Monday, July 2, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jul 2 2018

Hail, my friends!

Dan Vasc here.

I hope you're doing great.

And I'm here today with a quick update for you guys about what is happening on the channel.

I like to do this, you know, to inform you guys about what is going on, because you know

we're a team, we're on this together.

So those of you who follow me on my Instagram and Facebook know that some time ago I made

a challenge to myself called "The Youtube 100 Days Challenge".

And that challenge was to post twice a week for a hundred days.

And I'm happy to report that I succeeded on this challenge.

I managed to post twice a week for in fact 120 days, so yay!

And it was very good, the channel started to grow faster, but this growth is worth nothing

if I can't find a way to transform this in proper leverage, in proper resources and proper


You know, I had the goal to start a Patreon when I reached 10 thousand subscribers and

now we're nearing 13 thousand subscribers and I still haven't got the time to start

a Patreon.

People think that I'm kidding when I say that I simply don't have time to do stuff.

But seriously, I don't have free time at all posting twice a week.

I also have this very cool instructional singing product that I'm developing, which is a vocal

warm up program that I'm designing to be idiot proof, to be used by someone who knows nothing

about singing.

And it can be used without the need of a singing teacher, of a vocal coach.

And it's called Blazing Vox.

And I don't have time to finish it, because I don't have time.

So sometimes in life you need to be humble and you need to realize that we have to take

a step back in order to make two steps forward.

So I think this is one of those times.

So I'll be going back to one video a week, because of that reason and also because I

want to be able to have a more stable schedule.

I want to have a day and a time that people know there will be a video on my channel.

And I prefer to go back to one video a week to be able to do that and surprise you with

an extra video one week or another than to promise you two videos a week and then don't

deliver that.

You know?

So yeah, that's about it.

I will be doing one video a week.

The week day for our new schedule will be Wednesdays at noon EST time.

So every Wednesday at noon EST time there will be a brand new Dan Vasc video here on

this channel.

And that is a minimum.

There will be weeks that I'll have more free time and I will be able to deliver more than

one video that week, but let's set that as our minimum weekly video.

And that will allow me to have the time to finally release my products, release my Patreon

and those things will allow me to have resources to hire people to help me with this channel,

which is my short term goal now, to hire people to help me on the process.

Editors, thumbnail makers, those sort of things.

So I can maybe post even more than two videos a week with that help.

That's my short term goal here.

So yeah, I'm glad to have you with me on this journey.

While you wait for Wednesday, here's a couple more videos for you to watch.

My friends, have yourselves an epic day.

For more infomation >> One Step Back, Two Steps Forward - Duration: 3:50.



For more infomation >> A BIZARRA CENA CENSURADA DE STEVEN UNIVERSE - Duration: 4:56.


Аквариум №6 2006 - По страницам аквариумной периодики - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> Аквариум №6 2006 - По страницам аквариумной периодики - Duration: 6:21.


1717 TALBOTT - 2 - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> 1717 TALBOTT - 2 - Duration: 3:21.


Amaia dará un concierto en el Teatro Real - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Amaia dará un concierto en el Teatro Real - Duration: 4:11.



Watch on the end how i fix the kicked by server error

For more infomation >> *NEW* LVL7 ROBLOX - EXPLOIT! ECLIPSE (FULL LUA)| LOADSTRING, w/OP STABLE GUI, DEX EXPLORE | (JUL 2) - Duration: 4:52.


【PC】シージ てけとーに配信 - Duration: 39:07.

For more infomation >> 【PC】シージ てけとーに配信 - Duration: 39:07.


Peugeot 207 COOL'N BLUE 1.4 VTI-16V 95PK 5Drs AIRCO&BLUETOOTH&CRUISE - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 COOL'N BLUE 1.4 VTI-16V 95PK 5Drs AIRCO&BLUETOOTH&CRUISE - Duration: 1:08.


「Isora Tanaka」 | マツダ BUY 新型 RX-9 SKYACTIV-R搭載 2018年発売 - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> 「Isora Tanaka」 | マツダ BUY 新型 RX-9 SKYACTIV-R搭載 2018年発売 - Duration: 3:50.


Suzuki Alto 1.0 Comfort 5drs Stuurbekr./Centr.vergr. 53000km! - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Alto 1.0 Comfort 5drs Stuurbekr./Centr.vergr. 53000km! - Duration: 1:05.


「Aki Sato」 | マツダ BREAKING NEWS 新型 RX-9 SKYACTIV-R搭載 2018年発売 - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> 「Aki Sato」 | マツダ BREAKING NEWS 新型 RX-9 SKYACTIV-R搭載 2018年発売 - Duration: 3:51.


02/07/2018 08:42 (R. Genaro de Carvalho, 287 - Dom Avelar, Salvador - BA,) - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> 02/07/2018 08:42 (R. Genaro de Carvalho, 287 - Dom Avelar, Salvador - BA,) - Duration: 5:02.


Naimski: Rząd Tuska i Pawlaka dał Gazpromowi miliard złotych prezentu - Duration: 24:21.

 - Rząd Tuska i Pawlaka dążył do przedłużenia kontraktu jamalskiego do 2037 r., czyli o 15 lat, gdyby tak się stało, nasze plany dywersyfikacyjne byłyby nie do zrealizowania - oznajmił Piotr Naimski

Dodał, że rząd z tego pomysłu wycofał się w wyniku działań Komisji Europejskiej

 Naimski zwrócił też uwagę na to, że w ówczesnych negocjacjach rząd nie podniósł w negocjacjach kwestii ceny

- Negocjacje były prowadzone z pozycji kapitulanckiej - mówił.NIK: nieprawidłowości w działaniach ministra gospodarki ws

uzgadniania porozumień gazowych z Gazpromem w latach 2009–2010 O odtajnienie raportu NIK z 2013 r

zwrócił się w lutym 2017 r. pełnomocnik rządu ds. strategicznej infrastruktury energetycznej Piotr Naimski

Wymagało to jednak zniesienia klauzul tajności. Według izby ówcześni minister gospodarki oraz szef KPRM 12 października 2012 r

skorzystali z prawa odmowy podpisania protokołów kontroli NIK dot. umów gazowych z lat 2006-2011; odmowy poprzedzono złożeniem zastrzeżeń do protokołu

 W raporcie NIK pozytywnie oceniła zapewnienie przez organy państwowe i PGNiG w latach 2006–2011 ciągłości dostaw gazu ziemnego z importu oraz uniknięcie ryzyka niezaspokojenia potrzeb polskich odbiorców

Przyznała też, że skuteczność negocjacji ws. dostaw gazu była istotnie ograniczona z powodu braku alternatywnych wobec kierunku rosyjskiego połączeń polskiego systemu przesyłowego z innymi systemami

Kontrolerzy zauważyli też, że nie bez znaczenia dla negocjacji była monopolistyczna pozycja rosyjskiego Gazpromu

 Izba wskazała jednak, że "działania ministra gospodarki dot. negocjowania w latach 2009-2010 umów z Rosją dot

dostaw gazu były prowadzone w znacznej części bez wymaganego umocowania w postaci zatwierdzonej instrukcji negocjacyjnej, a po zatwierdzeniu takich instrukcji część uzgodnień była niezgodna z wytycznymi o charakterze wiążącym"

 Jak podano, zarówno minister gospodarki, jak i PGNiG nie wykorzystali w pełni swoich możliwości negocjacyjnych, nie podejmując próby uzyskania w zamian za zgodę na postanowienia korzystne dla strony rosyjskiej równoważnych korzyści dla Polski

 Izba wytknęła ponadto, że negocjacje rządu polskiego z rosyjskim w latach 2009-2010 ws

dostaw gazu ziemnego w ramach długoterminowego tzw. kontraktu jamalskiego, były podjęte przez stronę polską bez przygotowania merytorycznego

Według NIK na nieskuteczność negocjacji ze stroną rosyjską, prowadzonych równolegle na poziomie rządów oraz spółek, wpłynęła też niewłaściwa współpraca między ministrem gospodarki a PGNiG

Izba uznała też, że działania PGNiG w zakresie zawierania umów na gaz w latach 2006-2011 zabezpieczały ciągłość dostaw, ale efekty gospodarcze były gorsze od zakładanych

 Kontrakt jamalski to długoterminowa umowa między PGNiG a Gazpromem na dostawy gazu do Polski z września 1996 r

i obowiązująca do 2022 r. Zapisy kontraktu były renegocjowane w 2010 r. Ówcześni wicepremierzy Polski i Rosji, Waldemar Pawlak oraz Igor Sieczin, podpisali jesienią 2010 roku międzyrządowe porozumienie w sprawie zwiększenia dostaw gazu do Polski, a PGNiG i Gazprom podpisały aneks do kontraktu jamalskiego

Porozumienie dotyczyło zwiększenia dostaw rosyjskiego gazu do Polski o ok. 2 mld m sześc

rocznie. Zgodnie z umową, tranzyt gazu został przewidziany do 2019 r., a dostawy do 2022 r

 Jak czytamy w raporcie, w procesie negocjacyjnym ze stroną rosyjską, prowadzonym pod przewodnictwem ministra gospodarki i osób przez niego wyznaczonych, pozycja negocjacyjna Polski była pogorszona zarówno wskutek nieprawidłowości, jak i błędów popełnionych w trakcie negocjacji

Słaba pozycja negocjacyjna polskiego zespołu wiązała się także z uzależnieniem Polski od dostaw gazu ziemnego z kierunku wschodniego w związku z długoletnim brakiem inwestycji w zakresie połączeń międzysystemowych z Europą Zachodnią

Według NIK zostało to skutecznie wykorzystane przez stronę rosyjską, która w trakcie negocjacji zgłaszała nowe żądania, poszerzając zakres spraw do negocjacji i skutecznie wydłużała okres rokowań, nie godząc się na parafowanie umów w kształcie, który nie byłby zbieżny z jej interesem

Strona polska, nie mając wypracowanej strategii, nie wykorzystywała posiadanych argumentów i akceptowała kolejne żądania strony rosyjskiej

 W ocenie NIK głównymi błędami polskiej delegacji w prowadzonych negocjacjach były: dążenie do wydłużenia okresu kontraktu na dostawy gazu, mimo że Ministerstwo Gospodarki dysponowało analizami, wskazującymi iż w związku z zakończeniem w 2014 r

inwestycji Terminal LNG, podaż gazu przewyższy popyt na to paliwo. Następny wymieniony błąd to zgoda na włączenie do negocjacji kwestii sporu między EuRoPol GAZ SA a Gazpromem Eksport, dotyczącego opłat za przesyt gazu przez polski odcinek gazociągu jamalskiego, bez uzyskania w zamian ekwiwalentnych korzyści dla strony polskiej

 Izba za błąd uznała też niepodjęcie przez ministra gospodarki choćby próby uzyskania korzystniejszych warunków dostaw gazu (w tym obniżenia ceny) w sytuacji zgody na postanowienia korzystne dla strony rosyjskiej — wbrew deklaracji ministra gospodarki na posiedzeniu Rady Ministrów dot

podjęcia rozmów w sprawie przywrócenia formuły cenowej sprzed 2006 r. Kolejne dwa błędy to: niepodejmowanie kwestii lub niewystarczające działania dotyczące zniesienia klauzuli reeksportu, ustanowienia operatora systemu przesyłowego na polskim odcinku gazociągu jamalskiego (czyli przeniesienia tej funkcji ze spółki EuRoPol GAZ SA do GAZ-SYSTEM SA) oraz wprowadzenia możliwości zastosowania zasady dostępu stron trzecich (TPA) na polskim odcinku tego gazociągu oraz niewykorzystanie możliwości włączenia do negocjacji od ich początku przedstawicieli Komisji Europejskiej oraz wycofanie przez ministra gospodarki 1 kwietnia 2009 r

projektu umowy zmieniającej postanowienia Porozumienia z 25 sierpnia 1993 r. z konsultacji z Komisją Europejską

 Według NIK, w pierwotnej wersji umowy strona polska zamierzała kupić dodatkowo 3 mld m sześc

gazu ziemnego rocznie w latach 2009-2014. W korespondencji dotyczącej instrukcji negocjacyjnej z dnia 22 stycznia 2009 r

minister gospodarki stwierdził, że zawarcie kontraktu długoterminowego byłoby niekorzystne, z uwagi na jego kolidowanie z planami dotyczącymi dywersyfikacji dostaw gazu ziemnego do Polski w związku z budową gazoportu w Świnoujściu

Jednak - po otrzymaniu propozycji strony rosyjskiej z 30 kwietnia 2009 r., zgodnie z którą dodatkowe ilości gazu miały zostać włączone do kontraktu jamalskiego obowiązującego do 2022 r

, polski zespół negocjacyjny zmienił dotychczasowe stanowisko i zaakceptował propozycję strony rosyjskiej, pozostawiając kwestie szczegółowe, związane z terminem i wielkością dostaw, do negocjacji na szczeblu korporacyjnym

 Zespół - stwierdziła NIK - oparł taką decyzję na propozycjach przedstawionych przez PGNiG SA, bez ich analizy pod względem prognozowanego przyszłego zapotrzebowania na gaz w Polsce

"Strona rosyjska w przedstawionym projekcie umowy z dnia 19 listopada 2009 r. zgodziła się na wydłużenie kontraktów na dostawy gazu i jego przesył do 2037 r

Było to następstwem uzgodnień zawartych w dniach 28-29 października 2009 r. na szczeblu korporacyjnym między OAO Gazprom i PGNiG SA

Spółki zgodziły się na takie wydłużenie kontraktów na dostawy gazu i jego przesył" - czytamy

 Zdaniem Izby polski zespół negocjacyjny, pod przewodnictwem ministra gospodarki, zgodził się na włączenie powyższych zapisów do projektu umowy międzyrządowej, chociaż nie miał żadnych analiz wskazujących na sytuację polskiego rynku gazu ziemnego po 2022 r

, a przedkładane przez MG analizy wskazywały na nadwyżki w bilansie gazowym od 2014 r

"Minister gospodarki na posiedzeniu Zespołu ds. Polityki Bezpieczeństwa Energetycznego w dniu 4 listopada 2009 r

stwierdził, że nadmiar gazu będzie mniejszym problemem niż deficyt gazu. Jednocześnie minister gospodarki nie był w stanie na posiedzeniu Rady Ministrów w dniu 13 lipca 2010 r

wyjaśnić, jakie były przyczyny określania terminów obowiązywania kontraktu na dostawę gazu do 2037 r

oraz na przesył gazu do 2045 r." - relacjonuje raport NIK. Jak czytamy, w trakcie negocjacji prowadzonych od 11 grudnia 2009 r

do 9 lutego 2010 r. przez podsekretarz stanu w MG Joannę Strzelec-Łobodzińską, w projekcie umowy międzyrządowej wydłużono okres kontraktu na przesył gazu do 2045 r

