Thursday, July 26, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jul 26 2018

Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )

So today there's been something out there that I've wanted to make for the longest time... and what is that you ask...


a "hatog" was popular in korea its a cheezy hot dog

The name alone Just sounds scrumptious

I also want to do a twist on this recipe... I'm going to deep fry it

cheese + deep fry..... its a dish worthy of the gods

alrighty let's get cooking

These are the ingredients Chopsticks cheese melty cheese pancake mix baking powder

Water flour oil and ketchup and condensed milk to taste

first we wrap out 2 cheeses together. I love these cheese sticks so much

I can't help myself anymore I gotta take a bite

this one isn't going to turn out but then again I'm making these all for myself

skewer the cheese with a chopstick

The string cheese is kind of tough to skewer

Add baking powder to pancake mix


Mixwell to make our dough

and to the cheese wrap it in the dough

Making sure to wrap it tightly so that none of the cheese escapes

If you are able to see any of the cheese through the dough it will leak out so be careful when wrapping

Dipping your hands in water will help keep the dough from sticking to your hands

This is what it should look like but since the cheese and dough are of the same color

its so tough to tell them apart

add panko to the dough

Once it is covered in panko breadcrumbs then deep fry

It smells amazing

omg they look amazing

Even though I was so careful to wrap them up this one is leaking cheese

they look dangerously delish

This is going to be a memorable entry into my series of deep fried vids

there ain't a way this tastes bad

These look like Curry buns

and once you cover them in sugar and sweetened condensed milk....

they're all done

They look so yummy I can't keep my hands off them

Summers at time of year that makes you not want to eat deep fried things

but that isn't a thing today I'm so excited to try these itadakimasu

There's a bit of cheese coming out of it and it looks So scrumptious

The sugar that's covering it also looks yummy

look a the cheese will'ya

That's exactly how I imagined this the cheese stringing out like that is the best part of these

and the flavor is to die for

The salty cheese and the crispy coating along with the sweet sugar coating is the bomb dot com

you just know its gonna be super yummy

I will drink it with soy milk

wait that's wrong... I will have them with soy milk

It's so ridiculously stretchy

The string cheese has such a nice firm texture and the melting cheese surrounding it is all melty

I just love how both those textures come together

and its surrounded by a donut like coating that is so crisp

this is just the most perfect thing in the world

milk and 'hatog' I'm having the best time ever right now

I'll try cutting one of these with a knife

just look at it will ya.....

oh it it broke off so quick

did I slice it too deeply

The fact that they're so nice and hot is wonderful as well

I will try again to cut it

its the 'bestest' thing ever

I'll now reuse the chopsticks

its too yummy

this is an absolute sin

tadaa I've heard of people using ketchup with this

They put the ketchup on top of all the sugar and stuff

K don't it look amazing

This is yummy as well cheese and ketchup go so nicely together

The catsup with that extra sugar takes on such a nice flavor

this gives it a richer flavor

The cheese is so melty due to using the melting cheese in it the stretchiness give it a good look but

I think it might turn out alright with just using the melty cheese

as long as you wrap a bunch of them together

A lot of sugar sticks to the dough

I've had a lot of viewers ask me to do this and I've always thought this might be so tough to

make that I've shied away from making it for the longest time

its rather EZ to make

For more infomation >> 【Cheese & High Calorie】 Super Tasty Korean Food [Cheese + Hot Dog] Making My Hotdog! [6000kcal][CC] - Duration: 10:01.


Al Bano Carrisi e Romina Power, serata romantica a Milano Foto, un legame ancora ... - Duration: 10:23.

For more infomation >> Al Bano Carrisi e Romina Power, serata romantica a Milano Foto, un legame ancora ... - Duration: 10:23.


Citroën C3 1.6 e-HDi Dynamique - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.6 e-HDi Dynamique - Duration: 1:05.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Business Solution AMG . - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Business Solution AMG . - Duration: 1:13.


[시승기] 'A3 e트론'과 '골프 GTE'의 같은 듯 다른 맛 - Duration: 11:40.

For more infomation >> [시승기] 'A3 e트론'과 '골프 GTE'의 같은 듯 다른 맛 - Duration: 11:40.


Huawei: nel 2018 venderemo 200 milioni di telefonini e supereremo Apple - Duration: 4:05.

 Cento milioni di telefonini fino ad ora. E altri cento milioni da adesso alla fine dell'anno, cioè attraverso la stagione natalizia che rappresenta il vero picco del mercato

La cinese Huawei non potrebbe essere più aggressiva sia nel mercato nazionale che soprattutto a livello internazionale

Nel 2018 punta a sorpassare Apple e diventare il secondo produttore di smartphone al mondo, dietro Samsung

      Il 18 luglio il primo traguardo: l'annuncio di aver superato i 100 milioni di pezzi venduti quest'anno

«Negli anni passati – ha dichiarato il responsabile del segmento mobilità del colosso cinese, Richard Yu Chengdong – il traguardo dei cento milioni di pezzi era stato tagliato il 22 dicembre (nel 2015), il 14 ottobre (nel 2016) e l'anno scorso il 12 settembre

Adesso, ci sono voluti solo sei mesi per arrivare a questa soglia, cosa che ci fa ritenere che per la fine dell'anno solare 2018 arriveremo a tagliare il traguardo dei 200 milioni di apparecchi»

         La soglia è stata superata sommando sia i telefoni marchiati Huawei che Honor

La crescita va in controtendenza rispetto al mercato: i produttori di smartphone secondo Idc hanno spedito infatti un totale di 334,3 milioni di unità durante il primo trimestre del 2018, con un calo del 2,9% rispetto ai 344,4 milioni di unità spedite nel primo trimestre del 2017

      In negativo il primo produttore globale, cioè Samsung, che nel primo trimestre di quest'anno hanno visto un declino nelle consegne del 2,4 per cento, mentre Apple è cresciuta del 2

8 per cento. Secondo i rilevamenti di Idc, Huawei negli stessi tre mesi è cresciuta consegnando 39,3 milioni di pezzi, avvicinandosi ai 52,2 milioni di iPhone di Apple nello stesso periodo

         Ad alimentare la crescita di entrambi i marchi di Huawei è anche la strategia di penetrazione in nuovi mercati: il Sudest asiatico e soprattutto l'India, che è il secondo più grande mercato dei telefoni cellulari al mondo dopo la Cina

Secondo l'analista Zaker Li di IHS Markit, proprio la crescita in India (e in Europa) è la chiave di questa fase del successo di Huawei: «Visti i risultati nella prima metà dell'anno e visto che la seconda metà è quella in cui si vende di più, è facile immaginare che Huawei manterrà la promessa e arriverà ai 200 milioni di pezzi entro il 31 dicembre»

      Alla fine del 2017 Huawei aveva prodotto 153,1 milioni di telefoni, dietro ai 215,8 milioni di Apple (seconda classificata secondo i rilevamenti di Idc) e ai 317,3 milioni della prima del mercato Samsung

Nel 2013, quando Huawei aveva iniziato a produrre smartphone su larga scala con la serie P, Yu aveva anticipato l'obiettivo di battere Apple e Samsung rispettivamente entro 3 e 5 anni


For more infomation >> Huawei: nel 2018 venderemo 200 milioni di telefonini e supereremo Apple - Duration: 4:05.


