soda after that cleaned the furniture with a clean and dry
washcloth repeat this process regularly
tips and precaution to be followed while using baking soda for body odor as
Everyone's skin type is different. It may cause some side effects or problems
follow these simple
But effective tips to prevent body odor completely and safely
Use a fresh box of baking soda for treating body odor to get maximum benefits
avoid using the one which has been stored for a long period of time take a shower or bath to eliminate the sweat and
bacteria that causes body odor dry the body well before wearing the cloths
Especially the underarms feet and groin areas to prevent body odor
avoid alcohol
strong spices coffee and other foods, which causes body odor
Continuous usage of this baking soda may lead to B vitamins depletion
so it's always best to consult doctor about whether you have to make some changes in your diet or have supplements if
There is any redness or irritation it is to discontinue the usage of baking soda
Remember that excessive sweating and body odor may also be caused by several diseases like liver problems bad breath
cervical cancer
Hyperthyroidism etc. So it's always better to consult your doctor
Avoid applying this on recently shaved or waxed skin
CSI Challenge Case File #257 - Duration: 9:32.-------------------------------------------
ВСЕ ПРОМАХИ ИНТЕРСТЕЛЛАРА - Duration: 10:26.Darkit: Virtual-hi!
Darkit: Before you put a dislike to this video, consider (I an friendly to all world countries, but I couldn't take off this flag (right up))
Darkit: That in my opinion, Hans Zimmer, the composer of this film
Darkit: Really tried very hard, and the music came out atmospheric.
Darkit: Actors, operators, film editor and graphists are well done!
Darkit: Moreover, screenwriter has done such cool stuffs
Darkit: That I have applauded not even by hands, but by hemispheres of the brain
Darkit: But the "Interstellar" has done some mistakes, when he ran for action
Darkit: And I am offended for them.
Darkit: And the one more, I hope, that I can have constructive discussion in comments
Darkit: If U in some ways disagree with me.
Pushnoj: In used to watch an Inter...
Pushnoj: Maybe, "Interstellar"?
Pushnoj: It is a rare nonsense... *shows aggressive reaction*
Pushoj: Of course, it is very interesting film *shows agressive reaction*
Pushnoj: But it is complete nonsense from the point of view of some sci-Fi movies. *shows agressive reaction*
Pusnoj: But this was very interesting.
Darkit: Please note, "sci-Fi".
Darkit: The film is disliked by Pusnoj how sci-Fi film.
Darkit: But he likes this film.
Moron: But this is scientific masterpiece, this is not the "only film"!
Moron: This stupid Pushnoj nail magnets and collected according to the scenario explained all of this in the "Galileo" (russian scientific TV-programme)
Moron: And he played the guitar with helpers in the CFR (russian comedy-show)
Darkit: Listen U, not expensive my moron
Darkit: Alex Borisovich Pushnoj a master's degree in physics in 1998
Darkit: While studying at the physical faculty of NSU
*speaks by russian*
Darkit: which takes 250th place in the ranking of 500 in the world
Darkit: And this is very good achieve
Darkit: Well, let's get it started.
Darkit: This is the first unpleasant thing.
Darkit: For some reason, we do not show Cooper's training for the flight, do not show any nuances
Darkit: That are sure to emerge during the launch of the astronaut
Darkit: And immediately show the flight into space.
Darkit: I'm sorry for my emotionality (no)
Darkit: But you can take vomited homeless by this way.
Darkit: O, yes, there is one, who pukes.
Darkit: Fuck, with the same success
Darkit: You can take a stool or baby, which will also depend on the future of the Earth.
Darkit: Stop, but creators of this say us that Cooper is the NASA's pilot in the past...
Film's text, professor Brand: Don't you know who we are?
Film's text, Cooper: No, I don't know, professor
Film's text, Mrs Brand: But you know professor Brand - my father.
Film's text, Mrs Brand: We are from NASA.
Film's text, Cooper: NASA?
Film's text, professor Brand: NASA.
Film's text, professor Brand: The same Agency, where you were a pilot.
Darkit: The word "past" is the keyword.
Darkit: This word can divide events, that have duration in the day, the month, the year and the infinity.
Darkit: But in this film Cooper didn't fly the plane about 5-10 years.
Darkit: This is so much time. During this time, you get rid of the steering wheel,
Darkit: The vestibular apparatus is brpken and
Darkit: You forget what an airplane is.
Darkit: So, where are trainings? Where is preparation?
Darkit: I am agree, this could be +timing in time, when film's duration is 2 hours and 40 minutes
Darkit: But this is the detail that nobody can miss.
Darkit: Moreover, I am not needed in details.
Darkit: You can show this in dynamic mounting.
Darkit: So, what about trainings?
Darkit: Oh, I've totally forgot, there weren't any trainings!
Film's text, Cooper: 1-G. How you feeling, gys?
Film's text, Romely: All right.
Film's text, Brand: Romely, R U OK?
Film's text, Romely: Yes, I am.
Film's text, Brand: Are you sure?
Film's text, Romely: Give me a minute.
Film's text, Brand: I think we had some pills for motion sickness in the medicine Cabinet. I'll get it.
Film's text, Romely: Brand.
Film's text, Brand: Yeah?
Film's text, Romely: Give me them all.
*very lmao (no)*
Darkit: Do you even fuckin know how the selection of cosmonauts goes?
Darkit: The selection of cosmonauts goes from 1,5 to 2 years.
Darkit: There 5 steps.
Darkit: The first step is flight in artificial weightlessness.