, choć wytyczne o charakterze wiążącym instrukcji negocjacyjnej z 13 listopada 2009 r

wskazywały krótszy termin. Według tych wytycznych - podano - strona polska miała doprowadzić do wprowadzenia do Protokołu Dodatkowego rekomendacji, aby spółki przedłużyły do 2037 r

włącznie kontrakty na przesyłanie gazu polskim odcinkiem gazociągu jamalskiego. Polski zespół negocjacyjny - dodano - nie wykorzystał argumentu zwiększenia wolumenu dostaw gazu ziemnego i przedłużenia terminu obowiązywania kontraktów, by wynegocjować formułę cenową kontraktu jamalskiego korzystniejszą ekonomicznie (np

przywrócić formułę sprzed 2006 r. lub ustalić inną formułę, obniżającą cenę zakupu gazu)

 Jak podano również włączenie do negocjacji kwestii sporu między EuRoPolgaz a Gazpromem Eksport, dotyczącego opłat za przesył gazu przez polski odcinek gazociągu jamalskiego, zostało zaakceptowane przez polski zespół negocjacyjny bez próby uzyskania w zamian ekwiwalentnych korzyści dla strony polskiej

Według NIK strona polska zaakceptowała ponadto odstąpienie od uiszczenia zarówno 26 mln dol

zasądzonych od Gazpromu Eksport w prawomocnym wyroku sądu arbitrażowego w Moskwie na rzecz EuRoPol GAZ SA, tytułem świadczonych w 2006 r

usług przesyłu gazu, jak również pozostałych należności z tytułu świadczenia usług przesyłu w latach 2007-2009

 Według NIK na posiedzeniu rządu 13 lipca 2010 r. ówczesny premier Donald Tusk "wskazał, że polski zespół negocjacyjny nie wykorzystał w negocjacjach atutu, jakim była wielkość rynku gazu w Polsce do wynegocjowania korzystnych formuł cenowych w kontrakcie jamalskim"

"Mimo że na posiedzeniu Rady Ministrów w dniu 1 grudnia 2009 r. minister gospodarki zadeklarował włączenie kwestii cenowych do zakresu spraw negocjacyjnych (przywrócenie formuły cenowej sprzed 2006 r

), ani polski zespół negocjacyjny ani minister gospodarki w rozmowach ze stroną rosyjską nie podjęli tej kwestii, argumentując iż nie była ona zawarta w umowach międzyrządowych i stanowiła część uzgodnień korporacyjnych

Takie działanie ministra gospodarki było niekonsekwentne, bowiem polska strona jednocześnie zaakceptowała inne ustalenia nieobjęte dotychczas umowami na szczeblu rządowym, proponowane przez stronę rosyjską (np

kwestia rozliczeń Gazpromu z EuRoPol Gaz SA za przesył gazu)" - stwierdziła NIK

 NIK przypomniała, że dopiero włączenie się przedstawicieli Komisji Europejskiej w proces negocjacji w lutym 2010 r

pozwoliło wstrzymać podpisanie umów w kształcie przyjętym przez rząd 10 lutego 2010 r

oraz wyeliminować postanowienia sprzeczne z prawem unijnym i krajowym oraz ryzyka dla bezpieczeństwa energetycznego Polski

  "W ostatecznie uzgodnionych w październiku 2010 r. postanowieniach umów polsko-rosyjskich uległy zwiększeniu dostawy gazu ziemnego od Gazpromu Eksport, wyznaczono Gaz-System SA na operatora systemu przesyłowego obejmującego m

in. polski odcinek gazociągu jamalskiego, została zniesiona klauzula reeksportu rosyjskiego gazu

Wynegocjowane i podpisane w dniu 29 października 2010 r. Protokół do Umowy oraz Protokół do Protokołu Dodatkowego były zgodne z uzupełnieniem instrukcji negocjacyjnej zatwierdzonym w dniu 12 października 2010 r

(faktycznie już w końcowej fazie negocjacji). Przedstawiciele Ministerstwa Gospodarki nie udzielali jednocześnie wystarczającego wsparcia spółce PGNiG SA, która równocześnie prowadziła negocjacje na poziomie korporacyjnym z Gazpromem Eksport

Przedstawiciele ministerstwa domagali się jak najszybszego uzgodnienia między spółkami wszystkich spornych kwestii" - zaznaczyła NIK

Raport NIK: Minister gospodarki i szef KPRM skorzystali z prawa odmowy podpisania protokołów kontroli  Minister gospodarki oraz szef KPRM 12 października 2012 r

skorzystali z prawa odmowy podpisania protokołów kontroli NIK dot. umów gazowych z lat 2006-2011; odmowy poprzedzono złożeniem zastrzeżeń do protokołu - wynika z ujawnionego w poniedziałek raportu Izby

 Zastrzeżenia - jak czytamy - złożyły także zarządy Gaz-System SA, PGNiG SA oraz Polskiego LNG SA

 Jak podano, w związku z kontrolą, NIK przekazała kierownikom jednostek kontrolowanych wystąpienia pokontrolne, przy czym wystąpienia do ministra gospodarki oraz ministra skarbu państwa zawierały także oceny, uwagi i wnioski wynikające z ustaleń w PGNiG SA

Zarząd PGNiG SA - czytamy - zgłosił zastrzeżenia do ocen, uwag i wniosków zawartych w wystąpieniu pokontrolnym, które częściowo zostały uwzględnione

 Według NIK minister gospodarki poinformował, że w ramach realizacji polityki zintegrowanego systemu zarządzania opracowano proces planowania działań zapobiegawczych oraz zarządzania kryzysowego w sektorze gazu ziemnego

Proces ten zakłada oceny ryzyka związanego z bezpieczeństwem dostaw gazu do Polski

Zadeklarował też - wskazano - utworzenie zespołu do spraw bezpieczeństwa dostarczania gazu ziemnego oraz monitorowanie dalszej realizacji porozumień z Rosją

 "Ponadto minister gospodarki przedstawił działania związane z usprawnieniem procedur negocjowania umów międzynarodowych, w tym m

in. zobowiązanie komórki wiodącej w sprawie danej umowy do przygotowania oceny skutków prawnych, politycznych, finansowych, społecznych i gospodarczych wynikających z zawarcia umowy" - dodała NIK

 Z raportu NIK dot. umów gazowych z lat 2006-2011 wynika również, że terminal LNG to istotny element dywersyfikacji

 "Przygotowanie i realizacja inwestycji przez Polskie LNG SA jako inwestora oraz nadzór GAZ-SYSTEM SA jako koordynatora inwestycji związanych z budową Terminalu LNG były wykonane prawidłowo

W realizacji inwestycji — Terminal LNG wystąpiły opóźnienia, które jednak na koniec 2011 r

nie zagrażały ukończeniu inwestycji w terminie, pozwalającym na odbiór zakontraktowanego już gazu LNG" - czytamy w raporcie

 Terminal LNG został otwarty w 2015 roku, pierwszy gazowiec wpłynął 11 grudnia 2015 r

Moc regazyfikacyjna terminala w Świnoujściu wynosi 5 mld m sześc. rocznie, czyli mnie więcej tyle, ile wynosi jedna trzecia polskiego zapotrzebowania

Gazoport jest zbudowany w taki sposób, że istnieje potencjał powiększenia mocy regazyfikacyjnej do 10 mld

m sześc. rocznie. Terminal LNG w Świnoujściu to kluczowy element Bramy Północnej, która ma na celu wzrost bezpieczeństwa i dywersyfikacji dostaw gazu ziemnego oraz na utworzenie konkurencyjnych rynków gazu w regionie środkowoeuropejskim i bałtyckim

 W kwietniu 2017 r. Gaz-System zdecydował o rozbudowie Terminala LNG im. Prezydenta Lecha Kaczyńskiego w Świnoujściu

Po zakończeniu prac moce regazyfikacyjne gazoportu wzrosną z obecnych 5 mld m sześc

do 7,5 mld m sześć gazu ziemnego rocznie.  Jak mówił w marcu br. prezes spółki Polskie LNG Paweł Jakubowski, w 2018 r

spółka chce przeprowadzić najważniejsze przetargi związane z rozbudową. Sam program rozbudowy składa się z czterech projektów - zwiększenia zdolności regazyfikacyjnej terminalu dzięki nowym regazyfikatorom, budowy drugiego nabrzeża, budowy trzeciego zbiornika LNG, oraz budowy instalacji przeładunkowej LNG na cysterny kolejowe i kontenery ISO

For more infomation >> Naimski: Rząd Tuska i Pawlaka dał Gazpromowi miliard złotych prezentu - Duration: 24:21.



For more infomation >> ETS 2 REAL LIFE (EURO TRUCK SIMULATOR 2) - Duration: 20:07.


🔴 Mãe de NEYMAR MANDA Recado ao Filho e MENSAGEM EMOCIONA a todos - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> 🔴 Mãe de NEYMAR MANDA Recado ao Filho e MENSAGEM EMOCIONA a todos - Duration: 1:34.



For more infomation >> DEPARTURES , LANDINGS AND TAKE OFF - AIRPORT GRU - AIRBUS A330 NEO - TAP - Duration: 7:54.


Uomini e Donne anticipazioni, Giorgio a settembre non ci sarà: ecco perché - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne anticipazioni, Giorgio a settembre non ci sarà: ecco perché - Duration: 3:36.


Rimedi naturali per la pancia gonfia - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> Rimedi naturali per la pancia gonfia - Duration: 6:21.


"Ilary Blasi è scomparsa". Diserta 'Balalaika' e tutti lo notano: beccata lì | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> "Ilary Blasi è scomparsa". Diserta 'Balalaika' e tutti lo notano: beccata lì | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:04.



For more infomation >> A BIZARRA CENA CENSURADA DE STEVEN UNIVERSE - Duration: 4:56.


Antes coadjuvantes, Coutinho e Lozano 'lideram' Brasil e México na Copa - Duration: 11:53.

For more infomation >> Antes coadjuvantes, Coutinho e Lozano 'lideram' Brasil e México na Copa - Duration: 11:53.


Gossip U&D, Maria De Filippi dice la sua su Gemma e Giorgio: 'Non torneranno insieme' - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Gossip U&D, Maria De Filippi dice la sua su Gemma e Giorgio: 'Non torneranno insieme' - Duration: 4:06.


Osorio elege Seleção Brasileira a melhor do mundo e relembra duelo com Tite - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Osorio elege Seleção Brasileira a melhor do mundo e relembra duelo com Tite - Duration: 3:23.


Antes coadjuvantes, Coutinho e Lozano 'lideram' Brasil e México na Copa|x3and1baller - Duration: 11:54.

For more infomation >> Antes coadjuvantes, Coutinho e Lozano 'lideram' Brasil e México na Copa|x3and1baller - Duration: 11:54.


Osorio elege Seleção Brasileira a melhor do mundo e relembra duelo com Tite - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Osorio elege Seleção Brasileira a melhor do mundo e relembra duelo com Tite - Duration: 3:24.


UOMINI E DONNE/ Giorgio potrebbe lasciare il Trono Over per Temptation Island Vip | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> UOMINI E DONNE/ Giorgio potrebbe lasciare il Trono Over per Temptation Island Vip | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:43.


SWOT Testimonial - VET Students - Alessio e Lapo - Italy - Duration: 6:48.

For more infomation >> SWOT Testimonial - VET Students - Alessio e Lapo - Italy - Duration: 6:48.


Ana Furtado usa máscara em avião e elogia o marido, Boninho - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> Ana Furtado usa máscara em avião e elogia o marido, Boninho - Duration: 5:45.


"Sem as mãos!" Chevrolet divulga carro autônomo que não tem volantes e pedais - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> "Sem as mãos!" Chevrolet divulga carro autônomo que não tem volantes e pedais - Duration: 4:12.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi Active 5-DRS (Airco/Bluetooth) - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi Active 5-DRS (Airco/Bluetooth) - Duration: 0:52.


Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 e-VTi Feel Automaat - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 e-VTi Feel Automaat - Duration: 1:11.


Bruno Gissoni curte dia de praia ao lado de Yanna Lavigne e da filha, Madalena - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> Bruno Gissoni curte dia de praia ao lado de Yanna Lavigne e da filha, Madalena - Duration: 5:53.


Neymar posta foto com bola e Marquezine comenta: 'Nunca quis tanto ser uma' - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> Neymar posta foto com bola e Marquezine comenta: 'Nunca quis tanto ser uma' - Duration: 6:10.


My Favourite Summer Makeup - TV Beauté | Vic Ceridono - Duration: 17:45.

For more infomation >> My Favourite Summer Makeup - TV Beauté | Vic Ceridono - Duration: 17:45.


Volkswagen Passat Highline Business R II 2.0TDI/150pk · Pano dak · Adaptive cruise control · 19"L - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat Highline Business R II 2.0TDI/150pk · Pano dak · Adaptive cruise control · 19"L - Duration: 1:07.


Volkswagen Passat Highline Business R 1.4TSI/150pk · DSG · Panorama dak · Navigatie - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat Highline Business R 1.4TSI/150pk · DSG · Panorama dak · Navigatie - Duration: 1:07.


Volkswagen lança sedã compacto Virtus a partir de R$ 59.990 - Duration: 7:35.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen lança sedã compacto Virtus a partir de R$ 59.990 - Duration: 7:35.


One Step Back, Two Steps Forward - Duration: 3:50.

Hail, my friends!

Dan Vasc here.

I hope you're doing great.

And I'm here today with a quick update for you guys about what is happening on the channel.

I like to do this, you know, to inform you guys about what is going on, because you know

we're a team, we're on this together.

So those of you who follow me on my Instagram and Facebook know that some time ago I made

a challenge to myself called "The Youtube 100 Days Challenge".

And that challenge was to post twice a week for a hundred days.

And I'm happy to report that I succeeded on this challenge.

I managed to post twice a week for in fact 120 days, so yay!

And it was very good, the channel started to grow faster, but this growth is worth nothing

if I can't find a way to transform this in proper leverage, in proper resources and proper


You know, I had the goal to start a Patreon when I reached 10 thousand subscribers and

now we're nearing 13 thousand subscribers and I still haven't got the time to start

a Patreon.

People think that I'm kidding when I say that I simply don't have time to do stuff.

But seriously, I don't have free time at all posting twice a week.

I also have this very cool instructional singing product that I'm developing, which is a vocal

warm up program that I'm designing to be idiot proof, to be used by someone who knows nothing

about singing.

And it can be used without the need of a singing teacher, of a vocal coach.

And it's called Blazing Vox.

And I don't have time to finish it, because I don't have time.

So sometimes in life you need to be humble and you need to realize that we have to take

a step back in order to make two steps forward.

So I think this is one of those times.

So I'll be going back to one video a week, because of that reason and also because I

want to be able to have a more stable schedule.

I want to have a day and a time that people know there will be a video on my channel.

And I prefer to go back to one video a week to be able to do that and surprise you with

an extra video one week or another than to promise you two videos a week and then don't

deliver that.

You know?

So yeah, that's about it.

I will be doing one video a week.

The week day for our new schedule will be Wednesdays at noon EST time.

So every Wednesday at noon EST time there will be a brand new Dan Vasc video here on

this channel.

And that is a minimum.

There will be weeks that I'll have more free time and I will be able to deliver more than

one video that week, but let's set that as our minimum weekly video.

And that will allow me to have the time to finally release my products, release my Patreon

and those things will allow me to have resources to hire people to help me with this channel,

which is my short term goal now, to hire people to help me on the process.