Camping River, Raggi e Salvini tirano dritto: sgomberato campo rom illegale - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Camping River, Raggi e Salvini tirano dritto: sgomberato campo rom illegale - Duration: 2:02.


Sergio Marchionne, tutti i misteri sulla sua morte: il terribile sospetto sul silenzio - Duration: 8:53.

 Silenzio da Torino a Auburn Hills. Silenzio e turni fermi da Pomigliano a Mirafiori, passando per Melfi fino a Collegno

Silenzio negli stabilimenti e sull' asse America-Lingotto. Il Manager, l' eroe dei due mondi, il negoziatore dal pugno di ferro che rivoluzionò la Fiat, se n' è andato

 Ma il riserbo è d' obbligo per quest' uomo pubblico, entrato nelle case di tutti col solito maglione dal non colore

Il nero.Si può al limite dire quel che John Elkann, presidente di Exor (la holding della famiglia Agnelli), annuncia pubblicamente: «È accaduto, purtroppo, quello che temevamo

Sergio Marchionne, l' uomo e l' amico è morto». Sono le 11 e 30 di ieri. Due elicotteri si alzano in volo sciogliendo il cordone di sicurezza sopra l' Universitatsspital di Zurigo

Fino a un minuto prima Fca, da Torino, ribadiva: «Condizioni stazionarie». Sergio Marchionne, 66 anni il 17 giugno, è morto e punto

Poco importa che nel centro ospedaliero svizzero (una fortezza d' eccellenza dov' è possibile mantenere l' anonimato), il suo nome non figuri fra i ricoverati e tanto meno tra deceduti

«Nessuna macchina» a tenere il Supermanager forzatamente appeso alla vita che già lo aveva abbandonato

Così tiene a puntualizzare Fca.  Funerali privati - Accanto all' ex numero 1 di Fiat Chrysler, la compagna Manuela Battezzato e i figli Alessio Giacomo e Jonathan Tyler, arrivati alla clinica da giorni

Ma così discretamente da restare invisibili ai giornalisti e al mondo. Perché è proprio così che lui avrebbe voluto

Non sarà proclamato il lutto cittadino e i funerali, quando sarà, resteranno una faccenda privata

Lui è spirato ieri, ma l' era Marchionne s' è ufficialmente conclusa sabato a mercati chiusi, col passaggio dello scettro (dopo 14 anni) ai vertici del Lingotto

O forse chissà, era già finito tutto col ricovero del 28 giugno scorso, ch' è stato l' inizio di una lotta apparsa subito interminabile

E punteggiata da ipotesi e indiscrezioni di stampa: «Sarcoma alla spalla», «tumore ai polmoni» e poi il «cancro che invece non c' entra»

Tutto e anche il suo esatto contrario, ma senza cambiare la sostanza delle cose e il destino di Sergio Marchionne

Il cuore s' arresta una volta, poi cede una seconda e per sempre. Eppure l' intervento alla spalla (destra) almeno ufficialmente, avrebbe dovuto essere una «cosa banale»

Invece tutto si rivela un calvario. Da un lato «il peggioramento delle condizioni di salute del manager», dall' altro Sergio Marchionne che «non ha annullato nessun appuntamento in agenda e si preparava alla presentazione di una delle ultime trimestrali sotto il suo turno di guardia»

Nessuna macchina - Avanti così, fino alla terapia intensiva che lo avrebbe portato a «morte naturale» e ai due elicotteri che si alzano nel cielo svizzero, sincronizzati sulle parole di John Elkann: «Saremo eternamente grati a Sergio per i risultati che è riuscito a raggiungere e per avere reso possibile ciò che pareva impossibile», ha detto

Nel 2004, quando Sergio Marchionne assume le redini della Fiat, John ha soltanto 28 anni

Nel nuovo assetto di vertice definito alla morte di Umberto, il rampollo di casa Agnelli, erede designato alla guida dell' impero, diventa vicepresidente

Oggi da presidente e amministratore delegato di Exor, commenta commosso: «Penso che il miglior modo per onorare la memoria di Sergio sia fare tesoro dell' esempio che ci ha lasciato, coltivare quei valori di umanità, responsabilità e apertura mentale di cui è sempre stato il più convinto promotore

Io e la mia famiglia gli saremo per sempre riconoscenti per quello che ha fatto e siamo vicini a Manuela e ai figli Alessio e Tyler

Rinnovo l' invito a rispettare la privacy della famiglia Marchionne». Intanto il titolo Fca chiude a meno 15 per cento e brucia 4 miliardi in un giorno

Mike Manley, contemporaneamente, prende per la prima volta la parola per illustrare al mercato i conti di Fca

Un debutto difficile quello del nuovo amministratore delegato di Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, cresciuto all' ombra di Marchionne fino a prenderne il posto, sabato scorso

Quando si è capito che il manager italo-canadese non sarebbe più tornato al lavoro

«Ho trascorso nove anni parlando con lui ogni giorno», dice Manley, «è un momento triste»

Poi chiede agli analisti un minuto di silenzio per rendere omaggio al predecessore scomparso

Vicino a Zurigo, nel paese di Schindellegi, Sergio Marchionne aveva un domicilio, ma la famiglia risiede nel cantone francofono di Vaud, vicino a Losanna, sul Lago di Ginevra

Difficile che i suoi cari scelgano proprio il luogo della sua agonia per celebrarne le esequie

Così restano aperte tutte le altre ipotesi, a cominciare dalla Svizzera Romanda o chissà

Di fatto, per ora, c' è la volontà di tenere una cerimonia in forma rigorosamente privata

In silenzio.di Cristiana Lodi

For more infomation >> Sergio Marchionne, tutti i misteri sulla sua morte: il terribile sospetto sul silenzio - Duration: 8:53.