Darkit: Everything is obvious here, the cosmonaut must learn to move in space and in the space station.
Darkit: Second step is swimming under the water.
Darkit: This is made for that the astronaut could get used to weightlessness and high pressure.
Darkit: The third step is learning of space station's layout, so that the cosmonaut could orient.
Darkit: the fourt step is imitation of quit in space.
Darkit: This is made for exception of incidents.
Darkit: Heavy spacesuit, instruction of the right evacuation and instruction of the right penetration.
Film "Vremya pervykh": Try it, try it! Get it together, L'osha!
*violation of safety regulations*
Film "Vremya pervykh": Stand down! Where? Do not you dare! Only with feet, L'osha!
Film "Vremya perykh": That's all, you are dead. And you colleague is dead too.
Darkit: And, finally, the fifth step - centrifuge.
Darkit: On the centrifuge, the astronaut gets used to frequent rotation and the strongest gravitational field.
Darkit: As soon as the astronaut becomes ill, he is pulled out of the centrifuge,
Darkit: And if he shits everything around, it certainly does not allow astronauts.
Darkit: This is very important point, without him the entire flight will be off.
Darkit: How was he even allowed to be an astronaut? NASA took all who are not sorry?
Darkit: Why I with my weak vestibular apparatus
Darkit: Am sometimes not allowed in the car for a ride and he is started up in space, where
the tiniest speck of dust can cause the space station will spin, and the astronaut is f*cked up?
Darkit: There are only 2 things, that you can watch infinitely
Darkit: They are stars in the Moon's disk and space station near Saturn in not observed scale.
Darkit: This is action in station in film
Darkit: And this is action in station in reality.
Darkit: But I am more interested in flight of the station near Saturn.
Darkit: Do you have a small presentation of gravity's work?
There is mater of time space.
It is smooth without any objects in its surface.
But there is fucking object on its surface! So, it is curve!
And this is the second one!
And all would be nothing, because we are just as attracted to each other,
Just do not notice it, because the force of attraction is terribly small
But Saturnus is heavier than the station in 1 sextilion 362 qintilion times!
According to the formula for calculating the force of gravity, we find that being a space station
far from Saturn at least at a distance of rings, which is somewhat further than what we are shown in the film and is 48 000 km
Calculations will be here -
By the way, hugging an adult couple, being, of course, from each other at a minimum distance
Will be attracted to each other with a force of 0.004 N
Darkit: And why am I picking on this?
Darkit: It's just about as easy as hugging, the space station flies around Saturn.
Darkit: And if all this is still to present on the model of the very matter,
Darkit: the space station will simply slide to Saturn.
Darkit: And if Saturn could warp matter with asteroids at the same distance,
Darkit: Which is 120,000 times heavier than a space station, is it worth saying what will happen to the station itself?
Darkit: Look at the scenery we're seeing.
Darkit: Clouds, sometimes the sky appears...
Darkit: I don't think it's worth saying that it won't even be close if you're near a Black hole.
Darkit: I'm not even going to say that through the frame we will show a completely different picture.
Darkit: I am surprised by the following-where did the light come from?
Darkit: Yes, there are Gargantua, aka the Black hole, which actually emits the light
Darkit: But next to Gargantua, there will be so much gravity that light is up to the studied exoplanet
Darkit: Though it will come, but not in such a huge amount as from the Sun to the Earth. the Earth | studied exoplanet
Darkit: Well, okay, if it's still can be considered a quibble, the atmosphere of this exoplanet certainly
Darkit: Will not take a spherical shape. An exoplanet is more likely to look like this.
Darkit: I have no idea how you can go to an area with high pressure
Text: "Split in half. I would like you to read the film genre: science fiction. After all, science, not science." Darkit: sci-Fi film...
Darkit: Where your flying module will be broken half.
Darkit: Explaination. Do you remember that scene from the last "Avengers"?
Darkit: Now, about the same thing would happen to Cooper and his ship if he flew into a black hole.
Darkit: But not the following! The pressure would come from all sides, and accordingly, the module would be flattened in all directions, and it would break!
Darkit: Cooper too! Especially as we know, it didn't train as NASA considered it with some horseradish superfluous.
Darkit: Which means he wasn't on the centrifuge. And being in a black hole would be incredibly difficult for him.
*there is no book written by Steven Hawking* Darkit: And Yes, imagine, I know that the film was made by a scientist who studied Black holes
*there is no book written by Steven Hawking* Darkit: Which, accordingly, has invested a great deal in the creation of the theoretical part of the film.
*there is no book written by Steven Hawking* Darkit: But something tells me he's either an impostor or he wasn't shown the rest of the movie.
*omfg, it is back* Darkit: I really do. The film Christopher Nolan has given me great hope for the great experience of the film.
Darkit: And the output was "interstellar", which is good everything except these blunders.
Darkit: I almost forgot, bu tнe шay. Among all the film awards "Interstellar" there is only one nomination
Darkit: (and along with the victory) in the title of "Best science fiction film."
Darkit: Just one of five possible. Yes, there is still victory in the title of " Best drama"
Darkit: But here I do not argue, the dramatic elements of "Interstellar" really made amazing.
Darkit: Against the dramatic surreal film "Interstellar" I have nothing.
Darkit: But just one victory in the title of "Best sci-Fi film" out of five possible.
Darkit: So strange.
Darkit: Again, if you disagree with me on something, I hope for a constructive discussion in the comments.
Darkit: And I have to say goodbye to others.
Myname is Darkit, good luck, good bye.
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