Editors, thumbnail makers, those sort of things.

So I can maybe post even more than two videos a week with that help.

That's my short term goal here.

So yeah, I'm glad to have you with me on this journey.

While you wait for Wednesday, here's a couple more videos for you to watch.

My friends, have yourselves an epic day.

For more infomation >> One Step Back, Two Steps Forward - Duration: 3:50.



For more infomation >> A BIZARRA CENA CENSURADA DE STEVEN UNIVERSE - Duration: 4:56.


1717 TALBOTT - 2 - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> 1717 TALBOTT - 2 - Duration: 3:21.


Amaia dará un concierto en el Teatro Real - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Amaia dará un concierto en el Teatro Real - Duration: 4:11.


Аквариум №6 2006 - По страницам аквариумной периодики - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> Аквариум №6 2006 - По страницам аквариумной периодики - Duration: 6:21.



Watch on the end how i fix the kicked by server error

For more infomation >> *NEW* LVL7 ROBLOX - EXPLOIT! ECLIPSE (FULL LUA)| LOADSTRING, w/OP STABLE GUI, DEX EXPLORE | (JUL 2) - Duration: 4:52.


【PC】シージ てけとーに配信 - Duration: 39:07.

For more infomation >> 【PC】シージ てけとーに配信 - Duration: 39:07.


Peugeot 207 COOL'N BLUE 1.4 VTI-16V 95PK 5Drs AIRCO&BLUETOOTH&CRUISE - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 COOL'N BLUE 1.4 VTI-16V 95PK 5Drs AIRCO&BLUETOOTH&CRUISE - Duration: 1:08.


「Isora Tanaka」 | マツダ BUY 新型 RX-9 SKYACTIV-R搭載 2018年発売 - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> 「Isora Tanaka」 | マツダ BUY 新型 RX-9 SKYACTIV-R搭載 2018年発売 - Duration: 3:50.


Suzuki Alto 1.0 Comfort 5drs Stuurbekr./Centr.vergr. 53000km! - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Alto 1.0 Comfort 5drs Stuurbekr./Centr.vergr. 53000km! - Duration: 1:05.


「Aki Sato」 | マツダ BREAKING NEWS 新型 RX-9 SKYACTIV-R搭載 2018年発売 - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> 「Aki Sato」 | マツダ BREAKING NEWS 新型 RX-9 SKYACTIV-R搭載 2018年発売 - Duration: 3:51.


02/07/2018 08:42 (R. Genaro de Carvalho, 287 - Dom Avelar, Salvador - BA,) - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> 02/07/2018 08:42 (R. Genaro de Carvalho, 287 - Dom Avelar, Salvador - BA,) - Duration: 5:02.


Naimski: Rząd Tuska i Pawlaka dał Gazpromowi miliard złotych prezentu - Duration: 24:21.

 - Rząd Tuska i Pawlaka dążył do przedłużenia kontraktu jamalskiego do 2037 r., czyli o 15 lat, gdyby tak się stało, nasze plany dywersyfikacyjne byłyby nie do zrealizowania - oznajmił Piotr Naimski

Dodał, że rząd z tego pomysłu wycofał się w wyniku działań Komisji Europejskiej

 Naimski zwrócił też uwagę na to, że w ówczesnych negocjacjach rząd nie podniósł w negocjacjach kwestii ceny

- Negocjacje były prowadzone z pozycji kapitulanckiej - mówił.NIK: nieprawidłowości w działaniach ministra gospodarki ws

uzgadniania porozumień gazowych z Gazpromem w latach 2009–2010 O odtajnienie raportu NIK z 2013 r

zwrócił się w lutym 2017 r. pełnomocnik rządu ds. strategicznej infrastruktury energetycznej Piotr Naimski

Wymagało to jednak zniesienia klauzul tajności. Według izby ówcześni minister gospodarki oraz szef KPRM 12 października 2012 r

skorzystali z prawa odmowy podpisania protokołów kontroli NIK dot. umów gazowych z lat 2006-2011; odmowy poprzedzono złożeniem zastrzeżeń do protokołu

 W raporcie NIK pozytywnie oceniła zapewnienie przez organy państwowe i PGNiG w latach 2006–2011 ciągłości dostaw gazu ziemnego z importu oraz uniknięcie ryzyka niezaspokojenia potrzeb polskich odbiorców

Przyznała też, że skuteczność negocjacji ws. dostaw gazu była istotnie ograniczona z powodu braku alternatywnych wobec kierunku rosyjskiego połączeń polskiego systemu przesyłowego z innymi systemami

Kontrolerzy zauważyli też, że nie bez znaczenia dla negocjacji była monopolistyczna pozycja rosyjskiego Gazpromu

 Izba wskazała jednak, że "działania ministra gospodarki dot. negocjowania w latach 2009-2010 umów z Rosją dot

dostaw gazu były prowadzone w znacznej części bez wymaganego umocowania w postaci zatwierdzonej instrukcji negocjacyjnej, a po zatwierdzeniu takich instrukcji część uzgodnień była niezgodna z wytycznymi o charakterze wiążącym"

 Jak podano, zarówno minister gospodarki, jak i PGNiG nie wykorzystali w pełni swoich możliwości negocjacyjnych, nie podejmując próby uzyskania w zamian za zgodę na postanowienia korzystne dla strony rosyjskiej równoważnych korzyści dla Polski

 Izba wytknęła ponadto, że negocjacje rządu polskiego z rosyjskim w latach 2009-2010 ws

dostaw gazu ziemnego w ramach długoterminowego tzw. kontraktu jamalskiego, były podjęte przez stronę polską bez przygotowania merytorycznego

Według NIK na nieskuteczność negocjacji ze stroną rosyjską, prowadzonych równolegle na poziomie rządów oraz spółek, wpłynęła też niewłaściwa współpraca między ministrem gospodarki a PGNiG

Izba uznała też, że działania PGNiG w zakresie zawierania umów na gaz w latach 2006-2011 zabezpieczały ciągłość dostaw, ale efekty gospodarcze były gorsze od zakładanych

 Kontrakt jamalski to długoterminowa umowa między PGNiG a Gazpromem na dostawy gazu do Polski z września 1996 r

i obowiązująca do 2022 r. Zapisy kontraktu były renegocjowane w 2010 r. Ówcześni wicepremierzy Polski i Rosji, Waldemar Pawlak oraz Igor Sieczin, podpisali jesienią 2010 roku międzyrządowe porozumienie w sprawie zwiększenia dostaw gazu do Polski, a PGNiG i Gazprom podpisały aneks do kontraktu jamalskiego

Porozumienie dotyczyło zwiększenia dostaw rosyjskiego gazu do Polski o ok. 2 mld m sześc

rocznie. Zgodnie z umową, tranzyt gazu został przewidziany do 2019 r., a dostawy do 2022 r

 Jak czytamy w raporcie, w procesie negocjacyjnym ze stroną rosyjską, prowadzonym pod przewodnictwem ministra gospodarki i osób przez niego wyznaczonych, pozycja negocjacyjna Polski była pogorszona zarówno wskutek nieprawidłowości, jak i błędów popełnionych w trakcie negocjacji

Słaba pozycja negocjacyjna polskiego zespołu wiązała się także z uzależnieniem Polski od dostaw gazu ziemnego z kierunku wschodniego w związku z długoletnim brakiem inwestycji w zakresie połączeń międzysystemowych z Europą Zachodnią

Według NIK zostało to skutecznie wykorzystane przez stronę rosyjską, która w trakcie negocjacji zgłaszała nowe żądania, poszerzając zakres spraw do negocjacji i skutecznie wydłużała okres rokowań, nie godząc się na parafowanie umów w kształcie, który nie byłby zbieżny z jej interesem

Strona polska, nie mając wypracowanej strategii, nie wykorzystywała posiadanych argumentów i akceptowała kolejne żądania strony rosyjskiej

 W ocenie NIK głównymi błędami polskiej delegacji w prowadzonych negocjacjach były: dążenie do wydłużenia okresu kontraktu na dostawy gazu, mimo że Ministerstwo Gospodarki dysponowało analizami, wskazującymi iż w związku z zakończeniem w 2014 r

inwestycji Terminal LNG, podaż gazu przewyższy popyt na to paliwo. Następny wymieniony błąd to zgoda na włączenie do negocjacji kwestii sporu między EuRoPol GAZ SA a Gazpromem Eksport, dotyczącego opłat za przesyt gazu przez polski odcinek gazociągu jamalskiego, bez uzyskania w zamian ekwiwalentnych korzyści dla strony polskiej

 Izba za błąd uznała też niepodjęcie przez ministra gospodarki choćby próby uzyskania korzystniejszych warunków dostaw gazu (w tym obniżenia ceny) w sytuacji zgody na postanowienia korzystne dla strony rosyjskiej — wbrew deklaracji ministra gospodarki na posiedzeniu Rady Ministrów dot

podjęcia rozmów w sprawie przywrócenia formuły cenowej sprzed 2006 r. Kolejne dwa błędy to: niepodejmowanie kwestii lub niewystarczające działania dotyczące zniesienia klauzuli reeksportu, ustanowienia operatora systemu przesyłowego na polskim odcinku gazociągu jamalskiego (czyli przeniesienia tej funkcji ze spółki EuRoPol GAZ SA do GAZ-SYSTEM SA) oraz wprowadzenia możliwości zastosowania zasady dostępu stron trzecich (TPA) na polskim odcinku tego gazociągu oraz niewykorzystanie możliwości włączenia do negocjacji od ich początku przedstawicieli Komisji Europejskiej oraz wycofanie przez ministra gospodarki 1 kwietnia 2009 r

projektu umowy zmieniającej postanowienia Porozumienia z 25 sierpnia 1993 r. z konsultacji z Komisją Europejską

 Według NIK, w pierwotnej wersji umowy strona polska zamierzała kupić dodatkowo 3 mld m sześc

gazu ziemnego rocznie w latach 2009-2014. W korespondencji dotyczącej instrukcji negocjacyjnej z dnia 22 stycznia 2009 r

minister gospodarki stwierdził, że zawarcie kontraktu długoterminowego byłoby niekorzystne, z uwagi na jego kolidowanie z planami dotyczącymi dywersyfikacji dostaw gazu ziemnego do Polski w związku z budową gazoportu w Świnoujściu

Jednak - po otrzymaniu propozycji strony rosyjskiej z 30 kwietnia 2009 r., zgodnie z którą dodatkowe ilości gazu miały zostać włączone do kontraktu jamalskiego obowiązującego do 2022 r

, polski zespół negocjacyjny zmienił dotychczasowe stanowisko i zaakceptował propozycję strony rosyjskiej, pozostawiając kwestie szczegółowe, związane z terminem i wielkością dostaw, do negocjacji na szczeblu korporacyjnym

 Zespół - stwierdziła NIK - oparł taką decyzję na propozycjach przedstawionych przez PGNiG SA, bez ich analizy pod względem prognozowanego przyszłego zapotrzebowania na gaz w Polsce

"Strona rosyjska w przedstawionym projekcie umowy z dnia 19 listopada 2009 r. zgodziła się na wydłużenie kontraktów na dostawy gazu i jego przesył do 2037 r

Było to następstwem uzgodnień zawartych w dniach 28-29 października 2009 r. na szczeblu korporacyjnym między OAO Gazprom i PGNiG SA

Spółki zgodziły się na takie wydłużenie kontraktów na dostawy gazu i jego przesył" - czytamy

 Zdaniem Izby polski zespół negocjacyjny, pod przewodnictwem ministra gospodarki, zgodził się na włączenie powyższych zapisów do projektu umowy międzyrządowej, chociaż nie miał żadnych analiz wskazujących na sytuację polskiego rynku gazu ziemnego po 2022 r

, a przedkładane przez MG analizy wskazywały na nadwyżki w bilansie gazowym od 2014 r

"Minister gospodarki na posiedzeniu Zespołu ds. Polityki Bezpieczeństwa Energetycznego w dniu 4 listopada 2009 r

stwierdził, że nadmiar gazu będzie mniejszym problemem niż deficyt gazu. Jednocześnie minister gospodarki nie był w stanie na posiedzeniu Rady Ministrów w dniu 13 lipca 2010 r

wyjaśnić, jakie były przyczyny określania terminów obowiązywania kontraktu na dostawę gazu do 2037 r

oraz na przesył gazu do 2045 r." - relacjonuje raport NIK. Jak czytamy, w trakcie negocjacji prowadzonych od 11 grudnia 2009 r

do 9 lutego 2010 r. przez podsekretarz stanu w MG Joannę Strzelec-Łobodzińską, w projekcie umowy międzyrządowej wydłużono okres kontraktu na przesył gazu do 2045 r

, choć wytyczne o charakterze wiążącym instrukcji negocjacyjnej z 13 listopada 2009 r

wskazywały krótszy termin. Według tych wytycznych - podano - strona polska miała doprowadzić do wprowadzenia do Protokołu Dodatkowego rekomendacji, aby spółki przedłużyły do 2037 r

włącznie kontrakty na przesyłanie gazu polskim odcinkiem gazociągu jamalskiego. Polski zespół negocjacyjny - dodano - nie wykorzystał argumentu zwiększenia wolumenu dostaw gazu ziemnego i przedłużenia terminu obowiązywania kontraktów, by wynegocjować formułę cenową kontraktu jamalskiego korzystniejszą ekonomicznie (np

przywrócić formułę sprzed 2006 r. lub ustalić inną formułę, obniżającą cenę zakupu gazu)

 Jak podano również włączenie do negocjacji kwestii sporu między EuRoPolgaz a Gazpromem Eksport, dotyczącego opłat za przesył gazu przez polski odcinek gazociągu jamalskiego, zostało zaakceptowane przez polski zespół negocjacyjny bez próby uzyskania w zamian ekwiwalentnych korzyści dla strony polskiej

Według NIK strona polska zaakceptowała ponadto odstąpienie od uiszczenia zarówno 26 mln dol

zasądzonych od Gazpromu Eksport w prawomocnym wyroku sądu arbitrażowego w Moskwie na rzecz EuRoPol GAZ SA, tytułem świadczonych w 2006 r

usług przesyłu gazu, jak również pozostałych należności z tytułu świadczenia usług przesyłu w latach 2007-2009

 Według NIK na posiedzeniu rządu 13 lipca 2010 r. ówczesny premier Donald Tusk "wskazał, że polski zespół negocjacyjny nie wykorzystał w negocjacjach atutu, jakim była wielkość rynku gazu w Polsce do wynegocjowania korzystnych formuł cenowych w kontrakcie jamalskim"

"Mimo że na posiedzeniu Rady Ministrów w dniu 1 grudnia 2009 r. minister gospodarki zadeklarował włączenie kwestii cenowych do zakresu spraw negocjacyjnych (przywrócenie formuły cenowej sprzed 2006 r

), ani polski zespół negocjacyjny ani minister gospodarki w rozmowach ze stroną rosyjską nie podjęli tej kwestii, argumentując iż nie była ona zawarta w umowach międzyrządowych i stanowiła część uzgodnień korporacyjnych