For more infomation >> ERKENCİ KUŞ 5.BÖLÜM - SESLİ ANALİZ - Duration: 1:42.


Senz'habitat - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Senz'habitat - Duration: 1:41.


Citroën DS3 1.6 e-HDi So Chic - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Citroën DS3 1.6 e-HDi So Chic - Duration: 1:06.


Prime IT | Os nossos Primers e o... - Duration: 0:57.

It's an intimate relationship,

we try to keep a distance because it's not a healthy relationship.

We do have a close relationship.

... a love relationship. A lot of love!

Damn, you're very good!

It's a love/hate kind of relationship.

It's the joy of my day.


I think that was too much.

It loves me, and I love it.

It makes me feel good...

... but then, it makes me feel bad.

It's, really, that feeling of pleasure.

But I love it.

A lot of pleasure!

Cut that part.

Between one o'clock...

...and midnight.

All the time.

In the morning...

... at the end of the day, during the afternoon...

Not now.

I would hide in a room, over there,

and eat it all.

For more infomation >> Prime IT | Os nossos Primers e o... - Duration: 0:57.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Cabrio Sport Edition AMG Automaat . - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Cabrio Sport Edition AMG Automaat . - Duration: 1:10.


Citroën DS3 1.6 E-HDI BUSINESS NAVI CLIMA 158DKM - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Citroën DS3 1.6 E-HDI BUSINESS NAVI CLIMA 158DKM - Duration: 0:44.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 CGI Avantgarde AMG Automaat . - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 CGI Avantgarde AMG Automaat . - Duration: 0:55.


Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI R-Line DSG Pano Keyless Go Dynaudio - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI R-Line DSG Pano Keyless Go Dynaudio - Duration: 0:55.



For more infomation >> Renault Clio R.S. TROPHY EDC 220 PK | AKRAPOVIC | LEDER | R-LINK | CLIMATE CONTROL | CRUISE CONTROL - Duration: 1:10.


Mercedes-Benz Vito 122 CDI 320 LANG DC LUXE 3.0 V6 , NAVI , CR CONTR , TREKH , SCHUIFD L+R , - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz Vito 122 CDI 320 LANG DC LUXE 3.0 V6 , NAVI , CR CONTR , TREKH , SCHUIFD L+R , - Duration: 1:12.


#存在主義的死胡同為何?(婚前愛與性要理問答10問) - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> #存在主義的死胡同為何?(婚前愛與性要理問答10問) - Duration: 1:11.


Hyundai i20 1.2i i-Motion Airco/5DRS - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.2i i-Motion Airco/5DRS - Duration: 1:06.


KAI, 태국 수출기 T-50TH 전력화 완료 | 한국의 군사력 - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> KAI, 태국 수출기 T-50TH 전력화 완료 | 한국의 군사력 - Duration: 2:34.


NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll: Americans Don't Think Trump Is Tough Enough On Russia - Duration: 12:44.

NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll: Americans Don't Think Trump Is Tough Enough On Russia

As to whether Trump should view Putin as a friend or foe, Americans are nearly evenly split, with 45 percent saying he should be seen as an enemy and 44 percent saying he is an ally.

That might be a surprise to those who grew up in the Cold War era, but partisanship might have something to do with it.

Among GOP voters, 58 percent view the Russian leader as an ally.

A majority of adults overall (59 percent) do think it's better for the U.S.

to build relationships with Russia, while less than a third say the country should be treated as a threat.

Still, half of Democrats think Russia should be treated as a threat, while more than three-quarters of Republicans say the U.S.

should build relationships with the country.

That happens to be Trump's position.A majority (57 percent) also believes that Russia is likely to try to interfere in November's midterm elections — something that intelligence chiefs have warned about but that Trump has downplayed.

Most Republicans, however, side with Trump here, with 58 percent saying it's not very likely or not likely at all.

But a whopping 72 percent of Americans said they have faith in the CIA's and FBI's conclusions about the assessment of the Russian election interference, compared with just 15 percent who believe Putin's denials.

Trump has said Putin strongly denies any involvement.

Eighty-six percent of Democrats say they believe the intelligence community over Putin, and 63 percent of GOP voters say the same thing.

However, 21 percent of Republicans do say they believe Putin's dismissals.

What is more, a majority of Americans believe that Russian interference in 2016 impacted the election, though just 37 percent said they believe it changed the outcome.

Another 26 percent said it impacted the election but not enough to change the result, and 30 percent said it had no impact at all.

Almost half of the country (46 percent) thinks that Justice Department special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in 2016 has been fair, with roughly a third disagreeing.

Those opinions are, unsurprisingly, deeply split along partisan lines — 62 percent of Democrats say it has been fair, while half of Republicans say it has been unfair.

More than two-thirds believe Mueller should be allowed to finish his investigation though, including 60 percent of Republicans.

Less than a quarter of GOP voters say Mueller should be fired.

But Republicans view the FBI, which Trump has repeatedly demonized, differently than the public at large does.

Almost 6 in 10 people say that the FBI is just trying to do its job, while one-third of Americans say it is biased against the Trump administration.

Fifty-five percent of Republicans think the FBI is biased against the president, compared with 85 percent of Democrats who say the law enforcement agency is just doing its job.

Most Americans don't believe that Trump has done something illegal in regards to his dealings with Russia and Putin.

But just over a quarter think that he at least did something unethical.

Those views, too, change along partisan lines.

Democrats are poised for gains in the midterm elections, buoyed by big advantages among women and with voter enthusiasm on their side.

When registered voters were asked which party's candidate they're likely to vote for come November, they favored Democrats over the GOP, 47 percent to 40 percent.

That 7-point advantage is up from a 5-point edge in an NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist survey in April.

Female voters say they prefer Democrats this fall by a 21-point margin, 54 percent to 33 percent.

Republicans win men by 9 points, 48 percent to 39 percent.

Negative opinions of Trump are pronounced among women.

Trump's job approval has remained relatively static — still underwater at 39 percent approval to 51 percent disapproval among all Americans.

But there is a staggering 43-point gender gap with 62 percent of women disapproving of Trump's job and half of men approving of his performance.

Fifty-seven percent of suburban women also strongly disapprove of Trump, and Democrats have a 28-point edge in which party suburban women would vote for in November.

This is an ominous sign for Republicans given that these will be critical voters in many House battlefields.