Takie działanie ministra gospodarki było niekonsekwentne, bowiem polska strona jednocześnie zaakceptowała inne ustalenia nieobjęte dotychczas umowami na szczeblu rządowym, proponowane przez stronę rosyjską (np

kwestia rozliczeń Gazpromu z EuRoPol Gaz SA za przesył gazu)" - stwierdziła NIK

 NIK przypomniała, że dopiero włączenie się przedstawicieli Komisji Europejskiej w proces negocjacji w lutym 2010 r

pozwoliło wstrzymać podpisanie umów w kształcie przyjętym przez rząd 10 lutego 2010 r

oraz wyeliminować postanowienia sprzeczne z prawem unijnym i krajowym oraz ryzyka dla bezpieczeństwa energetycznego Polski

  "W ostatecznie uzgodnionych w październiku 2010 r. postanowieniach umów polsko-rosyjskich uległy zwiększeniu dostawy gazu ziemnego od Gazpromu Eksport, wyznaczono Gaz-System SA na operatora systemu przesyłowego obejmującego m

in. polski odcinek gazociągu jamalskiego, została zniesiona klauzula reeksportu rosyjskiego gazu

Wynegocjowane i podpisane w dniu 29 października 2010 r. Protokół do Umowy oraz Protokół do Protokołu Dodatkowego były zgodne z uzupełnieniem instrukcji negocjacyjnej zatwierdzonym w dniu 12 października 2010 r

(faktycznie już w końcowej fazie negocjacji). Przedstawiciele Ministerstwa Gospodarki nie udzielali jednocześnie wystarczającego wsparcia spółce PGNiG SA, która równocześnie prowadziła negocjacje na poziomie korporacyjnym z Gazpromem Eksport

Przedstawiciele ministerstwa domagali się jak najszybszego uzgodnienia między spółkami wszystkich spornych kwestii" - zaznaczyła NIK

Raport NIK: Minister gospodarki i szef KPRM skorzystali z prawa odmowy podpisania protokołów kontroli  Minister gospodarki oraz szef KPRM 12 października 2012 r

skorzystali z prawa odmowy podpisania protokołów kontroli NIK dot. umów gazowych z lat 2006-2011; odmowy poprzedzono złożeniem zastrzeżeń do protokołu - wynika z ujawnionego w poniedziałek raportu Izby

 Zastrzeżenia - jak czytamy - złożyły także zarządy Gaz-System SA, PGNiG SA oraz Polskiego LNG SA

 Jak podano, w związku z kontrolą, NIK przekazała kierownikom jednostek kontrolowanych wystąpienia pokontrolne, przy czym wystąpienia do ministra gospodarki oraz ministra skarbu państwa zawierały także oceny, uwagi i wnioski wynikające z ustaleń w PGNiG SA

Zarząd PGNiG SA - czytamy - zgłosił zastrzeżenia do ocen, uwag i wniosków zawartych w wystąpieniu pokontrolnym, które częściowo zostały uwzględnione

 Według NIK minister gospodarki poinformował, że w ramach realizacji polityki zintegrowanego systemu zarządzania opracowano proces planowania działań zapobiegawczych oraz zarządzania kryzysowego w sektorze gazu ziemnego

Proces ten zakłada oceny ryzyka związanego z bezpieczeństwem dostaw gazu do Polski

Zadeklarował też - wskazano - utworzenie zespołu do spraw bezpieczeństwa dostarczania gazu ziemnego oraz monitorowanie dalszej realizacji porozumień z Rosją

 "Ponadto minister gospodarki przedstawił działania związane z usprawnieniem procedur negocjowania umów międzynarodowych, w tym m

in. zobowiązanie komórki wiodącej w sprawie danej umowy do przygotowania oceny skutków prawnych, politycznych, finansowych, społecznych i gospodarczych wynikających z zawarcia umowy" - dodała NIK

 Z raportu NIK dot. umów gazowych z lat 2006-2011 wynika również, że terminal LNG to istotny element dywersyfikacji

 "Przygotowanie i realizacja inwestycji przez Polskie LNG SA jako inwestora oraz nadzór GAZ-SYSTEM SA jako koordynatora inwestycji związanych z budową Terminalu LNG były wykonane prawidłowo

W realizacji inwestycji — Terminal LNG wystąpiły opóźnienia, które jednak na koniec 2011 r

nie zagrażały ukończeniu inwestycji w terminie, pozwalającym na odbiór zakontraktowanego już gazu LNG" - czytamy w raporcie

 Terminal LNG został otwarty w 2015 roku, pierwszy gazowiec wpłynął 11 grudnia 2015 r

Moc regazyfikacyjna terminala w Świnoujściu wynosi 5 mld m sześc. rocznie, czyli mnie więcej tyle, ile wynosi jedna trzecia polskiego zapotrzebowania

Gazoport jest zbudowany w taki sposób, że istnieje potencjał powiększenia mocy regazyfikacyjnej do 10 mld

m sześc. rocznie. Terminal LNG w Świnoujściu to kluczowy element Bramy Północnej, która ma na celu wzrost bezpieczeństwa i dywersyfikacji dostaw gazu ziemnego oraz na utworzenie konkurencyjnych rynków gazu w regionie środkowoeuropejskim i bałtyckim

 W kwietniu 2017 r. Gaz-System zdecydował o rozbudowie Terminala LNG im. Prezydenta Lecha Kaczyńskiego w Świnoujściu

Po zakończeniu prac moce regazyfikacyjne gazoportu wzrosną z obecnych 5 mld m sześc

do 7,5 mld m sześć gazu ziemnego rocznie.  Jak mówił w marcu br. prezes spółki Polskie LNG Paweł Jakubowski, w 2018 r

spółka chce przeprowadzić najważniejsze przetargi związane z rozbudową. Sam program rozbudowy składa się z czterech projektów - zwiększenia zdolności regazyfikacyjnej terminalu dzięki nowym regazyfikatorom, budowy drugiego nabrzeża, budowy trzeciego zbiornika LNG, oraz budowy instalacji przeładunkowej LNG na cysterny kolejowe i kontenery ISO

For more infomation >> Naimski: Rząd Tuska i Pawlaka dał Gazpromowi miliard złotych prezentu - Duration: 24:21.



For more infomation >> ETS 2 REAL LIFE (EURO TRUCK SIMULATOR 2) - Duration: 20:07.


Former ICE Director Defends Agency, Says Don't Abolish It | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 13:32.

For more infomation >> Former ICE Director Defends Agency, Says Don't Abolish It | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 13:32.


5 Classic & Timelessly Stylish Hairstyles for Men - Duration: 10:18.

Welcome back to the Gentleman's Gazette!

In today's video we discuss five classic and timeless stylish haircuts for men.

If your into classic style, you pay a lot of attention to your wardrobe.

However the hair and the hair style you choose can have a great impact on the rest of your


So in today's video we discuss five classic hairstyles that will never go out of style and are therefore

always appropriate for men who are into a classic men's style.

The first haircut is the prohibition high and tight.

It was very popular in the mid 1920s and with shows like Boardwalk Empire, it became very

popular a few years ago.

Maybe you've also watched Peaky Blinders and they all have very similar hairstyles.

They are very short on the side with longer hair on the back and it gives you that rough

edge that's kind of cool but at the same time very classic.

It's a style that works for anything from fine to thick hair as long as it's reasonably

straight and not too curly.

Personally, I've somewhat wavy hair and I can still pull that style off by using a very

strong gel which is got2b from Henkel which is available at any drugstore for a

little money.

Even though my hair has a mind of its own this product allows me to get a fairly straight

look and it easily comes out just by washing it with water and regular shampoo.

The tricky part about this haircut is that when it grows out sometimes it can look quite

bad so you have to pay attention to go to your barber on a regular basis.

I'm on a schedule for a new haircut tomorrow.

Apart of a strong gel, of course you could also use wax, you can use a pomade or fiber.

It really all depends on the hair and what works for you.

I've tried many things and pomade for me created a pomade

acne which meant I had lots of zits on my forehead and the sheets on the pillowcases

were always dirty and it was a huge pain.

In terms of length I suggest you have at least two inches on top and if you're at the barber

tell them to go with number one to start and you can see how you'll like it and how it

blends in.

Of course you can also have longer hair all the way up to five or six inches but then

it gets a little borderline.

The next classic cut is the pompadour or sometimes also known as James Dean.

You definitely need longer hair for that.

It's all about the top and how you comb it.

Now James Dean had a curl and for that you need some curl in your hair otherwise you

can also go without and it still looks quite timeless and classic.

If you're new to this hairstyle I suggest you go to a barber because it all starts with

a hair dryer.

Yes, if you don't have one of those you can safely invest in them it's not just something

for women.

For the pompadour you also need good hair products and I suggest you take a look at

our in-depth list on quality hair products here.

For most men a medium pomade or grooming cream is the best way to achieve that look that

looks typically like the cool James Dean.

The third classic style is the flair.

And no, I'm not talking about the 1980s Gordon Gekko look that just looks dated today and

almost like the cliche used-car salesman.

Of course if you have longer hair on top you can comb it back and have a little flair and

not get quite an extreme Gordon Gekko look.

If you want to wear the updated version of it, you want a square cut and if you tell

your barber he'll know what you mean.

For this hairstyle a mousse works best and you just work it in your hair and then comb

it back.

I suggest not to comb it back quite straight.

You want a little wave so it looks more pleasing.

The fourth haircut is the undercut or we call it the Gent Gazette.

It's the kind of a haircut I typically wear.

I part it on one side and initially I started parting it in front in the middle and I moved

all the way out.

Usually my sides are cut shorter all the way up so I get that nice transition at the same

time it grows out in a way that doesn't look terrible.

Usually I go get a haircut about every three to four weeks.

If you want to see how I get that hairstyle step-by-step and what my hair looks like without

product, please check out this video here.

Personally, I use a very strong gel got2b from Henkel.

Traditionally you would do it with pomade but unfortunately I just had many bad experiences

with it.

To learn more about pomade, please check out our in-depth pomade guide here.

The fifth hairstyle is called the bed head.

It's similar to a pompadour.

It's shorter in the side, higher on top but it's just a little more disheveled which could

look more relaxed and it's particularly popular with hipsters often combined with a beard.

So, you want to tell your barber to keep it high on the sides and instead of combing it

back you're pulling it forward and you dishevel it slightly with your hands.

This is definitely a cut you don't want slicked back otherwise it looks greasy.

In terms of products you want to stick with something with a matte finish and it can be

like a grooming cream or a foaming cream not a pomade, they're just too stiff.

I suggest you start with damp hair and then use a blow dryer and your fingers to kind

of dry it in shape and the only problem is strong winds.

To counteract that, you can work with a bit of hairspray.

So in general here are a few quick tips.

If you keep your sides shorter, you can keep the top shorter too which is easier to maintain

yet it will look longer than if the sides grow out.

In my case my ears will also look bigger and my wife always teases me about it.

I find a nice part to be quite pleasing and you can really achieve it easily by combing

it forward first and then backwards to get that proper line.

I find that correcting the part is more difficult than starting all over.

And if you're having a lot of issues, you can also shave the part with a razor.

It's not something I personally resort to but I definitely know people who swear by


So give it a try if you have issues getting a nice part you desire.

Three, buy a quality product it works for your hair.

Now personally, I'd like to get a more high quality product that cost a little more but

honestly I've tried so many things and the got2b is the only thing that works so far

for me.

If you have a better alternative, please make some suggestions in the comments.

Otherwise, please check out this guide we recommend a bunch of hair products that we've

all tested.

Four don't wash your hair daily.

By doing so you're removing healthy and important oils and you're just drying out your hair.

If you wash your hair every second or third day you should be just fine.

I don't know if you ever noticed but your hair is likely to look healthier and it's

easy to work with the second day after you've washed it than right after you've washed it.

If you workout or exercise a lot and you feel compelled to wash your hair I suggest to use

conditioner instead and not always shampoo.

It will be better for your hair and not as harsh.

Also, it gets rid of all the grime and grit of your hair without stripping it of all the

essential oils.

Five, it's okay to have multiple products and you're not a diva if you have that.

Sometimes you want different hairstyles that require different products.

Just test a few things and figure out what works and doesn't

work for you.

Every hair is the same and no hair is like the other.

Six invest in a quality comb.

I know the 50 cent or dollar store combs - very tempting.

They're made out of plastic.

They're cheap.

They seem to be exactly the same ones as more expensive combs yet a quality comb will cost

you about 20 bucks.

It's usually made of hard rubber and it's much better for your scalp.

It's much more comfortable and you can also comb in a more precise way.

Personally, I've tried horn combs but I find the teeth to be too stiff and too brittle

so over time they'll just break.

If you're more interested in combs stay tuned for our comb guide coming soon.

Last but not least it really pays to have a good relationship with your barber or people

that really understand what you want at the same time can make recommendations based on

their experience that work for your hair type and face shape.

Also if you live in the U.S. make sure to tip your barber well. Five to ten dollars are

perfectly acceptable. They'll be happy and they'll remember you and they'll fit you in

when it's tight and you need a haircut quickly and then will go the extra mile to get you

that haircut that you want and looks great on you.

If you want to see how I style my hair, please check out this video here.

Today I'm wearing a quite casual combination and usually I'm much more dressed up.

If you want to see what I usually wear hit that subscribe button and new videos with

outfit recommendations come right to your inbox.

I opted for a very casual summery outfit consisting of a polo shirt however I skipped the usually

very flimsy colors you see on polo shirts and exchanged it for a shirt style collar

with an interlining.

It's much cleaner.

It's much neater yet you still have the breathable flexible polo shirt knit.

Rather than with a solid color, I went with a mottled yarn with blue tones and white tones

so it's very fresh but you won't see stains as easily and it's a little different and

not so boring.

For my shorts I opted for Navy with white polka dots made out of linen.

It's a very wonderful material for the warmer days because it wrinkles in a very sophisticated

way and it's different than all the cotton shorts out there.

For my shoes I opted for the white of the polka dots and went with a canvas shoe that

I wear barefoot.

It's very breathable.

I don't sweat and it's fine for summer and a casual outfit like this.

For more infomation >> 5 Classic & Timelessly Stylish Hairstyles for Men - Duration: 10:18.


The Shady Side Of Tucker Carlson - Duration: 5:07.

Tucker Carlson has unwittingly found himself at the top of the Fox News food chain.

But you don't get there without creating a few waves along the way, and Carlson left

a substantial wake.

From being critical of Beltway elites, to an ugly showdown with a fashion blogger, to

sketchy positions on high-profile scandals, this rising star of cable news knows how to

stir the pot.

His political views may be well-known, but his backstory is a bit more opaque.

This is the shady side of Tucker Carlson.

Failing his way up

Carlson is one of the few talking heads to have made the rounds all across cable news,

including stints at MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, and even PBS.

But none of his shows were particularly successful.

Crossfire on CNN crumbled after guest Jon Stewart's memorable appearance – where Stewart

said of Carlson's journalism style:

"As it's hurting America."

Carlson tried to say he quit Crossfire on his own accord, but then-president of CNN,

Jonathan Klein, told The New York Times he agreed with Stewart, saying,

"We just determined there was not a role here in the way Tucker wanted his career to go."

Carlson then did a brief two-year stint at MSNBC, until his show there, Tucker, flopped

in 2008.