"You would be hard-pressed to find a president who has more sharply divided the nation along gender lines," said Lee Miringoff, director of The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion.

"It remains to be seen what role this may play in the midterm elections, the 2020 presidential election, and political party affiliation going forward.".

Among the party base, though, Trump is stronger than ever — 62 percent of Republicans strongly approve of the job he is doing, leading to overall, 25 percent of Americans strongly approving of his job, his highest mark in the poll.

Still, that doesn't erase the hotly negative views of him with 44 percent overall strongly disapproving of his job.

Trump's favorability rating has improved over the past three months, up 4 points to 41 percent.

That's largely due to the 88 percent of Republicans who are still firmly in his court — something the GOP hopes translates to enthusiasm at the ballot box come November.

But there are other signs of greater Democratic engagement — 78 percent of Democrats say the midterm elections are very important, while 68 percent of Republicans say the same thing.

And women, again, appear to be more fired up, with 72 percent saying their vote this November is very important.

A plurality of voters (46 percent) also say Trump has made them more likely to cast a vote for Democrats this fall, compared with 37 percent who say he has made them more likely to vote for the GOP candidate.

Among women, 56 percent say Trump is pushing them toward the Democratic choice.

Part of that is because of Trump's personal attributes.

A majority of Americans think Trump is untruthful — 61 percent say he only tells the truth some of the time, hardly ever or never, while 36 percent think he is truthful almost all or most of the time.

Fifty-six percent also say he tells the truth less often than past presidents.

Americans also say they're dissatisfied with Trump's approach to foreign policy, his conduct abroad and his positions on immigration.

By a nearly 2-to-1 margin, Americans say Trump's conduct as president makes them feel embarrassed.

Among Republicans, though, 70 percent say he has made them proud, and 91 percent of Democrats feeling embarrassed.

Almost half (46 percent) say his actions during the NATO meeting earlier this month hurt U.S.

relationships with European allies, while just 19 percent say they helped.

Forty-seven percent also say he is changing U.S.

foreign policy for the worse, while 37 percent say it's going in a better direction.

Nearly half of registered voters (48 percent) also say he is changing immigration policy for the worse, while 40 percent say he is improving it.

Those numbers come in the wake of the administration's controversial move to separate children from their parents if detained at the border.

The administration has reversed its position but has struggled to reunite children with their families.

Trump does still have an advantage on the economy, though.

Just over half of registered voters — the most since Trump was inaugurated — say he is moving the economy in a better direction with about a third saying he is making it worse.

With all of that, confidence in major democratic institutions is waning.

For more infomation >> NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll: Americans Don't Think Trump Is Tough Enough On Russia - Duration: 12:44.


Ving Rhames Doesn't Care About Alec Baldwin's Mission: Impossible Character - Duration: 5:35.

-Alec! [ Cheers and applause ]

Oh! Wow.

Wow. You really --

-I don't have any socks at my house.

You have any socks? [ Laughter ]

-Yes. -I'm on Long Island.

You spend the summer on Long Island?

[ Cheers and applause ]

-You're from Long Island? -A sockless summer?

-I am. I don't own any socks out there.

-I guess I don't really wear that many socks

when I'm just, like, hanging out.

But during the show, I -- -You're behind a desk.

Who cares if he wears socks or not?

-This is not even a sock. -You have socks.

-I tattoo black all over my ankles.

-Use a Sharpie. -They're really unhealthy.

Alec, you look fantastic. -Thank you.

[ Scattered cheers ] -I want to talk about the movie.

I'm just -- I loved it so much.

There's almost too much action in this movie.

-I know. Well, first of all,

I did the other one, number five, "Rogue Nation."

Then, they asked me to come back.

And it's such a great pleasure to work with them.

Because I love McQuarrie, the director.

And Tom is Tom. I mean, there's nobody

you want to connect with and make a film of this --

'cause he's so into it.

And he's the last, you know, movie star.

He's the last one they're giving those huge budgets to

to make those kinds of movies. So you go there --

I always say, like,

you do a movie that's a small-budget movie,

and all of a sudden, they go, "Okay, action!"

You do a scene,

and someone closes the car door on your hand.

-Yeah. -And you go, "Can we cut?!

Can we cut? Can we go again?

They closed the door on my hand."

They're like, "We got it. Never mind, we're moving on.

We got it." [ Laughter ]

-You're like, "Oh, God!"

And with Cruise, you go to work and they're like,

it's a building, like a glass office.

And there they go, and they're about to say action,

they go, "Cut, please!" -- [ Indiscernible ]

On the walkie-talkie.

Then some guy comes in, he goes...

cleans all the glass. -Cleans all the glass buildings.

-Cleans all the glass building.

Then, like, "Okay, that's lunch, everybody.

That's lunch." [ Laughter ]

-"Come back. We'll do the scene tomorrow."

-They take their time. They get everything right.

-It is -- Well, you can't fool around with that.

It's such a giant thing.

-My character was the Director of the CIA.

He quits to become part of the team.

At least, I thought I was part of the team.

Now there's a scene in the movie,

which I've don't want to give away.

But there's a scene in the movie where I'm in danger.

And all of the IMF team is kind of called upon

to express their anxiety about me.

And we're doing the scene, and McQuarrie says, "Tom."

And Tom says this and Pegg.

And he turns -- he turns to Ving Rhames.

He goes, "Ving," and Ving Rhames literally goes,

"I'm sorry, man, but I don't give a [bleep]

about your character."

[ Laughter ]

-What? [ Laughing ]


-And he goes, he goes, "I'm from the streets, man."

He pulls his shirt up.

He got a big -- He got cut or shot.

He had a big scar. He goes, "I'm from the streets.

I know danger, I know death.

Right now we're in danger, and I don't give a [bleep]

about your character." -All right.

All right, Ving. -"I got to go.

I'm gonna leave you here. Whatever happens to you happens.

I gotta go, man. I gotta do the mission."

-That was his choice. -"I gotta do the mission."

Everybody's like, "Okay, Ving, everybody, Ving."

Thank you." -He made his choice.

-He's out. He's out.

-He's out right there.

-But they are greatest group of people.

And McQuarrie is the greatest director you can work with.

And Tom is the greatest number one on the call sheet

you could work with. He's the greatest.

-Oh, he said to you, he's like, "Oh, he's a classic.

He's a fantastic actor."

And that's like, you two together --

Was it all shot -- Did you just do it in London?

-London, yeah, London. We shot it in London.

-Shot all over the place. -It was phenomenal.