Carlson then co-founded The Daily Caller, a privately-funded right-leaning online media


The site caught the eye of then-Fox News chief, Roger Ailes, who made Carlson a weekend contributor

on Fox & Friends, which eventually led to his headlining Tucker Carlson Tonight in 2016.

A rich kid who hates elites

Carlson has always positioned himself as a cynical outsider, who gets a rise out of pointing

out the hypocrisy of Washington's elites.

But according to The Atlantic, Carlson was raised by a father who was a well-connected

Republican player, and his stepmother was the "heiress to the Swanson frozen-food fortune."

The New Yorker reported that while Carlson attended a prestigious boarding school, he

performed so poorly there that his then-girlfriend, the headmaster's daughter - whom he later

married - had to pull strings to get him admitted to Trinity College, a school that in 2018,

cost nearly $55,000 a year.

A total 180 on Bill O'Reilly

Former Fox News anchor Bill O'Reilly's unceremonious exit from the network slid Carlson's show

into a prime-time slot.

According to the LA Times, Carlson said of his predecessor,

"He set a high bar, and I'm gonna do my best to meet it."

But old footage of Carlson criticizing O'Reilly quickly resurfaced.

Mediate published video of Carlson promoting his 2003 book in which he wrote,

"Bill O'Reilly's success is built on the perception that he really is who he claims to be.

If he ever gets caught out of character, it's over."

While he said it wasn't possible for O'Reilly to be a working class hero and a millionaire

TV personality at the same time, Carlson later told GQ in 2017,

"I've learned since that not every thought has to be expressed."

Duking it out with Lauren Duca

One of the biggest viral moments ever generated from Carlson's many shows was a heated exchange

with Teen Vogue writer Lauren Duca, in 2016.

Their highly cringe-worthy conversation hit another level when Carlson mocked a piece

Duca wrote for the magazine, before cutting off her mic.

"You should stick to the thigh high boots, you're better at that.

Lauren, thanks for joining us."

"You're a sexist…"

Carlson later told The Atlantic he regretted how he handled the Duca interview, saying,

"I don't ever want to get mad […] I think it diminishes me and the show, and I don't

want to be that way."

"Nobody's business"

Over his years of stoking the fires of partisan politics, Carlson has been accused of making

many inaccurate and hypocritical statements.

But perhaps the most glaring example is his coverage of Republican senator David Vitter

and Democratic senator Robert Menendez - and their respective prostitution scandals.

According to New York Magazine, Carlson responded to the public vilification of Vitter - who

was exposed in the "D.C. Madam" scandal in 2007 - by saying, quote, "that's none of our


Fast forward six years, and The Daily Caller, led by Carlson, engaged in a four-month long

campaign to nail down accusations against Menendez regarding prostitutes he'd allegedly

slept with in the Dominican Republic.

According to Slate, the whole thing turned out to be just a thinly-veiled smear campaign

by Cuban intelligence.

So, the question is: Why was Vitter's very real prostitution scandal "nobody's business,"

while the fake one about Menendez was everyone's?

Nothing to say

Carlson devoted little air-time to the scandals that brought down fellow Fox News personalities

O'Reilly, Eric Bolling, and former CEO Roger Ailes.

But in the cases of Matt Lauer, Harvey Weinstein, and former Senator Al Franken, Carlson was

all over them.

Carlson explained the apparent double standard to Business Insider by saying that he simply

didn't "know what to add" regarding his former colleagues, claiming,

"It's been thoroughly covered - those aren't secret stories."

Perhaps some insight into Carlson's attitude can be found in statements he made in 2006

on his MSNBC show, Tucker.

Referencing congressional Democrats, Carlson mused,

"This is a group that made up the concept of sexual harassment.

'You look great today.'

'Boom, I'm charging you with a crime.'

Do you know what I mean?"

He may be a Fox News linchpin now, but Carlson's history of hypocrisy and double-dealing is

undeniably shady, regardless of your political affiliation.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> The Shady Side Of Tucker Carlson - Duration: 5:07.


Rep. Pramila Jayapal: I Believe Administration Can't Match Children With Parents | AM Joy | MSNBC - Duration: 10:25.

For more infomation >> Rep. Pramila Jayapal: I Believe Administration Can't Match Children With Parents | AM Joy | MSNBC - Duration: 10:25.


Gold Cup Tournament: Become the Tank Football Champion - Duration: 1:24.

A football tournament in World of Tanks begins!

Registration for the Gold Cup tournament starts on July 2nd.

Gather a team and fight for the title of European Tank Football champion!

Win gold, Premium vehicles, Premium Account days,

bonds, a unique style, and medals!

The more participants there are—

the more impressive the prize pool will be.

The group stage of the tournament will take place on July 14th.

On July 21st, the group stage winners will meet in the playoffs.

The Grand Final will take place on July 22nd,

when the best 24 teams of the playoff stage

and the best 8 teams from the Silver Cup

will compete for the championship and fight for the main rewards.

Including unique footballs signed by Gianluigi Buffon!

And finally, the best CIS and European teams will go head to head

in an international tournament on July 29th in front of a live audience!

Take part in the football tournaments of World of Tanks!

For more infomation >> Gold Cup Tournament: Become the Tank Football Champion - Duration: 1:24.


There are Things God Can't Do - Duration: 3:47.

G'day, this is Ascension Presents; my name's Matt Fradd.

Today...*laughs*...I want to talk to you about something, I just need to find my bloody thing.

Here it is, just a second.

All right, how are you? You look good. I'm not just saying that, you really do look good.

Have you done something with your hair?

*sighs deeply*

G'day, my name's Matt Fradd, this is Ascention Presents.

Today I want to talk about an argument against God's existence that you sometimes see online.

So this argument isn't one that sophisticated atheists take,

but it is something that, when it's first asked to you, maybe you're not sure how to answer.

And here's the basic argument, which is really more of a question, but there's a hidden argument within it.

Suppose I say to you, "Can God create a rock so heavy that even he can't lift it?"

What are you gonna say?

Because if you say yes, well doesn't that mean that there's something God can't do, namely lift it?

And if you say no, then aren't you saying that there's something God can't do, namely create the rock?

What are you gonna do about that? Because God is supposed to be omnipotent.

This is kind of cute, and it's really simple to answer.

Basically, omnipotence — which just means all-powerful —

doesn't mean 'the ability to do what's absurd,' because what's absurd isn't anything.

So if I said, "Can God square purple toaster chicken roosters in the roof of Maximus' lumpy lumps?"

that doesn't make any sense, you know.

And just because I say "can God" at the front of that sentence

doesn't mean that sentence has to be intelligible.

It's not. And something similar is happening here too.

There are a number of things that God can't do.

God can't lie. God can't create a god for him to worship — to do so would contradict his nature.

Uhh, God can't create a married bachelor, because that's a contradiction.

God can't create a square circle; again same reason.

I remember chatting with my son Liam — he was about three... or four, maybe —

I said, "You know that there's some things that God can't do.

Omnipotence doesn't mean the ability to do what's absurd."

Because this is the kind of conversation I have with three-year-olds.


And he said, "What can't he do?" and I used that example.

I said, "Well God can't create a square circle" and he said "I bet Batman could."

I said, "Yeah, that's probably true." No, I said "No, it's not bloody true!

Batman can't create a square circle and neither can you."

He said, "I bet I could."

So I got him a piece of paper and a pen and you know, he tried his best.

He drew a square with a circle around it, half circle, half square.

He wasn't sure, and eventually he gave up. I said "Right! A square circle is a contradiction."

Again, something similar is happening here with that question

"Can God create a rock so heavy that even he can't lift it?"

and here's what it is: when you say "Can God create a rock so heavy that he can't lift it?"

what you're asking is, "Can a being with infinite lifting power

create a rock that's more than infinite in weight so that he wouldn't be able to lift it?"

But, of course, 'more than infinite' is one of those nonsense combinations of words.

So to answer the question, the answer is no. God cannot create a rock so heavy that he can't lift it,

not because he isn't omnipotent, but because the question, when you examine it, is nonsensical.

I'm Matt Fradd, this has been Ascension Presents,

and it's been a bloody joy to talk to you, quite honestly. I mean it.

You want to ask me a question? Use the comments section there.

I love to... just #askMattFradd. I always read the comments, even the mean ones.

I don't respond to them all.

Leave me a comment, leave me another objection if you want.

If you want to follow me on Twitter and Instagram, my handle is @MattFradd.

It's been a pleasure.

For more infomation >> There are Things God Can't Do - Duration: 3:47.


The Truth About Fisker | WheelHouse - Duration: 12:21.

- It won Automobile Magazine's 2012 car of the year award,

it garnered well over $600 million dollars in start-up

capital and it was heralded as the car that would bury

Tesla, but then it died.

Both with a bang and a whimper.

It's the most over-hyped car in the world.

What turned this green dream into an automotive nightmare?

This is Wheel House, the truth about Fisker.

The Danish-born Henrik Fisker started his career at BMW

in 1989 where he designed the retro-inspired BMW Z8.

This reimagined roadster was praised for it's sleek,

timeless design and it remains a darling among drivers

and collectors alike.

Riding his success at BMW, Fisker joined Ford as the

design director for Aston Martin in 2001.

It was there that he created the designs for the iconic

Aston Martin DB9 and the best-selling Aston Martin

of all time, the V8 Vantage.

So, the guy knows a thing or two about making

bad-ass looking cars.

After almost 20 years in the industry, Fisker decided

he was done designing other people's cars.

It was time to set off on his own,

but the world of luxury vehicles was vast

and starting a company was extremely difficult.

He needed to pick a kind of luxury vehicle

that would justify a new company.

Ever the fan of celebrity, Henrik was watching the Oscars

when it came to him, Leonardo DiCaprio drove up

to the red carpet in a Toyota Prius.

The Titanic star stepping out of small, egg-shaped car

didn't fit right.

Where was the flash, where was the glamour?

Why not create an attractive option for high-end,

environmentally conscious clientele.

Fisker decided he would make a hybrid luxury car

at a premium price.

In 2007, he and business partner Barney Koehler formed

Fisker Automotive, with the goal of putting the cool

into electric cars.

Building an automobile with cutting edge technology,

and wrap it in a pretty package.

Before they hunkered down, however, they accepted a

$875,000 contract with another start-up car company, Tesla.

After his brief stint with them, Henrik felt

more confident about his venture into the EV world.

And having "consultant to Tesla" on his resume also

made it easier for him to get investors.

Quantum Technologies, an alternative energy start-up

teamed with the design guru on his ambitious plans

for Fisker Automotive.

They posted up in Irvine, California to design the car,

but it wouldn't be built there.

Henrik believed that the best people for the job were

Valmet Automotive all the way over in Finland.

- Finland!

- The eco-friendly startup scored big when it was able

to get backing from heavy hitters like Ray Lane,

the former president of software giant Oracle that

bankrolled such companies as Google and Amazon.

Luckily, when Henrik found Ray, he was working as a

senior partner at a powerhouse venture capital firm.

Jackpot! Also, the US government wanted to bolster

green initiatives as well as the economy in the wake

of the 2008 financial crisis.

So the Department of Energy coughed up a loan

that totaled $529 million, a portion of which was

to be used to mass produce the car in the United States.

Even the Prius-loving DiCaprio got on-board as an investor.

It seemed that the hybrid start-up was

destined for greatness.

A year later Fisker Automotive unveiled a flashy, plug-in

hybrid sedan they called the Fisker Karma.

Henrik Fisker labeled it an "electric vehicle

with extended range" or "EVER."

It operates the same way many other

plug-in hybrids do today.

It had a plug-in hybrid drive chain that powered

by electricity until a battery ran out of juice,

then a gasoline engine kicks in to drive the car

and charge the battery.

Peek under the hood and you'd find a 260 horsepower,

GM-supplied, 4-cylinder engine

churning the robust generator.

The Karma was also equipped with a 20 kilowatt an hour

American-made lithium ion battery pack.

Mounted on the rear axle were twin AC motors

delivering 402 horsepower to the differential.

This up-scale driving machine could

go zero to 60 in under 6 seconds.

Not bad for a hybrid.

But what really made the Fisker Karma a cut above

was it's jaw-dropping, stellar appearance.

The incredible body curves on this car were

so smooth you'd think the car gods themselves

formed it from one giant piece of molten metal.

With it's sleek, long hood, shapely flanks,

eye-catching wheel arches, and it's low-slung silhouette

it's obvious the Fisker Karma was designed by a genuine

artist, and I mean that.

The Karma offered the complete package, style, sleekness,

and with a battery and gasoline-powered combo,

zero range anxiety.

All the buzz surrounding the Karma landed

it's designer on the cover of Forbes Magazine,

under the headline "The Next Detroit."

There was also the possibility he'd land in court.

Tesla slapped Fisker with a lawsuit in 2008.

Here's what they claimed: Remember how they brought Henrik

on-board to do design and interior work in 2007?

They say he stole their design ideas for what

would become the Tesla Model S.

Tesla further believed Fisker and his partner accepted

the $875,000 design contract solely so they could get

their hands on confidential design info.

Tesla claimed Fisker had no hybrid technology experience

before working for them.

So where do you think they got all the info

for the motors and batteries?

And once they saw how rad the Karma looked, they were like,

"What you designed for us looks like a hot turd,

what's going on?" That's what Elon Musk sounds like.

Tesla alleged that Fisker sabotaged their design

by intentionally doing shoddy work.

Then, he used the money they paid him

to start a competing company.

As for the outcome, well, later that year Tesla dropped

the lawsuit when an arbitrator's ruling found

no wrongdoing on Fisker's part, but still kinda suspicious.

This legal roadbump didn't put a damper

on the excitement surrounding the Karma.

Eco-minded car enthusiasts couldn't wait

to get their hands on one.

Al Gore put in an early order, Justin Bieber got one

as a gift from Usher, Tyrese owned one,

and Leonardo DiCaprio could be spotted cruising Sunset

Boulevard in the first production model.

Time Magazine put the car on it's 50 Best Inventions list.

Motor Trend named it the Top 10 Future Classics

for it's timeless elements, and it was dubbed

2011's Luxury Car of the Year by Top Gear Magazine.

This car was a big deal.

While Henrik Fisker initially pledged to start production

within 18 months of it's unveiling in 2008, the first

production model wouldn't roll off the assembly line

until 3 years later.

200 Fisker Karmas were delivered to customers in 2011

and an additiona 1600 in 2012.

Unfortunately, the car should've rolled right back

into the factory.

The Karma looked great on the outside,

but on the inside, it was a hot mess.

The reality was that Henrik Fisker was a car designer,

he'd never taken the reins of a company before.

The smelly stench of trouble began with the company's

bad business model.

Their method of outsourcing everything

and a low-headcount approach resulted in a car

riddled with engineering problems.

Not the least of which was poor reliability.

In 2011, Fisker Automotive issued a recall of the

first 239 Karmas because of a coolant leak

and the risk of electrical fires.

The fire part was actually a reality for a few

unlucky Karma owners.

One guy lost a wing of his house, when his Karma

burst into flames in the garage.

That sucks. That's just like time my uncle Russ fried

a turkey on Thanksgiving, RIP Russ.

Sour headlines and late loan payments started piling up.