-I would recommend to go see in IMAX,

because I saw it... -Go see "Mission."

Go see "Mission: Fallout."

-...on this giant, giant, giant screen.

And there's -- I can't even describe it.

You go, "Oh, there's a car chase."

Yeah, but it's an amazing car chase.

Then there's a motorcycle chase.

Then there's an actual chase chase.

And then there's a boat chase. Then there is a helicopter --

-Then they're on a rocket ship. Then they're on the Moon.

They get on a subway on the Moon.

And there's a subway ride on the Moon.

-Yeah, and on the Moon. And it's unbelievable.

-"I don't give a [bleep] about your character."

-I know, I know. [ Laughter and applause ]

-Now, wait a second. What I want to know is,

what's going on with you and my daughter?

We go to your house.

We're there with my kid at your house.

My daughter's friends with Winnie.

We're at Winnie's birthday party.

I turned to her and I go,

"Carmen, say hi to Winnie's daddy.

Say hi to Jimmy."

And she looks at up Jimmy, she goes...

[ Grunting loudly ]

And you gave it back to her. -[ Grunts loudly ]

Yeah. And then --

-You guys have this secret, weird code.

What is it, man? -We just Facetimed just now.

-You just Facetimed her. She was like...

[ Grunting loudly ]

-I don't know why that's our thing now.

-What's your thing? -I don't know.

That's how we communicate. [ Laughter ]

-Maybe I'm asleep, and she's up at 11:30 watching you on TV.

-That's my bit I always do.

You have the cutest family. Oh, my gosh.

-I am very lucky. -Congratulations.

You have a brand-new baby boy. -2-month-old boy.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Now, also, I'm gonna squeeze in as much as I can.

I have a podcast on WNYC,

You go and listen to my show "Here's the Thing."

And I had you. -Yeah. Of course.

-And I had Questlove on my podcast.

-That's right. -And I think,

just out of sympathy, we're gonna have Higgins on this time.

-Oh, that is so -- You're gonna have Higgins on?

You're gonna have Higgins on this time?

-I don't give a [bleep] about your podcast.

[ Laughter and applause ]


-We're gonna -- We're gonna record him.

We're not gonna actually put any tape in the machine.

-Oh, yeah, oh, yeah. But I'm sure it will work.

-Yeah, but we felt sorry for him.

-"Here's the Thing." -"Here's the Thing."

-It's on iTunes, anywhere that you listen to podcasts.

What's the theme to it again?

-"So What," by Miles Davis. Ready? Go!

-It's so good. Yeah, just go.

No, they don't know -- No, no.


Oh, stop it.

How do you just go right into Miles Davis so well?

-How do you dance to Miles Davis?

I just invented that.

For more infomation >> Ving Rhames Doesn't Care About Alec Baldwin's Mission: Impossible Character - Duration: 5:35.


26 Songs To Sail Away On That Onda Rosé You don't need to live in a tropical locale to feel easy - Duration: 4:42.

Island Escape: 26 Songs To Sail Away On That Onda Rosé You don't need to live in a tropical locale to feel easy, breezy and boozy

9 a.m. Friday. Miami.

You're stuck on the Palmetto Expressway, already late to your "minimum" "wage" desk job when you get a call: Sofi, your Soulcycling best friend with the ever-perfect manicure.

"Muchaaaacha! Where are you?" she says.

Her tío is out of town and lent her the boat.

Juanchi, the dude you've had your eye on who resembles Maluma in abs, tiny man-bun and net worth, will be there.

WYD?. I'll tell you what you do.

You tell your boss you found an iguana in your plumbing and swerve right over to the marina exit, because muchacha, you're about to spend eight hours in the middle of the ocean with some very rich, very drunk Latinfluencers and a lot of pink bebida.

You don't need to live in a tropical locale to feel easy, breezy and boozy.

Take a look at every deep-in-the-suburbs "I live where you vacation!" Instagram story of someone's grandmother's golf course and you'll see what I mean.

Or Pitbull. Or Drake.

305 is a state of mind.

Hop on that onda rosé.

You deserve luxury.

You deserve to stunt like J Balvin.

You deserve the right to be just a little obnoxious.

Island Escape is all about finding the piña colada in your pine trees, the Hamptons in your Hempstead.

Live your best best-friend's-yacht life to Gente de Zona's and Marc Anthony's "La Gozadera," a pan-Latino solidarity salsa that heralds Miami as its headquarters.

Take it back to sixth-grade Catholic school dances and nervous nuns with classic perreo jams like Calle 13's "Atrévete-Te-Te" and, of course, Daddy Yankee's "Gasolina." Sing "como tú te llaamaaaas yoooo no sé" in exasperation when Nicky Jam's "Hasta El Amanecer" plays for the seventh time without fail since no one thought to download more than 26 songs to their phone.

Knock back another glass of Moet to DeJ Loaf's "Miami" as you watch your friend Sofi help Juanchi draft a caption about how he's siempre keeping it real [prayer hands].

Find it within you to go to LIV after this to Swedish House Mafia's "Miami 2 Ibiza," a song you only like ironically, guys.

And Uber home to Baby Bash's "Suga Suga" as the sun sets purple among the palms.

From the very first word, "Miami" is mentioned 30 times on this playlist.

We did that. For you.

For more infomation >> 26 Songs To Sail Away On That Onda Rosé You don't need to live in a tropical locale to feel easy - Duration: 4:42.


Cadillac BLS 2.0T Business - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Cadillac BLS 2.0T Business - Duration: 0:43.


The Paparazzi Isn't Nice to David Spade - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> The Paparazzi Isn't Nice to David Spade - Duration: 2:42.


Audi TT Roadster 2.0 T TTS Pro Line S-tronic Mokkasin Leder Navi RNSE - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Audi TT Roadster 2.0 T TTS Pro Line S-tronic Mokkasin Leder Navi RNSE - Duration: 1:12.


James Corden Has Thoughts on 'The Proposal' - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> James Corden Has Thoughts on 'The Proposal' - Duration: 5:23.


【Cheese & High Calorie】 Super Tasty Korean Food [Cheese + Hot Dog] Making My Hotdog! [6000kcal][CC] - Duration: 10:01.

Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )

So today there's been something out there that I've wanted to make for the longest time... and what is that you ask...


a "hatog" was popular in korea its a cheezy hot dog

The name alone Just sounds scrumptious

I also want to do a twist on this recipe... I'm going to deep fry it

cheese + deep fry..... its a dish worthy of the gods

alrighty let's get cooking

These are the ingredients Chopsticks cheese melty cheese pancake mix baking powder

Water flour oil and ketchup and condensed milk to taste

first we wrap out 2 cheeses together. I love these cheese sticks so much

I can't help myself anymore I gotta take a bite

this one isn't going to turn out but then again I'm making these all for myself

skewer the cheese with a chopstick

The string cheese is kind of tough to skewer

Add baking powder to pancake mix


Mixwell to make our dough

and to the cheese wrap it in the dough

Making sure to wrap it tightly so that none of the cheese escapes

If you are able to see any of the cheese through the dough it will leak out so be careful when wrapping

Dipping your hands in water will help keep the dough from sticking to your hands

This is what it should look like but since the cheese and dough are of the same color

its so tough to tell them apart

add panko to the dough

Once it is covered in panko breadcrumbs then deep fry

It smells amazing

omg they look amazing

Even though I was so careful to wrap them up this one is leaking cheese

they look dangerously delish

This is going to be a memorable entry into my series of deep fried vids

there ain't a way this tastes bad

These look like Curry buns

and once you cover them in sugar and sweetened condensed milk....

they're all done

They look so yummy I can't keep my hands off them

Summers at time of year that makes you not want to eat deep fried things

but that isn't a thing today I'm so excited to try these itadakimasu

There's a bit of cheese coming out of it and it looks So scrumptious

The sugar that's covering it also looks yummy

look a the cheese will'ya

That's exactly how I imagined this the cheese stringing out like that is the best part of these

and the flavor is to die for

The salty cheese and the crispy coating along with the sweet sugar coating is the bomb dot com

you just know its gonna be super yummy

I will drink it with soy milk

wait that's wrong... I will have them with soy milk

It's so ridiculously stretchy

The string cheese has such a nice firm texture and the melting cheese surrounding it is all melty

I just love how both those textures come together

and its surrounded by a donut like coating that is so crisp

this is just the most perfect thing in the world

milk and 'hatog' I'm having the best time ever right now

I'll try cutting one of these with a knife

just look at it will ya.....

oh it it broke off so quick

did I slice it too deeply

The fact that they're so nice and hot is wonderful as well

I will try again to cut it

its the 'bestest' thing ever

I'll now reuse the chopsticks

its too yummy

this is an absolute sin

tadaa I've heard of people using ketchup with this

They put the ketchup on top of all the sugar and stuff

K don't it look amazing

This is yummy as well cheese and ketchup go so nicely together

The catsup with that extra sugar takes on such a nice flavor

this gives it a richer flavor

The cheese is so melty due to using the melting cheese in it the stretchiness give it a good look but

I think it might turn out alright with just using the melty cheese

as long as you wrap a bunch of them together

A lot of sugar sticks to the dough

I've had a lot of viewers ask me to do this and I've always thought this might be so tough to

make that I've shied away from making it for the longest time

its rather EZ to make

For more infomation >> 【Cheese & High Calorie】 Super Tasty Korean Food [Cheese + Hot Dog] Making My Hotdog! [6000kcal][CC] - Duration: 10:01.


Paris Jackson: Everything you need to know about Michael Jackson's daughter - Duration: 9:41.

For more infomation >> Paris Jackson: Everything you need to know about Michael Jackson's daughter - Duration: 9:41.


Henry Cavill's INCREDIBLE Fight Scene with Tom Cruise - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Henry Cavill's INCREDIBLE Fight Scene with Tom Cruise - Duration: 3:26.


[D.O.D] Jeewon's Jeju Trip Pt. 2! - Duration: 9:46.

(I've arrived at the destination and am getting off the bus~)

Thank you very much!

(I'm now gonna get on the taxi and will head to the guesthouse!)

I've got on a cab.

i'm not so far away from the destination.

Maybe 2 or 3 more minutes away... I can feel the sea breeze!

I'm so excited!

I'm gonna call my my sister.

"Baby bunny"

Are you almost here?

Pretty soon. Can you come out?

You want me to wait you outside?

Can't you?


What's up?

But that's like 10 minutes away on foot from here..

(She thinks that I'm expecting her to meet at bus stop) I'm on a taxi right now.

I just passed Oleh market

- Ah, you're almost here then. - Can you meet me outside?

(I've finally arrived at the guesthouse.)

Are you okay being in front of the camera? ...As I am already rolling.

Where are you going? You want me to start from the top?

But since life has so many unexpected turns,

Don't you think you'll eventually get a shot without wearing your shades in the future?

(Yup, pretty much) Can you help me out with the luggage?

Let's get on with it already~!

I have arrived, I have arrived!

I'm entering the guesthouse!

(I am excited, this is my first time sleeping in a guesthouse!)

This is so cool!

This way is to commons room, do you wanna check it out first?

This is my first guesthouse experience!

What is this area supposed to be?

So this is a commons area where everyone shares...

This is the area that everyone shares?

So you can watch TV here...

Excuse me, are you the owner of this establishment?

Yeah, this is my house.

- And we've got a terrace over here. - Wow, a terrace too!

This is so cool, I've never been to a place like this before.

and here...

we've got kitchen. Are we okay to talk this loud, anyway?

and a fridge we share...

Everyone can have breakfast here together.

- I assume we share this water dispenser as well? - Yeah, we don't have one in our room.

All these amenities...

This is weird and cool.

What are these?

- Ah, a guest book, people wrote stuff here. - We should write something down here as well.

(Many people who passed by this guesthouse left messages here.)

This is cool! Really!

This is one of many charms of guesthouses.

This is my first time, so everything's so cool.

I'm getting hungry now.

I'm hangry!

Pipi super across the street's cute!

Those little corner stores are really awesome.

Don't I look like the girl on the billboard?

- You seem like you're embarrased by your hair - Since I'm the only redhead in town...

(It's quite a rare sight, tbh...) You definitely don't blend in the crowd.

no one can afford to walk around the town wearing the top and short shorts, it's actually pretty cold today.

Don't you think you're talking a little too much?

Are you sure you're handling the camera right?

Let's head over to Oleh Market!

(GoGo~ to Oleh Market!)

Welcome to Seogwipo Oleh Daily Market

I wanna try something like this too!

I've never tried this specific kind of shrimp.

They all look sooo good!

This is how I imagined the market to look like!

Mandarin juice! Chonhaeyang (a type of mandarin) juice!

Let's try one of these!

This thing's so cute, thank you so much!


I'm having trouble with the focus once again!

I'm gonna go ahead and try it out first.

It's really sour.

and sweet, and fruity.

and refreshingly cold!

"BitaeBitae only uses Jeju-raised black pork"

Should we go in? I wanna try out their octopus shish kebab too.

You want the pork?

(bask in the glorious sight of Jeju pork!)

So awesome!

(Octopus bread is another item that one shouldn't miss)

Thank you very much!

It's piping hot.

hot, hot!

- Octopus.. - It's close to the size of your head.

(woah, check out that awesome cheese stretch!)

Sashimi place

(We decided to take out some sashimi to eat at the guesthouse) Thank you very much!

I wanted to check out Oleh Candles!

Let's step inside.

"Oleh Candles"

These are so pretty~

(The candles displayed in the shop were so beautiful)

Some ddeokbokki

- some pajeon (savory pancake) too. - We're out of pajeon right now..

Then just ddeokbokki.

(I'm gonna eat everything that I want today.)

Thank you very much!

Hot, hot!

This ddeok is made out of rice!

We also have this.

What are these things called again, quail eggs?

- Are they really quail eggs? - I'm pretty sure, try one.

Let go of my hand already,

hurry up and dig in!


(A fan recognized me on my way back to the guesthouse!)

(We took photos together!)

That was awesome.

How do you feel? People recognize you even in Jeju!

- That was strangely cool - Wasn't it?

You've gotta work harder so everyone on this street recognizes you.

It's already evening, after sightseeing the market and eating some delicious food.

Let's have some more delicious food back at the guesthouse.

(Jeewon's Jeju trip continues on, to be continued~)

For more infomation >> [D.O.D] Jeewon's Jeju Trip Pt. 2! - Duration: 9:46.


Castle Rock Is Creepy, But Can't Escape Its Own Demons - Duration: 3:42.

Castle Rock Is Creepy, But Can't Escape Its Own Demons

It was only a matter of time before someone attempted a series like Castle Rock.

It's sort of a "Stephen King Expanded Universe" project, combining an original story with references to the horror novelist's established works set in and around the fictional town of Castle Rock, Maine.

Andre Holland (The Knick, Moonlight) stars as Henry Deaver, a young adopted boy and one of the town's only black residents, who disappeared and reappeared under strange circumstances back in 1991 and is now a lawyer representing death-row inmates in Texas.

He returns home to represent a creepy young man played by Bill Skarsgård (Pennywise in last year's film of King's It), who was discovered in a cage in the basement of Shawshank Penitentiary.

The Kid has no known personal history and seems to have been hidden there for the good of humanity by the prison's previous warden, Dale Lacey (Terry O'Quinn).

This primal good-versus-evil parable forms the spine of the show and echoes several King stories, including The Stand, the 1999 mini-series Storm of the Century, and the pseudonymously written series The Dark Tower.

Around it, Castle Rock weaves the stories of other characters, including Molly Strand (Melanie Lynskey), a real-estate agent and empath with severe social anxiety and a drug problem; Warden Porter (Ann Cusack), Lacey's successor at Shawshank who wants to keep the subterranean creep's existence a secret until they find out who he is and what he wants; and Henry's adoptive mother Ruth Deaver (Sissy Spacek, star of one of the very best King adaptations, 1975's Carrie), whose memory is decaying from Alzheimer's disease.

King is listed as one of the executive producers along with J.J. Abrams, whose Lost ushered in a craze for "mystery box" plotting that animates this series as well.

But the main showrunners are Sam Shaw and Dustin Thomason of WGN's late, lamented Manhattan, and at its best, Castle Rock captures that show's sense of an expansive community buzzing with activity, even if the first four episodes sent out for review are a bit of a mixed bag. As the series unfolds, there are King-like touches aplenty, including spectacular acts of violence, unnerving monologues by folksy keepers of Castle Rock lore, and flashbacks that give you just enough information to chill the blood but not enough to resolve ongoing mysteries.

For more infomation >> Castle Rock Is Creepy, But Can't Escape Its Own Demons - Duration: 3:42.


NEW SMG ITS SICK - Duration: 11:59.

i hate this game

For more infomation >> NEW SMG ITS SICK - Duration: 11:59.


Chelsea transfer news: Rob Green confirmed and Blues fans can't cope - better than Alisson - Duration: 2:02.

 The Blues announced their second summer signing this morning, with the 38-year-old following Jorginho to Stamford Bridge

 Green, who penned a one-year contract at Chelsea, will provide back up for Thibaut Courtois and Willy Caballero

 However, Chelsea fans are bemused by Maurizio Sarri's latest signing, which could result in Courtois heading to Real Madrid this summer

 One fan wrote on Twitter: "He can't even hold the jersey right." A fellow Chelsea supporter added: "Love how they had to reassure the fans that he's joining as a backup

" Meanwhile, one fan joked that Green is a much better signing than Liverpool's world-record buy Alisson

 He tweeted: "Green > Alisson." Other fans called for Chelsea to splash the cash following Green's arrival, urging Sarri to raid Serie A

 "Announce Higuain, Rugani, and Pjanic," a supporter replied to Chelsea's announcement

 On his move to Chelsea, Green said: "It has been a whirlwind 24 hours.  "You are thinking about your career and where you want to go and then you get a phone call like this, and it is a short conversation

 "It has been a pretty dramatic time for me and I can't wait to get started. "I am absolutely delighted and it is a thrill and an honour to be here


For more infomation >> Chelsea transfer news: Rob Green confirmed and Blues fans can't cope - better than Alisson - Duration: 2:02.


Amy Poehler Talks About Making It - Duration: 3:00.

-I'm so happy you're back in New York.

Do you like being back in New York in the summertime?

-I'm kind of killing it right now in New York.

-Oh, got you, okay. -I'm doing 13,000 steps a day.

-Wow. That's fantastic. -I know. Isn't that great?

How many steps a day do you do? -Steps a day?

I'm not -- I bet like in the low thousands.

-No way! Really? -Well, I don't know.

Yeah, I mean -- you're --

-You don't check your phone and see how many steps a day you do?

-I've not looked at steps a day.

I don't even know. Does my phone have that?

[ Laughter ]

-Oh, my God.

Yes, there's a whole thing where you can check your steps.

-Okay, well, I'll check after.

I'd love to know how many steps you're doing

since we're talking and I consider you a friend.

-Okay, you seem very confident that you're --

I feel like you want to know my steps

because you're sure you have more.

-I'm sure we're very close.