It was reported that Henrik had accumulated $200 million

dollars in unpaid bills by late 2011.

To conserve cash, Fisker Automotive laid off hundreds

of employees in 2011 and 2012.

All the while, the Armani suit wearing Fisker continued

to take a huge salary and spend lavishly in an

attempt to maintain a shiny appearance

on the company's fastly tarnishing image.

We're talking champagne with flecks of gold

in it, served on a 146-foot yacht

in Monte Carlo kinda lavish.

The announced sticker price of about $80,000

had risen to six-figures by production time.

The production phase experienced delays due to

last minute design changes, and engineering fixes.

What kind of last-minute fixes? Here's just one.

Apparently, Fisker's desire for front-end exhaust

made the Karma too noisy and hurt the car's horsepower.

An obvious fix would be to place the exhaust pipe

in the back, like every car on the face of planet.

The idea came to the engineers one afternoon when

pizza was delivered for lunch.

I'm serious about this.

The engineering team was inspired by the pizza box

to encase the exhaust in a very thin steel box.

The pizza box quick fix solved the concerns

about the sound and made the boss happy, but

to the tune of extra $1 million dollars.

Other minor, but very noticeable issues involved a

ghostly radio that increased volume all on it's own

and a software interface that was difficult to decipher.

It was so slow that some drivers cracked the screen

from pushing too hard to get a response.

Adding to the problem, the company had ordered

somewhere between 50 to 100 million dollars worth

of components that, because of last minute design changes,

wouldn't even be used.

Fisker was burning through the cash and missing

crucial production deadlines, so the government

cut it's funding.

Desperate to keep the money flowing, Henrik Fisker

began selling the Karma at lightning speed

before all the problems had been ironed out.

Plagued with continuing recalls and breakdowns,

the anticipated darling of the car world

was quickly becoming a dud.

- Fiskers don't make noise when they start up,

just so you know.

- The Fisker Karma may have been the only car

in history to be named 2012's Design of the Year

by Automobile Magazine while simultaneously flunking

with consumer reports.

The magazine cited routine problems with the battery,

long recharge times, and repeat visits to the dealer.

A noisy engine, cramped interior, and below-par performance.

In fact, the car died on the test track

and had to be hauled away on a flatbed.

Then, Hurricane Sandy flooded out several hundred

unsold Karma's that were stored

in a New Jersey parking lot.

A bruising cost of about $33 million.

When the insurance company refused to pay, Fisker

had to go to court.

Check your coverage, guys.

Just five years earlier, it seemed that the stars

would be aligning for the Fisker Karma,

but in 2012 it felt like fate was conspiring against us.

The nail in the coffin moment happened when

Massachusets-based A123, Fisker Automotive's

sole battery supplier folded.

With technical glitches and cost overruns continuing,

Fisker Automotive ceased production in November 2012,

a year later they went bankrupt, but the car they

designed lives on.

Making lemonades out of Fisker's lemons, China's

auto parts giant Wanxiang Group bought the doomed

company's assets and what was left of A123 in 2014.

They renamed the organization Karma Automotive,

and moved the factory operation from Finland,

to Southern California.

The new Karma team set up production in Moreno Valley

and their game plan was to resurrect the flawed Karma,

but keep Fisker's gorgeous design.

As Jim Taylor, Karma Automotive's chief marketing officer

said, "They nailed the design, you'd be crazy to change it."

The first order of business for the Karma comeback team

was to get to work finding every flaw with the Karma,

no easy task.

Leading the effort was Karl Jenkins, a Welsh auto engineer

considered the patron saint of successfully handling

turnaround and lost causes.

Along with a 600 member team, Jenkins went section

by section over the old Karma with a fine-toothed comb

to determine what needed fixing and what was fine.

They tagged any problem they could uncover,

down to the dicey-looking hose clamps.

They reworked the airflow through the front of the car

which was an easy fix for an overheating engine

that the original Fisker team had overlooked

because they rushed the car to market.

The team also updated the car with five years of

technical advances, a Herculean effort

that at the end of the day resulted in the rebirth

of the Fisker Karma, now rechristened the Karma Revero.

Near identical to it's predecessor except,

fingers crossed, this one wouldn't burst into flames

or leak engine coolant.

The first production model of the Karma Revero were

delivered to customers in 2017.

You have to give Karma Automotive props,

instead of throwing up their hands in frustration

at the Fisker fiasco, they went mono e mono

with the beast, got their hands dirty,

and fixed literally hundreds of flaws.

Wanxiang rescued the car for the designs.

It looks amazing and is said to have cast a spell

over some Tesla owners as well, who have been

complaining that their vehicle

just isn't interesting anymore.

The car offers a timeless quality and mystical feel

that's as evident today as it was six years ago.

Is the Revero a phoenix risen from the ashes?

Or is the landmark design destined to fail?

Time will tell.

Make sure you hit that yellow subscribe button

right there, if you like electric cars check out

this episode of Science Garage.

The Fisker has a very similar story to the DeLoreans

so check out this episode of Up to Speed.

Follow me on Instagram @nolanjsykes

and follow Donut @donutmedia.

If you want a shirt, go to,

we have some new merch coming out very soon.

Wear a seatbelt, see you next time.

(chilled hip hop music)

For more infomation >> The Truth About Fisker | WheelHouse - Duration: 12:21.


Marijuana prohibition is racist and criminal, harms kids, and ruins lives | Johann Hari - Duration: 10:23.

In the late 1920s a young man outside Tampa in Florida picked up an axe and hacked his

family to death.

His name was Victor Lacarta.

At that point cannabis was not illegal in the United States.

And a man called Harry Anslinger had taken over the Department of Alcohol Prohibition

just as alcohol prohibition was ending.

So he inherits this huge government department that has just lost the war on alcohol.

It's riddled with corruption, and he wants to keep it going.

He had previously said that cannabis was not dangerous, we shouldn't worry about it.

He suddenly decided that cannabis was the most evil—literally these are his words:

"The most evil drug in the world."

He said it's much worse than heroin.

He said, "if Frankenstein's monster met cannabis on the staircase it would drop dead

of fright."

And he latched onto the case of Victor Lacarta.

With the help of kind of the Fox News of his day, which is called the Hearst Newspapers,

he announced that 'Victor Lacarta had smoked cannabis.

That's why he hacked his family to death with an axe.

And this is what will happen if we allow cannabis to spread, and we need to ban and prohibit


It was in the wake of that case that cannabis was banned.

Years later somebody goes back, a researcher went many years later, decades later, a researcher

went back and looked at Victor Lacarta's files.

There's no evidence he even smoked cannabis.

His family had been told he needed to be institutionalized a year before because he was severely mentally

ill, but they decided to keep him at home.

The origins of the war on drugs, which I wrote about in my book Chasing the Scream: The First

and Last Days of the War on Drugs, overwhelmingly looked like that.

If you'd asked me when I started to do the research for Chasing the Scream why was cannabis

banned I would have guessed they would have given the reasons then that if you stop someone

on the street now they would give, you know, we don't want kids to use drugs, we don't

want people to become addicted.

What's fascinating is that stuff virtually never came up when they were banning cannabis,

right, or indeed the other drugs.

It was overwhelmingly a kind of racial panic and absurd hysterias about what was going

to happen.

Now the one thing you can say in defense of the war on drugs and the war on cannabis in

particular is we've given it a fair shot, right?

The United States has spent a trillion dollars, it's imprisoned more people than any other

country in human history including Stalin's Russia and Mao's China.

It's destroyed whole countries like Columbia.

At the end of all that we can't even keep drugs out of our prisons, where we pay someone

to walk about the wall perimeter the whole time.

Which gives you some idea of how well we're going to keep it out of a country with 2,000-3,000

mile borders.

There is an alternative for how we can think about cannabis.

There are places that have legalized cannabis and we can see the results.

So I spent a lot of time in Colorado, in Washington state.

I actually spent time in places that have legalized other drugs – heroin, for example,

has been legalized in Switzerland with extraordinary results.

There have been zero overdose deaths on legal heroin in Switzerland in the more than 13

years since they legalized.

But with cannabis specifically, again we can see the results.

When you ban cannabis several things happen.

The first thing that happens is, you will have noticed, it does not disappear.

It's transferred from licensed legal businesses to armed criminal gangsters.

Those armed criminal gangsters have to operate differently to a licensed business.

So you will have noticed the head of Budweiser does not go and shoot the head of Heineken

in the face, right?

Your local liquor store does not send people to go and stab people in the local bar, right?

Exactly that happened at the alcohol prohibition, right?

I mean exactly that.

And it ended the day alcohol prohibition ended.


Because when you ban drugs they have to operate in an illegal market where there's no – and

I learned this from lots of drug dealers I spent time with for Chasing the Scream, not

just for fun.

Though there was some fun in there as well.

An illegal market could only operate through violence, right?

You have no recourse to—If I go up here now and I try to steal a bottle of vodka,

you know, the liquor store will call the cops.

The cops will come and take me away.

So there's no need for that to be violent, to be intimidating.

If I go out of here now and try to steal a bag of weed from the people who sell it not

so far away they can't call the cops, right?

The cops would come and arrest them.

They have to fight me.

Now you don't want to be having a fight every day if you're a dealer, so you've

got to establish a reputation for being so frightening that people wouldn't be so stupid

as to come and fight you, right?

So this is the ratchet effect you get with prohibition.

You create a market that can only be regulated by violence and where there's actually premium

on being the most violent person and the most intimidating person, where you have to be

violent and intimidating to protect your market.

Now when you legalize that goes away immediately.

Where is Al Capone?

Does anyone even know the head of Smirnoff's name?

Everyone watching this knows Al Capone's name.

I bet nobody watching this knows the head of Smirnoff's name.

What changed?

It's not the drug.

It's the fact that it went from being illegal and therefor controlled by gangsters to legal

and being controlled by legal and licensed businesses.

The second thing that happens, which is a slightly more wonky point but I think is really

interesting and important, is that milder forms of the drug disappear.

So you often get people to say "Well, we can't legalize cannabis because the cannabis

people use today isn't the cannabis people used in the 1960s, right?

It's much stronger."

It's things like skunk and super skunk.

That's true, and it's entirely the product of cannabis prohibition.

If you want to understand why you've got to understand something: Just before alcohol

was banned in the United States the most popular drinks by far were beer and wine.

After alcohol was legalized again the most popular drinks by far were beer and wine,

as they remain today.

And when alcohol was banned you couldn't get hold of beer or wine anywhere.

The most popular drinks were whiskey and moonshine.

Well why is that?

Why would banning a drug change the form of the drug?

It's kind of a rather prosaic reason.

Imagine we had to smuggle enough alcohol for your local bar from the Mexican border or

the Canadian border, right.

If we fill our wagon with beer we'll get drinks for 100 people.

If we fill our wagon with whiskey we'll get drinks for thousands of people.

When you ban drugs there's suddenly a premium on getting the biggest possible kick into

the smallest possible space because it's got to be smuggled, right?It's got to be

transported in secret.

This happens with all drugs.

This is why cannabis has become much more potent.

The most popular form of consuming cocaine prior to it being banned was in tea—coca


You may remember a drink called Coca Cola.

That really did contain exactly what it sounds like.

They don't exist anymore.

What do you ever hear about coca tea, right?

Coca Cola exists but it's not what it was obviously.

The most popular way of consuming opiates by far was a drink called laudanum and something

called Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup.

It was small trace of opiates, right?

Again they disappeared and the most popular form becomes heroin.

When you ban a drug only the most extreme forms of that drug become available.

Now most people who smoke cannabis don't want skunk, right?

Just like if I go into a bar around the corner from here today, probably very few people

are going to be drinking vodka and no one is going to be drinking Absinthe, right?

If you're concerned about the more extreme forms of the drug, which I think we should

be with cannabis because there is – it's not a huge relationship but there's some

relationship with dysfunctional behavior—Then you want to put a really high premium on getting

milder forms of the drug available to almost all the users who want it, right?

So that's another effect that happens with legalization.

And you know, one of the things that's so moving—everywhere I went where they moved

beyond the war on drugs, from Portugal where they decriminalized all drugs to Switzerland

where they legalized heroin for addicts, to Uruguay and Washington and Colorado where

they legalized cannabis, the pattern was always the same.

It is super controversial at first and understand that people are really worried.

And then they see the effects.

It's not a silver bullet.

There's still problems, but there's such a significant improvement that the support

massively rises.

So 55 percent of people in Colorado voted to legalize it in 2015.

Today 70 percent of people support it.

Governor Hickenlooper who opposed it now says it works really well.

They've had a huge increase in tax revenue.

I interviewed one former police officer and he told me a story about this that really

stayed with me.

One day in the 70s he was staking out a dealer in a car park in Wayne in New Jersey in plainclothes.

And a kid came up to him and said, "Hey mister, will you go into that liquor store

and buy me some booze?

I'm not allowed to, I'm too young."

He was like a 12 year old or something.

And he said "No, get out of here."

So the kid walked over to the drug dealer and bought some drugs from him instead.

And he had this kind of epiphany.

He was like "Oh, actually legalization, a legal regulated system puts a barrier between

children and drugs that does not currently exist."

If you're a parent who doesn't want your child to smoke cannabis (and if you're a

parent you shouldn't because there is evidence that it can impair development for teenagers),

you want to put a really high premium on getting cannabis out of the hands of armed criminal

gangs who don't care whether the customers are 13, 30 or 80 and getting it into the hands

of licensed legal regulated businesses who have something to lose.

This is why in Colorado all the research shows there's been a really significant fall in

cartel and organized crime activities since they legalized.

There's been a fall in teenagers using—It was already quite low, but it's fallen.

There's been a massive increase in tax revenue.

You know it's not perfect.

There are some things I would have tweaked in the Colorado legalization but, you know,

you can tweak a legal market.

We don't have any power over an illegal market.

There's nothing we can do about it, right.

At some point the president of Switzerland Ruth Dreifuss when she made the case to the

Swiss people for legalizing heroin— and she's one of the great heroes I've ever

met in my life—She explained to them, "You know, when you hear the word legalization

you picture like anarchy and chaos.

What we have now is anarchy and chaos!

We have unknown criminals selling unknown chemicals to unknown drug users all in the

dark all filled with violence, right?

Legalization is the way we restore order this chaos."

At some point we have to look at the results.

It's worked incredibly well, and let's look at the places that are maintaining a

criminal war on cannabis.

How well is that working out for you?

For more infomation >> Marijuana prohibition is racist and criminal, harms kids, and ruins lives | Johann Hari - Duration: 10:23.


13 SEO Tips That Actually Work in 2018 and Beyond - Duration: 17:19.

Have a mobile friendly site.

Increase your page speed.

But you already know these things!

If you're sick and tired of hearing the same SEO tips over and over and over again,

then make sure to watch this whole video,

because I have tactics, techniques and strategies

that you are not going to want to miss.

Stay tuned.

[Ahrefs intro music]

Hey, it's Sam Oh here with Ahrefs, the SEO tool that helps you grow your search traffic,

research your competitors and dominate your niche.

And we have a lot of juicy stuff to cover, so let's skip the formalities

and get straight into this thing.