-I don't think you would have brought it up

if you had even a little bit of doubt

that I would have more steps than you.

-It is hard to do 13,000 a day. But I am doing it.

But I'm looking forward to seeing your steps.

Anyway, let's get back to the thing.

-Do you feel like it's massively more steps than you do in L.A.?

'Cause obviously, you're driving around.

-Yes. It is true. You do like 300 steps a day in L.A.


[ Laughter ]

Do you even check, or is it too depressing?

-No. You're not -- It's too tiring to check.

In Los Angeles, you have to drive to check your steps.

-Oh, really? -Yeah.

-You can't even check it on your phone?

You have to drive to an office. -You have to go to a place.

You have to dump a bunch of gasoline into the ocean,

and then you check your steps.

-This is very exciting you're doing this show "Making It"

with your friend Nick Offerman.

-Yes, the best. -This is a show --

[ Cheers and applause ]

It's a very relaxing, calming show

because it is not at all about

anything that's going on in the world.

-That's right. That's right. -Yeah.

But it's about, like, I think the sort of peace

that you get from, like, making things.

-Yeah. It truly --

We wanted to celebrate the creation of things.

We wanted to show people making things,

celebrate artists.

And we wanted to make a show

that kind of everybody could watch

and that didn't make you feel stressed out or humiliated.


-And I don't like that kind of show.

I get too -- I don't --

The only person I like yelling is Judge Judy.

-Okay. -Because she's always right.

-Do you still watch "Judge Judy"?

-I watch "Judge Judy" almost every day.


-And I try not to watch the news that much anymore,

because it stresses me out.

And local news is the worst.

-Mm-hmm. -Because it's terrible news.

But "Judge Judy" --

For people that watch "Judge Judy,"

it only has like six minutes of content

and like 20 to 25 minutes of commercials.

And all the teasers are local-news teasers,

and they're the worst news. -Yeah.

-"Woman found in train!" You know?

-That doesn't sound bad.

-"Burnt to a crisp!" -Oh, there you go. Yeah.

-That kind of thing. -Because "woman found in train."

Maybe they were looking for her, and that's where she was.

For more infomation >> Amy Poehler Talks About Making It - Duration: 3:00.


WOLFOO CLEAN UP TOYS - Duration: 6:12.

Welcome to Wolfoo - Official Channel

Enjoy watching this new episode :))




Thank you for your coming!

Please like, share and subscribe for more Wolfooooo!

For more infomation >> WOLFOO CLEAN UP TOYS - Duration: 6:12.


Home Remedies for a Cold and Cough during Pregnancy - Duration: 3:26.

A cold or a cough is as common during pregnancy as it is during other times

but it can make you more miserable because you cannot simply take medicines like you would if you weren't pregnant.

Colds and coughs are common viral infections of the upper respiratory tract

and are not caused by mere exposure to cold weather or not being dressed warm enough

According to the American Pregnancy Association

the immune system is likely to change during pregnancy

and due to these changes, one may contract a cold or a cough at some point during the nine months .

The first sign of cold and cough is a scratchy or sore throat

Other signs include a runny nose that may later turn stuffy, continuous sneezing

feeling of tiredness, a dry cough and a slight fever (less than 100° F).

When you're pregnant, the symptoms last longer because the immune system functions at a slower pace.

When suffering from a cold during pregnancy

you must bear in mind that the infection will not pass through the placenta and infect your baby.

But if you have flu-like symptoms

it should be treated immediately with prescription antiviral medications

Flu complications increase the risk of premature delivery and birth defects

This is even recommended by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

In the meantime, to deal with a common cold and cough, there are many effective and natural remedies

that can help soothe the symptoms and accelerate the healing process.

Caution: Do not take any medicine for a cold during the first trimester without the approval of your doctor.

Here are the top 5 home remedies for a cold and cough during pregnancy

1. Cool Bath

To reduce a fever when suffering from a cold and cough, taking a cool bath or sponge bath is important

It helps regulate body temperature.

2. Salt Water

When it comes to a cold and cough, blocked nasal passages can make your life hell

Salt water is a very effective remedy for this symptom.

Salt water acts as a nasal decongestant and clears out built-up mucus from your nostrils.

It also helps make your breathing easy and comfortable.

3. Homemade Chicken Soup

Sipping on a hot bowl of chicken soup is one of the tastiest ways to treat a cold in pregnancy.

Homemade chicken soup is rich in anti-inflammatory properties as well as nutrients and vitamins that help fight the infection

In addition, chicken soup improves the function of protective cilia in the nasal cavity that prevent contagions from entering the body.

4. Ginger

Ginger is another time-tested remedy for colds and coughs during pregnancy.

Ginger has a warming effect on the body and helps clear toxins out of the body

improve blood circulation and efficiently get rid of harmful bacteria and viruses that cause colds and coughs.

5. Turmeric

To deal with a cold and cough during pregnancy, turmeric is another home remedy that you can try.

It acts as an excellent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory herb that helps reduce inflammation

and aids quick recovery from viral infections.

It is also effective at eliminating a sore throat and nasal inflammation.

For more infomation >> Home Remedies for a Cold and Cough during Pregnancy - Duration: 3:26.


Grepolis - Pandora's Box 2018 - Duration: 1:40.

Hey guys, it's Bernard and Anna!

We're here today to show you the new version of Pandora's Box.

Last year we gathered a lot of great feedback from the community.

So we decided to make some big changes, following your wishes.

Let's see what changed!

The biggest change to Pandora's Box, is that you no longer need to use

your regular game units to participate.

This time, you will need to send volunteers to find the evil spirits,

letting you enjoy the event without interfering with wars and conquests.

How to get volunteers?

You can get them by performing certain in-game actions like, for example:

recruiting units, casting spells or attacking other cities.

This is the same system you might already know from our other events.

The volunteers work exactly like the regular units in the previous edition of this event.

So keep an eye on the hints provided by the missions texts

and you won't have troubles choosing the best units for each mission.

And remember!

You must pay attention to the unit bonus to find out which are the right units

and to discover the exact number of units you need to use for each mission.

Use your units wisely, to be able to reach the last boxes.

Well, that's it for the new version of Pandora's Box.

Enjoy the changes!

Let us know in the comments if you managed to catch all spirits!

See you in game!

For more infomation >> Grepolis - Pandora's Box 2018 - Duration: 1:40.


American English Pronunciation Practice - English Pronunciation Training - Duration: 46:40.

⏩⏩⏩ Don't foget Subcribe now !

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