The first tip is to get more traffic from your existing pages by covering subtopics

that Google wants to see.

Last year, we did a study on 3 million searches to find how many keywords you can rank for

with one page and found that the average #1 ranking page will also rank for about 1,000

other relevant keywords.

So how do you find these keywords?


You do a content gap analysis.

So let's assume that you run SEO for

First, you'd go to Ahrefs' Site Explorer and paste in the URL of your page on "how to lose weight,"

which ranks somewhere on page 2 or 3 of Google's search results.

And you can see that this page ranks for around 1,100 keywords with 2,600 monthly search visitors.

Not too shabby.

But let's quickly compare that against the top ranking page from

They rank for over 30 times the keywords and gets more than 170 times more search traffic.

So, all you need to do is go to the content gap tool in the sidebar.

Next, paste Health Line's URL here.

And I'll actually paste in a couple more of the top ranking URLs to get more relevant results.

I'll set this filter here to show keywords where all of these targets rank in the top

100 and at least one of them ranks in the top 10, while my site doesn't rank at all.

Finally, I'll make sure that our URL is set to prefix mode and run the search.

And you can see that there are over 1,600 keywords where all of these pages rank, while

the one doesn't.

You can see ideas here like to include modifiers like "best."

And here are a couple great sub topics you can include in your post.

You can write about diets and also have a section specifically on weight loss for women.

The next tip is to reverse engineer Quora and other forums to find low competition keywords

plus a bonus traffic hack that you have to see.

No matter what niche you're in, there are likely forums that are generating search traffic

from user generated content.

And since no one is actively building links to these forum threads, they are likely going

to be really easy keyword targets.

Here's how you find popular threads on forums like Quora.

Go to Site Explorer tool and enter in a domain of a forum.

So I'll use

And you can see that they generate over 154 million search visitors every single month.

Next, click on "top pages" in the sidebar to see which pages from Quora generate the

most search traffic.

Finally, use the search box to look for a generic topic related to your niche.

So let's say that I have a blog on bitcoin.

And right away, you'll see a couple here like bitcoin generator which only has 5 referring

domains, gets 5,000 monthly searches, and ranks in position 4.

And then there's this one, "how long does it take to mine a bitcoin" with 1 referring

domain, 3,400 monthly searches, in position 1 and owns the featured snippet.

These would likely be low competition keywords that you can go after.

But why limit your SEO knowledge and this golden data just to play the Google game?

Let's click through to this one here on bitcoin versus some other cryptocurrencies.

You can see that this question has been viewed over a million times despite having only 1,100

monthly searches for their top keyword.

If you look at this response, it was answered around 6.5 months ago from the time I'm

recording this video,

and it's gotten over 73,000 views!

So post your answer here and some relevant links to your website and start getting quality

referral traffic.

In fact, I tested this exact trick as an experiment with a brand new domain to generate over 48,000

visitors and 15,000 leads from Quora alone.

The next tip is to convert images into links back to your page.

Creating quality graphics is hard and expensive.

So what do people do?

They steal them.

If you've created an infographic, image graphs with data, or taken some cool photos,

then you probably want credit for those, right?

Here's how you do it using Google Chrome.

Just right click on the image, then click "search Google for images."

And you can see that these images appear on a bunch of different sites.

So go to these sites and make sure that they've linked back to you.

Here's an even easier way to do this:

Go to the backlinks profile for your domain in Site Explorer and type in .jpg or whatever

file extension in the search bar.

And will you look at that.

It looks like we have 868 links to our images.

From here, you can open up the referring pages and see if they linked to the post where the

image is from.

So on this page, I'll open up the page source and do a find for our domain,

And it looks like there's only one link pointing to our image that's embedded on our email

outreach post.

From here, I could contact the author and politely ask if they could change the link

to our post instead of the image, because it doesn't really pass much value to us

since we're not trying to rank the image.

Next tip: don't underestimate the effectiveness of broken link building.

Broken link building is one of the easiest link building tactics that anyone can do.

Here's how it works:

You find pages that are broken and have backlinks pointing to it, you recreate that page, then

you reach out to the websites that are linking to the broken page and ask them for a link.

The easiest way to do this is to go to Ahrefs' Site Explorer, enter in a domain of a closely

related competitor, and run the search.

Next, click on "best by links" in the sidebar.

From here, you'll use this filter to show only 404 pages.

And right away, you can see all of the pages that are broken and the number of unique linking

websites that are pointing to these pages.

Here are a few tips to make your campaigns convert better.

1. Include a screenshot of where the broken link is.

This one tip took my conversion rate from sub 7% to around 13%.

2. Don't copy people's email scripts.

They're overdone and when someone receives that first line that says, "I was looking

for some resources on 'topic'" then they'll just click away or delete it.

And #3. Make sure your resource is relevant and actually impressive.

The next tip is to include case studies and stats in your articles.

Stats build trust and links.


Exclamation point.

Happy face.

Take a look at the backlink profile for Ahrefs' blog.

If I do a search for the percent sign, you can see that we have over a thousand backlinks where

this symbol is either in the anchor or surrounding text.

But Sam, Ahrefs is a big-data company!

Well, let's look at Backlinko's backlinks.

Brian has over 2,600 backlinks with the percent sign in the anchor or surrounding text.

And if you look through some of the links that he has, they're based on his personal

results like this one that says:

"Brian Dean increased his search traffic by 110% in just 14 days."

Here are a couple more ideas on how you can add stats and data to your posts.

1. Use your own surveys with email subscribers, social media followers, or whoever would fit

the profile.

2. Gather boring data and make it interesting.

You can do this by turning it into an infographic, a video or a map.

The next tip is to avoid "Keyword Unicorns" and consider search intent first.

Just because a keyword has high search volume, it doesn't mean it's one that you should target.

Search intent says a lot.

If we look at the keyword metrics for the search query, "Google Analytics" in Ahrefs'

Keyword Explorer, you'll see that there are around 1.5 million searches per month.

The thing is that the vast majority of people searching for this , they probably wants to

login to Google Analytics, right?

So even if your page ranked in the number one or two position, you probably wouldn't

get very many clicks because you can't serve the searcher's intent.

And our Keywords Explorer shows that only 5% of the time, search results for this query

get clicked.

But if we search for "how to use Google Analytics," then the search intent becomes

more clear.

People likely want a guide or tutorial on how to navigate their way around Google Analytics

and extract actionable insights.

And the clicks data shows that the search results for this query get clicked around

51% of the time.

So always consider search intent first and ask yourself questions like:

Do people searching for this likely have intent to buy what I have?

Can I convert this traffic into leads?

Is there enough search demand to make it worth creating and promoting?

If the answer is no, then you might want to move on.

The next tip is to add modifier keywords to your titles.

Modifier keywords are add-ons to a base keyword.

Here are 4 of my favorites:

Best, top, buy, or the current year.

For example, someone who is searching for "keyword research tools," they might also

look for "best keyword research tools," or even "best keyword research tools 2018."

Modifiers can help you rank for more keywords and also meet people in different parts of

their buying journey.

So, if you own an eCommerce site and you sell this Kitchen Aid mixer, you might want to

add "Buy Kitchen Aid Mixer," and then the model number.

So do your keyword research on phrases with modifiers and play around with your titles

and content.

The next tip is to monitor your competitor's links, and then steal them like a thief in the night.

When someone links to your competitors' content, you need to ask yourself, why did they link

to them and not me?

And the answer is almost always because that they don't know your resource even exists.

And even if you email them right now and you tell them about your resource, it's probably

too late because timing is a critical component in successful outreach.

You can solve this is by monitoring new backlinks for one of your competitor's pages, then

reach out to the site owner or author ASAP.

Here's how you can automate the process.

Go to Ahrefs' Alerts menu.

Then under the backlinks menu, set up a new one and enter in the URL of one of your competitor's pages.

Set the notifications to real-time and as soon as your competitor gets a link to that

page and we find it, you'll get an email notification so that you can contact the author

and pitch your resource.

The next tip is to find low competition keywords that no keyword research tool can find.

Something that's widely accepted in the SEO community is that quality backlinks help you

rank high on Google.


But wait a second.

Then that should mean that if a page has no backlinks but gets a ton of organic search

visitors, then that page must rank for some low competition keywords, right?

So using Content Explorer, which has an index size of nearly 1 billion pages, you can do

just that.

Just type in a general topic in your niche and set the option to a "title search."

Then set the maximum number of referring domains to 0, so no backlinks at all, and then set

the minimum organic traffic value to something like 1,000.

Scrolling down a bit, you'll see this cool topic here on backpacks for professionals

that gets over 2,000 search visitors each month without a single linking website.

Next, I'll click on "details," and then "organic keywords."

And just like that, I found some great keywords that I can create a post around like professional

backpack, best professional backpack, and professional backpacks for work.

And I know that I can probably rank high for these keywords with one page and only a few

quality backlinks or maybe none at all, since this page is doing it.

The next tip is to claim unlinked mentions.

And this strategy is simple.

When someone mentions you or your company, then they should link to you, right?

Well, people don't always do that.

There are a few ways to find people who have mentioned you but haven't linked to you.

First, go to Google and search for something like "your brand name" -site:yourdomain.

But it would be quite the feat to search through this many results only to find that most people

have already linked to you.

Instead you can use Content Explorer.

You can type in something like your brand name and common misspellings, so I'll type

in brackets ("netflix" OR "net flix" as a phrase match OR "netflicks")

This query is going to look for any of these keywords and exclude results from their own


Next, I'll click on the "one article per domain" filter to narrow down our results

set since we don't need to get links from every page that has mentioned the brand name.

Next, click on the "highlight unlinked domains" dropdown and enter in the domain,

Scrolling down, you can see that this result is highlighted in yellow, which tells us that

this website has never linked to

From here, we could reach out to the site and claim an unlinked brand mention.

If you have a lot of results like Netflix, then you can click the export button and make

sure that this checkbox is checked to export only the unlinked domains.

The next tip is to repurpose your best content.

If have a blog post that has done particularly well by gaining links or garnering engagement,

then it might be a good idea to repurpose that content into different media types.

So you might turn that into an infographic, a podcast, a video, or a map, or a Slideshare


The video that you're watching right now is the perfect example.

We have a blog post on 70+ SEO tips that's earned 254 links from different domains, over

7,000 shares and has 140 comments.

By repurposing your content, you can expand your reach on different platforms and reach

larger audiences.

The next tip is to grab links from Wikipedia and make sure they stick.

Before I show you how to do this, there are two things that I need to address:

1. Yes, Wikipedia's links are "no followed."

2. Yes, you should still consider getting links from these pages.

But why?

Because just the English version of Wikipedia gets around 3 billion search visitors every

single month.

Translation: an awesome place for referral traffic.

With Wikipedia, anyone can edit the Wikis and add links to their pages.

Just find the wiki you want to add, click the edit button and add your contribution.

But they do have a pretty tight moderation team, so you can't just spam links.

When you're adding content and/or links to the pages, you need to make sure that the

resources you're adding are bang on and adds value to what's already there.

Something that I've found to work well is to include a supporting statistic.

Next, you need to make sure that you're contributing to the right Wiki.

Here's a surefire way to find pages that get organic search traffic.

First, go to Google and type in something like then add your keyword

term as a phrase match."

Then I'll make a note of any of the URLs that are clearly relevant to the article I want to promote.

Next, I'll go to Ahrefs' batch analysis tool, and paste these URLs here and run the search.

And right away, you can see which pages are getting the most organic search traffic and

now, it's just a matter of finding the balance between impressions and relevance.

The final SEO tip I have for you is an important one and I predict it's only going to become

more important.

And that's to optimize for featured snippets.

Featured snippets are when Google shows an answer, or a partial answer to the question

directly in the search results.

Ahrefs did a study on featured snippets and found that 8.6% of clicks go to these featured

snippets, which is stealing clicks away from the top organic rankings.

Whether you like these SERP features or not, you're going to have to adapt and play the game.

Here are a few quick tips to optimize your content for featured snippets.

1. Our study showed that 99.58% of featured pages ranked in the top 10 search results.

Not top 3, top 10.

So your first task is to make sure your page ranks there.

2. Look and see how the current featured snippet is formatted and understand what part of the

question is being answered.

For example, if we search for "how to make chicken soup" then you'll see the featured

snippet that highlights the directions and only the directions as a numbered list.

If we look up "chicken soup ingredients", then you'll see just the ingredients appear

and from a different website than our first example.

Looking deeper at one of these pages, you'll see that there's a simple headline and no

introductory text.

Just the list.

There are a lot of great resources out there on optimizing for featured snippets.

And hey, we actually have a great video on this topic which I highly recommend watching.

There were probably some, maybe even a lot of tips in here that you haven't used so

I'd love to hear from you and see which SEO tip was your favorite.

Make sure to leave a comment and hit the subscribe button to get more actionable SEO and marketing


And don't just close this video and go about your day.

I've left links in the description to some more helpful videos and of course to our full

SEO tips post with 70+ actionable SEO tips.

Keep grinding away, take action, get results, and I'll see you in the next tutorial.

For more infomation >> 13 SEO Tips That Actually Work in 2018 and Beyond - Duration: 17:19.


John Wick Changed Action Movies And You Barely Noticed - Duration: 6:51.

Style, grace and elegance aren't terms usually associated with modern American action movies.

The genre is full of high-octane explosions, brutality, and bloodshed.

But when it comes to the craft of filmmaking, they can often be unmemorable.

John Wick changed all that.

The Keanu Reeves-led revenge thriller is epically violent, but it's elegant violence, captured

in a way we don't get to see too often.

The character's sharp suits and sharper shooting have left a huge mark on the action movie

landscape, including in a few ways you might not yet have noticed.

Here's how John Wick rewrote the rules for modern action.

Low on ammo

To understand John Wick's influence on action movies, you have to look at the state of the

genre in the years before its release.

Seven years after the The Bourne Ultimatum rounded off its own influential trilogy, the

genre felt tired, full of same-old structures, and stale premises.

There were occasional gems, like the old-man action of the first Taken or the Indonesian

import The Raid.

But for the most part, mainstream Hollywood action was plagued with insubstantial, CGI-heavy


Success stories were frequently genre hybrids, such as Lucy or Edge of Tomorrow.

All-out action was reduced to the likes of A Good Day to Die Hard or White House Down.

Movies like these feel like half-baked efforts, full of ridiculous spectacle that looks fake,

with no weight.

Audiences were lulled into complacency.

When John Wick came along and had the guts to send a puppy to doggy heaven, people weren't

ready for the impact.

I know gun-fu

John Wick's biggest asset is its energetic implementation of gun-fu.

A mixture of kung fu and gunplay, the cinematic fighting style was first popularized by Hong

Kong action director John Woo.

Woo's movies helped create a subgenre of Heroic Bloodshed.

These stories feature characters who value honor and integrity, and follow strict codes

of ethics.

Often the protagonists will stop at nothing to exact revenge, with the resulting carnage

made more palatable by the sense of morality we know they have.

John Wick is part of this tradition, but what made it so different?

Why did we become so attached to a blank slate, nobody of a character we'd never met before?

"That f---ing nobody… is John Wick."

The dance of doom

Directors Chad Stahelski and David Leitch made their marks in Hollywood as stuntmen,

most notably on the The Matrix, where Stahelski performed as Keanu Reeves' stunt double.

This boots-on-the-ground perspective gave the pair a unique perspective when it came

to shooting action as directors.

They saw that camera operators often regarded action sequences as stressful exercises in

"hiding imperfections," so they rehearsed and choreographed each scene with the camera

people included, leaving no room for surprises when it came time to shoot.

For authenticity, the duo was determined to use as much footage of Reeves as possible.

The actor performed the vast majority of the stunts himself, spending four months of pre-production

honing his techniques.

Training included Japanese jiu-jitsu, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, standing judo, and firearms training

designed for close-quarters combat.

The result is fight choreography that flows freely in a kind of brutal ballet.

Violence in John Wick is so stylized that it comes off as a hypnotic dance, performed

by a professional hitman and his unfortunate victims.

Stylish shooters

John Wick proved the stuntmen-turned-directors understand much more than just fight choreography.

The cinematography of John Wick is as stylish as the man himself.

Criminal underworlds are supposed to be murky, gritty, full of dirt, yet Wick's world is

saturated in otherworldly hues, his fights taking place inside of exclusive clubs, ornate

hotels, and mirrored museums.

The fights themselves are stylish, too.

John Wick rejected the sharply edited, frantic action that has come to be a crutch in the


Instead, wide shots and long takes capture every punch, kick, and pistol whip.

You're left wanting to re-watch the movie just to admire the ways its setpieces are


An underworld worth visiting

John Wick's world-building is unmatched in the action genre.

The story takes place within an intricate network centering around the Continental,

a hotel in New York City which serves as a safe haven for assassins.

The universe is as detailed as it is original.

Winston, the hotel's owner, is a charming and affable enigma with evident power.

Outside of the hotel, special gold coins are exchanged for criminals-only services from

seemingly legitimate businesses.

Tailors offer bulletproof suits, and sommeliers are experts in pistols, instead of pinot.

It's an underworld you can feel intimately, even if it's never all that explained.

Fight like Wick

Years on from John Wick's release, the ripples on the movie on the industry can be felt everywhere

you look.

Put simply, vengeance and well-done violence are very "in."

One heir of the style is Leitch's own Atomic Blonde, a spiritual sibling to Wick.

Charlize Theron as even said she was inspired to dip into the Cold War-era action flick

because of her admiration for John Wick.

Leitch then went on to up the action stakes as director for Deadpool 2.

Another John Wick producer, Basil Iwanyk, has said the combat in the 2018 Robin Hood

was inspired by Wick, saying to Collider,

"The stuff we're doing with the bow and arrow, it's the same thing that Keanu does with the


The producers of the remake of cult classic Highlander clearly have the same idea, hiring

Stahelski to apply Wick's style to that movie's swordplay as director.

In short, John Wick has inspired action filmmakers to up their game, with highly-skilled assassin

flicks starring men and women both.

There's Jennifer Lawrence's Red Sparrow, Taraji P. Henson's Proud Mary, and Jennifer Garner's

Peppermint, a revenge thriller that's been described as "John Wick with a female protagonist".

"I will kill every one of you.

And then I'll pretty much wing it from there."

Checking in?

John Wick's flair for world-building has also spread across the action genre.

The Hitman's Bodyguard includes an assassin underworld similar to Wick, and the Jodie

Foster-starring Hotel Artemis has a premise that's heavily reminiscent of The Continental.

That movie stars Foster as the manager of a hotel which doubles as a safe space for

criminals to seek medical treatment and lay low.

In other words, the telltale marks of John Wick are now everywhere, and there are no

signs of the phenomenon slowing down.

Wick's stylish action has smashed the proverbial sledgehammer into conventional genre fare,

unearthing a winning formula.

The Boogeyman has changed the action movie, and he's only getting started.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> John Wick Changed Action Movies And You Barely Noticed - Duration: 6:51.


U.S. Representative Maxine Waters: Donald Trump Will Not Stop Me | AM Joy | MSNBC - Duration: 15:53.

For more infomation >> U.S. Representative Maxine Waters: Donald Trump Will Not Stop Me | AM Joy | MSNBC - Duration: 15:53.


The secret to the dragonfly's backwards flight - Duration: 1:29.

Dragonflies can fly upside down, hover,

turn 360 degrees, and reach speeds of up to 55km/hr.

They can even fly backwards

with as much skill as they fly forwards.

Now researchers have figured out how.

Scientists captured over 40 dragonflies from the wild

and placed dots along their wings for tracking.

They then recorded their flight with high-speed cameras.

When the scientists analyzed the videos,

they discovered backward-flying dragonflies angle

their bodies upward,

at a 90 degree angle to the horizon.

This changes the direction of force

generated by the wings through whole-body rotation

instead of only changing the way

their wings are oriented.

This style of flight--used sometimes in helicopters--

was found to be surprisingly aerodynamic in dragonflies

when moving backward the dragonfly's

wings can generate force as high as 2-3 times

the bug's body weight

This work may help engineers design more acrobatic

aerial robots—even backwards flying ones.

For more infomation >> The secret to the dragonfly's backwards flight - Duration: 1:29.


Opel Insignia Sports Tourer 1.5T 165pk Automaat Bus Exec | Premium Leder | LED | OPC-Line - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Opel Insignia Sports Tourer 1.5T 165pk Automaat Bus Exec | Premium Leder | LED | OPC-Line - Duration: 1:12.


Volkswagen T-Roc 1.5TSI/150pk Sport · Keyless entry · Navigatie · Voorstoelen verwarmd - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen T-Roc 1.5TSI/150pk Sport · Keyless entry · Navigatie · Voorstoelen verwarmd - Duration: 1:02.


"Live Edge" Pallet Wood Slab and Maple Cookie Wall Art - Duration: 12:27.

whoa whoa whoa I got this

so I'm actually making a set of two of these pieces one's going to be a

giveaway more details on that later but I also wanted to demo two different

processes to do this inlay so I'm gonna start with that guy over there that

one's thinner it's about two inches thick I'm going to cut that entirely on

my X-Carve CNC this guy here is a bit thicker about twice as thick so I'm

gonna have to cut this one entirely by hand so you get to see the same process

done with two different techniques

hey thanks for watching this build I made this piece of wall art for my

friends over at Carolina Shoe Carolina makes super high quality long lasting

work boots that I wear in the shop every day and everywhere else really and

supporting them helps support me as well you want to get your own pair of

Carolina boots use "PalletWood10" at check out I'll link their website down

below many of their styles of boots like these guys right here are made right

here in America in their factory in Pennsylvania and that is where this guy

is going but Carolina likes to share as well so the good news is that you have a

chance of winning this guy's little brother here any giveaway that I'm

running with Carolina but this one is gonna be even bigger than normal now not

really teaming up with Carolina for this one but also my friends Evan and Katelyn

so they run the YouTube channel Evan and Katelyn and they just released a video

today as well making a pneumatic water blaster now I gotta watch it already

it's a lot of fun goes through the whole design process from prototype the final

working model so definitely go and check that out for yourself also follow the

link to the giveaway not only are we giving away one of these wall art pieces

and Evan & Katelyn's pneumatic water blaster but also a handful of people are

gonna win their own pair of Carolina boots

alright I think it giving you enough homework thank you for checking out this

build and sticking around and I will see you on the next one

For more infomation >> "Live Edge" Pallet Wood Slab and Maple Cookie Wall Art - Duration: 12:27.


Стань Чемпионом по танковому футболу! - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Стань Чемпионом по танковому футболу! - Duration: 1:24.


How to Make Easy Cucumber Tomato Salad | The Stay At Home Chef - Duration: 2:01.

Today on The Stay At Home Chef

I'm showing you how to make an

Easy Cucumber Tomato Salad

Cucumber Tomato Salad is easy to make

It's super light and refreshing and totally delicious

To start you'll need 2 English cucumbers

I've sliced off the ends and cut it in half

and then I'm going to slice it in half lengthwise

and then again to quarter it

You want them in little bite sized pieces

Then we're going to transfer these all to a large mixing bowl

Then we'll cut up a pint of little cherry tomatoes

and since these are super small I'm only going to cut them in half

If they were bigger I'd quarter them

Then we'll slide all of those

in with our cucumber in our large bowl

Last we'll dice up a red onion

You want to use a red onion for this because they are the best for eating raw

We'll just give these a quick dice

We'll place all of those into the mixing bowl with

the cucumber and tomato as well

Last we need to make our dressing

You'll need 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice

1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar

1 teaspoon of sugar

1/2 teaspoon of salt

1/4 teaspoon of black pepper

and 2 tablespoons of freshly chopped dill

Whisk this together

Then we'll just pour our dressing right over the salad

Just drizzle that on

and then toss it together

Give it a taste and add up to a 1/2 teaspoon more salt

to suite your own personal taste preferences

Cover this with plastic wrap, pop it in the fridge for an hour

and let it chill and then you are ready to eat

Thanks for watching!

You can find the full written recipe in the video description.

Be sure to subscribe, like, and follow

and check out the rest of my videos where you can find hundreds of

restaurant quality recipes you can easily make at home.

See you later!

For more infomation >> How to Make Easy Cucumber Tomato Salad | The Stay At Home Chef - Duration: 2:01.


Volkswagen T-Roc Style 1.0TSI/115pk · Active info display · Pano dak · 18"LM velgen . - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen T-Roc Style 1.0TSI/115pk · Active info display · Pano dak · 18"LM velgen . - Duration: 1:10.


DIY Super Soaker vs. Store Bought (& How We Made It!) - Duration: 15:09.

so sad though they don't make air-powered super soakers anymore

wonder if someone could build one

hey guys we're Evan and Katelyn today we're going to try building a water

blaster using spare plumbing parts and this bike pump so this should work kind of like a super

soaker we're gonna have air pressure that pushes the water through a nozzle

out as a stream and hopefully hit some targets so we're gonna assemble the

pieces together and then we'll go over what all the different parts are it's a

little wobbly I think we're gonna 3d print some reinforcements looks really

this actually looks really cool for how janky this is but first test does it hold pressure or are there

crazy leaks so let's pump it up a little bit not hearing any leaks but we should

get some pressure releasing from here when this fires ready yeah oh i felt it yeah! that's awesome! nice so now

we just gotta put some water in here and see how this works before we do do you

wanna explain what all the parts are okay we have the bike pump right here it's going

through a one-way valve right here into this main assembly and there's gonna be

air right here water right here in this clear part so we can see how much fuel

we have left and we have this trigger right here which is basically a

fast-acting valve one thing we're missing is a nozzle so the water doesn't

spray out all at once we wanted to be like concentrated pew so we're gonna make

one using this little plug right here

all righty so now it's time to test and one special feature we have is this

pressure gauge right here so we can like test it at different pressures and see

how it performs so we go 75 psi whoa whoa don't shoot it at me! this works really well

that's awesome so good

all right so good news is that it seems like all of the components work the

pressure pump the valve nothing is really leaking too much but there are

also a few things though I already know we need to change the reservoir isn't

big enough I kind of predicted that and the nozzle is going through the water a

little bit too fast the last thing it's kind of weird to like pump up here and

fire down a fire down here the main reason why I designed it like this is so

I didn't have to have a hose going into the reservoir when things are oriented

this way the water is always going to be at the bottom but functionally this

isn't the best

new design let's see how it works whoo

so there's still that you still have to tilt it

It's like a mist! all that work!

so our attempts at making our own nozzle didn't work super well so we're gonna

try 3d printing a new nozzle instead we're also having a problem with air

getting to the nozzle instead of 100% water especially when we tilt it we're

gonna have to have a hose going into the reservoir which allows us to flip it

around and while we're at it we're gonna add a bigger reservoir

right here we have this bushing that leads to the nozzle this piece right

here and we want to have this go all the way down to the reservoir so we're gonna

do that by adding this barbed fitting and then this hose right here like that

but there's no threads here so we're gonna have to add the threads first

okay so now we need to take this tube and feed it through here and it should

come out here so we're worried that the hose is gonna get too twisted as we

screw this in so what we're gonna do is twist it backwards first and then as we

screw it in it should untwist

when we went to design a new nozzle we wanted to smooth out the turbulent flow

into laminar flow so we added a grid of parallel tubes in front of the nozzle

which should help straighten out the stream we had no clue if we could print

detail at this tiny but went for it anyways and are honestly blown away by

this SLA print

okay now to answer question you've been dying to ask us where did we get

these t-shirts from you can get yours at shop evan and katelyn dot com! ok go for it

that's awesome

whoa I'm really happy so we have solved the nozzle problem the reservoir problem

we have solved gravity problem the air going in instead of water no we solved gravity but this is it!

functionally this does everything we wanted to it does work but we want to

tinker with it just a little bit more so we're gonna do two things one is

currently this is where we fill up the water from I'm not gonna unscrew it all

the way but it'd be way more convenient if we could fill it up from this end

instead so we're gonna swap this around and then we're gonna 3d print a few

things to make holding this easier all so now that we know we can 3d print our

own we're gonna experiment you mean nozzles! now that we know we can 3d print our own nozzles we're

gonna experiment with a few things and see if we can make it even better

this is the wrong size

oh that's not what we were looking for

excited to fire this. so we're really happy with how this turned out but of course we have to test

it against the super-soakers you can buy today to give them a fighting chance we

got one of the best ones out there in terms of range the breach blast claims 38

feet so let's see how they do

it's already leaking alrighty oh oh can you see where it's going

kind of like 30 30 35 let's see it's hitting mostly 30 oh there's there's a

couple drops that barely made it to 38 it was not much power made it to the 38

it was like a few droplets the bulk of it hit between 20 and 30 feet I ran out

of water really fast it ran out of water real fast okay we're gonna test ours now

ready fire whoo what's the verdict okay so I'll be honest I thought this is

gonna go like 60 feet it's gonna be insane

it's shot about the same distance but I will say that it's a lot quicker to fire

you can boom boom boom boom boom rapid fire this where as the ones you buy

every single shot you have to pump this one requires more prep but it's

good to go right away and it's good to go for

a long time yeah exactly right so now

want to do a verse off a little like pew pew competition I'll do a pew pew

competition with you

really slippery! okay I'm done no no

all right so after all that testing who wants the store-bought one oh shoot

who wants the one that we made it still has some issues that don't make it a

hundred percent perfect but we love it because we made it and it's our first one yeah so if

you think that this is special too you are in luck because we are giving this

away thanks to our sponsor Carolina it's actually part of a joint giveaway we're

doing with Carolina and Paul Jackman so he's giving away a merged wood cookie

wall art and we'll have links below to his video and to the giveaway details so

definitely check those out see you next time

to give them a fighting.

Paul Jackman style oh hey didn't see you guys over there haha alright guys if you've stayed

this far in the video you are awesome and you might be interested in something

that we do for every video we didn't record in aftershow we talked about behind

the scenes stuff like for this one the the wedding we were trying not to

disturb using our drone again which was so fun so that sounds interesting to you

head over to patreon dot come slash evan and katelyn to get the after show plus sneak peeks and

behind-the-scenes stuff lots of other goodies hope to see you there

I was holding my fingers cuz I was gonna do three things we only did two

1 comment:

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